#uriah the vortigaunt
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freakinglegs · 2 years ago
If you’re still doing requests, could we get a Uriah Half life? He’s an ever💕
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IM SO SORRY I NEVER SAW THIS!! I hope you have a wonderful day I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to ignore this request
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blacktobackmesa · 5 months ago
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is there a word for "privacy" in vortigese language
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art-of-bygost · 8 days ago
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Half life has a lot of cool buddies so i decided to draw some :)
Part 2 coming tomorrow bc i want to draw gordon, barney and adrian with their buddies but it's too late atm sorry :(
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hawfstuff · 8 months ago
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Quick Uriah drawin as a warmup. He stole a pair of dress pants.
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shierhedg · 7 months ago
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I practiced drawing vortigaunts. I love these beauties.
Surprisingly, I now more or less like them in appearance when I draw them. Anatomically correct or something like that.
P.S. Look at their legs! I'm crazy... What about the teeth? Well, they are beautiful!
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roosterm3at · 2 years ago
Can you draw, uh, Magnusson and Uriah on the sofa™ reading together. Or just do whatever Maguriah thing if you want because I believe in you ✮⋆˙
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he loves that vort
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hazelspooder · 1 year ago
vortigaunts are so badass yet goofy at the same time you hear them say some cool shit like "let this war end in either total victory or our extinction" and then you see one wearing a lab coat with a name tag and everything
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longcatsscribbles · 13 days ago
Posting Millard again because he's just really cute 🥺
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Stop making fun of him guys
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The last one is kind of a bonus I guess
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the-1-foxy · 2 years ago
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Rooster_M3at wanted me to draw Magnusson yelling at them <3
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Only they're allowed to be romantic in the lab, sorry
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vortesssence · 2 years ago
repost from my tiktok 💪
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h0undeye · 2 years ago
vortigaunt PLEASSEE
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gordon-furman · 10 months ago
can you explain more about Jack and Sally's genders/ pronouns?
Sally's pronouns are she/it. Vortigaunts are very social and will subconsciously take on the traits of others around them. Uriah, who hangs around Magnusson alot, has taken on his er...rougher personality traits; I believe that Vortigaunts would also do this with pronouns.
Most vortigaunts use (we/us), which I think is directly because of their connection to each other and the vortesence. Sally is severed from the vortesence, so she opts to use (it). She uses (she) because she prefers it over (he).
I want to make a note that Vort view of gender isn't like our views of gender, just for reference. Vorts do have sexes, but they sort of adopt gender and pronouns to better communicate with humans. Vorts referring to Sally would probably still use (us/we/it), because she is still a vortigaunt, but would also use (she/it) when referring to her to a non-vort.
Also, (it) isn't an "insulting" pronoun to the vortigaunts. It is their (human translated), way to refer to the singular self. Lots of vorts, connected to the vortesence or not (though those disconnected to the vortesence are more likely to use (it)), use (it) as a pronoun, to refer to an individual when (we/us) and a human pronoun (he/she/etc.) isn't used. Also more independent vorts often use (it) as a pronoun.
Ex. Uriah is over there. We love to make fun of people. (Doesn't make as much sense to humans),
Ex. Uriah is over there. He/it loves to make fun of people. (Makes more sense to the human ear)
I like to think that gender and sex isn't as important to them as they are all-connected. A lot of their pronouns (he/she/etc.) is used for the sake of humans.
As for Jack and Tiger, they use most pronouns specifically because they don't care about gender or pronouns or human ideas in general, really.
In shock trooper culture, there's only two sexes; shock trooper and gene worm. And the gene worm is the only reproductive being in a shock trooper culture (and they themselves consider it a different being) so most shock troopers opt for a genderless label as they are all technically the same sex. Their society is more based on interpersonal platonic relationships then different genders.
Jack and Tiger, like the vorts, just adopt pronouns (for our reading comprehension) and for other intelligent species' sake.
Spot (Adrian's Shock Trooper oc that I never post about) just identifies as male (he/him) because that's what Adrian assumed/told him he was LOL
So yeah that's basically it! They have such a complex view of gender/ how they use pronouns so I hope this makes sense.
If they were human though, Sally would be a demigirl/nonbinary and Jack and Tiger would be Agender. Spot would be male. Can you tell I've put a lot of thought into these characters.
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angels-heap · 2 years ago
12, 17, and/or 21 for the ask game 🔥
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I feel like almost every HL character except Gordon and Barney could be considered "unpopular" in some sections of fandom and that is fucking tragic. That said, I know I've been guilty of some one-dimensional Dr. Magnusson characterization in the past, but he's really starting to grow on me. He's kind of an ass in canon, but he's also hilarious, and I like to think he's a good guy underneath his prickly exterior. The vortigaunts (or at least Uriah) seem to think he's okay, so that should count for something. Perhaps he's Like That because petty workplace bickering reminds him of simpler times? Or he's just very goal-driven and understandably stressed when we meet him? He's interesting, and there's so much room to flesh out his backstory in a way that could still mesh with canon.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Every day, I hunger for gen pre-rescas content. There's nothing wrong with shippy fan content. I've certainly produced my fair share of it. But I go fucking crazy for well-written slice-of-life stuff that delves into how fucked up Black Mesa was, or how non-protagonist characters interacted with each other before everything went to shit. If you also like this kind of content, check out Sionnan's HL fics. I'm sure there are other authors and artists doing the Lord's work, but their name is the first that comes to mind.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Barney and Gordon's reunion at the beginning of Half Life 2. It ain't that deep, y'all. Stop trying to find subtext. Stop trying to add subtext. Accept that it's a mundane but relatively realistic scene and find something else to write about.
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the-earth-refused-to-die · 1 year ago
I do want to say. While no one gets along with Magnusson he and Uriah (his Vortigaunt lab partner/boyfriend) do stop by sometimes (they prefer to stay along together) and Gully always brings them presents (rocks)
Ooooooooo nice nice
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inland--empire · 1 year ago
Ok there is a very very big difference between Magnussen having a committed relationship with Uriah, a Vortigaunt, and whatever Breen and Hahn have going on with their respective Combine...things. Magnussen is in a relationship with someone who is working towards a similar POSITIVE goal and they obviously work well together. There is obvious care there, and I think it is very ethical to kiss a Vortigaunt. But those two. Please don't be in a relationship with the fascist aliens. Please.
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shierhedg · 9 months ago
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Last best sketches!
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