#update is mostly based on my cosplay of him
lunarlicorice · 2 years
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clove 2018 v 2023
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mleelunsford · 2 years
Bloody Roar redesign concept breakdowns Part 2
Just like the first set, I’m gonna write down some of my thoughts on the BR fan redesigns I did!
Golan Draphan/Ganesha (Elephant)
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Golan is the body guard for the prince of the Zoanthrope Kingdom, but in the original, while penguin boy got to have a cool futuristic outfit, Golan did god cosplay. For the redesign I just thought “Wouldn’t it be nice to just see him in a simple suit?” Maybe that’s just me. I also made h is facial hair more tusk like, I think it makes him more dynamic and interesting.
Jenny (Bat)
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Jenny is meant to be a supermodel who is secretly an assassin. I wanted to give her a look that was reminiscent of her earlier outfits, but less complicated for her to do her job in every day. Also, as she turns into a bat, I wanted to make her look like a character you’d meet in a Vampire: The Masquerade game.
Mitsuko (Boar)
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Momma’s back from the first game! She was a shopkeeper/fishmonger in the originals, I wanted to update her to be a modern older lady shopkeeper, trying to hang on to some youthfulness, but still big and beefy as ever. And I gave her shop a cute boar logo, maybe it sells pork buns!
Stun (Beetle)
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Stun was interesting, I didn’t want to change him much looks-wise. I mostly wanted his outfit to be less complicated, and more mysterious. I also didn’t want it to be too flashy, but some of my choices were based on his fighting style being pro wrestling, so his shin guards and knee pads are meant to evoke that a bit.
Long (Tiger)
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I wanted to simplify Long’s look a lot, he often wears very elaborate traditional outfits due to his fighting style. I wanted a version of him that was more of a “street fighter” if you will. Last minute I also had the idea to give him claws. I thought maybe if a highly skilled martial artist could transform into a tiger, they might teach themselves to fight with claws even when in human form.
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wyvolf · 1 year
He is not my bright rewrite, wyvern is now his own character
My attempt at a SCP-963 / Jack Bright rewrite and/or variant. His full name is Dr. Midas Wyvern, his pronouns are he/him and he's a trans man [not trans *masc*].
The name comes from I liked the name Midas, and i used to have an OC named it back when I was 13. The last name comes from the fact I like dragons! And Wyvern as a last name just slaps hard.
A lot of things on Wyvern is still very much the same to the original Bright, I still take [at least some] heavy influence from Major Tom with changes to fit Wyvern more so.
In doing so this does mean the extensive family (Mikell, TJ, Claire and Sarah) change to adjust to this, mostly still having the same first names with TJ combining his first and middle names than a hyphenated first name.
Now the amulet itself, 963, I have changed the overall appearance still very much based on my original idea of it being based on the Amulet of Arkay, mostly in the appearance: a sun like shape. It's anomalous properties remain very similar to the original 963 with the key difference of there is no more 'cloning', there is no need to change the body after 30 days Wyvern can have the body for as long as it allows him but taking off the amulet will cause that body to go lump and be dead. Another key difference is that when a new body wears it the physical body will have some minor changes to be very similar to what the original body looked: hair will grow, the same scars pre-accident will form, eye color, etc. However it doesn't affect the whole body; if the body has tattoos they will remain, height, general build, amab? afab? those will remain, etc. In amab bodies there is a huge amounts of euphoria, afab is dysphoria central I will make that clear right now. Any past person is 100% gone. Disappeared. Gone to the void.
Like in Major Tom; the Wyvern family has the amulet in their family for generations rather than it being picked up by the Foundation. Wyvern was a researcher when it happened, similar setting, similar Abel k wording.
Design reveal soon as well as more lore tidbits. For now I am working on a general theme/songs that vibe with Wyvern, you can chose to listen to such here.
"But Gun! didn't you say..." Yes. I did. But rewrites/personal versions and generally 963 ocs have existed for years prior to the start of this year where it really kicked into gear. I still believe the character Jack Bright belongs to the community and those who still write, rp, cosplay, kin, especially those who happen to be or have introjects of him are still in the right to do so. Do not force your headcanons, designs, rewrites, Shaw, or anything onto others, do not bully, do not threaten. Just ignore, block, or go outside.
// update: I no longer use Dr. Bright (or Mikell), his author AdminBright/Michael Peters is a nonce (aka pedophile groomer freak). You cannot separate this art (Bright) piece from the creator (AdminBright)
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Finally got around to doing something I'm more knowledgeable on and had a major passion for as a main franchise besides Trauma Center, and sort of going back to James Lunagazer's original OC roots and giving it an updated look, mostly based off an Jedi cosplay I have IRL, which I might show as a live-action version of James if I'm feeling confident to.
Because yeah, James as you can probably guess by my username originally was mainly a Star Wars OC before I started doing fanart and crafting a story of him during the Trauma Center Manga, and funny fact, this James and the one in the Trauma Center Universe were actually supposed to be one and the same, but I ultimately decided to split them.
Character wise, this James isn't too different from his Trauma Center incarnation, except he has the power of the force and can still heal others as a Jedi Healer, except he doesn't have Apollo the Greek God as part of that.
And funny fact, the Jedi Healer thing was inspired by the Trauma Center Manga since before I started officially doing fanart for it!
As for his role in the Clone Wars, it probably wouldn't be very much in wide scope, just probably a typical Jedi Padawan fighting his way to survive in the Clone Wars, while totally not ending up involved in some conspiracy of his own outside the main Skywalker Saga!
As for the blue Jedi robes, well he didn't get these until much later before the outbreak of Clone Wars, shortly after the Battle of Genonosis, it was only after he formally joined the Republic's medical crops as a Jedi Healer, as I'd imagine blue would probably be the primary Jedi Healer colour much like it is for regular doctors or surgeons.
Lightsaber combat wise, he's not the best dueling wise, as he often tends to hang back half the time, and uses the same lightsaber form Master Kenobi is famous for, Soresu or the defensive style, suiting his Healer status though if later developed he can be the powerful offensive fighter.
I'll probably do more with Star Wars Universe James Lunagazer, and some of his noteworthy interactions and his own events some other day, but other than that, I'd say I've outdone myself with this updated look for him, sans the cowl he's known for but that could be a later addition to his outfit after a major event.
Also might use this as an updated profile picture, since the current one is kinda aging a bit.
Oh yeah, and for those curious about the letters on the side and aren't familiar with the Star Wars franchise, it's Aurebesh, and if you're interested there's a font for that over on dafont.com if you want to download and use it for Star Wars stuff, it even has some translations of the words used.
See you later in an Galaxy not so far away next time, and BTW this is mostly comfort for the upcoming Jedi Surivour game being pushed back to April, so I'll probably be drawing Cal Kestis the main character of that game sometime as he's another of my favourites I connect with.
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panpanpanini · 2 years
2023 goals, an incomplete list of mostly art stuff, will update as i remember things:
sleep more
more detco merch for the shop? mostly thinking art stickers or artist trading cards, maybe a bundle of fancy stickers of subtle symbols (i firmly believe prints would not sell, and would be a waste of money to produce)
also PIN. i wanna make my first enamel pin hhhhhhh
more zoib merch for the shop - would like to start vectoring more zoids heads this year. i really just wanna be pulling in more passive income from my art in general
that said, maybe take at least one more batch of commissions. max out at 10, maybe (currently in at 2)
website!! i really wanna put together my own corner with a custom domain and everything for art and e-commerce
new job. crossing my fingers i did well enough on my ATSA test last month to be referred to the ATC academy
more zoib kits!! i have a backlog that needs attention. i wanna at least finish cleaning up the secondhand bois i already have on display, they will help with the vectors
related: the goe-liger kit.......... gotta finish him.........could potentially put him into another model kit contest
cosplay, perhaps: my ran cosplay was incomplete, i wanna finish her + maybe put together a kaito outfit?
case closed tcg premiere set: REALLY wanna finish acquiring the base set to archive (not very hopeful for the promo cards, they're hella hard to find and probably out of my reach)
i have one incomplete fic on my ao3. maybe finish that sometime
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tinyknightcosplay · 2 years
Jiminy Deimos is getting attention again so I guess I should do an update
First off thanks for the interest and the well wishes! I am still alive and if you think 2014 was a long time ago those photos are actually mostly from 2011 💀
I haven't posted anything cosplay in a while because yanno covid kinda screwed up the convention scene and also I moved ~300 miles in 2020 and have been focusing on getting a stable job and I FINALLY GOT A WRITTEN WORK PUBLISHED and all that but coincidentally like two days ago I was looking into 2023 cons, particularly Boston based, to start breaking into the scene again!
Deimos needs a little bit of work since I last cosplayed him (Katsucon 2020) and I'm thinking of making a post-purgatory variation as well as updating his regular look. I'm also working on a few new characters I haven't cosplayed including Alpha-5 from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (the show turns 30 in 2023!), Cobra Commander from GI Joe: A Real American Hero (my latest hyperfixation that I've been posting a lot about on my main blog and that show turns 40 in 2023!), the Puppet/Marionette from Five Nights at Freddy's, and Dr. Herbert West from Re-Animator (couple cosplay with my real life partner who is the Sanford in my Madness photos as Dan)
I will post more info as I confirm which cons I'll be going to and when I get done with the cosplays, but don't worry, Madness fans, I still have Deimos and he will still make appearances! Alpha and Cobra Commander are taking precedence for the coming year however for their respective significance in my life and their shows as a whole
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vetlan · 3 years
Summary: Nothing says "Impromptu Darkwing Duck Reunion" like being arrested for something a group of lookalikes did, and then being bailed out by a… Darkwing Duck cosplayer? Fanboy? Well, there were odder things that happened in relation to that cursed show.
Characters Present: Megavolt ( Actor ), Quackerjack ( Actor ), Liquidator ( Actor ), Bushroot ( Actor ), Darkwing Duck ( Drake Mallard )
Notes: The Actors are named after the original Voice Actors! Also this isn’t meant to make much sense, I just sat down today and chose violence, and by violence I meant a “short” humor fic based on the idea of the old actors seeing their villain alter-egos on the news. Serisouly how did this turn into writing almost 5k words in one day...
Dan Rattus-Sphynx was having a bad day, but not a terrible one. He was stuck in traffic on his way home after a long day at work, thinking on the cold tv-dinner he'd be indulging in while wondering what was causing the hold up -- unfortunately, if he'd been listening to the news on the radio, he would've been tipped off to the one fact that was about to turn his bad day into a terrible one: the old cast of Darkwing Duck was to be brought in for questioning. After Jim Starling's little explosive breakdown, when mirror-perfect images of the old actors started looting and terrorizing the city, the mayor wanted to take no chances.
And maybe then he wouldn't have laughed and asked the cops if they were a fan of his work as Megavolt -- he was pretty sure now, sitting in his cell, that they took that the wrong way.
He was the first to be apprehended.
Next came Michael Peckbell, once known as the actor behind Quackerjack, who was embarrassingly enough, arrested in a clown costume. Dan genuinely tried to hide his snickering as the old clown jingled miserably into the cell, done arguing for his innocence. It is only after he threw a dirty look at Dan that he recognized who he was sharing a cell with, and his annoyance turned to recognition and then confusion, head tilting to the side and making his hat jingle.
"Wait, why are you here?"
"Same reason you are, I guess… There's a warrant for our arrest because some lookalikes decided to rob banks while cosplaying as our old Darkwing Duck roles."
"No, seriously, Dan, why are we here? I was at a brat's blasted birthday party when these BRUTES went and tackled me!" Hands on his hips, Michael didn't look particularly amused as he tapped his foot, and Dan tried his best not to get short with the ex-actor turned party clown.
"Hey, I am serious! It's all they're showing on the news, I got taken while driving home! Wait, shh, do you hear that--" "Oh no, you're not shutting me up--" "I'm serious serious Mike, listen!"
Holding the duck's beak shut, which earned him another dirty look, Dan shuffled them closer to the holding bars so that they could listen to the news from the dingy little tv at the start of the holding cells corridor. Seriously, couldn't they turn the volume up a little? Luckily, as if hearing his silent wish, they do turn the sound up.
"... we interrupt this segment to bring an update on the current string of robberies and break-ins that have been plaguing St. Canard to inform that massive plant growths are starting to block off city exits, we strongly recommend that you resist fleeing the city and instead head home where it is safest -- ah, I am now getting reports of streets being flooded! Again, stay indoors and do not head out until further instructions! Your city's law enforcement is currently working with Darkwing Duck to apprehend the criminals behind this!"
"Oh quack, actual super villains, we're doomed!" A wailing voice can be heard from the front of the police station, paired with a stern: "GET IT TOGETHER, they have Darkwing Duck on the case!" The commotion paired well with the confused and genuinely taken aback look Dan and Mike shared.
"Drkwng dck?!" Mike tries to get through his beak, then realizing Dan was still holding it shut and slapping the hand away. Probably for the best right there, as that exclamation would've been much louder otherwise. "Has the world gone cuckoo? He's fiction! We're fiction! Well, not us, we're not fiction, but the characters we played! They can't be serious, this why we're here? Hah! Give me a break!" The party clown jumps on the cell bars, shaking the door and making a ruckus, refusing to believe a single thing he's heard: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Very funny, now let us out!" Each 'laugh' is punctuated by a vigorous shake and increased irritation, visibly huffing from anger from his beak… and absolutely not helping their case. One policeman dared peek over their way, and he squealed!
(Jeez, what is it with clowns and short tempters?)
"Would you cut that out? You look deranged! Is this what you do at birthday parties?" With a sharp tug at the back of the collar, Dan manages to pry his ex-co-star from the bars, who seemingly immediately deflates and jingles to one of the benches, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his cheeks in his hands, absolutely pouting. "I'm not any happier about this than you are, you know! But it makes sense! Almost! It explains why we couldn't get any work done at the office today, our system kept going down like someone was messing with it!" That earns him a scoff from his current cell companion, and Dan can't help but throw a look in the clown's direction. "What?"
"You, work in an office?" The question can come across as derogative, but there's genuine curiosity there. "I thought you were big into the acting thing, had your big break and everything as a villain or something." A pause. "Well, bigger villain than before."
There Dan pauses, brings up an index finger as if he's going to make a point, then just sighs and practically collapses into a slouch. It has been a while since the last Darkwing Duck meet-up, huh? No wonder Mike was so out of the loop.
"Yes, well, I gave it up. Want to hear a secret?" An earnest jingly nod is his reply. "I was asked to return for the Darkwing Duck remake… reboot… whatever movie they were making, but I just said no. I feel like I got typecast into the 'weasely evil rat' archetype, you know? After a while, I just started to wonder if people were laughing with me or at me. At least you made it work out somehow."
"That's exactly my deal! People kept making me into the laughing stock so I figured I might as well be an actual clown and beat them to the punch. The brats are annoying, but it beats the circus I was at before the show. Keeps me from getting rusty, even if I'm just going through a checklist of party-tricks at this point." From his pout, Mike perks up, banging his fist on the bench to his side before standing up again, seemingly bracing himself for -- ah, he twirls into a handstand, and Dan claps in genuine amazement.
"Wow, you still got it!"
"Eh, it's nothing. Unlike you guys, I had to work with Jim directly, by his rules. No doubles allowed, or I was a puffy-tailed coward. Quackerjack had no real special effects, remember? Just toys and acrobatics to use against Darkwing Duck." He could do it, but admittedly his endurance wasn't what it used to be. Still, to be a bit of a show-off, Mike stays like that for another minute before twirling right side up, trying to shake off the dizziness that came up with it -- only to stumble and be steadied by Dan when the lights in the entire station flicker and a distant rumble shakes the entire street, and suddenly they remember their current predicament. Yeap. Whatever was going on was very real. 
"Hey, cut that out!" Someone calls from the front of the police station, and Dan tries his best not to sound absolutely peeved off when he answers back. "It's not me, you bumbling meatheads!" He genuinely tried.
The silence after that is frustrating and uncomfortable. Meeting up was nice and all, but no one was talking to them, they didn't know if their friends and family were safe, and apparently, the city really was being overtaken by super-powered criminals based on characters they played in a kid's tv-show. So Dan sat on the bench, momentarily stunned by that fact even though he was the one trying to convince Mike it made sense, all the while the clown decided to tire himself out further by continuously jumping up to try and look out the tiny cell window they had.
"Would you STOP your jingling about!?"
The only answer Dan got was a raspberry blown in his direction. Real mature.
Tino had made his mind up the moment he caught sight of himself on live tv robbing a bank: he was turning himself in. For one thing, it would immediately prove his innocence because he couldn't be robbing banks if he was in captivity, and then he'd hopefully be safe from these super-powered evildoers! Alright, so, well, his initial plan was to flee the city, but then his green lookalike decided to go and BLOCK every exit to St. Canard just as he was trying to drive away. It was almost impressive, really, to see what a bigger budget could have gotten them back in the good old days, but it was mostly terrifying that the guy behind these massive green growths was out there. W-w-what if these copycats had some sort of personal vendetta against the originals?! He wasn't sure why they would, but he wasn't taking any chances! He was driving to the nearest police station and that was it!
Only one road is cut off, the other is flooding towards him and it takes all his composure to slam on the reverse and scream at the same time, and instead, Tino decides to just head for the high ground at a park and go from there. Tino might have been speeding for the first time in his life just then, but he figured that it was fair -- and hey, maybe a cop would come and arrest him! No such luck, however.
The mallard duck looked positively green in the face ( no pun intended ) as he thought over his options, though it felt more like he was frozen in shock, just sitting there with his hands on the wheel and looking straight ahead. Was that… the ground shaking? If he looked at his bobblehead of Bushroot (which he'd be tossing out after this endeavor, thank you very much), he could take note of how it kept shaking as if with the steps of a giant duck --
The passenger door to his car opens, a figure jumps inside and Tino screams like a banshee and just tosses his wallet and car keys at them, fruitlessly trying to open the door and escape after he reactively locked them with the press of a button.
"JUST CALM DOWN, I DON'T WANT YOUR DANG -- wait Real? Tino Real?! It's me! Jack Pumi! Old co-star?!" And as if a switch had been flipped inside Tino's head, first his voice gives out and then his beak shuts, and his feathers unruffle themselves. Yes, he knew a Jack Pumi, that's right.
"Oh, sorry friend! You really shouldn't sneak up on a duck-like that, I feel like I almost laid my heart there!" Tino practically melts into his seat as his stress is wrung out of him at the sight of a familiar face during these scary times. "What brings you to… my car?" Hey, why did Jack get into his car?
"Ah, don't sweat it old chum! We're all a little jumpy nowadays, criminals on the run and all that." The Bushroot bobblehead is starting to shake with considerable vigor, but this is missed by the two as Jack pats Tino on the shoulder. "As for why I'm here --" A look in the rearview mirror, the surprisingly unmistakable sound of a car being stepped on not too far behind them by a giant clown robot. "DRIVE!"
You didn't have to ask Tino twice, even if they both fumbled with the keys back and forth before finally taking off as a massive foot concaved the ground where they just were, but it was best if they focused on that later. Right now, they were flooring it to… somewhere.
"Just like the good old days, don't you think? So, what's the plan, captain?" As Jack tried to hold on through Tino's panicked driving, he felt he might as well make some small talk -- not to mention that he talks when he's nervous.
"In the good old days, we were the bad guys squashing innocent civilians, and I have to say, it isn't much fun when you're on the other side of it! And p-plan, well, I don't know, drive until it leaves us alone? Until the deranged clown gets bored?"
"If I recall, boring that quacking menace is the last thing you want to do…"
"Well, what do you suggest?! Ohnononoit'sgettingcloser!" And the laughing is getting considerably irksome, if not straight up giving the both of them goose-skin.
"Where were you going before I showed up, why were you just sitting there at the park?"
"I was thinking of driving to a police station and hiding there, but the streets got flooded so I drove to higher ground and then… I froze in the existential terror of considering that a super-powered copycat of myself was wreaking havoc."
"First: beats driving in circles trying to lose this clown, second: boy I feel ya, but now's maybe not the time to focus on that pal-io! How's about you really step on the gas and see if we can't throw it off? There, right there! Turn!"
A paired screaming match occurs when Jack just grabs the wheel and sends them on a sudden turn right, Tino struggling to regain control of the car before laughing hysterically with nervous energy as Quackerjack's mech kept going straight… before turning to look at them again. They screamed again and floored the gas as far down as this crusty old car could go.
Meanwhile, Quackerjack just let out a singular 'huh' at the realization that there was a car under him the whole time… before devolving into a manic fit of giggles at the realization of the terror he caused to the two little bugs hidden under his massive robot's beak. Oh, he loves being a bad guy. Endless fun!
"I'm TELLING you, that's a giant Quackerjack robot! Look! Look!"
"How many times do I have to tell you that I can't jump that high?!"
The rest of the drive was… surprisingly peaceful. Sure, there were random root systems on the road that pretty much served as speedbumps every so often, but outside of that there was no sign of any evildoers, only the ominous red glow in the sky coming from some skyscraper or other, neither Tino or Jack cared much for the fancy science labs uptown… but that probably explains the commotion going on! The bet was on if it was science or magic behind this mess, and Tino was feeling pretty sure about his bet on magic.
Alright, so maybe peaceful wasn't the word, more like… eerie. But it beat constant panic 100%, so Tino wasn't complaining! About that, at least. He was most certainly complaining about his current treatment at the police station -- they wouldn't arrest him! Which wasn't a complaint he thought he could make.
"We're not looking for fanboys, we're looking for the actual actors to turn themselves in!"
"F-fanboys!? Why I oughta -- do you expect me to grow a plant on top of my head? I'm Tino Real, I played Bushroot, this is Jack Pumi, he played the Liquidator. What's next, you expect him to turn into liquid?"
Perhaps a bad choice of words, as that's exactly the footage that was shown through live news on the tv right then and there, Bushroot and the Liquidator teaming up and just wiping the floor with what appeared to be… Gizmoduck. Huh. Oh well.
"Honestly, yes. We already caught the other two, and they're not causing any problems anymore."
"Wait, other two? Do you mean Dan and Mike?" Jack interrupts, only to be interrupted himself by the officer that had just been speaking. "Quackerjack and Megavolt," the officer corrects.
Tino can't resist facepalming.
"You can see Quackerjack in the distance from here…" It was true, it looked like he was headed for the building emitting that ominous glow, for whatever reason, but there's no missing that giant clown robot-toy thing. That murmured exasperation does give the officer pause, and he holds up an index finger telling them to wait where they are… which they do, with a tap of a foot and impatient crossed arms, as he walks around his desk, doggy tail impatiently swooshing behind him… before quickly tucking between his legs as he hurried back inside, seconds before the lights inside the station all shut down, emergency generators kicking in seconds after.
"Quackerjack, Megavolt, accounted for. You were right." Snout pale, the dog looked like he was sweating underneath his coat of fur, licking his lips in nervousness. So maybe they shouldn't have been quite as ruff when apprehending the first two… Oh well. "I don't care anymore, you can share a cell with the other washed-up acts." The green duck said something about it being safer in than out, and well, the police dog couldn't exactly argue against it. Besides, the mayor said to apprehend them, right? Hopefully, no word about them trying to turn these two away would surface…
"Dan, Mike, buddies, remember me?!"
That got the two sitting in the cell snap their heads up so fast, one could almost hear a whip crack, and Mike punches Dan in the shoulder, a large grin on his face. "See, what did I tell ya, they got caught too, which means they know we're innocent, so they have to let us out. That, and you owe me 20."
"Funny joke, clown, they're joining you, not the other way around."
One click, two click, and Toni and Jack join the other two actors inside the cell, and Toni nearly kisses the floor he's so glad to be inside and safe. Well, safe-ish.
"Haha, don't mind him, we just had a rough trip on the way over, traffic was absolutely killer!" No, Jack couldn't help it, he had to make that joke. "We would've gotten here sooner, but we spent like ten minutes driving away from a killer giant robot that looked like… what's with the clown costume?" It wasn't Quackerjack-y, but that was definitely a clown outfit.
"Oh, was that your car?! Ahahaha -- sorry, sorry, but that's all I could see from that window -- he almost crushed you two a good five times! And I'm a clown. End of story." The tone of voice certainly said so, but then it quickly turned to confusion. "Wait, what do you mean 'gotten here sooner'? You want to be in jail?"
"Well, we, we, we were going to turn ourselves in! And we did! It's safer to be in here than out there, you know! You watched us almost get crushed!"
Mike looks like he's about to say something, and then he realizes Toni definitely had a good point there, so he settles on shrugging his shoulders, looking at Dan and hoping he'd have any sort of opinion on this other than just 'meh'.
"So…" Dan starts, feeling particularly coerced by Mike's incessant staring, but not having anything interesting to talk about.
"So…" Jack copies as he looks around their holding cell before slapping his hands together. "We're staying in here until this all blows over, as I'm pretty sure they know we're not the ones causing the big old ruckus. Kind of slaps me with a terrible sense of deja-vu, to be quite honest. The Fearsome Four, back together!"
That does bring up some amused mumbling from the group, even if the mere mention of the show had since gotten stale thanks to Jim Starling's obsession with it, mentioning it wherever he went.
"The only thing that's missing is Dorkwing Duck, huh?" Mike adds, snickering to himself, before pausing with a pensive look on his beak, and Toni can't help but regret what he's about to ask:
"What's on your mind, Michael?"
"Just thinking, really, but… What if this is Jim's doing? You all heard how he went crazy about the movie, right? Single handedly got it canceled, got into a fight with the new guy playing Darkwing Duck. What if this is him trying to reboot it on his own now?" Ignoring the fact that it sounded like a conspiracy theory, it almost made sense. He hasn't been seen since, so what if he was planning his comeback all this time?
The four occupants of the cell look at each other, and then break down laughing.
"As if! That thick headed, self-centered dimwit couldn't plan something this far ahead!"
"Where would he find these super-powered copycats, anyway?!"
"You'd think he'd come for the source material, if it came to that!"
"Ahaha, I know, right!?"
And just like that, the ice was broken, and the four of them made themselves as comfortable as they could in their current situation, deciding to look at it as a surprise reunion. Funny how most of their problems with the old show stemmed from Jim…
A large explosion echoes through St. Canard, and Mike wastes no time in trying to peek out the tiny cell window while a commotion began at the front of the police station. The ominous red glow faded from the sky, the plants withered, lights flickered back on through the city, and floods ran down drain pipes.
Whatever it was, it was done. Hopefully.
The next morning wasn't exactly glamorous. They were served their breakfast slop and told to wait until they fixed the bureaucracy involved in this mess, because apparently there was no paperwork for "interdimensional villains from an old live-action hero show", and there was no real proof they weren't connected somehow.
"Outside of the fact that we spent all night in here?! Let! Us! Out!"
"Seriously, what is it with clowns and short tempters…" Dan mutters, but all that Toni and Jack offer him is a vague shrug. Mike was just like that, why else would they pick him to play Quackerjack?
"Experts agree, stressing yourself out won't get you anywhere, friend!" Jack starts, even if he's not exactly sure who the experts would be in this case. It does make the duck stop trying to strangle or otherwise pry the cell bars appart with sheer physical strength -- that, or someone was finally coming to see them. Turns out it was the later, but Jack would like to believe he helped anyway!
No words of acknowledgement, just the same cop that greeted Toni and Jack yesterday, but now, instead of a scared look on his face, he looked positively starstruck. Which would be nice, if he hadn't made it clear that he didn't care about their acting careers, so what gives? The four of them look at each other, and after a vague shrug from Dan, they file out of the holding cells and make their way out. Or plan to, at least, until Mike comes to a full stop and forces everyone behind him to stumble over each other.
"Hey, what gives --!"
The clown-attired duck rattles off, and that startles both the party behind him and the supposed Jim, who jumps a whole foot into the air and stretches his hands in front of him, trying to calm the shocked duck down.
"N-no, no, you got it all wrong, I'm Darkwing Duck! The one and only! Technically based on the remake but we don't talk about it! AlsoI'mabigfanandIwaswonderingifyouwouldn'tmindsigningthisposter--"
The first part wouldn't be unbelievable if it had been Jim, but the mention of a remake knocked it down a peg, and then saying he's a fan and asking for an autograph, even if said all in one breath, definitely meant it wasn't Jim. The (once) Fearsome Four let out a shared sigh that they didn't know they were holding as they surrounded this… cosplayer, for lack of a better term.
"Could've fooled me, you're his splitting image, I tell you what… Well, no, you're smooth. He was more…" Mike takes a second to mess up his face feathers, making it look like he'd been sleeping face down for a month. "Gruff, yeah? You look like a baby in comparison."
"Hey! I'll have you know I saved this city from complete annihilation!"
"What was that about a poster, kiddo?" Jack interjects, leaning over Mike's shoulder. "I guess it's the least we can do for saving our city, and in turn us. Not going to lie, it's been a while since I've signed a poster, ever since I started selling --"
"Tupperware?! I have your entire collection, you weren't lying when you said those things could last!"
Jack had to stop and blink for a second, even if his brain automatically had him fetch a pen from an inner pocket. The guy was a "hero", yet here he was fanboying over a tupperware salesman. "Haha, well, I don't like having my face attached to cheap products, what can I say. So, who do we make it out to be?"
"Uh… Darkwing… Duck?"
"Creative," Dan adds with a snicker, but takes the pen from Jack anyway to sign the poster.
"Short notice, what can I say, I came as soon as I heard that they had you guys locked up in here, after making sure the interdimensional evil-doers were in their respective places of course!" The masked duck before them poses in what they guess he thinks is a heroic pose, and out of politeness they don't mention that it makes him look like an absolute tool.
"So those… look-alikes, they're gone? Oh, I never realized quite how frightening our characters were at the time, it was just a silly children's cartoon…" Genuinely, all that Toni wanted now was to crawl home and pass out for a week straight, even if he might miss a weeks worth of work. He felt like it was only fair!
"Darkwing Duck guarantee! I would tell more in hopes of assuring you, but it's all classified, I'm sure you can understand. Just know that there's a real hero watching St. Canard now! Petty thug or super-villain, I'm your guy!"
The poster goes from hand to hand, and they all sign it before giving it back, and the excitement the masked duck shows for it is a little nice, as Jack had mentioned previously. Usually Jim hogged all the attention at fan meetings, whether the fan wanted it or not.
"Oh Launch… I mean, LP is going to eat his scarf when he sees this! You guys have just made a hero's day! Say, would it be too much if I asked for a h--"
"Yeah, no, too much." Dan deadpanned, and everyone agreed wholeheartedly, instead offering a handshake instead, which is gladly taken.
"So, what are your plans now? I could give one of you a ride!" Wringing his hat between his hands, this Darkwing Duck wannabe looked like he wanted to tag along with them, as if he expected them to act like they did on the show, and an awkward look was shared between the four of them. How to gently let this guy down… Seriously, they didn't need a vigilante deciding reality equals fiction -- IGNORING THE EVENTS OF LAST NIGHT.
"Thanks but no thanks, my plan is to go home, pass out, and forget this ever happened." Answer, you just don't, it's a grown man for quack's sake. Mike drops the cape corner he was inspecting and waltzes out the door, his hat jingling behind him.
It didn't take much for everyone else to follow after.
"Pretty much." "Ditto." "I'm still not certain it wasn't an overly elaborate dream."
Not taking a hint, Darkwing Duck follows after them, waving as they all squeeze into Toni's little car. "Good thinking, guys! Just remember, if there's trouble --"
"You call DW!" Alright, he could have that one freebie on the house, Jack decided, even if everyone else in the car stink eyed him for indulging the masked weirdo. "What, it is a catchy tune!"
The car wasn't the only thing grumbling as it drove off.
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fandomscombine · 4 years
The Hargreeves Kerfuffle Part 4:Diego
The Hargreeves siblings x Hargreeves!Reader (Familial Relationship)
BG: The Reader is Number Eight. It follows how you fit into the structure of Season 1 and the family dynamic of the siblings.  
This part follows y/n blowing off some steam with Diego being a supportive brother.
You don’t have to read every single part as each focuses on the reader’s relationship with each of her sibings.
But of course to get most of the story, read the whole thing. Besides why would you want to miss out on Hargreeves Siblings content?
A/n: sorry if this took long to update, I lost the master copy of the fic document- well technically, I was and am typing this on an auto-save document but it had glich somehow and when I searched and open the file it was only the first 2 parts. It took a while to find back the most updated document.
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 3]
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Your blood was boiling.
How dare Luther, your own brother accuse you of killing your own father.
Sure, your childhood wasn’t exactly the healthiest and emotionally suitable for a child but in a weird way your father had shape and trained the 7 of you to be at least somewhat in control of your powers.
Raising superpowered children is no small task.
Lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t realized how far from the academy you had walked.
You stared at the city Harborview, imaging how your life would be different if you hadn’t had these powers.
Peace. That’s what you think you would have. A sense of peace, living a normal daily life- get up, go to work, hang out with friends, sleep in a nice cosy apartment and repeat. No powers.
The final words of Sir Reginald replays in your mind.
‘The end is near, get the others ……and save…..the…..tttiiiimmm’
The end is near, get the others and save the tim- whatever or whoever tim is.
You assumed that it meant his time was up and had wanted the family back together. You had done just that but what had that got you? Indictment for one. A family reunion consisting of 5 emotionally incompetent adults and one trapped in a kid’s body.
Leaning across the railing you shouted. ‘Cosplaying as batman at aged 6 was cute but as a grown ass adult lurking in the shadows is definitely a red flag!’
A chuckle sounded from the corner. ‘Noted m’mam. Will not do it again’ said a deep voice.
To an untrained ear, no sounds of footsteps could be heard.
You, however can as do your siblings. All of who can also identify who is coming based on the sound- each ever have a slight variation, a unique touch.
Luther has the heaviest, loudest footsteps out of everyone.
Allison- quiet and delicate.
Diego has a sense of purpose in his walk- no doubt like the secret agent and superheroes he had always wanted to be.
Klaus is a bit unpredictable; it is either too fast and energetic or soft and slow pace.
Five. He cheats, mostly blipping in and out of places. But if need be, he usually takes leaps or huge steps, always ready to teleport out of any situation in midstep.
Ben. The master of stealth. He always manages to take the least steps, the most effective route between hiding points.
Vanya though without training is actually very good. At times you wouldn’t even notice her near as proven in her countless times secretly watching the rest of you training.
‘I doubt that.’ Turning to face the new arrival. ‘You are the literally embodiment of Vigilante Hero Complex.’
The city lights illuminating his face.
‘Ah! Case in point!’ You pointed at his outfit. ‘You’re even wearing a spandex suit, Diego!’
Diego shook his head, brushing off your teasing aside. He was happy to at least help bring a smile onto your face- even if it was at his expense.
‘How you feeling?’ Even though you all were the same age, Diego can’t deny that the numbering hadn’t had an older sibling protectiveness to come over him- especially when Luther was being a total dick. If only he was in charge, he thought.
‘Better… better now that you’re here.’ You admitted, bothering your brother never gets old. ‘Thanks by the way-for the cheer up.’
You both stayed in comfortable silence it was not until 20 mins later did Diego break it by apologising.
‘Sorry for what?’
He didn’t reply instead he lifted something out of his pocket. It shone against the deep blue waves.
You gasped. ‘Dad’s monocle.’
‘I know Luther believes you took it.’ He let out an exasperated sigh. ‘I’m sorry. I should’ve have confessed instead you took blame for me….’
Wrapping his fist around it he continued, voice getting harsher. ‘I …I just couldn’t you know? After all he did to us? How he treated us? We were just kids!’
He clutched it tighter shattering the glass. ‘He was gone. This was the most valuable things he had- never let it out of his sight….so I thought that this….that by taking this, it would be the closest thing in ever hurting him.’
‘Oh Diego…’ You didn’t know how to comfort someone who is going through the same scenario, a same situation that you yourself need help on.  ‘Dad is gone and…yes he wasn’t the most caring father. But the past is in the past, the only thing we can do now to move forward. Don’t let that define us. Strive to do better.’
‘We tried that once remember? And where did it get us?’ He countered.
‘Better than if we were to have stayed.’ You rebutted. ‘C’mon Diegs. Think about mom. Think about how she constantly reminds us to put our best foot forward, no matter what life throws at us..’
Diego’s face softens, he was always a momma’s boy.
Closing his eyes, he mutters an okay. Then he tosses the bloody cracked monocle into the water. ‘Now, why don’t we go stuff our faces full of donuts.’ You offered. ‘I can handle your typical brooding self but the 2 of us sulking? No can do, what we need is to eat our feelings.’
‘Giddy’s it is.’ Replied Diego, offering you his arm.
‘So I assume you parked 2 blocks from here?’
His eyes went wide. ‘How’d you-‘
‘PPPPlease!’ Rolling your eyes. ‘I might have subconsciously wander to this part of town, but I was conscious about a car not so subtly tailing me for 6 blocks.’
‘So you knew I was watching you from the very beginning.’
‘YUPPPP’ Popping the p. ‘At first I wasn’t sure who- nice car by the way, new?
‘A month ago.’
‘Anyway is wasn’t until you started following on foot til I knew.’
Elaborating when you saw his confused look. ‘You walk as if you’re the protagonist in an action film.’
‘I do not!’ He said defensively.
‘DO too!- Thanks.’ Settling down onto the passenger seat as Diego closed the door.
The debate lasted until you reach Giddy’s or so what was left of the store.
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 3]
Taglist [All]: @gruffle1
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Feel free to tell me to you want to be tagged for the series or for all/any other of my fics.
Would love to hear your opinion on the series so far too!
 -Posting this a 2nd time, cause the 1st Tumblr error-ed out and deleted it.
also a bit of self plug here, i have a writing challenge going on and I’d love for you to join!
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xiaosean · 3 years
(still the same anon, haha, I swear it's my last one) I'm with you on the actor choices', but regarding Xie Lian especially... I haven't felt it yet with him, I still can't see him as Dianxia, idk how to explain it. I do like the choice for Hua Cheng's actor, but I have high expectations for him since Hua Cheng is literally???? Best fucking ever, our Ghost King 👻👑
Yeah, I don't want them to base Eternal Faith on CQLs success. Again, there's no way to replicate it, neither should they try. This isn't their first rodeo, which is why I am mostly giving them the benefit of the doubt and still trying to keep my hopes up that it can be really good in the end and they won't be cheap (please don't be cheap!!)
I don't think they would risk it all for nothing, tbh. This being another MXTX adaption, they must be aware that all the eyes on them are really invested and hoping for manhua/donghua (even cosplay, as you mentioned) level of good, as references. They're sure starting it from scratch, but it isn't out of nothing.
I'm trying not to judge the cast as of yet, before seeing them in action as their roles, but I am antsy about the costumes (which, again, many people are saying they're just for testing out the locations and stuff, no official recordings, so they might still change).
Well, my friend. Best we can do is have a nice cup of tea and wait 🤞 hope they turn the amazing story that is TGCF into something worth watching and crying over 😂😂 hoping to hear more of you too as the news and updates come ✨
hmm yeah i agree with this ^^ too early to really say anything even tho i'm 😔 as of now. i'll just be on weibo hot search like 👀 in the meantime and see what happens. i feel like we're all kinda antsy lmao
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eponymous-rose · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E86 (Nov. 26, 2019)
And we’re off! Tonight’s guests are the long-awaited Ashley Johnson and Matt Mercer! “Tonight, Ashley’s back, Ashley’s back, and Ashley’s back... we’ll break it all down tonight with my guest, Ashley.”
Announcements: Pretty new dice and pinup calendar now in the store! The recording of the Austin live show (The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade!) will be streaming on Twitch on Friday at 7 PM Pacific, and the VOD will be available on YouTube on Sunday! The fundraising campaign with OSD is still live! There will be no episode of Critical Role this week and no episode of Talks Machina next week because of the holiday.
Even a brief Meat Loaf digression can’t stop us, so it’s time for...
Episode 86: The Cathedral
Stats for this week’s episode: Yasha was under Obann’s control for 59 days. Obann is Yasha’s 14th HDYWTDT. Caleb set the campaign record for most damage dealt in a single turn: 449 damage. Matt rolled his 120th Natural 20 this campaign against Cad’s Blight spell on the caedogeist.
While Ashley was away, there were a few different paths that could’ve dictated how things would’ve gone while she was away: being under Obann’s sway meant she mostly got updates from Matt about what was happening, and Ashley would give her reactions to those experiences (Matt references the Purple Man in Jessica Jones for how twisted her perception was). Ashley: “Matt gave me a breakdown of things that have been happening in our world, Obann and the caedogeist and the Laughing Hand and Yasha. It’s heavy, but I feel like it really was the best way to leave the campaign, it felt a little bit more organic than even the last time, with Pike.” Matt and Ashley both emphasize that there’s a connection between Obann and Yasha pre-campaign.
Matt knew from the beginning that there would be a Tharizdun-based narrative, but he let the tie-ins to this particular story evolve naturally. “I knew there would be an aspect of Tharizdun essentially catfishing a bunch of other cults.”
How aware was Yasha of what she was doing? “I believe she was fully aware, just no control of her body or the things that she was doing.” But having Obann as her only companion for so long was definitely a factor. Matt: “It wasn’t like he took control of you and was like, do my bidding. He was very, trying to talk her up. ‘You’re chosen for a reason, you’re special, you’re one of the harbingers chosen for the angel...’ It’s a very fucked-up relationship.”
Based on who the group spoke to in Zadash, they could’ve had some help from the Gentleman, Dolan, the High Richter... but things happened to throw down in Pumat’s shop. “You know, he’s already been pulled into this fray a bit. I already have the minis painted...” Dani points out that his presence brought some much-needed levity. Until the end of the episode, at least...
Whose reactions are Yasha most worried about? Beau, after the way the fight went. “That was one of the most stressful moments I’ve ever had in a game.” Ashley texted Brian in the middle of the game: “If I’d killed Beau I’d have just killed myself.” Especially after what happened with her wife, and all the lives she’s taken, that would have been the last straw. She’s also aware that there’s tension with Fjord. “I think even before there was some distrust that Fjord had with Yasha a bit. But I think still with everybody, it’s knowing what she’s done at this point, and just playing against them and fighting them. She’ll deal with the weight of that for a while, and just be like, how can I make it up to you?” Ashley does want to find a way to turn it around to make Yasha a little bit happy in there. “I was just like, oh, I’ve made something very sad!”
The dispel wasn’t a sure thing by any means. “I had set it as a fifth-level domination effect for the purposes of dispelling. There was a chance that they were going to succeed and destroy the shackle and continue on to wherever the next one would be, in which case Yasha would carry on with them.” In that case, Ashley could’ve played an ancillary character in the meantime. Even if Obann had been killed, that connection would’ve remained, but his fear at the end of his life was the Chained Oblivion’s punishment awaiting: the removal of his fiendish form.
Cosplay of the Week! Ashley sings a new theme song: “Sew it all together! (deadpan) Take a picture.” This week’s winner was an amazing Vax, WittyWyndi on Twitter!
“I think, of course, being herself again and being in control of all of her actions, I think there is an element of wanting to run because you’re not wanting to deal with the problems, but I think she’s been doing it for so long... I think she’s very afraid to be alone. And that was one of the things that kept coming up in all the games and things Matt was telling me. Man, if I think about the future of this character, and if she comes out of this, what would you feel, being under someone’s influence and then being around your family? I don’t want to be alone, I don’t want to be alone.” Brian: “Isolation is an incubator that turns mistakes into habits.” Ashley: “I feel like I relate to that, because as a hermit and a very introverted person, I feel like my go-to is to run away or say I’m not going to deal with this. So maybe that’s a little therapy in the game, can I sit in this and still be with people who are upset with me? Obviously it’s being in a community and dealing with people, that’s a much better way than to deal with something alone. I’m going to try to tackle that in the game and see. Who knows, she might freak out and just run.”
Ashley, on coming back to the west coast for good: “I feel like I’ve been away at sea.” Brian: “Yeah, NBC.”
Gods are more present in this campaign only because there are much more deity-connected characters. Matt tries to avoid too much divine influence in his campaigns to make sure players still have the majority of the agency and don’t tend to use it as a get-out-of-jail-free card. 
Comcast is installing fiber in my neighborhood and brief service outages may occur. This fun fact brought to you by the little spinning wheel that just interrupted Matt for a minute. Thanks, Comcast.
More gods in a campaign means more complications on Matt’s end. “There are a lot of deities in the Pantheon, and there are lesser idols in the world, entities that aren’t gods per se but that hold elements of some divine power. Playing in that space is fun, but I don’t want to overcrowd it necessarily.”
On getting the kill on Obann: “It was just so exciting to come back to the table, and you love the HDYWTDT moment from Matt, but I think for Yasha there’s a lot of weirdness to it. Just because you kill the thing that has been torturing you doesn’t mean you’re free from that trauma. I don’t think she’s satisfied yet.” But it was super satisfying for Ashley as a player!
There was a part of Matt that wanted Obann to survive a little longer, because there was “more shit he could do.” If he’d managed to get four people into place, it would’ve immediately started the ritual, those four would have been paralyzed and their AC would have been dramatically boosted, and the M9 would have had one round to try to stop it by killing one of the people in the square before everyone involved in the ritual would have been instantly killed. Brian: “You’re a sick and twisted and terrible man and I want to kiss you.”
Fan Art of the Week: an amazing Yasha in the cathedral by Neverdraws on Twitter!
If the party had revealed who Obann was really working for (he was unaware up until the very end), that was potentially a different direction things could have gone. Ashley: “Yasha doesn’t know yet.” Matt: “The only thing Yasha knows about the Angel of Irons is what it did to Obann.”
Ashley asked Matt whether Yasha would know whether the other members of the party were controlled, and Matt had her roll to see what she picked up on. Matt: “It may come out in the game.”
The description of the new breastplate was just to emphasize that Obann had kitted her out to help her be a stronger ally for him. Whether she keeps it is up to her.
Which of the changes in the M9 are going to take the most getting used to? “This feels a little bit like me coming home, where it’s like you’re away for a while, then you’re like, things are so different. I think it’s just adjusting. She’ll see the relationships, the tattoos, Fjord’s-- the accent thing we didn’t get into in game the other night, but Yasha noticed. We’ll see how it plays out in game and how everyone treats Yasha and how everyone responds to that, whether it’s positive reinforcement or negative. I feel like the positive reinforcement’s going to be tougher.”
On people getting emotionally attached to NPCs: “It catches me off-guard sometimes. I’m just excited that people are as invested in them as I am. With that particular Pumat moment, it made me excited that everyone else was as OH GOD NO at the table as I was.”
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lumos0lux · 4 years
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Cae, my booooy!
Tiny bit of a late answer but I just had to take the opportunity to draw him again and a bit more updated :D Thank you for asking @jitterzart !
He didn’t really have a super set story as I’ve used the name Cae for a couple of OC’s... or maybe as the same OC but in different stories and games, and so he’s had a bit of different looks and backgrounds (his gone from having black hair to basically having all the colours to having mostly black again as an example). I really should make one solid OC out of him though. Give him an origin story/background and flesh out his personality. This post (and a couple more to come) may serve very well for that~
First for this updated look (looks)
His original concept was very based on Caesar Clown with the long black hair, super pale skin, horns and eyes. The eyes were yellow (because CC) and had a red sclera (because Red Plague, The Arcana-style) His upper legs had the same colour as his hair, while the furs on his calves and ears matched in a white-purple kinda ombre.
This very much still is the case, even though he wears a onsie now he still has the longer black fur on his thighs and the white-purple on the ears and calves. His eyes have changed to be a light purple and instead of just having black hair with some purple shine to it, he now has actual purple and also turquoise/blue highlights and parts in it. For the skin, I wanted to have it a bit more like my own, I was kind of thinking of keeping the super pale version on his Fae-form... but I haven’t decided. Would be cool but I don’t know XD
The tattoos on his Fae-form are magic tattoos that light up when he uses a great deal of magic. For his human form (actually, his elf form) I was a bit back and forth, I didn’t want to give him the same magic tattoos, but I was thinking a bit whether or not I should not give him any tattoos at all, or if I should give him my tattoos as he for one basically is a bit of a self-insert ego-boost character, half-based on myself, and secondly would be easier to cosplay haha! I ended up with that, so his tattoo-collection will grow when my tattoo-collection grows.
Okay but who is he?
Cae, previously obviously short for Caesar, now is a nickname for Caelyon Nimthîriel Faendhrîl. On top of having been based on CC a bit, he was also based on a previous OC of mine, Ori.
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Ori, my DnD character, a sorcerer with a slave background.
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This design was to be the updated Ori first, a trickster you met if you were transported into the Faewild. The first Ori had been very timid and shy, while this version was quite confident in what he did. But kind of as I already drew him I already wanted him to be someone else, so Cae was born! (I still need/want to update Ori... ehum)
He started of as a lost little trickster of the Faewild and ended up being the Crown-Prince of Oresïa, very much still a Faewild-based world (and kinda Zelda and Lord of the Rings inspired) but one I’ve made to be my own. (I’ve doodled a map of Oresïa, I shall redraw it and post it in another post and talk a bit more about it at a later time, but if I go into that lore and the species that live there as well this post is gonna become loooong :’D)
Anyway! Cae! He is a skilled magician and as the crown prince he has always had free access to The Night Star, which is a holy island were the academy of magic is based. As he grew older, on top of basic magic, he specialised in healing and “walking”, meaning he learned how to make portals, both permanent for everyone to use and also quick and temporary ones for only himself (and whoever jumps through as well in the moment). He can use this to get all over the land but also to visit other realms and worlds (making him a planes walker, hence “walker”, or “walking”).
He is very fascinated and in tune with nature, which has him researching and traveling too a lot of Faewild and other nature realms. On one if his travels he gained the ability to transform himself into a goat and a half-goat (faun). He also took up a path of becoming a druid there.
As I said earlier, Cae was originally a bit of a trickster character. I kind of want to keep that, but not fully as he is a crown prince now. But as his sister has her fists, sword and strength and his sibling has their knowledge and wit, Cae uses his magic and trickery to protect the people he loves.
More about his family in another post because this is going to be long!
While being a little trickster he is also rather laid back and keep his calm.
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sesskagarchive · 5 years
Alternate Universe Serial
These fan fictions are serial works that are not traditionally set in the Feudal Era Canon and are not compliant with/do not feature elements of the Inuyasha Canon. 
They may be set in the modern era or in a historical time other than the Sengoku Jidai. 
They may retain youkai and miko or make all the characters human. They may feature multiple different tropes like college, celebrities, etc
‼ Please note that these themed lists may always be expanded based on the suggestions and recs we get, so the lists might change at any given time, even after they’ve been reblogged ‼
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A Dangerous Shot by sesshomarusama33
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: **COMPLETE** Canon. Kagome is kidnapped by a witch under Naraku's order. What will happen when she is accidentally cursed and the only two people who can save her can't get a long? Told in 100 word snippets. Rated for later chapters. EDIT: Chapters 7 and up will no longer be 100 words! ^^
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A Woman! by Sugar0o
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Loosely based of off 'Mulan.' Kags decides to take her fathers place in the war for the West, but gets caught unexpectedly. AU, S/K, evey1s a demon mostly **COMPLETE**
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Birth by cutebaby
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Sesshomaru stands to loose everything unless he can secure a heir by his upcoming birthday. His advisors and himself are now in a race against the clock to find the perfect child, but how does his secretary, Kagome, fit in? This is an upload from backup because the story was lost. Thanks to all my readers for letting me know.
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Business Associates by KJ
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome and Sesshomaru have been dating for 7 years, but Kagome is tired of their passionless arrangement. She wants a man who will love and support her and her dreams. She ends their relationship and heart break ensues. Will he just let her go? Can they settle their differences? This is AU, rated MA. There will be lemon. There is a possibility some of the characters will be OOC. Status: WIP
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Capital Offense by Oroyukae
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: It was wrong; it was illegal...it was reciprocated. Like his father before him, he could not deny what he felt for the human female. For that, he would pay dearly. He found himself faced with the question he had asked his father numerous times...was it worth it? {Complete}
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Clutter by forthright
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: AU. Mrs. Higurashi decides to help her daughter put her life together; enter Sesshoumaru, professional organizer extraordinaire. A romantic comedy told in 100 word snippets. COMPLETE
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Cop Troubles by LibraCourt
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Troubles, troubles, and more troubles. Sesshoumaru has to deal with it all from working with a human partner to being given a poison that sends him into a heat. How will he handle it all? What other troubles will he face?
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Crystal Hearts by SmilingFool
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Warning Inside... What happens when Evil longs to be loved? Fate steps in giving Naraku a chance to prove his heart is not all Black and Evil. Naraku finds himself drawn to a little girl that is being abused and finds a way to stop it. Naraku being the 'Evil Creator' and business hanyou he is begins working on a project that could extend human life called Crystal Hearts. His project is soon discovered and his research stolen by an unknown force that is also out to kill his new stepdaughter Kagome in fear that she will stop the war that is to come. What will happen when Evil turns against Evil? Read and find out. Enjoy. Pairings are Sesshoumaru/Kagome. Status: WIP
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Dancing with Scissors by piratequeen0405
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome's niece, Rin, is left orphaned by a tragic car wreck, leaving Kagome to raise her alone. Or so she thought...help comes from an unexpected source, Sesshoumaru. The only problem is that they can't stand each other. Will they be able to act like adults for the sake of their niece...and maybe find love in the process?
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Dear Stranger by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Via exchanging e-mails, a romance is beginning to bud between two strangers. But Kagome knows that falling in love is not an option – that would be bad for business. Status: WIP
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Dramatic! by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: Filming a TV drama can be surprisingly difficult, when one has to deal with a quirky scriptwriter and an unruly cast. There were days when director Takahashi pondered how the hell she ever ended up in such a mess…
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Everyday Love by Priestess Skye
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Based on the picture series by Youkai Yume. Love is expressed in a myriad of ways. Sesshoumaru and Kagome grow and develop in their relationship with each other. Series of interconnected one shots. Sess/Kag
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Hallowed Desire by Demonlordlover2
Posted on: FFnet, Spark Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru wanted more than a mate. He wanted her, Kagome
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Happily Ever After by Miss Teak
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: Struggling to maintain her old family shrine, Higurashi Kagome could not be more thankful for the miracle that came in the form of a letter telling her that the Higurashi family owned forty percent of a traditional Japanese inn in Tsumago, Nagano prefecture. However, in exchange for the profits made by Shiraito inn, Kagome would have to marry the devastatingly handsome yet arrogant owner and serve as the inn's okami. Happily ever after? No way! Status: Abandoned
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Letters, Love, War by Aura
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: A reply to r0o's letter challenge. Kagome and Sesshomaru stay in contact through nothing more than letters during the second world war, eventually realizing they mean more to each other than either knew. Nominated for Best Romance and Best Alternate Reality 4th Quarter 2010!
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Maid for You by luna-magic-2005
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Inuyasha plays a prank on his older brother Sesshoumaru - by purchasing him a mail order bride! Except something seems a little off about this one… Drabble series. COMPLETE!
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Maid with Care by Aimee Blue
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: A drabble series revolving around Kagome's unusual job in Sesshoumaru's cosplay cafe. Status: Abandoned
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Make Up Your Mind!! by Koishii_Beloved
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru and Kagome, both, have agreed to a divorce. Kagome is all ready for it, but what happens when Sesshoumaru decides to back out?
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Mother of My Heir by gildedglass
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: The night before Sesshomaru broke up with Kagome, he took all he could from her. Now, years later, he is trying to create a heir to no avail; his children do not bear the mark. There can only be one reason; his heir already lives... with a woman who wants nothing to do with him. Status: Abandoned / Hiatus
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My Bitter Sweet Life! by Moonlight Silk
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: When time fades and past memories disappear, Kagome tries to see the bright side of life by looking to the future. But can the heart feel what the mind cannot remember when old love reappears? Will the truth set her free, or will it destroy what peace she had found in the darkness? Only time will tell.
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My Second Self by LikeABlueThread
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Orphaned Kagome is raised by monks in Feudal Japan, and determines to find a way to build an independent life for herself. Jane Eyre done SessKag style. Complete!
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Omikuji by ironlotus
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Every year, Kagome picks an Omikuji fortune on New Year's Eve with the same wish: May this year be the year that brings happiness like no other! But she doesn't get what she's expecting, especially once her fortune starts coming true. Her supervisor and friend passes on. People around her are acting more and more oddly. The world as she knows it gets flipped on its head. This year's fortune couldn't be worse. [[Epilogue Posted! Finally Complete!!]]
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Paper Cranes by midori Haru
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Meeting, attraction, courting, commitment. For most of the world relationships form in the normal fashion from start to culmination. Naturally normal isn't enough for Sesshoumaru. And he wonders why he runs into problems trying to build a relationship from the wrong end
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Pompeii by aijoinu
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: When a God finds his other half he will literally move the earth to make her his
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Sea Swept by AshMish111 
Posted on: AO3, FFnet Rating: T Summary: A Mermaid’s Dream; A Prince’s Hope. He was not the one she left it all behind for, but he would he the one she wanted to stay for. Little Mermaid AU, with a twist! SessKag
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Stay-cation by Shastuhh
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Its has been a long six months Kagome has gone through multiple life changes, she has lost a loved one, lost her first love, graduated college, bought a house and now all she is looking to do is take a stay-cation to rest, relax and recharge. She runs into Sesshomaru in the store as she is doing some last minute shopping and finds out he is doing his own type of vacation and she invites him to stay with her. He has longed to get to know her better and make her his one and only and he is not about to pass up this opportunity.
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Step Into Love by StormieLikeWeather
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet, Tumblr Rating: MA Summary: Kagome meets her new step brother for the first time, only she doesn’t know it’s him. With hearts in their eyes, realization bursts the bubble. While Sesshomaru could care less, Kagome is stuck between wanting to be with him and wanting to meet familial expectations. - Updates are sporadic. Status: WIP
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Tables Turned by Chie
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: A false accusation caused him to lose everything he had. Finally free again, he disguises himself and sets out to gain back all that once was his. But things don't always go as planned and he ends up working as an assistant in the company he once founded. And his boss is a woman. [Complete!]
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That’s My Girl! by Kanna37
Posted on: AO3, FFnet Rating: K+ Summary: Little Sesshoumaru and Little Kagome have a series of tiny adventures on the playground… a collection of interrelated chibi one-shots. Status: Hiatus
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The Divorce by The StoryTeller of Old
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Kagome’s having trouble keeping her marriage together. Sesshomaru Taisho, business tycoon, billionare, doesn’t spend enough time home. So, Kagome feels lonely. A new worker from her job, incites something in her. Will sparks fly? How will Sesshomaru react when his mate throws down divorce papers? Status: Hiatus
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The Gladiator by Liv
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Born into royalty as a young child, Sesshomaru’s territory comes under attack, his entire family and people slaughtered, leaving him the sole survivor of the Western lands. Sold into slavery, Sesshomaru grows up to become a gladiator, strong and unfeeling…until he laid eyes on her. The daughter of one of the city’s leaders, Kagome is beautiful, kind and full of light, but when she catches the eye of a ruthless politician Naraku, the one responsible for the murder of Sesshomaru’s family, can she be saved by the handsome gladiator whose golden eyes pierce through her soul and whom her heart yearns for? Inspired by the movie Pompeii. Rated MA for graphic violence and other adult-themes. Status: Hiatus/Abandoned
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The Sculptor and the Statue by EagleFeathersInMyHair
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: The story of Pygmalion and Galathea with Sesshoumaru as the artist and Kagome as his most revered work, told in two chapters. *Part 2 of Sess/Kag in Mythology Series*
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The Sword Smith's Secret by MissKatt
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Sesshoumaru despises the blade his father has left him. When he goes to Totosai to demand a sword to be forged, he meets an unexpected assistant that will have a role in forging his sword. Now, he is forced to win her favor in order for his sword to be fabricated for the impending war. What happens when she turns out to be more valuable than what he thought? Status: Hiatus
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The Third Parties by Miss Teak
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: "If I keep reminding myself of how wrong my feelings for her are, I might finally do something right." She was the third party in his half-brother's three-year relationship. He was merely a good friend. Watching her get hurt over and over again, Taisho Sesshoumaru wanted to tell Higurashi Kagome to let go. Yet he could not, not when he knows he could never let go of her just like how she could never let go of Inuyasha.
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Twisted Hearts by Eternal fire1
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary:  “Marry me.” Kagome's eyes widened. “I…I don’t love you.” She said weakly. If Sesshoumaru could have laughed, he would have. “Stupid miko.” He said. “This is not about love. This is merely business.
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Yakuza-Miko by NicoRavenPen
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Modern Day AU. After her 18th birthday, Kagome manages to get caught up with some boys at school that everyone else considers Yakuza because of their 'tattoos' and mannerisms. Turns out, they're a clan of youkai and she just happens to be the answer to all of their problems...Rated MA for coarse language and potential violence. Status: WIP
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onebizarrekai · 6 years
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I thought it was about time I made this, just for some helpful links and other random stuff. It has a different layout and almost no pictures in comparison to the original FAQ because posts can’t handle the same functions that custom pages can, but it’s what I could do.
Like the reference master post, this post is subject to updates, if need be.
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Welcome to my blog! You can call me Kai. I'm a college student who loves to draw and write stories in my spare time. I have a passion for music, which I am currently studying at school. I love making people laugh and cheering them up, so I hope I can do a little of that for you!
While a handful of my ongoing projects are related to the Undertale fandom, this is pretty much a multifandom blog!  What those other fandoms are… tends to vary with whatever I'm interested in at the moment. I'm also a dedicated multishipper and a relative memelord, apparently. Thanks for stopping by!
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✕ Please do not redistribute any of my art or other works without my permission. (Por favor, no vuelva a publicar mi arte sin permiso.) Credit is necessary. Posting my content on Youtube is not allowed at all unless it’s a non-monetized dub, or you are given personal permission. ✕
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(Already linked at the top of my blog on mobile, but here it is anyway.)
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► Greyscale (MAIN PROJECT) An alternate story taking place in the Undertale universe, where two humans with drastically different ideas on how problems should be solved end up in the Underground at the same time and have to work together to make their way through it. Also Chara is there. It’s a party. —> On a break while I work on other projects.
► The Legend of Underverse: Meme Waker Also known as Wind Waker Dreamtale (WWDT), a comic that parodies the Undertale fandom and Zelda: Wind Waker at the same time, featuring Nightmare and Cross as the protagonists. This comic is no longer in production.
► Isaac Beamer Versus the Supernatural Often abbreviated to IBVS, a story where various Undertale fandom characters are humans, have human names and go to a not-so-normal high school. Draws inspiration from shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Danny Phantom and Gravity Falls, while simultaneously making fun of everything I can think of. You can read it on Ao3. —> Updates irregularly.
► Driftverse An interactive story dedicated to Nightmare and Dream… except they’ve been combined into one person, and they have no idea how. Thus, they have embarked on an adventure over at @driftverse. —> On hiatus until further notice.
► (Project) Hopeless An original project in early stages of development. Creation? I dunno, I think the ‘early development’ term is only used for games. But then again… it is all just a game, after all…
► Dreamswap An ‘AU’ based on the Underverse story. It got its name from being centered around Dream and Nightmare switching roles. Other characters have also switched roles in unique ways. Dreamswap doesn’t have an ongoing story, however it is being reformed into an original story called Fable of the Fools. (The Dreamswap FAQ can be found here. However, it’s a custom page so it may not work on mobile.)
► Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Darkness Dream) An open-ended alternate outcome where Dream gives up and joins Nightmare. Content regarding this setting may contain trigger warnings.
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>> What software do you use to draw?
Clip Studio Paint.
>> What software do you use to make music?
Garageband. I could be using something better, but this is what's available, haha.
>> What languages do you speak?
English is the only language I’m fluent in. I know some words in a number of other languages but I can’t actually hold a conversation in them.
>> What are your pronouns?
I’m agender! I use they/them, mostly. Sometimes he/him for reasons, but if you don't know my personally, just use they.
>> What's your art tag?
#art closet. It's under construction, but I've been slowly and steadily attempting to add everything I've drawn and posted to it–with the exception of long ongoing comics. Those are tagged as #comics galore.
>> Can I roleplay as one of your characters?
You can roleplay certain characters all you want, but please don’t roleplay characters you don’t fully understand the characterization of. It would be really sucky if mischaracterizations got spread around. Please remember to direct people back to me as the original creator of the character!
Please do not roleplay characters from entirely original works of mine at this time.
>> Can I cosplay as one of your characters?
Of course you can!
>> Is there some way I can financially support you?
Behold, my Ko-fi! You can also commission me! Commissions are always open unless stated otherwise.
>> What do you think about NSFW?
Have at it, but please tag it carefully and correctly, and keep it out of the main tags.
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seawolvesanddragons · 6 years
Merlin Short - The Youtuber AU
Alright, to start with, Gwaine [Username: AngrIrishman] mostly does prank videos; his is primarily a comedy channel. It starts off as in the moment pranks (probably while he is uni). As he gains more followers and grows more confident he starts doing a few sketches, usually the same characters in different scenarios (the series “drunk Irishman confused by British things is the number one favourite.) After a semester or two he drops out of uni, deciding it isn’t for him and he was only following family pressure, and he wants to do follow this youtube idea. He mostly pranks friends and family, all harmless stuff. After he meets Merlin he does a good deal of his pranks on him, but Elyan and Percival show up the mst as his victims (or partners in crime) since he’s lived with them both. He’s always willing to help out his friends with their videos, and often appears in Percival’s gaming competitions. Occasionally, for when Gwaine wants to address something serious or do a straight video of something bothering him, he has a series of “what’s aleing me today” where he talks about the serious stuff under the guise of drinking. His is one of the bigger youtube stars and his fame only skyrockets after he meets the others.  Percival [AllTankedUp] started in youtube as just responding to some of the more ridiculous challenges (planking, cinnamon challenge, parkour, etc) but ended up accidentally setting a ton of records. He started getting a lot of followers suggesting more challenges for him to do. After a year or two he began  
uploading video game run throughs after he purchased a video game and streamed playing it, not expecting anything big to come of it. The first video ending up trending for a few hours and requests came pouring in. However his biggest project, and the one he is most proud of and best known for, comes along in year three, after he met Elyan. They began recreating live action versions of video games, giant board games, etc. The internet fucking loses it over these videos. Most of them are endearingly low budget - the first is a live action super mario, where they had set up mushrooms and platforms in the park and a plushie princess peach is the prize. Elyan did MATH for this, guys.  Percival has to do exactly what Elyan tells him to do when Elyan holds the “controller” and vice versa. The video is ten minutes long and mostly consists of them falling over. Percy barely wins in the end, but he holds the plushie up all proud, looking adorable. By the next day they have over a hundred subscribers asking for more. Some of the live actions are HUGE events, brining in all of Percy’s friends and acquaintances and even family members but that’s usually only once a year. Typically, it’s no more than Percy, Elyan, and Gwaine or Leon or Merlin. Elyan helps out a lot with most of the recreations, but Percival came up with the idea and is the driving force behind it. He also has a side channel for workout videos after 2 1/2 years of requests, where he posts irregular updates. Elyan [Elyuminati] gets pulled into youtube by Gwen, and starts out as the occasional guest star in her vlogs, before submitting the odd vlog video himself, usually just him ranting about whatever in his life is annoying him at the time. It was meant to just be a way to let off steam, he didn’t expect anyone to watch them, but Elyan has a certain kind of odd charm and humor that attracts a humble but loyal following. During his gap year he travels around Europe and posts a lot of video diaries as a way of keeping in touch with Gwen, and it steadily improves over time. He starts doing “day in the life of” or “creepy ghost tour” or just sharing crazy stories about his travels. Elyan’s not a bad artist, so he’ll sometimes recreate brief sketches of the crazy stuff that happened to him while narrating what is going on. After his gap year (which almost turned into two) he returned to the UK and ended up rooming with Percy, who he knew from youtube, and started getting a degree in maths. His channel with Percy to do live action games took off, and he ended up being offered a job at a radio station after a year or so. The radio felt he had a personality that worked over radio just as well as camera. His radio show has a little bit of everything in it: acting as a voice of the millennial people, sharing whatever crazy thing happened to him that week, traveling and reviewing places and (his latest obsessions) weird news stories and conspiracies. (Leon and Gwaine could be blamed for the last one.) He doesn’t post as much except for the game videos or guest starring in others, since’s he’s busy with his radio show, but he will occasionally do a vlog session now and again, usually on his theories on conspiracies, game of thrones, and why the cosmos hates him enough to stick him with Gwaine. Leon [GiantRedGnomes], unlike Percy and Elyan, actually means to start a youtube channel. He starts off with gaming videos, including a dramatic series of the SIMS that everyone gets a little too invested in. However Leon is very conscious of the good that youtube can do, and so he also starts doing more educational style videos with fun animation. His main topics are history (but the fun kind, he focuses a lot on the weird parts of European history that no one ever talks about) space and alien life, etc. He also reviews a lot of popular tv shows and movies and shares his thoughts, opinions, and predictions for them as well as how the nerdier stuff checks out. Being the gentleman that he is, he typically tries to post both spoiler and non spoiler versions. He and Merlin start a Dnd series where they do short campaigns with different members of their friend group and other willing youtube stars. Lancelot [Lancephew], like Leon, does youtube “for the greater good.” He started youtube in high school as a project to bring “truly great people” into the spotlight by interviewing the people in his town about amazing things they had done in their lives, and he still tries to post videos like that whenever he can. Half of his videos are him taking news stories, politics, economic theories, etc and explaining it in layman’s terms for the average viewer. He shares his own opinions in the video as well. During college Lancelot started adding a musical element to his interview stories, writing his own songs to bring into the background. This branched out into him writing instrumental music, which he often shares on youtube and itunes. Lancelot is currently doing a YouTube Red project in aide of a charity that is about small town civilians having to deal with a zombie dystopia in a realistic manner - asking questions such as “do we still have to pay for data?” “Can someone take my braces off.”) Also, he’s dating Gwen and they do really cute “ask us questions” and dating game videos that the internet loves. There are also several videos of his dog doing crazy things he manages to catch on film. Gwen [GwenSmash] is mostly a youtube vlogger, and she shares a little bit of everything. Her day to day life, sped up streams of the cosplay outfits she makes the group, sims and gaming videos, ask/advice videos, review videos, and stories in a series called “Growing up Gwen” where she shares moments of her childhood/teenage years having to deal with being the only girl in a household of guys, such as buying a bra, trying to find a video game character that is a female without exposed breasts, etc. After she gets to know all the guys better, she will share moments of being one of the few girls among many guys, and has no shame in calling them out. Half of her twitter is photos of the guys holding up a sign saying “I said/made *insert sexist remark here*.” She doesn’t really try to limit herself to one brand and just does all kinds of videos. She and Morgana are often work together/guest star in each other’s videos as flatmates and best friends.   Morgana [ExplodingSparkles] got into youtube during college at Gwen’s encouragement. She liked to create her own music mashups and Gwen starting encouraging her to share them on youtube. Nowadays, she and Lance will team up occasionally to do music together, and she has written a few of her own songs, all released on youtube/itunes. A LOT of her video vlogs are feminist, LGBTQA, and wealth inequality rants, typically following her having to talk to Uther. She as a popular series called “Ask Morgana” where she answers questions her subscribers ask her. The beginning/middle of her channel (when it was getting big) has a lot of anger and rant videos about everything wrong with the world. Morgana eventually grew out of her angry stage, and began discussing the issues from a healthier pov, such as how you can be an ally, etc. She also started doing a lot more comedy sketches, all written and directed by herself. Some of them just have her in it as multiple people, others have her and Gwen or other guest stars. Some of them are just sketches about funny moments in her life, but most are original content, such as “Smart Shakespeare in Five Minutes” where she acts out a sketch of Shakespeare’s plays where everything goes very differently, usually based on one character making a smarter decision. Arthur [KingCamelot] started doing youtube in his final year of boarding school, and for the first year or so he and Morgana both tried to hide the fact that they were doing youtube from each other, until one day Morgana stumbled across his channel after it was recommended after one of Gwen’s videos. This was over summer break and the result was her barging in during one of his vlogs, and the entire (loud and hilarious) conversation was caught on film. Arthur later uploaded it to youtube, and neither will admit it is one of their favourite videos. Arthur kept it in a vlog style during uni, sharing his thoughts on current events, challenge videos, his favourite books and tv shows, his daily life and his struggle with uni/the business degree his father wanted him to get. He ended up switching to film editing sophomore year after Morgana, Leon and other youtuber friends supported his ideas. While it made things rockier with his father, Arthur was much happier. Videos became much more frequently after that, and Arthur began to guest star in his friends videos as well. Arthur became a big name on youtube almost instantly, largely because of his good lucks and his notoriety as the son of a famous parliament member, but remained a big name through his own merit. About midway through his time at uni Arthur began to post videos about insightful topics about things that suggested he was starting to see the world a bit differently. After he graduated about 4 years ago, it started to turn into full blown advocacy and outreach videos raising awareness for social change. Of course, Arthur didn’t get to that point by himself. Enter Merlin, stage right. Merlin [MerlinTrixx] started youtube HIS final year of public schooling, about two years after Arthur. He started with just short simple vlogs and magic tricks that even professional magicians couldn’t figure out. He followed Gwen and Morgana and saw Arthur a few times in their videos or recommended suggestions. After picking up on Arthur’s rather one sided view of how wealth and poverty work he called him out on it in a private message. Arthur did NOT take it well. There began a video war where both boys passive aggressively mentioned the other. Before it got to far, however, they accidentally ended up meeting at a youtube convention. (Arthur was there to speak on a panel, Merlin went to learn editing tips). The recognized each other and ended up talking for the remaining two days of the convention and became fast friends. Gwen, who had known Merlin through uni for about a year now, had had no idea that Arthur and Merlin had been complaining to her for the past few months about each other and was ready to knock sense into both of them when she found out. After becoming friends, Arthur and Merlin began showing up in each other’s videos more. Merlin, who hated his roommates, began hanging around more at Arthur and Leon’s flat (they went to a different uni in the same city, but had moved off campus) instead of Gwen’s as much. By the end of sophomore year, Merlin had gained a decent number of followers and his channel consisted of vlogs, his magic tricks, him and Arthur hanging out and being weird, and sharing his vast and unparalled knowledge of all things fantasy and nerdy. He, Leon and Gwen get into the longest discussions when they do reviews together. Merlin takes some time off of school, still unsure what he wants to do beside youtube, and moves in with Arthur to split the rent. The videos continue in earnest, and views/followers for both boys continue to grow as they feed off of one another, make more compilation videos, and add more content. After a couple of years, more than half their followers are wondering if they are more than just flatmates, but they are keeping quiet on the matter. The both still have their own channel, which they update frequently, but they also have a shared channel where they do reviews of shows they both like, ask/challenge requests, gaming videos, a few prank videos - they got into a prank way with Percy, Elyan and Gwaine once. Morgana and Gwen somehow won. They also do a deep discussion on Arthurian legend and other mythos, in comedic style. They are known as the “Avalon Nine” - a nickname given to them by the internet after they learned they all knew each other and they frequently appear in each others videos now that they all live in the same city. Morgana and Gwen had met in boarding school, and are currently living together after Morgana moved back after Uni until Lancelot finally asks Gwen to marry him, which Morgana suspects will happen soon. Gwen met Merlin at their uni, the same city that Arthur and Leon were going to uni in. Arthur already knew Gwen through Morgana and they had hung out fairly often, which only increased after they both befriended Merlin. Merlin and Gwen both met Lancelot separately at youtube conventions, and thought it hilarious the day they found out they both knew him. Lancelot moved to the city after graduating uni. Elyan met everyone through Gwen and Morgana met everyone through Gwen and Arthur. Gwaine met Merlin at a convention and later Merlin recognized him auditing his film class for “free editing tips/ideas.” They became fast friends and Gwaine spent a few nights in Merlin’s dorm when his water or heat wouldn’t work. He moves in with Elyan when he comes back from his gap years. Lancelot and Percival, who knew each other prior to the rest of the group, lived with each other for a while before the landlord sold the building. Lance moved to a single while Percival moved in with Elyan and Gwaine. There have been a series of “who knows you better” challanges and games throughout the group, including ones based off of dating games, best friend games, and family games. Merlin and Arthur have won them ALL. Even against Lancelot and Gwen that one time. Leon shared in one of his videos that Arthur and Merlin are also banned from teaming up in charades, pictonary and catch phrase in the gaming videos because they are undefeatable and possible psychic.  Bonus:  Mordred is obviously much younger than the others (just now starting Uni while the others are in their mid to late twenties). So he grew up watching a lot of their earlier stuff and he just idolizes them. He somehow managed to befriend them through social media/convenstions and is a bit surprised he is actually on first name basis with these amazing, talented (giant dorks). He appears in their videos sometimes but is hesitant  to upload anything on his own channel for a long time, since it is harder to get started on youtube now than it was for his older friends. After some encouragement he uploads a few, and the whole  group advertises him since they all kind of adore him, he’s like a little brother. Unlike the others though, Mordred doesn’t vlog or do video games or reviews or anything. Oh no. His videos are all freestyle rapping/spoken word poetry. About whatever catches his fancy. The weirdest thing is they’re GOOD. Its at such odds with his personality but it is what it is. Gwaine has started a betting pool on when Mordred reaches 1,000 subscribers.  Cenred is a little asshole who does mean/staged prank videos and blogs full of sexist and racist remarks on youtube. The group hates him, half of youtube boy cots him and he has had several scandals.  Elena is a youtube they all know and are friendly with, but because she lives in Scotland they aren’t as close. She does a lot of gaming videos, embarrassing stories from her life, and videos about her horse.  Morgause is a powerful admin/part owner of youtube and constantly makes decisions that hurt most independent and creative youtubers. At one point she tried to flag coming out videos or videos with content/opinions she didn’t agree with. She also pressures them to do advertising and tampers with the recommended and trending list. The group pushes back against these regulations, and it turns into an all out war, where Gwaine, Merlin and Arthur are all nearly banned from youtube before Morguase is fired. 
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floralkittygambler · 4 years
Return of The Thing
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Sort of. By thing, I mean me. But I love this movie and the meme. Ok, context for this post: - Where I’ve been - Why I left - Whats hip happening -  Where I’ve Been:
Long story short, I’ve had real life matters to deal with. Firstly, my entire household contracted COVID. Well, *almost*. We’ve been through constant testing, quarantine zones, and had the ambulance up numerous times. My parents and 2nd oldest sister were hit the hardest. My 3rd oldest sister was positive and asymptomatic. Now something none of us could predict that I would be completely COVID free despite my compromises. Despite that I was in close contact with them all, including the 2nd oldest who contracted it first and accidentally being coughed on a few times lol. I went through the exact same testing and yet nothing. No symptoms. No presence of COVID. And I took no precaution to isolate from my family as I presumed in our small house we’d all get it, so I was more preoccupied with caring for the sick. Ultimately, I’ve either gotten off scott free this time or there’s a chance I may actually either be highly resistant or even immune. Even then, I WILL be having the vaccine as and when my family are eligible. And we all still follow regulations set.  I’ve also had other real life obligations, much of it either mundane fixing up my living circumstances to more personal matters. Overall, I have been extremely preoccupied.
A mini update, the stray cat Big has been in our porch a lot more in recent times due to the snow as well as being even more affectionate. And Queefster passed away after a good life and a full tummy. Why I Left:
Aside from COVID, business, and my own health declining, I’ll be blunt. I left because of how disgustingly toxic most fandoms are nowadays, but Hazbin is one of the WORST for it. That includes harassment, death threats, mocking MI and triggering an ED. In fact, I’ve even seen others get rape and death threats. So yes, even if YOU are a decent fan, collectively most of you arent doing any favours. Even some critical blogs seem to be overtly catty in ways no one else seems to pick up on under this ‘look how blunt I am’ look and it’s just... You dont have to be a prick to have your say, to be honest and to disagree with the trending. That’s a few on and off of tumblr, and no one I follow anyways. 
In regards to my ‘sensitivities’ - two things: 1) Of course trauma is going to hurt, 2) Im fully aware of kids doing and receiving much of this, which hurts MORE. I have my own lil squids and Im worried of them eventually having to deal with this shit. And no, no one SHOULD have to put up with such rude and poor behaviour. Agree to disagree doesnt live in some people’s realities, but by God harassment and bullying seems ok if YOURE doing it or enticing it. That ISNT ok. Even if it seems like nothing to you it could kill another. I certainly will not take your shit. 
On huskerdust I STAND by my words. It’s fucking creepy and there is sexual harassment and obsession. And there are large triggers. I will not go into detail here because Ive done that dance before and I’ll be refining it again. YOU may like it, however it triggers my very real traumas as well as those in my bloodline. Be respectful and keep that shit away from me. And for goodness sake, parents PLEASE dont raise your children to behave as such online. And no, being anon isnt actually fully anonymous. Also to send hate and threats anon is not only traceable but also cowardice. Grow a pair and find a hobby. I avoid my traumas for the most part. I will not allow you to weaponise or diminish my own or others experiences for your fictional based gratification. Likewise, if it becomes canon, I’ll just make an AU where it is not. Simple. You can hate it but Im not your personal circus so go be toxic elsewhere. IF you like HD and follow me, honestly... Youre probably better to unfollow as I am deeply and passionately against it and stolitz, and valvox, and am very vocal on that. Dont mistake my traumas and discomfort as a personal attack - and dont personally attack me over it either. And before anyone claims homophobia, no. This is nothing to do with sexuality. You arent the victim. If you love these pairings with your soul to the point of a ‘stan’, then youre best off unfollowing because I really am too old for extremists and rabid fans more crazed than the infected in REC. Also I never used to hate angel but now... Fans behaviour is abhorrent and hes so over saturated that I honestly really dislike him now. Doesnt mean you have to hate him too, but just bloody respect that angel isnt loved by all, he can be triggering to some as well as toxically enabling [incl. past addicts], a vile homophobic gay stereotype and just overall a lack of knowledge and respect of sex workers as a whole. When you know a lot of the ins and outs and victims, it’s hard to overlook. I respect your triggering ships by avoiding that mess. Respect others.  The problem with Viv - and I will elaborate in the future - is that your audience is often a reflection of your work and it’s message/presentation. And most of the fandom Ive met are awful. Honestly, though lonesome I find more comfort keeping distant from fandoms because yall often extremely toxic and petty. Perhaps others have had better experiences than I however Im drawing a line in the sand. For MY sake. I’m annoyed with virtually anyone I sense great potential in that becomes wasted. Im angry at Viv because she can do so much better but is blocking HERSELF. This is from a creative and business mindset. When someone has potential that gets wasted - especially creatively - it burns me. Im just passionate on artistic fields. It doesnt mean I hate them. I hate the waste of full potential.
I’ll state things here people disagree with but encouraging harassment, hate or just being an overall cunt just aint on- It’s like people charade as being this fair being but its all bullshit. Self improve and sod off, I do NOT have time to parent you online. 
And obviously there are RL duties I must fulfil. Some in which I will need the publics assistance for if you can spare it. Overall, Im just... Fandoms behaviour generally disgusts me. Disappoints me. We SHOULD be better than this. It’s like listening to bloomin incels rant on fuckin chad or some bullshit pill theory instead of looking to improve themselves too. Honestly... I do mostly acknowledge my own flaws and faults and try to improve each day. It just feels fewer folk see that in themselves and do the same. And that’s coming from an old cunt whos far from fuckin perfect. Also, my fuckin laptop broke so I waited a week for a bloke nearby to fix it. What a fuckin lifesaver, he’s the real mvp!
Also Also, one of you did privately apologise and I appreciate that. I certainly hope we agree to disagree and continue to grow as people on our separate ways. Trust me, I dont forget small acts like this. Even the trauma that caused and the aftermath, please dont think I dont appreciate the apology. However you’re also entitled to know that the forgiveness and healing side may take longer for me due to various factors that occurred - much that few are aware of, including yourself especially. I wish you well and safety.
Hip Happenin Now:
Still busy but slowly visiting. I’ll reply and reblog soon, be patient please. Ive still many things to sort which take priority as well as other things. Im trying to get money n shit for a future and whatnot. Health issues are strong in the blood rn and Im spending extended time with both Big and the other pets to keep up harmony, especially now that Big is accepting slowly that our porch is a welcome shelter for him and he’s free to leave and stay whenever. Trust me, overloaded isnt even the word. Im prepping shit early this year and from now on. Also, my God Ive been dealing with more physical issues as well and had to play doctor. May even need medical interference but holy shit I could never see this coming. Still... It’s... An experience- If you could call it that. Staying more active and healthy. Cat’s nearly clawed my eye out in my sleep (to which I can only presume Billy got too close or hyper) but it’s fortunate placement so Im alright. Most of my body is in pain to the point of absolute normality at this rate. And I plan to make space for a better altar. Future of the Blog: 
Errr, it’s my fuckin space so it’s whatever I want really. Ill still have my Viv rants (ie, pros and cons of her work, HH/HB, other shit like that) however I just really dislike most the fandom at this point as well as the poor management and lack of professionalism and attitudes of staff. It’s just draggin me down and making me ill. I also want to showcase more of MY work (from redesigns to projects to some dumb 2am shit), cosplays, fashion, hobbies, spiritual practises - MY. SHIT. I feel like Ive strayed slightly. But I WILL be honest. And damn well will it upset people. And if it does and I’m genuinely ding something wrong/harmful - guide me patiently. Educate me. If it’s like this HD shit where Im not only allowed my opinions but justified on my traumas or mocking my disabilities or features, then just yeet yourself elsewhere. Also some of my gaming shit too. Getting to know folk who interact with my stuff and just... Create my space. For me. Something hopefully others can enjoy. Something that can function as a bit of an art portfolio as well. Critiques and whatnot.  But I will continually not stand for anyone’s shit or poor handling of serious matters. You will not cause me to doubt and invalidate my experiences like you have to others.  For now, Im tottering but slowly returning. For those who I previously and daily interacted with, I will get back to you. And Im sure you’re patient and understanding of my situation - it’s appreciated. But in terms of any fandom, more so if it’s known to be as hostile, I’d rather keep a healthy boundary between us. That’s for newer folk. Perhaps we may bond further and you’re welcome to try, however I do feel far safer not getting involved into other people’s shit any longer. I will put anon back on but any toxic shit will be reported as well as compiled so at least I have a reference on the actual toxic nature of fandoms. Likewise, Im slowly getting there but god theres a lot of fuckin work. So much that not even my closest friend has heard too much from me until recently. I’ll be returning to the grind for now as I have duties, as well as many demanding felines for my attention. Alongside some physical medical concerns which require additional care, I’ll be popping off now.  Im thankful for those who have checked in on me. I will reply shortly. Take care
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List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on.
This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, fanwork, or original work!
I was tagged by @veliseraptor--thanks!
this is reminding me that I really need to get around to updating my existing WIP page, because it’s way too long and detailed and also it’s not really accurate, largely because it’s too long and detailed so it’s cumbersome as hell. so that’s...yet another thing I should be doing that I haven’t done. fics I’m actually actively working on, though, or should be, or really for real keep meaning to do:
final chapter of the kindness of strangers, which is probably 3/4 written and has been for a very long time but I need to edit and finish it, and figure out what I want to do with Yondu, because I had him show up in this chapter mostly because I really disliked him and then GotG2 came along and made me like him, sigh
edit and start posting the rest of going down to nowhere, because I wrote the first chapter for MCU AU Fest this summer and then actually finished the fic in November for Marvel Big Bang but it was basically an exercise in my brain constantly screaming, and I just. haven’t gotten back to it. @portraitoftheoddity assured me that it doesn’t actually suck but I know it needs quite a bit of work and I just keep...not getting around to doing that
a little post-Ragnarok whump, which I honestly did start before reading Aftereffects although you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise given that the inciting incident is basically the same
haha so waaaaaay back in 2011 I fucked up on a Graveyard Book fic for Yuletide and didn’t finish (I posted, uh, 185 words) or properly default, leading to a super-last-minute pinch hit, and this stupid fic has basically haunted me ever since because it’s still on AO3, unfinished, so it’s also been in my WIP list for years because I keep meaning to go back and finish it. I actually wrote a little recently for the first time in years, but then I basically got stuck again for the same reason I got stuck in 2011, which is, what the fuck is a 14-year-old boy in modern England with “some money” but no home, no living relatives, almost no formal schooling, and very very few records of his existence supposed to do with himself so he doesn’t just end up indefinitely living on the streets
I only ended up posting a couple chapters of my Marvel Heroes fic and kept vaguely meaning to come back with more, and then the game was going to shut down, and then it abruptly shut down even sooner than it was supposed to, and I was sad, so I started writing at least one more chapter about that
a little Infinity War speculation
“MCU Steve is both furious and depressed about the Hydra Cap thing” part 2, now with Loki, which obviously should have been finished back when it was relevant but then it kind of turned into “Loki fucks up the alt-right and everyone connected to them” wish fulfillment, so...I still do want to finish that
a fic somewhat based on a pre-Ragnarok-release post by @theotherodinson about Thor on Sakaar as a fighter and running into an amnesiac Loki who hasn’t been seen since Svartalfheim and who was one of the Grandmaster’s favorite pets until he lost favor
more female Shepards for Etsy commissions
more unmasked Power Rangers to list on Etsy
I got a nice 12-inch Wonder Woman action figure but she didn’t come with a shield, and then I picked up a less nice Barbie Wonder Woman on clearance because she did have a shield, but it looks cheap so I want to repaint it to look more like Diana’s shield in the movie
repainting Titan Heroes Loki and giving him a cape so he looks better, which would probably be done by now except it turned out to be not as simple as I expected because the gold paint didn’t look right and now it won’t come off the plastic where I messed up
Funko black suit Loki
Funko Avengers Academy Thor
plenty of other things that stalled out at various stages for various reasons, like a 3.75-inch figure of my Sith Inquisitor, and a 3.75-inch Jotun Loki, and a Funko Jotun Loki that I actually haven’t started but should because it really wouldn’t be that complicated
cosplay for ECCC
genderbent Avengers Academy Loki, for which I think I have all the parts except some kind of staff and dark green leggings or socks, so otherwise I just need to...work on it. replace the blazer’s buttons or paint them gold, tear out the shoulder pads and then probably stitch up the shoulders a little because they’ll look weird, put fake fur on the collar
AoU Wanda, for which I think I also have all the parts except the legwarmer things but probably long black socks would work fine instead, and I also need to get together some rings and necklaces and figure out what color nail polish she wears, and cut down the boots
committing to something else or committing to just doing two cosplays for ECCC and not worrying about doing others, which...would probably be smart at this point considering there’s not much time left and I’d still need to figure out pretty much everything for anything on those lists, and considering it would all require explanation, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. although I might still try the sorta-punk Wonder Woman thing
bot posts for The Hope Jar, which means I need to figure out how to make a simple Twitter bot that just posts prewritten tweets at assigned intervals, which I have no idea how to do 
type up everything in notebook and reorganize files of writing stuff
Tagging, ummm...I have no idea who’s already done this. @portraitoftheoddity, @jaggedcliffs, @gaslightgallows, @turianosauruswrex, @theotherodinson, @daihell, @koipepper? as usual, only if you feel like doing it.
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