#using the erase method the the uhhh
secondary-colorentimy · 2 months
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crab guy
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iraprince · 4 months
gonna show u guys a little opalescent highlight hack i threw together today
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rainbow gradient above your main figure (i usually have all my main figure folders/layers in one big folder, so i can clip gradient maps + adjustments to it!). liquify tool to push the colors around a bit. STAY WITH ME I KNOW IT LOOKS STUPID RN I'M GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS
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THEN: set it to add/glow (or the equivalent in ur drawing program), lower the opacity a bit, and apply a layer mask. then u can edit the mask with whatever tools you like to create rainbow highlights!!
in this case i'm mostly using the lasso fill tool to chip out little facets, but i've also done some soft airbrushing to bring in larger rainbow swirls in some areas. it's pretty subtle here, but you can see it better when i remove the gradient map that's above everything, since below i'm working in greyscale:
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more granular rambling beneath the cut!
u could also just do this with a brush that has color jitter, but what i like about using layer masks for highlight/shading layers is how simple and reversible it makes everything. i can use whatever brushes i want, and erasing/redoing things is super low stakes, which is great when i often approach this stuff with a super trial-and-error approach.
example: have u ever thrown a gradient w multiple colors over an entire piece, set it to multiply etc, and then tried to erase it away to carve out shadows/highlights? it's super frustrating, bc it looks really good, but if u erase something and then change ur mind later, u basically would have to like. recreate the gradient in the area u want to cover up again. that's how i used to do things before figuring out layer masks!! but masking basically creates a version of this with INFINITE undo bc u can erase/re-place the base layer whenever u want.
anyway, back to rambling about this specific method:
i actually have TWO of these layers on this piece (one with the liquified swirls shown above, and another that's just a normal concentric circle gradient with much broader stripes) so i can vary the highlights easily as needed.
since i've basically hidden the rainbow pattern from myself, the colors in each brushstroke i make will kind of be a surprise, which isn't always great -- but easily fixable! for example, if i carve out a highlight and it turns out the rainbow pattern in that area is way too stripey, i can just switch from editing the mask to editing the main layer and blur that spot a bit.
also, this isn't a full explanation of the overall transparency effect in these screencaps! there's other layer stuff happening below the rainbow highlights, but the short version is i have all this character's body parts in different folders, each with their own lineart and background fill, and then the fill opacity is lowered and there's multiply layers clipped to that -- blah blah it's a whole thing. maybe i'll have a whole rundown on this on patreon later. uhhh i think that's it tho! i hope u get something useful out of this extremely specific thing i did lmao
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edoro · 2 years
For ask game Hunter/Luz, their poly with Amity(and maybe Willow??xD) and mmmm King/Collector?👉👈
What made you ship it? - they just have really good chemistry! like, idk, it's such a slamdunk of an otp - plucky naive optimistic protagonist slowly learning that her actions have consequences and that she has to go out and make the life she wants to have vs waiting for it to just happen to her, with a strong moral center and a desire to help meets abused captive prince in service to the evil emperor and gets through to him with The Power Of Friendship, putting him on the path to questioning the regime he's served for his entire life? What's More Classic Than That? and they're such foils to each other, too. Hunter is literally living the YA fantasy protagonist life that Luz wants in the beginning, except she's mentally living in like DragonLance and he's in a Joe Abercrombie novel - she's in classic swords n sorcery fantasy and Hunter is living in gritty grimdark low fantasy. having a 'destiny' fucking sucks, actually. it was all just a lie used to control him, and even when he still believed it he felt constrained and suffocated by it. their relationship is just so fascinating to me too because they have such an intense bond with each other, despite not necessarily being like... that close? they know each other's most damaging secrets, even though they're both better friends with other members of the group. they rely on each other so much. holy codependence! and for all the contrast between them, they have a lot of things in common too! Hunter's also a very optimistic person, it's just that his life sucks so bad all his best case scenarios are still completely horrible. they both have personal experiences with loss and alienation, they both tend to take on more than they can handle and hold themselves responsible for things beyond their control, they both have huge guilt complexes, they both cope through fiction and fantasy lives... they just have a really solid relationship, and adding romance and/or sex to it feels like a very natural evolution of what's already there.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - uhhh i think i kind of already said most of that up there, lmao... i just love how well they play off of each other, how similar and different they are, the way that Hunter is literally living the life Luz thought she wanted, the way they both see themselves and each other as leaders of the group and feel like the others depend on them...
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - the potential pseudo-incest angle of them being found family only makes it better tbh i'm not really sure because i'm not 100% sure what the popular vs unpopular opinions about the ship are! i think the hand-wringing about how shipping Luz and Hunter erases Lumity is kinda dumb - no amount of shipping is going to take away the canon relationship, and a lot of it ends up sounding like "well she's Not As Queer if she's involved with a guy" which is uhhh biphobic hmm... i definitely don't think Hunter is actually any more responsible or less impulsive than Luz, he's just better at rationalizing and has more actual experience with military logistics and mission planning. also my ideal dynamic for them is like, Bitter Academic Rivals/Collaborators (they're both at once, yes, even and especially if they're fucking) - i want them to end up being researchers into glyph magic who work together fantastically but also vocally trash each other's methods and conclusions from time to time and are in fierce competition.
the rest of it is under the cut!
What made you ship it? - the fact that i love Lunter and also don't want to break up Lumity and also love polyshipping, tbh. also, Hunter and Amity have a really fascinating dynamic as metamours
What are your favorite things about the ship? - the poly dynamics, definitely, and specifically the relationship between Hunter and Amity - i just think those two have a ton of incredibly fascinating potential! Hunter and Luz are so close and know so many of each other's worst secrets, but Hunter and Amity both know what it's like to grow up in an emotionally abusive, controlling home, which is something that none of the other kids can relate to at all. so i just love the fact that they share that and i love to think about them relating to each other more deeply on that basis and being able to understand and comfort each other in ways that neither of them can really get from the others, because sometimes it just... no matter how kind or sympathetic or understanding someone else is, there is just often something different about the quality of understanding from someone who's gone through similar trauma, things about the experience of being abused and traumatized that you can both relate to each other about that others can't - often not even big things, either, but just kind of littler more mundane aspects of the experience that can feel so unreal and bizarre and alienating to live with until you find someone else who knows what it's like
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - i don't think that Amity being a lesbian necessarily precludes her from being sexually involved with Hunter in some capacity in a poly scenario, and personally i find it a lot more interesting to explore how her lesbian identity might impact the ways she sees and engages with him sexually than to just blanket declare it totally off-limits and forbidden to even think about.
Lumiter + Willow is very similar tbh - i love big poly clusterfucks, i love a whole friendgroup who are all kinda in love with each other, i definitely love Luz/Willow and Amity/Willow action (and the potential for awkwardness there, PLUS the potential for like, Hunter and Amity getting really competitive over who's a better significant other...)
What made you ship it? - i don't know if i'm like an active shipper of it but i think it's cute! they have a lot in common and a lot to connect about, both being long-lived extremely powerful beings, and i think that they could easily end up being extremely important to each other. they also exist as narrative foils to each other and bounce off each other in really interesting ways.
What are your favorite things about the ship? - i think just seeing it as kind of a domestication arc sort of thing! it's sort of a Beauty and the Beast type of scenario, except the beastlike demonic creature is the Beauty and the more or less humanoid one is the Beast! the Collector is what King could have ended up like, if he hadn't been taken in by Eda and raised like a person. the Collector is obviously a very neglected and very traumatized kid, whose only company for the last couple of centuries has been A Literal Fucking Serial Killer And Child Predator, so like, of course they don't understand the value of another person's life or have a very robust sense of morality - they've spent the last couple centuries watching Philip break his toys over and over again and just make a new one whenever, and that's been his only social contact at all. so there's an element of tragedy, a "there but for the grace of God go i", and i think that puts King in the best position to reach the Collector and show him that there's a different way to be. King could extend that helping hand and offer them care and support, including the extremely loving action of "telling someone when they are being a huge asshole and alienating everyone around them with their own behavior." also, they're just little guys, it would be so cute?? like what an adorable pre-adolescent baby crush scenario. and maybe them being bffs who grow up and develop feelings for each other... so many cute options!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? - uhhhh i truly do not know because i have no idea what the actual opinions are here. sorry!
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Trust Is A Process
Chapter 14: Shattering Revelations
Summary: The group had left that horrid city and now were waiting for Xiaojiao and Sandy to finish the spaceship so they could meet Chang’e. Then something pulled the ship towards it and they were met with the menacing eyes of the White Bone Spirit.
TW: Possession, mentions of death, grief, injury, manipulation, panic attacks, blood
A/N: So I know Season 3 came out recently and some people are waiting for the dub but this fic is obviously going to be major canon divergence from S3. It will take one or two bits of inspiration from the S3 trailer but other than that, it is completely divergent from the main storyline. Also feel free to yell at me for this.
Word Count: 15, 647
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With the city long past them, the group relaxed and waited to reach their next destination. Wukong examined the map as he sewed up copies of his old journey clothes. Pigsy went beside him on the plush couch. “So our next stop is the Moon Palace, right?”
“Yep. To Chang’e.”
“That’s the name of the moon goddess, yea?”
“Yea. Do you not know that?”
“No! Of course I know! One of the few pieces of the legend that I actually know. What was she like?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t interact with her much except when she got the Jade Rabbit and a few other times. Bajie was scared of her.”
“Didn’t he flirt with her a bunch?”
“Yep. He was… was an idiot. An enjoyable idiot that eventually grew but an idiot nonetheless.
Wukong pursed his lips. “...I wonder what she’s doing now. She was different after her husband passed.”
“I think I know what she’s doing… see… I… uhhh… watch her stream.”
The king laughed. “She streams now?” Pigsy showed his phone to him and pulled up Chang’e’s latest stream. The king’s eyes landed on the number of comments and donations. “Wait… are you one of her top supporters?”
“Er… well, I’m kinda a fan.”
Another laugh slipped past. “What is it with that woman and attracting pig demons?”
“Shut it. I’m not the only pig demon in the world that watches her.”
“True. She is pretty.”
“Yea, she is, but I don’t know what she’s like.”
“When we fly to the moon, you can meet her. Provided she doesn’t curbstomp you.”
“I’ll behave. I can do that. Besides, I like som….”
Wukong’s lips formed into a smirk. “What were you going to say?”
“That I hate you.”
“Just break my heart. You’re so kind.”
“You’re welcome. You need any help?”
“No, I’m okay. I got it. I appreciate the offer though. I hope Xiaojiao and Sandy finish building the spaceship. We’re going to need it.”
“I’m sure they’ll finish it soon. I wish I could say we should have patience but given this trip, we need to get everything done. But I have faith in them to finish it.”
“Me too. Then there’s one more place and we should be good. I’m surprised the spirit hasn’t caught up to us. She’s probably biding her time.”
“Biding her time for what? She’s clearly looking forward to destroying us and doing whatever.”
“Rip the memory of me from this world…”
“That’s what she said. ‘I will rip the memory of you from this world.’ I don’t know if she’s using a method to erase me from everyone’s minds or is just trying to kill me but either way, we have to stop her before that happens.”
Pigsy gripped his hand. “I definitely won’t let it happen. Whether she’s usin’ some stupid spell or tryin’ to kill you, I won’t let it happen. I’ll protect you. She’ll have to go through me.”
The Sage’s cheeks flushed. “Pigsy… I… appreciate it.”
In turn, the pig’s face turned a bright red after he realized what he said. “And I don’t think I could forget you. She’d have to try pretty damn hard to get my mind off you. You’re… you’re unforgettable.”
The Sage held his hand tighter. His golden orbs became soft. “Wow… is that really what you think of me?”
“I… yea… after everything. You’re a good friend.”
For some reason, Wukong felt disappointed at the statement. “You too. And for what it’s worth, you’re also unforgettable.”
Pigsy parted from him. “Uh, thanks.” He fanned himself. “Is it hot in here? Oh, look. I better leave.”
The king grabbed him. “Is it hot? Do you want me to turn on the AC?”
“No. It’s fine. Oh, the temperature must have gone down.” He scooted back onto the couch. His hands fidgeted.
The king giggled, a wonderful sound to his ears. “You’re weird, Pigsy. I like it.” “Weird? I’m not weird. If anyone is weird, it’s you.”
“I said I liked it! Don’t be offended. It just makes you interesting!”
“Wow. What a compliment. You’re amazing at those!”
“It’s my way of saying I care. I do this to everyone I like.”
Just as the blush on his cheeks were about to fade, they rose and turned a darker color. “Yea. I like you too. If anyone hurts you, they’ll have to face me.”
“I appreciate that. More than you know. I’m glad I have people to protect me rather than me doing all the protecting. Not that I can’t protect you all.”
“You’re not alone. As long as you’re with me, you won’t have to handle the burden.” He nudged him. “I’m with you.”
The king smiled, his chin and eyes tilting towards the ground. He played with his fingers. “Yea. I have you, Tang, the kids, my brothers. And my brothers promised they would never let me carry all that hardship again. It’s nice.”
Pigsy let his hand rest on his knee. “I’m glad. I promise you won’t have to deal with that again. I’m happy our relationship is better. I couldn’t imagine us doin’ this without you or… not being friends with you.”
“Me too. You’re an important part of my life. You know it’s ironic.”
“What is?”
“That someone who used to be so antagonistic to me has become one of my best friends. And despite us running for our lives, this is the happiest I have been in the longest time. My family, you make me happy.”
“Do you ever stop being cheesy?”
He winked. “Nope!” Then angled forward and embraced him. “You’re great.”
“You are too.” With a sniffle, he pulled away. “Why don’t we do something else? I think we’ve been sappy enough for one day.”
“We could cook. Specifically things with peaches. Oooo, how about chocolate cookies with peaches in it or peach cupcakes?”
Pigsy pushed him with a finger. “I almost forgot I’m stuck with you and your peach addiction. Sure but you are not sneaking any tastes.”
“Like you could catch me.”
The pig pulled him from the living room and moved to the kitchen.
The pig led his hands as they baked. Wukong snuggled into his arm with his nose. A tender action. Pigsy stuttered, “Hey. Focus on the baking!”
He snickered. “Distracted?”
“No. I just find you annoying.”
“You find me magnificent is what you mean to say.”
“Nope. Absolutely not. Have you ever baked before?”
“Long time ago. It’d be something I’d do with my monkeys. But not any more. Nowadays, I eat…”
“Your hair,” he finished. “Well, that’s not happening as long as I’m around. It’s healthier eating for you and if I see you try to eat another one of your hairs again, I’m taking away your peaches.”
Wukong gasped, gripping the spot near his heart. “You would do that to me? You’re so cruel. Aren’t I your best friend?”
“Tang is my best friend, then there’s Sandy. You’re a close third.”
“You wound me! Even then, you would take away my peaches? You’re so mean! Unbelievable!”
“Cry about it all you want. I won’t take it away unless you don’t take care of yourself. Jeez, I should nickname you ‘peach’ or somethin’ for the amount of times you eat or talk about it. Wouldn’t that be great, peach?”
Wukong almost dropped the dough in his hands. There was a light blush spreading across his cheeks. His tail swooshed despite the clear embarrassment. “I… uh…”
The pig smirked triumphantly, happy to see the king be embarrassed over him for once. “Or cupcake. That’s a sweet nickname.”
“I’m what? Don’t feel afraid to speak up, peach.”
The king raised his hands to his face to shield the ever growing blush. “This is revenge, isn’t it?”
“It is. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will receive every damn nickname I could think of.”
“Alright. Alright. I’ll prioritize my health and what not. You sure know how to mess with someone.”
“You do too. Don’t think I haven’t heard about all your mishaps. Fan or not. And there are a lot of them, peach.”
“The ‘peach’ nickname is staying, huh?”
“You bet it is and the cupcake one too. Wouldn’t it be grand when I say that nickname all over the ship and they all realize the Great Sage blushes over a silly, little name?”
“You wouldn’t dare! I’ll come up with one for you!”
“Oh? What brilliant name have you come up with, Great Sage?”
Wukong pondered, tapping his foot on the ground. “I got it! You called me cupcake so I’ll just call you ‘sugarcube.’ How’s that sound?” At the sight of the pig’s glowing cheeks, he laughed and pointed. “See! I’ll tell Xiaotian that his big, old mean boss blushes at ‘sugarcube.’”
“You’re his mentor so it’s more embarrassing!”
“No, it isn’t!”
“Okay. How about I call you the ‘cupcake’ one when we’re alone and you can do the same with the ‘sugarcube’ name?”
The fur barely did anything to cover the bright red blush. “That would be acceptable,” he squeaked out.
“Works for me, peach.”
“You’re not letting that one go.”
“Nope.” He stepped closer. Wukong’s back was against the edge of the counter. He was blushing and stuttering. Pigsy tucked a hand under his chin. “That’s your main nickname from now on. Cute, little peach.” He glanced at his tantalizing lips and pulled away. He cleared his throat to fight his own flushed face.
Wukong’s heart raced at the action. Tempted to pull Pigsy back to him. Instead, he said, “I suppose I should call you something too. How about strawberry or silly melon?”
“Silly melon is only for-”
“Don’t like it, shǎguā? Silly melon.”
“I will hit you.” Was Wukong really going to call him a nickname meant for significant others? What did it mean?
“Oh, fine. I like strawberry for you. Adorable strawberry.”
“Ack! Let’s just go back to baking!”
“You are so cute when embarrassed,” he remarked.
“Shut up, peach.”
“You first, strawberry.”
“You call me around that ship and I’ll-”
“You’ll do what? Blush like a strawberry?”
“No! You won't know what hit you if you call me that in front of the others.”
“I’m terrified. How long do you think these will be ready?”
“Around thirty minutes.” He wiped his hands on a piece of cloth. “What do you want to do in the meantime?”
The king held out his palm. “Want to dance?”
Dancing made him such a flustered mess. He would have realized his feelings for the king sooner or later but it just increased his realization. Curse the monkey’s stupid charm.
“I think that would be fine. I guess. What other dances do you know?”
“A lot. I’ve mingled with a lot of other deities and explored other countries to know quite a bit.”
“Heh. You must have met a lot of other gods.” And they were definitely more impressive than Pigsy with their powers and stories. He was a rather small and unimpressive presence compared to the company the king was used to.
“Yes, I have. Some are alright, some are plain jackasses but honestly, none of them holds a candle to you and the others.”
“You’re just sayin’ that.”
“I’m not. A lot of deities let their powers and feats get to their heads. At least some of the ones I’ve met in other cultures. They think they’re better than mortals. There was a time where I thought that I was better than them too. I mean I am great but you all are fantastic in your own way.”
“I wouldn’t say that. A lot of mortals are bastards.”
“You’re not wrong. There are always going to be some bad ones in the bunch yet the good outweighs them. You’re honestly one of the best mortals I’ve met, Pigsy.”
“I’m sure there are better. I don’t have any special powers besides the basic yaoguai ones.”
“Oh, Pigsy, it’s not about power. Anyone can obtain power, it takes heart and soul to not use that power for evil. Inner strength is what matters and trust me when I say you have it. You are compassionate and kind in your own way. You care for those around you and are always trying to defend what you think is right. You have stood up to the strongest of demons without faltering. You are wonderful and I am honored to know you, to be by your side.” He raised his hand to his lips and left a gentle peck. “No one has that amount of heart like you do. I may have met a lot of powerful beings in my time but Pigsy, you truly are amazing, breathtaking, and magnificent. You are one of the best people I have ever met.”
His lips were barely against his hand, breath still lingering. He tugged his own away gently and focused on the wall. “Sorry. I don’t know why I kissed your hand. Hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“No! No! You didn’t make me uncomfortable!” He reigned himself in for a moment, taking a minute to breathe. His face was as red as flames. “Wow. I didn’t know you thought about me that way. It’s a bit surprising to hear that I’m one of the greatest you’ve met.”
“I meant every word.”
“Yea. Wow. I…” He wobbled and steadied himself by grabbing the king’s arms.
“Do you want to sit down?”
Wukong sat him on a stool. “If I had known you were going to react like that, I would have dialed my speech down.”
“You mean that wasn’t you dialing it down? You might give me an ego boost with that speech.”
“A justified ego boost. You’re amazing!”
“You are so…,” he sighed, “astonishing.”
“Are you crying?”
Pigsy wiped the droplet that he failed to notice in the beginning. “Guess I am.”
“Oh, shit! I didn’t mean to make you cry! I’m so sorry!”
“They’re tears of joy, you fucking idiot! Why do you have to be so marvelous?” He pressed his head against the king, letting the tears flow freely as the king held him. “God, I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
“If anyone sees me cryin’ like this, I’m blaming you in an instant.”
“That’s okay. Cry as long as you need to.”
“Heavens, I lov… appreciate your friendship.”
He caressed his head with his cheek. “Same here.”
“You’re going to make me cry again.” “I’m just standing here.”
The pig sniffled. “That’s enough for me.”
“You’re so lovely.”
“Stop,” he mumbled, “I’ll… uhhh… you’re making me blush.”
“I like when you blush. You’re cute.”
“Make sure the cookies and cupcakes don’t burn, cupcake.”
“I will make sure of it…”
Pigsy rubbed his snout against him. “You’re stupid and sappy. I hate you.” He dried his tears. “We should focus on other stuff, ya know?”
“Because you don’t want to blush like a tomato again.”
“Hey, I can make you blush twice as harder.”
“You want to bet?” Suddenly, he pulled Pigsy up the waist, his feet barely floating above the ground. Pigsy kicked the stool back in surprise. There was a thump as the stool fell. “This okay?”
“Yea. I…” Their noses brushed against each other’s. There were footsteps and they broke apart.
Tang came into the room. “Hi, you two! I heard a noise! Are you two okay?”
With a smile, Wukong said, “Yes, we’re alright. Pigsy accidentally knocked over a stool.”
“That was your fault,” he muttered. The chef shot his friend a glare.
Tang noticed his gaze and mouthed, “Did I interrupt something?”
“No shit, genius,” he mouthed in return.
Tang bobbed his shoulders. “What are you two making?”
“Chocolate cookies with peach in it and peach cupcakes because peach over here wanted some.”
“Yea. Pigsy came up with a nickname for me.”
“I see.”
“Shut it,” Pigsy snarled.
“I didn’t say anything but now that you told me to shut it. Monkey King, why don’t I tell you stories about our younger days?”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Wukong stood at full attention. “I would love to hear it!”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do! Tell me about it!”
“Well, in college, he picked up ping pong. It was his favorite activity! He got really good at it too.”
Wukong tilted his head to the right. “You used to play ping pong?”
Pigsy tried to clasp a hand over Tang’s mouth. Tang ducked from under him. “Yea. He used to play a lot.”
“Why’d you stop, Pigsy?”
Pigsy opened his mouth but was quickly interrupted by the scholar. “Oh, he basically goes insane whenever he plays that game.”
“Tang! Get out of here!” The chef attempted to push him out.
“Insane? Is that an exaggeration?”
“Nope! You can ask the others!”
“I have a hard time believing that. Pigsy seems pretty tame. Sometimes.”
The pig mumbled, “Thanks but it’s true. I can’t touch that game because of it. It’s embarrassing.”
“Really embarrassing,” Tang commented. The pig kicked him in the shins.
Wukong said, “I’m sure it’s not that bad. Trust me I have worse stories. My brothers can tell you all about it.”
The pig snorted. “Are you trying to make me feel better?”
“Is it working?”
Tang smirked. “I’ll leave you two to flirt.” As he exited, Pigsy threw a spoon at his head. “Ow!”
He rolled his eyes. “This is the fifth time I’ve been embarrassed today.”
“I don’t think you would be bad that if I were to see you play that game.”
“Trust me. You should listen to Tang for once. Remember when you gave the kid that blindfold to teach him a lesson about listening? I took away their arcade machine ‘cause the kid wouldn’t listen to me. The delivery lady brought a ping pong table and despite my protests, Xiaotian signed for it and I kinda spiraled from there.”
“No kidding?”
“Yea. It wasn’t until the kid smashed the table durin’ our match that I snapped out of it.”
Wukong laughed. “Then let’s hope you never have to see one but honestly, I wouldn’t mind going against you just in case.”
“You might be the Great Sage but its my game. If I ever touch that game again, it will be too soon.” The oven timer dinged. Pigsy switched it off and took the treats out with his gloves. “We have to wait for these to cool before we start frosting.” He slapped Wukong’s hand to prevent him from grabbing a cookie. “Hey! Wait first.”
“Ugh. Okay but I want to eat them now,” he whined.
“Be patient,” he scolded. “We still have peaches. Go eat those.”
“But I like the stuff you make but I will take a peach anyway.” He grabbed a leftover peach and started chewing. Pigsy sighed and slumped against him. He offered the peach to him. “Want a bite?”
The chef blushed at the remembrance of the bitten peach. “No thanks. I’ll eat my own.”
“Why? What’s wrong with mine?”
“Nothin’. I’d rather not have your germs on it.”
“Hmph. I’ll have you know that I’m very clean.”
“Uh huh. Whatever you say, peach.”
After the items cooled, they frosted the cupcakes and Wukong dug into one immediately.
There was frosting all over his face. “These are so amazing,” he moaned.
The chef shook his head. “There’s frosting all over your face.”
“Make less delicious pastries and I wouldn’t be getting messy.”
The pig ignored the compliment. He licked his thumb then used it to remove the icing from Wukong’s lip. He licked it off his thumb. It was good. Wukong blushed as he stared at the chef.
Pigsy pulled out a rag after realizing what he had done. “Here.” He cleaned the rest of it.
“I wouldn’t mind if you do that again.” He winked.
“Wukong, shut up!” He shoved him out of the kitchen. “I’m only allowed to be flustered a few times in here.”
“Can I fluster you more out of the kitchen?”
“No! Shut up.”
“But you’re so cute, strawberry.”
“I will kick your ass.”
“What if I want you to kick my ass?”
Pigsy stopped in his tracks. “I- Fuck you!” God, why did the king have to fluster him so much? And the comments he made were not helping.
“Relax! I’m kidding!”
“Hmph. Move, idiot. I don’t want to be stuck with you by myself the entire time.” Longma rounded the corner. “Longma, your brother is an idiot.”
“Oh, they’re both idiots but big brother is more of the idiot.”
“Wow. You’re mean to me, xiaolong. After all I’ve done for you!”
“That’s great so what did he do this time?”
“Str-” Pigsy covered his mouth.
“Ignore him. He wouldn’t stop tryin’ to sample the pastries we were makin’.”
The king gently pushed him away. “I did nothing! Then stop making good food then!”
“You two must like each other a ton,” Longma snarked.
“Yea.” Wukong held Pigsy tight. “Pigsy might be replacing you two as my favorite person.”
“Wha-what?” He was going to burst into another fit of tears.
“Pigsy can’t compare to us! No offense, Pigsy.”
“I find that offensive.”
“I said ‘no offense’!”
“And yet another reason why I prefer Pigsy.”
“I’ve known you longer than any of the others!”
“You never did anything useful!”
“I was perfectly useful! I was transport for master! And who was the one who made Ba-... a certain someone apologize to your ass?”
The Sage’s tail fell at the small acknowledgement. Pigsy detected the tense atmosphere. The Sage said, putting a smile back on his face, “You still sucked, little brother. You didn’t do anything.”
“I did plenty! I deserve an award for dealing with you!”
“I deserve an award for dealing with you,” he responded to mock him.
As Longma and Wukong bickered, Pigsy remarked, “You two are always like this, huh?”
Wukong said, “We wouldn’t be us if we didn’t.”
Longma replied, “It’s what you get if you marry into the family.” He turned to the pig and smirked.
“I will kick you in the shins,” he declared. “Your brother is annoying.”
“Oh, tell me about it.” Longma smacked him in the arm. “Hey! Rude! But what did you mean, Longma? No one has to be married into the family to witness our tricks. Pigsy has the honor of witnessing them everyday.”
The dragon slapped his forehead. “You’re stupid.”
“I am smart and fantastic! How dare you!”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re stupid!”
He gasped. “I am smarter than you!”
“You are not!”
Pigsy glanced between the two disciples. “I can settle this. It’s neither of you. It’s Sandy.”
The dragon was aghast. “You pick Wujing! Is that really a choice you want to make?”
He tapped a finger on his chin. “Yea. Never mind. None of you are smart.”
“What about the one with the title?”
“You’re dumb, Wukong.”
“Hmph. I’ll never try your desserts again for being so mean.”
“Fine by me. Guess I’ll never make anything for you.”
Wukong shot him puppy dog eyes. “Hey! I didn’t mean it!”
“I know. I would continue to bake for you even if you did.”
Wukong nuzzled him. “You’re very sweet.”
Longma hummed. It was amazing to see his brother get along with the group after the hardship. Their ability to move past the mistakes the other had done and form a genuine connection made his heart sing. His brothers deserved happiness. Wukong’s smile was the realest smile he had seen from him in a long time. Not since Bajie, not since Tripitaka.
There used to be anger and grief in their hearts and that was fading. They were healing. Wukong was their protector and he deserved to rest and relax. He deserved to breathe. And maybe after this, he could.
Wujing and him had already started fixing the whole in his heart. They all started the whole in each other’s hearts.
For the longest time, the dragon found it in himself to breathe. There was no worry over contemplating how big brother was doing, isolating himself on that mountain and there was no worry about Wujing picking more fights.
He could breathe.
And if he was lucky, things would click into place for the two. Wukong would fall for Pigsy. Enjoy that sappy romance he would chat about. Wujing would make up with Tang, there would be no misunderstandings and they would get together.
He wanted them to be happy. They should have that much.
And maybe, just maybe, Longma deserved happiness too.
Wukong rubbed his cheek on Pigsy’s head, purring. Longma said, “I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll check up on the others.”
“Bye, little brother!”
“Bye, Longma!”
Pigsy reveled in the rumbling, adorable purrs. He was so snug under the king’s grasp.
The king was brave to show that part of himself. His more demon instincts while Pigsy prided himself above it. And he told Wukong that all demons purr but that wasn’t necessarily true as he had rarely done so.
“This is making me want to nest.”
“Yea! Want to help me?”
“Er… I don’t really know what to do.”
Wukong stared at him in shock. “Have you never nested before?”
“Uh. I usually don’t do that.”
He gasped in disbelief. “All demons get the urge to nest. You haven’t?”
“It’s not that I haven’t. I’m not used to letting that part of me show. I’m not like you. I don’t embrace my yaoguai instincts easily.”
“No courtship kidnappings? No bracelets? Nothing?”
“No. I always considered the kidnapping thing to be you know…”
“That’s fair enough but you’ve never done anything else.”
“Well, I haven’t found anyone I want to settle down with. Probably just hand them a ring or somethin’. I don’t know.”
“Pigsy, there’s nothing wrong with being a yaoguai.”
“I’m aware. I wasn’t comfortable with it, ya know? Plus I guess I just considered myself above it. I suppose.”
“Well, I’m more old fashioned except for the kidnapping part. I would only do it if my partner was comfortable but Pigsy! Nesting is great! Can I show you?”
“Uh, sure. You don’t have to.”
“I want to nest anyway so grab some snacks and I’ll meet you in the living room!”
They separated. Wukong stole every blanket he could find and made a pile. He grabbed some cooking books and the remote and tossed them in there.
Pigsy brought back a container of the pastries. He yelped as Wukong quickly scooped him into the nest. “I’m not allowed to leave, am I?”
“That’s why I asked you to bring snacks.”
The pig was situated on his lap. He sighed to cover up his flustered face. “This is kinda nice I guess.”
“See. You shouldn’t be ashamed. Your yaoguai instincts make you beautiful.” “Really? All of them.”
He grinned shyly. “Not all of them but you know. Nesting is comfortable and natural. It’s a great way to care for your loved ones. It expresses that you love them like I love you, Pigsy.”
“Sap. I’m not used to expressin’ myself like that.”
“I won’t force you to but you should. Plus you’d look pretty cute. Let yourself be wild.”
“There’s already a wild one on the ship. You.”
“I am not wild! I’m dignified and-” He laughed mid-sentence. “Even I don’t believe myself.”
“Glad you agree, peach. Hm. I’m so used to just keepin’ all that stuff inside.” “Why? You should express yourselves like any of us, Pigsy.”
“I guess.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“Nothing! I just…” Shrugging, he said, “Ignore me.”
“You don’t have to tell me. But know that this,” he traced a finger across the pig’s ears, “make you beautiful. So do these.” He ran a hand over his snout. “Every part of you is amazing. Every part that makes you a yaoguai, even your instincts.”
Pigsy breathed hot air onto him, huffing. “Thanks. I can try.”
“Only if you want. Do you want to invite the others?”
“Sure. Can I get up?”
“Nope. Just text them or maybe they’ll pass by. Stay here.”
“Okay. This is nice,” he muttered again. He snuggled up against his chest. “Tell me. Did you really have the urge to nest or did you just give an excuse so you could teach me to embrace my demon instincts?”
He laughed and winked. “Wouldn’t you like to know? I’ll never tell.”
The pig made a small noise. “Hmph. Whatever.” He sighed in contentment, letting his fingers brush against the demon’s shirt, right near his heart. “Hey, Wukong. I… I know we haven’t known each other that long but I…”
There was a resounding flash from a camera. Longma stood there with a phone in his hand next to Sandy. “This is cute,” he said.
Damn it, Longma. Leave it to him to break up a tender moment.
“Is this a mat-?” Wujing flicked him behind the ear. “Rude! I was just asking!”
“Longma,” Pigsy growled.
“I’m sorry! It’s not my fault my flash was on!”
“It was!”
Wukong let go of Pigsy to make grabby hands at the other disciples. “Join the nest!”
“But aren’t you and Pigsy fine on your own?”
“Also I think we won’t be able to leave if we agree,” Sandy said.
“Oh, I will drag you here. Join!”
Longma and Sandy laid on separate parts of the pile.
Pigsy groaned and broke apart from the king. “Why do I bother?”
Maybe it wasn’t worth telling the king in the first place, they had all this to worry about and there was no indication the king returned his feelings despite the little tender moments they shared.
It was better to keep it to himself.
No use fantasizing over something that wasn’t going to happen.
An ache appeared in his chest as if he had repeated that line to himself a thousand times.
Never get your hopes up, Bajie. The boss isn’t interested in you. He never has or will be interested in you. You’re an idiot that he’ll drop when all of this is done.
And he wasn’t sure why he wanted to sob at those thoughts. The name ‘Bajie’ appearing in them went completely over his head. Would Wukong drop him after this? He wasn’t exactly a pleasant guy and the king had a life. A far more important life. It certainly didn’t include a simple chef.
But it was the king’s choice on what to do after they had run and he would be fine with it either way.
“You okay, Pigsy?”
“‘M fine,” he answered. Opening the container, he passed a cupcake to the king. “Here.”
A brief look of guilt flashed across the younger disciples’ faces. “Thanks.” He started chewing.
The others rounded the corner and Wukong gestured for them to join.
“What’s this?” Xiaotian questioned.
“It’s a nest,” he explained.
“What’s a nest?”
“It’s something demons do,” Tang said.
“Then why doesn’t Pigsy do it? We’ve never seen him do it.”
Pigsy awkwardly responded, “I just don’t usually do it.”
“Never mind that. Come on! We got snacks!”
Reluctantly joining the pile, they snuggled up on the blankets. “The whole family is here!”
“Wow. Dadsy, this is great! Why have you never done this?” “Reasons.”
Wukong made his way to Xiaotian and started to brush his hair. “Dad, my hair is fine!”
“Let me comb it!”
“Ugh, fine!” “Monkey King, can you do my hair next?”
“Sure, kiddo!”
Pigsy observed the group with a gentle smile. Xiaotian protested while the king was fixing his hair. Tang while still ignoring Sandy was reading his book, not glaring or paying attention to the fish at all. Sandy conversed with Longma, his arms resting on some pillows. The other dragon was teasing her friend about having his hair messed with.
And Pigsy decided that nests were a great thing. Well, it wasn’t just the nest, it was the bits of bonding. Everyone was together in one place where they could talk and relax.
Nervously rubbing at his face, near his mouth, remembering the sharp tusk he was hiding, he thought about the fact the king was the only natural born yaoguai of his group. Sandy and Zhu Bajie were regular humans before becoming celestial warriors then turning into yaoguai as part of their punishment while Longma was born into a noble dragon family. He wondered how the king dealt with that, what the others would say.
Back then, there was more stigma against them but the king maintained a confident attitude nonetheless. He wasn’t ashamed nor bitter over it. He embraced yaoguai instincts unlike Pigsy.
Pigsy imagined his tusks being visible on his face instead of hiding them. He had them for the longest time ever since he got mocked and teased for them as a child, only allowing them to show in private. What would the others say? Tang would tease him while the kids would be fascinated. Sandy and Longma would just shrug and accept it. And Wukong? He’d probably be fine.
But he wasn’t ready to reveal the tusks and they weren’t a big deal by any means. He just didn’t like the comments and it wasn’t anyone’s business. Maybe he would reveal it in time but right now, he wanted to relax with his favorite people.
And when Wukong finished brushing and styling the kids’ hairs, he rejoined the pig’s side, squeezing his hand.
The touch caused his skin to tingle, his heart to race briefly and it was terrific.
He could confess another time but right now, this was pure and utter contentment.
The eldest disciple woke with a spring in his step. He plucked off the usual post-it notes and put them in the box. The same small things that made him feel good, loved, adored.
Whistling as he strolled throughout the ship, he stumbled upon Pigsy and Tang wrestling over the remote.
He chuckled, alerting them about his presence. While Pigsy glanced at him, Tang took the opportunity to pry the remote from his hands.
“Tang,” Pigsy shouted.
Tang bragged, “That’s what you get for looking away. I win. Also morning!”
“Yea. Morning, Wukong,” he grumbled.
The king chuckled and greeted, “Good morning, you two. What are we watching?”
“Some stupid show of Tang’s.”
“It is not stupid! It is brilliant! It’s about showing ancient artifacts and stories of the world. It’s called ‘A Thousand Tales.’”
Wukong gestured at Pigsy to move and plopped himself on the couch. “I love that show!”
“You do? So you’re also borin’.”
“You’re just jealous he has taste and you don’t.”
Snuggling Pigsy’s side, curling his arms around his hips, he answered, “Yea even there are things I don’t know so I watch this show from time to time.”
The scholar’s eyes dazzled and he asked, “What’s your favorite episode?” The Sage recounted his favorite episode while the scholar frantically went on about the show. He stood right in the middle of the conversation and rolled his eyes. He wasn’t as interested in it as those two.
Although he couldn’t help but smile at them, it was wonderful to see his crush and best friend getting along and to see that Tang had toned down his gushing. It would be terrible if he freaked out over every little thing the king did.
Sandy and Xiaojiao came into the room. Sandy had a wrench in his hands. “The spaceship is almost complete!” Xiaojiao followed up, “It should be complete in a few days then we’re off to space!”
“It’s eighty-five percent there!”
Wukong congratulated them, “Good job! I can’t thank you two enough for working on the ship!”
“Same goes for us.”
“Yea… you really came through,” Tang said while staring at Xiaojiao instead of Sandy.
Sandy sighed, feeling the sharp sting from the other’s coldness. “We’ll be at the moon soon enough and we should be on time for the Blood Moon to occur.”
“The Blood Moon? Well then that’s great for us. Blood moons are great. We’re on the right track team. We just have to keep going.”
Xiaojiao shouted, “Yep! And then we’ll save everyone!”
“Exactly! It won’t be long now!”
“You haven’t told us what those rings are for, Wukong.”
“I suppose I haven’t. They’re supposed to be-”
A boom resulted in the ship trembling. Pigsy held on to Wukong as the ship rocked while the others had the furniture in a vice-like grip.
When it halted, Longma and Xiaotian ran up to them. They waved their arms frantically. “The ship is under attack!”
They nodded, their bodies were shaking as much as the ship was. “IT’S THE WHITE BONE SPIRIT!”
They stared out the window, the White Bone mech was grabbing at the ship. Pigsy cursed, “Shit. Shit. Shit. She’s here. She’s fucking here! What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO?”
Sun Wukong’s mind ran at five hundred miles per hour to grab any solution he could to get away from her. Butterflies appeared in his stomach. What was he going to do?
His powers weren’t back yet! What were they supposed to do?
Pigsy yelled, “Sandy, get us the hell away from her!”
“I’ll try!” The fish yaoguai bolted to the control room.
Xiaotian’s mouth was agape. Could he survive their next encounter? Could any of them survive it?
His forehead pounded as he remembered their first meeting. He bit his lip to prevent himself from screeching.
“Kid! Are you alright?”
“I don’t know,” he answered through a low hiss.
Wukong’s gaze hadn’t left the window. The king suppressed a shiver, dread twisted in his gut. What if they couldn’t get away?
What if she captured them?
The ship rumbled again as it was caught in her iron grip. “Sandy,” one of them barked.
“I’m trying,” he responded over the transmitter.
Wukong couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe and neither did the kid. The images she had showed him on Lunar New Years flittered through his brain.
“Big brother,” Longma softly called but he wouldn’t respond, his heart was beating too fast. Shit, shit, shit. What could he do?
Pigsy demanded the others to grab their weapons and fight the spiders. Xiaojiao tugged on Xiaotian to lead him to the deck.
Pigsy placed hands on the Sage’s shoulders, he jolted at the contact. “Hey, hey, it’s just me.”
“Pigsy, I can’t…” I can’t go out there.
“Yes, you can. I’ll be by your side. We have to do something. Look, if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for me.” He caressed his cheek, the king’s chest jumped from the tenderness, his face turning a radish red. “I need you out there. We need you out there so please.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you there! I have to choose a weapon from the training room first then I’ll meet you there. I promise.”
“Don’t keep us waiting too long. We need you.” Then he scattered to assist the others.
Wukong went to the training room and selected a nandao, a northern broadsword.
He ran as fast as he could to the deck. Pigsy was trading blows with Huntsman. Tang was doing his best to help him with the hunter, clear anger in his kicks and punches. Xiaojiao was fighting Syntax with her dragon sword. Bai Longma was helping her. Xiaotian attempted to hit Goliath in the face with his staff, doubt marking his features.
Sun Wukong joined Xiaotian’s side and started attacking with his nandao. They stood back to back. Goliath tried to punch them but they jumped and he smashed the floor of the dronecopter.
The engines roared as Sandy boosted their power tenfold. The ship shook off the Lady Bone Demon’s mech. She cackled from her place. “You can’t escape destiny, Sun Wukong and Qi Xiaotian!”
It started to fly up when she seized them again. They held onto the railing to prevent themselves from falling.
They yelled at Sandy to boost up the rockets so they could escape.
But she pulled the ship towards her then everything went dark.
When they woke up, the ship was fractured, cracks everywhere. The engines screeched to a stop.
Bruises were littered on their bodies. “Are you all okay?”
Slight murmurs of agreement sounded. Xiaojiao said, “A little bruised but alright.”
“Good! Now, where’s the-”
The spirit was at the center of her mech, she chortled. They gasped and looked at the ship. They tried to rush to it but it was blocked by the spiders.
“If it hasn’t been awhile, Sun Wukong,” she mocked. “Where are you running off to?”
“None of your business,” he cried. “Let us go!”
“Why would I? You have something I want.”
“Well, you’re not going to get it.”
“Oh, is that so? I have my ways.”
Xiaotian pointed his staff at the spirit. “We’re warning you,” he growled but he was shaking, absolutely terrified.
“Look at you. You’re shaking, little boy. Do you think you could defeat a goddess?”
“I am the monkie man! And you’re no goddess. You’re horrendous, you’re trying to destroy the world!”
“And how am I not better than that so-called god?” She gestured to the king. “Isn’t he pathetic? He left you, and could hardly save you in time. Like he could hardly save his family.”
Wukong’s fist tremored, he fixed his gaze at the ground. Sandy shook just as much as the king while the dragon bared his teeth at her. “I don’t know what you’re referring to,” the Sage said. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready to tell them.
“Are you sure? Hm, let’s see. I only see one, two… and three from the original journey. Where are the other two? Oh, wait…”
“Stop,” he whimpered. “Stop…”
Pigsy gasped, he hadn’t thought about it that much but the spirit was right, there was no Tripitaka, no Zhu Bajie and while he had picked enough up to know something had happened, he didn’t know the full story. What had the other three left out? But he broke his thoughts when he saw Wukong’s terrified figure. And while, it was clear the king had left some things out despite the ‘no secrets’ policy, he could ask about it when the king was ready but right now, protecting the others and getting away from the spirit was more important.
He asserted a protective hand in front of the king. “Shut up! You stay away from him!”
“What are you going to do about it, little pig? You hardly have any powers and well, the “Great Sage” is supposed to but he needs someone pathetic like you to protect him.”
“I am not pathetic,” he snarled, his snout scrunched up in anger. “And there’s nothing wrong with needing someone to protect you every once and awhile. Leave him and the others alone!”
“I can’t do that. Not until you hand me what I want, like those rings.” “We would never do that!”
Xiaotian shouted, fury building up in their throat, “You’re dreaming if you think we’ll give you them! I don’t care about what you have to say! You’re the real villain, not the Monkey King! You’re the one who caused us to turn on him!”
Her tongue clicked and with a shake of her head, she responded, “You would have turned on him eventually. I only took what was already there. Your anger, your fury, jealousy, love,” she made sure to glance at the scholar when said that, “some many emotions swirling, waiting to get out. You would have turned on him eventually. If you hadn’t had all that in you then I wouldn’t have been able to manipulate you.”
“That’s bullshit. You would have manipulated us regardless.”
“That might be true but you made it easy on me.”
“Get down from your mech, you coward!”
“I’m no coward. You were the coward who didn’t say anything about me and you had so many opportunities just like your mentor.”
“I’ve forgiven him for that.”
“Hm? Really? I personally think you should have ended him when you picked up that axe. There is so much you don’t know.” A grin appeared on her lips. The spirit cackled, her eyes shimmered, a blue energy surrounding her. Pigsy momentarily lost his cool at seeing the energy, he gripped his head and temporarily saw a completely different demon towering over him, the same blue energy around them. The pig’s mouth went dry, he felt as if he couldn’t move and he was uncertain on why he was terrified, terrified by a yaoguai he didn’t even know. But the icy power was the thing that terrified him the most.
No, no, no, he couldn’t die again. He had to stick around for the boss, for his family. They had already spent enough time without him and he couldn’t let the boss fall again nor any of his family. They needed him. He couldn’t die again. Die again? What?
And with a throbbing pain, the scene returned to normal but no one noticed the pig’s scared look and even if they did, they probably dismissed it because of the situation. He paid attention as the spirit said her next words.
“You haven’t heard the full story, have you?” She briefly looked at the shadow creeping up to the ship.
Xiaotian pointed at her, glaring and hissing. “I know whatever comes out of your mouth will be nothing but lies!”
“Oh, dear, darling, stupid Xiaotian. This is no lie. Did you ever figure out why your mentor retired? Did you ever figure out why he chose an idiot like you when he could have done the job himself?”
“I don’t need to figure it out.”
“But aren’t you curious?” With a wave of her hand, two figures materialized in front of the group. Wukong began to back away as he scanned the figures that plagued his mind for centuries.
“No, no, no.”
The spirit smirked. “Oh, yes. The two people you failed. Remember Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka? How could you ever forget? You failed those two. Their images are engraved into your head, especially the one of Bajie’s. Poor Bajie, dead due to your incompetence and lack of foresight.”
Zhu Bajie stepped near the king and reached out a hand. The king remained instead of backing away further, he was completely paralyzed by fear. He sniffled. “Bajie…”
“And you...” She turned to Sandy. “You left your master completely heartbroken. How sad.”
“How do you know about that?” Sandy demanded.
“Oh, I know everything about you..How you loved him so much. He never felt the same way, did he? He never thought of you as anything but a burden. And yet, when he lied again to you in his last days, you rejected his kind lies so bitterly. How awful, how cruel of you…”
The monk held Sandy’s cheek with only a stoic expression on his face. “Master…”
Tang crossed his arms and muttered to himself, “Of course…” But he couldn’t help feeling the slightest bit of anger that Sandy was being taunted and tormented.
Bai Longma growled. “Leave my brothers alone!”
“They need to be reminded of their actions.”
Wukong’s bottom lip quivered. “Bajie, I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
Sandy marveled at the image of Tripitaka, so close to the man he had once loved. Tripitaka’s fake confession rang in his ears and he hated to admit how much he would have accepted it if only master had stayed with him. Regardless of the false words, he wanted master to be with him, alive and well. He glanced at Tang, his eyes holding a great hurt and he didn’t understand why it did but his heart longed for him just as it had longed for master’s. And he momentarily pondered whose attention he’d rather have. The fabricated, loving smile hiding a humongous hate from master or the sharp and vitriol words from Tang? Either way, it hurt. Seeing his old love caused his heart to shatter but he didn’t dare move from his spot and he wanted to lean into the touch despite it not being appropriate.
Was it selfish of him? He wanted to fall into the illusion. Just this once.
The spirit laughed, “Look at how overtaken they are! They can hardly move!”
Sandy swallowed, he glanced at the eldest disciple so taken by the illusion of Bajie. He recalled the last time he held or saw Bajie, when the pig was covered in blood and wounds. The illusion was a reminder of his failure. Clenching his fists, he withdrew from Tripitaka’s figure.
He had failed, he had failed. He failed Bajie, Tripitaka and so many others. He was the reason their family had split apart.
His gaze was forcefully back at Sanzang’s figure, soulless orbs staring into him. “Please… please, I can’t… I just want to forget. I just want to forget about you.” Adrenaline coursed through his veins, his breathing became rough.
Tang stared at Sandy in shock. “Sandy,” he called. The demon was too terrified to answer.
An aura surrounded the dragon. “You leave them the fuck alone.”
“Messing with them is too much fun. I don’t see you helping them. You’re useless.”
Xiaojiao glared daggers at the yaoguai. Emitting the same aura at her grandpa. A dragon blade tipped at her. “I’ve heard enough! You have hurt my best friend, my grandpa, my parents, it’s time for you to pay!”
She clapped her hands together. “What a brave little girl. Such brave words from the biggest disappointment in her family.”
“She is not a disappointment!”
“Oh? Then why could she barely help her parents? Or the city. None of you could hardly do anything.” She snapped her fingers and two figures appeared. It was Xiaojiao’s mother and father. “Your mother and father had a lot to say about that.”
Xiaojiao whimpered but her glare didn’t falter. “Wait, this is just another illusion! My parents aren’t really here!”
“You want to bet?” She snapped her fingers and the two transformed to resemble her parents’ dragon forms.
“Xiaojiao,” her mother called, “you are a disappointment to our family. You left us to play some hero. You’re a horrible daughter for leaving your parents like this. Our fates are because of you.”
Her father said, “Everyday we wished we could have a better daughter. You weren’t proper at all and all we wanted was a proper kid. Someone to properly carry the family legacy but we received you instead. You didn’t carry the manners of our family, you’re a disgrace.”
Xiaojiao dropped the dragon sword. A clank as it hit the ground. “I…” Tears ran down her cheeks. “I thought you were proud of me!”
“We lied. You obtained the dragon sword. What else were we supposed to say? You don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve to be in this family. We only kept you around because we needed an heir but you left us and now we’re like this.”
Xiaojiao fell to the ground, her pants getting stained by the dirt. “I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry. I worried about you everyday! I know I’m a disappointment. I know I couldn’t be a proper daughter. I’M SORRY! I… I JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU PROUD OF ME!”
Longma growled, “She is not a disappointment. She is worthy of the sword and the family name. Xiaojiao, don’t listen to them! They’re only saying what the spirit wants them to say! They don’t actually think that way!”
“But she’s right! My parents are right! I couldn’t protect them and now…” She hiccuped. “Now they’re lost forever.”
“They are not lost! We can find ways to save them!”
Xiaotian rested a hand on her shoulder. “You didn’t fail. We can keep going.”
“That’s rich coming from you! If you had told us everything, this would have never happened. MY PARENTS ARE GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!”
The man bit his lips, the words from his greatest friend punching him in the throat. “I… I’m sorry.”
Wukong was frozen, words coming out like white noise. He couldn’t… couldn’t deal with this. Bajie wiped his tears and he leaned into the touch. “My love,” came a voice that was so much like Bajie. “Why don’t you give up then you can stay with me instead?”
“I- I can’t do that. The fate of the world depends on me. I can’t give in.”
“Why don’t you? We could pick up where we left off. Confess our feelings, run away together. You and me forever.”
“I… you have no idea how much I want that. How much I’ve always wanted that but you… you were never interested. You preferred women more than you ever did me.”
“While it is true that I did love women, I loved you far more. Why wouldn’t I be grateful to the man who saved me time and time again? Love the man who stood by my side no matter how annoying I was.”
“I… this is a lie. You would never say this.” Did Wukong have such little faith in his relationship with Bajie? “You’re dead. This isn’t real.”
“But it could be. All you have to do is give into the spirit then we can be happy.”
“I… I want that.”
Pigsy found his way to Wukong’s side and shoved away the illusion. “Pigsy!”
“You stay the fuck away from him. You’re not real! You’re only an illusion of the most useless person in existence.” And it wasn’t the greatest idea to insult Sun Wukong’s “wondrous love” but the jealousy building in him was just too much. Labeling Zhu Bajie as useless hurt at this moment for whatever reason but the insult was true. “Pigsy… what are you…”
“I’m trying to protect you!”
“But,” he started whimpering, “I want him back. I need him back.” He gestured wildly at Bajie. “I… I miss him. I miss him and master. I need them back.”
Pigsy curled his hands under his arms and hoisted him up. “No! It’s an illusion!”
“Let me go, Pigsy! I… if only for a few moments, I wanted them back. I’m so tired of mourning.”
“This isn’t the way to deal with it! If you give into the spirit, that’s it for us.”
“I’m not giving into her. If only for a few minutes, I want him again. So please… please let me go.”
“No! Wukong, you have us! We’re the ones alive in front of you, we’re not a ghost like the ones over there.”
“I’ll fail you too, Pigsy. Like I failed them.”
“No, you won’t! I’ll be by your side!”
“It isn’t enough. Bajie! Please come back to me!”
Droplets kept pouring down his cheeks. “I want to be happy for once. Please let me be happy for once.” His voice was so broken, so shattered. Pigsy stayed resolute and maintained a tight hold. An audible sob slipped past his quaking lips. “Please.”
It ached to see a man so powerful, so wonderful and sweet who had done everything for his family break down into a crying mess. Crying at the sight of two fallen members and vile manipulations. It ached to see most of them burst into tears.
Wujing muttered, “I want to forget. I don’t want to think about you again” while Tripitaka chanted his name to gain his attention.
Xiaotian hissed and used his staff to launch himself to the spirit. She blocked it with a force field and sent him flying back. Longma caught him in his arms and scolded, “Don’t do that! I’ll handle it!”
“Why? You won't be able to do anything either!”
“Trust me. I have to try. Stay behind me.”
He glanced at Wujing, Wukong and Xiaojiao and at the sight of them weeping, Longma growled, low and deep. Green swirled around him, growing stronger than it had earlier. “That’s it. You’re dead.”
The spirit played him off with a laugh. “Everyone knows you’re the weakest and most useless of the disciples. What can you do?”
A glance over his shoulder. “Protect my family,” he responded. “You do not get to hurt them again!”
She placed a hand on her chin. A smirk as she looked down at him from her mech. “Oh, dear Longma. I don’t listen to what you want.”
“Then I’ll make you listen,” he roared.
Amusement danced in her eyes. “Good luck with that. I’ve already hurt your family many times. More than you know.”
“Tch. What do you mean by that?”
“Why don’t you give up and I’ll tell you?”
“Then you’ll die by my hand.”. It will be so satisfying killing you. You all have been a thorn in my side since day one. It’s time to face your destiny.” She smirked as she knew this would be their final moments and her shadow minion was so close to obtaining the rings.
The mech shimmered the same blue it had when it was overtaking the city. Longma frantically glanced around. He shapeshifted into his dragon form and flung his body at the machine. The spirit used the arm of the mech to pummel him.
“LONGMA,” Xiaotian, Tang and Pigsy bellowed. The others couldn’t speak, their voices only coming out in whimpers. Xiaotian blasted the mech with lightning but it only rebounded off of it like it was nothing.
“It’s all your fault, Great Sage. Maybe if you had been stronger then your family would have survived.”
Tang’s chest heaved. Were they going to die here? No one was moving, no one could do anything. They were going to die.
Panic built up in his chest. No, no, no, he would be okay if it was him, that was a lie, but it would have been better if it was just him. He didn’t want the kids, Longma, Pigsy, Wukong, Sandy, he didn’t want any of them to die.
And in their last moments, he realized how much he had to say, how much he regretted. Regrets that long since deepened into his bones.
He regretted not telling Pigsy more about how he appreciated his friendship, he regretted not saying how proud he was of Xiaojiao and Xiaotian, not getting to know Longma and Wukong further and more importantly, he regretted his action towards Sandy.
How could he have been so selfish? Selfish enough to not realize that Sandy had been suffering long before he had ever met Tang. How long had he felt guilty for what happened with Bajie and Tripitaka? And now it made sense that when he first met Sandy, there had been so much guilt and anger in the demon’s eyes, why he picked fights with whoever came his way. It was stupid of him to not consider the deeper reason for his fury.
How much had he added to the stress with his piercing glares and ferocious comments? Sandy had every reason to hate him. Did Sandy hate him for it? He had already hated him before or had he? Maybe he had jumped to conclusions, maybe Sandy wasn’t actually aware of his feelings. He could be oblivious at times and there was a possibility he hadn’t considered the scholar’s feelings because it came about due to the spirit.
Tang was an idiot. A stupid fucking idiot. He hurt Sandy when the demon had already been hurt so many times.
And if he had the chance, he would apologize to him and do anything to make up for his behavior. If he could, he would save them all and even if he was only mortal he had to try.
The spirit’s laugh rang in his ears. He took a few steps, his fingers balled into fists. Glancing around, he saw the frightened figures of his friends.
He had to try something, anything. “Is the mortal going to try his friends? You have no powers. You can’t do anything.” And she was right. What could he do? At his silence, she looked away from him and focused on the others.
It didn’t matter. He had to try. For Longma, for Wukong, Xiaojiao, Xiaotian, Pigsy and for Sandy.
The growing, desperate urge to save his friend welled up in him. His body tingled as if there was an energy waiting to get out.
He needed to save them. No matter the cost.
Then a golden light burst forth, overwhelming the area. The group shielded their eyes. The spirit hissed and the machine whirled to a halt. The spiders moved to the spirit’s side. She gripped her head and scolded, “Useless! You had one job! You were supposed to grab them!”
They nodded and charged at the group, the light created a barricade that prevented them from reaching the group. The light ran over the ship and repaired it. Inside was the shadow who had a ring in his grasp, when the energy hit him, the shadow felt a force ripping him away from the ring.
He was forcefully pulled into the shadows, the ring taken away from his grasp, and back to the mistress. The illusions faded.
The energy had patched some of their injuries. Longma grabbed his brothers and Xiaojiao and ran to the ship. “Hurry!”
Where did that golden light come from? And why did Tang feel lighter as if a great pressure had been lifted? He looked at his hands, a faint golden light dancing on them. “Mr. Tang, hurry!”
He gasped and rushed to the ship. The three were still crying, their knees laying on the ground. Longma pressed a few buttons and it was up in the air. He hastily controlled it to get them as far away from Lady Bone Demon.
“GO AFTER THEM!” Her voice grew distant and Longma let out a breath of relief.
He walked out of the control room and pulled the three up. “We need to go to the infirmary.” He forcefully led them to the infirmary. “Xiaotian, I need you to grab the multiple first aid kits. Pigsy, Tang, I need you to tend to Wukong and Wujing. I’ll handle Xiaojiao if that’s okay. Oh, wait, you’re injured too.” Pigsy said, “Yea but we can tend to ours later. Those three need our help.” Tang, with a shaky breath, trailed off, “I… uhh…”
“What is it?”
“Nothing. You’re right.”
Xiaotian passed each of them a first aid kit and asked, “What was that bright light? Did you do that, Longma?”
“I wish,” he responded, “but it wasn’t me. I don’t know what that was. It was certainly familiar, I’ve witnessed it before but… but the person who was capable of that is… is long gone.” He sighed and threaded his fingers through his bangs. “In any case, we were lucky to escape with our lives.”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t realize you three…”
“It’s fine, kid. Not like we told you.” He shot a smile as best he could. “Sorry, we didn’t tell you.”
Pigsy commented, “You had every reason not to.”
“I agree with dadsy.”
“We did establish no secrets anymore.”
“It was about your personal life.” Pigsy knelt before Wukong, cupping his cheeks to examine his face. “Wukong….” The monkey’s cheeks were stained by tears and he seemed to be choking back more. “Let me patch you up.”
Grabbing disinfectant from the kit, he began to lightly apply it to the bruises while the king sat motionless. Longma and Tang were patching up Xiaojiao and Sandy’s injuries respectively.
Xiaotian observed all this from the sidelines, feeling weak for not being able to do more but they realized they did all they could. They wouldn’t break again, no matter how much the spirit tried.
“Kid, come here.” Pigsy gestured. They sat beside the Monkey King who was now covered in a few bandages. The pig started to mend the bruises.
“I’m sorry,” Wukong whispered. “I’m sorry I…”
“Big brother. Don’t worry about it.”
“I am. I am sorry! I almost gave in, Longma.”
“You couldn’t help it. She manipulated you.”
“That’s not an excuse! I should have done something!”
“You did what you could and that’s enough.”
“But there was more I could have done like back then…”
“Hey! We’ve established time and time again that it is no one’s fault.”
“I know… I should know that but… I’m sorry for keeping this from you all. Bajie and master… That's why I retired.” The king swallowed the bile that threatened to clog his throat. He tried to speak but no words came out, he shut it then opened it again and finally continued, “What’s the point if you can’t even protect the ones you love?”
“What’s the point of anything if I couldn’t protect him? That’s why… that’s why I tried to fight the spirit on my own. I couldn’t lose anyone again. I’m sorry.” “Monkey King, we understand. You don’t have to explain it. It isn’t your fault.”
“The kid is right, peach. You can’t blame yourself for this and neither can you, Sandy.”
Sandy bobbed his chin slightly. “Yea, I get it. I wish… wish we didn’t have to think about this again. Wish I could have saved Bajie and made master stay.”
“You tried, Wujing.”
“Did I really try?”
“You did,” Longma grunted. “You both did. The spirit is trying to make you feel guilty. We’ve established this.” His gaze softened. “We can’t blame ourselves. It is not my fault nor yours.”
Xiaojiao rose from her spot. “It is!” Her voice came out in a harsh whisper.
She pointed at the Monkey King. Droplets continued to fall freely. “It’s all his fault. If he had told Xiaotian in the first place, my parents would still be alive and now they’re gone. Gone forever.”
“Sweetie,” Pigsy mumbled, “they’re still alive. There’s no reason to indicate that they aren’t. We can get them back.”
“YOU DON’T KNOW THAT, PIGSY! You saw them.”
“Yea, I did and you have to remember that we were like that too. We’re still alive. We just use the same tea the others did and they’ll be fine.”
“How could we reach them? The spirit won’t let us reach them. I’ll never get them back.”
“You will, hon. We’ll find a way.”
“We wouldn’t even have to find a way if it wasn’t for him! If he had tried harder then we wouldn’t even be here! Don’t be blind to it just because you lo-” At Pigsy’s strained look, she switched it to, “Don’t be blind, dadsy. Everything would be normal if he had told MK sooner, everything would have been saved if he had been there quicker. My parents are gone and there’s no guarantee they’re coming back. All because of you!”
Pigsy defended the king, “While I still don’t approve of him doin’ that, we know why he did. He was afraid to lose anyone else.”
Wukong gestured with a hand to indicate they should hug. “Xiaojiao, I’m sorry.”
She slapped his hand, she emitted angry puffs from her mouth. “Sorry isn’t good enough, Monkey King. I’ve tried to forgive you but I can’t. My- my parents, the city, it’s all on you. YOU’RE THE ONE TO BLAME!” 
Xiaojiao bolted to her room and slammed it shut with a resounding THUD as a result. Wukong whimpered and Pigsy did his best to soothe him. “She didn’t mean it. She’s hurt.”
“She’s right. I’ve failed again and again. I shouldn’t be here. I only cause pain.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is true. Why am I here anyway? I just keep getting in the way and hurting those I care about.”
“Big brother,” Longma whispered, “you have been nothing but a blessing to us. Certainly not at the beginning but you’re the reason any of us were able to finish the journey.”
“What’s the point? I couldn’t save master or Bajie.”
“But you can do something now. Believe me, big brother, you're better than you think. Xiaojiao is hurt. The White Bone Spirit possessed her parents and she’s lashing out because of it. Xiaotian and I will talk to her. I’ll leave you two to take care of my brothers.”
“Of course.”
“We’ll do our best.”
Xiaotian and Longma ran to the dragon girl’s room. Tang and Pigsy exchanged looks. Tang brought up Sandy by the arm. “How about we go to your room, Sandy?” With a feeble nod, Tang guided the demon, leaving Pigsy and Wukong alone but before giving the pig demon a worried look.
The king’s lip quivered. “It’s my fault.”
“No, it isn’t. The kid is just mad right now and she should be mad at the spirit, not you.”
“But if I hadn’t involved you in this then she wouldn’t have used her parents as ammunition.”
“We would have gotten involved in this either way. We were the ones who insisted.”
“I always do this. I always get people hurt.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do! I’ve hurt you. I hurt all of you. I’m not strong, Pigsy. I’m not strong enough to help anyone. I’ve failed so many people.” He sounded so tired and desperate, it tugged at the pig’s heart.
Then the Sage’s breath hitched, his hands felt clammy. He could barely breathe. It was as if he was being suffocated.
Stomach churned and he had to claw at the cushion of his chair. His vision was disfigured as panic rose. Blood pounded in his ears. The Sage wanted to run, run from this mess but he was firmly glued to his chair.
“Wukong,” he muttered. Wukong wouldn’t look at him, only sat there puffing. Shit, he was having a panic attack.
Shit, shit, shit. Okay, Pigsy had dealt with this a thousand times, he could do it again. Wukong needed him so he took a breath.
“Wukong, listen to me.” Wukong tilted his chin up, barely staring at Pigsy in the eyes. “Okay. I’m going to help you calm down. I promise.”
“First. Can I touch you?” Pigsy questioned. Through Wukong’s gasps and whimpers, he nodded. Pigsy laid a hand on his bicep. “Is this okay?” Another nod. “Can I hug you?” He mumbled in acceptance. The pig latched onto him. “I’m here. I’m here. Cry it out.”
And the king sobbed, practically wailed his heart out. He buried his face into his shoulder. The pig’s shirt dampened as the king’s tears cascaded down his back. Wukong must have noticed this judging by the way he pulled his head up to prevent himself from ruining his shirt further. “It’s okay. I don’t mind. I promise. Cry on me all you want.” Wukong shot him a look through the tears that he didn’t believe him. “I promise. My concern is you. Not my shirt. I have dozens of these.”
The shirt was only a small object in the grand scheme of things. He could clean or throw it away afterwards and it would have no impact, no meaning. Well, it was his chef uniform and he did like it but he had many copies of it, this was just one of them. It was so unimportant compared to the king’s sorrow yet he was afraid Pigsy would be upset by him ruining it. Even in the middle of the breakdown, he wanted to show some compassion. This was about the king, not some stupid shirt.
Wukong bobbed his head and resumed crying into the crook of his neck. Pigsy puffed and soothingly massaged him. “I’m here. You’re not alone. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, just ask and I’ll give it to you.”
“Pigsy…” He rasped out.
“I’m here. Let it all out.” The monkey hugged him tight and wasn’t in the mood to let go anytime soon. “Do you want to sit down somewhere else?”
“Okay. Do you want to do it in the living room or your room? You don’t have to speak. Just tap me once for the living room and second for your room.” After a moment, the king tapped him twice through his shallow breathing. His legs were trembling, he could hardly stand let alone walk to his room. “Do you want me to carry you?” A tap. “Okay.”
He gently lowered his arm under his leg and lifted him up. Careful to not make any sudden movements. “I got ya.”
He moved him over to his room as Wukong wept. The monkey let out choking gasps, practically hyperventilating. The pig placed him on the bed. His legs over the other’s.
“Wukong. I need you to match my breathing.” He breathed softly and Wukong imitated his actions even when it came out as painful. “You’re doing great. Keep going, my peach.”
It went from ragged to normal as he mimicked Pigsy. He laid still against him.
“I’m sorry,” Wukong mumbled into his back.
“Why would you be sorry?”
“I… didn’t tell you.”
“About the spirit? We’ve moved past that.”
“No. I didn’t tell you about… about them.” He sniffled. “After everything, I should have told you. And for everything about your home and Xiaojiao.
“Hey. You are not obligated to tell me that. Okay? The whole thing about your “vacation” and stuff, that’s a different matter. This is about your personal life. I am not obligated to know if you didn’t want to talk to them. And that is not your fault, sure, I agree you should have told MK but the fate of the city, that’s on the spirit. Xiaojiao is pissed but I know we can get her parents to return to their senses.”
“But nothing. I do not have the right to that information. You have the right to keep that secret to yourself. You have the right to grieve anyway you want. It doesn’t matter when you told me or if you told me at all. It’s up to you and when you’re comfortable. And it’s the spirit who has been manipulating us. You have done no such thing.”
“Pigsy… thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. I’m just returning the favor for everything you have done for me and the kid.”
Wukong laughed for the first time since that mess. A quiet, gentle laugh that made him blush even when the earlier event weighed heavy on his mind.
“You’re absolutely wonderful, Pigsy,” he said through slowly drying tear stains. In the light, he looked so beautiful and sorrowful, practically glowing. Pigsy became flustered at his compliment and his appearance. “I can’t thank you enough.”
His gaze drifted to the small brown shelf that hung on the king’ wall. “As I said, ya don’t have to thank me. Are you hungry or thirsty? I can get you something.” He roughly swallowed. “Yea.”
“Okay. I’ll get you something. Do you think you’ll be okay alone?”
“I’ll be fine.” He swallowed again, biting his lips to stop himself from breaking into another crying fit.
“You sure?”
“I’ll be fine,” he repeated. “Just go. I can last awhile without you.”
The pig huffed. “If you’re sure.”
He left with one last glance over his shoulder.
The pig walked to the kitchen and prepared chamomile tea. He wasn’t as good as Sandy when it came to making tea but it was decent. Pigsy placed it under a coaster, took some chocolate and strolled to the room.
He gently tapped on the door to let Wukong know he was coming in. He gently handed him both items. “Here.”
“Thanks.” The king nibbled on the chocolate. His head down to hide his puffy eyes.
The pig frowned and tilted his chin with a finger. “You don't have to hide your eyes from me. I think you look handsome either way.” Wukong raised a brow. A puzzled look on his face as he ate.
His tail wagged. “You think I look handsome?”
“I think you look decent. Just eat.”
Wukong smiled and continued to eat. “Thank you.”
“Don’t have to thank me. I promise we’ll figure out a solution.”
“Okay. I believe you.”
He swallowed the last bit of the chocolate and gulped down the tea. “God, it’s been a day.” “It has.”
“I’m exhausted. I’m going to go sleep.”
“Okay. Do you want me to stay until you fall asleep?”
Wukong wanted to accept. Pigsy was gentle and warm. He was loving and kind. He was safe and heavens, he needed safety. The pig would have protected him and chased away the nightmares as he slept.
But when he looked at him, about to accept the offer and saw an image of Bajie overtaking Pigsy briefly, he knew it would have caused further harm.
Another pig demon with him as he slept would have brought the nightmares forward, not away. And it wasn’t Pigsy’s fault, he was just… the resemblance was too much and bile overwhelmed his throat.
With the shake of a head, he refused. “No. No, I’m good.”
Pigsy frowned but made no comment or question. He understood. “Okay. If you need somethin’, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll be peeking my head in every once and awhile just in case.”
“Thank you.”
Then Pigsy walked out of the room, leaving the king in peace.
Sandy was trembling, his pulse racing. He huffed and his hands shook. His breathing was labored. His heart felt as if it was going to burst and pop out of his chest in a moment’s notice.
Tang whispered, “Sandy. Sandy, look at me. I’m here for you.”
“Ta- Tang…”
“Breathe. I’m here for you.”
The fish’s breath was slowly brought to normal. “Tang… I…”
“Am I allowed to hug you?”
The scholar wrapped his arms around his midriff and squeezed him. “I’m sorry.” “Wha-what for?”
“For everything. Everything you’ve ever gone through.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“It is.” Tang patted his arm gently. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know how much you suffered… and I added to it like it was nothing.”
“Don’t… don’t make excuses for me. I’m sorry for all you’ve been through. Hell, I should have known that upfront. I read your stories so many times! I should have known it wasn’t easy for you.”
“It’s easier to read than to experience. There’s a degree of separation.”
“But we’re friends! There’s no degree of separation. I added to your stress and your pain without thinking about how you would feel. I’m an asshole.”
“You are not an asshole.”
He laughed. “I am. I thought you hated me so I tried to act like I hated you back.”
“You thought I hated you? Why?”
“Because of what the spirit did. With… with… I made you uncomfortable and I thought you hated me.”
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable. Believe me. I was concerned about you.”
“There you go again. Caring about everyone like usual. I’ve always liked that about you even if I don’t necessarily deserve it.”
“You do deserve it, Tang. You’re important to me, I’ve never hated you for a second.”
“You’re so sweet. I was so mean to you. I’m surprised you don’t hate me.”
“I don’t. The whole situation was a misunderstanding.”
“A misunderstanding I never bothered to clear up. There are no excuses for me or my behavior. I hurt you. You’re such a nice person, Sandy and not once have you ever deserved the treatment you were given.”
“I wasn't always this nice, you know.”
“Oh, I know. Back when we first met, you were rough around the edges but you always treated the people close to you as best you could.”
“Well, yes, that's true but I’m referring to when I primarily went by Sha Wujing. I wasn’t the best person.”
“I’m aware of your history. You have made so many attempts to improve and no matter how many times you faltered, you kept getting up and changing for the better. I’m so happy I have gotten to know both sides of you. You mean the world to me.”
Sandy gulped, hearing the person he held such a deep love for compliment him like that made his heart pound once again. “You too. You’ve always meant the world to me.” He had always wanted to hear someone he loved say he meant the world. And he… he never got that with Tripitaka and even if Tang meant that statement in a friendly way, it made him want to cry.
“I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for Tripitaka.”
“It’s fine. Not your fault. I… I… I really loved him. Never got a chance to tell him.”
“Well, if you ever did, he would be stupid not to accept. You’re wonderful.”
“Thank you. He’ll always be in my heart like you’re always in my heart, Tang.” The human played with his hair. “I’m not sure it’s the exact same but thank you. If there’s anything you need, Sandy, I’ll be happy to help.”
“I’ll definitely come to you if I need anything.”
“Great. I know this is a bit selfish of me to ask but I was wondering, can we start over? I really miss you.”
“I missed you too. Of course, Tang. But there’s nothing really to start over.”
“There is. I hope you can forgive me.”
“I do. I’m glad we can be friends again.”
“Me too.” Tang sniffled. “I won’t waste this second chance.”
Sandy had given him a second chance and he would be sure not to waste it even when jealousy seeped into his heart. He had to face that Sandy had loved another even if that person had long since passed. But as long as Sandy stood by his side, he was fine with this, he could convince himself of that.
How could Tripitaka disregard Sandy? How could he have left them a broken mess? And he wanted to scream at the sky, at whoever Tripitaka had been reincarnated as to scold him for leaving the others’ sides.
Had that golden light been from Tripitaka’s spirit? A final way to help them. Ugh, he should have done so much more if that was the case.
When he squeezed Sandy’s waist tighter in his anger, Sandy tapped him. “Tang, are you okay?”
And Tang released him from his hold. “Oh, I’m fine. Do you want me to grab you anything?”
“There’s some sleepy time tea I usually drink. Could you make that for me?”
“Of course. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Thank you.. It’s… uhh…” He reached for his bag and pulled out a large container of his sleepy time tea leaves. “Here. Just add a pinch and it should be good.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll add only a pinch. I’m not Xiaotian. Do you need me to get you some food or anything?”
“No.” Mo curled on his lap. “This should be fine. I just need the tea and Mo. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
He took the jar and strolled out of the room, ignoring the sniffle behind him.
Pigsy was against the wall, his arms crossed and clearly thinking. “Hey, Pigsy.” “Hey, Tang. What’s up?”
“Going to make tea for Sandy.”
“Nice. How’s he doin’?”
“Sandy is… he’s doing as best as he can. What about Wukong?”
“He… he fell asleep. I guess that’s better than him stayin’ up all night and cryin’ his eyes out.”
Tang slumped against the wall, dropping the cheerful act in front of his best friend. “Do you think they’ll be alright? That’s a stupid question to ask, huh?”
“No kidding. I don’t know… honestly. It’s not like it was an easy thing for them to witness.”
“Yea. I apologized to Sandy.”
“That’s… good. I hope Xiaojiao will be alright.”
“Me too. I’m worried about her.”
“Yea, same…”
Awkwardness clung to the air. Under normal circumstances, they would have gone back to bickering and teasing to forget the heartbreaking revelation. But who could forget?
“I don’t know why I thought I was the only one,” he admitted.
“The only one who could possibly capture his heart. I was a fool. I believed I could win him over. Of course there was someone else. I never stood a chance.”
“Tang, this isn’t about us.”
“I know but… did we really think they would see us like we see them? They’ve been around for years and have probably developed crushes on better, stronger people like Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka. Did we really think we had a chance?”
The way Wukong stared at that vision of Bajie. So much guilt, regret, and love hidden behind his eyes was enough for the pig to feel as if he had been gut punched.
“It hurts,” Tang whispered.
“It does but this is about them. Not us.”
And he knew they shouldn’t be selfish when the others had been through worse but he couldn’t help the way his gut twisted when he recalled the way Wukong stared at the image.
He put a hand on Tang’s shoulder and said, “Let’s focus on them instead of us.”
“I know, Pigsy.”
“I’m… just gonna go out. To breathe.”
And the pig waited outside, praying things would get better. He stood in the king’s usual spot. His phone in his hand as he observed the sky. Today had been so overwhelming, heartbreaking. What could he do for the others? He could try his usual solution, pass them some food and gruff words to hide his concern but he felt it wasn’t appropriate. Almost all of them were broken and his normal method could have brought sorrow, not healing.
He glanced at his phone and scrolled through his music. His mind flashed to the first time Wukong and him had danced, the moment he developed feelings. It was a fun event, a reliever. Wukong listed it as one of his favorite activities so when he woke up, he would offer a hand out.
So he remained for what seemed like hours between checking up the king. Xiaojiao was still holed up in her room, he wanted to go, comfort his kid but Longma told him to stay out of it. Too many people could make her lash out even more so he listened and hoped she would be alright. Night eventually washed over them.
He sighed and was about to check on Wukong again when, “Hey. Can I join you?”
Pigsy fumbled with his phone after hearing the sudden voice.
Wukong was standing there in a leather jacket, red shirt underneath and hair in a ponytail. Eyes still puffy but clearly better than he looked before. Pigsy waved. “Hey. What’s with the outfit? You look nice…” His face was hot as he examined the outfit that was absolutely magnificent on the king.
Wukong rubbed his neck. “Thanks. I wanted to be in something that wasn’t… well that,” he said, referring to his monk uniform.
“Makes sense. How are you feelin’?”
“Not great but I’ll manage. I needed some fresh air. What about you?”
“Oh, uh, same. I was thinking of doing something. To relieve all this pressure, ya know? And I was wondering if you wanted to join me.”
“Oh? What is it?”
Pigsy played a random song, gently laying his phone on the floor of the ship and held out a welcoming but shaky hand. “Do you want to dance with me?”
Wukong glanced at him. The light hitting him, making him glimmer and shine. He radiated comfort.
The vision of Bajie momentarily swayed him to do otherwise but he accepted it. “Thanks. I needed a distraction.”
Their fingers intertwined. Pigsy circled an arm around his neck. Wukong curled around his hips.
“No problem. I want you to be happy.”
“You’re sweet. Sweet like a strawberry,” he teased.
“I hate you.” He tugged on his shirt, bringing him close when the king faltered at his joking comment. “You’re tasty like a peach.”
Wukong blushed. “O-oh. I should be saying the same thing about you, strawberry.”
“Yep. You’re cute.” He trailed a finger along the pig’s chin. “And so much more.”
“Good to know, cupcake.” The pig refrained himself from reacting too heavily to the playful flirting.
Wukong’s smile quivered. “I… uh…”
“What is it?”
“There’s still a lot I haven’t told you,” Wukong whispered, his fingers coiling around the pig’s palm in a stronger grip. They circled around the roof of the ship in gentle motions. “A lot I should tell you, so many things I feel bad for.”
Pigsy let out a gentle huff. “That’s okay,” he whispered back.
“No, it’s not. You deserve the right to know.”
“I don’t. You do not have to tell me anythin’. Unless it’s something involvin’ the end of the world but I bet that’s not what you want to tell me.”
“No… I… There’s so much you don’t know about my past.”
“I don’t have to know. I’ve said this. If you’re not ready to tell me then that’s okay. I’m fine with it.”
“But what if I’m never ready?”
Pigsy shot him a bright, honest, gorgeous smile. Wukong had his mouth open while witnessing the brilliant grin. “Then that’s fine. Your past is the past. What matters is the here and now. You’ve made a lot of mistakes and I know you’ve felt like you’ve failed a lot of people,” he winced at the statement, the recent sore spot, “but you’re trying and that’s what I care about. You’re fixing it little by little, day by day. If you never talk to me about your past then I don’t care. That’s your business and I’ll wait for however long it takes.”
“But… Xiaojiao is mad at me. It’s my fault.”
“You’re working to save her parents. Give her time and she’ll open up to you again. This was not your mistake. The spirit did this. You haven’t failed her and neither have I as long as we keep going.”
“I feel so bad.”
“That’s normal. You’re fixing your mistakes, peach. I trust you to save the world, to fix all these mistakes. I trust you. As long as I’m by your side, I won’t let you fall.”
A single tear fell. “Thank you, Pigsy.”
“You’re welcome. Want to return to dancing and forget all this sad talk?”
Wukong ran a thumb over Pigsy’s hand as they danced, feeling safe with him for the time being. He focused on his soft, adorable features and Pigsy did the same to him.
As they observed each other, their hearts beating as one while dancing, they leaned in. Pigsy gulped. Was he about to kiss the king after all that trauma? It would be amazing if he did.
Wukong wasn’t sure what he was doing. All he knew was he was entranced by Pigsy. A shimmer of blue reeled him in. A blue hat. Wukong gasped. Their foreheads bumped against each other and separated in a fit of giggles, the king doing it to hide the image he saw. Their cheeks flushed. They looked away from each other and rubbed their foreheads with their hands.
“Sorry,” they apologized in unison.
Then they returned to swaying. Forgetting the awkward almost kiss.
“Thank you, Pigsy. You’re so important to me.”
“You’re important to me too.”
“I promise I’ll do everything to fix this.”
“I believe you.”
And the pig made sure the king disregarded the sorrow for however long they moved together. Forget Xiaojiao’s parents, the spirit, Bajie, Tripitaka, Sandy, whatever else had been happening, he wanted him to temporarily forget. To be happy.
And Pigsy would admit, he didn’t want this to end. He wanted it to stay how it was. No strife, no conflict, no tears. In a perfect world, they would be home, no more tears and the king would be happy, they all would. And maybe in that world, the king and him could dance, laugh, be together forever with their fingers intertwined and that grin directed at him.
But he remembered Zhu Bajie, the king’s heart belonged to another. Someone who wasn’t worthy of him. Someone who had lived to make the Sage’s life a mess. He didn’t understand it at all. Yet Zhu Bajie was important to him and… well Pigsy simply wasn’t.
And the feeling was as if he had been stabbed, Bajie and Wukong were close that had been certain, more close than Pigsy was to Wukong. Zhu Bajie had been one lucky bastard. Did he ever take the time to realize, to appreciate how lucky he was? Of course he did. He had noticed it everyday.
But the other pig yaoguai was more focused on pretty women and whatever desire that creeped into his head to notice the obvious. If he was Bajie and the king confessed to him, he would have accepted it in an instant. To have this beautiful, wonderful man’s attention would be absolutely magnificent.
Had Zhu Bajie even picked up his interest? And if he had, how was he going to respond to it?
The spirit had taunted the king for leaving things unsaid but he couldn’t help but wonder how obvious his feelings were and how the other pig might have reacted to it. He would have been a fool to disregard his feelings if he had.
Admittedly, he shouldn’t have been jealous, not with everyone else's problems surmounting his own but he couldn’t help it.
He should enjoy the moment, enjoy the way Wukong dipped him, letting him remain for a few moments, they could feel each other’s breaths. He wanted to enjoy this because it was all he would have.
And he forced himself to be okay with it as long as the others were happy.
All he wanted was their happiness and the world to be saved.
Meanwhile a golden cicada and an azure light landed on the ship.
End A/N: Fun fact, shǎguā/silly melon is a Chinese term of endearment primarily used for couples I believe. Anyway, I’m going to sleep. Feel free to yell about this one.
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 7
part 6 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to this quasi-watchalong of Magia Record season 1! Last time, Iroha met a magical girl mercenary called Felicia, and the two ended up caught in the Rumor of the Lucky Owl Water. When our girls went to erase it, a cult group of weirdos called The Wings of the Magius stood in their way and got Felicia to join them promising the extinction of all witches.
Who are these weirdos? What are they up to protecting the Rumors? Is what they promised Felicia true? Et cetera, et cetera. Let's just go to the episode to find out already.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record S1 episode 7
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O-oh... what a way to start an episode, huh.
We get a look into what led to Felicia becoming a magical girl and, like most magical girl backstories, it's tragic. This is the reason why Felicia's obsessed with destroying all witches.
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Continuing from the previous episode, Felicia was taken to a subterranean waterway, that might be their hideout. Wait, didn't Kaede say something about a rumor of a giant underground empire some time back? She might've been right after all hahaha
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After walking a while, Felicia is met by Tsukasa and Tsukuyo Amane, two of the, uh, generals I guess I could say, of The Wings of the Magius.
The weirdo twins explain that their organization's objective is fulfilling the wishes of the Magius, whose objective is the salvation of all magical girls. See, so they are the ones behind the salvation propaganda.
The twins say their objective cannot be completed without the eradication of witches, which... well, is not a lie. Without the witchfication, there would be no witches. It's all fine until there, but then they're also protecting Rumors, who kidnap people, so... yeah.
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...uh, hey, Kyoko? What are you doing here?
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Back to Iroha's group, Iroha is worried about just letting Felicia go like that, to which Yachiyo answers it's fine because she planted a GPS on her... sasuga, Yachiyo. Why in the heck did you have that?
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"Am I being tracked too...?”
Yachiyo says this much is normal (no it's not), since she didn't trust Felicia to begin with, but Iroha just feels bad knowing Felicia's circumstances.
The trio heads towards Felicia's position and find the entrance to the waterway. Waiting for them there was...
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Chibi Kyuubei. For as adorable as he is, he manages to look even more suspicious than the original. And he only shows up when there's a rumor around, too! I don't trust him.
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Back at the underground waterway, Kyoko and Felicia are having a little chat. According to her, Kyoko only just ran into them too. She says that as long as she has Grief Seeds, food and a place to sleep, the rest doesn't matter, but she also seems to be aware that the WoM are fishy. Felicia agrees uneasily, but hearing that they might be behind the witches gathering in Kamihama seems to already have put doubts in her mind.
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The two have a meeting with the Amane twins inside the Rumor's barrier.
The twins explain the logic behind the Lucky Owl Water once again, and Kyoko says this
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There it is! This series' core. Funny hearing that from Kyoko, since I think she doesn't even know how right she is yet.
Kyoko rejects the Water and lays out her terms: as long as she can keep gathering Grief Seeds, she's fine with anything. However, the twins affirm that those are not necessary in Kamihama. Normally, I'd say these two are bonkers, but... well, we saw what happened to Iroha and Kaede. These two must know about that too. At this moment, a black feather comes in and interrupts their little show.
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Iroha's group was making their way through the waterway when the Amane twins block their way and, together with them, Kyoko and Felicia.
The Amane twins tell Iroha to do what they say if she doesn't want to be swallowed by bad luck and Iroha asks them why would they create that Rumor, to which the twins once more say it's for the sake of the Magius and their salvation. See, cult.
Yachiyo cuts to the chase and confirms they're here to battle, and the twins pull out something strange on them.
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So, yeah. There's pocket monsters, and now we have pocket witches too, apparently.
The twins called a witch upon our girls, which, according to them, they are controlling with magic. As the girls begin fighting against their familiars, Yachiyo asks the twins if they have any idea of what exactly they're doing. Tsukasa apologizes, but affirms that witches will be gone if they can realize their plans. The twins (literally) pull the rug on Yachiyo and Tsuruno and chase after them, leaving the (weak) Iroha to Kyoko and Felicia.
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Iroha gets whacked by the familiars and Felicia comes in to help. Iroha then once again dashes in her direction and they do a connect. Upon further thought, I think Iroha's assist is a booster in a more literal sense, since it turned Felicia's hammer into a rocket-hammer. My theory is that it's the same propulsion magic that makes her crossbow work.
Felicia's hammer causes a quake and one of the twins asks what's going on. Well, what did you think would happen if you released a witch in front of someone who notoriously goes berserk when they see witches? The twins might not be very smart.
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Damn, I missed a number.
Kyoko bounces too. She wasn't very convinced with the twins' vague talk of "salvation".
After transforming, Kyoko does her good act of the day, busting a hole in the barrier and telling Iroha to go on ahead. Iroha hesitates to leave her friends behind but obeys when Yachiyo tells her to go.
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With Kyoko guarding her back Iroha manages to make it out of the witch's p*kéball and into the Rumor's barrier. Like it's said, out of the frying pan into the fire. Oh and there's 7-6. I'm really missing numbers left and right today.
No Iroha, don't go chase the Kyuubei towards the light...! Just kidding. Iroha gets out of the tunnel and finds the Rumor's main body. She confirms with her tutorial mascot if she only has to break that, readies her crossbow and... gets swarmed by owls. C'mon Iroha, did you really think it'd be that easy?
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While Iroha's busy sucking at battles, Felicia's not having a better time with her reckless style either. Kyoko saves her ass and tells her she's not winning like that.
This whole sequence is just great in terms of animation, shame I can't really screenshot that T-T
As someone on a similar spot, Kyoko gives Felicia some advice, telling her she's a magical girl for her own sake; that's how it should be when she's betting her own life.
The two cooperate on destroying the witches, with Felicia bonking the whole barrier to smithereens. Nice job, rocket-hammer!
The girls go back to the waterway and the twins' Soul Gem is quite drained. Tsuruno tells them to stop already, but these two weirdos say that's just what they wanted.
Saying that they'll be able to show that Kamihama is a place of salvation, the two do the same thing Iroha and Kaede had done.
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Uhhh... if the salvation that the Magius is preaching is spewing out a witch from your body, that's already super fishy. There's no way there's no downside to this. This is Madoka we are talking about... right...?
While Yachiyo's group learns a shocking and disturbing truth, Iroha's busy getting her ass kicked. Poor Iroha
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and oh god, I don't think anyone would ever catch this number if they weren't pausing as much as I am to write this.
Iroha keeps getting wrecked by the owls, miraculously escaping unscathed thanks to the Lucky Owl Water. As the numbers keep counting down, Iroha starts questioning what happened to her back in the Seance Shrine. Uh, Iroha, is this really the best time to be introspecting?
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No matter how many times I see it, this scene still creeps me out.
While Iroha gets another round of spawning a witch, Yachiyo's group fight the twins', to no avail. Back to Iroha...
Oh no the witch talks now? Eek... oh, wait wait is this still Iroha's voice?
Not that the first thing it said is wrong, but Yachiyo's words really remained in a negative manner, huh? First in the Seance Shrine and now this. Iroha, don't go getting yourself killed trying to become stronger, ok?
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A-at least it's a bit cuter now... if you can call a witch that... rather, why did it change?
Iroha's thing makes short work of the Rumor and the Chibi Kyuubei peaces out. As if it wasn't suspicous enough, it turns into freaking water. Goddammit Chibi Kyuubei.
Iroha just lies there tired.
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Uhh... yeah, sure, if you count an eldritch abomination coming out of you as part of yourself, then yeah you did.
Like last time, Iroha's Soul Gem is pristine clean now.
Back to the twins, thanks to the floating water falling they realize that the Rumor's been defeated , then start panicking.
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"Someone", whose voice we're already familiar with, comes in to check on the situation and the twins apologize for their failure.
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Whelp, this is awkward. Hello there, Mifuyu. So you joined a cult.
Tsuruno gets really emotional. She runs up and hugs Mifuyu. who stops the Black Feathers from attacking her. Tsuruno's really glad that she's back and says they'll have to make a "Welcome Back Party" at her family's restaurant, but Mifuyu says she's not going back, because she's part of the cult The Wings of the Magius now. (couldn't they choose a shorter name for their group? Geez)
Mifuyu shifts her attention to Yachiyo and says she's happy that they went even to Seance Shrine to search for her; Yachiyo says it's thanks to the Kamihama Rumor Files (the notebook Yachiyo carries around) that she left behind.
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Yachiyo asks but Mifuyu implies she's the one that was left behind.
Mifuyu invites Yachiyo to join the cult but Yachiyo, obviously, can't agree with their methods. She questions if Mifuyu hadn't resolved herself as a magical girl but Mifuyu, like we saw in the flashback, really wants to be saved. Yachiyo's the only one who's strong like that.
Yachiyo says she'll stop her by force if she has to and they prepare to battle again, but Mifuyu uses her magic and has her group leave.
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Iroha's group leave the underground waterway (seems Kyoko has gone her way already too). Felicia tries to leave too and says she has nowhere to go back to when Iroha stops her and asks, so Iroha tells her to come over to her place.
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Felicia says she doesn't have to do that for her, but Iroha says she's doing this for herself, that she needs Felicia's strenght. Felicia argues that Iroha will get in trouble again if she's around and all the girls chip in saying they'll help her learn to hold herself back. (I'm not sure what this far framing is doing but I do like how it lets us see the body expression of all the girls at once.)
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Huh, weird, why is the screen so blurry? I can't type like this...
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Iroha apologizes for what they said and insists on having Felicia over, even if just for the day. Yachiyo comes in and tells them to stay over at her place instead.
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*sobs* so beautiful ;-; I wish I knew the name of the ost track here it's really pretty too.
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It really is Kyoko, it really is.
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At Yachiyo's place, Iroha's on the phone with her parents while the others wait for her to eat. It seems like her parents finally decided on where she's going to be moving to, and whatever they said was a surprise.
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There goes the last number! The Rumor's gone so this has to be purely for the sake of finishing the countdown, but I have long given up on trying to find the ones I'm missing in this episode.
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And there's the title card. Don't leave the episode yet, though, as there's still an after credits scene.
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To absolutely no one's surprise besides Iroha's, the place her parents decided on is Mikadzuki Villa, Yachiyo's place. Now, I did say that last number must be purely illustrative, but I'm inclined to agree with Iroha here on it being thanks to the Lucky Owl Water since there is no other way I can rationalize Iroha's parents, from overseas, managing to find the phone number of Mikadzuki Villa, that's not even doing boarding anymore, calling while Yachiyo's around to respond, making an agreement to let Iroha live there, and Yachiyo not even telling Iroha her parents called. So yeah, I say it was the Lucky Owl Water.
Felicia comes with Tsuruno and reveals she's also been living in Yachiyo's place. She's happy she'll be freed from living alone with Yachiyo and her "nagging" and Yachiyo tells her to clean up; Iroha says she's glad to see them getting along.
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“When did I turn into a mom?“
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That's a new type of bishie sparkles alright. Can all models do this? Is it like some special ability like Gabs' censor light rays? We'll never know.
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After the various types of ad, now we have spam too. Magia Record is actually warning us about the dangers of the internet.
...In all seriousness though, that's some mysterious text. How do they, whoever "they" are, know that Iroha's a magical girl? And most of all, how do they have her number? Guess this is going to be the mystery for the next episode. (Also, I never noticed this before but you can hear a veeeery quiet chime when the messages come in. Nice detail!).
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Aaaand with that, we have concluded episode 7! This one also ran on longer than I expected and, surprisingly, managed to surpass the number of screenshots of all others at about 43 images. sugoi
I couldn't catch all the numbers this time, but the ones I did were: 13-12 with Iroha on the bridge; 10-9 when Kyoko "betrays" the WoM; 7-6 when Iroha finds the Rumor; 6 through 1 happen while Iroha's fighting the Rumor and the last 1-0 was in Yachiyo's magazine. With that, I'm missing 12-11; 11-10; 9-8 and 8-7, which I have no idea where they are. Oh well.
I realized partway through that it kinda seems like I'm dissing Iroha every chance I get, but I assure you I don't hate her. In fact, she's my favorite character! This is coming purely from a place of affection, and a bit of frustration at what the anime did to her character, so don't mind me, it's aaall good.
With that out of the way, this was episode 7! We are now over halfway through, with a buckload of mysteries and barely any progress being made towards finding Iroha's younger sister. Poor Ui, if you even existed. Tomorrow, we'll be watching episode 8, so I hope you'll read me again then. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening and see you later!
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danyka-fendyr · 5 years
5 Times Dick Grayson Tried To Ask You Out and the 1 Time He Didn’t Have To
Well, everyone, I’m sick, I’m incredibly tired, and this is way shorter than it should be, but you know what? My darling @lexxierave requested this and I am going to get it done tonight even if it kills me, which!!!! It well might. But it will all be worth it, for my muse.
Description: Dick Grayson keeps trying to ask you out and keeps meeting with varying degrees of failure. What will happen when external forces get involved though?
Warnings: None. Fluff all the way.
Wordcount: idk man I’m going to be running a fever imminently do you think I can even read the words blurring on my screen I’m about to start typing with my eyes closed (no seriously I just looked away from my computer screen for a second and my head started spinning and everything went sort of blurry and there was this fuzzy imprint of the glow messing around behind my eyes it was wILD)
The first time Dick Grayson tries to ask you out, it does not go well. This shouldn’t be a surprise, as that’s how these things usually go, but Dick fancies himself an exception to the rules. He is smooth, suave, whelmed, traut! These sorts of things just don’t happen to him. But apparently, they do now.
It started out fine. He complimented your outfit first. That always went over well. Smiled at you very smoothly, because yes he was nervous, but he was also trained to lie by the world’s greatest detective. And then, just as he was asking what your plans for the weekend were, there was an interruption. A small, dark-haired, very angry interruption.
Oh no. That...could not be good.
“Grayson! I need your help at once!”
“What is it, Damian?” Dick was doing his best to be compassionate towards the kid and to be a good big brother but now was really not the time.
“We must leave at once. I have just been informed that there is an animal shelter downtown with a surplus of kittens that need adopting.” Damian’s hands were planted firmly on his hips, trying to make his slight stature take up more space.
“Dames, do you think it could maybe wait, I’m-”
“We must leave at once Grayson! These kittens are in a crisis. There is no waiting!”
“Okay, here we go,” Dick mumbled under his breath, looking up to offer you an apologetic smile. “Hey, I have to go save some kittens. Could we maybe finish this later?”
You couldn’t help but smile back. “Sure. Good luck with the kittens.”
“Thanks. I think I’m going to need it.”
Dick was a little upset, but it was no problem. It was only the first time. Things would go great next time.
Things did not go great the next time.
Dick tried. He really tried. He figured casual was still the way to go, since more flashy methods were likely to backfire on him, and he didn’t want to risk that what with the complications of last time. You were both standing in the manor kitchen talking when he broached the subject.
“So Y/N, there’s another one of my Dad’s endless galas coming up, and I was wondering if-”
“Oh, I am going!” You cut him off. “Damian asked me if he could ‘escort’ me. Isn’t that adorable? We were talking about pets and I said I’m a dog person and a cat person because they’re both great and deserve love and he said I was, ‘quite adequate’. He’s such a sweet little guy.”
“Yeah. Sweet.” Dick might have to have a serious talk with Damian.
Third time’s the charm. That’s what everyone said right? There was no way this could go wrong. Not this time.
This time, Dick went elaborate. Because, well...because he could. At this point, he had nothing to lose. The plan was pretty clear cut. He would use the spare key to your house you had given him, sneak in in the early morning, make you breakfast, and then express his sentiments that he would like to make you breakfast again under very different circumstances. 
What could go wrong?
“Grayson, are those pancakes?”
How. How was he even here? This was more than improbably. This should be impossible. There was no way this was happening to him. Not again.
“Damian, why are you here?” Dick turned his back to your stovetop where he was indeed making pancakes so that he could better see Damian in your doorway.
“Sometimes I come over to Y/L/N’s to do sunrise yoga with her. You should try it sometime Grayson. It really aligns the body and soul. I find it helps me keep my temper in check.”
If it helped keep your temper in check, Dick might need to try it.
Well, if nothing else could be said for this attempt, at least you had liked the pancakes.
This time, Dick was going to write to you. If he wrote out his request, there was no way it could be interrupted. Nothing Damian could do could possibly intercept this heartfelt, beautiful email. It was no love letter, but it was less likely to be intercepted than the actual snail mail alternative. Dick was 3 seconds away from hitting send-3 seconds-when the power cut out, causing his computer to crash and all the lights in the building to go off. When the backup generator kicked in a few moments later, the email it had taken him hours to write was gone, erased completely.
That was it. What had even happened? Before he could ask further though, the obvious answer appeared in the form of Damian in his doorway, hair sticking up in every direction.
“Apologies for any inconvenience Grayson. Drake and I were having a brief altercation and the powerbox may have become involved. I assure you it will not happen again in the future. Next time I will be certain not to miss.”
He was moving back to Bludhaven.
Okay, well, if the third time wasn’t the charm, maybe the fifth time was. Or maybe it was just really, extremely cursed. Maybe he was just really, extremely cursed. Any way you sliced it, Dick Grayson wasn’t a quitter. He would keep trying until he had you.
This time, there was no mistaking it. The rose petals leading upstairs to where he waited for you were a clear sign of romance. The second you got to the manor and saw them, following them upstairs, he would have you. All he had to do was wait.
But...he waited. And then he waited some more. For hours he waited, not moving from his spot, because he had invited you here. You should be up here, by all logic and reason. Maybe traffic had just gotten really bad?
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He headed downstairs to go see what exactly was happening, only to find the house was empty except for Damian reading on the couch.
“Damian, did Y/N come by earlier?”
“Yes. She was looking for you but said she could come back later.” Damian flipped a page in his book.
“But...didn’t she see the rose petals?”
“Oh, those were for her? Unfortunately, Batcow has a strange liking for rose petals and ate them while I wasn’t looking. How unfortunate.”
Okay, that was it.
Dick sat down on the couch at Damian’s feet, stealing the book out of his hands. “Listen, Dames. I know that chances are, you’re not doing this to give me grief. You’re a good kid. But I have been trying to ask Y/N out for months, and every time so far. every. single. time. You have somehow interrupted. So could you please just...try to keep the chaos to a minimum. Please? For me?”
Damian stared at him curiously before a realization seemed to set in. “Oh, is that what that was? A mating ritual? I assumed you were attempting to explain to her that you could no longer be friends, which I could not allow because Y/L/N is a very valuable asset.” Translation? Damian thought you were enjoyable to be around. “I suppose you may carry on as you were then. I shall not interfere anymore.”
Dick wanted to be mad at him for doing it on purpose. He really, really did. But the thing was...if the kid had thought he was keeping you in his life, he supposed he couldn’t be mad about that. Or at least, not mad forever.
Dick was a little bummed, to say the least. He had decided it would be a good idea to allow for a cooling-off period before he asked you out again. Damian or no Damian, he hadn’t been met with a lot of success in that department. He fixed his tie in front of the mirror, getting ready for the latest Wayne gala. Because heaven only knew they needed another one. For some odd reason, Damian had been particularly insistent he look his best tonight. When he had come out in his favorite flower-print button-down, Damian had shoved him back into his wardrobe and demanded he choose something classier. There were several wardrobe changes. Eventually, though, he was released to head downstairs. 
Much to his surprise, he was met by you. Dressed for the gala. Looking amazing.
“You clean up nice, Grayson.” You smiled at him.
You laughed. “Damian said something about you wanting me to go to the gala with you but not having the time to ask?”
Time really hadn’t been the issue.
“Uhhh...yeah. I’ve kind of been meaning to ask you out for a while now.”
“Really?” You blushed.
“Yeah, really. So uhh....shall we?”
“We shall.” You looped your arm through his, and you two headed off into the night.
Dick supposed he had something to thank Damian for after all. Even if the kid could be a bit of a pain.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Hee hee hee...
... I found a Zi-O 14 raw...
I’m gonna watch it!
(I’m still tired though, so this’ll likely be a speed through and then I’ll do another post later, but anyway, more below!)
(So it turns out I lied. I got way to into the episode. Sorry.)
In no order:
YES! Geiz you softie, I knew it. Even if you’re gonna defend it by saying it’s bc you want to be the one to kill him or whatever, I knew you weren’t gonna leave it at that.
It’s making me think of something from the musical ep of Buffy (disclaimer: I have not actually watched Buffy I just have the music from that ep bc... I love show tunes. No. Really. That’s why.). Weird comparison, I know, but hear me out--Spike’s got this line that goes (w/ some less applicable parts removed) ‘I hope she fries ... I better help her out.’ Literally, I feel like that's what happened here. Geiz is like ‘I totally do not care at all that he is dead, absolutely not, not for any reason whatsoever, I’m going to leave now good-bye. ............ OkaymaybeI’mgonnagosavehim. But only bc I want to be the one to kill him. Not bc I care at all in any way even a little bit.’
Yeah, yeah. I know it’s just Tsukasa, but, I mean... Ryuki.
Aw, he did the henshin kinda like how Takeru used to do it. ^^ God, Tsukasa, what are you doing giving me warm fuzzies?
Okay, yeah, but... We already know Takeru has one/it. So... Hm. Does Tsukasa know that? At this point I just never take anything this man says or does at face value, so...
Ooop. Yup. Guessing he dropped that on purpose. What is your plan here, Tsukasa?
Wait. Is future¡nonRider¡Takeru gonna meet past¡Rider¡Takeru?
OH. Oh... Wow. Okay. Not the plan I was expecting to be implemented. A... Apparently Takeru’s new Force Push works on physical stuff, too. Alright then! Sure, I’ll take it!
Oh, hey Woz. I guess. He seems... A little frustrated about something?
Sougo, why are you making a face like you got caught talking in class? You don’t have to feel bad about this. You did a good. A... Side from semi-stranding Takeru in the past?
Wait... If the incident never occurred, then Another Ghost was never created, then Takeru never lost his memories, then he never got deRidered... But the Ghost Watch exists so he should still be deRidered.... Augh! I knew I didn’t have the brain for this time travel stuff! I’m gonna stop thinking about it.
And now Uhr (or whatever his name is) is gonna pout. Which is probably gonna be destructive.
But also... MAKOTO!!!
Though... Why is Makoto here? Though, I guess I’m not sure when exactly this would fall during Ghost, since we weren’t given any timeline indication for it. Seems to be after Takeru and Makoto made up, though... I guess he was in the area? And then saw Takeru getting attacked.
Yeah, okay, so he’s still Spectre, which means the Ghost timeline hasn't been erased yet.
Aw, and he doesn’t know it’s not the Takeru from his time. So... Are we gonna have two Takeru’s? I’m curious.
Unfortunately, we lost one bc Tsukasa is a dick.
I’m assuming Takeru’s memories are back, too.
Makoto is just staring at him (looking absolutely fantastic, might I add) like ‘dude wtf are you okay? What’s going on?’
Uhr, why are you surprised? Did you not do your research or something? YOU PICKED A FIGHT W/ THE ACTUAL KAMEN RIDER GHOST.
I realise this is all gonna get erased by the end of this (come to think if you erase the Ghost Timeline... What happens to Makoto and Kanon? I mean, Takeru never dies... Do they never get sucked into Gamma? Bc the accident never occurs, or bc Gamma never exists? And if Gamma never exists... What about Alain? And his family? Oh Dear.) so this won’t happen, but it’s really funny think about Makoto mentioning this to the Takeru of the past later and having 2015¡Takeru be like ‘Makotonii-chan wth are you talking about?’ and Makoto is like ‘Wth do you mean wth? YOU WERE THERE!’
SWARTZ JUST SHOWS UP TO SCOLD HIM. I love this evil time manipulating family that hates each other.
Okay, but Uhr is gonna turn the brother into Another Ghost anyway... But now he’s not dead, so destroying the Another Ride Watch isn’t a moral dilemma anymore.
And there go Makoto and Takeru.
Wait... Is Geiz still in 2015? Maybe he can give him a hand.
Sougo, did you just realise that Woz does not actually have your best interests in mind? I’ve known that since nigh ten episodes ago.
I feel like Makoto was either just like ‘Takeru what the hell is going on?’, ‘What are you doing here?’ or, ‘Weren’t you wearing something else half nd hour ago?’ (okay, probably not that last one). And now Takeru is scrambling bc he can’t very well be like ‘yeah I’m actually Takeru from the future who forgot he was a Kamen Rider etc.’
Mika there w/ the accidental save. I’m sure a little sister looking for her brother is gonna hit a nerve w/ Makoto, too...
Poor Makoto. He’s getting Gaim Arc Tsukuyomi’d. It’s okay, honey, this’ll all have never have happened by the end of this episode.
He’s still, like, two dimensional, though. Physically, I mean. Like, Flat Stanley. He can fit through tight spaces if he turns sideways.
Takeru is such a terrible liar he has to look the opposite direction. It’d be really funny if the Takeru of 2015 came running up right after they leave. Poor Makoto would be so confused. Even more than he already is.
Poor guy, I’m so sorry. Don’t worry. Like I said, by the end of this, this’ll never have happened.
Aw, Geiz came back. I’m glad he’s alright.
It sounds like he’s complaining, but I don’t speak Japanese, so I’m not sure. I’m really confused as to why Takeru didn’t tell them, though... Like, did he think they wouldn’t believe him?
Oh, yeah... What’d they tell Junichiro? He doesn’t seem as worried as he’d presumably be if he knew Sougo was technically dead...
Tsukuyomi taking one for the team w/ this conversation. Geiz is just sitting there like ‘this is one of the most awkward moments of my life.’
Oh my gosh, they just came in. Poor Takeru’s running around so much. His feet have gotta hurt by now.
Takeru don’t talk to Sougo when you know no one else can see him, for pity’s sake.
See what I mean? Everyone is looking at you like you’re nuts.
Oh for... SERIOUSLY? YOU’RE ONLY TELLING THEM NOW? You bloody little troll. It’s okay, I still love you.
I’m... Pretty sure they just mentioned Akari. Aw, that’s sweet. They couldn’t get her back, but they didn’t forget her.
I’m starting to wonder if the Ghost cast just have a group chat and Takeru’s actor was like ‘hey who’s free during this time period?’ and these are the folks who could make it.
Aw, Geiz is embarrassed. I saw you doing the awkward embarrassed thing. Poor Tsukuyomi just collapses in a chair.
Oh my gosh... Geiz is mad that that they made him embarrassed and have feelings, so he’s got both Sougo and Takeru by the shoulders like an angry big brother or something, and poor Takeru’s trying to explain, I love this episode. I also love how bad Geiz is at feelings.
Wait, though... Did they give Sougo his body back, or did they just temporarily revitalise his ghost? Bc I seem to remember that while Takeru was a ghost, he was capable of being corporeal at times.
I love how Sougo is just nodding along w/ what Takeru’s saying like ‘Sempai, save me!’
Geiz is like ‘You asshole... I GOT DOUBLE RIDER KICKED FOR YOU!’ He’s totally gonna try and kill him again for this...
This is totally like that moment in Dekaranger when Hoji got huffy about something and stalked out and the rest of the team just started giggling and someone literally said ‘He’s so bad at feelings!’ Bc Geiz is very bad at feelings. I love him, he’s so hopeless.
Yeah, it’s fine, Takeru was able to make it so he was no longer reanimated. And confused the hell out of poor Makoto in the process!
Geiz is also embarrassed about the Ghost Ride Watch getting destroyed. It’s okay, peaches, you got double Rider Kicked, remember? Anyway, Takeru’s got one. Well, I mean... Presumably it’s the same one. Just... It’s in a time loop. And it will be until we finish changing time. At least we know it’ll always come back, bc Puma Zi-O has to have it for Geiz to steal in the first place.
Aw, the Time Jacker sibs are working together! Guess Dad frustrated.
Robot fights? In my Kamen Rider? It’s more likely than you’d think!
Aw, look at that. They just got their gamers on.
Oh, nope, now we’re Build and Cross-z.
God, you boys REALLY SUCK at not being in sync. Are you sure you weren’t meant to work together?
Woz here, trying manipulate Tsukasa. Please. You don’t play a player.
Still excited for the day Geiz uses Sougo’s name.
Geiz here, sharing the powers again.
Tsukasa is sitting in this construction equipment like one of your french girls.
I think Tsukasa just asked Woz who he was talking to, and Woz was like ‘Uhhh... I dunno?’
I just realised... Sougo’s Decade Armour has a barcode on it?
YES! THANK YOU! I knew I could count on you, Tsukasa. He just yelled at Woz to either stop or be quiet, I’m pretty sure, snatched the book and closed it. Bringing back Masahiro was a great choice, I love this. So long as he can keep it up. I hope he’s not overdoing it between this and Jinga.
Either that or he said ‘too long,’ which is also true.
Oooooooo. He can use two Riders at once on the sword.
Woz, are you just realising Tsukasa is doing what he wants, not what you want? Seriously?
Like I said, I do trust Tsukasa to at least have noble intentions/goals, even if his methods are rather... Questionable at times. I do believe he does take his post as a Kamen Rider seriously. Even if he’s... Tsukasa.
The Decade Armour is chanting ‘HEI-SEI HEI-SEI HEI-SEI etc. etc.’ and I’m afraid I must admit I love it.
Aw, Tsukuyomi and Takeru waited for him to wake up. Geiz isn’t there bc he’s embarrassed.
Junichiro is scared of Tsukasa, and you know what, valid.
Also Geiz is gonna kill something and for once it might not be Sougo. It’s okay, dude. Like I said, at the end of the day, he is a Kamen Rider, the goddamn leggy bastard.
I love how he apparently takes the camera off to eat.
And Tsukasa is still himself, even though the Decade Ride Watch exists... Hmm... So either the thing about there being two Koutas was true, or... There’s something else going one w/ leg asshole here that allowed him to keep his memories when even Fruit Jesus lost them.
That’s... Actually an okay photo? Tsukasa, have you improved?
Geiz is gonna try and kill him again. Sorry, sweetie, he’s just like This. I wouldn’t advise picking a fight right now, he’s been around the block multiple times. He’d just trash you again.
Is Woz... In the scene? Or is he... Not? Is he trying to predict Tsukasa? Oh, this’ll be interesting. Tsukasa vs Woz.
Geiz is still glaring, Tsukuyomi looks a little like a frightened rabbit.  Zi-Ot3 isn’t sure what to make of the leggy bastard just yet.
So, the preview...: Is Puma Zi-O planning to beat his past self into submission? That’s... Dark. What’s the relationship between Woz and this Kisshan fellow? Did Puma Zi-O feel like Woz was screwing up, so he sent Kisshan back, or was this the plan from the start? Does Woz even actually work for Puma Zi-O? Is he just playing a part and biding his time for something else? Looks like, as a comment I saw put it quite well, Puma Zi-O is entering the chat next week. Kisshan is gonna throw Geiz and Tsukuyomi around, much to Sougo’s horror, it appears. And Tsukasa... Not sure what Tsukasa is up to yet. Not that I expected to know.
Oh, yeah, and wasn’t there a recent scan leak of Geiz’s Time Majin using a Diend Ride Watch? So... Are we actually gonna be seeing Kaito, or... What? Bc Kaito and Geiz, that’d be a pair. Kaito would probably tease him, and Geiz would fall for it every single time. We’ll see. I have no expectations as far as returns go bc I know they’re limited by availability and willingness, so let’s just go with the flow!
Alright. I’m sorry this was so long. Virtual toffees for anyone who read all that. I still love Geiz, he’s bad at emotions and embarrassed by feelings, I love it. Presuming we’re gonna have a ‘Puma Zi-O is my enemy, Tokiwa Sougo is my friend’ moment at some point (kinda like Ryuuga had over Katsuragi and Sento respectively). Poor Tsukuyomi is trying to wrangle these idiots, but I wish they’d give her a little bit more to do. Tsukasa remains Tsukasa, not surprisingly. Hope to see more of the bitter Time fam that hates each other in the future. Who knows, since Sougo is going to 2068 next week, maybe we’ll even get to meet Goggles.
Also, for anyone wondering why it says ‘Puma Zi-O’ all over this... Well, my computer kept correcting ‘Ouma’ to ‘Puma’ and I eventually decided that ‘Puma’ was funnier. That’s all.
Here’s a shot of Makoto looking attractive despite poor quality to finish off:
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ldoesanartthing · 6 years
Hiya! You're art is really good! I was wondering if you could show your drawing process? I'm trying to develop some tips and stuff, heh.. thank you!!! - ♡♡♡
Well for starters, thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy my art! But I’m very sorry if this isn’t as in depth as one might hope, I’ve been in a bit of a rush this morning, so my apologies (also please forgive my uncropped screencaps)
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To start off, I either sketch it out on paper and take a pic, or sketch in krita. I typically use krita for almost everything I draw digitally. To start, my default canvas size is around 3300 x 3000, and if I’m not feeling lazy, I fill the canvas a nice grey. I don’t know why, but it makes the drawings nicer.
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I like to start off with a basic idea of what posing I want, with a loose crosshair on the head to figure out where the character is looking, in this case, the weird floating thing we got here
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Next, I start putting in shapes and finalizing our pose. most drawings of mine are built with shapes (usually most obvious with DKtDW Michael, he’s very rectangular.) For hands I use that pentagon shape, this helps me plug in the thumbs and fingers. Our character here is very slight, so i used sort of a tube, ect, ect,
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next, I refine the crosshair. Most artists who use a crosshair only have a line for the bottom of the eyes, but I never got the hang of that one, so I have it for the top and bottom (also I gave her a tail. Because.) And then I place the face stuff on. Eyes I like to do “anime style” (sparkly, only the top and bottom lash line are lined, ect, ect,) unless it’s robots, and by exenstion animatronics. One thing I’ve learned is a good idea is if your character has pupils, sketch the iris first, then the pupils. This will work better for you and gives you a nice ratio of iris to pupil.
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Next, plan the hairline. I usually have two hairlines I apply, rounded, and widow’s peak. This will help you plan the hair out easier, which is beneficial for short and long hair.
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I’ve never known how to describe the way I draw hair, but generally, make it flowy if it’s long. Hair tends to be curlier with shorter hair, because it’s less weighed down, and please, practice different hair textures and styles, I may go into that more if anyone wants me to try to do a hair tutorial.
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Next, move onto clothes, and refining other details. I like to make skirts flowy, flowy is fun, dynamic, and interesting, visually.
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uhhh let’s refine that glowy thing, right? Let’s make it a crystal. Crystals are fun.
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Next, let’s give her a background.I wanted to draw space, so we’re drawing space now. I gave her a planet.
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Line the background! I use Basic_tip_default on weighted smoothing for almost all my lineart. Don’t be afraid to use the line and circle tools. They’re helpful, and denying yourself the tools that the program comes with is dumb, and limiting.
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Rad, the lineart’s done on the background!
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Next, let’s line the character. For hair lining, use gentle strokes, it creates a feathery and light feel
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For lining around the eyes I turn off weighted smoothing, and feather ‘til it looks like eyelashes
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lineart complete, nice
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Next, let’s lay out some background colors. Try not to make them too overpowering compared to the character, or you’ll the character as the focal point. I’ve chosen my main galaxy colors, and my color for the planet. The balcony will be a sleek white. I’ve been taught not to use pure white or pure blacks and greys, but you do whatever makes you happy, don’t let anyone boss you around unless you’re paying them to teach you, or they’re paying you. I use pure black for lines, and pure white for eye shines, but it’s important that you work out what makes you happiest. Art isn’t about what’s the standard of the time, it’s about what makes you happy. If neon ponies is what makes your heart soar, then make all the neon ponies you could ever dream of, you beautiful soul.
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Next, fill in the bg’s most prominent color with either the fill bucket or a large brush, this is my galaxy base.
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I like to airbrush the other colors, but sometimes it’s too sharp, so let’s
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b l u r i t o u t. I used the 99 x 99 radius to get it absolutely dreamy
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star it up baby, bc you’re a star. my favorite brush for sparkles and stars is FX_splat_starfield, it’s lovely
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next the planet, I airbrushed some darker and lighter teals for detail, as well as gave it a haze around the edge for because.
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Then we’re all colored!
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shade it up, babey. In this piece’s case, our light source is the planet, so we shade accordingly. the shades in the ref docker are my go-to’s. Good rule of thumb is the warmer the light, the warmer the shade, but my default is the purple-ish blue color, i set it to multiply and the opacity to 40%
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Next I block in the character’s colors, I only do this if this is my first time drawing them, if not, i use the previous image or the character’s ref sheet
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flats are done, and she looks spiffy, let’s shade her
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close up of the hair shading. i always take my lining brush, and make it thinner for hair shading, it looks fluffy, and nice. this is also the beginning of the eye shining process, for fancy eyes like hers, i take white and lower the opacity, that way no detail is lost, and it’s still nice and shiny, for plain eyes, i just up the saturation and lightness
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next, over the lineart, put pure white like this, it make the eyes have lots of depth. and an option if you have a light source that’s a different color, a shine of that will really tie it together.
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nice, she’s shaded and highlighting. but now we need some… glowies
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much better. if your light is especially bright or your character is pale, some reflection goes a long way. i use the airbrush for glowy stuff and these reflections on matte surfaces
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Now we shade in a way that effects bg and character, i call envo shade. I went ahead and took my airbrush set to erase where stuff glows, but now it looks too sharps, so…
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We blur it up again. Perfect.
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Never forget to sign and date your work. Dating is so you can look back and see how much you’ve improved, and signing is just good practice, but i won’t get into it. i tend to watermark my stuff after it being reposted so many times, but that’s something you can decide on. Again, please keep experimenting and trying different things to develop how you draw, and if you ever use these methods, feel free to send me the link so I can see ^^, have a lovely day, and if you need me to explain anything further, shoot me another ask.
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damn-stevens · 6 years
Initial impressions of Legion 2x06 (some spoilers)
- OK, before I get into the ep, I just wanna say this: I’m not sure why everybody seems so certain that Amy is dead. A lot of people have “died” on this show but that doesn’t stop them from hanging around and continuing to annoy David. And even if she’s not herself anymore and just an aspect of New Lenny’s personality, there’s still an infinite number of Amys in other timelines.
- That direct lift of an early scene from “A Clockwork Orange” was DOPE AF. The version in this ep features Old Homeless Man David. Check out the original: 
Even some of the same dialogue! I bet that was a real treat for Dan (and Noah). But tbh this whole episode was like giving Dan an acting reward for being so good at keeping David mostly sweet and dorky up to this point.
- Speaking of Dan as an actor: he is such a generous actor and a team player. People who don’t pay attention often don’t even notice him. I was just listening to a podcast last night, in fact, where one of the (not brilliant, frankly) reviewers said that Aubrey Plaza deserves all the acting awards and then specifically called out “what’s his name” who plays David for not being that great at acting. Yes, I wanted to hurl things. Dan is not a William Shatner. He does not demand or seek the spotlight. But when it’s put on him, oh how brightly he shines. I hope that guy is eating crow tonight.
- Red and Green (and yellow to a slightly lesser extent) are very important symbols in this series. Whenever I see red I know that the Shadow King’s influence or presence is near, and when I see green or blue I know it’s a safe place or a seat of power for David. Yellow appears to be the midway point between them, maybe a place where they are both equally present, and Lenny in S1 and the Demon with Yellow Eyes reside there. So now the color thing is really coming into play in S2. If someone (Oliver/Melanie/Farouk/whoever) could convince David that Red is Green and vice versa, what would that mean, exactly? Uhhh, not sure yet.
- This episode proves that, whether David surrenders himself to the SK or not, he’s fucked.
- David can do bad, horrible things perfectly fine without the Shadow King controlling his body, as long as he is afraid, angry, and/or loses control of his emotions. A lot of the time SK just had to scare him a little and watch the fireworks. This makes me nervous in regards to things like “The World’s Angriest Boy In The World”, because as much as “our” David hasn’t been responsible for the murders he did in S1, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t kill people in the past because of his volatile nature.
- As much as Hawley claims this season is about “a sane man in an insane world” (and I’m sure that’s true in a sense), it’s impossible for David not to be mentally disturbed with everything that’s happened to him. The real question is, how did Floppy Hair Suburban Dad David get such a perfect, happy life? Probably in a much less than perfect way. In fact it might all be an illusion, a reality he made up for himself. It seems that timelines in which David doesn’t go horribly bad in one way or another are SUPER rare.
- I briefly referenced this above, but I get a strong feeling that Oliver has recruited Melanie to help him reeducate one of the infinite Davids to believe that “red is green”. You can see hints of this in many of the episodes, especially episode 1, where we see inside what we assume is Melanie’s mind because it contains the Minotaur, as well as a classroom where children are playing duck duck goose and a teacher is writing “roja =“ on a dry erase board. This might explain why Melanie is on the vapor drug. I’d have to do a rewatch of s1, but I got the impression that the vapor boosts psychic power, or maybe euphoria and mind alteration just naturally aid it. The Minotaur (whose head is hidden much like Fukyama’s) could be the Alternate Timeline David who she is putting through the maze in order to brainwash him. BUT, here’s a thought, what if the David Oliver and Melanie are training is actually OUR David? She’s always been convinced that he’s the only true weapon against the Shadow King. This is all sounding really convoluted, but this show is getting kinda timey-wimey in my opinion and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some major time travel stuff going on that Melanie knows all about because she’s certainly good at keeping her secrets.
- In the timeline where World’s Richest Man David lives in the future and Farouk has control over him, the vapor is red. I’m not sure exactly what this means but it’s definitely related to L/Benny and Our David taking vapor that is “always blue” (or maybe not. David doesn’t seem certain.) Drugs are a strong method of controlling David, either by prescription or illicit use. Even Office Space David, the younger version of World’s Richest Man David sniffs White-Out, which miiiight be where the singing mouse came from?  (5/10/18 - Correction: actually Coffee Boy David is the younger version. There’s two Davids who work in offices.)
- Seriously tho, all Davids be cray cray. Even Floppy Hair Suburban Dad David, I’ll bet you a million bucks.
- David and Amy’s relationship is deeply heartbreaking. It’s lovely how much they care about each other, but it’s soooo unhealthy how co-dependent they are. Amy’s life is always dominated by David’s many needs, to the detriment of her personal happiness and often her physical well-being, as we’ve just seen in the last episode, and David is incapable of coping with life without her. If anything ever hurts her, and I’m sure it always eventually does, he goes BLACK AS FUCK. It’s good that he has an emotional anchor, but he needs to be his own anchor (and PLEASE Syd, don’t become his replacement anchor, because you are both less than stable and that would be such a phenomenally bad idea). 
- Farouk’s affection for keeping attractive, similar looking bi/lesbian ladies as his companions seems like a reference to the Vermillion. Hmmmmmm...
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mitzvahmelting · 7 years
response to http://punkrorschach.tumblr.com/post/166246952757/spock-is-jewish snipped for length
@punkrorschach @jessicamiriamdrew
let’s unpack a bit:
“every jewish person i’ve met” well you’re currently talking to two jewish people and you’re ignoring what we’re telling you. 
the reason that we’re calling judaism an ethnoreligion is because an ENORMOUS part of being jewish is the non-religious aspects of it, especially cultural heritage, and reducing judaism to only a religion erases thousands of years of non-religious genetic and cultural inheritance. yes, obviously people can convert, and those jews are valid too, but they are becoming part of the WHOLE jewish culture, not just the God parts.
there are jews who are afraid of being called an ethnicity and that’s fine but it doesn’t apply to all??
yes, the “judaism is a race/ethnicity” idea was used as a justification for the holocaust. no, that doesn’t mean that we should forsake the “ethnicity” label to make ourselves less vulnerable to anti-semites. we don’t make life decisions based on the actions of our oppressors.  we don’t avoid the “ethnicity” classification just to make other, more visible races better targets.
“religion has held back science more than it’s helped it” i mean, yeah, but don’t you think they can coexist?? it’s not like religion inherently undermines science; there are plenty of scientists who are religious.
“the teachings of Surak is kind of a religion. Above all else: logic.”  okay, first of all, speaking as a philosopher: logic is a tool, a method, not an end in and of itself.  when trek writers reference “logic” as an end, they don’t know what they’re talking about.
what they MEAN when they say “logic” is actually “rationality”. they want to live their lives only taking rational actions.
perhaps it’d be irrational for spock to continue practicing faith out of belief in God or emotional connection to his mother’s memory, but it’d be TOTALLY rational to do so in scientific preservation of cultural heritage, especially insofar as it can be utilized to understand OTHER cultures and thereby further the goals of the Enterprise.
(read: most conclusions can be justified with rational arguments, even contradictory conclusions. this is why the vulcans are so... dumb... bc they mostly just care about Not Having Feelings Ever, and not really, like, Acting Rationally Given Human-ish Constraints)
also Roddenberry isn’t the ultimate authority on trek content when so much has happened since TOS?? so trekkies don’t have to limit their views on trek canon to the canon approved by Roddenberry?
also “his jewish coding wasn’t meant to be a good thing” uhhh i’m pretty sure Nimoy’s decisions were meant to be a good thing.
it feels like this is saying “joker’s queercoding was malintentioned ergo joker isn’t queer”?? which is just... evidently untrue....
anyway TL;DR let jewish fans enjoy the jewish character that jewish actor Leonard Nimoy portrayed jewishly, it isn’t harming anyone, just leave it be, thank you very much
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