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cljordan-imperium · 1 year ago
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I was looking at my tag list for when I publish any of my WIP's today and realized I have been adding people randomly for certain things and I think forgetting to remove them. Some might have been added for some things but not wanted all.
Under the "Read More" are descriptions of all of my WIP's.
I am also working on two WIPs for @call-sign-shark's 1k celebration w/her OC Heaven.
Back to the 20's is w/@raincoffeeandfandoms's OC Rose Solomons
Those are the only two Peakyverse WIP's at the moment, but if you want updated on just those, or any future Peakyverse WIP's, just let me know.
With being sick I got disorganized, but I'm going to remedy that this time and keep the lists separate instead of just adding on with the thought I'd remember who went where. If you just interact without specifying WIP's, I'll tag you in anything/everything. Otherwise, I'll just tag you in the ones you want.
This is separate from the games/asks list I have.
Let me know if you have questions.
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pigeonphd · 1 year ago
btw guys, ublock and youtube have been in an arms race for the past few weeks so circulating filter lists is pretty useless since youtube gets wise to each one in a matter of days. what you should actually do is remove all your custom filters related to youtube and then force update your filter list whenever you see the anti-adblock pop up again
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madnessofmen · 2 years ago
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me and the mutuals
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yeoldenews · 9 months ago
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A selection of strange and cryptic personal ads from The New York Herald, 1860s to 1890s. 14/?
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14dayswithyou · 1 month ago
PSA ! Because I've seen it be brought up in YouTube videos, in the comments section on Itch, and in quite a few asks on Tumblr... Here are some common misconceptions about "14 Days With You" that I'd like to clear up!
14 Days With You is not an otome game; it's an amare game!! The main character (Angel) is not a female heroine/female protagonist, and they're not written to be female-coded. Yes, you have the option to customise your pronouns and how others perceive you, but there is no "default" or fixed narrative perspective for 14DWY (outside of a gender-neutral perspective).
If it isn't already obvious, Ren's characterisation heavily leans into the "dere" aspect of a yandere. He genuinely loves Angel... Just to a terrifying degree.
None of the cast members are heterosexual, so please don't assume that all of Teo's exes/flings were women, that Leon has only had girlfriends in the past, that Olivia is only attracted to good-looking men, etc. In a similar vein, I want to remind everyone that Jae-Hyun is gay and Kiara is a lesbian.
14DWY is also a romance game!! The whole point is to get to know Ren, grow closer with him, and ultimately romance him. So please stop asking me to include BTD, TDDUP, or W1WD mechanics in the game. It's completely fine if you like those types of genres — and I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum — but it's not the vibe I'm going for with 14DWY, and it's not something I want to write about.
Ren dyes his hair! He isn't wearing a pink wig.
Similarly... Violet, Jae, Moth, and Teo all dye their hair as well. But I'm happy if folks want to headcanon that "unnatural" hair colours can exist in the 14DWY universe.
Ren does not have DID or BPD. He's merely a desperate yandere who changes aspects of himself + creates different "personas" to appease Angel (and essentially become their ideal type). He definitely has a pessimistic outlook on his real self, though he does not identify or feel genuine in any of his created personas. I'm comfortable for those who have DID/BPD/etc to headcanon Ren as such, but I heavily discourage everyone else from doing so as I don't want to give them an incorrect or bad reputation.
The 18+ scenes are optional!!!!! The game is intended to be played without them — it's even turned off by default. Nobody is forced to sleep with Ren.
14 Days With You is a passion project that I work on in my free time for fun. I'm not making a profit off of it, I'm not looking to turn it into a career, and in the most /pos way possible; it's not important enough for me to make a priority. So... Please stop guilt-tripping me for updates when I already don't have enough time or luxury to work on it ;v;
(last edited: 19/101/24) — I may add more here over time!!
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idontmindifuforgetme · 1 year ago
please take everything you read with a grain of salt. misinformation spreads everywhere like wildfire, and i've been having major trouble wading through false journalism to get actual updates on everything. some resources i've compiled for myself and anyone who's interested:
the global conflict tracker (israeli-palestinian conflict)
dr. ghassan abu sitta is a doctor on-site who's also been reporting about the atrocities transpiring in gaza.
also some palestinian aid orgs to donate to. if you have some money to spare/know anyone who does, please consider donating/spreading the word:
palestine children's relief fund
palestine red crescent society
medical aid for palestine
gaza emergency appeal
donate to arab.org with one click
the middle east children's alliance gaza emergency fund
help UNRWA USA reach their palestinian aid fundraiser goal
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runraerun · 4 months ago
Steddie Amnesia Fic: 1/3
-> Part 2 | Part 3 | AO3
cw: lots of head trauma/brain injury/recovery stuff.
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Steve wakes up in the hospital with someone snoring loudly on his leg, mouth open, drool getting soaked up into the scratchy hospital blanket over him.
Steve just stares.
It’s… Freddie? No, that’s not right... Eddie! Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson, known delinquent and drug dealer… resting his head on Steve’s lap.
What the hell…?
Steve reaches up with a wobbly, IV-ridden hand to clumsily pat along his head, but instead of meeting messy hair, he meets a thick wad of bandages. He flinches when he hits an especially tender spot.
It’s not much but it’s enough to wake Eddie Munson up with a jolt, and a random jumble of words that sounded something like, “the dice have spoken!”, but Steve can’t be sure. Not with the sharp ringing still going off inside his skull.
“Steve? Steve! Oh thank fuck, Jesus H. Christ, you scared the ever loving shit out of me.” Eddie stood and grabbed at one of Steve’s shoulders, shaking him enough to elicit another wince.
���Oh, damn, sorry. I’m like a fucking bull in a china shop here, man. There’s way too much expensive, breakable shit here. I’m not used to it. I accidentally ripped your IV out the other day... Fuck. The nurses hate my guts.” Eddie chuckles, eyes wide and solely on Steve, talking like they were old friends or something.
But that can’t be right. Steve doesn’t remember saying more than two words to Eddie Munson during the entire time he knew he even existed, and even then it was just to discuss weed prices.
“For real though, talk to me Harrington, how you feelin’, hm? Loopy? Gonna yak again? Apparently they got you on the good stuff,” Eddie flicks a liquid filled bag hanging above Steve and shakes his head, “but they keep cutting you back. Dicks.”
Steve’s eyes try and follow Eddie’s erratic movements but his eyes ache the more he moves them. He blinks against the harsh fluorescents and tries to open his mouth. And thank God, Eddie Munson seems to take this as a sign and shut up.
“What happened?” Steve finally croaks.
One of Eddie’s brows jumps. “You don’t remember?”
Steve gives his head a small shake. Did Eddie hit him with his car or something? Is that why he’s sleeping at his bedside and talking to him like they’re buddies?
“You fell, Stevie.” Eddie makes a whistling noise and mimicks something falling with his hands, then makes a crashing sound when his hand lands on Steve’s bandaged head. “Like a coconut out of a tree. Landed right on that big ol’ melon of yours. There was blood everywhere. It scared the shit out of me and the kids. Especially when you wouldn’t wake up.”
Steve’s throat feels like sandpaper, but he manages to swallow, his throat clicking as he did, and gets out, “The kids?”
Eddie seems to notice, even before Steve can ask, and reaches for a water bottle with a straw already in it, and half chewed. Eddie’s own, no doubt. Against his better judgment, Steve accepts it when Eddie offers it to him. He was just so goddamn thirsty.
“Don’t worry, they’re all fine. They were just shaken up. I’ll radio the little gremlins and give ‘em the good news in a sec.” Eddie’s smile falters a little, seeming lost for words. Like he wants to say something, but can’t quite get it out.
Steve finishes swallowing his few, meager gulps of water before he asks, “What is it?”
“Don’t freak out—“ Eddie begins.
And, okay, that’s exactly the thing you tell someone before they freak the fuck out. Steve’s stomach is subject to a growing, sluggish panic. “What? Dude, tell me—“
“It’s your hair.” Eddie seems genuinely pained at having to deliver this crushing of a blow to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington.
Steve can hear the beeping from the monitors he’s hooked up to begin to pick up speed as his heart begins racing. “My hair?”
“It’s okay! It’s okay, it’ll grow back! They just had to take a little bit off where the stitches went, you can hardest notice it—well, that’s a fucking lie, you could spot that landing strip from space—but I think if you part it to the other side it won’t look so… y’know.”
“No, dude, I don’t know.” Steve says, eyes wide, brows pinched.
“Like a drunk toddler took a pair of rusty kitchen shears to your mop.” Eddie says, huffing out a nervous sort of laugh.
Steve groans, half due to the bastardization that’s happened to his favorite feature, and half due to the migraine that’s looming on his horizon.
“You’re still pretty, Stevie, don’t worry.” Eddie grins, eyebrows raised, like he’s trying to be cute or something.
That weirdest part is, it’s kind of working.
Steve must have hit his head really, really hard.
The doctors eventually come in and perform all sorts of tests, and he tries his best to comply with them and jump through whatever hoops they make him jump through. He just wants to get the hell out of this hospital bed.
Unfortunately for him, Steve hadn’t exactly aced any of the tests.
In fact, he had failed most of them pretty fucking dismally. He couldn’t remember the date, who the president was, where he lived, couldn’t say the alphabet backwards… although, who the fuck can do that? He stands by that failing grade.
A couple of CAT scans later and it’s clear that Steve’s brain got smacked around a little more than they had originally thought.
Among a pile of other stuff, the thing that sticks out the most to Steve is his diagnosis of something called short term amnesia. They explain it like the past 2 to 3 years has just been wiped from his brain. The last clear thing he really remembers is getting the shit beat out of him by Billy, and then it all sort of gets jumbled. Fragmented. The doctors explain that this is pretty typical for head trauma patients.
He’s a head trauma patient, now.
It’s normal for memories of trauma to link, creating spiderwebs throughout your brain.
Which, that’s great. So when he gets beat up again, there’s always a chance his brain will try and erase his easy, happy years and revert back to a trauma default. Really helpful brain, thank you.
And the thing that sucks the most is that his years after the Billy beat down sound pretty great. Traumatizing, sure, but great. Once the Upside Down shit was locked up, with every scary nightmare fuel monster inside of it, life in Hawkins didn’t sound all that terrible.
He lived with Robin, who’s his best friend, (his ‘platonic soulmate’ even, as she explains it), he’s working a retail job, (also with Robin), and coaches the high school basketball team during the evenings. He’d even been talking with Hopper about joining the force.
Well, he was. Now he’s more or less useless, working full time at re-learning his life, along with a couple of fine motor skills that got glitchy after the fall.
And then there’s Eddie.
Eddie, who’s apparently also his best friend, only their soulmate link isn’t platonic at all.
The strange and weirdly exciting reality was that Steve Harrington had woken up from his 3-day medically induced coma with not only a full fledged relationship, but a boyfriend.
It’s a lot to digest, and part of him still doesn’t even know how to process it, but hearing the stories being told around him, seeing how Eddie is practically living in his and Robin’s two-bedroom apartment, and just… the way Eddie looks at him?
It’s with love—Steve can see it. Feel it. Eddie’s practically vibrating with it.
What’s even crazier is that when Steve looks at Eddie, he feels the exact same way.
It’s like looking at the stars. Steve’s heart skips a beat when those dark eyes of hit him, and Steve wants nothing more than to make Eddie smile—no, better than that, to make him laugh, just so he can watch Eddie’s adam’s apple bob up and down and hear that manic, unhinged cackle. It’s downright delightful. Steve loves being in relationships like this, where it’s all consuming.
Steve may not have the memories of falling in love with Eddie, but he has all the feelings.
No one talks about it with Steve, of course. Maybe they think it’s going to be too heavy for him to process that he’s into dudes now, but Steve isn’t a big dumb baby. Sure, he’s got a pretty severe brain injury, and yeah, alright, it takes him a minute to remember people’s names sometimes, and he has a harder time controlling his emotions, but he isn’t a complete invalid. Only a little bit of one. He’s working on it, dammit.
And Eddie is so painfully, frustratingly patient with him. He never pushes. He’s clearly letting Steve retrieve his memories before he makes a move, because despite his whole outward appearance, Eddie Munson is a goddamn gentleman. He never so much as reaches for Steve’s hands, but Steve can tell by the way their pinkies graze when they watch movies late at night that he wants to.
Steve can tell by the way Eddie teases him, the way he’s there with him through his recovery, that he doesn’t ever make Steve feel stupid when he asks the same questions over and over again, when he cries at the drop of a hat or when he gets sort of confused about the lay out of his apartment—he doesn’t care about that of that.
Because he’s in love with Steve. It’s so painfully romantic, it brings a painful lump to Steve’s throat every time he thinks too much about it.
The two of them are driving to one of Steve’s therapy sessions, Eddie in the driver's seat, Steve in the passengers, listening to a low racket of some kind of heavy metal music. Eddie always keeps the volume low now, for Steve.
He’s just been so intensely good about everything that Steve needs to try and do something good for Eddie in return. He needs Eddie to know that there’s a light at the end of this tunnel that they’re both currently lost in.
“I’m sorry about this, y’know.” Steve says when they finally pull up the building that has ‘Brain Injury Recover Center’ written on the front. So all the boys and girls with scrambled eggs for brains know where to converge.
“Don’t worry about it, man. I work the evening shifts, remember? My days are free.” Eddie explains, and Steve wonders if he’s had to be told this bit of information a couple of times now. Sometimes it takes a few times before something sticks to his brain now. His short term memory is still majorly flighty. But no, Steve remembers that Eddie bartends at a local bowling alley most evenings. He’s gone a few times. Not to bowl, of course—too much hand eye coordination involved—but just to hang out with Eddie. He’s pretty decent at Ms. Pac-Man though.
Steve shakes his head. He knows his mind must have wandered because there’s been a lull where no one’s spoken. Eddie never seems to care about that though. “I don’t mean about the drive. I was talking about… y’know.”
“Wha’dy’mean?” Eddie mumbles as he backs into his parking space, hand on the back of Steve’s headrest.
Steve sighs and decides to just come out and say it: “I mean having your boyfriend forget everything about you and your relationship. I just… that must be really tough.”
Everything in Eddie Munson comes to a jarring halt, hand frozen over where he’s turned to ignition off.
It’s sort of unnerving—Eddie is always moving, fidgeting. Damn near bouncing off the walls. But now it’s like someone hit the poor guy with a freeze ray gun.
Steve chuckles softly as he reaches out and touches Eddie’s arm, giving him a playful jostle, to loosen him up a little, “it’s okay, Eddie. I know. You don’t have to keep going easy on me. I’m gay! Or, bi-sexual. Whatever.” Steve shrugs, “see? Not falling apart. I can handle being in love with another dude. You don’t need to keep babying me.”
The side of Eddie’s mouth twitches into a downturned smile that he seems to be trying to hide.
“I know, I know. Not just any dude.” Steve rolls his eyes, a smile still firmly on his face. He takes Eddie’s hand from the steering wheel, and Eddie seems to watch it go in a detached sort of awe. Steve wonders if Eddie’s proud of him for being so cool with it all. “In love with you.”
“Steve, I don’t think—
“Wait, just let me finish.” Steve asks, and Eddie blinks and works on closing his mouth. Knows it’s important to let Steve get his thoughts out quickly, lest they be lost to the giant black hole inside of his beat-up brain now. “I know that I don’t remember any of the important stuff with us. Our first date, or our first kiss or, y’know, any of our other first firsts. So maybe it feels like you’re cheating on the old Steve with me? But… Eddie, I know it’s crazy but even though my brain forgot all of the specifics; my heart didn’t. I look at you, and it’s all there. I’m still so into you, dude. I can feel it, even though I don’t remember how I got here. I’m in l—“
“Steve! Stevestevesteve wait, holy shit—!” Eddie’s eyes snap up from his intense stare at the place where their hands are linked. “Steve—”
“Yeah?” Steve prompts when Eddie doesn’t seem to be able to find the words. He runs his thumb gently over Eddie’s knuckles. It feels so nice to finally be able to hold his hand again. They fit together so well, and Steve wonders briefly if it’s some kind of muscle memory.
Eddie opens his mouth a few more times before he remembers how to make the words come out.
“Steve. Buddy. We’re… we’re not dating.”
Steve’s face falls, and he can feel a lump form in his throat, but he keeps a firm hold of Eddie’s warm hand in his own. “Yeah, I know, I know. We haven’t had any time to be a couple. And it’s probably been torture for you, man. You’re so busy taking care of me and making sure I don’t freak out over everything that you’ve clearly been neglecting your own hierarchy of needs.”
Eddie raises a brow.
Steve chuckles, “Shut up. It’s a therapy term.”
Eddie laughs in his throat. “Steve, you gotta slow down and listen to me.”
He turns his shoulders so that he’s fully facing Steve while he reaches his free hand over and tugs at one of his earlobes. “Got your hearing ears on?”
Steve rolls his eyes, but he nods just the same.
“We… we weren’t dating before your accident,” Eddie speaks slowly, his voice warm, gentle. “Hell, I didn’t even know you were, y’know, into dudes like that. Much less me.”
Something throbs dully behind Steve’s eyes. It’s the start of a migraine—the one that makes it hard to process much of anything. Steve squints, trying to make sense of what Eddie’s saying. “…you’re not my boyfriend?”
Eddie shakes his head very, very slowly. “No.”
Steve snatches his hand back like he’s only just now noticed how burning hot Eddie’s hand is.
He settles back in his seat, staring out the front window. The sounds from the outside world are muffled, and everything feels far away and sort of… Made up. Just like everything he’d imagined was going on between him and Eddie. Not real.
He feels painfully detached from reality. Unmoored. Maybe this was the disassociation thing the doctor mentioned might happen…
“Are you sure?” Steve asks, risking another glance over to Eddie, who hasn’t taken his eyes off him for a second.
“Pretty fuckin’ sure.” Eddie snorts.
“Oh, God. This is… I’m—sorry. I’m so stupid. Fuck, I gotta—“ Steve suddenly attacks the door handle with a clumsy fury that has his hand fumbling with the handle for way too long. Fucking busted up, bruised as fuck fucking brain-!
“Steve, it’s okay, dude,” Eddie says from behind Steve, but that’s easy for him to say; he didn’t just humiliate himself in front of his not-boyfriend, definitely-crush, possibly ex-friend—“Steve, wait!”
Steve flees the van on unsteady feet, not daring to look back.
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sehnista · 7 months ago
GFMs I’ve been asked to share: Updated July 29,2024
Wafaa @wafaaresh - https://gofund.me/f30e1212 (€7,662 / €100,000)
Munna family @monashamali - https://gofund.me/71d5dab9 (£6,396 / £30,000)
Abdelrahman @anqer - https://gofund.me/0116943f (€12,776 / €20,000)
Amal family @amlanqar - https://gofund.me/9d6e3b04 (€3,208 / €50,000)
Ashraf and family @ashraf-family2 - https://gofund.me/17c8539e (€13,264 / €20,000)
Aya family @ayaanqarsblog - https://gofund.me/ed9acb7e (€4,725 / €15,000)
Shymaa and family @shymaafamily - https://gofund.me/260a2aab ($9,053 / $50,000)
Eman family @emanfamily - https://gofund.me/82b8e1e4 (€2,446 / €33,000)
Eyad Sami @eyadeyadsblog - https://gofund.me/37cec903 (CHF9,790 / CHF20,000)
Youssef Al-Habeel @saveyouseffamily - https://gofund.me/c3d330ca (£5,235 / £20,000)
Moamen Majed @moamenmajed99 - https://gofund.me/610b22c5 ($7,498 / $30,000)
Tamer Al-Deeb @tameraldeeb - https://gofund.me/a5d26177 (€22,575 / €40,000)
Additional GFMs added July 29, 2024
Asmaa Majed @asmaa2005 - https://gofund.me/bd2afd56 ($953 / $50,000)
Ahmed family @children-gaza & @leen-gaza - https://gofund.me/8ceac2bd (€2,856 / €15,000)
Walaa Ahmed @ahmed79ss - https://gofund.me/b24478d6 ($8,657 / $50,000)
Amira @amira-world - https://gofund.me/7676d838 (€17,005 / €20,000)
Malk family @malkzaeem - https://gofund.me/f5a14faa ($21,211 / $50,000)
Mohamed Mikki @mohamed-mikki - https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=EKWGJQPP5NNXC
Mahmoud Khalaf family @mahmoudkhalafff - https://gofund.me/0ee1236d (€16,548 / €30,000)
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 year ago
Antisemitism Required Reading
I get a lot of ignorant comments & tags on my posts about antisemitism, and I’ve already spent way too much time & energy engaging with them. So to preserve my sanity, I’ve made the decision not to engage too deeply with any commenters who haven’t at least read all of these in their entirety:
“Jewish Space Lasers” by Mike Rothschild
“People Love Dead Jews” by Dara Horn
“Jews Don’t Count” by David Baddiel
"More Than a Century of Antisemitism", GEC Special Report
If you’re not Jewish, please read all of this literature before adding anything to my posts about antisemitism.
Jews, please add any books you think should be on the list!
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lets-steal-an-archive · 8 days ago
Screenplays (so far):
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971)
Shaft (1971)
Blacula (1972)
Car Wash (1976)
The Color Purple (1985)
She's Gotta Have It (1986)
Disorderlies (1987)
Coming to America (1988)
School Daze (1988)
Do the Right Thing (1989)
Harlem Nights (1989)
House Party (1990)
Mo' Better Blues (1990)
Boyz n the Hood (1991)
The Five Heartbeats (1991)
House Party II (1991)
Jungle Fever (1991)
New Jack City (1991)
Boomerang (1992)
Candyman (1992)
Malcolm X (1992)
Sister Act (1992)
Menace II Society (1993)
Poetic Justice (1993)
What's Love Got to Do With It (1993)
Blankman (1994)
CB4 (1994)
Crooklyn (1994)
Jason's Lyric (1994)
Low Down Dirty Shame (1994)
Bad Boys (1995)
Clockers (1995)
Dead Presidents (1995)
Devil in a Blue Dress (1995)
Friday (1995)
Higher Learning (1995)
Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)
Vampire in Brooklyn (1995)
Waiting to Exhale (1995)
Get on the Bus (1996)
Girl 6 (1996)
Set It Off (1996)
The Nutty Professor (1996)
A Thin Line Between Love and Hate (1996)
The Preacher's Wife (1996)
The Watermelon Woman (1996)
B.A.P.S. (1997)
Eve's Bayou (1997)
Love Jones (1997)
Soul Food (1997)
Belly (1998)
Beloved (1998)
He Got Game (1998)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)
Players' Club (1998)
The Best Man (1999)
Life (1999)
Love & Basketball (2000)
Baby Boy (2001)
Training Day (2001)
25th Hour (2002)
Barbershop (2002)
Brother to Brother (2004)
D.E.B.S. (2004)
Beauty Shop (2005)
Insider Man (2006)
Notorious (2009)
Precious (2009)
The Book of Eli (2010)
Pariah (2011)
Middle of Nowhere (2012)
Sparkle (2012)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Belle (2013)
Dear White People (2014)
Fruitvale Station (2014)
Selma (2014)
Bessie (2015)
Creed (2015)
Dope (2015)
Miles Ahead (2015)
Straight Outta Compton (2015)
Fences (2016)
Hidden Figures (2016)
Moonlight (2016)
Detroit (2017)
Get Out (2017)
Girls Trip (2017)
Mudbound (2017)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
Creed II (2018)
The First Purge (2018)
The Hate U Give (2018)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Widows (2018)
Harriet (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
Us (2019)
Da 5 Bloods (2020)
The Forty-Year-Old Version (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
One Night In Miami (2020)
Small Axe: Mangrove (2020)
Sylvie's Love (2020)
Candyman (2021)
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
The Harder They Fall (2021)
King Richard (2021)
Passing (2021)
The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2021)
Zola (2021)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
Master (2022)
Nanny (2022)
Nope (2022)
Till (2022)
The Woman King (2022)
American Fiction (2023)
The Color Purple (2023)
Creed III (2023)
Origin (2023)
Rustin (2023)
Rye Lane (2023)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
They Cloned Tyrone (2023)
Nickel Boys (2024)
The Piano Lesson (2024)
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year ago
Tag List
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First - for @aziz-reads, @blind-the-winds, and @saltysupercomputer - I know your answer my adorbs friends <3 @raincoffeeandfandoms & @call-sign-shark - I know to tag you on my Peakyverse ones.
For - @writingmaidenwarrior. @pheita, @toribookworm22, @outpost51, @dreaminggoblin, and @thebejeweledwatercat - if you want things changed, just let me know.
You can like this post for all of them, or message/comment to let me know if there are just certain ones that you want tagged on
@theimperiumchronicles - The Four Horsemen have taken over hell with the Horseman of Death as Queen and the Horseman of War as King. Hell has been split into two level, Imperium is the upper where Abriella and Cruz rule and where beings live. Caligo is the lower, the spiraling torture pits. The ousted Princes of Hell want to take back their thrones and are waging war to do so. In addition to dealing with them, a new realm, Uffern, has come into play and how that is going to work out is still undecided.
@the-andromeda-effect - In Greek Mythology Andromeda was sacrificed by her parents to save their kingdom from Poseidon's wrath after her mother offended him, but Perseus saves her from death by a Krackon and takes her to his kingdom to be his Queen. Mircea (Meer-cha) Kalavati wasn't sacrificing his wife to appease a god, or bring peace to his clan, he was doing it to start a war with another. His mistake when he hired Caliban Andros was lying to him about why he wanted her rescued, then killed to look like those who had kidnapped her had done it. Never lie to your hitman. Now, like Perseus to Andromeda, Caliban has rescued Riona Kalavati and something is drawing him to the woman. He will kill to keep her safe, and her husband is going to regret that lie for what remaining life he has left. Now as Adira Andros, she is definitely Caliban's Queen, and his "army" has rallied around her.
@behindthesemasks - Melania LaVeau is a professor at LSU in Baton Rouge. She is also the grandaughter of Ambrose Meyers, one of the most powerful men in the country and the daughter of Marie LaVeau...yes THAT Marie LaVeau! Old money, going back to when the Gautier family came over from France to settle in New Orelans, there isn't much that goes on in Louisiana or Mississippi that they don't have their hands in. Meyers Worldwide, a tech conglomerate is a cover for underworld activities that will eventually come to light. What happens when someone decides to cross the most powerful, and immortal, Queen of Voodo and threaten one of her children? Will New Orleans be left standing? If you are a fan of Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, or The LIbrarians, the story is in the same veign. All of the characters are human, but there are supernatural occurrences around them.
@bendingthelaws - Colin Masterson is the Cook Count State's Attorney. He has been on a mission to take down the head of a Chicago crime conglomerate that is headed by Constantin Rakeovich. Now someone has kidnapped his intern and is sending her back to him in tiny pieces. Is it Constantin? Is it another one of the people that Colin has crossed? Now he and those he trusts are going to have to figure it out before someone else disappears or is hurt. Complicating matters is that his brother, Colton Masterson is Constantin's defense attorney. The brothers have never been close, but in this situation, things take a much darker turn. Will Colton stand by his brother or his client? And what happens when something bigger happens and puts everyone Colin cares about in the crosshairs? If you are a fan of Law & Order, or any of those types of shows, this is much in the same vein and will involve more than just the lawyers. All characters are human. There is no supernatural beings or magic. Some places are going to be fictional, but the main setting is the city of Chicago.
@devil-in-the-details-ay - When Lucifer's daughter Yara gets bored and wants to intern for the Lord of Death, Astaroth, her father agrees. After their first meeting, the Devil changes the plans once more. Deciding to make Yara someone else's problem, she is now to be Astaroth's wife. Navigating this challenge, and those who will come against them both will reveal a lot about each other, and themselves. Is the Princess really as spoiled and entitled as she seems? Is Astaroth really the iceberg incarnate that he seems? Is she even who she believes herself to be? And what happens when someone decides to try to interfere in their relationship?
@magical-mistakes-vm - Vollrath, the Master Warlock of the local Coven, encounters Mahala (Mah-HAY-lah) preparing to do a ritual on his land. Her mistakes in not being careful in preparations allowed him to find her, but it also set up events in the future that they will need the help of his best friends Baldur and Elmar to deal with. A witch that has no clue what she is and a Master Warlock who is not used to letting people close have to navigate revelations that will change both their lives, and possibly even the Coven. When his brother, Balor, an equally powerful warlock within the Coven who he has been at odds with for years, also shows up and it is clear will be needed, it just adds one more complexity to the situation. Can they all get along to keep each other safe, or will one of them fall to those who are coming against them?
@princess-of-thieves-id - Princess Inara is set to marry Prince Diyan the next day, a man she has never met or even set eyes on. Ever defiant, that is the last thing she is going to do. Deciding to thwart her father's plans, the Princess slips out of the castle and sets to escape. Little does she know that the Prince's family sent Arik, the Prince's best friend and a trained assassin, to watch over her, fearing more that she would be murdered by enemies rather than escape. One thing that Arik knows is that Diyan doesn't want to marry Inara either, so instead of stopping her, he helps her with a promise to keep her safe if she stays with him. They make it to the next town, which is a port and aboard a vessel that is just preparing to depart in an effort to stay one step ahead of the soldiers now searching for Inara. Unbeknownst them, they have just become stow-aways on a pirate ship. Complicating things further is that Arik and the Captain of the ship are not strangers, and when a romance develops between Inara and Arik and the Captain deciding he would like her for his own, things become even more complicated. Not to mention all three of them are being hunted by multiple kingdoms. Nothing like a quiet day on the sea, right?
@tapperhet-em - When Princess Meeri's father is deposed by his brother, he believes she was part of the coup, and disowns her as his family flees the country. Lucky for her, she is found by one of the knights she befriended in childhood and is still loyal to her, Einar, before her uncle did. A members of nobility, he and three of his friends spirit her off into hiding where they can plan to figure out who set her up, help her rebuild a life apart from royalty, and decide how to bring about justice. Can the seeming unrequited love of Einar for Meeri turn into more? Or will one of his brothers in arms, cut him off from that possibility? And how close was/is the traitor to Meeri? Sometimes safe isn't as safe as you think...and destiny, it's more than just a lofty ideal. She is a bitch sometimes, and she will find you.
Back to The 20's - ongoing story with Rose & Alfie Solomons who belong to @raincoffeeandfandoms
Annabella has been alive for almost 300 years. During a lot of that, the demon Jasper has been her best friend. While on an excursion to London, she had a chance to meet the dashing Tommy Shelby, but she knows a devil in a dress coat when she sees one, and they are nothing but business. However, when she meets the enchanting Rose Solomons, (OC of @raincoffeeandfandoms) the wife of Alfie, it becomes personal. She adores the woman and a friendship blossoms. Her good friend Gynnifer also shows up and has some wonderful ideas on how to make Rose's wonderful projects even better.
Bayou Witches - ongoing story with Heaven & Arthur Shelby who belong to @call-sign-shark
Arthur Shelby served in the military with Melania LaVeau's best friend Alexander. During that time, her fiance', Cade, and some of their old friends also were stationed together. Now dealing with PTSD and recently married, Melania suggests to Cade that he invite his old friends to their estate in the beautiful bayous of Louisiana to help him relax and have some comradery with his old mates. What could not have been predicted is that Arthur's wife, Heaven, is a powerful witch in her own right, who fits right in with Malania's family and instantly adopted. Who better to adopt the beautiful French witch, than the French Creole legacy family of the LaVeaus. Sometimes family is what you make it, not the blood in your veins, and in the bayou, anything is possible...
Still working on 1st chapter ----
@sehnsuchtrising - The kingdom of Sehnsucht has fallen. The former royalty imprisoned. The fate of the kingdom is now in the hands of the five closest friends of the King - A beautiful sorceress (Katarina), a dark elf who has a slight pyromaniac streak (Sebastian), a Princess that tends to be highly overly dramatic (Aoife), a dragon trainer that was still an apprentice (Barkley), and a rogue and lockpick who is a klutz (Taliesin). What could go wrong??
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minkiverse · 18 days ago
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Poly!Ateez Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Kim Hongjoong - Park Seonghwa - Jeong Yunho - Kang Yeosang - Choi San - Song Mingi - Choi Jongho
Happy Valentine's to Ateez's biggest loverboy, Jung Wooyoung!!! My love for this guy knows no bounds, and he deserves all the love in the world!!!! Please make sure to visit these authors blogs and leave lots of love to them!!
DISCLAIMER none of these works are mine and majority are MATURE 18+, please read all warnings before reading!!!
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✨ - My Favs
🔥 - Smut (MINORS DNI)
⛈️ - Angst
💗 - Fluff
🍑 - Humor
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Cache - @songmingisthighs ⛈️🍑 Chaebol!Wooyoung ✧ SMAU
Be ready to hate ateez and become a txt stan! it would be funny if i left it like that but truly the angst in this author's social media au's 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 readers be warned you will not catch a break adgffgdfhdfhg
Right Here Part 2 - @0097linersb 🔥💗🍑 Friends to Lovers AU
I'm obsessed with the banter in this fic, it flows so well and i literally had to put my phone down because i would start laughing adfsdgsfgfgdfg but goddammit is this wooyoung charming as hell 😩😩 mc is so strong for holding out so long 👏👏
Written in the Stars - @ennysbookstore 💗 Office!AU ✧ Ongoing
*BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL* ID DIE FOR WOOYOUNG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 it may only have one chapter BUT I DONT CARE I LOVE HIM SO MUHUHUHCUCUHHH 😭😭 he is just so sweet n kind 🥹🥹🥹
vivrant thing - @hwaslayer ✨🔥⛈️💗 Bestfriend's Brother AU
i have a soft spot for this series, because the mc hasnt been pining over wooyoung forever which i think stands out for this au 👏👏 like they just fall together like a cute lil puzzle piece 🥹🥹 and the sibling banter is extremely realistic adfsdgdfdgfg
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One on One - @beginningofwonderland 🔥 Fighter!AU
Untitled - @kitten4sannie 🔥 Hybrid!AU
Untitled - @multiwreckedmess 🔥Roomates!AU
Drive you crazy - @sxcret-garden 🔥
first snow - @cheollipop 🔥💗
Study Games - @muntitled 🔥💗 Idol!AU
Marks - @last-words-ofashootingstar ✨🔥💗
I love brat!woo just as much as the next person, BUT soft domestic woo is my FAAAAAAAAAVVVVV!!!! like he is just so full of love that him in a relationship would be DEVASTATING 🥺🥺 also its more subby!wooyo so it feels like this was made for me adfssgdff
Sweet Dreams - @yuyusboyfriend 🔥 Friends to Lovers AU
realistic sex with wooyoung - @byuntrash101 🔥
Freaks on a Friday - @thisthatpinkvenom 🔥 College!AU
Untitled - @bandgie 🔥
Untitled - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Untitled - @cheollipop 🔥 Hybrid!AU
5:40am - @xuchiya 🔥
late night cravings - @cheollipop 🔥
21:23pm - @adoringsan 💗 Tattoo Artist!Wooyoung
bf texts w/ wooyoung - @beenbaanbuun 🍑
Untitled - @thetypingpup 🔥 Hybrid!AU
"i'm just bein' curious." - @teeskz 🔥
mirror mirror - @seonghwaddict 🔥⛈️💗
Untitled - @secretsecretbunny 🍑 Friends to Lovers AU
Strawberry Mocha - @pirateprincessblog ✨🔥⛈️ Barista!Camboy!Wooyoung
aaaaaaaaaaaah this fic 😭😭😭 if you like a side of pain with your smut you will LOVE THIS! ESPECIALLY IF YOU LOVE YUNHO😭😭 but god was this fic fun to read, just incredibly written dialogue, smut, characterizations, just everything was really well done👏👏
enemies w/ wooyoung - @beenbaanbuun 🔥⛈️
shampoo w/ wooyoung - @beenbaanbuun 💗
Whatcha Gonna Do About It? - @songmingisthighs 🔥
i like you, i do! - @sungbeam 💗 College!AU
Lock your windows - @mingtinysworld 🔥
Untitled - @baby-boy-chan 🔥
Untitled - @cheollipop 🔥
Untitled - @bunnliix 🔥
Birthday Surprise - @pocketjoong 💗
Mug w/ Jung Wooyoung - @beenbaanbuun ⛈️💗
after the game - @pantherxrogers ✨🔥 Baseball Player!Wooyoung
i will never, not for one single second, get over wooyoung in a baseball uniform like it changed something inside me 😩😩 and this smut is hot (i don't even fuck with daddy kink like that but goddamn 😵‍💫😵‍💫) but it ends super cute and someone needs to give woo some kids STAT
milkshake - @byuntrash101 🔥 Office!AU
Untitled - @sxcret-garden 🔥
marked - @igbylicious 🔥💗 Werewolf!AU
home run! - @vampzity 💗 Baseball Player!Wooyoung
Imagining Wooyoung as a girl dad - @redzie02 💗 Dad!Wooyoung
[15:41] - @songmingisthighs ⛈️💗
If Without You - @sorryimananti-romantic ⛈️💗 Friend to Lovers AU
Jeju Thoughts - @hee0soo 💗
Star 1117 - @sorryimananti-romantic ⛈️💗 Space Apocalypse!AU
Untitled - @gojosnympho 🔥🍑
how to tame a brat tamer - @k-hotchoisan 🔥
Good Lil Boy - @sorryimananti-romantic ✨🔥⛈️💗 Royalty!AU
of course my fav bside would be one of my fav fics 😩😩 what really sells me on woo fics is banter I JUST LOVE IT!! i mentioned this in my reblog but this was a fic i read early into getting into ateez and it just hits even harder reading it now 😭😭 and with these two its just meant to be i love them dearly 🥹🥹
random bf!wooyoung texts - @sativateez 🍑 SMAU
sleepover - @kitten4sannie 🔥
Pull of Passion - @crimsonbubble 🔥
friens to fwb to lovers with wooyoung - @lxvemaze 🍑 SMAU
drive (me crazy) - @cheollipop 🔥
blood pact - @kitten4sannie 🔥⛈️ Vampire!Wooyoung
I Still Hate You - @starskq 🔥⛈️ Enemies to Lovers
Almost Home - @shadowkoo 🔥
Untitled - @intheemptymirror 🔥
Challenge Accepted - @mikrokosmoslove 🔥 Friends to Lovers AU
Just Trust Me - @wwooyology 🔥⛈️💗 Fox Hybrid!Wooyoung
Night Drives - @tinybeetiny 🔥
Untitled - @sxcret-garden 🔥
Xmas Dinner Goes Wrong - @hwallazia 🔥
random bf!ateez texts // wooyoung - @nightbeforethend 🍑 SMAU
very bad things - @frenchkisstheabyss 🔥 Mafia!Wooyung ✧ Stripper!Reader
Needy texts - @sugarbaybeetexts 🔥🍑 SMAU
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awesomefringey · 5 months ago
Hi Sabine if you could please spread this, this account lists all the memorials planned for Liam across the world and regularly updates them, for those who wish and are able to attend https://x.com/HS_News_/status/1847077799942934740
Sending lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
🇬🇧 London | October 20 - 2pm | Hyde Park
🇬🇧Liverpool | October 19 - 2pm | Docks on keel wharf bridge
🇬🇧 Glasgow | October 20 - 2pm | Sir Walter Scott Statue in George Square
🇬🇧 Manchester | October 20 - 6pm | Cathedral Gardens
🇬🇧 Birmingham | October 20 - 4pm | Chamberlain Square
🇧🇪 Brussels | October 19/20 - 2pm | Parc de Bruxelles
🇫🇷 Paris | October 20 - 2pm | Jardins des Tuileries
🇩🇪 Munich | October 20 - 3pm | Olympiahalle
🇪🇸 Madrid | October 20 - 3pm | Plaza de Santa Ana
🇸🇪 Stockholm | October 19 - 6pm | Svartensgatan 8
🇵🇹 Lisbon | October 27 - 6pm | Meo Arena, Oriente
🇮🇹 Milan | October 20 - 3pm | Piazza Duomo
🇺🇸 US:
Newark - Delaware | October 19 - 4pm | Glasgow Park
NYC | October 19 - picnic* at 11am and another event at 6pm | Washington Square Park
*Picnic RSVP : https://partiful.com/e/2WoJi0Onf8jWijlyFU8E
Boston | October 19 - 2pm | Boston Common
Chicago | October 19 - 2pm | Gather at Grandmother’s Garden outside of Lincoln Park Zoo
Los Angeles | October 19 - 4:30pm | La Cienaga** Park in Beverly Hills
**RSVP : https://partiful.com/e/P5qPcaZkgLizNYhzP0mm
🇧🇷 São Paulo | October 27 - 2pm | Parque Ibirapuera
🇳🇿 Auckland | October 20 - 2pm | Freyberg Square
🇦🇺 Sydney | October 20 - 11am | Hyde Park (Memorial fountain)
🇮🇳 Mumbai | October 20 - 5pm | Marine Lines, Opposite Pizza by the Bay
EDIT: added Boston
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ellestray · 10 months ago
elle's favorite ateez fics. f = fluff ; s = smut ; sg = suggestive ; a = angst. ✧ = absolute favorites, must read. (only adding notes for these few fics to ensure readability for the overall list!) word count in brackets. last updated: may 2nd, 2024
authors; if you wish to be untagged, please let me know!
currently no individual fic for hongjoong, yeosang & jongho. please refer to the OT8 section, or come back for future updates!
✧ [11,1k] plastic flowers — @bobateastay ( f ; s ; a ) ↪ note: this fic revolves around abortion, so please keep this in mind before reading. i read this on a flight— and i don't know if it was the altitude, but it broke me. the author beautifully wrote this, in a way where unconditional love, hope and pain are intertwined. one of the most pleasantly surprising and touching reads i've had on this platform by far.
✧ [2,3k] essence — @hwaightme ( f ) ↪ note: this one is for the poetic, hopelessly romantic fics lovers. everything i've read from this author was beautiful so far! the poetry in this fic was so pretty that i felt the need to share it to my friends... although i usually never share fics out of tumblr. i'm excited to read through more of your writings, bai!
[1,2k] the first snow and being in love — @i-luvsang ( f )
[884] 02:36 — @hwapetals ( f )
[642] adoration — @kisshwa ( f ; sg )
[8,6k] both — @hwaightme ( s ; f )
[200] 10:24pm — @hotteoki ( f )
[986] anguish — @kisshwa ( a )
[n/a] bf texts — @hotteoki ( f )
[79] 9:22pm — @cozykpopblurbs ( f )
[1,6k] i'll be with you — @cheollipop ( f )
[519] lazy make out sessions — @crazyforhwa ( s )
[1,2k] realistic sex — @byuntrash101 ( s ; f )
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✧ [13k + 18,2k] unprofessional attraction ; pt.1 , pt.2 , [tbc] — @jk97 ( f ; s ; a ) ↪ note: i was so engulfed into this fic that i skipped a lecture to continue reading. fics that are heavier nsfw-wise usually aren't my thing, but here, every single line pulled me in. hell, i felt even more insane about yunho after reading this. saying i'm excited about the next chapters would be an understatement.
✧ [14k] closer, face down — @ncteez ( s ; f ) ↪ note: again, although i usually prefer fluff over smut, i absolutely loved this fic... the build up made it so enticing! i don't know if a re-edit still is in the works, but i'd absolutely re-read it regardless!
✧ [84,5k] project: make you love me (series) — @hwaslayer ( f ; a ; s ) ↪ note: pulled an all nighter to read the entire series in one go... it was that fun to read! the relationship was built up at a nice, natural pace, while still keeping the reader on their toes. (this made me very excited about the seonghwa series in progress..!)
[1,1k] bedfellows — @sungbeam ( f )
[1,3k] he knows he loves you — @honeyhotteoks ( f )
[2,5k] convenience store chances — @ohmyamor ( f )
[n/a] boyfriend texts — @koizekomi ( f )
[300] nothing sweeter — @i-luvsang ( f )
[1,1k] nsfw alphabet — @yunhobug ( s )
[425] 3:52am — @edenesth ( f ; sg? )
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✧ [3,7k] leave the window open — @sungbeam ( f ) ↪ note: so sweet. so comforting. the kind of heartwarming fic that feels like hot cocoa on a cold winter day. (also made me feel insane about san... but let's not talk about that.)
[1k] always available — @everyonewooeverywhere ( f )
✧ [1,6k] capturing us — @03jyh23 ( f ) ↪ note: another sweet, poetic, hopelessly romantic fic— my favorite kind! finding fics like these always feels like discovering a little treasure. looking forward to all the wips!
[n/a] boyfriend texts — @koizekomi ( f )
[2,6k] take a break - @cheollipop ( f ; s )
[249] 21:23 — @petitemingi ( f )
[350] boyfriend headcanons — @i-luvsang ( f )
[600] one more minute — @seonghwaddict ( f )
[1,3k] no strings, no expectations — @seonghwaddict ( a ; sg ; f? )
[468] stretch marks — @beenbaanbuun ( f )
[475] valentine's series : movies — @whimsicalwritingsandmore ( f )
[n/a] instagram stories with bf san — @lwtqts ( f )
[371] hold me — @cheeseceli ( f )
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[800] untitled — @cheollipop ( a ; f )
[2,8k] mind over matter — @mingisaddctn ( s )
[256] 23:22 — @petitemingi ( f )
[1k] 23:46 — @seonghwaddict ( f )
[447] princess treatment — @cheeseceli ( f )
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✧ [1,2k] broke you heart, i'll put it back together — @dairyminki ( a ; f ) ↪ note: loved this so much that i had to read it twice. something about wooyoung hopelessly in love wanting to fix this... name twin, if you're reading this, hi- i'd be seated for a part 2 if you ever have the time to write it!
[2,2k] vacation — @bobateastay ( f ; s )
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[700] when you don't say i love you back — @jjunberry ( f )
[2,4k] romance tropes — @beenbaanbuun ( f )
[n/a] situationships (texts) ; pt.1 , pt.2 — @yunhoszn ( f )
[2,9k + 3k] as boyfriends ; hyung line , maknae line — @honeyhotteoks ( f : s )
[n/a] sex ban (texts) — @kisshwa ( sg ; f )
[n/a] sending you a pic of themselves (texts) — @bombuni ( f )
[1,3k] outfit turn-ons — @starillusion13 ( sg )
[1,2k] make-up sex — @nateezfics ( f ; a ; s )
[944] showering — @seonghwaddict ( f ; sg )
[1,6k] as boyfriends — @atiny-moon ( f ; sg )
[2,5k] that one specific habit they do that highlights their love language — @sanhwaism ( f )
[1,1k] top 3 kinks — @seonghwaddict ( s )
[2,8k] making out — @sxcret-garden ( sg ; f )
[n/a] asking them to draw a flower (texts) — @eightmakesonebraincell ( f )
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if any link is broken, or if i made any mistake when tagging fics— please kindly let me know!
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aimfor-theheart · 5 months ago
please donate if you can! 🇵🇸
fundraisers that have reached out to me and need help:
Hazem Shawish's fundraiser: 11k/50k goal -- reached out by @nisreensuhail
Ghada and her children's fundraiser: 3k/20k goal -- reached out by @ghada-hassan
Aseel Asad Mohammed's fundraiser: 44k/50k goal -- reached out by @aseelo680
Fidaa and her children's fundraiser: 46k/75k goal -- reached out by @fidaa-family2
Nabila's fundraiser: 4k/10k goal -- reached out by @nabila6
Yusra and Maryam's fundraiser: 4k/30k goal -- reached out by @yousra-maryam44
Palstine and family's fundraiser: 26k/40k goal -- reached out by @yousef-falestinef
Ahlam Ramadan's fundraiser: 1k/20k goal -- reached out by @ahlamramadan1
Malak's fundraiser: 6k/25k goal -- reached out by @molljy
Sameer Al-Nasla's fundraiser: 2k/50k goal -- reached out by @sameer-gaza00 and @sameer-gaza7
Mohammed Nasseer's fundraiser: 1k/10k goal -- reached out by @mohammaedtaweel0593211574 and @mohammednaser29
Amany Ayyad's fundraiser: 500/50k goal -- reached out by @amanyayyad11
Muhammad Abu Lihiya's fundraiser: 3k/50k goal -- reached out by @helpmohammed2024
Safaa's fundraiser: 19k/75k goal -- reached out by @sfaamq10
Hanaa Jad Al-Haq's fundraiser: 25k/50k goal -- reached out by @hanaa96yousef
Ahmed Al Yazji's fundraiesr: 1k/30k goal -- reached out by @ahmed-gaza0
Lenda Abdalhadi's fundraiser: 400/30k goal -- reached out by @lendaabdalhadi
Mohammed M Siam's fundraiser: 500/25k goal -- reached out anonymously
Ibrahim and Yasmina's fundraiser: 47k/100k goal -- reached out by @ibrahimhuss
Najah Al-Haila's fundraiser: 3k/80k goal -- reached out by @najahmeq2
Nour and his family's fundraiser: 23k/45k goal -- reached out by @noorabd-1992
Ayman's fundraiser: 1k/90k goal -- reached out by @ayman-meq18
Jumana's fundraiser: 19k/60k goal -- reached out by @jomana-ha and @mohmoud-j
Hamza's fundraiser: 1k/100k goal -- reached out by @hamza-gaza
Omar Mazen Rabah Hammad's fundraiser: 500/25k goal -- reached out by @omar06hamaad
Mohammed Al-Madani's fundraiser: 100/80k goal -- reached out by @nour-gaza
Reham Yasr Al Soufi's fundraiser: 5k/40k goal -- reached out by @rehamyaasirr
Majed's fundraiser: 600/30k goal -- reached out by @majedelsleybe
Sameer Al Khaldi's fundraiser: 6k/50k goal -- reached out by @sameer-gaza1 and @sameer-gaza1 and @sameer-gaza3
Maram's fundraiser: 4k/45k goal -- reached out by @maramrafat
Mahmoud Jehad's fundraiser: 5k/25k goal -- reached out by @mahmoidsy
Waleed Alanqar's fundraiser: 700/20k goal -- reached out by @waleed-alanqar
Salman Hellis's fundraiser: 3k/50k goal -- reached out by @salman-1990
Ola's fundraiser: 55k/85k goal -- reached out by @olagaza
Shafiq Al-Jadba's fundraiser: 100/30k goal -- reached out by @halajadba
Jameela Al-Dahdouh's fundraiser: 100/30k goal -- reached out by @jamela-salem
Hanin’s fundraiser: 1k/20k goal -- reached out by @haninfamily4 and @haninfamily-1
Abdul Salam Al-Anqar's fundraiser: 5k/50k goal -- reached out by @abdalsalm
Maha Alzenati's fundraiser: 800/30k goal -- reached out by @mahakamal
Ahmed Muneer Al-Anqar's fundraiser: 900/30k goal -- reached out by @ahmadmoneer
Mohi's fundraiser: 85k/120k goal -- reached out by @mohiy-gaza2
Wafa's fundraiser: 50k/85k goal -- reached out by @wafaaresh6
Ahmed's fundraiser: 27k/31k goal -- reached out by @ahmadresh2
Ahmed R. Al-Louh's fundraiser: 7k/50k goal -- reached out by @ahmadallouhahmad32
Mohammad Al-Khaldi's fundraiser: 3k/20k goal -- reached out by @savemohammed
Osame Basil's fundraiser: 3k/15k goal -- reached out by @aymenbasil and @osamafamilygaza
Heba Al-Dahdouh's fundraiser: 1k/50k goal -- reached out by @hebanaseif
Anas Basil's fundraiser: 3k/29k goal -- reached out by @anas-ahmad-family1 and @anas-basilgaza and @anasb3
Lina Marouf's fundraiser: 5k/100k goal -- reached out by @leenakhamiss1
Iyad's fundraiser: 3k/40k goal -- reached out by @eyadanqer
Mohammed's fundraiser: 29k/37k goal -- reached out by @hmzamahamed5
Doaa Jad Al Haq's fundraiser: 7k/12k goal -- reached out by @free-gaza2
Heba Alanqar's fundraiser: 6k/60k goal -- reached out by @heba-baker and @aya-baker
Etaf Al-Qataa's fundraiser: 5k/100k goal -- reached out by @mmmaasblog
Hashem Al-Shawish's fundraiser: 16k/45k goal -- reached out by @hashimsamar
Jihad Nasser's fundraiser: 800/30k goal -- reached out by @gehadalanqer
Ahmed AlSaidi's fundraiser: 3k/30k goal -- reached out by @savealsaidifamily
Rima's fundraiser: 200/50k goal -- reached out by @riima790
Mohanad and Farah's fundraiser: 4k/35k goal -- reached out by @farah-alaa
Ghada Muhaisen's fundraiser: 400/50k goal -- reached out by @ghada-mhasen22
Maha Alzenati's fundraiser: 1k/30k goal -- reached out by @mahakamal2
Khaled Ismail's fundraiser: 200/30k goal -- reached out by @khaled-12
Youssef Al-Habeel's fundraiser: 30k/50k goal -- reached out by @youseffamily
Reham Al-Anqar's fundraiser: 2k/50k goal -- reached out by @rehamalanqar
Hadeel and Waseem Mikki's fundraiser: 18k/35k goal -- reached out by @hadeelmekki
**i'll be updating this list as i receive more asks**
post idea by @/rewcana to compile fundraisers from people who have reached out for help
404 notes · View notes
holysupesbatman · 7 months ago
SuperBat Fic Recs
Woaaaah boy. I was in the Superbat tag and saw someone asking for recs and I got about 5 fics in before I realized that wouldn't fit in a reply and decided I should just make a whole post. I feel like I've read half of the Bruce/Clark tag on ao3 at this point and yet I still find more every time I look.
As a note, this post is heavily editorialized. These are all fics I've personally read and are here because I liked them and they come from my ao3 bookmarks. If you want better details about the fic, follow the links and check them out 🤷‍♀️ I'm a picky reader so the fact that it's on the list says a lot, though our tastes may vary.
Onto the recs! I'll organize them by ratings and then by length for simplicity and at the end I'll recommend some of my favorite SuperBat authors for further reading!
Rated: G
Uno Reverse by WixenBurr (~7k rated G) is really cute and fluffy
Summary: The batkids are trying to set Batman and Superman up. Unfortunately Bruce Wayne wants to date some rando news reporter named Clark Kent.
Rated: T
Know You Better by rotasha (~6k rated T)
super fluffy and cute. I adore this fic. Summary: Clark asks Bruce on a date, not knowing he’s a famous billionaire. Bruce says yes, because this is the first time this has ever happened to him.
I'm Not As Think As You Drunk I Am by Mardiaz173 (~13k rated T)
This one is SO much fun – Nobody believes Clark after he meets the supposed "flirty, stupid, entitled drunk" playboy billionaire Brucie Wayne when he says he's actually "clever, mischievous, and sober with an indecipherable ulterior motive."
Saudade by liodain (~20k rated T)
OK THIS ONE MAKES MY HEART MELT IT'S SO FLUFFY AND SWEET I CAN'T. Like put this on your re-read when you're sad and need to feel like love and goodness exist list. Bruce breaks down in Kansas in 2006 years before BvS and meets young Clark.
fallin' for him was like fallin' from grace by Resacon1990 (~23k rated T)
It's just 20k of Clark simping for Bruce. That's it. That's the fic. He's a golden retriever and he's in love, Your Honor. Bruce is not unaffected, but the pining is glorious.
summary: Or, five times Clark finds himself falling for Bruce, and the one time he does something about it
Mr. Romantic by Pandamomochan (~24k rated T)
ft Established Relationship SuperBat. Summary: Clark gets tasked to write a Valentine's Day article. The end result has every single women throwing themselves at him. Clark has always been patient with the drove of Brucie fans. Will Bruce be as mature with Clark's sudden popularity?
How to Date a Superhero by @solomonara (~25k rated T)
Technically a series of fics. Pure fluff. 1. Someone spots the Batman kissing Mild Mannered Reporter Clark Kent. Hijinks ensue. 2. Superman kissed Bruce Wayne in full view of several dozen phones. Now the whole world, including Lex Luthor, knows Superman has a boyfriend. But that's okay. Batman has a plan. 3. Deleted scenes from the How to Date a Superhero series, ruthlessly cut in most cases to prevent the Robins from taking over.
In every sense of the word by froggy-o (bobafiend) (~29k rated T) From the author's summary: Alternatively titled "Why Wonder Woman is on the verge of losing her fucking mind."
I swear this fic is just Diana's eyebrow twitching as she watches Bruce and Clark start dating and she's let in on both their civilian identities meanwhile Superman and Batman are on the watchtower arguing and disagreeing about basically everything on the daily. In the name of Justice, of course. The identity porn is on a whole other level and it was done so well.
Get Over It by rotasha (~32k rated T)
heh this one has plenty of identity hijinks. Sooooo funny. Summary: Bruce needs to get over his inconvenient feelings for Superman and he meets an attractive reporter who he thinks can help him do just that. Little does he know...
the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish (~96k rated T)
hehehe... the batkids set up a dating profile for Bruce and catfish Clark. It's more of a blind date for Bruce (not that he had any idea he was going on a date at all), but who has Clark been texting for the past several weeks??? Oh yeah. The kids. What follows is as follows. Still with capes!
Rated: M
Guardian Dog by BombusBombus (~22k rated M)
Summary: There's something wrong with Clark Kent. He has to be a villain, right? A threat? He doesn't behave like a normal person, no matter how handsome or clever he may seem.
grasp his heart (once and for all) by liodain (~32k rated M) soulmate AU fic. Pretty emotional LOTS of identity issues going on there like so much. Kinda high on the drama and angst there honestly but it was a cute read. Summary: Bruce Wayne doesn't believe in fate.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter (~33k rated M)
love me a fake dating AU. Summary: It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Strangers When We Meet by Trista_zevkia (~63k rated M)
ANOTHER soulmate AU! This time feat. Kryptonian Biology hehehe. Summary: Clark Kent thought he was straight, until Batman kick started something. The question is what did Batman start? Is Brucie Wayne able to explain it to him?
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat (~77k rated M)
OK NO LISTEN this is one of my all-time favorite fics EVER. It's so meta and so funny. Clark is us. We are Clark. Clark is writing RPF for the Bruce/Batman ship and he's very convinced it's real EVEN THOUGH he has a huge crush on the Batman... let the hijinks BEGIN.
Rated: E
Embracing Destiny by Mithen (~8k rated E)
This one is just really really cute. Summary: As a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century, a teenaged Clark learns a stunning secret about his own future: he and someone called "Batman" will be legendary lovers.
perfect strangers by susiecarter (~15k rated E)
like. bruh. susie did it again. This tag says it all: communication failure. I love this one though. Summary: Batman and Superman are fucking. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are a great cover for fighting crime, and also might be dating. Bruce and Clark have no idea what they're doing; but they definitely aren't going to be able to talk themselves into stopping.
Relinquishing Control by foxyk (~25k rated E)
afsfwsdfhishdfksj no words. Read the authors summary and then just go read the fic:
Superman worries that if he lets go he'll injure his partner. Batman knows better. Batman worries that if he lets someone else in, he'll hurt them. Superman knows better.
Picture Perfect by TheSaltiestDog @the-saltiest-dog (~26k rated E)
this one is cute and then horny on main but also just so fluffy. Clark sees Bruce in a new light through candid shots, then proceeds to take lots of candid shots as they begin a relationship. Cue schmoop, fluff, smut, and – you guessed it! –Miscommunication!
A Night Off and sequel A Day Off by Mawiiish (~37k combined; first part is E, second is T)
One of my all-time favorites. My bookmark says 10/10 would read again soooooooo... 👀🤷‍♀️😅🥵
Bruce is enjoying one of his few nights off when a very persistent young man offers to buy him a drink. At first he's apprehensive; he's just here for a good time and this Clark seems to be looking for more than that. Then again, what harm can one drink do?
Clark wakes up to an empty bed and despite Bruce being honest from the start, he's still disappointed.
The Downsides to a Secret Identity by liodain (~42k rated E)
I'm currently reading this one – the summary from the author says it all, it's so good but sooo drama:
Bruce Wayne has taken a shine to Clark Kent, but Clark is more interested in the Bat of Gotham. The Bat, however, has it in for the Superman in a big way. Clark should probably have considered that before falling quite so hard. They're working together to track down some missing Kryptonian weaponry, after all...
50 Shades of Wayne by susiecarter (~161k rated E)
No but listen, this is actually so full of plot and emotional depth and not as much smut as you might think. It's a full-scale retelling of Batman v Superman but without them knowing each other's secret identities. I read it in one go... the reveal? Maybe the best I've ever read. Soooo many emotions. It's one of the few times I've read BDSM in a fic and it actually felt in character. I wasn't sure I would read it when I started, but it was a compelling read and extremely well done. Honestly, I'd read it again.
SuperBat Author Shoutouts:
susiecarter @susiecarter
liodain @liodain
Resacon1990 @sassyresacon1990
shipyrds @burins
Mawiiish @superbattrash
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