#urs bühler
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loldivo · 7 months ago
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Steven serving as a Chaotic Good energy beacon for his fellow Divos 😹
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icedteaandoldlace · 5 months ago
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I made this instead of going to bed.
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hoodup · 1 year ago
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wheelsoflaughterblog · 2 months ago
Urs Bühler, a member of Il Divo, only has words of affection and admiration for his former partner, Carlos Marín: “I have been with Carlos for 18 years, forgetting Carlos would be like forgetting my arm at the hotel. Carlos will always be with us, every time we go on stage with Il Divo, he is with us, with every suit and every shirt I put on Carlos is with me, always, it is a great loss for the…
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hotelplazadaninnexpress · 11 months ago
Il Divo: Uma Sonata de 20 anos de Emoções no Coração de Curitiba!
3 minutos Quando se fala em harmonia vocal de tirar o fôlego, é impossível não mencionar o quarteto internacionalmente aclamado, Il Divo. Com Urs Bühler da Suíça, Sébastien Izambard da França, David Miller e Steven LaBrie dos Estados Unidos, eles não só capturaram os ouvidos do mundo, mas também os corações de milhões ao longo de duas décadas de carreira. E agora, em Curitiba, no Teatro Guaíra, em 25 de maio, às 21 horas, os quatro estão prontos para trazer sua magia aos palcos Continue lendo →
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labrecha · 1 year ago
Il Divo en San Luis, Un Concierto Único en el Mundo
#IlDivo en #SanLuis, Un Concierto Único en el Mundo
San Luis Potosí, SLP / Marzo 23 de 2024.- El concierto que vamos a cantar aquí en San Luis Potosí es único en el mundo, las canciones que escogimos para el show de esta noche son una mezcla de nuestro reciente álbum y nuestros más grandes éxitos, dijo Urs Bühler, integrante de Il Divo. Urs Bühler En la presentación del concierto, que abrirá el Festival Internacional de Primavera 2024 en San Luis…
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sc1314 · 4 years ago
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Il Divo - Live streaming concert 
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lauracbreezy · 4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Urs Bühler!
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boina-the-snake · 7 years ago
Dear @loldivo how come I didn’t find this vid in all your posts?? You are seriously neglecting Urs and I’m not amused.
This is just the best Urs vid EVER. I wish he’d sing this for real.
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tonyhotmessstark · 8 years ago
I'm out of the loop
Fellow Divo fans, what's going on with Seb's solo album? I haven't heard much, but I haven't been researching either. Someone update me 😭
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wheelsoflaughterblog · 8 months ago
Urs Bühler & Sébastien Izambard talk 20 years of Il Divo
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underestimated-heroine · 2 years ago
Not my twelfth archive post 😭
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 3 years ago
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Il Divo star Carlos Marin spent his final weeks preparing for an eagerly awaited UK tour before his health suddenly declined after contracting Covid-19. Il Divo was formed in 2003 by music mogul Simon Cowell, though the group, later parted ways with Simon. The Spanish baritone died at the age of 53. 💔
Il Divo was composed of four singers, three of whom are classically trained, from four countries: German-born Spanish baritone Carlos Marín, two classically trained tenors Swiss Urs Bühler and American David Miller, and French pop singer-songwriter Sébastien Izambard.
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sc1314 · 4 years ago
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Il Divo - Live streaming concert 
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billybennight · 6 years ago
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Urs Bühler of Il Divo hitting a high note on the 15th Anniversary ‘Timeless Tour’ at the Dolby Theatre. @ildivo #ildivo #music #vocals #ursbuhler @ildivours #vocalgroup #timeless #timelesstour #timelesstour2018 @dolbytheatre #concert #photography #photographer #losangeles #losangelesphotographer #losangelesphotography #hollywood #hollywoodandhighland (at Dolby Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrdqANxH1YN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j7xi1h9b32s8
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loldivo · 4 years ago
There once was a man with concern
For his friends who could not seem to learn
They didn’t know how
To pronounce Willisau
So they said that he hailed from Lucerne.
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