#until i get super sad and lonely again in a few days
freebooter4ever · 10 months
lol the da*ting app is now matching me with aeronautical engineers i think it thinks its figured me out
but no whenever i get sad enough to open the app i browse for like five minutes and just reject everybody and i guess this is how im dealing with my own rejection right now -_-
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luveline · 4 months
JADEEEE i'd love to see an interaction between hotch and teacher!reader outside of school? maybe jack sees her first and step away from hotch for a moment to say hi, hotch gets scared when he realizes jack left but reader comes with him just a moment later because she's panicking too like 'why are you alone? where's your dad?' and jack takes her to him. is that ok??? i hope so! love you <3333
I love you ty for your request! —Hotch flirts with Jack’s favourite teacher, because he’s never as subtle as he should be. fem, 2k
Jack reads a couple of books a week now his dad is home more often. His mom used to read to him some because he loves them, but she preferred to tell her own on the fly. His dad isn’t as good a story teller, and when he does try the stories don’t end up very happy, so they read. Sometimes two or three books a night if they're short ones. 
With Jack’s library card they can borrow ten books. With his dad’s, another ten. Twenty altogether, enough to last the month if they’re careful or if dad gets called away a lot, which he usually does. 
“Can I look for Super Pup?” Jack asks his dad. 
Aaron sits on a chair a little too small for him in the kids section. “What?” he asks, looking up from the back of the large picture book Jack’s just handed him. 
“Super Pup?” 
“I’ll help, buddy.” Hotch looks like he’s going to stand, then hesitates. “In a second. Don’t go where I can’t see you, Jackers.” 
Hotch is tired. He didn’t come home until very late, but he’d woken Aunt Jess anyway and, when Jack woke, there his dad was sleeping in the beanbag by his bed. He’s sore all over now and exhausted from a restless night. Jack feels sorry, as much as he can for being six nearly seven, but he also knows that his dad doesn’t mind the hurting. It was nice to wake up together after a few days apart. 
And now he’s brought him to the library, and after that they’ll go for groceries. Jack should be quick. If they get home before dinner time his dad will ask him if he wants to nap together, which is the best. They just lay there in the big bed with the fan on and snooze until it’s too late to cook, so his dad breaks out the takeout menus, and promises he won’t do it again with a quick hug from behind. 
As though it makes him a terrible parent for feeding his kid. Jack can’t know how guilty it makes Hotch feel to do it, and Hotch doesn’t seem to notice how much Jack loves these days where his dad is exhausted and totally his. 
Jack runs around looking for Super Pup. Hotch’s phone beeps in his pocket, and he fights to keep his eyes open.
A ways away, you browse the fiction section in a crouch, knees somehow totally under your skirt, flicking aside spines of skinny books for something you can read at lunch time. Something that doesn’t require much attention, and could be read in short intervals. You used to demand a half hour to yourself when you first started teaching, but that was before the lonely kids started cropping up. Kids with no friends, or sad smiles, who want company and quiet alike. 
You reach for a pink-spined Japanese translation as a little hand pats your elbow. You’re so used to kids you say, “What’s up?” before you remember you aren’t at work. 
You turn in your crouch to look behind you. “Oh, hi, Jack! What are you doing here?” 
“Me and dad are looking for books.” 
You smile at him genuinely, happy to see your favourite student, even if you’re terrified on the inside at the prospect of his father. He’s the most gentlemanly man you’ve ever met. He’s arduous in how respectful he is, he’s understanding, and he’s tall, dark, and handsome. It is a chilling collection of traits. You stumble whenever you have to talk to him. 
But Jack is easy. You and Jack talk every day. “What sorts of books? Just for fun?” 
“I want to read Super Pup.” 
The kids love Super Pup and his magic bark. You stand promptly, suddenly much taller than Jack as you brush down your skirt. “Wait,” you say. Mr. Hotchner gets called away for work all the time, but he wouldn’t leave Jack alone, would he? “Where’s your dad? You’re not by yourself, are you?” 
Jack laughs. “No! I’m looking for Super Pup! Dad’s tired.” 
You can’t decipher exactly what those two things have to do with each other, but you can guess how panicked his dad will be to find Jack so far from the kid’s section. Fiction is the other side of the library. “How did you end up over here?” You offer your hand. “Should we go back and find your dad?” 
“I saw your skirt, Miss L/N. I like the flowers.”
He takes your hand, clumsy to your gentleness. “Thanks, honey. Let’s go find dad before he calls his scary friends and has your name on the news.” 
You get to the kids section slowly. Endearingly so, but nerve-wracking, too, because Mr. Hotchner can be intimidating. Jack likes holding your hand, you think, clinging to your fingers as he guides you across the library, past the staircase down to the first floor, and back to the kids section. 
“Jack?” Mr. Hotchner asks loudly, turned away from you both near the graphic novel selection. “Jack.” 
“Mr. Hotchner,” you say. 
He spins on his heel. His shoulders relax noticeably, but the stress in his gaze remains. 
“Jack, I said stay where I can see you,” he says, not half as scolding as he could be as Jack lets go of your hand and runs to his legs, where he stops. “Please, buddy. You gotta listen to me.” 
Jack turns between you and his dad with a smile, “But look, it’s Miss L/N.” 
“I can see,” he says softly. 
Mr. Hotchner leans down, taking Jack up into his arms with impressive ease, and begins the walk to you where you’ve stayed. 
“I hope he didn’t interrupt you,” he says. 
“Please,” you say, “he’s my favourite. Just–” You wince. “Don’t tell anybody at school I said that, Jack. Please.” 
“I think we can keep this secret,” Mr. Hotchner says. 
“He was just telling me that you’re looking for Super Pup. If you don’t find it, we have copies at the school library. And we can always order you one.” 
Mr. Hotchner gives you a small, and what you know to be rare, smile. “I don’t think he even looked.” 
“I did look!” Jack disagrees, though his disagreement barely has any attitude to it, a credit to his upbringing. 
“You clearly weren’t looking in the right place.” 
“I was too. How would you know, you were sleeping!” 
“I wasn’t sleeping,” Mr. Hotchner says to you. 
You tuck your hands behind your back. “It’s okay, Mr. Hotchner, I believe you. In my classroom we like to say we’re resting our eyes.” 
“Aaron,” he says, as he says whenever you speak to each other, and as you always forget to call him. Not a demand but a suggestion you’d swear to be bordering affectionate. 
You’ve been Jack’s teacher for two months this year, and almost the entire year previously. In the summer when they leave, you’ll find out if you’re moving up a grade with him, but until then, you’ve made the most of such a nice kid, and you aren’t shy to tell that to Aaron. You don’t mind that Jack spends his lunch time with you. He embodies all of the reasons that pushed you to become a teacher in the first place. 
And his father is a good reason to stay. He’s one of the only nice (hot) dads. 
You do worry often that he can read your expression. His lips have quirked into a bemused smile, what’s so funny? He’s terrifying. 
“Aaron,” you rush to say, and fill the silence you’ve made, “It’s nice to see you.” 
“It’s nice to see you, too. You’ll see me on Monday, so you’ll be sick of me by Tuesday.” 
You rock ever so gently on your heels. “You aren’t working.” 
“It’s Jack’s birthday.” 
You nod, pleased. “I know! I know, we already talked about what cupcakes he wants, didn’t we? Everybody’s gonna have rainbow sprinkle, and for a treat we’re going to watch a movie before lunch.” 
“Do you do that for every kid?” 
“I do.” 
“How do you afford it?” He lowers his gaze. “I just mean, it’s expensive to do that for every birthday.” 
“Luckily for me and unluckily for the kids, quite a few of them have birthdays outside of term time. Thirty students is three trays of ten, and that doesn’t usually break the bank, even if things get tight. But… I don’t know, I guess I just have to make room when it does. It’s special to feel special, and,” —you smile, exuberant and a little shy at once, clutching your elbow in your hand— “Jack always makes everybody else feel special. ” 
The boy in question turns into his fathers chest, pleased beyond words. 
Aaron gives you a long, long look. “Thank you,” he says. 
“Oh, you’re welcome.” 
You say goodbye to Aaron and Jack and wish them both a good weekend, which you spend wondering what the pressure of Aaron’s hand would be like on your shoulder, and if you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking about it at all. He seems like he’d give a good hug. You catch yourself picturing him opening a door and ban yourself from thinking of him at all. 
Monday morning, you stand at the door ushering your students inside, and you can’t help beaming when Jack and Aaron arrive. 
“Aw, Jack, where’s your birthday badge?” you ask, fall air nipping your nose. 
“He was feeling too shy,” Aaron says. He’s in casual dress again. Some men should be banned from half-zips, it’s inhumane. 
“You were?” You bend just a bit, hand in your pocket. “Well, I thought you might be, so I brought my badge from home. It’s super shiny, bud. What do you think?” 
You show Jack the badge, It’s My Birthday in silver against a rainbow backdrop. 
Maybe it was silly to bring, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t want to wear one, and maybe he should. He deserves for all his friends to give him some attention, and to have them fight over who gets to sit with him at lunch. 
“We have something for you,” Jack says. 
You stand straight. “You do?” 
Aaron hadn’t been expecting to be the one to give it to you, that much is obvious. He hesitates for a second before he passes you a small brown box, the top of which is made up of four leaves folded into a dome. You have an inkling of what it might me. 
“Thank you… Can I open it now?” you ask. 
“I think you should wait for lunch,” Aaron says. 
You raise your eyebrows but abide by his suggestion, murmuring another thank you as Aaron bends to give Jack a hug. “Have a good day. I’ll be here to pick you up, I promise,” he says.
It’s a great day. The kids are excited for cupcakes and overjoyed to get them before lunch. Not a crumb goes uneaten, and as they all sing for Jack with his borrowed badge, he’s actually happy for the attention. He doesn’t eat with you at lunch, which is a great thing even if you love his company. 
Alone, you fold back the leaves of your mysterious box and smile like an idiot when you confirm what’s inside. A cupcake slightly more sophisticated than rainbow sprinkle spreads icing across the brown carrier, and a business card leans against the other side. 
The front of the card is as you’d expected it to be spelling out Aaron’s contact details from work, and you combust thinking he wants you to call him, but it’s the back that you’d been meant to see. You read it as you fold down the leaves of the cupcake carrier, 
Thirty students, three trays of ten. What does that leave for you? —Aaron. 
Flirt, you think firmly, happily. He’s such a flirt. 
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dainesanddaffodils · 9 months
okay so I think I have maybe like 2 mutuals who are ffxiv enthusiasts, but I gotta yell into the void about my warrior of light and the fact that, in true oc fashion, she went and did her own thing without my consent and now I gotta deal with all the feelings it is giving me
so, my partner finished endwalker last year and Had Many Emotions about it and afterword I said, sure, put me in Character Creation For Fun I Won't Do Anything About It
but then I made a cute little Au Ra and named her Cimorene to reference my fav childhood book series and I was like, oh no I love her I guess I'll have to put her through The Trauma that is this whole game
(I know there is much trauma, again, because I witnessed my partner finishing endwalker and she also would tell me things about what was going on, vague enough - and long ago enough - that I'm not like SUPER spoiled on what I have ahead of me, but like, enough that I know shit is Sad)
but ANYWAY I was still pretty casual about this because, friends, I am not a Gamer. The last game I played, that wasn't a Mariokart/Mario Party/Smash that I've played at a friend's house, was like... on my family game cube 15+ years ago. I want to be a gamer but my brain can't find time for it... until now
so I'm casually trucking along through a realm reborn doin my little white mage quests and meeting the characters my partner has cried about, especially this one guy called thancred - of whom I had heard quite a lot about and my brain had already decided, I want that one.
(he's voiced by Taliesin Jaffe at first, he's a pretty white haired anime boy with trauma, he's got horrible coping mechanisms, what was I supposed to do? to quote Richard Gansey, "Crushed and Broken, just the way women like 'em")
so that was like in the back of my mind because obviously my little baby wol has to go through a lot and he has to go through a lot (most of which I am well aware of) before that's going to take off and even then I already imagine it's going to be a sort of background tension they refuse to actually speak on but both just Know for like, ever (yes my favorite ship is Roy and Riza from FMA why do you ask)
but then I'm like a little over halfway through this first installment and a bunch of awful things happen to my baby for the first time and I'm kinda invested in how she's having a kind of terrible time and the first group of people she'd felt some kind of belonging with are in danger and she feels lost and helpless -
and my partner is sitting next to me watching me play and starts getting excited about the fact that I'm close to meeting another character
that character is haurchefant
and I had never heard them talk about him before so I didn't really know who he was, but he's the first person to be genuinely kind to my warrior after several very bad days. they're in a fortress in an eternal winter and he's still the warmest person she's met in a very long time...
and I thought, oh that's so nice I'm glad she got someone in her corner now after all that shit, anyway moving on
but then, like for the following few days I kept. thinking about it. about how much that would have meant to her, about how lonely she had been feeling before meeting him and how, now that she's found that, she kind of just, wants to be around him
and it hit me that, without my own consent on it, Cimorene had said, I want that one.
so now I have to deal with my baby's first love (which, judging by my partner and her friends reactions when I told all of this to them, is going to be a fucking tragic first love) when I hadn't expected to deal with that at all and now I'm like really really invested in this dumb game
(this got way longer than expected, I just had to Yell. also this is probably a precursor for things to come. I may be reblogging Final Fantasies up in here before long)
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ihearttweek · 1 year
creek smut | rough sex | but ultimately super sappy, they’re in love
formatted version on ao3 : here
5k :3
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tweek was pretty fucking fed up with this.
he stood tiredly, and very much– aggravated ( for a lack of a better word ), in the doorway of their office. it was originally just another bedroom, barely, it was barely bordering on the size of someone’s closet. craig worked languidly at his laptop, groaning into his palms.
because unlike tweek, he’s a notorious procrastinator. he wasn’t in top of his shit 24/7 like he is. it takes him all the way up until receiving a very passive aggressive email from one of his classmates to get his shit together and bullshit his way through another assignment.
well, one of the perks of being decently smart is that he half-assed well enough to always pass. but, still not smart enough to take account of deadlines. he’d spend days giving it a ; “good look over”, as he called it, and the other small part actually doing it.
the sound of metal clinking brought him up out of his hands, looking over his shoulder and swiveling his chair back. tweek. tweek was stirring a mug full of tea for himself, and carried another, hooking his fingers of the same hand into the handle. craig lazily smiled.
“hey, babe,” he motioned for tweek to come closer. he did not. “sleep well?”
tweek humph-ed at him, resting a hand onto his hip. very straightforwardly, he said “fuck you.” craig’s smile dropped. he furrowed his brows at him.
“what?” despite this, tweek still came to set craig’s tea onto the desk. craig pat his hip in appreciation, but tweek shimmied away from him. this was very confusing, too many mixed signals. “baby, what’s the matter?”
“you keep leaving me lonely all night, man.” tweek mumbled in annoyance. craig grabbed for him, but tweek refused to budge. “you can’t keep doing this shit,” he gestured to the chair, his hands moving more furiously while he talked. common signs of a pissed off tweek. craig was a little intimidated. “‘cause you complain about your back hurting and shit. and being tired. and i fucking miss you.”
craig frowned. “‘m not doin’ it on purpose, honey, i’m sorry.” but tweek just huffed at him indignantly. “don’t be like this. please.” tweek gave him an unwavering stare for a solid few seconds. until, finally, he sighed aloud.
craig got hopeful. “whatever,” the bite behind it stung, and that hope was soon gone, that just made it worse. tweek turned harshly to leave, but craig made grabby-hands for him like a toddler. tweek stayed in the doorway again. “what do you want?” he sounded frustrated, his voice nearly breaking. he wasn’t as angry as he was just plain upset.
“for you to lose the fucking attitude?” craig shot back instantly. whoops. tweek turned back again, more erratically and fueled. “wait- fuck,” tweek, by some grace of god, turned back.
the undeniable sadness in his eyes just made craig ache. he extended out his leg a bit, patting his thigh for tweek to sit. “stay with me?”
“i don’t want to watch you do this all day again.” his fingers clutched at the doorframe. craig let out a shaky sigh, putting out his hands sort of just feeling defeated. tweek prodded him with a look, he quirked his brow at him expectantly. craig sighed again.
“i don’t know.” he said. tweek stood there a little longer, letting his arms fall loosely at his sides.
eventually, he trudged over to accept craig’s invite into his lap. craig’s arms were promptly around him , seeking contact from his body– he was worried, sue him. a small kiss was placed into his blonde hair, but tweek dropped his head and ultimately avoided it. craig was, now, even more crushed.
“tweek.” he persisted. tweek gave a short whine. his body was trembling, this could mean nothing good. this meant tweek was already pushed past saving him from a breakdown. this meant craig was in trouble. he was fucked. craig’s insides just coiled further. “come on. stop this.”
“stop what?” tweek said petulantly. craig brushed his fingers along his shoulder, and tweek was squirming. but craig wasn’t planning on just letting him go. tweek gave a few meager inept punches to his shoulder. craig only held him tighter to his chest.
tweek, subsequently, just gave up. his ultimately smaller body had no use fighting out of his resilient hold. he slumped into his arms instead. “talk to me, baby.” craig murmured. “please?”
it didn’t take long for a sob to tear through tweek. his shoulders shook with effort, hiccuping weakly. “you don’t want me anymore.” his voice was so small and pitiful.
“what?” craig sputtered. “tweek, you’re insane.”
tweek persisted. “you don’t. you don’t spend time with me. you don’t love me,” craig shushed him from delving into his mantra, but that only seemed to frustrate him worse.
“don’t, baby. please,” craig’s hands clung to tweek’s sweater for comfort.
“i miss us.” tweek continued.
“you don’t come lay with me anymore.”
“you don’t love me like you used to. you don’t even touch me like you used to.”
“you didn’t eat with me last night, even.” tweek cried into his chest. “you barely kiss me. we haven’t had sex in weeks, craig.”
craig cupped his face, firmly. “tweek.” tweek stopped. he just sniffled. “stop it.” he lifted tweek by the chin to face him, swiping a tear from his cheek. tweek’s frown deepened. “you’re horribly wrong, i still love you, babe. it’s not your fault.” he leaned in to gently peck his lips, but tweek dodged it.
“you’re an asshole.” tweek weakly punched into craig’s chest again. and, craig let him. “i hate you right now.” well, there was a ‘right now’ bit, at least.
craig held him again, tweek writhing and fighting against him. “i know.” he sighed. “i’m sorry. it’s got nothing to do with you. i wanna fix this, but you have to let me.” it took a little for tweek to still his fists. he looked defeated, now.
a few beats of silence. the tension was palpable, and craig despised it. “okay?” he tried.
tweek slumped further into him, his nose smushed into his chest. “i don’t know what to say.” craig brought him back up to look at him. craig kissed his temple, and tweek actually let him this time around.
“stay with me, please? we can watch something. do you wanna watch something?” craig soothed tweek’s scalp, slowly twisting at the strands of his hair.
tweek diminished into his hand. “nuh uh,” he murmured almost childishly.
“what do you wanna do?” he didn’t say anything for a little, and tweek began to shift up out of his lap silently. “babe?”
“i’m tired,” he persisted on trying to get up. craig still was firm. “i want to go to bed.”
“i’ll come with you,” craig reached a hand out for his laptop to tilt the screen about 45 degrees. tweek snatched at his wrist.
“no. we can talk later.” by that, it meant tweek would go wallow away for the entire day. and once it sank in again, he’d be more agitated than now. and that sort of levels is good for nobody involved.
tweek was just plain being petty now. craig was not having it.
he grabbed tweek’s chin again, stroking his jaw. “stop.” craig gave him a hard glare that made tweek stiffen. it gave him full body chills. “quit fighting me.”and he slowly captured his lips in a fervent kiss. so much so it made tweek whimper against his lips.
and, tweek was kissing back pretty much instantaneously.
craig was pouring every last bit of all of his emotions into it, clutching tweek’s jaw and carding his fingers into tweek’s hair. craig forgot how good it felt to make out with his boyfriend. tweek was sucking at his bottom lip like a fucking leech, lapping his tongue around his mouth and making small mewls into it which craig happily swallowed into the back of his throat. he has really missed this.
craig ran his hands down his body, caressing his back. their teeth were clicking, missing each others lips, bumping noses and saliva pooling. it felt like they were inexperienced teenagers again. where it felt it was fueled by the anticipatory, perfervid hunger, and excitement of having close contact with each other.
and yeah, hormones, too. craig was, now, also helplessly horny, and tweek wasn’t helping any. the want to hold onto his body was now mixed with the need to hold his body down and fuck into him for the rest of the morning.
his lips were quickly coaxing tweek to sag into him, breathing hard out his nose. craig felt it tickle the skin of his cheek. tweek’s shaking hands found purchase in the fabric of craig’s sweats, pinching and pulling. his petty demeanor was being melded away at, his fingernails digging into craig’s thighs and gently rocking his hips into him. the slightest bit of affection given, and tweek would be all his.
and thinking back to what tweek was upset about; yeah, craig came up empty in trying to recount the last time he truly paid any kind of this attention towards him. it explained his eagerness. ( both of theirs, truthfully. ) tweek was missing getting kissed goodnight. getting held in craig’s arms to help him sleep. all of that, obviously, but he was also missing out on an overdue satisfying pounding.
he was being deprived, unfairly. he likes to think he has every right to be this greedy straight of the bat. sometimes, he just wants dick, dammit. that’s fair.
craig was the first to pull back, quick to move down to his neck and press wet, messy kisses to any exposed skin. he toyed with the hem of his sweater, before insistently tugging on it. “take your fucking clothes off.” he mumbled into tweek’s ear, giving it a quick nip as he yanked his boyfriend closer, curling one arm under tweek’s waist and bracing him back onto the desk behind them, pressing his back flat into it.
tweek didn’t exactly process it all that quick, instead mewling in surprise. “now.” he urged hastily. when tweek finally acquiesced it, craig was already shoving it off his body himself and discarding it off to the floor. he was wasting no time. craig was usually slow with him.
with tweek’s torso being exposed, craig dropped his head to his neck again, nipping at his skin briskly, rubbing circles into his prominent hipbones. tweek’s body twitched needily, ankles locking around craig’s body, hand clutching to the top of the desk for leverage. craig worked his teeth into his pale skin, glistening already with a light sheen of sweat, utterly fixated on marking the entire expanse of his flesh.
craig finally trailed from the of fragile skin of tweek’s protruding collarbone to the base of his sternum. he lingered there long enough to inhale deeply through his nose, gaze flickering up to tweek’s face. so pretty, and already ruined. bringing a hand up from tweek’s hip, he deliberately flicked over his nipple with his thumb. tweek unconsciously kicked out a leg and let out a strained, strangled sob, shivering in oversensitivity already.
craig gave a few more hard periods of his sinking his teeth into various parts of his shallow stomach, relishing in how his muscles twitched. he alternated between his nipples for a minute or so, and then tapped his side, signaling for him to turn over. but tweek just mewled dumbly, brain already scrambled. craig stopped touching him, which made tweek cry out again. some tears wet tweek’s bottom lashes as he wailed from the sudden loss of contact.
“huh?” tweek whimpered. craig simply just chose to grab him firmly by his hips, manhandling him and maneuvering him over. craig pushed his knee under him to hold him up momentarily, tweek’s body becoming easily pliable for craig to meld. craig gave an appreciative slap to his thigh, hooking his fingers into the waistband of tweek’s boxers and pulling them to just about half past his thighs. craig caressed the back of one, his hand almost big enough to cover the entire circumference of it. he smirked, pleased with himself to feel how hard tweek’s legs were already trembling.
with his other hand, he spread open tweek’s ass. digging into the soft flesh firmly, appreciating his body. he’s a bony little thing, sure, but he’s got an ass on him. tweek wriggled his hips back to obediently present himself to craig, peeking back behind his shoulder to look at him.
craig took a few more seconds to salivate over him, and then clapped the side of it appreciatively. it elicited an obscenely loud slap, making tweek flinch on impact, eyes fluttering closed and jaw clenching. what was left behind was a pink handprint. craig smiled a bit, pleased with himself.
“craig,” tweek mewled, gyrating his hips back over craig’s knee. craig huffed, getting to his knees, hands holding tweek against the desk firmly. he didn’t hesitate to sink his fucking teeth into him. after a series of fruitless kicks of protest from tweek, craig just continued, leaving harsh marks right into him. eating his ass, literally, if you will. no? alright.
no matter how hard tweek tried to pull away, craig wouldn’t let him. tweek did enjoy the sensation of craig’s large, calloused hands caressing his sides and his thumbs pressing harshly into his spine. craig began to slide his tongue over him, too, and tweek groaned in satisfaction. he reached one of his own hands back to hold into craig’s hair, gripping hard into the curls and twisting his fingers through them.
much too focused on the task at hand, craig’s tongue was everywhere now, lapping over every part of tweek’s ass. except, he was diligently neglecting his hole. tweek let out another squeal. craig had the urge to give grace for what he was being presented, tweek was fucking unreal. mentally laughing in his mind, he did. he’s a good religious boy at heart, his mother would be proud.
gracias señor por estos alimentos. he stared at how tweek 's soft, pretty cock was weeping cum onto the desk. y bendice las manos que los prepararon ( not really, fuck his parents.) taking note of the fact the he was completely fucking shaven. how long had he’d been anticipating this? amen. releasing a hand from tweek’s side, craig gently cupped his balls, gradually applying pressure with his fingertips and then pinching softly at the skin of his perineum.
tweek was twitching too hard to make it really easy, and craig was only teasing. he wasn’t going out of his way to pay attention to what he really wanted craig to. craig was usually the insistently giving type, but not now. craig could be petty, too.
once he pulled back from him, the scene displayed out was rewarding. overwhelmingly so. tweek had red and purpling teeth marks all over his milky, supple skin. they’d be there for a while, and them bruising would have to hurt, craig supposed. he reminded himself mentally to make sure to give tweek a lot more extra kisses and a nice, sympathetic back rub after this. he would need it. and maybe dinner, too.
he instinctively went to kiss the weltering marks, gently pecking a few. to be a little nicer, he looped an arm under tweek’s body and wrapped his fingers around tweek’s cock. he was aching already. he gave a few gentle tugs, and rolled his thumb around the pink slit. with his free hand, he tugged on the back of tweek’s head by his hair, forcing his head up. he leaned over to meet his ear, sucking at it before grunting.
“you’re so eager for me, hmm?” tweek nodded absentmindedly. “you want this so bad don’t you? such a good fucking boy.”
with the combination of the previous stimulation from grinding over craig’s knee, and this, it sent tweek spasming quickly, crying loudly with sobs racking his body as he came into craig’s hand right on the words. quick, thick spurts covered his fingers and a few stray drops landed onto the desk beneath him. craig grinned puckishly, tenaciously working his thumb on the swollen tip for a prolonged amount of time.
“craig, nghh, please, please,” he sobbed, he sounded wrecked. his raspy, shaky cries stirred all of craig’s insides up. craig didn’t let up, not until tweek’s muscles clamped so hard that his legs locked tight. in the darkened screen of craig’s laptop, he could see the reflection of tweek’s blissed out face. brows knitted together, eyes glazed over and brimming with tears, mouth slack. completely just, perfect.
he looked like he was on some kind of high, his drained out eyes were fixated now, looking straight into craig’s soul. his eyes are so fucking alluring, it’s downright unfair. ( and cruel, honestly, his dick could barely keep up. ) tweek was a fucking beautiful mess. his entire body was trembling and quivering, craig wanted to fold him over and fuck into his smaller frame until he broke. fucking christ, he looked good like this.
craig didn’t plan on giving him any pity for being pretty, however. craig used the middle finger of his left hand, dripping with tweek’s cum, to gently trace a circle around his pink, exposed hole. just on the outside of the puckered ring, not quite able to penetrate him more than just with the tip of his finger. tweek whimpered, another feeble cry tearing through him. tears spilling and running down his flushed cheeks, temple gleaming with sweat, drips of spit hanging off his bottom lip. sweat soaked his hair and it matted against his forehead. so sensitive without even getting properly fucked yet.
craig was instantly slamming open a drawer within the desk looking for anything to use as lube. there weren’t many options. tweek’s needy little noises were being drowned out by the sound of useless clattering. there was a small vat of unscented hand lotion. would have to do. another mental reminder to make tweek something decent for breakfast, too. and watch house hunters with him.
craig unscrewed the lid and slicked up his index, middle, and ring fingers. it was thick, and cold. he slid his middle finger inside of tweek, using the lotion as lubrication. he got it down to about his knuckle, tweek was sucking him in. he was fucking tight. that both intimidated him and aroused him. it felt like his dick was nearly swollen with arousal already, pulsing and throbbing within the constraints of his clothes. tweek was too short for him to really be able to reach craig’s pelvis. that made it so craig was unable to grind up into him or anything, so he had to make it quick.
which was sort of unfortunate for craig, he was trying to prolong this for as long as possible and give his same energy back. he loves tweek, god, does he— but he’s a brat. and, tweek also makes him terribly horny terribly quick. watching tweek come apart, twitching and groaning and moaning, from such simple gestures was way too easy for him. and that got craig going every single time.
craig gave him no real time to adjust, quickly squeezing in his ring finger. it was honestly a struggle. craig took a hand and placed it firmly onto tweek’s shoulder, pushing his own body back to create a little gap for more arm room.
he gradually is picking up the pace with his fingers, a loud squelching noise following. it isn’t like tweek doesn’t know how to take dick– he’s gripping around him and releasing, but he’s not relaxing. “jesus, tweek. when’s the last time you opened yourself up?” he’s gently stroking his back now to try and soothe him a little. he wasn’t a total asshole.
tweek grunted, knees almost buckling. “ngh, other night, dunno.”
craig lovingly pinched his side. “you’re clamping down on me. guess your just a natural fucking whore,” he slipped in his last finger. it was mean– or sounded that way. but craig knows tweek likes it, he shuddered, getting all bambi legged, almost toppling over. craig would have to help support him eventually.
his poor boyfriend was writhing and sobbing, blubbering and hiccuping, throat raw and hoarse. usually, when tweek was crying, his instinct is to hold him all protective like. but that was a different kind of cry. that was a ‘holy shit i am going to explode’ kind of cry. this was a ‘holy shit i am going to explode. but in a good way’, kind of cry. but still craig had the instinct to get all lovey-dovey on him, gently kissing him up and telling him he’s gonna be okay, praising him.
but he still jammed in and out of tweek, all until his ass felt less constricted, just the slightest bit. keeping his fingers in, he shuffled back up to tweek. tweek struggled, but he got onto his tip-toes, this made it so his ass bumped just below his cock. craig let out the quietest groan, removing his fingers and ignoring the way tweek wailed about it, and wiped them down tweek’s lean thigh.
craig untied his sweats, tugging them til they were bunched at his ankles, and in a hurried swoop, did the same with his boxers.
tweek shivered in absolute fear ( and delight ) at the feeling of craig’s cock slapping just over his back. he whimpered, in concern for himself, because fuck is he hard. tweek was dubious on if he’d be able to walk very well, let alone stand. judging on craig’s previous roughness, it wasn’t likely.
if craig didn’t know better and wasn’t already used to it, the sight of just how fucking huge his dick looked laying flat against tweek’s back should’ve been uncanny. and not to say that it wasn’t, it absolutely was. it nudged just to a few inches below the middle of tweek’s back. it was abnormal how tweek was able to take it, craig would’ve felt horrible if he didn’t know how much tweek liked it.
craig began to slather up his own cock with the remnants of what was left in the tub of lotion, grunting at how bad he needed it. he was aching. tweek eagerly wiggled back into him.
usually, they were accustomed to getting around their height difference. and not just sex wise, either. tweek was used to having to tug craig down for kisses and such, he’d never stop complaining about it ever since craig did gain his growth spurt. there was nothing craig could really do other than take it, i mean, wasn’t his fault his dad was an enormous guy.
however, right now, it was pretty apparent. and sort of an issue, tweek wouldn’t be able to keep up on his toes, that’s for damn sure. craig thought for a moment, and suddenly, gripped tweek below the waist and lifting him up from the floor ever so slightly. tweek kicked his feet a bit disgruntled. with no warning, craig prodded tweek’s hole for a second, or two, and then just shoved right in. tweek sputtered out a cry so high in volume it was barely even registered as audible.
craig’s fingers stay put, dragging along just above his pelvis, just barely missing his cock. all on purpose. as he scraped his dick in further, he felt a bump protruding from the little cavity that was tweek’s stomach from his cock pounding into him. jesus christ.
“good fucking boy,” he punctuated each word with a slam into his ass, digging his nails into tweek’s skin. tweek just went completely limp, his limbs sagging uselessly. to be honest, he sort of felt like a fleshlight. both because of the way he was being held, and also of the way he was being fucked into relentlessly. craig’s pace was brutal, and punishing. he felt delirious, and dizzy, a tiny bit.
craig tirelessly bounced him off and on his cock, a stinging sensation coursing through tweek’s body. not in a way that hurt too bad, but just, overwhelming? his legs were shaking, having nothing to rest onto. it was a lot for tweek, which made it all the more nice for craig to watch. and to feel the way he would react to his every stroke.
beads of sweat forming along craig’s forehead from the intensity. he was getting a tad weak in the knees, too. half of his strength was going to keeping tweek up. the other half was going to thrusting into him as fast as he was. eventually, he hoisted tweek up enough to balance him back on one knee, looping an arm securely around his waist. he took his now free hand and gripped onto tweek’s hair, tipping his head back.
craig bit down onto his ear, causing tweek to jerk in shock. the biting soon turned into nibbling, working the lobe tediously between his teeth. craig began scratching, digging his nails into his scalp. it was going until tweek was wincing, biting on his bottom lip. it almost drew blood.
craig grunted loudly, losing his hold with his teeth. he panted into tweek’s ear. “you fucking wanted this to happen, didn’t you?” tweek simply whimpered in response, clutching desperately at craig’s wrist. the hair pulling did somewhat hurt, he had a tender scalp from years of abusing it when he was little, ( sometimes now, even ). “i think you did.”
in contrast, however, craig was giving him gentle pecks to the side of his face following each heavy thrust. tweek already felt thoroughly used, his body just dangling, he felt like some sort of ragdoll. body shaking with sobs. but, he felt good, he didn’t want craig to stop. the pressure of craig’s hips slamming against his aching prostate was heavenly. tweek had been craving this, wanting this. he just forgot that craig could drive him this crazy. he liked being worn out like this.
craig grabbed him closer, somehow, and pulled out half way before slamming back in. tweek kicked a bit involuntarily, his mouth going agape, eyes crossing, saliva threatening to leave his lips.
craig was close. he’s been close ever since tweek was gyrating onto his thigh. seeing him desperate is his thing. to be fair, tweek is just kind of his thing. tweek could do anything during sex and he’d be more than happy to endure it, he thinks. his insides were coiling. he wasn’t sure how much longer he had. or how much more strength he had left.
tweek’s body was pulling back, clamping over craig’s cock. “craig,” he had other words to say, but he couldn’t articulate them. they turned into incomprehensible murmurs and cries. craig pulled on his hair and turned his head to the side, kissing him.
it was mostly tongue. craig kept tweek’s head firm with the grip on his hair. tweek was clumsily missing his mouth. mainly cut off by all of the noises leaving his lips. he was losing his voice. he couldn’t muster anything more than stupid whimpers and mumbling craig’s name. craig was giving him gentle kisses along his bottom lip and chin, not minding the copious amount of saliva. he looked beautiful all fucked out.
tweek’s eyes unfocused, drooping, and stuttering closed as he came again. his dick went flaccid, cum painting the underside of his stomach and the desk. craig huffed heavily at the tightening sensation. he dropped tweek’s hair and focused all of his last bits of strength into holding him around the middle, securing him to the flat top.
his fingertips almost touched. that was fucking insane.
craig let out a long, extensive strings of curses. he locked his knees to hold himself firmly to the ground, sinking down to lay his chest over tweek’s back and biting into tweek’s shoulder. tweek couldn’t do anything other than moan and cry, hands trembling along with literally every other one of the muscles in his body. still spasming and fluttering around craig’s vigorous, relentless movements. his head lolled over the cool surface beneath him.
craig was losing his composure, the anticipation of his orgasm making him cave. with a stuttering, harsh series of pulling tweek back down onto his cock, tweek struggling to keep taking it. he bit down onto tweek’s shoulder harder, letting a muffled “fuck.” strain through his lips as he unloaded into him. his calves strained, struggling to stay up. he leaned a bit more into tweek, searching for support, despite tweek being the one relying off of craig’s.
panting, he let his head hang. sweaty, warm, tight, holy fuck.
what pulled him from it was tweek’s unfaltering sobs. the protectiveness consumed craig again. he used his very last ounce of strength to carefully slip out of tweek, giving a few final tugs on his sensitive cock, letting the last drops of his release falling over tweek’s back. taking a quick second to look him over, he gave a gentle pat to his side, huffing out a breath and linking his arms underneath tweek’s, pulling him off the desk and hosting him up into his arms.
tweek let out hoarse little cries, and craig gently shushed them, wiping his weeping eyes with his thumb. “you did so good. so good.” tweek clutched onto his wrist for comfort. “did i hurt you? are you okay?”
tweek tiredly shook his head no. craig continued to wipe away his tears, half stumbling and half trying to retain his current strength enough to sit down into the rickety office chair. craig held him close, tweek bunching his knees to his chest to cover his shaking body. he felt vulnerable. he was quite physically exposed.
craig exhaled, and nudged his nose into tweek’s neck and kissed him, letting his lips stay firm. tweek relaxed enough to crane his neck and let his head rest atop of craig’s. tweek gently played with craig’s hair for comfort, still recovering.
they sat in silence, breathing hard. and after a second, craig stirred back up and nudged his knee into tweek’s leg resting over it. “shower?”
“please,” craig smiled a little, stroking tweek’s skin. “i love you, stop being a dick,” he said, chuckling breathlessly.
craig hummed a bit. “i love you too.” he kissed his neck again, and then got up with tweek in his arms towards the bathroom.
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poke-imagines · 2 years
Can I request Found Famliy headcanons of Rika, MC and Poppy please
I love Rika and Poppy they’re my favorite Elite 4 members in Scarlet and Violet 🥺🥺🥺
This is so cute oh my god 😭
I didn't know whether you meant the in-game protagonist or a reader insert, so I wrote both!
Rika, Poppy, and MC (Juliana) Found Family
When Juliana first moved to Paldea, she really didn't feel like she had a place. She had her mom and lots of friends, but something was missing. And she didn't know what. That was until she met Rika and Poppy
Rika was naturally charismatic and had an almost motherly instinct, especially when it came to Poppy, the cocky 4 year old. Ever since the day Geeta assigned Poppy as an Elite 4 member, Rika instantly attached to the kid and acted as a sort of guardian
Rika knew being part of the Elite 4 was super stressful, and felt bad that burden was put on a kid that young. And when she learned someone as young as Juliana was now the Champion? What is with these kids!?
Juliana was basically emotionally kidnapped at that point, pulled into a found family dynamic she didn't sign up for. But she ended up really enjoying it!
She would spend her days playing with and watching over Poppy, also being her punching bag when it came to pokemon battling (look, Steel types are hard!)
On especially busy work days, she would help Rika out with the piles of paperwork and act as emotional support. It ain't much, but she appreciates it
Juliana quickly introduced them to her mother, who accepted them very quickly. She even offered them tea and scones (much to their excitement)!
As they all sat together in her home, laughing and having a great time, Juliana knew she finally belonged in Paldea
Rika, Poppy, and Reader Found Family
You decided to move to Paldea alone when you turned about 17. You won't go into your family background, but you were happy with where you were
Sadly you felt a bit lonely in this new place. Thankfully everyone you met was super nice, but it didn't feel the same. You were missing something
You easily got through all the gyms, but faced a lot of trouble when you got to Poppy in the Elite 4. She easily destroyed your whole team, leaving you pretty sad. You tried your best but it wasn't good enough apparently
When she saw you sitting on the ground, head in your hands, Rika felt the urge to comfort you. And not in a pity kind of way, in a more... protective way. She wanted to make you feel better
And she did! Both her and Poppy both came up to you and complimented your battling skills. Although you were initially hesitant, you knew it came from a genuine place. And it helped
After getting your morale back up, Rika invited you to come back anytime you wanted. And you decided to take her up on that offer!
The first few times you just came to either try the Elite 4 again or just to do some training. But after a while you just came to hang out and talk to them. Not even about anything major, just talking about the newest sandwich in town was fun. Being with them felt right, and comforting
You would hold long conversations with Rika all about your hometown, and you and Poppy would play games together. It felt like your own personal family
It was never "official" or anything like that. It was never explicitly mentioned that you were now basically a family. It was just known between all 3 of you, and you were all happy with your dynamic
I hope I did a good job on this! If not feel free to send another request so I can make it up to you!
Thank you for requesting!
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year
this is my 40s doc headcanon post
because i CANNOT get him out of my brain. i'm going to yell about him for a while now sorry not sorry
have another lovely image of him before we begin
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general headcanons:
he is shy. even at work he's one of the most quiet people and prefers to do his research by himself. he is NOT the type of person to actively work with his teammates. bear with him he's just very much socially awkward and a massive introvert
like he pretty much always was, he's a bookworm. he definitely took his entire jules verne book collection to los alamos you can NOT convince me otherwise
a lot of people smoked in the 40s and i can see him being convinced to try it. he genuinely doesn't like it and thus never develops a habit
what if los alamos was the place doc discovered his alcohol problem. i watched the show "manh(a)ttan" because of this interest and it was commonly shown that the people there were going out in the evening and stuff. now i don't know historically accurate the show is but i like the idea of doc going to drink some wine and feeling miserable to the extent that he swears to never touch alcohol again. at least not until 1885
no matter how many times he tries to style his hair so it's slick, it is absolutely no use. he has messy hair and it's kind of become a thing where people recognize him because of it.
ah yeah about the hair. the work on the project causes him a lot of stress and the end when he goes through a lot of emotional turmoil does too obviously. which causes his hair to go white/light blonde at age 30. damn.
also apparently exposure to radiation can cause hair to fall out so doc probably goes through that kind of episode too (he's super sad about it)
he's one of the only people on the base who don't have a family or at the very least a spouse. he's super lonely but overall absolutely the kindest person you could possibly meet there
i think, other than gaining more scientific knowledge and helping the war effort, one of emmett's main motivations to join the manhattan project is the wish to restore his reputation in hill valley. which sadly goes wrong as we all can imagine.
coffee is the only thing he runs on. he barely sleeps because he has no one to tell him to go to bed at a reasonable time
when he's invested in some sort of calculation or problem he wants to solve DO NOT DISTURB HIM or he'll snap. this is not 80s doc and this emmett has quite the pride despite it not showing on the surface
in my head he becomes one of the most important scientists credited for the results on the project. people respect him and go to him for advice even though he's still fairly young when he joins (28). the whole thing allows him to gain knowledge on plutonium and nuclear physics in general, eventually allowing him to build the delorean time machine forty years later. but it comes at a cost and doc has moments where he'd rather throw his life's work and his family fortune away in exchange for never having lived through the painful memories and guilt.
headcanons about 40s doc & marty:
while marty never visited him in canon, there might be a timeline where he did, and in that case i think doc would find this boy strange. like. even more strange than 50s doc.
depending on the timeline (post telltale game or no telltale game) doc knows him from the 30s and is like. hm. something is odd why hasn't this boy aged
if doc did not know him beforehand, he'd think he's weird for a few days, but then let him into his life as a result of deep loneliness
he and marty would form a bond stronger than he did with any of the other scientists in los alamos. why? because marty's actually interested in his life outside of the project and asks basic things such as "how are you doing" while his colleagues would most likely just suck up to him to make use of his high position
marty would punch everyone in the face who even dares to utter an insult about doc, especially post-bombings
while 50s/80s doc acts more like a father towards marty, 40s doc would be a mixture of father and best friend. 40s doc is more mature than 30s emmett but certainly resembles him in more ways than 50s doc does. he's naive and sometimes just too kind and super stubborn and thus sometimes is more interested in his own needs than in marty's.
he acceps the nickname "doc" with no hesitation
marty is the only person that doc allows himself to let his guard down around after probably wearing a stone face for a while. marty makes it clear that he would never judge or blame him and allows doc to be vulnerable around him as much as he wants/needs
they are best friends. their friendship works in every decade what else did you think
ANYWAY that's it for now
i may or may not eventually write a fic about him and his experiences (without marty, basically twin pines doc timeline) but we'll see. i make no promises
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plusreaderswhenever · 6 months
I just had the greatest idea! Cat person scratches a non-cat behind their ears! The non-cat scratches them like that a lot, so one day they return the affection. Or as soon as they are scratched the first time, they scratch back right then and it’s super cute! Or maybe, a cat person was scratched by a non-cat before so when they meet another non-cat, they scratch them too. Also works with any other animal that likes their ears scratched!
Below is an example story I made.
Elise had been on a journey for a few months now. She was tired, and she was still lost in a huge forest she entered a couple hours ago. It was autumn, and she didn’t have a sweater or jacket to help her with the chilly weather. She didn’t have a map either, so all she could do was wander until she found civilization again. Eventually, a lone cottage was visible through the trees far away. It was very old, covered in vines and moss with the stone it was made of clearly having been weathered down by many seasons. It still stood though, and looked cozy, even. To Elise’s delight, there was smoke coming from the chimney! That meant someone lived there, and she could ask them for directions out of the woods! She excitedly ran to it, happy for a chance at not being lost anymore.
Unfortunately, when she was just a few yards away from the front door, she put a little too much energy into running towards it at such a long distance. The cold and exhaustion she felt even before being lost finally caught up to her, and she collapsed.
Elise woke up on a couch with a blanket draped carefully over her. There was the sound and heat of a fireplace nearby. Nearby, a shuffling of fabric caught her attention.
She sat up and looked where the sound came from to see a stranger walk toward her from a chair next to the fireplace. He moved slowly so as not to overwhelm her. “Hello, my name is Anthony. I found you unconcious near my house. Are you okay?”
He was a sapient, anthropomorphic cat of some sort. He crouched next to the couch to be on eye-level with her, and had a concerned expression. Elise nodded. “Yeah. Thank you for helping me.”
“No problem.” He sat on the couch next to her, and the two sat in a nice silence for a bit while thinking of a good conversation topic.
“So,” Said Elise, turning to Anthony, “Do you like rain? I heard it’s forecasted to rain next Tuesday.” Anthony complained, “No, I hate getting wet! But I like the smell when it’s over.” Elise smiled and looked forward again. “Mhm.”
And so they talked like that for a good, peaceful while. In a lull in the conversation, Anthony reached a paw over to Elise’s head and gently rummaged around in her hair as if looking for something.
“What are you doing?” She asked confusedly. “Looking for your ears. Cat ears are more visible, so I’m curious where yours are.” He continued to search her, but was just a little too high to feel them. She took his hand and put it over her ear. “Oh!” He lightly exclaimed. He then tucked her hair behind her ear to get a better look at it. After studying it for a minute or so, he turned forward again and went back to that comfortable silence with her.
Just a little bit later, he began to scratch behind her ear. He scratched carefully to not cut her with his claws. She was confused, though. “What’s this?”
Anthony pulled his paw away apologetically. “Sorry.” She waved her hands. “Oh no it’s fine! You can keep doing that if you want.” He gladly kept going, but after a few seconds, he got a sad look on his face and stopped. Elise asked concernedly, “What’s wrong?”
Anthony looked away slightly. “You’re not purring…” Elise froze a little, then laughed softly. “Don’t worry, it’s just that my species can’t purr.” Anthony was shocked and worried. “They can’t?!” Elise shrugged to show him it was fine. “Yeah, it’s okay though.”
He went back to scratching her. It was kind of nice and relaxing, actually. She enjoyed it.
After a while of him doing that, she asked, “Why are you doing this, anyway?” He was a bit surprised at being asked that, but he answered nonetheless. “I just thought humans liked being scratched behind their ears.” Now Elise was more confused. “Huh? Why?”
“Well…” Anthony closed his eyes for a second, as if going back to a dear memory. “There was once a human I was friends with, who had to stay at my house for a while due to… unfortunate circumstances. They would scratch me behind the ears all the time, so I figured that was just how humans show affection. I never got the chance to scratch them back before they… had to leave…” He held his face in his hands. Clearly he didn’t want to talk about what happened, so she just patted him on his back comfortingly.
“Do I remind you of them?” Anthony shook his head. “No, I couldn’t leave someone collapsed outside like that! I just remembered them a few minutes ago. I thought, ‘Hey, isn’t she a human? She must like ear scratches then.’”
“Hm.” She continued to pat his back. Then she felt like she was forgetting something…
Elise snapped her fingers in realization. “Oh right, I came here for directions to get out of the forest. Do you have any maps?”
“Yes, I do! Just wait here a moment.” Eager to help his new friend and wanting her to be safe and free, he left the room fast and came back a very short time later, handing her the map quickly. “Here you go!”
“That was fast! Thank you!” Elise cheered. Then she thought for a second, getting a little more serious. “Before I go…”
She lifted her hand and scratched behind Anthony’s ears. His eyes opened wider and he made a surprised “Mrrp!” Then after a few seconds he closed his eyes slowly and began to purr.
He seemed to like it, so she started scratching more vigorously. He pushed his head up into her hand and purred louder, with a big smile. She giggled a little and scratched with all the heart she could muster. He now sounded like rolling thunder, in a good, comforting way, like being inside while the rain sounds relax you and the storm is far away enough to not scare you with big claps of lightning.
She tried to pull her hand away, but he softly took it and placed it right back on his head. Obviously it was too soon to do such a thing. Soon he finally mumbled, “You can stop now.”
She did so slowly, and turned to leave. “Thank you!” Anthony then smiled back. “Thank you! That was nice.” They bid each other farewell, and after just a few minutes of walking, Elise was finally out of the woods once more. It could have been just her, but the weather seemed a little warmer than before.
I just made up these oc’s for this. I can’t belive I put such thought and time (A few hours!) into that story, but I’m definitely not complaining! It was very fun!
Thank you for reading!
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autumnbrambleagain · 11 months
you know what if staff is [s]asleep[/s] dead, then there's nothing stopping us from posting porn again
what's the worst they can do, ban me?
i followed the rules on old tumblr and set myself as explicit so minors couldn't interact with my fetish content. responsible! then they decided sexuality was forbidden, and retroactively everything i had done that was within the rules was suddenly no longer within the rules and my blog of 10 years was deadlisted and made non-navigable (that sounds very bitter, im sorry we are very bitter about it. even if the identity we used to use on tumblr is dead-dead, they put in a lot of work and built a fun place to be and even if they aren't with us anymore it still sucks to have that taken away that hurts!)
we came back because there are very few places left on the internet like this, but it's not been the same. i was never a super popular blog and that was fine! but we had a community, we were part of communities, today i get nothing.
and i don't really know how i'm doing it wrong. our art isn't GREAT i am not an artist none of us ever claimed to be an artist we started drawing as a hobby for fun but like we see people with art we're not far off from get hundreds of notes and we hit like 10 notes and it isn't about popularity or clout, it's that it feels like uploading ot tumblr these days, if it isn't explicit fandom content, is like uploading into a hole in the backyard
like it's not "woe is me i'm not getting enough notes" it's "this website feels pretty lonely compared to how it used to be and i don't feel its heart at all anymore and that's sad"
and that's sad! i miss having fun with people here
but if it's all gone anyway,
and if staff is dead now like truly dead then i'm just gonna use tumblr until i'm forcibly removed from tumblr one last time i think.
gonna upload some backlog stuff of other stories i intermittently run that will be fun
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krustworld · 11 months
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I’m a special type of lonely cuz I’ve been naturally popular my whole life.….technically I don’t know that’s not the case for everybody. Anywys My parents never let me have friends (cuz of religion) so I never learned how to cultivate my ppl skills. Now I’m behind and even tho ppl want to like me…im strange and most ppl don’t fuck with that. Even tho they say they do/will I swear so few ppl
Are even 1% open minded ! It’s chill it’s so hard forme to actually connect w people it’s not worth it rather throw myself into my art. Plus I can be myself around my few friends. It sucked growing up not being able to do anything I wanted to do it definetly made my mental problems worse for context I got taken away from my birth mother at a young age I don’t wanna say why bc I love her so much don’t wanna put her on blast but she lost custody had no visitation rights and I didn’t even talk to her on the phone until I ran away at 17! By that time I didn’t remember what she looked like I used to cry about that all the time cuz I thought she was gonna die and I’d never rememeber again I just remembered that she was beautiful and had the greenest eyes in the world! When she picked up the phone I fell to my knees and cried for the first time in 8 years my chest was going crazy is all I could remeber. Anyways My dad and stepmom raised me across the country and they were super super religious and never let me out of their sight it oh yeah we also had this family restaurant that no kidding! I worked at every single day even after school until close and every single day of the summer from open to close ! Which during the summer we would close at 10 pm or later sometimes lollll we would consistently get home at midnight cuz all the cleaning everyday (during summer) was way more than 12 hours everyday god it makes me sad I should’ve been having a childhood bro and oh yes I was the only one in the family who didn’t have a day off every week[or ever!!! Not even once!) cuz young =strong and oh yeah it’s my fault they’re in debt cuz my mom crazy this was something that was regularly said to my young impressionable heart! I would tell u more but I don’t want anybody to get in trouble lollll for real u guys have no idea it was torture especially after being able to do whatever I wanted in the early years of my life it’s so hard to be nice to myself cuz I’ve been treated with such hostility by the ppl supposed to nurture me they literally used me for money and getting their anger out lol yeah living with my mother had it’s problems but I had already learned to deal with them and found identity/security in them and taking me away from her just stripped me of my identity not to mention MY MOTHER and gave me new problems that were just too much with all the other shit that doesn’t just go away cuz I’m not actively there anymore! Ur souls lives everywhere you go that’s why u have to be careful with yourself and with ur kids </3 also for the record I love my dad and stepmom don’t think they meant to be so cruel to me they’re just hurt
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firesofdainix · 2 years
October 21: Day of the Departed
10 days left. I will prevail! I need to finish most prompts on Sunday because the next few weeks will make me super busy so, once again, I’ll be in an almost offline stage.
AO3 Version
If Morro tells his comrades back in the Departed Realm (that’s a lie; he didn’t have comrades, he only had some blank shades he talks to whenever he gets bored… or lonely) that he ruined a perfectly good revenge plan so he can help his former master, those little spiteful spunks would be clapping him on the back. Those shades he's now associated himself with (which was initially a harmless idea that lacked foresight) were not as vicious as the Cursed Realm ghosts, but they sure lack the brains he's had the entertainment of having conversations with. In addition, the ghosts in the Well of Regrets were afflicted by this annoying condition to have sessions in which they dabble in useless dreams and visions, of different timelines and choices they made. Whenever they come out of that state they're all so… melancholy and depressive. He didn't want to connect with them in that position.
And he didn't want to be like them either, coalescing with his own desires and the happy ending designated for him.
If he was being honest, he really wishes that his access in the Departed Realm wouldn't be so limited; The Wells of Regret and the Fields of the Elements can only keep him entertained and distracted for so long. He knows that everything was punishment for his own sins, but he's thoroughly sure he would never hear the end of it.
Morro, at the end of all things, is so tired of everything.
He feels as if his own energy was taken from him after his loss during the Preeminent, his form permanently burning. The Departed Realm may not be as wicked as the Cursed Realm, but it never does tolerate his delusions and ambition.
Can ghosts die? Because Morro wants to, at the very least, sleep permanently. No trace of an afterlife in the aftermath.
But, a Cursed ghost can dream.
And dream he did.
The Bounty was as mundane as ever for a ride; its speed was average and a little on the slower side, which did not help Morro's impatience and nerves. The wind may be slow and still, yes, but it has to move. It has always been fast and brief to his liking. No matter what, it has to be moving.
But the Bounty feels as if it has barely moved, and that is grating on his nerves.
He groans, staring at the eclipse that had brought him back here. Whatever dark magic Yang created to summon the villains back into Ninjago, he was powerful. And that makes Morro quite wary. He turns to Wu, who was steering the wheel at a slow, quiet pace. If he was the angry, resentful, and rejected young boy, he wouldn't notice the grim expression and the shaky grip which his master possessed. Former master, he supposes.
"For a worried master, you seem to be going at a snail's pace," Morro says for the first time since the two of them have boarded the ship. The two had not spoken since Morro relayed that his motivations were not as sinister as Wu had assumed. (Morro tries not to feel the squelching of sadness as he thinks about that. His own master did not trust him to have good thoughts.) Maybe it was because this reunion was not as cheerful as Wu had expected, maybe the two of them were waiting for the other one to talk.
Wu, in response, pulls a lever. The blasters and thrusters behind Morro begin to boost, prompting Morro to steer clear of it. Technology these days was hard to fathom, and he didn't want to be caught up in this burning. Much to his surprise, the Bounty goes faster, almost stumbling as gravity and the wind returns to him full force. He scowls at his master, whose eyes were on the skies. He feels as if he is being petty.
Morro continues to roll his eyes. "You're ignoring me."
"Wind is invisible," Wu says cryptically, and he bites back a sigh. "It cannot be ignored."
"You do a great deal ignoring me until now."
Wu turns to him for the first time in a while. "I did not mean it like that."
Morro sighs. "I understand. I am your first pupil, but also your wayward student."
Wu did not say anything.
Morro looks away. This entire session was a bust. Maybe he should have left Cole to his fate.
He was not a hero.
He was a Departed soul searching for penance.
Then, after a while, Wu speaks. "You look… different."
It takes a while for Morro to understand what Wu meant. Cursed ghosts have been cursed to appear inhuman as they stay within that wretched Realm. Morro, Soul Archer, Bansha, and Ghoul Tar were one of the youngest cursed ghosts, but their abilities and appearances have already lost all human coherency. Perhaps they'd look human if their hue was not a sick green, but they are deciphering differently. Dark scleras, cat-like irises with their eye color, tattered shapes underneath their eyes, marking their allegiance to the Preeminent, sharp teeth that elongated to fangs, and claws that resemble animal claws. That was just the first stages of their transformation; once they lasted a century or more in that realm, they can notice worse changes to their body… if they stayed in that Realm long enough, they'd turn out as ugly as the Preeminent.
Morro sighs, thinking of Hideaki. Still beautiful. Or maybe that was his subtle affection for him still being important.
In the Departed Realm, he'd still have that green hue; all ghosts are cursed to have it, after all. But he can already see changes in his appearance as if he's already been living in the Departed Realm for decades. His fangs and claws and marks are reduced, but the black scleras remain the same. It was as if the Departed Realm is currently stripping him of the things that made him inhuman… forgetting why he was not one of them in the first place.
It didn't matter.
Nothing matters to him anymore.
That's why he was helping Wu.
Morro shakes his head. That is the perfect reason why he is helping his former master reunite with his student. He did not want them to be lost as Morro and Wu have.
Never again.
"Why?" Wu asks, the silence so palpable it can be cut.
Morro frowns. "Why… what?"
"Why do you decide to help us?"
Morro laughs, albeit bitterly. "Have you lost the will to look at me without me being evil, master?"
The older man falters, and Morro bites his sadness with a scoff of resentment.
"I should have expected this." Morro's voice was angry, yes, but there is the slightest hint of disappointment and sadness that is left stagnating in the air. He didn't want to believe it; the fact his master decided he wasn't meant to be good is affecting him more than it should. "Perhaps we are too different now, master."
Wu did not respond initially, but then he spoke. And, as if the balance that threatens to rip the world apart again has been restored, his voice was like concord personified. "I have never lost hope for you, Morro. But…" He hesitates, turning to look at Morro for the first time since they went aboard the Bounty. There was a sad sigh. "I have a new family now."
That hits Morro harder than it should have.
It shouldn't have surprised him. He already knew Wu had made his choice when he was their adversary.
He just assumed that he would have handled it better, after all that time in the Departed Realm.
The wind is a wild force that cannot be contained.
And so are his emotions.
Morro shakes his head. He is not going to freak out about that. Not here, not now.
He is supposed to be better than that now.
All the lessons the Departed Realm is teaching him will be for nothing if he loses control over his wind now.
He heard Wu suck in a breath. He doesn't want to look at him. "I am glad."
"Glad you finally got me off your subconscious streak?" Morro inquires bitingly. His wind feels acrimonious as well, biting at his own corporeal form.
Wu shakes his head. "That we can finally be on the same side again."
Morro's expression becomes that of surprise. He should have foreseen this likely outcome— Wu is, admittedly, quite inept when speaking the right words, especially when he is currently emotional. But, when he is highly emotional, he can express these certain feelings in small, lengthy emotional speeches. It was always why Wu was so good with his words, to the point it made Morro, for a little, falter. Wu’s expertise in being able to make heads turn was, unsurprisingly, one of his more notable assets. Morro is wary of it.
The ghost’s eyes grow wide with disbelief.
He feels warmth pooling in his chest, the knots that have been tangled since arriving in the Cursed Realm slowly, but surely, untangling themselves.
He lets out a deep breath; ghosts cannot breathe, but souls can.
And he could feel all of his insecurities and anger fading away. Even if it was just for a little while.
Even when the two of them know that he will have to leave.
“Come live with us,” Wu says once again, and Morro blinks.
“Live… where?” He knows what he’s enunciating, but he would like to have confirmation before he blows it out of proportion. See, Departed Realm? He is maturing. They can stop sending him mixed messages about a new threat brewing in the deepest depths of the Realm now. He is done with being given hopeless missions. He is hapless in them.
Wu bristles, as if it was obvious. “In the Bounty, with my Ninja.”
Morro stares at him, scoffing after a heartbeat. He looks away from Wu, knowing that the senile man can understand the emotions he is currently conveying in his face. He is not going to risk letting Wu see his true emotions, especially when it comes to a sensitive matter like this. Wu knows that most of his ninja have the right to dislike him, correct? Even Lloyd, who, last time Morro checked, is still caught up with nightmares about him possessing his body. At least, that is what the Departed Realm is showcasing him— they love showing him the truth, the consequence of his actions rather than blustering him with praises, polishing him as if he was some eye-catching gold trophy that will rust.
“You overestimate their tolerance, master,” Morro says, seething a little. Yes, he can see that, in particular, the ninjas are kind. But kindness can only be strained enough.
“I can get them to behave.”
“You must prioritize their comfort over me,” he replies with finality. “I will only be helping you with this one simple task. And… I will be gone.”
Wu looks over at him solemnly. “I do not wish for you to be gone.”
Morro frowns. “We can’t always have what we want; that’s what you told me, the day Destiny spat on my face.”
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
For any OC you have
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
Ok how about more Meryamun ? I swear I will talk about his family soon enough too X'D
💓 first, context : Meryamun fell in love only 2-3 times in his life
One not mutual as a teenage boy for a mysterious middle aged hairy and muscular-yet-petite woman from very far away in Asia from an unknown country who had come overnight in his town and disappeared a few days later just as suddenly which was brushed off as a teenager infatuition by his parents but forever shaped his tastes in women (plot twist : she WAS his wife, Yumi, who accidentally found herself thrown way back in time after an "episode"'s shennanigans and she tried to be as neutral as ever not to alter the past plus it's weird to see the man you love the age of your own teenage children and rejecting him like "look you are too young for me, you will find the right one one day" while in her time he is older than her, so in a way it means he was always meant to fall in love with her)
Another with his childhood friend Neferet when they were 18 when he realized how she always was there for him and how much they had in common and all the fun they had and they were together for a few months before it... didn't feel right for him anymore both because it was the start of his villain arc and he was becoming ambitious realizing he loves war and wanted to become pharaoh one say and she wasn't socially important enough for him pluuuus deep down he still thought about that one woman and his friend did not look like his type at all so he ended up breaking up with and breaking her heart and she left with her family to another town and he never saw her again (and to this day he feels like an ass about it and feels very guilty wondering if she would forgive him and in fact grieves her since 5000 years later she is probably long dead unlike him)
And who he still loves to this day like he never loved Yumi his wife and mother of his children despite a rocky beginning due to vampire-werewolf rivalry even if FROM the start she absolutely was his type physically and looked nearly identical to that woman from long ago (DUH) so the rivalry was already flirty from the start
And to all 3 of them, when he catches romantic feelings, he gets dreamy. Almost shy even, even when he was flirty and made sex jokes until then if he did like for Yumi. He becomes awkward blth embarrassed his own feelings or fearing to sound creepy or stupid, especially from someone as collected and "professional" as him usually, it feels nearly abnormal, he does slap himself a few times, except maybe the first time when being high on teenage hormones he embraces it much more easily ready to jump on her now hence why it only took him a day before going doki doki while 18 years for Neferet and a year for Yumi (unaware she was his first crush)
But when he ends up accepting it and stop fighting, he goes forward and usually does the first step, telling that mysterious woman right before she left how she can stay and they can be together because he thinks he loves her, and shyly to Neferet his feelings for her seel to have stepped higher tha friendship these days and if she is willing they could give it a try ; it was ironically both harder for Yumi because WEREWOLF and he was still nearly a full on villain when meeting her so he didn't want to soften up again after all his progress done yet also easier because they had no real declaration but sttaight up kissed and fucked because she was in heat and he was in rut from smelling it (they would both try to ignore it and not talk about it again but got super affectionate and nicer after as if they were dating without being dating, until growing sad when having to part ways and he thought he would still just be a lone vampire again full of regrets until she gave up and left her pack to join him again and she was the one to declare him how they can give it a try which reminisced him of what he he said to Neferet and they kissed again but sweetly this time)
Once he was with Neferet (didn't last long tho) and Yumi (600 years and still counting !) no more awkwardness or denial. He can still be dreamy daydreaming about his love unable to wait to see her again (the early times for Neferet at least), will love making or buying presents, will be a flirtatious gentleman finding any excuse to compliment, touch and kiss, and will be horny and passionate, because he is a big romantic who needs to show her and make her feel how much he loves her
But with Yumi who is the love of his immortal life, it is even more beautiful and blatant. They are EXTREMELY horny and passionate doing it at least once a day unless one is sick or away or upset, they are very cuddly and touchy, they go on dates very often, being a billionaire he treats her with expensive stuff very often, having become a talented chef in the meantime he loves to feed her and she being super gluttonous (a side effect of lycanthropism in my lore) happily serves as his test when he asks for her opinion on his future menu additions to his restaurant, they travelled together for centuries seeing the world together, she is his PERFECT type of woman her aggressive werewolf form making him swoon and turning him on like nobody ever did before, and being immortal blood thirsty monsters who once were human and had trauma and felt oh so lonely until meeting they understand each other like no one does either, hunting together, keeping each other's secret safe, listening and giving advice, comforting, and he feels safe enough to confess to her what he used to keep for himself behind a "smug assholish classy villain who mocks" mask when he met het. Their relationship and their hybrid children are so known among the supernatural society it does rise questions about the matter of a werewolf and a vampire together, some applauding the change and others calling them degenerates
As for his first wife, princess then queen Meritites, he never loved her, he didn't even court her he only bootlicked her father enough until he would offer her to him, and he never touched her. Not physically his type (too conventionally feminine), too young to his tastes (he loves them mature), and again it was only as a tool to power, once he was in the royal family he was not interested in having heirs with her and just ignored her for their short years of marriage not bothering to have her at least care for him one way or another and not hiding his contempt and annoyance whenever she wanted to speak with him and seeing mistresses not even in the context of a harem which would have been acceptable for a pharaoh but he wasn't interestee in either but straight up mistresses in town therefore truly cheating to Ancient Egyptian standards, making her resent him deeply and gladly lock him inside his sarcophagus chained up when he became a vampire, remarried and erased his name from history. Something he had not thought through, for someone who manipulated his way up lmao
🤔 Meryamun loves many things many don't, and is very tolerant. Peace when war is so cool ? Sure, many people are scared of blood and death, of course they would want the boring way of life to feel safe. Hairy mature muscular women are not seen as attractive to society ? Ok sure, he can see the appeal in liking them young and feminine, he did love Neferet who was his age and more conventionally attractive for a time and before meeting that mysterious lady his hormones had him be attracted to other conventional hot girls his age or older. Not wanting the sun dead ? Well himself used to worship it and the majority of people were not betrayed by it like he had been so let them stay be blind and love it, plus now he has a wife and children and friends he is aware they will need the sun to live, so it kills him to admit it but he can't allow himself to ever ler it dead anymore. Fearing blood and gore ? Well he loves war and is a vampire which many are not so it is understandable they don't see the attrait. Not liking cats when they are superior to dogs ? Well dogs are fun and cats do have an attitude, plus he basically is married to one and father of half canids now so in a way he does love both now. Modern art and music even if they make such weird sounds and are just... one color in a canvas ? To each their taste he guesses he's too old for this anyway. Eat the rich ? Hehe he knows why, and his experience with ignoring his ex wife backfiring taught him on the contrary to have the popular opinion be "eat the rich... except Lord Ankhkemet he is valid" by being very generous and do true actual good better than most billionaires for the citizens to suspect nothing so he can have the time to determine through smell which is the healthiest to drain off their blood tonight
But if there is ONE thing he will never tolerate is fucking up food to which he turns full on Gordon Ramsay, his trainees CRY in his restaurant and his chefs still sweat in his presence fearing to do one mistake he would notice. If he loves you you sure will argue. He tolerates failing ONLY for children and teenagers but he estimates adults should know for a living ESPECIALLY if it's your job and are supposed to be so-called experienced, the literal "oh darling. Oh gorgeous VS YOU FUCKING DONKEY" Gordon Ramsay meme. Meryamun loves all types of cooking, even junk food or street food which many food snobs would reject, he doesn't at all because to him as long as it is good it is good. But if IN FRONT OF HIM you let the chicken be raw when it's not supposed to be a chicken tartare he will do his BEST not to take his monster form to rip your veins out of you. Sometimes some so called professionals who fucked up a tiramissu in front of him are next on his target list to hunt down. He understands mistakes which are on THIN ice. It is when deliberate or not cared about he goes murderous. Sometimes for the lolz his kids or friends show him videos of badly cooked food and he starts swearing in Ancient Egyptian and his pupils grow feline-like and his teeth bare while they laugh
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Leo and I have been going through a rough patch the last few weeks. It started when there were just a few too many small instances of her always seeming like she'd rather not be hanging out with me. She works a pretty demanding job and I understand wanting time to herself. So I let it go. But it kept happening. I'd start to feel her always wanting to leave conversations or be anxious about the time. Then 2 weeks of intense overtime started and it got worse.
It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't afraid to vocalize what she wanted. But she just tries to push thru conversations and I just feel shitty bc I feel like she's tired of me.
We've been trying to work through it and sometimes it feels like it's getting better but then it just gets worse again. She has a lot of fear and anxiety and it holds her back from even providing me with reassurance that she's been enjoying my company.
I ended up crying and hyperventilating tonight bc I asked for some reassurance and she went into a whole fear cycle and then I just felt so lost and unloved. I felt like she doesnt like spending time with me, she feels like I'm an obligation, etc.
Logically, I know a lot of this is both of us being stuck in our own fear cycles. But it doesn't change the fact that I feel really unloved and unappreciated and now super frustrated bc no matter how I try to phrase that or give examples of what I need or try to understand what she needs, we can't seem to get anywhere.
I'll prob text our therapist tomorrow and ask for a session bc we're really stuck.
Usually I don't try to let my anger get the best of me but today I was firm and I didn't comfort her and that might have been wrong of me. I just feel like she doesn't appreciate me and if I don't put my foot down she doesn't realize how important something is to me sometimes. Or she's to afraid to do anything until she realizes how desperate the situation is. And she needs to know I'm not ok and I'm not always gonna be there for her if she doesn't appreciate me. I've been so patient this whole time. (But hopefully this is something we can get a better resolution for too bc I don't wanna be firm like this!! It's so hard not to comfort her when she's sad!!!!)
Anyway just feelings super sad and lonely these days and like I don't matter and it sucks.
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xexiar · 1 year
Keep Watching. Chapter 14
Ch13 Ao3 FFnet
The first day of UA was more than I expected. Especially as I watched an angry blonde and some guy with glass argue. They argued about how the blonde boy had his feet on the desk. I tried not to snicker too loud as I enjoyed the free show. That was until the door opened, and a boy with green hair walked in. And just like that, the blonde boy had his feet down, with his attention aimed at the green hair.
As I watched Bakugo step up to give the first throw, I couldn't help be impressed. What else did I expect from someone who was at the top of the class based on the entrance exam? But he was super rude and off-putting. And while trying to get through all 6 challenges, I wasn't sure if I could pass. I was still in disbelief that I even got into the school. At least Ashido was here. She also came a long way. Plus, it was such a great surprise to be in her class.
Once the excitement of the morning classes was finished, it was lunchtime. "Hey, Kirishima." I looked to my left and saw that Ashido was next to my desk. "Do you want to sit together at lunch?"
"Hell yeah!" As we walked to the lunch room, I couldn't help but notice a few things about our classmates. Besides, everyone seemed to have a talking buddy already. There was one oddball out of us. It was that Bakugo kid. He seemed to just be in his own little world as he avoided being touched by anyone as he walked. And when we got our lunch, I also saw how he just sat alone. "How about we go sit with Bakugo, Ashido?"
"I don't know." That was a surprise coming from the peppiest girl I knew. "He's just so rude and off-putting. Why did you even suggest that?"
I couldn't help but smile as I started walking towards Bakugo. "It just reminds me how nobody sat with me in middle school. I felt lonely. Maybe he does too."
"You have a point." When we got to the table, it didn't seem that Bakugo even notice that we were there. That was unit we sat down. He was in the motion of grabbing his tray when Ashido spoke up. "Come on, man. There's not that many tables to sit alone." Somehow that just made Bakugo seem angrier, which I didn't think was possible. But he did settle back down and took a bite of his lunch.
"What do you extra's want?"
"Ouch, man. Can we not just sit with a fellow classmate?"
Bakugo left eye seemed to twitch for a moment. Or would it be considered his right eye, based on the fact I was across from him? He even put his chopsticks down and grabbed his tray again. "Nobody ever sat with me unless they're after something." And with that, he got up and left for another empty table.
"That was…" I looked at Ashido, and she seemed upset while taking a sip of her juice. "That was very sad. Does that mean he never had a friend before?" At that, I couldn't help but stare at my food. For I understood that feeling a little too well. After all, it was only after the entrance exam that me and Ashido really started to talk to each other.
"Maybe…" I took a bite of my pork katsu before looking over to Ashido. "Maybe we could be his friends." Seeing her nod in agreement made me really happy. With that, the day seemed to go so smoothly. And Ashido walked with me to the station. "Do you think that Midoriya and Bakugo know each other, with how they seemed to stare at each other?"
"I was thinking that too. Especially how they both seem so similar."
I looked to my right and saw how Ashido seem to be thinking. "Similar in what way?"
She looked at me. "Didn't you notice?" I quickly shook my head. "They both mumble and seem to be stuck in their own world. Not to mention how they mirror how the other sits. It was strange to see how Midoriya was all smiles and Bakugo just angry. Even though it's none of our business, those two seem to know each other."
Come the next day, I took more note of what Ashido was talking about. The two boys really did seem like the exact opposite of each other. And when All Might showed up in class, I couldn't help but look towards the high pitch scream. I was surprised it came from Midoriya. At that, I noticed how Bakugo seemed to switch between looking at All Might and Midoriya. I wonder why.
While we changed in the locker room, I couldn't help but notice how both boys seemed to have strange scars. Before Bakugo could cover his arms, I was able to see he had small marks on his wrist. If it wasn't for the angle I was in, I don't think anyone would have noticed those scars. Was he a cutter? And on the other side of me, Midoriya had different scars all over his body. From the cuts on his back and legs. It had me wondering what had these two gone through. But that's not my business to ask.
As I watched the match between Bakugo and Midoriya, I was left speechless. It didn't help how we all argued that All Might should stop the match. But he just smiled and said how they would be fine. Bakugo was ruthless with each of his attacks. Just watching was frightening. Makes me wonder what he was truly capable of if he could go all out. "Sensi!" All Might looked down at me. "You have to stop this. They'll kill each other." But again, my plead was unheard.
While Bakugo stood before us after the match, he had this look that I had never seen on a person before. Like he was in such disbelief that he checked out. And after the rest of the matches, we finally headed back to the campus for lunch. Once again, he sat alone. But when me and Ashido sat down with him, he didn't even flinch. In fact, he hadn't even touched his food. "Hey, man. You ok?"
That's when Bakugo looked at us, and he held such an emotionless face that I didn't know what to think of it. "What the hell do you want?" And just like that, for a brief moment, he was angry. But it quickly faded when he looked back at his food.
"You were incredible during your match." The moment Ashido said that Bakugo slammed his chopsticks down. He then grabbed his tray. "Wait! What did I say wrong?"
Bakugo was practically growling as he spoke. "You're only talking to me because of my quirk. So, leave me the fuck alone." As he started to get up, I quickly rushed to his side and forced him back down. "Don't touch me!"
"Calm down, man. She was just trying to give you a compliment. Is it that bad?" Bakugo tried to move away, but I wasn't letting him. I have only known him for less than two days, but I think I understand him a bit. "Just hear us out."
"Leave me alone, shitty hair. Racoon eyes' compliment I heard too many times. It means absolutely nothing." So that's it.
I couldn't help but smile as I kept my arm around Bakugo's shoulders. "You were ruthless out there. Besides being downright frightening, it was impressive how you moved in those tight walls. You think you could help me out move that easy?" I looked over to Ashido, and she started to smile.
"Yeah. Come on. It's clear you know how to use your quirk better than any of us. Maybe if you help us out, we would be just as awesome." That's when I noticed how Bakugo seemed to calm down in his seat. At that, he picked up his chopsticks again and started to eat.
"There's no way I would help extras." Ashido and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Stop laughing! I mean it."
"Come on, man. At least give us a chance to tell you what our quirks are." He just looked at me before taking another bite of his food. "Well, you see, my quirk gives me the ability to harden my skin." I showed him by hardening my left arm.
"So, like a shield?"
"I guess so. I never thought about it that way."
"That's because you're stupid." Well, at least he was talking. I'll take what I can get. "What about you, raccoon eyes."
"My name is Ashido, by the way." Bakugo just shrugged his shoulders, and Ashido shook her head. "Well, grumpy. I can create acid." She used her right hand to drop acid into her left hand. "I'm still trying to get better control of it. But it's so hard when I get excited."
"So, you suck at being level-headed." For the rest of lunchtime, Bakugo made rude comments, but somehow it made sense. Maybe it's just the way he speaks. Since a lot of what he said was very helpful. He even agreed to hang out this weekend so we can all practice using our quirks. I wonder what that would look like.
But it's when we went back to the class is when he seemed to check out again. I wonder if he does that often. And when class was over, everyone stood behind. That's when I noticed something. Bakugo was looking behind him for a moment and seemed to hold an upset expression. Was he hoping to see Midoriya?
When Midoriya got back to class, everyone started to talk to him at once. But he didn't seem to be focused on us. In fact, as he spoke, he was trying to look around us. Was he looking for Bakugo? It was after he left that Uraraka said how even she wondered the same as me. "Hey, Uraraka." She looked at me. "Since you seem friendly with Midoriya, do know what's up with those two?"
"Oh, Bakugo and Deku were childhood friends." The way the whole class gasped was more surprising than learning those two have a past. And here I thought me and Ashido were the only two whole came from the same school.
Come the next day, Bakugo still seemed out of it, but not as bad as yesterday. And when lunchtime finally came around, I was surprised that Kaminari sat with us. "What the hell?" We all looked at what seemed to be an annoyed Bakugo. The only difference was that he stood sitting and ate his lunch. Guess he didn't mind the extra person sitting with us.
"Sorry, man." I looked over to Kaminari. "It's just that I may have overheard your convection yesterday." Bakugo looked up and grunted before looking back at his food. "Yeah, I was sitting behind you guys. So, it couldn't be helped."
"Man of few words." The look Bakugo gave me was kind of funny. His eyes didn't twitch this time, but he still looked annoyed. "So, what's your quirk, Kaminari?"
We watched as he pulls out a charger and his phone. And before our eyes, he started to charge his phone. "I can produce and manipulate electricity. Well, manipulate it to an extent."
"So, a walking charger?" At that, we were all shocked to hear Bakugo snicker.
"Wow. So Mr. grumpy can laugh."
Bakugo looked annoyed again at me. "Don't push it, shitty hair." At that, I couldn't help but laugh. As we started walking to leave the lunch room, I couldn't help but notice how Bakugo seemed to be looking for something. That's when I watched as he walked over to the table Midoriya was sitting at. He then made Midoriya sit back down. Which then Midoriya took bites of his food that seemed not to have been touched. So, I was right. Bakugo way of talking doesn't really match his actions.
When I finally woke up, I was in disbelief. I couldn't believe that I beat Kacchan. But instead of feeling happy, I felt frustrated. It feels like I did something wrong. Almost as if I cheated and shouldn't have gotten the win.
And as I looked around the nurse's office, I happened to notice that All Might was here. I overheard the conversation between him and Recovery Girl before she left. With that, I was alone in the room with him. "It's going to be ok, young Midoriya." But it didn't feel that way.
While I lay there, too weak to move, All Might came next to me. He then went about closing the curtain. I watched how he walked over to where my head rested. Then, with his right hand, he started to touch my cheek.
I could feel it when his thumb passed along my lips before his hand started moving down. All Might's hand felt down my neck to my shoulder. There he squeezed slightly. "Do you feel pain still?" With what little strength I had I nodded. He then removed his hand and left the office.
I was so grateful I was able to catch up to Kacchan. Especially since I just couldn't take it anymore. "Kacchan, please hear me out."
"What do you want, nerd?"
I tried my best to stay calm, but it was so hard to breathe. It didn't help that my shoulders felt so heavy and my chest tightened. Especially as I saw the pain on Kacchan's face. I'm so ashamed of myself because I'm the one who hurt him. "But I can't keep it in anymore. It hurts so much not to tell you. So, please just believe me when I say this power was given to me."
I watched as tears ran down Kacchan's face, and he grabbed his chest. "Don't you dare lie to me! Stop looking down on me! Just stop it!" At that moment, I couldn't breathe. The pain in my chest was unbearable. Even my vision blurred as I fell to my knees.
The world around me felt like it crumbled to nothing as all I can hear and see was Kacchan crying. I did that. I hurt him! No! No! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have done this! If only I would have stayed quirkless! "But I could never lie to you, Kacchan. You know this!"
All I could see was Kacchan running away from me. NO! But just then. All Might came out of nowhere and placed a hand on Kacchan. Seeing that somehow made the pain I felt vanish. And in its place was pure rage.
As I stood up, I watched how Kacchan pushed All Might away. Once Kacchan left, I was alone with All Might. As he tried speaking to me, I heard nothing. All that I could see was red, and the only thing I could hear was how I was going to kill him. "Lay a finger on my Kacchan again, and I'll be the reason you're six feet under."
Watching how All Might put his hands up and stepped back somehow calmed me down. "Young Midoriya, are you ok?"
"I don't care if you're my hero or my teacher. But if you ever touch Kacchan, I will end you." With that, I left the school. But instead of heading home, I went to the twins' tattoo shop. [ENG] "Micky!"
When I stepped into the shop, I was surprised that Micky wasn't working on a client. Instead, he was sitting on the couch with a few plates of food on the coffee table. [ENG] "Sis told me ya were coming. I got us grub. Dig in."
I went over and sat on the chair across from him. "So, she told you?"
"Yeah. We sent the specs to the agency. Ya should be getting a response in a few days on the upgrades ya want." I watched as Micky bit into a rice ball. "Now, talk."
I took one of the rice balls that was closest to me and took a bite. "I won against Kacchan. I feel like a huge cheater."
"Cause you are." I looked at Micky as he did something with his phone. Just then, Sydney opened her office door. "You better tell her everything, Split. Ya know how sis gets when ya fuck up."
With that said, I went into Sydney's office. She locked it, and I told her about my training with All Might. It was difficult, but I tried to explain how I got his quirk. "That damn pedo."
"Pedo? What that?"
Sydney sat back in her chair and folded her arms. "In short, someone who fuck kids." She then picked up a folder. "Before I explain what's in here, I gotta know what happened today." I then went to tell her about the training exercise. "Don't worry, Split. Ya ain't in trouble. And I'll patch ya up in a sec. Now, listen closely."
Sydney then proceeded to share how her team was looking into a case. At that, it involves All Might and a few other heroes. Before long, I didn't know what to believe. "All Might isn't that kind of person!"
Sydney looked me in the eyes as she spoke in Japanese. "You're young, and you idolize him. But you need to listen to me. Not all heroes are good people. Many have used their hero status as a way to get what they want. I won't blame you for not believing. But I do have a request."
As she got up, I took another look through the file. "What if I help get proof?" She looked back at me while grabbing a water bottle. "If I get proof, would that mean I can save other people from this happening to them?" Sydney nodded her head as she walked back to me. "So…"
[ENG] "Split, I rather you don't, but I ain't stopping ya. But I do have a request."
"What is it!"
Sydney grabbed the nearby first aid kit and started to work on my arms. [JP] "Start going to our gym. It's by the school, so you don't have to travel far. At that," She started to rebandage my left arm. "The gym is run by the Brazilian division. So, you'll be in good hands. And," she smirked as she looked at me. "You can invite your friends. Including Kacchan." At that, my face started to burn up.
I decided to wake early, and once I got out of the station, I got out my skateboard. After my conversation with the twins yesterday, it left me wondering about things. As much as I don't believe that All Might would ever hurt anyone, I also felt that it could be possible. But how would I prove his innocence?
When I got to school, I was surprised that Uraraka was talking to me. Then again, I did take my time so I didn't run late. And for the rest of the morning everything seemed to go well. That was until lunchtime. I was so caught up in talking with Ida and Uraraka that I completely forgot to eat. That was a strange thing to say.
But just as I was about to get up, I was forced back down. Looking to see who it was, I was overjoyed it was Kacchan. Does this mean he's not mad at me? I couldn't help inwardly smile as I tried to eat what I could quickly. I almost skipped down the halls with how happy I was feeling.
After yesterday, today felt like a dream. I had lunch and wasn't alone. Kacchan made sure I ate lunch. He looked more relaxed than usual. It was then that I noticed 3 of our classmates were walking alongside him. Did Kacchan also make friends? I was both happy and somewhat upset at seeing him with them.
I don't get why I'm upset. But I just hope that those 3 were treating Kacchan nicely. I would hate to make enemies while in high school. But if anyone hurts Kacchan they will have to answer to me.
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whiskeynovember · 1 year
I wanna do a light watering today. it's not going to be too hot, so I could wait until tomorrow instead. Hell, I might just clean up out here, make my breakfast, and enjoy it outside.
in order of observance, two of the Asian cucumbers have yet to sprout. I'm a bit nervous about cutworms (and worms in general) in the area. still no serrano peppers. found a worm on the Italian basil. *smoosh*
the eggplants are doing quite well in the plot and in cups. habanero pepper leaves are become ng a bit... spotty? I'll need to keep an eye on that. pruning in the buttercup squash. found a worm on the watermelon which bit through some of the skin, but it doesn't look too bad. *smoosh*
it looks like aphids may be attacking the yellow squash, so I sprayed a little. I made sure to stay close to the area that was infected, but it's the flowering area, so I'll make sure to spray it down with water tomorrow to get it all off.
a few of the starter plants were knocked over, as was the lime balm prop. u put them all in taller catch cups except for the honey melon sage, which seems to retain water quite well... maybe too well. I don't think I watered it yesterday and it's still heavy. I didn't water it today so I'll see how it looks tomorrow and if it's still moist, u might report with more drainage.
the basil looked sad, so I watered it and it perked up within half an hour. it sucks up so much freaking water. I've been pouring enough so that the catch cup is full, but by the next day... sad again. I don't even think the soil is fully dry, it just wants more water.
I repotted the Korean mint. I'm glad I did because I pulled out the two that were dying and there were no roots. I emptied the pot and... yeah, it was pretty bad. they have long roots, but the soil was just really bad, and it's obvious that the mix I was using (dirt, wood chips, too much of that manure soil) was suffocating the roots. I did a better starter mix, lots of perlite for aeration and drainage and just a little if the previous mix for the nutrients.
Here's hoping it pulls through. I'm super sad I wasted the seeds, though. it's hurting not to buy some more. my licorice mint seedlings are sprouting. the new Cucamelon seedlings is growing another set of leaves and the older one is slowly climbing the skewer.
I lost 3 pineberry seedlings, one fenugreek, and so far , still the lone lemon balm.
it looks like u may have a baby bush watermelon. 😋
happy happy garden. i am pretty positive now that the reason the basil might be doing bad is the bad soil, but I'm nervous to repot it just yet. it's not doing too bad and the new seedlings are already catching up to the old seedlings... which kinda tells me that they've definitely stunted.
I'll have to work my way to a better mix when they're more mature.
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keefwho · 2 years
March 17 - 2023
8:24 AM
I had a dream I got fucked super hard in high school science class. It was by someone I didn’t have a very high opinion of when I went there but I didn’t necessarily dislike him. I remember it felt awesome, I got manhandled GOOD. But after that the dream kinda sucked because I was going around trying to not look like I blew my load all over myself and didn’t have a good change of clothes. I also got locked out of my locker and the front desk lady couldn’t help me because I had an expired ID. At some point after school I went to go buy soda for myself, had some awkward interactions at Walmart, and came out with a 24 pack of diet coke by accident that I couldn’t return. 
I had other dreams before this that I forgot because I got woken up at 6am. This morning I feel kinda tired still and am not looking forward to commissions or my workout but I’ll try to get it all done. Maybe I just need a real sturdy breakfast. 
6:29 PM
I’ve been pretty tired the past few days and I don’t know why. Maybe it is just the slight lack of sleep but I’m not sure. I guess I’ll try extra hard to get better sleep the next few days and see if that helps. I’m not ACTUALLY afraid of this but what if it’s because of an underlying condition? I wouldn’t start to suspect that unless it doesnt get better or got worse. The leading theory is I really need to get my 8 hours and I’ve also been pushing myself pretty hard this week. Even though for 3 days this week I skipped an hour of work. I dunno. 
11:52 PM
I feel kinda sad tonight but I’m gonna try no to judge myself for it. Im just gonna write it out and let it be what it is. I feel kinda lonely, largely due to my parents not being here for the next week. Even though hardly anything is fundamentally different with how I operate, it is unsettling having no one around physically. And I gotta take care of the dogs which is annoying. 
I also have those classic feelings of “I’m not very good” or “Im falling behind” or “People don’t love me as much as I think they do”. Obviously all disputable claims but I am not here to dispute. Sometimes that doesn’t help. The truth is I think it’s okay to be feeling these things, I feel them for a reason. When I find the reasons I can end up changing my behavior around it. Or I can wait until I know I’ll feel better. I am becoming more and more aware of my patterns and it’s hard to keep falling into them when I see them happening. So tonight I’m defusing from those big negative thoughts but allowing myself to be aware of them and still feel bad about them. Im just trying to prevent overthinking or mental reverb so it doesn’t get so out of hand. 
On a brighter note I’ve had 2 successful encounters where I basically brute forced social interaction with a stranger by asking them questions. Like they wouldn’t have much to say and I’d carry the conversation moment by moment until they opened up and started contributing themselves. Its been interesting and I’m starting to hone in on a more clear goal. My objective is to hunt for people I get along with by getting to know strangers. Sounds straightforward and obvious because it is but for awhile now I’ve been in a rut where I was failing to recognize the social potential around me. Everyone felt like an NPC and I didn’t like that. They still do but I’m working on it. But I’m realizing that the only way I can find more compatible people is to actually go around and locate them. Along the way I can learn to socialize better and have meaningful interactions with people I might not ever see again. 
At the end of the day I know I always have my homies which is all that matters to me. I’m trying to expand my social circle for the sake of being healthy. I don’t want to replace anyone and I want to stop feeling guilty like I am. In my perfect world I’d want to stick with the homies I got for the rest of my life and thats it. Of course I’ll still try to make that happen, but I wish I didn’t have to make new friends. I like the ones I have. 
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jihyolesbian · 3 years
when a concert date was the only thing keeping you going for months but now it's passed </3
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#tw long and embarassingtags#my anxiety is bad!!!!!! my parents have been calling me everyday bc they think i sound like I'm getting bad again they remind me#'only ___ days until your home with us' i cant wait to go home I'm so sad and nervous lately I'm think i am getting bad again#tmi but idk if u remember back in oct/nov i was really really s*icidal and so when the tour dates were announced my parents bought me tix#to make me like feel better and hold me over for a little while but now it's passed and it's midterms and I'm so sick#it's hard to keep going rigt now but i just have to make it til thursday night and i can go home#i was getting bad again tbh like a week before the concert anyways but now that it's over :(#im just super lonely too for no reason i don't know what to do with myself and all this dread#i never know if im hungry or not either bc i always feel nauseous or have the bad nervous butterflies in my tummy#ive been feeling so bad about my ********* lately too and i feel guilty that I'm even questioning myself about that based on like a few#moments#but i dont wanna talk about that bci know it might make some of my mutuals feel bad too and it's just embarrassing that I'm so unsure abtit#at this point in my life or whatever but damn i wish it was different#i just wanna cry all the time i had to leave my lab early yesterday bc i just started crying in the middle of class it was so embarrassing#i dont want to go back tomrorw#this was so much tmi sorry for disappearing and then coming back with a diary post#i feel like im trapped in a box and everyone. isjust watching me go crazy
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