#uranus mars aspects
harmoonix · 11 months
Mars square Uranus
🔥~ The electrifying fire ~ 🔥
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🔥 - When Mars is sqaure to Uranus in your birth chart, you will experience an inner tension between the desire for freedom and the need for security. 🔥
🔥 - The native feels like an lightning striking in others people lives, they're full of energy and emotions, competitive and innovative 🔥
🔥 - They have an powerful motivation. So when they have something in their minds, they'll make sure to end it in time, they're also very hardworking on themselves 🔥
🔥 - The native might come with the brightest ideas, they can also be very creative and talented. They're good at taking the lead in projects, make the teamwork better, they really like to win 🔥
🔥 - The native may have multiple desires, sometimes they have moments when they don't know what life/universe might give them and in other moments they feel full of life and full of desires 🔥
🔥 - Something about them that stands up is their personality, they know how to impress people and how to take others people's hearts, imagine this aspect as "the heart who burns for infinite" 🔥
🔥 - The natives with these aspects in their chart can make someone great at dancing, they can be good dancers and often people with such aspects can end up to dance in competitions/shows etc🔥
🔥 - The native has a very sensual nature that they often tend to hide, or to not show it that much, they're pretty naughty in bed aswell, this aspect is usually underatted when it comes to sex placements 🔥
Channeled Song for this aspect:
Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran is a very good example
- H a r m o o n i x 🔥
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elysiansparadise · 8 months
Aspects of Chiron
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⚷ Chiron is a planetoid that helps us spot some of our wounds. You can get to know yours on Astro.com in the section “additional objects”. If you want to take a closer look to yours click here -> ⚷
⬜Chiron conjunct Sun: These people have wounds related to acceptance, either from themselves or from others. They may seek to help others in a selfless way, but they do not dare to ask for help or appear very vulnerable. Issues with the father or father figure. They may have confidence problems. They have a lot of charisma and people see them as very kind and polite people. It is likely that both the father and them have had a complicated life.
⬜Chiron conjunct Moon: They immediately make others feel good emotionally, they know what others need to feel good easily. They are very empathetic, caring and attentive people with those they love. They may have differences or issues with the mother. The mother and them could have had a complicated life. They may have trouble setting boundaries. Melancholic tendencies and remembering a lot about what once hurt them in the past.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mercury: These people have the ability to listen and understand well what other people want to express. They are excellent listeners and great advisors. They have a lot of wisdom. The wound lies in not feeling heard or understood by the people around them. They know what it's like to not feel heard, so they always show respect to others by being attentive. May have a tendency to hesitate about their own knowledge.
⬜Chiron conjunct Venus: These natives usually look for emotionally deep relationships in which they can open up to their partner and have them do the same. They may have wounds related to their beauty, feminine side or love life. Their partners can improve a lot thanks to the native and vice versa. They can see beauty in things that others don't. Usually shows an enchanting beauty rather tender and adorable. Great charm.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mars: These people may have had trouble standing up for themselves when they were young, but they never hesitate to stand up for others. Wounds with male figures, sex, or by the anger of others or their own anger. Setting boundaries could have been harsh for them.  They long to be people who guide others through justice, understanding and motivation. Over time they develop a strong temperament.
⬜Chiron conjunct Jupiter: These people have a lot of wisdom in themselves and can be developed souls. They learn from their mistakes and provide support, advice and healing to others. They could have gone through very tense things, which is why they mature before their time. They may doubt your skills and knowledge. Wounds by teachers. They can teach others to see the good side of themselves and look for ways to heal.
⬜Chiron conjunct Saturn: Feeling of not having been supported or of not having had the necessary guidance. They matured before their time and that led them to acquire a lot of wisdom. They will actively work to heal themselves and may become frustrated if they feel that they are not yet there. Their lesson is to learn that healing takes time and that they will eventually achieve it. Wounds related to not feeling enough or underestimating your successes.
⬜Chiron conjunct Uranus: Wounded by having felt different from the rest and/or judged for their uniqueness. These people may seek to help their friends alleviate their emotional problems. They have an eccentric charm and authenticity that attracts attention, becoming inspiring to others. They learned to solve their problems on their own and may have difficulty relying on anyone. Fear of becoming dependent on something or someone.
⬜Chiron conjunct Neptune: True healers, they can give themselves deeply to the work of helping others heal. Great counselors, they instinctively say and do the right thing to support others. Betrayals, deceptions and lies could have hurt them. Great artistic talents, great ability to dazzle many. Sweet, empathetic and very kind to their peers. Music, art and spirituality can be healing for them. Tendency to dissociate to avoid thinking about their problems.
⬜Chiron conjunct Pluto: Betrayals, death and abandonment could have deeply hurt the native. Problems trusting other people but incredibly reliable for those who they love the most. Loyal people who would like someone who would be as loyal as they are. Difficult childhoods in which they did not feel respected or loved. Ability to transform your wounds into your strengths and make them something truly beautiful. Interest in psychology and self-improvement.
⬜Chiron conjunct Rising: They can be very magnetic people to others and will evoke a sense of peace and comfort in others. They will actively seek to help other people feel good about themselves. They may have self-acceptance problems either because of their personality or their physical appearance. People can easily trust them and see in them someone very wise who has been through a lot. Very assertive and constantly wanting to improve.
⬜Chiron conjunct Midheaven: They most likely work on something related to supporting, healing and encouraging other people. From young people they think that the best thing would be to find a path in which they do more good for others. Tendency to set too many expectations for themselves and become frustrated and harsh when not meeting them. People feel naturally drawn to them and feel that they can be understood by them.
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⬜Chiron trine Sun: They are people with a very intelligent and perceptive personality of the people around them, as well as themselves. They can have the gift of healing and be people with a nature that appeals to people because they are not judgmental or criticize or speak badly of others. People not only find them charming, but also kind and admirable. Ease of raising the self-esteem of others and helping them love themselves more.
⬜Chiron trine Moon: You give great emotional comfort to others and seem to understand them better than anyone. People deeply appreciate your support and the willingness you show to get to know them well. Your hugs are the most comforting and you can make others feel through small gestures. Mystical, charming and very empathetic. They love to make others feel safe and protected. You are very sensitive to the emotions of others.
⬜Chiron trine Mercury: Natives with a strong and highly developed intuition, a great ability to analyze the people around them. Your words can be of great help to another and bring them a lot of relief. They are very rational people capable of seeing many sides of the same situation. They may enjoy meditating or other methods to calm the mind. They can work well under pressure and help calm others with just words.
⬜Chiron trine Venus: Ability to help their partners find healing and will seek to accompany them during the process. Love can be healing for them and they have a deep liking to help those who need it most. Can transform their pain into beautiful things through art and/or hobbies they have. Of great tact and assertiveness. They like relationships in which there is mutual protection and where they seek to understand the other deeply.
⬜Chiron trine Mars: We encounter great leaders who, through motivation and meaningful actions [whether big or small] encourage others to help themselves. They have the goal of healing themselves to improve as people and let go of everything that stagnates them and does not help them. Assertive and blunt when it comes to establishing limits. They have a strong sense of self and do not allow themselves or others to be trampled on by anyone.
⬜Chiron trine Jupiter: They have the ability to teach and inspire others, and help them in the process of finding meaning in their own lives, as well as showing them that they can recover from the tragedies they experience. They can bring out the good side in people and encourage them to improve. Charitable, humanitarian and kind. They do not minimize the suffering or difficulties of others. They validate and support people who need it.
⬜Chiron trine Saturn: They do not let their wounds define them and have a great ability to overcome and heal from what once hurt them. Great maturity and resilience. Another indicator of leadership skills, these people teach others to find their power after they have found theirs. They seek to be the support of others and the support figure that they would have liked to have. They respect limits and beliefs even if they do not share them.
⬜Chiron trine Uranus: These people have the ability to move, let go and get rid of everything that does not contribute to their life or that does not make them happy. Altruistic but with their feet on the ground, they help those who allow themselves to be helped. They inspire others to be themselves without fear of what others say/think and can easily heal the wounds of the public, peers or those who feel they do not fit in.
⬜Chiron trine Neptune: They are people with a very strong imagination and great talents for creating beautiful things. Compassionate, understanding and generous with others. They may have a unique way of wowing others without trying very hard. They support and help others selflessly and can go out of their way to help those who need it. Altruistic and they have an old soul vibe. Very spiritual people who want to help others in their journey in this life.
⬜Chiron trine Pluto: They have a natural ability to get to the bottom of others' wounds, great capacities to help others find their inner power. They are people who have gone through many changes and who see in their wounds something that has made them strong enough to face what life presents them. There is something very appealing about them. Their strength may be something that others find dazzling and inspiring in many ways.
⬜Chiron trine Rising: They are very cordial and fascinating people in the eyes of others. A mixture of friendliness, intelligence and talent. They immerse themselves in a path of healing from a young age and kindly support their loved ones in the process. Ambivert, calm and patient. Many of them want to contribute positively to the lives of people significant to them, showing support and lending their ear and presence. 
⬜Chiron trine Midheaven: They are people perceived as friendly, caring and reliable, many people go to them and open up easily. It is common for many to lean towards a profession in which they provide support and care to other people. They see empathy and altruism as crucial values ​​for creating a better society. Many professional and academic successes await you. Noble heart and actions to contribute to society.
⬜Chiron sextile Sun: Here we find very understanding and empathetic people who are willing to lend a hand to help those who need it most. They are sensitive and altruistic people. It is very likely that they have a very healthy level of self-esteem.They use their experiences and knowledge gained after personal situations to help others find solutions to their problems. 
⬜Chiron sextile Moon: Gentle and loving on the inside regardless of their exterior. They love to show love to those they love and know how to do it well. They adapt to people's love language and unconsciously make them feel comfortable. They are consistent, understanding and very giving when it comes to their bonds.
⬜Chiron sextile Mercury: A calm way of speaking, they know how to get to the core of others. Their words leave a positive mark on others. Constant search for knowledge, especially on spiritual or social issues. Deep understanding of people. They listen and fervently try to make everyone feel like they fit and are part of the group.
⬜Chiron sextile Venus: They like people in contact with their most intense and deep emotions. Love in the most wholesome way possible. A liking for comforting relationships with a strong emotional bond. They help others accept their body and beauty. They can be very good at resolving any conflicts or helping others see the good side of things.
⬜Chiron sextile Mars: They tend to be assertive when communicating what they don't like. They are brave, compassionate and charming. They actively look for ways to help themselves and others. These natives always try to give that feeling of security and protection to those they love and are not afraid to defend those they love from anything.
⬜Chiron sextile Jupiter: They help others see their positive traits and aspects. They are people who have become intelligent and wise because of what they have been through. Search for wisdom, both internal and external, and willingness to be wisdom for others. The trips they take can be healing for them. Kind heart and an appropriate level of empathy. Resilient.
⬜Chiron sextile Saturn: People who are strong in mind and heart, get ahead no matter what. They can provide positive lessons and a lot of support to those they love. They remain kind and compassionate no matter the hardships of life. Independent and highly devoted. Observant and attentive when it comes to others, they respect their own boundaries and those of others.
⬜Chiron sextile Uranus: They have come a long way to find self-acceptance and appreciation for all sides of themselves. Your actions and personality can be inspirational to others. Great sense of friendship, they are altruistic and very considerate of their friends. They feel proud of what makes them different from the rest and share/inspire this feeling with others.
⬜Chiron sextile Neptune: They are amazing at providing emotional support, perhaps sometimes more than practical. People feel good about your presence and readily accept your help. They intuitively know things that can affect or heal other people. They can use spirituality to heal and understand others deeply and to understand themselves better.
⬜Chiron sextile Pluto: They can transform themselves at a deep mental & emotional level, a sensation of reborn after a crisis, whatever it may be. These natives have a great intuition to know about the emotions and wounds of the other. Deep capacity for emotional, psychological and mental connection with many people, regardless of age, gender or background.
⬜Chiron sextile Rising: From a young age they are inclined to help, support and be there for other people. Interest in self-knowledge, psychology and self-improvement. They like to and usually come across as a strong person with whom you can vent, someone kind who understands your wounds. They always treat others as they would like to be treated. 
⬜Chiron sextile Midheaven: Easily gain the appreciation and trust of the people, because they seem approachable, kind and polite. Their work is related to healing issues or other forms of support for sectors of society. Others often see in them a good leader, someone who actively strives to improve the emotional state of the people.
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⬜Chiron opposite Sun: The differences with their fathers could have brought about many issues between them. They may put on a very confident and independent appearance out of fear of being seen for who they are and being judged or criticized for it. He can be a good leader. Issues with your ego, either being too big or too little.
⬜Chiron opposite Moon: People feel safe with them, but they don't usually have that feeling. Issues expressing their feelings and/or communicating their emotional needs. They want to be there for those they love because they know what it feels like to not feel that support. Whether they want to be parents or not, they always show respect and kindness to children.
⬜Chiron opposite Mercury: Sometimes your own mind can hurt you, negative self-talk and view of yourself. They are people with great intelligence and great communication skills. They can have perfectionist tendencies and be very demanding of themselves. Excellent listeners, they can find quick solutions to problems of others but not of themselves.
⬜Chiron opposite Venus: They tend to be people who doubt the love they can receive. Some have the wound of thinking that they will not be loved. Very selective with their partners for fear of getting hurt. Many may ask for their advice on matters of love, regardless of the native's degree of experience. Their love can be very healing and pure.
⬜Chiron opposite Mars: They tend to put barriers between themselves and others, be somewhat defensive, and feel like they have to be alert. Tendency to anxiety and/or nervousness. They allow others to rely on them and do not hesitate to stand up for them. Very well established boundaries and do not allow anyone to be disrespectful to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Jupiter: They may be people who bring positivity to the lives of others but have issues with them staying positive. The hope that good things can happen to them is usually wounded. They are very spiritual people who seek knowledge regarding matters of this type. They seek a deep meaning in all things. Try to stay strong no matter what, 
⬜Chiron opposite Saturn: Tendency to expect the worst to happen. Skeptical and difficult to convince. They do not trust others easily. They could’ve felt that there was no one to rely on and they may have matured due to the absence of a stable and constant figure. Dislike being seen as vulnerable. Independent, logical and seen as strong by others.
⬜Chiron opposite Uranus: Feeling of always being different from the rest. They don’t feel accepted by others. Wounds related to loneliness or some abrupt change in their lives. They accept everyone regardless of their differences and hate making others feel like they are not included. May not want to be seen as weird, but embracing their identity fully will bring healing to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Neptune: Healing abilities that you may not be aware of. They can be very empathic and there is a risk of putting other people's problems on their shoulders. They have a noble and loving heart that they are afraid to show for fear of being deceived or hurt. Looking for physical ways to express their feelings can be very healing for them.
⬜Chiron opposite Pluto: Wounds related to trusting others, betrayals or little support in the past. They may have problems forgiving and/or forgetting. Constant feeling of not being safe, need to be alert and avoid betrayal at all costs. You may have a tendency to isolate yourself. These people definitely change the lives of those around them on a great level.
⬜Chiron opposite Rising: They may have many wounds regarding themselves, their value and abilities. They have a hard time trusting themselves and hate projecting that. Tend to overthink a lot before daring to do something. Help others with things they don't help themselves with. Fight the idea of ​​not being loved. They give themselves completely to loving someone.
⬜Chiron opposite Midheaven: People can see them as a person who has been through a lot and still has a noble heart. Differences with authority figures, it is likely that one of them has hurt them. They may have problems accepting help and having emotionally intimate moments with others. They provide the emotional and/or verbal comfort that they would have liked to receive.
⬜Chiron square Sun: Differences and wounds resulting from the father, his actions or words towards the native. Trouble feeling happy with yourself or proud of who you are. Lack of validation in childhood. Ability to identify the wounds that others hold with themselves. They do not judge others and it's easy for them to be accepting and a positive influence on others. Tendency to doubt oneself a lot and have confidence problems. Helpful and generous. 
⬜Chiron square Moon: These natives carry many childhood wounds, their emotional needs may not be fully met. The relationship with the mother may be somewhat strained at certain points and they may feel that they cannot rely on her. These people are able to give a lot of emotional comfort to others and make them feel truly understood, but they hardly feel understood or connected to others. It is crucial that they heal their inner child.
⬜Chiron square Mercury: Painful words or memories seem to wander around your head constantly. Wounded by cruel comments from people close or significant to the native. They greatly doubt their intelligence. They are very understanding, observant and somewhat shy people, they dislike arguments and never waste their time talking to people who do not want to understand. They give the impression of being very wary, intelligent and rational.
⬜Chiron square Venus: Problems integrating your feminine energy and/or in your relationships. They may enjoy giving sincere compliments to others but have trouble accepting compliments. Your vision of your relationship or marriage may be damaged or you may have seen a lot of pain in the relationships of people you loved. They love intensely and want something genuine that will give them hope in love. Trouble seeing your own beauty.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Jupiter: They may have had great hopes or dreams that were disappointed in some way. They are people who can be hurt easily. Sensitive, very empathetic and compassionate. May have crises of faith, where they feel abandoned by God or another deity. They do not let anyone they love be immersed in sadness, being the natives who motivate them to find their own joy. Wounds are a product of the religion or beliefs that were transmitted to them.
⬜Chiron square Saturn: The father figure or figures that are supposed to be supportive could have hurt the native. Feeling of loneliness and deep sadness. They look for ways to motivate themselves to keep going. Silently caring and attentive with others. They don't put expectations on people but on themselves. Humble people. Respectful, responsible and hard workers. They feel better about themselves by achieving things and feel that it is the only way.
⬜Chiron square Uranus: Wounds from feeling separated, judged or not accepted by members of a community or people your age. Feeling like an outcast. They may have the feeling of being alone even with people. Wounds of abandonment or unstable people/situations in their lives. They may have difficulty loving all sides of themselves, but they want the ones they appreciate to succeed. Family chainbreaker vibes.
⬜Chiron square Neptune: Wounds for feeling forgotten or for feeling that others took advantage of your love and kindness. Evasive tendencies about their own pain, from addictions, overworking, or using humor to hide that the topic hurts them. Unconditionality and great devotion. Wounds of betrayal and/or disappointment from someone they loved. They don't want to worry those they love, so they isolate themselves when they have problems.
⬜Chiron square Pluto: They have a wound related to loss or abandonment, or even a lack of control over their own lives. They are too reserved with what torments them emotionally due to the fear of being judged or betrayed after opening up. They often feel like they can't rely on someone. May have a strong inclination towards spiritual themes as a way of helping themselves and others find inner peace and understanding of their inner demons.
⬜Chiron square Rising: The wound lies in physical appearance and this in turn can affect the way they see other areas of their lives. They are people who are too understanding of others, perhaps more than themselves. They will want and be able to help others not feel or go through what they do. They may have wounds that they have carried since childhood and/or because of one or both parents. They help others but hardly allow themselves to be helped.
⬜Chiron square Midheaven: Natives are likely to doubt their ability to achieve great things and may have a tendency to self-sabotage. They help others but refuse to be helped for fear of looking very vulnerable or weak. The father figure may have hurt the native in some way. They can work hard to not think about their problems. They may have problems trusting themselves and their potential. They are seen as wise and strong by others.
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mstase · 9 months
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natives with pluto in the 12th house have the ability to seem like everything is alright, even though they are probably going through the lowest point in their lives. they come off all calm and collected on the surface, but underneath, there’s a whole world of intense emotions and unresolved trauma going on.
saturn square ascendant natives may feel compelled to limit their self-expression (this usually results in their rising sign qualities being hindered). this tendency often stems from childhood experiences of having strict rules and limitations imposed upon them, possibly by parents or authority figures who viewed their spontaneous behavior as “immature.” they were constantly shushed, which caused them to be highly cautious about how they present themselves to others, often wearing a cold, serious face, but deep down they hide their fun, childlike nature in fear of being criticized. 🎭
natives with pluto in the 7th house tend to become suspicious when others get too close to them. often times, these people think others always harbor motives against them or are taking advantage of them. this mindset often stems from past close relationships, whether romantic or platonic, where they felt controlled and used. as a result, they develop a desire for control in relationships, asserting power to avoid being dominated.
mercury-pluto people have no filter at all. very blunt and direct; their words may unsettle others. they can come across as judgmental or too critical due to their honesty, which can sometimes lead them into arguments. these people can smell lies from far away 🔍
sun conjunct neptune / 12th house suns 🤝 no father figure, weak father figure, an unreliable father, father with addictions, abusive father, father living away
lilith conjunct pluto natives carry intense and buried emotions that can explode when they sense someone trying to exert power or dominance over them. they value their independence greatly and have a tendency to react aggressively when they feel their freedom is threatened. these people are acutely aware of their own inner dark qualities and can also recognize such aspects in others. besides these, they tend to notice and are deeply affected by the injustice and oppression happening in their surroundings.
saturn in the 2nd house natives might feel compelled to consistently share or surrender possessions, resulting in a sense of lacking or deprivation. this behavior may have roots in parental actions, such as taking away their belongings and not buying them things. this early pattern affected their self-esteem, leading to the belief that they’d never attain good things in life.
moon-mars people are so expressive. they never seem to keep quiet because their emotions are intense and tend to overflow spontaneously, making it difficult for them to conceal their feelings. these individuals may become easily angered or irritated, showing emotional impatience, and even small things can have a noticeable impact on their mood.
sun square moon natives could be prone to procrastination. they often want to do something in their head but feel emotionally resistant or unmotivated to do so.
gemini rising people are great at handling many tasks at once because they naturally adapt well. their tendency to get bored quickly and try out various pursuits highlights their dynamic and always-curious personalities. it’s common to observe them constantly shifting between different hobbies and interests. they are also able to hold many things at once. 🧺
pluto in the 3rd house natives are the type to know things they shouldn’t know. they might have started swearing early, or at least heard and learned those words sooner than most. this is because of their receptiveness to their surroundings, which causes them to pick up things faster and, more often, darker things. they tend to obsessively ask questions, constantly wanting to know why and how things work. because their thoughts are so intense and deep, others might have teased them or found them a bit odd or weird, which inclined them to keep certain things to themselves.
uranus in the 12th house individuals may be inclined to keep their hobbies and interests private. they might feel that their hobbies are unconventional or “weird” by societal standards, leading them to be discreet about sharing them. others might be surprised when they discover these hidden interests because they may not align with what the individual shows.
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cyberstrangerballoon · 3 months
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I'm not a professional astrologer, just based on my personal experiences.
☀️ People with moon in the 8th house tend to have a mystical side, they like tarot readings and love spells.
They may also have dreams that reveal the truth, if you are being cheated on, your dreams will guide you to the truth.
☀️ Mars in the second house are the people with imposing and strong voices, they can lead groups, masses and can even be great singers.
An example of this is Martin Luther King, with a Gemini Mars in the second house. a voice that inspires.
There's also Cher with a Leo Mars in the 2nd house. Powerful and influential voice for decades.
If you have this aspect, I would say that you should invest in your communication, your voice here is your greatest weapon. Politics, Showbiz or even social media can lead you to success.
☀️ Neptune and Uranus in the 5th house tend not to want children, but if they have them they will be rebellious, artistic and intelligent. A very strong energy of Aquarius and Pisces.
Put your children in theater or dance school.
☀️ Venus in the third house makes a person love reading, writing and watching romance films. They tend to be a little out of the ordinary, with a lot of imagination.
Writers of fanfiction, music and poetry probably have this aspect.
☀️ Speaking as someone who has gone through the 8th house synastry, getting involved with someone other than this aspect is very challenging. In the sense that we wait for the hurricane to arrive, the house to burn and the obsession hits, but it never comes.
It is very difficult to overcome these feelings, but don't blame yourself for not having overcome them yet, time heals, I have faith.
☀️ Saturn in the 9th house tends to feel uncomfortable on long journeys and on planes. They may miss the comforts of home and tend to get into a bad mood when the trip is almost over.
That's all for today.
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months
*Pluto Natal Aspect Snippets*
Sun Trine Pluto: May be charismatic, influential, magnetic, and highly perceptive. They can easily read and intimidate, persuade, or manipulate others. They can handle pressure and change well, believing what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. While the trine aspect is generally harmonious, the connection between the Sun and Pluto can sometimes lead to a tendency towards being overly intense, obsessive, overbearing, or controlling.
Sun Opposite Pluto: May struggle with their darker side often, especially obsessive and compulsive behaviors. They may deal with a lot of power struggles in life, feeling like they always have to defend and fight for themselves. But they can develop sharp intuition, self-awareness, and inner power.
Sun Square Pluto: May deal with a lot of tension and conflicts with others in life. Others may find them to be too intense, intimidating, mysterious/private, or others may be jealous of their authenticity, passion, or depth. They may feel like others are always out to one up them, control them, or put them down. HOWEVER they must also mind a possible paranoid side. The tension between the need for self-expression (Sun) and the deep, transformative energy of Pluto can lead to obsessive thoughts and behaviors. A positive to this aspect is these individuals do not fear their shadows or the skeletons in their closet. They may be brave, strong-willed, and always willing to grow.
Moon Trine Pluto: This can be a highly deep and intuitive individual. At a young age they learn how to sooth and heal themselves and can act as a great healer or guide for others. But their emotions are intense and they can be highly controlling towards their closest loved ones.
Moon Opposite Pluto: May easily overreact, is hypersensitive, volatile, and can easily drain themselves or others emotionally. Can fall into relationships that have a lot of hidden tension, leading to feelings of resentment, manipulation, or emotional blackmail. Over time they can have a great understanding of their emotional landscape and the ability to transform their vulnerabilities into sources of strength and wisdom.
Moon Square Pluto: Could be a highly manipulative individual. Can find themselves caught in a cycle of emotional highs and lows, frequently feeling consumed by their own intensity and drowning. This can lead to a sense of inner turmoil and difficulty in maintaining emotional balance, often resulting in stress and anxiety. Can grow to be emotionally strong and very self-aware.
Mercury Trine Pluto: Likely a deep, insightful, perceptive, and investigative person. They have a love for researching and analyzing subjects in depth. Could become a master of a subject. Can be a passionate teacher/professor. But this aspect is famous for becoming too obsessed with a subject or obtaining knowledge to their detriment.
Mercury Opposite Pluto: May be combative or competitive in their communication style. Could try to "dominate" conversations. Can easily misunderstand others or become misunderstood. May be plagued by paranoia at times. Can easily mistrust others. They likely learned to trust their intuition at a young age and may heavily rely on it. They may have a talent for always getting to the heart of an issue.
Mercury Square Pluto: Can be stubborn in their opinions and have an all-or-nothing mentality. Can overlook what is important by jumping to conclusions or being preoccupied with finding hidden meanings or uncovering perceived deceptions. But they mentally approach the world with a lot of depth and sensitivity. They notice what others don't and some can be a good judge of character.
Venus Trine Pluto: Intense and passionate in their relationships but in a way that is magnetic, sexy, and maybe commanding. It's a great aspect for deepening intimacy and fostering meaningful growth in relationships. But those with this placement can become unchanging or controlling in their relationships too. Their attachments may usually be harmonious or loving but they can also be extremely strong.
Venus Opposite Pluto: There can be intense emotional power struggles in relationships. There can also be profound transformations or challenges in many of your relationships that lead to empowerment and self-mastery.
Venus Square Pluto: Associated with control, power dynamics, jealousy, and possessiveness in relationships. Needs to learn to manage their own intensity when it gets out of control or unhealthy. Or may need to learn how to listen to themselves more in relationships, follow their intuition/heart.
Mars Trine Pluto: Is a focused, passionate, magnetic, and inspiring or leading individual. They have a lot of confidence with heat, power, and determination to back up their confidence. But they can have an overpowering side to themselves that causes friction with others or gets them wrapped up in competition or conflict.
Mars Opposite Pluto: May be a ruthless individual who is out for conflict, finding it to be stimulating, to feed their ego, or to feed their hungry drive. Can be self-destructive and reckless. May be manipulative or controlling and really struggle with collaboration and cooperation. They can have a lot of willpower and endurance.
Mars Square Pluto: May be aggressive, forceful, could frequently and quickly escalate situations. May push others away from being close to them. But may be a survivor in life, someone who has to empower themselves often. They might be a very strong individual on many levels. Must learn to open up and find peace in their own way.
Jupiter Trine Pluto: A whole lot of inner strength. This aspect fosters a deep sense of purpose and the ability to influence and inspire others, making it easier to effect positive change on a larger scale. However their intense drive for success and transformation can sometimes lead to an obsession with power or control, potentially causing strain in personal or professional relationships.
Jupiter Opposite Pluto: Can indicate someone who deals with a lot of explosive power struggles in life. May be manipulative or power hungry themselves. Can give into obsession and extreme behavior of all types. Has a great ability to empower themselves by facing their inner demons head on.
Jupiter Square Pluto: May be a dogmatic, closed-minded, judgmental, and overly harsh person, especially in their beliefs. A desire for control may manifest through philosophies or religion somehow. But this person can have a lot of determination and depending on their ethics may be a great force to change the world around them for the better.
Saturn Trine Pluto: Makes individuals perceptive, hardworking, diligent, strong, and determined. We have two powerful planets working together. Pluto brings depth, destruction, healing, transformation, empowerment. Saturn brings wisdom, maturity, strategy, lessons, and realism. They can be blessed with self-mastery and a strong, effective willpower. But they may be overly serious, negative, or controlling, and easily stressed.
Saturn Opposite Pluto: May struggle with inner power struggles. They may swing from intense confidence to crippling anxiety or self-doubt. Can easily feel overwhelmed or restricted by responsibilities and limitations, resulting in periods of frustration and potential burnout. These individuals will likely experience many profound transformations in their life. Introspection and honing their intuition will be helpful to them.
Saturn Square Pluto: May feel like they never have enough control or power over their life. Leaving their comfort zone, sticking to discipline or a routine, inner authority, independence, and ultimately empowerment may seem extra hard for them. But they can learn to be resourceful, perceptive, and enduring over time. They may find empowerment in unexpected ways.
Uranus Trine Pluto: May be highly unconventional, radical, or revolutionary in their mindset and goals. They can navigate big changes in society or historical events a little easier than others. They are open-minded to the future and can be adaptable and enduring. However they can get obsessive with some of their ideas and opinions. May also not see the value in older structures or traditions. May not learn from past mistakes of others.
Uranus Opposite Pluto: A tornado within and chaos outside - these people are likely very familiar with instability in life. They can also struggle to deal with sudden changes whether they are burnt out from many upheavals in their life or have experienced events that cause them to fear change. Internally they may have a tug-of-war between the desire for freedom and the need for control, leading to feelings of being torn between competing priorities. However this placement can learn to embrace authenticity in themselves and others, they may be passionately honest, and can find hope in the future.
Uranus Square Pluto: May be use to power struggles throughout life, especially in terms of them trying to be more individualistic, independent, or moving forward with change and adaptability. Can encourage others to be rebellious, despite this square's challenges they can have a rebel heart themselves.
Neptune Trine Pluto: This aspect fosters profound spiritual growth and transformation, allowing individuals to deeply connect with their inner selves and pursue meaningful, soul-enriching experiences. They are likely highly intuitive, may be prone to intense dreams, and has a knack for digging up the truth or is a natural healer. However they can be highly unpractical and may neglect the more day-to-day needs and demands of life.
Neptune Opposite Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner turmoil and confusion, as individuals may struggle to reconcile their deepest fears and desires with their idealistic visions, resulting in periods of uncertainty and emotional instability. They may be very familiar with deception and betrayal. They can have a great capacity for self-awareness, healing deep wounds, and finding empowerment in soft or spiritual ways.
Neptune Square Pluto (2050s - 2070s): May face a lot of disillusionment in life, both in belief systems and people. "Don't meet your heroes" is an important message for this placement. Has susceptibility to deception or escapism, as individuals may struggle to see situations clearly and might resort to avoidance or denial when faced with harsh realities. They can grow to have a lot of psychological depth and insight.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid’s Guide for the Astrological Aspects
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Aspects 101
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Planets Aspects
Sun Aspects
When it comes to the Sun and its aspects, it's all about the inner you, your personality and your ego.
Conjunct: Your self is emphasized
Opposition: Focus on self-perception and others
Square: Tension and challenge with your personality
Trine: Harmony and ease with your personality
Sextile: Help in expressing your ego.
Sun/Moon: Inner needs and feelings intertwined with self-expression
Sun/Mercury: Self-expression and creativity intertwined with information processing and idea exchange
Sun/Venus: Self-worth and creativity intertwined with partnerships and social activities
Sun/Mars: Purpose and creative expression intertwined with drive for action and assertion
Sun/Jupiter: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with philosophical and spiritual beliefs
Sun/Saturn: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with hard work and perseverance
Sun/Uranus: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with freedom and individuality
Sun/Neptune: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with sensitivity to the inner world and imagination
Sun/Pluto: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with embracing change and inner depths.
Moon Aspects
When it comes to the Moon in astrology, any aspect it makes accentuates your emotions.
Conjunction: Emotions are at the forefront
Opposition: Awareness of both your and others' emotional states
Square: Emotional challenges and tension
Trine: Transform the energy of negative and positive feelings into productive things
Sextile: Opportunity for positive emotional expression, boosted confidence.
Moon/Mercury: Feelings and instincts intertwined with information processing and self-expression in words
Moon/Venus: Feelings and instincts intertwined with appreciation and creation of art, beauty, and pleasure
Moon/Mars: Feelings and instincts intertwined with pursuit of desires and passions
Moon/Jupiter: Feelings and instincts intertwined with seeking knowledge, finding meaning, and connecting with purpose
Moon/Saturn: Feelings and instincts intertwined with responsibility, perseverance, and learning from challenges
Moon/Uranus: Feelings and instincts intertwined with embracing change, taking risks, and thinking outside the box
Moon/Neptune: Feelings and instincts intertwined with empathy, creation, and accessing deeper aspects of psyche
Moon/Pluto: Feelings and instincts intertwined with facing the shadow self, navigating intense emotions, and undergoing personal growth.
Mercury Aspects
When it comes to Mercury, any aspect you see is all about the mind.
Conjunction: Mind is front and center
Opposition: Can mess with the head or give a new perspective
Square: Mental gears grind and cause tension
Trine or sextile: Easy, flowing mental vibe.
Mercury/Venus: Seeks to harmonize mental processes and communication with social and creative expressions.
Mercury/Mars: Strong drive to assert ideas and communicate effectively, but may struggle with impulsiveness and argumentative tendencies.
Mercury/Jupiter: Mental abilities and communication skills influenced by exploration and intellectual pursuits.
Mercury/Saturn: Mental abilities and communication skills influenced by a disciplined and strategic approach to thinking.
Mercury/Uranus: Communication style marked by need for intellectual stimulation and innovation.
Mercury/Neptune: Communication style influenced by sensitivity and intuition.
Mercury/Pluto: Communication style marked by ability to uncover hidden truths and depths.
Venus Aspects
When Venus is in the picture, it's all about love, siren!
Conjunct: highlights your loving nature.
Opposition: brings a wake-up call about your feelings towards others.
Square: challenges your ability to love.
Trine/sextile: make love easy and flowing.
Venus/Mars - values, love and beauty align with drive and action-oriented nature.
Venus/Jupiter - values, love and beauty align with life philosophies.
Venus/Saturn - values, love and beauty linked to a sense of responsibility.
Venus/Uranus - value, love and beauty linked to individuality and differentiation.
Venus/Neptune - value, love and beauty aligned with dreams and aspirations.
Venus/Pluto - value, love and beauty marked by intensity and desire for emotional connection and transformation.
Mars Aspects
When Mars gets involved, it's all about energy and aggression.
Conjunction: intense energy and drive.
Opposition: reveals motivations, either your own or others'.
Square: a challenging aspect that brings out aggression.
Trine: smooth flow of motivation and energy.
Sextile: positive energy that can be channeled into something great.
Mars/Jupiter - drive and action-oriented nature amplified by sense of expansion and optimism.
Mars/Saturn - drive and action-oriented nature molded by discipline and focus.
Mars/Uranus - drive and action-oriented nature inspired by innovations and revolutions.
Mars/Neptune - drive and action-oriented nature inspired by dreams, sensitivity, and intuition.
Mars/Pluto -drive and action-oriented nature marked by intensity and desire for power and transformation.
Jupiter Aspects
Any aspect to Jupiter accentuates expansion, philosophical reasoning and protection.
Conjunction: emphasizes growth, expansion, and optimism.
Square/opposition: create tension between desire for more and the reality of the situation.
Trine: indicates natural talent or ability for growth.
Sextile: provides opportunities for positive growth.
Jupiter/Saturn - desire for growth is grounded by practicality.
Jupiter/Uranus - desire for growth is inspired by innovation and revolution.
Jupiter/Neptune - desire for growth is inspired by dreams, intuition.
Jupiter/Pluto - desire for growth is marked by intensity and desire for transformation.
Saturn Aspects
So, when it comes to Saturn, you're gonna wanna pay attention because there's probably a lesson in there for you. This planet is all about concentration, discipline, and getting your life together in a tangible way.
Conjunction: the above principles are important to you.
Square or opposition: challenge in taking responsibility.
Trine or sextile: provide smoother opportunities to learn and concentrate with Saturn.
Saturn/Uranus: balance structure and stability with change and innovation.
Saturn/Neptune: links structure and stability with spiritual and emotional grounding.
Saturn/Pluto: transforming and intensifying the need for structure and stability through personal growth.
Uranus Aspects
Alright, so any aspect to Uranus is like a wake-up call that shakes things up, frees you from the norm, and brings surprises.
Conjunction: it brings out your creative drive.
Square or opposition: make you more independent and rebellious.
Trine or sextile: let your inventive side shine and make it easy for you to do your own thing.
Uranus/Neptune - the need for change and innovation is challenged and inspired by creative and visionary thinking.
Uranus/Pluto - the need for change and innovation is transformed and intensified by personal transformation.
Neptune Aspects
Any aspect to Neptune should be seen as a connection to the spiritual realm and the imagination.
Conjunction: emphasizes the power of imagination and creative potential.
Square or opposition: challenge you to deal with illusions and confusion in your life.
Trine or sextile: provide opportunities to connect with the spiritual realm and use your imagination in a positive way.
Neptune/Pluto - the need for spiritual and emotional connection is transformed and intensified by their transformative experience of personal growth and evolution.
Pluto Aspects
When it comes to any aspect of Pluto, you can expect some deep transformation, power struggles, and revelations.
Conjunction: highlights a sense of intensity and depth.
Opposition: may bring power struggles and bring awareness to your innermost desires and fears.
Square: where you may face challenges and obstacles that test your strength and character, and it can help you transform into a stronger and more self-aware person.
Trine or sextile: provide opportunities to channel the transformative energy of Pluto into positive action, making it easier to connect with your inner power and personal growth.
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Signs Aspects
Sign that Conjunct
Aries/Aries - highlights initiative, assertiveness, and confidence.
Taurus/Taurus - highlights grounding, stability, and a focus on material and sensory pleasures.
Gemini/Gemini - emphasizes communication, learning, adaptability, and versatility.
Cancer/Cancer - emphasizes emotional sensitivity, nurturing, and instincts.
Leo/Leo - highlights themes of self-expression, creativity, confidence, and leadership potential.
Virgo/Virgo - emphasizes practicality, attention to detail, analytical thinking, and a focus on health and self-improvement.
Libra/Libra - emphasizes themes of balance, harmony, diplomacy, and a focus on relationships and aesthetics.
Scorpio/Scorpio - highlights themes of intensity, secrecy, and a focus on emotional depth.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius - emphasizes themes of adventure, exploration, optimism, and a focus on expanding one's horizons through knowledge and experience.
Capricorn/Capricorn - emphasizes themes of ambition, discipline, responsibility, and a focus on achieving long-term goals through hard work and perseverance.
Aquarius/Aquarius - highlights themes of innovation, individuality, eccentricity, and a focus on progress and social change.
Pisces/Pisces - emphasizes creativity, compassion, and spiritual awareness.
Sign that Sextile
Aries/Gemini - emphasizes quick thinking, adaptability, and a desire for new experiences
Taurus/Cancer - emphasizes the importance of security and comfort in life.
Gemini/Leo - emphasizes communication, self-expression, and creativity.
Cancer/Virgo - emphasizes the need for emotional security and stability to create a practical, efficient, and nurturing environment.
Leo/Libra - emphasizes the need to balance self-expression and harmony in relationships.
Virgo/Scorpio - brings a focus on analysis and depth, leading to a drive for self-improvement and transformation.
Libra/Sagittarius - combines the urge for harmony and balance with the desire for expansion and exploration.
Scorpio/Capricorn - highlights the need to balance emotional intensity and power with practicality and responsibility.
Sagittarius/Aquarius - emphasizes a focus on individuality and personal freedom within a social context.
Capricorn/Pisces - emphasizes the balance between practicality and spirituality in achieving one's goals.
Aquarius/Aries - emphasizes a need for individuality and progressive action in pursuing one's goals.
Pisces/Taurus - is about balancing practicality and creativity in order to bring about tangible and meaningful results.
Sign that Square
Aries/Cancer - represents a dynamic tension between the assertive, independent energy of Aries and the nurturing, emotionally sensitive energy of Cancer.
Cancer/Libra - emphasizes finding balance between emotional needs and interpersonal relationships.
Libra/Capricorn - emphasizes finding balance between relationships and ambition, and learning to prioritize responsibilities while maintaining harmony with others.
Capricorn/Aries - emphasizes the tension between ambition and action.
Taurus/Leo - emphasizes the balance between material stability and creative self-expression.
Leo/Scorpio - highlights the tension between the desire for recognition and the need for personal transformation.
Scorpio/Aquarius - emphasizes the tension and integration between deep emotional intensity and the need for intellectual detachment and individuality.
Aquarius/Taurus - emphasizes the tension between unconventional, innovative ideas and practical, reliable approaches.
Gemini/Virgo - emphasizes the practicality of communication and the ability to analyze and synthesize information by yourself.
Virgo/Sagittarius - highlights the balance between attention to detail and the bigger picture perspective.
Sagittarius/Pisces - emphasizes the connection between faith and spirituality in both an expansive and mystical way.
Pisces/Gemini - emphasizes the need to balance intuition and logic.
Sign that Trine
Aries/Leo - is an explosive and dynamic combination that encourages bold self-expression and a desire for attention and recognition.
Leo/Sagittarius - signifies a strong desire for self-expression and a passionate pursuit of one's beliefs and ideals.
Sagittarius/Aries - can be summed up as a combination of fiery independence, adventurous spirit, and a desire to explore and expand one's horizons.
Taurus/Virgo - indicates a practical and hardworking approach to life with a focus on material stability and a desire for perfection in all of life.
Virgo/Capricorn - emphasizes the practical application of skills, hard work, and attention to detail in achieving long-term goals.
Capricorn/Taurus - emphasizes the practical and material of life, encouraging stability and persistence in pursuing financial and career goals.
Gemini/Libra - emphasizes communication and harmonious relationships.
Libra/Aquarius - involves a strong desire for balance, justice and fairness in society, as well as the need for intellectual stimulation and unconventional social connections.
Aquarius/Gemini - brings a dynamic and intellectual energy that stimulates communication, innovation and originality.
Cancer/Scorpio - brings intense emotional depth and psychic sensitivity to the forefront of one's experience.
Scorpio/Pisces - can bring intense emotions and powerful intuition, making it good for deep inner work and spiritual exploration.
Pisces/Cancer - highlights emotional depth and sensitivity, nurturing and empathy.
Sign that Oppose
Aries/Libra - highlights the need to balance independence with cooperation and to find harmony between personal desires and the needs of others.
Taurus/Scorpio - creates a dynamic tension between the desire for having everything for yourself or being free of anything that can give you problems.
Gemini/Sagittarius - is characterized by a tension between the desire of a little bit of everything or everything of a little bit.
Cancer/Capricorn - is the fight between what your inner child wants and your super-ego order.
Leo/Aquarius - highlight what your rights and duties are.
Virgo/Pisces - is a fight between being perfect or complete.
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Houses Aspects
Houses that Conjunct
1st house/1st house - emphasis on self-expression, identity, and personal power, potentially leading to an increased sense of confidence and self-awareness.
2nd house/2nd house - emphasis on material possessions, resources, and values, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of one's relationship with money and financial stability.
3rd house/3rd house - emphasis on communication, learning, and mental activity, potentially leading to heightened intellectual curiosity and a strong desire for knowledge.
4th house/4th house - emphasis on emotional, familial, and domestic energies, potentially leading to a strong sense of rootedness and emotional security.
5th house/5th house - emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and pleasure-seeking energies, potentially leading to an increased desire for fun and enjoyment in life.
6th house/6th house - emphasis on health, work, and service-related activities, potentially leading to a heightened sense of responsibility and a focus on practical matters.
7th house/7th house - emphasis on partnership, harmony, and balance-seeking energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for meaningful connections and relationships with others.
8th house/8th house - emphasis on transformation, shared resources, and intimate connections, potentially leading to a heightened awareness of deep emotional and psychological patterns in oneself and others.
9th house/9th house - emphasis on expansive, philosophical, and travel-seeking energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for adventure and a deeper understanding of the world and one's place in it.
10th house/10th house - emphasis on career, ambition, and public image-related energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for recognition and success in one's professional life.
11th house/11th house - emphasis on social, community, and friendship-oriented energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for camaraderie and a sense of belonging in a larger group or organization.
12th house/12th house - emphasis on spiritual, subconscious, and hidden energies, potentially leading to a heightened awareness of the inner self and a strong desire for solitude and introspection.
Houses that Sextile
1st house/3rd house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between self-expression and communication, potentially leading to a strong ability to articulate oneself and a desire to explore new intellectual pursuits.
2nd house/ 4th house - signifies harmonious connection between material possessions and emotional security, potentially leading to a strong sense of comfort and stability in one's home environment.
3rd house/ 5th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between communication and creativity, potentially leading to a strong ability to express oneself artistically and a desire to share one's ideas with others.
4th house/ 6th house - signifies a harmonious connection between emotional security and practical responsibilities, potentially leading to a strong ability to balance self-care with work and service-related activities.
5th house/7th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between creative self-expression and partnership, potentially leading to a strong desire for romance and a tendency to seek out relationships with those who share similar creative interests.
6th house/8th house - signifies a harmonious connection between practical work-related activities and transformative, psychological energies, potentially leading to a strong ability to facilitate change in oneself and others through service-oriented work.
7th house/ 9th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between partnership and higher learning, potentially leading to a strong desire for connections who share similar intellectual and philosophical interests.
8th house/10th house - signifies a harmonious connection between deep transformation and professional ambitions, potentially leading to a strong ability to use one's personal power and resources to achieve success in one's career.
9th house/11th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between higher learning and social connection, potentially leading to a strong desire to connect with like-minded individuals and expand one's intellectual horizons through group activities or networking.
10th house/12th house - signifies a harmonious connection between professional ambitions and spiritual exploration, potentially leading to a strong ability to incorporate one's spiritual values into one's career and public image.
11th house/1st house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between social connection and personal identity, potentially leading to a strong desire to express oneself within a larger community or group and a sense of belonging.
12th house/2nd house - signifies a harmonious connection between spiritual pursuits and material possessions, potentially leading to a strong ability to find value in non-materialistic experiences and incorporate spiritual practices into one's daily life.
Houses that Square
1st house/4th house - indicates a strong challenge between one's sense of self-identity, self-expression, and personal style with their family roots and upbringing.
4th house/7th house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for emotional security and stability within their family life and their need for harmony and balance in their partnerships and relationships.
7th house/10th house - indicates challenges and conflicts between one's need for harmonious relationships and their ambition, career goals, and public image.
10th house/1st house - indicates conflicts between one's public image, career goals, and social status with their personal identity, self-expression, and independence.
2nd house/5th house - indicates conflicts between one's personal values, material possessions, and financial security with their creative self-expression, hobbies, and romantic pursuits.
5th house/8th house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for creative self-expression, romance, and pleasure with their need for intimacy, shared resources, and transformational experiences.
8th house/11th house - indicates conflicts between one's need for intimacy, shared resources, and transformative experiences with their desire for social change, group involvement, and future-oriented goals.
11th house/2nd house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for social change, group involvement, and future-oriented goals with their personal values, material possessions, and financial security.
3rd house/6h house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for intellectual stimulation, communication, and short-term goals with their daily routine, work environment, and health habits.
6th house/9th house - indicates conflicts between one's daily routine, work environment, and health habits with their beliefs, higher education, and spiritual or philosophical pursuits.
9th house/12th house - indicate conflicts between one's beliefs, higher education, and spiritual or philosophical pursuits with their unconscious patterns, spiritual transcendence, and self-sabotage tendencies.
12th house/ 3rd house - conflicts between one's unconscious patterns, spiritual transcendence, and self-sabotage tendencies with their desire for intellectual stimulation, communication, and short-term goals.
Houses that Trine
1st house/5th house - the individual's personal identity and sense of self are intertwined with their ability to creatively express themselves and enjoy leisurely activities.
5th house/9th house - the individual explores new horizons through creative pursuits, where artistic and playful expression is intertwined with a desire for philosophical and intellectual expansion.
9th house/1st house - the individual's personal growth and expansion through the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, where the individual's sense of self is intertwined with their philosophical and spiritual beliefs.
2nd house/6th house - the individual focuses on practicality and productivity, where the individual's financial and material stability is intertwined with their work ethic and ability to provide service to others.
6th house/10th house - the individual career and professional success through hard work and dedication, where the individual's daily routines and work ethic are intertwined with their ambitions and aspirations for success in the public sphere.
10th house/2nd house - the individual financial success and stability through a fulfilling career, where the individual's professional aspirations and public image are intertwined with their ability to generate income and accumulate material possessions.
3rd house/7th house - the individual's ability to express themselves and gather information is intertwined with their relationships with others, particularly in one-on-one interactions.
7th house/11th house - the individual's ability to engage in harmonious relationships is intertwined with their aspirations for social and community involvement.
11th house/3rd house - the individual's ideas and communication skills are intertwined with their aspirations for involvement in groups and organizations.
4th house/8th house - the individual's sense of security and roots are intertwined with their ability to delve into the mysteries of life and navigate transformative experiences.
8th house/12th house - the individual's ability to face their fears and embrace the unknown is intertwined with their spiritual and psychological growth.
12th house/4th house - the individual's innermost feelings and psychological well-being are intertwined with their need for seclusion and introspection.
Houses that Oppose
1st house/7th house - the individual's sense of self is intertwined with their ability to form partnerships and engage in one-on-one interactions with others.
2nd house/8th house - the individual's ability to accumulate wealth and possessions is intertwined with their capacity to navigate intense psychological and emotional experiences.
3rd house/9th house - the individual's ability to gather information and exchange ideas is intertwined with their philosophical and spiritual growth.
4th house/10th house - the individual's sense of security and home life is intertwined with their public image and career goals.
5th house/11th house - the individual's ability to manifest their unique talents and interests is intertwined with their aspirations for involvement in groups and organizations.
6th house/12th house - the individual's daily work routines and health habits are intertwined with their need for seclusion and introspection.
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astrologyexplained on tumblr
[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.
[30] Iapetite on deviantart
[31] wildfireresources on deviantart
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geovanag · 18 days
Aspects in the synastry chart that are mistaken for love at first sight but reveal themselves over time ☄️
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In synastry, certain astrological aspects can initially create a strong romantic attraction, but over time, reveal significant differences between partners that could lead to challenges.
In this article I would like to talk about some aspects that I have noticed in my own synastry.
Venus Square/Opposite Uranus
It can create a dynamic, exciting but unpredictable energy between two people. Over time, however, the tension can become unbearable. There is an instant spark and the relationship can start suddenly or unexpectedly. Uranus finds Venus' charm and love intriguing. The unpredictability in the relationship can be intoxicating for Venus and create a strong initial attraction. Venus feels insecure or uncertain about where they stand in the relationship. In this relationship Venus regularly takes on the role of showing love and care, while Uranus often avoids this, often with a desire to create space for itself, so feelings of neglect or worthlessness are very evident. Uranus can resist Venus' attempts to "settle down" or establish traditional relationship norms. The relationship may become too challenging to sustain, potentially leading to a breakup.
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Mars Square/Opposite Neptune
If this aspect forms the main layer of synastry, there is probably too much “idealization” between the two people. The Mars person is drawn to the sensual nature of the Neptune person. Mars might naturally want to move the relationship forward in a clear, decisive manner. However, as time goes on, Mars might feel frustrated by the lack of clarity in the relationship with Neptune. Mars might start to feel that Neptune is elusive or inconsistent. Mars straightforward approach to love and relationships clashes with Neptune’s more subtle, evasive nature. The tension in this aspect often arises from misaligned expectations. Neptune, on the other hand, might feel pressured or overwhelmed by Mars direct approach, leading to further retreat into Neptune’s dreamy, elusive energy. Both partners might struggle with accepting the more mundane or challenging aspects of the relationship, leading to disappointment or disillusionment.
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Sun Square/Opposite Saturn
In this relationship, the Sun person may feel that he or she is being molded into a pattern and therefore “the light has gone out”. They may feel that their Saturn person is making them feel that they are never good enough at this point. At first they will realize that Saturn brings stability and discipline into their lives. The Sun person will like this. But over time it may seem as if this is draining their (the Sun person's) energy. Like when they enter a social setting and one of them smiles too much and the other one looks around with a flat expression. Saturn, who doesn't shy away from taking responsibility, can take the initiative but it starts to burden him. He restricts many of the Sun's behaviors for fear of a possible change. Saturn is about the present tense, while the Sun is about the “now”. The Saturn person's control is likely to oppose the Sun person's leadership role. Over time, both parties may start to feel resentment. The Saturn person may resent the Sun person for what they see as irresponsibility or frivolity.
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Moon Square/Opposite Mercury
The Moon person may feel that the Mercury person focuses too much on rationality and does not empathize with their emotional experiences, leading to feelings of frustration and emotional neglect. The Moon person may perceive the Mercury person as someone who belittles their feelings. When the Moon person expresses their feelings, they may feel that the Mercury person responds in an overly distant way. The Mercury person, who values clear communication and logical thinking, may feel confused by the intensity of the Moon person's emotions. The Mercury person may see the Moon person as irrational because of his or her excessive use of emotion. The Mercury person may try to communicate sensitively to nurture the Moon person's emotionality, but this will be challenging. The Moon person may feel that by keeping up with Mercury, he/she is becoming callous while using logic.
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Venus Square/Opposite Saturn
Saturn's influence can feel cold or distant and can make the Venus person feel rejected or unworthy. They may question whether they are truly loved or valued by the Saturn person. They may feel that they cannot be fully themselves or that they have to conform to the Saturn person's expectations or standards, which can lead to feelings of frustration and emotional suffocation. The Saturn person may perceive the Venus person's needs for love and approval as excessive or demanding. The Saturn person may feel that they need to set limits or impose restrictions. The Saturn person may be afraid, creating distance to protect themselves from being hurt. This aspect can lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration within the relationship. The Venus person may feel rejected, unloved and restricted in their ability to express love. The Saturn person may feel crushed under the responsibility of the relationship and may fear being too vulnerable.
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I just feel “battered” as someone who has experienced all of these aspects in synastry. Remember that although the square - opposite can be difficult, the problems will disappear if both people consciously work on their relationship.
Take Care,
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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Copywrites Reserved ©️GeminiMoonMadness
A retrograde in astrology is when a planetary object appears to move backwards, which essentially means the planet's energy is somewhat effected, so those life areas that fall under that planet's domain are not as easily expressed. It’s a very karmic thing to have in the natal chart, your soul chose to incarnate to learn deeper lessons regarding the areas of life ruled by that specific planet/asteroid. To know if you have a natal retrograde in your chart, look for Rx or R on a generated chart calculator.
Fun fact: Mars is the rarest retrograde.
If your Ruling Planet is Retrograde it will make you doubt yourself more and you may experience self image issues.
For example: A Gemini Rising with a natal Mercury retrograde or A Sagittarius Rising with a natal Jupiter retrograde.
Mercury Retrograde gives you lessons around communication, learning and intellect. You may struggle to articulate words and speak up or may even talk too much and not know when to be quiet.
Venus Retrograde makes someone’s nature more intense & deep. They take their connections very seriously which may cause these individuals to go through difficulties in regards to their one on one relationships. Since socialising is not taken lightly there can be some sort of awkwardness when participating in small talk and general shyness in order to avoid superficial connections.
Mars Retrograde individuals may lack forward movement, assertive abilities, have a dulled passion & drive. They may feel fatigued & tired more than often. Your sex drive may also be effected because of this.
Jupiter Retrograde individuals tend to have different or unusual perspectives, belief systems, or sets of morals. They prefer to learn from their own experiences rather than from others. This placement gives me “what do you know because you’ve experienced it yourself VS what do you know because you were told” vibes.
Saturn Regrograde burdens you with responsibilities and a sense of duty in your life. You may struggle with boundaries and find it difficult to say no to others.
Uranus Retrograde may make it hard for you to fully express your inner originality and unique side. These individuals are born a rebel and may also experience unexpected & sudden karmic events in their life.
Neptune Retrograde takes away your rose coloured glasses, you may have to face hard and painful realities as the neptunian illusion is stripped away. You’re meant to discover the truth behind your illusions, realise what is sacred and be a source of light in others lives.
Pluto Retrograde brings more growth opportunities into your life. You may have a fear of letting go which you’re here to learn the importance of doing so. You need to take control of your life as your shadow side may take over if you don’t do the work to transform/grow. (Shadow work is necessary with this placement)
(I know Lilith isn’t a planet, just adding it)
Lilith Retrograde can make you a sexual deviant (because sexuality is part of Lilith’s nature and here it's manifesting differently). You may struggle with following your instincts and acknowledging your desires. For example: Someone with a retrograde Lilith in Virgo would not be the typical control freak Lilith in Virgo person, instead they will be very messy.
Chiron Retrograde means that trauma is deep within and may even come from a past life. In this lifetime, these individuals are here to re-evaluate your relationship with anyone & anything that doesn’t support you anymore. They may find it challenging to accept their feelings and the simple fact that humans are imperfect and vulnerable.
Ceres Retrograde individuals can struggle with having the nourishment, support, resources they need and may experience a lack in some way. This usually means that your upbringing failed to teach you the proper lessons about nurture and self care, so you'll have to learn it yourself. Check your Ceres sign and it will teach you what you need to nurture.
Juno Retrograde individuals may have commitment issues or trauma they need to work through. This also is an indication of past life karma in regards to relationships. These people are the lone wolves, they tend to avoid partnerships & may even prefer to be single and independent.
Vesta Retrograde individuals may lack devotion and discipline. It can bring up issues around fear of sexuality or intimacy, obsession, prostitution or selling yourself short in some way. They’re here to learn the value of service, this will examine how much dedication they’re putting into their life. When we put in little dedication, we can suffer. When we put in too much dedication, we can suffer as well. They may struggle with feeling like they fit in because they tend to lack devotion and/or generosity for others.
Pallas Retrograde may make someone aggressive, immature, have criminal tendencies and daddy issues. These individuals strategy may not be accept by society, with a ‘pick me’ vibe. They are inclined to manipulate and lie but can overcome these traits with self awareness and shadow work.
Amor retrograde individuals have some sort of discomfort when it comes to romance. You may have some old love issues and traumas to work through. These people tend to take a different approach to romance.
Cupido Retrograde may mean you have way too many crushes or rarely have any. You become too infatuated at times, or lack passion, and need to find a balance between the two.
Eros Retrograde may cause some issues around sex. This indicates there may be past trauma on a soul level, so you need to work on acknowledging your desires and acting on urges and fantasies in a healthy way.
Hermes Retrograde people tend to be in the wrong crowd and often find themselves taking the fall for others mistakes. These people tend to be good people but they may not be the best at balancing their life and managing their time. Possible fertility issues. Due to past accidents or incidents they have experienced in a past life may give them travel-related fears in this life. (fear of flying, fear of water, fear of driving, fear of bikes, fear of trains, fear of horses, etc.)
Eris Retrograde people may unintentionally cause trouble by doing things they thought wouldn’t be an issue. They may not like confronting others because it feels uncomfortable or they feel attacked whenever they speak up for themselves - They tend to experience a lot of gaslighting yet they usually hate fighting with others. They may often feel as though they are alone even when surrounded by other people.
Aphrodite Retrograde individuals may experience extremes from having stalkers to not being adored by others at all. They may feel unseen and unappreciated by others, making it often difficult to appreciate themselves. They tend to experience a lot of drama and may not be the most jealous person but rather the person who is too insecure to be openly jealous as if it’s like they expected it, “too good to be true” vibes.
I tried to be as informative as I could and added as much variety as I can with the asteroids I’m familiar with. There are other retrogrades I haven’t listed here.
Let me know which of these you have!
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suniverseastro · 1 year
Mars in the 2nd house is very possessive
Moon Aquarius is easy to sympathize with those around, although they may have many bad qualities, they will often be ignored by people because of their support in the team. Some in this group when they don't like someone and hate openly can easily recognize their feelings, these people can play bad tricks like using crowds, councils to bully
Here are some of the positions that I don't like very much, doesn't mean they will all be the same and I hate everyone with this aspect, it just brings some difficulties and disadvantages, takes a lot of time time to recognize and transform it:
1. Moon Square/Opposite Pluto: often emotionally volatile and explosive, has difficulty controlling anger, may experience more bad luck with women
2. Moon square / Opposite Uranus: actually this is one of the most horrible corners for me because as far as I know and actually it means about their separation from the mother physically or mentally
3. Venus square/opposite Mars: causes sexual attraction but often changes partners too quickly and gets nowhere
4. Mars Libra: passive in problem solving. The house in this position plays an important role, like the one who moves the pieces tactically. I think it is necessary to add other angles to strengthen this position, especially Pluto to increase ambition and determination.
5. Venus Gemini: often emotional, easy to play emotional roller coaster with others, unpredictable, interesting, but for me this is not a very good position in love, they easily find it difficult. hard to find the right person
6. Moon square/Opposite Saturn: often encounters problems in childhood such as abandonment, working in a difficult, deprived environment, shouldering responsibility, loneliness; They have quite a lot of psychological damage, rarely share, confide, and find it difficult to open their hearts to others. When they learn to be less strict with themselves and learn to accept and love themselves, the door in their souls will lead them to the good things that are waiting for them on the other side of their hearts.
7. Venus square/opposite Uranus: feel less interested in wanting a relationship Some positions I like:
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Moon trine/sextile Pluto: I once wished to have this aspect because it gives the ability to read other people's psyches and understand emotions deeply and they themselves also have a protective covering for their minds. mine
Sun trine/sextile Pluto: have their own privilege in society, they can be people whose image others consider as an authority and important figure, admire; Their passion is strong and they will try to do it
Mercury conjunct/ trine/ sextile Neptune: they have acumen, speciality and development in language, can know 2 or more languages, have artistic abilities, their voices are quite cute
Venus trine/sextile Mars: they easily radiate sexual attraction to other people (regardless of gender), which makes it easier for them to have relationships
Ascendant trine/sextile/conjunct Mercury: usually curious, cheerful, child-like eager people, they often have an active, playful appearance.
Ascendant trine/sextile/conjunct Sun: confident, shine, positive energy
Moon in Sagittarius/9th: very active, cheerful, likable, open and optimistic, they respect others and different cultures and religions
Mercury in Gemini: funny people, lots of topics to talk to, easy to talk to anyone, except people they don't like
Mercury conjunct/trine/sextile Pluto: their voice has charm, weight, usually straight to the point, analytical, inquisitive and rarely afraid of knowledge and reason
Moon sextile Venus: cute girls and boys, graceful words, pleasant, non-aggressive, cohesive and peaceful
(a position can't say who you are, everything will change, maybe for the better, maybe for the worse) try to take a deep breath and try to feel the peaceful moment in the present
Thank you everyone for inspiring me to write articles on this topic. Thank you for your love for me; love you all. Wishing you all good health, peace and luck ⭐
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Spouse/Partner predictions from your 7th House
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The 7th House and its ruler, known as the 7th Lord (the planet governing the sign in the 7th house), play a pivotal role in unveiling insights into the nature of your spouse or partner. This house holds paramount significance in understanding your love relationships, shedding light on the dynamics and compatibility with your significant other.
Mars: When Mars finds its place in the 7th House of your natal chart or influences a sign ruled by Mars—namely, Aries or Scorpio—the characteristics of your partner come into focus. Expect a companion who tends to be short-tempered, making impulsive decisions. Ego issues may surface, and a heightened sense of self-esteem could be evident. The partner may easily get provoked, displaying an aggressive nature and a penchant for spicy foods.
If the sign ruled by Mars is prominent in your 7th House, it's crucial to examine Mars's placement in your chart for additional insights into your partner's qualities. For instance, if the 7th House is Scorpio and Mars resides in the 3rd House, anticipate a partner with excellent communication skills, marked by a sharp and direct style. While the short temper persists due to Scorpio's influence, the emotional nature allows for quick calmness. Additionally, interests in profound sciences and opportunities for sudden gains might characterize their pursuits.
Understanding the nuances of Mars's influence on the 7th House provides a nuanced perspective on your partner's temperament, communication style, and potential areas of interest, contributing to a comprehensive overview of your romantic dynamics.
Venus: Now, shifting our focus to Venus, the 7th House's influence by the planet of love and harmony unveils distinct qualities in your spouse or partner. If Venus graces your 7th House or rules the sign within it—Libra or Taurus—you can anticipate a partner with a refined taste, a love for beauty, and a charming demeanor. This placement often signifies a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing relationship. Your partner may excel in the arts, have a fondness for luxurious experiences, and radiate a captivating allure. Their approach to love and relationships is likely to be gentle, diplomatic, and marked by a desire for balance and fairness.
However, the specific placement of Venus in your chart adds layers to these attributes. For instance, if your 7th House is Libra, and Venus resides in the 10th House, your partner may embody qualities of charm and sophistication in their professional endeavors. Alternatively, if your 7th House is Taurus and Venus graces the 5th House, your partner may express their creativity and love for pleasure in playful and entertaining ways.
Understanding Venus's influence on the 7th House not only provides insights into your partner's romantic inclinations but also sheds light on the elements that contribute to a harmonious and visually appealing connection.
Saturn: Now, let's delve into the influence of Saturn on the 7th House. When Saturn governs this pivotal house or resides in a sign it rules—Capricorn or Aquarius—the characteristics of your spouse or partner take on a more disciplined and serious tone. Expect a partner who values responsibility, commitment, and stability in relationships. They may exhibit a mature and composed demeanor, approaching partnerships with a pragmatic mindset.
Saturn's influence can also indicate a considerable age gap between you and your partner, or it may suggest that your partner possesses qualities associated with wisdom and experience. In a positive light, this placement signifies a steadfast and enduring commitment. However, challenges may arise, calling for patience and a long-term perspective in navigating the intricacies of your relationship.
Examining Saturn's placement in your chart adds depth to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Capricorn and Saturn resides in the 4th House, your partner may prioritize a stable home life and family. Conversely, if your 7th House is Aquarius and Saturn graces the 11th House, your partner may bring a sense of responsibility and structure to your social circles and shared goals.
Understanding Saturn's influence on the 7th House provides a profound understanding of the qualities that contribute to a durable and enduring partnership.
Mercury: Turning our attention to Mercury's influence on the 7th House, this planetary alignment provides insights into the communicative and intellectual aspects of your partner. If Mercury graces your 7th House or rules the sign within it—Gemini or Virgo—expect a partner who values intellectual connection, effective communication, and analytical thinking in relationships. Your significant other may possess a sharp wit, enjoy engaging conversations, and excel in problem-solving.
The specific placement of Mercury in your chart refines these traits. For example, if your 7th House is Gemini, and Mercury resides in the 9th House, your partner may express their intellectual pursuits through travel, higher education, or philosophical discussions. Conversely, if your 7th House is Virgo and Mercury graces the 2nd House, your partner may bring a practical and detail-oriented approach to financial matters within the relationship.
Understanding Mercury's influence on the 7th House adds layers to your comprehension of the mental dynamics within your partnership, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and shared intellectual pursuits.
Moon: Now, let's explore the impact of the Moon on the 7th House. When the Moon governs this house or resides in a Moon-ruled sign—Cancer—the emotional landscape of your partner comes into focus. Expect a partner who is deeply attuned to their emotions, values familial connections, and seeks emotional security in relationships. The Moon's influence may manifest as nurturing qualities, intuition, and a desire for a close-knit and supportive bond.
Examining the specific placement of the Moon in your chart refines these insights. If your 7th House is Cancer, and the Moon resides in the 8th House, your partner may bring emotional depth and intensity to shared resources and intimate connections. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by the Moon and it graces the 5th House, your partner may express their nurturing qualities through creativity and interactions with children.
Understanding the Moon's influence on the 7th House provides a nuanced understanding of the emotional undercurrents within your relationship, emphasizing the importance of empathy and connection on a profound emotional level.
In unraveling the cosmic tapestry of your 7th House and its planetary influences, you gain a richer understanding of the multifaceted nature of your spouse or partner. Each planetary alignment contributes unique qualities, shaping the dynamics of your relationship in intricate and profound ways.
Jupiter: Moving forward, let's delve into the impact of Jupiter on the 7th House. When Jupiter governs this house or resides in a Jupiter-ruled sign—Sagittarius or Pisces—the qualities of your spouse or partner take on expansive and optimistic hues. Expect a partner with a generous and jovial spirit, a love for exploration, and a broad-minded approach to relationships. Jupiter's influence may manifest as a quest for knowledge, a love for adventure, and a philosophical outlook on life.
Examining the specific placement of Jupiter in your chart adds depth to these insights. For instance, if your 7th House is Sagittarius, and Jupiter resides in the 6th House, your partner may express their expansive qualities through service and a commitment to well-being. Conversely, if your 7th House is Pisces and Jupiter graces the 3rd House, your partner may infuse your relationship with imaginative and communicative elements.
Understanding Jupiter's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of growth, shared beliefs, and a positive outlook in fostering a thriving and expansive partnership.
Sun: Now, let's explore the influence of the Sun on the 7th House. When the Sun governs this house or resides in a Sun-ruled sign—Leo—the qualities of your partner take on a radiant and confident demeanor. Expect a partner who exudes warmth, creativity, and a strong sense of individuality. The Sun's influence may manifest as a desire for recognition, leadership qualities, and a magnetic presence.
Examining the specific placement of the Sun in your chart refines these insights. If your 7th House is Leo, and the Sun resides in the 9th House, your partner may express their radiant qualities through travel, higher education, or a philosophical approach to life. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by the Sun and it graces the 4th House, your partner may bring a strong sense of identity and creativity to matters related to home and family.
Understanding the Sun's influence on the 7th House highlights the significance of mutual respect, individual expression, and shared creative endeavors in building a vibrant and fulfilling partnership.
In deciphering the cosmic symphony of your 7th House and its planetary influences, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the diverse qualities that shape your spouse or partner. Each planetary alignment contributes to the unique tapestry of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster love, connection, and mutual growth.
Neptune: Turning our focus to Neptune's influence on the 7th House, this ethereal planet brings a dreamy and compassionate quality to your partner. When Neptune governs this house or resides in a Neptune-ruled sign—Pisces—anticipate a partner with a deep sense of empathy, artistic inclinations, and a spiritually attuned nature. Neptune's influence may manifest as a romantic idealism, a desire for soulful connections, and an openness to the mystical aspects of life.
Examining the specific placement of Neptune in your chart adds nuances to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Pisces, and Neptune resides in the 5th House, your partner may express their artistic and romantic tendencies through creative pursuits and interactions with children. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Neptune and it graces the 10th House, your partner may infuse your relationship with a dreamy and inspirational approach to career and public life.
Understanding Neptune's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of spiritual connection, creative expression, and a shared appreciation for the mystical dimensions of love.
Uranus: Now, let's explore the impact of Uranus on the 7th House. When Uranus governs this house or resides in a Uranus-ruled sign—Aquarius—your partner is likely to bring unconventional and innovative qualities to the relationship. Expect a partner who values independence, intellectual stimulation, and a progressive outlook on partnerships. Uranus's influence may manifest as a desire for uniqueness, a penchant for experimentation, and a forward-thinking approach to love.
Examining the specific placement of Uranus in your chart adds depth to these insights. For instance, if your 7th House is Aquarius, and Uranus resides in the 8th House, your partner may express their unconventional tendencies through shared resources and intimate connections. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Uranus and it graces the 3rd House, your partner may bring a communicative and innovative approach to everyday interactions.
Understanding Uranus's influence on the 7th House highlights the importance of embracing change, fostering individuality, and cultivating a relationship that thrives on intellectual stimulation and innovative ideas.
In navigating the celestial influences on your 7th House, you gain a profound understanding of the unique qualities that contribute to the rich tapestry of your relationship. Each planetary alignment adds a layer of complexity, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that make your partnership distinct, exciting, and conducive to mutual growth and exploration.
Pluto: Now, let's explore the profound influence of Pluto on the 7th House. When Pluto governs this house or resides in a Pluto-ruled sign—Scorpio—your partner is likely to bring transformative and intense qualities to the relationship. Expect a partner who values depth, passion, and a willingness to undergo significant personal growth. Pluto's influence may manifest as a desire for profound connections, a fascination with the mysteries of life, and an unwavering commitment to emotional authenticity.
Examining the specific placement of Pluto in your chart adds layers to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Scorpio, and Pluto resides in the 2nd House, your partner may express their transformative tendencies through shared resources and a deep exploration of values. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Pluto and it graces the 9th House, your partner may bring an intense and transformative energy to matters related to travel, higher education, or philosophical pursuits.
Understanding Pluto's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of embracing transformation, navigating the depths of emotional connection, and fostering a relationship that allows for profound personal evolution.
(Hey comment or DM me for Q&A) I can do personal reading!
North Node (Rahu): Turning our attention to the North Node, also known as Rahu, its influence on the 7th House brings karmic and evolutionary aspects to your partnership. When the North Node governs this house or resides in a North Node-ruled sign—Capricorn—it suggests that your relationship is destined for growth, learning, and spiritual evolution. Expect a partner who plays a significant role in your karmic journey, guiding you toward your higher purpose.
Examining the specific placement of the North Node in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Capricorn, and the North Node resides in the 4th House, your partner may contribute to your karmic evolution through matters related to home, family, and emotional security. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by the North Node and it graces the 11th House, your partner may play a crucial role in your karmic lessons related to social connections and shared goals.
Understanding the North Node's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of embracing the lessons and growth opportunities that your relationship brings, fostering a connection that aligns with your spiritual and evolutionary path.
In deciphering the cosmic intricacies of your 7th House and its planetary influences, you gain a profound understanding of the transformative, karmic, and evolutionary dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force contributes to the intricate dance of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the higher purpose, growth potential, and spiritual alignment that characterize your shared journey.
Chiron: Now, let's explore the influence of Chiron on the 7th House. When Chiron governs this house or resides in a Chiron-ruled sign—Virgo—your partner is likely to bring healing and growth-oriented qualities to the relationship. Expect a partner who values self-improvement, fosters a nurturing environment, and facilitates emotional healing. Chiron's influence may manifest as a desire for mutual growth, a commitment to addressing wounds, and a supportive approach to each other's vulnerabilities.
Examining the specific placement of Chiron in your chart adds depth to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Virgo, and Chiron resides in the 5th House, your partner may contribute to healing through creative expressions, children, or matters related to joy and play. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Chiron and it graces the 10th House, your partner may play a significant role in your healing journey related to career and public life.
Understanding Chiron's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of mutual support, compassion, and a commitment to addressing emotional wounds in fostering a relationship that promotes growth and healing.
Ceres: Turning our attention to Ceres, the asteroid associated with nurturing and sustenance, its influence on the 7th House brings themes of caregiving and emotional nourishment to your partnership. When Ceres governs this house or resides in a sign it rules—Taurus or Cancer—anticipate a partner who values nurturing, stability, and emotional support in the relationship. Ceres's influence may manifest as a desire for shared domestic harmony, a commitment to providing emotional nourishment, and a focus on creating a secure and comforting environment.
Examining the specific placement of Ceres in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Taurus, and Ceres resides in the 11th House, your partner may express their nurturing qualities through social connections, shared goals, and group activities. Alternatively, if your 7th House is Cancer and Ceres graces the 3rd House, your partner may bring a nurturing approach to communication, short trips, and everyday interactions.
Understanding Ceres's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of creating a relationship that provides emotional sustenance, domestic harmony, and a sense of security for both partners.
In unraveling the celestial threads of your 7th House and its asteroidal influences, you gain a profound understanding of the nurturing, healing, and growth-oriented dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force contributes to the intricate fabric of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster emotional well-being, mutual support, and the creation of a harmonious and nurturing space for love to flourish.
Juno: Now, let's explore the influence of Juno on the 7th House. As the asteroid associated with committed partnerships and marital bonds, Juno's presence in this house or ruling a sign—Libra—indicates themes of loyalty, equality, and shared commitment in your relationship. Expect a partner who values a deep and committed connection, seeks balance in partnership dynamics, and is dedicated to the idea of a lasting union. Juno's influence may manifest as a desire for mutual respect, a commitment to shared responsibilities, and an emphasis on the equality of each partner's contributions.
Examining the specific placement of Juno in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Libra, and Juno resides in the 9th House, your partner may express their commitment through shared beliefs, higher education, or travel. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Juno and it graces the 5th House, your partner may bring a sense of commitment and loyalty to matters related to creativity, children, and joy.
Understanding Juno's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of shared commitment, equal partnership, and mutual dedication in building a relationship that stands the test of time.
Vesta: Turning our attention to Vesta, the asteroid associated with devotion and focus, its influence on the 7th House adds a layer of dedication and concentration to your partnership. When Vesta governs this house or resides in a Vesta-ruled sign—Virgo—anticipate a partner who values dedication, service, and a focused approach to shared goals. Vesta's influence may manifest as a desire for mutual devotion, a commitment to duty, and an emphasis on the disciplined pursuit of shared objectives.
Examining the specific placement of Vesta in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Virgo, and Vesta resides in the 3rd House, your partner may express their dedication through communication, short trips, or interactions with siblings. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Vesta and it graces the 8th House, your partner may bring a focused approach to matters related to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation.
Understanding Vesta's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of mutual dedication, shared focus, and a disciplined approach to achieving common goals in fostering a relationship that thrives on shared purpose and commitment.
In deciphering the celestial nuances of your 7th House and its asteroidal influences, you gain a profound understanding of the dedicated, committed, and purpose-driven dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force weaves into the intricate fabric of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster loyalty, mutual devotion, and the shared pursuit of meaningful objectives.
Eris: Now, let's explore the influence of Eris on the 7th House. As the dwarf planet associated with discord and disruption, Eris's presence in this house or ruling a sign—Aries—introduces elements of challenge and transformation to your partnership. Expect a partner who may bring a certain level of chaos or upheaval, pushing both of you to confront and overcome obstacles together. Eris's influence may manifest as a catalyst for growth, a challenge to traditional norms, and an invitation to navigate difficulties with resilience.
Examining the specific placement of Eris in your chart adds nuances to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Aries, and Eris resides in the 6th House, your partner may bring challenges related to work, health, or daily routines. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Eris and it graces the 12th House, your partner may introduce transformative elements to matters related to solitude, spirituality, and hidden aspects of your relationship.
Understanding Eris's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of facing challenges together, embracing transformation, and navigating disruptions with adaptability to foster a relationship that thrives in the face of adversity.
Haumea: Turning our attention to Haumea, the dwarf planet associated with fertility and creation, its influence on the 7th House adds a layer of creativity and generative energy to your partnership. When Haumea governs this house or resides in a Haumea-ruled sign—Libra or Taurus—it suggests a relationship with the potential for creative collaboration, fertility, and the birthing of new ideas or endeavors. Haumea's influence may manifest as a desire for mutual creativity, a commitment to nurturing growth, and an emphasis on the generative aspects of your shared journey.
Examining the specific placement of Haumea in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Libra, and Haumea resides in the 11th House, your partner may express their creative and generative energy through social connections, shared goals, and group activities. Alternatively, if your 7th House is Taurus and Haumea graces the 2nd House, your partner may bring a focus on creativity and fertility to matters related to finances, values, and personal resources.
Understanding Haumea's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of mutual creativity, nurturing growth, and embracing the generative aspects of your relationship for a partnership that flourishes and evolves.
In unraveling the celestial nuances of your 7th House and its dwarf planetary influences, you gain a profound understanding of the transformative, creative, and generative dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force contributes to the intricate dance of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster growth, resilience, and the co-creation of a meaningful and evolving connection.
Varuna: Now, let's explore the influence of Varuna on the 7th House. As a significant celestial body associated with cosmic order and divine law, Varuna's presence in this house or ruling a sign—Capricorn—suggests a partnership anchored in principles of fairness, responsibility, and ethical conduct. Expect a partner who values integrity, upholds moral standards, and emphasizes the importance of a harmonious and just union. Varuna's influence may manifest as a commitment to ethical behavior, a desire for fairness, and a focus on building a relationship that aligns with higher cosmic principles.
Examining the specific placement of Varuna in your chart adds depth to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Capricorn, and Varuna resides in the 4th House, your partner may express their commitment to ethical conduct through matters related to home, family, and emotional security. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Varuna and it graces the 10th House, your partner may bring a sense of responsibility and integrity to matters related to career and public life.
Understanding Varuna's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of aligning your partnership with principles of cosmic order, fairness, and ethical conduct for a relationship that stands as a beacon of moral strength and harmonious coexistence.
Makemake: Turning our attention to Makemake, the dwarf planet associated with creation and fertility, its influence on the 7th House adds another layer of creative energy and generativity to your partnership. When Makemake governs this house or resides in a Makemake-ruled sign—Taurus or Libra—it suggests a relationship with the potential for creative collaboration, growth, and the continuous generation of new and fruitful experiences. Makemake's influence may manifest as a desire for mutual creativity, a commitment to ongoing growth, and a focus on the generative aspects of your shared journey.
Examining the specific placement of Makemake in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Taurus, and Makemake resides in the 11th House, your partner may express their creative and generative energy through social connections, shared goals, and group activities. Alternatively, if your 7th House is Libra and Makemake graces the 2nd House, your partner may bring a focus on creativity and fertility to matters related to finances, values, and personal resources.
Understanding Makemake's influence on the 7th House underscores the importance of mutual creativity, nurturing ongoing growth, and embracing the generative aspects of your relationship for a partnership that remains vibrant, innovative, and continuously evolving.
In decoding the celestial nuances of your 7th House and its dwarf planetary influences, you gain a profound understanding of the principles of cosmic order, ethical conduct, and the creative, generative dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force contributes to the intricate dance of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster fairness, continuous growth, and the co-creation of a meaningful and evolving connection.
Quaoar: Now, let's explore the influence of Quaoar on the 7th House. As a trans-Neptunian object associated with creation, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things, Quaoar's presence in this house or ruling a sign—Libra—suggests a partnership grounded in the principles of balance, cooperation, and the recognition of the interdependence between you and your partner. Expect a partner who values harmony, seeks cooperative solutions, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining equilibrium in your shared journey. Quaoar's influence may manifest as a commitment to balance, a desire for cooperative endeavors, and a focus on building a relationship that reflects the interconnected web of existence.
Examining the specific placement of Quaoar in your chart adds depth to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Libra, and Quaoar resides in the 11th House, your partner may express their commitment to harmony through social connections, shared goals, and collaborative efforts. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Quaoar and it graces the 5th House, your partner may bring a sense of creativity and balance to matters related to self-expression, joy, and children.
Understanding Quaoar's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of cultivating a relationship that honors balance, cooperation, and the interconnected nature of your shared existence for a partnership that flourishes in harmony.
Ixion: Turning our attention to Ixion, a centaur planet associated with rebellion and the breaking of societal norms, its influence on the 7th House introduces an element of uniqueness, non-conformity, and the potential for transformative rebellion in your partnership. When Ixion governs this house or resides in a sign it rules—Sagittarius—anticipate a partner who values individuality, challenges conventions, and encourages you to embrace your authentic selves. Ixion's influence may manifest as a commitment to personal freedom, a desire for non-traditional approaches, and a focus on building a relationship that stands apart from societal expectations.
Examining the specific placement of Ixion in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Sagittarius, and Ixion resides in the 9th House, your partner may express their rebellious tendencies through travel, higher education, or philosophical pursuits. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Ixion and it graces the 3rd House, your partner may bring a non-conformist approach to communication, short trips, and everyday interactions.
Understanding Ixion's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of embracing uniqueness, celebrating individuality, and fostering a relationship that thrives on authenticity and the courage to break free from societal expectations.
In decoding the celestial intricacies of your 7th House and its centaur planet influences, you gain a profound understanding of the principles of balance, cooperation, uniqueness, and the transformative rebellious dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force contributes to the intricate dance of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster harmony, individuality, and the co-creation of a meaningful and authentic connection.
Chaos: Now, let's explore the influence of Chaos on the 7th House. As a centaur planet associated with unpredictability and the chaotic nature of existence, Chaos's presence in this house or ruling a sign—Aquarius—suggests a partnership that embraces change, innovation, and the unexpected twists and turns of life. Expect a partner who values the beauty in chaos, encourages adaptability, and emphasizes the importance of navigating the unpredictable together. Chaos's influence may manifest as a commitment to embracing change, a desire for unconventional experiences, and a focus on building a relationship that thrives amidst the unpredictability of life's journey.
Examining the specific placement of Chaos in your chart adds depth to these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Aquarius, and Chaos resides in the 8th House, your partner may bring a sense of unpredictability to matters related to shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Chaos and it graces the 12th House, your partner may introduce chaos to matters related to solitude, spirituality, and hidden aspects of your relationship.
Understanding Chaos's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of embracing the beauty in unpredictability, fostering adaptability, and navigating the chaotic aspects of life's journey together for a relationship that evolves and flourishes in the midst of change.
Sedna: Turning our attention to Sedna, a distant celestial body associated with deep transformation and the mysteries of the sea, its influence on the 7th House introduces an element of profound change, depth, and the potential for a soulful connection in your partnership. When Sedna governs this house or resides in a sign it rules—Pisces—anticipate a partner who values emotional depth, encourages spiritual exploration, and emphasizes the importance of connecting at a soul level. Sedna's influence may manifest as a commitment to profound transformation, a desire for deep emotional connections, and a focus on building a relationship that transcends the surface and delves into the mysteries of the heart.
Examining the specific placement of Sedna in your chart refines these insights. For example, if your 7th House is Pisces, and Sedna resides in the 5th House, your partner may express their transformative tendencies through creative expressions, children, or matters related to joy and play. Alternatively, if your 7th House is ruled by Sedna and it graces the 10th House, your partner may bring a deep and transformative energy to matters related to career and public life.
Understanding Sedna's influence on the 7th House emphasizes the importance of embracing profound transformation, fostering deep emotional connections, and navigating the mysterious depths of the heart for a relationship that transcends the ordinary and reaches the soulful core.
In unraveling the celestial intricacies of your 7th House and its centaur planet influences, you gain a profound understanding of the beauty in chaos, the depth of transformation, and the soulful dimensions that shape your partnership. Each celestial force contributes to the intricate dance of your relationship, offering valuable insights into the dynamics that foster adaptability, soulful connections, and the co-creation of a meaningful and evolving connection.
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And more... Please comment or DM me for more info. If you would want a personal reading I can do it.
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cosmicpuzzle · 6 months
Mercury ☿ is ℞ now!
Mercury retrograde for next 19 days or so. So take care all of you.
Libra and Virgo rising needs to be careful with their relationships, partners.
Aries Rising: Be careful with your health, workplace, skin issues, skin infections, relations with younger siblings.
Taurus Rising: Take care of relations with friends, online shopping, elder siblings.
Gemini Rising: Take care of relations with friends, online shopping, elder siblings, work and relations with bosses.
Cancer Rising: Miscommunication with younger siblings, father, teachers.
Leo Rising: Be careful with any investments, communication with father.
Scorpio /Sagittarius Rising: Be careful, don't text your ex.
Capricorn Rising/Aquarius: Be clear with any property deals, agreements and avoid miscommunication.
Pisces rising: Be careful with health and finances.
For Readings DM
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starshine555 · 3 months
Astro Notes #4
💫Placements that are always searching for meaning:
Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Moon, Jupiter in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn(funny enough, these guys question things a lot, and they don't like blindly following things. George Carlin is an excellent example of this.) Sagittarius Rising, Gemini Rising, Sun-Pluto, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus, Mercury-Uranus.
💫Mars in 3rd cannot be attracted to someone if there’s no mental stimulation. If there’s no amazing conversations, there is no attraction lel.
💫Jupiter in cancer could either be very spiritually connected to their mother, or they could be gifted with a spiritual mentor at some point in their life.
💫Capricorn Mercury can be stereotyped for being deadpan, but I’ve met quite a few of them that can be witty, charismatic, and very funny.
💫Mars in 11th could make very good influencers.
💫Libra MC- Can feel in their heart that their purpose is to bring people together, or create a way that everybody can be treated equally.
💫Jupiter in 7th love the idea of an ending to a story where everyone is happy. They like to romanticize the idea of even the villain turning good in the end somehow.
💫Uranus aspects, most of the time, show an area of your life that can be erratic, but Uranus can also show areas of your life that need a mastery of discipline. Uranus is associated with the sign of Aquarius, however Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn. This tells us that in order to have true freedom you need self-discipline as a prerequisite.
💫Moon conjunct Lilith: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Very deep and intense, repressed sexual desire. When they let this repressed energy come to the surface they can be WILD.
💫Moon in 4th- there’s a pretty good chance that women are way more significant in their life than men.
💫Aquarius Venus, honestly, I think is the venus sign that is the most comfortable being alone, and I respect that.
💫Ik a lot of people stereotype Taurus for loving food, but sag tho…not only do they love food, but, boy, can they cook. For them, it’s not a thing of luxury, but it’s an art.🌮🍝🥗🥙🫕🍲
💫Someone with a combination of libra and virgo in their chart can be extremely protective of their loved ones, and in some cases overly protective. Virgo is associated with safety and perfectionism, and libra is concerned with “others”. They would probably make good crossing guards, or just guards in general.
💫Taurus mercuries could make very good salesmen imo. They can be very flirtatious like libra mercury, and they know how to make a sale sound enticing and luxurious.
My YT- Lauren Champion
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coopers-hand · 1 year
your 6H and how you find comfort
TLDR: our 6H is responsible for our day to day lives, including our habits and routine. one thing about those is that through these repetitive actions people find the sense of familiarity, stability and comfort. the position of the ruler of this house will show you areas through which you may find this comfort❤️‍🩹 to gain more insight, look at the signs of both 6H and it’s ruler, as well as to your Moon and virgo-pisces axis! ٩(^‿^)۶
~ the position of your 6H ruler and how you find your sense of comfort
1H: pampering oneself, being pretty and comfy, and being well fed and having walked on their little walk, and their skin is moisturized and their nails are groomed — these people need to take care of themselves and their own body to feel comforted🍃
2H: those people may be the type of ppl that have their emotional support stuffed animal, or sweater, or coffee mug — anything, actually, that they can hold and touch and that has some physical weight to it. they may sleep with plushies and wear the same mittens their mom knitted for them centuries ago🧶☕️
3H: escaping to the books, movies, series, etc. — these ppl find the most comfort in stories and ways people share their thoughts with the world ✏️ so they may have their comfort piece of media that they keep coming back again and again
4H: sense of comfort is brought through the feeling of home and passed childhood. the perfume of their mother? that one sandwich they’ve been eating since they turned 5? that one pair of socks knitted by their grandma? you tell me 🥹 || I have my 6H ruler in here, and I find comfort in eating the same breakfast my mom was cooking for me when I was at school, so yeah…
5H: hobbies!! those people may be the ones that have been doing the same thing since childhood, like they’ve always been drawing with crayons, or collecting stickers, or crafting, or making little silly songs with their old electronic piano. they may find comfort in their old creative supplies, in their ancient watercolors they bought like in 7th grade, or in that one song that makes they soul dance itself out
6H: regime!! those people need to have their own familiar structure of life, even if this structure doesn’t make sense for everybody else. they need their morning walks, they need their sunday movie nights with that one person, they need to do this exact type of exercise bc it’s important for them and only they will get it.
7H: those people are about lifelong relationships, they may be one of the most devoted partners you can find. they find comfort in people they’ve been with since forever, they are feeling sure and good and comfy around their best friend that they’ve known for 20 years, that they’ve grown up with and that they share almost all of their life experiences with👭
8H: those people need their alone time. they need their sacred space, their little castle that nobody can invade and make them put on a human suit again. they find comfort in knowing that there’s completely no one around so that they can be so much and unapologetically alone and themselves.
9H: those people are the greatest optimists, that will not let the humanity destruct itself in the storm of hate and pessimism. those people always know that there’s hope, that the world is a good place to be in, that there’s joy and love and laughter and cool people and also little animals and big animals and flowers and so much more!! I love them so much omg sorry but those people literally save the world by finding their own sense of comfort😭
10H: another type of people that need the structure, but, on the contrary with 6H fellas, this is kind of an external structure. it may be a literal social institute that provides them with it (e.g. school, work, gym membership, language clubs??), or a kind of style of living that they accept to follow. those people may find comfort in knowing that they have their life together, in knowing what will happen tomorrow🏹
11H: those people crave the sense of belonging. they need to know that they are not alone in this world, that there’s at least another person on Earth that can say ‘hey! im here! I know how you feel’. the greatest sense of comfort for those people is knowing that they are understood.
12H: hello my lovely existentialists 🥰 for these people comfort may look like something unattainable, bc they are prone to existential dread every working day and holidays included. however, the sense of comfort is attained through daydreaming, sleeping and meditating — and also other 1000000 things that can be linked to sleep. I also have noticed that those people may need more sleep than others to stay healthy. so, remember — it’s not that the world hates you, maybe you just had very little sleep in the night💤
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a-d-nox · 11 months
I mean, let's say the man's Venus sextiles my Saturn, but my venus squares his Saturn.... But there's his Mars conjunct my Lilith (trine sun) and his Eros conjunct my Mars..... Man, I'd really like a synastry reading in exchange for my dream interpretation (i interpret dream/nightmares)
aspects in synastry and composite charts (venus edition)
after a shorter fun post from the same asker about a year ago, i have decided to trial the start a series after popular demand (sorry i'm running behind schedule)! i am starting in the middle of the chart per the request and after chatting with the asker offline. by middle of the series, i mean that i will not be talking about aspects to planets/luminaries before venus in this post - all planets after venus will be included. when an ask is made for planets/luminaries before venus i will go back to aspects where venus is involved (if that makes sense lol).
all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. warning i can be harsh: please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let's not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. this is just a starting place for when examining a single planet in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
TW: sexual assault, abuse, and infertility.
ADDITIONAL WARNING: this post does contain mature content.
let's begin!
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synastry: positive aspects: you can see the admiration for one another. anyone who sees the two of you together can see you both absolutely adore each other. venus-venus couples may get married to one another at some point because venus represents alliances, companionship, lovers, marriage, suitors, and proposals - at the very least, you two may date for a very long time or go to a big milestone event together like prom. you two are likely very affectionate with one another; you do small things for one another that are utterly heartwarming and adorable - could be holding/opening the door, one person giving their coat to the other, etc. you both often check with one another if what you/they are doing "is okay." in a feminine-masculine relationship the masculine is likely a feminist and lets the feminine be dominant / in charge of the relationship. the masculine in such a relationship may also be a gentlemen and unwilling to do or act in any way that makes the feminine partner feel uncomfortable. you two are constantly flirting with one another. you both are probably very hopeful of this union especially since you likely have a lot of fun together. negative aspects: it is extremely difficult for others to tell if you two really don't like one another. some people may think it is sexual tension or a lovers' quarrel, but you two are likely not each other's biggest fans. you could reject each other's advances - this is the equivalent of receiving the retort "you're not even that hot" after you tell someone you won't go out with them. these people aren't long-term lovers; this is the couple everyone thought would be cute together, but they truly hate one another...
synastry: positive aspects: mars person likely performs a lot of acts of service to show that they care for venus person; mars person seemingly worships venus person. the mars person will likely be the first to make a move or ask the venus person out - it could also indicate that the mars person proposes to the venus person (mars is action and venus is commitment and alliances). mars person is likely to find the venus person to be an aphrodisiac; everything about the venus person turns on the mars person - smell, taste, looks, etc. negative aspects: mars person is likely to do a lot for the venus person but often feels unnoticed or a lack of gratitude for doing so. mars person is prone to starting arguments, while a venus person frequently is the type to immaturely interact with them in response (silent treatment, eye-rolls, etc.). mars person is likely to assert their thoughts and opinions in the connection, while the venus person longs for a true partner who sees and treats them as their equal. (***TW***) the mars person may be belligerent/abusive in the connection and likely has so much ambition regarding the relationship that they frequently ignore or cross the boundaries the venus person sets - the mars person is often impatient and thus can rush the physical aspects of the connection (raped, molestation, etc. ***END OF TW MATERIAL***). mars person is likely to underestimate and be unappreciative of the venus person's power - often a mars person will see a venus person as harmless, meek, and/or "cute". pain is a commonality with this synastry aspect / interaction - the mars person frequently causes the venus person wounds/pain that will take a while for them to heal from. venus person can be too lazy for the mars person's liking. venus person may also have a lot of false expectations/hopes regarding the mars person's character. 
composite: positive aspects: this is super erotic in a composite chart - mars brings the idea of passion and venus brings the idea of amorousness. this couple often is constantly doing things for one another to show that they love, care, and think about the other person when they are not around one another. they often are the couple who appears to enjoy a lot of public displays of affection from one another - they appear as those they are intoxicated by / addicted to one another. negative aspects: it could feel as though this connection is about competing with one another rather than aiding one another to be their best selves. often this connection is quick to fizzle out. both individuals in the partnership might lack gratitude for each other and what they do for one another. it may feel like this couple is constantly arguing with one another and that there is a lot of immaturity in the connection because of how the two argue (they are both unwilling to compromise in most cases). there tends to be an obvious power margin between the two in the connection. both parties can often cross each other's boundaries and cause discomfort for one another in the connection. the two may underestimate each other in the connection and be pleasantly surprised or utterly unsurprised, which causes a strain (they may cite the other as incapable - their lack of ability is why the connection didn't work out). each person may feel the connection has a strain and that they are wounded from/by the relationship. 
synastry: positive aspects: venus person generally looks up to jupiter person and admires their achievements. venus person is also enamored by the jupiter person's ability to keep their word. venus person often will celebrate the jupiter person's wins. these two are a match made in heaven - venus person often feels jaded and/or hurt in their connections, while jupiter person knows the perfect thing to say to make the venus person feel better and more secure in the connection. for the venus person, the jupiter person is the most understanding and accepting individual they know when it comes to the validation and reassurance they need. the jupiter person tends to be the knight in shining armor to the venus person's princess in a tower. the gentlemanly jupiter person is often the king of consent; which is extremely appreciated by venus person. the jupiter person's desire for the venus person is often very obvious. jupiter person often proposes to the venus person. the jupiter person often likes to spend a lot of time with and money on the venus person. negative aspects: venus person could envy what the jupiter has and has achieved in life. jupiter person may feel as though they can't 100% rely on the venus person to consistently do what they said they would. the venus person can feel like the jupiter person is gaslighting them or feeding them only what they want to hear (venus person may question the jupiter person's genuineness to them; it might be too good to be true). venus person might feel as though the jupiter person is a misogynist. the jupiter person may feel that they love the venus person more than the venus person loves them. venus person may feel that the jupiter person is extremely clingy. jupiter person may eventually get tired of apologizing and become standoffish: "i don't know what you want from me". venus person can default to immature commentary during fights saying things that are meant to hurt the jupiter person's self-esteem. jupiter person might feel as though they do more in the connection than the venus person does. jupiter person may be a bit careless/unappreciative when it comes to the acts of service or romantic gestures that the venus person makes. jupiter person can be a bit stoic when they are in an argument with the venus person. jupiter person often seeks to improve their connection, while venus person might be too lax to change/improve their connection. the jupiter person can be a bit too possessive for the venus person. 
composite: positive aspects: there is a visible abundance of admiration for one another in this connection - they are extremely wholesome and cute together. often the couple is very strong together and can achieve a lot together in the alliance they have with one another. often this couple is very content with each other. they boost one another's confidence and celebrate their wins as a couple (usually, anniversaries are big for this couple). they are very supportive of one another. this pairing knows how to have fun together, and they are often engaged in flirty banter. this couple is often hopeful of a long-term connection - they often get married to one another. frequently, someone loses their virginity in this connection, and/or they often have children together. make up sex is real in this connection - and they both are very generous towards one another in the bedroom. erotic devotion is very clear in the connection. negative aspects: sometimes people see these two as an old married couple - they bicker and give each other a hard time. sometimes, it might seem likely they are putting each other down. it may seem as though the feminine is extremely dependent on the masculine and as though they are trapped by the masculine in the connection. feminines may feel like they are forced into a submissive role in these connections. they might seem to want a lot of space from one another and could even sleep in two different bedrooms. it might seem as though the couple has given up on their own connection with one another. 
synastry: positive aspects: venus person often appreciates the saturn person's ambition and their determined attitude - venus person appreciates that they aren't quitters. venus person knows that one day saturn person will be what they want them to be and do what they want them to do because of their determination. saturn person is often very serious when it comes to building a solid foundation and future with the venus person. the saturn person is often very loyal towards the venus person and never would do something to them that would make them feel betrayed. saturn person has a sense of duty towards venus person and tends to do whatever it takes to please them and make them feel content and cared for in the connection. saturn person picks up on the venus person's habits/idiosyncrasies via self-other overlap. a masculine saturn person is often willing to submit to a feminine venus person. venus person knows that they can rely on the saturn person. saturn person often shares their customs with the venus person. saturn person is very patient with the venus person. negative aspects: venus person may feel that saturn person is hesitant to appreciate them the way they want them to. saturn person can feel apprehensive about getting into a relationship with a venus person. this is likely a relationship in which a saturn person represses and denies their admiration for venus person; whether this emotional admiration exists depends on the moon, while sexual/physical admiration depends on mars and pluto. venus person may not receive the commitment from the saturn person that they crave. saturn person may find they are repulsed by venus person post-coital encounter or say that all they can offer venus person is sex. (***TW***) venus person is likely to have their beauty diminished by the saturn person. saturn can represent disdain, grudges, harm, and hatred, while venus can represent the erotic and consent. this combination with a negative aspect, and depending on the tightness of the orb, can indicate the possibility of sexual assault done by the saturn person; see the story of priapus (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). venus person is unlikely to feel contented with the saturn person long term. if the venus person is masculine, they may be ungentlemanly and lose their chivalrous manner when in a more lowkey relationship with the saturn person - as the saturn person seems to lack gratitude for the venus person's manner and mannerisms. the venus person's immaturity in a romantic relationship may be emphasized due to the saturn person's inability to commit to them. venus person may propose to the saturn person, and the saturn person is likely to reject them. venus person may find saturn person boring after a while, and saturn person may find that venus person cannot be serious after a while. saturn person may fear a long-term connection with the venus person - they could feel as though they can't trust the venus person. saturn person may feel neglected in the connection. venus person may trigger the saturn person's previously experienced trauma to the point of a regressive episode. saturn person could feel rejected by the venus person. 
composite: positive aspects: this is a great indicator of a monogamous relationship that is long-lasting. this couple often shares the burdens of life with one another. this couple is often so committed and proud of their coupling that they are the type to promote they are together (monograms, mrs. & mr. shirts, rings 24/7, etc). other couples are the "private but not secret" types that we frequently see on social media (pictures together without one of their faces in the image). negative aspects: this couple may be unappreciative of one another: kind gestures are often overlooked, they neglect one another, they don't seem affectionate/adoring of one another, etc. the couple likely doesn't know how to do nothing in peace with one another - they might not be capable of just relaxing with one another because it feels "awkward". this connection can be very short-lived in some cases because there is likely a lack of romantic commitment between them. (***TW***) there may be sexual aggression between the two (***END OF TW MATERIAL***) or a regret regarding coital interaction. there is likely a lack of honor/chivalry in the relationship - this relationship could present as immature and having plenty of arguments as neither partner is well suited for the other. the coupling could be built on the individuals' shared fear of being alone for the rest of their lives. 
synastry: positive aspects: uranus person may abruptly tell venus person that they like them. the uranus person is often very submissive to the venus person outside of the public's vantage point. often the uranus person is curious about the venus person and will do some sleuthing about them. venus person is typically touched by their interest and fandomship towards their brand. venus person often looks up to uranus person for their intelligence and generally is intrigued by their mind. the uranus person can be very prompt in communicating with the venus person. venus person tends to appreciate the uranus person's ability to be extremely honest in any situation. venus person often finds uranus person's unpredictability to be incredibly attractive. negative aspects: uranus person could cheat on the venus person in some cases. if they are married at that point, the uranus person frequently has to pay alimony to the venus person. venus person is often bossed around by the uranus person and most of the time that irks them. uranus person is known for having emotionally hurt ex-lovers that might get in the way of the uranus person having a successful relationship with the venus person. this is because often the venus person finds information where the uranus person has, for example, a string of texts in which their exes are asking to get back together with them or the exes are angrily messaging them. uranus person can very quickly change their mind about the venus person and withdraw completely from the connection - a lot of the time, this is one of those connections where they disappear with all their stuff taken from the house overnight or before the venus person gets home. uranus person can discover that the venus person was cheating on them, sort of like how hepheatus discovered aphrodite cheating on him. uranus person may be inconsistent when interacting with the venus person. often, the uranus person wants freedom in the relationship or for the relationship to remain inclusive/"open". the uranus person sometimes rejects the venus person's advances and can even be revulsed by the venus person in some cases.
composite: positive aspects: this coupling is quick to come together - one minute they are just friends, and in the next, they are in a committed relationship. in some cases, these two elope or have a "shotgun" wedding. these couples are open to experimentation and/or a third (fourth, fifth, sixth, etc.) person in the connection. this couple often has a healthy sex life, in which they frequently partake in coital relations. these two feel very lucky to have found one another because they share a lot of "unpopular opinions/views" regarding relationships. sometimes, this couple attempts a trial separation and comes back together stronger than before. negative aspects: sometimes there is some heavy drama in this connection where those involved are alleged "swingers", someone is cheating on someone, etc. not everything that you hear about this couple is always true - oftentimes, there is something worth uncovering about this connection. this relationship doesn't typically end cleanly - often, there are a lot of fights and dramatics. this is the couple in which one person wallpapers the room with text messages to show that they knew the other one of them cheated, someone slashes the tires of the other person's car, one person gets locked out and the other throws all their belongings out of the window, etc. sometimes an "illegitimate child" appears in this connection which causes strain. (***TW***) alternatively, it could be very difficult for this couple to become pregnant and have a successful birth (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). sometimes, these individuals are in a falsified relationship so they can get governmental benefits or security.
synastry: positive aspects: venus person finds neptune person to be alluring and often finds their chaos and creature mind to be beautiful. the neptune person is the first to confess their feelings for the venus person. venus person can be fascinated by the neptune person. with the neptune person, the venus person can feel as though the relationship is the best one that they have ever been in. venus person can feel as though the neptune person is always reading their mind with how attentive they are towards the venus person. the neptune person is often very comfortable with being vulnerable toward the venus person. neptune person is very sympathetic towards the venus person. negative aspects: neptune person could be hiding a whole other relationship from venus person or could be merely cheating on the venus person in a more lax manner. neptune person is the type to disguise themself in public when with or without the venus person - they often want no one to know what they are up to in terms of their romantic relationships. this is likely to bother showy venus who wants everyone to know that they are in love with one another. neptune person tends to be too emotionally unpredictable for the venus person. the neptune person might be insecure about the connection with the venus person because they see the venus person as better than them. neptune person could be a poor wing person for venus person by misrepresenting who they are. 
composite: positive aspects: these two tend to be addicted to one another. they often are the couple that will wear matching outfits or appear as though all that exists in the world is them as a couple. this couple tends to be sex-positive and might enjoy spicing up their sex life by making a tape together. this is one of those couples who are in a "private but not secret" relationship - they will post faceless pictures together, that they are going somewhere with "their love", etc. this relationship can feel almost dream-like or as though it is a fairytale. it can feel as though this couple reads each other's minds. a wedding between these two is always so beautiful because they write gorgeously, poetic vows to one another. negative aspects: there is a tendency for these two to become codependent on one another - they can't do things apart without one of them getting annoyed/angry/paranoid about the distance. this couple can be extremely chaotic - in a single day, they could be happy and holding hands, then in mere minutes, they could be arguing over a notification, then one could be threatening to move out, then they could be planning their next vacation together. both individuals can have a history of cheating and not being faithful to one another - so they are likely both suspicious of each other. (***TW***) one of the individuals in the connection might film the other, who may or may not know about the filming, during coital relations then leak the tape on the internet (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). often there is a scandal that arises from this relationship. 
synastry: positive aspects: the venus often feels alive around the pluto person. the pluto person has a gift in awakening the venus person to their surroundings and even who they are and what they are worth. very quickly this relationship becomes exclusive because most pluto people aren't comfortable with inclusive/"open" relationships. venus person is often content in this connection because the obsessive pluto person is willing to do anything they want to keep them happy. the pluto person is likely to treat the venus person like their queen/king. venus person is very grateful for the protective pluto person. negative aspects: pluto person doesn't tend to be trustworthy - they keep a lot of things to themselves and can even keep a sidechick or secret relationship from the venus person. because of this, the venus person should be careful where STIs/STDs are involved (use protection, get tested regularly, see their gynecologist regularly, etc). (***TW***) the pluto person often has an extremely high sex drive, and sometimes, in certain cases, the pluto person can not control their sexual impulses or simply enjoys the power they feel when having sex, so they might sexually assault the venus person (***END OF TW MATERIAL***). venus person tends to be more morally upholding than the pluto person - the venus person can sometimes find what the pluto person does to be "morally atrocious". the venus person is often baffled by what they learn from the pluto person, often it has to do with their obsessive nature or how they betrayed others or even the venus person. pluto people often hurt the venus person - frequently, this is physically or emotionally. venus person comes to loath the pluto person or view them as "evil". pluto person might degrade the venus person and make them feel bad about themselves physically and emotionally. pluto person often feels guilt that they aren't more helpful or better at being in the relationship with the venus person. venus person can feel like the pluto person lies to them very often - the pluto person often is lying to the venus person though they may attempt to gaslight the venus person to cover up their lies. venus person may want to marry the pluto person, but the pluto person may not believe in the institution of marriage.
composite: positive aspects: this is a power couple, and they know it. the couple is happy to exclusively date for a long time - they could keep their relationship on the down-low for a while as well. this is the couple who makes a lot of lewd jokes with one another, and often, you can see that they are comfortable around one another - they can make these jokes without feeling weird or without ignoring one another. they are generally just a super flirty couple. they are the type of couple that keeps each other's nudes in their wallets. sexually, there is often a component of BDSM in these relationships that brings life to their connection and makes both partners extremely pleased. this coupling, in general, reminds me of the smutty novels. this couple may even go to sex parties with one another for fun. negative aspects: this couple often meets unconventionally - on a date with other people, when they are dating someone else, etc. the relationship is typically not long-lasting - sometimes it feels like the relationship is like a vase of flowers that withers away day by day (beautiful and thoughtful at first then smelly, attracting bugs, and rotting away). this couple might have a difference of philosophies that gets in the way of this relationship progressing - for example, pluto can bring nihilism into the relationship "what is the point? nothing matters anyway." the relationship can't grow if both parties do not wish to work on it. 
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Mercury and your voice 🗣️
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Sun-Mercury people have a very confident , firm and stable voice. They do not shutter easily and can talk without hesitation. These people can also be famous for their voice or the way they talk. Sometimes can give an authoritative voice. Probably great at arguments or debates.
Moon-Mercury people have a very nurturing, feminine, motherly voice. They make you feel like home and probably often come to them for comfort. They just know what to say to make you feel safe and comfortable. Can also make someone poetic. These people Have a lovely voice .
Venus-Mercury people have a very attractive and charismatic voice. It can give deep voice to male and high pitched voice to females. These people can also change their voice to their liking. These people just know what to say to make people like them. Cute voice. Probably has a rich vocabulary.
Mars-Mercury people tend to have loud voice. These people tend to have a voice that can sort of scare people and the way they talk can make think that their mad or in a bad mood however that is not the truth. Their voice can be considered sexy haha. Very dominating voice.
Jupiter-Mercury people tend to have a loud and deep voice. In my observation their laugh is cute too. Also these people are always teaching things and like to share knowledge. Mostly teachers have this placement or someone at a higher post. These people can even earn through their voice. Like by starting their own podcast or Something.
Saturn-Mercury people tend to have a slow sometimes lazy voice. They have a very calm and nonchalant way of talking . Sometimes they can't get out right words out. Gives a very respectful voice. They calculate their words before talking. Can make someone always talk about rules and how you should always follow them
Neptune-Mercury people tend to have a dreamy, otherworldly type of voice. Their voice is just like a siren. Their voice is extremely attractive when they sing slow paced songs. They can enchant people with their voice. Can also give talents for music. Kind of voice that keeps you wanting for more.
Uranus-Neptune people tend to have a very unique voice . There's just something about their voice that screams different . Their voice stands out from the crowd. Voice so unique you'll recognize it from thousands of people. May also use unique words or the words that are not used normally.
Pluto-Mercury people tend to have an intimidating, seductive and deep voice. Even in woman. They voice seems very authoritative and can intimidat others as well. Though their voice is intimidating it's also seductive and sexy. Kind of voice that'll make you get addicted.
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months
*Saturn Natal Aspect Snippets*
Sun Trine Saturn: Likely a persistent, disciplined, hardworking, and reliable individual. They tend to easily earn the trust of others. They may have good luck with networking or having a positive reputation. But they can be overly cautious to where they stifle spontaneity and creativity. They can also have a judgmental side.
Sun Opposite Saturn: Can struggle with self-doubt and may feel frequently restricted throughout life or may self-impose limitations, especially once they are older. Can struggle to have close relationships with authority figures, maybe parents, or teachers. Finds it difficult to tap into creativity or go after their desires, being pulled away or stifled by obligations. Can have a lot of inner strength and their ambition can be their guide and light.
Sun Square Saturn: May find frustration when trying to express themselves, could easily feel misunderstood. Is associated with low self-esteem, a feeling of bad luck, or a feeling of heaviness or burdens. Can be a very persevering individual who works hard and when/if they develop more confidence plays hard too. Discipline balanced with creativity or warmth and generosity can make them into a very insightful and encouraging person.
Moon Trine Saturn: May be stable, mature, and highly responsible. May have grown up faster than others in their life but took this with grace and reap benefits from it. But could look down on their softer side. Can be self-critical. May have a lot of emotional reserve and inhibition. Will still have to heal or face their fast-lane maturity as an adult. Ultimately this is a harmonious and comfortable aspect boosting practicality, patience, and self-respect.
Moon Opposite Saturn: Can come off or act emotionally distant, always finding it hard to express their feelings and love. Has a huge fear or rejection or being judged. Can easily feel misunderstood. But is highly logical, calm, and has their life and self under control.
Moon Square Saturn: Was certainly forced to grow up too quick and may deal with many challenges in life due to this, especially emotionally. Can have a lot of self-doubt. May struggle with isolation at times. May be overly private and hates to ask others for help. They are reliable and they desire close and supportive bonds. Even with their struggles they will put in the work in relationships.
Mercury Trine Saturn: A logical and structured individual. This aspect fosters reliable and precise communication skills, making it easier to convey ideas and earn trust through thoughtful and well-organized expression. May be overly serious or practical. Can struggle with innovation or imagination. Could be closed-minded or stubborn in their opinions. Saturn puts walls around fast-moving and flexible Mercury. Many times with a trine this is expressed as a supportive influence, but it can still sometimes jail one's spirit.
Mercury Opposite Saturn: Can easily feel misunderstood or criticized. Might jump to assumptions easily. Can be highly self-critical or have a harsh inner voice. But may be highly intelligent and do well under pressure.
Mercury Square Saturn: This aspect can lead to mental blockages and difficulties in communication. Can struggle with confidence especially in terms of communication or intellect. They might struggle to tap into their creativity or flexibility. Can be very detail-oriented and pragmatic in their thinking. Becoming disciplined in how they learn or pursue knowledge and academics is very useful when dealing with this aspect.
Venus Trine Saturn: Encourages a realistic approach to love, with a focus on long-term goals and responsible choices. It's beneficial for building enduring relationships and finding structure in creative or financial pursuits. Not being honest with oneself and/or falling into being around those who do not share your values or goals can be a challenge.
Venus Opposite Saturn: It can be difficult to express romantic feelings and accept love, gratitude, or generosity. Can easily feel lonely, isolated, or negative in their relationships. May need more reassurance than they are willing to admit.
Venus Square Saturn: May have challenges in establishing stability and commitment in relationships. Saturn's restraint and seriousness can clash with Venus's desire for warmth and affection. This square makes it hard to fulfill emotional needs in relationships. Expressing wants and needs more is vital.
Mars Trine Saturn: This aspect promotes disciplined action and sustained effort, allowing individuals to work diligently towards their goals with patience and persistence. Can be very ambitious and strategic in life. But being overly cautious or rigid can be a challenge for this more comfortable aspect.
Mars Opposite Saturn: Can be highly impatient and easily irritable towards their willpower and ambitions. They may feel like they can never reach their goals. Could struggle to balance caution with action or assertiveness. May easily get into conflict with authority. But their determination may outweigh other Saturn aspects. 💪 Discipline and patience can be their friend as they grow.
Mars Square Saturn: Can struggle to assert one's self. Can easily get discouraged from their goals. They need to work harder to get in touch with their ambitions. It may be that their ambitions are not accepted or supported somehow. But can be a very hard worker. Independence, finding those who can support or help them in their goals, and embracing a potential cautious or patient nature can be helpful.
Jupiter Trine Saturn: This individual learns their lessons quickly. They may have a good balance of optimism and skepticism. Can have a strong work ethic or healthy amount of ambition. Known as a favorable position for finances or going after your goals. May have good relationships with authority figures or becomes an authority figure themselves quickly or early in life. May struggle with impatience at times or favoring discipline over impulsiveness or vice versa to an unpredictable extreme.
Jupiter Opposite Saturn: Stuck on a rollercoaster of high optimism and low pessimism. Can run into a lot of frustrations or delays in their plans for life. Can easily overexert themselves and face burn out. Associated with both financial struggles and success, is commonly cited as a position that goes through booms and busts throughout their career. Learning strategic long-term planning can help them cope with these struggles. Relying on practicality and discipline can be very useful for these individuals. Battling self-doubt is common, they can have big dreams but must KEEP GOING to achieve them.
Jupiter Square Saturn: May struggle with a lack of responsibility or discipline. Can experience push-pull dynamics where they feel caught between their aspirations and the practical realities. Can be conflicted between their desires and a need for freedom. However when they win in life, they tend to win big.
Saturn Trine Uranus: This aspect combines innovation with practicality, allowing individuals to implement original ideas and progressive changes in a structured and sustainable way. May have good luck with technology, abstract ideas or theories, and thinking or doing things outside of the box. Even though this aspect is harmonious, conflict between old vs. new can still exist within them. Tradition vs. the nonconventional, sustaining vs. change, order vs. chaos can still happen when these two planets interact.
Saturn Opposite Uranus: A need for freedom and frequent change and a need for predictability and stability may haunt them. They can have conflicting desires and expectations with who they are in their society and what they want out of society. May find it hard to commit to long-term plans or goals. Life may seem unstable for them often. They can be highly adaptable, enduring, and enlighten individuals as they grow.
Saturn Square Uranus: Can swing back and forth from being highly rebellious to a rule follower. Can be resistant to change but have a disdain or fear of stagnation, causing internal conflicts. Can equally fear and be fascinated by the unknown. This placement can pave the way for understanding structures and systems in their life or society and how to break free of them. Has a great desire for liberation and inner authority.
Saturn Trine Neptune: This aspect allows people to balance practicality with imagination. This is the artist who is business savvy. This aspect can also make one highly compassionate and purposeful in their giving and actions. They may have a strong drive to join a career of healing or helping others. Or they may be part of charities and nonprofits. However they need to be careful of being around controlling and restrictive environments. This can stunt their growth and happiness.
Saturn Opposite Neptune: This aspect can create confusion and tension between idealism and practicality, leading to feelings of disillusionment or uncertainty when reality does not align with dreams and expectations. Without grounding they can fall into vicious cycles of disappointment. But they can be highly compassionate and empathetic. With a grounding influence they can be a responsible healer or spiritual leader.
Saturn Square Neptune: Conflicts between the spiritual and tangible side of self and life can cause them frustration. May struggle with getting in touch with their spiritual side OR their more logical, down-to-earth side. But they may master introspective skills and become highly enlightened as they grow/mature.
Saturn Trine Pluto: Makes individuals perceptive, hardworking, diligent, strong, and determined. We have two powerful planets working together. Pluto brings depth, destruction, healing, transformation, empowerment. Saturn brings wisdom, maturity, strategy, lessons, and realism. They can be blessed with self-mastery and a strong, effective willpower. But they may be overly serious, negative, or controlling, and easily stressed.
Saturn Opposite Pluto: May struggle with inner power struggles. They may swing from intense confidence to crippling anxiety or self-doubt. Can easily feel overwhelmed or restricted by responsibilities and limitations, resulting in periods of frustration and potential burnout. These individuals will likely experience many profound transformations in their life. Introspection and honing their intuition will be helpful to them.
Saturn Square Pluto: May feel like they never have enough control or power over their life. Leaving their comfort zone, sticking to discipline or a routine, inner authority, independence, and ultimately empowerment may seem extra hard for them. But they can learn to be resourceful, perceptive, and enduring over time. They may find empowerment in unexpected ways.
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