#uptie 4
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movedraptor5913 · 2 years ago
Having gone through every unit and EGO's T4 that I could, this is what I've gathered:
Uptie 4 doesn't seem to be an across-the-board gamechanger, so if you were worried about needing to get there before, you can worry less about it now. Some IDs and EGOs won out more than others. Weaker units typically got better buffs than better units, but nothing immediately seems like it'll shake up the status quo. Only notable exception is W Don, who got a good buff despite being good already.
Liu probably got the best teamplay buff, gaining bonuses against enemies with Burn. Rosespanner got a similar set of buffs with Tremor, but theirs aren't as standardized.
N Corp teams got better. Some N Corp units got buffs based on you having other N Corp units on the field. N Sinclair, for example, gives N Corp units an attack buff when there's at least 4 other N Corp units in play. Most of N Corp can inflict Nails more effectively now, with some gaining further bonuses against enemies with decent stacks of Nails. (Related: Hex Nail can inflict Nails at T4. In retrospect, this should have been an obvious addition.)
If the unit had Poise/Charge, it probably gets more Poise/Charge more consistently now. They probably also got some kind of buff from having a large stack of Poise/Charge as well, if they didn't before. This includes W Don, who benefits from keeping charge now on top of being able to Rip Space.
Tanks get their Aggro values at T4. Special mention to Sloshing Ishmael for her Clash Lose mechanics that pair with a "failed to deal damage" mechanic. She can now fail upwards.
Zwei still doesn't seem great. Zwei Sinclair gets more Protection to throw around, but Rodya seems like she still needs time to get her Shield up unless you're running Poise gifts in the Mirror Dungeon. Better than before, but before wasn't good.
While the rest of R Corp got solid buffs (especially Ishmael, whose kit greatly improved), Rabbit Heathcliff got absolutely memed on. For 50 Egoshards and 150 thread, his evade gives charge and he can have 3 more bullets.
Shi Heathcliff's buff was quite nice, bringing him more in line with Shi Ishmael with Poise gain and his bonuses activating at 50% HP but also making him the second unit in the game with a built-in AoE (albeit only 2 slots and requiring him to be at 50% HP or less)
T4 for EGOs is typically good. "Good" doesn't necessarily equate to "Worthwhile" for some of these though.
For EGOs that aren't base: if it wasn't AoE before, it's probably AoE now. If it was AoE before, it's probably more AoE now. That makes up the majority of what's different besides buff/debuff number tweaks and Heads/Tails Hits just being On Hit.
It feels like some of base EGOs got done dirty. Faust's gives a whopping 2 extra SP per target. Ishmael's bursts tremor with no other changes. Not exactly worthwhile upgrades in my eyes.
For examples of good T4 bases, Meursault's lowers his self-debuffs, Heathcliff gives himself more attack power after combat and Ryoshu can inflict a second Fragile next turn on Heads Hit.
Egos don't feel like they have any special "must do" T4s, but Ardor Blossom Star, Sunshower (Yi Sang), Dimension Shredder (Hong Lu) and maybe Lifetime Stew (Sinclair) would be good picks to look at. If I had to recommend potential IDs for Uptie 4:
Yi Sang - Seven, Blade Lineage None of his are particularly great, but these two get the better buffs.
Faust - N Corp, W Corp
Don - W Corp, Cinq, Shi
Ryoshu - Kurokumo, Base
Meursault - Any but Base Rosespanner gets a special mention for its buffs vs enemies with Tremor.
Hong Lu - Any but Kurokumo or Base They're all good, but those two just don't feel like significant enough changes to me
Heathcliff - Any but Rabbit I'm not sure how N Corp's "+1 final power on ally death while 3 other living teammates are from N Corp" buff works exactly. If it persists and stacks, it might be worth it for larger teams. Otherwise, no.
Ishmael - Any but Base or Sloshing (unless you have a larger brain than I do, which is likely). LCCB is effectively an off tank.
Rodion - Rosespanner, N Corp, Kurokumo, Base
Sinclair - Blade Lineage, Mariachi, N Corp (if you run N Corp teams), Base
Outis - Any but Blade Lineage, but even that one's not bad. Seven probably got the best of it.
Gregor - Any, but Chef is only worth it if you have a Speed team with Bind/Bleed. Liu gets special mention for effectively doubling his Burn output on top of Liu's buff vs Burn stacks.
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keyisalive · 2 years ago
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I have everything for Hong Lu so far U4'd... now it's time to use boxes for Yi Sang shards to get SpiceBush
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ti0mumu · 4 months ago
My sons Gluppo and Shitto
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They have every disease
Also was that a MD Hard solo with Sloshmael?
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reasonablyneurotic · 1 year ago
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sunshower yi sang for the soul
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definitelyblanc · 3 months ago
the new don id looks stellar but im genuinely worried that in the future we'll be getting teams that cost 1.8k shards baseline to get started
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teamzacian · 8 months ago
Limbus x Touhou Crossover IDs pt. 4
Here's the man himself, Ordinary Magician in Black Hong Lu
"Ah, it's a great night to hunt some troublesome yokai, don't you agree Alice? A quick Master Spark to the face and BAM! This Incident should be solved in no time!"
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I hope you all are ready for next time.
Hint: Both Characters are severely depressed, and one appeared in Touhou 8!
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sleepyminty · 8 months ago
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i absolutely hated here
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detective-shirogane124 · 11 months ago
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Soooo, how's everyone's Walpurgi pulls going?
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little-lanterns · 5 months ago
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it is her time
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kaloetsubaki · 7 months ago
I just need Rosespanner Rodya and Reindeer Ishmael and then I will have a full 12-pack of sinners with charge gimmicks
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plsleafmelon · 1 year ago
all my sinners do is breathe in his direction and he goes so trigger happy like jfc the moment i see someone boutta clash w him i go full defense mode like u just see that whole bar full of evades yeah thats me fighting him
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movedraptor5913 · 2 years ago
So about them Uptie 4 costs:
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Brain fried like egg trying to math this so late at night. Despite my knee-jerk reaction when I first saw these prices, it doesn't actually seem too horrid. As long as you're not also trying to spark every new thing that comes out in an effort to avoid the gacha in the gacha game or trying to be a completionist and uptie everything to max without grinding or spending.
(Before we get into the rest of it, this isn't going to cover the grind that leads up to Uptie 4. Everything in the game currently is beatable with Uptie 3 units and whatever you can scrounge up for EGO, so Uptie 4 is optional as of time of writing. This is just going to cover getting from 3 to 4.)
Not accounting for resources you get from the gacha (random amounts of Egoshards from dupes and an amount of Thread when your Ideality expires), an endgame F2P can get:
18 - 27 Thread per day from Luxcavation with bonuses (18 is more sustainable for module usage, so we'll say 126 Thread per week)
1 Egoshard crate from daily missions, making it 7 per week
2 Egoshard crates from weekly missions
22.5 Egoshard crates from MD2 Hard with full bonuses (13.5 crates if it's three boosted Normal runs instead, then another 3 crates per extra run afterwards)
A crate can be 1-3 shards, so it comes out to 31-93 Egoshards out of 31 crates weekly, averaging at around 62 Egoshards per week. Excess shards can be made into Thread, if needed.
Assuming you're not trying to spark any units (and, again, not accounting for stuff from the gacha), an endgame F2P player can get about one 3-star unit that was T3 up to T4 per week, with a chance to have resources left over to uptie an extra unit every other week without too much extra grind. Similar situation for TETH EGOs at ~1/week but less so for HEs, which will need another day or three unless you grind more. If you're short on Thread as a F2P, Luxcavation is better than MD2 in terms of module cost.
If you bought the pass, multiply the number of crates you get by 3. So about 93 crates per week (with an extra 3 every other week), ranging from 93-279 Egoshards and averaging at 186. A player with a paid battle pass can get at least one 3-star up to T4 from T3 in a week comfortably, with potential range to extend to two in one week without extra grind. The EGO situation doesn't change much though. A bit over one TETH a week, but only about one HE a week due to the extra costs. If you need more Thread and have the time, your modules are more efficient at MD2 than Luxcavation. If you don't have the time, Luxcavation is still good as long as you have the bonus.
The only issue I can see with the costs for Uptie 4 is that it makes it harder to experiment outside of a team you're used to, at least right now anyway. If you have meta units, you're less likely to want to grind materials to upgrade your non-meta units when it takes about a week to grind resources for your existing team and more units are still coming out that will need even more resources to get up from T1. Then again, you do still get some upgrade materials from excess items from the gacha, so your resources aren't coming exclusively from grinding unless you want them to be.
Overall, this feels like a "Project Moon saw people at the end waiting for more content and remembered they're making a gacha game" type of move. I wouldn't be shocked if they dropped the prices due to complaints, but they may be better off giving us a Luxcavation with better rewards.
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applepies-and-starlight · 1 year ago
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Whaling attempt #3(? 4? Forgor)
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runn1ngn0se · 2 years ago
So this morning I did a 10 pull with my free lunacy hoping to get 5Don, saw a gold screen, and got very excited only to get a dupe of WDon and feel like I just got pranked.
I then later read everybody saying how 5Don is only alright and that WDon’s 4 Uptie makes her even more busted than she was before.
I think ProjMoon was trying to tell me something.
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reveriespiral · 6 months ago
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t0kyo-l1ghts · 1 year ago
Sometimes im just suddenly hit with the "damn i miss limbus company"
like at the height of my brainrot i had to stop playing cause MFKING DONGBAEK was causing me so much burn out by beating my ass like at least 20 times
I hope to redownload the game someday, beat her first try, and finally catch up to the rest of the cantos cause i REALLY wanna read the heartbreaking first hand
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