#user: inna.
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ufghqs · 1 month ago
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I'll do the startling thing I'll have the knife in my teeth I'll be the star You can be the horrified one.
La Bendición del Perdón ha hecho renacer la magia en JUNG (VALERIE) BAREE, bruja descendiente de LIBUŠE, antiguo miembro de VESELÝ, que actualmente cuenta con 28 años. Ocasionalmente, los humanos tienden a confundirlo con MOON GAYOUNG.
INNA, ¡te damos la bienvenida a Unforgiven! Tienes 48 horas para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje, pero no dudes en hacernos saber si necesitas más tiempo.
datos personales
— nombre o apodo: inna — pronombres: ella/suya — triggers: pedofilia, incesto, abuso animal, gore — código de invitación: retirado — guiándote por el reloj del main, ¿en qué horarios preferirías que se organicen eventos, o se realicen cambios de actividades?: 17:00
datos de personaje
— nombre completo: jung (valerie) baree — edad: 28 — pronombres: ella/suya — faceclaim: moon gayoung — clan originario: veselý
— ¿cuándo y por qué resultó exiliado? ¿cómo se sintió al respecto?
La historia de su exilio comienza en un contexto de manipulación y engaño, sembrado por la figura de su tía. Criada bajo la falsa narrativa de los deseos de sus padres, se vio forzada a seguir un camino que no le pertenecía, uno dictado por la voluntad de una madre fallecida y por las expectativas de una élite de sacerdotes que la consideraban más un instrumento que una persona con voz propia. Su vida, una sucesión de sacrificios, no era más que un espejo roto de los deseos ajenos, una realidad construida a su medida pero ajena a su ser.
La verdad llegó a ella de manera inesperada, un golpe devastador. La fachada que había mantenido su familia se desmoronó ante sus ojos, y el dolor de descubrir que había dedicado su vida a algo que no le llenaba, que no era suyo, la hizo replantearse todo. La traición le caló hondo, pero también le dio el coraje de querer reclamar lo que le correspondía por derecho. El enfrentamiento fue inevitable, y en él emergió una fuerza oscura que había permanecido dormida en su interior: la ira. Planeó su venganza con astucia, buscando una oportunidad durante un ritual, un momento en el que una chispa podría desatar el caos, una chispa que aterrorizaría a aquella mujer que le había arrebatado tanto.
Pero las cosas no salieron como había imaginado. El fuego se descontroló, y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, la mirada de todos se centró en ella. La astucia de sus enemigos jugó en su contra, y pronto fue acusada de intento de homicidio, junto a otras invenciones tan desmesuradas que desbordaban la imaginación. Su palabra fue despreciada, su magia arrebatada y su existencia relegada al olvido dentro del mundo mágico.
Tres años han pasado desde aquel incidente. El exilio, lejos de ser un castigo, despertó algo profundo en ella, una sed de venganza que la ha acompañado en su nueva vida, marcada por la amargura. Sin magia, tuvo que adaptarse al mundo humano, un desafío que al principio parecía insuperable, pero con el tiempo descubrió que había reconstruido su vida de una manera que jamás había imaginado. Ahora transita en el mundo sin su antigua fuerza, pero con una determinación que podría ser más peligrosa que cualquier hechizo.
— ¿por qué accedió al pacto?
La magia no era solo un poder: era su esencia, su vínculo con lo que alguna vez fue, su conexión con la fuerza que la hacía ser quien era. Sin ella, se sentía vacía, como un árbol sin raíces, como un río sin cauce. El mundo humano le resultaba frío y distante, un lugar donde nunca se había sentido verdaderamente viva.
La idea de la venganza y la necesidad de recuperar lo que le correspondía se entrelazaron en su mente, y comenzó a ver el pacto como una afirmación de poder: un último acto de rebelión contra quienes la habían reducido a nada.
— ¿pertenecía o tiene conexión con alguna elite mágica?
sacerdotes, ex-sacerdotisa.
— habilidades mágicas que maneja:
del clan al que pertenecía (una): virtud de distorsión.
habilidades genéricas (la cantidad máxima y nivel de cada una debe ser la adecuada para su edad):
(alto) teletransportación (corporea)
(medio) manipulación de elementos: piroquinesis
(bajo) telekinesis básica
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reveriers · 8 months ago
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› Aspirante a detective número #127 detectado. SABINE ARIKAN, proveniente de TURQUÍA. Con 30 años, siempre le han dicho que tiene un parecido con AYCA AYSIN TURAN. Fue seleccionade por su impresionante desempeño en EMPATÍA (3) y también mostrar aptitudes prometedoras en OBSERVACIÓN (2) y CAPACIDAD DE ANÁLISIS (2).
INNA, como administración de Reverie Academy, queremos agradecerte tu interés. Tienes 24 horas para enviarnos la cuenta de tu personaje. Si llegases a necesitar más tiempo, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotras.
Apodo: Inna
Pronombres: ella/suya
Edad: 30
Zona horaria: gmt-3
Triggers: pedofilia, gore, maltrato animal
En caso de unfollow, ¿permitirías que usemos a tu personaje en la trama como un PNJ?: Sí
Nombre: sabine arıkan
Pronombres: ella/suya
Faceclaim: ayca aysin turan
Fecha de nacimiento y edad: 9 de setiembre, 30.
Nacionalidad: turca.
Profesión: doctora.
Especialización dentro de Reverie: supervivencialista.
Habilidades en las que destacó en su examen: Observación (2), empatía (3) y capacidad de análisis (2).
1. Siempre mostró una pasión temprana por la medicina. A pesar de provenir de una familia modesta, se destacó académicamente y fue aceptada en una prestigiosa universidad de medicina. Siempre demostró pasión, dedicación y mucho esfuerzo para sobresalir y lograr las mejores calificaciones.
2. Decidió especializarse en neurocirugía, fascinada por la complejidad del cerebro humano. Sin embargo, su formación se vio truncada cuando su mentor, el Dr. Erdem Çelik, saboteó su trabajo y la hizo responsable de errores que él mismo cometió, lo cual la llevó a abandonar temporalmente su especialización.
3. A pesar de su apariencia seria y profesional en el trabajo, le encanta bailar. Desde joven, encontró en el baile una forma de liberarse del estrés y conectar con su lado más emocional. Aunque rara vez tiene la oportunidad de practicarlo debido a sus responsabilidades profesionales, Sabine disfruta de la energía y la pasión que el baile salsa le proporciona, permitiéndole desconectar completamente de su entorno profesional y relajarse plenamente.
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cherriesforheaven · 1 year ago
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i love these screenshots ( did not edit any of these but perhaps i should pick up some editing skills)
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sk3tch404 · 1 year ago
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Can i just say GOOODDDD DAMN Lilith was cute but Liam.
If he asked me to hop into his long white van for a "joy ride," no questions asked, my seatbelt is already locked in. Put on the heater now bc we're gonna be here a while 😼😼
YOU ATE THAT GIRLIE. LIKE IM LOVINGGGG THE POSTURE TECHNIQUE AND PLACEMENT UGH JEALOUS 😭😜😍 When I draw two people they look like two entirely different pieces cut out and slapped next to each other. Weirdly.
I look saur coot omg no wayyyyy tysm 😭🙏❤ Esp the hair. OMG LIAMS HAIR. AUHHHHHUGHHHHHH 😩😩❤ If you cant tell what that is, if yk Cupcakke, then just know it sounds just like her.
Sorry I havent been interacting sm online. Irl has got REALLLLLL so my summer delusions have to be hold on fr 😞
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sparklecryptid · 10 months ago
what in-game details do you have for inna? 0: like constellation/weapon/gameplay kit etc
OH i have given this soooo much thought
okay lets start with the basics
constellation: Flora Vitae (which, you know how the archons have people in their constellations? since inna never fully finished ascending his constellation (which was orginally a group of flowers) seems as if it's unfinished. it's as if someone was supposed to be holding the flowers but isn't
weapon: Inna is a sword user. hes got a very fancy one
as for his kit! he specializes in aoe attacks and elemental reactions! his main stats that i would recommend beside crit are attack and elemental mastery. and he is very much a glass canon. you know how alhaitham needs a healer because he goes vroom? inna needs a healer because he also goes vroom and if you're not paying attention to his hp it will drop fast.
(in a perfect world he would also do crowd control bc people can't move with vines rooting them in place but alas)
okay lets move on to attacks:
basic attack: inna slashes someone with a sword
skill: inna imbues the sword with dendro energy and each attack deals dendro damage to the enemy and those that surround the enemy while at the same time dealing damage over time to each person his attack strikes.
ultimate (i actually named this 'shadow of humanity' because im that person): inna unleashes a blast of dendro energy that deals massive damage to those around him. afterwards a spectre of who he was Before appears and draws enemy attention toward it.
special dish: 'It's Soup' a soup made out of some sort of meat and vegetables, you kind of dont want to eat it but when you do its delicious. increases crit rate.
talent: knows where all specialty plants are in whatever region you are in.
other talent: when under 20% health there is a chance that inna will recover hp until it reaches 40% of max hp. while this is in affect inna cannot use his ultimate.
... i thought too much about this. my silly boy. my scrunkly.
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starheirxero · 11 months ago
hey did my brain make this up or have you interacted with tumblr user bigender-shiho
-totally not someone who's mutuals with both you and that person no why would you think that /silly
BAHAHAUSHJD NO I HAVE ACTUALLY VI IS MY MUTUAL TOO!!!! I don't know which mutual you are but we all holding hands and spinning inna circle joyous style ^_^
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curryvillain · 10 months ago
NileSNL Officially Releases Viral Hit, "Poem Of Chop"
If you have been an avid user of TikTok these past few weeks, you have heard a sound with the lyrics, “Days tun inna weeks, weeks tun inna months, months tun inna years…“. That sound and those lyrics belong to Nile SNL, and he has been making music that resonate with many listeners for a while now. The aforementioned lyrics became so popular with TikTokers that the sound itself became a viral…
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joqatana · 2 years ago
Today I
Did yoga
Got everything I can carry out pf storage.
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Went to the fishing store for specific string Juanita swears by and this place is like a hardware store for people like me. They have shiny things.
Brought Juanita back a box of books I borrowed 20 years ago. Tried to find her glasses. She eventually found them after I left but an hour before I left she said “but I don’t want you to leave” and I cried a lot.
Got back around 4:00 & have barely lifted a finger. Did some reading. Threw some catchphrases around with an author who figured out what I was reading & handed me a line. It was glorious. Too bad the author of the book in question(The Road to Roswell by Connie Willis) isn’t a social media user. Her assistant posts for her.
It’s finally getting warm around here. Right on schedule. My neighbor grew up here & I said “ you’re not like the people who come from here who get surprised it gets hot every October” she said she moved here as a toddler. Ah.
Mercury goes retrograde inna week. I’m already feeling it. Monday peoples computers were jamming up, then Juanita loses her glasses in plain sight. I literally put my hand next to them & didn’t see them.
Tomorrow they’re power washing the building. I hope they do my window this time.
The Shelvening begins tonorrow, now that most of the collections are sectioned.
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thencd · 2 years ago
Lucifarian Family 80s Redux: Bios:
The Princess of Greed: Nadia Lucifarian / Nadezhda Kovalchuk (1984)
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The third of the seven sins, but money is the root of all evil, and those with greed can have the darkest hearts.
"I came to America with a dream, a dream of being rich."
Full Legal Name: Nadezhda Lyubov Kovalchuk
First Name: Nadezhda
Meaning: Means 'Hope' in Russian and Bulgarian
Pronunciation: nu-DYEZH-da
Origin: Russian, Bulgarian
Middle Name: Lyubov
Meaning: Derived from the Slavic elements 'Lyuby' meaning 'Love'
Pronunciation: lyuw-BOF
Origin: Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian
Surname: Kovalchuk
Meaning: Derived from Ukrainian and Russian 'Koval' meaning 'Blacksmith'
Pronunciation: ka-vul-CHOOK
Origin: Ukrainian, Russian
Aliases: Nadia Lucifarian, The Princess of Greed, The Greedy Princess, The Greedy Nymph, The Nymph of Greed, The Voracious Nymph, The Nymph of Voraciousness, The Princess of Greed Nadia Lucifarian, The Greedy Princess Nadia Lucifarian, The Greedy Nymph Nadia Lucifarian, The Nymph of Greed Nadia Lucifarian, The Voracious Nymph Nadia Lucifarian, The Nymph of Voraciousness Nadia Lucifarian
Nicknames: Nadia, Nadya, Liouba, Luba, Lyuba, Lyubochka, Princess N, Nymph
Titles: Miss
Age: 28
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: European (Slavic) (Human)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mixed (Both Sides White/Slavic) 1/2 Bulgarian 1/2 Ukrainian
Birth Date: March 18th 1956
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Non-Religious
Native Language: Bulgarian
Spoken Languages: Bulgarian, Ukrainian, English, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Theme Song: 'Money Changes Everything' - Cyndi Lauper (1983-), 'Money (That's What I Want)' - Barrett Strong (1976-1983)
Voice Actor: Lena Katina
Singing Voice: Julia Volkova
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Zlatograd, Smolyan Province, Bulgaria
Current Location: On The Road
Current Residence: Albany, Albany County, New York, USA
Hometown: Zlatograd, Smolyan Province, Bulgaria
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 145 lbs / 65 kg
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Ginger
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: 3
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both, Triple)
Scars: None
Clothing Style: Fancy but Simple
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Ves Lucifarian, Bon Lucifarian, Kat Lucifarian, Anna Lucifarian, Nora Lucifarian, Syn Lucifarian
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Lord Alfred Hayes, Mr Fuji, Sgt Slaughter, Hulk Hogan
Mentor: Zlatan Kovalchuk
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Zlatan Kovalchuk (76, Father), Alla Kovalchuk (78, Mother, Née Sobol)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Inna Popov (46, Sister, Née Kovalchuk), Vladislav Kovalchuk (43, Brother), Kalyna Medved (40, Sister, Née Kovalchuk), Vladimir Kovalchuk (37, Brother), Larisa Shvets (34, Sister, Née Kovalchuk), Tihomir Kovalchuk (31, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Stanislav Popov (48, Inna's Husband), Mila Kovalchuk (44, Vladislav's Wife, Née Shevchenko), Simeon Medved (42, Kalyna's Husband), Susanna Kovalchuk (38, Vladimir's Wife, Née Baran), Rumen Shvets (36, Larisa's Husband), Alma Kovalchuk (32, Tihomir's Wife, Née Sýkora)
Nieces & Nephews: Radko Popov (26, Nephew), Barbara Popov (28, Radko's Wife, Née Sokol), Božena Pokorný (23, Niece, Née Popov), Mladen Pokorný (24, Božena's Husband), Miroslav Popov (20, Nephew), Danica Popov (22, Miroslav's Wife, Née Babić), Ida Popov (17, Niece), Milan Popov (14, Nephew), Iris Popov (11, Niece), Ivan Popov (8, Nephew), Irma Popov (5, Niece), Goran Kovalchuk (23, Nephew), Laura Kovalchuk (24, Goran's Wife, Née Ziętek), Ljubica Zieliński (20, Niece, Née Kovalchuk), Emil Zieliński (22, Ljubica's Husband), Dobroslav Kovalchuk (17, Nephew), Matilda Kovalchuk (14, Niece), Daniel Kovalchuk (11, Nephew), Milica Kovalchuk (8, Niece), Borislav Kovalchuk (5, Nephew), Sabina Kovalchuk (3, Niece), Boris Medved (20, Nephew), Sanja Medved (22, Boris' Wife, Née Żbikowski), Vera Medved (17, Niece), Bogdan Medved (14, Nephew), Vesna Medved (11, Niece), Yaroslav Medved (8, Nephew), Zora Medved (5, Niece), Vsevolod Medved (3, Nephew), Adela Kovalchuk (17, Niece), Timur Kovalchuk (14, Nephew), Blažena Shvets (14, Niece), Taras Shvets (11, Nephew), Dagmar Shvets (8, Niece), Svyatoslav Shvets (5, Nephew), Darina Kovalchuk (11, Niece), Roman Kovalchuk (8, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hell Itself
Trainer: Zlatan Kovalchuk
Managers: Damo Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1976
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Showman
Stables & Teams: The Lucifarian Family (1976-)
Regular Moves: Diving Crossbody, Spinning Heel Kick, Springboard Dropkick, Springboard Plancha, Onehanded Bulldog, Missile Dropkick, Gold Digger (Inverted Spinning Elbow Strike), Diamond Ring (Running Enzuigiri), Pin By Standing On Her Opponent
Finishers: Money Maker (Full Nelson Facebuster), Inheritance (Running Double-Knee Facebreaker)
Refers To Fans As: The Possessive, The Possessive Ones, The Greedy,
Commentary Name: The Nymph
Backstory: Nadezhda Kovalchuk grew up longing for a life of extravagant spending. Nadezhda was her father's 'little princess', which means she was put first when it came to spending (any) extra money her (already poor) family got, Nadezhda wanted to learn ballet, she would get lessons, Nadezhda wanted to learn archery, she got lessons, and so on. Nadezhda eventually wanted to learn how to wrestle, and she didn't need to go far to find lessons, her father (Zlatan) used to fight bears when he was a teenager, for people's entertainment. Meeting both Vesta and Bonita, in the same part of the British wrestling circuit, the three became friends fast, during that time she also met Damocles. Nadezhda was often broke due to paying for lavish items, champagne, limos, designer clothing, and so on. Nadezhda was the perfect candidate for 'Greed', being so money-hungry (with good reason), but never truly knowing how to limit her spending. She has been with the 'Lucifarian Family' since the start of her career.
Nadezhda is cowardly in a Jimmy Hart way, she'll piss someone off, during a promo, and run away once she feels like she's in danger
Nadezhda is a showman (Show-woman?) because she's more show than work, meaning she works exceptionally quick matches
Nadezhda's role is as the heart (and wallet) of the group
Nadezhda is Charming, Cowardly, Greedy, Loyal, Self-Confident and Vain
Nadezhda knows how to keep herself out of harm's way
Nadezhda can keep a close group of friends together
Nadezhda can sort out differences between people quite easily
Nadezhda is very hard to plan simple matches for
Nadezhda is even harder to get to participate in tougher, more challenging matches
Nadezhda cares more for money than people deep down
Nadezhda likes: Money, Sunrises, Cruises, Yellow, Holubtsi (Ukrainian boiled cabbage packages), Kupala Night, New Year's Eve, Poison Dart Frogs, Limos, Sunflowers, Champagne, Dresses, Winter Coats, Poetry, Moor Frogs
Nadezhda dislikes: Government, Black Ice, Museums, Neon colours, Beer, Christmas, 4th of July, Bears, Sunsets, Orchids, Hail (Weather), Short skirts, Ripped clothing, Caves, Giant suids,
Nadezhda's named moves are jokes on the fact that she is greed, such as Gold Digger and Diamond Ring. However, Money Maker is also a joke on the fact that it's a facebuster, and usually an actor's face is called their 'money maker'
Nadezhda hates Hulk Hogan and Sgt Slaughter, because of how patriotic they are
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Left: Nadezhda in 'Human form' (With her natural brown eyes)
Right: Nadia in 'Demon form' (With yellow eyes)
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ufghqs · 1 month ago
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I'll do the startling thing I'll have the knife in my teeth I'll be the star You can be the horrified one.
La Bendición del Perdón ha hecho renacer la magia en HAN HYUNHO, brujo descendiente de LIBUŠE, antiguo miembro de SLÉVAČ, que actualmente cuenta con 27 años. Ocasionalmente, los humanos tienden a confundirlo con LEE JUNYOUNG.
INNA, ¡te damos la bienvenida a Unforgiven! Tienes 48 horas para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje, pero no dudes en hacernos saber si necesitas más tiempo.
datos personales
— nombre o apodo: inna — pronombres: ella/suya — triggers: pedofilia, incesto, abuso animal, gore — código de invitación: removido. — guiándote por el reloj del main, ¿en qué horarios preferirías que se organicen eventos, o se realicen cambios de actividades?: 17:00
datos de personaje
— nombre completo: han hyunho — edad: 27 — pronombres: el/suyo — faceclaim: lee junyoung — clan originario: slévač — ¿cuándo y por qué resultó exiliado? ¿cómo se sintió al respecto?
Era su cumpleaños número 21, pero su celebración fue tan efímera como la tarta que apenas probó en su estudio. La noche la pasó en vela, absorto en investigaciones y prácticas alquímicas que se habían convertido en su único refugio. Cada mirada de su padre era un peso insoportable, una condena silenciosa que juzgaba cada uno de sus movimientos, como si nunca pudiera ser suficiente. A su lado, su mellizo ascendía con una facilidad que solo acentuaba la distancia creciente entre ellos, marcando la diferencia y el abismo que sentía entre su ser y el de los demás.
Ese día, sin embargo, algo había cambiado en él. Había replicado un artefacto que, en su mente, sería la clave para ganarse el respeto de aquellos que siempre lo habían desechado. Creyó que finalmente alcanzaría el reconocimiento, que sus esfuerzos darían frutos en forma de admiración, de orgullo. Pero en lugar de aplausos, encontró el deshonor, la indignación y una sentencia que no lograba comprender. ¿Acaso había fallado tanto? ¿Qué había hecho mal? ¿Por qué no veía el valor de lo que había logrado? La condena y juicio le parecieron una exageración, la dureza de su padre no tenía marcha atrás.
Al principio, la sensación de estar perdido lo ahogaba, la desconexión con su entorno lo consumía. Pero con el paso del tiempo, esa confusión se fue transformando. Descubrió que la verdadera libertad. Poco a poco, comenzó a liberarse de las expectativas y juicios que había cargado sobre sus hombros, y, finalmente, encontró su esencia. Y en ese descubrimiento, por fin comprendió que su camino era suyo, y solo suyo.
— ¿por qué accedió al pacto?
La oferta del pacto llegó como un susurro, como una invitación que no podía ignorar. No era solo una promesa de restaurar lo que había perdido, sino una puerta abierta a lo que nunca había considerado: una oportunidad para explorar los rincones más oscuros de la magia, para desvelar secretos que quizás ni siquiera los más sabios conocían. Algo dentro de él se despertó con la posibilidad de conocer lo que aún estaba oculto, de tocar lo que nunca antes se le había permitido tocar. La magia no solo era poder; era una extensión de lo que nunca había comprendido completamente, una fuerza misteriosa que siempre lo había atraído.
El miedo no lo detuvo, porque al final, el miedo era solo una sombra que se desvanecía ante la curiosidad de lo que podría encontrar. La idea de volver a sentir esa conexión profunda con el mundo mágico, de saber que había algo más allá de lo tangible y lo conocido, le dio la valentía para dar el paso.
— ¿pertenecía o tiene conexión con alguna elite mágica?
ex-aprendiz de alquimistas
— habilidades mágicas que maneja:
del clan al que pertenecía (una): Virtud del Dominio Físico.
habilidades genéricas (la cantidad máxima y nivel de cada una debe ser la adecuada para su edad):
Alquimia (alto)
Conjuración de luz u oscuridad (medio)
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reveriers · 8 months ago
AYCA AYSIN TURAN queda reservade exitosamente a nombre de INNA.
¡Qué bueno tenerte aquí! Desde este momento tienes 48 horas para enviarnos tu formulario de audición. Si llegases a necesitar más tiempo o tienes alguna inquietud, no dudes en acercarte a nuestro inbox o im.
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jcmarchi · 24 days ago
Inna Tokarev Sela, CEO and Founder of illumex – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/inna-tokarev-sela-ceo-and-founder-of-illumex-interview-series/
Inna Tokarev Sela, CEO and Founder of illumex – Interview Series
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Inna Tokarev Sela, the CEO and Founder of Illumex, is transforming how enterprises prepare their structured data for generative AI. Illumex enables organizations to deploy genAI analytics agents by translating scattered, cryptic data into meaningful, context-rich business language with built-in governance.
The platform automatically analyzes metadata to locate and label structured data without moving or altering it, adding semantic meaning and aligning definitions to ensure clarity and transparency. By creating business terms, suggesting metrics, and identifying potential conflicts, Illumex ensures data governance at the highest standards.
With Illumex, analytics agents can interpret user queries with precision, delivering accurate, context-aware, and hallucination-free responses. Under Inna’s leadership, Illumex is setting a new benchmark for AI readiness, helping businesses unlock the full potential of their data.
What inspired you to found illumex, and how did your experiences at Sisense and SAP shape your vision for the company?
The vision for illumex emerged during my studies, where I imagined information being accessible through mindmap-like associations rather than traditional databases – enabling direct access to relevant data without extensive human consultation.
My time at SAP taught me the fundamentals of building enterprise software and scaling operations. Working across product development with SAP HANA cloud platform and business initiatives like the startup partnership framework gave me deep insights into enterprise customer needs. It revealed a significant gap between how companies approach data practices and what end users actually need.
At Sisense, building the AI practice from scratch demonstrated the immense value AI could bring to customers. Seeing this impact, combined with the rise of SaaS and GenAI technologies, convinced me the timing was right to launch illumex in 2021.
illumex focuses on Generative Semantic Fabric. Can you explain the core concept and what motivated you to tackle this specific challenge in AI and data analytics?
illumex pioneered Generative Semantic Fabric – a platform that automates the creation of human and machine-readable organizational context and reasoning. This platform unifies the experience of both LLM-based generative AI and business applications for technical and non-technical users around shared context.
This single fabric delivers two major benefits: it streamlines data management through the automation of up to 80% of data engineering tasks and enables non-technical users to access analytics with built-in governance, explainability, and accuracy. Both of these benefits address a multi-billion dollar market for enterprise decision-making.
Think of it as a digital playground where machines, humans, and applications interact spontaneously without pre-programming. This aligns with our vision of an application-free future, where instead of juggling multiple tools like sheets, analytics, financial systems, and customer amanagement, you simply express your task, and it’s completed seamlessly. Generative Semantic Fabric is the foundation for this future.
What were some of the key challenges you faced in the early days of illumex, and how did you overcome them?
In 2021, despite the fact that generative AI semantic models have existed since 2017, and graph neural nets have existed for even longer, it was a tough task to explain to VCs why we need automated context and reasoning. Even defining it back then was a tough task.
I would say the biggest challenge was to really spring this excitement about this future technology and future market. And I was very fortunate to meet forward-thinking investors who believed in me.
How does illumex empower organizations to become AI-ready, and why is this transition critical in today’s business landscape?
The business world is splitting into two camps: companies that recognize and capitalize on AI as a transformative force akin to the Internet and those that miss or delay understanding this opportunity.
illumex meets organizations wherever they are in their AI journey. We prepare their data for generative AI implementation, augment and govern organizational logic and context, and enable the deployment of agent analytics and orchestration.
Our full-stack GenAI implementation platform for structured data elevates any company’s landscape to effectively leverage these advanced technologies.
illumex emphasizes “hallucination-free” generative AI responses. How does illumex ensure deterministic and reliable outputs?
illumex builds on pre-existing business ontologies – knowledge graphs capturing industry-specific terminology, workflows, and processes across sectors like pharma, retail, and manufacturing, as well as business functions like finance, HR, and supply chain.
When onboarding customers, we automatically retrain these ontologies on their metadata. Within days, companies can search their data, validate results, and identify issues like duplicates or conflicts.
The agentic analytics chatbot provides complete transparency – showing how questions are interpreted and mapped to the customer ontology and then to data. This transparency, combined with automated data validation, ensures deterministic, hallucination-free answers. Additionally, governance teams can pre-validate potential responses since the context embeds all possible questions and their permutations in advance.
How does illumex differentiate itself from traditional approaches like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?
While RAG attempts to customize off-the-shelf AI models by feeding them organizational data and logic, it faces several limitations. It’s a black box – you can’t determine if you’ve provided enough examples for proper customization or how model updates affect accuracy. It also relies on data scientists who may lack business context, making it difficult to fully capture organizational logic.
Additionally, RAG consumes around 80% of AI infrastructure and tokens just for fine-tuning rather than actual use, raising ROI concerns. It also lacks built-in governance – there’s no way for compliance teams to validate training adequacy or ensure proper access controls.
illumex’s Generative Semantic Fabric (GSF) addresses these challenges through automated context building without consuming external AI tokens. It eliminates the need for specialized data scientists and provides complete transparency in mapping and reasoning through web, Slack, or Teams interfaces. GSF includes built-in governance and explainability, clear indicators of organizational coverage and data quality, and automated quality assessment for question-answering capabilities.
Many businesses struggle with making data-driven decisions despite investing heavily in data infrastructure. Why do you think this gap exists, and how does illumex address it?
The gap between data investment and effective decision-making continues to widen as data volumes explode, both internally and externally. Organizations now face not just their own growing data but also an array of external sources – from weather APIs to industry cloud platforms sharing healthcare data across European institutions, plus synthetic data for various use cases.
The challenge is that organizations still rely on humans for critical data tasks like modeling, quality assessment, and dashboard creation. Yet the scale and complexity of modern data environments make it increasingly impossible for human teams to effectively classify data, assess its quality, and ensure it’s suitable for AI-driven analytics and automation.
illumex bridges this gap by automating these traditionally manual processes, enabling organizations to effectively manage, validate, and utilize their expanding data landscape for meaningful business decisions.
What industries have been the quickest to adopt illumex’s platform, and what unique challenges or opportunities have you observed in these sectors?
We’re seeing the fastest adoption in industries that sit at the intersection of data intensity and heavy regulation, where companies need robust automation of data quality monitoring, usage tracking, and conflict detection. Financial services, pharmaceuticals, and retail/e-commerce are leading the charge, as these sectors aim to rapidly reinvent themselves using their existing data assets while navigating complex regulatory requirements.
With generative AI evolving rapidly, what advice would you give to enterprises looking to integrate AI effectively and responsibly?
Start by developing a clear strategic plan that identifies specific use cases and the business imperatives driving AI adoption. It’s crucial to avoid creating new silos of AI technology that operate in isolation from existing systems.
Instead, build a unified platform that integrates data management, analytics, and generative AI capabilities. Keeping AI initiatives disconnected from established governance practices not only creates significant risks but also leads to increased costs. The key is to create a shared infrastructure that supports all these functions while maintaining proper oversight.
With AI adoption accelerating, what trends do you see shaping the enterprise AI landscape over the next 3–5 years?
Two major trends are emerging in the AI landscape. First, agentic analytics is gaining momentum, allowing for more sophisticated data analysis and insights. Second, we’re seeing a shift toward agentic orchestration, which enables workflows based on collaboration between multiple AI models with diverse functionalities.
This orchestration moves us beyond single-purpose applications toward more comprehensive solutions. For example, in healthcare, instead of isolated applications for specific tasks, think about automation of the entire physician office workflows – combining image scanning, prescription processing, and drug recommendations in one seamless system.
These advancements rely on a robust generative semantic fabric to ensure accurate data access, shared context and coordination between AI agents. This foundation will be crucial for enabling both agentic analytics and orchestrated AI solutions to reach their full potential.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Illumex.
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redrusty66 · 1 month ago
The Dead Festival : Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Discussing the 2004 Zombie Horror Film : Dawn of the Dead
Starring :  Sarah Polley, Ving Rhames, Jake Weber, Mekhi Phifer, Kevin Zegers, Ty Burrell, Michael Kelly, Michael Barry, Lindy Booth, Jayne Eastwood, Inna Korobkina, Boyd Banks, Matt Frewer, Bruce Bohne
Director : Zack Snyder Writer : George A. Romero, James Gunn My Score 10/10
IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363547/ Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV8mJcuYVaA
My IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/user/ur48636572 My Letterboxed : https://letterboxd.com/Redrusty66/ My Poetry : https://allpoetry.com/Redrusty66
#horror #review #Zombie #survival #reaction #film
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sparklecryptid · 10 months ago
inna’s weapon kit you say…..?
*kicks door down*
lets talk about Inna's weapon! and how using a weapon made for a pyro god is probably NOT THE BEST THING INNA COULD BE DOING
Inna's weapons stat is Crit Damage.
The passive skill of Inna's weapon is that it boosts his Elemental damage based on how low his HP is and because it's a weapon that was supposed to be wielded by a pyro user/god there's another passive wherein it inflicts burn on Inna for 3s after he uses either his elemental skill or ultimate.
So as you can imagine Inna is very much a Glass Canon.
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shanto1000 · 2 months ago
Wilhelmina Zoe Statham, João Jacob, Mikael Fridenfalk, Game environment art with modular architecture, Entertainment Computing, Volume 41, 2022, 100476, ISSN 1875-9521, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcom.2021.100476. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875952121000732)
In the paper Statham et al. Proposed a framework for building the world with modular assets so the work process can be smoother and faster than creating static assets and its benefits of using modular architecture instead of static architecture. The paper highlights the Utility of modular buildings and having the effect of making something bad less severe or painful art fatigue and less delays in making the game. The paper examines various games from different genres such as open-world, city-building, and casual games, and showcases the adaptability of modular buildings. this paper showcases how efficient it can be to use assets properly and how modular architecture can help Game design.
Livytska, Inna. (2019). The Art of Narration and Artificial Narrative Intelligence: Implications for Interdisciplinary Research. Nalans. 7. 309-318.
This book is focused on evaluating storytelling in the framework of AI. The writers bring up various editing and writing techniques that are predominant in literature and humanities, and the authors argue that these can be used in aggregation with storytelling procedures AI bots have. Sim joins Kunin in showing the tensions between human emotional storytelling and logic created by a computer by showing how AI can be involuntary to use rules such as Propp’s Morphology of the Folktale. The book also touches on IDNs – communicating digital narratives, the most common AI bot narrative formats introduced in video games in which the user participates in the storyline. In video papers can webinar videos that are charming and educational, the prominence is on the need for AI to be more than words, including images and moods in order to tell stories that are as human as possible in better features. However, whereas there are many comprehensive points made, it fails to detail practical executions of an AI or afford real-world examples.
Ganz, Adam & Khatib, Lina. (2006). Digital cinema: The transformation of film practice and aesthetics. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film. 4. 21-36. 10.1386/ncin.4.1.21_1.
This book rights that the technical improvement in cinema has made revolutions in filmmaking and aesthetics. The formation, distribution, and excision of digital cinema is possible complete the use of knowledge that is elastic, very cheap, and easy, thus providing an opportunity for testing on styles. It clarifies how technologies permit relationship changes between the leader, actors, and audiences, giving the actors a better range of reactions and narration throughout the story. Iranian films like Abbas Kiarostami’s Ten or Mania Akbari’s 20 Fingers have proved that simple surroundings joined with inexpert actresses give the movie a realistic edge. As the movie industry is not limited to only Western people, the suppression does not touch those who with excessive ideas and solid will is able to make virtuous movies. The assumption is that technology affords many several attainable.
Wolf, M.J.P. (2012). Building Imaginary Worlds: The Theory and History of Subcreation (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203096994
This book by Mark J.P. Wolf explores how people build and are involved with illusory worlds across different media from works to video games, from film to visual arts. It highlights that world-building is an activity that produces from a child's imagination into a work of art. Different storytelling, and world structure are mentioned to create environments, alluring visitors to motion within. Wolf's samples are transmedia stories like Star Trek and Star Wars. The book talks about how these creations establish human imagination-they are at once philosophical, mental, and cultural. Meant for Wolf, these worlds should be studied autonomously, in its mission to congeal world-building as a significant subfield in media and social studies.
Rod McCall; Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 2011; 20 (5): 502. doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/PRES_r_00068 OR Blascovich, J., & Bailenson, J. (2011). Infinite Reality, Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution. (first ed.). New York: William Morrow. 298 Pages. ISBN: 9780061809507
This book distorted the idea of a real experience, whether from the perceptions of virtual realism skills or from the changes in people's perceptive sympathies of the real. The opportunity is built on the stress under which humanity can explain its real animation and physical answers created by virtual reality. The public could be asked to 'walk' on a computer-generated tightrope to prove its belongings. People are starting to carry virtual reality with them into normal life- that of gaming, interactions over the Internet, or among workers of social media, such as Nintendo's Wii or Microsoft's motion-tracking Kinect. Such advances have been made in the arena deprived of overlooking the merits that variation brings the ease it transports to physically deprived individuals the weaknesses it brings, with emotional addiction and privacy. Avatars are also images to be discovered as identity.
Visual Culture: Ocularcentrism and Scopic Regimes Book : Visual Culture Studies by Marquard Smit Publisher ‏ : ‎ SAGE Publications Ltd; First Edition (June 2, 2008) Language ‏ : ‎ English Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 263 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1412923697 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1412923699 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.2 pounds Available : https://www.amazon.com/Visual-Culture-Studies-Interviews-Thinkers/dp/1412923697
In this book by Marquard Smith's Visual Culture Studies explores the role of images and visual media in influencing society and observation. Elsewhere art, the book contracts with visual culture in all forms, reaching from ads to social media. It emphasizes how images function not only as pictures but also as active agents in the structure of hearers and reflection of contradictory power dynamics related to class, race, and politics. It also challenges the connection between art and popular culture, digital media effects, and the requirement for interdisciplinary methods in studying visual culture. Finally, Smith calls for a serious appointment with images in a media-drenched world.
Book: Structural Anthropology Author: Claude Lévi-Strauss Genre: Non-fiction, Anthropology, Social Science Publisher: Basic Books (original English translation) Publication Date: 1963 (English edition) Pages: 320 pages ISBN: 978-0465031381 (Paperback) Language: English (originally published in French) Format: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Available: https://www.amazon.com/Structural-Anthropology-Claude-Levi-strauss/dp/046509516X
In this book,Claude Lévi-Strauss presented the fundamental ideas adopted by structuralism in anthropology. The volume efforts to show how human cultures can be exposed through the deep constructions of myths, relationships, and social organizations. According to Lévi-Strauss, these structures are worldwide and hidden beneath cultural camouflages and can be revealed over the study of relationships as well as differences among different societies-elsewhere the limits of historic and functionalist anthropology. In dealing with the cultural fundamentals as schemes of relations, Lévi-Strauss has unlocked new ways of understanding societal instruments act that have had a deep impression on not just anthropology but also sociology and other human sciences.
Source: book name- The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality ( published in 1994 by Oxford University Press) Writer- Michael Heim Pg num: 1 – 208 The book's ISBN-10 is 0195092589 and its ISBN-13 is 978-0195092585. Available at: https://www.amazon.com/Metaphysics-Virtual-Reality-Michael-Heim/dp/0195092589
The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality by Michael Heim includes various salient aspects of the philosophy of virtual reality (VR). Amusingly, Heim investigates why virtual events should in any possible way be regarded as less real than actual events. He hurls light on self events in VR where one gets to be dissimilar self via avatars and communicates in a different new virtual reality in which the outer world and the self become modified and different. The book touches upon awareness, depiction, and ethics, and asks even questions with respect to how one’s personality and behavior might change in a fully absorbing VR world. A comparable vision is held by Heim while examining the development of VR: the risk of fully embracing humanity who is divided from the real, actual reality is possible and VR will have comprehensive outcomes for humans, for education, and including society.
Source: book name- Aesthetic Theory,1970 Writer- Theodor W. Adorno pp-1 –(416 pg num) volume 88 Available at - https://www.blinkist.com/en/content/topics/aesthetics-en
Theodor W. Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory search for to comprehend the nature of art, its freedom, and its purpose in society. Adorno describes that art in its authentic form is free and has no utilitarian use, however it is influenced by social and political factors. Art is a vehicle of truth and it illustrates and expresses arguments and realities that cannot be spoken about immediately. Adorno is vital to the capitalist society in which art becomes a product for entertainment, whereas he states that modernist art does not only serve the purpose of entertainment but also has the capability of evaluating. The book, which is based on negative logic, discusses the possibility of art changing the world through its aesthetic dimension, resisting simplification and supportive critical thinking. Aesthetic Theory is complex and insightful and contends for transformed forms of art as defiant and introspective in the present-day context.
Book: Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media Author: Marie-Laure Ryan Genre: Non-fiction, Media Studies, Literature, Digital Media Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press Publication Date: 2001 Pages: 416 pages ISBN: 978-0801866472 (Paperback) Language: English Format: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle (if available) Available - https://www.amazon.com/Narrative-Virtual-Reality-Interactivity-Literature/dp/0801877539
In this book by Marie-Laure Ryan's Narrative as Virtual Reality expresses how new interactive media forms- including virtual reality, video games, and collaborating fiction- transform storytelling by forging a new ground of involvement and interactivity. Ryan studies how digital skills redefine old-style story forms so that the user can be involved with stories in an original, participating manner. The book investigates the idea of "virtuality" and queries how these new media make skills immersive and contribution. Ryan interrogates the conjunction of literature, digital media, and narrative theory in order to create a theoretical method for the effect of these technologies on storytelling and the understanding of audiences by user involvement.
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vahidtaghizadeh54 · 4 months ago
157B) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KxHzG6wx-_0uYccFya3G8g2awv7Quiv0/view?usp=sharing  
B157) ویدئو کلیپ ویژه دکتر وحید تقی زاده درباره حضور والدین "بانو ایننا تاراسووا" در برنامه زنده "مکان دیدار" در شبکه ماهواره ای "NTV Mir" روسیه در 18 آبان 1403
157B) Специальный видео-ролик доктора Вахида Тагизадэ о присутствии родителей «леди Инны Тарасовой» в прямом эфире программы «Место встречи» на российском спутниковом канале «НТВ М��р» 8 ноября 2024 г.
157B) Dr. Vahid Taghizadeh’s special video clip about the presence of the parents of “Lady Inna Tarasova” in the live program “Meeting Place” on the Russian satellite channel “NTV Mir” on November 8, 2024 y.
B157) مقطع فيديو خاص للدكتور وحيد تقي زاده عن تواجد والدي "السيدة إيننا تاراسووا" في البرنامج المباشر "مكان الاجتماع" على القناة الفضائية الروسية "NTV Mir" بتاريخ 6 جمادی الاولی 1446 القمریه
157B) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KxHzG6wx-_0uYccFya3G8g2awv7Quiv0/view?usp=sharing  
 Youtube – 157B) https://youtu.be/g1-73pzIUx8
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