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dreamnight0808-2nd · 11 months ago
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UPeace artworks
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westsahara · 3 months ago
Experten stellen die Vorrangstellung des marokkanischen Autonomieplans in der Stadt Dakhla klar heraus
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Dakhla–Marokkanische und afrikanische Experten sowie  marokkanische und afrikanische Wissenschaftler unterstrichen am Freitag, dem 15. November 2024 in Dakhla die Vorrangstellung des marokkanischen Autonomieplans, der vonseiten des Königreichs Marokko unterbreitet worden war, zwecks dessen den aus dem Boden gestampften Regionalkonflikt rund um die marokkanische Sahara definitiv beilegen zu dürfen.
Bei einem Forum zum Thema „Der marokkanische Autonomieplan: Ein Modell der territorialen Regierungsführung im atlantischen Afrika“ betonten die Redner die Vorzüge des marokkanischen Autonomieplans angesichts der jüngsten Entwicklungen der nationalen Sache, mit inbegriffen angesichts der zuwachsenden und der musterhaften  Armengreifung, die sie erfahren habe.
Während dieser vonseiten der Gemeinde Dakhla in Partnerschaft mit dem Internationalen Diplomatischen Zentrum und in Partnerschaft mit dem Afrikanischen Zentrum für Strategische Intelligenz sowie in Partnerschaft mit der Universität für Frieden der Vereinten Nationen (mit der UPEACE) initiierten Begegnung drängten die Redner die Bedeutung der  Interessenvertretung und der universitären Diplomatie bei der Verfechtung der ersten nationalen Sache in den Vordergrund.
Einer Presseerklärung zufolge verwies der Präsident des Stadtrats Dakhla, Herr Erragheb HORMATALLAH, darauf, dass diese  Begegnung die ideale Gelegenheit darstelle, Licht auf den marokkanischen Autonomieplan werfen zu dürfen, der heute als die einzig realistische Lösung für diesen aus dem Boden gestampften Regionalkonflikt rund um die marokkanische Sahara betrachtet werde.
Der Präsident des Internationalen Diplomatischen Zentrums, Herr Elghali ELGHILANI, stellte seinerseits in den Mittelpunkt, dass diese  Begegnung, welche Teil der akademischen Diplomatie sei, darauf abziele, die Übereinstimmung des marokkanischen Autonomieplans mit den Einforderungen des Völkerrechts hervorheben zu dürfen, feststellend, dass die jüngste Verabschiedung der Resolution Nr. 2756 vonseiten des UNO-Sicherheitsrates diesen Autonomieplan als die einzig  einzigartige Basis für die Lösung der marokkanischen Sahara-Frage positioniere.
Herr Samuel Kale EWUSSI, in seiner Eigenschaft als Vertreter der UPEACE, stellte seinerseits die Behauptung auf, er sei vom Entwicklungsstand der Region Dakhla Oued Eddahab sowie von der Stabilität und von der Sicherheit beeindruckt, die ihr zugute kommen, fortfahrend, dass der marokkanische Autonomieplan die einzig glaubwürdige Lösung sei, die die territoriale Integrität des Königreichs Marokko respektiere und dem Frieden, dem Fortschritt sowie der Einheit in ganz Afrika fördernd sein müsse.
Während dieser Begegnung, woran Experten und Wissenschaftler aus unzähligen afrikanischen Staaten, im vorliegenden Falle aus dem Tschad, aus Senegal und aus Gabun, beteiligt gewesen waren, sei eine Reihe von Themen er��rtert worden, im vorliegenden Falle „Die Autonomie als Modell zur Lösung irredentistischer Konflikte in Afrika“, „Die Vereinbarkeit des marokkanischen Autonomieplans mit den Standards des Völkerrechts“, „Der Autonomieplan in der Sahara: Ein Modell zur Territorialisierung der öffentlichen Politik“ und „Die kulturelle Dimension des marokkanischen Autonomieplans: Ein Hebel zu Gunsten von der pluralistischen Identität des afrikanischen Marokko“.
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socialjusticeday · 3 months ago
4th Meeting, Social Forum 2024.
15h00-15h45    Domestic and International Private Business and Finance
     Moderator: Ms. Özge Aydoğan, Director, Beyond Lab
Mr. Olivier De Schutter, Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Leveraging Private Business and Finance for the Alleviation of Global Poverty
Mr. Veaceslav Sterbert, Managing Partner at Exportza, Moldova, Sharing Stories and Experiences on Access to Finance in the Republic of Moldova
Mr. Anand Priya Deo, Ananda Foundation, India, Financial Inclusion, Grameen Microfinance, Women's Empowerment and Livelihoods among Tribal and Indigenous Communities in India
Mr. Jason Pegat-Toquet, Advisor, International Organization of Employers, The Role of Multistakeholder and Public-Private Partnerships
Ms. Yixuan Peng, Ph.D. Candidate, Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, Human Rights Responsibilities of Digital Business Enterprises
15h45-16h30      Interactive Dialogue
16h30-17h45   Crafting Recommendations to FFD4, with a focus on Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States     Moderator: Mr. Mihir Kanade, Professor and Head, Department of International Law and Director, Human Rights Centre,                          University for Peace (UPEACE), San José, Costa Rica
H.E. Ms. Patricia Hermanns, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to the United Nations in Geneva, Sustainable Finance for Caribbean and other Small Island Developing States
Ms. Bhumika Muchhala,Political Economist, Policy Advocate and Research Scholar, New School, New York, Addressing Systemic Issues for Justice and Equity in Global Governance
Mr. Unubat Narantsatsralt, Student Researcher, International Institute in Geneva, Sustainable Financing for Landlocked Developing Countries – From the Perspective of Mongolia
Ms. Gladys Cecilia Hernandez, Deputy Director, Centro de Investigaciones de la Economia Mondial, Cuba, Proposals for a New International Financial Architecture
Ms. Jane Nalunga, Executive Director, SEATINI, Uganda, FFD Africa Core Group, and Coordination Group of the Civil Society FFD Mechanism – Ensuring Effective Outcomes for African Countries, Least Developed Countries and All Human Rights for All at FFD4
17h45-18h00   Closing Remarks
 H.E. Marc Bichler, Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Social Forum
The Social Forum 2024 focuses on the contribution of financing for development to the advancement of all Human Rights for all.
Watch the 4th meeting, Social Forum 2024!
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marwahstudios · 2 years ago
World Peace Development and Research Foundation Honors Peace Lovers
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New Delhi: The World Peace Development and Research Foundation, founded by Sandeep Marwah, is a non-profit organization that aims to promote love, peace, and unity through art and culture. With a focus on education, research, and advocacy, the foundation seeks to build bridges between different cultures and communities, and foster understanding and cooperation among people of all backgrounds. Through its programs and initiatives, the foundation is committed to creating a more peaceful and harmonious world for future generations.
Sandeep Marwah recently honored Sandeep Shah and Dr Jayanta Chakarvorthy with the life membership of WPDRF on their visit to the International Head Quarters of WPDRF at Marwah Studios Noida Film City.
Dr Jayanta Chakavorthy is the Co-founder of Asentrek Global -A platform of Global Consultant and experts Dr is one of the most sought after thought Leaders, Business Management Coach and Strategic consultant and leadership educator.
Sandy Shah is the Founder Chairman, World Foundation for Peace and Sustainability (WFPS), Former Special Envoy to Commission for Peace at University for Peace (UPEACE)
Sandeep Shah believes in the power of people. Progress & prosperity follow those who carve a humble path for themselves and benefit others with their magnanimous perspective, building nations through connections. An ardent strategist and a philanthropist for over 20 years, Sandy believes in the philosophy of creating connections & merging it with his business acumen to build ascending steps towards a better world.
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isshinotasuke · 2 years ago
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camila-s237 · 2 years ago
Tercer cuatrimestre, 2023
L1,Amigo imaginario de mi compañero ficha
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L2, Proceso del amigo imaginario de mi compañero
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L3, Mi amigo imaginario
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Diseño gráfico está dirigido a la comunicación visual mientras que Diseño publicitario está dirigido a la comunicación visual y verbal
L6, Promoción de lugar
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Qué quiero decir?
En este lugar se ofrece comida típica de Costa Rica y con gran cantidad de comida
Para quién?
Para extranjeros
Por qué?
Por que en ciudad colon en donde se ubica el restaurante llegan extranjeros de la UPEACE con ganas de probar comida tica
@asoarq- Arquitectura
@veritasedcv - Diseño Publicitario
@dpiveritas - Diseño de Producto
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silentambassadors · 6 years ago
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Brought under colonial rule by the Spaniards not long after they arrived in full force to the New World, but due to a number of geographical and agricultural idiosyncrasies, Costa Rica (the rich coast) was left largely to its own devices and never relied on a mestizo or slave population, like much of Latin America during the colonial period.  After gaining a measure of self-rule following the Mexican War for Independence (during which it was known as the Free State of Costa Rica), Costa Rica began the transition to full independence, ultimately leading to the Costa Rican Civil War in the 1940s.  After that, Costa Rica declared itself a republic and abolished its military - and today remains one of only a few sovereign states without a standing army.  This stamp enthusiast’s friend attended the UN’s University for Peace, headquartered in Ciudad Colón.
Stamp details: Stamps on top: Issued in: 1863 From: San Jose, Costa Rica MC #1-2
Stamps on bottom: Issued on: September 14, 2017 From: San Jose, Costa Rica Colnect #2017-15
Recognized as a sovereign state by the UN: Yes (since November 2, 1945) Official name: Republic of Costa Rica; República de Costa Rica Member of the Universal Postal Union: Yes (since January 1, 1883)
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ronniekingofficial · 2 years ago
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Just back from #Costarica the Campus of @earthcharterinternational is Amazing #ECI #amabassador 🇨🇷🇺🇸 #Piano #Arranger #Touring #Keyboards Posted @withrepost • @universityforpeace ¿Ya conociste el Monumento al Trabajo, el Desarme y la Paz? En nuestro Parque Recreativo, se ubica este conjunto escultórico realizado y donado por la artista cubana, Thelvia Marín Mederos, y la Universidad de La Habana. La obra fue comisionada por el expresidente de Costa Rica y fundador de la #UPAZ Rodrigo Carazo Odio. En la misma, se pueden observar figuras y símbolos relacionados con el trabajo, el desarme y la paz. Quizá su elemento más prominente es una paloma alzando vuelo, sostenida por unas manos. Una metáfora de la paz. Este monumento se puede visitar los fines de semana en nuestro parque. --- Have you already seen the Monument to Work, Disarmament and Peace? This sculpture is located in our Recreational Park and was donated by Cuban artist Thelvia Marín Mederos and the University of Havana. The work was commissioned by the former president of Costa Rica and founder of #UPEACE Rodrigo Carazo Odio. It features figures and symbols related to labor, disarmament and peace. Perhaps its most prominent element is a dove taking flight, held by hands. A metaphor for peace. This monument can be visited on weekends in our park. (at Chateau Relaxo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiNsYRAfv0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dreamnight0808-2nd · 11 months ago
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:: UPeace
Vita x Midnight
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ruqyakhan · 4 years ago
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Love what you do; do what you love! Congratulations @prodigybureau for a brilliant gathering of like minds and change makers at at 2021 International Coahes and Authors Forum. So grateful for the prestigious opportunity to share my S.M.I.L.E. and thoughts on all things coaching with the brilliant opening panel. Looking forward to more ☺️👌🏻💯🎤 #ruqyakhan #motivationalspeaker #simplelessons #keepsmiling #healthiswealth #ruqyakhan #motivation #happiness #happyness #smiletastic #gratitude #happyness #happiness #upeace #possibilitiescoach #connectingthethoughts #returnonintention #worldhappiness #upeace #worldhappinessacademy #peace #happiness #happytalism #newparadigms #happinessatwork #mindfulness #leadership #happyuae #leadershipdevelopment #womenleaders#mindsetcoach #nlp #lifecoaching https://www.instagram.com/p/CNcmslvpyHP/?igshid=a1s6actdqouh
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uaevoice · 4 years ago
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 In partnership with the Permanent Mission of the UAE to the UN in Geneva, the Emirates Diplomatic Academy “EDA” signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University for Peace “UPEACE”.
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kennak · 2 years ago
<日本統一教会の梶栗玄太郎会長は3月31日午前、東日本大震災の被災者のため、NHKに義援金1292万4054円を持参しました。(中略)義援金は、梶栗会長が東京・渋谷のNHK放送センターを訪れ、社会福祉法人中央共同募金会に手渡しました。担当者は「わざわざお出でいただき、ありがとうございます」と述べ、丁重に受け取りました>  旧統一教会(現・世界平和統一家庭連合)のウェブサイト「家庭連合 NEWS ARCHIVES」(2011年3月31日)と「UPeace」には、中央共同募金会(赤い羽根共同募金)の担当者とみられる男性3人が旧統一教会の会長と会長夫人、総務局長の3人に対し、頭を下げる写真とともに、こんな記事が掲載されている。
【統一教会】NHKが“橋渡し”に利用された? 旧統一教会トップが放送センターで3.11義援金1300万円手渡し|日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL
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socialjusticeday · 3 months ago
2nd Meeting, Social Forum 2024.
15h00-15h45     International Development Cooperation.    Moderator: H.E. Mr. Marc Bichler, Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations Office at Geneva,and                                               Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Social Forum
H.E. Mr. Carsten Staur, Chair, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) and former State Secretary for International Development Cooperation, Denmark, Effective North-South Development Cooperation 
Ms. Yuefen Li, Senior Advisor on South-South Cooperation and Development Finance, South Centre, Geneva, South-South and Triangular Cooperation and the Role of Emerging Economies in Development Finance
 Mr. Fadhel Kaboub, Associate Professor of Economics, Denison University, USA, President, Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity and Senior Advisor with Power Shift, Nairobi, Kenya, Addressing Structural and Systemic Issues for Effective Development Cooperation and Just Global Governance
Mr. Mihir Kanade, Chair, Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, Professor and Head, Department of International Law and Director, Human Rights Centre, University for Peace (UPEACE), San José, Costa Rica, Mainstreaming the Right to Development in International Development Cooperation
Ms. Isabelle Durant, Member, Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development, Advancing Climate Finance for Just, Equitable and Sustainable Development
15h45-16h30   Interactive Dialogue
16h30-17h15   International Trade as an Engine of Development
    Moderator: Ms. Maria Andrea Echazu Aguero, Right to Development Section, OHCHR
H.E. Mr. Muhmmadou Kah, Permanent Representative of The Gambia to the United Nations, WTO and Other International Organizations in Geneva, Sharing Lessons from Gambia
Mr. Surya Deva, Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development, Reimagining Trade to Ensure Inclusive and Sustainable Development
Ms. Kinda Mohamadieh, Senior Researcher andLegal Advisor, Third World Network, Geneva, Building Just and Equitable Trade and Investment Systems for the Global South
Ms. Anoush Der Boghossian, Head, Trade and Gender Unit, World Trade Organization (WTO), International Trade, Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment    
Ms. Hana Daoudi, Economic Affairs Officer, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Experiences from Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus
17h15-18h00       Interactive Dialogue      
Learn more
The Social Forum 2024 focuses on the contribution of financing for development to the advancement of all Human Rights for all
Watch the 2nd Meeting, Social Forum 2024!
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m00nchildwrites · 3 years ago
My soul would straight upeace my body if my IRL friends saw my tumblr page and/or search history.
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eunikeclarissa · 7 years ago
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#OnigiriAction filled ny self with #Tsuma a rice with tuna mayo wrapped with nori 😆 それはとても味が良い! I cant forget to mention the delicious #kimchi #kimbap by my lovely dongsaeng 재원 😘 고망워~ . . . #upeace #aps11 #CostaRica #Indonesia #Japan #OnigiriAction (at University for Peace)
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liuglobal · 8 years ago
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University for Peace Model United Nations Conference
As part of our Foundations of Global Studies: The World Economy and Global Governance course, taught by Mihir Kanade, we had the opportunity to participate in the University for Peace Model United Nations Conference this April. Each student represented a different country, NGO, or media personnel on a different council.
As the delegate from the Arab Republic of Egypt on the Human Rights Council, I certainly had my work cut out for me. We had all just come from Semana Santa, so it was a little difficult to buckle down and get to work. It was highly amusing to watch the conversations over dinner fluctuate between Buzzfeed quizzes, involving the potential correlation between potato preferences and marriage predictions, and the stance of the Republic of Indonesia on the implementation of the Paris Agreement on UNEP.
We all stressed out quite a bit before our three-day session. But once we got in there and understood just how everything should progress, many of us relaxed and felt far more comfortable--and far more prepared--than we had expected. Several of us were even recognized for our efforts: Nora Gibbons won Best Delegate of UN Women, Leah Petty won Best Delegate of UNEP, Fiona Klassen won Peer Best Delegate of HRC, and Sam Becker won an Honorable Mention on UNEP.
At the end of the three days, while we were all relieved we could go back to wearing informal and comfortable clothes, I think we all were thinking about ways we could have done better. I certainly would have liked to stick a little more closely to my country’s policies, and I would have liked to call others out for not doing so. But at the end of the day, it was an incredible learning experience. Diplomacy is not for everyone, but it can be a fascinating enterprise.
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