#unu's ramblies
unuora · 1 year
Get to Know Me Better
Whoops -- @cassandralie tagged me and I’m sorry I didn’t see it! My notifs are All pornbots All the Time. But thank you!!! Three Ships: Ineffable Husbands and uh... 🤷 I’m vaguely into Steddyhands, and Stolitz has recently been shaking my brain apart. But honestly it’s gomens or go home lately 😂 First Ever Ship: um... probably Katara/Zuko from ATLA, but only because I was sheltered and I didn’t know people could be gay. Everyone who came up with Sokka/Zuko are so right 😂 Last Song: ........ lol I’ve been listening to Steeplechase and they use this guitar motif from a free music website. And I’ve got the song terribly stuck in my head, and now I’ve been listening to this random guy’s free guitar samples. They’re kind of banger. Last Movie: PALM SPRINGS!!! What an unexpected W!! Rocked my world, highly recommend it. Currently Reading: *looks at the books on my bookshelf* I don’t want to talk about it. Currently Watching: After a long break I am on season 3 of Yu Gi Oh, a show I have never watched before. It’s awful. I love it. My chosen blorbo is Bakura. Currently Consuming: It’s 10:30pm and I’m 26. The answer better be nothing.
Currently Craving: Vacation time 😴 I feel so awkward tagging people, so please don’t feel obligated to do this but... ziote, ineffable-houseplants, tenderonlytoone, and kitcat-italica I’d love to see your replies 👀
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bringbackmaes14 · 4 months
Y'know, Unus Annus holds a spot near and dear to my heart. I miss those videos every single day. But I appreciate Mark and Ethan's message, that nothing lasts forever so you have to cherish the good things you have while you have them. I respect that message.
That being said, they never could have known that less than five years later we'd be sinking further into the corporate capitalist dystopia where all our favorite medias and memories are trapped behind streaming services and monthly fees and ads that nearly outweigh the quantity of the media we're trying to view.
I really do love Mark and Ethan's message, and I think it was a good one because I know they didn't just mean it about digital media, they meant it about your job and your hobbies and your friends and family and pets. But it's getting harder to follow when it feels like everything I own can be taken away from me at any moment.
Sometimes I fret over that idea, and I think about Mark and Ethan's message, and I tell myself maybe the message doesn't apply anymore and I miss their content so much. In an age where piracy is becoming more common again, I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find reuploads of their videos. But I don't, because I remember that Mark and Ethan had our best interests at heart, and these corporations like Max and Youtube and Hulu and Netflix and all the others don't. They're for profit, not joy or wonder or kindness or human decency.
I guess all I'm trying to say is memento mori. Remember the good things you have and cherish those things while you have them. But don't fool yourself for a second that just because you know nothing lasts forever and you're prepared for finite possibilities means that someone or something can just take the good things away from you. You deserve good things, and you deserve to be respected, and have your property, digital or physical, respected.
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friendzoned61 · 2 years
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Clinkies to any other year, and another, and another soon
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Family members on their way to follow you into the kitchen For No Damn Reason:
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witch-of-the-sands · 9 months
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why do they have the piss straw out again????
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fraudefiscal · 13 days
is it weird that im so delusional about jeffdave, i got to see more clips yesterday and i genuinely believe there's something because fuck. you don't talk like that with just some friends., that's not normal friend behavior. their blatant almost direct flirting, they are doing this in our faces they know what they're doing.
dave joking about jeff spitting in his cock, jeff watching the stream on his idiot tv and like waiting for dave, their jokes all of their twitter interactions, how comfortable they feel with each other and the way they laugh when the other is around I hope im not developing any type of mental illness or some sort of conspiracy-obssesion because i cannot be making this up...... they're queerbaiting me god
i wish im not getting brain damage do you know how much this means to me i might take a hostage and blow up a building just to know if something REAL is there but tbh deep down i really know it..... jesus was killed for saying the truth
maybe they are aware of their relationship. maybe in a weird and not-so-aware way, like their bond is so close it has developed in something only both lf them can understand, they haven't even set they're dating and maybe that won't change, it's not your traditional couple, it's weird and it'd take a long time to understand it, and maybe,, they don't want people to understand......
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djcarnationsblog · 3 months
Introducing the Covert Iteration of my Rottmnt oc: Jesse Burnham!
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Jesse, in both the og and Covert Aus, is a scientist who works in the fields of bioengineering, zoology and robotics! In the og Au, her main goal as a scientist was to create robot animals so life like that you couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what was fake.
In the Cover Au, she achieves this goal earlier than expected, but instead uses them to work as spy-bots for the times where a mission has to be done discreetly, undercover. They're also mainly used for outside data collection as well!
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The main bots that people will witness lurking around the organization are:
Eleanor the Ginger Cat: She's the one used the most for spying besides the incredibly amount of rat bots and Ant Queen bots, as there are very few people in the world that don't like a playful ginger cat. Out of her entire arsenal, she is the most indistinguishable bot from the real thing, so much so that even other cats will mistake her for being one of them, if only for a minute.
The only way you can really pick up that something is off about her is the lack of blinking, and the way other cats will avoid her like the plague.
Hunter the Jaguar: Hunter is less of a spy-bot and more of a combatant bot on the very, very (and that's two very's) few times that Jesse will be sent out onto the field.
He's the heavy hitter, agile and lithe. Not to mention the fact that he is entirely vantablack-the deepest black in the world- save for the soft gold glow between his plates, so it makes it frighteningly easy to lose him in the night or in dark, shadowy places.
Phoebe the Hawk: Phoebe is the most important one, being Jesse's most trusted companion and confidant, she is basically Jesse's right hand bird! She is the bot that does the most arial sweeps, mostly in order to locate any target who might be in broad daylight, but she also can be used to update any joint-tasked sectors on the status of the field from above.
Not to mention, Phoebe was Jesse's first successful project of life-like robot animals, so she holds incredible sentimental value to her.
Even though this isn't even half-not even a quarter-of all the robots she has manufactured, these three bots are by-far the most important ones to Jesse, tactically and emotionally.
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One very important fact about Jesse, as well, is the fact that he's bigender!
His masculine days aren't as frequent as his feminine days, but either way he certainly uses it to his advantage! Switching between the two genders (whether or not he feels like one or the other at the time) has always been a reliable disguise for him if Jesse needs to get out and do some personal investigation himself that his animals are incapable of.
Jesse is a natural smooth-talker and liar, which helps with his job especially well!
Another important thing to mention, is that I'm not entirely sure if Jesse would be in any sector himself, or if he's a solo act within the organization. What I do know, is the fact that you are able to request the use of his spy bots no matter what sector you are in, but only at a certain price. (What the price is yet? Not sure, but it's not money, that's what I know XD).
It's very, very, VERY (that's three very's!) rare for sector 5 to ever need his spy bots, as most often than not their missions are combat based (I think??? Correct me if I'm wrong qwq), but I like to think on the very rare times they do need it and DON has to get it from him? All I gotta say is that Jesse shows no fear when it comes to the turtles.
There's a medical reason for that-
AAAAAANYWAYS I THINK THAT'S ALL I GOT'S TO SAY RIGHT NOW??? Other than the fact that I wanna make a few lil' comic pages of Jesse and Don interacting cause I wanna see how accurately I can display Don's personality. I just think they'd be neat :]
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deimosatellite · 10 months
ango backstory tldr taneda is a terrible parent god bless
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doodlboy · 11 months
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Old art I forgot I made now taken with a camera that isn't shit
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naarvio · 1 year
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unuora · 1 year
Yesterday I was at the store and a teenaged boy asked me for $7. I instinctively said no, and then had a whole crisis like oh my GOD what if this kid is STUCK here and he needs an Uber—
I went back and he was $7 short for TOTK. Ofc I bought it for him.
And then this morning I found $7 on the ground. $7 exactly. I feel like I need to tell everyone about this cosmic event. It’s like my first pin in my conspiracy theory board. Supernatural forces, karma, etc etc
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meanya · 2 years
Ya like jazz?
Yeah; classic, old, funky fun... just like mama used to make
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pepa16 · 8 months
hello! me and my friend are making an unus annus zine :)
if anyone watched any of their videos, it would be really cool if you found some time and answered a few questions in this form:
some of the answers would be then put in the zine in a section where they'd fit. more info in the form, if you wanna know anything, just ask me :)
the form will be fillable until 22nd of january and it asks about your favorite moments and memorable things and experiences that you had with this youtube channel.
thank you so much if you decide to fill it!
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happy 3rd death day, unus annus 🖤🤍⚰️
unus annus still means a lot to me, even 3 years since it ended.
one of the things i associate the most with it is the idea of trying/learning new things, as i taught myself how to knit during the ending livestream, challenged myself to do my first game jam during the last week of its life, and took up baking as a hobby throughout the entirety of the pandemic.
this year, about halfway through, (mostly because of @gothmothinc inspiring me so much🧡), i decided to take up drawing again!!! and finally, 3 years after unus annus’ end, i finally feel like i’m at a point where i can post some fanart and be proud of it.
so here’s to 4 years of remembering death and taking things one day/year at a time. here’s to 3 years of doing it on our own. and here’s to many more years down the road.
momento mori 🖤🤍⚰️
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quietlyblooms · 3 days
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listening to chiyo's playlist to help my brain a lil bit, and nine by sleeping at last feels like it was written for chiyo :' )) there's truly so many lines from that song that relate to her as a person, but the lines " but i'm just trying to find myself / through someone else's eyes / so show me what to do to restart this heart of mine / how do i forgive myself / for losing so much time? " really take the cake.
chiyo's story is about connection. she cannot remain the same if she wants to be happy, if she wants to stop " sleepwalking " through her life, yet she cannot change without help. truthfully, chiyo doesn't hold a great opinion of herself. she has her merits, but she overall believes she isn't worth the trouble she causes -- the ugly parts, those thorns and weeds that have gotten out of control, shouldn't be anyone's responsibility but her own. but that's not the way life works. sometimes we need help.
so it's really important that there is someone in her life that helps her see herself " through someone else's eyes. " those ugly parts of herself that she hates aren't as terrible as she thinks. it's okay that she's scared to get hurt; she just can't allow that fear to control her.
that's why consistency and insistency are so important when growing close to chiyo. she's watching for the signs that she's right, that she really isn't worth the effort. she's questioning her place beside you, wondering if it'd matter if she suddenly wasn't there. and even when she's getting comfortable with you, there's still that thought, that fear, and it just!! takes time for her to finally believe yes, she's important to this person despite everything. and only then can she start to believe she's worth something. she's worth the love she's given -- she deserves it, every bit.
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ggengariite · 10 months
memento mori
cant believe it’s been 3 years i remember that day like it was yesterday,,,
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