#using these candlestick holders for the first time!!
challahbeloved · 2 years
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Good Shabbos!
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chimcess · 9 months
Afterglow || jhs
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Other tags: Vampire!Hoseok, Vampire!Reader Genre: Supernatural!AU, Vampire!AU, Twilight Universe, established relationship, fluff, smut, pwp Word Count: 4.5k+ Synopsis: "A loud crack of lighting boomed in the distance followed by a low rumbling. The storm was here. My love was not. I kept watching and waiting." Warnings: Character death (brief), mental illness (not reader and very brief), penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, lots of licking, kisses, slow and deep, Hoseok is a vocal boy, they are so in love, edging, over stimulation, hair pulling, man handling, growling, body worship, breast worship, unprotected sex (stay safe), vampire/animal sounds, implied outdoor sex, they are honestly so freaking cute, let me know if I missed anything A/N: So, I recently rewatched the entire Twilight Saga and couldn't stop myself. I promise they have nothing to do with the Cullens. I'm simply borrowing S.Meyer's universe for a second. Thanks for reading.
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Staring out of the second story window, I frowned. There was a thunderstorm on its way and the wind was harsh. Still, I stayed put. I would not move until I knew he was coming back.
The first few droplets that landed against my cheeks were freezing and as the rain started coming down, I got soaked. There had been a window here once but after a rather unfortunate night, one where mama had shouted and threw a candlestick holder at my head, the glass was all but gone. Only one singular piece along the very bottom of the trim remained.
She was dead now, well, as dead as I believed her to be. Daddy, too. Only I remained. The house had been suffocating at first, my body unable to handle the loneliness. My memories of the attack were weak and dimly lit, but I could never forget the moment the burn began. I will never forget what led up to it.
At the ripe age of nineteen, my father was planning to marry me off to a local boy called Percival Hobbs. Mr.Hobbs was a fine gentleman, his sensibilities and wit uncharacteristically gentle and kind for a man of the era. We were both middle classes, his family only slightly richer than my own, and well matched. I was happy to be marrying him, especially when he told me his plans of expanding his father’s business out of Virginia. I hated this place back then; I could recall that fairly well despite the thick film which covered my old life.
My mother was an unusual woman of which I had gotten my own set of quirks. When I was young, I could remember her singing as she cooked, weaving flowers through her greasy hair as she doted on my father as if he were a king. We never went without, and her joy was contagious. My mother, for all intents and purposes, was a happy person. Perhaps a bit odd, she was more outspoken and considered rather rude to the other women in Richmond, but no one could truly say anything bad about her.
It was only after a particularly nasty accident that her behavior changed. We were on our way to visit her sister in Norfolk when our horses were startled by something out in the woods. Our carriage took a fall and my mother hit her head on a rock. We were all lucky to have survived the ordeal, something my father praised God for, but mama was never the same. She never smiled, hardly spoke, and could never find the melodies of the songs she had loved so dearly. It was as though a switch had been flipped and the light within her was turned off.
Daddy was nervous, as was I, but childish worries and adult sorrow were different. I believed she was sad, but my father knew she would never return back to normal. His work became more demanding after that. As a lawyer, my father was held in high regard at the time and worked long days and nights in order to provide for the three of us. They never bore another child. I believe it was because my mother could no longer stand to be touched and my father could never hurt her, even if it broke his heart.
Years passed that way until a sudden change began to occur. No longer was she silent, but the songs she sang were very different. Her eyes were more alive than they had been in a long, long time, and her voice had come back. The joy of this was short lived, however, as her delusions started soon after. Men who were not really men, monsters who could love, and things that would reflect like diamonds in the sunlight. All of it rubbish, all of it insane, but all of it real in her fragmented mind.
Daddy was planning on getting her committed after she said there were people living in the walls of our home. He might have killed her for declaring her love for a man who shined in the sun if he had not believed her to be completely psychotic. All the while I watched as the woman I held dearly began to hate and resent the both of us. That was when the shouting started, the violence, and then father had no choice but to call the doctor.
He had no way of knowing the chain of events that could cause, nor the dire consequences it would have on me. The doctor came to the house a little after midnight to take my mother away. She screamed and thrashed violently as she went, calling out to her monster to come and save her.
His name had been Louis and I only remember it because of what happened next. She had only said his name once, a broken and terrified cry for help, when the figure appeared. He was a beautiful man; his skin so pale it shined in the carriage’s lantern light. I do not remember if his hair had been brown or black, it was too dark to make out, but I did know his eyes were red. Bloody, dripping with hatred, and trained on the hands of the doctor holding my mother.
The doctor was dead in the next breath he took, my mother curling into the beast’s chest in complete hysterics. Louis then looked at my father, his intentions clear, before finding me. I was crying, my nightgown thin and exposing, and my own horror was reflected back at me. Whatever he saw that day made all the difference. Killing my father was easy for him to do. If he was my mother’s lover, then he would have hated the man who bore her children. I don't remember screaming but I could recall my mother telling me not to be afraid. Louis would make it quick. My death, she said, would be painless.
It was not. When Louis’s teeth sank into my neck, I only felt the slightly pinprick of pressure before I grew tired and weak. I knew I would die, and I did not fight it. I was either too weak or shell-shocked to put much behind it. Then, he was off of me, and I was fighting to keep my eyes open.
“You will be magnificent,” He whispered, kissing my cheek. His voice was soft, presumably to keep my mother from hearing us. I would never know why. “I will take care of her. You take care of yourself, little one.”
Then they were gone, Louis and my mother both. I had barely managed to crawl back inside, my hand clutching the wound on my neck, when the burning started. It lasted for three days and when it was over, I woke up afraid and starved. My father and the doctor were still outside, but I did not care who they were. I drained what was left of them before realizing what I had done. Ashamed and mortified, I put them both in the carriage and set it on fire. No one could know what had happened, of that I was certain.
The next few years of my life were spent in the forests of Virginia staying out of sight and hunting. I lived off of animals mostly, their deaths did not weigh down on my conscience as much as a human's did. My family home was vacant, untouched, and our names were forgotten to time. In 1875, I finally emerged from my isolation in the forests and moved back in. By 1900, I was able to venture into town on a rare occasion when the sun was well hidden beneath a thick layer of clouds. The house had gone through very few changes and the room I stood in now had been my father’s study. I hated the thought of touching anything in it, but I knew I would need to fix this issue. I could feel how weak the wood around it was becoming.
A loud crack of lighting boomed in the distance followed by a low rumbling. The storm was here. My love was not. I kept watching and waiting.
I met Hoseok through coincidence. My friend Seokjin, a Korean immigrant who traveled across the world as a nomad, had stumbled across the boy when he was dying from tuberculosis on the streets of New York. Jin, feeling sorry for the young man, changed him as he had done so five other times. All of his children were nomads, two of them finding their mates, and I got along with them rather well. Hoseok was no exception.
Jin had come to me after Hoseok had taken a swipe at his sire’s own newly transformed mate, Evelyn. The boy needed someone to help him with his temper and dealing with two newborns was rather difficult. I remembered my own early years with distaste. We acted more like animals than people.
Hoseok arrived on my doorstep in 1953, angry, hungry, and completely irrational. He was just over a year old and while the worst of it was over, he had a gift that took its toll on him. Not all of our kind had an extra sense. Jin, for example, was completely normal. His beauty was unparalleled, but even in his human life he was the most handsome man one could have met. Hoseok, however, was not as lucky.
The boy was incredibly powerful, his ability to hypnotize anyone with the sound of his voice was something the Volturi, the leaders and rulers of our kind, would love to get their hands on. For Hoseok, it made his thirst grow quicker and he lacked control of it. He could easily manipulate those around him without meaning to, which was why his brothers did not want to deal with the task. I was Jin’s last resort and the only reason he had come to me was my own gift.
I lived in my world in a sort of bubble. Gifts, no matter the kind, were ineffective against it. The bubble was invisible, elastic, and malleable, but impenetrable. I could choose to remove it from myself and take the brunt of whatever ability was being thrown at me, but I had only done it twice. Both times had been when Jungkook had come to see me and wanted to know if his gift, to make fake clones of himself, could throw me off. He won the first round, but I came out on top the second time. Being the sore loser he is, Jungkook never asked for a rematch.
Hoseok and I took some time to warm up to one another. The pull toward him was instantaneous but he was too young and wild for either one of us to explore what that could mean. The first five months was spent chasing him down before he could attack the unsuspecting townsfolk in Richmond. Then it was showing him the way I hunted. When his eyes changed from red to amber to gold, his mood stabilized. Our friendship was finally able to take root and before long our love bloomed.
After our first kiss under the stars in the trees that surrounded my home, we were connected so deeply that removing one would surely bring death upon the other. When I was a child, I had been disappointed to grow up in the East. We were in the more rural part of Richmond and all of the girls at school made fun of me for being a ‘country bumpkin.’ As a vampire, however, my little ranch was a paradise. Hoseok and I could make love for hours and no one would hear a thing.
Right now, during this thunderstorm, would be prime time for us to lose ourselves within one another. It was a shame he had decided to go hunting alone today. Hoseok liked having space far more than I did, but I understood his wants and needs and gave him what he asked for. I could only hope his delay was from him getting distracted and not an unfortunate slip up. He had them more than I did, and they ruined his mood for weeks.
Finally, I saw him. His black hair was slick and stuck to his forehead from the rain, the linen pajamas he had worn out transparent and heavy. Elated to finally have him home, I jumped out of the window and crashed into him. The sound was thunderous.
Hoseok laughed, “Hey there, Sunshine.”
On top of him, I sighed, holding him close to me. The rain was cold, but it would not bother me. I could not get sick. Capturing his lips, I finally felt at ease. I did not like it when he was gone. The house was too quiet.
“I love you,” I sighed, feeling my body hum to life with need. “I missed you. Touch me.”
This aspect of our love life had been difficult for me at first. I was from an era when a woman did not speak this way, but after gentle coaxing from my lover, I had gotten over the prudishness of the 1850s. We were, after all, more connected than any human couple could hope to be. Gripping my hips, Hoseok licked my bottom lip.
“Can we go inside?” He asked, nipping at my chin as my hands shredded his shirt. “The rain is distracting.”
I nodded and he scooped me up, carrying me back inside at our natural speed. We were fan, faster than any living thing on the planet, and able to see the world clearly as we passed it by. Hoseok ripped the front door of its hinges, making me laugh. He was always so impatient when it came to sex.
We ran up the steps, passing the study on the way to our bedroom. The door was still open, the rain pouring into it. I wondered briefly what my father would have thought of Hoseok. Then his lips were attached to my ear and all thoughts of my father were gone.
He was less aggressive with the door to our bedroom. A creak inaudible to the human ear sent a chill up my spine as I clung to his wet body. His skin felt hot under my hands despite how cold we both were. Hoseok was panting like a dog, more from his excitement than any real need for air.
He laid me down on our bed gently before tearing off my dress. The chemise pulled apart as easily as a piece of paper. Hoseok’s mouth found my chest as soon as it was exposed to him, mouth finding a nipple as a hand fiddled with the other. Whining, I buried my hands in his hair and held him close to me.
“I missed you so much,” I cried out.
Hoseok bit down on the little nub before letting it go with a loud smack. Fingers still twisting and brushing my right nipple, he smiled down at me. Topaz eyes were pitch black with desire and a low purr reverberated through his chest. I felt it in my groin.
“I missed you more,” He replied huskily.
I smiled shyly, reaching out for him. Hoseok leaned into my touch, purring increasing as I caressed his face. Pouting my lips, I begged him to come closer with my eyes. He smiled; his eyes soft.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you look right now.”
He sucked on my chest for what felt like hours, grinding his hips down to meet my own, and purring like a cat the entire time. He had always embraced the more animalistic aspects of our life. My breathy sighs spurred him on, my hands increasing their wandering across his torso, as I silently pleaded with him for more. Hoseok only made me wait a few moments more before sloppy kisses descended down my stomach.
A thin pair of cotton underwear separated us, but he simply licked over the fabric. I cried out, the pleasure sending shockwaves through my body. Long, hard swipes of his tongue had my writhing, his breath so hot and warm against me it felt like I was taking a scolding bath. With every lick and suck I felt myself grow hotter. Hoseok lost himself to his own pleasure, rubbing himself against the mattress as he held my legs apart.
Sex was not always so brazen. Our first few times were more primal, the need to be close after months of dancing around the issue making the release all the more powerful. After that, I had grown slightly shy. Hoseok had taken to leaving my top on during those days, letting me grow more comfortable in his presence, and taking me so gently I cried. The next 70 years have taught us a great deal about one another, and now sex was just a part of who we were. Not a day went by that we were not lost to it, each time bringing out a different part of us, before going back to our respective hobbies. In a storm like this, however, I imagined we would not leave this bed.
“Please,” I whined. “More.”
Finally, the thin piece of cotton was removed, and his tongue was on me. Long and broad at first, he liked to play with me for a few moments before diving in. Unlike myself, my love had enough patience to watch and wait. Savoring it, he said. I think he just enjoyed being the only person who could see my eyes roll back in ecstasy.
I felt the ghost of his fingers trailing down my leg at the same time his mouth found my clitoris. I hissed, back arching off the bed as he swirled his tongue around the bud. His finger pressed against my opening. I gushed around it, grinding my hips down and forcing the tip inside of me. Hoseok groaned, tongue becoming more aggressive. I cried out, pushing down again and swallowing more of his finger. Finally, with a deep growl, he pushed it the rest of the way and added another immediately after.
I had never felt more alive than when we were in this bed. With Hoseok on top of me, eyes hungry and watching my every move like I was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. The monster within me was finally asleep as I became all consumed with his touch. Finding the soft bundle of nerves within me, Hoseok purred. I sobbed, the pleasure overwhelming.
“Look at you,” Hoseok rasped, moving from my sex to watch me. His fingers stretched me out as my hips raised to meet his thrusts. “So pretty and warm.”
He kissed my neck, “Your body is so beautiful.”
Languid kisses down across my throat, teeth gently grazing the skin, before trailing back down to my breasts. They had always been his favorite part of my body. He licked down the swell before kissing my nipple. His fingers sped up their menstruations making me mewl.
“God,” He croaked, voice deeper than normal. “You love this, don’t you?”
I nodded, body twitching and convulsing. “Yes.”
“Tell me how much,” He sucked on my left nipple.
I struggled to find words. My body was on fire now, my stomach tightening and expanding, and I knew I was close. My thighs were shaking so violently I would be embarrassed if it was anybody else, but this was Hoseok, and I knew he was happy to see my body singing for him. Somehow, I managed to speak.
“So much,” I breathed. “I love it so much.”
Sitting back on his ankles, he smirked. His shirt was gone and his toned body was on full display. I would never get bored of looking at him. Hoseok was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.
“You’re so messy,” His voice was like velvet. “So wet for me.”
His thumb found my clit and I was cumming before I could really savor the feeling. With a loud shout, I fell apart with Hoseok’s eyes on me. I was wired up and so desperate for more I began to beg. My pleas came out without a single thought behind them. I was drunk on pleasure and yearning for more.
“Just relax,” He finally said, hovering over me once more. His fingers were gone now and I began to tear at his pants. They were still wet and his skin had cooled the rain even further. “I’m going to take care of you.”
My hands were all over him. With his pants disposed of and his cock out, I held it tightly as I began to work my hands in a rhythm I knew he loved. Hoseok let out a guttural sound, a mix between a bear and a mountain lion, as he began to fondle my breasts again. Flicking my nipples, he fucked himself into my hand as he panted.
“Stop,” He grunted, grabbing hold of my wrist. “Grab your legs.”
I did as I was told. It had been difficult to let go of my control in the beginning. I was such a tightly wound person, my need for schedules and sameness a byproduct of my upbringing. I was raised to be prim, proper, and well put together. Even if I did not feel well, I was to be washed, dressed, and smiling all day long. Father would not accept anything less.
When my sexual relationship with Hoseok started, that was still a large part of who I was. When we changed we were frozen in time. It took a lot to cause great change within our kind. For myself, I had only had two since the burning stopped. The first was my decision to stop hunting the humans in my area. Animal blood helped calm the raging anger and depression I carried over from the last night I was alive. The second had been Hoseok’s arrival. Our mates changed us in the most profound way, and his existence made the looming sadness I carried with me fade. It was not gone, it would never fully heal for that was impossible, but he made the gaping hole in my heart three times smaller.
The other thing that changed was my horrible habit of controlling the people around me. Jin and the others all commented on my inability to relax or let go. Jimin, the first person Jin had ever changed, had joked that I was the only vampire in existence with wrinkles. I laughed at the time, but after Hoseok came to me I realized he had been right. I was always stressed, always striving for perfection, and always disappointed when it never came to fruition.
Laying underneath him, I was in awe at how easily I pushed my legs up against my chest. My arm pinned them down. There was not a worry about how improper I looked or if my hair was splayed out nicely. I did not care if this was perfect because I knew we were. Hoseok pressed himself to my entrance and I smiled. I did not need perfection so long as I had him.
Pushing himself into me, he cried out in pleasure while I chanted ‘yes’ over and over and over again. Buried to the hilt, Hoseok took a moment to hook my legs around his hips and kissed the tip of my nose. With a soft declaration of his love, he began to move.
I held onto his arms with everything I had. Hoseok was stronger than I was so I did not need to worry about my own strength bothering him. Outside the storm raged on while we rejoiced in our pleasure. Hoseok’s thrusts were hard, steady, and hit my deepest spot with precision. After so long we had one another memorized.
“S’good,” Hoseok slurred, his hips pistoning into me roughly. “You feel so good.”
I whimpered, “Baby, please.”
He grabbed my hair, roughly shoving my face into the mattress as he lifted his leg onto the bed. I wailed, his cock pounding into my g-spot making me see stars. His own sounds grew louder, growls and snarls filling the space as the sounds of us coming together grew louder and louder.
Fire was pooling in my lower abdomen, so hot it rivaled my change. I could feel Hoseok pulsing inside of me, his grip on my hair still hard and strong. Then he tugged, my head lifting off the bed as he manhandled me. He forced our mouths together, a clashing of teeth and tongue as he chased his own high. Time began to slow before fading, the fire all consuming, and I could no longer respond to Hoseok’s kisses. He let go of me then and I fell back onto the bed.
Everything faded into white, hot, searing sparks shooting up my entire body and licking my bones on their way out. I could vaguely hear the sound of something being torn as my body convulsed with the weight of my orgasm. Above me, Hoseok stuttered.
“I love you,” He said, his own pleasure closing in.
I hardly paid him any attention. Our kind would never tire, never sleep, or sweat, but I was positive I was at least two of them at this moment. I felt like I was in a trance as I watched him fall apart, his eyebrows pulled together and his mouth agape. His grunts and groans were more like cries now, higher and pitch and breathless. Then, with one final thrust he was spilling into me.
We stayed that way for a while, Hoseok inside of me as we looked into one another's eyes. Neither one of us was particularly tired but I knew we would take a break before our next round. The both of us enjoyed the human charade of cuddling and pretending to sleep for a time. Eyes closed and breathing evenly before finally one of us would break. Outside a particularly loud rumble made him grin.
“How would dancing in the rain sound?” He asked.
I laughed, heart full now that he was here.
“What kind of dancing?” I teased, already knowing my answer.
“Well, it will not require clothing.”
I pushed him away, sending his body back toward the other side of the room. With a wicked grin, Hoseok jumped to catch me, but I was already gone. If Hoseok was the strongest, I was the fastest. I ran down the hall, into my father's study, and out of the window with Hoseok fast on my trail.
My change had always seemed so meaningless before Hoseok came. Years spent wondering Louis’s reasoning and subsequent abandonment. I had never seen nor heard from either Louis or my mother since that night, and that left so much time for me to grow angry and bitter about this life. I hated what I was and who I was forced to be.
Now, running in with Hoseok in the afterglow of our love I realized something that would cause a third change within me. Everything that had led me up to this moment was worth it. All of the pain, loneliness, and heartache I had gone through was not a curse. It was a precursor. Every memory leading to the very reason for my existence closer still. A smile stretched across my face, one of my rarest, largest of smiles, and I let Hoseok catch me.
As long as he was here, nothing else mattered.
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© chimcess, 2024. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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kisses4lao · 1 year
Jamil Jamil, hes our man! (🍋Jamil x gn!reader🍋)
Okay so this is a belated birthday gift for my beloved boyfriend <<333
I mainly based the things reader says and does over things he'd personally do but I did want to post this on here so he could read it anytime
♧CW: reader is referred to with they/them but is fem bodied, smut and comfort, probably ooc jamil bc we love it when he's soft, first time sex, reader is dealing with a lot of shit fuck and jamil Is so sweet such husband, unsafe sex, its premarital too, jamil has big pp energy so he absolutely has a big pp here, he doesn't know how to use it tho pls help this man, bath sex and cockwarming near the end btw, smut smut smut oh so smutty we love him!!!!!! Also jamil cums inside?? Idk I might do that ig we'll see LMAO, oh also pet names, oh so many pet names bc me and my boyfriend use them on eachother all the time
♤NOT PROOFREAD yall ever proofread a smut??? Its embarrassing. Im not doing that.
♧ it had been one hell of a week.
Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. Grim was sick beyond belief, no amount of tuna could help him stomach anything. You TRIED to buy more paper towels and better probiotics for him from Sam's shop, but you couldn't afford them because Crowley wasn't paying you enough.
Speaking of Crowley, he had to cut back on your paychecks because the school was putting out too much money for the overblots.
Ace and Deuce were over at ramshackle to help get things fixed up, but the ghosts decided that wasn't a good idea. They started throwing everything around, and one of them hit deuce in the head with a spare candlestick on accident. He wasn't okay, to say the least.
Not only that, but in Crewels class, you weren't paired up with your beloved boyfriend, Jamil! Crewel decided to pair you up with Sebek, and his loud yelling made you lose focus and fuck up the potion, earning a really bad scold from both Sebek, AND Crewel.
But luckily, it was Friday. After school. And you wanted some comfort. And what better way to get that from Jamil himself? Going to the mirror chamber, you get teleported to Scarabia.
Knocking on the door, you're greeted with the ball of sunshine of NRC, the Scarabia housewarden himself. "Hey you! I've been hoping you'd swing by, Jamil seems a little down, think you can cheer him up?" Seems like he's in the same position. No worries, you guys are always help eachother through bad times. Having kalim escort you throughout the halls, you're infront of his door, Jamils door.
Knocking on the door, Kalim yells out to him, "hey Jamil! Your s/o is here! They wanna hang out with you!" He leans on the door, ear pressed against it as you do the same. You can hear jamil yawn from the other side, seems as though he just woke up.
"Come in." He says. Kalim bids his farewell as you open the door to see your beloved. "Ah, my love, I've been hoping you'd come by." He said with a smile as he stood up from his desk. "Jamil! I'm so glad you're here, I heard from Kalim that you were upset.. are you okay?" "I'm more worried about you, dear. You've had quite the week. I've been worrying about you, thats all."
He walks over to his closet and pulls out a stick of incense. Lighting it up and putting it in a holder, he begins to walk over to you. "How are you doing? Are you okay?" He asks as he takes your hands and leads you to sit on his bed, sitting next to you after. You start to twiddle your thumbs, something he picked up that you did when you were nervous.
"I'm just.. I'm so tired... mentally, physically, everything hurts.." you say as you begin to shed tears. Jamil lightly cups your face with one hand and takes your hands in his empty one. He leaves Featherlite kisses on you cheeks as your tears start to spill, he places a soft kiss on your lips before speaking. "Honey, I know this is hard, okay? But im here whenever you need me. I'll always be here, no matter what. You're such an amazing person, everything about you entices me. You're so beautiful, and smart- and I just can't stand seeing you upset. You're so amazing, you don't deserve to feel like this, but im here for you. Always."
Looking into his eyes show nothing but love. He slowly leans in to kiss your lips. Its soft, and sweet. Perfect for him, his lips are so soft against yours. After a few seconds, he pulls away, letting a string of saliva connect the two of you as he places his forehead against yours. "I love you, never forget that." He says, placing another soft kiss on your lips.
"I love you too." You say, deepening the kiss. You begin to nibble on his lower lip, asking for permission and when he gives you it, you slip your tongue in. His mouth is sweet, warm, comforting. You just couldn't help but want more.
You can tell he was getting excited. He usually does when the two of you make out, but he doesn't say anything most of the time. He just excuses himself and takes care of it, coming back like nothing happened. But, what if you just, took it further this time? I mean, Jamil was such an amazing boyfriend, who else would you want to take your first? You knew he was a virgin too, though you have talked about sex in the past with him you couldn't help but notice how shy he'd get when you got too close.
Taking the initiative, you place your palm on his growing bulge, just to earn a surprised grunt from Jamil, followed with him pulling away from the kiss and halting your movements by holding your wrist. "(Y/n).. what are you doing? I mean, I know what you're doing, but are you sure nows a good time? I mean, like, I want to do this, I do, but, you're upset.. you're vulnerable.. I dont want to take advantage of that. I want you to be in the right mindset for this.. thats all." He looks at you with genuine concern in his eyes, but deep down you can see a hint of lost aswell.
"Jamil.. please, I need you. I've wanted this for so long and I just need a stress reliever.. please, you're the only one who can make me feel better.." tears start to form in your eyes out of sexual frustration. Cant someone just want to be dicked down by their boyfriend in peace? Apparently not in this economy.
Jamil takes a second to think, hand still cupping your face as he avoids looking you in the eye. Looking back at you, he begins to speak. "I just don't want you to think im taking advantage of your vulnerability. So, tell me you want this, and I'll give you everything I have. Promise." He says as he places a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I want this, I want you Jamil." You say with a nod. A smile shows on his face as he stands up and walks to his bathroom. Coming back after a few moments, he has some things in his hands. "I have condoms and stuff, but if you want to we can do it raw and have you take plan b in the morning? Whatever you want dear, im fine with whatever." Taking a minute to scan everything over, you answer. "Raw. Raw is better. Cum inside me too. Please." Blunt. Jamil got so red from you saying that, he starts tripping over his words, which puts a smile on your face.
"Are you sure? Like, SERIOUSLY, are you sure?? I'm just, I-I'm flattered, really, but we don't have to do this, im okay with wearing condoms, or not doing anything at all!" Jamil says as he avoids looking you in the eyes again. Instead of answering with words, you just answer by kissing him, interlocking your fingers with his, giving them a tight yet gentle squeeze. He seems to take the hint and goes back to the bathroom with everything in hand, putting it away.
He comes back looking as red as a tomato as he walks to the bed and sits next to you. Turning to you, you're able to finally be able to catch his lips into a sweet kiss again. This one getting heated quickly with your tongues dancing in a matter of seconds. You begin to take his jacket off as he slowly unbuttons your dress shirt, leaving enough open so he can begin touching your exposed skin. Slipping of his shirt, you begin to touch his chest, reveling in how toned his stomach is.
He begins to slip off your panties with one hand while the other touches the plush of your thighs. Taking the undergarments off and throwing them somewhere in the room, the takes his middle and ring finger and begins to grab slick while unintentionally brushing up against your clit, earning a loud, unexpected moan from you. He begins to push his fingers into your entrance while kissing you, swallowing and hushing your moans.
As he begins to pump his two fingers in and out of you, he takes his thumb and begins to stimulate your clit, which makes you scream his name whilst breaking your kiss. "Shhh honey, I know you like it, but we must be quiet, we don't want anyone intruding, do we?" He says with a tease in his voice as he begins sucking hickeys on your neck in private places. You still have school after all, he wouldn't want you to get in trouble.
With all of the stimulation, you can quite quickly. How couldn't you? Jamil had two fingers inside you, scissoring and curling while his thumb was rubbing circles on you clit. Coming down from your high, you take steady breaths as Jamil begins to unbuckle his belt, taking his pants and boxers off in one go.
Placing one hand on your hip as his other aligns his long, stiff member with your entrance, he looks into your eyes with nothing bit pure love. "If you ever feel uncomfortable, or want to switch positions, or stop or anything during this, just bite my ear okay? And im not saying nibble, im saying full on bite. I dont give a shit if you draw blood i just want you to be comfortable and happy, okay?" Nodding your head in anticipation, he kisses you as he slowly sinks his member into you.
It hurts. The pain is indescribable, but it quickly morphs into pleasure as he sinks in more. Jamil begins to groan, softly saying under his breath how tight you are, how you're taking him so well, how beautiful you look. Spoonfeeding you praise after praise as he reaches you deepest ends of you.
Finally bottoming out, he hugs your waist, kissing your neck softly. "Tell me when I can move, love." Waiting a minute or two to be adjusted to his size, you speak up. "You can move now." And with that, he begins to thrust in and out of you. Choked moans fill the room from you both as he tries to find a steady pace.
Jamil begins to lean down to your ear, praising how good you feel, telling you how amazing you are and telling you how lucky he is to have you. As he begins to thrust harder and deeper, he begins to kiss you. Its more teeth and tongue than anything, you're both acting like starved beasts who haven't eaten in days.
As Jamil experimentally pulls out and slams his cock back into you, the both of you groan loudly, realizing that he hit your g-spot. As he continues to go in and out of you at a rapid, yet somehow soft pace, you begin to feel his cock twitch inside of you.
Leaning to your ear, he praises you more. "My love, you're making me feel so good. I know you already said I could, but will you please give me permission to cum inside you? You make me feel so amazing, I need you so bad." He says as you moan his name again, not caring who'll hear anymore. Nodding as permission, he releases he load into you, making a few deep thrusts so you cum aswell.
Laying together to catch your breaths, Jamil slowly pulls out, watching as your body twitches from being empty. Going into his bathroom again, he grabs two waters and some sweets for you. "Eat up. You lost a lot of energy just now. I'll go and run a bath for us."
Once you're finished with your snacks and water, Jamil carries you bridal style to the bathroom. Placing you in the bath first, he climbs in after you. He then snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap. As he begins to wash you up, shampooing your hair and putting bodywash on you, your hands find their way back to his semi hardened member. Jamil practically chokes on his moan as you begin to stroke him, running your finger up and down his shaft.
He looks at you with confusion, earning a small chuckle from you. "One more round? Please?" You say, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He let's out a sigh, picking you up by the waist and slowly sinking you down on his now hardened cock. Getting into a position where your face is buried in his chest, you're content with not moving and just staying as is.
As he begins to wash you more, barely moving his hips as his one hand grips your waist, he starts to kiss more marks into your neck again. "My love, you've sparked something in me. Now im not sure if I can stop after 'one more round'," he practically growls in your ear. This may have been one long week, but this was going to be an even longer night.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - Embrace
On his word to all the Gods and Goddesses that have ever, and will ever, exist, Magnus knew that this was not the Raven's Roost he grew up in. It's built on the same naturally formed columns, miles above the sea, but still close enough to hear the waves crashing against the cliffside at night. The bridges are made of the same wood, they're rusty in the same places. The buildings are designed the same, and the friendliness of the entire town was so aching familiar but this was not his Raven's Roost.
He knew he grew up here. But he couldn't find the initials he and his mom carved into one of the bridge posts. He could search and search, but he'd never find the same road that led him toward his first fight or the street his stepmom used to live on before she became his stepmom. The builds were in different places. He could have sworn that more of Raven's Roost used to be on the cliff, instead of on the columns, but every time he brought it up, he'd get weird looks for it.
The town was kind, so, so kind, but it wasn't his town. They humored him, and played along like he had lived here his entire life, but the name of their school was not the one Magnus remembered going to. Hell, Raven's Roost hadn't even had a school. His mom had to take him up to the next town over five times a week and they'd pick flowers on the way.
Tonight, he was sitting on the back doorstep of Hammer and Tongs. He lived upstairs, technically, with Julia and Steven. Typically, he'd sit on the front step, but the curfews Kalen had imposed had quickly cut. Typically, he'd be near his childhood home, close enough to smell what ma was cooking if she opened the window and the breeze was just right. Typically, there were a lot of things that didn't happen anymore and as much as Magnus would like to blame it all on Kalen, he knew that wasn't the case.
The backdoor squeaked open and Steven poked his head out. He gestured for Magnus to come back inside. Magnus glanced over the yard one last time- his mom used to have a flamingo with a sunhat in her yard- and stood to come in. When he did, Steven shut the door behind him. He was carrying a candlestick in a bronze holder, and the flame flickered a bit when he spoke,
"You ought to be coming in sooner, Mags," he said. He peeked out the back window like someone might have seen him opening the door. "They've started sending patrols out at night."
"Which is stupid," Magnus said.
"Which is stupid," Steven agreed, getting away from the window. "But I can't risk losing my favorite apprentice, now can I?"
"Oh, so I'm only favorite when Julia isn't around?" Magnus asked and Steven grinned, beckoning him to the sitting room.
"I'm a father first, mentor-slash-boss second," Steven said. He set the candle on the coffee table that he and Magnus had finished last week and sat down. Magnus sat, too, and twiddled with his thumbs. He strained his ears for a second, listening. A silence passed.
"Julia not here?" he asked.
"You know how she is," Steven said quietly. "I know you're not on the best of terms-" Magnus snorted. He sure had some feelings about Julia and he was sure she had some about him. Still, going out at night with Kalen's men around every corner? He might not like he, but he knew she wasn't stupid. He just didn't know what game she was playing yet. "-but she's got... a lot on her plate right now. I'm not plannin' on mentioning it to anyone if you won't."
He gave Magnus a look of just try to disagree. Magnus mimed zipping his lips shut.
"Cross my heart," he said.
"Good," Steven said. He leaned forward to pick a catalog off the coffee table, flipping it open to a random page. Magnus sat back and shut his eyes. Another silence descended upon them, leaving a thick feeling around Magnus's temples. He always had lots he wanted to say- hell, he was keeping track of like, three separate conversations in his head right now. So when he opened his mouth, what he meant to say was "did we ever get that shipment of maple wood?". What he said instead was,
"There was a flower shop." Magnus opened his eyes and found Steven's eyebrows raised.
"Was there?"
"Yes," Magnus said. "It was right past Grocery Nest when you turned left at the next crossroads. It was kinda like how this place is set up but a lot smaller. Lots of big bushes in the front, a beautiful little garden in the back. It always smelled like lavender inside because it was infused with all the cleaning supplies. Does that- do you remember that?"
Steven seemed to pause and think it over. He looked away, folding his catalog up, and said,
"Can't say I do."
"Burnsides' Bouquets," Magnus said. "My mom ran it."
"Ah," Steven said. "And it's not..."
"It's not here anymore," Magnus said, with a tremor he didn't mean to let slip into his voice. He cleared his throat. "And I walk past it almost every day now, just in case I might be missing it but- it's just not there. That's- it's gotta be there, right? I can't be- there's gotta be someone else who remembers it. Right?"
"Magnus," Steven said with a heavy sign. "I... I'm not gonna lie to you, son, I don't remember."
"I know it was there," Magnus said. "I lived there for eighteen years, I know where it is, I know the house layout like the back of my hand. And if you can't remember the business then I can't-"
He stopped, squeezing his eyes shut. The headache around his temples flared and throbbed. The couch squeaked and suddenly, Steven was holding onto Magnus's hand. When he squinted his eyes open once more, he found Steven kneeling in front of him.
Magnus had a lot he wanted to say. He always did. He meant to say, sorry. Meant to say, I didn't mean to concern you. Meant to say, just forget about it. What he said instead was,
"If you can't remember the business, am I the only one who remembers my moms?"
"I wanna tell you something, Magnus," Steven said, squeezing his hand. "And I imagine it's not gonna be an easy thing to hear. But when you, uh, when you got here a few months ago, there was a lady with you."
"What'd'you mean?" Magnus said. "I'm- I mean, I've lived here my whole life."
"That's what part of you thinks," Steven said. "Though I know there's that other part that has questions." Magnus bit his lip, trying not to feel a flush of shame. It was one thing to question your memory in your head- it was a whole 'nother to hear someone actually voice it.
"The lady?" Magnus asked.
"Right," Steven said. "Well, she brought you to us- to me, specifically, I mean. Told us you had been in a bad accident and suffered from some, uh, some memory loss. To put it lightly."
"I wasn't in an accident," Magnus said. "I've lived in Raven's Roost my whole life-"
"She said," Steven continued, his voice wavering a little. "That the accident had been part of what destroyed your old home. Not- not directly linked, I don't think? But a real domino effect. And that while that old place is- is gone now, Raven's Roost was probably the closest bet you would have to feel like your at home-"
"I was born here," Magnus said. "I went to school up in Bluefield-" Steven started shaking his head, but Magnus pressed on. "I lived here with my ma and my stepmom for twenty-one years until I left for- for- gods, I can't fucking remember. It was a thing! And it was important, I know it was important, I just can't- I can't..."
This was not his Raven's Roost. He knew that. And yet- and yet-
"Magnus," Steven said. "You are twenty-two years old and yesterday I saw you go in the completely wrong direction to get to the butcher." Magnus bit his tongue. "And when I sent to fetch you something from the library, you went onto the cliff face instead of to the northwest pillar-"
"I know," Magnus breathed. He let go of Steven's hand to wipe away tears. "I know, Steven, I get it."
"I'm sorry, Mags," Steven said. "I really am."
"My- my moms?"
"I'm here," Steven said, pulling Magnus into a strong embrace. His aftershave smelt of lavender. "I can't promise it'll stop hurting soon, son, but I'm here. I'm not gonna let you face it alone."
Magnus buried his face into Steven's shoulder and cried.
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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I had a really nice day. It was fun working from home. It was also kind of hard because I needed feedback and had questions I will have to wait on. But I got a lot accomplished!
I didn't stay home the whole time though. I would go out at one point. I had a very productive day.
I slept alright last night. James had fallen asleep on the couch for a while and I found it hard to fall asleep knowing they were out there. I would go out and kiss them on the head and they said they were sorry and came back to bed. They didn't do anything to be sorry about, but I told them it was okay anyway.
They were already gone to work when I woke up at 9. I am glad I got to sleep in. This whole week I'm going to get to sleep a little longer and that's just so lovely.
I felt good when I woke up. I stripped the bed and tidied up a bit. And went to get washed up.
I had decided I would listen to an audio book today. Since that would be long and I wouldn't have to change it basically all day. I chose one called "The fungus" from 1990. And it was great. I really liked it. It was an apocalypse story about a mushroom/spores that take over London. It was narrated so well. There were some very very random sex scenes, and it talked about rape 4 separate times. But overall I really enjoyed it! It was nice to finish that all today while I did all my little tasks.
I decided to take a shower and wash my hair. I did not use enough conditioner and felt sort of like a lion all day. Just very fluffy hair. But it was very clean and that was nice. I felt a little greasy last night. So this made me feel better, very clean.
James had made me an omelet that they left in the microwave. And it was a particularly good one. I brought it to my studio along with my laptop to get to work.
I would spent the first couple hours of the day designing a holiday card and a postcard to give to couples who get married at camp. I thought it would be fun to have 'happy holidays' in Blackfoot. Which is what language Puhtok is from. And I was able to find it! It is more a direct translation to have a happy Christmas, but it's close enough and a debated translation. I think it's more about use, and I have literally no idea how to pronounce it. But I think it's so cool that we could use that. I hope the office agrees.
The postcard was also fun but I struggled a lot with the language on it. I made a patch design and I think it's very cute but I am not positive it's correct. Next week I will hopefully get some feedback and make it perfect. James did just tell me that I spelled congratulations wrong. Terrible. It's okay I will fix it later.
Once my laptop was on the verge of dying I would decide it was lunch time, and I would go for a drive. I had a few things I wanted to go do, and would get something to eat while I was out.
It was not as cold out, but it was very windy. Which blew my hair all over and did not help the lion hair accusations. But it was not a bad day to be out in the world.
I drove to Glen Burnie. My GPS took me a very strange way through the city to 95. Which was whatever. There wasnt any traffic and it was a pretty nice drive.
I went to value village first. I continued listening to my audio book. I enjoyed walking around and seeing all the lovely weird things. I had some excellent finds today though. I did put some things back but the trumpet candlesticks were a need. I also got a candle stick wall holder that is so lovely. I got two pairs of shoes. And another dear america book. I also got another one of the glass cups I love. I used to have more but I only have one now!! So now I have a second one again. And for $2 instead of the $20 they normally cost. Amazing.
I would pay at the self checkout after walking through the store a few times. Even though it had lights on the lady was super when I needed help when it acted wrong. "I didn't want you to use that one!!" Well then why was the light on?? And you didn't say anything. Whatever. I checked out and headed to tacobell.
It was surprisingly busy. A whole construction crew ordering at the counter. I ordered at the kiosk and had barely any wait. It was very strange.
I was all of a sudden overheated and not having a good time. I had to open the windows while I ate my lunch in the car. But once I cooled down I would feel better and be okay. Even if I had to put the AC on high in the car for a few minutes.
Target was more money then I expected. But I had fun and stuck to my list pretty well. I was very excited about the cookie/truffle tins. They light up!! It's a decoration and a snack! I was very excited for the skirt, which I thought was $10 but was actually $4! I got some hair cream. For the lion hair. And then I was done. And it was time to go home.
It was a fine drive home even if people were dumb and were being bad about merging. But I made it home in one piece.
When I got inside I took some haul pictures to show Jess what I got. And took all the tags off and put things away. And then it was back to work.
I would work on my laptop on the schedule for camp until almost 6pm. This was rough. I went through the whole schedule 3 times. I got some of it sorted. I made a lot of mistakes. I accidentally doubled things up. But I think Im at least going in the right direction even if I don't have it done yet. It was really tough to think I had it, after 3 rounds of typing everything out, and realizing it wasn't correct m it was kind of upsetting. But I need someone else who understands the schedule to give me some answers about who goes tubing and canoeing and how many lifeguards we might have. And it is just a larger task then I think I thought. And I already knew it would be hard!
I still enjoyed my book though. James would come home while I was still working. And we chatted while I worked and they helped me go over the schedule and we thought it was correct and then when I realized it wasn't I had someone to be sad with while I called it a day.
James warmed up leftovers for us. And they went to their room to play DND with friends. And I started reading another book.
Actually reading this time and not listening. I got a copy of "ballad of songbirds and snakes" and read the first 3 chapters and it's great so far. I loved the hunger game series when it came out and I'm excited that I finally am interested in reading the prequel. So then I can watch the movie.
I would take a quick shower. And get changed. I hung out in my studio for a bit. Changing out my piercings. Feeling annoyed with my second hole in my ear. I don't have any good rings for it right now, they are all broken or missing parts. I have some earrings I can wear but I am not thrilled with them right now.
I grilled my bangs and moisturized my face. And now me and James are in bed.
And tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are going to the Chang's and I am looking forward to that. But during the day I hope to read and do some sewing. I usually hate holidays because it's so much waiting and then I can't function. But I have decided that I am doing these two things so I can't be upset about waiting all day.
And I can just be thankful for my husband and my family.
I am also thankful for you reading this. I love you. Goodnight everyone.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on Wattpad by Charamocha.
More LoLu! Woo!
Shut Up and Kiss Me (Loke x Lucy)
Loke cursed under his breath as a few of the boxes he was carrying fell to the ground. Almost dejectedly, he sighed as he set the other two boxes on the ground and picked up the three fallen boxes, hoping that nothing had broken. He stacked the boxes on top of each other again before picking them up and continuing on his way to Lucy's apartment. 
His wizard was away on a job without her team, and she was supposed to return in the evening. He was determined to welcome her back with a surprise that he knew she would love. You see, his genius plan was to set up a lovely dinner in her apartment, just for the two of them. He was also planning to finally confess his feelings to her. 
Ever since Lucy saved his life, Loke's been in love with Lucy. He would flirt with her every time he was either summoned by her or summoned by himself. However, Lucy would only respond to his flirting with dismissive remarks and eye rolls. Loke didn't blame her for not taking his flirting seriously. After all, he had been a notorious womanizer for about three years. 
Nevertheless, he was determined to put an end to Lucy's belief that his flirting was insincere and make her see that he truly was in love with her and wanted to be with her. He had already given up flirting with other women, something that he had hoped Lucy would notice, but didn't. He was now going to set up a dinner date as proof that he was serious about her. 
When he arrived at Lucy's apartment, he shifted the stack of five boxes to rest on one arm and used his free hand to open the front door. He then stepped inside the apartment, pushed the door closed with his foot, and made his way into the main room. He sat the boxes on Lucy's bed and set about working. He unstacked the boxes and opened them one by one, deciding to set up the table before he began cooking. In the first box were plates, glasses, and silverware, in the second box was a white tablecloth, in the third box were two bottles of red wine and a tall, white candlestick and gold candlestick holder, in the fourth box were ingredients for what he was planning to cook, and in the fifth box were pink and blue roses and strawberry-covered chocolate. 
He took out the white tablecloth and draped it over the wooden table that sat in the middle of the room. Once he was sure that it was smoothed out, Loke picked out the contents of the first box and sat them on the covered table, setting a plate in front of each of the two chairs with a wine glass on one side of each plate and a fork and knife on top of each plate. He then pulled out of the wine glasses, setting one on the table and deciding to take the other into the kitchen. After finishing off the setup with a white candlestick in a candlestick holder in the middle of the table, he picked up the fourth box and made his way into the kitchen. 
It took him the rest of the day, but Loke was able to complete setting up the dinner before Lucy returned. He scooped steaming chicken, peas, and mashed potatoes onto the plates. It wasn't his first pick for dinner with his beloved wizard, but he, unfortunately, couldn't remember how to cook very much else. He heaved a sigh before he headed into the kitchen to properly store the second bottle of wine. 
As he was placing it in the refrigerator, the celestial spirit heard a loud bang from the main room. He threw the refrigerator door closed and bolted out of the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks to find Team Natsu, lounging around. Gray was flipping through Lucy's half-finished novel, Natsu and Happy were gobbling down the food on both plates, and Erza was sitting on the bed, eating the chocolate-covered strawberries. The door was broken open. 
Loke stared at the mages with wide eyes and mouth agape. Once he fully registered the scene before him, he clenched his teeth and balled his fists, anger rising from within him. He resisted the urge to throw some punches as he yelled, "what are you doing?" 
The mages looked over at him and Natsu waved as he yelled back, "hey, Loke! What's up?" 
Loke walked toward the dragon slayer, sneering in response, "what's up? What's up? You're ruining the dinner I was preparing for Lucy, that's what's up!" He then snatched what was left of the chicken from Natsu and tossed it onto the plate in disgust. He turned his eyes to Gray and commanded, "put that down! Lucy doesn't want anybody to ready it!" He finished of by directing his next order at Erza, "those aren't for you! Put them down!" 
Natsu questioned, looking up at Loke in confusion, "what's with you?" 
Loke looked down at him, sighing as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "what are you three doing here?" 
Happy shouted from his place on the table, "hey! I'm here too!" 
Loke ignored the exceed and crossed his arms over his chest. He scolded, "none of you should be here! Lucy will be back soon and I need to fix the mess you've made!" 
Natsu jumped up and exclaimed, "we're here to take Luce on a job!" 
Loke snapped at him, "I highly doubt she's want to go on a job right after a solo one!" 
Gray spoke up from where he stood next to Lucy's desk, questioning, "what was all this even for, man?"
The celestial spirit answered, "it was dinner for Lucy." 
Erza stood up, brushing the chocolate off of her hands as she spoke, "I'm sorry for our intrusion, Loke. Were you planning a date with Lucy?" 
Loke felt his cheeks heat up at the question. Not wanting to let himself waver in his anger, he responded, "no! I just wanted to make some food for Lucy! I doubt that she'd want to cook!"
Gray crossed his arms over his bare chest as he walked closer to Loke and questioned, a smirk pulling at his lips, "really? Why were there places for two people?" 
Loke sputtered, his cheeks becoming hotter, before he finally answered with a sigh, "alright! I was planning to tell Lucy that I love her! But, apparently, you four just had to come in and mess things up! Now, I don't have time to fix this!"
Natsu tilted his head to one side slightly as he asked, "don't you usually tell her that you love her?"
Loke sighed, not bothering to answer. Suddenly, Gray grabbed the Fire Dragon Slayer and dragged him out of the apartment. Erza and Happy followed them, remarking to Loke behind her, "good luck, Loke!" 
The celestial spirit called out to them, "w-wait! What am I supposed to do?"
However, he didn't get an answer. Instead, Lucy's team walked out of the apartment without any further words. Loke heaved a sigh and turned around to take a look at what was left of the dinner he had set up. The bottle of wine was empty and on the floor, the food on both plates was almost entirely eaten, the pink and blue roses were crushed, and there were only a few chocolate-covered strawberries left. 
Before the dejected celestial spirit could even think about cleaning up the mess and trying to set up something passable, he heard a familiar voice ask behind him, "Loke, what happened?" 
Loke tensed and slowly turned around to see Lucy slowly stepping into the room as she eyed the ruined display curiously, a stark contrast from the anger he was expecting. His felt his stomach drop and he panicked as he tried to explain, not wanting Lucy to get mad at him and think that this mess was his doing, "Lucy! I-um...I was trying to prepare dinner for you, but your team came by!"
Lucy walked toward him, listening as her celestial spirit continued hurriedly explain, "I-I wanted to tell you that I'm in love with you and make you some food! I thought that this would make you see that I really do love you! But, I guess your teammates just can't restrain themselves from breaking into your apartment and ruin things! I-"
He was stopped from talking further when Lucy suddenly cupped his face. Loke looked down at her, his eyes widened with surprise. He found that Lucy was looking up at him with a pleased smile on her face and happiness swimming in her brown eyes, which Loke had always dreamed of staring into for hours. 
She then said, "shut up and kiss me," before pulling him into a kiss, which he happily returned.
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vamptastic · 6 months
it's been very cool being sort of openly GNC in jewish spaces and seeing positive change come from it. like none of it has been on purpose ive kind of just been obviously genderous since i hit puberty, even before consciously choosing to present as such. i don't go my days about expecting to be an Issue but it's worth it if things turn out well.
first time it happened i honestly didn't know it would be such a big deal but i asked for the traditional male gift (a kiddush cup) instead of the female one (candlestick holders) for my bar mitzvah and now they ask every new bnei mitzvah which one they want ahead of time. and also scrupulously call them bnei mitzvahs instead of bar/bat mitzvahs. which is actually kind of annoying bc it sort of takes the intent out of my use of masculine hebrew language and presentation when everybody does it regardless of gender, but it's overall positive so whatever. the unfortunate side effect of this is everybody things i did that as some sort of Statement and if they're annoyed by gender neutral language they assume it is due to my nefarious transgender demands and not just something that other people started doing because of my presence without me knowing or caring. i expect people will be slightly confused when i come out as a trans man because they probably assume i am some form of nonbinary as well.
second was really surprising. i went to an orthodox synagogue as a kid back in palm beach because they're way more kid friendly. on account of all the children. and after we moved my mom kept in touch and i still talked to the rabbi's daughters on occasion. anyway apparently the rebbitzen, who my mom is friends with, reposted some dumb article about a trans teacher who was fired (iirc for no reason other than being trans) and made some comment about how we shouldn't be allowed to work around children. my mom called her and told her about me and pointed out that i worked with small children for my entire teen years and they were not in fact molested or traumatized by me looking trans. and the rebbitzen genuinely listened and changed her mind and said she thinks it's okay for trans people to be teachers now. which was unexpected and really nice, both that my mom bothered and that somebody who seemed pretty deep into the conservative radicalization hole had some positive growth.
so idk, as annoying as it can be in the moment when i just want to do my thang and go under the radar, it's nice that me just being myself can make people that already liked me decide to be nicer about other trans people. harnessing the nice jewish boy status for good.
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votivecandleholder · 11 months
How To Set Dinner Table Silverware: A Detailed Guide
New Post has been published on https://dinnertables.net/how-to-set-dinner-table-silverware-a-detailed-guide
How To Set Dinner Table Silverware: A Detailed Guide
As the holidays approach, the art of setting dinner table silverware takes center stage. Proper table setting is not just about aesthetics; it’s a reflection of your hospitality and respect for your guests. And the right silverware placement can elevate the dining experience, making it more enjoyable for everyone. Whether you’re using a classic silverware set or opting for more contemporary gold or black silverware, proper silverware placement is key.
Remember, forks, spoons, and knives, also known as cutlery, each have their spot in a formal table setting. So, as you prepare for the holiday gatherings, take a moment to master the art of setting a dinner table with the right silverware—it’s a small gesture that makes a big difference in creating memorable moments.
1 Setting Casual Dinner Silverware With Simplicity & Style
1.1 How to set the table silverware
2 Precision In Formal Dinner Silverware Arrangement
2.1 Table silverware placement
3 Adding The Final Touches
4 Selecting Glassware & Beyond
Setting Casual Dinner Silverware With Simplicity & Style
When it comes to setting silverware for a casual dinner, simplicity and comfort are key. You don’t need an elaborate cutlery set; just follow a few basic rules of dinner etiquette silverware placement to create an inviting atmosphere. First, place the fork on the left side of the plate and the knife and spoon on the right.
Table Silverware Setup
Make sure the knife’s blade faces the plate, and the spoon sits to the right of the knife. If dessert is part of your meal, position the dessert spoon and fork horizontally above the plate. As for silverware options, you can go with classic silverware or add a touch of flair with gold or black silverware.
How to set the table silverware
Ultimately, the best silverware set for a casual dinner is one that suits your style and complements the overall table setting. Whether you’re hosting friends or family, setting a table with care and thoughtfulness sets the stage for a delightful dining experience with your loved ones.
Precision In Formal Dinner Silverware Arrangement
A formal table setting involves a set of silverware like multiple forks, spoons, and knives, each with a distinct function. Start by laying out the table setting with precision. To the left of the plate, arrange the forks – the outermost fork is typically for salad, the middle one for the main course, and the innermost for the appetizer. On the right side, place the knives with their blades facing the plate, and spoons follow to the right of the knives.
Table silverware placement
Gold Candelabra Metal Red Candlesticks Silverware Victorian Gothic Candle Holder
For dessert, the silverware placement varies slightly. The dessert fork and spoon should be set horizontally above the dinner plate. Different types of silverware, whether classic, black, or gold silverware, can be used for a formal dinner.
Adding The Final Touches
After mastering setting dinner table silverware, it’s time to focus on table centerpieces that set the mood. Gold or black silverware set pairs beautifully with candlelight, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. To complete the look, choose table decor that resonates with your personal style. Whether it’s a rustic, minimalist, or opulent theme, the key is harmony.
White Tablerunner Cheesecloth Clear Glass Mason Jar Jute Lace Silverware Hodler Top Side Angle View Wedding Table Setting Ideas
For instance, if you opted for sleek black silverware, minimalist white or silver table decor can provide a striking contrast. On the other hand, if you went for classic silver, traditional table settings with fine china could be a charming choice. The best silverware set is only enhanced by the ambiance you create, so experiment with different combinations until you find what resonates with your unique taste.
Selecting Glassware & Beyond
Just like choosing the best silverware set, selecting the appropriate glassware adds a touch of sophistication. Begin by considering the type of event you’re hosting. For formal gatherings, crystal or fine glassware is an excellent choice, while casual affairs can benefit from sturdy, everyday glasses. Water glasses should be placed directly above the dinner knife, and wine glasses should go to the right, slightly above and to the right of the water glass.
Zwilling Bellasera 18 10 Stainless Steel Flatware Set
If you’re serving multiple types of wine, arrange the glasses in the order they will be used, from left to right. And to add a dash of elegance, match the color of your glassware with the overall theme. Gold or black silverware can be beautifully complemented by tinted or clear glassware, creating a cohesive and visually appealing table.
Dinner table etiquette is an art, and setting dinner table silverware plays a crucial role in it. A proper table setting with the best silverware set can elevate your dining experience. Whether it’s a classic silverware set or exquisite gold or black silverware, remember the golden rule – forks to the left, spoons, and knives to the right. The silverware placement should be in the order of use, from outside in. A formal table setting may seem daunting, but with a little practice, you’ll master it. So, get your cutlery set ready, and maybe even add a stylish silverware holder for that extra touch.
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crynotifier · 1 year
Bitcoin Price Prediction as BTC Bounces Off $25,000 Support – Here are Key Levels to Watch
Bitcoin Price Prediction as BTC Bounces Off $25,000 Support – Here are Key Levels to Watch
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In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC) continues to capture attention as it showcases a rise of over 0.50%, reaching $26,133 on Sunday. Notably, the support at $26,000 appears to have effectively prevented further losses for the cryptocurrency.
Furthermore, the prominent entity MicroStrategy is contending with substantial unrealized losses amounting to $600 million due to the recent slumping of the Bitcoin price.
MicroStrategy Sees Significant Losses as Bitcoin’s Value Drops
MicroStrategy Inc, the main company holding Bitcoin, suffered a significant setback with over $600 million in unrealized losses due to the recent price drop to around $25,000.
The software company invested $4.5 billion to acquire over 150,000 Bitcoins, resulting in an average cost of around $29,970 per Bitcoin. 
This price drop of 11% in three days from the August 16 peak of over $29,000 marks MicroStrategy’s first bout of red in Bitcoin holdings since June.
Despite these losses, the company, led by its ardent proponent of Bitcoin, Michael Saylor, remains steadfast in its conviction.
Saylor, who champions Bitcoin as “digital gold,” guides the firm’s acquisition strategy and reiterates the decision to retain their holdings. 
MicroStrategy’s stock (MSTR) reflects a year-to-date gain of 132%, although it has faced a 14.49% dip in the past five days, according to Tradingview data. 
Concurrently, the broader market trend shows a decline in Bitcoin holders’ profit by over 10%, accompanied by a drop in Bitcoin’s value, reducing the percentage of profitable supply from 73% to 60% in a week, as per Glassnode’s data.
MicroStrategy Inc’s sizable unrealized losses from the Bitcoin price decline could introduce a note of caution among investors, possibly amplifying market volatility and impacting Bitcoin’s valuation dynamics in the near term.
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US Dollar Index – Source: Tradingview
The US Dollar Index (DXY), which measures the value of the greenback against a basket of six major currencies, was down by 0.13% at the end of the week. 
This bearish USD may have contributed to the improved movement of BTC/USD on the weekend.
Bitcoin Price Prediction 
In recent times, Bitcoin’s technical landscape has been marked by significant activity following its drop below the $29,000 level on August 6th. Presently trading around $25,800, the cryptocurrency has experienced substantial decline. 
Analyzing the four-hour timeframe, Bitcoin has shown patterns of “Three Black Crows” candlesticks, indicating a strong bearish sentiment in the market. 
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) oscillators have entered the oversold region, highlighting the prevailing bearish dominance. 
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Bitcoin Price Chart – Source: Tradingview
The 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) around $27,300 has been influential, with recent candle closures confirming sustained bearish momentum.
The immediate resistance is at $26,200, but a bearish engulfing candlestick and two-day candle pattern below this level suggest ongoing bearish pressure. If this trend continues, Bitcoin may decline to $25,600, possibly even reaching $25,200. 
However, surpassing the $26,200 level could lead to targeting the resistance at $26,800, and further gains might push BTC’s price toward $27,300 and eventually $27,600. 
Conversely, a fall below $25,200 could indicate the potential for deeper losses, possibly reaching as low as $24,800. 
Top 15 Cryptocurrencies to Watch in 2023
Discover the latest initial coin offering (ICO) projects and alternative cryptocurrencies by regularly browsing our thoughtfully selected collection of the top 15 digital assets to keep an eye on in 2023. 
This carefully curated list has been compiled by industry experts from Industry Talk and Cryptonews, providing you with professional recommendations and valuable insights. 
Keep up with the rapidly evolving world of digital assets and stay ahead of the game by exploring the potential of these cryptocurrencies.
Find The Best Price to Buy/Sell Cryptocurrency
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Cryptocurrency Price Tracker – Source: Cryptonews
Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency projects endorsed in this article are not the financial advice of the publishing author or publication – cryptocurrencies are highly volatile investments with considerable risk, always do your own research.
The Information contained in or provided from or through this website is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice.
New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/bitcoin-price-prediction-as-btc-bounces-off-25000-support-here-are-key-levels-watch-htm/
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ernest-fletcher · 1 year
DIY Travel Toiletry Bag Ideas: Upcycle and Craft Projects".
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Travel toiletry bags are essential for any frequent traveler. They keep all your cosmetic and toiletry items organized and in one place. However, store-bought travel toiletry bags can be expensive and not always to your personal style. That's why DIY travel toiletry bag projects are a great option. In this article, we will provide you with some creative DIY ideas for travel toiletry bags that you can make with materials you might already have at home. These projects are not only more affordable but also eco-friendly, as they involve repurposing items that you might otherwise throw away.
The first idea is to repurpose an old denim jacket. Cut off the sleeves of a denim jacket and sew up the armholes. Next, hem the bottom of the jacket. Finally, add a zipper to the front opening of the jacket. Now, you have a unique and stylish travel toiletry bag that is perfect for any adventure.
Another great idea is to repurpose a mason jar. To do this, glue the lid of a mason jar to the bottom of a candlestick holder. You can also glue a cup holder to the top of the lid. Then, you will have a chic toiletry organizer for all your travel essentials.
Sewing Projects
If you have basic sewing skills, you can try making a simple zippered pouch. You'll need two pieces of fabric, a zipper, and a sewing machine. Sew the pieces of fabric together, right sides facing each other. Then, sew the zipper onto the top edge of the fabric. Finally, sew up the sides and bottom of the pouch.
If you're feeling more ambitious, you can try making a hanging travel toiletry bag. You'll need a pattern, fabric, a zipper, and interfacing. First, cut your fabric and interfacing according to the pattern, then sew the interfacing onto the fabric. Next, sew the zipper onto the top edge of the fabric. Then, sew up the sides and bottom of the bag. Finally, attach a ribbon to each corner of the bag and tie them together so that you can hang the toiletry bag from a hook.
Personalization and Customization
Personalizing and customizing your DIY travel toiletry bag is easy and fun. You can use fabric paint to add a design or writing, or you can use iron-on transfer paper to transfer a design onto the fabric. Sew on a patch or an embroidered badge to represent your favorite destination, or use ribbon or lace to add a decorative edge. The possibilities are endless when it comes to making your travel toiletry bag unique and personalized.
DIY travel toiletry bags are a great way to save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and get creative. Whether you're repurposing items from around your house or sewing your own bag from scratch, making your own travel toiletry bag is a fun and rewarding project. So, next time you're planning a trip, consider making your own travel toiletry bag instead of buying one. Not only will you enjoy the process of creating something unique, but you'll also have a stylish and practical bag that will make traveling even more enjoyable.
Article Source: NoneFrom its origins to its current state, it has evolved significantly travel toiletry bag.
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100dayproductivity · 2 years
Day 15/100.
Going to clean the top of this section of cupboard next.
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What have we got up here?
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This empty wine bottle.
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I got this when I was visiting some friends. My best friend from high school and her husband. The husband was ill and they had to come to my city overnight for a medical appointment for him. They were staying in accommodations near the hospital and I went to see them.
They bought this bottle of wine so they could offer me something to drink. The bottle was still nearly full when it was time for me to leave and they insisted I take it home with me since they wouldn't be drinking it. We all thought the bottle would make a pretty cool candlestick holder. I think that might have been the last time I saw my friend's husband.
I was in the kitchen when my friend called me one day to tell me that her husband had passed away beside her in his sleep during the night. The candle holder bottle was also in the kitchen, on top of the cupboard.
It might be time to let it go.
Okay. These lanterns.
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My kids and I made these. There was a nature walk at the nearby park one winter solstice evening. Before the walk, they had some old-fashioned activities: making beeswax candles; sticking cloves into oranges to make traditional Christmas ornaments called "pomanders"; and gluing coloured bits of tissue paper to glass jars to make lanterns.
We were given tea lights to put in our lanterns and lighted them for our walk. We were in two or three groups of a dozen or so people each, all with orange-glowing lanterns.
The park is a huge tract of land with some public use amenities, such as a swimming pool, tennis courts and playgrounds, but also wooded nature conservancy areas with wildlife such as owls and coyotes. It's not a place to be walking around by yourself at night, so it was our first time experiencing the park like this. Everything was hushed and dark, except for our lanterns. It was magical.
After the walk, they had a bonfire and we made s'mores. My kids and I enjoyed it so much we decided we were going to make it an annual tradition. But this was December 2019 and we all know what happened just a couple of months later... I'm not sure if they are running the walk again now, we forgot all about it this past solstice.
Next. These twigs.
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Remember I told you about the Christmas tree I got a couple of years ago that I cut up and upcycled? (If you missed that story, look up #pine needles.) So these are some twigs I was left with. I thought they might be useful for... something. I'm not really sure what lol.
An empty coffee tin.
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I kept this because I never get coffee in tins like this and thought it might be useful for something. I forgot it was up here.
I've decided to put my collection of empty containers that might be useful for something in this box on top of the pantry cabinet.
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Hmm... I don't know why this empty yogurt container was up there or what it was used for. Looks like there was dirty water in it that evaporated. Yuck. It's going in La Gar-bàge.
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Oh! I remember now! See this crack in the ceiling?
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Yeah, well, there was water dripping from it some time ago. Water from the bathroom above. Eek! 😱 Turns out my son wasn't closing the shower curtain properly and there was water just flooding out the side in a big puddle, seeping through the floor to the ceiling below. Omg. I quickly grabbed an empty yogurt container and put it under the drip.
So I called it when I said it looked like it had dirty water in it that evaporated 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, I've since taught my son how to close the shower curtain and we haven't had any drips since, I don't think.
This blender.
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It was given to me. I tried it once but it wasn't that great. On the rare occasion I need to blend something, I prefer my hand blender. Time to pass this on.
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johannestevans · 2 years
Rope bondage and wax play.
On Medium / / On Patreon
Coates is breathing slowly and regularly, as evenly as he can, as he stares up at the bindings on his wrists, the way it weaves neatly and perfectly through his wrists, looping around them before it knots through the middle of them.
The rope bondage is as solid as manacles might be, binding his wrists in place, and he'd been hypnotised as Warren had wound the rope around them and told him precisely what he was doing, showed how the rope was spread between each wrist, balanced by the knots.
It had been nothing for Warren to tug him by the centre of the rope cuffs and loop them over a hook on the pillar in front of him - it's a high cook, just a little higher than Coates can comfortably reach up for, and he's almost on his tiptoes, bent forward.
He's wet as anything, throbbing between his legs, and he can't help but wonder if Warren is going to fuck him just like this, if he's going to slide in from behind him and fuck him like he's stuck in place, and fuck, fuck, but it makes him imagine being in stocks or something like that, being bound in place for everyone to find and fuck as soon as they walk past.
"Ready, lad?" asks Warren from behind him, and Coates' breath hitches in his throat.
"Yes, Captain," he says, closing his eyes tightly and gripping loosely at the rope running between his wrists, his thumbs pressing against the fabric of the rope.
When the wax lands on his shoulders, for barely a second, it doesn't hurt, and he's confused, just feels the drip of it and the slight weight of it, heavier and thicker than water, and then it's hot, and he moans, clutching tightly at his bindings as he feels the wax slide down his back.
More drips of wax land against his shoulder blades, and the heat is sublime and strange, makes him writhe in place in a way he doesn't ever when receiving a simple beating - his cunt is throbbing, wetness slick between his thighs, and this pain is just so different, so unusual, sinks deep into him like it's going to make a home there.
Warren manages to drop a line of candle wax right over his spine and it slides down the line of it, making him whine and spread his legs wider apart.
Warren chuckles and says, "Good lad. Didn't think you'd be such a slut for this one."
"I'll be a slut for whatever you give me, sir," says Coates, and he's rewarded with a slap to his open cunt that makes him wail, jolting on his feet and having to rely on his hanging arms to keep from falling, the slap sending an electric thrill up his spine, making him clench wetly around the aching nothing.
"You always say that," says Warren. "What say you I flip you over, hm? Get you back on your shoulders with your knees bound to your wrists, stick one of these candles in here..." Three fingers slide into his sopping cunt as Warren drizzles more wax over his mid-back now, making him squirm, not knowing whether to draw away from the drip of it or grind himself back onto the captain's fingers. "I could use you as a candlestick holder, watch the hot wax drip down the shaft of it and land on these pretty lips of yours. How's that for a kiss?"
"Fuck me," moans Coates, just a general exclamation, before moaning, "Please, fuck me," at the first dazzling drip of wax over one of his arsecheeks.
"Patience, patience," rumbles the captain, and Coates thrusts back onto his fingers, gasping, and does his best to focus on what Warren asks him.
His mind is a mess of wax and heat and want by the time Warren finally sinks his cock inside him, and Coates' moans are incoherent as, his hips slapping loud against Coates' arse, the captain deftly pries the cooled wax away from his skin with a knife.
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tanzoshi · 2 years
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@corrchoigilt​​​ said ; 1 and 2? >>  /  𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐄.
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1. What made you pick up this character?
Oh boiiiiii I’LL TRY TO MAKE THESE SHORT BC- now I have 7 swords in this blog 😳👉👈 (not counting tsuru who’s on his own blog) but if it ends up getting hella long then let’s just say that I think they are all cool and neat ✨
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KASEN KANESADA: I’ll be honest here and say that initially, I picked him bc of his rather funny personality ARIOTUEORIT; If I had to describe his personality, (or at least how I perceive him); I would probably use the word ‘peacock-like’ behavior. Kasen is that kind of person that goes around self proclaiming himself to be this really cultured person and blabbering about elegance which aside from being funny, I find that its quite an interesting contrast when one takes in consideration his backstory; bc on one hand, you have the origin of his name that comes from the 36 Immortals of Poetry, (that were a group of 36 japanese poets selected as examples of the best of poets) yet on the other hand, ironically, Kasen’s former master also happened to kill 36 of his vassals; so the game alongside stage plays and the anime tend to play with this contrast between this elegance attributed from the meaning behind his name and this violent streak that he inherited from his previous master that we only really get to see him display on the battlefield . In a way these two traits kind of seem like oil and water, but somehow they happen very naturally to Kasen.
Aside this, he’s kind of a tsundere and implied to be kind of a ‘know-nothing know-it all’ kind of person which I love to see on characters tbh 
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SHOKUDAIKIRI MITSUTADA: Visually speaking, it was kind of love at first sight when I saw him for the first time 😳😳😳 HE REALLY HIT ALL THE NAILS LIKE; all black clothes + hair covering one eye + eyepatch, + the black & golden color palette ??? His design really appeals a lot to me bc its stuff I think looks really cool on characters (you can notice this in some charas I wrote in the past like; robin, izou, dantes, ahem-) that aside; when it comes to his personality, I was pretty suprised when I first read about him bc in contrast to his cool looks, his personality is kind of like a puppy- he’s friendly and really nice! he may look kind of intimidating at first glance but in reality, it’s all part of his dream to look ‘cool’; he’s always very concerned about looking ‘cool’ (kind of like Charlemagne in fate!), perhaps as a means to hide the fact that his name comes from a time where he happened to cut through a bronze candlestick holder, which he thinks is not a really cool explanation;;
“ I'm Shokudaikiri Mitsutada. I'm a katana that was once used by Lord Date Masamune. I don't harbor any bad feelings towards Lord Masamune, but my name comes from a time when I killed someone and happened to cut a candlestick that was nearby at the same time... Although it really was a bronze candlestick holder, it would've been cooler if it had been something a bit more durable. “
That aside, the fact that he was a sword that belonged to Date Masamune is pretty interesting on its own, so when I found about this I knew that I had to read about him 😳 not to mention that besides usually liking bastards, I have a soft spot for genuinely friendly and kind characters, to which he certainly fits that category (besides being kind of a malewife)
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HESHIKIRI HASEBE: THIS GUY- I explained more in depth on a previous ask about the reasons as of why I picked him, so i’ll just try to summarize it. Basically, I used to be kind of indifferent about him for the longest time until he began appearing more and more on my pinterest dash, and i kind of fell for his funny personality and how cool artist made him look! so naturally I had to read about him;;; I picked Heshi bc to me, his personality, story and the way his character was interpreted in the game are very interesting to me. Although when I picked him I didn’t see the anime, once I did, I was able to take a closer look at his personality and the reasoning behind his actions and it all sort of helped solidify my apreciation for him. I find that putting the memes aside, he’s a pretty complex character that once you get to understand; his actions and thoughts sort of click bc it all ties back to his past in a way that you can understand why it affects him the way it does in the present. I won’t blabber much about him bc otherwise this will get much longer than intended but the conclusion to all of this is that i love him yes-
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ISHIKIRIMARU: I LOVE HIM- THAT’S IT- His character makes me feel all at peace bc of how naturally gentle he is and how kind his voice sounds !!😭😭😭 His story is also pretty interesting bc!! compared to the other swords that have ‘actual’ stories tied to them, on his case, there are no specific accounts of a particular sword named ‘Ishikirimaru’ ,in the sense that his character seems to be influenced by -various- accounts. As far as I remember, the majority of these swords he seems to have been based on have this common trait of being sort of sacred swords; The most obvious influence seems to be the case of this one sword that had a reputation for being used to heal swellings and tumours, tho there’s also another case of a sword that could cut through stone as well, and so on. Besides his looks and story, what got me to want to attempt to write him was to try to explore this sort of conflict he has about now being used not to heal, but to be used on the battlefield; to injure, to kill; which are things that are veryyyy different to what he’s used to doing; which was to stay at a shrine and help heal people. Swords that were like Ishikirimaru were usually kept at shrines and not actually meant to be used on the battlefield so now that he’s been materialized on this second life, he has to come to terms with this new task that pretty much is the contrary to what he was made for, and i dunno! I always find interesting when characters have these inner conflicts
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MIKAZUKI MUNECHIKA: LE JIJI !! he was alongside Kashuu one of the first characters that drew my attention when I found out about touken ranbu; he’s kind of like the face of the game, kind of like how artoria is the face of f.ate g.rand o.rder in a way. Mikazuki fits the kind of characters I tend to like which are old spirits (example; casgil, zhongli, many fate servants, basically spiritually peepaws) tho mikazuki’s personality isn’t grumpy or tired; he’s more nonchalant and calm, a lil sneaky as well! I really like this old-man-like attitude he has and how despite being part of the Tenka Goken (a group of swords famous for their history and beauty), he’s very relaxed?? he doesn’t really go around flashing how cool he is; he just sits on a corner and drinks his tea with his lil old man laugh- One thing I find interesting about Mikazuki which also brought me to pick him (which is a thing Tsurumaru also shares) is just how truly old the sword actually is- like, historically speaking, Mikazuki comes from the Heain period which is suuuper old, and this of course carries a lot of history with it, which is reflected on his character and the way he acts, and I don’t mean just his old man kind of personality, I mean it in the way that it’s commonly thought that the reason why Mikazuki is rarely surprised or carries such a calm disposition comes in great part bc of his long history of existence, which of course carries with itself a lot of experience. Another thing I like about him is how due to his long history of existence, he kinds of becomes the sword that others come to in order to ask advice to, i like these kind of characters that are able to offer comfort and guidance in their own mysterious ways, they always know what to say and when to say the things other’s need to hear the most. So yeah! Aside his obviously wonderful design (which is fitting considering his position as part of the Tenka Goken) I love how much history can be traced and incorporated on his character as now a sentient individual.
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NAGASONE KOTETSU: He fits the chill giant that looks kinda scary at first glance but is actually pretty kind and considerate trope and I love him for that OIUTROIUTYR but!! he’s not just that!! Nagasone has a story that is super interesting as well and that I think the game was able to translate into his character in a very neat way- Basically Nagasone’s source of conflict to say (or well, on his case, he manages to find even more strenght in his nature) is that he’s a counterfeit— and he’s very much well aware of this, yet this does little to stop him from always wanting to give his very best and to prove to himself that despite his nature, he can be just as good as the real thing, which hits when u take in consideration that he has to somewhat daily cope with Hachisuka’s distaste towards him for being a Kotetsu counterfeit. I always had a soft spot for characters that despite their nature still fight to be the best version of themselves they can be, and Nagasone is a really neat example of this.
Another thing that I found super interesting about him is how despite being the sword of Kondo Isami (the leader of the Shinsengumi) he’s able to keep a very objective view, and is able to keep his head cool in the sense that although he values Kondo a lot, he’s able to put his bias to the side and seems to not strictly adhere to the rules of the shinsengumi as how some other swords would when it comes to their respective previous masters and backgrounds. I read that in the musical when he ordered to retreat from a battle, upon being questioned about this decision, he said that the rules didn’t save the shinsengumi from their downfall ;; and this is something that really caught my attention because its common to see in touken ranbu characters, the swords being deeply tied to their past owners and background; example Yasusada with Okita Souji and so on. Also despite his rather chill attitude, he’s pretty mature (putting aside his bickering with Mutsunokami OIRUYRIOUY) I read that in one recollection he talks about this common thing swords experience which is facing their previous master in the past and having this need to want to save them from their ends and change the past (when the swords deep down know they shouldn’t); to which he views this whole matter as the kind of things more immature swords would lean to, and I found this interesting bc unlike swords like Heshikiri who feel bitter about their previous masters, Nagasone actually cherished Kondo, so for him to be able to understand quickly that this is not a choice they can decide on reflects his maturity when it comes down to serious matters. IN GENERAL I THINK HE’S REALLY COOL OKOK ✊😌
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OOKURIKARA: FINALLY, THE LAST- Ookurikara fits the kind of characters i´ve always liked which are basically;; the rancid type; Ookurikara does not want to get along with anyone nor wants anyone to reach to him, and he is pretty dang direct about this as most of his dialogue lines make reference to how he does not seek to make friends or get along with anyone,,, not even with the master! he’s a solitary individual and the kind that doesn’t seem to find this as a suffering; from a quick glance one may think this solitary and very highly independent behavior seems kind of random, that is until you take in consideration that Ookurikara is a mumeitou, which means he’s a sword that lacks its sword smith’s signature. The signature on a blade is a symbol of the swordsmith’s pride on his work, usually swords become a mumeitou when they get shortened since the grip part where the signature usually would be is the part that gets cut, which is likely what happened with Ookurikara’s case; now fandom seems to interpret that all of this translates into his behavior in the fact that by not having his swordsmith’s signature on him, it basically means he’s free real state tm, which means that he’s free to do as he wishes bc if he doesn´t belong to anyone, then why should he follow orders? I like this explanation bc it makes a lot of sense when u think about it; and of course just like all swords, if you send him to kiwame he eventually undergoes through his own character development from which he comes to realize the importance of companionship and of allowing others to help him. What i like about him and one of the reasons as of why i picked him as a muse is because besides the rancidness and his ties to Fudo Myo-O, there is a lot of room for character growth through interactions; he’s the kind of character that does need an external force in order to come to terms with many things bc he is rather stubborn himself and tends to stay inside his own shell
2. How did you get into this franchise/fandom?
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chanoyu-to-wa · 2 years
Nampō Roku, Book 7 (20d):  the Setchin [雪隱] in the Roji (part 4).
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20 [conclusion]) After examining [the body] with a te-shoku [手燭], [Toda] minbu [declared that he] certainly recognized the man¹.
    Sansuke’s wonderfully impressive skill was deeply moving; so he was called into [Toda] minbu’s presence² -- [who declared] “from this occasion forward, you will wear a sword, and be known as Toda Sansuke³!”  (Now, after taking the tonsure, [Toda Sansuke] is [known] as Sannyū⁴.  Though, even in this case, it should be understood that he was still numbered among the group of [Toda Katsutaka's] personal attendants⁵.)
    This [inspection of the setchin by the guests] is especially important during gatherings held at dawn, dusk, and at night⁶.
    Such was [Ri]kyū’s account:  and, even though this [practice of inspecting the setchin] has been done for a long time, [it seemed best] to write it down here⁷.
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    As for Sōkyū’s setchin in the old style, the doorway measured 5-shaku 3-sun [in height], with a 4-shaku door [installed] in it.  Attached to the upper crosspiece [of the door] was a kake-gane [カケガネ].  The height of the door [above the stepping stone that was placed in the entrance] was 4-shaku 3-sun; and above and below [the door] there were open spaces⁸.
    [Because] one has to reach in over [the top of the door] in order to access the lock, [a locking mechanism] might also be affixed to the middle  crosspiece [of the door].  This is certainly a possibility -- and Rikyū  also shared the same opinion⁹.
◎ As was the case in the previous sections of this entry, much additional information is found in Shibayama Fugen’s teihon [底本]; though, for the most part, since these comments are primarily of academic interest, I have decided not to include them in the translation that is printed above.
    While this post concludes the translation of the original entry, it will be followed by two appendices:  in the first, I will translate two relevant entries from the Book of Secret Teachings (as suggested by Shibayama Fugen), while the second will restore the Enkaku-ji text into a single unit (without any footnotes or other explanatory material).  These two final installments will be published on the same day.
¹Te-shoku ni te mirare-shi ni, minbu ha ika ni mo mi-shiritaru-mono nari [手燭ニテ見ラレシニ、民部ハイカニモ見知タル者也].
    A te-shoku [手燭] is a candlestick.  Usually made of some sort of (relatively lightweight) metal*, it has three legs, one of which is elongated into a handle (of varying lengths).
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    Putting aside the (unjustifiable) teachings of certain schools (which say that the te-shoku should be handled by the two short legs), the longer leg was always intended to serve as the handle; and it is by means of this that the candle flame is brought near whatever it is that the holder wishes to examine closely.
    Ika ni mo [如何にも] means things like really, truly, genuinely, indeed, certainly, and so on.
    Mi-shiritaru-mono [見知りたる者] means a person (mono [者]) who can be recognized (mi-shiritaru [見知りたる]).  That is, someone who is (visually) known (to the observer).
    Shibayama Fugen’s teihon adds a phrase to the beginning of this statement:  ryō-nin kake-tsukete, te-shoku ni te mirare-shi ni, minbu ha ika ni mo ken-chi ni yashin no hodo kokoro-e-taru-mono nari [兩人カケ附ケ、手燭ニテ見ラレシニ、民部ハイカニモ見知ニ野心ノ程心得タル者也].  This means, “the two men rushed out to [offer their] assistance; and after examining [the body] with a te-shoku, [Toda] minbu certainly recognized the man.”
    It seems that the two guests brought a te-shoku with them from the genkan of the tearoom (where the teishu leaves the te-shoku that he used when walking through the roji†).
    Here, kake-tsuke [カケ附] seems to be the word kake-tsuke [驅けつけ], meaning hastening to assist (someone). __________ *Jōō’s te-shoku (the one seen in the photo) was made of Korean cast bronze, but today sheet-copper (subsequently painted with dull black lacquer) is more commonly used.  Iron te-shoku were also made, but they tend to be too heavy to be handled comfortably in the roji.  These seem to have been used in military expeditions, where their added weight could be important (they could be used as a weapon).
†Two te-shoku are usually involved.  One is brought out from the tearoom by the host, while the other is placed in the koshi-kake prior to the arrival of the guests.
    Most modern schools teach that, when he approaches the koshi-kake (or passes through the middle gate), the shōkyaku should come forward carrying the te-shoku that was left in the koshi-kake, and then he and the teishu exchange te-shoku.  The host brings the te-shoku he is carrying back to the genkan (where he places it on the ground near the guests’ entrance, so its light can help the guests remove their footwear and enter the tearoom), while the shōkyaku carries his to the tsukubai (its light helping the guests to wash their hands).
    The last guest usually brings that te-shoku to the genkan as well (since if it is left out in the garden, it will burn away needlessly -- or else be blown out by a gust of wind).
    At any rate, in the episode being narrated here, the two guests would have picked up the te-shoku that was in the genkan, and rushed out with that in their hands.
²Sansuke shin-myō no hataraki kanshin-shi, sunawachi Sansuke wo minbu yobi-dashi [三介神妙ノハタラキヲ感心シ、則三介ヲ民部ヨビ出シ].
    Shin-myō no hataraki [神妙の働き]:  while shin-myō [神妙] means something like divinely-inspired wonder (or, the sense of wonder one feels in the face of the divine)*, here the expression seems to be used to mean extremely impressive†; hataraki [働き] would mean skill or effort.
    Yobi-dashi [呼出し] means to be summoned (into Toda Katsutaka’s presence).
    While this second phrase is usually interpreted to simply mean that Toda Katsutaka called Sansuke to him, his reason for doing so seems to demand that Katsutaka assume a more dignified position than squatting down on the ground in front of a setchin.  (We must not forget that Katsutaka was one of the two men who rushed out of the tearoom upon hearing the loud shout from the garden -- so, that being the case, there would be no reason for Sansuke to be called, if what follows took place immediately afterward in the same location.)
    Therefore, after recognizing the miscreant, Toda Katsutaka probably went to the tsukubai to purify himself (from having been in the presence of death), and then went into the tearoom (and explained things to the host).  And, if the tearoom had a tokonoma that was large enough for a man to sit in comfortably, likely took his seat there.  Meanwhile, Sansuke and Kumagai Hanji would have dealt with the removal of the body, before purifying themselves and then returning to the tearoom.  To make sure that Sansuke did so‡, Katsutaka issued his summons. __________ *Using exaggeratedly florid language was characteristic of the heroic genre.  This narrative is written in a typical Edo period style commonly used for popular heroic literature.
    It is certainly possible -- indeed, perhaps even likely -- that Rikyū, speaking about the setchin with Nambō Sōkei, may have included some such story as an illustration of why the guests should undertake an examination of the setchin.  Sōkei, as the shuso [首座] of the Nanshu-ji would have already been aware of the Zen aspect of the matter (since the shuso was the overseer of the monks, and the direct overlord of the monks assigned to clean the setchin, the bath-house, and the kitchen), and it may have been this that prompted him to question why the setchin is inspected during the tea gathering:  indeed, this may have been why the three positions were mentioned in the first sentence of Shibayama Fugen’s manuscript (roji no setchin ha san-i no ichi to ii [露地ノ雪隱ハ三位ノ一ト云ヒ]), with the present form of that sentence being the result of a deterioration of the original text (which probably compared the setchin in the roji directly to the tō-su [東司], the corresponding entity within the Zen-rin, making the comment seem less out of place).
    But this also hints that Sōkei’s notes (which were probably not originally part of his final memoir) was edited by certain machi-shū (as I have mentioned before, the language of the Nampō Roku suggests that at least two different entities revised or augmented portions of the Shū-un-an documents prior to their review by Tachibana Jitsuzan:  one group, acting on the orders of the bakufu, and the other from among the machi-shū followers of the Sen family) when they attempted to restore the text (in this case, the responsibility seems to belong to the latter group, as suggested by an otherwise undocumented townsman being the hero of the tale) -- and the early Edo language used here clearly shows that such was the case.
    There are other examples from history where an assassin secreted himself in the outhouse in order to remove someone who, for whatever reason, was considered a threat to the established order; but what makes this particular tale unique is that the protagonist is a townsman (whereas in other historical examples, he is usually a samurai -- albeit usually a samurai of one of the lower ranks who sees his station improved markedly on account of his valor).
†As was mentioned before, Sansuke was a townsman.  He is competing against an enraged samurai warrior.  So, the outcome of the conflict -- that the townsman was victorious over the samurai (and achieved his victory by not only parrying his highly trained assailant's vicious thrust, but then sinking home his own rather insignificant weapon in a death blow) -- seemed like some sort of divine intervention.  And engendered the same sense of wonder in the narrator.
‡Since Sansuke had just committed murder, it would have been incumbent on him to present himself to the authorities as soon as possible.  And since he, as a townsman, had killed a samurai in cold blood, he must have been very worried about the ramifications of his action (since he would likely have to forfeit his life, and possibly may have brought about the ruin of his house as well).
³Sono-za yori katana wo sasase, Toda Sansuke to na-noraseraruru [其座ヨリ刀ヲサヽセ、戸田三介ト名ノラセラルヽ].
    Sono-za yori [その座より] means from that occasion*, beginning with that gathering.
    Katana wo sasaseru [刀を差させる] means to gird oneself with a sword (literally, insert a sword [into ones obi]).
    Na-noraseraruru [名乗らせらるる]:  today this would be na-noraserareru [名乗らせられる].  The expression means to give a name (to someone).
    In other words, Toda Katsutaka has promoted Sansuke to the rank of samurai, and adopted him into his clan, as one of his retainers (this is the significance of bestowing the name Toda on Sansuke).
    Since he was now a samurai, and a member of an important family (and under the personal protection of a daimyō and court official), any worries he might have had about killing Toshima Daishin were now moot. __________ *Sono-za [その座] literally means from that seat.  However za [座] is used as a counting word for gatherings or assemblies, and for places where such may occur.
⁴Ima hōtai-shite Sannyū kore nari [今法躰シテ三入コレナリ].
    Hōtai-suru [法躰する] means to invoke the Law, “put on” (attire oneself in) the Law -- that is, assume the appearance and form of a monk.  In other words, shave ones head, attire ones body in the prescribed monkish robes, and become a nyūdō [入道] (a lay monk).
    The name Sannyū [三入] combines the first character from his former personal name (Sansuke [三助; or, according to Shibayama's text, 三介]) with the first character of nyū-dō [入道].  This was a common formula used for the creation of such names.
    Shibayama Fugen’s text has ima hōtai-shite Sannyū to iu kore nari [今法躰シテ三入ト云是也].
    The English translation, however, actually requires the sort of idea that Shibayama’s version adds to make sense:  ima hōtai-shite Sannyū kore nari literally means “now, [having] invoked the Law, [he] is Sannyū;” while Shibayama’s version literally translates, “now, [having] invoked the Law, he is called Sannyū.”
    The next sentence suggests that this taking of the tonsure seems to have occurred not long after the above episode took place, suggesting that doing so was perhaps an act of repentance for the taking of Toshima Daishin’s life.
⁵Kayō no koto mo areba, shōban-shū nado besshite kokoro-e kan-yō nari [カヤウノコトモアレバ、相伴衆ナド別而心得肝要也].
    Kayō no koto mo areba [斯様のこともあれば] means something like “even though such was the case....”  This is referring to Sansuke having taken the tonsure.
    Shōban-shū nado [相伴衆など]:  shōban-shū means the group (shū [衆]) of personal attendants (shōban [相伴]) who accompanied a daimyō, both publicly and in private.  Nado [など], “and the like,” alludes to the various duties that this group of people performed for the daimyō.  The meaning is that even though Sansuke had now become a nyūdō, taking the name Sannyū, he still participated fully as a member of the official retinue attending on Toda minbu-no-shō Katsutaka.
    This sentence concludes the (likely intercalated) narrative that was intended to illustrate why an inspection of the setchin was necessary, even during a purely secularized tea gathering.
⁶Akatsuki-kai・yū-kai・yo-kai, koto-sara nari [曉會・夕會・夜會、コト更也].
    Akatsuki-kai [曉會] means a dawn gathering*.
    Yū-kai [夕會] means an evening gathering.
    In his teihon, Shibayama notes that the word is yū-zari [夕ザリ]†, which specifically indicates a gathering that begins while the sun is still above the horizon, and continues on into the night‡.
    Yo-kai [夜會] means a chakai held at night**.
    Koto-sara nari [殊更なり] means should be especially (done).
    This is referring to the inspection of the setchin, and this sentence probably continued the train of thought that was interrupted by the interpolation of the story of Sansuke’s heroic defeat of Toda minbu’s would-be assassin††. __________ *In Jōō's and Rikyū's day, this meant a gathering where the guests arrived at the host's house as dawn was breaking (while the host was drawing water from the well), with their being ushered into the tearoom to watch the initial laying of the charcoal (on top of a bed of scattered embers, rather than a shita-bi consisting of three burning gitchō [毬杖]), over which a cold, wet kama was then arranged.
    Since the Edo period, however, following the machi-shū practices (which were based on Imai Sōkyū's teachings), the guests arrive at the host’s residence while it is still dark (usually an hour or so before dawn), and the host uses the remains of a fire left burning in the ro overnight as the shita-bi for his sumi-temae, with dawn breaking during the naka-dachi.  (However, since one of the features of this kind of gathering was supposed to be the use of dawn-fresh water, it is not entirely clear how this is to be achieved when the sumi-temae was performed perhaps an hour before the dawn-water was technically supposed to be drawn from the well -- the modern schools have their own methods; but, in fact, these are all after-the-fact attempts to rectify a fundamental error in the machi-shū’s approach).  As a result, the effect is very different -- and old writings that address the akatsuki-no-chakai cannot usually be applied to, or used to understand, this later kind of gathering.
†Yu-sari [夕さり] is certainly the preferred pronunciation today.  Indeed, I have only seen yu-zari [夕ざり] in Shibayama’s text.
‡At this kind of gathering, the chabana is usually arranged for the shoza, so that the flowers can be appreciated while there is still some natural light available (most tearooms have the guests’ entrance on the north side of the building, with the tokonoma opposite, meaning that the bokuseki-mado is in the wall that faces west).  During the naka-dachi, the flowers are removed and the scroll is hung.
**In Jōō’s and Rikyū’s day, particularly in the small room, the scroll was hung during the shoza, and, during the naka-dachi, rather than a chabana, a kake-tōdai [掛燈臺] (an L-shaped object on which a saucer-like oil-lamp was rested) was hung from the hook in the middle of the back wall -- with the flame (ka [火]) taking the place of the flowers (ka [花 or 華]).  This was called tō-ka [燈華], and it was one of Jōō's most secret practices.
††In other words, it seems that the original text of this entry may have read:
     Sate mata yashin-no-mono, setchin ni kakurete ada wo nashi-taru koto kan-wa sono tagui ari, akatsuki-kai・yū-kai・yo-kai, koto-sara nari [サテ又野心ノモノ、雪隱ニカクレテアタヲナシタルコト漢和其類アリ、曉會・夕會・夜會、コト更也].
    “Then again,  a person intent on doing harm [sometimes] hid in the setchin, in order to further his evil designs -- in both Japan, as well as on the continent, there are numerous examples.  Thus, [the inspection of the setchin by the guests] is especially important at gatherings held at dawn, dusk, and at night.”
⁷Migi Kyū no monogatari, naga-naga shi-keredomo, kaki-shirushi-oku [右休ノ物語、長〻シケレドモ、書記シヲク].
    Migi Kyū no monogatari [右休ノ物語] means the foregoing (literally, what is [written] at the right) was Rikyū’s story; this was Rikyū’s account of the origins of the practice of inspecting the setchin).
    Naga-naga shi-keredomo [長々しけれども] means to continue doing (suru, shi [爲る, 爲]) for a long time time (naga-naga [長々]), even though (keredomo [けれども]) -- that is, even though (we) have continued doing this* for many years....
    Kaki-shirushi-oku [書記し置く] means to set (something) down in writing.
    In other words, even though people have been accustomed to inspecting the suna-setchin during the chakai for a long time, (the author) still felt it was best to write it down here (for the sake of preserving the history of the practice). __________ *Made a practice of inspecting the suna-setchin during the chakai -- even though most people have no intention of ever using it.
⁸Sōkyū ha ko-rai no setchin ha, kuchi go-shaku san-sun ni, yon-shaku no to ni te, ue no san ni gake-kane aru wo, to no takasa yon-shaku san-sun-yo ni shite, ue-shita no ake sukunaku [宗及ハ古來ノ雪隱ハ、口五尺三寸ニ、四尺ノ戸ニテ、上ノサンニガケカネアルヲ、戸ノ高サ四尺三寸餘ニシテ、上下ノアケ少ク].
    Sōkyū [宗及] refers to Tennoji-ya Sōkyū [天王寺屋宗及; ? ~ 1591], Rikyū’s good friend.  His chanoyu was conservative*, though enlivened with surprisingly innovative touches.
    Ko-rai no setchin [古來の雪隱] means an antique setchin; a setchin constructed in the old style.
    Kuchi go-shaku san-sun ni yon-shaku no to ni te [口五尺三寸に四尺の戸にて]:   "the doorway (kuchi [口]†) measured 5-shaku 3-sun [五尺三寸], with a 4-shaku [四尺] door (to [戸]).”
    Ue no san [上の棧] means the upper crosspiece.  The door of the setchin was made of a series of thin boards, with four horizontal san [棧] (crosspieces), as can be seen in the following period sketch of the façade of the setchin.
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    Gake-gane [ガケカネ] is a miscopying.  The word should be kake-gane [カケガネ = 掛金].
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     Kake-gane means a hook that fits into an eye, to lock the door.  This kind of lock is also seen on the nijiri-guchi (and this is where most students of chanoyu would more likely have seen it).  The text says that the kake-gane was attached to the upper crosspiece, and this location is indicated in the above sketch.  It is attached on the inside of the door (which is why the kake-gane in the sketch is dashed).  Therefore, when closing the door (after cleaning the setchin, or after it has been inspected, or used), one has to reach through the opening above the door in order to secure the lock‡.
    To no takasa yon-shaku san-sun-yo ni shite [戸の高さ四尺三寸餘にして]:  this means the height of the upper edge of the door was approximately 4-shaku 3-sun (probably measured from the top of the stepping stone that was placed in the entry), not the length of the door panel itself (which was described above as being 4-shaku).  Since the entry was 5-shaku 3-sun high, while the upper surface of the stepping stone was usually around 2-sun above the ground, this means that there was a space of around 8-sun above the top edge of the door.  This space was necessary both for ventilation, and so that one could reach through and lock or unlock the kake-gane.  This left 3-sun at the bottom, which was high enough to easily clear the stepping stone (which was usually set so that the upper surface was 2-sun above the surface of the ground).
    Ue-shita no ake sukunaku [上下の明け少しく]  this refers to the openings above and below the door -- the upper of which was around 8-sun, while that below was around 3-sun, as mentioned above**.   These details can all be recognized in the above sketch. __________ *Both his tearoom and the outbuildings -- such as the setchin -- were in the old style that had prevailed since the late fifteenth century.
†Kuchi literally means mouth or orifice, and refers to the opening in the façade of the setchin into which the hinged door was installed.
‡Assuming that the setchin in Rikyū’s story of the assassination attempt on Toda minbu was of the same sort, this fact makes Nara-ya Sansuke’s act of nonchalantly locking the miscreant into the setchin all the more daring.
**Literally, this sentence means above (and) below there was only a very little open space, but this more accurately describes the situation at the bottom of the door (where the space was just sufficient to clear the stepping stone easily).  Above the door, the open space measured 8-sun.
⁹Ue-yori te wo koshite kake-gane irawarenu-yō ni, naka no san ni kake-gane utare-tari, mottomo no koto to Kyū mo dō-shin nari [上ヨリ手ヲ越テカケガネイラハレヌヤウニ、中ノサンニカケガネ打レタリ、尤ノコトト休モ同心ナリ].
    Kosu [越す] means to (reach) through (the open space above the door).
    Irawarenu-yō [弄われぬよう]:  irawareru [弄われる] means to finger or touch* (the hook piece of the latch); the suffix -nu [-ぬ] means that one is unable to touch it; while -yō [-よう] means that this is referring to the case (where one is unable to find the latch after reaching through the opening above the door).
    Naka no san ni kake-gane utaretari [中の棧ニ掛金打たれたり].  According to Kanshū oshō-sama, this is referring to a completely different kind of locking mechanism -- a sliding bolt lock -- which consists of a wooden bar that slides back and forth in a track carved into the inner side of a crosspiece that was located in the middle of the door (with the end of the bar fitting into a hole carved in doorjamb to lock the door), with an elongated hole bored all the way through (so that a peg-like handle projected through the hole could be used to manipulate the lock from the outside†).
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    In the above sketch, the doorjamb (with the hole to receive the sliding bolt) is on the right, and the door is on the left.  The sliding wooden bolt is seen resting in a track carved into the horizontal crosspiece.
    Mottomo no koto to Kyū mo dō-shin nari [尤ものことと休も同心なり] means this is also a possibility, and one with which Rikyū agreed.
    Shibayama Fugen’s teihon contains a very long section of additional material (inserted between the final two sentences that we considered above).  Probably because nothing said is really all that useful (and because it is likely spurious in any case). Tacibana Jitsuzan omitted most of this passage from the Enkaku-ji version of the Nampō Roku.
    Nevertheless, in the interests of making a complete record of these comments (since they are never included in any of the popular editions of the Nampō Roku), I will quote the entire passage below, and then translate it sentence by sentence after that.
    Ue-yori te wo koshite kake-gane irawarenu-yō ni, naka no san ni kake-gane utare-tari, kaku no gotoku-shite itsu mo itsu mo kake-gane kakete yoshi, uchi-uchi yashin-no-mono hairite kake-gane hazushi-taraba, kyaku kokoro-tsukete yu-dan aru-bekarazu, kono to-guchi no kamae naraba, kake-gane sae kakarite araba,  hitotsu no ando nari, dō-rui arite soto yori kakete-yaru toki ha to iu-hito ari, hoka no koto nari, Sōkyū no kamae ichi-dan mottomo no koto nari to Kyū mo dō-shin nari-shi.
    We will now look at this passage sentence by sentence (the translations are bounded by quotation marks).
﹆ Ue-yori te wo koshite kake-gane irawarenu-yō ni, naka no san ni kake-gane utare-tari [上ヨリ手ヲ越シテ掛ガネイラハレヌヤウニ、中ノ棧ニカケガネ打タレタリ].
    “[Because] one has to reach in over [the top of the door] in order to reach the lock, [the lock] might also be affixed to the middle crosspiece [of the door].”
    This is the same as in the Enkaku-ji manuscript.    
﹆ Kaku no gotoku-shite itsu mo itsu mo kake-gane kakete yoshi [如此シテイツモ〻〻カケガネカケテヨシ].
    “Doing it like this, [you] will always be able to lock [the door].”
﹆ Uchi-uchi yashin-no-mono hairite kake-gane hazushi-taraba, kyaku kokoro-tsukete yu-dan aru-bekarazu [内〻野心ノ者入リテカケガネハヅシタラバ、客心附テ油斷アルベカラズ].
    “If a person with evil intentions has entered [the setchin] and [a guest] then unlocks [the door], the guest should be very careful, and never [behave in a] careless [manner].”
    Since this person has secreted himself in the setchin, it follows that he is most likely bent on doing no good -- and probably has armed himself accordingly.  Consequently, if a guest unlocks the door and finds someone hiding inside who should not be there, the guest should be very careful and cautious (and certainly never act out in a show of bravado like Nara-ya Sansuke).
    The guest should probably act as if he had not noticed anything out of the ordinary, and then quietly inform the host, so appropriate measures can be taken.
﹆ Kono to-guchi no kamae naraba, kake-gane sae kakarite araba,  hitotsu no ando nari [此戸口ノ構ナラバ、掛ガネサヘ掛リテアラバ、一ツノ安堵ナリ].
    “With this kind of door arrangement, so long as the latch can be locked, this will be one less thing about which one needs to worry.”
    A lockable door will always provide a certain level of security, since even if a miscreant is present, the locked door will slow him down, thus helping to thwart his purpose.
﹆ Dō-rui arite soto yori kakete-yaru toki ha to iu-hito ari, hoka no koto nari [同類アリテ外ヨリ掛テヤル時ハト云フ人アリ、ホカノコトナリ].
    “There are some people who describe a situation that is similar [to the original hook-latch], but where the kake-gane is locked from the outside.  However, this is different.”
    In other words, this kind of arrangement should not be employed in the sukiya (this kind of lock is generally used on things like storage sheds and other such outbuildings, situations where a person never remains inside with the door locked).
﹆ Sōkyū no kamae ichi-dan mottomo no koto nari to Kyū mo dō-shin nari-shi [宗及ノカマヘ一段尤ノコトナリト休モ同心ナリシ].
    “[Nevertheless,] Sōkyū's arrangement is even better [that these other options], and Rikyū was of a mind to do the same.”
    That is, Sōkyū's old-style setchin was, and remains, the best example of this kind of building; and that is the kind that Rikyū also constructed in his own roji. ___________ *In other words, find the hook with ones fingers, in order to lift it out of the eye.  The hook and eye of this kind of latch are attached on the inside of the door, and it was generally preferred that the door be locked whenever it is closed -- even when nobody is inside -- to keep the door from moving (or even banging) in the wind (as well as to keep larger vermin out).
†Once again, even when the setchin is unoccupied, the door should be locked, to prevent it moving or banging when the wind blows, as well as to keep cats and rats from getting inside.
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Memento Mori Cries Our Shattered Souls.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Week 1, Day 3: Grave} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| Soulmates, are a tricky thing. It's said they're the person who best fits you. Everyone goes through life with half of their Soulmate's soul beside them in the form of an animal that represents the soulmate. |
| Marinette always thoughts she'd get to meet her Soulmate and the other half of her soul one day, and now she never will. Jason never wanted to meet his soulmate or be reunited with the other half of his soul. And now, like Romeo and Juliet, they've truly become star-crossed Soulmates. |
| Word Count: 1,371. |
| Warnings/Tags: Soulmate Au, Major Character Death/Implied Death/Temporary Death/Not Really Dead, Death Related Injuries/Injury Recovery, Miscommunication, Loss of Soulmate, Angst, Emotional Hurt, Explicit Language/Swearing, Starcrossed Soulmates, Wakes & Mentions of Funerary Customs/Traditions. |
| A/N: Okay so there's only one song on this one's playlist but c'mon, look my written words in the eyes and tell me that isn't the perfect Jasonette song. Yeah, exactly. Also Choo Choo dear readers, I'm back on the angst train. Grab your tissues and some liquid to hydrate yourself because if you aren't crying by the end of this, then I've failed my job <3 |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics or a specific Au, then feel free to send me a dm and or ask! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
It isn't a grave. An important difference, Marinette thinks to herself hollowly. There's a dull pang in her chest, and the constant ache of all her many, many still healing injuries. She shouldn't be up and about yet, it's only been a day since she was discharged from hospital. Her parents and the doctors would have kittens. But Marinette needs to do this. And she's already crawled her way up to her balcony chair (though with a little miraculous help of course). Because it isn't a grave but it might as well be one.
It's a simple little thing really, and yet… Yet it's a lot of things.
A shrine, well an altar. On the half wall besides her balcony chair. It's a small stone slab with a lit incense holder in the middle, and a few lit candlesticks in each of the front two corners of the slab. Behind the incense holder, in the back two corners are two bouquets of marigolds, white lilies, and yellow and white chrysanthemums. And in front of the incense holder, is a single photo of her soulmate familiar and all that she has left of her soulmate; Buddy the german shepherd.
Five days ago, her soul bond shattered. Her soulmate familiar nearly shattered too. It was a miracle Buddy only fell into a pseudo-coma instead. Unlike her though, he's yet to wake up. And considering the situation, he may never. One of the doctors—a soulmate related injuries specialist—had said it's rare but not unheard of for that to happen when the human counterpart to their soul familiar dies. And the final damning nail in the coffin was Marinette's own soul familiar counterpart appearing at some point after she had fallen into the three day coma. After all, it's common knowledge that once a soulmate died, you become reunited with the other half of your soul—your soul familiar counterpart.
Marinette doesn't know what happened to her soulmate's body (if there even is one left, considering the injuries found on her and her soul familiar counterpart). Nor does she have any memorabilia or anything that once belonged to her soulmate. And she certainly doesn't know where he was from and if he would've had any preferred cultural funeral rites. So the best she can give him right now, are the typical funeral flowers her parents both recommended, alongside candles and incense. Somewhat plain and generic almost but it's something, and it's better than nothing.
She chokes back a sob and rubs at her red eyes. “It's not fair… I thought Ladybug's were supposed to be lucky.”
There's a faint pitter-patter and a few droplets splatter against the altar. She blinks and glances upwards, briefly wondering if it is starting to rain. But the cloudless sky is all an answer she needs, along with the realisation of dampness on her cheeks and hands. She blinks again, and a few more tears fall.
Tikki makes a small noise of sadness, and gives Marinette one of those tiny little hugs she always gives.
Still, the grief hurts. Marinette will never get to know who her soulmate was. His name, what he looked like, how he smiled, his accent, what he liked, his favourite things, any stupid habits or mannerisms.
And she will never get to know if her soulmate even has a grave already. She could always ask Tikki, she's right there. But the kwami is stressed enough as it is that Marinette fell comatose for three days and nearly died from the injuries inflicted on her soul familiar counterpart. And five days without a proper Ladybug (and not just Master Fu stepping in out of necessity) protecting Paris has started to visibly take its toll on Tikki.
So, Marinette's little altar isn't a grave but it's where she's burying her grief and wishing the ladybug miraculous could do something to fix this.
It's not a fucking grave. If Jason had a choice, he'll never let his soulmate be buried in one of those fuckers ever, y'know just in case she ever ends up like him and is forced to crawl out her own grave. But he hasn't got a fucking choice because who knows who or where his soulmate is and what happened to her after he became a dead robin.
Well other than the fact, she's un-fucking-doubtedly dead and it's all his fucking fault, obviously. It's been six months since he crawled out his grave, and Talia had said the Lazarus Pit could heal broken soul bonds and soulmate familiars that died with the soulmate. Clearly fucking wrong seeing as his bond is still shattered as fuck and there's been no sign of Jules—the naturally shifting little soulmate familiar he used to adore. The kinda weird and scrappy looking calico tabby kitten that according to the internet was a cornish rex, that would sometimes shift into an even tinier, very round and fluffy hamster.
And Jason's spent enough time on the streets as a kid to know what happens to the human counterpart when their soul familiar counterpart snuffs it. If he's lucky, she'll be in a coma and will never wake up. And if he's unlucky, then she'll be six feet under like he was. Either way, she's paying for his fuck ups and deserves way better.
A small part of him wonders if that makes them star-crossed lovers. Like a reverse Romeo and Juliet—fucking ironic considering R&J were the inspiration behind Jules' name. He died, and came back only to find irrefutable evidence that his soulmate's dead—or might as well be—because of him dying first, and she'll never know he survived dying.
“It's not fair!” Jason snarls at his fate, vision staining green for a split second. He grits his teeth and glares down at the little altar he's set up in the corner of his room in whatever league of assassins' compound this is. It's got a single lit candle in each corner of the altar—a substitute for how there's supposed to be a burning candle at each corner of a coffin. Still doesn't make it a fucking grave though.
There's also a few bunches of flowers scattered across the middle of the altar—mostly marigolds, with a few white lilies, a couple black roses, a single pheasant's-eye, and a small handful of asphodels. It hadn't been easy to get them, especially since he couldn't exactly leave the compound yet. But Jules and his soulmate deserved this at least.
Marigolds for grief, white lilies more for the funeral staple than the meaning, black roses for death and mourning, pheasant's-eye for painful recollections, and asphodels for my regrets follow you to the grave.
Fucking ironic, seeing as it's on altar and not a grave.
The worst fucking part of being here, was losing Jules. The one fucking constant in his shitty life. Batman replacing him fucking stung alright, and he's never particularly cared for soulmates, yeah. He's seen and heard more than plenty horror stories growing up, and considering how small and cute Jules is, no way would've his soulmate survived Gotham. It's not like he cared too much about meeting her or whatever, but she was fucking innocent and now she's fucking dead. So yeah, she gets asphodels on her altar because he regrets being the reason she and Jules got shattered.
And the pheasant's-eye, well Talia and all the fucking assassins in this hell hole aren't giving him the chance to hold a wake for either of them. And it's not like he knows shit about her or has anything of hers to sit on the altar. He hasn't even got anything left of Jules 'cept his fucking memories. So all he can really do is recount his own memories of her to himself. Maybe he should write 'em down in a book or something…
All in all, it ain't a fucking grave. But it might as well be one because it's where he's burying his memories and feelings. After all, an assassin without a soulmate familiar, or a soulmate, is a lot harder to kill. 'Least he's got that going for him now. But Jules and his soulmate still didn't fucking deserve dying only for him to survive alone.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| Quick reasons behind the Soul Familiar names and species, whilst I know Jason canonically is bad at naming, he's also a literature nerd so hence why he called his soulmate's familiar Juliet, also because it shifts form he can't call it Cat or Hamster. The hamster is because well this is half of Marinette's soul, let's be real, and the cat is because Calicos are seen as lucky and also I thought a Cornish Rex because they're highly intelligent, active, and affectionate and I think that fits Marionette pretty well. As for why Marinette has Buddy, it's purely because Jason reminds me of a German Shepherd and I feel Marinette would've wanted to become friends with her Soulmate as soon as she understood it as a kid, so hence the name buddy. It's not fully accurate to her canon naming skills, but that doesn't matter. |
| If you've been around since the early days of my Maribat/MLB Tumblr side acc, then this premise might sound familiar. Yeah, you've guessed it! It's the Jasonette version of my MTSPY au (rip, I'll get to writing it one day, maybe), aka/originally called LYLaLYL or Lose Your Love and Lose Your Life. I decided since I love the au but I want to re-use a lot of it but with some minor to significant changes. Anyway, if those au names are familiar/you've been around for my last year's content, then here have a virtual hug from me! 🫂 If you can't see this emoji, it's the weird two blue humanoid blobs hugging emoji. Yeah. |
| On a sidenote if there's an obvious difference in writer's voice for the end/beginning notes, tags, and summary, that's because I'm writing this very sleep deprived at 4am and may have gone slightly feral. Yeah. Don't do what I'm doing, get some sleep folks. Half the tags were written at the much more reasonable hour of ten to midnight instead though. |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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bad-bitch-beauchamp · 4 years
Songs About Me: Chapter Six
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Yay! Thanks for your patience while I was away! Without further ado, the first (official) date!
Louisburg Square, Beacon Hill, Boston
“How’d you do that?” Claire was fumbling with her keys, trying to get the lock to work on her black front door while Jamie waited just below on the sidewalk.
“Do what?”
“How did you get here so fast? Because one minute, you said you were leaving your place and the next, you were on my front porch. The way I see it is you’re either Superman or you’re a stalker.”
He chuckled. “Just another twist of fate for us, lass.” Claire turned to face him. He stood for a moment watching her and if it had been any longer, she might’ve started to feel self-conscious from his gaze. He shook his head and looked up at her through long, red lashes. His hand stretched upward and outward toward her, and her soft smile made his heart soar. Claire took a deep breath, took his large hand in hers, and descended the brick stairs toward the night’s adventure.
There were only three things Jamie confirmed with Claire before their date that night: her address, what time he should pick her up, and if she liked Italian food. Claire was never one to turn down a bowl of noodles and, with a glance up at her rather large walking partner, ventured Jamie was never one to say no to carbs. He had declined to tell her exactly where they were to have dinner that night over text, and Claire’s curiosity was kicking in as they strolled through Boston Commons.
‘Ye said ye enjoyed Italian food, so just trust me that ye’ll like where we’re headed.”
“That’s hardly an answer.”
“It’s a good enough answer. Patience isn’t really a virtue of yer’s, is it?”
The pair continued to walk down through the Commons, wandering along pathways and strolling past monuments. Their conversation flowed easily and Claire found herself wondering how she could have only met this man, this kind and funny and compassionate and loving and enthralling man, mere hours before. Claire had grabbed a cashmere wrap before she ran down the stairs in case of chilly fall weather, and was glad for it. She started out her walk with Jamie by holding her wrap around her upper arms, secured by her hands held at her chest. As their walk continued, she caught herself letting go to touch Jamie’s arm, to lead him around a pond by the hand, to swat at him when he made a joke. She was comfortable. Their banter and laughter and talks were natural and easy.
“You have to tell me where we’re going! First, you show up at my home with a very thin explanation, and now you’re leading me through the city with no direction! I happen to think my stalker theory is holding more traction with every moment, Mr. Fraser.”
“Alright, a few things, Sassenach,” he said. Their arms were linked together as they made their way over the intersection of Charles and Beacon streets. “First off, my explanation was solid. It was fate I got to yer place so quickly.” He ushered her across the busy street and onto a smaller side street lined with trees and old facades. “Second, I’m no’ a stalker. If I was, I would have found as soon I could have after last night. Yer all I thought about today. Had I known how to find ye, I would have,” he said. He moved his hand to her lower back as he moved them down the sidewalk. Claire simply smiled down at the ground at his honest admission. “Third,” he slowed their pace, “did ye consider I jes’ wanted to spend a little extra time with ye?” He paused to open the door to the restaurant. A whisper brushed along her ear as she slid past him in the entrance, bushing against his chest. “The time I get doesna seem to be enough.” She turned to face him then. He only smiled softly, urging her forward through the doors.
Jamie pulled out a worn leather chair for her before seating himself across the small square table draped with a crisp white tablecloth and topped with two brass candlestick holders and a myriad of glassware. Claire smirked at the fanciness of it all -- they’d met in a dark bar in the middle of the night and talked over dusty bookshelves and now, she was pretending she belonged in a place like this. When Jamie had asked if she liked Italian, she figured they’d end up at a mom and pop place eating spaghetti and drinking too much wine, not acting on their best behavior at one of the finest restaurants in Beacon Hill.
“Are ye alright, Claire?”
Her head popped up to find Jamie studying her. His head cocked like a puppy who watches something new with a mix of awe and confusion in his eyes. He leaned forward as if to reach for her hand, and drew back.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that, I must’ve zoned out a bit there,” she fibbed. She fidgeted with her napkin on her lap, folding and unfolding it.
“Ye know, I--” Jamie was interrupted by the waiter. He sighed and requested two bottles of wine, a red and a white, and two whiskeys. Claire stifled a giggle at the waiter’s outfit while Jamie was acting the role of adult: the teen wore clean black slacks, a pressed white shirt, a black vest, and a white cloth on his forearm completed the look. The waiter looked at her with confusion.
“Sorry, just thinking about something that happened earlier,” she muttered. The waiter walked away, with a parting glance at Jamie.
“Care tae share what’s so funny, lass?” She expected a look of disdain. The same look Frank would’ve given her, she realized, if she acted this way at a dinner with him. There was never to be any fun, never any giggles, never any banter. She straightened in her chair and attempted to put her feelings about the absurdity of the night behind her.
“Oh, it’s nothing!” Quickly shifting the subject, she moved on. “Did I hear you order four separate alcohol drinks?”
“I wasna sure what ye liked, besides the whisky, so I thought I’d get one of everything to be safe.” It was Jamie’s turn to shift in his seat now. “Shit,” he muttered. “I forgot to ask for ice water.” Motioning back toward the waiter’s station he stopped to add, “Wait, did ye even want ice water? Mebbe ice tea? A coffee? I should’ve asked what ye wanted instead of assuming, Claire, and I’m sorry for it…”
“Jamie. It’s fine.” It was Claire’s turn to reach across the table and take his hand. His eyes moved from the waiter across the room instantly down to their hands. He marveled in the way her fingers intertwined with his, how she traced the bones and knuckles, drawing maps to nowhere in particular. He thumbed over the soft skin of her palms and looked up at her through long lashes. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Ye can ask me anything ye want,” he answered quickly.
“What are we doing here?”
That got his attention. His gaze hardened, his spine stiffened. “What do ye mean?” She didn’t immediately answer, so he continued on. “I asked ye here tonight, because I couldn’t stop thinking about ye all night. And then today, to see ye, to be healed by ye… Christ, I couldn’t wait to see ye or talk to ye or to hold yer hand or merely to be near ye again. If ye’d rather not see me after tonight, I understand and I respect yer wishes. If that’s the case though, I think I’d rather ye let me know that now instead of having me sit here knowing I can’t have ye. I have enough alcohol to get me through the night, I think…” A giggle erupted from the opposite side of the small square table.
“You certainly do have enough alcohol, but I’d rather like to enjoy it with you, if you don’t mind.” One hand held his, and the other held her chin in her palm, elbow propped up on the table.
“Ye’d let me see ye again?”
“Without a doubt.”
Tension flowed out of his muscles and his eyes shimmered in the candlelight. “Why’d ye ask what we were doing here then?”
“I just mean that you don’t have to go through so much trouble for us to spend time together. I know we just met but I’d wager that fancy restaurants with wine lists bigger than the menu aren’t your usual hangout. I’m a simple woman who enjoys simple pleasures, Jamie. Please don’t make this anything more than the perfect night it could be if you just relax.”
He studied her. The curls flowing down around her face, curling at her collarbones. The eyes the same color of his favorite whisky sitting in the crystal decanter on the sideboard back home. Her delicate features that reminded him of the stories of the faeries from back home. She wiggled in her seat under his gaze. He sighed. “I just wanted to honor ye, Sassenach. Do ye right,” she smirked at that. “Och, ye know what I mean,” he said and playfully squeezed her hand in his. “I wanted to treat ye the way I think ye should be treated.”
Would he ever cease to stop being so honest and vulnerable? She hoped not. This confession, his honest assessment of her, made her eyes shimmer with a thin line of unshed tears.
“Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry if I overstepped…”
“You didn’t.” She looked up from her hand in his and marveled at the way she cared for him already, so soon. “Just… thank you, Jamie.”
The waiter reappeared to take their dinner orders and the two were left to talk under their meals arrived. He talked about his favorite book, Song of Myself by Walt Whitman (“Failing to fetch me at first, keep encouraged. Missing me one place, search another. I stop somewhere waiting for you.” he brought her knuckles to her lips. She shivered. He blushed.) ; she told him about the tropical plant she’d grown from a start for the last five years, the pride and joy radiating from her words and beaming smile (“I couldna ever grow something that took that much work,” “It just takes the right touch,” “Aye, that ye have.”) . The waiter arrived back at their table with plates and bowls galore. Soon, the small tabletop was brimming with large flat bowls of pasta and salad plates layered with leafy greens; all four glasses in front of Claire were full, wine and whisky and water warming her core.
Claire didn’t immediately reach for her food, and Jamie smirked. “Tell me what yer thinkin’ about, right now. Don’t think, just answer!”
“I’m thinking that I don’t know which of these fancy forks to kill myself with.” Silence, then roarous laughter.
“I’m no’ sure what I expected ye to say, but for what it’s worth, I did consider the same the question. This is a hell of a spread!”
Vaguely, Claire thought she should eat a little more food and drink a little less liquids, but the notion rolled passed her with another twirl of whisky in her mouth. Dinner continued to pass with much less fanfare and much more excitement and laughter and banter and all the things Claire thought a date should be. It wasn’t until she went to take another sip of her whisky that she noticed it was entirely empty. About to call for another, Jamie shushed her and brought a finger to his lips to stay quiet. She giggled, then remembering to stay quiet, brought her hands up to cover her mouth. Jamie looked around them conspiratorily and pulled a hip flask from his pocket. He poured a generous amount of what she presumed to be whisky back into her glass, and topped off his own. They continued this way, with mouthfuls of noodles and laugher and soft touches that grew more bold with each sip.
“You know, the drunker you get, the more obvious you’re becoming with your thermos.” The waiter was standing before them, hands on his hips.
“ Thermose? Thermasse? I'm sorry, I don't understand. What's a thermousse?” Jamie was trying his best to put on a serious front, but Claire’s giggles made his mouth spread from a smirk all the way to an honest to God grin.
“That one. Right there in your hand.”
“Oh, the thermas-eh?” Jamie patted the spot where the now-empty flask sat in his pocket. “For yer information, it’s a hipflask and it’s actually quite stylish.”
“Sir, I can’t have you in here, drinking liquor you bought from home.”
“Och well if yer selection wasna grossly overpriced, that wouldna be an issue. But alas, I suppose it’s time for me to take my most lovely date and be on our way. To the next adventure!” The waiter looked as if he wanted to throw Jamie out of the restaurant himself but since they were apparently ready to be off into the night, he asked for his payment politely and returned in record time to usher them out the door. Jamie lent out a hand to Claire and twirled her into his side when she stood, her laughter filling the cozy space.
“Sassenach, they’re all watchin’ us. Let’s get out of here, aye?” He whispered into her hair and he focused on not bumping into tables on their way out. The other patrons watched half in annoyance and half in good-natured smiles cast their way.
“Ayeeeee!” Claire rolled her r’s as best she could and Jamie laughed so hard she could feel his chest reverberate against her back as she led him outside.
Back in the park, Claire led him down brick paths and through lines of tall trees, and he followed her every move. She knew they were only minutes from her townhouse but reveled in the magic of the gardens at night alone with him. With Jamie.
“I wrote it for you, you know,” she said quietly as she walked along the low brick wall lining the gardens. Jamie, down on the sidewalk, looked up confused.
“Ye wrote what, lass?”
“The french song you heard today. I wrote that, last night. I couldn’t sleep.”
Jamie stopped walking. When he turned to face Claire head-on, she came up a few inches above his head from standing on the low wall but felt incredibly small under his gaze. She fumbled with her dress and tried to take a step forward along the wall, but two strong hands held in place by the waist.”
“Will ye tell me what ye wrote? What the words mean?”
“I thought you said you spoke french.”
“Aye, I did. But I was so entranced by ye when I saw ye in the shop, so surprised, that I forgot to actually listen and translate,” he smirked. “Please tell me?”
She watched him for a moment. Not yet. It’s too soon for that. She leaned in close, close enough to smell his cologne and see peak of ruddy stubble on his cheeks. He closed his eyes and his mouth fell open just a bit, and she whispered, “Not a chance.”
She jumped down from the wall past his grasp, strolling back down the brick path. Jamie stood stunned, shook his head, brushed back a few rogue curls, and jogged to catch up with her pace.
They arrived back at Louisburg Square not more than ten minutes later. The night was getting late. Claire fidgeted with the hem of her dress, Jamie kept shrugging his shoulders in the black leather jacket, and they walked slower with each step. When it couldn’t be delayed any longer, they arrived at the brick steps to Claire’s porch.
“So, this is me.” She turns to face him, to prolong this moment, this night.
He smirked. “Aye, Sassenach. I remember.”
“Why do you call me that?” He cocked his head at her. “A sassenach, I mean.”
“Och, I mean no offense by it and can stop if ye’d like. It just means outlander, someone not from here.”
“Here? It seems that here is Boston, and you’re not from here either!” She crossed her arms in mock admonishment.
“That mebbe so, but I can’t help that being with you makes me feel like home,” he said as he took a step toward her. Her arms fell to her sides then, and Jamie reached for them in his.
“Was that jus’ the most foolish thing to say? Shit, I jus’ keep making a right fool of myself around ye it seems. First the voicemails and now…”
“I understand… exactly, how you feel.” She couldn’t look at him. It should be too soon to feel this way. He was a practically a stranger, and yet, she couldn’t shake the feeling something was different. As if he could read her mind, he replied with questions of his own.
“Is it usual? What it is between us?” He watched her with such intensity, such revere, such awe. She met his eyes, and softened.
“It’s often something like this, I think.” He nodded in agreement. “But no. This isn’t usual. It’s different.” He nodded again, seeming to memorize the pattern of the bricks on the sidewalk under their feet. “I guess that’s my queue… Thank you for a truly wonderful night, Jamie,” she dropped his hands and began to walk up the steps to her door when a strong arm pulled her back into a familiar warm embrace.
“Claire, I--” he swallowed and took a step back from her. She noticed that in the distance he created, his hand still held onto her waist. His fingertips pressed into her flesh and goosebumps erupted under the fabric. She met his eyes and sank into their ocean depths.
“I’d very much like to kiss ye. May I?”
It's HAPPENING!!! These sweet babies went on their first date! I figured based on what we know about them, they're both too down to earth for some fancy restaurant acting formal. The flask/thermos scene is based on Jess and Nick's date in New Girl where they get absolutely trashed in a very similar situation. Plus, it just seems like Jamie would be the kind of guy to have a flask on him, right? How are we feeling about these two? About the date? I'm so excited to get to the angsty part of this! I promise it's coming up soon. (Like, next chapter, soon). Thanks for being so patient with me while I was away enjoying post-deployment bliss with my husband! Writing wasn't on the top of my list, but it's good to be back! As always, thanks for reading. Your comments and kudos here and interactions on Tumblr really do mean so much to me and I really appreciate your support for this story and for me. Stay safe and healthy out there! <3
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