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ruth bader ginsburg has died. call your senators and remind them over and over and over again of mitch mcconnell’s own rule to not replace supreme court justices in a presidential election year. call them as many times as it takes until they agree to not fill the seat until 2021. 202-224-3121
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Really concerned that anti capitalism Discourse has developed into “if you have any money at all, you’re evil and part of the problem”
Like someone who spends $200 on a practical purse is not the problem with capitalism
John Boyega having a net worth of $6 mil after multiple high profile years in the film industry is not the problem with capitalism
The enemy is the billionaires that hoard wealth and banks and companies that control entire swaths of the economy
Don’t let the guy with $200 billion convince you, who makes less than $30k a year, that the doctor making $150k a year is the enemy
The enemy is like a few dozen people and a few dozen huge banks and companies
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are you allowing your loved ones to pour into you? take stock of the past few months. how many times have you said “don’t worry about it” when you wished someone would worry, when’s the last time you said “i got it” when you didn’t really have it? there is no healing without help, and support circles exist around you but may have been shrouded in shadow due to living in this individualistic paradigm. honor yourself by accepting and inviting help when you need it.
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A horror movie, again
How Big Oil lied about "recyclable" plastics
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Exxon knew.
They knew, 50 years ago, that they were going to murder the planet and our species with their oil.
And they acted.
Oh, how they acted!
They created a campaign of lies to distort the public perception of climate change.
Exxon knew.
They knew in ‘73, when their researchers told them: plastics would never be recycled. There would not be a cost effective way to recycle plastic.
And they acted.
They created a disinformation campaign to convince us plastic COULD be recycled.
That campaign - the little recycling logos on our plastics, the upbeat videos about a future where plastic was part of a circular economy of use and recycling - convinced us to buy, wash, and sort plastic.
90% of that plastic was never recycled. It never will be.
NONE of those splashy campaigns - the announcement that all NYC school plastics would be recycled, the recycling in national parks - ever worked. They all lasted long enough to get some upbeat press, and then they quietly shut down.
This week’s NPR/Planet Money investigation by Laura Sullivan doesn’t just talk to the ex-chief lobbyists, now serving as belated Oppenheimers, lamenting the impending destruction of our planet.
It also talks to the current round of executives who have announced a fresh round of plans to recycle plastics - completely disingenuous, insultingly obvious distraction tactics to convince us that their projections of TRIPLING production by 2050 isn’t a form of mass murder.
Then Sullivan circles back to those retired executives, the ones who oversaw the first disinformation campaign, and they confirm that this latest round of promises are literally the same tactic, barely updated for a world on fire.
The world is on fire. My sky has been orange all week. Our family’s socially distanced meetings with friends in parks or back yards have been cancelled because we cannot breathe outside.
Exxon - and Chevron, and the rest of Big Oil - knows.
In a secret recording released to the New York Times, oil execs meet to cheerfully discuss how they will burn the world and murder us all but make a buck in the process.
Their plans for climate change don’t involve reducing emissions - they’re building bunkers and hiring mercenaries to keep us at bay when we come for them. They know what they’ve done.
Exxon knows.
Exxon knows.
When I searched for the “Exxon Knew” campaign to find a link for this piece, the top of Google’s search results included a blisteringly expensive ad for a disinformation site, paid for by Exxon.
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The sky is orange. The oceans are choking. The air is unbreathable. Your body is full of microplastics.
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The government is a horror movie and people just 😌😌😌😌 I cannot see
Staggering Number of Hysterectomies Happening at ICE Facility, Whistleblower Says
A whistleblower complaint filed Monday by several legal advocacy groups accuses a detention center of performing a staggering number of hysterectomies on immigrant women, as well as failing to follow procedures meant to keep both detainees and employees safe from the coronavirus.
The complaint, filed on behalf of several detained immigrants and a nurse named Dawn Wooten, details several accounts of recent “jarring medical neglect” at the Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia, which is run by the private prison company LaSalle South Corrections and houses people incarcerated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In interviews with Project South, a Georgia nonprofit, multiple women said that hysterectomies were stunningly frequent among immigrants detained at the facility.
“When I met all these women who had had surgeries, I thought this was like an experimental concentration camp,” said one woman, who said she’d met five women who’d had hysterectomies after being detained between October and December 2019. The woman said that immigrants at Irwin are often sent to see one particular gynecologist outside of the facility. “It was like they’re experimenting with their bodies.”
In one case, Wooten said, a woman who ended up with a hysterectomy was not properly anesthetized and overhead the doctor say that he’d taken out the wrong ovary. That woman had to go back and get her other ovary removed as well, Wooten said.
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I feel like a more productive conversation to have in the midst of “tiktok is spying on you -> every app is spying on you” is to remind people that you still do have power to limit how much data is collected on you. Switch to firefox, transfer your saved passwords to 1password or lastpass, set your default search engine to duckduckgo (I only need to switch back to google for maybe 2% of my searches), install an adblocker, go through your device settings and turn off any permissions that you’re not sure if they’re absolutely necessary. If you want to go the extra mile, only access social media through browsers instead of using the native apps. Spend an hour on your digital hygiene and you’re making your life that much harder to monetize and surveil.
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*picks stars and puts in ur hair*
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R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit
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