#until he couldnt scream until he couldnt breathe until he couldnt think
munikuu · 2 months
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fresh out the slammer // mattheo riddle x fem reader
playlist : fresh out the slammer - taylor swift
summary : after a 6 month relationship with the narcissistic cormac mclaggen youre finally free and ready to move on asap.
gryffindor reader , y/n used , swearing
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"fuck you mclaggen!" you screamed as you ran out of his dorm , having caught him snogging a random ravenclaw girl.
your anger was going wild as he chased you down the corridor , shouting pleas of forgivness. but you couldnt help feel relieved to finally have an excuse to break up with him , the happiness and fury seemed to merge into one in your mind.
"mclaggen speak one more word and i swear to merlin ill FUCK YOU UP!" you screamed in his face making him abruptly stop before you turned around and stormed out of the portrait hole.
"yeah well youre ugly anyways!" he deperatly shouted after you as you laughed , making sure he would hear ,"and youre a bitch!"
"and your dick is small!" you shouted back at him , flipping him off just in time before the portrait hole slammed shut.
you let out a sigh of relief when it finally shut , the fat lady staring down at you with suprise before giving you a soft hum of approval , getting back to her normal position.
your whole face brightened into a grin as the realisation sunk in , you were single....but you were free from mclaggen!!
practically skipping to the great hall with a bright grin you waved and greeted every person that passed happily , many were confused by your happiness.
but your friends were even more confused when you ran into the great hall , sprinting to the gryffindor table and stopping infront of them.
"IM FREE!" you cheered before jumping up and down on the spot.
they all stared at you like youd gone mad as you quickly realised hogwarts gossip was quick- but not so quick your breakup from 3 minutes ago wouldve reached them yet.
"free from what?" harry finally broke the silence as you grinned at him.
"MCLAGGEN!" you squealed in excitement before sitting down next to ron.
they all seemed confused until hermione face morphed into pure shock , "you broke up with him?!"
both harry and ron quickly let out "ohh"s of realisation as you nodded with happiness , "i caught him snogging a ravenclaw , great right?! i was so angry at the time but when i realised i was free of him , i practically danced here!"
hermione held back a laugh , "y/n im so sorry thats awful!".
"the only awful thing about it is mclaggens breath," ron muttered as you laughed and shoved him arm causing him to gasp , "thats the first time youve ever laughed at a mclaggen joke , you usually smack the back of my head!".
"yeah well now that im not tied to that physco , i can laugh again!" you beamed like the sun as they all couldnt help but smile.
"im happy for you , happy break up," harry supported with a smile.
"thanks harry!" you then turned serious , "maybe i should be single for a while , i need to recover from the trauma that is being that goblins girlfriend."
ron snorted besides you as hermione let out a small giggle before spotting something behind you and smirking , "yeah i dont think being single will last too long."
"youre right , i just want to kiss someone right now ,because i can!" you laughed.
"yeah well i think i know someone very willing to volunteer for that," hermione said as you smirked and looked at her 'who?' she flicked her eyes back behind you , "riddle. the boy has been obsessed since third year everyone knows it."
"seriously?!" you asked in complete shock as heat rushed to your cheeks , the truth is youve liked him for a very long time , but his cold nature made you dismiss it as a unrealistic crush.
"y/n he hexed mclaggen twice when he found out you were dating." harry said blankly as if this infomation was well known.
"that was him?! mclaggen told me his nose was abnomrally large because the twins pulled a prank on him."
"oh yeah that was the twins but the boils all over his face and the uncontrollable itching? riddle." ron nodded.
"i just thought it was a rough week for him wow" you whispered , all the peices falling into place as you finally decided to turn around to look at mattheo.
and there he was , staring right back at you with his head in his hands , seemingly in a daze. until he quickly snapped out of it when you winked at him.
in mattheos opinion you were the prettiest and funniest girl he knew , and you didnt know him. so when you winked at him and giggled at the scarlett blush that formed on his cheeks , he nearly passed out.
"look at little mattys cheeks!" theodore teased having seen the whole thing ,"did the pretty gryffindor finally give you a glance matty?"
mattheo threw him a cold glare before looking at your back that was now turned to him , he had learned to tune out his friends teasing , especially since it had plagued him every day since third year.
but what he didnt expect was for you to get up out of your seat and run over to him with a bright smile , stopping infront of him and sitting down in the empty spot beside him. even his teasing friends had gone dead silent seeing the gryffindor girl infront of them.
"hi! mattheo right?" you grinned at him as he stared back with wide eyes.
"y-yeah yeah thats me," he struttered.
"sorry , i do know your name its just my friends call you riddle so much i had to make sure. i mean how could i forget such a handsome face?" you winked as everyones jaws dropped, mattheos especially.
"i- thank you..you....youre gorgeous!" the last part came out in a flustered shout as the whole hall turned around in surpise and his friends hid the giggled behind their hands.
you blushed. YOU BLUSHED?! mattheos brain was going into overdrive as the pink hue lit up your cheeks , he never knew it was possible for you to get even prettier.
"t-..thank you mattheo. look i know weve never really talked before , but ive always thought youre funny and nice eventhough you keep to yourself, and obviously hot" his face turned fully red as you so casually gave him the most compliments hes ever recieved in his life, "i was wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmeade with me?"
you smiled hopefully as he stared back with pure suprise on his face. you sat like this for a few moments as he recollected his thoughts , unmoving.
"YES PLEASE!" he said loudly making you laugh as people turned yet again.
"youre cute! see you there!" you said adoringly before kissing his cheek and walking back to the gryffindor table.
the whole of his friend group sat in silence before mattheo banged his head on the table letting out a loud groan of frustration, embarrassment rushing through his veins. this cued the loud howls of laughted from his friends.
"yes please!! he said yes please!!" lorenzo wheezed.
"ive never seen something so awkward in my life!" pansy choked through hysterical laughter , clutching dracos arm for support.
"mattheo for someone so cold and untouchable , you acted like a ten year old!" blaise laughed at him.
mattheo lifted his head from the table , face still as crimson as the ribbon in your hair , "remind me to throw myself off the astronomy tower."
draco dramatically gasped , "not before your big date!" he said in a sarcastic teasing.
and from the gryffindor table you also radiated a crushing embarassment , "i asked if he was called mattheo , UGH!".
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draiys · 5 months
you drew stars around my scars
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but now i'm bleeding...
luke castellan x child of athena!fem!reader
genre fluff / angst
warnings spoilers ig, but i kinda went off canon bc i haven't read it in a while (and bc i couldnt bring myself to write it) im sryyy, crying, mentions of being burned (but its not literal), my attempt at angst, kissing, mentions of not being able to breathe (but theres no like choking or anything), open-ended(-ish?) ending
wc 1k
a/n requested here ! i hope u like it :')
my requests are open !
You used to think you knew everything. 
Sure, it sounds a little conceited, but it’s who you’ve been told you are.
Y/N has a plan. Y/N will know what to do. She always does.
No one ever thought to tell you that it was okay if you weren’t always exactly sure of everything.
And so, you’d risen to it. Always knowing, expecting, deciding. Everything.
But now, as Luke stands in the sand in front of you, rain washing into his curls, you’re not sure you’ve ever known anything.
“They don’t care about us.” He hisses. “Don’t you see that?”
His boot presses forward as he steps closer to you, his calloused hand reaching towards your cheek.
You pause for a moment, as if you’ll let him touch you, and you almost do, but step back quickly after as if his hand is a fire you’ve only just remembered will burn skin instead of a beautiful, twisting, orange arc.
“Y/N,” he whispers, but you’ve stepped back into another place, another time. A memory.
Of the only other time you’ve felt like you don’t know anything, calloused hands that reach for you, and a raspy voice whispering your name.
You’re curled into the wall against your bunk, knees pulled up into your chest, tears tracing down your face.
And he’s smiling softly, his hand held out. 
“That is your name, right?”
At your nod, his smile widens.
You decide you like his smile, the way it pushes up his eyes into crescents, and so you take his hand.
He gently tugs you up and out of bed.
“I know it’s hard, but I promise it will be okay.”
You’ve heard that about a thousand times since you’ve arrived at camp, but you think this is the only time you’ve heard it that you’ve believed it even a little.
His fingers rub against your palm, and his hand is warm, and you look into his eyes. They’re warm and glowy and comforting, and you think maybe you’ll manage being in this camp, if he’s here.
Now, his eyes are the coldest you’ve ever seen, and a frown pulls the corners of his mouth down. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, and you realize you’ve never felt scared of Luke until now.
He shakes his head slightly, and it’s Luke, shaking his head, grinning as Athena’s owl glows above your head. 
“I should’ve known you were too smart for us.”
You scoff, going to push at his shoulder, but he grabs your waist and you fall into his hug. You inhale, his cologne winding around you, and he lowers his head to whisper into your ear.
“I’m gonna miss you.”
You pause, arms moving tentatively to hug him back, chin pushing further into his shoulder.
A wave of emotion hits the inside of your gut, pulling your breath tight.
“Luke,” you breathe, and he pulls his head back to look at you. You can’t say anything, but he understands what you mean by his name.
I’ll miss you more. Please don’t leave me. I need you.
“It’s okay,” he promises, and he tucks your hair behind your ear, wiping a tear from your under eye, and you realize you’re crying.
He leans forward, and his gaze drifts to your lips, and yours drift to his, and suddenly they’ve connected, you’re not sure when that happened, but you pull him impossibly closer. You ignore the screams of the campers around you as you realize you’re kissing him. Luke, who took you and put you behind his back on the first day of camp, who’s listened to all your worries and sobs and laughs for a month that seems like years.
And you finally pull away, the need for oxygen coming up in your lungs, squeezing them because you can’t breathe, can’t think, you don’t know anything, who is he?
Luke frowns harshly, angrily, and you almost trip backwards trying to get away from him.
“I’m sorry,” you say again. But you’re not sure if you’re saying it to him or to yourself. You don’t know who he is anymore. Because this surely can’t be him, not Luke who kissed you and held you while you cried, who taught you to use a sword, patiently steadying your grip, who was the only person that told you it was okay if you didn’t have a plan.
“Luke,” you whisper, and he creeps closer, and you forget about the fire, and you let his lips burn into you.
It’s been a month since Luke left, and you’ve never felt emptier, even before you met him. You’d been holding tightly onto the pieces of your heart, until he’d come and told you he would keep them safe for you. But now he’s left with all of them, and you’re even emptier than you were before. 
You’re a wreck, skipping meals and staying in bed instead of going to trainings.
You stare out the cabin window, at the starry night you and Luke used to sneak out to go lie underneath together.
There’s a knock at the door, and you stay unmoving, glancing at the clock. Whoever’s got a question for an Athena kid at 2am can come back in the morning. But then there’s a sound that makes you freeze. A short knock, and then a louder, longer, one. Like a heartbeat. Bu-bum. Bu-bum. Your special knock, with him.
You’re not sure what compels you to get out of bed, pulling your sheets aside lazily, because it must be the worst idea you’ve had in a while. But you twist open the door, heart thumping like the knock as your breath catches over your throat.
The porch light shines down over the dark figure, face hard to see, but of course you’d recognize him anywhere.
“Luke,” you whisper.
All the coldness that lingered in his eyes is gone now, the familiar warmth taking them over again.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his voice shaking. “I’m so sorry,” he says again, and you wonder if maybe the fire has gone out, and you pull him into a tight hug as he burns you.
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high for this - mv1 fluff + smut (part two of i wanna be yours)
pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader
a/n: im so proud to finallyyy post this and im so sorry to everyone who had to wait months and months for this but it's finally out and I hope you enjoy it🩷
requests that came together and inspired this series:
• nsfw prompts 9-13 (in pt. 2)
• 'listen up. Obsessive possessive crazy max for sweet innocent reader smut.'
• 'ok so we need dark FICS of any driver of your choice but make him very obsessive and possessive and don't forget the smut. Keep it up girlllll!!!'
taglist<3: @flucffyseven @avg-golden-retriever @pxppeypianotme@annewithaneofthegreengable @herefortheteadandthed @ananyasr1bughead @sp1cycurry @rhey-007 @larastark3107 @sarahedwards16 @bbeeth @lpab @yourneighbourhoodfriendlywitch @alwaysboredsworld @lexiecamposv @vellicora @depressedriches @snugbug@omgsuperstarg
summary: a date with max + smut <3 (part 2)
warnings: fluff, smut, choking, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), penetration, edging, overstimulation, begging, dirty talk, obsessive max, degradation and praise at the same time🤨
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you and max's steps were perfectly in sync as you made your way down the streetlight lit sidewalk. the rest of the world fell away behind you as he captured all your attention.
you'd managed to let go of some of the nervousness that previously flooded your mind. the quietness of the night and the magnetic aura of the man beside you was calming.
you're holding his hand a little tighter than necessary, but you cant help it. your hand in his just felt so nice, so right.
you'd never felt that anyone had touched you with true passion. no one had touched you in the way that made you feel like your souls were colliding. and the feeling of max's hand left you craving more, made your legs weak.
"max," you look up at him.
"yeah?" he answers, meeting your gaze.
"when you drive—" you pause, wondering how to word the question youd been longing to ask. "—are you ever...scared?"
he raises his eyebrows, smiling a little.
"no, never."
"so, dying, it never crossed your mind while you're in the car?"
he presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek, considering your words.
"no, it doesn't. why?" he looks at you expectantly.
"i just, i dont know. i always think about that. it seems terrifying to me but it just doesn't seem to affect you." you fidget with your necklace.
"i guess... you just get used to it. i know its dangerous but, it doesnt really bother me because i know that im in control."
control was apparently something max liked quite a lot. you were slowly beginning to realize that.
"we're almost there" he says, something in his voice makes you shiver.
he tugs on your hand, leading you around a sharp corner.
you catch your breath, gasping softly. in front of you was a steep drop off that led to the river below. the glimmering lights of downtown stretched out ahead of you.
the sight was so breathtaking beautiful you couldnt tear your eyes away.
max however, wasn't interested in any of it. he had a much more interesting view right in beside of him.
your eyes were big and shining in awe, stray strands of hair littering your face. your mouth slightly open, your breathing deep and slow. the grip you had on maxs loosened slightly. you looked angelic, fragile.
if max could have his way he would have fucked you right there until you screamed so loud the others back at the restaurant would've heard.
but he supposed he could wait alittle longer before he pulled something like that.
"i—" you truly cant find the words. you slowly turn to look at max. you're struck by how handsome he looks in the dim light of the street lamps " thank you for..." your eyes flicker over his features "bringing me here."
you wished he would've kissed you, in fact you were desperate for it. but he didn't.
"anytime," he smiles, looking to at the sky, letting go of your hand and sitting down on the grass.
you sit next to him, leaning into him a little, you realized how tired you were. you rest your head on his shoulder.
the scent of your shampoo, your perfume, messed with his head. 
sitting there, with the moon and city lights brightening the night and stars twinkling over head, you would have fallen asleep. but at some point, max had started absent mindedly tracing patterns on your thigh.
the slow, careful motions of his fingers made you dizzy.
finally, after over an hour of you wrapped in maxs arms, sitting under the night sky, he nudged you softly.
"come on y/n," his voice is gentle as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. you were grateful the dim lighting hid your blush. "i'll take you home."
you nod sleepily. "ok," you sigh as he helps you stand up. he puts his arm around you once again as you make your way to his car, his bodyheat the perfect contrast to the night breeze that swirled around you.
"thanks again max, that was fun". you mumble. hearing you say his name like that, and while you were in such a vulnerable state made him swallow the emotions that simmered within him.
"im happy you liked it y/n,"
it's just before 9 in the morning as you make your way into hq. he's beside you before you even make it to the building. max seemed to have a knack for finding you.
you two being seen together had become a regular occurence. rumours were beginning to spark in the red bull team.
over the last few days, people had certainly began to notice that max had a special soft spot just for you.
it was impossible not to pick up on the way he looked at you, the way his gaze lingered. the way he found any excuse to talk to you, to touch you, to be around you.
he was constantly distracted by you. his demeanor always changing when you were around. you were the sun and he was captured in your orbit.
"hey mooi (beautiful)"
you recognize his voice immediately.
you laugh a little at the unfamiliar word. "what does that mean?"
max only smiles and shakes his head, chuckling to himself.
"nothing" he says, you brush the comment off.
"i was thinking, tonight i signed us up for a pottery class. i just remembered you saying something about it the other day."
you stop walking, turning to face him. he smiles when he sees the admiration and surprise that's written all over your face.
"it's at seven, if you're not busy."
it was so thoughtful, so sweet, so astonishing. max verstappen wanted to take you on a date. to a pottery class, because he heard you 'saying something about it the other day'. feelings wash over you. you're speechless.
you smile, warmth spreading across your body. "yes of course." you bite your lip. "that's so sweet of you max."
"well, i'll see you tonight then." his voice resonates across your whole body.
you spent the whole evening getting ready. you were too anxious to do anything else. the idea of going on a date with max verstappen had you jittery.
you wanted everything to be perfect. you relished the time you spent showering, doing your nails and your hair. putting on your makeup and your white dress.
you're ready early and you can't stand having nothing to do other than sit and wait, staring out the window expectantly.
finally, you see him pull up. the car is sexy but you know its not his nicest.
you rush out the door and down the stairs. you leave the building and meet him at the door.
"hey" he says, looking a bit surprised "i thought I had to—" gesturing to the doorbell. you smile looking away.
"i saw your car" you say, casually waving his concerns away.
"oh," the implication that you had been waiting for him fueled his confidence.
you make the short walk to the car together, the sun already low in the sky.
nerves twisted inside of you so tightly that you were surprised you could even walk. despite your nervousness, you could hardly hold back your smile.
you were so excited, there was no other way to put it.
you didn't know someone could look so good driving until you were in the passenger seat next to max. one hand on the wheel, the other resting on the glove box.
the rev of the engine, his natural tendency to drive aggressively, to drive fast.
something about it. how controlling the car was so effortless for him, had you pressing your knees together.
"what made you want to do pottery?" he asks, bringing you back to the present.
you look at him. "i don't know," you admit "it seems relaxing, and i've been wanting to try something new."
"relaxing? it's always seemed stressful to me, having to shape the clay and everything," he glances at you, "messy too."
you both smile.
"yeah but that's part of it, and you get to wear an apron so it's no big deal."
it's not a long drive, and soon the little pottery place comes into view as he pulls into the mostly empty parking lot. the pottery studio is nestled between a coffee shop and a little book store. it seems like something you'd find in a tv show.
you take a deep breath, letting excitment replace your tense nerves.
focusing on your own pottery proved to be extremely difficult. your eyes kept wandering over to max's hands.
he worked the clay with such careful precision and looked so goddamn good doing it. the fluid mouvments of his fingers, the concentration in his eyes.
it was sexy, and it was building that familiar tension and heat in your stomach that you always felt when you were around him.
even though it was his first time doing this, he looked confident, sure of himself.
as the class progressed, and handling the clay became more and more delicate, you were able to find some concentration.
your brows furrowing slightly, eyes narrow as you stared down at your pottery. suddenly, you feel max's knee bump against yours, your hand slips, messing up your work.
you turn to stare at him, mouth open and eyes wide in shock. he's staring back, eyes full of mischief and a smile plastered on his face.
"max!" you hiss, bumping his knee back.
"what?" he laughed, it was impossible to stay mad though and you found yourself laughing along with him.
it was the last class of the day and the parking lot was amlost empty, the sun was barely clinging to the horizon. the two of you left the class together, you walk slowly next to him, talking about the class.
"i didn't expect there to me so many steps. i mean first we got the clay ready then hand to wet our hands and start the spinning thing and the technique i had to use to get it just right..."
you stared at him, smiling a little to yourself as he continued talking.
he was explaining more with his hands than his words. you'd heard jokes about this around the paddock and hq before: he was maxplaining.
but you didn't mind. you liked hearing him talk, the sound of his voice, the many emotions in his eyes.
you get to the car, but max isn't quite done talking. you wait patiently, smiling at him, listening to everything he has to say about the class until, "...so yeah, that's it." he shrugs.
"yeah i agree," you say, looking up at him, you're back towards the car. "it seems like you liked it."
"i loved it."
"then we should go again sometime," you suggest.
he nods, "we should."
his eyes flicker to your lips. it was so brief, so quick, you think that maybe you had imagined it.
"im so lucky i got to take you out," he says. your eyes widen. the sweetness of his words catches you off guard.
your heart beat faster and faster as max began to lean just a little closer to you.
you knew that once he kissed you that would be it, you would be his. that the visions of him wouldn't stop after that. that there would be no room in your emotions for anything but him.
blood rushed to your head, his blue eyes so close to yours.
and then he did it. he kissed you. you felt weak as his lips touched yours, reaching your hand out to touch him. your eyes were already firmly shut and you blossomed beneath his touch like a flower.
the feeling of his mouth against yours, warm and soft, sent once again a rush of helplessness and the familiar surge of heat which left you limp and leaning into his embrace. 
his insistent mouth was parting your hesitant lips, sending shivers through you. 
your only thought was him. max. you were acutely aware of every detail. his hand brushing over your hair, his other lightly cupping your cheek. his body pressing you gently against the car. the taste of his lips.
all of it swirled together in your mind like a dizzying haze.
finally, after what was a lifetime to you, he gently pulled away from you. as soon as he did so you felt something missing. to put it simply, his body against yours felt so right.
"come back with me." he says in a low voice.
you hesitate, carefully choosing what to do, what to say.
"i— yes," you nod. that's all you had to say and he was helping you into the car and pulling out if the parking lot.
time passed in a strange way as you drove to the hotel. the seconds passed slowly but the minutes flew by.
the anticipation building in your stomach was making it difficult to maintain normal conversation with max. the tension was thick in the air, you tried to concentrate on the city lights whizzing by through the window.
'are you coming to the next race?'
his voice cuts through the silence and eases your nerves somewhat, but there's still a tight knot in your stomach.
'yeah i am, i can't wait.' he glances at you 'i mean i've heard so many good things about silverstone.'
'yeah the crowds are insane, the fans are so passionate you know?' he speaks in that voice he always has when he talks about racing, his words sound smooth and warm. 'even if they aren't too passionate about me.'
you both laugh, smiling at eachother.
your legs are shaking slightly by the time you get to the hotel, anxious thoughts flooding your mind.
you fumble with your seat belt and the door for a minute before he helps you out, taking your hand and leading you up to his hotel room.
he pushes open the door. your jaw drops.
the hotel room is almost bigger than your apartment. it's so luxurious, you can't imagine max finding a use for all this space.
for a second, as you admire the room around you, you think maybe you could get used to this.
before you can continue the thought, you feel his hands on your hips, turning you around to face him. you reach your arms up, around his shoulders. you relish the butterflies in your stomach.
"that pottery class was perfect max." you say in a hushed voice "i really loved it."
he smiles softly, not breaking eye contact.
"im glad you had a good time."
he slowly brings his mouth to yours once again. he kisses you tenderly. softer then last time, more careful.
gradually, without taking his lips off yours he pushed you backwards, guiding you towards the bed and carefully pressing you into the matress.
his lips brush over your jaw, placing soft pecks along your jawline, teasing you with light touches of his lips to your skin.
the tension grows as he keeps marking g your neck with hickeys that will surely embarrass you tommorrow. but now, all you felt was restlessness. he’s so warm, so close to you.
his lips are hot again your skin. you squirm a little as his lips started to trial down to your exposed collarbone.
when he touched you like this it felt demanding, controlling, like you had no choice but to listen and do what he asked.
you were already becoming such a mess. the way you were so quick to melt in his hands made you feel a little embarrassed.
he continues to place his kisses, listening to your breathing, enjoying the sound of your heartbeat, the soft exhales and hums of satisfaction. he takes his time decorating your neck and chest as his own.
an involuntary gasp escaped you once he found that spot between your collar bone and your throat that had you squirming beneath him.
his mouth worked hickeys across your sensitive skin. he was everywhere and made you feel vulnerable.
he slowly made his way downwards to spread light kisses across your chest, brushing his lips softly over your breasts, making you shiver.
you bite your lip trying to hold back your moans, hands slightly tightening in his hair, barely resisting the immense urge to arch your back off the matress.
"let it out y/n," the sound of his voice clouded your mind. his words were a little deeper than usual, his accent thicker and incredibly hot. "let everyone hear you, let's make sure they know you're mine, yeah?" his words sent a rush of heat through you, all you could to was nod.
he continues working his way down your body, his fingers tracing down your stomach. his touch so feathery, so careful.
his hands fluttered over your stomach, tracing soft patterns across your skin.you shutter, your breathing shaky.
his fingers trailed up your thighs, barely even touching you, making anticipation curl in your stomach. a breathy moan escapes your lips.
his touch came closer and closer to your core, his pupils dilating as he took in the view right in front of him. you were dripping wetness, legs tensing slightly.
his fingers trace ever so lightly around the edges of your pussy. you couldnt take it any longer.
"max—" you moan softly, shutting your eyes momentarily. he smirks, looking up at you from between your legs.
"such pretty sounds, makes me want to wreck you." 
without hesitation he pushes your thighs apart a little further and licked a long stripe over your folds.
the unexpected stimulation makes you squirm, one of his hands finds your wrists and holds them above your head, forcing you to be still.
his tongue swirled over your clit, you had to shut your eyes. your fingers tighten in his hair, pulling his closer to your cunt as your head fell back.
"fuck," you whisper, max hums underneath you; the vibration makes you squirm. he rips another moan from your throat as his tongue rubs tight circles around your clit.
his forced your thighs apart even wider as his mouth continued to work.
max was impatient by this point, he just wanted his fingers inside of you. to feel your hot cunt clenching around him.
while you're writhing in pleasure underneath him all he can think about is taking advantage of your lovely body, taking control of your mind, ruining you for anyone else.
your fingers knot in his hair as his fingers rub over your g-spot, pulling him in and pushing him out at the same time.
every sweet moan from your lips inflating his ego as his fingers dig into you deeply and unforgivingly.
you let your back arch, moving your hips, desperately wanting to grind down onto his fingers as your orgasm built in your stomach. but his hand hands your hip and presses you back into the matress. he feels your pussy shudder around his fingers and he has to use all his strength to not pull his fingers out of you.
he would love nothing more than to see the look of desperation on your face, to hear you beg and plead for him to let you come. but he thought better of it, he decided that tonight was for you.
he shifts so that he's back on top of you, his thumb replacing his tongue on your clit and his mouth back on your neck.
"you wanna come don't you?"
you open your mouth to respond but before you can get the words out he curls his fingers inside of you, making you hiss, your fingers twist and grip the sheets.
"max—" you moan as he curls his fingers and scissors them, stretching you and making your eyes roll back.
"please" you whimpered.
you were so dangerously close to the edge, every thrust of his fingers nudging you closer to the tipping point.
finally, max let you come. one last impossibly deep thrust of his fingers and you were coming. moans falling from your lips, shutting your eyes in ecstasy.
his fingers gradually slowed as bliss rippled over you and your body trembled beneath his.
the sound of your heavy breathing filled the room as he gently pulled his fingers out of you, they're soaked in your cum.
without any thought or hesitation, he licks his fingers clean. the action was so casual, as if he'd done it a hundred times before, but it made your cunt ache for more of him.
you can't help but push your hips forwards a little and grind up and down the length of his cock.
he groans, his head falling and his hands once again coming to your hips to stop your mouvments.
"patience," he breathes, as his mouth once again finds your neck, his hands running across your body.
just as your breathing was beginning to steady, he runs the head of his cock over your folds, your cunt clenched around nothing, a million thoughts flood your mind.
he was so close to you in so many ways, almost inside you. his closeness helped your body relax, the warm tingling of your orgasm still lingering.
but the relaxation was short-lived as you realized: he doesn't know.
"max...?" your voice is bearly audible.
"mm hmm" max murmurs. he feels your body freeze up beneath him. he pulls away from your neck slightly to look at you.
you're blushing immensely and can't even meet his eyes. he's hit with realization before you even say anything.
"i've never—" you can barely get the words out, your voice a shy whisper. "i mean...it's my first time."
those four little words fuzzied his mind with a cloud of lust.
the fact that you were offering him something so precious, the fact that you were so pure, so untouched, that he would be the one to take your virginity affected every inch of him.
he brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes, his hand resting on your cheek. "dont worry, i'll take care of you" he says in a hushed voice.
his soft words were a stark contrast to his thoughts, all he could think about in that moment was fucking you stupid and corrupting your innocence.
but he didn't let it show. instead, he leaned down to kiss you.
“do you trust me?” his voice almost a whisper. his hands hold you by your waist, his eyes staring into yours.
you nod, eyes stinging with tears that threaten to spill over. emotions swirl inside you, you're unsure what you should be feeling. you swallow, trying to compose yourself.
"just... please be gentle" you murmur. max's lips press against your neck, you feel the vibration from a low sound in the back of his throat.
you sounded so painfully innocent, like you didn't really know what was going on.
he doesn't think you even know how your voice sounds. so soft, so sweet like your words are dipped in honey. everything about you was tearing him apart.
"breathe," he says.
you let out the breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. you moan instinctively at the stretch as you feel his cock entered you.
it was undescribable. you shut your eyes, tears running down your cheeks as the two of you slowly became one. it made your heart pound and your stomach twist, knowing that you couldn't be any closer than this, to know that he was inside of you.
max's groans set all of your sense on fire while he continues carefully pushing between your tight walls.
his head falls to your neck. your core is so hot, already pulsing with stimulation.
you shut your eyes, tears running down your cheeks, eyes stinging from the mix of emotions.
your tears only made max thrust into you deeper, struggling to keep his pace slow.
you were aware of every inch of his cock inside you, filling you up perfectly. you dug your nails into his arms as you adjusted to him.
you open your eyes, looking up at him. his usually blue eyes were consumed with darkness.
his slow but deep thrusts envoked sensations you never knew you were capable of feeling, making you moan softly.
he was the ocean, and you were drowning happily in him. you let his waves wash over you.
once he felt like you were ready for more he pulled away from you and without saying a word he guided your legs gently upwards so that you knees were by your head.
you don't protest, only whine at the lack of contact.
he continues to thrust into you, his pace faster than before. it takes everything you have not to scream.
you pushed your legs further apart, spreading yourself for max even more so that he could thrust into you so deeply that the head of his cock hit your cervix.
your nails dug into his back.
the sounds coming from your lips could only be describes as pornographic. skin slapping against skin was all you could hear.
his name was the only word you knew and it tumbled from your lips over and over. your eyes rolling back with each of his ruthless thrusts.
he pounded into you so hard the bed shook. your nails now scraping down his arms as you clung to him.
a new type pleasure bloomed in your stomach, different than anything you'd ever experienced.
"i feel...max...i think i'm gonna—"
as max looked down at your face, all the thoughts that ran through his head were how ruined you looked, corrupted, your innocence gone and all because of him.
how many nights had he lay awake thinking about how you sounded? how you looked when you came? countless.
he thought this must be what heaven was like, his fantasy finally coming true and unfolding before him. as you came, he's taking in your features like it was the first time he'd ever truly seen you.
your walls pulsate and clench around his cock mercilessly, your scream-like moans filling the room.
"fuck y/n" his voice is rough, his breathe heavy.
your body shook beneath him as he kept thrusting into you. the overstimulation was close to becoming painful.
finally, with one last deep thrust, he came inside you. his hands held onto you so tightly there would surely be bruises.
you squirmed as the primal pleasure of him filling you up completely clouded your brain.
after a minute of stillness, of comfortable silence, he pulled out of you. but of course, he wasn't done with you just yet.
you feel him start slowly fucking his cum back into you with him fingers, causing you to writhe in pain from the complete overstimulation.
"max, no no please i cant it's too much," you beg, trying to push his hand away, eyes tearing up.
despite the urges he had to keep fingering you, to hear more of your pretty pleads, he can tell your fucked out. that your body is completely spent. and so, seeing the desperate tears in your eyes, he lets you push him away.
instead, he pulls you to him and kisses you. his lips feel hot, and his mouth tells you everything he's feeling. he holds you, his arms shielding you from the world. there's nothing to say, so you say nothing.
after a minute he sits up, kisses you one last time, and gets dressed.
"i'll be right back," he says before walling into the bathroom.
you sit up, pulling the covers around you, your legs trembling. your body feels exhausted.
you hear the bath begin running. at first, you're confused, shocked even. max didnt strike you as the kind of guy who ran baths for you. but after a moment, contentment settles over you.
you swing your legs over the edge of the bed, and try to stand. but your legs are still shaking, your entire body worn out.
"max!" you call, holding yourself up by the bed, legs already threatening to give out.
"yeah?" he says, walking back into the bedroom.
"i can't walk." you say, looking away, embarrassed by your awkward position.
max smiles, and gently helps you stand up, before scooping you into his arms and taking you to the bathroom.
maybe you could get used to this.
a/n: AHHH i worked on this for so long i hope you enjoyed <33333 do you guys want a part 3? 😏😏
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leaentries · 5 months
out of line | nico hischier
summary: when his girl finds the ring, it doesn’t end like he had hoped.
warnings: mostly angst, swearing, this does have a happy ending (im sorry i couldnt leave my babies in dispair)
wc: 1.9k+
a/n: i’m sorry in advance, i feel like i don’t write angst that well…but i hope you enjoy regardless
the captain’s girl masterlist
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Heaviness lay in thick blankets around the room, almost like the inches of sand that covered the expanse of beach outside. Your throat felt tight at the intense gaze Nico was blazing at you. It wasn’t often the two of you fought, but it sure hurt like hell when you did.
Shuddered breaths heaved in your chest, hands pricking at your nails. It all felt like a nightmare. Except, you weren’t waking up.
Tension had been rising for days, emotions only growing as you and Nico danced around each other. You had refused to acknowledge the elephant in the room, or rather, the ring.
You loved Nico, with everything in your being, but you weren’t ready for marriage. Not yet anyway. Nico had always seemed so understanding about you choosing to wait a few more years before doing anything rash. Yet now, you weren’t so sure.
With Nico inviting you to come along for the trip during bye-week, you couldn’t have been more ecstatic. The thought of being able to spend an entire week with your boyfriend was like a breath of much needed fresh air. And it was, for the first few days.
At least until Wednesday.
Nico had gone out with some of the guys, promising to be back by 4 at the latest. Not that you minded much, getting the very nice and very expensive villa to yourself for a while was enticing.
After an hour or so in the sun, you decided to take a little break and use the giant bathtub that had been screaming your name since you had arrived. Grabbing your bag and some clothes, you made your way to the en-suite, making sure to leave the door slightly cracked, just in case Nico got home.
You turned on the faucet, making sure the water temperature was just right, before stripping yourself and sinking into the welcoming space. Closing your eyes, you sunk your body lower into the water, until it brushed against your chin with any movement. The motion of the slight waves was like a massage to your sore, sun-burnt skin.
You remained in the tub until the water ran cold and your skin began to get pruny. You pulled the drain, before carefully getting out and wrapping yourself in the closest towel. Walking over to the counter, you rummaged through your bag, trying to find your face wash, yet coming up empty handed.
You rolled your eyes, realizing you must have left it somewhere. Although, it was just a minor inconvenience, since you and Nico both used the same brand, so you weren’t worrying too much.
Squatting down to open the cabinet under the sink, you pulled out Nico’s black bag, quickly opening it to find the familiar bottle. You began to pull stuff out, before a little velvet box fell onto the tile beneath you.
Your breath caught in your throat, hoping it isn’t what you think it is. Nico knew you wanted to marry him, but not now, not during the peak of his career and your schooling. It just wasn’t what you saw for yourself. Shakily reaching down to grab the box, you stood up, scared to open it.
You almost opted to put it back, knowing that if it was an engagement ring, your relationship would never go back to the way it was. This would bring up a new wave of emotions and obstacles. It would open up a door you didn’t know if you could close.
Bracing yourself against the counter, you slowly opened the box. Gleaming back at you, in all its glory, was the most beautiful ring you could have imagined. It was the perfect ring. But this only made it hurt worse. Just picturing Nico picking out a the cut of diamond you had always wanted, or the band color, had your heart clenching with sadness.
You knew you were gonna have to talk to him about it, before he did something that neither of you would be able to walk away from unscathed.
It was the only option to save your relationship. To save Nico.
Sighing, you swiftly get dressed, placing the box back on the counter, hoping that Nico would realize you had found it. Now this may seem cowardly, but it was truly what you thought would be best. At least then, the blow would be softer than a straight out rejection.
You figured that if you prompted him to bring up the ring, the conversation would be easier. Only, he never brought it up. You could tell he knew, by the way he was so cautious with anything he did around you past 48 hours. This only caused your heartache to worsen.
Eventually, the tension came to a boiling point. Having just got home from a private dinner, you can’t help but feel as though Nico had originally planned for more to come from that picture perfect beachfront sunset. Deep down, you didn’t need to guess, you knew.
This was the night Nico was supposed to propose.
You felt conflicted as you entered the living room in silence. On one hand, you felt relieved he didn’t get down on one knee, yet on the other, you felt guilty for hoping the man you loved wouldn’t confess his undying loyalty to you. Your chest tightened with emotion.
“Can we not do this anymore?”
Nico’s voice rang out, interrupting your battling thoughts. Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Not do what, Neeks?”
“Not sit here and pretend you didn’t find the ring, or that I wasn’t gonna propose to you.”
There it was. The bomb finally dropped. With those few words, the harsh truth of the situation became real. All of it did. No matter how hard you tried to remain in denial, or refuse to acknowledge it, reality always finds a way to bite back.
You bit your lip, contemplating on how to begin voicing your side, “Nico, what you need to understand is-”
He cut you off, “I do understand, Y/n. But you told me about your whole “plan” 2 years ago when we first got together.” His chest heaved with despair, “I thought you’d change your mind by now.”
“My plan? My plan was never going to change. You can’t be upset with me, when you were the one who assumed I’d say yes.”
Nico felt his heart shatter at your words, anger quickly began to boil through his veins, “Of course I’d assume you’d say yes,” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, “I mean, fuck, we live together. We do everything with each other. I’m sorry for wanting to take that step with you, truly I am.”
His sarcasm didn't get lost on you. Scoffing, you turned away from him.
“Nico, you’re not listening to me-“
“What’s there to hear?” He cut you off once more, arms flaring into the air, “That you don’t want to marry me? God forbid someone actually wants to love you.”
You spin back around, tears springing to your eyes, “You are so out of line right now, Nico.”
Yet, your shaky tone did nothing to calm him.
“How am I out of line? For loving you?”
Disbelief was written all over your face. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend the intensity of it all. Nico’s harsh comments pelted through any sort of resolve you had left. Never once did you think Nico would say something like that. Especially knowing your past. It stung worse than any pain you could imagine. 
“T-That’s not fair,” You quivered, “And you know it.” 
Nico’s tense form deflated at your meek voice. The anger that once flowed through him like hot lava, has now receded, leaving nothing but spiky coldness and depression. He felt lost, plagued by the possibility of not spending the rest of his life with you.
He gingerly walked across the room, now standing directly parallel to you, “Why?” His voice was distant and cracking under the weight of his emotions, “Why won’t you marry me, schatzi?”
The use of the familiar nickname was enough to break you. Sobs wracked through your body, knees becoming shaky. Nico immediately engulfed you in his arms, cradling you against his chest like it was the last time he’d ever feel you. You felt Nico’s own tears fall freely, the hurt grasping you both. Heavy cries left Nico’s chest, only furthering your guilt. 
“I’m so sorry, Nico!” You blubbered hopelessly, “I love you so m-much, I just,” Your sentence was cut short by the rapid hiccups in your breath. 
Nico’s hands moved to gently hold your face, pulling it to meet his bloodshot eyes. His cheeks were red and puffy, wet tracks trailing down to his chin, but you knew you didn't look much better. He tried his best to calm your breathing, even through his own unsteady gasps. After a few minutes, you found yourself composed enough to continue. 
“I don’t know,” You admitted weakly, “I don’t know why I don’t want to marry you, Neeks. I’m just not ready, yet.”
Nico took a second to mull over your words. He dropped his hands from your face, leaving you distraught at the possibility of him being even more upset. He quickly turned, retreating to your shared bedroom. You felt your throat squeeze, a new wave of anxiety washing over you. 
Finding the courage to follow him, you found him sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. His shoulders shook with the force of his sobs. 
You made your way over to him, perching on your knees in front of his legs. He lifted his head, pain written all over his handsome features. Your body physically ached at the amount of hurt swimming in his doe eyes. You cursed yourself for being the cause of it. Nico reached out to slowly like he’d spook you if he moved too quickly. He pulled you to stadle his waist, big eyes drilling into yours. 
He dropped his head in shame, “I’m sorry, schatzi.” 
You swallowed thickly, having not expected an apology.
“I should have talked to you about it first. I-I just got excited when we finally started talking about the future, I thought you had changed your mind.” 
You relaxed slightly, realizing he wasn’t gonna end things, “Don’t be sorry,” You rasped, voice hoarse from crying, “I should have made it clearer.” 
Lifting his face, you forced him to look at you, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to get married eventually, Neeks. I promise, I do. Just-,” You looked at his hopeful gaze, “Just not right now.”
He nodded slightly, understanding your words. 
Your eye flickered from his eyes to his lips, before carefully placing a delicate kiss. Nico responded almost immediately, hands pulling you deeper. The kiss was slow and passionate. The days of bottled-up emotions pouring into each other's mouths. You slipped your hands into the back of his hair, making sure he wasn’t going anywhere. 
You eventually pulled away for air, chests panting. You sat for a moment, just taking in the other’s body. Nico was the first to break the silence. 
“Can you promise me something, schatzi?” Nico begged. 
You nodded quickly, “Anything.” 
“Promise you’ll marry me someday.” He swallowed, face falling into a serious expression.
You smiled slightly at his lingering worry. You kissed him once more as reassurance, before pulling away just enough to speak. 
“I promise I’ll marry you someday, Neeks.”
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tiredcowboyy · 2 months
the return of the two kings
It takes 1500 years for it to finally happen and its not in the way merlin thought it would. He thought Arthur would return, but when a man that looks exactly like arthur sits beside merlin in his political science class, well merlin realises that reincarnation wasn’t completely off the table.
Merlin introduces himself on the 3rd class, the first two spent of him subtly studying arthur, his face, his mannerisms, trying to figure out if it was really him, though when he heard the voice and name any doubt was swept away.
From that point on they quickly grew as friends. Merlin wasnt really sure what to do, he was told arthur would return when the world needed him, but nothing about if he was reborn again with no memories of his past reign whatsoever.
It stresses merlin out for a while, he constantly was on edge for any world changing dangers, however after a while he just accepted that maybe there was no reason. Arthur was just born again and he should appreciate that.
They quickly grew close, becoming the best of friends and eventually roommates and merlin couldnt have been happier, content with have the blonde back in his life.
Until one day he gets this urge to walk near the lake of avalon again, something hes not felt like doing since he found arthur again. But he does, distantly thinking it was around this time of year he had lost his king all those years ago. So he goes, the sun still rising as he begins his usual route around the lake. He takes it in, smiling at how much life has changed since he last took this walk.
He was distracted so you cant blame him for how much he was caught off guard, really that wasnt his fault.
Despite what anyone who saw would say Merlin did not let out a scream.
He spins around and comes face to face with his best friend, his roommate, his destiny walking out of the lake soaking wet.
“Arthur? What are you doing here? And why are you in the lake? I-“
He pauses, the air ripped out of his lungs as he realises what hes actually looking at. Something was different. Something was wrong. Because this arthur wasnt wearing his usual jeans and jumper, his hair wasn’t slightly too long because hes been too busy with work to get it cut, he wasnt making some joke about merlins poor coffee making skills.
He was wearing chainmail and armour, a sword in his hand one that merlin hadnt seen since that day.
This wasnt the same arthur he left at home this morning, the same arthur who was too busy watching last nights football on catchup to make fun of merlin burning his toast, the same arthur who he has lived with for 6 years and thought was his arthur.
No, this was the same arthur that he held in his arms as he thanked him and took his final breath.
Merlin doesnt know what kind of sick game the world is playing on him but that doesnt matter,
Because now theres two Arthur Pendragons gracing this earth and merlin doesn’t think hes quite as cut out for this destiny thing as he thought he was.
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 9 months
percy x gn!reader taking a hit for him and almost dying while fighting a villian? if this makes you uncomfy no need to do it!
Percy Jackson x Gn!reader taking a hit, while fighting and getting critically injured/near death experience
It happened before he saw it. He only heard you grunt as you made your blow on the 6-foot monster. Its talions scraping the earth as it lashed around trying to snag the duo--But given !reader´s size they had the upperhand by being able to duck between the monsters legs and tail--far away from its humongous claws. This was until it had managed to scrape its long claws in !readers direction, wounding their leg so their knees buckled unexpectedly. They staggered as they tried to maintain their alance, as they whipped their head around they were met with a giant hand that grabbed them and squeezed really hard around their torso. Percy lept forward and slashed its fingers off, setting the !reader free. But it hurts somewhere deep in their hest and everytime they took a breath it made a very weird scratchy-rattling noise.
Then they saw it, Percy trying to distract it by slashing it repeatedly, like what he had once done with the practicing-dummy, and he ran in circles to make it lose its breath--but when Percy jumped and rolled out of its way, the monsters tail hit Percy hard enough for him to slam into the nearest wall in the cave. that wall being a 10 meters away. By some miracle, there was a river nearby, in which Percy would heal himself with--but they couldnt help your instincts screaming to save him. The !reader dashed across the hard stoned floor and managed to get a bad, long claw mark puncturing the flesh and bones that were there while trying to protect Percy. They looked down and saw that the claws had been able to not only scrape the flesh, but also gone straight through t heir body. Their torso immedietly ingulfed in hot red. It burned. They were downed, but only for a moment, before Percy unleashed a godlike tsunami that knocked the monster back until it fell on its butt from the wave. The next moments are a bit of a blur since !reader were laying far away from the fight. But here we are.
Headcanons: (you didnt specify if it was friend or as lovers, so were doing a bit of both + neutral ones)
Percy abandoned riptide on the ground as he ran back towards !reader, his anger faded into true worry.
"Cmon, cmon!" he muttered, as he dug through a bag of medical supplies. but it was only filled with ambrosia and nectar, which wasnt that useful with holes in peoples bodies and usually only used for wounds. Either way,
Percy gave it to !reader to keep them atleast sane from the pain.
The reader would definetly be thrashing in pain and full on screaming.
Percy would be sweating more than any normal, greasy teenager on earth in that moment-his hands shaking with shock.
He would get flashbacks to when he had nightmares of Sally getting beat up, even though he never saw that happen. "Our little secret"-Gabe would tell Percy but who knew?, maybe Sally went through physical abuse too?
He pulled himself together, shaking his head, his hair tousled in the way !reader liked, only this wasnt the appropriate scenario to think about how his appearance was better-than-most-boys.
Percy lifted !readers body and ran out of the cave, stumbled only a tiny bit because his body cant keep up with his mind.
He would be thinking about the way back, following familiar landscaped.
The background would just smush together-so the !reader wouldnt really know if Percy was getting close to somewhere with proper supplies.
Percy glanced down with a panicked expression and a frown while the !reader gurgled (trying to talk but its futile).
At some point !reader would choke on their own blood and Percy would stop almost slipping on the grass, lifting your torso a bit higher and forward. !reader grabbed hard onto Percys bicep, to get some control of themselves.
With only woods in the area and Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-blood being miles away (this was a quest after all),
his best bet would be to try to locate the sea. He would close his eyes, imagining the soft waves crashing-
but it only looked like a typhoon to him because of stress and hidden anger-he would hear it and sense it somewhere further away.
He quickly started running, his breath heavy-barely breathing, and his body sluggish almost dropping you out of exhaustion on his part but pure determination keeping your body lifted.
He dug his fingers in the !readers legs and he ran as fast as his heart could beat.
Imagine if he tripped on a root, barely even able to stutter an apology because hes so out of breath and having the urge to cry out of frustration.
If they died, he would never forgive himself.
Miracles happen, even to the unfortunate, he sees the sea closing in.
He uses his powers to draw a giant tide to engulf !reader in it, putting as much water pressure in their wound on both sides on the body to keep the blood inside.
He would just jump into the tide, wrapping himself and them into a water bubble.
Percy might have been on the swimming team and he might have jumped from 50meters in the sky and into water from Blackjacks back--
but this was the fastest and craziest thing he had ever done. Fishes in the area would splutter away from the intensity.
No creature had even time to see what they were seeing, t
it looked like a water bubble moving faster than the speed of light-Percy swam so fast they werent sure if they had truly sense the Prince of Poseidon here.
But even so, rumours spread quickly, "The son of Poseidon carving out a path in the ocean, [...]..creating a mess..."
He got himself to the palace of his father, dempanded attention immedietly. His wife, being home at all times, wathced from the altar the morificating sight of a pale, and weak body hanging on for dear life-she could sense death was closing in. But she wasnt going to let someone Percy truly cared about die while she was there.
She swam lightning fast to collect what she needed and got straight to work.
No words were spoken, nothing had to be said, Percys green eyes glowed as he watched from the ocean ground, !reader getting treatment while he stood powerless. Yet again, he had been made of pawn for the gods.
Percy would sit his ass down so fast on that damn throne and scream Poseidons name, thats right, not father. Just Poseidon.
His screamed carried out for miles in the ocean. Not even the God himself could ignore such a strong cry.
"What is it tha--" Poseidon couldnt finish his sentence when he saw a rage so deep on his sons face he almost didnt want to know why or who managed to set him off so badly.
"Fix it." Anger rushed in Percys vains, he could only take countless deep breaths, keeping his fists close to his sides and biting back a sneer. Poseidon looked taken aback, fix what?
The Seagod then glanced to the right and saw an unknown stranger in his temple, laying on the ground as countless creatures tried to help, fish, stingrays, shark, even mythical being helped with the treatment and tried to reassure Amphitrite that she was only doing her best.
"My son-" Poseidon couldnt make miracles, he cant just hand them out. Percy knew that, but he still cut him off because he didnt want to hear the same old words.
"Gods do not meddle in mortal affairs. That is why we are Gods". Percy couldnt help but have bitter thoughts to that.
"At least, make the hole disappear". Percy threw out his hand sin frustration, water starting to bubble around him as the temperature increased and his eyes glowed green in the ambient temple that was only lit by a couple of lanters/torches nearby.
"I understand youre angry but--" Poseidon would argue against him, even his son. Percy threaten to ask for help on his knees in front of another Gods and put shame on the family´s name, telling others that "not even Poseidon himself could do anything".
In the end, Poseidon had no choice. With a flick on the Gods hand and a wave with his tridant, !reader would escape from death this time.
While the reader was passed out, because fo the amount of Godly help they got, their body was completely exhausted and fatigued of the amount of power that suddenly washed over them.
Percy floated back and forth rapidly, pulling his jet black hair apart.
The room seemed to grow hot and cold as if it didnt know which temperature it really was supposed to take.
The air buzzed with energy and grew somewhat tense, the sound of water was loud, vibrating - instead of a distant hum.
On land, boats would suffer tide after tsunami, making an appearance on the local news. "Giant wave warning! Dont go near the beach!". Some newsreporters were even saying that some evacuation mihgt be neaded, because the beach was suffering a flood.
The colour of the ocean had somewhat changed, at least where Percy was. The colour that was once bright and a pretty blue, were now a disgusting murky colour that looked like it had been filthy with trash.
As time passed Percy would suffer mental breakdowns and feel nauseous from replaying what had happened.
His stepmother would leave Percy alone, figuring that she didnt want to face his wrath.
After about two hours, when they had awoken, they could see a blurred image of a person sitting down on their bed. Percys was leaning his head in his lap and kept putting pressure against his head from a mighty headache he had given himself. His eyes shut and the buzzing in his ears muffling any sound of movement from !reader.
"Mh.!" One sound was all it took for Percy to make him pause and pull himself out of his chaotic headspace, before a look of relief washed over him.
It was almost cute how easily he gets happy when !reader is okay. Imagine a character from a TV-series seeing their loved one again is alive, its beautiful.
Percys eyes had a shimmer to them now, glossy from relieved happiness. He pulled them into a tight hug before he harshly pulled himself away, scared he might hurt you.
But them remember that that wasnt possible since they had fully healed.
"Ah.." Percy sighed in disbelief as he laid his eyes upon them. They were okay. A lonely tear ran down his cheek and they ushered him forward with outstretched arms.
A hug can say so much. It speaks on so many volumes. youre here. youre alive. thank god. oh my god i cant believe this. stop, this cant be real. oh my god. please dont leave me again.
He had a hard time talking after that. He kept hiccuping as he sobbed harder by the second. His body shook and seemed to incredibly frail, !reader could only wrap reassuring arms around him.
In the end, Percy would lay comfortably on the bed, next to them. And fall asleep from the events that had happened that very day.
It was mentally exhausting how much he loved them. Not just to a normal degree, but to every single level. Percy just loves the people he holds close to much, he gets overwehlmed.
When he only had Grover in school, he could only rely on him. Annabeth and Tyson came and he finally had the power to protect. This time however, it had failed him. He couldnt protect them.
After this, Percy would train himself broken and damaged until he was sure that he could throw himself in front of them if it ever were to happen. Or that he could, perhaps manage to get on his feet faster or duck quicker and become more agile.
He would ask Chiron to train him or give him personal constructive criticism, but Chiron tells him hes already great-and cannot give anything.
Percy would pull so many muscles, slashing his sword with a brooding look on his face. He imagined it. over and over and over again. That monster that he couldnt defeat.
Because the fact that he couldnt protect them meant that he couldnt protect anyone. A failure to protect the people around him, is a failed quest.
He took it as a personal insult to his skill and who he is as a person.
He would ask Annabeth for battle strategies, insput on anything he can take in.
Spend time observing the !reader became a habit. Almost in a controlling or anxious way. He started doing in a subconscious way too. During dinner, his eyes would glaze upon the open area of tables, searching for them and making sure theyre safe.
After this incident, his eyes kept searching for danger. Anythign that could potentially ruin his peace.
If !reader was a lover, he would sneak into their bedroom to sleep in their bed. He had never done that before prior to the relationship but his anxiety would let him rest, he needed to be there.
He could also be more into PDA, slinging an arm around his friend / s/o´s shoulders as a way to ground himself.
He would feel the safest at sea and in his own cabin room, where he could truly have control.
At night, with Blackjack he would make sure the camp was safe and that the sea would be calm because any loud tides or tsunamis would distract him if there were potential threats.
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her-favorite · 11 months
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WARNINGS: SMUT, dom!jerome, suggestive language, possessive!jerome, descriptions of blood/dead bodies/bullet wound, dirty talk, jerome calls reader “doll” an unnecessary amount of times (i couldnt stop), use of the word ‘panties’ (more than once, i apologize)
and SMUT!!
A/N: I am so incredibly sorry for how long this took to publish 😭 my motivation is always rocky so it takes awhile for me to actually want to write. but i always want to get things out for you guys, yet i dont want to rush it because when i do, the character never seems accurate and i want you guys to enjoy it!! So thank you so much for your patience, i love you all sm 🫶🏻
TAGS: @ssnapsaurus @projectdreamwalker @l3xiluve
WORD COUNT: 8961!! (4655 of it is smut..)
SUMMARY: From the first time you met Jerome Valeska, you knew him as the son of Lila Valeska, the murder case you and Detective Gordon were working on. You had grown close, until you found out the truth. Now you know him as an Arkham escapee:
SUMMARY: You should’ve known you could never outrun Jerome Valeska. From being the Two-Faced killer you once knew to the infamous Maniax member, he never seemed to forget about you. Maybe this time he’ll show you how much he truly cares about you.. how much he truly..
“Hey, doll.”
Your blood runs cold when you hear his voice. It was like you were back in that interrogation room, questioning why he had done what he did. You felt, at that moment, like your heart truly did tear through your skin. You felt cemented to your spot, too terrified to move incase he’ll do something drastic.
A cold hand wraps around you, pressing his palm against your mouth. You knew better than to scream, a gut feeling that no one would’ve heard you anyway.. if anyone had even survived.
“I told you I’d be back for ya, doll!” His manic laugh rings through the silent room, raising goosebumps on your cold skin.
This wasn’t going to be good..
You woke up with a jump as you tried to even out your breathing. Figures faded into your vision as well as the setting. You squinted your eyes at the bright lighting as you try to adjust to the uncomfortable position you were in.
A wooden chair is perched on top of the two desks that sit on the space in front of the captain’s office. They were pushed together to become a stable holder for the piece of furniture. You try to move your arms and legs, only to struggle as you realize that you were strapped down. Your heartbeat races as your hands start to lightly shake, trying to quietly break out of the constricting rope.
Footsteps sound from several feet away, seeming to make their way to you. As you turn your head to look around and try to find who it was, the only sight you’re met with are the dead bodies that littered the once-clean floor. Pools of crimson blood soaked up their decaying corpses as seconds pass, making you immediately avert your eyes. All of your colleagues lie dead on the precinct floor as you sit on some sort of makeshift thrown, looking over everything.
The walking grows louder as it nears you, stepping up the small stairs that leads up to the desks. Your heart drops to your feet as you see ginger hair peek out through the police hat, tall legs quickly maneuvering over the bodies and sliding up towards you. He jumps up on the surface as all you see is the bottom half of his face, revealing his devilish smirk.
Quickly, he takes the hat and throws it. He stood excited as he looks at you, leaning down to take a bow. His head looks up at you from its position, sending you a wink and a smile.
“Miss me, doll?”
Jerome paces between each desk, one hand up to his chin as if he was thinking while the other is holding his elbow up. “Hm.. how do I get my doll to talk to me..” He keeps walking back and forth, fake pouting as he animatedly thinks. He stops abruptly and gasps, moving the hand from under his chin to point upwards. “I know!”
He smiles widely as he walks over to you and crouches down. You have to look down at him as he looks up at you innocently with a sweet smile on his face that felt like it could rot your teeth.
“I know how to get you to talk to me..” He stares into your eyes as his white teeth show in a sinister smile. His two fingers walk their way up the side of the chair and over to your strapped down wrist. He walks his pale pointer and middle finger over your hand as he begins talking again. “Remember that night in your kitchen?” He whispers, hoping to get a reaction out of you.
You freeze and your breath hitches in your throat. You try to not give him a reaction, but he’s already read you. Jerome smirks wide, resting an elbow on his knee and puts his head on his fist, looking up dreamily at you.
“I’ve been thinking about it ever since it happened.” He sends you teasing smile as he keeps talking, knowing that soon enough you’ll break. “The thought of your pretty lips touching mine was something I craved until now. I always wondered how pretty you’d look laying back on that counter, moaning and writhing for me. Begging me to fu-“
Jerome smiles wide, a sinister curve of his lips reaching his ears. He perks up at your outburst, happy to see where it would lead. “I think I pushed all the right buttons.” He teases. He moves up from his crouched position and folds his hands behind his back. He stood tall in front of you again, looking up at him to make eye contact. He seemed to like the advantage he had at the moment, smiling down at you with pride.
“So, Y/N..” He leans forward quickly, still standing but bending his face towards yours. He was just inches away from you now, goosebumps prickling your skin. “Have you thought about me too?” Jerome whispers, staring down at your lips, waiting for you to answer him. When you don’t, he looks back up at your eyes. An overpowering emotion overrides you as your eye contact is made again, your breath hitching in your throat. His smirk forms again as he keeps talking. “I think you have..” His voice is as low as a whisper, only just grazing your ears.
“I think you’ve spent so many nights ready for me. Lying on your bed and thinking about me.. about the things I could do to you.” Jerome inches forward, moving to whisper into your ear. A shiver passes through your body as he gets closer, just inches away from his lips touching it. “I bet you sit there as soon as it hits midnight with your hands down your cute panties, dripping with the thought of me fucking you so good.” He bit your earlobe lightly, dragging his teeth across it until it fell from his mouth.
Heat traveled down your body from his words, your eyes subconsciously closing. The closer his body got towards you made you more anxious than you were just seconds before.
He moved back slightly with the same grin as before, it never faltering once. His hands gravitated towards the arms of your chair over time, it just now dawning on you. As he moves his face in front of you again, he opens his mouth, ready to speak. Before he could, you spit forward, landing directly on his tongue.
He flinched backwards, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, tasting and swallowing the saliva. His eyebrows furrow and he stares down at the ground, a conflicted look on his face.
He hums, “That was strangely pleasant.. Do it again.” Jerome quickly inches forward towards your face again with a sly smirk on his mouth. Without thinking, you throw your head directly im front of you, clashing it with his nose. He groans loudly as his head shoots back in pain. It sends a certain kind of electricity through your body, hitting straight down to your core.
He rises back up with a hysteric laugh and gushes of blood dripping from his nose. His body towers over you as he stands up straight, but quickly leaning down to your face. He grabs your chin roughly and pulls you towards his face.
“C’mon, doll. Don’t get hasty with me.” He says sternly, but there’s an underlying playful tone to his voice. He hasn’t let go of your chin as he glares at you. Seconds pass by until he finally tears his chilling gaze away from your eyes, down to your strapped down arms and legs. “Hm,” He hums and stands back up straight. He lets go of your chin forcefully, jostling your head lightly. He looks your body over once then meets your angry eyes. “You like bein’ tied up, doll?” He teases with a smile.
You huff and roll your eyes, looking away from him to try and search if there was someone else still alive that could help you. As your eyes scan over the cold floor littered with lifeless bodies, none of them were breathing. Your jaw clenches as you watch the gushing blood stream out of their once washed shirts, staining the polished ground.
“Hey, up here.” Jerome snaps his fingers and grabs your chin again. You sigh irritably and glare up at him. “Look at me when I’m talkin’ to ya, doll face.” He says sternly, lightly tapping your chin with his thumb. When he lets go, he turns around and looks around for something. You sit still, curious as to what the redhead was searching for.
Chills overrun your body when another man walks out from a shadow in the corner of the precinct. Robert Greenwood, ate a dozen women, Jim’s words made a shiver run down your spine. He always freaked you out.
“Here, bring that up here. Get a better angle of the room.” Jerome calls out to Greenwood. The older man was carrying a camera on his shoulder as he walks forward, climbing up on the desks next to Jerome.
The redhead walks towards you again as Greenwood films and zooms in on all of the dead bodies covering the floor. Once he gets close enough, Jerome smiles down at you. “Doesn’t my doll look so pretty?” He reaches down and lifts your chin up to look at him in the eye. He wasn’t necessarily asking anyone, or rather Greenwood, the question, more so just to put it out in the open. So when the other man growls inhumanely and nods in agreement, Jerome’s head snaps back to where the man holding the camera stood.
He took a deep breath before closing his eyes, trying to calm himself. He didn’t plan on killing Greenwood, at least not yet. So he swallowed the harsh words he was going to yell and looked back at you when he opened his eyes again.
He leans down towards you, “I bet you’d look even prettier if I used this ropes on you a different way, hm?” He whispers, just inches away from your face. You can feel his breath on you as he talks, almost like you could feel how truthful his words were. “I knew you’d like these, Y/N. I picked them out for you.” He smiles. “I know you’ve got somethin’ hidin’ in that cute head of yours. I wonder if I’ll figure it out later.” He teases, his voice just barely there.
“I’d like to see that.” Jerome snaps up and looks over towards Greenwood. His facial expression was an emotion that was stronger than anger. It held power as he glared down at the man just a few feet away, making the older man’s smile disappear. His camera had been facing the two of you, watching the interaction.
Jerome walks slowly towards him, each step that was hitting the clean desk intimidating the both of you further. His calm demeanor was threatening as he grows closer to the other. Once he stands just inches away from Greenwood, he looks down at him with a neutral expression.
“If you ever say anything about my doll again.. you won’t even have the time to think with that tiny brain of yours. Y’wanna know why?” Jerome’s voice is serious as he glares into his eyes, making the other man shake lightly. Greenwood didn’t respond, too nervous to generate a reply. “Because you’ll be dead.”
You flinch as you hear a gunshot go off, shutting your eyes tightly. You hear a body hit the floor roughly and you open your eyes to see Greenwood lying lifeless on the floor next to you. A gaping hole on the side of his head runs red with blood, dripping down his face to the once-polished desk. Your hands shake as you watch him grow cold, not being able to tear your fear-filled eyes away from him. The camera landed next to him, the red button still flashing as it never stopped recording.
“Sorry, baby, he was getting on my nerves.” Jerome shrugs and walks back over to you. The gun is still in his hands as he gets closer to you, crimson blood splattered across his face, matching with his bloody nose. A couple red dots stain his blue button up, hitting the collar of his shirt. He throws the gun out of his hand and onto the floor, coincidentally landing just inches away from the new dead body next to you.
“How ‘bout we get outta here, huh?” Jerome suggests. As nice as it sounded to get out of the now-morgue that was once the GCPD, it wasn’t like you had a choice either way. He puts his hands on his hips and thinks for a moment. You could tell when he stared down at the floor, looking towards Greenwood’s body.
“Ooo!” He shouts with a wide smile and leans down to grab the camera. The red button never stops flashing as time goes by, having the past, what feels like hours, all on film.
He manhandles it as the camera glitches slightly. He picks it up and points it towards his face. “Hello Gotham City! We’re the Maniax! And I’m Jerome, the.. shot-caller of our little gang.”
Jerome speaks to the camera with the same energy. He never seems to have a calm or ‘normal’ side to him, no matter if he’s in front of a camera or you. There’s only one side to him now.
Guess he isn’t two-faced anymore.
“We’re here to spread wisdom and hope!” Jerome carries on with his dramatics. He sways his head side to side while he talks, showing his enthusiasm. When he hears a slight moan from the side of him, he looks over to see a random police officer lying in pain. As he groans in pain, hoping to get some sort of attention for help, the ginger takes the gun that rested beside Greenwood and shot him. You flinch again, not because of the gunshot, but you saw that Jerome had zero hesitation to shoot the corpse. What if he does that to you?
“Some people have no manners.” He shook his head and looked at the camera disappointedly. Suddenly, he forcefully grabs it and brings it near his face quickly. “You’re all prisoners. What you call sanity.. it’s just a prison in your mind that stops you from seeing that you’re just tiny little cogs in a giant absurd machine.” He waves his hand behind him to add theatrics. You felt his energy reverberate throughout the vast room, eccentric flare capturing you attention.
“Wake up!” He screams, pulling the lens closer to him again. “Why be a cog? Be free! Like us! Just remember, smile!” He laughs, then goes serious once he realizes something. His head snaps toward you, blinking once. “Oh!” He clicks his tongue and starts walking in your direction. “Hey, Jimbo..” He says teasingly into the camera. “I’ve got my doll here with me, too.” He points the lens down towards you. It recorded you strapped down to the wooden chair, but with no sign of bruises or cuts. Jim will know, you thought. “How are you, doll face? You doin’ okay?” He smiles behind the camera, watching you through the lens. You nod, knowing that the opposite reaction wouldn’t help either of you. “Goodie!” He smiles and laughs. Bringing the camera back to him, his ears perk up at the sound of sirens outside.
“Well, time to go!” Jerome smiles wide and grabs the hat that sat beside Greenwood’s dead body. He put it on his head, making sure it was secure. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back very soon. Hang on to your hats, folks! ‘Cause you ain’t seen nothing yet!” He laughed hysterically into the camera and then shuts it off. His devilish smile never left his face as he struts up towards you again.
“Hmm.. we’re gonna have to figure this out quick, doll face.” He puts a finger to his chin, tapping lightly. His movements always seemed animated, almost like he was in a cartoon. As he stood there and became deep in thought, he managed to crouch back down to your level. “I’m gonna untie these ropes, doll. But you can’t run away and grab mommy and daddy.” His voice was low, almost in a disciplinary way. It shut you up fast, making goosebumps rise on your skin and your body grow tense. He leans forward to start untying the knots on your wrists. “You’re gonna follow me like a good girl and maybe..” He shrugs with a growing smirk on his face. “We’ll get to have some fun.”
His words put you in a trance as he speaks, a shiver passing down your spine lightly. You swallow the lump in your throat, not because you felt scared, but because of.. how attracted you felt to him right now.
“How does that sound, doll?” He smiles as he unties the last rope on your right ankle and stands back up. You dumbly nod, too focused on the way he looked at the moment. He stood tall in front of you, his long legs filling your vision from the position on the chair. You’ve come to like the sinister smile on his face, though it may give you the chills some times. His ginger hair grew brighter in the fluorescent lighting of the GCPD, showcasing the vibrant orange hue.
“Good.” He offers his hand out towards you politely. His menacing smile intimates you as he teases you gently.
“Care to join me for a walk, m’lady?”
Stepping foot into Theo Galavan’s house wasn’t exactly apart of your schedule today.
Walking down sidewalks and hiding in alleys on the way, wasn’t either. It was tricky trying to avoid the cops or other strangers passing by, given that you both wore GCPD uniforms and frankly, Jerome’s hair wasn’t very common in Gotham.
He made you hold his hand all the way back, saying that he ‘didn’t want to lose you.’ You weren’t sure which way to take the sentence, especially if it’s being said by a homicidal maniac. He’d squeeze your hand if someone ever got too close to you or if he heard any type of siren. He kept you close to him all the way back, either to soothe your worries or his. You weren’t sure.
“C’mon, doll face. Make yourself at home.” You’re cut out of your thoughts when you hear his energetic voice again. He smiles at you and walks towards the table in the main room. He picks at some grapes that were on display in a bowl, tearing them off the stem and throwing them up in the air and catching them in his mouth expertly.
You hesitantly wander the room, walking by the tall windows. You stop in front of one and look outside, noticing all of the police cars surrounding the precinct. Pedestrians walk to and fro, some on the phone, others talking to each other and others arguing. Seeing everything from this point of view, you noticed how sad everything looked. It was grey outside; no sun, only clouds. Smoke rose from factories into the air and sirens could be heard from anywhere in the city.
“What’cha lookin’ at, cutie?” Jerome’s voice slices the tense moment with yourself. For once, you were grateful to hear his loud tone. The blood on his face was washed off by now, the sink getting turned off just seconds before he walked over to you.
You shrug, “Outside.” You’ve learned that trying to meet Jerome’s personality level was hard, but it was worth it. To lash out or try to run away, wouldn’t be of any help. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up wanting to stay..?
He hums from behind you, slowly moving closer to you. He stood inches away from your backside, his eyes wandering the streets as well. He leans down slightly and whispers in your ear. “You seem tense, doll.” You shiver as his words pass by you and his hands start to creep up your shoulders. “What’s got you so cramped up, babydoll?” He gently massages your shoulders, hitting the perfect spots. You hold back soft moans in your throat, but your eyes flutter close against your will. He seems fine with not getting an answer.
“You like that?” It didn’t seem to be in a teasing manner, but a genuine question. You nod gently, too afraid to move too much incase he stopped. “Good.” You could almost hear the smirk on his face as he replied, inching just a little bit closer to you again.
“Y’know, when I first saw you at the circus that day,” Jerome speaks again. You had no problem listening to him as he kept touching your tense shoulders. His voice was kind of soothing. “I thought you were the prettiest little doll I’ve ever seen. I always looked at that place as some sort of hellhole, where nothing good comes out of it. But you..” He giggles. “You, doll face.. you’re somethin’ else.” He whispers and kisses your ear gently before sliding his hands down your arms. Your breathing picks up as he gets as close as possible to you now, pressing his front up against your back.
His hands mold into yours calmly, taking his time with you. He takes a whiff of your neck, your faded perfume hitting his nose. He groans softly and rests his forehead against your shoulder. He plays with your fingers without looking at them. When he lifts his head again, he leans forward and presses soft kisses to your neck.
“Let me continue. Please.” He whispers into your skin. It was almost like a plea, on the verge of begging. Your heart skips a beat and you nod eagerly, immediately falling into his touch.
He groans into your skin and grips your hips, roughly pulling you back into him. You gasp when he tugs you backwards, your head falling back on his chest. His nails dig into your hips, through the fabric of your uniform pants. His kisses on your neck never relent as he glides his left hand up your body to put under your chin. His hand cups the underside of your jaw to tilt your head away to give him more access to your neck.
Once he bites down on your skin, you flinch in surprise but you grow to like the feeling. You feel Jerome’s smirk against your sensitive skin, definitely leaving a deep mark on it. His lips hover over different spots until they lock on a certain one. When you moan gently, he smiles widely and sucks down on your skin. Your breathing gets heavy as he takes his time with your body, closing your eyes in content.
“Lets see what other noises I can get outta ya, hm?” He moves his hands away from your hip and chin, inching towards your chest. He keeps his face close to yours, as his hands unbutton a few of the top on your police shirt. You moan when he unexpectedly grabs your breasts and squeezes; not enough to hurt, but enough to make you yearn for more. Your mouth stays open in silent pleasure, still shocked at his sudden movement.
“Ooo, doll. You like me bein’ rough with ya?” Jerome smirks with a quiet laugh. “I’m not surprised. I saw the way you eyed me earlier when I untied you. I wonder what you were thinking.. hm..” He pretends to think as he gripped your boobs again, bunching up your shirt. You moan again, each surprise advance towards you shocked you. “Maybe you were wondering what it’d be like if I fucked ya, hm? Or maybe.. when I have you on your knees for me? No, no.. maybe.. when I’ll have ya beggin’ for me to touch you and play with your pretty little pussy.” Shivers go up and down your spine as electricity shoots down your body, straight to your core.
“Fuck, Jerome..” His words had an affect on you that he was very aware of. His lips curl up, forming that signature smile of his. He liked the sound of his name on your tongue, the pleading tone of your voice making his heart beat faster. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could tease you before he could touch you properly.
His right hand moves down your body quickly, straight to the waist of your pants. Without a second thought, it glides past it and feels the fabric of your underwear. He reaches down to cup it before stroking his two fingers against you. A whine erupts from your throat before you could stop it. He smirks when he feels the wet patch form under his fingers. “Already soaking. I wonder who got you this wet?” Jerome’s voice is cocky and he smiles with pride.
His fingers slip past your underwear and he immediately runs two fingers down your slit, gathering your wetness on the pads of his fingertips. He groans at the feeling and pulls his hand out of your pants, ignoring the huff that came out of your mouth. Pushing his fingers past his pink lips, sucking on the taste of you that was left on him. He moans and takes his fingers out of his mouth and puts it back on your stomach to rest there.
“Fuck, doll. I knew you’d taste good, but never in my dreams have you tasted like this.” He admits, looking down at you. Your body felt hot, whether it was from his contact or his words, it didn’t matter anymore.
Fuck, you needed him. You needed his stupid red hair, and his stupid pink lips, and his stupid body. You needed Jerome Valeska.
“Please, Jerome,” You would never go as low to beg or plead, but right now, in this moment, you felt like you could. Your head was still resting against his chest, looking up at him submissively.
He chuckles and puts his hand up to cup your jaw. “Mm, c’mon, babydoll. Let’s go up to my room. Don’t need anyone seein’ what’s mine.” He leans down and kisses you passionately, before breaking away with a teasing smirk. He grabs your hand and runs for the stairs.
Once you both make it up there, he leads you to his room and opens the door. When you walk in, you barely have time to look around until Jerome connects your lips together. He sucks on your bottom lip before licking it, wanting permission to kiss you deeper. When you playfully deny it and not open your mouth, he bites down on the soft flesh making you gasp. Automatically, your lips part and his tongue invades the space in your mouth. You don’t realize when his hand reaches up to your hair and cups the back of your head to get you as close as possible to him. He tugs your hair with force, making you pull away from the kiss. A moan escapes your throat at the sudden pressure, looking up at him, silently questioning him.
He stays quiet as he slowly lets his tight grip go. The same hand trails its way towards your jaw and lays there. His thumb swipes over your bottom lip, dragging it down gently. His green eyes never leave your lips, too entranced with the way you look right now. You looked vulnerable, powerless and Jerome loved it. It was like a predator with it’s prey, stalking it down and putting it in danger. He liked the chase.
“You look so pretty like this. So vulnerable, just for me.” Suddenly, he grabs your chin and leans down to become inches away from your face. “Lay down on the bed. I told you we were gonna have some fun.” He smiles insanely and giggles. Chills erupt on your body, but as soon as he lets go of you, you immediately rush to the bed next to you.
“Y’wearin’ too much.” He grumbles and walks over to the foot of the bed. His hands reach out for your shirt, wrinkling it under his hands. You gasp when you hear a rip course through the air, seeing tiny buttons fly away. Your shirt tears in half and he throws it across the room, somewhere he couldn’t care to look right now.
Before you could say anything, he begins talking again. “Much better.” He smiles and teases his fingers around your waist, fiddling with the top of your pants. His finger hooks in it and stretches it, smirking when it slips off his finger and slapping back down on your skin. You grow impatient as he teases you, your body starting to ache for him.
“Jerome,” You were quickly cut off by him.
“Patience, Y/N.” His voice was stern as he looked into your eyes, intimidating you. Jerome didn’t even have to say the words and he would still make you nervous; the cold stare of the psychopath sending chills down your spine. You nod obediently, knowing better than to say anything.
Once he looks away from your eyes, his fingers resume walking around your pants waistline. Quickly, he hooks two fingers on either side and pulls them down. Cold air hits your skin fast, making you shiver. Jerome smiles at your reaction. He takes them fully off and throws them in the same direction as your shirt. You lie in front of him in nothing else than a bra and underwear. You felt bare in front of him, scared or unsafe. He was right, you were vulnerable in front of him, you thought to yourself.
“Relax, doll. Let me feel you.” His rough hands slide up your legs, feeling every mark or blemish under his fingertips. His hand dips with your hips and thighs, squeezing the skin. A whine emits from your throat as his nails dig into your skin dangerously. They scratch down your legs, leaving hot red lines after his torture on your body. You feel the pain sting you, but it felt good. You felt like you needed it.
“Such a naughty girl.. liking me hurt you.” His voice is taunting and playful, excited for whatever was to come next. “I bet you’re even wetter for me.” He leans down and starts kissing around your stomach, slowly trailing down. “Fuck, doll. You’re soaking your panties.” He says breathlessly, never bringing his head up to stop kissing you. He makes his way down to your thighs, occasionally sucking and biting on the sensitive flesh. He smirks when he feels your breath get stuck in your throat when he gently kisses over the top of your underwear that was covering your slit.
Pale hands glide up your thighs and towards your hips, moving them under the hem of your underwear. Before he pulls then down fully, he looks back at you and smiles, “Told ya you had cute panties.”
Your chest rises and falls faster than before as you lay before him, completely bare. You were utterly helpless in this situation and you kind of liked it. Jerome had a sense of power of you, whether it was because of his intimidating personality or because of the utter sexual magnitude he has.
He groans when he takes them off and immediately spreads your legs further. “Look at you, my little dolly. So beautiful.. all for me.” It almost seemed like he was reassuring himself that. You and your body now belonged to the insane psychopath that has murdered several people. Anyone with a brain would realize how wrong this was; how disturbed you should be, having a maniac like Jerome Valeska between your legs. But in that moment, you didn’t care. You needed him, craved him.
“Always wanted to taste ya..” He lifts your leg up to position your foot on the bed and have your knees bent. He leans forward and lightly presses his lips against certain areas on your thigh, his devilish smile never leaving his pretty face. “Thought about it every night at Arkham. Dreamt about it. Thought about how pretty you looked in your dining room.. the way I could’ve bent you over the countertop and fucked the life outta ya.” He giggles against your skin, now just inches away from where you desperately needed him. “And as good as this is gonna feel, doll face.. I can’t wait to have you on your knees for me later.”
A loud gasp reverberates through the room as he licks up your slit, tasting all of you. He groans and wraps his arms under your thighs to pull you closer to him. He never eases up on you as he eats you out with fervor. Short fingernails mark the skin on your thighs, showing everyone who you belonged to.
This is wrong. All of this is wrong. But every part of your body was screaming that it was right. You’ve never felt like this with anyone before; the insatiable need to feel him and have him feel you. It didn’t seem like the feeling would ever stop, even while he tastes you.
Unwrapping one arm from under your thigh, his right hand moves forward and starts to rub your clit. Moans and gasps fill the room entirely, a beautiful melody in Jerome’s ears. His two fingers move down, teasing you before pushing them inside you. Clenching the bedsheet in your hand so aggressively, it felt like your knuckles were going to break. It was hard trying not to inflate his ego, but the sensations he was making you feel right now were more than you could handle.
“That feel good, baby?” Even though he was still between your legs, his voice was still loud. His signature smile never left his face, too excited to change. You nod quickly, too entranced to produce any words. He hums and tickles the skin around your thigh with kisses, while still fingering you. His red hair was bright against your skin, standing out to anyone that were to look inside the room.
Curling his fingers perfectly, they hit a certain spot inside you that made your legs twitch in pleasure. A choked out moan leaves your mouth, one of your hands that was clutching the sheet moving to his long hair. You tug on it, making him groan.
“Fuck,” Jerome’s voice was breathless, too busy to talk. He bit down on the inside of your thigh, before moving back to your clit. As his fingers move faster inside you, his lips wrap around your clit and sucks lightly.
“Jerome, I’m..” No words were comprehensible in your mind, too busy on the pleasure you were feeling. The sensation went to your head quickly, the only thing on your mind being Jerome, Jerome, Jerome.
“Mm, c’mon, doll.” His lips were wet and he looked up at you with hooded eyes and his crazy smile. If you were to just see his eyes, they would’ve been threatening, and they still are with his whole face. But something about his predatory look was so attractive. “You close?” His tone was teasing, but you were too far gone to care.
Nodding quickly was your response, your back arching slightly at Jerome’s pace. Before you realized it, he stopped. Pulling out his fingers and taking his mouth away with a smirk on his face.
“What..? Jerome,” You lean up on your elbows, trying to get a better look at him. He stands back up against the end of the bed, bringing his two used fingers to his mouth. He puts them in and sucks on them before pulling them out and wiping the corner of his mouth. A shiver went down your spine at his little show, swallowing dryly. “Why did you stop?”
Before he answered, he reaches over to start unbuttoning his shirt. Discarding it somewhere else in the room, neither of you caring where it landed. Your eyes raked over his body; his broad shoulders standing strongly, his muscles moving every time he would, his abs tightening at the cold air. He looked like he was sculpted by a god, his body mesmerizing you.
“I told you, Y/N.” He leans over you, resting his hands against the bed by your body. His face was inches away from yours, his eyes boring into yours. They were scary, almost like they were threatening you. “As good as that was gonna feel, I’m gonna have you on your knees for me.” He whispered.
Suddenly, he grabs your hands and pulls you up to him. Yelping when you land on your feet, standing in front of him, his hands securing themselves around your waist. He brings you close to him, pressing his body against yours. “You ready for me, doll face?” He whispers again, leaning down towards your ear. One of his hands slides down your leg and grips the back or your thigh.
You nod, not wanting to upset him. His wide smile was disturbing in a way that you started to get used to it.. maybe even started to like it.
“Good. Because you weren’t gonna have a choice either way.” Pushing you down onto your knees with forceful hands, your legs already starting to bruise from the harsh treatment. Gasping at his aggression, but not too shocked by it. One freckled-covered hand moves for his belt, undoing it as his other rests on the back of your head. The loud noises of his belt clinking in front of you filled the room, noticing that it was better than the silence that seemed even louder.
Unzipping his fly and letting his belt and pants lie there, his hand never leaving the back of your head. “C’mon. I shouldn’t have to tell you what to do.” His voice filled your ears, already eating at your actions. Not wanting to disappoint him, you quickly reach out for his pants and pull them down with his boxers. Swallowing dryly when you see all of him, worried you weren’t going to be able to take it all.
“What, are you scared?” Jerome’s voice cut you out of your daze, immediately looking up at him. His voice was condescending, starting to get to your brain. “You can take it, don’t worry, baby.” He brushes a hand through your hair gently, before gripping it tightly making you gasp. With your mouth open, he moves forward and slides into your mouth. Choking immediately, he smirks and stands still for a moment. Looking up at him with pleading eyes, he pouts mockingly before giving in and pulling back slightly. He lets you start moving against him, starting off slow. You take your time in the beginning, never looking away from his eyes. He likes the eye contact you keep with him, still holding a harsh grip on your hair.
Getting annoying with your pace, he starts to move his hips forward, clashing with your movements. Reaching out to stabilize yourself, your hands landing on his thighs and your nails digging into his skin painfully. He groans at the sting, starting to throat fuck you harder, not paying attention to the tears that form in your eyes. His head hits the back of your throat aggressively, his hand holding you still starting to burn your scalp. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it.
Jerome’s eyes shut tight and he throws his head back in pleasure. His abs clenched as he kept moving, his bicep on his right arm that held you, bulging with how much strength he was using on you. It felt like he was going to pull out strands of your hair, but at this point, it didn’t even matter.
“Can you take it, huh?” Jerome’s raspy voice cut through the air, teasing you. He looked back down at you, watching a tear fall down your cheek. He groans and uses his other hand to wipe it with his thumb and bring it up to his lips to lick it. His hips never relent their abuse on your mouth, too caught up in the pleasure to realize the way he bruised the back of your throat.
Catching him by surprise when you hollow your cheeks around him, his hips stutter and he moans louder than before. “Fuck, Y/N.” His voice is breathless and it raises goosebumps on your body. “Takin’ it like the good girl you are.” His eyes lock onto yours, still moving his hips the same pace as before. When his hand manages to grip your hair even harder and his hips occasionally bucking every now and then, it signaled to you that he was close.
As much as you wanted to pull away to not give him what he wanted because of his what he did to you earlier, he wouldn’t let you move. Stilling inside your mouth as he shakes lightly, he reaches his limit and releases on your tongue. Moaning your name as he calms down, he starts to move out of your mouth. Your throat is scratchy and dry once he forces you to swallow. Your breathing was heavy as your chest rose and fell quickly, looking up at him from your knees.
His smirks widens, laughing softly while looking down at you. His hand loosens his grip and your scalp felt like it could breathe again. Slowly, he strokes your hair and moves his hand under your chin. He holds it gently, keeping you in place. “C’mere, baby.” Jerome puts his hands under your arms and brings you to your feet. Your knees are bruised badly, having to reach out to hold onto his arms tightly before your legs buckled underneath you. He laughs, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist. “You look so good, doll.” His right hand causes goosebumps in its wake as it travels up your body, sliding between your breasts and up to your neck. It rests there for a little while before starting to wrap around your throat. Your mouth opens subconsciously, giving him perfect access to run his pointer and middle finger across your bottom lip.
Your lips were swollen at this point, your mouth being molded to the shape of him. He smiles when you open your mouth just slightly wider, letting his fingers rest on your tongue. You suck on them and hollow your cheeks, watching his adams apple bob lightly. Once he pulls them out, he never takes them away and glides down your bottom lip, coating it in your spit. Bringing up his thumb, he drags the same lip down as he leans forward and meets your tongue with his. Kissing you with only the amount of passion that you weren’t sure you could even handle, sending sparks along your skin. Your hand moves behind his head, trying to push him closer to you and holding onto his hair tightly. He groans into the the mesh of lips and kisses you deeper, his hand around your throat starting to get tighter.
When he pulls away, you grab an intake of air, out of breath from the kiss and Jerome’s hand choking you. He chuckles, squeezing your throat once before letting go. His hand moves up to the back of your head and gently grabs your hair again. You sharply inhale at the pull as Jerome gets closer to you. He leans forward and whispers in your ear, “Get on the bed.” As soon as he lets you go, you follow his orders and lay back on the soft mattress. He mirrors your actions and leans his body over yours, resting his forearms beside your head. Without hesitation, he moves forward and kissed you harshly.
While you were distracted, you didn’t realize one of his hands trailing down your body. Goosebumps rise on your arms when you feel his fingers run through your folds gently. “You want it so bad, huh?” His voice is quiet against your lips, staring into your eyes. They were cold, but still had a flash of fun in them. You nodded eagerly, waiting for any sort of relief that he would give to you. “Still so wet for me.. you’re such a good girl, ya know that? Listen to me so well..” Adding more force to his fingers, your body freezing at the pressure as more heavy exhales escape your slightly parted lips. He smiles and chuckles breathlessly.
Take your hips in his hands suddenly, he grips you tight enough to leave marks as he flips himself over and sits you on his lap. You yell at the fast movement, too caught up in the way his fingers felt to realize his motive.
“Bet ya weren’t expectin’ that, were ya, doll face?” He cackles and grips your thighs strongly. You blush at his words, embarrassed having the scream escape your lips seconds ago. He raises you up your knees by moving your hips up with just enough force, your hands immediately going out to rest on his chest to hold yourself. He smiles the same smile he has been, only wider. “C’mon, you wanted it, didn’t ya?” He smacks your thigh, his dominance never leaving no matter his position.
You nod, not being able to form any words. He hums and smiles, waiting for your next move. You look down and line yourself up with him, slowly starting to sink down. He groans at the feeling as you moan from the stretch, sitting still for a moment to get used to it. “Hurry up, doll. Don’t keep me waiting.” His voice was slightly breathless, smacking your thigh again. The pleasure was getting to him as well as you started to slowly move on him. It was hard to do so, your knees still violently bruised from just minutes before.
“What, can’t do it? I thought you wanted it so badly.” His condescending tone makes you whine in embarrassment, your nails digging into the pale skin of his chest. Harsh red crescent-moon shapes painted his body, brightly contrasted with his white skin. It almost matched with his hair.
“Such a needy girl, having to make me do everything for you.” Jerome sighs and moves your hips up to pull out of you and flips your positions back over again. With you laying underneath him now and him above you, he quickly thrusts back inside you, making you cry out. He smiles widely at the noise, quickly moving his hips against yours again. He groans and never stops his pace, encouraged by your state of pleasure. You grip onto his back as your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, bringing him impossibly closer to you. One of his hands rushes down to your thigh, holding it tightly against him.
“Fuck, doll,” His voice shakes slightly as he moans, his headboard hitting the wall behind it aggressively. The sound only spurs him on more, wanting the whole world to know what the two of you were doing. He knew this was wrong, to sleep with the enemy, but every part of his body was telling him it was all he ever needed. He would’ve done anything for you in that moment, feeling more vulnerable than he’s ever had been before. He also knew that if anyone at the GCPD were to find out about this, your job was absolutely done for. But maybe that was a good thing for him, maybe he wanted that so he can keep you to himself.
“Need you to cum, baby.” Jerome whispers in your ear, his groans filling up your hearing. The sound of skin slapping skin interrupted the once silent room, mixing with the severe clashing of the headboard to the wall.
His pace and words bring you to your edge quickly, your body almost failing when the hand that was once on your thigh, inching forward to circle your clit. Moaning loudly, your nails scratch his back, leaving dark red lines in contrast to his pale skin. He responds to the delicious pain, moaning louder in your ear. Signaling to him that you were close, he thrusts faster and harder inside you. As you arch your back in pleasure, his head leans forward and rests on your shoulder. His eyes are squeezed shut in satisfaction, his mouth open in a silent plea of arousal.
“Jerome, I..” Words weren’t put together in your mind, the only thing fogging it up was the man on top of you. He hums and nods quickly, applying more pressure on your clit.
“You’re so close, doll, I can feel it.” He bites your shoulder hard before moving up and whispering in your ear again. “C’mon, I wanna see you come. I bet you look so pretty- fuck. Squeezing me so tight. You feel so good, baby.” He rambles on, opening his eyes to watch your face. Your body starts to shake as your pent up pleasure releases and you follow his orders. He smiles while he watches you, his abs constricting as he gets closer as well. Your eyes start to close tightly, before he moves against you in a particularly hard thrust. “Look at me while you come.” He demands, and you follow through immediately.
You start to grow sensitive as he keeps moving, abruptly stopping when he reaches his peak just seconds after yours. Groaning loudly in your ear, your body shivers at the overpowering noise and he starts to calm down. Both of your chests were breathing fast as you relax from the intense feelings. Once Jerome finds the energy, he pulls out of you and falls down beside you on his bed.
“Fuck, if I knew you were that good in bed, I would’a broke out sooner.” He jokes and laughs once your reach over and slap his chest. “I’m just kiddin’, doll!” His tough arms wrap around your shoulders and bring you close to him. You both lie on each other, still trying to figure out what just happened. He inhales quickly as he starts to play with your messy hair, showing you that he was debating on talking or not.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, your voice still scratchy.
He purses his lips and opens his mouth, internally question whether it would be a good idea or not to tell you. Finally, he makes a snap decision and gives in. “Y’know, when I was in Arkham.. I wrote about’cha in my diary.” He reveals, a soft red tint covering his pale cheeks. He immediately regretted it once he sees a teasing smile form on your face. He rolls his eyes and looks away from you.
“Jerome Valeska has a diary?” You smile and laugh softly, sitting up slightly. He groans with annoyance, unwrapping his arms around you. You grab his chin gently and make him look over at you. “Don’t be embarrassed,” You laugh. “I think it’s cute.” You shrug. Laughing more when he groans again, knowing you were pushing his buttons.
“Shut up, doll face.” He wrestles you over back into a position where you were underneath him again as he hovered over you. “Y’wanna know what else is in there?” Your breath hitches slightly as his voice drops down deeper. “Plans to take over Gotham. I’m gonna run this city, whether anyone likes it or not.” He leans over and whispers in your ear with a threatening voice, making a shiver go down your spine and chills raise on your body. “First, I’m gonna kill Bruce Wayne. And then, I’m gonna go and find my pathetic brother, put him on the tallest building in Gotham City and watch him fall down each floor until his lifeless body hits the ground.” His smile never leaves his face as he talks, showing you that he was excited for his plans. A lump forms in your throat as he speaks, your situation only coming to light now. “And I’d love for you to join me, doll.” He continues. “But that’s a conversation for another day.” He shrugs and gets up, his positive mood already resurfacing. He bends over and grabs his boxers and puts them on. “Why don’t we go see what Jimbo is doin’, huh? I bet he’s freaking out, knowing that I have little ol’ you with me.” Jerome laughs hysterically, throwing his head back.
Realization hits you like a truck as you lay there, on Jerome Valeska’s bed, coming to terms with the fact that you were stuck with him from now on. Living the life of a criminal on Gotham’s streets, forced to turn over a new leaf. You sit paralyzed, too terrified to truly believe it.
“Oh, this is gonna be so much fun, doll face.” Jerome looks back over at you, noticing your frozen position. He smiles maniacally, showing his sharp, white teeth to you.
This was going to be anything but fun…
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heartsfourdazai · 5 months
SYNOPSIS: basically just the bsd men kissing your freckles all over your body bc i headcanon chuuya with face freckles.
FEATURING: chuuya nakahara, dazai osamu, nikolai gogol
WARNINGS: tooth-roting fluff<3 hopefully not too short, but short enough to be detailed, unedited writing
MUTUAL MENTIONS: @justcallmesakira , @silverbladexyz , @ruified , @riiwrites , @ruanais , @rusmii , @elizais , @pinklacydovey , @atsquie , @atlasnessie
MENTIONS:@yaeeko , @weeeezyrain , @actinglikewriter , @fyocute , @candyomgg , @hopelessbluebird , @nikolaisredpompom , @valenxvalen , @m3lody-fee , @ mehanimefun-fun , @leyla3x0 , @astr3eaa , @my-loved-figure-skates , @caayye , @periodslay , @chuuya-brainrot , @h3ll0kitty3 , @woodle , @funnelcakechurro , @t3chn0chan , @na-ps , @sleepy-and-lazy , @krabby-patty010 , @crystalzoldyck99 , @saffronaliii , @yakistraw , @spencerleni , @ttachyxx , @merscarolscaramoucheplease , @terururuko , @onlinewhisper14 , @iratherawan , @anonymousnomedhera , @moth-of-mythos , @star-light18464 , @tojisth0tt , @waiting-for-cass-to-save-me , @trickingsociety , @semipathyopera , @deathrealmm , @probablyzombiedinosaurs
white = couldnt properly tag
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you poke chuuyas face over and over as he tried to cook dinner peacefully, well it was peaceful until his childish partner bothered him by poking him.
more specific, his freckles.
"babe?" he asked all suddenly, causing you to daze out of your trance, "huh?" you asked, looking at your boyfriend with a curious expression, "has anyone ever told you, you have beautiful freckles?"
he blushed slightly as you continued to poke your freckles again.
"i mean, shitty dazai mentioned them once, however he made fun of them instead of calling them..." he blushed at the word you used, "beautiful..."
you rolled your eyes, "that man never knows what he's talking about! I'm serious, there very pretty..." you smiled, "thanks." chuuya nods, going back to his cooking.
it wasn't hard to ignore you though, your pokes made him flinch every time because of just how sensitive his face was.
"yours are...too.." he complimented and you paused your poking on his face, "r-really?" now it was your turn to blush, which made chuuya grin, "yeah doll, I'd say there the most prettiest of them all." he leaned close to your face, turning off the stove to not caused a fire as he brought his lips closer to your cheeks, "chuuya! what-about dinner??" your mind was racing as you felt your boyfriends hot breath on your face; "it's basically done, but i'm not with you, sweetheart!"
you yelped as he suddenly pinned you to the wall and started to kiss your cheeks, more specifically your freckles on your cheeks, which caused bubbly laughter to escape from your lips chuuya could kiss for hours on end.
"chuhuya!" you laughed, "you may just have more pretty freckles then i have, what do you think?" you shake your head, giggling your top off, "no??" he gasped dramaticly making you laugh more, "well, allow me to prove you wrong, doll~"
your day was filled with chasing and kissing from your boyfriend<3
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"should i cover these up?"
your voice caused your boyfriend to look up at you as he sat on your bed. you were in front of your makeup mirror that was on your desk, that was covered with school paper, makeup supplies, candies, and a whole lot of who knows what else.
he watched ad you held up concealer to your freckled face dazai would die for. he let's out a extremely dramatic gasp, almost cauing you to jump out of your seat as you looked back at him with a "what the fuck happened" face.
"excuse me-AAHA??" you screamed as your boyfriend tackled you to the bed with him. you squirmed on top of him as he grunts, turning you on your stomach as he laid on the bed.
"dazai- what the hell- hehey!"
your anger turned into giggles as you felt his lips peck your face over and over. you were trapped in his massive bear hug as he held you tightly against his chest.
"stoahap!!" you giggled, trying to turn your head away from the boy who grabbed your chin gently to keep kissing your freckles, "now, what makes you think you should cover your adorable freckles?" he asked, taking a pause to kissing you to pinch your cheeks.
"it wahaas just a question!!" you yelped as he kept kissing you.
"it was a stupid question..these are so cute on you, bella~ dont you dare be ashamed of them!!"
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"nikolaiahaha!! sto-AHWOW!!" you yelped once again as your boyfriend cuddled you into his arms and bite your cheek.
"i told you to stop biting mee!!"
you glared at him as he gave you a cheeky grin before nibbling on your cheeks, "ihmf cantfmp hempgf it-"
"yeah, you can help it!" you pout as he started to gently kiss your cheeks again. they were soft at first before he suddenly dug his teeth into the flesh of your skin.
"you told me you wanted to KISS my freckles, not BITE them off!!"
you weren't wrong-
he wanted to kiss them soooo bad. how could he not want to, they were soooo cute on you!!! made you look like a child, and when you smiled they moved with your smile and it made his heart melt.
"your cheeks are just so soft, dove, it's a challenge not to bite those cute cheeks of yours~"
as he started to kiss your freckles again, you grew more comfortable and leaned your head to his chest- "OW- okay- IHIM done!!"
just as your about to walk off, your felt yourself get dropped back onto nikolai's lap-
"noooo, don't leave~ lemme kiss youuu!!!" he tried to kiss your cheeks again, even your lip, bit you leaned away.
this went on for the next hour.
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icu-now · 1 year
18+ switch!eddie? but mostly sub!eddie x dom!reader, gn!reader
so ... eddie wears boxers, agreed? like he's such a boy ass boy wearing boxer shorts. he has ones with green and blue plaid; or red and navy gingham; and his fanciest pair he owns is plain denim blue (but all bought in value packs). and what you love about them more than getting to take them off heehe is how they peek out of his waistband when he reaches for something above the fridge. the shirt that already sits pretty at the edge of his belt loops with his arms down; lifts just that little bit, and the ruched cotton has you licking your lips at the tuft of hair it flattens. eddie chuckles before you can catch yourself and spill half a spoonful of cheerios and milk on the table.
okkkkk starting to scream now bc getting to take them off ... . . . you two have been making out on wayne's lazy boy for about half of a random def leppard album eddie got a boot leg of. cranked high in his room to hear it comfortably in the living room, you love it how the groans between each of his heavy breaths are amplified as you kiss down his neck. you make sure you've locked his eyes before sliding between his legs, steadying yourself on his quads. you've been palming at the denim around his thighs, hips, and crotch for about two and a half songs now and obviously for eddie that's been ages. he's whining into his shoulder and his knuckles are white clenching at the sides of his thighs wishing you'd touch him. and it's quite embarrassing how loud he gasps when you pop the button of his jeans with just your thumb and forefinger. you trail your fingers between elastic and skin until they meet at his tailbone. and u can feel how giddy he is when he does that little hip lift thing, only for you tug at his beltloops, loosening his jeans anchored by his body weight and leaving his boxers mostly on.
rightfully, you earn a, "babe--heh baby..." from eddie. kneeling between his lap, your hands meet at the crease of his hips, finally touching his hard bulge and you're smirking. you feel his thick cock heavy against his thigh and squeeze a little harder, enjoying how with each pulse of your fingers, eddie thrusts his hips into your chest.
he couldnt hold his hands at his sides anymore and tried palmed himself over your hands, but you tsk'ed them away before he could get any meaningful relief. "aw, honey, how do i know what you want if you don't use your words, huh?" you spit his own words he used on u just last night back at him, revelling in how it feels to be on the other side. eddie is so cute when he's flustered and can't think of anything he wants more than your hands under his boxers. "d'you want me to..." you cup at his balls with one hand, and bring your other to his waistband. "touch you..." you hook a finger under the elastic this time, "under here?" he can't come up with an answer for you other than a furious nod of his blushed face. you release the elastic you pulled taut and it dully snaps back onto the yummy path of hair on his lower stomach. god he's whining so loud and you fucking love how close to tears he is, you throw him a bone and sit up on your knees, kissing his jawline up to his lips. you slip a hand under his boxers as soon as your lips touch, and he almost screams. you massage at the base and slowly work your way up his shaft, preoccupying you, letting eddie slip his tounge past your lips. almost feeling bad about your cruelty, you let him kiss you sloppy as you start to spread his precum over the head of his cock. once you did that, he almost jerked you off of his lap, and that's when you've had enough. you take a step back from the lazy boy, admiring the pair of green and blue plaid he put on today, and yank the cotton clean off his hips to bunch at his knees with his jeans. you look at him through your lashes, biting a smile, and his giggles are delirious in response.
not proofread! sorry wayne ill get u a new lazyboy!!
a/n hiiiiii this is the first fic ive written in years and my first smutty fic! ive been a long long long time reader and always wanted to write fics to bam first post heheeh ALSO im taking requests! if anyone is reading this lol here's my inbox :)
pls lmk if u liked this :*
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raineandsky · 1 month
Hiiiii, love ur writing!!! May I request a story about the strong and undefeatable villain getting some head injury (maybe concussion) during the battle with some third party, and after that peacefully resting on a bench in alley, but then hero finds him and decides to help, even though these two don't like each other. Pretty please 🐹☘️💗
your please was so pretty i couldnt not write this! i really enjoyed this one, i hope you do too :D
Part of the hero’s job is helping those in need. Stopping when they cross someone lying on a park bench, in the dingiest, darkest part of the park, just feels normal to them in the moment.
That is until they notice who it is.
“[Villain]?” The hero can’t think of anything else to say. Their hands are already halfway to the cuffs in their pocket. “What’re you doing out here?”
This is the part where the villain leaps up with a laugh about how the hero’s fallen into a trap, leaping into a monologue before the inevitable battle.
But instead the villain opens his eyes to glance at them, his gaze not fully focusing on them, and simply says “‘m tired.”
The hero crouches down to his level. It’s clear he has no intention of getting up. They open their mouth to say something curt, distrusting, but they stop themself short.
They’ve noticed the blood painting the other side of the villain's face, dried into his hair and on his skin. Panic flutters in the hero’s gut. How bad is it? What happened? Their training only covered the basics of first aid. This wasn’t part of it.
He looks so small like this. The hero had always thought of the villain as indestructible, perfect in every evil way. But this—he’s defeatable, he’s normal, he’s human. Just like the rest of them.
They carefully push the villain over, earning a disgruntled “eugh” that they ignore to brush his hair away and take in the damage.
“Are yo’ shoes clean?” he says shortly as the hero grapples with a tissue from their pocket. “I think… I’m gonna throw up.”
“Please don’t.” They carefully take their tissue to the villain’s head, which he tries to cringe away from. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“What happened to you, [Villain]?”
The villain’s eyes train on the hero's idly, unseeingly. “There’s stars on your face.”
“Okay. Okay.” Blood has turned the tissue into a crime scene, but it’s making little difference to the state of the villain. “We need to get you some help.”
It barely even occurs to the hero to do otherwise. A hero isn’t a hero without the soul to do the hardest parts of kindness, they know. To show mercy to those who might not deserve it. To help those who likely don’t want it. To show the villain compassion they know they’ll never get back.
The hero pulls the villain upright, with absolutely no help from the villain. They get him sitting up and he almost keels straight back over the moment they let go.
They settle on the bench next to him, careful to hold him up. “How’re you feeling, [Villain]?”
“I hav’ the… worst headache.” It comes out disjointed, like he’s piecing the sentence together as he says it. The hero pulls his arm over their shoulder. “Wha’s going on?”
“We’re going to the hospital.” The villain barely reacts to this, when before the hero probably would’ve had to drag him there kicking and screaming before. “We’re going to stand up, okay?”
The villain sways on his feet as the hero pulls him up, a slight stagger almost taking them both down. “Oup,” he says with a short breath of a laugh.
“Okay,” the hero says again, more to themself than to the villain. “Let’s get you fixed.”
The hero walks the villain all the way to the hospital, the journey slow and full of close encounters with the pavement, and makes themself at home in his hospital room.
The villain would never do the same for the hero. They’re a villain. Obviously. That’s why the hero is the good guy. They'd expect nothing less.
But when the villain wakes up properly, coherent and all-there, the first thing out of their mouth is an absolutely seething, entirely genuine “thank you.”
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starlvenus · 4 months
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warnings! small description of rotting flesh, not super detailed, reader climbing out of grave sam winchester x fem!reader
i lowkey forgot about tumblr bcs of school </3 !! but i swear I'm trying to write more... ALSO!!! TYSM FOR ALL THE LIKES ON MY LASt POST!!! :D PLEASEEEEE feel free to request anything!! theres a chance ill write it :3 !! (fyi, not a full on fledged out fic :( just a little ramble thing until i couldnt/didnt wanna write anymore)
summary sams dead girlfriend comes back from the dead D: !! -- Your eyes widen, a gasp escaping your hoarse throat. A high pitched hum fills your ears almost instantly. Your eyes dart around seeing nothing. You  turn around trying to just shuffle to the left, almost instantly you realise there is little to none room. Instantly the panic settles in, your chest rising up and down rapidly. You move your hands to feel around you, you could hear your hand hitting something but you couldn't feel it. Despite how scared you were, you tried touching your face. Instead of warm flesh touching your own the abrupt feeling of brittleness makes a scream ripple out of your throat. With what little sense you have left, you try to claw away at the edges. Slowly but surely the casket slightly opens, dirt trailing in through the cracks. After you get the casket open, dirt instantly falls on top of you, the pressure of the dirt halting your shallow breaths. Desperately you try clawing your way through the dirt breathing in some as you climb your way out. After digging, and digging, the harsh glare of sunlight pierces through, burning your eyes forcing them to shut rapidly. Your eyes blink trying to get used to the jarring light. Your eyes slowly adjust. The moment they do, they dart around taking everything around them in. 
Despite guessing you were in a casket seeing the graves all around you freaked you out. Your eyes trail around the area, slowly landing on your hands. The flesh on your finger tips is stripped, and rotting away, leaving dark and dry patches. Your skin is deprived of its liveliness. The sight sends waves of nausea, your tummy lurches. Tears gaze over your eyes, you use all the strength you have to pull yourself out. The ringing in your ear quiets down. Your body shakes as you stand up.. Not knowing where you are going you start walking. Hoping to find something. You make your way on a backroad, the cicadas buzz in your ear. Sometimes cars will pass you, they do look at you as they drive past, none of them daring to stop. After what felt like hours, you find a small phone booth. You think about how lucky you were.. You almost automatically press in the 10 digits.
The phone dials, and dials.. Until his voice rings through the shitty phone. “Hello? Who is this?” “Sam? It's me.” Sam sits paralysed. The once comforting voice leaves him with a shiver running down his spine. He struggles to even believe that he was able to hear her voice again. Just as quick as he thought he had her back, other thoughts raced in with the many possibilities, shape-shifters, crocottas, and more. Never considering the fact that it could be her. Despite his doubt he can't bring himself to hang up. It's been too long since he heard her. It lacks her past awkwardness, replaced with a lifeless tone, but it's undeniably hers. The slightest chance that it could even be her keeps him on the other line. Not willing to miss the chance. Ignoring his doubts, he hesitantly speaks up. “Is.. is it really you?”
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ausylusy · 5 months
Manjiro stealing izana's gf nsfw
hello, i know its been quite some months since you requested this anon but its finally here. I apologize for being so late lmao but its here and I hope you enjoy this!
There may be some grammar incorrections in the story but english isnt my first language so I apologize in advance!
Sano Manjiro/Mikey × reader!
Warnings: kitty eating
Despite being together for quite some time, Izana's abusive behavior would take a toll on the fragile relationship between him and you. Izana's lack of attention and affection could be seen as a form of abuse, harming you by leaving you constantly feeling ignored, neglected, and unworthy of being loved. This could have long lasting effects on your self-esteem, making you feel like nothing more than a mere object for his pleasure.
You feels alone, isolated, and ignored by Izana. You sit next to a lake and look out into the dark waters, contemplating your life and relationship. As you stare, you begins to doubt whether it is even worth trying to save the relationship. You think to yourself, maybe it would be better to just walk away, to seek a fresh start....
You decided to go to Manjiros house. You trusted Manjiro more than anyone. You feel comfortable opening up and venting to him about how you have been treated by Izana. After awhile you and Manjiro are now in his bedroom. Iz seems he just woke up from a nap. Manjiro looks at you and asks "What happend?". "I've been feeling really neglected and mistreated by Izana lately. He's constantly ignoring my texts and calls and doesn't seem to care about my feelings at all. It's been really hard and I'm not sure what to do." you say as you looked down in sadness. Manjiros eyes widen upon hearing that. He had a crush on you ever since he knew you. He couldnt belive that his brother would treat a beautiful girl like you like some piece of trash. Manjiro approaches you and says."You deserve better than how he has been treating you. He should never be making you feel like that....Besides can treat you better than Izana ever has. I'll pay attention to you, I'll listen to your concerns and actually care about your feelings. I promise I won't treat you the way Izana has." Manjiro said that with no hesitation. Did he just confess to you? You wondered and your eyes were wide open. "Let me prove it to you, yn..." Manjiro leans in and kisses your lips. Your and Manjiros  kisses become more passionate and intense as you two explored each other's mouths with your tongues. You feel your body respond to Manjiro's touch once again as he explores every inch of your mouth with his tongue. You can't help but moan softly into the kiss as you feel yourself getting aroused.
As you twos passion continues to build, Manjiro begins to undress you slowly and sensually. He takes his time exploring every inch of your body as he removes each piece of clothing until you are standing before him completely naked. "So hot for me....fuck..."Manjiro mummers as he looks at your body in hunger. Your face was red as a tomato but you were excited at the same time. Without hesitation, Manjiro picks you up and carries you over to the bed.As they continue to explore each other's bodies, Manjiro begins to focus his attention on your most intimate area. He kisses and licks your inner thighs, making his way closer and closer to your wet pussy."already wet...."manjiro says and chuckles. You gasps as you feel Manjiro's hot breath against your sensitive skin. You can't help but moan loudly as he begins to eat you out, flicking his tongue over her clit with expert precision. You grab onto the sheets tightly as waves of pleasure washes over your body. Your back arches as she feels herself getting closer and closer to climaxing. Manjiro looks up at you with a devilish grin before plunging his tongue into your wetness, making you scream out in pleasure. Then you reached your peak and cummed all over his face. Manjiro looks up at you with a satisfied grin before licking his lips and tasting your sweet juices. "Delicious princess~" Manjiro says and gives you a quick kiss on the lips and whispers in your ear "I love you.....so much princess..."
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t3ag3rs · 3 months
g e n s o - 0 5.
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"the thirds ones wrong.. it should be will not well.."
you sighed out answering present mics question. "thats correct!" he continued to ramble on about grammar and english. 
you put your head down and closed your eyes wishing class would go by faster. 
then the bell rang, dismissing you all to go to lunch.
"y/n! come sit with us!" said mina, pulling your arm. you laughed and walked along with her, kirishima, and two other boys. "sup beautiful im denki kamanari and thats hanta sero, nice to finally meet you" said the yellow haired boy grinning.
you waved, "nice to meet you two as well!" kirishima groaned, "im so hungry..! i cant wait to some of the yummy food!" sero laughed as he patted his stomach, "hes like a baby!" 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat down between mina and kirishima, chatting with them as they ate. god im so hungry.... but i cant risk gaining any fat right now... im at the healthiest ive been.. i cant gain anything!
you looked down at your fingers and fiddled with them. "hey y/n, why arent you eating anything?" asked kirishima curiously, you looked at him and quickly blurted an excuse, "o-oh! i had a heavy breakfast right before i left so im still stuffed!" you chuckled to deflect any second thoughts from them.
mina nodded, "ohhhh i get that.. well make sure to eat at home kay?" you nod smiling at her, of course i will..
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
finally it was time for the class you were waiting for. "i am here!! coming through the door like a hero!" announced all might as he made a dramatic entrance into the class. you couldnt help but let out a wide smile at him.
the whole class started talking amongst themselves at how they were amazed he was teaching them. you knew bakugou was jumping inside at the sight of his favorite hero, but didnt wanna seem like he was a fanboy. 
 "today we will be focused on battle!" you looked to see bakugou grinning, "but in order to do that you guys have to look good!" suddenly boxes of all of your hero costumes came out of the wall.
oh my gosh is that really my coustume??? you thought excitedly, smiling widely. "change and meet me at training ground beta!" all might instructed.
 you went into the girls locker room and started changing, "i cant wait to see how my costume looks on me!" exclaimed mina, as she put on her costume. you laugh in agreement and start putting on yours. 
 "ill see you out there y/n! dont take to long!" she said as she ran out giddily. you finish putting on your costume and look at yourself in the mirror, you smiled as you saw how it accentuated your muscle and curves well, before running out to the rest of the students.
you walked out while smiling, "OH MT GOD Y/N YOU JUST RAISED THE HEAT OVER HERE! YOU LOOK SO HOT!" screamed mina, getting everyone's attention. you blush and thank her for the compliment while adjusting the thigh harnesses. 
you look over to see bakugou in his hero costume and take notice of how much his body had changed. he had definitely grown more muscular and even though you wouldnt admit it, he looked good.
you held your breath as you made eye contact with him. he widened his eyes a bit before looking the other way. "honestly though.. your costume looks so good!" mina praised, " o-oh! thanks..! honestly it isnt really something i usually wear.. the skin tight crop top, and i always usually try to stay away from pants that are somewhat tight around my thighs and butt.. "
 "no way! they show off the body you got blessed with! besides the cargos accentuate your muscular thighs! i think your whole costume looks good on you!" she smiles, you blush and bow your head thanking her.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you listened closely as all might explained what you all would be doing today. you felt someone glaring at you and turned to look at them, only to meet a pair of vermillion eyes. you narrowed your eyes and stared back until he turned away, haha! i win asswipe!
you walked up to all might to draw your lot and see who you got paired with. letting out a low curse your paper read 'katsuki bakugou'. god you must really hate me huh..? out of all the people here this guy??
sulking internally you walked toward bakugou and stood by him silently. "all right lets see who the villian and hero will be!" all might reached into the box and pulled out your team and dekus team. "just great.." you mutter realizing you and bakugou were the villians and had to go up against deku. knowing bakugou he would target deku to try and beat him up. 
you and bakugou started heading on inside, "young y/n, young bakugou the key to this exercise is to embody villainy- think like how they would and act upon it, make sure to communicate and work together." you nod, youll only be able to communicate if someone doesnt target deku.
you follow behind bakugou into the room with the fake weapon. you walk toward it and look around to check your surroundings "hey." you turn and look at bakugou, "do you really think deku has a quirk..?" you bite your lip, "well.. we both saw what he did during the physical tests, so yes i do think he has a quirk" you respond looking at bakugou.
you noticed him tense up, "look.. just because he has a quirk now dont go targeting him whenever you can, we both have to communicate if you wanna win this- which im sure you do. so please just try and calm your temper okay?" you add, he stands still and you sigh. "whatever.. its not like youll listen anyways... ill guard the weapon, knowing them uraraka will probably try and come up here, once i deal with her ill help you with izuku"
"all right! lets begin the indoor combat training!" says all might over the loud speaker, "be careful" you tell bakugou before he walks away. you purse your lips knowing he wouldnt hold back on deku, but right now you had to worry about uraraka.
you smirk as you come up with a plan and go to hide behind a pillar near the entrance. suddenly, you hear a huge explosion, "here we go again.." 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"bakugou take it easy on the explosions.. i dont think this building can handle too many" you say through the ear piece, "shut up and defend the weapon genso!" he replies. you roll your eyes, this bitch... 
you suddenly hear footsteps and ready yourself quietly, "theres the weapon! wait... wheres y/n..?" she says as she steps through apprehensively. you smirk and let your wind propel yourself forward, manipulating the earth under uraraka you made it wrap around her body, making sure to bound her arms down knowing if she touched you she could make you float. "right here!" you say as you wrap your tape around her, successfully capturing her.
she looked at you with a blank look still processing what just happened, "wait what??" she says questioningly, "sorry to get you out so early, but i really dont trust leaving bakugou with izu" you say before hearing another couple of explosions. 
"bakugou! where are you?" you ask through the earpiece only to get no reply, just great..! no reply from the asswipe!
you run out and touch the floor closing your eyes, you saw the floorplan of the building in your mind letting the earth draw it out for you. you felt a huge surge of motion coming from a specific side of the building and ran to the location as quick as you could.
suddenly all might came over the speaker again, "use that power again bakugou and ill disqualify your team! you need to be aware of your surroundings and strive to make the least amount of damage to it as possible!" 
oh my god theyre gonna kill each other...!  you closed your eyes and pushed your legs faster trying to get there quicker. you heard another couple of explosions and widened your eyes.
 you werent gonna make it in time. 
stopping, you placed your hand on the ground again and found where they were in your mind. deciding to test your quirk, you focused on the spot and found the wall closest to the area. maybe.. just maybe.. i can manipulate the earth and get myself there by moving through the walls..
you focused all your power on the walls and let yourself fall into the earth, the next thing you knew you were in the same room as the two. they were standing in front of each other, izuku was screaming at bakugou and your gut told you to move in between the two. the next thing you knew your feet were moving, and you were hit by both their quirks. 
you let out a loud yelp of pain and fell to the ground. you heard another thump and saw izuku fall to the ground, wincing you crawled your way to him and wrapped the capture tape around him before you passed out. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you blinked your eyes as you familiarized yourself with light and winced as you tried to move. "there, there, take it easy... your bodys pretty beaten up... taking those two powerful blows wasnt very smart of you to do.." explained recovery girl, you let out a sheepish smile, "i couldnt just stand there and let them kill each other.. ive known both since childhood and bakugou isnt one to hold back when it comes to izuku.." you explained.
"hows izuku..?" you ask curiously, "hes already back in class, i still need to heal a couple other of his injuries but he has no energy in his body left for today.." you nod, "can i go back go class..?" she nods, "yes, but make sure you come back tomorrow.. i bandaged the blow on your stomach, but it still needs a bit of healing.. keep the cast on your arm on till tomorrow" she explains before letting you go.
you limp slightly as you walk back to class, gosh itll be so embarrassing walking into the class knowing they saw me pass out- yet again..
opening the door you walked into the class, only to be bombarded by kirishima, mina, and a couple of other students. "oh my gosh y/n you were so kick-ass!" exclaimed mina as she threw her hands around you, "be careful mina! shes still a bit injured!" reminded kirishima, you smiled before waving it off, "im fine.. im just glad everyones okay..!" "that move you pulled where you moved yourself through the earth was awesome!" praised uraraka.
"wait.. wheres izu..?" you question as you couldnt find him in the room, "hes talking to bakugou.." sighs out uraraka, you widen your eyes and run to find the two outside.
gasping for air your finally reach the two, "thank goodness i found you izu..!" you say tiredly, "my gosh y/n... are you okay?" you smile before nodding, "im fine, nothing too major..! im glad your fine though..!" you pause and turn to bakugou, "look bakugou.. as much as i understand your frustrated, you had no right to try and kill izuku in a practice match!" you sighed as you looked down.
"we used to be good friends.. just because of certain values we had we stop being friends.. whatever happens this year- i promise you two this, im not sticking up for either of you. you guys can either die fighting each other because of your massive egos, or learn how to grow up and act like mature people." you grit before turning and limping away.
you knew in your heart that you still valued the friendship you had with them, but you werent going to let bakugou continue and treat deku like shit just to fulfill his ego.
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 next parts: pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13
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samijey · 4 months
broke my promise to myself and actually watched the jey/gunther match and let me tell you... whoever booked that finish wanted jey to look like an idiot. mega rant under the cut which you should honestly read im not your mama but you should read it
he splashes gunther after getting dominated for 80% of the match and an (honestly underwhelming) spear and we're meant to believe the +2yr champion who's beaten virtually everyone on the roster (including drew who recently beat jey TWICE) was about to be defeated right there?......okay............ but it gets worse
when the referee (for no real good reason) stops the count at 2 after jimmy rings the bell, jey "forgets" about gunther and turns his back to him, allowing gunther to get back up almost IMMEDIATELY (remember we were meant to think he was about to be beaten 5 seconds earlier) yet jey quickly superkicks him BUT THEN decides to dive at jimmy on the outside instead of going directly for another splash (girl help) so ofc when he does go for the splash, gunther gets the knees up, and to add a cherry on top of this shit sunday, pins jey right there after performing no extra offense - doesn't even roll him up, jey just lies there flat on his back and gets pinned (while michael cole screams "GUNTHER ROLLS UP JEY USO" to make me even more mad, apparently, as zero actual rolling takes place in the ring - just a leg hook & weight on the shoulders combo... and not a particularly vicious one either) I just ??????
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and of-fucking-course as the TV feed gets cut, cue cody and punk who come out all smiles ready to do the usual fanservice routine for the live crowd and suddenly jey is mostly done selling what just happened and is smiling along with whatever you wanna call it - sending the crowd home happy?? since when did that become mandatory for broadcast shows??? why can't emotionally devastating moments count just as much when it comes to delivering a satisfying ending to the live crowd??? are you telling me they couldnt have had jey walk to the back WHILE SELLING the heartbreak/frustration of what happened and THEN send cody out to do the fanservice thing??? fuck maintaining suspension of disbelief I guess - you can't even argue that "it's fine it was just a treat for the live crowd" because WWE has posted the footage everywhere and promoted it heavily.
imagine if after the camera stopped rolling at last year's rumble, sami had got up, undone kevin's handcuffs and they both hugged and cut a cheerful promo at the crowd - everyone would've blasted wwe for undermining the impact of that finish and not letting the moment breathe.
here's another, even more similar example - remember what happened after summerslam when jimmy attacked jey? he sold the devastation of the moment all the way until he exited the arena, so why is this any different? because it's "just" TV and not a PPV? nah, i'll tell you why: because wwe does not give a shit about this current version of jey's character - he's there to spew the same catchphrase 100x an hour (because it sells merch and pops the crowd let's be honest), display a grand total of two personality traits, and rub his popularity off onto the people wwe actually consider stars
for comparison - you cannot tell me that if it was cody in this position (just lost an important match thanks to the most important person in his life + got attacked by them on top of it) wwe wouldn't have had him look devastated or cut an emotional, tearful promo that would've then been posted and promoted everywhere
"chill, it's not that serious" my apologies for wanting something i love (and KNOW can be so much better with minimal effort) to have a basic level of logic and thought put into it, it's not like wrestling booking is rocket science and we know wwe is NOT incapable of actually delivering good stuff 🤷??? the standards for this show are so damn low and seeing no one else be bothered by it does my fucking head in ouch ouch wheres the aspirin bye
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A Choice
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Summary: kylo struggled with his past, the lies, feelings and heavy burden of being his mothers son. But at the temple he'd found solace, not in the force or his teachings. But you, the young girl with her own struggle in the dark. He fell in love. Time passed, alliances change but his feelings did not. And now he has you captured, but not even he knows what he's going to do with the woman who makes his heart race.
Warnings : swearing, kissing, angst, fluff and general feels, softer kylo?
A/N: the promot for this is: kylo is a soft boi and no one can change my mind. I hope you enjoy my first kylo oneshot 😊🥰
Wordcount: very long, not sorry
Not beta'd
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For the first time in a long time he was unsure, at a complete loss on what he should do. You looked back at him aprihensive, fearfull yet he could see the deeper concealed relief and dare he say joy?
Your eyes were wide and expressive, just as they had always been. Skin still glowing its beautiful deep bronze even in the harsh white light above. Your breathing was erratic, switching from shallow panicked breaths and low deep intakes that he knew were used to calm and center yourself.
His eyes roamed you, he felt himself flush slightly thankfully he had his mask still in place. You were no longer a small gangly pre teen but a woman. Supple curves had replaced the lithe muscle youd been youd been honing. Your hands though shackled showed no signs of calluses. And the dress you wore wasnt practical for hard labour, fleeing or fighting. It was clear the rumours were true, you hadn't stayed with skywalker to complete your training. And you certainly hadnt chose a life of a warrior.
Kylo sighed heavily, he didnt know how he felt about your fate. You'd come to train along side him, allbeit not by choice. But you'd still ended up by his side. You'd only really ended up there because you were a potential problem like him. Strong in the force, yet it was rooted in the dark side. The first time youd used the force properly you'd intentionally hurt your father. The fact it was to save your mother from being beaten to death was never acknowledged. As far as everyone was concerned you were a ticking time bomb they needed under control or eliminated.
He remebers you fondly, youd grown together becoming close despite skywalkers attempts to seperate you both. The first time he met you was the day you arrived, a small girl two years younger then him. He was nine when you were dropped off. You were scared and didnt understand why you were seperated from your parents. Skywalker didnt take time to explain things properly. Instead telling you that you were going to be trained and become a jedi. As if you should almost be excited, greatfull even.
Youd cried, pleading with wide tearful eyes to anyone who looked at you to take you home, that you had to go home and protect your mother, that your father was evil and will hurt her. No one paid anymind, thinking you were just a child making excuses to get your way. Untill kylo's own mother came to the school with the news, your father had succeeded. He had murderedyour mother, beating her to death with hks bare hands.
He remebers that day well, the way youd burst into a rage. Screaming at the top of your lungs you told them you were right and you knew he'd hurt her again. He remebers the conflict he felt. Youd been seperated from your mother for only six weeks? If that? That was all it took. Six weeks for your father to kill your mother, and kylo couldnt help but agree with you as you yelled at the two jedi. It was partly Luke and his mothers fault, they hadnt belived you when youd initially told them why youd attacked your father, nor had they bothered to try and investigate it.
Youd even tried to lunge at luke during your initial grief. Kylo had only just caught your tiny wrists tugging you back to himself, curling around you in a half hug, half wrestle. It was then youd broke down, falling to pieces on the spot bawling your eyes out. He'd felt it then the protec5ive rage twistingnin his guts as he tried reassuring you, why couldnt anyone see you were just a kid. A Terrified six year old now completely alone.
You almost looked the same now, scared lost and alone begging silently to just go home. When you were children he'd wanted to return you to your safe haven, even after the death of your mother he wanted to find somewhere you could go, somewhere safe away from the life of a jedi. It wasnt what you wanted, you just gave up after your mothers funera, seeing the coffin had given you a brutal awakening. You had no home to return to.
Yes, he'd wanted to ind somewhere for you to live peacfully away from it all. But now? The thought of releasing you alone into the galaxy left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had lost that benevolence and naive trust in the greater good. Only he could truly offer you safety.
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"Sir? Is there a problem? Should we dispose of the rebel and intterogate the rest?;" the tropper began speaking, misunderstanding the supreme leader's stark silence. The unnamed male began making a move closer to you. But Kylo stopped him a single raised hand waving him off, ordering him to stand down.
"No. No i will deal with this myself. Leave us" his voice was low, calm and thoughtful. He couldnt tear his eyes from you, it was hard to belive you were here infront of him. Despite years of hardening himself to his own feelings everything he had thought and felt about you came rushing back. His stomach was twisting in anxious pulls, his heart desperately trying to beat out of his chest.
But you laid still, somehow managing not to fight your bonds that held you to the table. Instead of breaking down into a panic you were looking around the room. He could tell you were struggling to maintain calm as you saw the many tools scattered about the interrogation cell. But you were also counting, lips twitching ever so slightly. It was somthing he had taught you all those years ago, counting when panicked can help you focus. Can keep you alert and in the moment instead of crumbling.
"But sir;"
"Get. Out." with that the trooper left hastily, not wanting to push his superior any further.
When kylo was sure the hall was clear he moved stepping closer to you, hands rising to remove his mask. He paused, should he reveal himself? If he did what was he going to say? Would he be able to hold his nerve? He observed you for a long moment. How should he begin? He didnt want to interrogate you like the others, didnt want to frighten you away, he told himself it was because you could be a valuable asset. But he knew that was an excuse, he didnt want you to run from him, you were probably the only person who understood him.
They said you were an evil child too, muttered about how you were probably going to end up as a sith. That the rage had already settled into you, youd already given in it was just a matter of time. And to some extent they were right to be wary. You and him both sat up at night debating the truth in the force in hushed whispers. Wondering outloud if the dark side was truly dark, or if it was all just subjective. You both didnt see the separation between evil, and evil deeds commited for the light.
Kylo sighed heavily as he tried to weigh up what he should do for the best. He wasnt keen on the idea of interrogating you. But he didnt want to go easy on you and let you go so if you really were a rebel trying to clear your name in some desperate need for acceptance.
In truth he wanted to sooth you, to tell you everything was going to be okay and swear he'd look after you. But again, he was unsure where your loyalties lie at the moment. Afterall you were found with the rebels.
"I know who you are, they told me. Tried to use it to manipulate me" you broke the silence for him, soft spoken and quiet just as he remebered. He held his breath for a moment feeling a wieght lift from his shoulders. You knew. He quickly decided to trust your words. His hands moved slowly riseing to his mask before sliding it off tucking it in the crook of his arm.
"Its been a long time. Your prettier then i thought youd be, its actually really intimidating" You smiled up at him, and moved your trapped hand in a little wave making him scoff at your antics rolling his eyes. Prettier? Of course the first thing youd do it tease him. Stupid brat.
"You havent changed much, you still have no self preservation" he uttered leaning to the side and placing his mask down on one of the trolleys.
"Self preservation? Should i be frightened of you?" You uttered after swallowing dryly, he could see the tears welling in your eyes. Despite the tease you were scared. Scared of him, it made him look away for a second. Fuck. He had to get this over with.
"I dont know should you? Are you hiding something?" He pried sternly whilst bringing his attention back to you, his face set in stone. You frowned at him looking hurt, he just arched a brow still trying to decide if you were going to be a loose end or not. He really hoped not, but a rebel is a rebel and they must be snuffed out. No matter how painful it will be for him.
"No, but you wont belive me untill you look so go head, look. I have nothing to hide" you finally answered shaking your head with the inch of so of movement your bonds allowed you.
"I would rather you tell me yourself. I dont want to hurt you, i will actually help you if you need it. But i need you to tell me everything" he replied a little to quickly for it to be a trap. You frowned for a second, trying to find deceite in his words but there was none. He was being genuine, it made you relax a little drawing a huge comforting breath.
"Can you do that for me?" He coaxed inching closer lightly traceing the side of the examination table with the tips of his fingers. He seemed hesitant. As if he couldnt trust himself to touch you, but the temptation was there.
"Y-yeah, i dont know alot though but i'll tell the truth. I have nothing to hide, itd be useless anyway i know how skilled you are at reading people." You said with minimal shuddering breaths, trying to ease your panic induced shivers and anxiety fueled sobs. Kylos heart jerked painfully. You were terrified of him. But then again he couldnt fault you for that, he was the one whod killed your frineds, burned down the new temple and then fled to the darkside making a name for himself as a brutal warrior. He was now the ruler of a cut throat regime. The feared supreme leader of the first order well on his way to becoming Emperor. And you were at his mercy strapped to a table.
His stomach lurched. He didnt like it, you didnt belong here,not like this; tied down and scared. He hated it, the way you were so defenceless. It disturbed him seeing you in such a vulnerable position.
"How? How did you escape that night?" He hadnt intended for that to be his first question. But he had to know, he needed to know how youd made it out. He had mourned you, the guilt of killing you almost crushed him. He convinced himself you were away, created a delusion, a story in his head as to how you couldnt have possibly been in the temple. He had to tell himself you survived just to sleep at night. And then he heard a rumour, that the resistance knew of a survivor from skywalkers temple, that is was a girl. Your age. Your looks. It had been the first time he had felt true relief in a very long time.
"I was... I'd had another feeling. It was worse then any others, i knew it was bad; something terrible was going to happen and i got scared." You uttered recounting the night everything went to shit and you learned what true evil deeds were. Kylo inched closer, eyes trained on you hanging on everyword. He knew of your ability, empathic foresight, you didnt get visions in your sleep or hear distant whispers in meditation. You got feelings, gut feelings that made you experience emotional reactions of the furture. Youd feel greif before a death, pain before an injury. Fear before a fright. You'd only ever confided this in him scared of what skywalker might have said an done.
"I snuck out of my room to come and check on you, i dont know why but i just... i knew the feeling was about you. It hurt too much. Then i saw him, saw what he" you explained trailing off not needing to state the obvious. You both knew very well what Luke had done.
"After that i ran, i didnt? I wanted to help! To save you but i? How could i? Im sorry! Im so sorry i was so scared... everyone said that we are similar, so when i saw what he did i? I dont know something inside me just told me to run. So i did. I didnt want..I thought he'd done it, that he'd already? And then? I thought that he'd?" your explanation became a sob, fear and guilt pouring from you in harsh waves and half sentences. Kylo's hands clenched as your force came to life, you were almost reliving it. Terror. Confusion, hopelessness, shame he could feel it now as if he were there beside you.
"You thought you were next didnt you? That he was going to murder you after me." He uttered understanding instantly what youd belived. You were young on the cusp of adulthood but still a child, just like he was. And you were both scared, but you had the opportunity to run. He only had a few seconds to defend himself. Had he been quicker he'd have found you outside and would have taken you with him.
"I ran like a coward. I've never forgiven myself" you uttered quietly, your shame rising. Youd always felt as if youd let Ben down. Left him to die, that it was your fault. Tears finally began falling, youd struggled for so long with that. Your freind who youd loved so dearly died because you didnt have the guts to even call out and startle Luke. If youd made a noise, distracted him then maybe ben would have survived. The only thing you thank the resistance for was the fact theyd told you who kylo ren was. It absolved the guilt, freed you from that dark heavy shadow.
He finally rested a hand on you, the leather clad palm squeezing your bicep in a firm reassurance. It drew your attention to him. He held your gaze with a sincere look. Before speaking in a firm, yet calm tone of voice. Leaving no room for argument or doubt.
"No, you ran because you saw a so called jedi try to slaughter a boy in his sleep. You were a scared child who just wanted to survive. Theres no shame in that" his voice was firm. He needed you to understand that there was nothing to be ashamed of. You couldnt help your fear, or your reaction. It had taken him a long time to come to terms with his own fear. To accept it as natural, children are hard wired to run in the face of danger. Run, hide and survive.
"When i heard about what happened afterwards i... i was glad? Is that bad? I wasnt happy with the loss but i hoped it was you, hoped you were alive. But? I thought you were dead, how could you? It was luke skywalker, i didnt think you could survive. It crushed me, i was so happy the temple was gone but then guilty because i didnt stay. If id stayed, helped then maybe we could have survived together" you confessed to him slowly, still confused over your contradicting feelings. You constantly swung back and forth between being happy hearing whispers that ben had gotten out, yet angry that skywalker had pushed ben into the darkside out of fear.
Kylo nodded slowly, he too had wanted to look for you afterwards. At first he belived youd perished in the flames. But as time went on something told him you had escaped. He couldnt put his finger on it, he'd belived he had been going mad. Making pitiful hopless wishes and was trying to convince himself a miracle had happened, and youd escaped his rage.
"Im glad you didnt. Snoke was not tolerant. He'd have pitted us against one another. Years later I heard rumours youd got away, i wanted to find you, i really did. I felt...A responsibility? But in the end i decided against it... snoke would have killed one of us and made it a lesson" kylo barely contained a shudder. He couldnt imagine being put in that position. He didnt know what he would have done, having to choose between his own destiny and the only woman he'd ever considered spending the rest of his life with.
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Back at the temple he'd spent many nights pondering the future he could have with you. As sexual maturity settled in he couldnt help feeling more certain in his selection, you were the dream girl, the powerful woman he could rely on. He watched you grow into your abilities and beauty. He wasnt stupid, he knew even though he was a jedi he was expected to continue his blood line so there would be atleast one powerful jedi to play hero and protector of the people for the next generation.
As he grew along side you his mind always invisioned you as that woman, his wife and mother of his child. He had dreams of a small dark haired, olive skinned little boy grinning up at him with your expressive eyes, hands reaching towards him as his own held up a smll toy only to have it force-pulled from his hand by the small boy. There was also a younger child toddling around in the hazy background of the scene. Somehow he just knew the younger cild held the same glowing caramel eyes you had. Sometimes he would hear your giggling from somewhere in the room, other times the scene was mute, not a sound he'd just watch and smile as the two children laughed happily with one another.
But each time he had these dreams a new warmth filled his chest, one not creted by rage and loathing but love. He knew without a doubt the children were his own. It was a dream that comforted him in many cold uncertain nights, it haunted him to this day.
But perhaps it wasnt a dream? Maybe it was a premonition. The force gifting him a vision of the children you would birth him. The family he will have one day. He allways thought it odd that in these dreams you and the chilren were in black robes, bright white surroundings that didnt resemble a house but a ship of somesort. So maybe they were visions of his own future, not just fantasies of a lonley teen with a crush.
This might be his chance to make the dream a reality. It was so close yet so far, the reconciliation he was almost ashamed to adimt he craved. Not that he ever told you that, he uttered nothing of the dreams. But skywalker knew, he was completely against it.
Once kylo left he couldnt help think luke had been against it out of fear, maybe by that point he'd already given up on him. Writing him off as sith already and wanted to avoid an even more powerful generation of dark force wielders. The two of you would have incredibly strong children with ridiculously high midichorian counts. It was possible luke feard the power such a union could unleash.
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"I geuss things worked out in a wierd way.." you uttered after a few moments of silence, unaware of how kylo's mind had wandered into old thoughts. Old desires and hopes rearing their heads with vigor and his resolve began building. The excitment and need to keep you by his side growing with every moment he spent next to you.
"I am thankfull for things turning out this way. We are both alive" he spoke methodically, nothing giving away the temptation he felt, the dark tugging him towards you in a new seduction. It was like the force was toying with him, placing you before him once more, helpless and alone. Yet still the same young woman he knew. The funny diplomatic but anxious ridden girl he'd belived he'd lost for so long.
You smiled at his words, though automatic and almost thoughtless they sounded genuine. He sounded sincerely thankful for the both of you to be alive. Slowly you began truly relaxing into the bonds holding you. The more you spoke the more you recognised him. He was still ben, just more; dare you say honest? If that was the right word? Mybe not but you always knew he had this darkness, kylo had always been lurking , pacing back and forth behinde those hazel eyes. Ben had just masked it. Just how youd msked your own demons. You both hid parts of yourself whilst with skywalker. Kylo was the animal inside, raw unbridled power who embraced the force in aggression and victory.
"Why are you with the rebels now?" He asked in a starind voice, the words finally managing to roll off his tongue thick and accusatory. He felt a sickening anticipation his hand absentmindedly rubed his chest trying to ease the tight squeezing of his heart. He was holding his breath agonising over your answer. What if you were with them? What if he had lost you anyway? What does that mean for the two of you then? Would he have to kill you? More importantly could he?
"Im not. Or i was physically there with them but im not apart of the rebel alliance. I dont know what they told you but im not. They said you were hunting me! That you were going to!?" You paused for a moment as the fear inside rekindled. Theyd said he was hunting all force sensitive beings just as vader once had. That he would kill you slowly, torture you into insanity before ending you. They said he thought you had run off to continue your jedi training and that he was furious with you.
Youd had thoughts of him attacking you, with his saber and the force. It was terrifying, youd never out matched him, not in hand to hand combat, the force or deuling. He decimated you each time and those had been just sparring matches where you knew he held back. In a real fight you wouldnt survive two mineuts.
"Calm down, take a breath. Im not going to hurt you, do you here me? Im not going to hurt you, i just want the truth thats all. Just tell me the truth, and everything will be okay. I'm here to listen, id never belive those traitors over you" he instructed slowly squeezing your arm again trying to ease you. To coax you from your panic. You swallowed dryly, feeling a light spark of hope from his words. The fact he still held your words in high regard soothed you somewhat, he still knew you and trusted you to some degree. It was a relief. Tell the truth, you can do that. because honestly you had nothing to hide. And soemthingntold you if he did doubt you he'd take the time to look through your mind before sending you to execution.
"They tracked me down, they were trying to pull me in. They have been trying to recruit me for a while now. They're running low on force sensitive people to throw infront of you. They were willing to overlook my darkside at least untill they find skywalker themselves" you uttered after wetting your lips nervously. You had no loyalty to the resistance or skywalker. You werent involved anymore, this wasnt your fight and youd have no part in it.
You tipped your head to face kylo, a smll smile grazing your lips taking another moment or so to truly drink in the sifpght. He really had become handsome. Taller then youd expected, broader to, he was stunning. Nd the scar across his face would have marred anyones elses beauty but it... suited him, his character it gave him a visual to the rugged edge he'd always hidden. He looked dangerousnd magnificent. Your eyes flicked away frim his before he could see your flushed cheeks. Now was not the ti,e to start fawning over him. He had questions and you had the answers. Everything else can wait.
"I even debated joining just to kill him myself. But when they told me you were kylo i? I didnt want to become your enemy" you added shrugging a little before pausing hesitating on your lst statment. It was true though, you had no quarrel with the first order. Sure it was a little daunting to see another empire try to rise. But didnt that just men without the jedi this is the normal. Empires rising and falling in the external fight for dominance. There will always be someone who thinks they can do a better job ruleing. That they deserve a chance, and if need be they will take the top spot by force. Surely its better to just stick with the devil you know?
"They couldnt understand that. And still pushed, chaseing me across systems! This time they had me truley cornered, trying to scare me, telling me that the first order were after me because im a threat; that you were hunting me, wanted me dead they said they heard it in a transmission" your words grew more panicked, more weary and your chest tightened once more as the adrenaline flooded your veins. You felt more vulnerable and uncertain by the second.
Kylo growled low in his throat, rumbling in his large chest echoing off the walls as if they'd been struck. The force arou d him quivered as he began a descent into anger once more.
"So they are trying to scare you into their ranks?. Pathetic" his lip curled into a violent snarl. His hands clenching, jaw locking for a moment, teeth grinding. To think theyd try to manipulate you to brazenly. Lie to your face and threaten you with him, his fury.
You whimpered, pressing back in to the table shivering, quaking in fear so violently that he heard it, physically heard your body shuddering against to cold metal. Your eyes were closed, biting your lip willing yourself to disappear. He relaxed. The force, shit. He forgot, you were force sensitive and his rage would affect you more then others. To you it would prickly, pinch and grate on your very skin like bladed sandpaper. Cut and scrape.
"I was not looking for you, or hunting you. I toyed with the idea but you hadnt been spotted in the rebellion i? I assumed you were content being away from it all" he acquiesced, mamanging 5o control himself and dial back his rage. Instead he inched closer cupping one of your cheeks urgingnyou to look at him.
You hissed, drew a deep sharp breath cringing waiting for... something? Anything! But instead he held still, letting his palm warm your skin through his glove. You peaked up at him tentativly. He gave a small half smile, one of reassurance yet also questioning you, asking you to trust him.
"i dont want you dead, i never have and never will. Your no threat to me, you never posed yourself as a threat. So i wouldnt treat you as one. It seems noone truely understands how much we care for and trust one another" he spoke barely a whisper, as his hand smoothed over your cheek. You nuzzled into him delicatly blinking slowly, enjoying the contact. It was, nice. To feel someone, to feel him again. Youd take anything you could, any gentle touch or soft glimpse of ben you could get.
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It didnt last, he pulled back removing himself from you as he spome once more, tryingt to go back to business. But that didnt ,atter, he had show you a few seconds of almost loveing kindness and that was enough for you.
"Everything they told you is a lie, a desperate attempt on the rebels part trying to recruit all the force sensitive people they can find, even ones that werent good enough to be trained" he stated firmly, dropping his hands behinde him taking on a powerful stance, hos chest swelling slightly, arms bulging in the robes he wore, tugging on the seams slightly showing off his physique.
"They were... persistent i have been evading them for years but? When they found me this time... something was different. It was odd they were trying to make me hate you, trying to scare me saying you betrayed them. They hinted at me useing my darkness, suppose they want to try fighting fire with fire" you continued slowly trying to put everything into words was hard. Because honestly there was so many emotions and caveats that you had to think through and label. So much trauma and fear, pain, regret to force yourself through to explain the situation. All while staying truthful and making your point.
"They dont know you saw the whole thing?" He asked with a frown, surely they knew what had happened for you to survive, or have an inkling? Unless they belived he loved you so had spared you and if so they were truley cruel to try and use you against him.
"No, no one seemed to know the whole story. And those that do? Well your the first person ive told. And I was small, if you recall not even you could find me when i skipped my lessons" you finished with a small chuckle. He rolled his eyes before tipping his head to the side agreeing with a half shrug and laughed.
"You were always tricky to locate, your ability to shield your life force was something i admired and loathed" It was true, you managed to get away with alot because you could effectivly disappear from the force at will. It made keeping up with your shenanigans hard.
"Yes well it didnt do me any good hiding from the rebles alliance did it? They have eyes everywhere kylo." You sighed trying not to let the weight of your failure show, it was hard though. Youd literally wanted to achieve one thing. One tiny thing and that was to be left alone, dissappear into the galaxy. Kylo frowned drawing a deep breath, not only the confirmation that the rebles did indeed have connectiones in everycorner of the galaxy, but he could also see that being found had got to you. You werent playing or trying to hide behind false pretenses. You were genuinely upset, anxious and flighty. you were never one to accept your failures well and he could see being found was frustrating. It hurt him, tore into his tightening chest, what if you didnt want to see him? Or worse, what if you didnt want to stay?
"You really arent with them are you?" He uttered, more of a self realisation then anything else. He watched spinning slightly to rest his hip against the table you were on. He expected you to flinch, to tug at the bonds or yelp trying to pull away from him. Instead you gravitated towards him, tilting your body in his dorection subtley, seeking him out for some comfort. Though he didnt get time to comment or even smile at the small subconscious movement. Instead you began speaking, blinking up at him with tearfully hopeful eyes.
"No, im not and i never will be, this isnt my fight. It never was, i never wanted training or? or stupid force abilities; Why would i fight for the jedi; or even your mother? when they only want me to kill for them. Return me to skywalker to finish training just to taint myself by killing you?" You paused trying to shake the anger frommyou. It was hard though, looking back now everything was a manipulation. You were training to be a weapon of 'peace'. Nothing more, nothing less.
"No way. Absolutely not, he took so much away from me, it was like i was an animal to them. Nothing but an evil child meant to become a tool to use. But unfortunately they wont take no for an answer" you admonished, your words drifting from sincerity to frustration, irritation and finally resignation. He could not only hear it but feel it, it would seem you have relaxed enough to let him sense you. Feel you for the first time since he'd left.
It was euphoric, like coming home in a sense. The same airy feeling. Thealmost dry smokey whistful and warm feeling you always gave him. Yet it was clouded, fear, almost frantic paranoia. Frustration and panic. Turmoil. But most of all you felt tired.
Exhausted, from the years of hiding and running. Fighting and hideing the force, blocking it out. Compressing the raw power inside of you into a tiny space hidden in your mind. Keeping the all powerful force of life itself under lock and key. Surpressing everything youd come to know and accept all while running for your life.
"i didnt think youd try to fight for them, or against me. Or i had hoped not" he offered meekly with a shrug, glancing at you offering a slight tilt to his lips.
"I dont want to fight anyone, but they are adamant i do just that. Apparently i have no choice i have to choose because i was trained"
"So if i asked you to fight for me? For the first order?" He asked unable to deny himself the chance to hear you. He wanted you to be heard, to be given the chance to speak and be given a choice. If frightened him, he didnt know what he would do if you denied him everything. But he was determined to try and keep himself in check and abode your wishes.
"i just want to live. Its all i've ever wanted to do Kylo" you whispered. Kylo hummed and nodded with a tight smile, it wasnt a no. But it wasnt exactly a yes eigther. There was no guarantees youd stay beside him, but he couldnt help feeling at ease with your answer.
"I understand" 'I did too' kylo finished the thought with a heavy sigh. He truley did understand, he wanted nothing more then to live out his life. Not be manipulated or judged for things he couldnt control. The only difference between the two of you was that he found snoke and fed his hatred letting it become his power, he'd wandered deeper into the force and his darkness. And youd dinstanced yourself from the force and hid away.
"You know they wont leave you alone untill you make a choice. Until then youll never get any peace you were a skywalker pupil they wont let that go. Youll never be free" he uttered with a sigh, hewas so ewhat greatfull to the resistance for leading him to you. But also felt a gnawing bitter anger, they had been trying to ue youjust as snoke had used him. He was no fool, he knew very well how much he'd been taken advantage of. He told himself being aware of it made it better somehow? Less humiliating? Yet he broke free of it in the end. Just as his servitude was ending, yours was trying to begin.
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He was proud of you in a sense, the way you flatly refused to be a pawn. In a way you refused what he could not. Only his keeper was snoke and yohrs would have been his own mother. Yet even through all of this anger, pride and shame he couldnt help feel an overwhelming pity for you. Because as he said, youdnever be free of them, the resistance. The jedi they were parasites, latching onto anything that will ensure their own survival with little thought to those they damage and destroy along the way. All that mattered was their own ambition and goals. Youd be forever running from them.
"Well not while im here anyway." You chuckled motioning to the way you were strapped to the table with an uncomfortable grin. Kylo cursed and quickly flicked his fingers up, releasing your bonds before helping you sit up. You thanked him rubbing your wrists gently trying to stop the pins and needles from stinging your finger tips.
"You could be" kylo uttered an barely a whisper. Almost as if he didnt want you to hear him. You paused flicking your gaze to him confusion twisting across your face.
"Could be what?" Kylo swallowed as your eyes locked with his, he looked uncertain and small just as your words had been. You were vulnerable in a way he loathed, youd forgotten yourself, your power your drive. It was gone, and it made his heart clench painfully and his blood boil in his veins. He wanted you more and more as it became clear youd done nothing but hide and cower. Spent your years running from the first order, the war and resistance. Desperately looking for somewhere wanting nothing more then to forget about your past.
"Free here. You could be free here, with me. The rebels wouldnt dare set foot here and youd be protected. I would protect you" he emphasised stepping closer, his thighs touching your knees. And then his huge hands found yours. Twisting them in his grasp gently thumbs rubbing your reddened wrists trying to sooth them. Your gaze locked on to his face, trying to read his expression. But he dipped his hed down, his hair hanging down sheilding his face, keeping his secrets.
"Your-your offering me freedom? In the first order? I doubt the rebels would take that well, they'd say I was kidnapped or something stupid." Your voice waivered before laughing humourlessly, shaking your head scoffing at him thinking it was just wishful thinking. Theres no way kylo would offer you a home here in the first order. No matter the history or fondness between you. You were an ex-jedi student of skywalkers temple and found with a huge group of resistance fighters in a makeshift military base. The first order thought you were a traitor to them or something.
"Not if your decision was made public. If we made sure you were seen" kylo offered without a moments hesitation, his head riseing once more. Gifting you a single glance before his eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but you as he tried finding the confidence to say what he really meant.
He felt like a teenager again, desperately wracking his brain trying to find those magic words that would turn his dream into a reality. That'd give him his own happily ever after innthis clusterfuck of a situation.
"You want me to stand beside you when you raid bases and ships like some propergander prop? Let them see that skywalker created not one but two;" your frustrated words were cut off by him shaking his head at you. Growling leaning forward pressing his way between your knees standing firmly before you. His hands trailing up your arms, resting just below your elbows in a strangely distant yet intimate hold. Panic threatened to wash over him for the first time in years.
"No! Of course not! Nothing like that. And thats not to say i think your weak either. I know how powerfull you were, the potential you have. And even though youd become a great asset to me as a soilder or posterchild i wont use you like them, i am better then that" he grunted, his voice somwhere between offended and saddened. His anger flared momentarily, did you truly think he'd be just as dishonest as the rebles? As skywalker and his mother? That he'd use you and cast you out when he was done? It hurt, gutted him to belive you thought so little of him. He knew he had changed but even he like to think he had some integrity left.
"But thats not to say I'd refuse to train you if you wish, help you master the darkside, not fear and loath it." His words wavered as he saw the face you made, the twisting of a frown and the feeling of distaste curling around you like a potent perfume infecting him, becoming trapped in his throat with all of the words he wished he could say outloud.
"Or not, you can stay here with me as a confidant; a friend. Someone i can actually trust" he uttered shrugging, removing one hand from you raiseing it up in a surrendering motion as he began ratteling off another option. That sounded as if there was alot more thought put into it then he was willing to admit.
"Or if you want to take a place beside me. Not as a soilder but perhaps as more... As empress? I'd- i mean to say that... The position is open to you, if you wish. All you have to do is say and.. i would" he stuttered slightly, his grip on your arm loosening as he focused on his own hands grasping you nervously. Running his thumbs across the soft skin of your inner arm gently. He was anxiously waiting your reaction. He may have voiced his thoughts prematurely but? He wasnt going to take it back. He liked you. No. He loved you, you were the only person in his life that hadn't used or manipulated him. You accepted him dark and all.
"Empress? Your empress? Are you? Are you serious? What? Wheres that come from?" You fought the words, wresteling them out through hitched breaths and shock. Your stomach flipped, filling with butterflies and your cheeks burst into a bright blush. Mind instantly latching onto the idea.
You couldnt help it, the sweet gentle intimacy only brought back the feelings youd thought had died. Feelings that had been dangerous, forbidden. And yet here and now they weren't. You werent jedi, and neither was he. You were free. Free to give and take in a selfish love. Free to claim what your heart desired and protect it feircely. Not only that but its what was being offered, freely without remorse or fear or the need to hide. It was too good to be true, theres no way there wasnt a hidden catch. If there one thing you learned is the force doesnt work in mysterious ways, it was exchange. What it gives it can and will take without a moments notice and theres nothign you could do about it. Everything had a price, and to offer this up so carelessly meant the price will be dire.
"I have always liked; no thats to say? You are the only woman i've ever loved. I love you even now" He uttered suddenly, unable to catch himself. He paused when you gasped audibly hands rising to your mouth, covering the shock. He? He didnt just? Did he? He couldnt possibly have just admitted something like that so thoughtlessly. So casually, as if his words wouldnt possibly alter both of your lives.
You shook your head subtly, tears pricking your eyes. It was too much to hope for. Love. It was a fools errand, forbidden, taboo unachievable for your kind. Jedi cant escape their teachings even when they leave the orders and temples.
Kylo grasped your quivering hand pulling it from your mouth before drawing it to his own. Pressing the back of it to his lips, eyes closing as his kiss lingered. Drawing in a deep breath theough his nose andmheld still. Enjoying what could very well be the last tender moment he would ever get with you. A moment he will cherish.
You sniffled leaning forward pressing your head to his chest your other hand riseing to capture the cloak at his waist. He hummed tucking the hand at his lips into his own once more holding it to his chest delicatly. And you both stayed like that for some time reveling in the silence, just enjoying the comfort youd both longed for.
"I have always loved you" he uttered breaking the silence, taking the chance to wrap himself around you, his arms moving to hold you, drawing you closer to him, pressing you to his chest.
"Your beautiful, funny easy to be around and? You have never lied to me or tried to sway my decisions. Not once, you are grown now beautiful, articulate everythingni thought youd be. The first order needs someone to admire, a crown jewel so to speak" his words seemed light, yet sincere. Almost hopefull.
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You closed your eyes whining under your breath pressing into him harder. Your hand squeezing his cloak dragging him closer. It was more then you could dream. He inched closer hands finally capturing you, arms wrapping around you pulling you flush against him dippingnhis head down to rest on yours. You responded instantly curling your own arms around his torso. Holding on tightly afraid this was ll just some fucked up hallucination thats goingnto be ripped away. That the force will tear him from you again.
"I need you. Need something; someone to fight for. All this time I've been fighting for power. Rage and hate fueling my every move. But i dont want that. I honestly dont, i want to be more then what became of vader. More then another power hungry sith or evil dictator. I want to end not just the jedi but the sith aswell. Just like we talked about. Nothing but the force itself" His explained softly, tracing light patterns across you with his fingers, flexing his rms to hold you even tighter, press you closer. You both clung to one another as if your lives depended on it. Yet there was no rush, not anxieties just the twoof you finally accepting each other as more then comrades or friends.
"I want you by my side, but i only want you to stay if thats what you want." His words waivered slightly, your ongoing silence becoming deafening.
"It would keep the rebels away if they saw you made such a decision and you were happy and i believe i could make you happy, that we could make each other happy." You hummed listening carefully. Still loosing yourself in the feeling of being so close to him. So wrapped up in his tender hold, your life forces drifting around one another as if trying to re-establish itself. Trying to find the comfortable sweet spot that would revive your bond.
"We could build something remarkable together. You and I, we could prove everyone wrong. And this isnt some sudden realisation. I have always had a strong attachment to you. Always loved you. I just didnt understand it before" the reasons continued to pour from him almost desperately. He could help it, he felt as if it was now or never. That he had to make a convincing argument to keep you by his side.
You sighed and pulled back from him reluctantly slowly dragging your hands across his ribs as you did so. He frowned, eyes searching yours, he made to grasp at you again but you intercepted raising your own hands to meet his, delicatly placing your palms to his weaving your fingers between his own.
"D-do you really mean it? That... that you love me?" You spome in a hushed secretive tone. As though testing him, testing yourself unsure if you could trust youd heard him correctly. But perhaps it was also becuase you needed the clarification, reassurance that he had admitted to something so significant, so utterly life changing.
"Yes, it was one of the many things skywalker berated me for. It was forbidden, you were forbidden. It was why i distanced myself from you in the weeks before, i was trying so hard to fight it" he gave a tight smile, it had been hard to abstain from you. To pull back and desert you as he tried desperately to be a good jedi. To follow the hypocriticall code.
When it was brought down into its most basic components the jedis code was to protect and love everyone as a whole but never become selfish enough to love and protect individuals. The greed of such selfish adoration will breed possessiveness; the refusal to give up the one you loved. This then gave way to worry, paranoia. And from there you fall to fear; the fear of loss. Settle into loathing and hate. Finally suffering; suffer the loss of your love, suffer the greif and regret when you lose all that you held most dear. That was the decent into the darkside. The journy most sith fell prey to. And it all started with forbidden love.
Kylo was pulled from his thoughts as your voice cracked, weak words tumbling from you as you revealed he was not alone in being caught out by his uncle. You too had been warned many times about your feelings towards ben.
"He got at me about it too. I love you too. He scolded me many times, even hinting at me to leave if i couldnt control it" and just like that the daydream was gone, the proverbial spell broken and it felt as if the whole world came crashing down upon you. Just like before, only this time it wasnt codes, oaths and the fear of beong caught that was stopping you from pursuing him. No, it was worse. Status, titles and public opinion.
No. this was? It cant work! Hexs the leader of the first order, a jedi killer. And you were effectivly an apostate. An ex jedi that the rebels were desperately trying to recruit. You were found with them! Brought in as a prisoner and cuffed inside an interrogation cell. Itd ruin his credibility, if he were seen with you.
Kylos heart seized as he heard the thoughts loud and clear. You were projecting in your panic. In the sorrow and anxious devastation. No. No! He wont allow it. He wont let you deny yourself happiness, he wont let you deny him now he knows the truth.
"No. No dont? Dont say that we can. We can be together we can. I can make it happen. Im the supremeleader anything i say goes. I can; we can build our own future together" kylo hissed, shaking his head sharply squeezing your hands as you tried detaching yourself from him.
"But kylo...What would the first order say? Surley they would have issues with me; an ex jedi caught with a batallion of rebel's suddenly beside you exachanging vows" kylos reply silenced you. It was a snarl, a deep frustrated growl echojngnin his chest sending shivers down your spine. Goosebumps rose on your skin, your tummy fluttered. There was something about his reaction, about knowing he would argue, that he'd fight for you. It made you feel relieved and anxious all at once. Youd never had anyone fight for you before, you normally had to do that all by yourself.
"Im their supreme leader. Theres not much i connot take care of. I would create a story of half truths. Paint you as my lover, my secret fiancé who i hid away from everyone for her own protection; that i feared snokes reaction if he ever knew" his words soothed you so ewhat, and he could tell. You relaxed, listening to him intently. It made sense sort of?
"Id say youd been hunted by the rebels because of who you were to me. Explain that the whole operation was to rescue you, that the rebels got to you before i could come and collect you once id killed snoke. And the raid was just me bringing you home.
"But i was brought here in cuffs? That trooper knows im here, in an interrogation cell it cant? I wont be your down fall;"
"It was a ruse for your safety!" Kylo finally snapped at you, his desperation to keep you becoming irritation. Why didnt you trust him? Why did you doubt he could fix it, handle everything and take care of you. He loved you, you loved him that should be enough shouldnt it?
He drew a deep breath befpre cupping the sides of your face lightly. Your eyes closed and you gave into his touch. Enjoying the warmth on your cheeks as his hands held you. You pressed into the soft leather of his gloves silently wishing he'd taken them off. You didnt want barriers between you, you wanted him, just him. His skin, his affection his love everything!
"Everyone knows anything could happen when it comes to those... vermin. I had you cuffed and brought here as a precaution. They could have done anything to you my love, warped your mind, pumped you full of toxins to insight hallucinations looking for information about me, us the first order?" His story unfolded around you, creating the perfect romantic tragedy. Rewriting the script of your romance as if he'd already finished a manuscript. You almost forgot how quick he was thinking on his feet, conjuring stories and reasons with ease.
"I had to do it this way, incase they belived youd turned on me. You could have played the part of a deserter to survive. But now, once ive had time to read you, to peer into your mind i know you hadnt betrayed us. You managed to fend off their cruel games and twisted words" he continued his reasoning, useing logic to create the perfect reunion for the two of you. Setting the stage for you to both love one another freely.
"And you came home, stronger than ever. Ready to take your rightfull place. And the rebels would feel Iied to by their general, of course she had to have known who her sons fiance was, we did grow up together. Theyd lose morale. And we'd gain it. And id finally have you all to myself. With no shame, or fear. Just us together as it should have always been" his rant came to a slow sweet end. Making you smile, grinning shyly up at him. You liked the sound of that, being with him like regular people. Normal lovers able to enjoy one another.
"But most importantly be safe and loved for the rest of your days. We could have everything we were denied, we could be together. Truley be together, do you hear me?" His hands shifted, dragging over your ears, further and further back untill his fingers stretched out i to your hair lightly massaging your scalp. And then he moved nuzzling into you, breathing deep trying to drown himself innyour scent. It was just as he remebered, light spice that seemed to cling to you from your love of the exotic, coupled with a slight sweet honeyed scent that came from every scented soap, shampoo and conditioner. And then the overall delicate scent that was your own. It was the smell of home. The scent that haunted him just as much as his dreams. He'd missed it. Your eyes fluttered closed, melting into him natheing in the long lost warmth of a kind embrace.
"We can do it. Together me and you, nothing will stop us. Nothing will ever come between us my love, please dont... dont turn away, dont leave me. I love you. I still love you and i promise you; swear to you that i wil, protect you. Protect us... there can be an us now. We will never hide, or shy away from each other again" his word grew almost frantic, pleading even. You pressed into him tighter tlitling your head tryingnto tuck yourself into him properly and rest against his chest. But he paused, stopping you carefully before tipping your head up promtpingnyou to look at him, locking eyes again.
"Please give us a chance? Give the first order a chance. You wont regret it. You wont" you tentativly moved to cup his own cheek tilting your head to the side taking in the sight of him. So vulnerable and raw. Sincere and sweet? Hopefull. You couldnt deny him. You knew it deep down, there was no way you could abandon him. Not when youd both finally revealed your true feelings. Not when he already had all the answers, all the excuses and plans. But that didnt mean you werent going to ask what was expected of you.
"What would i have to do? As empress i mean? I dont want to... i wont have to fight? Or officially join the darkside and become sith? Will i?" Kylo froze his entire body shuddered. Did that mean? Were you really going to stay?! He grinned unable to stop the giddy laugh from bubbling in his throat. It was more then he could imagine. The rush of happiness, anticipation. But quickly shook his head before speakign answering all of your fears and doubts wanting to nip them in the butt before you could dwell on them and overthink.
"No, not at all. Not for a second i wouldnt force you my love. Like i said the choice is yours, it will always be yours. Whether you become my apprentice, empress or stay as a freind i will protect you from skywalker and the rebels. You never have to fear them or look over your shoulder again" he uttered dragging his hands over yu, lower, curling around your waist resting in the curve of your back.
"That is if you stay.You-you are always free to walk away now. It would be painful to watch you go, but i would let you. Id have you escorted to where ever you want to go" his promise came with a fearfull swallow. But he wanted to make sure you understood, that you knew you had the choice. That you truly had a choice and he'd respect your wishes.
"Though id much rather have you here with me, beside me. I belive we were meant to find one another again. I really do. I dont want to let you go. I just want you to be safe, to have the saftey and security of a home. Something that had been ripped from us as children."
"Kylo;" you tried halting his rambling, the anxious words that escaped him as his thoughts ran rabid, second guessing his own offer. Would you think he was trying to takl you out of it? Trying to chase you away? Fuck. Fuck what if he misspoke or pushed to hard?
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You could see the wild panic, the odd nauseating fear that spiked from him, making the force tremble around the both of you restlessly. But you couldnt manage to get a word in as he began falling into another half anxious monologue of explanations and reasoning.
"You know what it feels like to be manipulated and have your life mapped out for you. We had many decisions made for us, too many options taken from us and we both paid for them with blood and fear. We know how cruel family is. You deserved better. You deserved a choice" he finalised with conviction. He made to open his ,outh once more but you hushed him, a single palm covering his mouth, managing to stop another round of persuasion from the large sweet man.
"We both did... And maybe we can make things better together? We can make a real family, a home and right a few wrongs? Be ourselves without shame or remorse together. One united front? Us against the galaxy?" Your hand slowly drifted to his hair as you spoke, making your decision. Your fingers danced in the thick ebony locks. You smiled when he couldnt refrain from nuzzling into you once more. He really wasnt the big scary man he tried to be. Just a huge loth cat.
"What? You mean? Youll stay with me? As my empress? Youll really stay?" Your heart broke at the tiny disbelieving voice, so unlike him. Yet exactly what youd expect from the old ben. The one who felt so much weight, so much responsibility with little love for himself. Back then he was so uncertain, so frightend to chase after what he wanted because he felt denying himself made him strong.
"Id be honoured kylo. I can think of nothing id like more than to spend my life with you, if youll have me?" You anounced, dragging his face closer your own unable to stop the fluttering in your tummy, or the way your face flushed, and the excited giddiness overwhelming you.
He wrapped himself around you, nose touching your own eye flicking from your own gaze down to your lips, the temptation to press his own against yours and devour you. Lock you into a kiss that had been long overdue.
"Of course, fuck yes i mean i? I want you by my side. I love you" he whispered, not wantingnto break the spell. The euphoric haze that seemed to isolate the two of you from the rest of the galaxy in this moment.he couldnt, wouldnt jeopardise this one peacfull moment you had together. The moment youd both been praying for since your early teens.
"I love you too. Theres just one thing i ask from you?" You breathed out, grazing his nose with the lightest of touches. Barely hanging on to the thread of control you somehow maintained.
"Name it, its yours" his voice dipped low. No thoughts just feeling. Pure joy and eager acceptance. He didnt care what it was you wanted. Youd have it, he'd grant you anything even the impossible. He'd find a way to give you the univers in its entirety if you asked.
"Dont lie to me. Even if the truth hurts, even if its dangerous or frightening. Dont hide things behinde half truths and lies. We have both had enough of that for a life time" you could see his eyes soften the aprihension that your qeustion had caused quickly disappeared. He seemed saddened almost, humbled. Your unsure what it was he expected you to ask, but apparently it wasnt honesty.
"You have my word my love. I swear i will never lie to you, never. I trust you to know everything, youll always know as much as i do" in that moment he swore to you and himself. Made it an oath, his own code to live by.
You sighed fully relaxing into him before coilingnyour arms around his neck tugging him down closer and began rising you your tip toes. He didnt need to think, about his next move. His lips met yours in a gentle kiss. The first light pressing on your lips together soon gve way to soemthing heated, years of repressed emotions and desire. Before you realised what was happeneing you were scooped up in hos arms. Legs locking around his waist your kiss now coupled with hands tugging you against him, rocking you against him in a delicious grinding that only spurred the both of you on.
Your kisses quickly became desperate a flurry of nips, kisses and the lapping of his tongue. The constant pressure of his tongue finally pried your own mouth open. He wasted no time in pressing on, fucking into your mouth with his tongue growling as your own fought his, twisting around his own in a decadent battle. His fingers tightened on your ass, digging into the flesh before thrusting his hips against yours. You gasped, tongue faltering in its own assault, he used the mone tto delve deeper, dominating you claiming victory over your playful defiance. Not that you minded, not in the slightest. You moaning when he began tracing the roof of your mouth lightly, a tickling pleasant feeling making you whine, shuddering and arching into his hold.
"Supreme leader i;" you yepled as the modulated voice of a trooper called out only to stop mid sentence as he realised what he'd just walked in on.
"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Kylos shout was accompanied with a blast of the force towards the unsuspecting trooper. Not that he needed prompting, at the forst yelled words he'd already turned trying to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Only managing a few feet untill he connected with the opposite wall on the hall. The force following closely slamming his helmet clade head even harder into the wall. And then he dropped into a heap of white armour on the floor.
"Oh god; that poor bastard. Is he gonna be okay?" You uttered flushing, giggleing somewhat nervously as there were foot steps in the distance out in the hall growing fainter. Apparently there'd been an audience.
"If he stays down he will be" kylo huffed petulantly. It would have been cute had it not been for the look of murder in his wpeyes, violence on his mind. You sighed before pecking him once more, trapping him in a barrage of sweet kisses between words.
"Kylo. Leave him be... i wasnt going to fuck you here anyway, theres cameras" his eyes flicked to the small cctv cameras in the corner. You had a point. He sighed slowly letting you stand befpre him once more and reached out to retrieve his mask, which you promptly toom from him, holding it carefully. You didnt want him to disappear behinde it just yet. He gave you a look, only to shake his head at you as you subtly twisted the carbon mask from him stubbornly. He chuckled realiseing quickly you wanted to keep looking at him.
"Right~ Come, let's get you home;" he faltered as you stepped up beside him eagerly. It was odd, having someone wanting to be so close to him. He? Liked it. But only if it was you, everyone else better keep their fucking distance... especially if you were there.
"Lead the way" you grinned cutely up at him. It was enough to stop him in his tracks. This was it, his future; your future. It all starts now, starts here. And force be damned he could barely contain the excitement. You were his, and he was yours, and nothing would ever interfere again. For the first time in years, he felt that all powerful hope the rebellion raged on about. And honestly? He could understand it. This was a new, powerful feeling. He felt like he could achieve the impossible. And he would. There was no doubt in his mind now. You'd both succeed where others failed because you had one another.
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