theoffbeatdrummer · 5 years
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Before #derailing from #workingout #haulingass #5miles a day #powerwalking #urticarialife #urticarialvasculitis #otd #2016? #hot #corset #toxicrose #toxicrosejeans My poor #teenageson having to do the #photography #docmartens (at Far North Side, Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtztGecHSfk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y7h5a7xq0ewx
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Morning magic featuring a first time sweet potato smoothie bowl. # #smoothiebowl #smoothie #paleo #whole30 #whole9life #sweetpotato #immunedisease #dpu #urticaria #urticarialife #chronicillness #chronicurticaria #yearofyes #shondrarhimes #coffeetime #morningmotivation #goodmorningpost
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theoffbeatdrummer · 5 years
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#christianleft #depression #cabinfever #fever #urticaria #urticarialvasculitis #urticarialife #ultrasensitivitybymeforus #luxchicagoskincare #edema #weird #autoimmune #achy (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtexjX6hfUF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aruz3zhqzf84
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theoffbeatdrummer · 5 years
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It would take me a year to read off all of the #harmful, #chemical #toxic ingredients in not only products available in #retailskincare or #luxuryskincare... but even in #prescription #rx #dermatology skincare products. What you see pictured here are all products which I have in my home. Products which claim to help the condition of #faces which are sensitive, prone to #Acne, scarredskin, #oilyskin, #dryskin or anywhere in between. When #UrticarialVasculitis #urticaria #urticarialife begin to take over my #complexion, and I turned to my #Dermatologist for help, especially considering how vasculitis damages so severely... she prescribed #SteroidOintment (which you cannot put on open rash or #Sores), #itchcream (although my #rash is #painful, not #itchy)...#antibiotic #erythromycinsolution (was 98% #rubbingalcohol), or cleansers all having one of two active ingredients, each ineffective and horrible for your skin: #benzoylperoxide or #salicylicacid. My own skincare has most recently contributed to my not having a major #vasculitisbreakout in over a month! Chemotherapy is also helping https://www.instagram.com/p/BsPXCkHhxm9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hqwwxoltpa0u
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theoffbeatdrummer · 6 years
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Today in #urticarialife #urticaria #urticarialvasculitis #vasculitis #earlobe #newflare #blister ON LOBE, NOT CARTILAGE! Thanks be to God I’m seeing the #rheumo #rheumatologistvisit Tomorrow. Bonus: Much more prominent #thinning...of...hair. #methotrexate & I sleep on my #back not on either side. So yes. This hurts. Help, #luxchicago #luxchicagoskincare (at Home, Fighting to Stay Awake!) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brlma0jBuNu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nsg3gai4pxvq
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theoffbeatdrummer · 5 years
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#Small butMighty #urticaria #urticarialvasculitis #urticarialife What was #painful enough to #awakenmensconconcious #elbowdown #rash #ouch Would benefit from LUXChicagoSkinCare #luxchicagoskincare #ultrasensitivityformebyus OUCH (at Far North Side, Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btxv5x0HsQ-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1grh3x0mbgaj
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theoffbeatdrummer · 5 years
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#ohhappyday It’s been a few weeks, #urticaria #urticarialvasculitis #urticarialife I need #luxchicagoskincare #ultrasensitivitybymeforus (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bso1o9dBuQM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10hw9upnoxpc8
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