#up si syllabus
hier--soir · 10 months
a lover's pinch | two
joel miller x f!reader
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pairing: professor!joel miller x f!reader rating: explicit, 18+ minors dni summary: will a complicated realisation drive you and joel apart, or drag you closer together? warnings/tags: au, university professor joel, age gap [20 something years diff], ethically dubious relationship due to inherent power imbalance, some mildly gratuitous Classics chatter, some very gratuitous descriptions of joel's office, trope of being enamoured by your favourite teacher lol [and her fav isn't even joel, sorry guys], angst, a little manhandling, semi-public sex acts with a not-so-stranger, dirty talk, brief impact play, fingering, orgasm denial, oral [m!receiving], face fucking, facial, cum eating, sheeesh i think that's it okay i need a glass of cold water word count: 10.3k i'm not sorry series masterlist | main masterlist a lover's pinch playlist a/n: folks, this series has taken over my entire brain. i'm having the best time writing+outlining it, and i have been so delighted by how many people liked the first part. giving you all the biggest kiss through the screen right now. lmk what you think of part two! this is part two of ALP. you can read the previous part here: one.
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It’s as though a mirage resides in the periphery of your vision.
A wobbling, shimmering thing that offsets the centre of a picture and makes your eyes hurt until you want to close them. The type where you’re squinting and trying to see, trying to make out what’s happening, and people are turning to look at you and pointing and you realise that you aren’t wearing any pants, and it’s a dream, a dream, a nightmare, it’s not fucking real. Illusory. Fantasy.
It's a childish thought that you can’t help but be consumed by. The idea that this is all some cruel, fucked up delusion you’re about to wake up from. That it couldn’t be possible for the charming Texan you’d met four nights prior to be stood only a few metres in front of you, discussing your fucking syllabus. Reality becomes this twisting, writhing thing that is painful and awkward to comprehend, and everything slows to a liquid, dreamlike pace. His voice, his movement, the shifting of other students around you, all drifting by slowly, as if a year has passed in the span of ten seconds.
And yet when you pinch your arm—nails scraping across skin until raw red marks raise in jagged lines—and you don’t wake up, the mirage remains, your stomach rolls.
Joel looks so different here. What had been casual at the bar, a lob of messy hair above a cotton t-shirt, is now professional. Buttoned shirt tucked into pressed brown pants. Beard trimmed, and hair pushed back into soft, tidy waves that roll down to his neck. A set of glasses rest on the bridge of his nose. Square, with black frames that compliment his skin tone, and have your fingers gripping the edge of the desk, wondering why the hell he hadn’t been wearing them on Friday night when he sunk his mouth against your cunt. Dirty little thing.
You can still feel his hands on you, days later. Feel the rough scrape of calloused fingers on your thighs, between your legs. Remember how soft his hair was when you buried your fingers in it and held him against your aching core, whining his name. It had been like this all weekend; holding an image of his tan, handsome face in your mind, trying to emulate the feeling of his hand between your thighs with your own, only to fail over and over again.
And he’s talking. That low, honeyed drawl that tickles across your skin and drips into your ears, warming your insides. It’s a marvellous thing; the way he shifts easily from topic to topic, disarming the room with short, sharp—surprising—jokes sifted in between soft-spoken sentiments about classical academia and the university, and what he hopes you as individuals will gain from a postgraduate in this course, and it feels like it’s been both hours and seconds as you watch him breathlessly, waiting. Waiting for his eyes to skirt to your side of the room, to dance across your face and recognise you, remember you, just as he said he would. 
Joel is talking about The Aeneid when he finally notices you.  
“I want you to be thinking about language,” he’s saying. “And tone. Virgil and Homer’s writing differs in a lotta ways, but it does share that same character of irony. Don’t forget that Virgil wrote during the Golden Age of the Roman Empire – and he’s presenting us with a story about destiny, about fate. Our focus here isn’t so much about love, or reverence, as it is about tragedy – no one in The Aeneid is safe from what their own fate lays out for them. All of these calamities and heartbreaks are necessary for the empire to thrive.”
He pauses. “Take Dido in book four as a prime example. In the openin’ lines of her story, if we’re looking to the West translation; she is suffering from love’s deadly wound, feeding it with her blood and being consumed by its hidden fire. We know from the beginnin’, that her love for Aeneas will be her downfall; that her death is essential for him to leave Carthage. And on that same page, talkin’ about Aeneas, we get, oh how cruelly he has been hounded by the Fates. This is what you need to think about if you’re gonna get to the bottom of Virgil’s bigger plan with these books. Why is he using this language? These words? I want—” 
Joel inhales sharply, dark eyes frozen on your face, which grows steadily warmer beneath his scrutiny. His body doesn’t move, hands hovering in the air mid-gesticulation, lips parted as his next words rest there, caught on his tongue. You swallow thickly. Feel sweat form on your hairline. The silence stretches, dead air giving rise to confused murmurs across the room, and your eyes widen, willing him to look away and continue; to do anything except stand there and keep looking at you like that. But it’s like he’s in a trance. Tan face dimming to a sickly, pallid colour, shoulders shifting as he breaths deeply. Staring.
A few heads turn in your direction, but you can’t bring yourself to look back at them; to snatch yourself away from the feeling of being held in his gaze again. It’s intoxicating—almost euphoric—to have those dark eyes on your skin.
And then it’s over, the moment severed as Joel’s eyes snap away and he clears his throat, offering a pained smile to the rest of the room. And he’s apologising, Lost my train of thought for a moment there, using a playful tone of voice as he says, first day of the semester jitters, y’know?
He ignores you after that.
For the entirety of the two-hour lecture, he makes sure not to spare a single glance in your direction. And it stings, but you suppose you understand. Can see the tension held in his shoulders now; the strain in his voice as he works to talk with that same measured ease he’d had at the beginning.
You take notes carefully, and don’t bother raising your hand when he inspires participation from the other students. But by the end of the class, you can’t bring yourself to walk out – not without saying something, without finding some kind of understanding over what the fuck is happening. You’re practically glued to your seat as students rise, filing out of the theatre hall.
Joel stands by the desk, back hunched as he collects his things, fielding kind comments of thanks and that was great from people as they pass him on their way toward the exit.  Eventually you join the stream, wandering down the stairs on shaky legs until you find yourself at the edge of his desk, fiddling with the strap of your bag and watching his back. His shoulders hunch tighter when you pause there, shadow splaying across the desk. Though his face isn’t visible to you, his hands are almost a blur, scrambling to drag his things into a messy pile so that he can pack up faster. He slaps his laptop closed and you flinch at the sound.
After a few moments, you find the courage to speak.
“That was, uhh, that was really interesting,” you clear your throat awkwardly, watching other students shuffle past in your periphery. His hands move faster, stuffing loose notes into a leather satchel with little disregard for the paper creasing.
You lower your voice to a hoarse, careful whisper. “We need to talk about this.”  
Joel finally looks up, nostrils flaring as he meets your stare. He nods once, looping the bag over his shoulder. “Not here,” he says gruffly, tight eyes darting around the room. “Room’s booked for another lecture in five.”
He tilts his head towards the door, encouraging you to follow him as he paces out towards the hall. You shadow him quickly, clutching your bag and watching the muscles in his back shift beneath his shirt as he walks three paces ahead of you. You fight the urge to place your hand in the dip between his shoulder blades; to feel the heat of his skin, the rolling tension beneath it, and dig your fingernails into him. Joel doesn’t look back to check if you’re following – he knows you are.
He leads you up a flight of stairs and down another hall, makes a left, and then another left, until finally he’s pausing and dragging a key from his pocket, pressing it into the lock of a heavy wooden door and nudging it open. There’s a plaque on the wood that reads J MILLER, PhD. You swallow. And then follow him inside and let the door fall shut behind you.
Joel stalks into the room, feet heavy against the dark carpet. He tosses his satchel to the floor and then stands by the desk, wild eyes trained on where you hover silently by the door. He looks on edge, to say the least. Frazzled fingers race through his hair, mussing the curls until they look reminiscent of the past Friday. Foot tapping against the ground in a quick, jerky rhythm.
And you know that you need to talk, need to clear the air, need to say anything, but you can’t help it when your eyes wander around the room because—
His office is sort of beautiful.
A larger space than you expected it to be, with a north-facing window that allows a natural yellowed morning light to fill the space, and a vast bookshelf stretching across the wall behind a large desk. You can’t make out the titles from where you stand by the door, but texts fill every crack and crevice of the shelfing unit, not organised by any noticeable colour scheme or structure. The space is messy – personal. In fact, everywhere you look seems to expose something private, something intimate.
A jacket hangs from a hook on the back of the door, made of a worn duck brown waxed material that looks soft to the touch. In the corner opposite the desk, a velvet green armchair sits beside a low table that houses a record player and a potted plant. Sleeves of records are tucked beneath the table, stacked upon each other haphazardly, without a hint of dust on them. Clearly touched and rifled through more often than not.
The wide window is cracked just an inch, allowing a warm early-Fall breeze to slip in and rustle the starched curtains. A coffee mug is beside the record player. Two more sit abandoned on the outskirts of his desk. All empty and forgotten about, too busy to be refilled or moved or cleaned. And there are books everywhere; strewn across his desk, forgotten beneath the cushion of his armchair, piled against the wall beneath the window. Worn, well-read books, with frayed covers and broken spines. You almost drool, tempted to ignore him completely and venture towards them; to run your fingers over the covers and find out exactly what kind of writing this enigma of a man spends so much time devouring.
After what feels like an hour of simply looking—but could only have been a minute—Joel breaks the silence.
“Did you know?”
His voice is quiet. Detached. The backs of his thighs perch on the edge of the desk, hands tangled in his lap. Large fingers pluck at each other as he stares at you from across the room, in an almost anxious fiddling movement.
“What?” you ask.
“Did you know who I was?” he clarifies, voice hardening. Those dark eyebrows tighten in the middle of his forehead, features pinching together into a sharp frown. “When you saw me.”
“Joel,” you scoff, taken aback. “How the hell would I know who you were?”
“Your classes were organised,” his voice raises slightly—just a little. “You knew the names of your profess—”
“J Miller,” you interrupt. “Everything says J Miller, that’s it. I didn’t fucking know, Joel.”
His frown softens at that, eyes dropping to the carpet as he nods once, clearly still unsure. You shuffle awkwardly on your feet, shoulders tense. There’s only a metre or so between the pair of you, and yet you can feel it. That static, burning energy, the same as four nights before. Something inside of you that rages and claws at your skin from the inside, begging to get closer to him. You ignore it.
“Why didn’t I meet you when I interviewed for the program?” you ask. You remember the day you came in, six months ago. Sitting with an older man—the Classics department head—and a soft, round woman with light hair. No Joel. You would’ve remembered him. 
His eyes flash, hands tightening in his lap. “I was on vacation,” he grinds out. It’s like it physically pains him to talk to you—to even look at you. One of his hands drops, palm flexing by his side. He’s taking deep breaths, clearly trying to calm the quell of panic that has been swirling inside him for the past two hours. You keep your distance.
After a moment, he speaks again.
“Greece, huh?” It comes out in a low scoff. His eyebrows are raised expectantly, frustration laced through the lines in his face. “Said you were there for a month.”
“Mhm,” you hum. “I was involved in a text translation study based in Athens.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he exhales, digging the palms of his hands over his eyes. “This can’t be happenin’.”
“Y’need to transfer out of my class,” he interrupts, eyes blazing. “They run it online, you can—”
“What?” you blink. You feel your blood pressure rise, anger spiking as you comprehend what he is suggesting. “Be serious – I am not doing the class online because of this. It’ll jeopardise my entire semester.”
“I don’t care,” he glowers, rising from the desk.
“Jesus, stop acting like this was all my doing,” you snap. “If memory serves, you’re just as to blame as I am—you wanted me just as much as I wanted you.”
“Stop,” he growls. It’s a rough, unforgettable sound that fills your stomach with heat. An oddly familiar thing that raises the hairs on the back of your neck. Silly little slut. The memory licks at your throat, the skin of your chest, leaving a hot heady feeling in its wake. You wonder if he’s noticed the hickey on your neck that hasn’t entirely faded yet. A persistent, lingering reminder of his mouth on your skin. Of the sharp scrape of his teeth.
You take a step forward and Joel’s entire body goes rigid, right hand jutting out in front of him, fingers splayed open.
“Stay over there,” he says quickly, voice a low warning.
You scowl but don’t move, feet planted in the soft carpet. The breeze rushes in through the window and causes a paper on his desk to flap upward, and your eyes drift toward the movement. Gaze shifting over the items on his desk, the mess of papers, the half-full mugs, and then… a picture frame. You squint, unable to make it out from where you are. Take a step forward, and then another, and realise it’s Joel’s shape in the image, standing with a tall woman tucked against his side. It’s too far for you to see clearly, but you can tell his arm is wrapped around her shoulder, holding her against his chest, and you know he’s grinning from the splash of white across his face.
“What’re you—” Joel’s words turn to silence as he tilts his head and realises what you’re looking at. A broad hand darts out, gripping the frame and knocking it face down on his desk.  You flinch, eyes widening in incredulity as you turn to him.
“What?” A sardonic laugh escapes your mouth. “Are you fucking married or something? Jesus, Joel.”
You reach for the frame, fingers skirting across it with every intention of seeing, of understanding, of knowing just what it is that he’s so desperate to hide. But then he’s there, strong fingers looping around your wrist, halting your movement. The speed of it sends you stumbling toward the desk, and Joel’s body follows you forward, chest flush against your back as your lower stomach collides with the dark wood. Caught between a rock and a hard place, quite literally. You stiffen, sorely aware of how close he is. How much of his body is touching yours, and how similar it is to before.
“I’m not married,” he bites, and you can feel his breath against your ear. Hot, harsh exhales that send whisps of your hair fluttering forward. A shiver runs down your spine. His grip is firm around your wrist; not hard enough to hurt, but enough to hold you in place with your hand frozen in the air, fingers still outstretched towards the frame.
“Then who’s in the picture?” you grunt.
“None of your fuckin’ business,” he snaps quickly. You can feel his stubble graze the edge of your jaw, and something fizzes in your stomach. Your resolve softens at the frustration in his voice; the truth that bleeds out through his words. It is none of your business. Your body relaxes a little, arm going limp in his hold, and yet he doesn’t let go. It takes a moment for you to realise why.  
Joel’s hips are pressed tightly into you, trapping you against the desk, and he’s hard. You can practically feel him throb against the small of your back, the full length of his cock only separated from you by two layers of clothing. Saliva pools in your mouth, eyes pinching closed as you remember the feeling of him; the delicious burn of his heavy cock dragging through you. Using your free hand, you twist your arm behind you and slide it down his front. A whispered oh fuck escapes your lips as your fingers drag across the front of his pants, and he grunts in your ear, grasp tightening around your wrist. Painful this time, but only for a second, until he’s tearing his hand off you and placing it on your lower back, pushing you down so that your chest is flush with his desk.
You gasp, lips parting to speak, but no words are coming out and Joel’s hands are on the waistband of your jeans, on the button. He’s undoing it, fingers steadfast in their movement, and then he yanks the material down roughly over your ass.
“Joel,” you whimper urgently as he grips your panties, dragging them to your knees as well. He keeps you bent against the desk, so you twist your neck to stare at him over your shoulder, legs tensing when you see the expression on his face. His eyes are dark, pupils blown behind his glasses as he looks down to where his covered cock grinds against the swell of your ass.
“God dammit,” he exhales, and you clench around nothing, warmth pooling between your thighs. This is so different from at the bar. There the door was locked, place full of people who didn’t know either of you. Here, in his office, anyone could walk in. A member of faculty, a student, anyone. And the thought has you fucking aching for him.
Thick fingers streak between your thighs from behind, spreading your slick folds apart. You gasp as cool air hits your throbbing clit, but the sound cuts into a low moan as his fingers expertly roll over the sizzling nerve endings there. He ousts a low grunt of surprise at how wet you are, hips still grinding against you as his fingers drift to your entrance, rubbing and collecting your slick on his fingers until you’re whimpering into your own palm, pressing your hips back and begging him for more. All at once, one of his palms slaps across your ass while two thick fingers press inside you. The sting has your eyes rolling back. Your teeth sink into the palm of your hand to muffle the noise you make, and he’s curling his fingers inside you, rubbing against your g-spot, and your legs are trembling with the effort of staying standing. Your mind is a blur. You feel almost lightheaded at how suddenly this is all happening – and at how relieved you are to feel his hands on you again.
“S’this what you wanted?” Joel pants, scissoring his fingers inside you, stretching you out. “Knew if you followed me in here, I’d end up fuckin’ this pretty pussy again? Huh?”
“Fuck,” you choke out, eyelids fluttering as he adds a third finger. Heat sizzles beneath the tightening muscles in your stomach, and you can feel yourself clenching around him over and over again, your high already approaching. It’s almost pitiful, the affect he has on you; how easily your body yields to the simplest of touches from his hands.
“Huh?” he prompts for a response. You can feel the cool zipper of his pants cutting across the bare skin of your ass, scratching you as his hips rut forward.
“Please,” you say, voice quiet as you can muster. “I’m so close, Joel, please.”
He grunts, increasing the speed of his fingers. Soft squelching sounds are audible now, slick smearing against your inner thighs, his wrist, and your face goes warm at the sound of it. Your fingers claw at his desk, nails catching on paper as your hand lands against a book and grips it tight. Your abdomen burns, that soft thrumming heat licking at your skin, the muscles of your thighs, scorching in its might as your orgasm builds and builds, hanging dangerously close to the precipice.  
“Gonna come all over my fingers?” Joel asks, voice haggard and breathless. “C’mon, give it t’me.”
You’re nodding before he even finishes speaking, forehead knocking roughly against wood, eyebrows pinching together. So close, so close, so fucking clo—
A light knock sounds against his office door.
Joel freezes. Your eyes widen, hips shifting against his hand as you murmur no, no, no, please Joel. But he ignores you, gripping your hip to keep you still and dragging his fingers from your dripping cunt to press them over your mouth. Your pulse thunders in your ears, heart trashing wildly in your chest as you catch your breath, devasted.
“Joel?” a soft voice calls from the hall. A woman. “You in there?”
“Just on the phone,” he says loudly, voice surprisingly steady. You can taste yourself on his fingers. Feel it smear across your lips. “What d’ya need?”
“I’m headed to the café,” the woman calls. “You want anything?”
Joel responds with a sharp, resounding no.  
There’s a beat of silence where you can almost feel him holding his breath, waiting for her to inevitably open the unlocked door and discover the scene in his office. But the silence stretches on, and then you can hear soft footfalls fade down the corridor, and you know that you’re alone again.
Joel rips his hand from your mouth. Grips your underwear and drags it up over your hips, then your jeans, before he’s stumbling away and dropping into the armchair across the room. His chest heaves with ragged breaths, eyes wide as he gazes at the floor. When you push off the desk and turn to stare at him, a firm tent is visible in his pants. You button your jeans slowly, watching him. He doesn’t look at you.
“Joel—” you start softly.
“Don’t,” he interrupts. “Just… just get out.”
You open your mouth to speak—to argue—but once again, nothing comes out. No words to defend yourself, or what the two of you just did. You stare at him for almost a minute, but Joel’s eyes stay trained on the carpet, fists clenched against his thighs.
You leave his office silently and try not to look back. Make two rights and head down the stairs, outside and across the green to where your car is parked. The whole thing feels so dirty, so debauched, and yet you want so much more from him. Want it so badly that you drive home in silence, mind too busy with thoughts of Joel Joel Joel to remember to turn on the radio. 
And behind it all, is a low, itching thought at the base of your skull, something that makes you smile as you drive – the knowledge that he wants you just as badly as you want him.
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You decide very quickly that you like Rachel.
Maybe it was because you were having a good day. The sun had been shining when you woke up; strong beams that teased their way through the window in your bedroom and rested warm upon the bare skin of your back. By the time you rose, the coffee was already done brewing, and Trin met you in the hall with a large mug of it and a soft hey, man, how’d you sleep? And when you went to get dressed for the day you remembered you did the washing two nights before, and found your favourite pair of jeans—the ones that squeezed your ass just right—were neatly folded in a drawer, waiting for you. Yes; maybe all of that had something to do with it. Or maybe, it because Rachel was just great.  
You like her tenacity, her words; the idolatry with which she discusses her work. And she is charming; an intellectual through and through. The soft roundness of her face and the kind slant to her eyes offset by a razor-sharp wit. And there’s this peculiar quirkiness to her that catches your attention in seconds – a rough snort whenever she laughs, the bright orange shade of the toenails sticking out of her sandals.
Her teaching is direct, no-bullshit, and yet she has this smile. This soft, thin-lipped genuine smile that says, I know something you don’t know, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
During her first lecture, you feel rooted to the spot, unable to draw your eyes away from her for two-hours as she waxes poetic about heroines and tragic love stories, about the importance of myth, of gore.
Listening to her reminds you of what you’d always loved about classics – the filth of it, the horror. It feels like reaching your hands into a puddle of mud, flexing your fingers and letting the dirt and grime slide beneath your nails, coating every inch of your skin. The squeamishness of it, the rot, the tragedy – you love it all, and Rachel does too.
“When we talk about the juxtaposition between heroines across different texts,” she says. “We want to look at the values being portrayed; the meaning behind what’s happening to these women. Let’s appreciate the context here, guys! To understand the rage of Medea, or, say, the sacrifice of Iphigenia, we have to get to the root of their roles in society. Priestess, mistress, virgin, mother – we want to understand the perspectives being shown to us. What drives these women? What fire lives within them, pushing them to make their decisions—or to have their decisions made for them?”
She points to a student and nods, “Go on.”
“Do you think Medea holds much bearing here?” someone to your left asks. A man. “If we’re focusing on heroines, I mean.”
“Do you?” she challenges. A hint of a smile—that smile—drifts across her lips, hands clasped to her stomach as she awaits his response.
“Not particularly,” he says, voice less sure now. “I know you can view any text through most perspectives, but I’d never thought of her so much as a heroine in a feminist text.”  
“I see,” Rachel nods. “Well, the short answer is that I’d encourage you to read it again.” She laughs, a soft tinkering sound. “The long answer is that her character is complex. Let’s not beat around the bush; Medea is a woman scorned. Banished by Creon, forgotten by Jason. As the reader, we are able to comprehend the most brutal pain through her – a woman trapped in a world where men have decided everything for her, and she is furious. Even describes herself as a woman born to sorrow. Now, as the reader, it is your right to believe that she is bad, or an anti-heroine, but you cannot deny that she is made bad by circumstances out of her own control.” She pauses, thick eyebrows jutting upward as she looks around the quiet theatre. “I’d say that’s pretty feminist of Euripides.”
You approach her afterwards, fingers an awkward tangle in front of your chest.
“I just have to say,” you smile bashfully. “That was wonderful. You’re so engaging, I was… god, I don’t even know what to say, but thank you. I’m really looking forward to learning from you this semester.”
Rachel’s eyes light up at your words.
Up close you notice a pair of thick, ceramic earrings dangling from her lobes. They look hand painted; thick brushstrokes of dandelion yellow smeared across crimson red ovals.
“Oh, how lovely,” her eyes assess you quickly, mouth splitting into a crooked, fond smile. “I’m very glad to have you here…?”
You tell your name in a mumbled rush, and she nods once, eyes scanning the list of students on her sheet.
“Oh of course,” she says knowingly. “You emailed yesterday, no? Some trouble with accessing the readings online?”
You stiffen. Blink at her, smile dimming somewhat. “Yeah,” you exhale. “Yes, that’s actually—I was having trouble with the link for another class, and I hoped you might be able to help.”
“I see,” she frowns then. “Well, unfortunately if it’s not for this class I won’t be of much help; my access code only gets me so far in that damn portal. Which professor assigned the reading?”
“It’s, uhh,” you speak slowly, the words stiff as they stumble out of your mouth. “It’s Joel Miller.”
“Oh, Joel?” she smiles. “Well, he’ll be happy to help, I’m sure. He’s usually in his office around this time – do you need me to show you the way?”
Your mouth is dry. Yeah, you think. I’m sure he’ll be over the moon to see me.
“That’s okay,” you reply with a tight smile. “I’ll find it.”
She nods, bids you a warm goodbye, and her eyes have already drifted back to the papers in front of her when you turn to leave the room.
Your bag weighs heavy on your shoulder, straps of canvas material digging into the muscle there as you retrace your footsteps from yesterday. Up the creaking set of stairs, taking a left, and then another left, and your mind is a blur, static wobbling in your veins as you rehearse what you’re going to say, how you’re going to say it.
It’s been less than twenty-four hours since you’d last seen him, and from the second you left, an image of what happened in his office played on a loop in your brain. Like the spool on a VHS has been stuck together, wound into a circle, and the tape repeats over and over again, the same images, sounds, smells, soaking your mind until all else is white noise. And it’s twisted, and wrong, and you’re vaguely aware of that, somewhere in the part of your brain where you stash knowledge that you’d prefer to forget. Because it’s easier to forget the hard part, the ugly part, and far nicer to remember the scrape of his stubble against your skin. The smell of him filling your nostrils as he crowds you against his desk. The scratch on your ass from his zipper. Remember how your name sounds when he moans it, and forget the feeling that comes when he refuses to look at you after the fact.  
And you wonder if this is what the entire semester will be like; spending each day reminiscing on your last interaction with Joel, hoping for another touch, taste, another chance, another something, anything, from him. The weight of it sits heavy on your chest, like a wall of freshly cemented bricks left to solidify in the sun. And beneath that, beneath the clay and sand and limestone, excitement buzzes. Indisputable, persistent, anticipation. A vibrating that hums in your bones and has you shivering from the tips of your toes to the top of your skull as you knock on his office door. 
J MILLER PhD. The words glare at you from the bronze plaque for the second time in two days.
You hear his voice call pleasantly from behind the door. Light, relaxed. You swallow down the lump in your throat and step inside.
The window is wide open today, pale curtains drawn back to allow the bright midday sun to shine through and warm the carpet. Joel’s head tilts upward and within seconds the soft, easy smile on his face dissolves into something unreadable. He’s perched behind his desk, broad frame bent over a mess of papers, pen tucked neatly between coiled fingers. A clear tension simmers in the lines on his forehead; a tangible rigidity that clouds his expression when he sees that it’s you. He clicks the top of his pen once, twice, three times, and says your name in a clipped greeting.
“Hi,” you say, hand raising in a quick wave. “Sorry to barge in like this, I, uhh, I was wondering if you could help me with something.” 
“My office hours are between one and four,” he says tersely, eyes lowering back to his book. “Schedule an appointment over email.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, face warming as embarrassment swells in your chest. All of the excitement—the longing—that had churned inside you since yesterday seems to dissipate, replaced by a looming sense of dread as you register how distant and apathetic he seems. How hard he tries to not even look in your direction. Those words from yesterday ring in your ears. Just get out.
“Seriously?” you mutter, nonetheless, trying to contain the hurt that threatens to spill across your face. “It’ll take five seco—”
“Seriously,” he repeats firmly.
Your jaw clenches, annoyance tightening the already stiff muscles in your shoulders as you march over to his desk, dropping your bag onto the edge of it. The exact same spot from yesterday, where’d pressed you down against the wood and— Joel’s shoulders hunch. The sleeves of his shirt are pushed up to just below his elbows, thin white material stressing around cords of muscle. You gaze at the bare skin for a moment, tongue heavy in your mouth, before looking to what he was doing before you came in. A book in front of him is filled with scribbles and annotations, harsh black marks scrawled beneath thin lines of text. You only get a second to look at it before his hands are snapping it shut, revealing the cover. Robert Fagles’ translation of The Odyssey. The picture frame from yesterday is nowhere to be seen.
“Working on something for a lecture?” you try. If it’s about class, he can’t be mad. If it’s about class, he can’t push you away.
“What do you need?” he asks impatiently, ignoring your words entirely.
A hand lifts to rub the skin above his eyebrow. The tip of his middle finger massages the tan skin there in soft circles, and you watch the movement for a second, transfixed. No ring. I’m not married. His other hand reaches for the mug on his desk, and he takes a long, drawn-out sip of black coffee. Steam billows from the dark liquid, fogging the lenses of his glasses. The sight makes you want to laugh, but you swallow it down, acutely aware that Joel would be less than impressed by the reaction.
“I can’t access one of the readings for next week,” you explain distractedly, dragging the laptop from your bag.
You round his desk in a few short steps and Joel sighs, cringing as you place it down in front of him, opening the screen for him to see. He shifts his chair just slightly to the right, away from you. That persistent feeling of doubt coils in your gut, sharp teeth that twist and nip at your insides, taunting you, telling you that he doesn’t want you. And it’s not why you’re here—not at all—but you can’t bring yourself believe it. Don’t want to believe it. So you bite back – turn your back to his desk and pitch your thighs atop the edge of it, feet dangling an inch off the ground. You jeans are tight, and the fabric cuts into the skin of your hips where they bend.
“Get down,” he warns sharply, dismissing you with a taut shake of his head. “You can ask IT for help with that.”
“I’m asking you,” you persist stubbornly. “You’re my professor, Joel—"
“Yes, I am your professor,” Joel bites in agreement, glowering up at you. You stiffen warily at the heat in his gaze. At the anger you can see stirring in those dark brown orbs, brimming and ready to boil over. “And I don’t think we should be alone together,” he adds. “It’s not… this is bad for us, okay? I can’t… fuck, you can’t just come in here. I don’t want you comin’ in here anymore.”
And the memory plays once more. That thing, that something twisted, something wrong, something familiar, curls in your stomach. Snaps and bares its teeth at your uncertainty, sends it scattering into the distance, and replaces it with want.
“I didn’t even plan to come here,” your voice hardens, hackles rising as the feeling rises within you. “You’re not the first person I asked, alright? I just need some fucking help—”
“Don’t swear at me,” he interrupts through gritted teeth.
A beat of stunned silence hangs between you. A shocked laugh tumbles from your mouth, eyes widening as you take in the grave expression on his face.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you stare at him incredulously. “Joel, you had your fingers inside of me against this desk yesterday. I think swearing is the least of our worries.”
“Jesus,” he spits, pushing his chair further from the desk. His elbows fall against his knees, head resting in his palms as he breaths, not looking at you. “You’re fuckin’ filthy, y’know that? Can you not just behave?”
Don’t swear, you want to tease, but think better of it.
Instead, you nod slowly, drop your hand onto the desk, fingers hovering over his book. “Joel,” you implore, tone pleading. “I don’t… I don’t know how to act around you right now, okay? It’s not easy for me to just pretend nothing has happened between us. To just forget.”
“And you think it’s easy for me?” he gripes. His eyes are focused on your hand; on the way your fingers tense and untense over the bound cover, stroking the frayed paper his own fingers have clearly touched countless times. He doesn’t move a muscle. “To try and act like things are normal, act like I didn’t—” he cuts himself off, lips clamping shut. An anguished look crosses his features.
“We’re both adults,” you frown. “It’s not a crime that we fucked, Joel.”
A harsh laugh falls from his mouth, stern eyes blazing. “Ain’t about that and you know it. It’s against professional ethics,” Joel snaps, tone firm. “Against university policy – if anybody finds out it could put us both in jeopardy.”
You’re silent for a moment, watching him. His glasses have slid down a little, and they rest precariously on the tip of this nose. Dark eyes stare from over the top of black frames, and then his legs are crossing, one tucking tightly over the other, a thick forearm dropping to rest across his lap, and want burns in your throat. You struggle to remember why you came to his office in the first place.
“Nobody is going to find out,” you whisper.
A rasp of your name catches in his throat. Joel looks bemused, face as flat as he rolls his eyes. “Quit fuckin’ playin’ around. You know how serious this is.”
You contain the urge to scowl, lips tight as you say, “Yeah, I know. Just—look, you don’t have to worry. We can cut it off right now – I won’t say a word of it to anyone. Nothing else is going to happen.”
But you can see the way his eyes flicker down your body whenever you move. How his gaze rests heavily at the pinch of your waist, the spread of your thighs against his desk, your bare arms, before darting away. You wonder if he’s touched himself thinking about you, and a jagged heat tears through the top of your thighs as you picture what that would look like.
“But that's not what you want, is it?” you ask softly. Joel doesn’t speak. He’s so still you almost think he didn’t hear you. But his eyes glance to your thighs again, you know that he did.
“You want me,” you say then, voice low and sure.
The muscle in his jaw ticks. Lips purse around clenched teeth and a harsh breath escapes his nose before he’s saying your name again, a strained whisper. And God, you love the way he says it. Like the word was created just to spite him.
“You are walkin’ on some mighty thin ice right now,” he grits out, heated gaze scorching your skin.
You glance down to his lap, where a forearm still balances over his crotch, and arch an eyebrow.
“Show me,” you murmur.
You can hear him breathing. Slow, exaggerated puffs of breath, chest rising and falling at an increasing pace as he maintains eye contact. Large hands tighten into fists, fingers curling against palms, and he’s dragging his arm back from his lap, spreading his legs as far as they’ll go within the arms of his chair. You wet your lips, face heating as you stare. The firm line of his cock is evident beneath his pants, a solid ridge against his left thigh. When you look back to his face there’s a faint red hue colouring the skin of his neck, steadily rising toward the edge of his facial hair. He’s blushing.
“How long?” you ask, voice awed.
“Since you got on the desk,” Joel grumbles, tone almost begrudging.  
You hum softly, a low vibration in your throat, and then you’re slipping off his desk and taking a step towards him. And he doesn’t flinch away. He watches you close the distance between the pair of you and hover between his thighs, your legs almost brushing his.   
“Let me help,” you whisper, lowering onto the ground in front of him. The carpet is warm and rough against your jean-clad knees. Your eyes drift from his face to between his thighs, and then back up, slowly.
“We shouldn’t,” he croaks, lips chapped and dry. You want to kiss him senseless. Want to drag your tongue across his mouth until it’s soaking wet and then push your way inside.
“But do you want me to?”
An agonising beat of silence follows. But there’s no doubt there anymore. No more wondering, or uncertainty, because you can see it in his eyes. The same all-consuming, devastating desire that crawls its way up to rest at the base of your throat whenever you’re with him. 
And then thick fingers are at the waist of his pants, undoing his leather belt, his button, pushing the material open to reveal a pair of black briefs. He doesn’t take his pants off, just adjusts slightly in the chair before pressing his hand beneath the band of his underwear. Joel grips himself, the sight still obscured from your vision, and you find yourself mesmerised nonetheless, unable to drag your eyes away from the dark material. A low grunt escapes him, and then he shifts the band of his underwear down and pulls his cock out.
The head of him is swollen and leaking, tight skin so red that it’s almost a purple hue against the stark white of his shirt. Joel’s fingers tighten around his base, stroking himself once. Impatient, you lick you hand and let it drift forward to replace his, fingers slipping over the silky wet skin of his head and wrapping around him. Your hand is so much smaller in comparison, and your fingertips almost don’t meet as you flex your grip around girth.
Your underwear clings to the skin between your thighs, material warm and damp against you, a result of the simmering heat that rests in the base of your belly and flares every time Joel sighs. When you glance up to see his face, he’s already staring at you, pupils blown wide, lips sealed in a tight line. His length twitches in your palm, and you salivate.
You lean in and place a gentle kiss again his tip, smearing the pearl of precome there against your lips. You stroke the length of him in slow, firm pumps, guiding his head against your puckered lips, but not quite taking it inside yet. Joel’s fists are tight against his thighs, and you wish he would put them in your hair, on the back of your head, grip you, pull you down against him. But he doesn’t, not yet.
He’s got a salty, heady taste, and you swipe your tongue out to clean the hint of it from your mouth, swallowing with a satisfied purr. A harsh exhale shoots from his nose, eyebrows dragging further down as he watches you tease him.
A quick flick of your tongue against his slit has a sharp gasp rising from him, and in response you lathe wet, messy kisses to his head, puckering your lips around it and swirling your tongue, not caring what you look like, not caring that he probably wants you to go faster. It’s purely for your own enjoyment, and you’re moaning and sighing around the taste of him. You want to take Joel Miller a part, piece by piece, and feel him come undone beneath your mouth.
Unable to wait any longer, you let his head slip passed your open lips and sink into the wet heat of your mouth. And he’s so quiet, so composed, so you glide your tongue over his slit again before pressing forward, lips meeting the movement of your own hand as you take him deeper.
Your jaw strains, muscles smarting as you attempt to take the entirety of him. He’s so long, so thick, and the tip of him is nudging against the back of your throat in seconds, making your eyes water. And god it’s better than you could’ve imagined.
Tears cling to your eyelashes as you look up and find Joel with his bottom lip snagged between his teeth, pink skin turning white from pressure. The heavy weight of him crowds your senses, his taste on your tongue and scent in your nostrils, everywhere, and you can feel how hot your face is getting but you can’t look away from him. You don’t stop until his hand is landing on the nape of your neck, collecting your hair in his fist and dragging your mouth off him. You part with a wet gasp, a string of saliva dangling between his tip and your shiny lips.
“Breathe, goddammit,” Joel says, holding you still when you attempt to press forward and take him back into your mouth.
“You’re so big,” you say earnestly, head tilting backward to rest heavy in his hold. You blink through bleary eyes, smiling lazily. Drunk on him after only a little taste. “Couldn’t stop thinking about this, you know. How you’d taste… how it would feel to have you in my mouth.”
“Fuck, stop,” Joel says quickly, voice pained. “Y’can’t say shit like that.” His grip tightens at the base of your neck, and then he’s guiding your face forward so the head of his cock slips back into your mouth, effectively shutting you up.
You hum appreciatively and relax your jaw, taking him until he’s nudging at your throat again, and he’s still so fucking silent. Determined to get some kind of reaction from him, you pull off and lick a broad stripe from tip to base, hand stroking his length in unhurried, firm pulls as your mouth finds his heavy balls. Your tongue glides along the sensitive skin in slow, overwhelming movements, leaving no inch of him untouched. Wet sounds fill the air as the movement of your fist increases in pace, and your lips drag over him, sucking one of his balls into your mouth and then—finally—a long, drawn-out groan spills into the air, and he’s saying, “Shit, that’s it.”
Never pausing the movement of your hand, you pull back just a smidge and grin.
Joel’s hands are on you then, another deep sound sputtering from his lips. He’s brushing your hair off your face, mussing it as he rakes his fingers through it, short nails scraping against your scalp. He swears softly when you take him back into your mouth.
“Fuck,” he mutters breathlessly. “Is that what you want? Needy little thing wants a little praise, huh? Want me to tell you how good you are, how good your pretty mouth feels on my cock?”
You whimper, eyelids fluttering as you begin to move on him desperately. Your mouth tightens around him, and a tear squeezes from your eyes as his hips jolt forward, cock nudging suddenly into the back of your throat. Joel’s hand cups the back of your head, strokes the damp skin at the base of your neck as you gag around him.
“Jesus,” Joel groans at the sound. “There you go, s’perfect, s’fuckin’ perfect.”
The muscles in your thighs tighten, legs pressing together to try and soothe the pulsing ache there. Your head is moving up and down along his length and it’s wet and messy and depraved, saliva gliding down your chin to your neck, and you fucking love it. Joel’s gruff sounds of encouragement only serve to spur you on.
And then, as if by some stroke of divine intervention, it happens again.
A firm rap against the door of his office.
Joel goes silent. Your shoulders tense, and you pull back until his tip rests heavy on your bottom lip. Wide eyed, you gaze up at him, panic swelling in your chest. And then comes that voice; the same voice as yesterday.
“You in there Joel?”
You can feel your lungs squeezing inside your chest, grasping violently for air and finding zero reprieve as the reality of the moment begins to overwhelm you, because you know that voice.
“Fuck,” you whisper dazedly, slumping back to rest on your heels. “Fuck, fuck, fu—”
Joel shakes his head, strong hands gripping your shoulders to soothe you. “Shh,” he hushes quietly. “Stop, hey, stop. It’s fine.”
Another knock at the door. Nowhere for you to go, nowhere to hide.
“Just a sec, Rachel,” Joel calls, voice laced with frustration.
And then those hands are guiding you backwards. You move blindly, allowing him to encourage your body back, back, back, broad palm protecting your head as he nudges you underneath the desk. Further and further until you’re completely hidden, tucked away where only he can see you. And as you settle into the warm, sweaty space, watch Joel drag his chair forward and squeeze his long legs around your body, you feel the panic quell. Your pulse slows, the tremor in your hands settles, and cool relief comes in the form of a chill down your spine.
“Come in,” Joel calls. You can hear the door click open a second later, soft footsteps entering the room. You hold your breath as they begin to talk, heart stuttering, eyes trained on his where his spit-soaked cock rests against the underside of his desk.
“Sorry to be a bother,” Rachel’s soft voice chimes. “I was hoping to grab my copy of The Annals, I need it for the undergrad lecture I’m covering this afternoon.”
“Course,” he says sharply, and you can hear a drawer to your right open and close. A moment of silence. “All yours.”  
Your abdomen tenses at the sound of his haggard voice, and something tight pulls in your chest. A flare of jealousy, of possessiveness, at the fact that someone else is seeing him right now. That the flush on his cheeks, the sweat on his neck, is no longer yours alone. And it’s absurd, because she has no idea. But the desire to reclaim the moment for yourself, to assert that his sweat, his blush—his body—is yours is overwhelming, and you find your hand gripping his heavy cock, tongue gliding out of your mouth to swipe against his weeping tip. The dread from before flares in the back of your mind but you push it away, shove it down until it’s hazy, a faint ringing that fades into the sound of your blood rushing in your ears.
Joel’s thighs stiffen. He coughs, a sharp, surprised noise.
“Thanks for that,” Rachel says, voice slow. “Hey… are you doing okay? Looking pretty faint over there, Miller.”
You smile around him and rub your tongue in teasing strokes along the underside of his sensitive head. He clears his throat roughly, and then his hand is slipping underneath the desk to tangle in your hair. It’s rough and it stings, and you find yourself humming ever so slightly around him, indicating that you love it.
“Feelin’ a little under the weather,” he agrees faintly.
“Should try some of that tea I always tell you about,” she says, ever so friendly. “Works a treat when you’re sick.”
“Maybe I will,” Joel says, and his fingers are twisting in your messy locks, pulling your mouth away from his cock.
Although he can’t see you, you pout. Not wanting to push it, you settle for looping three fingers around him, index middle and thumb, gripping just beneath his head, and begin to rub him in slow, soundless movements. With every forward motion of your hand, the tip of his cock brushes against your lower lip, and his grip on your hair tightens.
“I could bring you some,” Rachel offers then. You can practically hear the smile in her voice, picture the kind slant to her eyes. “Maybe tomorrow, if you think you’ll be coming into wor—”
“I’ll be here tomorrow,” Joel snaps suddenly, voice almost harsh as he interrupts her. “Was that all you needed?”
“Oh,” she replies awkwardly. “Yeah, sorry.”
“No,” he says, audibly flustered. His cock is drooling over your lips, and the salty taste has your pussy aching, clenching painfully tight, begging to be filled. “m’sorry, got a fuckin’ headache, is all. Tea tomorrow?”  
“Tea tomorrow, sure,” Rachel confirms. “Sorry again, I… yeah, sorry, I hope you feel better, Joel.”
Whem the door closes a moment later Joel is shoving his chair backward again, hands wrenching you out from underneath his desk. You fall forward, flushed and breathless. His expression is thunderous, pitch-black eyes glaring down at you. On all fours, you crawl forward and splay your palms across his thighs, feel them twitch and tremble beneath your nimble fingers.
“You couldn’t fuckin’ wait?” he snaps, hand finding a home in your hair once more. He drags it into a ponytail and wraps it around his fist.
“Sorry,” you lie, teeth nipping at your swollen bottom lip. Joel’s eyes follow the movement and he grunts, unimpressed with the apology.
“She could’ve caught us,” he admonishes you.
“Better start locking the door then,” you clip, winking lazily. A short huff passes through his lips, and then his left hand is dropping to land on your chin, thumb rubbing against your lower lip, prying it from between your teeth.
“Open,” he orders.
His jaw is set with concentration, eyebrows drawn low as he cradles your jaw, holding it still while he pushes his cock back into your eager mouth. The salt of him rushes your senses again and you’re moaning around him, cheeks hollowed and eyes wet as he begins to rut into your mouth, the tip of his cock caressing the back of your throat with every thrust. It’s fast and hard, and the noises coming out of you are scandalous, but you can’t drag your eyes away from his face. Lips parted, eyes ablaze as he watches his cock push in and out of your mouth, over and over again. A tear streaks down your cheek and Joel groans, swiping at it with his fingers. Shallow curses and murmurs of your name spill from his lips in a tortured stream of consciousness.
“Always so fuckin’—impatient,” he mutters. His grip on your jaw is near bruising, cock throbbing against your tongue. You can sense how close he is. Feel it in the way his hips start to stutter, snapping thrusts losing their rhythm.  
The stretch has a dull ache searing through your jaw, but Joel is breathless, eyes dark and focused on yours, saying, “Look at you. So pretty takin’ my cock like this.” and you can’t bring yourself to care. Your eyelids flutter closed, and his fingers are tapping your cheek quickly—softly?
“Let me see you,” he says urgently. “Want those eyes on me, don’t close them.” You cast your eyes up to meet his gaze, and Joel hisses under his breath, expression taut.
His hips drag backward, and he’s replacing your mouth with his hand, fucking himself in quick, brutal strokes, and your mouth is open, slick tongue peaking between your lips before he can even say open your mouth.
“Fuck,” he exhales at the sight, tip bumping against your tongue with every wet pump of his fist. His thighs are trembling beneath your hands, and you dig your nails into the muscles there, encouraging him. “Fuck me.”
And then he’s coming, face going slack as hot ropes of his come paint your lips, your tongue, your chin. Unashamed rasps of your name fall from pink lips, washing over you in glorious waves as you sit there and take all of it. And for a moment, you think it’s over. But then Joel’s hand is still moving over his length, calloused thumb gliding against the ridge of his rounded tip, and there’s more.
“Fuck,” he groans. “Fuck—yes.”
Salty strings of his spend gloss over your cheeks and slide down to paint your neck. And it’s like he’s coming a second time, torso jolting in short, jerky movements, and you wish you could see his body while he came; the way the muscles in his stomach would flex and pull taut, entire frame straining as he gives you his all.  
His shoulders slump forward as he stares down at you, hand falling away from his sensitive cock, and his face is ruined. Eyes blown wide, cheeks a dark red, looking at you like he’d enjoy nothing more than to devour you whole. Maintaining eye contact, you swallow down his spend, practically purring at the taste of him.
Joel’s thumb smears his come off your cheeks and into your swollen mouth, making sure you don’t miss a single drop.
“Good girl,” his voice is broken. “That’s it, yeah—yes, s’perfect.”
Perfect, perfect, perfect. The word rings in your ears. Your skin is on fire, and you can’t believe that you are both still fully clothed. You feel naked, bared to him in the truest sense of the word, despite being completely covered up.
He groans heartily when you suck his fingers between your lips, tongue swirling around them greedily, and swallow down the last of his spend. 
For a moment after, the two of you simply sit there, your knees chafed and aching against the carpet, his fingers hooked against your tongue, staring at each other. And you know. You both know – there’s no going back from this.
Joel drags his hand away and snatches a box of tissues from the top drawer of his desk. You stand, knees popping in relief, and lean against the desk to stabilise yourself. He takes a moment to clean himself, and when you’re sure he’s not looking you swipe a pen from his desk, scribble a set of numbers on a post it and press the sticky paper down against the cover of The Odyssey.
He offers you the box of tissues and you wipe your face carefully, make sure no trace of him is left on your skin. Joel watches your movements like a hawk, eyes fading from black to brown as he fixes his belt and tucks his shirt back into his pants.
“You good?” he asks after a moment. And it’s the same. The same thing he asked you that night in the bar after fucking your brains out. After calling you a slut, a dirty little thing. Maybe it’s his thing—you good? And it’s more than anyone else has ever said after you’ve had their cock in your mouth, so you smile at him. Nod. The duality of man, you think.
“Perfect,” you use his word, and cringe at how wrecked your voice is. The corner of Joel’s mouth twitches upward, something sly and conspiratorial in his gaze as he watches you tuck your computer into your bag, IT issue long forgotten.
Even as you wander toward the door of his office, tossing a casual see you tomorrow over your shoulder, you can see it in his face. In the lines by his eyes, the furrow of his brow; never satiated, never finished, never satisfied. More, more, more. This wasn’t enough for either of you. And this will not be the last time.
Hours later, when you’re tucked into bed with a glass of wine and a book perched in your lap, you get a text from an unknown number.
You’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.
And then another, twenty minutes later.
That can’t happen again.
You grin. Save his number under J MILLER, PhD, and don’t reply.
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tags: @lovely-ateez @nana90azevedo @stevie75 @evyiione @dameron-grant-spector @brittmb115 @ashhlsstuff @casa-boiardi @sinfulrock @bbyanarchist @murc0cks4eva @hopplessilse @joeldjarin @anoverwhelmingdin @bluevxnus @kelp-dreaming @prettyinpunk85 @spacelatinos4life @iluvurfather @daisies-yellow @mrsquill @sarap-77 @sunnywithachanceofjavi @alleyy-katt @zeida
thank you for reading! x
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naukrisambad · 2 years
SSC CPO Recruitment 2022: Apply For 4300 SI Posts in Delhi Police and SSC JE, Police SI, CAPF
SSC CPO Recruitment 2022: Apply For 4300 SI Posts in Delhi Police and SSC JE, Police SI, CAPF
SSC CPO Recruitment 2022: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has notified the recruitment of SSC JE, Police SI, and CAPF Posts Vacancies Through the CPO exam. Apply Online For 4300 Posts. ssc cpo 2022 notification,ssc cpo 2022,ssc cpo 2022 vacancy,ssc cpo si recruitment 2022,ssc cpo 2022 syllabus,ssc cpo syllabus 2022,ssc recruitment 2022,ssc cpo notification 2022,ssc cpo si new vacancy…
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Could you find Sterek fics where Derek is multilingual or know Polish language?
Hola Anon! Si, tengo mucho.
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Five Times Derek Failed To Tell Stiles How He Feels (+1 Time Stiles Knew Anyway) by WhoNatural
(1/1 I 3,338 I Teen)
Stiles grins, impish and proud, and scrabbles at another piece of his notebook. Derek is determined to ignore it - he really is, but Stiles’ legs are longer than they might seem and his reach includes the front leg of Derek’s chair.
He sighs, put-upon, and unfolds the note,
Wanna go steady w/ me? Y[ ] or Y[ ]
you know you're on my mind by bibliosexual
(9/9 I 16,371 I Teen)
If there’s one thing Derek’s learned in life, it’s that crushing on someone who lives on an entire other fucking continent is probably a bad idea.
I'm a War of Head Versus Heart by NieR
(5/5 I 23,091 I Explicit)
Being FWB with Derek Hale is great. Awesome, even.
But somehow, somewhere along the way, Stiles thinks he might have fallen in love.
And, well, shit.
Two Minutes for Holding by captaintinymite (augopher)
(18/18 I 121,498 I Explicit)
There were three things college hockey players Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski knew for certain. 1) Their lives revolved around hockey, 2) They were madly in love, and 3) Derek was so far in the closet he might never find his way out.
They'd been together for two years now, and for two years they'd been a secret with only a few people knowing about them. Yet Derek's fear kept them from moving forward: fear of his family's rejection, fear of his sexuality tanking his father's career, fear of the rampant homophobia in professional sports. The ruse was growing thin.
Something had to give.
Or: The story of how one epic NCAA Championship run and college, served as the backdrop for some of life's great hardships.
@barleymowetc suggested this fic.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs
(31/31 I 203,706 I Mature I Sterek)
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
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I looked and looked and looked for who to credit this art for. Maybe I'm blind. Maybe I need to do alternative searches for art to use on my posts. Anyhow, I found both of these on Pinterest. If you or someone you know is the creator, please message me and I'll add the artist.
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A/N = Lovely Rengoku. This man can fit into any situation and make it work ... well, maybe not ALL. But you know what I mean. This ~one-a-fucking-gain~ didn't pan out how I planned it. I was originally going to write a whole thing but it pretty much just ended itself. It worked out well, though, despite being kinda short.
C/W = I don't think there are any. Talk of nudity, a small group of nude people posing for artistic purposes. Other than that it's just a fluffy piece. Flirting between Rengoku and y/n (F!reader). Enjoy!
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Sign Here X_____________
"Hey, this is beginning art, right?" You asked the man looking over the class syllabus on the wall. He looked to be close to your age, maybe a little younger. He was goddamn beautiful, too. Tall. Not an ounce of body fat in the wrong place. Muscular. Cool hair; blonde with red tips.
He looked at you. For a good 10 seconds before he said anything. Scanning over your face, stopping at your eyes and your lips. You found yourself feeling some way. Not uncomfortable, but like you were under a microscope. Being inspected.
"Yes, this is my class, beginning art."
You narrowed your eyes. "'Your class?' Oh, you mean you're in this class, too? Cool. Well, my name is y/n. I guess I'll see you around. Thanks."
"Heh, no, this is MY class. As in, I'm the instructor. I'm the everything ... actually." He said calmly and smiled at you as he put his hair back in a tight bun and you watched him walk to the oversized desk in the corner of the room.
"Hello, welcome to ...?" He rolled his hands out like as he was encouraging the classroom to interact.
"Arrrrtttt for beginnnnerssss!" Everyone participated. Even you. How could you not. This man could convince a perfectly healthy person to drink a vile of poison.
"Good job, kids," he laughed. Clearly noting the older people in the class. "In this course, we're going to learn how to draw animate and inanimate objects. Always be prepared because I will surprise you from time to time."
You looked around the class to see everyone was completely enthralled with this young man. The person to your left was a woman, maybe in her 40's. She looked nice. You leaned over and said, "I can't wait to see what kind of surprises he's talking about," and giggled. She put her hand over her mouth as she giggled back at your comment.
"Y/n, care to tell me what's so funny back there? I'm not here as a comedian. I'm here as an art teacher. So if comedy is more up your ... alley? Perhaps you would like to go to the room a few doors down and share your humor with everyone that isn't here to learn how to draw?"
You shut up real quick. "S-sorry ... uhhh, I-I don't know your name." You tilted your right ear toward him, waiting for his response.
"I was actually just getting to that before you flexed your humorous." He stared into your eyes for what seemed like an eternity. You don't think he blinked the entire time, either.
"My name is Kyojuro Rengoku. Yes. It's a mouthful. Yes, you have to call me by my full name or I will kick you out of this class."
Your body sunk as he laughed. "No, not really. You can call me Kyo. I'll write it on the board in such a way it'll be simple enough to pronounce." He grabbed the chalk and began to say out loud what he was writing. "Kee-yoh. Kyo. Simple enough, yes?" He looked at you. Again. What the hell was up with him. "See, y/n, I can be funny, too."
You nodded, feeling your cheeks pink up. He still hadn't taken his eyes off of you as your face transitioned back to its original color.
"Now, what exactly is going to be a surprise in this class, you're probably wondering. I presume you all read the waiver etc. that was included in your packet? I know I got most of them back all signed. If you didn't sign one, stay after and talk to me."
Shit, you thought, I never got anything like that.
└────── ⋆☆⋆ ──────┘
Class was only 45 minutes tonight as it was just a basic introduction about what would be covered and when.
"Y/n, may I have a moment of your time?" He sounded so relaxed when he talked. You thought about asking him what his secret was. "Did you mail in your signed waiver? I sent it out with the syllabus about 3 weeks ago?"
You started to twist your bottom lip around with your teeth. "I ... I don't - ah, I mean I didn't ever get that. None of it, Kyo."
He was taken aback by your use of his name so casually. So effortlessly.
"Hm. Look over your information here and tell me if it's correct." He handed you a planner and had you find your name.
You pointed at it.
"Here's my name, phone # and addre-" You stopped and looked at him. "This is my old address. Where did you get this from?"
You'd moved 5 months ago to a little house. But you thought you'd changed everything over before you'd even moved out.
"I got it from here, from the school."
"Ohhh, oh no. I forgot to notify the school." You got a worried look on your face. "Does that mean I'm going to be kicked out of this class?" You didn't even try to disguise your concern.
"Nooo! No, nothing like that, y/n. But I will need you to fill one out, just to cover everything."
"Cover? Cover what? You doing blood sacrifices in here or something?" You laughed.
He didn't. "Among other things, yes."
You waited for him to tell you he was kidding.
A full minute must've gone by before he gave you a half-smile, the left side of his mouth turning upward.
"There will be no sacrifices of any kind in my class, little lamb. Do not worry." He chuckled, rather darkly for someone who was trying to be reassuring.
Little lamb. You're pretty sure you had a "little" orgasm when he called you that.
"Just initial on these and sign at the bottom?" You pointed at the paper.
He put his hand next to where you were pointing, almost resting it right on top of yours.
"Mmmm ... mm-hm. Did you read what it said, y/n?"
You shook your head, quickly at first but then you slowed to an almost complete still.
"It's just about ... about art, and ... other stuff. R-right?" You swallowed hard, it hurt.
"It's basically a declaration that you're ok with nudity in any capacity. You're ok with multiple bodies being nude and draped or sitting on one another. "Basically ..." he continued, "that you're not going to file a sexual harassment claim against myself or the school because you're uncomfortable. It states very obviously that there will be profound nudity in this course. If you're NOT ok with that, then you're free to change your mind, of course. You'll get a full refund, no questions asked."
He watched your face closely for any kind of a reaction.
"Who - who will be the nude model?" You asked, trying to use your big girl voice.
"Anyone who is willing to pose. Sometimes it's someone from class. Sometimes it's someone from a newspaper ad that needs some rainy day money." He paused, "And sometimes," he leaned back in his chair, "sometimes, it'll be me." A cocky look washed over his face. He knew what you were thinking. He was counting on it.
You almost lost your balance when he said that.
"Y-you pose?"
He nodded, looking a little proud of himself for having given you such a reaction.
"I - I think I'll stay in the class then."
"Fantastic. Sign ... right ... here."
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Taglist: @callm3senpaii
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chefeader · 5 months
life update:
hi y'all,
honestly i haven't been posting because im so caught up in studying for the back to back mocks, i have 2 in a week, yesterdays mock i scored so less, way less than my expectation , and way less than what i worked for, i had 3 days and trust me despite putting my everything and feeling confident i got nothing ( the fruit of hardwork) despite having such bad period cramps and wanting to rest i went to extreme 12 hours of study, and its disappointing that it did not pay back atleast in the form of a good score but rather a very low score.
i cried yesterday after coming home, if people are able to score 500-600 above why am i not,honeslty the thought of suici*e came to my mind too, but im not a loser, i cant give up after wasting so much of my dads money and putting in sm effort, then had to restart studying for the next mock, it aint full syllabus, its just some chapters compiled, im going to focus more on question practice.
i want to reach out to this ex bestfriend of mine whom i hold as close in my heart and as my elder sis, but idk if she feels the same and the last convo we had she clearly didn't want me in her life, but i feel mixed reaction from her recently when we spoke through an anonymous platform. but reaching out to her can make someone close to me upset and angry with me. i think im just on my period mood swings and feeling lonely , having no one to believe in me and motivate and love me.
take care everyone, good luck to all neet aspirants, may we pass with flying colors and get selected ! <3
my senior advised that they purposely make such hard papers , neet is easier than this, if you're able to solve pyqs and past papers then you're good. also i saw a video where a girl was in the top 20 the whole year and she got 603 or less in real neet cus she stopped focusing on ncert and went to jee adv level q for neet, and a girl who used to get 400s went to 700 in real neet by focusing on ncert so anything can happen, a miracle or a bad thing too , so dont stop believing in god and yourself.
Thankyou for reading if you did.
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bloodsoaked-gown · 10 months
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SOOOOOOOOO today was college ka orientation i nearly had a breakdown in middle of some hundred of people over college official song lmao, because of reasons but being a control freak i managed, then sat through 7 boring lectures and was casually hater inside my mind all the way through while making jokes to myself and laughing.
after that i picked up papers for my friends sis art and boy i got 2 pages rather than one as we talked but okay, it doesnt have to be very detailed so imma enjoy. I also drank gaane ka ras (sugarcane juice) so happy me. then i did some shopping (copies , chewing gum and some supplies) and printed out syllabus and stuff from Nani's and yeah today was chaotic
nearly died while driving? always- but the sky today muahhhhh I wasnt born to drive trust me god its the thing i really need yet hate doing it so much (i mean all the dust and people and just playing temple run in real life ugh also my college has to be in the middle of town where whole main market (one of the most if not the most populated area of this fucking city))
and just yeah the college campus is kinda okay but man I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS I HAD DONE SO MUCH BETTER THAN TO DESERVE BEING LEFT IN THIS STUPID PLACE but okay life hai hote rhta hai hahah
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delcakoo · 2 years
i think I might post it today (the reaction I mean hahaha) so tune in maybe I dunno 👀👀
dude seriously tho the igcse syllabus for our grade has the most depressing poems ever like there is this one about this guy who falls in love with death because it is the only lover who won't betray him and do what its supposed to do I MEAN WHAT-
anyway, how are u today my dear cat loving Ema 💞
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shraddhamatre · 17 days
How to Prepare for GATE Exam While Working a Full-Time Job
Maintaining a full-time work while studying for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) might be a difficult task. However, it's totally doable with the correct mindset, methodical execution, and strategic preparation. This thorough guide will assist you in successfully juggling your work and GATE preparation.
1. Establish a sensible study schedule To begin, assess your existing job schedule and pinpoint specific times that you can set up for studying. This might apply to weekends, late nights, and early mornings. Divide the GATE syllabus into digestible sections and allot a set amount of time for each subject. Make sure your study schedule makes sense given your everyday responsibilities and workload.
2. Set Priorities and Pay Attention Although GATE covers a wide range of topics, not all of them are equally important. Prioritize and concentrate on the themes and topics that hold the most significance. Apply the 80/20 rule, or Pareto Principle, to prioritize the 20% of topics that will probably yield 80% of your queries. Question papers from previous years can serve as a useful guide for significant subjects.
3. Make Use of Good Study Materials When studying with limited time, it's essential to employ high-quality resources. Your first choices should be trusted coaching materials, online courses, and standard textbooks. Use online learning environments such as Coursera, edX, or NPTEL. Participating in study groups or online forums can also offer extra resources and help.
4. Include Quick Study Sessions It may not always be possible to balance long study sessions with a full-time job. Instead, schedule more concentrated, one- to two-hour study periods. These meetings can take place at various times during the day, including (if practical) during lunch breaks and commutes. Maintaining consistency is essential; even brief, frequent study sessions can result in notable advancements over time.
5. Practice and Edit Often Gaining success in GATE requires consistent practice. To gain a sense of the exam format and time management, solve past years' papers and take practice exams. To ensure that you recall key concepts and to reinforce what you have learned, you must also regularly revise your work. Set aside time each week to work on revisions.
6. Control Your Stress and Maintain Your Health It can be difficult to juggle GATE preparation with a job. It's critical to control stress with regular exercise, enough sleep, and a balanced diet. The maintenance of mental health can also be aided by practices like deep breathing and meditation. Your productivity and efficiency will increase with a healthy body and mind.
7. Ask Your Family and Employer for Support Tell your employer that you are preparing for the GATE and ask for their assistance. It can be quite beneficial to have flexible work schedules or the option to take a little time off closer to the test. In a similar vein, let your family know about your objectives and the additional time you'll need to study. Their comprehension and assistance can foster a favorable atmosphere for your preparation.
8. Remain Upbeat and Driven Lastly, have a good outlook and remain motivated. Recall your motivation for taking the GATE exam and stay focused on your ultimate objective. Rejoice in the little victories along the road to maintain your positive attitude. While difficult, juggling GATE preparation with a full-time job is absolutely possible. You may accomplish your goal and do well on the GATE exam if you prepare ahead, work hard, and have a positive outlook.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm 
Recomended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://youtube.com/@gblionsaeje?si=WY3X-4r5JU7pVEA- 
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emexotechnologies · 4 months
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theapprof · 11 months
Study Courses Supercharge Anatomy & Physiology Success | TAPP 141
Get ready for a mind-bending 😲 rendezvous with Kevin Patton in Episode 141, where he continues to spill the beans on his top-secret recipe for student triumph. 🏆 Brace yourself for this next adventure on his whirlwind tour of revolutionizing A&P 1 education, as we dissect the art of identifying student pain points, personalizing preparation, and serving up the kind of mentorship they've been yearning for!
0:00:00 | Introduction
0:00:45 | One of Two Success Courses
0:09:48 | Setting Up the Supplement Course
0:18:44 | Structure of Class Sessions
0:40:17 | Grading
0:42:45 | Does an A&P Supplement Work?
0:54:21 | Parting Wisdom
1:14:46 | Staying Connected
  ★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-141.html
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Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. (Les Brown)
  One of Two Success Courses
9 minutes
As we begin to unlock student success strategies with Kevin Patton in episode 141, he unveils his A&P One Supplement course, dedicated to honing essential learning skills. Delve into his reasoning behind offering a separate course, distinct from the Pre-A&P course discussed in episode 140, and distinct from the popular Supplemental Instruction (SI) , model, and gain insights into his innovative approach to enhancing A&P student performance.
★  A Pre-A&P Course Improves Student Success in Anatomy & Physiology | TAPP 140 (part one of this two-part series, explains the purpose of the two courses and give details about Pre-A&P)
★ Success Supplements (an on-demand seminar summarizing these two courses)
★ BIO 242 Anatomy and Physiology Supplement (college catalog description of course; scroll down to BIO 242) AandP.info/puj
★ Anatomy and Physiology 1 Supplement (an archived version of the syllabus used in 2012, the last time I taught the course) AandP.info/22z
★ Supplemental Instruction (Wikipedia's description of SI, a peer learning model that is NOT the same as the course described in this episode) AandP.info/oim
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  Setting Up the Supplement Course
9 minutes
In this segment, we uncover the logistical puzzle of A&P supplement courses. Dive into the tug-of-war between limited lab availability and the need for hands-on learning—and explore creative solutions for fostering student engagement.
★ Anatomy and Physiology 1 Supplement (an archived version of the syllabus used in 2012, the last time I taught the course) AandP.info/22z
★ Course Materials for AP 1 Supplement (I didn't have time to list the materials we used in this episode; this is that section from the archived syllabus) https://my-ap.us/AP1suppCourseMaterial
★ End-of-Term Reviews Help Keep Your Course on Track | Episode 17 (introduces the idea of debriefing at the end of the semester)
  Structure of Class Sessions
21.5 minutes
In this segment, Kevin Patton details his A&P Supplement course structure. The class employs active learning, beginning with addressing students' trouble spots through discussion and question cards. Various study techniques like flashcards and concept mapping are explored. The need-for-speed game enhances tissue and specimen identification skills, while clickers facilitate group learning. Weekly check-ins ensure consistent study habits and enhance understanding.
★ HIghlighting doesn't work—here's what does (an article from The University of Manchester Student News; highlighting is briefly discussed in this segment) AandP.info/ceu
★ Noisy A&P Classrooms and Labs (story about my Dean's visit to our A&P 1 Supplement course from The A&P Professor blog) theAPprofessor.blogspot.com/2015/09/noisy-classrooms-and-labs.html
★ Power Tips for Dissection Activities | Episode 34 (includes explanation for paper "virtual dissections" to prep students for a better in-person dissection experience)
★ Why Do A&P Students Hate Histology? And How Do We Fix That? | TAPP 113
★ Nine Super Strategies for Teaching the Skeleton | Episode 10 (gives examples of paper dissections and need for speed game)
★ Micro-Credentials & Gamification in the A&P Course | Brown & Black Skin | Refresher Tests | TAPP 87
★ Kevin's study tip list lionden.com/tip-list.htm
★ Kevin's reading strategies (using the A&P textbook) lionden.com/reading.htm
★ Learning new terms (Kevin's advice for quickly getting up to speed with A&P vocabulary, including advanced flash card techniques) lionden.com/new_terms.htm
★ Concept maps (Kevin's brief intro) lionden.com/concept_maps.htm
★ Running concept lists (Kevin's quick outline of this powerful "core concepts" technique) lionden.com/concept_lists.htm
★ Taking tests (some quick tips on preparing for and taking tests) lionden.com/concept_lists.htm
2.5 minutes
In this segment, discover Kevin Patton's unique grading approach in A&P One Supplement class: Points for check-ins, assignments, active learning, clicker games, and portfolio exchange. Informal mentorship and collaborative sharing enrich the learning journey.
★ Using ePortfolios in Anatomy and Physiology (I used paper portfolios, but I love this idea of a digital portfolio; from HAPS Educator) AandP.info/ki4
  Does an A&P Supplement Work?
11.5 minutes
Discover the value of A&P One supplement classes with Kevin Patton. Unlock networking, more interaction with faculty, effective study techniques, enriched inclusion and diversity benefits, problem prevention, and proven GPA enhancements. And students love it!
  Parting Wisdom
20.5 minutes
Enhancing A&P success! In this segment, discover the value of A&P One supplement and pre-A&P courses for student success. From targeted review to study skill guidance, these personalized approaches foster confidence and proficiency.
★ Taking Bold Steps in Teaching | Notetaking | Science Updates | TAPP 90
★ Harvard's Program on Negotiation (the Harvard Negotiation Project is referenced in this segment) AandP.info/lom
Production: Aileen Park (announcer),  Andrés Rodriguez (theme composer,  recording artist),  Karen Turner (Executive Editor), Kevin Patton (writer, editor, producer, host).
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★ Transcript available in the transcript box: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-141.html
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Check out notes and transcript for this episode!
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heavymetalzen · 1 year
what i learned from the pilot run of school
i don't want to be in a classroom where all the chairs are just the same
i don't want to be in an office like that anymore.
that layout means: who hid the class syllabus or instructions nga?
so lifetime after lifetime.....i end up in that same game talaga: same chairs side-by-side. sino ngang nagtago nung instructions?
tingin ko tinago yun nung karakter sa klasrum na parang hepa yon.....hindi nga enrolled sa classroom. enrolled siya sa fitness programme talaga. basta si fresh: siya nagtago nung instructions talaga.
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resulttak · 1 year
UP SI Syllabus | UP SI Previous Year Question papers with answer key PDF
UP SI Syllabus: If you are also preparing for the Uttar Pradesh Police Sub Inspector recruitment, then you should know that the syllabus, model papers, previous year’s question papers, and answer keys of this recruitment for UP Police SI are available here. For your information, the recruitment for Uttar Pradesh Sub Inspector will be coming soon. It will be announced how many positions the…
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practicemock · 1 year
Best Strategy to Crack GK for SSC CHSL
SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy: The SSC CHSL is one of the highly competitive examinations in the country. As the SSC CHSL Tier 1 2023 exam is approaching, aspirants should begin preparing as early as possible. Those who will be appearing in this exam for the first time must adhere to the unique SSC CHSL GK preparation strategy to crack the exam.
Among all the sections, general awareness is one of the crucial subjects that affect the overall scores as it is a part of both tier 1 and 2 exams. Going by the weightage of the GK section, 25 questions for 50 marks are asked in Tier 1. On the other hand, Tier II comprises 25 questions for 75 marks in the general awareness section.
In this article, we have shared detailed tips to crack GK in the SSC CHSL exam, including topic-wise weightage, syllabus, section-wise preparation tips, and much more.
SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy
The General Awareness section is among the highest-scoring sections in tiers 1 and 2. Compared to other subjects, these questions can be retained longer, provided the candidates revise them frequently. 
If aspirants prepare well for this section, they can easily attempt the maximum number of questions in less time. Hence, it is advised to follow the effective study plan for the SSC CHSL GK section to excel in the exam.
Best approach for SSC CHSL General Knowledge
Candidates must follow the best approach for SSC CHSL General Knowledge to maximise their chances of scoring high marks in the section. Furthermore, the SSC CHSL GK section is subdivided into four topics such as;
Current Affairs - This is the most challenging yet scoring section of the SSC CHSL GK. Aspirants must stay updated with all the latest news and events worldwide. To answer a maximum of questions about current affairs, they should memorise the current affairs of the last six to eight months.
Static GK - Static GK usually comprises the facts, data and topics whose concepts are fixed in nature. It includes topics like history, geography, politics, economics, etc.
General Science - To excel in the general awareness section, aspirants should have conceptual knowledge of biology, physics, and chemistry.
Miscellaneous: The SSC CHSL GK sections comprises topics like important dates, appointment, national schemes, sports, dance forms, etc.
Tips to crack GK in SSC CHSL exam
The right SSC CHSL GK preparation strategy includes knowledge of current affairs, science, and static gk. All three topics require rigorous preparation. Here we have compiled the best tips to crack GK in the SSC CHSL exam.
Read newspapers every day and watch daily analyses of current news to stay up to date with all the latest events. Focus on economics, politics, appointments, business deals, government schemes, etc
Apart from newspapers, they must get their hands on current affairs magazines and expert-recommended books like Lucent's General Knowledge to adequately prepare for general awareness
Candidates must have a globe or global map to learn and memorise about the countries at least once a week
Go through the previous year's papers to understand the questions asked in the GK section and prepare accordingly
After memorising the current affairs, candidates must attempt daily quizzes on current events to revise everything covered so far
SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy- Important Topics
Aspirants must first analyse the CHSL general awareness syllabus before planning the SSC CHSL GK preparation strategy. Knowledge of the latest syllabus will help them cover all the exam aspects. Check the important topics covered in SSC CHSL GK Syllabus detailed below.
Important Topics
General Science
Physics: Gravity, Work, Sound, Heat, Magnetism,  Pressure, Units of Measurement, Electronics 
Chemistry: Uses, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Chemical Change & Physical Change, Common Names and Composition of Various Chemicals, Alloys, Heat, Oxidation, Reduction, SI units, etc.
Biology: Parts of Plant, Diseases, Parts of the Human Body, Basics of the Animal Kingdom,  Nutrients & Deficiency, Prevention & Cure, etc.
Static GK
Ancient: Indus Valley Civilization, The Mauryans, Post-Mauryan Kingdoms, The Gupta Period, Buddhism & Jainism, etc
Medival: Establishment & Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate, The Maratha State, Mughal Dynasty, Later Mughals,  Religious Movements in the Fifteenth & Sixteenth Centuries, etc.
Modern: European Penetration & British Conquest of India, Social & Cultural Awakening in India, The Great Revolt of 1857, Major Battles, Indian National Congress, Nationalist Movement, Growth of Militant Nationalism, Struggle for Swaraj Governor, Indian Princely States
Geography: Movement Of Earth, Habitats, Mineral Resources In India, Interior Of Earth, Ocean & Ocean Currents, Atmosphere, Agriculture In India, Volcanoes & Earthquakes, Transportation In India, Solar System, etc
Polity: Framing Of The Constitution, Supreme Court, President, Citizenship, Governor, Chief Ministers, Parliamentary Funds, Emergency In India, Vice President, Vidhan Sabha, Attorney General Of India, Panchayats, Lok Sabha, Article 370, Rajya Sabha, Bills, etc
Union Budget, Population Census, Demonetization, Oscar Winners, Economic Survey, Famous Sea Ports, Important Books & Writers, Sports for India and the World, State Animals & Symbols, Indian Art & Culture, Awards, etc.
Section-Wise SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy
The SSC CHSL GK syllabus is massive and subdivided into various sections. Hence, candidates must cover every section thoroughly to obtain excellent scores in general awareness for the SSC CHSL exam. Let’s discuss the expert-recommended SSC CHSL GK preparation strategy for all the sections shared below:
SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy for Current Affairs
Some of the best strategies to prepare for the SSC CHSL current affairs section are shared below:
Read the editorial part of the newspaper and current affairs magazines regularly.
They can also download apps to read important news summaries besides the newspaper.
Skip doubtful questions while solving general awareness papers, as the exam has a negative marking.
Focus more on topics like current events, history, geography, and economics, as questions from these topics have been asked in the exam over the past few years.
Attempt SSC CHSL previous year's papers of at least the last five years to understand the exam trends and topics often asked in the exam.
Solve daily mock tests and quizzes on the latest events to assess your preparation level.
For quick revision, write short notes on topics like current events, science & technology, environmental concerns, government schemes, etc.
SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy for General Science
The best SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy for General Science is to use the standard books to clear the basic concepts of all the topics prescribed in the syllabus. With this, examine the previous year's question papers to understand the types of questions asked in the exam.
SSC CHSL GK Preparation Strategy for Static GK & Miscellaneous
Candidates must regularly memorise and revise all the topics to prepare well for the Static GK and miscellaneous. Candidates can attempt unlimited mock tests, sample papers, and quizzes to strengthen their preparation.
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willcareer100 · 1 year
SSC CPO Syllabus 2023
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The applicants who have applied for Staff Choice Commission SI ASI Enlistment might be looking for the SSC SI ASI Prospectus. Those wannabes can get SSC CPO Schedule, SSC CPO Test Example and SSC CPO Past Papers, and replies from our site. Candidates can likewise download the SSC CPO SI ASI Schedule pdf. We have refreshed these SSC SI ASI Test Prospectus to give appropriate direction to applicants planning for the SSC CPO composed test. And furthermore, really take a look at SSC CPO Past Papers from our website page to get a reasonable image of the SSC CPO Test. The Staff Determination Commission had delivered the Focal Police Enlistment test. The enlistment interaction has been finished and applicants have proactively showed up for the paper 1 assessment. The hopeful applicants might go through this article for additional assessment viewpoint.  SSC CPO Syllabus SC CPO Prospectus: Staff Determination Commission SSC will be before long leading the CPO test in November 2022.
The competitors who applied for the post of Sub Assessor in different divisions can download the schedule and begin getting ready for the assessment. The people who will pass both the papers should show up for the besides choice methodology. The specialists have delivered the notice for the enrollment. The schedule for both the assessments, that is to say, Paper I and II is additionally transferred by the specialists.Here, in the ensuing article, we have given subtleties on the SSC SCO Schedule 2022 and the assessment conspire. An immediate Connection to download the prospectus is likewise accessible in this manner. n request to select contender for the post of Sub Overseer in the Focal Outfitted Police Power CAPF and Delhi Police, the specialists will lead the CPO Test.
The competitors who applied for 4300 opening of Sub Reviewer should show up for the assessment. The test will be held in PC Based Mode. The specialists will be directed two assessments for CPO, that is to say, Paper I and Paper II. The up-and-comers should show up for the test in November 2022. The specialists are yet to advise the specific dates for the examination.The date of CPO, Time, Setting, and more will be referenced in the Concede Cards of the Competitors, which will be given to them soon. The moreover determination of the contender for the Clinical, Actual Test, and Archive Check relies upon their exhibition in the SSC CPO Examination.The assessment will be held in two sections, Paper I and II. The applicants should show up for the test in a web-based mode at the focuses that will be dispensed to them on their concede cards. The papers will be of PC Based Test CBT type.
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careerssc · 2 years
SSC CPO Syllabus
SSC CPO Schedule is endorsed by the Staff Choice Commission alongside the authority warning pdf for 2022. Knowing the SSC CPO Prospectus in SSC CPO Syllabus and out will assist the up-and-comers with understanding the subjects that should be covered under each part of the assessment. It will likewise help them in planning their readiness as the majority of the inquiries are outlined in light of the most recent prospectus. In this article, we have given the itemized SSC CPO 2022 Prospectus for Paper 1 and Paper 2, alongside the significant subjects which will assist the applicants with planning in a compelling way.
As referenced over, the directing power will deliver the SSC CPO Schedule PDF for 2022 alongside the notice on 14 August 2022. SSC CPO test is classified into three distinct stages that competitors need to clear to get chosen for the SI and ASI posts in Focal Police Association.
The schedule for Paper 1 and Paper 2 is totally unique. While the SSC CPO Schedule for Paper 1 features the points from English Language, General Mindfulness, Quantitative Inclination, and Thinking skill, the SSC CPO Paper 2 prospectus comprises of 200 inquiries on the English Language subject as it were. The nitty gritty educational plan for the two papers is examined beneath.
SSC CPO schedule PDF will be carried out on 14 August 2022. We will give the immediate connection to download the PDF once the commission distributes it on its website.SSC CPO Paper 1 is the above all else determination round for the enrollment of Sub Examiner (SI) in CAPF, Partner Sub Overseer (ASI) in CISF and Sub Reviewer (SI) in Delhi Police. As per the SSC CPO Schedule, it is separated into 4 areas and comprises of 50 inquiries in each part. For each right response, you will get one imprint. Notwithstanding, for each question responded to wrong, there will be a derivation of 0.25 imprints. Look at the subject-wise SSC CPO prospectus for Paper 1 underneath:
The SSC CPO Math Prospectus for Paper 1 is intended to test the quantitative capacity of the up-and-comers. There will be 50 inquiries in this segment, conveying a weightage of one imprint each. Organized underneath is the SSC CPO Quantitative Fitness Syllabus.Candidates' capacity to grasp right English, their essential perception and ability to compose, and so forth, would be tried through this part. We should investigate SSC CPO Schedule for English underneath:
The SSC CPO Prospectus for General Mindfulness is exceptionally huge. From antiquated history to the most recent current undertakings, it incorporates each point. Be that as it may, it is additionally thought to be as one of the most scoring subjects and less tedious. Thus, applicants are encouraged to know the SSC CPO General Information prospectus in and out to break the SI test with no trouble at all!
SSC CPO 2022 Prospectus for Paper 2 will comprise of just a single subject for example English Language. There will be 200 different sort inquiries in this segment that should be endeavored in something like 120 minutes or 2 hours. The SSC CPO Paper 2 Prospectus is ready to test applicants' capacity to comprehend, compose and communicate in the English language. SSC CPO Schedule for Paper 2 is given beneath:Inquiries in these parts will be intended to test the up-and-comer's getting it and information on the English Language and will be founded on the accompanying subjects:
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syllabusssc · 2 years
SSC CPO Syllabus
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SSC CPO Schedule is endorsed by the Staff Choice Commission alongside the authority warning pdf for 2022. Knowing the SSC CPO Prospectus in SSC CPO Syllabus and out will assist the up-and-comers with understanding the subjects that should be covered under each part of the assessment. It will likewise help them in planning their readiness as the majority of the inquiries are outlined in light of the most recent prospectus. In this article, we have given the itemized SSC CPO 2022 Prospectus for Paper 1 and Paper 2, alongside the significant subjects which will assist the applicants with planning in a compelling way.
As referenced over, the directing power will deliver the SSC CPO Schedule PDF for 2022 alongside the notice on 14 August 2022. SSC CPO test is classified into three distinct stages that competitors need to clear to get chosen for the SI and ASI posts in Focal Police Association.
The schedule for Paper 1 and Paper 2 is totally unique. While the SSC CPO Schedule for Paper 1 features the points from English Language, General Mindfulness, Quantitative Inclination, and Thinking skill, the SSC CPO Paper 2 prospectus comprises of 200 inquiries on the English Language subject as it were. The nitty gritty educational plan for the two papers is examined beneath.
SSC CPO schedule PDF will be carried out on 14 August 2022. We will give the immediate connection to download the PDF once the commission distributes it on its website.SSC CPO Paper 1 is the above all else determination round for the enrollment of Sub Examiner (SI) in CAPF, Partner Sub Overseer (ASI) in CISF and Sub Reviewer (SI) in Delhi Police. As per the SSC CPO Schedule, it is separated into 4 areas and comprises of 50 inquiries in each part. For each right response, you will get one imprint. Notwithstanding, for each question responded to wrong, there will be a derivation of 0.25 imprints. Look at the subject-wise SSC CPO prospectus for Paper 1 underneath:
The SSC CPO Math Prospectus for Paper 1 is intended to test the quantitative capacity of the up-and-comers. There will be 50 inquiries in this segment, conveying a weightage of one imprint each. Organized underneath is the SSC CPO Quantitative Fitness Syllabus.Candidates' capacity to grasp right English, their essential perception and ability to compose, and so forth, would be tried through this part. We should investigate SSC CPO Schedule for English underneath:
The SSC CPO Prospectus for General Mindfulness is exceptionally huge. From antiquated history to the most recent current undertakings, it incorporates each point. Be that as it may, it is additionally thought to be as one of the most scoring subjects and less tedious. Thus, applicants are encouraged to know the SSC CPO General Information prospectus in and out to break the SI test with no trouble at all!
SSC CPO 2022 Prospectus for Paper 2 will comprise of just a single subject for example English Language. There will be 200 different sort inquiries in this segment that should be endeavored in something like 120 minutes or 2 hours. The SSC CPO Paper 2 Prospectus is ready to test applicants' capacity to comprehend, compose and communicate in the English language. SSC CPO Schedule for Paper 2 is given beneath:Inquiries in these parts will be intended to test the up-and-comer's getting it and information on the English Language and will be founded on the accompanying subjects:
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