#upping my title card game thank you canva
mudandmire · 1 day
WIP - ✨Azris time loop au✨
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In the first war against Hybern, Eris watches Azriel die to the kings blade. He's young, inexperienced though he'll never admit it, and grasping as he leaves the battlefield. He carries with him the only thing he took from the desecrated grounds: Azriel's dagger, Truth-Teller.
It's only when the same day starts again, Eris realizes something's gone terribly wrong.
~A (very long) one-shot~
"The courtyard's breath is stolen away. Every small sound of Azriel's body fighting for his next breath is absent. A void sits between him and Azriel and he is left in utter silence. Crushing, horrible silence. No longer can he ignore the persistent ache of his own wounds, his own pained breathing. Eris tumbles to the side, off his scraped knees, and stifles a cry when his raw hands land on the rough gravel."
guess who's having fun torturing Eris? 😎
mE. I am ehehe. I've already written 10k for it, not in chronological order or anything, but still. I have no idea when this will be posted, all I know is that I wanted to share because I LOVE time-loop au's. So I'm literally having the time of my life fully realizing the joy of time-loop au's and azris - best of both worlds I'm having the time of my life.
*ahem* also if anyone has azris time-loop fic recs, or literally anything time-loop with azriel or eris please send 👉👈 I'm desperate I can't find any :(
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androidgamertryout · 3 months
Mr. Fluffy Bear
I'd like to welcome you to the first post on the new blog, as well as the announcement of a new YouTube channel called Mr. Fluffy Bear.
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Before I tell you about the concept and idea of the channel, what it will be about, what topics, what and how often will be published, you will find out in the rest of the post, also I invite you to share and comment.
Do you like to play games? For passion, entertainment, to kill time? You are a girl, a boy, young, old, and what does it matter. The important thing is to give yourself over to pleasure. Having fun together, sometimes competition, integration. What else? And the fact that we are united by a passion for gaming.
Does life have to be gray, consisting of only one pattern: work - home - home - work? Is there nothing more to do in life? The world, life is beautiful, only it needs to be varied, decorated with various activities, be it trips solo or with friends, sports, music, cinema and many other interesting activities.
About Channel:
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Mr. Fluffy Bear will be a gaming channel that will focus on productions available for mobile devices. Another gaming channel? After all, there are plenty of them. Yes there are a lot, this type of channel, but it will stand out by being neutral about the choice of a particular title or game genre.
There will be not only gameplays, vlogs, and in the future the offer will be expanded to include topics related to anime. There will be something for everyone on the channel, you will be able to play with me, and our gameplay will be recorded and published on the channel.
Simulators, card games, rpgs, puzzle games, role-playing games, puzzles and many, many other game genres. How long will the episodes be? Episodes up to a maximum of 15-20 minutes, instead of one 30-minute episode, two or three episodes of 15 minutes each. On the other hand, a video that lasts up to 20 minutes is much better to watch than one over half an hour long.
When are the first publications?
If I make it in time, the first gameplay will appear later today on Sunday, June 23 in the evening hours.
My first intro design.
Yesterday I created an intro for videos for the first time, having absolutely no experience in creating graphics or any animation. I hope you will enjoy it, if you have any comments on what could be improved. At first glance, it looks not too bad, although eye, eye is not equal.
I am not a professional graphic designer, but a complete novice trying to create something. I used the Canva program, which fortunately is easy to use, otherwise I would have fallen at the very beginning without knowing what to do with what and why.
Thank you all for your attention and stay tuned, until the next post, which will appear soon.
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
Leave 'em Hanging - Part 1 Under The Radar Mini Series
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Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin never loses. That is until he sets his sights on the one target that might bring him to his knees.
Warnings: angst, fluff, brief soft Jake, jealousy, asshole Jake. My HC is that he’s a softie behind doors, and no one can convince me otherwise.
W/C: 4.3k
Rating: M (mature)
Characters: Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, fem!reader (You. Call sign: Huntress). Mentioned/Small Parts: Lieutenant Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Penny Benjamin, Lieutenant Javy "Coyote" Machado.
Pairing: Hangman x Fem!Reader (call sign: Huntress)
Bingo: @anyfandomfluffbingo Square Filled: writers block.
Notes: no descriptions of reader body type or ethnicity. Takes place before Top Gun: Maverick. First time recruits at Top Gun. 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // @cockslutpadalecki
Graphics: gifs @unicornships // title card made by me on canva. @writercole gave me the divider.
Master Lists: Under The Radar // Main
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Leave ‘Em Hanging
Every night there’s a new target. Hangman sets his sights, throws them a flirty, million-dollar, brighter than the sun smile, and like a dart heading straight for the bullseye, he never misses. Never. Not once. Jake doesn’t remember a time when he’s ever been rejected, simply because it’s never happened. He knows how to play the game—he reads people, knows if he needs to play the short or the long game.
You’re a player in the long game. He doesn’t mind, the chase is part of the fun, and you're a formidable opponent. But in order to play the game, you’re required to be within his presence.
Every time the door opens at The Hard Deck, he’s looking up from the pool table. Or he’s intermittently scanning the room in case he missed your entrance. There’s no one else that catches his eye tonight. Of course, there are women who eye fuck him every time he makes even a second of eye contact, but they don’t compare to you.
“Hey Phoenix,” he calls across the table, “Huntress not coming tonight?” 
She shrugs. “She said she was; maybe she changed her mind.” 
He waits maybe thirty minutes after that before he tells the rest of the team he’s calling it a night, and he takes some shit for ducking out so early, but he has a mission.
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When he arrives back at base, he checks the common room, gym, and kitchen but doesn’t find you. He knocks with purpose on your closed dorm room door and waits. Nothing. He knocks again, harder, “Huntress, you in there?” 
“Go away.” It’s muffled and sounds pained, but he hears it and straight-up ignores it.
“Can I come in?” 
Silence replies, so he twists the handle and opens the door enough to fit his head through the gap. 
He sees your silhouette on the bed, but the room is shrouded in darkness. Towels hang off the curtain rail and are taped to the wall to block out the smidge of light the curtains can’t quite keep out. The bathroom door is open a crack, and there’s a thin line of illumination on the carpet. He suspects it's to aid you in finding the door in the darkness you’ve created.
He opens the door wider, asking, “You okay?”
“Migraine,” you grumble, and your face scrunches in pain as the light from the corridor hits you. He quickly steps inside and shuts the door, blocking the light again. You explain, “I get them sometimes. Been a while since it’s been this bad, though. I think it’s you.”
“As long as I’m on your mind, sweetheart, I don’t mind how.”
Despite the pain you're obviously in, he sees your mouth twitch with a small smile before you throw your arm over your eyes and turn away from him. He waits a beat for you to tell him to leave or something, but you say nothing. “Anything I can do?”
“No, thanks, I just gotta ride it out.”
This hadn’t been part of his plan. But he’s nothing if not adaptable, and he can make it work. “I’ll be back.”
You hear Hangman leave the room but not the soft click of the door closing. You lie there for a moment, contemplating getting up and closing it properly, not wanting a breeze or something to open it fully and let the light from the corridor flood in, but you’re not sure you have the strength to stand up. 
It's only a couple of minutes before you hear him return. He shuffles around the room, coming to the side of the bed and moving away again, then you hear the click of the door closing.
“Sit up,” he whispers.
“Trust me,” he says, and without seeing him, you know he’s got that cocksure grin on his face. “Sit up for a second.” 
You're not sure you do trust him, but you don’t have the strength to argue, so you roll onto your back and sit up. He’s opened the bathroom door wider so more light filters in, but it's low enough not to cause you too much pain.
He climbs onto your bed, slotting himself behind you, one leg on either side of your hips, back leaning against the headboard. His voice is softer than you’ve ever heard him speak, and it’s laced with concern when he instructs, “Lay your arms palms up on your legs.”
Now you're intrigued as to what he’s doing, so you follow his instructions. You feel the bed dip as he leans over to the nightstand, and then you feel the cold on your wrists where he places an ice pack on each. 
He gently tugs on your shoulders, and when you lay back against his chest, he starts rubbing circles on your temples. You're not sure how much time passes, but his fingers must start to cramp because he switches to massaging your shoulders. He finds a tough knot, kneading deeper and harder, you feel some of the tension leave you, and the ache begins to subside.
Despite wanting silence, you let out a low hum of satisfaction. Jake’s smug smile is evident in his whispered question. “Feels good, right?”
“Yeah, it’s helping.” You have to give credit where credit is due. “How’d you know how to do this?”
In the silence that follows, you expect some cocky, sex-infused answer - like, “I dated a massage therapist that was good with more than her hands.” - but what you get is a glimmer of honesty.
“My mom suffered with them; she’d spend days in bed, unable to move. This,” he digs his fingers deeper into your shoulders for emphasis, and you groan again. He chuckles slightly but continues, “was the only way my dad could help her.” He pauses, and you wait, wondering if there’s more to be found in this glimpse of what makes Jake tick. Almost timidly, he whispers, “It’s weird. Even though my mom was in pain, it was my favorite way to see them. It was so intimate. My dad always looked kind of lost; he didn’t know what to do, and maybe it helped, or maybe it didn’t. But they always just seemed happy to be together.”
You're not sure he’s finished, and you like that he’s opening up, so you remain silent. But like a flash of lightning, the moment has passed. You feel his fingertips lightly brush your neck, and maybe if you weren’t in so much discomfort, it would have sent a shiver down your spine, but you’re too tired. 
His lips ghost over your ear as he whispers, “But you know there are other ways to cure a migraine.”
And there it is. Jake is gone, and Hangman has returned.
You slap his leg and feel the vibration of his chuckle go through you. The massage continues, and finally, the migraine is a dull ache, and you think you’ll actually be able to sleep. 
“Seriously,” he says, “sex helps.” 
You’re almost asleep when you reply, “Rain check.”
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Being stationed in San Diego has its perks. Namely, the beach, and on days off, you like to work on your tan. Of course, the boys have to tag along, and they can’t take a day off from the competition, but you have no qualms about watching the volleyball game. The whole team is a sight for sore eyes, and the sweat and dirty sand that clings to their bodies is a delight.
Every time Hangman scores a point, he shoots you a wink, and despite your best efforts to deny the attraction, he’s wearing you down.
Since the migraine encounter, he’s been less sleazy in his approach. He still flirts. He’s just switched tactics, using thoughtful gestures, like stocking the common room fridge with your favorite flavored water and playing your favorite songs on the jukebox at The Hard Deck. There are also the light touches in unnecessary situations, or how he ensures you don’t walk back to base alone and reminds you to take the medication the doctors recommended to keep your migraines under control. If you didn’t know any better, which you do, you’d actually believe he was concerned about your wellbeing and not actively trying to add another notch to his bedpost.
The pretty boys only hold your interest for a spell, and you lay back, letting their frolicking become white noise while you focus on the ocean waves. You drift in and out of a light slumber, waking long enough to turn onto your stomach to even out your tan.
The sun's heat disappears for a moment, and again rolling onto your back, you see the dark, ominous clouds in the distance. A storm seems to be drawing closer, but the clouds pass, and the sun returns to warm your skin. The boys seem to take the clouds as a sign to finish their game, and all make a mad dash into the water, and you laugh as you get comfortable again. Might as well enjoy the last few rays while you can.
Moments after you’ve settled again, a shadow looms over you, and you open your eyes just as a soaking wet Jake lowers himself to lay flat on top of you.
“Ew, Seresin,” you whine, wriggling to get him off of you. He just laughs in your ear as he props himself up and starts doing press-ups with you trapped beneath him.
He holds your eyes as he dips and rises again, a dirty smirk making his eyes sparkle as his hair, which still annoyingly remains immaculate, drips onto you. “Knew I could get you wet without trying,” he jests.
“But I’m wet in all the wrong places,” you snark back, smiling up at him.
“Well, let's go back to base, and you can show me all the right places.”
You chuckle, “Oh baby, if you need an anatomy lesson, it’s a hard pass from me.”
He laughs, and you can see he’s impressed by your wit. Before Jake can think of a suitable reply, Coyote pipes up, “We better get back before that storm hits.”
You collect up your stuff, flicking as much sand off your towel as you can as the wind picks up. Everyone walks fast, trying to outrun the weather, but just as you hit the pavement, a distant rumble of thunder sounds, and large raindrops discolor the sidewalk. Everyone starts running, towels over their heads for shelter, except you.
Hangman stops mid-run to turn back and watch you still walking, nothing covering your head. 
“C’mon,” he coaxes, waving you forward as if that will make you run. 
“Why?” you laugh. “We’re already wet. What’s a little rain gonna do?”
He laughs, eyes crinkling at the corners as he drops his arms. He strides toward you with such determination and purpose in his expression you half expect him to throw you over his shoulder to get you to move faster. He doesn’t. He slides a hand across your cheek and draws you into him, lips pressing against yours in a hard kiss. You're shocked for half a second before you react, gripping his waist and pulling him closer. You’re thankful for the rain. It helps cool the desire teeming in your veins. He deepens the kiss, hand moving to hold your neck, tongues finding a pleasurable rhythm.
God, this boy knows how to kiss. Soft yet demanding, controlling yet tender.
He drops his towel to use his other hand to cup your ass and squeezes, groaning into your mouth as it makes you press deeper into him.
By the time you both need to come up for air, you can taste his sweat mixed with rain water and whatever products are in his hair. 
He pulls back an inch, sincerity and yearning in his pretty eyes. “I want you so fucking bad.” You can feel how much he means it, his stiffening cock pressing against your stomach. 
“Well, I did give you a rain check,” you say, “and it is raining.”
He smirks, and just as you expected him to do earlier, he bends at the waist, grabs the towel he dropped, and then throws you over his shoulder, heading toward base.
“Woo!” he hollers, pleased with himself, and smacks your ass.
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Jake is hypnotized by your kiss. Since he met you, he’s thought about it - a lot. While watching porn, he’d imagine it. When he was with other women, he’d wonder, if only momentarily, how they’d compare.
Trapped beneath him on his bed, tongues dirty dancing, hands groping and clawing his back under his shirt, hips grinding, his imagination was wildly inaccurate. It’s like a sugar rush, a surge of energy coursing through him, and he wants more even while still in the moment. He wishes he could bottle the feeling. 
He doesn’t expect to ever get you into his bed again, so he’s going to make it last. Reluctantly he climbs from atop you and takes a mental picture of your kiss-swollen lips, chest heaving trying to catch your breath, lying in his bed.
He walks backward, stripping off his wet t-shirt and shorts before sitting in the chair in the corner.
He grabs the toothpick from the cabinet beside him, knowing he’ll probably need something to bite down on to control himself, and pops it in his mouth. “How about that anatomy lesson,” he teases.
Your smirk turns devilish as you flip over onto your stomach, rising to all fours. You linger for a moment letting him get a good look at your ass, and as you crawl backward off the bed, he has to stop himself from growling. He doesn’t want you to know just how much power you have over him. 
You stalk closer to him, straddle one of his legs, and steal the toothpick. You kiss him again, rolling your hips, and this time he can’t control his rumbling growl.
When you pull back, he can see how proud you are of yourself. You unhook your bikini top, slipping it off your arms and discarding it at your feet. He watches with rapt attention as you grope and fondle your freed breasts. A brass band could strike up a song right next to him, and he wouldn’t notice. 
Your back arches as you pinch and pull on a nipple, and he feels the heat of your arousal through the thin fabric of your bikini bottoms.
He wants so badly to touch you, but he’s enjoying the show too much, so he digs his fingers into the arm of the chair. You replace your hand with his, directing him to pinch your nipple in the same way you had.
“Lesson number one,” you start and guide his hand down your body. You place two of his fingers directly on your clit, “this is your throttle. Too much pressure, you’ll overshoot; too little, you’ll never get there.”
He circles his fingers, applying steady pressure until you react, letting out a shaky breath and grinding down on his leg.
Jake tugs the waistband of your panties and lets them snap back into place. “Let’s take these off.”
You stand up, and Jake hooks his fingers into the waistband and pulls them down to your feet without taking his eyes off of yours. 
“Beautiful,” he whispers. He stands and kisses you feverishly, slipping two fingers through your wet folds. “I’m gonna take you higher than any jet ever could.” 
“Your mouth is writing checks your body better be able to cash, Seresin,” you snark.
“I’m a man of my word,” he promises, walking you backward toward the bed. “I’ll have you so strung out and cock drunk you won’t remember your name.”
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What are you doing, Seresin? 
Jake asks himself for the millionth time in a matter of days. He’s propped up against the headboard, watching you sleeping peacefully in his bed. You’d fucked after making him come with your mouth, and he’d returned the favor. He’d cleaned you up, and then you’d both talked for a while before sleep overtook you.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been watching you, but he does know he needs to find a way out of this situation. He’s not even sure how it happened. It was supposed to be a one-hit-wonder, a hit it and quit it situation. Yet somehow, he’s fallen asleep with you in his arms every night for nearly a month. 
Earlier that day, he’d observed you across the hanger talking to Coyote and Rooster. You put your hand on Rooster’s arm one too many times, and Jake’s jaw clenched with an unfamiliar emotion. Rooster said something, and you laughed, a genuine one that makes you bend at the waist and hold your sides.
He didn’t like it. Liked it even less when he realized he was jealous. He scoffed to himself, and Phoenix shot him a funny look, but he averted his gaze, shaking the ridiculous notion from his mind. But the day dragged on, and he felt it every time you were next to a male that wasn’t him. He was puffing his chest and getting hot under the collar.
He’d felt smug when you’d told him to take you home after a few drinks at the Hard Deck, proud that he was the one you were going to bed with.
He sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face, and you stir. Your eyes flutter and open, instantly landing on his. “Are you watching me sleep?” you ask groggily, eyes falling closed again. 
“You’re pretty when you drool. Dreaming about me, sweetheart?” he jests, shuffling down to lay flat. 
You groan, rolling onto your back and wiping a hand over your mouth. Jake strokes your stomach with his fingertip, and you stretch your body out. “I should go to my room.”
Before he’s thought it through, he says, “Stay.”
No, Jake doesn’t know how it happened, but he knows why he keeps coming back to you. He needs you around because you make his heart beat faster and his mind slow down. He never knew he needed that, but now that he has it, he’s not sure he can live without it. 
What are you doing, Seresin?
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Jake’s being a coward. Avoiding you. Scared of your wrath. Apprehensive about the end. And it is the end. Whatever it was between the two of you, it’s over. He’s made sure of that. He figured a way out, and he took it.
He’s not sure his heart is beating, but he can see that yours is beating double time as you barrel toward him in the Hard Deck. The one place he can’t avoid you.
You ignore Penny’s greeting, and she takes no offense when she sees the fury twisting your features.
Hangman stands tall; shoulders pushed back, chin held high. He sees it in your eyes. You desperately want to strike him, but you won’t. You have too much respect for Penny to force her hand and make her eject you. Rules are rules, and Penny doesn’t allow violence in her bar. There are no second chances, one strike, and you’re out. That’s part of the reason he came here. He’s certain the sting of your strike would scar his soul, and he doesn’t need another soul-deep reminder that he’s a complete asshole.
“Oh shit,” Coyote says, “you’re in trouble. Good luck, buddy.” He claps a hand on Jake’s shoulder and then moves to sit beside Rooster.
“Outside now,” you demand through gritted teeth. 
He steps aside and dramatically motions for you to lead the way. If he’s doing this, which he is - he has to - he may as well go all in, so he mutters, “after you, my love,” loud enough for you to hear as he follows.
“Rooster, get back here,” Coyote calls, and Hangman turns to see Rooster leading the rest of the class.
“Are you kidding me? I’m not missing her kickin’ his ass!” Bradshaw says excitedly.
Good. An audience will make it worse. He can really lay it on thick.  
You take four steps off the porch into the sand and spin to face him, digging your feet into the sun-warmed grains, squaring your shoulders. He’s not so much of a coward that he won’t face you, so he stands a foot or so away, out of striking distance and the team crowd the deck watching the show.
“Say whatever you gotta say.”
You purse your lips, nostrils flaring; if he didn’t feel so shitty, he might have found it adorable. “You told them I was suffering from migraines.”
It was the only way he knew how to let you go. Out of sight, out of mind. He knew that by telling the Admiral about your medical issues, they’d send you away for a minimum of two weeks for tests.
“I’m grounded. They're sending me to Seattle for a medical to determine if I can continue with the program.”  
He shrugs, unfazed, knowing the outcome of telling your superiors before you did. He knows he does this every time he worries he’s getting too attached. He does something to sabotage it, but you deserve better. Better than him. He might be what you want, but he’s not what you need.
“Say something!” you demand when the silence persists. 
“I did my duty,” he explains, “you’re a liability. You can’t watch someone’s six if you’re practically blinded with a migraine.”
“I haven’t had one for weeks, and you know it, the medication was working.” 
“So you say,” he counters, “but I wasn’t gonna risk my ass or my fellow aviators.” 
He includes you in that group, but he makes sure it sounds like he’s excluding you because that's what he needs you to believe. 
“You’re really gonna stand there and pretend you did it because you care about them,” you sneer, motioning to the group over his shoulder.
“It is what it is, sweetheart,” he says casually, seeing your hands clench into fists at your sides.
“Bullshit!” you yell. 
He scoffs. “What do you want from me?”
“I want you to admit it. You didn’t have the balls to end things, so you went to the admirals so they could do it for you by sending me away.”
Fuck. Busted.
But the fact you're onto his plan just cements the notion that it's time to end things. Knowing him well enough to be able to see through his bullshit is a red flag that it's time for you to give up on him. He’s hopeless. You should find somebody else that'll love you like nobody else, not in the limited way he loves you. And he hopes whoever he is, gives you something real. The more it hurts thinking of this man who will be able to love you right, the more he knows he’s doing the right thing. He’s not sure you know he loves you, he never showed you or said it, and he knows it'll be too late when you're with some other guy.
“Admit it,” you demand of him again. “Say it. You’re afraid that what you feel is something real.”
He swears his heart drops to his feet. The pressure of the G-force is nothing compared to the pressure he feels to stand up and be the man you need. Truth is, he doesn’t know if he’s capable, so it’s best he sits down so you can see the man behind him. Otherwise, he’s only standing in your way. 
“I didn’t expect much from you,” you continue when he remains silent again. “But the least I expected was a little respect.”
“Respect?” he asks, in a tone that begs belief. Even as he says the words, he knows he deserves whatever you give him after. But he’s sure they’re the words you need to hear to make you give up on him. “After all the things you let me do to you, you think I respect you?” He waits a beat and watches the anger shimmer in the tears pooling in your eyes. “Oh sweetheart, you really thought this meant something? That's adorable.”
You're on the beach, not on The Hard Deck grounds, so when you step forward and punch him square in the face, technically, the only thing you're breaking is his nose.
He tastes copper as he watches you walk away, but his mission is complete. Notch on bedpost achieved.
He turns to the audience, and Rooster is approaching him with a deep scowl on his face. “Y’know for a minute there, she actually made you seem like a real boy, Pinnochio,” he says, “but you really are just a complete asshole.”
Rooster takes off in the same direction as you, and Jake knows that if anyone can, it's Rooster who can make you feel better and fix the damage he’s caused. You deserve better than him. And Rooster is definitely better. Not that Jake would ever admit that aloud. Because while he’s the better pilot, Rooster’s the better man.
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Part 2 - The Fall
Look a handy reblog button!!
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
word count: 1.6k
kabuto x sai, college au, enemies to lovers ish, same age au
this is my first server collab with @konoblog-simps! the prompt was college au for august, and you can see the rest of the multifandom fics and artwork here!
As a biochemistry major focused on pharmaceuticals with a five year plan included finishing this undergrad degree, moving across the country for a masters in organic chemistry, then likely moving again for a doctorate in organic, along with four internships along the way, so that he could become a renowned creator of antianxiety medications, he was pretty confident in his knowledge. There was nothing a chemistry professor could ask that he couldn’t answer. Calculus came to him as a breeze. His psychology courses presented absolutely no challenge to him. Statistics, courses in professionalism and building his portfolio, and meetings with potential employers never caused him to break a sweat.
This fucking art class might kill him, though.
He had resented for years that humanities courses were required in science degree paths. It was his junior year and he had fought with his advisor for the past four semesters before finally giving in and agreeing to take a class on charcoal sketching. There was no way he would be caught dead in the hugely popular pottery class taught by the blond professor with tattoos of mouths on the back of his hands. Nor would he voluntarily take any basic introductory course in drawing or painting.
That was how he found himself in an advanced charcoal techniques course, prepared to blow through a handful of drawings and easily earn high marks.
However, in a class size of eight, he was drawing attention for the wrong reasons.
To start, the others all seemed to know each other from previous courses, which immediately made him the outsider. To make matters worse, the professor greatly preferred their work to his own. A part of him couldn’t blame the man who insisted he be called Tenzo rather than by any title or honorific. His drawings were definitely in a different style to the rest of the class, and it was a style that didn’t seem to be changing or improving as the weeks passed.
It wouldn’t be so frustrating if it wasn’t the first thing he had ever tried that was proving to be a struggle. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, the asshole in the front row seemed to take to charcoal like breathing.
On the first day, when Tenzo had gone over the syllabus, he had also made them all introduce themselves and play a get to know you game. They all pretended that it wasn’t for Kabuto’s benefit. Fu and Torune had begun, making a point of making physical contact with each other the whole time they spoke, though he had never seen Torune take off his gloves. The had tuned most of the others out as they spoke, noting Shin seemed decent enough, though he’d prefer if the man stopped coughing for more than a moment. What grated him to no end was the final person to speak.
He spoke with a fake smile plastered across his face, eyes closed and voice dripping with confidence. He listed his credentials off without any thought, and it infuriated him that the list of accomplishments and certifications rivaled the length of his own. Sai listed his specialty in art as black and white realism, and his preferred medium as painting, though he was looking forward to learning more about charcoal. From there, he had turned to Kabuto with that same overly-relaxed smile and offered:
“Your turn, flash cards.”
The familiarity rubbed him the wrong way and he had been irritated with him ever since. What made it worse was that Sai was actually really good in the course. He hadn’t been lying about his skill in realism—anything he rendered looked like it was about to run off the page. He seemed to prefer birds, in all species, but every individual feather breathed and flowed and he never got the black dust accidentally smudged on his paper. In fact, he never got the dust anywhere. Kabuto always left the class covered in black smears on his skin, clothing, and bag, and there would always be some hidden patch of charcoal that he never found until he showered that night.
It infuriated him to no end that this shallow jerk who modelled his personality around whoever he was with was also, genuinely, so much better than him at this class that he desperately needed to pass.
Midterm grades had come back the other day and a vein had nearly popped out of his forehead when he saw the disastrously low score. Tenzo had noted that he saw improvement between this and where Kabuto had began the class, but it was still not on level with the rest of the class and where he would need to be in preparation for the next level pastels course. Apparently, it didn’t matter that he wouldn’t be taking the next level course. If he didn’t pass this course with a reasonably high grade, his scholarship sponsor, Orochimaru, would be furious. Risking the scholarship not being renewed meant risking the entire five year plan, and for that—
He’d have to suck it up.
“Hey, Sai?” he asked, forcing himself to keep his tone level. Admitting weakness was not his strength and he had no intention of making this a habit.
The crop top wearer glanced up from the hyper-realistic sheet of mice that he was effortlessly rendering. “Ah, Kabuto,” he said, the same smile from before falling across his face. “Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?”
He gritted his teeth, then forced his jaw to relax. “The rain we’ve had all week? Sure, Sai.” He pulled up a stool, settling in to the easel next to him. “I wanted to ask you a question.”
Sai nodded, not pausing his movement as he gave life to a mouse’s tail. “My answer is yes.”
Kabuto blinked. Was asking for help really this simple? “You’re willing to tutor me for the final?”
That caused Sai to hesitate, tilting his head slightly to the side. After a beat, he replied “I suppose I could do that. You appear to be capable of learning how to improve your questionable techniques.”
Ignoring the dig, he pressed on. “I would appreciate that. Tenzo said that my linework is improving but my shading is still not where it needs to be. Something about being more mindful of my light sources.”
“I agree with his analysis,” Sai said, continuing on his sketch. “Your grasp of line weight is abysmal, which is a step up from your initial attempt, which was horrific. Your shading on our last assignment, the brickwork, was essentially nonexistent. All of your pieces so far have had at least four light sources that have no apparent source. It’s clear from your work that you have no regard for art and no passion for creation at all.”
He delivered the critique without halting a single graceful stroke on his canvas. There was no malice in his tone, and he said the words almost pleasantly, despite the cutting content.
“I am willing to teach you more technique and skill so that Tenzo is able to assign you a passing grade in this course. However, I do not believe you are capable of being an artist or creating anything of value in the world as you currently are.”
Kabuto froze. He had only meant to ask for a few tips, not to be dragged for all he was worth in this godforsaken art course. How dare this arrogant prick think he was incapable of creation?
He gripped his charcoal stick so tightly in his fist that it crumbled. “Listen, inky. Just because I’m focused in science doesn’t mean I can’t create anything meaningful. My goal is to be a pharmaceutical chemist, to create medications to change people’s lives. Just because I can’t draw some fucking—I don’t know, a fucking rat or a bowl of fruit or whatever, doesn’t make you better than me. So fuck off with that.”
Sai smirked, his eyes closing in his familiar pattern. “I never implied anything about our worth relative to each other. But I do think that it’s cute that you’re concerned about appearing to be less than me. That will create an excellent motivation for self-improvement for both of us in our relationship.”
The light caught Kabuto’s glasses, a white reflection flashing across the lenses. “We don’t have a relationship.”
Finally, Sai put his rectangle of charcoal down on the easel and sat up. “Do we not? What was the intent of your original question to me?”
Kabuto spluttered. “What do you mean? I came up and asked if you’d help me with the final and you said yes, then you were an ass.”
It was now Sai’s turn to blink. “You said that you had a question for me. I replied that my answer was yes. As a result, we are now boyfriends.” He wiped his fingers on a handkerchief hanging on the corner of his easel. “Was your question you intended to ask me not if I would be interested in a romantic relationship with you?”
He flushed a deep red. Sai was attractive, that was undeniable, but that was not how this encounter was meant to go. Romance was not in the five year plan. “I—”
“Just do it,” sighed Tenzo, sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. “For the love of God, both of you, stop staring at each other and bickering and just go out, would you?”
Sai smiled, the classic closed-eye smile that looked more genuine each time he did it. “Thank you, Tenzo.”
Kabuto was confused, but in order to learn the skills he needed to pass this class, he’d need to go along with the game. Without another word, he reached out and took Sai’s hand. Might as well give it a shot, right?
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mikeperrucci · 3 years
20 Years of Mazeguy Smilies, 35 Years of Pixel Art
It's been twenty years since I first shared my smilies with the world! To celebrate the occasion, I made this collage:
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Coincidentally, this year also means I've been making pixel art for about 35 years. I've written an article about my journey which you can read here, but I'll recap a few highlights:
1986: Dazzle Draw
The reason Mazeguy Smilies exists is probably due to Dazzle Draw, a painting program released by Broderbund Software in 1985. My family had an Apple IIe computer at the time, and I believe we bought Dazzle Draw the following year. I was eight years old at the time.
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Back in those days, I didn't have a Wacom tablet, and drawing freehand was difficult. I figured out that the best way to create the curved lines and details I wanted was to zoom in and draw one dot at a time. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was learning the basics of what would later be called "pixel art". Today, I create smilies using the exact same technique.
My siblings and I had a lot of fun with Dazzle Draw, filling fifteen floppy disks (the ones that actually WERE floppy) with over 100 paintings. Unfortunately, only one has survived to this day. This portrait of Bowser was converted to black and white, and printed in my junior high school's newspaper.
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1992: Mario Paint
My next drawing program was Mario Paint for the Super Nintendo. I loved the fact that you could combine art, animation and music to create multimedia. I still have my copy of Nintendo's Official Mario Paint Player's Guide, even though it's quite worn out from reproducing video game sprites and songs.
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Mario Paint included several "stamps", small pictures you that could paste onto the canvas or use as a paintbrush. A Stamp Editor tool let you edit existing stamps or design new ones on a large, 16x16 grid. Sound familiar? Thanks to Mario Paint, my pixel art skills were refined a little further.
So, what kind of videos did I make using Mario Paint? Well... Um... Stuff like this...
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1994: Game-Maker
Game-Maker was developed by Recreational Software Designs. It's a collection of design tools that allows users to create their own DOS games. To test out the software, I made a simple game in which a guy tries to get through a maze. Yes, this is where "mazeguy" came from. Somehow, it became my nickname, then the name of my website.
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Mazeguy grew in complexity, and eventually morphed into Invasion of the Blobs, which later got a sequel. Both games required drawing and animating backgrounds, enemies, and heroes. Title cards, level intros, and cutscenes were also illustrated pixel by pixel.
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2001: Flash Kit and Tripod
At the beginning of the new millennium, I started using Flash for the first time. I needed help learning how accomplish certain tasks, and discovered many helpful tutorials at FlashKit.com. I joined the forums, and found a thread titled "Smiley Award Winners". A user named ThundaChunk, a.k.a. JohnnySix, was awarding a small banner to the best smilies submitted in an earlier thread.
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It was too late for me to participate, but after fifteen years of creating pixel art, the idea of making smilies intrigued me. I made a whole bunch and put them on my Tripod website. While I was having fun seeing how many emoticons I could come up with, I was also secretly hoping that another smiley contest would be held in the future, and I'd get my own Smiley Award.
Then, on March 29th, 2001, The all new FK members smiley thread appeared. I quickly posted a link to my collection. And so, after a little prodding, I got my Smiley Award.
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Over the next two years, my website would get more traffic, and suggestions from visitors helped make my smiley collection grow. Both of these factors caused the site to routinely go over Tripod's bandwidth limit. My free web hosting service was no longer sufficient, so I registered Mazeguy.net on October 25th, 2003.
2005: Hoagie's Revenge
My brother and some of his friends formed a film group, and they needed an animator for one of their short films. It's about a man challenged by his roommate to complete a brutally difficult video game. My job was to build an original Nintendo game that is so unfair, so impossible to beat, that the programmers didn't even bother creating a second level.
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You can read more about Hoagie's Revenge, the game within the movie, as well as complete sprite sheets here.
2013: Wordlock
Fifteen years after completing Invasion of the Blobs 2, I revistited Game-Maker and made a puzzle game containing 100 riddles. The graphics weren't particularly complex, but I think the sci-fi font I designed was pretty neat.
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You can learn more about Wordlock and how to play it here.
2021: What's Next?
The introduction of emoji have pretty much made smilies obsolete. One avenue that might be worth pursuing is Twitch Emotes, but I've kind of moved away from creating pixel icons.
These days I spend most of my time working on my webcomic, Chuck's Devils. Sometimes I depict the main characters in pixel form, as seen here:
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While the series is nowhere near as popular as my smilies were, or even my domino toppling videos (which is a story for another day), I like the process of creating wacky misadventures for Candace, Yu-Ri, and Lily. I hope you'll check out the comic and follow along. :)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Zack Snyder’s Justice League vs. the Whedon Cut: What are the Differences?
This article contains Zack Snyder’s Justice League spoilers.
Whether you love or hate his style, there is no denying Zack Snyder is an original. From 300 to Watchmen, and Man of Steel to Justice League, his characters often hover above the screen as much as occupy it. They’re mythic figures who’ve stepped off a Botticelli canvas, or at least Frank Miller comic book panels, and they’re imbued with such a sense of scale from their director that the aesthetic is nigh impossible to duplicate. That is only clearer now thanks to Zack Snyder’s Justice League, a restored four-hour edit of Snyder’s original vision for the DC superhero movie team-up and their universe at large.
Admittedly, you’ve seen the movie’s tale before, back when Warner Bros. released a truncated, heavily reshot version into theaters in 2017. But that two-hour theatrical cut of Justice League, assembled by director Joss Whedon, really is a night and day different film. It shares many of the same scenes and story beats, but it lacks Snyder’s singular grandiosity and tonal consistency.
Comparing all the significant changes between the two versions—which we’ll hereby distinguish as the “Snyder Cut” and “Whedon Cut”—creates a fascinating juxtaposition of the different choices filmmakers can make with similar material, as well as the drastically disparate visions the directors had for these six superheroes and the larger DC Extended Universe. So join us as we contrast all the major changes (and by and large improvements) made by Zack Snyder’s Justice League.
The Opening
One of the most surprising changes made by the Snyder Cut comes immediately. Back when the ostensible Whedon Cut of Justice League opened in theaters, one thing many assumed was unchanged from Snyder’s vision was the opening credits. With imagery clearly filmed by the director—including unused footage from the Superman funeral sequence in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice—the downbeat credits were edited to Singrid’s rendition of “Everybody Knows,” a cover of a song from one of Snyder’s favorite musicians, Lenoard Cohen. I’m also fairly certain only Snyder would film a homeless man with a cardboard sign saying “I tried” in a superhero movie (the destitute figure may still appear in the Snyder Cut in an overhead shot when Cyborg is later surveying the bleakness of the world).
Indeed, quite a bit of the Whedon Cut’s opening credits scenes are used elsewhere in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, including breathtaking imagery of the Superman symbol draped in black over London’s Tower Bridge. But the new edit foregoes a traditional opening credits sequence for a more restrained montage that returns to the climax of Batman v Superman, and to the moment when Henry Cavill‘s Superman dies. In pained slow-motion, we again experience the moment of Doomsday’s spike piercing Superman’s heart and see how his scream reverberates throughout the world.
The Snyder Cut is more directly linked to the previous movie with Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, complete with hair, hearing Superman’s cries from deep in the bowels of the Kryptonian ship. Meanwhile the echoes of Clark’s anguish reverberate all the way past Zeus’ magical cloak to Themyscira where the Amazons (rather impressively) have an entire army guarding the Mother Box they obtained 5,000 years ago. When the Mother Box hears Kal-El’s death rattle, it begins to crack, drawing a terrified Amazonian closer to its new glowing light.
And finally, we end with the cries being heard by Cyborg. It is on the image of a hunched over Ray Fisher that Snyder chooses to include his “directed by” title card, indicating a strong sense of solidarity with the character and the actor who plays him after Cyborg was largely sidelined in the Whedon Cut. Clearly this is going to be a different movie.
Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne remains the focal point, at least in terms of leadership, of both the Snyder and Whedon cuts of the film. But right down to how they’re introduced, these are subtly diverging interpretations of the character. In the Whedon Cut, Batman has the first scene of the movie that isn’t shot on an iPhone. It gets Affleck in costume immediately and features archetypal Gotham City imagery as Batman uses a criminal as bait for a Parademon, an alien from the planet Apokolips that Batman is already familiar with. He’s so aware of these creatures that Batman ignores the thief spelling out the subtext of Justice League’s first act: With Superman dead, where does that leave us?
By contrast, you intrinsically feel that absence in the Snyder Cut. Whereas Whedon and WB got Batman in the costume faster for a tongue-in-cheek action sequence with screaming crooks and flying aliens, Zack Snyder’s Justice League ignores the Batsuit for a clean two hours. Instead, it opens with Bruce Wayne already “north” in a remote part of Europe near the arctic. We get the impression he’s been traveling for weeks on a horse and over mountains, sporting a bushy beard as he reaches the fishing village Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) has provided supplies to.
The scene where Batman meets Aquaman is more or less the same, but tonally Snyder evokes a funereal quality by letting the scene breathe in Bruce’s desperation instead of Arthur’s flippancy. And rather than Bruce noticing an inserted mural of Mother Boxes being what upsets Arthur, it’s Bruce pulling a trick from Momoa’s on screen wife on Game of Thrones which sets Aquaman off: he reveals after his hosts have made fools of themselves that he too can speak Icelandic. (There is also no longer a joke where Bruce says, “I hear you can talk to fish.”)
This somber opening is strikingly different and a vast improvement (see the Aquaman section for more). After Arthur rebuffs Bruce’s request to team-up, Bruce’s defeated return trip home is also subtly changed. For starters, we see his journey to his private jet where Alfred is waiting. In the Whedon Cut, the pair’s conversation after Bruce has shaved is a reshot sequence with some admittedly amusing character-building dialogue, like Alfred saying, “I miss the days when one’s biggest concern was exploding wind-up penguins.” The Snyder Cut’s version is more expository and ominous. As neither has seen a Parademon yet in this version, Alfred doubts whether Bruce needs to build a team based on the ravings of a now incarcerated and visibly insane Lex Luthor. Batman says he isn’t just doing this based on Luthor.
“I made a promise to him on his grave,” Bruce broods about the Kryptonian alien he hounded to near death in the last movie.
The next time we see Bruce Wayne is in a scene that appeared in the Whedon Cut, if slightly different. It’s when Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince breaks into his “building” with million-dollar security. However, the Whedon Cut led viewers to believe this airplane hangar-like space was the Batcave (even though it visually looks quite different). The Snyder Cut confirms it is a decrepit warehouse near the docks in Gotham harbor. Gone also is the cheeky line, “Yeah, it looked expensive,” from Diana when Bruce mentions the cost of his security equipment.
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Ben Affleck Talks Working with Matt Damon Again in The Last Duel
By David Crow
Ben Affleck Returns as Batman for The Flash Movie
By Mike Cecchini
In this off-site Batcave area, it’s also established by Alfred that he and Bruce Wayne have built new gauntlets that absorb energy (they come in especially handy later when they save Bruce from Superman’s heat ray vision).
The first time the gauntlets are used occurs when Batman leads a nascent Justice League beneath the tunnels of Striker Island in Gotham harbor. Up until that point, most of Affleck’s scenes remain the same, even if they breathe or are edited slightly differently. Batman recruits Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) to join the Justice League while talking about competitive ice dancing, and looks positively exhausted when Barry sees the Bat-Signal. The early Commissioner Gordon scenes are also the same, albeit now without composer Danny Elfman’s Batman theme from 1989.
In the tunnels, Batman’s scenes diverge again though. There is more of the misterioso act when Victor Stone (Cyborg) says, “I heard about you. Didn’t think you were real.” The Dark Knight answers, “I’m real when it’s useful.” Additionally, Batman doesn’t really mentor the Flash in this sequence or in any other going forward. Gone is the Flash admitting he’s terrified at seeing Steppenwolf and Bruce advising he “save one” person and will then know what he needs to do.
Instead, the Flash says, “I guess that’s the bad guy” in the Snyder Cut, and Batman stoically responds, “Good guess.” Bruce also drops his sense of humor, losing some solid bits like “Sorry guys, I didn’t bring a sword” when the Knightcrawler starts shooting up Parademons. Now he simply says, “My turn.”
However, Bruce remains the stoic team leader, harnessing a steadier team dynamic. There are no insert shots of Commissioner Gordon telling Batman it’s good to see he’s playing well with others after the Striker Island fight, and rather than berate Wonder Woman and his team members into bringing Superman back from the dead, Bruce and the rest come to the same conclusion, silently.
During the sequence where Cyborg reveals the Mother Box can bring Superman back from the dead, no one says Kal-El’s name out loud. The Flash even asks, “Is everyone thinking it or am I going to have to say it?” The camera pans around the table and lands on Bruce, who is watching Cyborg’s projected image of Superman’s cape. It’s a nice moment for Affleck, who looks much more alert in this version than the Whedon Cut. The dialogue in the Snyder Cut can often be perfunctory and expository, but the vast four-hour running time leaves room for the actors to indulge in quiet moments. The only person who doubts the idea is Alfred who in another scene warns Bruce, “If you can’t bring down a charging bull, then don’t wave the red flag.”
Batman counters, “I’m operating on complete faith now.” Quite the about face from the last movie.
The team otherwise staying on the same page, even after the Superman fiasco (more on that below), is a stark difference with the Whedon Cut. Here Bruce invites the team into the Batcave proper after they lose all three Mother Boxes, with teammates regrouping; in the Whedon Cut there is a strained attempt to create tension. Particularly between Bruce and Diana….
Wonder Woman
Gal Gadot has spoken in the past about how she was unhappy with the Justice League reshoots. While still not knowing the full details of what occurred behind the scenes, Zack Snyder’s Justice League makes apparent why she’d be disappointed with the direction of her added scenes.
To be fair, Wonder Woman is still objectified to a certain degree in the Snyder Cut. Her non-warrior attire still revolves around several low-cut dresses, and there is still a (much more understated) flirtation between Diana and Bruce. In an early scene of her and Bruce discussing their prospective teammates in front of a computer—with an awkward stab at humor where she coaxes out of Bruce that Arthur said no—there’s a moment where their hands trip over the mouse at the same time, like they’re in a teenage rom-com. Similarly, when Barry and Victor are digging up Clark Kent’s grave, Barry asks Victor if he thinks Wonder Woman would “be into younger guys.” Victor dismisses the thirstiness by saying, “Barry, she’s 5,000 years old. Every guy’s a younger guy.”
But these moments are few and far between. In the Whedon Cut, they’re constant with Alfred teasing Bruce about Batman inviting Wonder Woman to a candlelit team-up dinner, and a gross gag where Flash saves Wonder Woman during the Striker Island fight but then awkwardly lands on top of her body and gets flustered. Perhaps most frustratingly though, her character arc is reduced to a lot of flirting with Bruce, and coming to see he is right when he chastises her for “still being hung up” on Steve Trevor. She then helps him undress from his armor and shares a drink with him, like co-workers with a forced “will they or won’t they” chemistry.
All of that is gone in the Snyder Cut, which instead focuses on presenting Wonder Woman as the most ferocious and noble of the film’s six superheroes.
Her first scene is much the same as in the Whedon Cut, although it’s another film school-ready example for what a difference post-production makes. We see a group of eco-terrorists take a school group hostage, and Wonder Woman stops them. But in the Whedon Cut, the scene is nimble and brightly colored with a tongue-in-cheek quality, right down to the way Elfman uses an orchestra to play Hans Zimmer’s previously electric “Wonder Woman” theme. In the Snyder Cut, the sequence lasts nearly eight minutes in a desaturated, gray color scheme. The sadism with which the terrorists want to kill their hostages is belabored, and Junkie XL uses a fearsome version of Zimmer’s Wonder Woman theme while introducing one of his own, which relies on a haunting choral harmony.
In the new cut, Wonder Woman not only throws the bomb through the roof but jumps with it to make sure it explodes faar above the skyline. And when she returns, her power move to stop the head terrorist from killing the school children is to obliterate him into dust, with his hat blowing out the window and before the faces of shocked and unnerved London police officers. Meanwhile Wonder Woman then turns around after slaughtering this man (plus another terrorist who’s head she smashes into a wall) to rather jarringly smile at the school children. She leans down before one girl to say, “You can be whatever you want to be.” It’s actually sweeter than her saying “[I’m] a believer,” but I’m not sure it works given the new tone of the scene.
The next time we see Diana is a longer version of the scene where she discovers her mother has fired a burning arrow into the Temple of the Amazons in Greece. Snyder actually uses an impressive long one-take shot where Diana remains in focus, cleaning a statue at the Louvre, while her co-workers stay out of focus and needle her with questions. It’s a genuinely dryly funny, restrained moment, unique for this genre.
There is also an all-new scene of Diana going to Greece and retrieving the arrow from the temple. It’s one of the better additions that feels like a pseudo-Indiana Jones scene of Diana using the arrow to unlock a hidden chamber beneath the ruins, and then descending with a torch. Below she discovers a spooky room filled with spooky murals containing even spookier images of Mother Boxes and war… and a godlike monster DC fans will recognize as Darkseid.
Diana’s narration of what these images tell her is also different (more on that in the Darkseid section), with no lakeside chat with Bruce. Rather than using romantic imagery, Snyder favors to-the-point storytelling between colleagues as Diana tells Bruce in his new Batplane that the Age of Heroes defeated Darkseid. That age is over.
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How Wonder Woman 1984 Treats Its Villains Sets the Movie Apart
By Rosie Fletcher
Zack Snyder’s Justice League: Why Wonder Woman and the Amazons Have a New Theme
By David Crow
While Bruce is recruiting Barry, Diana has a nice scene with Alfred about making tea before Victor Stone summons her by hacking the Bat-computer. She has no idea who he is in this scene (as opposed to having seen him earlier in the Whedon Cut), and there is no conversation where she convinces him to meet her. Instead, he designates location, summoning her. Their next scene together is more or less the same as in the Whedon Cut.
Overall, Diana has few added scenes and is honestly one of the less developed characters in the Snyder Cut despite being one-half of the team’s leadership. So the inclination of giving her more to do than discover Darkseid/Steppenwolf’s backstory was a prudent one, but all it left her with was smiling longingly as Batman drives off in the Batmobile during the third act. Ugh.
The Amazons on the other hand…
The Amazons
While Wonder Woman’s scenes in the Snyder Cut largely remain the same, the Amazons are given subtle but fierce new texture in their few added moments.
The movie opens with the Amazons tirelessly on guard when the Mother Box awakens. The next time we see them, Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) is arriving to inspect the phenomenon for a prolonged build-up to Steppenwolf’s attack. When one soldier tells their Queen maybe the box will go back to sleep, Hippolyta remarks, “Evil doesn’t sleep. It waits.”
Steppenwolf eventually attacks, leading to one of the best moments in the Snyder Cut. When he says his Parademons will feed off their fear, Hippolyta calls to her Amazons, “Daughters of Themyscira, show him your fear!” In a tribal yell matched by Junkie XL’s score, they chant back, “We have no fear!” Slaughter commences.
The battle is much bigger and more reliant on slow-motion, including shots of Hippolyta flipping off walls and hesitating to bury the other Amazonians alive. Yep, when she tells her sisters to seal the cave, it’s a death trap. The door collapses, and then the whole structure also falls into the sea. There is then A. Long. Beat. of Hippolyta thinking she’s killed Steppenwolf before he and his Parademons ascend from the sea to slaughter more of the Amazons.
The Amazonians’ defeat is largely the same, although there is now a long denouement, with the Amazons having a musical prayer that grieves their dead and brings magic to the arrow they’ll fire to warn Diana. The Amazons and Wonder Woman iconography are also much more heavily featured in flashbacks to Darkseid’s first attack on Earth 5,000 years ago. We get better shots of Zeus and Ares (David Thewlis from Wonder Woman), and Amazonian Venelia (Doutzen Kroes) being filmed like she’s one of Snyder’s 300 Spartans in the ancient war. But all of that is just background for…
Steppenwolf and Darkseid
Steppenwolf is one of the most dramatically improved characters in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Beyond more spikes being added to his armor (and his chin being slightly shrunken from its ridiculous size), the Ciarán Hinds-voiced baddie’s motivations are wholly different. In the Whedon Cut, he was a generic “conquer the world” supervillain who was defeated thousands of years ago on Earth by an alliance of men, Amazonians, and Atlanteans. He then returns and refers to his Mother Boxes as “mother.”
While he still chases magic boxes he wants to use to conquer the world in the Snyder Cut, he’s at least a little more nuanced and a lot more despairing toward the whole endeavor. Steppenwolf is revealed to be a meek middle management malcontent with dreams of coming home. As we eventually learn in dialogue exchanges over BvS’ weird molten metal intergalactic telecommunication technology, Steppenwolf is a pariah back home on the planet Apokolips. Long ago, he was party to a failed coup against comic book creator Jack Kirby’s ultimate space fascist, Darkseid (Ray Porter). Think Thanos before there was a Thanos.
“I fall before you,” Steppenwolf moans during his first conversation with Darkseid’s minion DeSaad (Peter Guinness). “Let me make a plea that I may come home after I take this world in [Darkseid’s] name.” But DeSaad will not hear it, saying Steppenwolf is basically on probation for helping an attempted coup against Darkseid millennia ago, even if Steppenwolf then changed sides and killed Darkseid’s other betrayers. Now Steppenwolf has a debt of a 150,000 worlds he must conquer in Darkseid’s name if he wishes to return home.
Basically, Steppenwolf is a putz. Hence he can be both menacing and pathetic when he first attacks the Amazons and remarks of them, with a hint of resigned boredom, “Defenders? Defenders have failed a hundred thousand worlds. They always fail.” And it’s with exhaustion he decides to create his home base on an irradiated scrap of Russian land because it’s toxic.
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Jack Kirby: Comics’ Greatest Storyteller
By Rand Hoppe
Justice League: New Snyder Cut Steppenwolf Draws Internet Fire
By Kirsten Howard
Darkseid, by contrast, is introduced to be Emperor Palpatine meets Sauron. Aye, there’s a real Lord of the Rings level of ambition to Diana’s flashback to the Age of Heroes. Rather than Steppenwolf, it’s Darkseid who first steps foot on Earth, turning some of the soil into the scorched cursive hellscape that Kirby fans will be intimately familiar with. We also get a better look of his foes, including an alien Green Lantern whom Darkseid personally kills by cutting off his hand. The green ring flies away before the fiend can grab it.
The sequence is filmed to mirror the opening moments of The Fellowship of the Ring, with Darkseid’s defeat harkening back to the glorious day the people of Middle-earth were victorious. However, personally speaking, it doesn’t reach that height, with Darkseid coming off like more of an overpowered Orc who’s out-flexed by Ares. Yep, David Thewlis’ villain from Wonder Woman is revealed to be the guy who whoops Darkseid’s ass in the end, planting an axe in his shoulder blade and leading the Greatest Evil to be carried from the battlefield, screaming.
Much later in the movie, Darkseid is introduced properly when Steppenwolf reveals he’s learned Earth is home to the Anti-Life Equation. It’s a pretty vague secondary MacGuffin in the context of the Snyder Cut, although Steppenwolf says it would give Darkseid power over the multiverse—it’s unclear why Darkseid did not know it was on Earth when he lost to Ares and the band of heroes, or why he never could come back for it.
However, Darkseid then appears on the telecom with Steppenwolf, causing the Spiked One to take off his armor for the first time and show his bare flesh in fealty to his space dictator. Darkseid promises Steppenwolf he can come home once he’s taken Earth and brings Darkseid the Anti-Life Equation.
We also get a glimpse of how Darkseid plans to use it. Elsewhere in the movie, Cyborg has an inexplicable vision the moment right before a Mother Box is used to bring Superman back from the dead: It’s of an Armageddon much darker than the Knightmare scene in Batman v Superman. The sequence begins with the Amazons finally off Themyscira. They’re burning Wonder Woman in a funeral pyre after putting two coins on her eyes for the boatmen. Hippolyta cries.
Elsewhere in a montage, Superman grieves over the scorched body that can only be Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and Darkseid appears to place a not-so-comforting hand on his shoulder. Later we see the ruins of the Hall of Justice that diehard Superfriends fans will recognize, with an evil Superman flying over it with heat ray eyes. Finally, we see Darkseid himself murder Aquaman with his own trident…
This appears to be an inevitable future of “the Snyder Verse.”
But that is not the destination of the current film. The Snyder Cut, after all, has to lay a lot of groundwork that’ll make us care about these characters in the here and now.
Aquaman is the first to get that treatment in his early scene with Bruce Wayne (detailed more above). The Whedon Cut includes Arthur Curry saying, “You’re out of your mind, Bruce Wayne” as he gets into freezing cold water to swim away. In the Snyder Cut, we don’t see him shoot off. Rather Arthur disappears quietly beneath bubbles between shots. Snyder’s desire to emphasize the godlike wonder of these characters is then underlined in neon when several villagers see him off by singing a worshipful Icelandic hymn in Aquaman’s honor.
If the point is missed, after several minutes of crooning, one woman walks up to caress the sweater Aquaman took off and sniff it, savoring his undoubtedly godlike musk.
The sequence of Aquaman saving a crew from a shipwreck is almost exactly the same in the Snyder Cut, although there are no added jokes about him calling the captain “Ahab” in the bar. Additionally, there’s a really nice grace note of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds’ “There is a Kingdom” playing when Aquaman goes to brood stoically before a raging storm. It’s exactly the same as in the Whedon Cut, but Whedon makes it generic blockbuster filler with a White Stripes song playing in the background. Snyder goes for a mournful, reflective tone that resembles the better elements of his version of Justice League.
Afterward Aquaman makes his first of two trips to Atlantis in the film—meeting Vulko (Willem Dafoe) in a scene that was entirely deleted. It turns out the effect of Atlalnteans only talking in air bubbles was always a Snyder affectation, although what was lost in the Whedon Cut (and eventual Aquaman movie) is that all the properly born Atlanteans speak with English accents. Dafoe’s Vulko is a bit hammier, seeming adjacent to Dafoe’s wonderful turn in The Lighthouse. But Amber Heard’s Mera speaking her lines in a purely Posh London accent after a whole movie of her using an American one in Aquaman is a real trip.
Read more
Creating the World of Aquaman
By Mike Cecchini
Aquaman: The End of an Era
By Marc Buxton
What brings Arthur back the second time is Steppenwolf diving below the waves for the Mother Box. He learns of its location (which is unexplained in the Whedon Cut) by torturing Atlanteans whom Parademons have dragged from the ocean, reading the water dwellers’ minds with some gruesome sci-fi spider robot.
Steppenwolf’s actual attack on Atlantis is much more coherent in the Snyder Cut. With action beats given time to pause, and Steppenwolf’s surprise appearance underwater less hilariously cringe-inducing. Mera also gets a cool moment where the villain has her pushed against the wall and says she can’t run away, “I wasn’t trying to,” she responds. Previously, we saw her use superpowers to suck water out of air pockets; now she uses it to suck the blood out of Steppenwolf’s face. He of course throws her back into the water and almost kills her if not for Arthur’s chivalrous, splash-page rescue of his future love interest.
Most of Aquaman’s subsequent scenes play out the same, although he is much less brutish and frat bro-y. There are at least three fewer “yeahs” and “alrights!,” and there is no scene of him sitting on Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth, blurting out he’s scared and horny at the same time.
The Flash
Interestingly, the Flash is both the least developed of the superheroes in the Snyder Cut and also the most unchanged by Whedon. It appears that Ezra Miller’s seemingly improvised humor was the element of least importance to Snyder, and the most useful thing Snyder filmed for Whedon’s purposes.
Maybe that’s why the Flash’s first scene in the Snyder Cut does not occur until nearly 70 minutes into the film. It’s also a wholly different introduction scene to what we saw in the theatrical cut. In the restored sequence, Barry Allen is applying for a job as a dog groomer at a pet shop when the unnamed woman who just left—or as fans know her, Iris West (Kiersey Clemons)—is almost pancaked by a semi-truck. The driver, in a rather crude cliché, is a simpleton reaching for his food on the cab’s floor when he slams into Iris’ convertible.
Luckily, Barry sees it coming and slows things down for another somber needle drop on the soundtrack. The whole thing plays like a more wistful, alternative rock version to one of Quicksilver’s big scenes in the X-Men movies. In extreme slow-motion, Barry catches a hot dog from an exploding hot dog vendor, placing it in his pocket, and then catches Iris out of her shattered car. When time returns to normal, Iris realizes she was saved by this cute dork, who then rushes back in time for the pet shop owner to be unsure who broke her window in the blink of an eye. Barry’s feeding the hot dog to her canines.
Otherwise, by and large, the Flash’s scenes remain the same until near the end. Snyder has removed Whedon’s unfunny addition of Barry drawing glasses on the eyes of someone in line while waiting to see his dad at prison, but the Miller/Billy Crudup scene remains the same but longer. Bruce Wayne still breaks into Barry’s loft and tells Barry his superpower is that “I’m rich.”
In the Striker Island action sequence, rather than “save one,” the Flash leads an exodus of civilians to the surface. And when debris nearly falls on them, he creates a shield by running so fast he looks like lightning in the sky blocking the falling rubble. He also is wounded by a Parademon laser blast so sharp it leaves him bleeding from the side of his leg, temporarily hobbled.
The one significant change before the climax is Barry and Victor digging up Clark Kent’s grave. It’s a sincerely quiet moment that (Wonder Woman leering aside) is refreshingly earnest and hushed for a superhero movie.
“I could do this in a second,” Barry says. Victor responds, “Yeah.” The implication is they should take their time and give Superman the honor he deserves. After his body is exhumed and wrapped up, Barry says, “He was my hero.”
Of the main five heroes in Justice League, Cyborg turned out to be the most important by far. Whatever occurred behind the scenes between Whedon, the producers, and Fisher, the actor had reason to be frustrated simply because his character arc was removed. In its place, he was forced to say, “Booyah.”
The Snyder Cut restores Victor Stone/Cyborg’s importance from the opening credits onward. It begins by basking in what isn’t sad between Victor and his father Dr. Silas Stone (Joe Morton). Initially, we spend more time with Silas, as the father throws himself into his work at STAR Labs to better understand the Mother Boxes.
Eventually, Cyborg gets his own flashback to a time when he was more man than machine. Under an aching musical theme written by Junkie XL, it’s revealed Victor was a gifted genius (his dean even says so!) at Gotham University. Victor is so intelligent, while also being a football star, that he can get away with hacking into the school’s database and changing a friend’s grades.
We also meet his mother who defends her son’s kind heart from the dean in a sequence that’s intercut with his slow-motion football glory, plus a side of melancholy because daddy wasn’t there. Only mom shows up for the game. Afterward they argue in the car about whether Dad really cares about Victor. A car is then seen rushing (unsurprisingly) into frame, T-Boning their car.
The process of Victor becoming Cyborg is only hinted at in scenes through various other flashbacks. But we do see Silas being told his wife is dead and that he’ll soon have to let his son go, too. Hence the bad blood between the two nearly throughout the Snyder Cut’s whole four hours. When we see Silas come home to Victor at their apartment, the son will not even speak to his father. Instead he reluctantly agrees to listen to a recording his father left for him. On the tape, Silas tells his son that the fate of the entire world is now “in your hands, Vic.”
Thanks to the alien technology of the Mother Box used to resurrect Cyborg, Victor has superpowers, which we see him fumblingly try out by flying on his father’s Gotham rooftop. But that’s “just the tip of the tip” of the iceberg, according to Silas’ voiceover. Victor’s high-end computer body now gives him the ability to control the world’s nuclear arsenals and the world’s economy.
This is visualized in a CGI mind palace created in Cybrog’s digital brain. There Fisher gets to play Victor as whole, and without a red eye. Some of it is effective, like floating missiles above his head. Other bits are just ludicrous, like financial markets being personified by a CGI bear slapping a CGI bull. It’s… weird.
But there are nice elements too, like Victor choosing to use his superpowers to see folks suffering, and giving a struggling single mother $150,000 out of an ATM machine. Through it all, he remains hooded and lonely, catching glimpses of people staring at his glowing countenance. It’s why he destroys his father’s recording when Dad tries to stop talking about Cyborg’s powers and instead address Vic as a loving father.
What draws Victor out of his proverbial cave is of course his father being kidnapped by Parademons. He seeks Diana Prince’s counsel but ignores her when she says his powers are a gift—I did miss the line, “If these are gifts why am I always the one paying for them?” Still, as in the Whedon Cut, he shows up on GCPD’s rooftop to join the team.
The one big addition during all the fighting is that when Cyborg flies now, his famous comic book face armor that protects everything but his red eye is finally used on screen. Plus he gets to save his father. Silas is shocked his son came for him, but Victor only says, “You’re my father.” Nothing more needs to be said.
After the Striker Island fight, however, Victor again takes center stage when Aquaman accuses him of possibly being compromised by his alien tech body. Cyborg reveals in a visual flashback, which Victor walks through in his mind palace, that the Mother Box was acquired by the Allies during World War II, taken from the Nazis’ collection of occult goodies in 1944. For nearly a century, it sat undisturbed in the Department of Defense until his father Silas realized it was similar to the technology used by the Kryptonian ship in downtown Metropolis.
That’s how Silas discovered its power, and in a horrifying flashback, he uses it when he looks at his son’s body on a slab, Vic’s lower torso gone. When Silas uses the magic box on Victor, the son screams bloody murder.
It is Victor Stone who puts the pieces together for the nascent Justice League and gets the heroes to begin acting like a real team. He puts together for the others that the Mother Box can be used to bring Superman back from the dead, and projects an image of Big Boy Blue for everyone to see.
Vic leads the team into STAR Labs to do the deed. And when Silas sees his son, still not talking to him, walk by with Batman and other weirdos, Dad doesn’t call it in. In fact, Vic and Silas are why the heroes win in this version, because after the Superman resurrection is bolloxed up, and Steppenwolf arrives to retrieve the third Mother Box, rather than run away, Silas sacrifices himself by heating the box with a laser so hot, that Batman can conveniently track wherever it goes in the world.
One could argue Cyborg was the most crucial of the heroes in organizing a true team team. Well, him and the legacy of another…
One imagines Superman’s treatment by Snyder and screenwriter Chris Terrio in what we now call the Snyder Cut, and Batman v Superman before it, played a major role in Warners’ eventual lack of confidence in the filmmakers. The beginning of the Whedon Cut even starts by course correcting where Whedon might’ve thought Snyder went wrong. Hence the awkward smartphone video of Superman talking to some children with a big smile on his face (and mustache unconvincingly erased from it).
Honestly, though? The depiction of Superman in the Snyder Cut is at times quite heroic and sweet. Certainly sweeter than the abysmal “no one stays good forever in this world” line of dialogue from BvS. However, there are major caveats.
Someone who unequivocally benefits from the new version is Amy Adams’ Lois Lane. While she again has relatively little to do, the rare moments where she is on screen in the Snyder Cut count a hell of a lot more. For starters, there is a genuinely heartfelt sequence about grief—one that it’s fair to wonder if Snyder has added special emphasis to. We follow Lois as she begins her morning routine by getting out of bed, buying a cup of coffee, and going to spend an hour or so at Superman’s memorial in downtown Metropolis.
The soundtrack plays Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds’ “Distant Sky,” and the scene bleeds a dignified sorrow as Lois unfurls her umbrella in the rain and walks up to Superman’s memorial to lay flowers. The cop she gives her morning coffee to asks Miss Lane if she ever skips a day, and she says there’s nowhere else she’d rather be. This is the transition to the Superman flag in London.
Afterward Lois goes nearly two hours before appearing again in the film, while Diane Lane’s Ma Kent (who is seen early in the picture leaving home) vanishes for well over that amount of time. It makes their reunion scene in Lois’ apartment feel awkward and obligatory after such a long pause, but the restored scene is still better than the “Clark told me you were the thirstiest girl he ever met” in the Whedon Cut. At least until the Ma Kent of this scene is pointlessly revealed to be Martian Manhunter. (Sigh.) It’s almost as bad a bit of forced world-building as future Barry Allen warning Batman about Lois Lane in BvS.
Meanwhile the League all comes to the idea of resurrecting Superman at the same time, and there are no second guesses other than Alfred’s skepticism. Thus begins a resurrection sequence where it’s genuinely affecting to hear Zimmer’s Superman theme again as Kal-El’s body is placed into the Kryptonian ships goo-room. Similarly, Snyder achieves another grace moment when Lois sees Superman flying in the sky right after his resurrection. Before this moment, Lois made the decision in bed that morning for this to be the last time she’d visit and grieve Superman’s death at the memorial. We’re also teased to the fact she keeps a pregnancy test on the nightstand. So she made her final trip to his memorial.
And on the same day, Superman came back.
Read more
Men of Steel: 11 Actors Who Have Played Superman
By Mike Cecchini
Superman Reboot: Ta-Nehisi Coates Can Get Character Back to His Essence
By David Crow
Unfortunately, his return is much the same as it was in the Whedon Cut, with the gloomy gray cinematography and the outright sinister version of Superman who’s apparently forgotten his identity. In fact, he’s more menacing than the familiar footage of him smacking down Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Now he takes time to study his monument before still coldly attacking the other superheroes and using his heat ray vision to try and murder U.S. soldiers stationed by his memorial.
If not for the interference of Batman, Superman would’ve killed servicemen. For what it’s worth though, he tries to kill Batman too. Gone is the “do you bleed?” callback to the previou cut. Instead Superman uses his heat ray vision to try and cook Batman inside his own cowl—which is only stopped by Bruce’s special “energy absorption” gauntlets.
As with the Whedon Cut, Bruce’s death is prevented when Lois shows up, but now of her own volition, and she and Clark fly away to Smallville. And once there, Superman’s soul returns and we get nice Americana scenes of Clark Kent watching a butterfly land on his hand, and Lois joining him in the wheat field.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he says of the engagement ring he planned to give her before his death, and which she keeps on her hand. Soon Ma Kent joins them and it’s a lovely moment of reconciliation with the women in his life. It’s also far more emotionally effective than the version of Lois apologizing to Clark for “not being strong” after he died in the Whedon Cut.
And yet… it’s compromised by the constant foreshadowing of another heel turn in Superman’s future. The Kryptonian ship keeps warning, pleading even, with Cyborg that there is “no turning back from this action” as he prepares to resurrect Superman. Only then does he have a vision of an evil Kal-El drifting over a smoldering Metropolis. This muddle created by these conflicting sensibilities—folksy domesticity versus foreboding doom—do not mesh. At all.
At the very least, Clark returns to the Kryptonian ship to find there was a black Superman suit hidden all along in the corner. Additionally, he hears both of his dads’ voices, Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and Pa Kent (Kevin Costner). Some of it is old audio about “they’ll join you in the sun” from Man of Steel. Some of it is new recordings, which don’t really make sense as both men are dead. But we hear Pa repeat, “Fly son” and Jor-El intone, “Love them as we loved you.”
Black-suited Superman then flies into the orbit, taking the same Christ pose he had in Man of Steel, visually suggesting the Lord is risen, hallelujah. Superman then flies to the Batcave and meets Alfred, who tells him where to go… for the end of things.
The Ending
It is the ending, when everyone comes together, where the Whedon Cut and Snyder Cut perhaps most definitively diverge. It’s still technically the same ending: the five main members of the League show up in a nondescript Russian town to fight Parademons. Superman returns at a desperate moment and they all prevent the Mother Boxes from becoming one ungodly MacGuffin that would destroy Earth, knocking Steppenwolf on his CG ass.
Yet how these elements are incorporated, and where they leave the DC Extended Universe, are like on different planes of existence. From the top, the gore level (as with the Striker Island fight) is just more extreme in the Snyder Cut. Batman shoots Parademons with his Batmobile and then later uses the aliens’ own plasma guns against them; Wonder Woman beheads and cripples more computer generated baddies than all the armies of Gondor combined. Even Aquaman’s trident tastes blood.
There is also a much stronger sense of teamwork in the Snyder Cut. Batman’s suicide play of driving headlong into carnage makes more sense in this version as he crashes his plane into one of Steppenwolf’s magical machines, which brings down a force field and lets the team enter beneath the villain’s dome. And instead of Wonder Woman coming alone to Batman’s rescue, the whole team fights alongside his Batmobile for a freeze frame worthy of a splash page. It really is bizarre that Whedon, who was so good at these kinds of images in his Avengers movies, took this one out.
Once inside Steppenwolf’s evil lair, things are also far more exciting. There are no civilians (or randomly shoehorned in Russian family) to save. But there are enormous stakes as Cyborg has to stop the Boxes by merging with them. In the process, he enters his proverbial mind palace to face the three boxes in the flesh, as they’ve turned into literal witch crones. At first they appear as his dead parents, promising mom is ready to be reunited with her “broken boy,” but it’s a ruse that torments Victor to an even greater degree.
Meanwhile Steppenwolf has opened a Boom Tube portal to Apokolips where Darkseid, DeSaad, and Granny Goodness are waiting to take over Earth and claim the Anti-Life Equation. It was always “save the world” stakes in both versions, but you actually feel them in the Snyder Cut, particularly since… the heroes fail.
In a development that maybe would’ve left a Flash solo movie with nowhere to go, Darkseid and Steppenwolf briefly win, the three Mother Boxes merging despite Cyborg’s best efforts. The world instantly begins being ripped apart by a CG blur which presumably will turn Earth into a hellscape. The Flash, who is further afield from the action and bleeding from a gruesome wound in the side of his stomach, knows he has only one choice: to run backwards in time fast enough to reverse the flow of time.
It’s a trick that is expected to play heavily in DC Films’ upcoming Flashpoint inspired film, and Barry executes it here to undo the heroes’ defeat. Running into a seeming tornado of blue computer generated lightning, Barry undoes the damage and gives Cyborg a little more time, with Superman’s help, to stop the boxes from combining.
The action prevents the world’s end and allows Aquaman to skewer Steppenwolf like a fish on a hook. In the Whedon Cut, Steppenwolf is slashed by Wonder Woman and unsatisfyingly undone by becoming so fearful that he triggers his Parademons’ scent, and they eat him alive. Essentially, it’s a dippy retread of The Lion King where Scar is devoured by his own hyenas.
While certainly more bloodthirsty, there’s no denying there’s a satisfaction in Aquaman stabbing Steppenwolf, Superman punching him, and finally Wonder Woman beheading him. That is justice for her fallen Amazonian sisters.
Afterward, the whole direction of the DCEU still pivots toward darkness in Snyder’s vision. The Boom Tube to Apokolips stays open long enough for Steppenwolf’s head to return home. Darkseid crushes it beneath his foot. He also accepts that, for whatever reason, they cannot reach Earth through the Boom Tubes due to this defeat. “We will do things the old way,” Darkseid hisses. He summons the armada to head to Earth, setting up a very different future for the DCEU.
Continuing on the divergent paths between the Whedon and Snyder Cuts, the epilogue of the latter (complete with a title card) essentially presents the road not taken in the DCEU. Many of the elements we saw in the Whedon Cut remain, such as Bruce and Diana opening up Wayne Manor to become the headquarters for the Justice League by building a table “with room for more;” we also see Barry tell his incarcerated Dad he got a job at the Central City crime lab; and of course there’s Superman’s beloved shirt rip.
However, there’s so much more added on by Snyder. Some of it is very intriguing, such as Diana taking the arrow from her mother and looking out at the horizon of the Aegean Sea by the Temple of the Amazons. The implication is she’s begun yearning to return home. Could this have once been the plot thread of Wonder Woman 2? Could it still become the plot thread of Wonder Woman 3?
The most effective element is, again, Cyborg as he reconstructs his father’s broken audio recording and hears Silas’ love as a “father twice over.” It’s bittersweet Victor never got to verbally reconcile with his papa, but just saying, “You’re my father” might’ve been enough.
Read more
Joker: 6 Actors Who Have Played the Clown Prince of Crime
By David Crow
The Dark Knight: Why Heath Ledger’s Joker is Still Scary Today
By David Crow
Yet the epilogue ultimately becomes a teaser for what Snyder’s original vision for a Justice League trilogy might’ve looked like. In the Whedon Cut, the sequence of Lex Luthor on a yacht with Deathstroke (Joe Manganiello) comes as a post-credit sequence. In the Snyder Cut, it’s part of the body of the story. The build-up to Lex’s escape is longer, and once on the yacht he has no quippy joke about “forming a league of our own.” But he does tell Deathstroke that Batman’s secret identity is Bruce Wayne.
That captures Deathstroke’s attention and seems to set up potentially catastrophic events for Bruce’s future in Affleck’s now defunct The Batman movie. It also would appear to further set up the Legion of Doom Justice League sequel with Deathstroke and Luthor.
But that’s pittance compared to the far bigger stinger for the future. In one more “Knightmare,” and another vision of a future where Darkseid has turned Earth into a Mad Max apocalypse, we once more see Affleck’s Batman as a road warrior in a desert, this time with Amber Heard’s Mera, the Flash, Deathstroke, and Cyborg as his road trip buddies. Clearly Cyborg’s vision earlier in the film came to pass, with Mera swearing she’ll kill Darkseid in order to avenge Arthur.
The biggest bombshell here though is that this is where Jared Leto reprises his performance as the Joker. I wish I could say it was better than this grubby, grinning, awkward reshoot moment where he talks about giving the Batman a reach around. Bruce’s dialogue isn’t much better as he mumbles, “When I held Harley Quinn, and she was bleeding and dying, she begged me with her last breath that when I killed you—and make no mistake I will fucking kill you—that I do it slow.”
We’re a long way from Adam West, eh? The sequence ends with Evil Superman appearing with heat ray vision, coming to kill all of them. This clearly stands as a trailer for Justice League sequels that almost certainly will never be. It’s also a vision for the Justice League trilogy Snyder originally planned with Terrio that’s making its rounds across the internet. Part III was meant to be about Batman and the Flash in the ruins of a destroyed Earth traveling back in time so Batman could make sure that Lois Lane never died—sacrificing his life so Superman never turned to evil. Again.
I can’t say this scene adds a lot to this movie, any more than the final, final tease of Harry Lennix’s Martian Manhunter showing up one more random time to give Bruce Wayne a pat on the shoulder. He says your parents would be proud of you and that he wants to join his team. Affleck’s Bruce is strangely not perplexed by any of this and gives off a general “Cool story, bro” vibe.
Martian Manhunter travels into a future we will never see, setting up a sequel that has been abandoned. It’s a shame, but it is so brazenly, defiantly Snyder’s vision—and so far removed from the Whedon Cut’s goofy ending on Superman and Flash having a happy go lucky race to the Pacific—that one can at least give this to to the director: He did it his way. There’s something to be said about that.
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estethell · 4 years
May I request a schort story? Thorin x reader with 'Can you lift me up? I can't reach.' and 'Say that again!' Thanks so much ;*
Thorin x Reader
Title: The balloon
Plot: You know Thorin Oakenshield when you were a kid, and your love for him never ended. When you become an adult, a particular event brings you back to meet your first love.
Tags: Modern AU - General Audience - Age difference - First love never forgotten - 
When you were eight years old, you loved playing with flying balloons. You particularly wanted to see them fly around you and then pull them by their thread and see how the light colored itself through the plastic. Your dream in the drawer was to become a painter one day and be able to paint all those shades of color on the canvas.
At that time you lived in a quiet neighborhood of a small town where everyone knew each other, and nothing unexpected ever happened. But there weren't many children in your neighborhood, so you often played alone with your toys or flying balloons.
It was in one of these game sessions that you met your neighbor Thorin Oakenshield. It was a calm and clear day, torrid as only those in the summer could have been. You ran in front of your house around a big tree on the sidewalk, pulling the balloon behind you and laughing with joy. You were having a lot of fun, but while you were looking back at the colored balloon you did not notice that a tile of the sidewalk was raised above the rest of the pavement and you stumbled.
You fell injuring your knee, and in general surprise you left the thread of the balloon that flew away entangling the branches of the tree. Slowly you sat up as the tears began to swell the eyes. The knee was burning and bleeding a little, but for you who were so small the most important thing was to have lost the balloon. It had flown so high that it was almost impossible for you to recover it without the help of an adult.
As you began to wipe the tears on your face, a deep and warm voice took you by surprise. A sir, though not as old as your father, had come up to you and crouched down to talk to you. He was a big sir with long black hair, a short beard and blue eyes like the sky, but instead of being cold as ice he was hot as fire. He smiled at you as he set aside the shopping bags and stroked your head with a large, warm hand.
"Did you hurt yourself, baby?"
When asked who he was, the man introduced himself as the son of your neighbor, Thorin Oakenshield. The name said nothing to you, you were too young to be interested in neighbors who no longer had the age to play on the street, but his words reassured you instantly. Thorin sketched a smile, then took a tissue and cleaned your knee with slow, calculated gestures.
“You should be more careful, you could get really hurt. It still burns?"
But you shook your head, it couldn't continue to burn after his attentions. You stood looking at Thorin for a long time, fascinated by the beauty of that gentleman. He noticed your obsession with him and smiled, then looked up and pointed to the balloon.
"Do we want to take it back?"
“Yes. Can you lift me up? I can't reach!”
Thorin nodded and picked you up. He supported you with his strong hands in the armpits and raised you as much as possible, careful not to hurt you. You managed to catch the thread on the second attempt, and he brought you back to the ground while stroking your head again.
"You have been very good! Now I have to go, be careful, okay?"
He waved at you and retrieved his envelopes to go home, which was exactly in front of you. You remained at him all the time, her cheeks flushed with excitement. It was at the age of eight that you knew your first love.
Your patience was reaching the limit, as was your endurance. It was really a pain to participate in parties with relatives, especially your relatives, let alone a wedding of a distant unknown cousin and of whom you did not care. It was hours that you were with uncomfortable shoes on your feet, wrapped in a beautiful and uncomfortable ceremony dress to suffer the torrid heat while you waited for the bride to arrive, observing how all the relatives were anxious and agitated for the event.
You liked weddings a lot, from an early age, but arrived at the age of twenty-eight without a partner and with the prospect of marriage very distant, your passion for these ceremonies had long since died. But you couldn't avoid this so you contented yourself with sitting in your church seat, trying to cool off with a small fan.
The function was really slow and majestic, very beautiful but also heavy and when you finished you were grateful to rush out of the building, despite the heat outside. As soon as you put your foot out the door, a relative giving you a white balloon.
"It is a surprise for the newlyweds, as soon as they leave the church we will fly them all together"
You smiled at the idea of flying the balloon and positioned yourself on the church steps, ready to let your balloon fly. Despite the age, you had not lost your passion for flying balloons, even if you no longer had the opportunity to buy them. The heat was unbearable and the spouses still did not leave the church. All the guests gathered on the stairs, making the atmosphere even warmer.
"This nightmare will never end!" You finally exclaimed while wiping your sweaty forehead with a handkerchief.
“Say that again!”
You turned around in amazement at that phrase and you saw him, Thorin Oakenshield. He was standing there with a white balloon in his hand, wearing an elegant formal dress, his long hair tied in a tail. You were shocked and amazed at the same time. You hadn't seen your neighbor in years, moved to your pain after graduating from law, and you hadn't kept in touch. Now seeing him there caused you a series of mixed feelings.
"Say it again, you are quite right" the man repeated and damn if he was not beautiful, perhaps even more since the last time you saw him.
You smiled and complained of the torrid heat and the long wait, Thorin who agreed with you while his rigid expression did not reveal any emotion. He was evidently suffering in silence. When the bride and groom finally came out, Thorin handed you his balloon with a smile.
"I know you really like balloons, you can use mine too"
That gesture ignited a strong blush on your face and you accepted shyly, giving him a smile. You felt Thorin's gaze on you all the time, even when you left the church to head to the restaurant where you would celebrate with a long lunch. In that time, you realized that Thorin was a discreet but fixed presence around you, as if he was trying to stay nearby without interacting directly with you. This flattered you a lot, but it saddened you just as much. You wanted to have contact with him but you didn't know how.
You spent the whole lunch in the company of your relatives, trying to respond with smiles to the pungent questions that related to your life, your career and above all your love life. No, you didn't have a partner and this greatly surprised the relatives, who now wanted to see you married. The overwhelming questions prompted you to want to take a breath of fresh air.
You went to the garden of the restaurant, a cool and pleasant place, quiet and very beautiful to see. You sat on a bench and observed the view enjoying the quiet of the place, which however did not last long. You were joined not long after by Thorin, as if he was watching and following you, and sat down next to you on the bench.
"Are you also fleeing oppressed relatives?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.
"Yes, them and their stupid questions"
"They also ask you constantly when you will find a partner and get married?"
The question Thorin asked you led you to turn around to look at him curiously. Thorin's small smile confirmed your suspicions and this made you blush. Thorin was insinuating that he was single and was vaguely investigating if you were also. Unsure of how to proceed, you nodded thoughtfully and went back to looking at the garden. A few moments of silence passed, then Thorin spoke again.
"Maybe ... I could offer you something to drink, at least to silence our relatives for once?"
He carefully avoided your surprised look and you smiled at his shyness. He was so handsome in his formal dress, his neat beard, his hair tidy and tied, and a little blush on his cheeks while shyly avoiding your gaze. You remembered why you had had such a serious love for him as a young man, a feeling that had never completely disappeared.
"Yes, yes it seems like a good idea"
Thorin smiled, then pulled a small business card out of his pocket. It was a working type, where his name was flanked by the word lawyer. He handed it to you gently waiting for you to take it.
"I want to leave you my contact details before I miss the chance. I would have liked to leave him long ago, when I moved, but at that time you were only seventeen and I was already twenty-five and I didn't want to give you a bad impression ... well ... " His voice faded.
You smiled at the man and put your hand on his arm.
“I have wanted this card for years. I believe that after all he has waited for you all this time"
Thorin looked at you with sincere astonishment, then softened his gaze. He stroked your face with a shy gesture, then slowly approached you to give you a kiss.
"Then I think we are two"
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findthefuninlife · 4 years
Short Story (Been A While)
Remember This Feeling
Trees flew by the window of the car, blurs of branches and railings were all that were seen for the first six hours of the road trip. The sky went from sunny clear bright blue to gloomy dull shades of red, blue, yellow mixes. I sat in the back seat, one leg perched on top of my other, book in my lap and pen rattling against my top and bottom teeth, a nervous habit. Luckily, in my writing process it was a more well known habit for me to do this when I couldn’t think of the next turn of events. This wasn’t an inaccurate observation, truthfully it was both of these but mostly the nervousness.
She sat next to me staring out the window short blonde hair falling just before her shoulders. She could stare at the wilderness, natural environment for hours and lose herself in it. You could almost see the intoxication in her eyes, you couldn’t tell what she saw, but there was a different kind of fire in them when she was out there. Her elbow on the armrest, head propped up on her hand, pinky slightly tugging at her lower lip. She wore black sweat pants, a red hoodie with white lettering on the sleeves. Her legs were curled under her, feet sitting on the seat. She kicked off her shoes after the first hour of the ride. The string from her hoodie rested in her mouth, she wasn’t chewing on it, just had it there, a trademark I’m sure.
Aaaaaand I’m staring— again. I tore my eyes away and looked back at my half filled pages titled, “It’s Been A While”. It’s been a while since a lot of things. I haven’t been out in god knows how long, I haven’t written in even longer. Words on paper gave me a purpose, a moment of clarity, drive to be more than I ever thought I could be. In the times that words appeared on canvas I felt like I was the most important person in the world, to every character I wrote about I was their savior, their justice, their desires, everything. Writing allowed for a door to a place that I could never really be.
The eyes that were staring at me in the rear view mirror, concerned but familiar told me that in doing this was out of character or such an older sight that it’s a need for concern. Amy, my ever long best friend, friend of all friends could quote me before I even spoke sometimes. It was incredibly annoying with arguments but it’s a sign of true growth and friendship. Her husband in the passenger seat next to her was asleep, as always in these long rides to who knows where. Jules, short of Julian never had the patience or interest in car games, passing time by distracting yourself with trivial outside observations. He was calculated, quiet but get a few drinks in him and he’d be bouncing off the walls and unexpectedly the loudest person in the bar. Though the sober, quiet demeanor was often mistaken for rudeness or dislike, he proved to be a sweet guy overall. I gave him my blessing to marry my best friend only after meeting with him a few times. 
A small cough came from the driver, “So,” no good conversation ever starts with ‘so’ I thought to myself. 
“So, what are you writing about Niko?” Amy, still looking back at me through the rear view mirror said breaking the silence within the car. 
“It’s... uhm, y-ya’ know just a short story.” Great, now I’m stammering for some reason. Sam, the friend of Amy that was invited to go on the trip with us looked up and away from the window for the first time and took a quick glance at me with my notebook and pen in hand. Her eyes were green, blue, gold, strikingly beautiful. Her lips looked soft, a shade of pink coated on top, a slight line dividing the bottom lip. The hoodie she wore held the back hairs up giving it more volume. I thought to myself that they reminded me of a golden waterfall. 
“But, uh how’s driving? Do you need to switch off anytime soon?” Horribly basic question in a car ride, there was something wittier on tongue but I decided to keep things mellow for now. 
“Maybe next stop, Jules’s quiet snoring tires me out sometimes, but I’m good for now. Samantha! You’re so quiet, why don’t you guys play a game or something?!” Amy, was notorious for setting people up for awkward conversations, cutting the tensions of others like it was sport. 
“Well, I mean I don’t re-” Sam had started to say going wide eyed for a bit, clearly being off guard. Amy strikes again.
“So, have you ever.. have you ever..” Geez why am I stuttering so damn bad, “have you ever been outside of Delaware?” See, nothing ever good comes from a conversation that starts with “So.” Who the hell asks a question like that. 
“I haven’t actually.” She looked outside again breaking eye contact with me and staring again back at the passing trees. 
We were on our way out of the state to visit Amy’s brother who was in the military in Virginia. He invited her to see the ships in the ship yard and see his work station. 
I started to sink back into my seat when I realized that was probably the end of the conversation and everything was starting to feel awkward. I started a side conversation with this beautiful girl and that was the best opening I had? 
“Have you ever been outside the state?” Sam had asked still looking out. 
“I have, a few times, but I always end up back home.” I was surprised, I rarely get asked questions in conversations I think are going down hill. Hell, most of the time it’s just me asking and the other just answers. I really need to get a life. 
We both tried talking then stopping each other’s sentence. 
“No, you go first.”
“No really it’s fine. It was a stupid question”
“No, no please go.”
This went on until Amy couldn’t take it anymore, a small smile starting to creep on her face in watching. “Alright! Sam then Niko!” 
We both stopped when we both realized that it wasn’t just us in this conversation. Feeling like a deer in head lights I simply sat back in my seat.
Well, there goes the conversation. Thanks Ame's— now what? Peaking over I saw that she didn't turn back to the window, instead she twirled her hoodie strings in her fingers. I wanted to give it a shot; I scribbled quickly in my notebook, meticulous to not write too much to make it seem like I was going to be diving back into my literature. I tore the page out and held it in my hand. I leaned forward putting my face close to Amy, "Whatcha doing?!" The sudden jerk forward spooked her and she let out a tiny yelp. As I leaned forward I was hoping to obscure her view as I passed the note to Sam. Luckily for me, she took it out of my hand. I continued to chat up Ame's until I felt like my paper ripping was long forgotten.
The car ride went smoothly all the way up to the hotel.
We got out, stretched our legs and were in for the night.
I sat up in bed as I always did, notebook open in front of me, my thoughts written across the pages. I raked my hands through my hair hoping for more thoughts to jingle their way out of me as I did. The words "Its Been A While" titled the page. "Ya' know I used to write before all of this. Now I just scribble and tear pages out." I spoke to no one in particular in my empty room. Sometimes it was easier saying my thoughts as I wrote them out, sometimes my what I said I didn't want recorded. I'd prefer the words to fade since the nightmares won't. Maybe it'll too make them less real.
A knock at the door brought me out of screen of writers block. Before I got up to answer a slip of paper flew under the door. I'm not going to lie, a spark started in my chest and a small smile crept up on my face. I hopped out of bed flipping my notebook over on the floor. I picked up the note and unfolded it. In the car I passed a message saying, "Tell me a story" in response I saw three separate lines where she started to write and scribbled it out. Finally at the bottom it said, "Meet me in lobby then." I threw on some workout clothes and a ball cap and went out. As soon as the door shut behind me I remembered my key card to the room sitting on the nightstand. "Guess there's no going back now. "
Rounding the corner I took the fire escape down two sets of stairs and came into the lobby. It was about 10 o' clock at night, the place was empty. One receptionist sat at the kiosk legs propped on the counter reading a People's magazine. The only other person in the room was Sam, standing in the middle of the lobby by the fire place. She hadnt changed from the outfit we traveled in. I walked up unfolding the piece of paper she left me. “This must be quite the story.” She turned and smiled, “I can’t promise it’ll be amazing, but I’m not much of a writer so I thought I’d tell it to you instead.” 
We ended up walking around the hotel building, then down to the pier. It was awkward at first if I’m being honest but this was a strange circumstance to begin with. I asked her what story I was in for and she responded by just talking. It started with her college days, her aspiration to leave the east coast, her troubles with choosing a major, her dream of becoming a music teacher. She didn’t have siblings, her dad worked all the time and she was kind of an introvert oddly enough since she was talking so much. 
“Am I talking a lot?” She turned back at me a few steps behind and asked.
“No, not at all. College, dreams, siblings, the whole lot, I know you’re life now.” I just speculated and said what was on my mind. It’s moments like these that I hate myself and my impulses. As I said it I thought of how rude it could seem or even sarcastic in nature, which it truly wasn’t but, there it goes.
“Oh, we’ve got a comedian. Here you have a pretty girl telling you her whole life story and that’s how you respond to it?” She said with a smile.
“I am quite funny when I’m not brooding I must admit. You life sounds like something I’ve never heard before. Ame’s told me about, but small stuff, like that you were pretty and a good person, you know only things that aren’t important.” 
“You do brood, for all the hours I’ve known you... aaall,” she looked at her watch then, “6 hours of knowing you.” 
“6 hours and I know your whole life story. I must be quite the detective or you must quite lonely.” 
It must’ve been how I said it because she perked up at that, whether it was mildly insulting, maybe true, but she responded with, “Are you quite lonely?” 
I don’t know what possessed her to ask but, she saw through it, my statement to myself. The sun would come up soon, somehow the night passed us by as we walked and talked. “I am, only when I’m by myself.”
“Well that’s obvious.” 
“Well you asked.” 
“You know what I mean. What’s the doom and gloom of late?”
“Of late? You mean by my 8 hours of knowing you?”
This was the first time she stammered in all of the talking she did. “W-well yes, I mean, that and...”
I already knew what she was going to say.
She continued, “... and Amy told me about your brother. He—”
I cut her off with, “Enough." It came out harsher than intended but not by much. "I appreciate the chance to get to know you, Let's get going to the hotel.”
She began to speak but I already spun around and started walking. I was done with the conversation, a small heat building in my chest burning away the spark of lightning that was there. I was taller than she was and I knew my natural stride would create a good distance between us so I kept her behind me. I let the sound of footsteps behind me and the morning birds chirping fade into the background.
"Hey!"  A piercing sound broke my tsunami of thoughts that were about to crash onto me. I got about 4 steps away from her before she yelled my way.
"Hey," she walked up to me, "look, I'm sorry Ame's tells people too much, but shes your best friend and she's worried about you."
"Look, I get that but I—"
"Let me finish," she put a finger up. "Ame's told me what was going on and to avoid the subject but little do you know or notice, I was one of your brother's friends. Well... mentors. We've actually met before but you were too wrapped up in your own shit to see me."
"That's not tru—"
"Yeah? Where do you know me from before a few hours ago?" She looked expectedly at me.
"You, uh... you were ..." staring at her face I did recall her. It was a faint memory but at my brothers session, the receptionist, in a suit and thick framed glasses, hair brought back in a tight bun. "You were the receptionist, at Mitch's therapy sessions." My voice choked up in the middle of his name. How long had it been since I spoke it to other people. The word tasted of ash in my mouth.
"Yes. That's true." She recoiled some, probably not expecting me to have recognized her.
"Mitchel talked about you. Said you were the light of the office, too pretty not to smile at, no matter how bad his spells were." My hands ended up in my pockets and I was clinching my sides. "Ms'antha? I believe he called you. He told me about your internship and the sessions you'd have before his therapist got in. He said you'd make a great therapist someday and that he was going to miss...you." Something stirred in my chest, something dark and impulsive. The question came out of nowhere, harsh and vile. "Did you know?"
"Did I know what?"
My voice came out darker and more pronounced. "Did—you—know?!" I was looking at her my eyes burning, fists clinched so tightly I could feel the nails digging into my palms, my arms were shaking.
"No, of course I didn't. He didn't say anything and he stopped coming in, we didn't hear the news til the second night of."
The news. Like it was something to broadcast and display. I remember hearing the headline on the TV "Troubled teen jumps off of interstate Bridge."
The burning cooled as a tear fell from my eye. I quickly wiped it away and shoved my hand back in my pocket. I realized I was too invested in this and needed to leave. As I turned back around I heard a quick lunge forward and she grabbed my arm and kept me from fully turning around. I suddenly was very conscious of her touch, it felt warm but still everything about me felt cold. I was shivering. Her fingers barely touched my skin. Most of her hand engulfed in the jacket. She turned me around and hugged me, full strength and buried her head in my neck.
"I'm so sorry." She said holding me tightly, my arms will in my pockets.
It took me a while, I had been blankly staring at nothing in particular, but i finally spoke broken hearted, "I-I don't want sorry's. I want to call him and not listen to his voice mail." That hurt, the knot in my throat was swelling, like i couldn't swallow the cannon ball down, it was suffocating. "I-Its full y'know. His voice-mail." The cannonball turned into a watermelon. I had to lift my head up to try and make it go down but it wouldn't. My shivering got worse and my vision was starting to blur from the tears. My face grew hot and my nose felt like needles were bein put through it. This was unbearable. I started to cry. Every "are you okay" every "we can talk about it" every "im here for you" every single fucking one was nothing to me. Im not okay, I dont wanf to talk about it and the only person I want here is him.
It had been 2 months since his passing and it was my first funeral I'd ever went to. Little Mitch was only 16 when he passed. I dont think I've ever experienced any pain worse than this. Life goes on but you're stuck in a perpetual state of 'what the fuck'. Everyday you look at the things that used to be and wonder how they were ever that way. Every day you look at the door and wonder when its going to open and you'll see that goofy ass smile. Everyday no matter where you go you think you see them at the corner of your eye and your waiting to kick their ass for playing the most torturous game of hide-n-go-seek ever. You wait to have a hug from behind and its them, a call to your phone with their name.
I dont know how long we'd been standing but I felt weak. I didnt want to stand anymore. Along the docks there was a tree and a patch of grass. Id found my way there and laid down closing my eyes. I dont even remember where Sam was, but I knew she was near me.
((I'm gonna come back to this one later))
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mifsudvisions · 4 years
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🔥👁👁👁👁 FRIDAY AWWWEEE CHHHOOONNNN NIGHT!!! 👍👍👍🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 title... Bud E. 13x13” WOW @trichomeartstudio SMASHED real buds into the canvas with a hammer to start. Then Juiced and textured and molded into the canvas. After it was stretched on to canvas and sealed with a acrylic resin. On top of that is my vision. From the bud clusters I built up layers of paint and I’d say 80% of it is all neon and glitter glazes... so with the final varnish it looks like layers of candy. (We will be sharing videos of it soon. Please use the bid here comment to keep it focused. Starting bid is 200$. Use any whole dollar increases you like. Shipping inside the USA is $15. International gets whatever the rate is if you play. Cashapp Venmo PayPal or good old credit debit cards are accepted forms of payment and due at the end of the auction. 9/13/20 at 9pm est the game ends and highest posted bidder wins!!!!! Thanks so much for the support and please spread the word. This is a really special one. 🔥👌👌💨💨💨 #buds #weed #painting #artwork #artist #hugehooter #skulled #stonedtothebone #mifsudvisions #trichomeartstudio #dank #mixedmedia #ogshit #everyone #ganja #high #marijuanaart #trippy #character #buds #trichomes #medicine #mmmdumplings #tacobelltimemaybe #sohigh #buffethigh #cicipizzahigh 💨💨💨😎🥳🥳🥳🥳 GOOD LUCK AND ROCK OUT!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFBHhZyBYUU/?igshid=1psqikvyyslwx
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gegenji · 5 years
Always Looking for RP - Chachanji Gegenji (Shadowbringers)
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General Information ––––
NAME: Chachanji Gegenji NICKNAMES: Chachan, Chanchan, Chach, Chachi, Chan, Cha, Chanji, Bunchan, Chagenji, “Champion” Chachan, and Mallet Masher AGE: 19 RACE: Lalafell - Dunesfolk GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Heterosexual MARITAL STATUS: Single SERVER: Balmung
Physical Appearance ––––
HAIR: Green with a snowy white patch. Frosting is not dye, but caused due to time spent in training and meditation in an area of highly positive-aspected aether. EYES: Violet, with a slight mirror-y sheen. Effect also caused by training mentioned above. HEIGHT: 2'10" BUILD: Short, stocky. General Lalafellin build but with broader shoulders, bulkier arms and legs, and a bit of visible muscle definition (though he often tries to hide it). Endomorphic musculature. DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Light dusting of freckles over cheeks and shoulders, burly physique, forehead stone with the family seal engraved in it. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Cactuar earring, his (very large) smithing hammer, a worn bokken, various small smithing tools, a pouch full of Yellow Drops, satchel of jerky, canteen of sweetwater.
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Personal –––-
PROFESSION: Doman Blacksmith, Armorsmith, and Leatherworker. Seneschal of House Dentra (minor Ul’dahn noble house and smelting guild), Free Paladin of Ul'dah, and Samurai-in-Training. HOBBIES: Reading storybooks, chocobo riding, Triple Triad (both playing and just collecting cards) LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Doman/Hingan, little bit of sign language. RESIDENCE: Usagenji Ironworks (Goblet Ward 11, Plot 15)
Traits –––-
extroverted / introverted / in between disorganized / organized / in between close minded / open-minded / in between calm / anxious / in between disagreeable / agreeable / in between cautious / reckless / in between patient / impatient / in between outspoken / reserved / in between leader / follower / in between empathetic / unemphatic / in between optimistic / pessimistic / in between traditional / modern / in between hard-working / lazy / in between cultured / uncultured / in between loyal / disloyal / in between faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional Information –––-
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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Possible Hooks –––-
Highly Skilled Gegenji Smith - Member of the Gegenji family, which has some fame around Yanxia, Chachanji is extremely skilled at his craft. While he focuses mainly on crafting armor to protect others, he is also able to craft tools, perform all sorts of repairs and maintenance and - should he be properly swayed and convinced to do so - craft very powerful weaponry.
(It should be noted that due to his pacifistic nature, getting him to make or improve weaponry will require a high degree of trust with the individual.)
Seneschal of House Dentra - Through a strange rite of initiation, Chachanji is now the current head of a minor Ul’dahn noble house. House Dentra is most notable for also being the owner of a Smelting Guild, owning various facilities and mines scattered across Eorzea. They also help staff the satellite facility “Three Ingot Outlet” (named after the aforementioned initiation) that opens during the Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade.
Mr. Eorzea/”Champion” Chachan - Chachanji has been crowned the victor in two competitions - the Mr. Eorzea competition and the Grindstone. While he has only won each once, these victories somehow remain decently well known - likely due to how much it flusters him - with the latter in no small part due to the sweetwater and fruit juice drink named after him at the Quicksand. Despite this he still tends to pop by the Grindstone itself now and then as either a spectator or a participant for training purposes.
Free Paladin of Ul’dah - While he doesn’t directly work with the Sultansworn, Chachanji has been ordained a proper Free Paladin of Ul’dah by one Coatleque Crofte. He does often take up various levequests to help people under that title, and - more commonly - serves as a regular resource for the Sultansworn to have their regalia repaired and refitted. He also assists the Flames in a similar capacity, so anyone with connections with either group might have seen or heard of the little smith.
Source or First - Chachan is currently on the Source but I do have plans in mind for Chachan to end up stuck on the First thanks to the antics of a Pixie named Gria Gai - and possibly need of help and/or a way back home! When it happens is still up in the air (and probably can be shifted around if needed), but it does mean Chachan could potentially encountered in either Shard. And even if Chachan is still on the Source, he has a Reflection on the First that is still plenty available to be interacted with.
What I’m Looking for ––––
Friends - Chachan is always one to make new friends, even if they seem the sort that most might not give a fair shake to. From Garleans to half-voidsent, if you seem like a decent enough person, he’ll probably be willing to at least try!
Customers - As a skilled smith, it’s nice to actually have Chachan doing his job via RP rather than just saying he does. This extends from armorcraft to repair to possibly even serving a potential source of work at one of House Dentra’s facilities or mines.
Helping People - Chachan likes trying to help people out, so whether for one-shots or in longer arcs, getting to have the little guy help out someone in need would be pretty neat. Just lemme know what the general idea is and we can see if the floofy-haired dork can help out in it!
RP in General - Slice of life, RP events, arcs. Basically I’m just looking to interact more with the various interesting people, places, and occurrences that take place in the world of FFXIV! It’s part of my goal in Shadowbringers to really get Chachan out there a lot more.
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OOCly, I am ––––
A contract programmer who is free most evenings, and frequently looking for someone to RP with, just hang out, or even go flail around in Overwatch. Most of my evenings and weekends tend to be open, so I’m looking to fill them with SOCIAL ACTIVITIES.
I will warn up front that I’m the sort that doesn’t like to idle around too much, however. So, if I don’t have anything planned for the day, I’ll often try to entertain myself doing something - whether it be leveling Jobs or Trusts or what-have-you. The thing to keep in mind is that these are usually just my way to waste time, and I would often prefer to do something like RP instead! So please feel free to poke me via /tells or Discord or whatever, even if it looks like I’m busy. I will definitely let you know if I am, but more likely I’ll totally drop whatever I’m doing for something far more fun - like RPing with you!
As for the RP itself... I’m open to try most things within reason. Overly dark or violent themes will likely need to be okayed first (I’m not against them but Chachan’s a cheerful, friendly, gentle sort and that can clash with very gritty stories sometimes!), but I’m willing to give a lot of more lore-bendy ideas and plots a shot if you can sell me on it! I am also open for RP/chatting both in-game proper as well as over Discord (Hamelin#0069).
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Additional Plot Hook: Gojirafell ––––
Chachanji - due to a sort of monkey’s paw situation involving a strange snake oil salesman and a modified Gobbielixir potion - has gained the ability to pull an Apache Chief or Ultraman and become quite large. How large is dependent on how much aether he intakes - and thus something he has to watch out for. Overhealing, anything with ether-like properties, and even the aether that Primals use when they seek to temper (which oddly enough makes him immune to that effect) will cause this to happen whether he likes it or not. As such, he tries to avoid situations where the very large cat might be let out of the bag.
This is kept under a Read More mostly because it is a Plot Hook that could fall outside people’s comfort zones where it comes to lore-bending and personal head-canons. As such, it’s something that only will be a Thing in situations where it is clearly identified that it is being used and, more importantly, that everyone involved is okay with it. Otherwise, it will rarely - if ever - be directly alluded to or even referenced. After all, it’s something Chachan would be trying to keep secret about in either case!
As for how someone might come across this odd trait, the events of his trip to Kugane - the rescue of the sinking ship specifically - resulted in a drunken captain and crew spouting tales of a sea giant that rescued them. These were overheard by a Kugane writer and have become the basis of a series of Doman stories and picture books. Not to mention the events of the recently completed Kyodai Hero arc could provide further ways!
Or we could probably manage to manufacture a scene where the secret slips - either just slip of the tongue or witnessing the Gojirafell himself! Especially for any First RP as the Pixie that abducted him is well aware of his ability and gets an absolute kick out of messing with him with it. Both to embarrass him and to glamour his outfit to show off her burgeoning fashion sense on such a sizable canvas (Yes, she takes some cues from Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura)!
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goblinfruit · 5 years
witcher opinions
hello, i have watched most of the witcher series on netflix (i.e. i stopped watching midway through the last episode because it was late and i was tired) and started playing the first 15 minutes of the witcher 3 (i stopped to play more of breath of the wild, which i’ve owned and played for about eight months already, oops), here are my opinions:
henry cavill going “hmm.” i watched the show with subtitles, so i got to thoroughly enjoy each one
how henry cavill looks like a put upon dad of ten whenever jaskier’s around
the carefully managed and well placed “fuck”s
yennefer power walking into the ballroom after transforming
yennefer’s whole backstory... (actually, there’s a con here: i would have liked this as a mini-series on its own. or at least more time devoted to it/seeing more of it)
despite being annoyed at some of the narrative choices, the show did make me care about henry cavill, yennefer, and jaskier right away
jaskier’s funky little songs
thank you for the humor
in the witcher 3, the first tavern you go into has really pretty paintings on the walls. and hanging ornaments or something from the ceiling. i also really like how the intro is a dream/nightmare/flashback, i think it was a clever way to set up exposition and introduce the mechanics of the game.  
love the bit i’ve seen of deep lore in this franchise (i guess it must be a franchise? that’s what you call something with books, video games, and a show, right)... the tidbits of monster information in the witcher series and the bestiary in the witcher 3 is neat
LOVE the curses, LOVE having people turned into weird hedgehog things and eels. LOVE the baddies in the netflix series sacrificing their own through twisted magic. Here, bad mage, For the Cause you must turn your entire being and energy into a fireball that will immediately be deflected by the enemy. Savage.
WHERE is the striga princess’s story, WHY did you leave it there, please tell me if and how she was able to adjust to being a person in society.
despite (again) being annoyed at narrative/framing choices, i did like how the title card symbols of each episode melded together into the show’s main symbol on the last episode’s title card
i appreciate how even though it has the grim dark atmosphere of game of thrones and other popular fantasy right now, that there’s still some light. not everyone is untrustworthy, and characters have as much capacity for kindness as cruelty. everything is just ratcheted up to an intense level because of the environment they live in.
SURPRISINGLY, so far, the monsters are a con for me? listen, i love monsters. but what i’ve seen tends to have the concept of “creepy, hairless near-human tHING with woman-like screeching.” this is not a concept i hate, but i’m kind of tired of it. the one exception is the griffin in the witcher 3. maybe once i get more into this franchise, i’ll see more variety.
the netflix series’ three timelines is a cool idea and it comes together at the end, but for the first half of the show i was angry and confused. i wanted more information. i wasn’t attached to the characters, really, because of i wanted more information about them. characters would often ask each other “why are you doing this?!?” and i would silently agree, yeah, why are you doing this? and then the person being asked would stoically stare into the distance or stride off and not answer the question. at this moment, i shared the asking character’s frustration... but in a tired way that made me want to stop watching. also, characters would ask, “why is this happening??!” or someone would be like, “destiny blah blah blah” and even though i knew there was a reason for things happening, it felt like the writing equivalent of paint being splattered onto a canvas because it looks cool.
^ continuing on a new bullet point, because long paragraphs on bullet points look gross: i stayed for henry cavill’s stellar performance. however, i probably would have been completely lost and quit watching IF i hadn’t learned more world building and exposition in the first 15 minutes of the witcher 3 than i did in the 8 episodes of the witcher. i saw someone on twitter or tumblr say “was the witcher too good for title cards to tell us the time and place??” and i hard agree. as a viewer, i had to look up the timelines anyway so it’s not like the lack of information worked - for a better viewing experience (for me), i think they should have provided that information from the get go. 
relationships felt rushed. i believe in geralt and jaskier’s buddy comedy for the most part but wanted more depth. i rooted for the geralt/yennefer romance because i want good things for the both of them, but i felt like i was told “oh they have a connection and like each other now in a tumultuous kind of way” instead of being shown that. a few flashbacks of sexy times a relationship does not make
stop being mean to jaskier
in the witcher 3, i felt like it lost momentum immediately after the flashback intro and now i don’t really know what to do.... and have kind of lost interest. this could just be that it takes me a looooong time to get into open world games. once i get my sea legs, though, i may become obsessed
in the witcher 3 game you feel like witchers are still a thing, but in the netflix series, it feels like geralt is one of the last - like a hunky, brooding-sarcastic last unicorn. i think they even say that there are few witchers left? there’s one or two other witchers kicking around but they get killed by the striga. it’s just a weird feeling, and i think i would feel more grounded in geralt’s loneliness and ostracism if i had a greater sense of the existing or non-existing witchers in the world. again: i want more information. 
ALSO, from the game, i thought having white hair was a witcher thing?? but only geralt has the white hair in the netflix series?? i am confused??
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daleisgreat · 5 years
Lockdown 2009
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Greetings all and welcome to my fifth installment of marching through every TNA/Impact Lockdown PPV. Catch up on the previous entries right here! As I watched this PPV it reminded me of where I was with enjoying Impact in this era of April of 2009 when Lockdown emanated from Philly. Even though this was about a third of the way into infamous head booker Vince Russo’s eight year run with TNA, I think I was near the peak of my TNA/Impact fandom. They maintained a solid X-Division lineup and former X-Division stars were becoming mainstays in the World Title picture like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. TNA was getting a lot of momentum with its Main Event Mafia faction consisting of former ‘Monday Night Wars’ stars like Nash, Sting, Booker T, Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle. TNA’s ‘Knockouts Division’ they established when Impact went two hours in 2007 put WWE’s then ‘Diva-Search era’ to shame and I feel it was the predecessor to the ‘Women’s Evolution’ era in the WWE for the past few years. This came to a halt when Eric Bishoff and Hulk Hogan arrived in TNA by the end of 2009 and within a year Impact went from must-see programming to becoming a chore and largely ignoring it by the end of 2010. There will be more on that to look forward to in future Lockdown entries. Here are some key takeaways I had from the 2009 Lockdown before I breakdown the matches…. -I think this is the final Lockdown with Don West announcing because Tazz at this time in the midst of his no-compete clause after finishing up with WWE after nine years. Don West did an entertaining short run as a heel announcer a couple months prior although he largely played it straight on this PPV. Sure enough, Tazz debuted in TNA a couple months later and West was gone from the announce desk. West was an affable and authentic voice for TNA in these early years for the promotion and while Tazz was always a solid announcer, I could not help but feel the announce desk permanently took a dip with the removal of West. -This was year two or three of TNA leaving the safety nest of the Impact-Zone Arena at Universal Studios for a bigger arena gate on the road. Lockdown was one of just a handful of PPVs that TNA took on the road per year and it paid off with a big-time atmosphere, especially with this 2009 card taking place in a city known for its passionate fan-base in Philly.
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-Yearly props again go out to TNA promo-package voiceover guy, Barry Scott for delivering powerful narrations for all the storyline recaps before most matches yet again. His poignant voice makes any rivalry and PPV no matter how weak or strong at that moment seem must-see. WWE or AEW needs to hire this guy!!! -The 2009 DVD has a decent smattering of just over a half hour of extras. Aside from the pre-show match, there is a recap of the TNA Interaction fan fest, post-match interviews with Sting, Kevin Nash, Team 3D and a in-progress-of-being-stitched-up Mick Foley. Sting has some kind reflections after his match, Nash is a riot enjoying a post-match brewski, and they get so up close to the medical staff working on Foley that they have to issue a graphic content warning. A Smashing Pumpkins music video and a photo gallery I once again borrowed a few pics from for this entry round off the decent amount of extras. -TNA head honcho Dixie Carter made one of her first on-screen appearances for the company giving a quick interview to Jeremy Borash in the pre-show thanking the fans for their support. She started to make some PR appearances around this time to help promote the recently released Impact game on PS3 and 360 and I believe this was her TNA on-air programming debut. Regrettably, Dixie would go on to make more regular appearances in the years to come as an on-air authority figure much to the displeasure of viewers.
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-I liked the frequent quick backstage interviews with talent before their matches and them combined with the aforementioned Barry Scott recaps served as a nice refresher on the rivalries going into this, and none overstayed their welcomes unlike a lot of modern WWE rivalry recap packages. I think Lauren was probably the fourth or fifth backstage interviewer for TNA at this point, and she did a fine good job with her reactions and adding in a quick take relative to the storyline’s after most of the interviews wrapped which added a nice ‘fan’s perspective’ view on the feuds. -Also worth noting is future TNA president and current top brass of NWA, Billy Corgan made an early TNA appearance in the music video hype package for the PPV, which is also a DVD extra, with him lending TNA Bullet with Butterfly Wings for use. Speaking of Corgan, you guys should really watch NWA Powerrr!! It and NXT are my current top two shows of the overcrowded 2019 wrestling bubble in America. -Before we begin (I know…sorry), I have to touch on the Suicide character making his Lockdown debut. He was a masked wrestler that debuted in the previously touted Impact videogame. The Impact game was ridiculously over-promoted on TV each week, eventually culminating in the videogame character becoming an actual wrestler. As of this writing, six different individuals have donned the Suicide gear for various stints for the character in TNA up until earlier this year when his most recent run ended. Worth noting is Suicide’s trademark fingers-to-the-temple pose. That same pose would coincidentally become the well-known cover art of the far better performing game, Borderlands when that game first released the following year. Naturally, having fans chant ‘Suicide’ and having him face off against opponents named ‘Homicide’ stirred controversy and TNA answered the criticism and would change his name to Manik…..before ultimately changing it back to Suicide due to presumably fan demand/creative resentment? TNA! TNA!
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-Last year I noted how Lockdown 2008 had a shockingly low blade-job count with Brother D-Von being the sole wrestler who bled throughout the card. 2009 exponentially upped that number with six wrestlers donning the crimson mask with Abyss, Matt Morgan, Bully Ray, Mick Foley, Sting and Kevin Nash all doing the honors. Unlike WWE today, TNA did not change the mat canvas after a match if a wrestler bled so gradually throughout the night the mat transformed into a blood-soaked mess as you can see by the cell-phone photo I took with an overhead camera shot of the main event near the end of the PPV. -Ok, enough babbling, onto the matches of this 2009 Lockdown! The pre-show match is included as a DVD extra and has Eric Young squaring off against local Philly radio personality, Danny Bonaduce. Danny tries some slimy antagonist antics against fan favorite EY, and even sneaks in a little offense before Young surprised him with a roll-up for the win. Danny tried to avenge his loss by beating down Young afterwards, but Rhino came in for the save and gore’d the smithereens out of Bonaduce! The first official match on the PPV card was the annual X-Title, X-Scape contest. This saw champ, Suicide defending against ‘Black Machismo’ Jay Lethal, Sheik Abdul Bashir (formerly WWE’s Daivari), Kiyoshi and Consequences Creed (a pre-WWE Xavier Woods). I will give Vince Russo credit for accidentally stumbling into a legit thrilling finish for this X-Scape matc! It is probably one of my favorites of them so far. After a lot of trademark X-Division high-flying and a few pinfall eliminations, it came down to Suicide and Bashir to escape in order to win. Kiyoshi tried to climb the top of the cage to prevent Suicide from climbing over, but security intervened and pulled him down while Bashir attempted to sneak through the door during the distraction. Before Bashir could sneak out however, Suicide surveyed the surroundings and did a dive from the top onto the security and Kiyoshi outside the ring for the instant victory! It played out very convincingly and I was popping just as big for it as the crowd! -The second annual queen of the cage bout took place next between Sojourner Bolt, ODB, Daffney and then-Beautiful People intern Madison Rayne. Rayne would become a big player for the Knockouts division so it was interesting seeing her quite early in her TNA run. Unfortunately the Knockouts could not quite gel in this match and after several minutes of unremarkable action ODB hit a powerslam for the victory. The IWGP JR. Tag Titles match faired much better though with Motor City Machine Guns defending against LAX and No Limit. It was a bit on the spot-fest side of things, but a good one at that with the Guns successfully defending after hitting their Made in Detroit signature finish for the pin.
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-Abyss and Matt Morgan squared off next in the uniquely titled ‘Doomsday Chamber of Blood’ that saw its stipulation being a wrestler cannot score a fall unto they make their adversary bleed. With that, we saw the use of tacks, glass shards and chairs resulting in the expected bloodbath. This Lockdown also took place while Abyss was a little ways into his ‘escaped mental facility’ version of his character and he referenced in a pre-match interview seeking therapy to stop weapon violence from one ‘Dr. Stevie.’ That Stevie turned out to be a TNA-debuting Stevie Richards fresh off his WWECW run who distracted Abyss by taking away a chair from him that caused Morgan to hit his finish for the win. This match gets the honors of being my annual induction for being a solid lock for the eventual WWE home video release of ‘Top 50 OMG Moments of TNA/Impact.’ -The Knockouts Title was on the line next in a triple threat with Awesome Kong defending against Angelina Love and Taylor Wilde. Unfortunately a freak concussion happened to Angelina Love a couple minutes in after she took a cross-body from Wilde. She looked on auto-pilot while Wilde tried to bide time with a hold, but eventually they got the call to go home and Wilde took a weak kick from a handcuffed Kong for the awkward sudden victory. Hate to see it whenever this happens, but this was still a few years before the concussion controversies gained steam in the NFL and before WWE and TNA banned head chair-shots, so part of me was surprised TNA did the right thing and quickly ended the match when they realized something was not right, so good on them for that.
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-Both the TNA Tag Titles and IWGP Tag Titles were simultaneously up for grabs next between Team 3D and Beer Money. The announcers and promo package did a tremendous job hyping up this match for who would be the king of the tag teams and making this match have the vibe of a homecoming for Team 3D due to their ECW roots. All wrestlers left the cage within seconds of starting the match (they would be among many to do so throughout the night) and did a ECW-esque brawl throughout the crowd for old time’s sake! Eventually the action came back inside and saw a few good highspots that got the crowd and me rolling and finishing with Team 3D getting the feel good win after hitting Roode with a 3D through a table. -TNA’s version of War Games, Lethal Lockdown, happened next. It saw AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe team up against Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Booker T and Kevin Nash. Seeing how worn down Kurt Angle looked in his farewell match earlier this year it is remarkable how much better he looked ten years prior. He looks about 30 years younger! Highlights of this Lethal Lockdown see Steiner hitting impressive top rope suplexes and Franken-steiners to a big crowd pop and Scotty responded by doing an aggressive flurry of bird flipping motions to the Philly crowd before they could conjure up a ‘You Still Got It’ chant. After Jarrett entered last and the roof of the cage locked down with weapons on top, AJ and Angle quickly ascended on top of the cage roof with a big spot coming from AJ doing a splash through the roof of the cage onto a few Main Event Mafia members to a big reaction. The finish occurred when AJ got the pin on Booker T when Jarrett hit him with a guitar after Jarrett teased turning on AJ. TNA had another former WWE-debut immediately after the match though with Bobby Lashley having an odd motorcycle-themed tron and theme-song package as he posed to the crowd and did…..nothing else of note. This would be the first of two runs for Lashley in TNA where he eventually evolved into a pretty decent act before he went back to WWE last year.
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-The main event saw Sting defend his world title against Mick Foley. I recall not being into Foley’s ‘executive shareholder’ authority figure character here where he was squabbling with Sting for calling him out for being inactive and being portrayed as losing his marbles. He continues that characterization by pounding his forehead to bust himself open at the very beginning of the match. Foley looks like he got himself in decent shape in time for this match, but he could not go like he use to by this point in 2009 as this was mostly a kick and punch affair until in a baffling booking decision, Foley attacks a cameraman for being in his way, only moments later to demand that same cameraman to hand him an out of reach barbed-wire bat from outside the ring, to which the cameraman who just got pummeled by Foley quickly acquiesces to. After beating down on Sting with the bat for a while the two engage in a anticlimactic climbing-over-the-cage affair that Foley gets the best of to become the new TNA World champion in an underwhelming headlining bout. The two put on a good effort, and I hate to slight Foley, but he and the odd booking dragged things down a couple notches to the ‘alright’ quality level. -This was a 50/50 night for the eight PPV matches. On one hand we had the off night for the women and the mediocre Doomsday and world title matches, but on the other we had two standout tag title matches, easily the best X-Scape match yet and better-than-usual Lethal Lockdown bout. Overall I would have to say the good outweighs the bad and will give 2009 Lockdown a solid thumbs-up. Join me next time as we enter the first of four Lockdowns that transpired during the not-so-highly-regarded Hogan/Bishoff run! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania 3: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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longestdistanceart · 5 years
Your art is lovely - I often come to your blog for inspiration. Lately I've been going through an inspiration block. No motivation to draw. Have you been through something similar? How do you deal with it? Do you typically force yourself out of art block or just wait it out?
Hi there! Thank you very much for your kind words.Here are some things I keep in mind when I’m going through an art funk.
1. Keep a list of art ideas you’d like to visit. I totally get that. For me personally, the lack of inspiration can come from having too many possibilities available and it gets so overwhelming I just don’t do anything at all. I want to draw A, but also B, C, …. X, Y, and Z… so what do I draw?! And then it’s time for bed and I didn’t end up doing anything.
Pick one specific thing at random, and focus on that. I keep a folder full of blank files with the idea as the title name, and currently I have about 400 ideas that I want to get to at some point. Pull up a random number generator and let it pick a file for you. And force yourself to commit. If it’s an idea you wanted to draw anyway, this should be relatively easy!
Once you get an idea, as you work, most likely it will inspire new ideas that you may want to visit at some point. You’ll never run out of ideas, that’s for sure!
2. If you’re drawing for yourself, wait it out. Discipline is important but there’s also a point where it’s all in vain.  Think of your art-making mood like a wave; notice when you do and don’t feel like doing art. Ride the wave when you’re feeling that mood, and rest when you’re not. If you can afford to rest, then do it.
3. Experiment with different mediums if any are available to you. I think when you experiment like this you’re less concerned if it looks good or not, and more just about playing  and having fun. Even if the medium isn’t your cup of tea I guarantee some part of it will have an effect on your main style/methodology. For example I’ve been into traditional painting recently and it has changed the way I do digital art; likewise, my digital methods affect the way I paint on a physical canvas.
Similarly, if I’m feeling artistically blocked, I’ll just switch to a different medium. I’ve been really interested in traditional painting lately, for example. When you switch mediums you force yourself to think and approach things differently, and that might be just what you need!
4. Allow yourself to fail. Going off #3 and experimentation, I’ve found a lot of stagnation comes from feeling like the standards are set too high. You can’t improve on an empty canvas. Keep drawing, even if it sucks, because it will be documentation of your journey forward.
5. Look at specific inspirations on Twitter, Pinterest, books, etc. Again, like #1, stick to something really particular. Who are your favorite contemporary and historical artists? What are your favorite art movements or historical eras? How does it relate to your own work, and how do you take inspiration from it? E.g. I like medieval stained glass, art deco fashion illustration, and vintage greeting cards. It inspires me to add ornamentation and jewel-like coloring to my work.
6. Do photo studies. It can be photos from the web, or even better yet your own photos. If you’re inexperienced with backgrounds, focus on realism first, and spend 30 minutes to 2 hours per study, possibly more if you’re new to it. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, experimenting with different styles and colors can be fun as well. I do a lot of studies so I’ve gotten bored with just copying with I see, so it’s fun to transform it into something more impressionistic and exaggerated in color.
7. Do anatomy studies. I do about 30-40 minutes every morning of figure drawing practice. Sometimes I do classical gesture figure drawing, other times I use choreographed dynamic poses from movies/games/etc. The more confident you are in your character drawing skills, the more possibilities that will feel open to you.
This is all I can think of from the top of my head. Thanks for sending in an ask. I hope this helps; good luck!
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frontproofmedia · 2 years
Arnold Barboza Jr. Defeats Danielito Zorrilla in 140-Pound Showdown
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Published: July 17, 2022
TEMECULA, Calif. — Junior welterweight contender Arnold Barboza Jr. waited nearly 10 years as a pro to make his main event debut, and he took full advantage of the opportunity. Barboza (27-0, 10 KOs), from South El Monte, California, grinded down Danielito Zorrilla to win a 10-round unanimous decision in front of a sold-out crowd of 2,836 Friday evening at Pechanga Resort Casino. Ranked No. 8 by the WBO at 140 pounds, he prevailed by scores of 98-92 and 97-93 2x. Barboza returned from an 11-month layoff in vintage form, wearing down Zorrilla with a consistent body attack and well-placed right hands. Zorrilla (16-1, 12 KOs), down big on the cards, summoned one final charge in the 10th round. He landed a crisp right hand that wobbled Barboza, creating one very anxious moment for the Southern California standout. Barboza composed himself and held on for win number 27. Barboza said, “I was a little rusty. It’s been a while. I’m not going to be inactive like that no more, man. I’m going to be fighting constantly. “I was more off balance {in the 10th round}. I was right there. Once you saw me off balance, I was right back to my thing. Shout out to my conditioning. My conditioning was on point. “My manager knows, if we can’t get a title shot, you know who it is. We want Teofimo. It’s either a title shot or him.” Muratalla Dominates Valtierra Lightweight sensation Raymond "Danger" Muratalla (15-0, 12 KOs) shut out the game Jair Valtierra (16-2, 8 KOs) over eight rounds by identical scores of 80-71. Muratalla, from Fontana, California, dropped Valtierra with a left hook in the fourth. Muratalla landed 133 power punches to 20 for Valtierra, but saw his nine-bout knockout streak end. Muratalla pressed for the knockout in the eighth round, but the stubborn Valtierra fired back and saw the final bell. “I did OK. I felt like I was a little bit sloppy. I could’ve done a lot better. There are better days to come," Muratalla said. “I just want to stay active, keep fighting, and whatever opponents they bring to me, they bring to me. I just want to get to the top, and I’m going to keep fighting and fighting.” Torrez Jr. Stops Zavala Jr. in 58 Seconds Heavyweight U.S. Olympic silver medalist Richard Torrez Jr. (2-0, 2 KOs) wasted little time, stopping Roberto Zavala Jr. (2-2-1, 2 KOs) at 58 seconds of the opening round. Torrez pressed forward and backed Zavala Jr. into the blue corner, unleashing a combination that prompted Eddie Hernandez Sr. to wave it off. Torrez Jr. returns Aug. 27 on the ESPN-televised undercard of the Jose Pedraza-Richard Commey main event in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Torrez Jr. said, “I want to thank Top Rank for keeping me active and giving me the platform to showcase my talents. Every fight is a learning experience, and I can't wait until August 27 in Tulsa." In other results: Heavyweight: Stephan Shaw (17-0, 13 KOs) KO 1 Bernardo Marquez (14-5-1, 10 KOs), 2:35. "Big Shot" Shaw lived up to the billing with an explosive power burst that dropped Marquez three times in less than three minutes. Shaw, from St. Louis, ended the evening with a chopping right hand that dropped Marquez to the canvas. Shaw is 2-0 in 2022 since signing a co-promotional pact with Top Rank. Junior Featherweight: Floyd Diaz (6-0, 2 KOs) KO 3 Pedro Salome (3-1-1, 1 KO), 1:17. Four weeks after improving to 5-0, Diaz returned with a power flourish. After a competitive opening round, Diaz turned the tables in the second round and floored Salome with an overhand right in the third. Referee Daniel Sandoval waved off the fight after a three-punch combination staggered Salome. Welterweight: Adrian Yung (28-7-3, 22 KOs) DRAW 6 Jorge Marron Jr. (20-3-2, 7 KOs). Scores: 59-55 Yung and 57-57 2x. Yung, who was originally supposed to fight Muratalla, was not fazed by the late-notice opponent. Marron, who hails from San Diego, brought a sizable cheering contingent but had to settle for his second consecutive draw. Featherweight: Austin Brooks (7-0, 2 KOs) UD 4 Victor Saravia. (1-3, 1 KO). Scores: 40-36 3x.
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creta5164 · 6 years
[Second week of 2018.09] Busan Indie Connect Festival!
Sorry I was late, I had to postpone the posting one day because the schedule was so busy. So, thank you for waiting my devlog!
Hi, there!
I will try to make an important announcement before the start of devlog. Starting this week, I started to do level design, plot, and visual work.
So, coincidentally, it became impossible to avoid making it difficult to write a devlog every Sunday, so I decided to write a diary every two weeks, and decided to post a status report on another week.
However, this week is the second week, so I will fill in the details. (First, third week = status) (Second, fourth week = devlog)
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And the theme of this devlog is the indie game event held in Busan. In other words, I participated as an exhibitor at the Busan Indie Connect Festival.
It was a good place to meet many developers. Thanks to Waffle, the developer of ‘The Starry Night’ who was able to provide such a precious place. Let's begin.
Plot writing... and improving dialogue window...
Now, as I mentioned above, I'm working on the details of the plot in the current big-frame game, and I'm working on improving the script as well as moving the dialog window interface from the canvas to the world space.
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This is the situation I had working on.
Depart for Busan!
First, let me introduce the background story that I was able to participate as an exhibitor of The Starry Night.
Waffle, who previously worked on The Starry Night, is a close ally with me. I knew that he was not a major in programming. He was developing mobile games using RPG MAKER MV.
One day, after I finished developing, I bored and told Waffle. I was talking how about planning localizing in another language. Then Waffle said, I will copy the whole project and build a version that has changed the language. I have heard some very shocking plans for me.
So, from that moment on, I've become a developer of text localization plugins using JSON, and I've become a developer who has helped to develop a pretty important part of the game.
Because MV is an engine that uses JavaScript, I implemented it right away. It's very easy to use compared to other localization plug-ins. I thought it was good.
Then one day in August I received a phone call. It was a phone call from Waffle, and I was offered a suggestion from Waffle to go to BIC and meet with the developers there.
I think now that the game being developed is very early in the game, and if it is not now, it's hard to make a chance. I was ready to talk with you right away.
So on the 12th of September...
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We took the exhibition model of Tia, the protagonist of The Starry Night(...)
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Then we arrived at the hostel's hostel. Two people were free, and the next person had to pay $ 20 per night for a discounted price. I think it is well worth going out because it is something I can not easily experience where I go.
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Receiving the exhibitor ID card...
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It was before the start, but we went ahead and watched. It's one of the biggest gaming events in the Hall of Fame.
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The entrance has a BIC title on the container. I feel something different.
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At the end of the day, we moved to Haeundae, and we watched the beach. The beach where the pigeons go, rather than the seagulls, feels different lol
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And when I came back to my accommodation, this BIC platinum sponsor, Nicalis, welcomed the exhibitors with a very impressive font(...).
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It is the appearance of the Haeundae market. It feels very different.
First Schedule - Conference Day
It is the day when the exhibitors of BIC gather in the movie theater and give a lecture to people gathered in various fields all day.
It's time to share and learn important and useful information about indie games.
It is the day when BIC exhibitors come together in a movie theater and lectures gathered in various fields all day. It's time to share and learn important and useful information about indie games.
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After the conference schedule, there was a network party hosted by Nicholas. Unfortunately, due to some kind of reason, I could not participate...
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Still, Waffle went to the party and brought a Hamburger called Nicalis Touch(?).
Second Schedule - Business Day
Business Day is a time to prepare booths and communicate with the developers again before the exhibition.
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B-15, The Starry Night's booth. And we check out the equipment we requested...
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We hastened to prepare the booth. Waffle made many preparations for this exhibition.
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And I have seen 8 Doors that show this time again since Unite Seoul 2017. The game has changed a lot. I was surprised to see that the development was progressing to some extent and that the game was also a more well-caught frame. I will expect it!
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And as the developers of 8Doors have used RPG MAKER since before, so he interested and have also come to The Starry Night. he was talked a lot about Waffle and MV.
In the meantime, LSH, a representative of Psychoflux, came and talked for a moment.
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And this is an analog game that was personally the most expected.
As you can see, I expected that it was a game that had both sound effects and game play with the idea that it can not be tried anywhere because it is not software and play video alone.
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When completed the game, it is shown play time of game. The number of red dots in the center is minutes, and the red dots on the outside are seconds. It took four minutes and 45 seconds. It was a really fun game.
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SHE and the light bearer is a conversational point and click adventure game. Overall, the art style was cute, too, and the characters had a unique voice in the conversation. To briefly summarize, it is said that a firefly leaves the adventure in search of a lost mother.
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Nicalis has been able to play Crystal Crisis, RemiLore, The binding of Issac: Repentance, Dungreed's Nintendo Switch version, Blade Strangers. The binding of Issac: Repentance confrimed can do Co-Op play by ask question. The demo ends on the third floor.
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It is a very difficult boss rush game, SACRED STONES. I thought it would have been nice to have a headset or a speaker for experince but there's doesn't have, anyway I think the game itself is really cool.
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IndigoBlue Game Studio's Blindia, famous for SPLIT BULLET and Vectorium. This game has DARK ECHO's style and with the action and strategic aspects are highlighted. I can shoot a gun!
Dance of fire and ice was also seen by the developers themselves. I can see that the developer has changed from Flash to Unity and the graphics have improved significantly, but I have not been able to shoot properly with the camera. In addition to what you can see in the video, and some pretty interesting variations such as a diagonal column.
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It's called MagiCat, and I played the game for a while. Oh my gosh... It's impressive that if you like cats, you might be stunned. It was also a good game design.
So the schedule is over...
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And it is the opening ceremony informing the start of the event!
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A variety of food from the support of the Canadian government was displayed at the front. I ate taco with sauce at first time!
Three, Fourth Schedule - Public Visit
Now, the weekend is finally here to can communicate with players and gamers.
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But I did not make The Starry Night directly, so I helped organize the booth and guide and introduce foreign guests. Photo shows I had Aseprite's source code build(...)
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By the way...
At first, Aseprite has laggy were caught. I initially thought this was due to the fact that it works in debug mode, but the real reason was the 4K resolution(...)
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Anyway, if change the target to system in Program > Properties > Compatibility > DPI then can use it normally.
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I heard from the end, but there was a story that there were many speculations that this BIC would have come more people.
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Waffle surprisingly made the demo quite long. It's hard for many to enjoy, but I think this will help people know what game is.
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This is Muse dash. It was an impressive game because the animations were made to fit well into the beat.
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Wow, there was a place to show the development. He is a developer of the rhythm doctor, Dance of fire and ice.
During the exhibition, one developer has shared a leaflet.
"Let's have an informal party and get together at Haeundae in front of the hostel at 9PM!"
So we arrived at Haeundae and it was 9PM, but I could not see people, so I gave up and tried to return. However, I found a person wearing an ID card on the other side of the traffic light, and the developers who were wandering around looking for a party place gathered one by one and the party proceeded.
It was a good time to talk to a lot of developers here. I had talked with LSH again, and he says I have been watching the development journal steadily, and I was surprised to see you doing the animation work.
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I had a schedule to perform the awards ceremony and the LAN party once again from 5:00 on the last Sunday, but unfortunately I came back as soon as 6 o'clock due to personal reason.
But this opportunity is not uncommon, so I think it makes sense.
Oh my legs!
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I am still making a small part of the plot and game system, and still keeping one commit per day. In the future, the amount of development journals will decrease. Because, as I mentioned at the beginning of this devlog, there are a lot of things I'm working on that are hard to disclose. I'm sad.
LSH said for that "most of the indie game developers when if keep writing the devlog, they arrive at this point, the devlog's post date term is getting longer." And he said, "that is a natural process. if you are worried about the devlog's quantity, how about put up a devlog every two week?" So I decided to try this part of the time.
One day I will improve my perfection until the day I show my game from there.
See you in next week, thank you :)
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bithor · 7 years
first sight (you made me look twice)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
“What,” Bucky finally sputters, “the hell.”
Hot Guy turns around, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“You literally - that - a bookshelf, you held up a whole fucking bookshelf, how the hell did you -”
Bucky pauses for breath. His thoughts are racing, and Hot Guy, looking far too amused, is not helping. “Who the hell are you?” he manages. In hindsight, some thanks would have been in order, but this guy just supported the whole weight of a bookshelf and Bucky is seriously confused. And also a little turned on, not like that’s relevant.
(or; the one where Bucky can’t reach a book and ends up knocking over the whole shelf, and of course Steve Rogers sees him do it).
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: A fair amount of cursing
My first fic for these two! It’s been so long since I’ve written something this long (hence, there’s probably a lot of room for improvement), and I almost can’t believe that I cranked this out in a day, honestly; I had so much fun writing this! There were a few ideas I’d been considering, but when I saw this prompt, I had to write it!
Written for @bravobarnes - thanks so much for being so incredibly sweet, I hope you like it!
Proofread by @hearing-from-my-lawyers - thanks for putting up with me, idiot. Title is from Seeing Stars by BØRNS.
Requests are open!
He isn’t that short.
And yeah, Bucky knows that’s something short people always say to try to delude themselves, but he really isn’t, because five foot eight and a half is a perfectly respectable height, fuck you very much, Sam.
That being said, there are times he really can’t stand being five foot eight and a half. Like right now. Because in front of him, here in the library of Columbia University, is a textbook he needs to finish his bioengineering essay, dented at the spine and title faded but containing all the information about prostheses he could ever need, and it’s on a shelf five feet fucking eleven inches high. And he’s been trying to get it for the past fifteen minutes.
Somewhere, he imagines, Sam Wilson is laughing.
He figures that there’s probably a much more rational way to solve this very pressing problem (Find someone? Get something to stand on? Scream in frustration?), but he’s Bucky Barnes, goddamnit, and he’s very much capable of retrieving a book from a shelf that’s two and a half inches too tall for him.
That’s what he told himself, fifteen minutes ago, but the book is still decidedly not in his possession.
Reaching up on the tips of his toes for what feels like the thousandth time - he’ll bet there’s a new crease in his Converses, by now - he swipes madly at the book. It evades him, yet again.
“Oh, come on,” he mutters - growls, really. The notion of a little creature yanking back the book every time he reaches for it flashes across his sleep-deprived mind, and he snorts.
“Need a hand?”
Though it really isn’t that implausible, Bucky is fairly sure that he didn’t imagine that voice (his mind doesn’t usually sound that deep) and he whirls around.
Nonsensically, the first thing that crosses his mind is, of fucking course.
Because he’s spent the past fifteen minutes doing everything he can to get this one book that’s just barely too tall for him and he looks like a complete ass doing it and he’s pretty sure he’s been muttering to himself and there’s probably coffee spilled down his front and his hair came out of the low bun he tied it in before he left so he probably seems completely deranged and of course it’s the hottest person he’s ever seen who’s walked in on him. He’s got the build of someone who’s lives in an off-campus gym (and the white t-shirt of someone who tends to shop two sizes too small because damn, that chest is a work of modern art), eyes that look like a window into an afternoon sky, and hair that, to Bucky’s crazy mind, reminds him of a field of wheat he drove by once.
And he’s smiling.
The smile looks a little bit more strained, at some point, and it finally occurs to Bucky that he’s essentially been gaping at this stranger for - how long has he been gaping at a complete stranger?
“Um.” he gets out. Sam is having a conniption, wherever he is. “I think I’m good, actually.”
Those blue eyes that Bucky really couldn’t look away from if he tried seem to sparkle with mirth. “You sure about that?”
A part of him, admittedly, is screaming at him to accept this guy’s help, thank him, and go home with his textbook and maybe the guy’s phone number if he plays his cards right (and that’s definitely not an unfamiliar game). It’s the smart way out.
But. Bucky is one stubborn son of a bitch - he’s been told so more times than he can count - and he may be kind of short but he’s nothing if not determined and there’s something programmed in him that simply will not let him take this guy’s offer because that’s not what he does.
So instead he shrugs, taking care to keep his gaze level (like he’s totally not contemplating punching the bookshelf - with his metal arm, no less), and says, “Yeah, I’m sure,” before forcing himself to turn back to that accursed bookshelf. Hot Guy hasn’t moved, and Bucky imagines his gaze following him.
The book is still there. It’s taunting him.
Hot Guy is watching him.
In a last-ditch attempt to not look like a vertically-challenged lunatic, he leans up on his toes, and swipes at it again. This time, though, he effortlessly grabs it, tucks it under his arm, and flashes Hot Guy a devil-may-care smirk.
At least, in a perfect world, that’s what would have happened.
Instead - instead - he fucking jumps on his tiptoes like a petulant five year old. And he jumps forward, reaching out while throwing his weight wildly in the direction of the book, and instantly regrets every decision he’s ever made in his life that’s taken him to this very moment. The bookshelf is a hardy one, but it cannot withstand the force of Bucky Barnes’s metal arm (a Stark model, no less) shoving it angrily, and as Bucky’s feet reorient themselves on the ground, time seems to halt.
It’s the kind of moment that’d make for a great entry in a photography contest - a tired and disheveled university student, metal hand hanging loosely at his side, gaping in sheer dread and bewilderment as a bookshelf stacked with rows and rows of university-level reading overbalances.
And the moment it’ll finally crash to the ground, Bucky thinks irrationally, would make for a great Vine.
He sees a bright white flash of motion out of the corner of his eye in that split second, and Hot Guy is gone. A good idea, he thinks.
After another millisecond of this, he wonders why nothing’s crashed yet. Stranger yet, the bookshelf seems to be frozen at an angle, shaking furiously but about a yard off the ground. Bucky darts around to figure out what the hell is happening, and is treated to the jaw-dropping spectacle of Hot Guy supporting the entire weight of this bookshelf by himself, a knee to the ground and biceps spectacularly on display.
Ideally, Bucky would just marvel at the sight for upwards of an hour, but he’s not that much of an asshole (he’d say he isn’t that desperate, but that probably wouldn’t be true), so he wordlessly races over to the far side of the shelf, drops to a knee, and drives his weight forward.
He’ll be the first to say that he isn’t unathletic, but it’s mainly from the effort of Hot Guy that they manage to force the bookshelf back into an upright position, with the only casualties being some books lying on the floor from their efforts and some muscles in Bucky’s back. He’s breathing heavily and leaning on the shelf - probably not a wise move, considering they literally just set it right - but Hot Guy looks like he hasn’t broken a sweat.
“What,” Bucky finally sputters, “the hell.”
Hot Guy turns around, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“You literally - that - a bookshelf, you held up a whole fucking bookshelf, how the hell did you -”
Bucky pauses for breath. His thoughts are racing, and Hot Guy, looking far too amused, is not helping. “Who the hell are you?” he manages. In hindsight, some thanks would have been in order, but this guy just supported the whole weight of a bookshelf and Bucky is seriously confused. And also a little turned on, not like that’s relevant.
Hot Guy sticks out his hand, and Bucky’s gaze involuntarily flicks to his biceps before returning to his eyes - Jesus Christ is he a fucking train wreck right now.
“Steve Rogers,” he says, the name embedding itself into Bucky’s brain permanently. His voice is a bit hoarse, and damn if that doesn’t do things to Bucky. “Art major. And you are?”
“Bucky Barnes, and - wait, did you say you’re an art major?” The question hangs between them, before Bucky belatedly takes Hot Guy - Steve’s hand and shakes it.
“Yeah,” he replies. “Mainly studio, but I’m minoring in graphic design, too.”
For a shining moment, Bucky visualizes Steve standing before an easel, face screwed up in concentration as he looks from his canvas to something off in the distance. Not what he’d first expected, but definitely not an unwelcome image.
“Right,” he says, arm returning to his side. “Well, thank God you were here, or I’d probably be getting yelled at by someone, and the librarians here scare the shit out of me.” It’s a weak attempt at a joke (really, Bucky’s brain feels like it’s been turned to mush by this entire encounter), but Steve rises to it and laughs - a rich, low, ringing sound. He wants to record it, honestly, but that’d frankly be unnerving, so he settles for committing it to memory.
“Are any of them, by any chance, shorter than you?” says Steve, laughter still in his voice.
“Hey, fuck you,” retorts Bucky, “I’m not that short.” Steve, who’s probably well above six foot tall, raises an eyebrow.
“I’m really not! I was the tallest in my grade for eight years! Not all of us get to look like -” he gestures broadly at Steve’s frame “that, you know.”
Bemused, Steve looks down at himself, almost reflexively, like he has no clue what Bucky’s talking about.
“To be fair,” he says, shrugging sheepishly, “that only happened the summer before freshman year.”
“Of high school?”
Bucky lets out a low whistle. “Seriously?”
“Yup,” Steve says, popping the p. “Shortest person in the entire grade twelve years straight, ‘til I got here. I was only supposed to hit five foot four, you know that?”
“Yeah, so what the hell happened?”
Steve looks down at the ground, before back up at Bucky. “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time,” says Bucky, trying - and probably failing - to not sound too enthusiastic.
“Maybe later.” Steve glances around, before a thought seems to strike him. “Wait, what book did you need, anyways?”
Right. The engineering book. He’d forgotten about that. Bucky motions for Steve to follow him, and he turns the corner, hoping that by some miracle the book had fallen to the floor or something.
No such luck. It’s still two and a half inches too fucking tall for him. Almost involuntarily, he swipes at it again, and predictably misses.
“Let me,” says Steve, reaching over effortlessly and plucking it from the shelf. He makes it look so damn easy, and Bucky would probably glare at him - he’s been told he has a glare that could kill a puppy - if Steve weren’t holding the book out in front of him and smiling bright as the sun. “Here.”
Bucky takes it from him, slowly. The part of him he’d thought he’d abandoned in his sophomore year of high school urges him to brush his fingers against Steve’s hand, to see if his hands are as warm and rough as he imagines, but Bucky settles.
“You know,” Steve says conversationally, glancing around the library, “they really shouldn’t make the shelves that tall.”
It’s true, but Bucky isn’t going to rise to the bait. “Nothing wrong with it.”
Steve looks at him impassively. “Sure.”
It finally hits Bucky that, as much as he wishes it were true, Steve hadn’t come to the library for the sole purpose of watching him try to get a book. “What’d you come for, anyways?”
“Couple’a textbooks, nothing I can’t reach.”
That little shit. “Are you ever going to let that go?” Bucky counters.
“No way in hell.”
No surprise there. “Well, are you going to get them, or are you just going to stand around looking pretty?” The question slips out before he really knows what he’s saying - no one’s had this effect on him in years, and he’s only known Steve for a grand total of ten minutes.
Thankfully, Steve flushes a little, and it’s absolutely adorable. “Um,” he stutters, “they’re - come on, I’ll show you. If you want.”
It never occurs to Bucky to say no, but he smirks anyways because come on, he’s gotta do something to salvage whatever’s left of his dignity. “That’s a hell of an offer, Mr. Rogers,” he says lowly.
“It’s two shelves over.”
“A lot can happen, two shelves over.”
“Fuck’s sake, Barnes.” He turns on his heel, and motions for Bucky to follow him, before heading deliberately over to the art section. As he follows, Bucky takes far more satisfaction than he should in seeing the bright red blush rising up Steve’s neck.
(He definitely doesn’t wonder how far down it goes.)
When they get there, Steve browses through the shelves for a few minutes before grabbing a few books on portraiture and Photoshop. Bucky‘s content to watch appreciatively.
“You know,” he says, trying to keep his tone light, “I’ve got a friend who’s majoring in art, he’d probably have some recs for you.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, for sure. I’ll ask him and get back to you.”
“Oh, so you’d need my number for that.” Steve’s tone is amused - he already has Bucky’s number, and they’ve only known each other for fifteen minutes. It’s refreshing, really.
“Well, how else would I tell you?”
Steve plucks one more book in a fluid motion, and flashes Bucky a smirk that makes him - and he isn’t exaggerating here - go weak in the knees. “Oh, I’m sure you can figure out a way.”
And with that, he walks away and vanishes around the corner.
“Rogers, you asshole!” calls out Bucky, indignantly. All he gets for his trouble is a librarian from a nearby aisle shushing at him.
When he leaves the library, book neatly tucked under his arm, he’s still grinning wider than he’d thought possible.
Finding Steve Rogers’s phone number is much easier than he’d thought, really; Sam knows a guy who’s apparently in the same Graphic Design 101 class as Steve - some guy named Clint - and is more than willing to pass on the information. He also passes on the message “USE PROTECTION!!1!” in all caps, so that’s something.
Once Bucky gets back from his 2 pm lecture, he plugs in the number he’d received from Sam (that had been accompanied by a string of exceptionally dubious emojis that he really doesn’t care to think about).
To roger that: hey heard u wanted art book recs or smth pretentious like that
A few minutes later, grey dots pop up on the bottom of his screen, and his heart rate picks up.
From roger that: hey heard u knocked over a bookshelf or smth dumb like that
To roger that: fuck you
From roger that: at least take me out to dinner first
From roger that: if you can do that without knocking over a table
To roger that: 8:30 good enough for you?
From roger that: sounds good, where?
To roger that: i’m sure you’ll figure it out somehow
From roger that: asshole
Bucky grins and fires off a quick text to Clint with an address.
This is going to be fun.
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