blissfullyecho · 2 years
ew u mean to tell me i haven’t been giving myself what i deserve this entire time? yuck
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loveandthepsyche · 2 years
What is your orientation to truth?
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Let’s be honest, it’s not really peace we’re keeping, is it? It’s an insidious form of codependency: I don’t think you can handle the truth, so I’ll withhold it… or I don’t want to deal with your reaction or upset to the truth, so I'll withhold it… or I don't want to take responsibility for what I’ve done, so I'll withhold… I am afraid of the potential outcome if I speak the truth…
Whatever the reason, this weakness of character ( 🚩) will ultimately contribute to the downfall of the relationship if it's not brought into your conscious awareness for healing. If you are committed to true union, speak the truth and confront what arises as a team, thereby resolving the issue & quite possibly creating an indivisible union. Otherwise, your silence poisons your relationship with the ongoing internal war you fight by squelching your truth, only to come out later as resentment, passive aggression and most times, contempt and sheer rage. Eventually resulting in the utter destruction of your relationship. You will project these pent up internal emotions at "the other" because by now your emotional imbalance is overflowing like a volcano ready to spew hot lava. And, it is 100% your responsibility and could have been prevented had you dealt with the issue at the onset and acknowledged the warning signs (your feelings) along the way.
So let’s be real: avoiding conflict has nothing to do with keeping or creating peace. You are lying to yourself when you tell yourself that. It’s actually avoidance of taking responsibility, simply not wanting to deal with the current reality present. The conflict doesn't disappear because you withhold the truth. It’s simply hidden, and more accurately, postponed in a subtle form of [self] deception. And this character weakness has the power to sabotage every area of your life if you don't hold yourself accountable and develop the tools to communicate with an orientation towards the truth and confronting the issue together, not confronting each other like you're in a war zone.
When the next opportunity arises, you have the power to choose--speak your truth and evolve your relationship and your being, or you can continue to run away and postpone that which is in the ultimate act of self-sabotage and emotional immaturity. The difference is creating the partnership your heart dreams of versus the torture, heartbreak and regret the ego so easily exploits.
~ Monet Euan
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[…]Nella vostra vita, quando vi buttano giù, quando cercano di ostacolarvi,quando parlano male di voi e cercano di mettervi i piedi in testa, se rimanete per terra non potrete mai trovare una soluzione. […]
[Credit gruppo uplevel, TikTok]
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miajnsn · 2 years
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
okay GOOD NEWS the friend from chicago is switching tracks and running a one shot for HIS (perpetually hiatus'd, functionally defunct) campaign tomorrow instead so I get to play my boy ambrose!!
the bad news is I was already prepared to do Too Much for playing NYSSA so now I gotta do a really severe mental track switch
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jindalx3 · 8 months
Beyond Basics: A Deep Dive into LMS-Driven Agent Skill Evolution
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In today’s time, where the demand for enhanced customer experiences continues to rise, the role of Learning Management Systems (LMS) stands as a transformative force. As organizations strive for excellence in their customer interactions, the evolution of agent skills has become not just a necessity but a strategic imperative. According to recent industry statistics by Turing, contact centers that leverage advanced training methodologies witness a remarkable 25% increase in agent productivity and a substantial 20% improvement in overall customer satisfaction.  
The conventional boundaries of training are surpassed as we unravel the intricate interplay between tools, digital transformation, and skill development. The statement is clear: to truly excel in the dynamic landscape of customer service, organizations must embrace a comprehensive approach that goes beyond the rudimentary aspects of training. Let's navigate this transformative landscape and understand how LMS becomes the catalyst for agent upleveling, ultimately steering contact centers toward excellence.   
Introduction to Digital Transformation in Customer Experience  
In the grand tapestry of business evolution, Digital Transformation stands as a transformative brushstroke, particularly poignant in the canvas of Customer Experience (CX). This introduction unravels the profound impact of Digital Transformation, a paradigm shift that transcends traditional business models, redefining how organizations engage and resonate with their clientele. 
Digital Transformation in CX signifies the strategic integration of digital technologies to reimagine customer interactions. Gone are the days of static, one-size-fits-all approaches. Instead, businesses navigate an era where customization, agility, and responsiveness reign supreme. As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, customers now expect seamless, omnichannel experiences that seamlessly blend online and offline interactions. 
The essence of this transformation lies not just in adopting new technologies but in fundamentally altering how businesses perceive and cater to customer needs. It's an era where data-driven insights steer decision-making, predictive analytics anticipate customer preferences, and artificial intelligence breathes life into personalized interactions. 
The Impact of Digital Transformation on Customer Service  
Embracing Technological Alchemy: In the alchemy of modern business, the impact of Digital Transformation on Customer Service is akin to the transmutation of base elements into gold. This section explores the profound influence of technology, transforming the very essence of customer service from a static process into a dynamic, responsive, and personalized engagement. 
1. Swift Responsiveness through Chatbots  
At the forefront of this transformation are chatbots, heralding a new era of instant and seamless customer interactions. These virtual assistants leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to provide real-time support, answer queries, and guide customers through various processes. The immediacy and efficiency offered by chatbots not only enhance customer satisfaction but also free up human agents to focus on more complex tasks, amplifying overall service efficiency. 
2. Omnichannel Orchestration  
Digital Transformation doesn't merely introduce isolated solutions; it weaves a symphony of interactions across multiple channels. The orchestration of omnichannel communication ensures that customers experience a seamless transition between various touchpoints – be it social media, email, chat, or in-person interactions. This interconnected approach ensures a unified and consistent customer journey, irrespective of the chosen channel. The result is a holistic and integrated service experience that aligns with the dynamic preferences of modern consumers. 
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Tools Shaping CX in the Digital Age  
In the vibrant canvas of the digital age, businesses wield a diverse array of tools that shape and redefine Customer Experience (CX). From the wizardry of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the analytical prowess of data-driven insights, these tools are the brushes that craft a seamless and personalized CX masterpiece. 
Artificial Intelligence emerges as a central protagonist, empowering businesses to offer predictive analytics, chatbots for instant support, and personalized recommendations. Analytics tools delve into the treasure trove of data, unraveling patterns and preferences that inform strategic decision-making. The orchestration of these tools ensures a dynamic and responsive CX, where every interaction becomes a tailored experience. In this digital landscape, businesses armed with these tools not only meet but exceed customer expectations, creating a tapestry of interactions that resonate with the ever-evolving preferences of the modern consumer. 
Synergies between Digital Transformation and Learning Management Systems  
Harmonizing Evolutionary Forces: The synergy between Digital Transformation and Learning Management Systems (LMS) represents a harmonious convergence, amplifying the capabilities of both to reshape the landscape of workforce development and customer service. This section unravels the intricate dance between these two evolutionary forces, showcasing how businesses can orchestrate a transformative symphony that enhances agent training and skill development. 
Adaptive Training Modules for Dynamic Workforces  
At the core of this synergy lies the creation of adaptive training modules. Digital Transformation provides the dynamic backdrop, introducing emerging technologies and evolving business models. Learning Management Systems, equipped with the flexibility to integrate these changes seamlessly, craft training modules that adapt to the evolving needs of a dynamic workforce. This ensures that agents receive not only relevant but also forward-looking training, aligning their skills with the cutting edge of industry trends. The adaptive nature of these modules allows businesses to stay agile, fostering a culture of continuous learning that mirrors the rapid pace of Digital Transformation.   
Strategies for Successful Digital Transformation in CX  
Navigating the terrain of Digital Transformation in Customer Experience (CX) demands strategic finesse to ensure seamless integration and impactful outcomes. Here, we delve into three pivotal strategies that stand as guiding beacons for organizations seeking triumph in the dynamic digital landscape. 
1. Cultivate a Culture of Innovation  
Fostering a culture of innovation is foundational. Encourage a mindset where employees feel empowered to embrace change and contribute ideas. This cultural shift ensures that the entire organization becomes an active participant in the Digital Transformation journey, driving creativity, experimentation, and a proactive approach to technological advancements. 
2. Seamlessly Integrate Emerging Technologies  
Successful Digital Transformation hinges on the adept integration of emerging technologies. Embrace tools like Artificial Intelligence, chatbots, and data analytics to enhance customer interactions. By seamlessly integrating these technologies into existing processes, organizations not only elevate CX but also position themselves at the forefront of industry innovation. 
3. Prioritize Customer-Centric Strategies  
In the digital age, customer-centricity is non-negotiable. Prioritize strategies that place the customer at the core. Leverage data insights to understand customer preferences, personalize interactions, and anticipate needs. By aligning digital initiatives with customer expectations, organizations create an experience that resonates, ensuring sustained loyalty and advocacy in the competitive digital landscape. 
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These strategies, woven into the fabric of organizational DNA, serve as catalysts for a successful Digital Transformation in CX. 
As businesses navigate this dynamic landscape, strategies of innovation, seamless integration, and customer-centricity emerge as linchpins. The result is not just enhanced customer interactions but a cultural shift towards adaptability. Looking ahead, continuous vigilance on emerging technologies is paramount. Organizations should foster an environment of ongoing learning, adapting strategies to the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. Embrace emerging tools, amplify customer-centric initiatives, and remain agile in the face of technological advancements. The future of successful Digital Transformation in CX lies in the commitment to perpetual evolution and a steadfast dedication to delivering unparalleled customer experiences.  
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helloenee · 1 year
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Apparently you can use HTML in AO3 comments!!!!
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enchanted-moura · 9 days
Pick a Gemstone - Your Upcoming Manifestations💕💎
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Pile 1 - Pink Gemstone
You are manifesting luxury & opulence. Every aspect of luxury from champagne, oysters, extravagant decor and all the trappings of the flesh entices you greatly. You are a luxurious and lavish person and therefore desire a luxurious lavish lifestyle. You do not just dream about it either, you are actively in the ring attending conferences, real estate, learning about businesses & investments and upskilling and uplevelling yourself. Its only inevitable that a life of comforts and excess will be available to you. Anytime you see BEAUTY in any form it makes you feel happy and excited for growth. My classy and wordly pile, continue to love and embrace opulence in all its forms👠🎀
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Pile 2 - Yellow Gemstone
Renaissance Barbie! You are manifesting more skill and aptitude in languages, etiquette, knowledge of the and travels and culture. You have a wide range of interests, hobbies and skill destined to make you shine. You may be intrigued by cuisine, fine dining especially and may have cultivated a wide range of skills to help you in fit in new environments. You can discuss champagne or Renaissance art. I am getting a courtesan energy for this pile, you know the ancient consort of kings, politicians, and wealthy merchants. But you do not have to use your energy for relating but for getting happier & more prosperous🎀💖
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Pile 3 - Red Gemstone
You are manifesting increased sex appeal, feminine allure and elegance. Fashion, beautification, adornments and excelling as your best are now prominent themes for you now. You are the belle of the ball & get to enjoy the benefits of increased attention and affection. As well as increased allure, you are manifesting the ability to have the money and resources for such so now you have shopping money & appointment money & hair money & therapy moment all to add to your maintenance. You are adornment, you are who everybody wishes to see and anticipates for your next dazzling glittering moment💖🛍️
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
imogen failgirl uplevelling her from ungracefully flinging herself through the air to ungracefully flinging everyone in the party through the air at high velocity
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blissfullyecho · 2 years
life update: i reapplied to nursing school yesterday and i just submitted an internship application to work as a nursing assistant at the hospital i once had dreamed about working in.
i'm making sure 2023 is focused on bettering myself and my lifestyle, each and every day.
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vivaciousofficiall · 5 months
Move In Silence & Protect Yourself From Monitoring Spirits.
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Hello ladies, welcome to Vivacious Official.
Today we’ll be discussing how to move in silence & protecting yourself from harmful spirits.
As a woman on a spiritual or self development journey, you have probably encountered "monitoring spirits". This is due to the fact that you are a woman with a purpose & not everyone is happy about that.
What is a monitoring spirit?
In simple definition, a monitoring spirit is someone that is hyper fixated on you with the intent of causing harm. This being is triggered by your existence. This is often fueled by feelings of insecurity, envy & inferiority.
The truth is if you are of woman of faith then remember you’re divinely protected.
As God said "no weapon formed against thee shall prosper"
In addition to God’s protection you can always protect yourself too.
Signs of a monitoring spirit.
1. They study you closely. (Mannerisms, Style, Relationships, etc)
2. They seem to want to know everything about you even though you can sense their distaste for you.
3. Smear campaigns : They go around slandering your name. (Especially to the people closest to you)
4. They are extremely competitive with you.
5. They put doubt & fear in your mind ( especially after sharing a personal goal)
Why should you move in silence ?
1. Self Validation
As I grow further in my journey, the need to show my personal life decreases. This is because I don’t need external validation. That is a sign of growth.
This is how you must see your life. You are sacred and you have a purpose. You don’t need to prove to anyone what God has already qualified you for.
If you feel the need to post every single thing on social media or telling random people, that is sign of needing validation from others.
2. Protection
When you post "good news" the people that are truly gonna be happy for you are those that have a similar mindset to you. (ie. positive people) As sad as it is, the population is filled with negative people that are stuck in scarcity mode. They see your success as a personal attack. They don’t believe there is space for both of you to win in your respective fields. Your win is then seen as their loss.
How to deal with a monitoring spirit
If you don’t have to be around this person then my best advice is to quietly let them go. There’s no need to confront these types of people because they will never admit to being envious. Choose yourself. You deserve a life filled with people that love you.
If you HAVE to be around this person ( boss, colleague, family member, etc) then I have some temporary advice for you.
Note : this advice isn’t a permanent solution, the permanent solution is low/nocontact. This is a temporary solution as you are getting ready to go no contact. (eg: while you are looking for another job, while you’re trying to move out of your family house, while you’re in school etc)
1. Grey Rock : Become as boring as a grey rock. Don’t share anything with this person. Let them think you have nothing interesting going on. Save your interesting stories for the people that mean well.
2: Be Evasive : Look up celebrity interviews. When asked an intrusive question they are able to answer it without actually answering the question. Learn to say something while saying nothing at the same time.
3. Sell a story : Instead of talking about your personal life, talk about the most irrelevant things but make it sound interesting. You could exit a whole gathering and all they would know is how you’re getting a new couch.
Stay Safe Ladies!
Xoxo, Vivacious
Subscribe To My Youtube Channel For More Detailed Advice
To Book An Inner Work Clarity Reading With Me!
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: "Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know".
The energy of forgiveness is here, waiting to be called in and embodied. Angels are here too, inviting you to take a step back and review your current situation before moving forward. If you have received feedback or identified that your choices or actions have been to the detriment of someone around you, it’s important to own your part of it. It’s not easy taking responsibility for actions that hurt others, especially if that wasn’t your intention, but you will feel better about owning your part than defending your actions. And in turn, this will welcome in the energy of peace.
Your angels know that you can give yourself a hard time, so this isn’t encouragement to beat yourself up over past choices, rather an opportunity to demonstrate how far you’ve come on the journey of personal discovery and spiritual responsibility. Angels are here to remind you that without mistakes you wouldn’t be who or where you are today. So, have some compassion for yourself and forgive yourself for what has happened. Remember the only thing you can change is how you act now. This will lead to serious upgrades and upleveling on your spiritual path.
Jeremiel, “God’s Mercy,” is a powerful angel who shines a light on the aspects of our life that need refl ection and honesty in order for us to move forward with love and authenticity. He helps us understand and embody what it really means to have mercy and reach a state of forgiveness. Just by sensing his presence, we may feel guided to let go of an old story that’s holding us in our past, so that we can experience the miracle of our present.
DECK: The 22 Archangels Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard
Release Date June 4th, 2024. Now available for pre-orders from all major booksellers!
Kyle Gray
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illicit-astrology · 9 months
Starting the New Years on a High Note!
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Instead of celebrating for few hours and then going back to the same old reality, start the new year with a genuinely 100% upgraded, upleveled, new you! Celebrate with mindful intentions, here's how!
Note: use ONLY your rising
Aries: Be honest in your Introspection. Look deep within yourself and explore all your desires... follow up with a plan to pursue those passionate pursuits.
Taurus: Plan or engage in a totally new experience. Plan your travels and all the places you've always wanted to visit. Keep an open mind to what's new!
Gemini: Start parenting yourself and taking responsibility for whatever changes or resolutions you want to manifest next year.
Cancer: Self-actualize and experiment with your looks. That neon top you always wanted to wear but was afraid? Now is the time! Carve time to socialize with close friends!
Leo: reflect on your inner world, and explore your sense of spirituality and inner divine. Practice compassion to all versions of yourself. Make your bed and light those candles!
Virgo: blow the dust off your gym membership, it's time to sweat! Try to move your body and feel grounded in it.
Libra: Rest, rest, rest! More kudos to you if you can indulge yourself in all pursuits of pleasure and comfort.
Scorpio: Read that book you haven't finished yet. Journalling or a conversation with a sibling might just be what you need to feel renewed!
Sagittarius: Mother yourself, and spoil your inner child! The future you will thank you. Go where you feel most at home, and if it's your home, try to make it the most comfortable!
Capricorn: Go all out! Be extra, be dramatic, and show up to get acknowledged and receive attention! Celebrate in a fancy place - if you can!
Aquarius: Detox your body and do that monthly apartment cleaning, tidy up your closet and work desk, do your paperwork, or file your taxes... Have you paid all the bills?
Pisces: Ravel in the beauty of this life, romanticize every part of your day leading up to the event of celebration. Pick the right outfit, perfume...etc.
Happy early New Year y'all! Thank you for your support for 1.5 years!♥
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
how do you reconcile being a feminist, single, and a high-value woman? maybe I'm misunderstanding the concept but I always thought HVW and hypergamy were all very centered on seeking a male partner.
Hi love! Great question. I think your curiosity offers a great opportunity to dive a bit more into my personal views and philosophy.
I believe that the goal of feminism is to protect all women and provide them legal protection, structural resources, and social power to live equitably in society. In my eyes, a high-value woman is one who is unapologetically self-respecting and sets her life up in a way to allows her to work towards goals that meet her needs in all areas of life.
Hypergamy, by its modern definition, is the idea that women "date up" to intertwine their sexual relationships with men to those who offer more or equally high social, financial, or sexual capital to them. The traditional idea of hypergamy was exclusively referred to as "marrying up" as marriage was the only way women could achieve most resources (like a bank account, credit card, housing, and certain medical care – it's so terrifying, honestly).
In the latter case, hypergamy is nearly synonymous with centralizing men. Before women gained certain freedoms (in the U.S. this was mostly in the 1960-70s), centralizing men was a survival mechanism, not a preference or act of self-imposed oppression.
I believe in the modern world where women can have their own bank accounts, careers, and access to birth control (the latter one is an anxiety-inducing topic at this point in time, ugh), women are given the choice to be hypergamous either while centralizing or decentralizing men.
I believe that you can uphold hypergamous standards in your dating life without centralizing men in your life. For me, personally, my relationship or dating status has no bearing on how happy or successful I am in my life. No man (or lack of one in my life) will ever determine my self-worth or reflect my progress in life. My metrics of fulfillment and accomplishment stem from thriving in my professional life, staying in good health, practicing consistently healthy habits (WFPB diet, regular exercise, mental health hygiene, sexual wellness, mindfulness, self-care, etc.), and maintaining nourishing friendships. Dating and my interactions with men (in non-platonic ways) are fun ways I enrich my life, so I believe this mentality embodies the modern – albeit hyper-progressive – definition of hypergamy. Remaining single allows me to enjoy all of the ways men can uplevel my life – socially, financially (to the degree some nighttime activities, such as dinners, drinks, car services, club fees, etc. are paid for – no sugaring activities or anything), and sexually without the aspects of dating men that would contradict my sense of self-respect or autonomy. I'm not personally designed to be a man's therapist or feel like I should have to include a man's needs in all of my life or day-to-day decisions because we're sexually involved with each other. I have a strict vetting process regarding who I will entertain in my dating/sexual life to ensure they're adding value to my life and there's mutual compatibility considering the type of arrangement we're both seeking.
Personally, I believe the only way to maintain equity in dating is to remain single, which allows me to meet all of my other standards in life. I will never sacrifice my life goals for a man, but I do not believe that means you have to approach dating or sexual relationships from a black-and-white perspective. However, if I'm going to date men (which can be a headache for certain), I believe they need to enrich my life in some way – whether that's interesting conversations, gaining business acumen, social relationships, fun sexual experiences, or just learning about different cultures/world perspectives.
From my observations, women who use hypergamy as an excuse to centralize their life or aspirations around a man are glamorizing regressive/oppressive ideologies (like submitting to a partner or relying on men financially) as a last attempt to uphold the patriarchy as women wake up to the fact that having to do all of society's emotional labor plus having to contort ourselves in a world designed for men, namely in our professional lives, is not the truest form of feminism out there (not to mention it's lack of intersectionality, but that's a whole other rant lol). I don't use the "hypergamy" tag on my posts anymore for this reason, though. I believe that many people are conflating the textbook concept of hypergamy with regressive political agendas, which I will never promote let alone subscribe to.
This is all just my take, so I hope it all makes sense and resonates with some members of this amazing community. Every woman should figure out what approaches to all of these matters would make her the most genuinely happy and fulfilled regardless of society's expectations or cultural norms.
Sending love xx
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eatmangoesnekkid · 11 months
I generally do not care 5 cents about celebrity culture but I find the conversations around Ashanti and Nelly’s rekindled relationship interesting. Many say he should have proposed to her as soon as they got back together. Others think she did too much by buying him his dream car. The fact that Ashanti has that kind of wealth is remarkably outstanding and powerful. Archetypal energy! I don't think it occurs to anyone that maybe Ashanti does not want to be a wife and is content with living life on her terms. Even if she does desire to be a wife and they get married and have children, the social programming is so thick and deep and wide that women never allow themselves to consider the possibility that maybe a woman doesn’t want to be married and/or birth children. Ultimately this channeling is not so much about their relationship. It is, however, celebrating the awareness in how the ability to merely consider other options in how we perceive womanhood, this story, or anything else.... installs a level of freedom and expansion into our magnetic field that we can transfer into other areas of our personal lives. Transmutation. How we perceive -even something as distant to us as celebrity culture—is everything true and holy for what we create in our own lives in the future. There is nothing wrong with having the authentic desire to be married and have children. I find that when it's truthful, it is beautiful. And what's also true is that so many women in marriages are bored to death and miserable AF. Not all women enjoy being mothers or being married. Many will never admit that while they love and adore their children, they don't love motherhood and unconsciously numb out and dissociate. But I can feel it. I have always felt it. I started noticing these patterns in women when I was in my teens, but didn't have the language or maturity to name them. A pattern master is who I was by the age of 15. If you want to begin to master any part of life, you must be willing to look at the patterns and re-pattern your subconscious accordingly. That's why I truly believe one of the greatest uplevels happen when a woman stops believing that being a wife or having children is the ultimate prize and value metric. Having a lover (or lovers) who loves you, adores you, honors you, respects you, adventures the globe with you, invests in you and is not trying to control you or place you in a box as you do the same thing is the pinnacle of love and winning, whether dating, in a committed partnership, or married. The more you unlearn programming and conditioning, shift how you think and perceive reality, the more you realize that this world was built to extract from women, to shrink her spiritual capacity by tying down her life force energy, making her more subservient and exhausted than truly alive and free to pleasurably overflow in her body and life as ordained by Source to live. Less miserable exhausted women and more fully awakened pleasured women in touch with nature and ritual are essential for tapping into real healing solutions that open up the collective mind and heart in a violent chaotic world. Whether taking dance lessons, traveling the world, bathing in sweetwaters, making love, or getting married and having babies, accessing real pleasure has to be an important part of her life. Think about it: She is the only mammal on earth whose body contains an organ for which the only purpose is pleasure. This divine-given anatomical design has to begin to mean something to you. -India Ame'ye, A Plump Clitoris Venusian Channeling
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