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loveydovey489 · 29 days ago
Philip graves is gonna betray Farah in MW4, and I KNOW IT!
TW: mentions of death, war crimes? Violence typical to the game
Okay, so first of all, if we actually look at Philip graves. We can see, through MW2, that he is not a loyal only to the person who pays him (until it doesn’t benefit him, as we see him lie about shepherd in court in MW3 to save his ass)
He, without sympathy , lock up the los vaqueros who were keeping from the cartel from overrunning las almas!! (If we didn’t break them out, he would have been perfectly content in keeping them there untill they rotted btw!) he also open fires at ghost as soap who he calls ‘brother’ no less than an hour ago!
We also! Get to see the fact he has, very lose morals, in the ‘alone’ mission (MW2) we see dead bodies of men, women and children Civilians we see him drag men out of their homes in-front of their wife and kids and shoot them, we see him burn down innocent peoples homes, he is not above doing the wrong thing. For the simple reason, it’s what his employers demand of him!!
The only thing keeping him loyal to Farah and Urzikstan, was his employer. General shepherd, we know that Shepard was an ally to Farah and the ULF, as he’s been providing her weapons and money to them for years, which was illegal and putting his title and integrity on the line! So I would guess that he proved the weapon of Philip graves to Farah, and with a good pay-check, graves would stay with Farah, but guess what happens to general shepherd at the very end of MW3…!
So what’s keeping him from searching for a new employer? Whats keeping him from wanting to hurt one of prices close ally and friend? Not Shepard, he’s 6 feet under!
In MW3, we also get a cutscene where makarov. Says to his 2nd in command, that he will “tell him if they’re shadow friends intel was any good.” The shadow company, they wouldn’t introduce someone like that and not talk about it.!!
The koni group, are a very rich group. We can see this by the quality of thier weaponry, the professional planning and uniform. Compared to the ULF, who wear thier normal clothes and although they don’t fight they’re wars with “sticks and stones” (hadir quote) they do not have as much money to spare for a mercenary group.
With money. Philip graves will take any job. He doesn’t care who. Or how bad the person is that’s hiring him!! He’s betraying Farah. :(
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alexa-mwll · 1 year ago
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Special envoy to Benghazi 2019.
Kate Laswell: I need you in Benghazi....
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mrnostalgiabox · 4 months ago
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Countryballs urzikstan
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sudden-stops-kill · 1 year ago
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r6unitedfront · 2 years ago
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As the big fight between the Al-Qatala and Urzikstan Liberation Front draws near, NATO planning to move in to help ULF meanwhile Russia is silent because of the political chaos in the country.
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sghghost115 · 5 months ago
Dr. Jansen! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
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codmw2019-2022 · 1 year ago
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COD MW 2022 - Maps
Maps from Modern Warfare 2 (2022), including Las Almas, Urzikstan and United Republic of Adal (U.R.A.).
Al-Mazrah , U.R.A (United Republic of Adal) Amsterdam , Netherlands US/Mexico Border Las Almas , Mexico Spain Urzikstan Gulf of Mexico Chicago , Mexico
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sonsofks · 1 year ago
Urzikstan se une a la batalla en Call of Duty: Warzone: ¡No te lo puedes perder!
“¡Prepárate para enfrentar la emoción en esta metrópolis de Urzikstan!” El próximo gran mapa de batalla llega a Call of Duty: Warzone, y su nombre es Urzikstan. Anunciado en el evento Call of Duty: NEXT, esta región desempeña un papel crucial en la narrativa de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Urzikstan se erige como una metrópolis situada en la frontera oriental del Mar Negro y promete llevar la…
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azucarera-art · 2 years ago
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when u, a queen, come across another king, & u discuss how best to maximize ur joint slay 💅🏽✨
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itsagrimm · 4 months ago
Should write fic about taskforce 141 which is in accordance with international law instead of having them playthe war crime bingo all the time
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reds-skull · 5 months ago
Revenant Side Stories
Story VI: Farah
[Konchar] [Graves] [Gaz] [Price] [Novikov] [AO3]
This was originally going to be a retelling of the entirety of Farah's story in MW 2019, but I underestimated how long that would be, so these are more of snapshots of her life, up until 2019.
Farah is going to be a central character in part two because it will revolve around Urzikstan, so I was very excited to get into her character in depth. This was probably the hardest side story to write because I think the original story was already good (it's easier to write for something that had a lot of flaws in it rather than something good... maybe that's why I like cod after all these months lmao)
Anyway, I also decided I'm actually not done with the side stories, and the last actual one will be of... Roba, of all people. I know I made the comic for Ghost's origin story, but I never got to show what he did to Roba.
Alright That's enough rambling let's get to Farah's story
She doesn’t remember the first time she has heard of revenants. Humans who are saved from death, only to come back with abilities from worlds beyond their own. Of how they are revered, looked up to. And yet, misunderstood.
They don’t look up to revenants in Urzikstan.
The once-dead are not heroes among her people. They’re something to be pitied; people who chose to stay on earth and suffer, instead of move on to a better, calmer existence in the place after death. Take on the burden of the Reapers, dust off the dirt of their graves, and continue the endless fight for freedom.
In Urzikstan, revenants are called “those who sacrifice”.
Her baba taught her and her brother the different names of Reapers, told them tales of those who sacrifice as bedtime stories. She always found them fascinating, as opposed to her brother. They were often grim, their ending tragic and unsatisfying, but they felt more real like that. Felt more like her day-to-day life than any other fairy tale could.
She wouldn’t know how much her story would be like those, before it was too late.
The day she died is muddy, in her memory. Yet another thing she sacrificed, in order to stay in this world. A deafening whistle, followed by walls collapsing around her. Streaks of ash on the bloodless face of her mama. Pain, unlike anything she could imagine. The voices of her baba and brother and uncle, searching. The sickening shifting of concrete above her, whispers praying for mercy, the walls closing in on her-
And she dies.
At seven, before she knew how to write the alphabet, buried beneath the earth with only the pale face of her mother as comfort, Farah Ahmed Karim died. Yet, she did not move on.
The memory of the first time she saw her Reaper was clear. She may have forgotten her mother’s lullabies, or her father’s laughter. She has not been given the privilege to forget her Reaping.
The first thing she noticed was the clean air, an odd odor to it but blessedly lacking the dust she has been inhaling for what felt like hours. The lack of pain was the second - her legs no longer crushed under thick concrete walls.
The monster, was the third. A being made of sharp shapes, glistening metal melting and hardening, flowing through cracks in the stone face of the Reaper.
As the stone face moved, grinding against itself, Farah got up to her feet. Her legs screamed at her to run, but the memory of her baba’s stories calmed her. 
“The ones who take do not mean harm to the ones who sacrifice, Farah.” he told her, whispering as to not wake her brother, “they need each other. They need our sacrifice.”
“What for, baba? Why would the ones who take need to give humans their powers?”
Baba sighs, a small smile on his lips as he tucks a stray hair behind her ear, “we don’t know for sure, but we must have something they don’t. Some say we humans were chosen by chance.”
“What do you think?” she asks, her endless craving to know more yet satiated.
“I think we and the ones who take are connected, somehow. I think we are the only ones that can sacrifice.”
Instead of running, instead of listening to all of her senses, Farah stepped forward, and with a small voice asked, “w-who are you?”
The stone face turns to stare at her.
The Reaper tilts its head, metal rivers splashing into an endless void.
Farah blinks away the tears that have gathered in her eyes, tries to speak louder, “I’m… I’m Farah? I’m a human, I’m-”
Her lips turn downwards, and she can’t stop the tears any longer, “w-why are you asking if you know?”
The rocks grind in an almost rhythmic way, and somehow Farah knows it is laughing. It makes her avert her eyes.
“Can… can you save my mama?” she asks, and the sound stops.
“S-she… I think she also died, can you-”
She grasps at the torn edges of her dress, sniffing her runny nose, “it’s not… it’s not fair…” her face scrunches as she sobs.
The Reaper leans forward, the light surrounding it reflecting with dazzling colors off of its body. Farah closes her eyes, not because she is afraid of it, but because she is afraid for her mama.
Farah opens her eyes. Baba said he thinks only humans can sacrifice, but maybe not all humans can. Maybe mama wasn’t able to sacrifice, but…
She lifts her hands to wipe roughly at her face, tears and snot smearing on her skin. Her eyes trail up the falling liquid metal, beating heart deafening her ears.
Her voice is steady when she says, “I want to see baba and Hadir. I don’t want to leave them!”
The stones grind once more, a sort of excitement shaking the very ground.
She nods and repeats, “I-I want to live!”
The Reaper tilts closer, its face level with hers.
The metal drips near her feet, heat emanating from them. It reminds her of home.
“I choose to sacrifice. For you, for baba, for Hadir. For… for mama.” Farah whispers.
The stones shift, circling her. Her breath picks up at the thoughts of crushing walls, but it is not dark here. No one is shouting. She doesn’t smell death.
 Metal singes her clothes, and she wants to jump back, but the stones stop her. It burns. It hurts.
It is not dark, but the bright colors blind her all the same.
When she wakes again, Farah doesn’t feel pain. She’s still under ruin, somewhere different from where she was before. All she sees of her mama is a hand, and she holds it. She notices the skin of her own hand glistening in the meager light filtering through dust and ash, like colorful metal. Like her Reaper.
It felt like hours pass before baba found her. She feels hunger and thirst, but the weight of the building doesn’t pain her anymore. Baba is crying when he finds her, pulls her out of the wreckage carefully, asking if she’s hurt.
She tells him nothing hurts. He pulls back from their embrace, his brows scrunched in confusion until he notices.
“I chose sacrifice, baba.”
Baba closes his eyes and hugs her harder, and she knows it would’ve hurt if she could feel it. He tells her everything will be alright. She wanted to believe it. She couldn’t.
They find mama. Hadir tries to wake her up, but Farah pulls his hands away. She tells him mama is in another place now, somewhere better than here. Hadir’s hands shake in hers, but he nods and pulls away.
Uncle and baba rush them home. Farah wants to cover her ears, the sirens don’t stop sounding, the noise pitching up and down along with her heart. Loud explosions make her flinch, so Hadir grabs her hand. It makes her feel safer, for a moment.
They run through the market. There’s a truck stopping in their way.
The Russians.
Baba lifts her in his arms, Uncle taking Hadir. They tell them to cover their mouth, when the Russians throw weird gas at them. It smells like the liquid mama used to clean their house, and it made her eyes itch and burn.
They enter their home, but baba doesn’t stop moving. He gives Hadir a gas mask. He will have to share his with Farah. Uncle leaves, telling baba he’ll meet them later.
“W-where are we going?” Hadir asks, clutching the mask.
Baba grabs a backpack, hidden behind the kitchen cabinets, “we’re going to the bridge, then to the mountains. There will be no sirens there.”
Farah hurries to follow him, wiping blood on her dress. Her skin isn’t bruised, but it feels weird.
“I don’t want to go…” Hadir says with a frown. Baba turns to look at him. He crouches and pets his shoulder.
“I know, dearest. I know. We will return, I promise.” his tone changed, stern like when he taught her not to touch the hot pan, “you need to be strong for your sister now, alright?”
Baba points to Hadir’s heart, “you keep mama here,” his hand moves to his head, “and you keep this clear. That’s how we survive, you understand?”
“Yes, baba.”
Baba shoulders the backpack, and begins walking towards the door, “when we get outside, you stay with me, okay?”
As he goes to open it, the handle moves, and the whole frame shakes. Someone is trying to get in.
“Stay behind me!”
The door slams open, a large man with a gas mask walking in. Farah takes a step back. The man meets her eyes and closes the door, and she stares at his gun.
Baba pleads with the man. He does not listen.
Baba throws his backpack at him, the man shooting a couple of bullets into the floor. They miss Farah’s feet by a few centimeters, and she freezes, breath held in her lungs. Hadir throws himself against the man, but gets shoved back.
The man pulls out a knife, baba manages to take it, stab the man. But it doesn’t change a thing.
It doesn’t save him, when the man pushes him to the floor, and shoots one, two, three, four bullets.
Only then do her feet unstick, and she mutters to herself, “hide!”
She runs back to her and Hadir’s room, crawling under the bed. The man shouts angrily and she hears something break.
Hadir. She needs to help Hadir!
As the man talks to someone on his phone, Farah crawls towards the kitchen, finding a knife. Mama always warned her not to play with them, but if the man catches Hadir…
In her heart, she asks for forgiveness from mama.
When she finds the man, he’s leaning against a wall, his hand clutching his side. Before she can think it over, Farah lowers and slashes at his legs. The man screams in pain, shooting a few bullets at the ground, and turns around to slap her.
It doesn’t hurt, but she drops the knife, so she runs away again.
One of baba’s tools is on the ground, must’ve fallen from his backpack. She grabs it and continues running, the man on her tail now.
The man says mean words to her, in Arabic, but her ears are pounding, her own heavy breaths the only thing she can hear. Her grip on the tool tightens.
“I’m going to kill you!”
Farah watches the man stumble in the hallway, searching.
“You’re going to see father soon, you piece of shit child!”
He trips on the rug. She sneaks closer.
“You’re dead, you hear me?! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!”
Farah runs forward, aiming for his other leg, but he turns around and grabs her hand before she can stab him.
“There you are!” he grabs her by the neck, slamming her to the floor, “got you!”
She can feel his hand wrap around her, crushing her windpipe, but it doesn’t hurt. The man grunts, before he freezes.
“You’re- you’re one of them?!”
Hadir jumps on the man’s shoulders, screaming, “get off her!!!”. He uses the knife she dropped to stab him in the neck, “get him, Farah, now!”
Farah grabs the tool, and uses all her strength to stab it into the man’s chest. He screams as flesh gives under the metal.
“It’s working! Again, sister!”
She pulls it out, and repeats.
“Good, Farah!”
And again.
Four times, until the man stops moving and making any sound. Farah takes his mask, the gun too heavy and tool buried in his gut.
Farah and Hadir return to baba. Hadir tries to help him up, but baba stops him.
“I can’t… I can’t go with you.”
Tears well in her eyes. Baba is leaving as well.
Hadir wraps his hands around baba’s, “what do we do?”
“You survive. Whatever it takes.” he turns to look at Farah, “even… even your sacrifice. Never give…up…”
Baba’s head drops. He’s gone.
Hadir stares at him for a moment longer. He gets up, “let’s go.”
They weave through the town, a murky green tinting the air. People are gasping and coughing around them, until a gunshot silences them. Hadir says it’s not fair. Farah knows.
It’s not fair, that they pass by people who get shot, and don’t get back up. It’s not fair, that she has to kill twice more, just for them to get a chance at freedom.
It’s not fair, when a man drags both of them away from it, a cruel smile on his lips as he inspects her.
It’s not fair, that she knows to recognize the malice in his eyes.
The soldiers take them to a prison. They find out she is one of those who sacrificed.
It’s not fair, she tells to the Reaper in her heart, that her sacrifice was not enough to save anyone.
She learns very quickly to hate Barkov. He learns, quicker, that his usual torture methods don’t work on her. He finds her weakness not in her own flesh, but in the flesh of the others. Hadir, in most cases. They keep the men and women separated, only allowing her to see him once every few weeks, and every time she gives them trouble, he takes the punishment. He tries to hide it, but he can’t hide his limp, or his bloodshot eyes, or the scars that keep multiplying upon his skin.
Contrasted with her flawless arms, glistening oddly in the light.
She gets into fights with her Reaper, in the earlier days. Demanding answers, for the simple question of “why?”.
Why her? Why this power, that only protects her? Why taunt her, tell her she’s under the Reaper of Might, yet show her every day how weak she is?
There are whispers among the guards, of a person by the name of “Karim”. A Commander, aiding the prisoners, attempting to contact foreign forces by transmitting messages from the inside. Barkov spends hours torturing her and the others, trying to find them. After a while, Farah notices a glint of playfulness in the wretched man’s eyes.
He knows who Karim is. He just wants to break them, annihilate the sense of fragile hope Karim gives the prisoners.
Barkov wants their spirit broken. Farah knows he will fail, because as long as any of them stand, they will not give up. For those who can't fight any longer, for those who are still with them in this hell, for Urzikstan.
They think one can uproot it from them. What they don’t know, will never understand, is that you can’t kill an idea. You can’t torture the memory of freedom out of them.
The soldiers seem on edge, mumbling in Russian about rumors of enemy forces invading Urzikstan. One of them slaps the back of her head when she stares too long.
The cycle continues - Barkov interrogates her, always keeping another prisoner in the room to torture in her place. Today it is Azadeh, younger than her by two years. Azadeh doesn’t flinch at the glint of a knife, but she screams as Barkov buries it in her thigh.
Farah’s guts burn at her wailing, at Barkov’s cocksure grin, his hand easily yanking the knife out of spasming muscles.
She breaks. Tells him she is Karim. It feels like an end.
Barkov freezes, before he pounces. Knocking her out of the chair, he covers her mouth, pinches her nose, deprives her of air.
Not many things can hurt her, but Farah still needs oxygen to live. Her wrists twitch roughly against the bindings tying her to the chair, Azadeh calls for her. Barkov snarls.
“I will not let terrorists like you ruin my country.”
My country… My country?
Urzikstan will never kneel to the likes of you.
As the edges of her vision darken, a soldier bursts into the room, his movements rushed as he informs Barkov the prison is under attack.
Barkov, always needing to have the last laugh, tells her she hasn’t saved anyone, that Karim’s role was only to doom her people, and orders his soldiers to the warehouse, to kill everyone.
Air fills her lungs as she inhales for the first time in over a minute. Barkov tells the man to take Azadeh to the warehouse, and her to solitary confinement. She gives Azadeh an encouraging nod, before they’re separated.
Karim hasn’t failed yet. As long as they’re still alive, she hasn’t failed.
Solitary is part of the older section of the building. Farah has been here enough times to know the rebar in the far corner of the cell is loose, and she herself have made sure, should the need arise, it will be easy to extract from the cracked concrete floor.
The moment the soldiers leave, she gets to work, pulling the metal with a grunt. With a few well-placed hits, Farah breaks the lock, and opens the door.
It is silent outside, in the way a graveyard is. Something sick spreads on her tongue, as she sneaks out of solitary. A few soldiers are making their way to the main cell block, to take the remaining prisoners to the warehouse, Farah assumes. The rebar feels lighter in her hands.
The first soldier she hits over the head screams as he goes down. The rest instinctively start shooting her. It doesn’t do much to stop her from caving their skulls in, besides ripping a few new holes into her clothes.
Searching the bodies yields her a key and an extra mag for one of the rifles. All of them were either empty or jammed, the frantic soldiers not recognizing her.
For them, all Urzik are the same.
Her sisters are relieved to see her approach. The gunshots scared them, fearing it was anyone but her. She opens the cell, freeing them. She uses the key to open a gun locker, and orders them to take up arms. No hesitation is visible on their faces. They all know this is an end.
Of the soldiers or theirs, it is yet to be seen.
“Our brothers have been taken to the warehouse to be executed. We are not going to let that happen.” Farah snarls, fingers aching as she grips the rifle, “are we?”
“No, Commander!” her sisters yell in unison.
Farah feels pride bubble up within her. They haven’t broken their spirit.
A series of far away explosions makes their little group flinch. Ayah asks, “who is attacking us, Commander? Are they on our side?”
“I don’t know. And as long as they distract Barkov and his dogs, it doesn’t matter. We need to move before it’s too late.”
They slam open the doors, Russian soldiers already ready at the other side. Her sisters’ aim is wobbly, the recoil more than they’ve experienced, but they have one thing the Russians don’t.
They don’t fear death anymore.
Nadia was injured in the firefight against a sniper. Ghalia has been limping since an explosion knocked her down. Darine and Azadeh are tired, they’ve been in solitary for days with little to no food or water.
They manage to hole up in the warehouse, but there’s no one there. Farah shouts for Hadir, her echo the only answer.
“Commander!” Azadeh calls, “there’s a way through here, this is must be where they are!”
Farah kicks the door open, turning right to clear the hallway, when a body slams into her from the left. She falls to the ground heavily, teeth bared as a barrel lines with her forehead. The other two soldiers aim at her sisters, Azadeh screaming in horror, “please don’t shoot!”
For a moment, Farah loses hope. Her mind supplies her with Barkov’s words.
“You haven’t saved anyone.”
In the next, the skylights shatter. Precise bullets take out the three soldiers, not a single wasted shot. Ropes are thrown through the broken windows, and men wearing gas masks repel down. One of them looks at her, “Whose Commander Karim?”
Farah huffs as she pushes a dead body off of her, “I’m Karim.”
The soldier swings his weapon to the side, “we got your message” he lifts the mask up, revealing a pale face, “Lieutenant John Price. Where are the others?”
The Lieutenant offers her a hand, and Farah grunts as he lifts her, “in there. Straight ahead.”
Price looks at the dark hallway, before turning back and lowering his mask, “stay close!”
Azadeh’s expression is uncertain when Farah stops her from following them. Wordlessly, she nods and returns to her wounded sisters’ side. They both know the path ahead is meant only for trained soldiers.
Trained soldiers, and those who cannot die to a bullet.
Farah keeps her rifle up as the soldiers and her scan the hall. Tanks with warning signs plastered on their exterior line the narrow passage way, and she doesn’t need to know Russian to know what’s inside.
“Got two!” Price warns, and takes out one of the guards. The other doesn’t waste time watching his partner go down, and before one of Price’s soldiers puts a bullet in his head, he aims and shoots Farah.
Straight shot to her heart. These guards are more skilled than the ones she fought through to get here.
Two hands clamp onto her shoulders, and Price’s wide eyes stare at her through the gas mask, “you’re not wearing armor- Karim, sit the fuck down, I saw the bullet hit you-!”
Farah frowns, following his line of sight to the hole in her shirt.
He holds her as if she’s about to collapse, muttering, “why are you not bleeding…”
Farah grabs his hands, and the Lieutenant’s brows shoot up.
“You’re a revenant.” his hands loosen, and drop to his side.
Farah nods, “no bullet or blade can hurt me.”
Something odd passes by Price’s eyes, but he doesn’t say anything to indicate what.
“Lieutenant, the prisoners are here! We need the breacher for the door!”
They run towards the back, and Farah slides to a stop at the scene.
In a room with large bullet-proof windows, where fire wars with the Russian’s sickly green gas, her brothers pound on the glass, their screams muffled.
They were going to watch them suffocate and burn.
She shakes out of her stupor when she notices Hadir. Slumped in the corner by a door, unmoving.
“You haven’t saved anyone.”
Farah runs to the other side of the door, where Price and his men are attempting to pry open it. They don’t have time for this.
“Stand back!” she grunts, and Price barely pulls the other soldier away before she shoots 4 bullets into the lock.
She barely manages to catch Hadir when the door slams open, her brothers running out towards fresh air. She should feel happiness, that they were fast enough to save them.
But in her arms is the still body of her brother, the one who has been through this hell with her from the beginning. The one with their mama’s eyes, and their baba’s kindness. Farah feels tears run down her face as she presses two fingers to his pulse. Nothing.
There are voices around her, speaking to her. She doesn’t hear a thing. No sound is worth hearing when her brother’s heart does not beat.
Price crouches in front of her, his mask off despite the gas filtering in from the room. His voice is gentle when he speaks, “Karim… we need to move.”
She shakes her head. It reminds her of how Hadir didn’t want to leave their house, when baba knew they had no choice. She has no choice but to leave him.
Oh, how could she leave him like this?
As the Lieutenant urges her again, as her brothers and sisters start to realize what happened, as Farah’s fingers stay on a paling wrist, she feels it.
A heartbeat.
Hadir gasps, his hands shoot up to claw at his neck frantically, and he jumps away from Farah. Everyone is watching him carefully as he catches his breath, silent and knowing.
Farah clenches her fists, failing to quell the shaking, “...why…?”
Why did you choose this over seeing mama and baba again?
Hadir turns to face her, but his eyes don’t meet hers. They’re not the blue-gray they were before, she notices. Green, like the gas that killed him.
“You survive, whatever it takes. Never give up.” Hadir repeats their baba’s last words. “Not even death will come between us, sister. Not anymore.”
“May your soul find rest.” she says, and her brothers and sisters murmur it with her. Hadir then lifts his gaze, and he gives her a sad smile.
Price and his soldiers stand back, looking properly shaken by seeing a dead man return. For them it is an anomaly.
In Urzikstan, they all know what a sacrifice looks like.
Farah gives herself a moment more to mourn Hadir, mourn the peace he refused to receive in death.
She gets up, grips her rifle, and orders her people, “collect survivors and supplies. We’re leaving.”
She stops cleaning her knife for a moment, acknowledging Hadir’s presence with a nod, before continuing, “any sign of Barkov?”
Hadir drags a chair to sit in front of her, “no, we’re secure here. The Lieutenant cleared the area well.” he watches her hands work on the sharpening metal, “I… I wanted to tell you about my powers.”
Her hand freezes. “Immunity to the gas. I know.”
Farah opens her mouth to question him, but when she looks up at Hadir…
Mist flows from his eyes and nose, pouring down his features. Green, toxic, smells of chemicals and death.
When he speaks, more gas flows from his mouth, “I’m not only immune, sister. I can create it.” fear paints his words.
“Enough.” she orders, though to her ears it sounds more like begging. Hadir stops using his power all the same, and it is with shame that he looks at the thin level of gas coating the floor of the run-down room.
Farah puts the knife and whetstone away, and hugs Hadir. He presses closer, and she feels his body tremble with silent sobs.
“You will not use this power. We do not need weapons of the enemy to win this war.” Her brother may be doomed, cursed forever to bear the gas within him, but it does not mean he needs to continue Barkov’s legacy.
Hadir doesn’t respond for a while, but when he pulls back, he nods. “Yes, Commander Karim.” he says, pride in the title. “What are your orders to our brothers and sisters?”
Farah sheaths the knife, her voice strong and clear, “Barkov must’ve had more prisons. It’s time we find more hands to help our cause.”
Alex Keller is… odd.
He had a surface level knowledge of the situation in Urzikstan when he arrived. Not from a tactical standpoint - CIA doesn’t let details like those escape them, of course. But from a human’s, and perhaps a revenant’s, it was clear Alex was not used to seeing such disgusting levels of violence unhidden for all to see. Barkov doesn’t need to hide it. America already knows.
The world already knows.
Keller’s abilities as a revenant proved advantageous from the very first mission they had. Infiltrating has never been easier, with a man able to become invisible to the naked eye. Later on he has told her of his weaknesses, that his form is still corporal even when see-through, and that electronic optics are able to catch traces of him. His honesty doesn’t go unnoticed, and Farah appreciates the trust he puts in her.
Hadir didn’t trust him at first. Despite his relation to Captain Price, he was wary of the American. It didn’t matter much to Farah, as long as they were amicable enough to work together, but seeing Hadir slowly let his guard down over the weeks was a moment of happiness in her days.
It helps most in days when Hadir seems distant, when a fog she can only call a thirst for revenge clouds his eyes. It feels like the times she has to fight against his violent suggestions double every new mission.
Something is brewing in his mind, she can tell. Hadir doesn’t want to share it with her.
At least Alex doesn’t push back against her orders with no good reason…
They’re on ground now, Alex using Hadir’s Sniper to scope the Highway of Death, and Farah spotting for him. They’re waiting for forces of Al-Mudahiyn, The Sacrificers, to pass through.
Al-Mudahiyn and the ULF used to be one and the same, until they weren’t. They share the goal of liberation, but where the ULF chooses to prioritize the safety of the people of Urzikstan, The Sacrificers choose the retribution on the Russians to be theirs.
Liberation will not be achieved peacefully, Farah knows that. But revenge won’t bring it either, and as much as she would hate it if it were to happen, if she had the choice to free her country but let her oppressors walk away unharmed, she would. She is sick of seeing her brothers and sisters die, and sacrifice, and bow their heads to men who see them as lesser.
In that, Al-Mudahiyn and her disagree. The militia focuses its powers on creating chaos among the Russian’s ranks, within Russia itself, and anywhere where its sympathizers live. And while they both deal in violence, Farah cannot agree to it being the objective.
It is a tool. One she will wield only as long as her enemy does. 
The SAS and CIA have begun to retaliate against Al-Mudahiyn, as has Barkov, their actions too flashy to ignore. Stealing several containers of Russian experimental gas was the last nail in the coffin.
The ULF along with Captain Price’s team decided to work together to stop them.
“One vehicle approaching from the east!”
On her mark, Alex takes down the two snipers that attempted to set up on the roof. Killing them is a calculated risk; it could alert their target and cause them to change course, but leaving them alive could’ve risked Hadir and his team, who are nearer to the road.
Two fighters from Hadir’s team take the truck and park it in the middle of the highway as a makeshift blockade. She watches as they rig it up with explosives, and orders them to wait for her signal.
Their target, as do many in The Sacrificers’ ranks, is a revenant. According to Alex’s sources in the CIA, they’re just a Revenant of Flesh. Their healing powers could save them from some injuries, but an explosion should kill them.
And if the explosion doesn’t do them in, bullets will.
They were ready for an ambush. Armored trucks, snipers, mortar teams.
“We need help! Where is Captain Price?!” Farah shouts as she fires on a few fighters making their way through the ruined house they’ve taken cover in. Alex pops up to shoot as well, but she pushes him behind her when a few bullets hit too close for comfort.
Her clothes are riddled with holes.
Hadir shouts from the rooftop beside theirs, “we cannot wait! I’ve got more firepower in the truck!” an explosion shakes the foundations of the house, “Alex! Follow me!”
Alex looks back at her, and she nods. Hadir’s intuition never failed them, his habit of preparing for the worst saved operations more than once. He’s not her second-in-command just because of their blood relation, she trusts him more than anyone else.
That is why, when green, toxic gas started covering the abandoned village rapidly, Farah didn’t dare think it was him. Hadir wouldn’t do that, he promised her.
She hears him shout to Alex that there are gas masks in the bunker. It should’ve tipped her off. It didn’t.
Coughing horribly, she ran towards the bunker, her steps unsteady as the gas coats her lungs. She has never forgotten the way it claws down her throat, burning, seizing her muscles.
Alex comes into view just as Farah’s vision begins to fade, and the last words she hears singe worse than any chemical could.
“H-Hadir… You’re… a revenant?”
When she comes to, it’s to the smell of dust. Her throat still burns, but as she coughs, she feels clean air filter through her nose. Farah blinks her eyes open, to see Hadir equip a gas mask on Alex’s face. He notices her eyes following his movements.
“Sister…” Hadir leaves Alex to approach her, his arms open. Before, she would’ve taken comfort to see he is not injured.
Now, all she sees is anger. Green, sickly, violent anger.
Farah pushes him away, but she is weakened, so his arms don’t leave hers, “how could you do this?!”
He tries to placate her. It makes her shake with exertion to get away. “I had no choice, Farah! I-”
“No. Not like this.” her eyes roll back, and before she loses consciousness again, she mumbles, “you promised…”
“-Farah!… Alex!”
She grunts. Her arms feel weighted when she pushes the dusty gas mask up and off her face. Alex does the same, trying to get up on his feet and failing.
Price’s voice invades her mind, and she winces. It is an unfamiliar feeling, still. “You’re alright, Farah. You’re alright.”
Still unused to the powers, she chooses to speak, “where is he…? Where is he?!”
Price finally reaches them, helping Farah get up, only for her to push off to rush out the crooked door, “he’s gone, Farah…”
She snarls. How dare he run, how could he leave- “no… Hadir… HADIR!!!”
“Farah!” Price follows her, catching her when she stumbles on the steps outdoors, “Farah, stop! Stop, he’s gone!”
Her fists clench on dry earth and she screams. Coward, liar, monster. No curse is bad enough to describe that fucking dog.
She feels Price wrap an arm around her, not to support, but to comfort. It reminds her why they’re here in the first place.
“There is no thief.” she tilts her head up, staring at Price’s blue-gray eyes. His brows knit in confusion, and she continues, “he created the gas. I’m sorry, Captain, I didn’t know, I didn’t know…”
She feels Price pull images from her memories. She lets him.
The Captain looks through her interactions with Hadir for the past few weeks. At first, Farah thinks he doesn’t believe her word, but Price relays to her that he’s not doing it for himself.
He’s proving her she’s not at fault.
“There’s no way you could’ve known, Farah.” he says out loud.
Alex joins him behind them, leaning on another soldier, “it’s okay, Farah. We’ll get him.”
She wants to bristle at those almost meaningless comforting gestures, but the look in Alex’s eyes is pleading her to let it go, for now.
Price helps her up again, shouting to Alex, “we need to un-ass this target- NOW!”
As they board the helicopter, Farah looks down.
Corpses line the desolate streets, no bird dares to sing at the sight. Both Al-Mudahiyn and ULF fighters lay still, eyes bulging and throat scratched raw. She grits her teeth, but her eyes don’t stray from the sight, even as the aircraft rises to the air.
Alex places a hand on her shoulder after a while, a questioning hum following.
She shakes her head, and with it his hand.
A voice that has haunted her for the last two decades drifts closer to her, whispering into her ears a sentence she hates to acknowledge has never been wrong.
“You haven’t saved anyone.”
At twenty-seven, Farah Ahmed Karim has lost the last remaining blood relative she had. There was no one left to mourn, except her.
In a dusty helicopter, with the smell of noxious gas still in her every breath, Farah promised to find him, the walking corpse of her brother, and stop him before he drags more of them down.
And unlike the man who once was her brother, Farah keeps her promises.
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shadow0-1 · 2 years ago
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Homoerotically fixes your throat mic
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hoperiley · 8 months ago
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Maïa Johnson-Volkov (Ludmila Maïa Zakhaev)
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months ago
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Soap : "Yeah uhh... sure."
Gaz : *Takes photo* *sends pic to Alex and Farah*
Soap : *Sends pic to Alejandro and Rudy*
*Spreads throughout Urzikstan* *Spreads throughout the Los Vaqueros*
*Somehow the Shadows knows it too idk*
*Somehow Laswell and Price knows last*
(They're sparring ok 👍)
idk why I drew this but I got a lil' naughty 👁️👄👁️
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shotmrmiller · 11 months ago
whenever simon needs a lay, he doesn't go for girls like you: all snarky attitude and self-assuredness in that hole-in-the-wall bar with the peeling wallpaper, dim lighting, and sagging ceiling tiles. he wants those insecure things; the soft, quiet ones who've been recently dumped and are drinking away their woes. the ones who'll take him to theirs in a drunken haze and wake up startled, kicking him out of the front door without their number and an embarrassed forget this ever happened.
can do, sweetheart. (see ya never.)
but you've caught his interest. maybe it was the way your face was bare— pockmarks on your cheeks and eyebrows untamed—yet you exuded confidence not even that loud bimbo with the fake lashes and vibrant ruby lipstick could ever recreate. maybe it was the way you held your own against that drunken man who attempted to grab a handful of arse over your faded, torn jeans, catching his pathetic bollocks and giving them a gnarly twist.
who knows. who cares.
what matters is that you've caught him by complete surprise.
he figured you were the type to want a firm hand. a couple of harsh slaps to your cheeks (both top and bottom), a fistful of your hair in his grip to pull, and to fuck you into the mattress until your body was imprinted on it.
the moment he pulled your hair taut, you'd immediately tangled your clever fingers into his chest hair. "i'm no horse, brit. my hair isn't reins for you to lead me around with."
then he tried to bend you over his knee. proper brat like you needs to be put in'er place.
also wrong. "not that either. not yet anyway."
and then he's wrong a third time because you're no passive participant.
he sloppily eats your cunt like it's his first meal since coming back from urzikstan— warm tongue, thick fingers, and the occasional pinch of his crooked teeth on your swollen bundle of nerves. when he tries to pull away, your entrance more than slick enough to take him without much discomfort, you fervently dig your heels into the scarred tissue of his strong back., stopping him in his tracks.
"you stop 'til i finish and not a moment sooner." his whiskey breath is warm between your legs when he huffs out, "affirm." you're fluttering around his hand in minutes when you start to direct him on how you like it, which he supposes is fortunate for you since he's real good at taking orders and even better at obeying them.
your climax is sweet in his mouth with a subtle hint of brine. the exact opposite of you, he finds. simon doesn't even get the chance to tell you to say anything because you're flipping onto your knees and shoving his rigid length into your mouth. he can't help the strangled sound that escapes him when the tip of him touches the back of your throat, constricting when you gag.
bloody hell.
you look up at him; wide, glassy eyes and sunken cheeks and it's pathetic how he can already feel himself on the precipice of ecstasy and he hasn't even gotten to the good part.
when he watches you place a condom in your mouth and roll it on his cock without hands, simon had to squeeze his eyes shut and think of england to stop the fire that threatened to light him ablaze.
alrigh', enough. on your back.
"no. get on yours."
your small hands push against his barrel chest, gesturing he lie back— today preferably.
impatient bint.
you ignore that quip, opting to wrap your fingers around his thick base and sink onto him in one smooth motion.
slow, don't want ya hurtin' ya'self.
he gnaws on his tongue painfully— almost cutting it open with his canine— to keep from finishing because, bloody fuckin' hell, do you feel like the heaven he'll never see.
simon's hands curl and tighten around the swell of your hips— his blunt, square nails digging into your sensitive skin. "easy," you hiss, "i bruise like a peach."
taste like it, too.
you look so sweet, so pliant while being split open on his cock, hot cunt sodden with your earlier release— it sends mind-numbing arousal tingling up his spine, feeling it at the base of his skull. simon grunts when you begin to move, a languid up and down, gentle but firm. spots dance in his vision when you take all of him, his bollocks flush against your arse.
pretty thing with fire in your eyes taking him so well even though others have needed breaks to work up to it. muscle memory takes over then, his callused fingers automatically searching for your swollen clit, but you slap them away. "too sensitive, i'd only be uncomfortable."
yes ma'am.
you chuckle at that, pussy fluttering as you do and simon hisses through his clenched teeth.
keep tha' up 'nd i'll be done before the fun even starts.
this time you clamp down on purpose, your cunt squeezing his cock like a silken fist. "wouldn't that just be a shame. old man like yourself only got one in you?" the playful taunt sinks its teeth into the ego he's never cared about— leaving behind a mark that stings and lingers— and the lieutenant rears his head, if only for a moment.
watch it.
your eyes widen fractionally but your lips curl at the corners in amusement. "sorry, sir." minx.
his thoughts dissolve like sugar in hot tea once your hips began to rise and fall again, this time a much quicker pace. he surrenders to your unsatiable passion-- a hungry beast, feeding on want, on need-- with only his obsidian-black mask as witness.
for the first time in months (since price bent him over his desk post-op that one time) he's the one getting fucked.
and when you plant your feet by his sides, when your hips cant at the slightest of angles, his flared head presses against something firm and his world ceases to exist, the intensity of now reaching its peak.
when he comes to, your sweat-slick body trembles with effort, your pretty cunt still stuffed to the brim with his softening length. but he's not done with you yet, not by a long shot. now it's his turn.
in a quick movement, you find yourself on your back, looking up at simon, and the mewl that falls from your lips bounces off of the spartan white walls when he hooks your legs over his broad shoulders, and claims you again.
he plans on leaving a delicious ache between your legs that won't let you forget this night-- at least not for the next few days. (not like you could, i mean look at him. plus, he's going to magically forget his gloves here, maybe his pack of cigarettes. he's also definitely jotting down his phone number somewhere.)
forgive me i'm tired now so i lost some air at the end hehehe
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thenerdyselfinsert · 2 months ago
You're Home (Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN! Reader)
After John Price came to your home a few months ago and told you Simon was MIA, you thought your entire world was ending. You feel yourself going mad, crazy without your partner. Sometimes you feel yourself hallucinating, imagining he's there. One morning, the hallucination feels more real.
Word Count: 876
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN! Reader
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Not beta read, reader is a crybaby (but a valid crybaby)
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The sight of John Price at your door wasn't unusual. Sometimes Simon would invite him over for drinks, or you would invite him and the other members of TF141 for dinner. But here, on one of the cloudiest days of the year, it created knots in your stomach.
You had felt weird when you woke up this morning. At first you thought you were just being paranoid, a symptom from missing Simon. He had been radio silent for the past couple weeks, said he was supposed to be going on a solo mission and wouldn't be able to contact you until it was over.
But now, with John Price at your door, you knew your feelings were not unfounded. Price stood at your door, a somber look on his face. He wrung his hat in his hands, and though he was stoic and still, you could tell he was just as distraught as you.
"John," you said softly, "I... where's Simon?"
Price reached out a gentle hand towards you, "I'm sorry-"
"John-" you recoiled, shaking your head and covering your mouth, "John, please no-"
"Simon is missing in action," Price said softly, his hand resting on your arm, "The mission in Urzikstan went side-ways and-"
"He's not dead?" you asked, a little too hopeful.
Price's face softened, "I- we don't know for sure. I don't... I don't want you to get your hopes up..."
Your eyebrows furrowed as tears welled in your eyes. Price opened his arms, silently offering you a hug which you took. Sobs wracked your body, fear and grief washing over you like a tidal wave.
"I'm sorry," was all Price could mutter as he rubbed soothing circles on your back. You sobbed until you collapsed, the energy sucked out of your body.
That night with John Price was five months ago. Simon still hadn't come back, and each day that passed made you feel more and more hopeless. It drives you crazy, your brain playing tricks on you.
Sometimes, in the deliriam of another restless sleep, you swore you could hear his footsteps in the hall, or hear him murmuring sweet nothings in your ear.
Sometimes it brought comfort, letting yourself pretend like he had come home to you safe and sound.
But sometimes, it just cut open old wounds and left you sobbing hysterically. You tried everything to bring yourself comfort. You sprayed his pillow with his cologne, hugging it tightly as you tried to fall asleep. When it got cold, you chose his pair of skeleton print gloves over your own. Nothing worked.
One night, the hallucinations felt all too real.
You layed in bed, tossing and turning, drifting in and out of reality. As you lay in the dark, you heard the sound of the front door open, a heavy set of footsteps following the sound.
You've had nights where this has happened before. You hear the shuffling downstairs before heavy, tired footsteps approach the bedroom door. It squeaked open, and in the dark bleary night, you open your eyes just slightly to see the hulking figure standing in the doorway.
"Simon?" You mumbled softly, like you had a few nights before. Sometimes the hallucinations spoke, sometimes they don't.
"It's me, love," the hallucination said, his voice sounding as if he was holding back tears. You hold your hand out to the hallucination, inviting it into bed with you. Through your impaired vision, you could see the hallucination shuck off its shirt before climbing into bed with you. It radiated a familiar warmth, one that was…different than usual. Strong arms wrapped around you, making your eyebrows furrow. You turned in the hallucination’s grasp, staring at it through bleary eyes. You rubbed your eyes, blinking a couple times. Though that usually chased away the visions, this one held firm.
“Si— Simon?” you asked in disbelief. His hand came up to caress your face, his thumb running along your cheek. You reached up to hold his face in your hands, tears welling in your eyes after landing on the solid planes of his face.
“I missed you so much,” Simon whispered, tears welling in his eyes as well, “Every. Single. Day. All I could think of was returning home to you.”
Your bottom lip quivered, one of your hands running through his hair.
“You’re real…” you whispered in disbelief.
He let out a breath of laughter, taking one of your hands in his, a smile gracing his face.
“It’s me love,” he said, “I’m here, and I’m real.”
You let out a sob, your arms wrapping around him as you buried your face into his chest. He smelled like fresh Earth, sweat, and a hint of his cologne. You inhaled, reveling in the familiar smell.
Simon’s arms instinctively pulled you in tighter as he buried his nose in your hair.
“I— I thought— I thought—“ you sobbed, holding him tightly, as if letting go would make him disappear once more.
He shushed you, rubbing your back as he pressed firm kisses to the top of your head. He gently took your face in his hands, tilting your head so he could kiss you properly. His lips were warm and desperate, kissing you over and over again to make up for lost time.
When he pulled away, you looked up at him through tears.
“I’m— I’m so glad— I’m so glad you’re home,” you hiccupped.
He pressed another chaste kiss to your lips before he said, “I’m glad I’m home too, love.”
And with his body pressed firmly against yours, you could feel yourself relaxing. You moved yourself to lay against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, a firm reminder that he was here, in your arms. And for the first time in a long time, you both slept easy.
Thank you for reading! Likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
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