#until we find the real ed at the end of the season
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clinging onto these pictures like a fucking lifeline right now honestly. the pearl necklace. buttons' jacket. the slow but sure process of shedding the skin of blackbeard and becoming "just edward" once more. the proof that ed is not lost, it's a long road but he's finding himself again and most importantly he's trying. he's been forgiven by the crew, he's one of them again. they're lending him their clothes. he's wearing little gifts from stede. he's happy and he's healing and he has FRIENDS. he really is going to be ok ohhhhhhhh
#i cannot wait to bawl my fucking eyes out over eds arc this season#every episode i predict one item of clothing is going to be replaced#until we find the real ed at the end of the season#blackbeard gone for good. just edward remains#its gonna be so good. i believe so hard in his recovery and his journey#our flag means death#meta tag
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OFMD fans on Bsky and to a lesser extent here are suggesting that we need to come together as a fandom, get over the divisions, etc. and in principle I am well in favor of that. The last thing we need is to show up as unhinged as we try to get the show picked up somewhere and Season 3 ordered.
But. A lot of folks were really harmed by the bullying, the name-calling, even doxxing? (I missed that, luckily, but certainly have been accused both of bad faith arguments and hatred for Izzy. [Ha. He's not real, for one thing -- also, he was drawn to be hated, right up until the middle of Season 2.] It's whatever. I've been trained in both argument and advocacy and can show up pretty...blunt? But still don't think people should encourage others to actually kill themselves over a tv show.)
I do think healing the rift is important. But.
It's not more important than respecting BIPOC and queer folks. I won't stop calling out racism and misogyny/homophobia where I see it, or at least suggesting that we can and should do better, especially for this show. For this show, omg!
That's the thing: for me, OFMD showed up not only during Covid but also during a huge life upheaval. One that made me incredibly cynical about the odds of justice anywhere in the world. And it said, in every episode: cruelty is wrong. Misogyny is wrong. Homophobia is wrong. Trying to protect your family, trying to become yourself, trying to make amends for your wrongs: these are still good. You can still choose a family, a life, a way in which you fight racism, colonialism, patriarchy. You may find only a grubby little band of weirdos, but they will make your life good. And also, late bloomers can still find true, queer, love.
I love how so many fans have recognized this and are willing to fight for it. But when there are fans who decide that Ed or Stede are clearly the bad guys, or need to suffer! Or that S1 Izzy is the good guy, or Izzy "deserved" a better ending ... These takes pull me out of the little home that the show built for me. I know, rationally, that such interpretations don't actually threaten what the show is, but they still pain me in a way I'm not sure I can fully explain.
(Worse yet, the attachment some folks have to Izzy seems to mirror my own attachment to the crew and the themes. We're all just unhinged. I can't help but feel it's messed up to love Izzy so much he should be front and center, when we finally had a show where the white masc dude wasnt front and center. Even while I think people have the right to enjoy what they want to enjoy. And who doesn't enjoy that little rat, losing when he thinks he should win. It's perfection!)
By 2.4 or whatever, Izzy is fine, he's learning how to be family, he is still a mess in all kinds of ways but whatever. He can be their dick. Their nightmare. Fine. But make him the "hero"? That's an insult. He can do heroic things -- as we all can -- but it's not his story. It's just not, and man, it feels good that someone else gets to be the hero for a change.
I'm really putting this here for my own edification. This isn't meta, this is just: why is allthinky so touchy about OFMD? I'm not done, but I'm done for now.
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What do you mean (from your latest post) that you think that many actual play failures are failures of ambition?
Usually, when an actual play show doesn't click for me, it's because the GM or players aimed very high or tried to push the boundaries (of the medium or system) and it didn't quite land right. It's a pretty new medium, and while I've been very openly disparaging of how much many writers in the AP space focus overmuch on novelty over consistent quality, I do think these failures are important! I think it's good to play with what the medium can be! I just think that sometimes, it does indeed fail.
Examples off the top of my head:
Too much plot for allotted length: EXU Prime was fun to watch but I think this plot really needed to be a 16-20 episode season, not an 8 episode one, which meant that we never really learned Myr'atta's motivation or the deal with Ted until years later in the real world despite that being the core plot. Similar issues have come up with various D20 seasons; I think running a one- or two- session story isn't too hard to do, or running a longform campaign isn't too hard to do, but 8 or 10 or 20 episodes can be really difficult to plan for properly, and a lot of people overfill.
Trying to bend the system too far: I wrote a long-ass post I cannot find about this for a few D20 seasons as well (notably Neverafter) and I've fallen off of WBN for a few reasons but in part because it really increasingly feels like D&D is the wrong system - the classes of D&D support the worldbuilding, but the pace and style and magic system of D&D increasingly feel like they and the narrative are in conflict.
Trying to fit in An Important Message: the infamous Rusty Quill Gaming Everything Changes [now make a monumental decision we have not once explored in 7 real world years of telling this story, in the last half of the last episode] is a big one here. This is not unique to AP (this is why Battlestar Galactica's ending is widely panned) but I think the nature of actual play makes it more likely because to some extent you as the GM must relinquish a good degree of control.
Not realizing what you need to plan for: ultimately, in my opinion, the failure of Campaign 3. I don't think the problem is that Matt wanted to bring everything together across multiple campaigns; I don't think this is a cheap setup with a pre-determined outcome (though I could be proven wrong); I think the problem is that there needed to be a much more stringent character creation process and on-rails early plot to actually get from point A to point B in a way that felt natural within the story.
Trying to break production value records while neglecting story: With the caveat that I hated nearly every second of the hour of Kollok I watched, I have yet to see a review that talks about anything it does other than how good the production values are (*whisper* they're not even that good). Burrow's End had some really good aesthetic/filming choices and some really not good ones on top of having a story I found weak; the season of Candela Obscura I thought had the strongest story had no split-screen film edits. This could just be that my AP introduction was TAZ Balance followed by simultaneous C1 and early C2, but like...I've heard incredible actual play with no music and no fancy lighting and no sound effects and no official character art, and I've watched some heavily produced stuff that had the plot of a fucking Ed Wood movie and was utterly joyless to boot. Story first; accessibility production values (clean and clear sound, transcripts, making all speakers visible if you're a filmed production) second; anything else should ONLY come after that.
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deep penetration up the field
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'sports au' rated e wc: 992 tags: secret relationship, football player steve, musician eddie, dirty talk, phone sex (in the loosest sense of the term), masturbation
first, a huge shout out to @thefreakandthehair for basically coming up with the commentator's lines at the beginning of this drabble. and for encouraging me when it comes to a sport that isn't hockey. hope this is a very tasty meal for you 💖
and a thank you to the love of my life in another life @wormdebut, who may or may not have written a part two to this already because neither of us were satisfied with the level of tendernasty kinky shit they got up to here.
“Why are you watching the game? We are anti-football in this home,” Eddie crossed his arms over his chest as he took in what Gareth and Jeff had put on the tv.
“As if you don’t have the world’s most embarrassing crush on Harrington,” Gareth snorted.
“I don’t, actually,” Eddie said, distracted as he watched the man himself on the screen.
“Those tight ends, especially Harrington, they’re skilled at finding the holes and getting that deep penetration up the field,” an announcer said.
“Exactly, Mark. You need a tight end that can play both ways confidently, that’s what sets this team apart,” another announcer said.
Eddie barely bit back a laugh as they focused in on Steve’s face before the snap.
Eddie could just barely see the edge of a hickey on his neck and felt his heart stop.
“Looks like Harrington has no trouble finding willing women,” Jeff nudged Eddie as he left the room to get another beer from the fridge.
He secretly liked football, and probably worshiped the ground Steve walked on as he was most of the reason the Colts had been having an undefeated season so far.
Gareth, however, couldn’t stand any event with a ball, and would judge the hell out of Jeff if he found out he was watching for any other reason than to make fun.
Eddie watched as Steve got a touchdown, something he’d been doing in almost every game this season, doing his stupid dance in the end zone.
Eddie hid a fond smile when he pretended to play air guitar and pointed at the camera that was focused in on him.
He could feel the heat on his face, knew he needed to get out of the room, but just as he turned to go, Jeff came back in and saw him.
“Are you getting sick, Ed?” He asked, genuinely concerned.
“Nope. Just gonna go finish packing!”
He rushed to his bedroom, closing the door and sliding down until he was sitting on the floor with his head against his knees.
They talked about telling the guys when they meet up in Chicago in two weeks. The Colts play the Bears and Eddie plays The Riviera.
But the more Eddie thought about what that would mean, that it would make it real, the more he wanted to wait.
Not because he wasn’t sure about Steve. Never because he wasn’t head over heels in love with him.
Because Steve came out of nowhere, a stereotypical jock in every way on the surface, an overwhelmingly adoring and adorable sweetheart the moment he was alone with Eddie. It was easy to fall in love with him.
And it happened fast.
One moment they were making it out backstage in a closet, the next Steve was whispering how much he loved him in their shared hotel bed the night before pre-season started.
Now, they secretly met up when they could until they could figure out how to tell the people that mattered.
Eddie would have to be more careful about the hickeys he left, though.
He managed to pick himself up and actually work on packing for Corroded Coffin’s Midwest tour, but couldn’t help smiling to himself when he heard Jeff yelling excitedly about Steve managing to block three guys for his team to get another touchdown.
When his cell phone rang an hour later, he rushed to pick it up, already knowing who it would be before checking the screen.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he sat on the edge of his bed as he spoke.
“Hey, baby. Doing okay?” Steve’s voice was still slightly out of breath, like he’d just ran off the field and called Eddie before anything else.
“I’m good. Are you?”
“Great. We won. I think if we keep it up, we’ll be favored to make the Super Bowl.”
Eddie’s brows raised.
He didn’t really like football, but everyone knew how big of a deal the Super Bowl was.
“That’s great, Stevie. You heading back to the hotel now or going out with the guys?”
“I’m hiding in the bathroom, we just got off the field. Think I’m gonna head to the hotel, though. Don’t really feel like going out.”
Eddie smiled to himself.
“Call me when you get settled?”
“Just to hear my voice or for other reasons?”
Eddie could hear the smirk in Steve’s voice, felt himself start to smirk at the thought of what they could do on the phone later.
“You know I love hearing your voice, but I also love hearing you whine and beg,” Eddie’s voice dropped lower, more of a growl.
Steve sounded breathless, almost like when he…
“Are you touching yourself? In uniform?” He told Eddie he didn’t like to risk messing up the uniform, it was sacred, blah blah blah. But Eddie knew exactly where his hand was right now.
“Mhm,” Steve whimpered.
“Jesus Christ, Stevie. Can’t even wait until you get to the hotel? What if someone walks in?” Eddie knew what would happen if he kept talking like this, especially when he could hear the faint movements of Steve’s hand working his cock.
“Don’t care. Need you,” Steve gasped out, ending his words on a groan.
Eddie was hard, but refused to touch himself now, knew he’d be miserable if Steve had to suddenly stop and he didn’t get off.
“What do you think I’d do? You think I’d get on my knees in the locker room, suck you off in front of everyone?” Eddie shook his head when he heard Steve’s breath catch, slick noises getting louder. “Or would you wanna wait until everyone leaves so no one sees you begging to suck me off before I’ve even gotten your cum down my throat?”
“Please,” Steve begged.
Eddie smirked.
“Go ahead, sweet boy. Make a mess.”
Steve bit back a loud moan as he came, panting into the phone as Eddie talked him through it.
“Later?” Steve asked.
“You’re insatiable.”
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This is what J.D. Payne said about Sauron in the first season:
"There’s something in him that is sort of vaguely reminiscent of Gollum, when you watch it again, where you see these two forces driving within him. In some ways, Gollum is to Sauron as Sauron is to Morgoth, a little bit. The One Ring is operative on his consciousness at all times. And even maybe if he tried to turn away from it and be Mairon, the Maia, who, in the beginning, was good, there's this shadow that has operated upon his soul that he is enslaved to, that you always see, every decision he makes, takes him, in one way, towards the good, but it also takes him towards power. And power is his addiction. Watching back, with that in mind, it's fun to pick apart everything he says, or if he does retreat from the decision he makes."
It's possible Sauron thought to do "good" for a time, but power is his addiction, his way to further corruption. I don't care about Charlotte Brandström's words about his 'love' for Galadriel because the way it was framed on screen? Was not 'love', especially not romantic love. It will always end up looking twisted and extremely dark, and I'm not sure we should casually call this 'love'. I agree with Charlie Vickers when he insists on not using that word, because he doesn't wish to 'romanticize' the merciless, obsessive, abusive and cruel feelings that Sauron, a fallen angel with a god complex, can have for someone.
I don't mind that people find haladriel interesting, but after season 2? I cannot see Galadriel willingly go to him, not even for the affection she had for Halbrand. Sauron may want to possess her, but she will not yield to him, she will not be a willing participant in this.
This is interesting.
In real life I wouldn't call this love. Absolutely.
In fiction I do because it make things more interesting. It raises the stakes. If you take away Sauron's capacity for love then somehow he is less accountable for his actions. Because if he can't love then he does not really understand the damage he is inflicting upon others.
If he does love and still acts the way he did/does, then it is worse. Because he knows what it means to love, to care, and he doesn't care at all. Hell, he punishes the people he loves and loves/ed him in return. He did to with Adar, Celebrimbor and Galadriel. He will do it to Numenor. He destroys the things he loves because his love his selfish. He takes something pure and twists it untill it's not even love anymore. It's obsession. It's revenge. But once upon a time the love was there.
But no, I don't see Galadriel as in love with what Sauron is now. Same goes for Sauron. He loves Galadriel's light as long as he can use it for his bidding. They're both hunted by ghost of the other but they will never yield.
I don't see their relationship as a 'love conquers all' type, more like a 'love was not enough' one.
I don't know if I'm can explain myself clearly when it comes to them. Because it's complicated. Because I want it to be complicated. Because I love their twisted love story but, in canon, I want Galadriel as far from him as she can get.
In fanfiction, that is a different story...
Edit: I want to add that by acknowledging his ability to love I want in no way excuse Sauron's actions. Quite the opposite. Because he cares, he understands the difference between good and evil and he still chooses evil. That is canon.
He's not doing bad things for good reasons. The 'I want to heal ME' is just the company tagline. He is doing horrible things for horrible reasons.
#My feelings for them are complicated#But one thing I know#What we're getting on the show is exactly how I feel their story is supposed to go#I don't think their relationship is the most important on the show#I don't think they need more screentime#But I don't watch the show for them#They could stop interact on the show and I'd be completely fine#If I had to choose between saurondriel and more Galadriel/Arondir scenes for example#I'd choose G/A without regret#There are so many characters so many relationships so many stories to tell#To claim that the show should focus the most of them is absurd imo and definitely not good storytelling#the rings of power#rings of power#rop#trop#lotr rings of power#galadriel#haladriel#halbrand#sauron#saurondriel
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Okay so here’s my pitch for the season 3 cold open-
We open to a close up of Stede’s face, he’s clearly concentrating, he’s sweating a little, and covered in blood. It’s pretty clear as we pan out to a shoulder shot that he just killed someone. He looks very sexy about it.
We switch to a close up of Ed’s face, sweaty, clearly has just been fucked. Maybe his top button is done up wrong. Who knows.
The shot pans out and we start hearing their conversation. They are outside the inn, digging up Izzy (stick with me)- they’re talking about how silly they feel for just now realizing this is the problem- OF COURSE Izzy has been so mad, they didn’t bury him with his ring! How silly of them! And they didn’t even notice until someone tried to rob them and Stede killed the robber (and they fucked about it). THAT must be why Izzy won’t stop haunting them. They tuck the ring into his breast pocket and start to rebury him.
Next shot- we find out that they think Izzy has been haunting them because of a the ~weird happenings~ at the Inn. The haunting does not stop after they bury the ring. This part of the episode starts very creepy, real horror movie vibes. However, we find out through the course of the episode that what they think is a haunting is just two whim prone chuckleheads with no experience running an Inn.
“All of the produce mysteriously went bad!” - Stede, whose experience with food preparation is putting marmalade on toast just left them too close to the fire and the heat did what it does to produce.
“The room keys keep going missing!” Nope. Ed simply cannot remember where he put them.
“The desk bell keeps ringing at night but there is no one there!” It’s buttons the seagull fucking with them.
They both think they’re responsible for the haunting and having a crisis about it. Idk, dealers choice about what they feel guilty about.
They are losing their fucking shit over this haunting. Maybe Izzy shows up once or twice in a Badminton style memory ghost.
We pan back to The Revenge. It’s a total parallel to what happened with the red suit.
They also think they are being haunted by Izzy.
The word “twat” keeps appearing carved into random places aboard the ship. Frenchie’s peanut allergy is back full swing. They keep sailing into storms by accident. Etc
They set sail for the Inn, desperate to ask Ed to control the ghost of his dead best friend or burn the body, anything to get rid of this fucking ghost.
It’s Jim fucking with them and dumb luck. (Except for the storm thing, it’s just impossible for anyone to read the weather as well as Ed)
They all meet up at the Inn, and now we have a Scooby Doo style episode where the ghost was the friendship and character growth we made along the way.
And then for an extra layer of comedy, maybe at the end of the season we see Izzy’s ghost just sort of old man loitering around the ship because he didn’t want to leave what I am affectionately deeming his kids.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
#ofmd#our flag means death#ofmd spoilers#edward teach#ofmd s2#stede bonnet#gentlebeard#gentleman pirate#blackbeard#frenchie#jim jimenez#buttons#buttons the sea witch#izzy hands#roach ofmd#I think roach knows its just Jim fucking with them but it’s funnier to let it happen#I think if Izzy’s ghost was present he wouldn’t be hovering around Ed to bully him but instead he’d be watching over his crew#eternal first mate and whatnot#blackbonnet#hey just a friendly note that if you message me “I fucking hate Izzy hands and am glad he’s dead but this made me laugh#I will respond by blocking you#I’m just here to be silly and I don’t need that negativity my dude
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I don't go here but, I watched the batman forever movie again recently and their dynamic just, stuck with me.
I'm talking about riddler and two face ofc. They're so married but they're such losers and it leads me to imagine, they'd be the type of guys to think they're smarter than the other (Ed with general knowledge while harvey has more applicable knowledge) but the fact that they think they think they're better than the other turns them into even bigger losers?
Since we see Harvey and harv show Ed how to punch properly and fight, lust for power aside, do you think Ed and him bonded over logical puzzles? Tried to have a convo in Latin? Bonded over tailoring? Something something trivia about even numbers. Something something curious court cases riddler would never guess the resolution for.
Had they survived, do you think they would've sought each other's company again? Or would they have pretended not to want it, while trying to one up each other cause they didn't think they'd ever find someone they could go toe to toe with that wasn't the bat or themselves?
One more scenario: I like harvey and harv as these seasoned mobsters, real intimidating guys, big cat playing with prey energy, sitting at a table, surrounded by their bodyguards while they watch riddler talk endlessly with this look of either lust or murder. Riddler is unconcerned bc Harv and Harvey don't interrupt him until the end, and also Dent would never guess, but this whole plan is an elaborate plot to take them out on a date that will scratch their minds just right.
Just. Thinking about them.
#twiddler#two face#harvey dent#the riddler#ed nygma#batman#Batman forever#Apparently I confused the two#My bad
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Thoughts about the finale, and my utter confusion about Izzy Hands
What I hated about Izzy's death wasn't him dying. I love a tragic arc, and although Con O'Neill elevated every scene he was in, it would have been ok if they'd handled his death better.
To have him die with only 10mins of the episode left (and this might even be the last ever episode!) was the first terrible decision. Everything that was built up over 2 seasons had to be resolved in a few minutes, we don't see any repercussions for anyone Izzy was important to - Ed, the crew and even Stede.
But the main criticism is the 180° turn the show made for his character arc in the last episode (or more precisely, in Izzy's last scene) and in David Jenkins' latest interviews.
Since season 1, I kept asking myself the same two questions:
What function does Izzy Hands have in the narrative? What is the nature of his relationship with Ed?
And the answers changed drastically from S1 to S2, and got more and more complex and intriguing.
Until the finale.
Izzy Hands as a plot device for the main couple
In S1, Izzy was an antagonist. His function in the narrative was to stand in the way of the Ed/Stede romance, of Ed growing and finding happiness and to move the plot along. He brought a lot of humour to almost every interaction he was in - he was such a fish-out-of-water character, clashing with everyone and constantly losing.
He was barely human - he was a pirate cliché.
But there was also so much going on in the background - his quiet desparation, his obvious love and longing for Ed, and these hints of a fascinating backstory between the two of them. This is what many fans picked up on, and going into S2 we hoped that we'd get more of this (for me personally the most important thing was clarification on Izzy's importance to Ed).
And then S2 came along and boy, were all of our expectations exceeded.
Suddenly, Izzy wasn't a plot device anymore. He was one half of the most intense (and interesting, sorry Stede) couple in the show. It was even confirmed by the showrunner that he was in a love triangle with the main couple!
In the first 2 episodes, we got so much more than we ever expected. At the end of Ep2, Izzy broke the lifeline with Ed, both of them almost dying in the process. He went on a journey of discovering who and what he even was without Ed (and right up to his death he was still deeply unhappy and broken, even though he was on the right path).
Izzy suddely became a fascinating character in his own right, with his arc of healing and self-acceptance and his inability (for now) to keep himself from sliding back into this relationship with his other half. He was blaming himself for everything that had happened. He was still so entangled with this man he built his whole life around. He still had a long way to go and a lot to work through (the same also applies to Ed btw).
But he also became the crew's unicorn, doing Izzy things (still related to Ed, always to Ed) but you could feel him becoming more himself. Slowly, Izzy's real personality started to shine through and we realized - this man is fascinating on his own accord. He's a respected and very capable pirate. He came from nothing and fought his way up. He's a really good teacher. He's creative and sensitive. He also cares about other people than Ed a lot.
Viewers who hated him or were indifferent to him in S1 suddenly became interested - this man's journey was fascinating and, most importantly, it wasn't at all finished. There was so much yet to come, and we wanted to see it.
Does this sound like a plot device to you? If it doesn't, bad news.
At the end of the final episode, Izzy is suddenly back where he was in S1.
He dies in a completely unnecessary way - almost as if how he died didn't matter. And it didn't matter, because in the end, Izzy Hands' journey didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that he died and how it affected the main couple.
On his deathbed, Izzy is saying exactly what Ed needs to hear to move on. He absolves him of any guilt. Ed is ready. Izzy has played his part, he's ready to die.
Notably, nothing is really resolved for poor Izzy. Even if Ed says he doesn't want him to go, it's because Ed is losing his only family. He doesn't tell Izzy he loves him, or that he's important to him as a person, as his oldest friend, as the one who knows him best.
In the end, Izzy's function in the narrative, even after everything that happened in S2, was to be an obstacle to the Ed/Stede romance, to Ed growing and finding happiness. He had to die to free Ed of his Blackbeard persona and because "it's nice that Blackbeard is upset by it" (WTF).
The problem is, for the rest of the season, that wasn't Izzy's role in this show at all and I felt completely blindsided.
More than a spurned, jilted lover
"I guess it's a journey of redemption, but I think it's more a journey of finding out, who is he to Blackbeard?" According to Jenkins, Izzy is "more than a spurned, jilted lover." "What is that relationship about? And I think by the end of the season it kind of becomes a little unexpected of who they are to each other and what they mean to each other." (source)
I also made a poll about that question after Ep3 if anyone's interested.
The answer is, apparently, the two of them were Blackbeard. Or, Izzy was the brains behind the operation. Or, Izzy egged Eddie on to give in to his darker impulses (which, I think, was alluded to quite strongly in the murder/suicide scene).
I mean, yes. That was one of the options on my poll that I was quite sure of, and I think most of us suspected this even in S1.
Izzy was Eddie's only family. Ok, I think family doesn't quite express what was going on between them in S2, but that certainly was one aspect of their relationship.
This is all fine. I can see that being built up to over the two seasons.
"And then there was the realization that [Izzy] is kind of a mentor to Blackbeard and that he is kind of a father figure to Blackbeard. It felt nice to have him die and have Blackbeard be upset by it, because Blackbeard killed his father. But this is a father figure that he’s losing that it’s hard for him; it's sad and he doesn't want him to go." (source)
This is not fine. Not at all.
Izzy is not Blackbeard's mentor. Izzy is obviously in love with Ed (and Ed is fully aware of that). Izzy might have been a mentor-like presence in Ed's life when they were younger, but when we meet them in S1 Izzy is more like an overworked housewife cleaning up behind her disinterested husband. Izzy would do anything for Ed (apart from killing him) and is ready to die at one point because of him. Izzy is desperate, grabbing onto the scraps Ed throws his way.
Where, where does Izzy seem like a mentor to Ed in all of this? A mentor is supposed to be at least at the same level or above but Izzy is clearly not.
And in the death scene, suddenly, that's all there is left of their complex, intense dynamic.
Izzy took young Eddie in and fed his darkness. He was Eddie's only family, binding him to himself out of selfishness in the process.
So that's their unexpected "who they are to each other". Izzy taught Ed everything he knows (which is actually bad for him) and it'd probably been better if they'd never even met.
And don't get me wrong, I don't completely disagree with this take. As a part of their dynamic, this is a fascinating concept - but only if this wasn't the end.
Because there was so much more, so much promise of a complicated, mutually destructive relationship that nevertheless was also full of love. Those two seemed so intertwined (and I'll never forgive Stede for stealing that for himself and Ed). Ed is Izzy's missing half and Izzy is Ed's.
And I still believe that, without Izzy, Ed isn't complete.
And with this rushed conclusion, and all the mess left behind and never even looked at, Ed will never be happy.
I think what hurts the most is, that with Izzy dead and their last conversation being that reductive, all possibilities of an exploration of all these complex and fascinating aspects of their relationship are now closed. I know this show isn't about Ed and Izzy. But Izzy is a big part of what made Ed interesting, and he's a brilliant character in his own right. We could have gotten so much more (even if it's only allusions, we really don't need everything spelled out).
I guess I expected too much from this show - but with good reason. The actors gave it their all. S2 set up such an intricate dynamic (and it was probably overly ambitious with only 4 hours of screentime!). I've never gotten so much of what I wanted from an outsider character in any show.
And then it let us down in the last 10 minutes.
And even if we hadn't gotten a season 3 - the setup was all there for meta, for fanfiction. Why ruin it all with killing off Izzy for all the wrong reasons and making their last conversation all about Ed "outliving his mentor".
To quote Prince Ricky: "Oh, my goodness. You've just grown so tedious."
Still, I love everything they've done in this show except for the ending. I will watch it again, many times, and enjoy the drama, the humour and the complexity. But I will try to forget these interviews and convince myself Izzy's senseless death was just a dream :).
#ofmd#ofmd s2 spoilers#izzy hands#edward teach#it's just not fair#Izzy deserved so much better#and Con O'Neill as well#so many things were set up and then boom#nothing matters anymore
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I honestly haven't realised until now that Izzy had become my main reason for watching the show. I've always been part of the Izzy Canyon, but in this season I've been much more invested in his arc than in the main Gentlebeard arc. At some point I started tuning into each episode waiting for a scene with Izzy. And to have this taken away...
I just don't get it. No, I won't be one of those people who rage at the writers and start insulting them just because they didn't get the ending they wanted. It's done, it's over, I'll just have to make my peace with it. But I just don't get it. Izzy had so much potential. It felt like he was only starting to discover it. He'd only just started finding himself and his place in the crew. He'd literally only just managed to extricate himself from Ed and become his own person. And all of it was taken away in a split second by, what, some stupid bullet wound? When other characters in the show had survive having their guts stabbed and getting tortured? When near-death situations have always been treated like comedy so far? When literally not a single character who wasn't a villain or had more than a couple of lines ever died?
Gonna be honest, I'm not even sure I'm going to watch season 3. Okay, yeah, I probably will, it's just what I'm feeling right now as of this moment, literally minutes after finishing the episode. I'm in an extremely emotional ranting mode right now. But it just won't be the same. I really do have a hard time not feeling angry at the writers, because the only alternative would be feeling angry at myself for falling for the delusion that Izzy had actually become one of the main characters alongside Stede and Ed. There was a time when we were collectively speculating that maybe Steddyhands was actually within the real of possibility in some shape or form. And now it's all gone. Izzy won't even get to kiss anyone, ever. Imagine killing off Con O'Neill's character before he got to kiss a man. All of that potential, gone just like that, as if this was Black Sails and not an ultimately wholesome rom-com after all.
And here I thought Good Omens S2 was devastating, but at least I know those two will get their happy ending in S3.
#honestly can't even remember the last time I felt so devastated by a fictional character's death#won't be able to even rewatch this episode for quite a while#Izzy hands#ofmd#our flag means death#ofmd s2#ofmd s2 spoilers
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Ficmas24 Day 3: Space-verse (Ismene)
Good evening, tonight we have the draft of the next installment of Space-verse. I am absolutely exhausted, so not too many notes today. This one is currently the final in order, so I highly recommend reading Unimaginable Things to get a lot of context of what this fic is about.
This is loosely intended to be a Valentine's Day fic, and is a very rough draft. Obviously just getting all the pieces in order so that we can dive into the future installments of 'Maria shows up' and 'what the fuck do you mean Earth's wealthiest space investors are completely evil' and, my personal favourite, 'how the fuck did Edward the Hologram get a girlfriend?'
But first, we have to do a little world building, a little more character development and that's a lot of fun!
So I hope you enjoy this installment, the ask box is still open for Ficmas, and I hope you're all having a great weekend!
(Editing and notes will be double-checked tomorrow after some sleep <3)
Ismene is their last stop of the season, and a good one. There’s some joy in the air as they get closer and closer to docking. No one is questioning their chores, nothing is left half-done. It’s satisfying to put everything to right before they dock. It’s been a long-ass season, and some time to rest and regroup is something that they’ve all been looking forward to, loudly.
The end of the season means different things, depending on which quadrant they find themselves in. In Ismene’s galaxy, it’s the equivalent of twelve weeks off thanks to the very intense and constant ice storms. They’re cutting it very close, but within days of their arrival, the cities of Ismene will begin to freeze and most of life will be conducted underground, in the vast glass labyrinth known as a Winter City. Only skeleton crews will maintain the surface - a mix of engineers, military officials, and public officials. No other ships will be allowed to dock on-planet until after storm seasons.
It’s not a terrible place to end the season; the Ismene Dock Dorms are some of the nicer ones, the food is good, and the storm season usually brings various small festivals to each of the Winter Cities. But Carlisle does one better for them, and mentions that he’s secured them a private residence in the City for them this year.
“I’m too old for twelve weeks in the dorms,” he shrugs when they all stare at him. “Something of a bonus for us all - there’s more than enough space for us to co-exist peacefully, and I though it might be more interesting.”
Esme is practically giddy at the idea of staying in the residential quarter of Ismene, and already chattering about how nice it will be to have family meals in a real home. Rosalie is more interested in the idea of a residential mattress, rather than the thinner sectional mattresses used in modern ships.
“What about Ed?” Emmett asks, pulling the plate of what Esme calls ‘scramble’ towards him. She’d been curious, in the way of a scientist, when Jasper had told them about human cuisine and had attempted to recreate several of the dishes. Not many of them had stayed in rotation, but Emmett had taken a shine to the dish that Jasper described as ‘cheese curds that were very confused’.
“The private residence will allow me to set up a port for Edward to join us,” Carlisle said. “I checked before I secured it.”
“Good,” Alice is picking at her breakfast thoughtfully. “I hate that portable projector.” After the incident on Jovan, Rosalie had enforced a long therapy program for Alice - they couldn’t ethically or legally keep her on board if Alice was depressed enough to be considering suicide, so Alice had resentfully agreed.
But Jasper thought it was helping. She seemed… better. Lighter. Calmer. Things were still… tentative between them. But she was doing better, and that was what was important. She was even moving better, with the new plating and augmentation. For the first couple of months, she’d been stumbling and tripping over everything as she relearnt her centre of gravity.
(He’d been embarrassed how pleased he was the day she toppled over into him, and he got the catch her and put her back on her feet. She’d turned red and apologised. He can’t even remember what he said, too focused on the smell of her perfume, and the weight of her against him again…)
“We disembark at 0700 tomorrow morning, for induction,” Edward said monotonously, a projected book in his hands. “They’ve already notified us that the ship will be impounded for the duration, so bring everything you need. I don’t want a repeat of last time.”
Emmett, Carlisle, and Alice all winced.
“There’s a story there that I want to hear,” Esme said, standing up to start gathering the plates.
“Imagine these four running the ship alone, and having to put it into storage for the season,” Rosalie answered waspishly. “I take one vacation and get a call that these idiots are being charged…”
“It wasn’t our fault!”
“You should all be packing and shutting things down, not bickering,” Edward said, rolling his eyes. “And as much as it pains me, Rose is correct.”
The yell of outrage from Alice and Emmett in that moment was enough to send Jasper away from the breakfast table, chuckling to himself.
Like old times. If only.
Alice balanced the bag of laundry on her hip as she let the scanner read her lens and open the door.
Her new room is a floor above her old one. It’s far bigger and a mirror image of Rosalie’s room, actually. She’s only been in Rose’s room a few times; Rose is a big fan of privacy, and kept her - admittedly maximalist - quarters in very precise order. But whilst Rosalie’s felt like it was Rosalie’s, right down to the chairs under the windows, Alice’s still feels wrong.
It feels too big. Carlisle had insisted - she needed to be comfortable, and needed something better than a staff bunk. She’d always claimed that if it was good enough for ship staff, then it was good enough for her. She’d loved her little bunk room, but…
But it was still the place that Jasper had lost his temper, had pinned her to the wall with his hand around her throat. Still the place that she packed up and left. So she had just agreed with Carlisle, and taken the new room. Her therapist had said it was a healthy choice; something of a fresh start. But it’s still strange to have a huge bed all to herself - no more bunks - and a bathroom where the shower isn’t over the toilet. Hell, this one even had a thin sliding wall to seperate the sitting area from the sleeping area.
A real analyst’s quarters.
(Had she looked up other jobs for analysts during her time away? Yes. It was a pipe-dream - no one would hire her. But it was still nice to imagine starting over on a purely professional ship, being nothing more than an employee trying to save enough to get an economy residence in a city. The real kind of fresh start.)
Right now, she’s got a pile of things in the middle of her bed, ready to be crammed into her pack and case. Rosalie’s already dropped off the Sani-wraps to be placed on the bed and furniture, and she’s cleaned out all the snacks she keeps, so not to invite vermin or leave anything to rot.
It’s not her first rodeo.
“There’s no way you’re going to get all of that into your bags.” Edward is leaning against the doorframe, looking bored.
“It looks worse than it is,” Alice dismisses him, tossing the clean washing onto the pile. In truth, more than half is staying behind; she’d just put off laundry too long.
“You need new boots,” Edward observes. And he’s not wrong; her old snow boots have seen better days, and she vaguely remembers intending to replace them after their last use.
“I’ll get new ones in Ismene.” She begins folding and rolling things efficiently. Shirts, pants, socks, underwear are easy choices. Pyjamas too. Edward keeps up the running commentary on her choices (too many sweaters, is she ever going to match-up her socks?, no one has ever needed six scarves in one winter), but she mostly ignores him.
“That’s an interesting choice. Got plans?” Edward’s watching her carefully and she looks down at the garment in her hands. A silky, dark blue dress - the kind of dress that a girl wears on a date with an equally impractical coat and high heels.
“I don’t think Jasper would be mad but are you sure?” Edward asks, faux-casually.
“What? No. I just needed a formal dress in case Carlisle wants to attend one of the fancy dinners,” Alice says, moving towards her dresser to cram the dress in. “I’ll bring this one, it’ll be warmer.”
“Tissue paper would have been warmer,” Edward says, but there’s no humour in his voice. “Alice, are you sure?”
The new dress is a soft grey, long sleeves with a round black collar. It’s definitely more ‘family dinner’ than ‘date night’ and that’s fine. It’s warmer, too.
“I haven’t been sure of anything in a very long time,” she says, as she folds and adds the dress to the suitcase. “Please don’t worry, Edward. I’m not going to do anything stupid.”
“It’s not stupid to miss someone, Alice,” Edward sounds kind now, like an older brother. “I just… don’t want to see you get hurt again. I’ve had enough of worrying about my favourite sister.”
That invokes a genuine smile. “I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“Good. But you also need to leave behind at least three pairs of shoes because you know you’ll buy more than three pairs in Ismene. It’s twelve weeks, not twelve months.”
She sticks her tongue out at him then, and for the first time in a very, very long time, they both start laughing.
The Winter City is one of the most beautiful creations that Jasper has ever seen.
This is his first time within the City proper during the storm season - the last time they were in Ismene, it was festival season and they’d stayed in the surface dorms. The surface architecture of Ismene was a very strange combination of the canal houses of Amsterdam and the clay buildings of Djenné (Jasper remembered how delighted Carlisle had been when he’d commented that, years ago; the doctor seemed to regularly forget that before all the terrible things happened, Jasper’s parents had helped design one of Earth’s outposts. They had taught him a bunch of useless shit about Earth, including historical buildings.) Lots of clay brick roads, plants suspended and growing in clay-and-glass reservoirs. It was amazing to look at.
It didn’t even compare to the Winter City. Huge glass balls nestled underground, each of them with an specific purpose - residential, health, recreation, retail - linked with glass tunnels. Great clay bowls of oil were strung from the ceiling miles and miles above them, burning steadily through the ‘day’ to light the space. Garlands of enormous length, made of dried flowers and leaves were woven along the pathways. Only official vehicles were allowed to be used in the Winter City, for both safety and to preserve stores of power cells and oils, leaving the paths full of people.
Carlisle is entertained by how fascinated Jaspwe is - the glass has microscopic facets to catch the light that sparkles as they pass it. Small clay shrines of what are presumably gods or martyrs are placed along the paths, with the locals leaving small bowls of sugar, some kind of flour, and wine around them.
“For a blessing,” Esme says quietly. “Our winter holy days are similar. We used to offer fruit and fresh water as well. The officials will collect the offerings after three days, to keep the streets clean.” Esme looks so pleased to be there, and Jasper wonders, not for the first time, about Esme’s home.
Of all their time together, Esme and Rosalie’s homes are the two that they’ve never visited. Even if Rosalie didn’t loathe her home and her people with every fibre in her body, there’s no possible way they would be allowed anywhere near the Faceless of Velea. And if they tried to bypass the Federation laws on approaching Velea, the Faceless would slaughter them before they even set foot out of the ship. As far as Jasper knows, Rosalie is the only Faceless alive outside of Velea. And he suspects that if Rose were to ever go back, she’d face a fate worse than death.
But Esme? He knows very little about her home. She’ll very fondly discuss her beliefs, especially around her plants or the desserts she makes them, but very little else. Atargatian people aren’t common, but they aren’t rare. He’s met a few over the years. Whatever the privacy around Esme’s story is, it’s deeply personal rather than cultural but it makes him worry that there’s something out there that Esme is running from.
Finally, they made it to the residence Carlisle has secured. It’s identical to every other one in their residential orb - a cloudy white glass, almost like a giant soap bubble. The door is nearly invisible until it slides open, revealing sunken living area and a kitchen. A huge white wall bisects the home; hidden from view is a narrow staircase up to the loft area set up for studying or working, and the sleeping area - a honeycomb-like wall of individual pods, designed to maximise warmth during the coldest hours of night, and a row of lockers for belongings. Small cell-powered lanterns hung throughout the house, offering a warm glow. It was very neat and cosy, much nicer than the Federation-design dorms that were the alternative.
It takes a little while to unload - not just personal luggage, but the medical equipment for Carlisle, all the equipment required for Edward to join then, and all the computers and tablets and things that they required for any work they did - almost all paperwork was due in the late winter months since there was no way to take physical jobs.
He caught Alice lingering by the door, staring up at the ‘sky’ with an indecipherable look. The ceilings of the domes were a projection of grey, grim days and darkest night taken from a planet that wasn’t prone to the violent ice storms of Ismene. It was pretty; there was a watercolour effect to it.
But Alice stared up at it like she was looking for something that wasn’t there. Jasper files it away to ask her about it, but the rest of the day is filled with unpacking and organising, securing food for their temporary home, and settling in.
By the time he remembers, they’ve all retired to bed. He’s sealed up in his sleep pod, watching a projection of space over the ceiling. Maybe that’s the problem Alice has; they spend so much time in wide open spaces, staring out into the darkness of space and all the stars and asteroids, that the ‘sky’ outside looks fake. Maybe it’s the knowledge that there’s something above them that feels ominous to her.
Maybe he just wants to talk to her, find something that he can do for her or get her or say to her that will be the thing that lets him get a little closer again.
It’s a bittersweet thought, but it’s the one that follows him as he drifts off to sleep, surrounded by images of home.
The first few days are always disconnected - especially for her. She’s only allowed on Ismene because of the expensive dispensations and permits that Carlisle never mentions but simply applies for. No one wants a Synth on their planet. At least if she were an android, she’d be classified as personal property and would be no more policed than luggage.
(She shouldn’t think that. Androids don’t have it much better; personal property doesn’t need time off or a paycheque or rations. An android is just a device. Alice has met more than one android and it just made her sad that the universe kept making sentient life and then punishing it for daring to exist.)
The sleeping pods make her nervous; they remind her too much of the place she first woke up as a teenager. They can’t be called claustrophobic - they easily fit Emmett, and she can comfortably sit up, and use the low shelf to do her nails, or the yoga stretches she was given the last time the Denali docked with them. But the four closed-in walls, the lack of window… it all makes her nervous.
But it’s easy enough to take one of the sleeping pills Rosalie prescribed months ago, and burrow into the layers of bedding to forget about everything. She tries to pick a projection for the walls, but they all look so artificial. Instead, she sets it to flowers slowly growing and blooming across the blank walls. Something soft and comforting and intended to be stylised.
It’s enough to let her sleep for almost a day. The cold weather has hit her hard; her leg and torso with their new paneling ache, and she’s exhausted all the time. Rose says she needs to eat more, get back into training, actually attempt at improving her state of being instead of whatever it is she’s doing.
Alice doesn’t have the energy to explain that she’s already stretched to the limit - therapy, med check-ups, her actual job… It’s times like this that Alice wishes the Federation would just approve Edward as a swing analyst so that she could get a break.
She sneaks out on day six.
It’s not a small thing, sneaking out of the Winter City. There are access portals everywhere, and it’s not hard to find one. It’s not even hard to find an unguarded one that’s unlocked - possibly one that is accessed by the above-ground skeleton crew after shifts.
If she gets caught, there will be hell to pay. But as beautiful as the Winter City is, it’s not real. They’re in a giant cave. There are no stars when they look up, no clouds drifting. Just a projection to hide the rock and tell their bodies when to sleep and when to rise. Not even a projection of Ismene’s actual sky - just stock footage bought somewhere cheap or licensed from the Federation.
It feels far too close to all the brainwashing that the labs did on her before she was Aware.
So she slips out through an access port behind a ‘park’ amenity shed, close to their lodgings. It takes very little effort, and a part of her wonders if anyone will catch her out. Maybe a hidden camera?
(No, Ismene doesn’t like technology. The current things that they use are essentially forced on them for survival or to maintain Federation approval. Security cameras wouldn’t come under either of those.
It takes her out through someone’s home, pristine and waiting for them to return. She tries not to touch anything.
And then… the air tastes different, fresh and not pumped in.
But it’s oddly beautiful.
The world is frozen in every way that counts - she’s amazed the front door of the house even opened under the weight of it. Ice has formed, several inches thick, over everything - there’s a grey-black cast to Ismene’s ice, making it feel more ominous. The buildings are locked up tight, and there’s a stillness that feels more like death than sleep.
Or maybe Alice is projecting. Her Pro-tex keeps most of the cold out, but there is a whisper of it lingering against her. Her hood already has frost lacing its edges.
It’s so quiet and so cold, but so real.
The summers here are legendary - the perfect warmth, streets decorated with oil lights and garlands of native flowers; people going barefoot in summer clothes thickly embroidered with flowers and prayers; the long days of music and food and people. She’s read all about it. And it seems utterly bewildering that she’s standing on the same world.
Jasper finds her a short while later.
Actually, she hears the access portal hum and nearly has a heart-attack until her brace pings with his approach.
“What are you doing up here?” The words are out of his mouth before he’s even property out of the port.
“Fresh air,” she says. “Come see.”
Jasper doesn’t look pacified by her response, but he does oblige by sticking his head out the door and into the cold.
“The next storm is due to hit in a few hours,” he says, gazing out at the frozen streets. “You shouldn’t be up here, it’s dangerous.”
“I’m fine, I’m not going outside.” Alice rolls her eyes behind his back.
“No, I meant if Rose catches you up here. She won’t tell me what happened last time y’all were here, but she will murder you dead if you get to close to a repeat.” The smile he gives her as he ducks back into the house is sneaky and she lets out a puff of laughter.
“We left stuff in the ship, and tried to sneak back in to grab it and got caught,” she replies. “The fine was exorbitant and Rose had to come be the one to legally sign us out since we were technically criminals. She’s never forgiven us.”
“No smuggling or gambling or illegal animal trafficking? I’m oddly disappointed.”
“No, I save those things for special occasions.” It’s nice to joke around like this. It feels like maybe she’s just been asleep for months and is finally waking up.
Staring back out the door, the sky is darkening and the clouds shifting.
“We should go back down,” Jasper said finally. “The storm is coming, Alice.”
“I know. But just a little while long. I like the storm lights,” she tells him, pointing at the tell-tale sign of an ice storm - the winter lights. Slowly rippling across the sky, like some kind of living creature, the colours being buildings - blues and purples mostly. Luminous against the darkness of the sky and the iced-over buildings, they look impossible.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” She offers, watching them dip low and intensify. The most beautiful of colours, reflecting off the ice.
“Incredible,” Jasper breathes, and she’s suddenly aware that he’s not looking at the lights. He always was corny as hell.
“Look at the lights, Jasper,” she says good-naturedly, mostly because she might have just woken up from the last year, but she’s still exhausted. She needs more lazy days, more sleep and more sweet foods and more winter lights before a storm. No fake skies or projections or complicated conversations that feel like running on the spot. Just easy and cosy and soft.
“They are amazing,” he says after a beat. “But we need to go back.”
“I know. But I’ll come back up here,” she replies, straightening and carefully closing the iced-over door.
“I don’t doubt it,” Jasper replies, and then looks at her. “If you want company, I… I’m around.” It’s a clumsy statement, an awkward one, but it’s not lip service or flowery talk or a projection on a wall. It’s real and true and hers.
“I’d like that,” she says.
THat’s when he takes her gloved hand and he doesn’t let go. Not until they’ve walked back to the access portal, and gone down to the Winter City. He holds on the whole time, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.
It’s not much, but it’s more than he had before. It’s more than she thought that she would have again.
(Something new and fragile and precious. But something. Maybe you can go home again.)
#ficmas24#my fic: space verse#my fic: unimaginable things#alice and jasper just being the MOST awkward#i finally outlined this series and WOW i'm going to have so much fun#really want to be able to smash out both rosalie's and alice's backstories to this verse but very nervous about writing rose#a lot of world building
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Initial reaction to episode 8:
Full spoilers. Don't read if you haven't watched. But don't be afraid to comment if you agree or disagree.
Izzy got 1 week (at most) of a life where he felt like he could be himself.
That's it.
This man lost so fucking much, clearly his family, his past crews, himself. So the show said, hey. Let's spend ALL season showing him he is loved, then tell the audience this is a good ending because hey, now Ed can be himself for no loose ends.
I know we might get zombie izzy. I know buttons is probably a deus ex machina(yes, I gasped SO FUCKING HARD when the seagul landed), but I am fucking livid.
I'm sorry this is negative right off the bat. I cried yeah, but it was at Izzy apologizing for not letting Ed grow. The 1 final sin he hadn't been punished for. He apologized and lost limbs for the British thing. That was IT. The only thing Izzy haters had against him. And here we are.
Now that izzy is dead, their old Unicorn, the NEW Revenge can go live on.
Ex-fucking'scuse me?
The worst part is I knew he'd get hurt with that speech.
Congrats, izzy, you got 'woman in the fridged'-ed. Your death now ends Ed's problems without him needing to solve them. Ed doesn't need to work on rebuilding relationships because there's nothing left. Stedes is not mad at Ed, so no hard conversations there, and the crew he hurt is gone now. Izzys gone. All wrapped up in a nice little bow.
I knew. But I thought I'd be wrong. That Ed would get help. That izzy would apologize, lay their dying, and suddenly be alright via bird or someone would do SOMETHING. But no. I got to see Izzy die. In a fucking comedy show.
A comedy show about love and family and community and self acceptance. That kills of its 1 character this season who had a self realization arc outside of a romance.
Season 3 will be about either 1.) Stede and Ed being hunted and needing to fake their deaths or 2.) The crew of the 'new revenge' going on adventures. Or 3.) Zombie izzy getting the fuck out of there and finding love.
Now:I am in denial.
Con came out, mainly because of this community and this role. If he knew his character was dying, I don't think he'd have gone to cons/tied himself in with this community to the extent he has. You know? Like... if my role i got a ton of praise for was about to be offed, id smile at conventions, but already emotionally start distancing myself from the community. UNLESS-We know Jenkins would tell him the fate of his character, so...idk.
More ranting but-
I feel like we got more time watching Ed be silly than mourning his friend of potentially decades. I hate the fish plot. We already knew he had adhd and that this was a whim. 'Ed going out, catching dinner, getting kicked back' could have just been 'Ed rows out while the ship's blow up'. They didn't need Ed and stede to fight in episode 7, stede could have just gotten into a fight trying to defend Ed at the bar, maybe eds too drunk idk. Episode 7 was written like that just to have a cliffhanger resolved in the next episode. It's just...
I loved every fucking izzy scene and both love/hate that we get a flash of the shot that kills him. It's real, yeah. Izzy dies here because he was still originally in that pirate drama he made up in his head. Izzy dies a normal death. Ed asked if he needed help so many times. But izzy didn't want it.
Izzy hands wanted to die this entire time. He wanted it. That's how I'm interpreting this bullshit. He still tied himself to blackbeard, and wanted to die with him.
Maybe that's romantic, but I think it's gross and a mishandling of his character. If izzy believed that i wish we got to see it as the audience, Especially how some forms of suicidality can be expressed by 'one last hurah'.. But they didn't. All that, and the show wants us to believe he's moving on up to episode 7, until now we know izzy was jealous this whole time??? So this izzy was just izzy waiting until Ed was accepted by the crew to die. Till Ed didn't need him to be his punching bag anymore. When Ed healed he saw no point in living. 🙃 that a character who was suicidal's good ending is offing themselves when they aren't 'needed'?
Maybe izzy will come back, totally himself, ready to try to live a happy life. But I have very little fucking faith.
Getting personal: but izzy was my fucking guy. I related to his struggle to be seen/heard/taken seriously. To be liked or seen as worthy of time and attention. A character who was trying his best for the people he cared about. Who had valid concerns and was talked down to. Who craved belonging. Enough that he's desperate for scraps of friendship. A person who was feared but never understood.
To give him 'love' by a community and then have him die TWO DAYS LATER-
I hate it. I genuinely hate it. Fucking hell. Especially how quickly everyone moved on. Izzy would have been wrecked or at least shaken up if his crew died yet. WE'RE MAKING JOKES RIGHT AFTER HES BEEN BURIED. ON TOP OF HIS FRESH GRAVE. I hate that izzy got buried on the land (in general. Bro should have been buried at sea) especiallg the labd ed and stede now get to peacefully live on. I hate that con was fucking smiling, the calmest most authentic he could and ATE that fucking scene.
The thing that gets me is izzy is the cliffhanger. But at the same time, Buttons' turning into a bird represented change and acceptance. Think, we had Buttons' turning scene, the song 'seaguls', then izzy standing on deck reading the note. There's a real chance this is implying that izzy is free now.
I don't hate the show. I don't, but i fucking hate THIS. Con did Such an amazing job. But I hate that I won't know. That izzy being alive will be confirmed in a year when con accidentally posts something revealing he's on set, or Jenkins on Twitter telling us he's dead, us not believing him, then we watch all of s3 and cons not there. That I could spend the next 2 years of my life writing about a character who won't get mentioned again.
THEY COULD HAVE CONFIRMED IT IN THE END CREDITS. SOMETHING. Ground shaking, some hint early in the season about rebirth and brining back the dead or have the sword fall. Idk. SOMETHING.
I'm just.... not doing great. I'm 'excited' to watch it again :/ but fucking hell. I don't know if I want to. I still have a fic to post that I started pre season 2, but after that I might need time. I just...Izzy wasn't me, duh, but he was, you know?
Izzy didn't deserve death for being harsh, or fucking up, or living. The fact his redemption happens after they sand down izzys rough edges feels gross. Like. "Here you go audience He's 'good' now, NOW feel sad about his death!"
And I'm sorry. But fuck that. I have so many mutuals who say they didn't like how quickly izzy became soft. This fucking hurts.
Because izzy has been a dead man walking for years. Ever since Ed and he grew into whatever this is. He could have been given a chance. He wasn't. All because our protagonists are Ed and Stede. WHO I ACTUALLY LIKED THIS EPISODE. But I can't think about that because I just see Ed finally treating Izzy like an EQUAL as he's fucking dying. I was always okay with the idea of Izzy dying. But not like this.
So yeah...sorry if this is rambling, had a shit day before I watched the ep and the ep didn't fucking help! But here's to all us izzy fans hoping for a better s3 for him (my guess now is izzy is actually dead, I have absolutely 0 faith he'll come back, as izzys death was framed as a positive thing for Ed. Yes the framing is there. Izzys body is safe under Ed and Stedes watch and not drowning. But still. 0 faith. If we dont get s3, then izzy is just dead and everyone moved on the SAME DAY)
Side note- I hate the only mention of Izzys given name 'Israel' was by Ricky. Fucking...okay. add that to the pile
#izzy hands#ofmd s2#ofmd season 2#ofmd s2 ep8#ofmd s2ep8#i fucking. .#i hate this#ofmd s2 spoilers#ofmd season 2 spoilers#logging off for a bit#good luck
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183 is exactly right and it's something I was worried about all along. I'm a jar guy who loved actual canon Izzy from the start and back during summer 2022 when the Izzy woobification took off I started getting really worried about all the demands for a redemption arc, because I knew the only two possibilities for Izzy were that he'd stay a villain and stick around until the end of the show or he'd get a redemption arc and have to die at the end of it, and I didn't want him to die.
The thing the canyon types thought they were asking for was an arc where Izzy redeemed himself and stayed a happy friendly member of the crew but that was absolutely never on the table as something that could make sense as a follow-up from the story established in season 1. Redeeming Izzy that thoroughly and convincingly would have taken more focus on him than we were ever going to get - honestly, I can't imagine how staying on the ship long-term could possibly even be a good thing FOR IZZY, he'd have needed to get away from Ed in order to find himself, and he wouldn't have done that voluntarily. He couldn't have really fulfilled any narrative role in the show once he became a good guy either, because just like 183 said, season one established no personality traits that he didn't have to discard in order to be fully redeemed - even his "loyalty" wasn't a positive or healthy kind - and after giving him so much focus he was too prominent to just fade into the background as a crew member.
But this just sort of circles back to the reason this blog exists, the reason the canyon thought they wanted Izzy redeemed was because they thought Fanon Izzy - the version of him that was actually a really nice guy who loved the crew all along and sincerely cared about Ed in a healthy positive way and had never really done anything all that bad anyway, and was always destined to be a main character on the same level as Ed & Stede - was a real character in the show. That guy could have had the kind of redemption arc they were imagining. But that guy was never actually in the show, and it would have been a narrative betrayal of what was actually set up in season 1 - and of those of us who actually liked the character Izzy was in season 1 - to suddenly pretend he was.
And it just makes me mad, because I DID love the character Izzy was in season 1, and I didn't want him to die, and I knew if the canyon got what they were asking for it would mean he had to die. And now they did get what they demanded and they're angry about it. It's not David Jenkins' fault that he thought you understood what you were asking for.
related posts: #183
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(stuff from Link Click S2'S first 2 eps mentioned below the cut!)
Aren't this season's op and ed also kind of like warning us to not believe everything we're seeing? Especially if the current theory going around that not everyone is from the same time line holds true?
We start with s1's intro about the rules of their jumps, and Lu Guang's warning to not meddle with the past, or worry about the future. Which then gives us a quick run of the first season's events, focusing on the final overarching plot line — a plot that occurs because CXS wanted to change Emma's fate.
Yet now we've learned that LG hasn't actually died, but Liu Min, and we're given this small comfort the trio are all together, they're ok, they're going to work this out.
But Chen Bin, one of their allies, has died (and in the first episode!! with a pregnant wife waiting for him that was so twisted of them, but I had a feeling their introduction was a death flag), bringing us back to reality: the game isn't over. There are new players, new pieces that we have yet to see where they fit — even how do current pieces fit, with all the new knowledge.
So. What do we trust?
Episode 2 reminds us no one is safe. It even ends on a cliffhanger of Lu Guang already in trouble, directly crossing paths with Red Eyes. Does he die for real this time? 2 funerals still seem to be going on, so is one for Chen Bin and another for Lu Guang (especially with the outfit in that obscured picture)? Or will they actually focus on Liu Min, someone who is shown to not be appreciated by his father?
Also, knowing CXS, he will probably try to find a way to save everyone, to get justice for everyone — and if we are to take the imagery from the ED, new knowledge of their powers could help him do that. At a cost.
Like, these lines from VORTEX:
Where do we end up when we save the world?
Wanting it all / And the whole world will crumble and fall
It's as if there will be a point this season where it seems like they've done it. Like they've won. But the rules of time remind them that they can't have everything. That everything as they know it will crumble if they get what they want.
What if reality fractures, timelines converging and distorting the truth, until we don't know where one timeline ends and another begins; which timeline each character belongs to.
Shattered mirrors our reflection
So this is where The TIDES comes in. If VORTEX is a song that blends determination to "win this silly game" with warnings of what happens when you play with destiny, The TIDES seems reflect uncovering the truth about the powers held in this world and its inner workings.
Open your eyes... passing through lies.
I got lost in the trap of time lapse / Cut through the night
The lyrics seem to act as a reminder to remain vigilant with what we are seeing, to not take things at face value. That the characters must cut through the darkness, to find their way out of the traps of the various timeliness. That there is a truth to be revealed to place all the pieces together.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#link click#shiguang daili ren#时光代理人#link click spoilers#shiguang daili ren spoilers#sgdlr#link click thoughts#again I feel like this lacks actual coherency but oh well#I think it captures how this show is once again living in my mind rent-free#i do not trust this show#i have learned my lesson#my post#long post#myst's musings
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@naranjapetrificada tagged me in a very fun game: write 8 predictions you have for the 8 eps of ofmd s2, then tag 8 people (sorry if you were already tagged by someone else if I do)
Spoilers under cut??? Maybe?????
1. I agree with Naran, as I think the crashed wedding is gonna be the first thing from s2. It will be such an introduction too, my god!
2. As a parallel with ep 1 and 2, I think Lucius will be revealed to be alive at the end of ep 1. And then ep 2 starts with his perspective, going through everything up until whatever present moment were on (maybe he knocks out and kidnaps Izzy or something lol)
3. Of course, ep 3 parallels, Stede and Ed will reunite at the end of the ep. And STEDE IS GONNA RESCUE ED
4. But now, I think by what we've seen so far, Anne Bonny and Spanish Jackie will show up during Stede's journey back to Ed. It would be funny if the reason Swede is there with Jackie is to throw her off, taking one for the team XD
5. That purple party though... must be related to Susan I think (and I think she's gonna be Ching Shih). But I am absolutely down for a Ed and Stede slow dance
6. As much as I want my "Stede and Ed deserted on an island bottle episode", I think what's gonna happen is Ed is "accidentally" swept overboard during a storm (we find out though he wasn't planning to fight out of his circumstances), and he has a little journey by himself. Hornigold ghost, maybe a pearl necklace swept up to shore? And hey, it could be a one-man play with Taika as a bottle episode still
7. But here now, I'm gonna upset people - I think one of the main supporting cast members is gonna die. Gonna be a real dramatic moment, an All Is Lost story beat. And I said it before, but I think it's gonna be Buttons - he's loyal to Stede and the crew, and would not hesitate to sacrifice himself if it came to it. I'm just suspecting, and I hope it isn't true, but the show has proven there's no plot armor
8. Omg Naran, I am taking your idea now of that cliffhanger. Because if Stede and Ed have a "our last night together" sex scene?????? I will combust, I swear. Even though I am still certain that a blackbonnet sex scene will not come until s3, I am hoping now for your theory to come true, because that would be the most emotional shit (and I mean, I am hoping for a slightly funny but more emotional love scene). I AM though, also certain there's gonna be a cliffhanger for the season. Hopefully not causing Stede and Ed to separate, it could just be like, them looking at the new danger (Lieutenant Maynard), then cut to black
Tagging @xoxoemynn @chocolatepot @jellybeanium124 @sherlockig @chuplayswithfire @artgirlfunkel @alabastermask @glamaphonic
#ofmd#our flag means death#ask game#mutuals my beloved#let.me.dream.with.ofmd#this was more gentlebeard focused#but what did you expect#this was fun to try to piece together#a timeline for the season
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(By Mira Kano-ed I mean like all the hallucination and manipulation crap that Arisu and Usagi had to go through)
WARNINGS: not-so-bad derealization, mentions of pills, child neglect.
Niragi, Chishiya, and Shinrai (OC)
.▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒ ❤️ ▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒█▒.
(honestly I doubt he could have made it to the rooftop without bleeding out or just collapsing and dying cus he was dying for like half the season and coughing up blood and then he literally got shot but IF HE COULD—)
It says on the wiki that he was a game designer, and I took that and ran with it.
He definitely would be a tough one to break, seeing as he got burned, fell off a roof, burned again, and shot in the stomach.
That would be something he would be unable to forget, ever (because he's covered in 3rd degree burns, and has a hole in his stomach)
But experiences can be simulated, and so can pain.
He was a game designer, correct?
Well, his company had started to delve into virtual reality, and he was the first tester for the new VR lenses.
This one wasn't a headset, no, these were lenses, that were put into your eyes like contacts.
But it worked too well. The lenses latched onto nerves in his brain, and would not release him until the game was finished. (neuroscientists don't come for me TvT)
Borders? That's something that occurs in videogames, right? Lasers that come from the sky? That couldn't happen in any place other than a videogame.
*cue visual of lenses being taken out of the eyes*
Mira was one of the people in management at the company, and was working to remove the lenses. She was also the creator of the game, which she called "B🂡RDERLAND".
*cue Niragi realising he's in the "real" world again, but tied to a chair*
Mira tells him that they fear the experience may have altered some of his brain functions, and he needs to take these pills to end the games.
Niragi's always been suspicious of taking pills or consuming stuff that he doesn't fully know the effects of, or just taking consumables from people.
(because he got bullied)
So, he asks what the pills do, while trying to get out of the restraints, as they bring back bad memories, and Mira just keeps telling him they end the games.
He slowly begins to remember that the rules for the game were play 3 rounds and don't quit, and as he struggles against the restraints, and Mira just keeps telling him the pills stop the games,
*cue ripping sound effect*
As the restraints on his arms tear off, he finds himself back in Borderland again.
(we all know that in reality he would have tried to shoot her, and since he's not that rational, probably would shoot her, thus dooming himself (and everyone else I think), but for the sake of this let's give him some rationality.)
(just remembered that he's also bleeding out but he was barely fazed by that)
We all know this man wouldn't be affected by Mira's words and would probably manipulate her into letting him win.
Or it'd be a standoff manipulation battle between the two.
Ok, but let's think about what she could to to try (and fail) to get him to quit.
The one thing we've seen Chishiya be even slightly perturbed about was that one scene in the hospital where they had to give the heart to a guy who had made lots of donations to the hospital instead of this little boy whose mother he had promised her son would get better.
She'd probably start on about how the decision haunted him and he'd immediately say "um, no it didn't, sure, I was kinda upset about it, but like, all that taught me is that life is unfair and choices are cruel. Anyway let's play croquet I want this to be over."
Mira would immediately try and find some other memory, but Chishiya hasn't had much stuff to faze him. Like ever.
This man has only been mildly amused or slightly shocked at literally everything in his life.
Mira has nothing to go on here, so all she can do is stall, and keep trying to scan for trauma, but she's got nothing on him.
His mind isn't an iron fortress, it's just plains, with nothing on them. No spikes for hurt memories, no blood for pain, no holes for grief, no.
(If you cover spikes with dirt, it appears as normal ground.)
But anyway. Mira is, for once in her life, stumped.
However, when there is no trauma to prey on, you have to create it yourself.
She scans his mind for anything that could be used against him, friends, family,
All Chishiya's friends are people who he knows are safe, and his family? All his memories of them are locked in stone.
But even if she did find anything, he's fully aware of his situation now, and he's just sitting there at the tea table, grin on his face.
"Let's play croquet, shall we?"
(honestly, if I was Mira, I would be stumped too, because how do you hurt someone when you have nothing to hurt them with?)
(I had a dream this morning about her backstory, and I just had to, if you don't want OC content, don't read. Also, TW: Child Neglect, because Shinrai is somewhere between the ages of 9 and 11 (no that's not meant to be a joke), um, yeah that's it, enjoy.)
Quick Before-The-Content:
Kid who ended up in the Borderlands, and has mainly survived because she is a child, and her very high IQ.
Partnered up with Chishiya for some time in phase two, they are kinda alike in personality and intelligence.
Despite being so young, Shinrai is extremely mature, but in the wrong ways, (as in she only got to be a child for 5-6 years before getting put into foster care, she has adult perception of the world, but is a kid inside, so all her emotion and interaction receptors are way massed up), she feels the world is cruel due to having terrible foster parents, who completely neglected her, except for basic needs.
However, one day they got a massive bonus from the company they worked for, and splashed out on expensive clothes and most importantly, a holiday overseas. Also, so she wouldn't complain, they bought her a crapton of toys.
Left for their holiday, leaving Shinrai alone in Tokyo, BOOM! Borderlands time!
Shinrai wouldn't be a tough one to convince, as she has a hell of a lot of trauma for Mira to use.
Once the manipulation started, Shinrai would be back in her room, the one in her foster parents' house, surrounded by toys which she didn't have much need for, but had become pretty much her only source of entertainment.
She had built a Lego wall around the front of her room, and within that wall were numerous amounts of dolls.
A handmade doll with dark curly hair and dungarees. A boy in a plushy cat costume.
Herself, Chishiya.
A boy with spiky hair in blue and white clothes. A girl in mountain climbing gear.
Arisu, Usagi.
A strongman and another doll, which had partially melted, due to being stuck behind a radiator and catching fire.
Aguni, Niragi.
A girl in spy gear, and one in a swimsuit.
Ann, Kuina.
An ornate doll with long black hair and a twinkly black dress.
Slowly, but surely, she began to realise. All these toys represented people she had met during her time here.
Even Mira.
All her life, her imagination had been hyperactive, creating wild worlds in her head, so was it possible, that this whole experience was something she'd created?
No. Surely not.
The Mira-doll spoke up.
"Your foster carers left you here, and didn't come back from their holiday. Food was running out, and you don't have keys. So, you distracted yourself with these toys."
"You created a whole world in your head. All of this is your doing. You even put yourself in the world." she said, hand moving towards the Shinrai-doll.
Shinrai would probably go into immense shock from this, because, well, it sounded plausible.
But that meant all her friends, all the relationships she'd built, they were fabricated?
"You don't want to live a false life, do you?" said the Mira-doll, eyebrow raising.
The doll hopped off her pedestal, walk across the floor, and exit the wall through a Lego archway that didn't seem to be there before.
"All you have to do is step out." it said, extending a porcelain hand.
This would be it. Mira would win, and Borderland would continue until everyone's visas ran out.
A hand grabbed onto her trouser leg. She looked back. The plastic hand of the boy with spiky hair.
"Shinrai? Hey, it's me, Arisu! We're all real! Don't listen to her!"
The mountain climber girl came next.
"Yeah! Shinrai it's Usagi! You remember us? We're real!"
The girl in a swimsuit.
"You think all of this is fake? Hell no! Don't go, Shinrai?"
And finally, the boy in the cat costume.
"You think you could have fabricated someone as complex as me? Don't listen to her."
And finally, the illusion would end with Shinrai turning around to the masses of dolls looking up at her with determined eyes, and saying,
"No thanks. I'm staying with my friends."
(I hope you enjoyed this! Kinda got carried away, but I loved writing it, and I hope you liked reading it! Have a blessed day folks!)
#aib#alice in borderland#suguru niragi#niragi suguru#chishiya shuntaro#shuntaro chishiya#imawa no kuni no alice#alice in borderland oc#oc lore#tw: neglect#mira kano#queen of hearts#tw: mentions of drugs#child neglect#imawa no kuni no arisu#ryohei arisu#usagi
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Got a lot of OFMD vibes from Good Omens s2???
BIG spoilers for both GO S2 and OFMD S1 under the cut
Like, this isn’t a situation for the copied homework meme format, I believe it’s just same braincell on a really juicy story beat to create drama in a high concept romance, but I find the similarities fascinating so I’m gonna post about them. (What’s funny is that the thing that actually got me to watch OFMD in the first place is the promise of Stede being like aziraphale and blackbonnet being like A/C…)
The main thing is how the ending of ep 6 reminded me of OFMD ep 9.
The central pair kiss for the first time— letting any remaining oblivious audience members know this isn’t just a bromance, and alienating any homophobes in the audience who weren’t already alienated by the queer supporting characters. (That last bit is actually the biggest other “ofmd vibes” thing I picked up— how the very queer supporting roster served both to let homophobes know the show isn’t for them, and to reassure the queer audience that they’re allowed to hope for the main pair being Outright Canon)
But they also enter their divorce era— specifically, what happens is this:
The sunshine bookworm has a scene with a character the audience recognises as antagonistic (completely different scenes though— Stede’s traumatic experience with the bully in the woods vs Az being emotionally manipulated by metatron into thinking coming back to heaven is a good idea)
This scene, combined with his existing insecurities, causes him to return to a life that he won’t even find fulfilling (we know this bc he stepped away from it in the first place!) but he’s been convinced that it’s The Thing He Has To Do
In the process, he abandons his black-clad true love and breaks his heart
But here (in addition to all the obvious differences in context and execution), the season cliffhanger cuts away BEFORE “episode 10” as it were.
And… I don’t think “episode 10” is going to happen immediately for Aziraphale when lights go up on s3. Like, the “love epiphany” part may come in an early episode (we saw the way he touched his lip), but he’s certainly not getting the “plan to leave” part until some time further into s3, because the life he’s mistakenly gone back to isn’t with a Mary figure who cares about him but wants him elsewhere as much as he secretly wants to be elsewhere— instead, it’s with Heaven, an abusive cult that is planning to use him to destroy Earth, and has the power to destroy him on a whim.
Aziraphale’s key insecurity is his need for authoritative reassurance that he is Doing The Right Thing. This is what allowed metatron to use the offer of heaven to manipulate Az into hurting Crowley’s feelings and then abandoning Crowley. The tone demands an eventual happy ending (my faith in this is why the ending of e6 didn’t even make me mad), but Az is going to have to work through those issues before the happy ending can take place— Nina basically spelled this out.
The next place this comparison led me was to the thought “can I connect a red string on my cork board between post s2 crowley and ep10 Ed?”
There is an important difference between them, and it’s in kind of the opposite direction as the difference between Az-when-we-cut-away and Stede-when-we-cut-away
Ed has closed himself off to vulnerability completely after his heartbreak, and lashes out horribly, and we all know the reunion in s2e1 is not going to go smoothly
Meanwhile, although Crowley is heartbroken and mad… he is ultimately like Maggie on the “I hope she’ll be there when I’m ready but there’s no guarantee—” “there is” front. Aziraphale needs to work through his issues, and the plot needs to get to a place where The Real Big One is foiled and neither of them are in imminent danger of destruction, and once Az stops being an idiot he will need to do a great many “you were wrong” dances, but once all those prerequisites are fulfilled, we’re getting our second kiss (and I’m fanning myself just thinking about that hypothetical scene hoooooboy)
Maybe there will be a period of “angel I can’t forgive you. not yet”, that would be juicy drama, but the tone of the story demands that any such moment will be temporary
However, I do have a vivid mental image now, inspired by e10 Ed, of post s2 crowley standing in the bookshop and saying to himself out loud “oh, nothing lasts forever, is that right, angel?” and then going on a bender of destroying or giving away books (I lean towards giving away as it would leave less permanent fallout for later, and also be funnier, while still being just as potent a gesture of spite in the moment)
Anyway when OFMD S2 comes out and we get a better look at the blackbonnet divorce arc I’m going to try to use it as a divination tool to predict the events of the A/C divorce arc
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