#unusannus imagine
prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Ethan | Unus Annus
Requested? kinda? 
Warnings? None? 
Summary: Ethan makes a grand gesture, confusing you further 
Word Count: 1,311
One  |   Two   |   Three 
“Take your time,” he whispers and you nod against him. 
The minute you step into your car you let out a sigh. You rest your head onto your steering wheel and feel the overwhelming sense that you want to cry. 
You were certain you loved Mark. You loved him with every fiber of your being and today only proved that more. You loved his overwhelmingly caring personality, his charming smile, his understanding self. Everything. 
But Ethan. Ethan was your best friend. He was there through thick and thin. He’s by your side in a second and you loved him. You loved him with every cell in your being and you didn’t know what to do now. 
As you pull out of Mark’s driveway, you call Jason and wait as the phone rings. Finally, when he picks up you start talking immediately. 
“He told me he loved me. He gave me roses and candles and the best kiss of my life and told me he loved me and now I’m even more confused,” you let out all at once. 
“Who did?” Jason asks, confused. 
“He did all of that?” 
“Yes and he also knows I love Ethan and told me to take my time figuring out who to pick.” 
“Dear lord,” he responds, and despite everything you laugh. 
“What am I going to do?” 
“Figure it out,” Jason says and you laugh again despite yourself. 
When you get home, you end up feeling wired for the rest of the day like you had slammed a Redbull and it was buzzing in you from head to toe. You couldn’t stop thinking about Mark’s display. You wished an answer would just fall out of nowhere. 
As you’re practically pacing back and forth across your apartment, your phone rings in the living room. You head towards it, picking up without thinking about it. 
“Hey!” you recognize Ethan’s voice and your heart skips. “Are you doing anything right now?” 
“Uh,” you say, running a hand through your hair and letting out a quick breath. “No, nothing.” 
“Come outside.” 
“I’m sorry?” you ask and he repeats the sentence. 
Still holding your phone to your ear, you step outside and walk down your apartment stairs. When you get through the double set of doors, there Ethan sits. 
He’s leaning against a red convertible, one you’ve never seen before, and dressed in a clean button-down and dress pants. Your hand slowly falls to your side as you walk up to him, a wide smile spread across his lips. 
“What the-“ you begin and he chuckles lightly. 
“I rented it. Come on, I wanna show you something.” 
At this point you’re so speechless you can’t begin to comprehend what’s going on or the fact that for a second time that day, you’re being swept away by the boy you like. 
Ethan walks to the passenger side door, pulling it open before gesturing towards you. You make your way back over to him and get in the car. He walks back over to the driver’s side, getting in and heading out. 
As Ethan drives, you can’t help but look over at him and admire the boy you’ve come to know and pretty much fall in love with. He’s relaxed next to you and you notice that’s something that he is around you all the time, relaxed. Calm and seemingly happy in your presence. 
"What are you thinking about?" Ethan asks, grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. 
"Lots. You, mostly," you say smiling widely out of habit.
"All good things?" 
"Always," you say leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. 
You continue driving for a while and it occurs to you that you should ask Ethan where you're going. However, the wind in your hair, the music floating through the air, and Ethan's soft touch has you mesmerized. 
After driving for a bit, you finally head up to a secluded area looking over the ocean. Ethan pulls to the side of the road and the two of you get out of the car and by this point, you’re completely confused. 
“Hey Ethan?” you ask. 
“What are we doing?” 
“Come on,” he says smiling wide. 
He extends a hand to you which you take and he starts to lead you two farther up the mountain. As you walk you gaze across the mountain and the beautiful sunset backdropping the ocean. You can't believe someone would have ever thought to bring you here. Just as you're about to ask Ethan for the millionth time what you're doing you see it. 
At a clearing ahead, there sits a picnic blanket with food and drinks sat atop it. As you come upon it you see it shows a perfect view of the ocean and the sunset. You stop in your tracks, a hand coming up to cup your mouth in disbelief and Ethan smiles adoringly at you. His hand moves from yours to your back, sliding up and down as you look up at him. 
“You did this?” 
“There’s more,” he says and your head tilts and he gestures for you to sit down at the picnic. 
The two of you sit and together you have dinner. The sun is setting slowly over the ocean, a shimmering orange glow floating down below the horizon. You’re entranced by the whole experience not believing that this could be happening to you. 
“So,” you begin and Ethan puts his full attention on you. 
“Why the big gesture? What’s going on?” As you talk, Ethan absentmindedly runs his fingers along your thigh, tracing light patterns over your skin. 
“I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while,” he begins and your heart stops. 
“I love you. I’m not good with my words but I’ve loved you ever since you knocked on my door at 2 am and asked to go get cookies. I’ve been in love with you on every night drive and late night looking at the stars.” 
As Ethan talks, tears start to fall at the grand gesture of it all. Years ago you would never believe someone could love you this much. And now, here was Ethan, an amazing man proclaiming he is. 
“That’s being not good with your words?” you ask through tears that Ethan wipes away gently, smiling lovingly down at you. 
“Well I’m no Shakespeare but I am in love with you. I just wish I said it sooner.” 
You look up at him and smile through the happy tears still slipping down your cheeks. The two of you sit side by side, legs entangled as Ethan looks down at you. His deep brown eyes search yours and his hand rests comfortably on your cheek. 
He takes the leap, slowly closing the gap between the two of you until your lips meet in pure bliss. You sink straight into the feeling, literally falling back onto the blanket as Ethan moves so he’s slotted perfectly between your legs. 
You pull away, smiling too wide and Ethan reflects the expression. He props himself up on his elbow to look down at you and you can tell you’re both elated. 
“I really should have done that sooner.” 
“Ethan?” you question unable to contain your thoughts to your best friend any longer. 
“Mark loves me.” 
“I know doll,” he says pushing a strand of hair from your face and smiling fondly down at you. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you admit unfairly. You hated saying this to him, knowing he’d end up asking you to choose him but you couldn’t keep it in anymore. 
“Well, I’m biased because I love you. But do what’s right love.” 
“But I owe you both an answer. I shouldn’t just keep the two of you waiting around.” 
“You’re our best friend. We understand and we love you,” he reassures. 
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softinen · 4 years
All I need is an Unus Annus video where they make friendship bracelets, is that too much to ask for,,,
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mysticmistral · 4 years
As someone who has no friends and can't find a group, I made a guild in AFK Arena after Unus Annus was deleted for no reason at all, but like... If anyone wants to join it, just to talk in chat and play, there's no limit, new or experienced. I just want to be that welcoming guild, ya know? It doesn't have to be UA related of course, it could be anything really. My own interests are Markiplier, Crankgameplays, Jacksepticeye, Star Wars, AFK, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Dragon Ball Z, just at the top of my head. I plan on posting recent redemption codes and plan on helping and chatting with others.
Newly made and open.
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amarithecat · 5 years
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Out of context Discord 
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cryptic-kisses · 3 years
Hallo , Cryptic ^^
I Wanted To Request Something If ' Yer Don't Mind -
What About Male Reader , Who Says Shit Before Thinking , ' N Like This Happens A Lot , But After They Get Really Flustered -
With Tommy , Ranboo , Tubbo , ' N Billzo !
Take ' Yer Time , Yeah ?
' N , Don't ' Yer Dare Over-Work ' Yerself , Understood ?
- A-RRadio .
What did you say?
cc! Tommy, Tubbo, Billzo, Ranboo x Male!reader (PLATONIC)
summary: you do some fake tattooing and it definitely came out great
warnings: Cursing
authors note: I was watching compilations of unusannus clips so that's what inspired this also Im just realizing I didn't really put in the request that much I am so sorry 😭
All sitting around a table you start giggling as your hands hit the table.
"This is such a dumb idea." You manage to get out of your mouth without completely breaking down in a fit of laughter. You, Bill, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were completely blindfolded.
With the great idea of doing random things without seeing, one of the challenges was tattooing which made you end up with a bag of henna ink in your hands.
You feel your stomach hit the edge of the table as you lean over making you giggle again.
"Okay okay, who am I gonna tattoo?" Nobody answers you so you take initiative into your own hands, quite literally
You take your hand and bring it over to your right side looking for an arm until eventually you feel the sleeve of a shirt. "Whose this?" You take their arm and 'gently' slam it on the table.
"[y/n] you're gonna break my arm before you tattoo it–" you smile.
"Aha! Billzo is my first victim!" Some of the boys giggle at you as they vaguely look in your direction.
"He is definitely going to draw a dick on your arm." Tommy half shouts out and you roll your eyes despite them not being visible.
Patting the area to try and find Bill's arm you get the henna only praying that whatever you do is at least in the center.
"I'm not going to do that, instead I'm gonna draw a sick ass skull." You hear Bill say something along the lines of 'on brand' while you start the fake tattoo.
It's a little bit of chatting and while you do it you feel completely focused. You can't see anything so you know whatever the outcome will be wonky but In the end, why shouldn't you try?
After feeling like you were finished you attempt to pat Bill on the shoulder. "Billzo, you have been the worst client I think I've ever had."
"Ohh I really hope you didn't put something bad," you shrug and then attempt to try and find someone else with your hands.
"Ooh [y/n] you should do Tubbo!" You hear Tommy say from across from you. The sound of a chair squeaking can be heard.
"[y/n] i'm sorry I do not trust you one bit."
Frowning you take your hand and bring it over to your left side this time and just... feel a head of hair.
"That is very much my head," you grin at him.
You move to take his arm and put it on the table already prepared to put on the henna. Ranboo cringes and braces himself for whatever you're going to do.
"Ranboo don't worry man," you start as you put on the ink on his skin. "I'm gonna make a really cool piranha." You start giggling at that.
"Tough guy Ranboo eh?" Tommy says, making you start giggling even more. You swear while not audible you can imagine him saying a mumble of prayers hoping you don't put anything shitty on his arm.
"So Ranboo, have you ever gotten a tattoo before man?"
"No– and I think this will be my last." You can hear Tubbo laugh at him and you frown.
"Well I promise sir that this is going to be a very badass tattoo." After finishing the first thing you do is lift up the blindfold.
You start laughing very hard staring at the 'tattoo' that you gave Ranboo
"That is very much... Not a dick." You blurt out feeling your self flush up which makes you laugh even more slamming your head into the table.
The other boys also take off their blindfold and start laughing along with you.
"Ranboo man you are so done for-"
"Hey! Mine doesn't look that bad!"
Ranboo takes off his blindfold and looks at the fake tattoo before shoving his head into his hands.
You pat his back.
"You, you see? I didn't lie, it's a badass tattoo."
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officebeepo · 4 years
Never have I watched a live sream through it's entirety, but for something as special as #UnusAnnus it was almost necessary for me. "We were here". I was here watching sincw the first video. I never did get through all the videos as some were bound to slip through the cracks, but from start to finish I've never felt more blessed to be a part of something this unique. It's absolutely astonishing just how much that were able to accomplish in just one year, and they've grown so much as creators. In all honesty their original content helped me so much throughout my teens, but Unus Annie came around exactly when I'd needed it most. I've experienced some of the hardest things I've ever gone through in my life in this year alone, and these videos were a gateway to a happier state of mind. The joy I've experienced through these videos and fanart and memes has sparked this hope in me, this creativity. My imagination isn't hiding back in the shadows anymore, and I feel so capable of creating things like I've never had before. Even if a handful of people see the end results of what I may create, that would be enough for me. What I'm trying to say here is thank you. Thank you to Mark, Amy, Ethan, all the editors, all the collaborators, everyone who's ever made art or memes or gifs, thank you. You've made something special that I will never soon forget.
#Momento Mori
@markiplier @crankgameplays
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raven-shaman · 4 years
So if you saw Unus Annus they made their version of holy water.....attempting to do the Catholic one for those who would like to know how to make Pagan Holy water it is less complicated. First you get some sea salt and some spring water, if you have access to a local spring even better, first bless the salt: hold your hand over the salt imagine a blue flame of purification going through the bowl of salt, then say to whatever deity or even spirits ask them to bless it for your work and cleanse any unhelpful energies from it. Do the same for the water, (depending how much you plan to make) you can add 3 pinches of salt or 3 teaspoons, stir three times saying "may this holy water help me in my work" and visualize light blessing it. Then your done, of course depending some who are part of covens have different ways of making it but this is just the basics for beginners and solitary practiceners, I myself does both Wicca and Shaman works and its fairly the same. @markiplier @unusannus and @crankgameplays that is simplier than the crazy Catholic one making a holy water. If you make holy water with a chaotic or trickster god in mind would be a bit of too much for a beginner they are more for crazy situations, try not to do those kind unless you been practicing for a while and know what your doing (looks at Mark and Ethan) just don't
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bajuuuu · 4 years
The Spiral- a short #UnusAnnus stor
Endless spiral all around me. It must have been just a few hours but it feels like eternity. Does time even work the same around here? Who knows… maybe not even a day passed above- above, in the real world. Huh real world, is that what I am calling it? I guess, but if that is real where am I now? I am not dreaming, I can’t be dead- I think- and this definitely isn’t the same place where I was a few hours ago. Where am I? In the machine! That’s where I am, that is certain, but that still doesn’t mean I can’t be somewhere else as well. For all I know the stupid coffin can work just as an entrance to another universe which we naively call “The Machine”. Where am I? I would love to say I am in the middle of nowhere but even that isn’t true! I am not in the middle! I am just nowhere! Absolutely nowhere! 
How could it all go so bad? We had everything in control didn’t we? Didn’t we? Sure we did! At the beginning! But then it all went to hell! How could I let that happen? The worst part is I could have prevented this! I could have, god damn it! And if nothing else I could have prevented Ethan from paying for my mistakes! I keep waking towards the nonexistent middle. A fun little channel! It was supposed to be just a fun little channel! But nah! I must always go just a little further! Always just a little more! Always further beyond! And look where that got me! Look! And sure I was tricked- tricked into the machine- but it is till my fault! All of this! My fault! Oh Ethan will never forgive me for this! I wouldn’t if I was at his place- Wherever that even is… 
No! You are not taking my friend you stupid piece of machinery! No matter what you try to do to me! I am still Mark Fishbach! And if nothing else I am going to get Ethan out of here! Somehow… 
Ah what am I kidding… it would be a miracle if I even found him let alone found a way to get us out of here! All of this! It is just me trying to keep my head above the water. Just a sad and lonely Mark trying to keep myself sane by assigning myself a probably pointless task without any assurance it is fulfillable! Am I doing this just because I don’t want to believe I have failed again? Probably! Have I already failed? Definitely! Can I make this right? Who the hell knows?!
 I should be hungry and thirsty but the only thing I am is tired- tired and so incredibly stupid! Why did I ever think making a deal with two death gods was a good idea? I want to slow down! I want to stop for a moment and get some sleep but I am afraid that once I slow down for even a single moment I won’t be able to get back up. I have to keep going! I have to, or else I have failed yet again. And so I continue on, into the nothing in front of me, getting forever further from the nothing behind me. I wonder how Amy is doing. Does she know? Does she have a suspicion? Or is she still blissfully oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend and his friend have been replaced by dangerous entities from another dimension? What do the editors think? I hope they are not in danger too! That’s the last thing I need now- more people I put in the harm’s way! 
How long did I already walk? Who knows?! I don’t! That’s certain! How ironic I am inside of a clock! I can even hear it! Each and every second of it! I hear it! Tic. Tac. Tic. Tac. Over and over it ticks away my time. Yet I don’t know how much time I have. All I hear is the constant ticking! I feel like I am going crazy! Who knows, maybe I already am! Even if I was, there isn’t anyone to tell me is there?!
W-way- Wait a minute! Do I-? Is-is that-? No way! I gathered all the last bits of strength I had and started to run. Don’t let your hopes up Mark! Maybe you really are going crazy. You know what this place does. But it has to be! Who else would it be? Breathing heavily I ran right to the silhouette that emerged from the spiral in front of me. The closer I got the clearer it was- I found him! Against all odds I did it! I found Ethan! Still panting I stopped just a few meters in front of him. “Ethan?!” I spoke in between my breaths. But I got no answer, Ethan was sitting right in front of me, curled into a ball with his head hidden by his legs. “Ethan?” I asked this time more carefully, his behavior startled me. No answer. “Ethan it’s me, Mark!” I repeated once again. “Sure and the voice you sent last time was also you right?!” Ethan finally spoke, still not looking at me, his voice was tired, exhausted and quiet. “What? What voice?” I asked. The initial excitement was now replaced by confusion. “Oh don’t play dumb with me! Why do you keep thinking this will work?! You tried so many times before, why do you think this time I’ll believe you?” “B-but it is me, Mark! Please just look! I am right here in front of you!” I started to fear for Ethan’s sanity. “Don’t let your hopes up! Don’t let your hopes up! Don’t let your hopes up!” Ethan whispered to himself as he started to tremble. “Ethan! Please! I am right here!” I said once more but with each word Ethan just trembled more and more. Alright whatever I am doing, it is not working. I need to try this differently… but how? Damn it Ethan I am supposed to be the crying bitch baby! “Ethan just tell me what can I do to make you believe I am really here if you don’t want to look for yourself?” I asked. “Shut up!” Ethan shouted. “Just shut up and leave me alone!” Do I want to touch him and make him look? No, no I can’t, if anything I would just make him even more afraid. Startled, I accepted my defeat and sat quietly down a few meters away from Ethan, waiting for him to do something first. What happened to him? Should I be afraid for his sanity? I-I mean I already am, but should I be?! I don’t know how long we sat there like this but we did. Just the two of us… in the literal embodiment of nowhere. Finally Ethan moved his head and gave me one quick look before flinching and looking away again. I wanted to do or say something but I feared that any movement might scare him even more. Just a moment- that’s how long it took Ethan to avert his eyes back to me, he was still trembling in what I imagine was fear but in his eyes I saw disbelief and surprise. “M-Mark?” He asked shyly. “Yes! Yes, it is me Ethan! It is really me.” I spoke as calmly as I could. “What are you doing here?” He continued with the questioning. “We opened the coffin, remember?” I said. “And since then?” “I tried to find you.” I answered not fully understanding why would Ethan ask that question. “It really is you?” Ethan asked once again. “Yes! Here in the flesh.” Silence.
“What did you mean when you spoke about the voice?” Now was my time to ask questions. I disn'r want to break the silence but the tension in the east was unbearable. “From time to time I hear a voice- your voice and it keeps calling to me. Telling me that you are here but no matter how hard I look around, you are never there.” Ethan’s voice started to crack. “No matter what I do, and no matter where I go you are never there!” His voice finally broke as Ethan started to tear up. “Never there! So I decided to just close my eyes and hope it disappears soon!” He spoke between sobbs. “I don't know if it is this place messing with my head or if I am just crazy but in the end it doesn’t matter. In the end nothing really matters in here apart from your own sanity fading away slowly in front of your eyes.” “I am here now, okay? I am here and I am not going anywhere.” I tried to comfort him. “Can you please hug me?” Ethan asked suddenly, tears still filling his eyes. I stood up and walked closer to him, carefully, as if I risked breaking something in the process, he was almost still, his eyes looking at me through the layer of the salty tears. I closed the gap between us and finally embraced Ethan in a long and tight hug. I really cannot tell who needed it more. Was it the trembling Ethan or the exhausted me? I don’t know but at the moment it didn’t matter.
“Are we going to die here?” Ethan broke the silence, he was still terrified. “No-“ I tried to console him but he cut me off. “Don’t lie to me Mark! Are we going to die here?” Ethan saw right through me. He broke free from the hug. “I-I don’t know.” I said, now truthfully even though the sentence was breaking my heart. It was me who caused this! And it was my place to find a way out of here, not Ethan’s! Heck he wasn’t even supposed to end up here in the first place! “B-but we have a whole year to figure something out! I promise I will do anything in my power to get you out of here!” “A year? What are you talking about? We have a week at best! We have one day, if that annoying prick occupying my body is telling the truth!” Ethan raised his voice both in anger and confusion. “No- No, that can’t be right! A day?!” I too was confused and fear quickly made its way back into my head. This can’t be right! “This place- it plays tricks on you Mark… time and space lose meaning here. Left can be right, right can be left, down can be up and up can be down. There is no floor under us nor a ceiling above us. There is just the never ending spiral and nothing more… and on top of that, it literally sucks energy out of you probably to fuel the machine- you probably experiwnced that. I have been here for a long time- probably way longer than you. And if Unus is telling the truth then in our actual world we have a day before the timer hits zero-” How long have you been here Ethan?! How long have I been here? Do we really have just one day? No! No, No, No, No, No! That can’t be! I still have to make things right! “What to you is a day, to me is a month and all of it is completely different from the outside world anyways so it doesn’t matter!” Ethan’s voice was just a little too calm given the situation. I must say it scared me. “And for every real-world day that flies by, that stupid idiot above comes down and tells me ‘Hey! You wasted another day!’ In the most uplifting way possible so it makes you go even more crazy!” Here Ethan’s voice finally revealed the full power of his despair and fear that until now I could just guess was still inside of him. This however wasn’t really time for in-depth analysis of Ethan’s feelings. “Wait… wait… wait… by the stupid idiot you mean Unus? He has visited you?” If anything this was time to get the hell out of here and even for that it was probably too late. Time… funny that time is what we need. We are in a place that doesn’t follow the rules of physics and yet we are fighting for time! We are in a place that literally screams ‘Time is a social construct!’ on top of its lungs yet time is the only thing we need right now. I want to laugh at the irony of it but my mouth is sealed shut unable to say a word. “Of course he has visited me! Always with his black little suit, and a body that belongs to ME!” A short pause. “Do you want to tell me that mister Annus up there didn’t come to you at least once to remind you just how much time you have until you DIE?!” Ethan asked, spitting the name Annus in a mocking tone from his mouth. What he said must have been a rethorical question because he didn’t even give me time to answer. Of course he didn’t… Of course! Or else you would’ve known that we don’t have a whole year but one mere day!” Ethan said almost in one breath. “I-I-“ I wanted to say something- anything- but there was nothing I could say to make the situation better. There was noth I could do! And this feeling of hopelessness enveloped me until I couldn’t think about anything else. 
Something suddenly caught Ethan’s eye as he stopped in his angry rant and looked behind me. “Speak of the devils!” He shouted angrily, waking me from my despair and making me look his way. Indeed I immediately saw and recognized two figures standing in front of us. Unus in black, Annus in white, both with bodies that once belonged to me and Ethan. In fact they would be exact copies of us if it wasn’t for the skulls sitting where the head should be. Perfectly still, they stood there, in their classic postures and with their palms forming the notorious triangle. “Come-” Annus said, his voice identical to mine. “-the livestream is about to begin.” Unus added.
I hope you liked my short story. It would mean an incredible amount to me if you told me what you think and if you upvoted it! I secretly hope Mark and Ethan will notice this and read it on the livestream so if you could upvote it would mean the world to me.
Momento Mori my friends
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jenkys-hoard · 4 years
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In this, our final hours of UnusAnnus I want to say thank you, for being a source of joy in this shitty, shitty year.
I've been trying to do a pull up this year, I'm not there yet but I'm getting closer and I like to imagine Mark and Ethan yelling in the background XD
Bonus pics of me actually trying to do a pullup:
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