#urraca de león
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isadomna · 2 years ago
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"The image of the queen Urraca I of León has been one of the most mistreated of history. Since her death and until today, the approach to her reign has been done from a moral point of view, following the path started by the medieval chronicles, and endorsed by the indifference of the traditional History towards Women’s History. In the XIIIth century authors as Lucas de Tuy and Jiménez de Rada carry in their works contempt for a queen they thought irrational, a traitor and responsible for the chaos and discord in the kingdom, and whom interventions in the royal office would be illegitimate and outrageous. They will reduce her role to a link between her father, Alfonso VI, and her son, Alfonso VII, and consider her second husband, Alfonso I of Aragón, the real leader of her reign. However, in the chronicles of her own century, despite not creating a positive image of a queen some of them deeply disliked, and because of the proximity to the events, these authors didn’t hide certain information, nor did they doubt her legitimacy." - Carmen Grijalba Peña, Urraca I: La imagen de una reina según las Crónicas de su tiempo y los documentos regios
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teconozcomascarita · 10 months ago
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Doña Urraca (Burgos, 1081-Saldaña, 1126), presidiendo la Corte. Catedral de Santiago
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palomafrijol4 · 8 days ago
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Urraca I de León cuz GOD I LOVE HER SM
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docpiplup · 2 years ago
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moucholampantin · 2 years ago
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Reina Urraca I de León - Wikipedia (español) - (english)     Artículo (español)
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docpiplup · 2 years ago
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El Cid (2020–), 2x02
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clanlasombrasp · 4 months ago
3) Favorite WOD Character.
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Lucita de Aragón, Lasombra.
On Day 3 of #MonthOfDarkness it's time to talk about my favorite World of Darkness character. Although I would probably have chosen Lilith at another time, this time I'll talk about my beloved Lasombra par excellence, Lucita of Aragón.
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Leaving aside the whole issue of her supposed paternity by King Alfonso II "The Chaste" de Aragón with Urraca de León??!! Lucita is the "prototype" Lasombra character during the 2nd and 3rd Edition (Revised) of Vampire The Masquerade: she was both in the Camarilla and the Sabbat, being Archon and even Archbishop of Madrid; she was the lover of the Banu Haqim Fátima Al-Faqadi; adventure partner of such well-known people as Anatole or Beckett; she was screwed by her Sire Ambrosio Luis de Monçada for centuries, etc. And within my #V5 Chronicle she is the goddaughter of a certain Lasombra Methuselah named Mr. Shade or "The Man in Black".
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Given my well-known preference for the Lasombra, it was obvious that I chose her...
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horizon-verizon · 2 days ago
hi, i love ur blog and i was really intrigued with this post
and what you wrote under point C about "making Aerea Queen, then her having a daughter who'd become queen but then only rules for a few years until deposed, then we have a Jaehaerys I figure (I would have done it this way)" and how you would've done a ruling queen pre-rhaenyra?? ofc u don't have to answer i was just wondering coz i'd love if there was more ruling ladies in canon xx
In order to be as close to GRRM's "point"/arc? about the decay of the Targs through "dramatic misogyny", these queens would either be like Juana of Castile where some male figure (relatives, like husbands and fathers with their own armies/factions) do the actual ruling while they severely restrict the female rulers AND/OR these female rulers would have very short reigns bc of rebellions, illnesses, attempts at conquest failed (Daeron I kinda) assassinations, etc. (and it needn't include all those things at once). I prefer the first, which is almost already Rhaena the BB except Rhaena never ruled and Jaehaerys himself didn't plan a bulk of what happens to her (the Dragonstone argument was one out of several other things AND it certainly was a part of the mess that makes Rhaena sidelined) against her nor did most men did.
And either way, I'd have a lot of contemporaries AND historical writers try and mostly succeed in mischaracterizing these Queens as "selfish bitches" or "whores" even as others "praised" them/some of them as intelligent "as a man/this particular man", as they kept the realm together in absentia of a male. Because that's what was written for even the most praised Queen regents/consorts/regnants. (We have Margaret I of Denmark, Urraca de León, Irene of Athens to name a few.)
There would be no "successful" queens, bc what then would be the point in showing how Rhaenyra was landered against AND that it was her brother/his mother who usurped her? There'd be less compulsion on te readers' parts (as many readers as possible) to blame misogyny (at least obviously) if there had been perfectly accepted queens before Rhaenyra. Queens who had ruled with equal social grace as kings get to, which was rare in real life anyway. I would have those queens put out specific good laws or make istoric-level military and political acheievements, but they'd be culturally underestimated when such and such happened.
It's also have us question how much "worth" being a ""queen" really is when it is so hampered like this, keeping that sense of "doom" many had with Rhaenyra. But hopeful with Dany, who grew up and came to power OUT of the Westerosi patriarcal paradigm. If I had to rewrite the succession, I'd probably only write in ONE (unsuccesssful) queen regnant before Rhaenyra bc the brevity of the Targ line before Rhaenyra is to show how quickly the Targs get to the point of losing themselves and their dragons bc of misogyny.
So to amend that comment abt Aerea, I'd probs have Aerea be mother to a queen who only rules for a few years, whose father (Aerea' husband) AND prince consort take advantage but run the realm more into ruin. Before she dies, a male cousin or even her younger brother steps in to stabilize the realm (or really his backers do, like Rogar) and he "justifies" his reign/takes the throne from this queen's female heir through said arms and maleness. Perhaps the queen is forced to abdicate bc she is blamed for the ruination her father/brother caused. GC of 101 continues and all the canon stuff. Now with Rhaenyra, who before she can even become queen is usrped, the "point" is a little that much more "obvious".
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carloskaplan · 1 year ago
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Cálice de Dona Urraca (Basílica de San Isidoro de León)
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armatofu · 7 months ago
Urraca la Asturiana: Una Figura Histórica de Poder y Rebelión
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Urraca Alfonso, conocida como Urraca la Asturiana, fue una figura histórica de la península ibérica que vivió durante el siglo XII. Nacida en 1133 en Soto, Aller, Asturias, Urraca fue la hija ilegítima del rey Alfonso VII de León y Gontrodo Pérez. A pesar de su nacimiento fuera del matrimonio real, Urraca tuvo una vida notable y dejó una huella indeleble en la historia de España.
Desde su nacimiento, Urraca estuvo rodeada de la nobleza asturiana y fue educada por su tía paterna, la infanta Sancha Raimúndez. Su padre, Alfonso VII, le concedió el título de reina, un honor que mantuvo a lo largo de su vida. En 1144, Urraca se casó con el rey García Ramírez de Pamplona, convirtiéndose en reina consorte de Pamplona.
El matrimonio de Urraca con García Ramírez fue un evento significativo que buscaba asegurar la paz entre el reino de Pamplona y el de su padre. Sin embargo, tras la muerte de su esposo en 1150, Urraca regresó a Asturias, donde su padre le permitió conservar su título y le encargó la administración local de la región.
Urraca no solo fue una figura política, sino también una benefactora de la iglesia y las artes. Favoreció al monasterio de San Vicente, al monasterio de San Pelayo, y a la catedral de Oviedo, demostrando su devoción y su influencia en la vida religiosa y cultural de su tiempo.
La vida de Urraca tomó un giro dramático cuando, junto con su segundo esposo Álvaro Rodríguez de Castro, se sublevó contra su medio hermano, el rey Fernando II, en un intento de independencia de Asturias. Aunque este intento de secesión no tuvo éxito, refleja la complejidad de las relaciones de poder y la lucha por la autonomía en la España medieval.
Urraca falleció alrededor de 1179 y fue sepultada en la Capilla del Sagrario de la catedral de Palencia. Su vida es un testimonio de la influencia y el poder que una mujer podía ejercer en una época dominada por figuras masculinas. Urraca la Asturiana sigue siendo una figura fascinante para los historiadores y un símbolo de la rica historia de Asturias y de España en su conjunto.
La historia de Urraca la Asturiana es un recordatorio de que, incluso en tiempos de restricciones sociales y políticas, las figuras femeninas han jugado roles cruciales en la configuración de la historia. Su legado perdura, inspirando a generaciones a recordar y valorar las contribuciones de las mujeres en la construcción de la sociedad.
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iamainhoa · 1 year ago
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Carlos Múgica y Pérez
Doña Urraca, 1857 Óleo sobre lienzo, 222,4 x 138,5 cm
Reina de Castilla y León (1109-1126). Sucedió a Alfonso VI y precedió a Alfonso VII.
En el lienzo, la reina desciende del trono flanqueado por leones y camina hacia el espectador. Viste cuerpo blanco ceñido y falda azul apenas visible bajo el manto rojo; sobre la cabeza cubierta porta la corona y el cetro con su mano izquierda.
📍 Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid, Spain.
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isadomna · 8 months ago
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Isabel San Sebastián regresa con una nueva entrega de su épico relato de la Reconquista centrado en la Temeraria, la famosa reina Urraca, la primera soberana de pleno derecho en Europa.
Siglo XII, Reino de León. En plena ofensiva almorávide, con la cristiandad acorralada, Urraca, hija de Alfonso VI y legítima heredera al trono leonés, contrae matrimonio con Alfonso I de Aragón, cumpliendo la última voluntad de su padre recién fallecido. Esas «malditas bodas» desatan una lucha sin cuartel entre la soberana y su esposo, el Batallador, empeñado en usurparle la corona para ejercer un poder que por derecho le pertenece a ella.
Narrada a través de los ojos de Muniadona, su doncella más cercana, esta novela recrea la azarosa vida de la primera reina de España y Europa, una mujer maltratada e incluso violada, pero nunca vencida, que se vio obligada a enfrentarse a su marido, a su propio hijo y a todos los prejuicios de su tiempo para ejercer el papel que le había asignado la historia, a menudo vestida de hierro.
La nueva obra de Isabel San Sebastián es una aventura trepidante plagada de intrigas y traiciones, amores, pasión, coraje y lealtad. El retrato veraz y asombroso de una mujer pionera, de extraordinario valor, a quien la maledicencia castigó con en el apodo de la Temeraria.
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teconozcomascarita · 10 months ago
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Teresa de León, condesa de Portugal [Monasterio de Montederramo, ca. 1080-Póvoa de Lanhoso, 1130], Urraca Henriques y Bermudo Peres de Trava. Tumbo del monasterio de Toxosoutos, siglo XIII.
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sefaradweb · 3 months ago
La judería de Monzón
🇪🇸 La judería de Monzón, en la actual provincia de Palencia, se consolidó a partir del siglo XI tras la repoblación judía impulsada por Fernando I en 1059. Los judíos, especialmente de la aristocrática familia Shaltiel, formaron parte crucial de la comunidad. En 1890, se halló una lápida hebrea del año 1097, que confirma la presencia judía en la localidad. Durante el reinado de Urraca de León y su matrimonio con Alfonso I de Aragón en el castillo de Monzón, los judíos fueron víctimas de violencia debido a tensiones políticas. A pesar de estos conflictos, la judería de Monzón perduró hasta la llegada de las invasiones almorávides y almohades en Al-Andalus. En 2019, Monzón de Campos honró su legado judío renombrando una calle como "Calle de los Judíos".
🇺🇸 The Jewish community in Monzón, located in the present-day province of Palencia, was established in the 11th century following the Jewish repopulation promoted by Fernando I in 1059. Jews, particularly from the aristocratic Shaltiel family, were a key part of the community. In 1890, a Hebrew tombstone from 1097 was discovered, confirming their presence in the town. During the reign of Urraca of León and her marriage to Alfonso I of Aragon in the Monzón castle, Jews were victims of violence due to political tensions. Despite these conflicts, the Jewish community endured until the Almoravid and Almohad invasions of Al-Andalus. In 2019, Monzón de Campos honored its Jewish heritage by renaming a street as "Calle de los Judíos."
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months ago
Events 3.8 (before 1960)
1010 – Ferdowsi completes his epic poem Shahnameh. 1126 – Following the death of his mother, queen Urraca of León, Alfonso VII is proclaimed king of León. 1262 – Battle of Hausbergen between bourgeois militias and the army of the bishop of Strasbourg. 1558 – The city of Pori (Swedish: Björneborg) is founded by Duke John on the shores of the Gulf of Bothnia. 1658 – Treaty of Roskilde: After a devastating defeat in the Northern Wars (1655–1661), Frederick III, the King of Denmark–Norway is forced to give up nearly half his territory to Sweden. 1702 – Queen Anne, the younger sister of Mary II, becomes Queen regnant of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1722 – The Safavid Empire of Iran is defeated by an army from Afghanistan at the Battle of Gulnabad. 1736 – Nader Shah, founder of the Afsharid dynasty, is crowned Shah of Iran. 1775 – An anonymous writer, thought by some to be Thomas Paine, publishes "African Slavery in America", the first article in the American colonies calling for the emancipation of slaves and the abolition of slavery. 1782 – Gnadenhutten massacre: Ninety-six Native Americans in Gnadenhutten, Ohio, who had converted to Christianity, are killed by Pennsylvania militiamen in retaliation for raids carried out by other Indian tribes. 1801 – War of the Second Coalition: At the Battle of Abukir, a British force under Sir Ralph Abercromby lands in Egypt with the aim of ending the French campaign in Egypt and Syria. 1844 – King Oscar I ascends to the thrones of Sweden and Norway. 1844 – The Althing, the parliament of Iceland, was reopened after 45 years of closure. 1868 – Sakai incident: Japanese samurai kill 11 French sailors in the port of Sakai, Osaka. 1910 – French aviator Raymonde de Laroche becomes the first woman to receive a pilot's license. 1916 – World War I: A British force unsuccessfully attempts to relieve the siege of Kut (present-day Iraq) in the Battle of Dujaila. 1917 – International Women's Day protests in Petrograd mark the beginning of the February Revolution (February 23 in the Julian calendar). 1917 – The United States Senate votes to limit filibusters by adopting the cloture rule. 1921 – Spanish Prime Minister Eduardo Dato Iradier is assassinated while on his way home from the parliament building in Madrid. 1924 – A mine disaster kills 172 coal miners near Castle Gate, Utah. 1936 – Daytona Beach and Road Course holds its first oval stock car race. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: The Battle of Guadalajara begins. 1942 – World War II: The Dutch East Indies surrender Java to the Imperial Japanese Army. 1942 – World War II: Imperial Japanese Army forces captured Rangoon, Burma from British. 1950 – The iconic Volkswagen Type 2 "Bus" begins production.
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periodicoleones · 1 year ago
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El pasado miércoles 7 de febrero, los alumnos y alumnas de 2º ESO realizamos una visita y una gincana en San Isidoro. Nada más llegar, realizamos la gincana, que constaba en buscar varias zonas de la fachada (figuras, columnas…)
Cuando acabamos las pruebas, nos adentramos en el Museo, donde nuestra profesora de Geografía e Historia nos explicó detalladamente la historia de los reyes de León. Lo primero que nos enseñó fueron los frescos que no estaban completos y una biblioteca llena de libros relatando la viola de cada uno de nuestros reyes.
Subiendo unas escaleras, llegaron a una sala donde se encontraba el cáliz de doña Urraca.
A continuación, salimos al exterior, donde se encontraba la muralla, y para finalizar, fuimos al Panteón, donde estaban los restos de los antiguos reyes.
Esta visita nos sirvió para aprender sobre el pasado del reino de León.
Camino García Prieto (2º ESO) Laura Núñez Gil (2º ESO)
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