#until dawn mike x reader
heartsforhavik · 5 months
hi hi! i saw you mention that you love doing hcs & i LOVE them, so i thought i would send in a request
i wondering if you could do hcs of what it’s like to be mike munroe’s gf (or partner if you prefer to keep it neutral!) like how he is w them, his flaws, etc.
mike munroe x (gn! reader) relationship hcs
✰ warnings: gender neutral reader, poc friendly, all hcs are sfw
✰ there is nothing i love more than doing hcs, tysm for requesting some!! i had a ton of fun writing this, so if you would like a part two, i'll do it! (i literally saw this req and immediately got up to write it) also i mentioned some poc things in here cuz i'm latino, soooo if anyone wants me to write any character x poc! reader, i am SO down.
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mike is a very secure, confident partner. he's perfectly fine with you having male friends or spending alone-time with a guy.
but when another guy is clearly flirting with you?
oh boy.
he would go up to you and casually sling an arm around your shoulder, subtly hinting to the other guy that you are taken. if the guy doesn't take the hint, mike would butt in the conversation and would keep referring to you as his "love" or "beloved" until the guy leaves.
he isn't afraid of confrontation or anything, he just doesn’t want to waste time on someone like that.
if mike were to meet your parents, he would be confident and casual. he'd obviously hold back on the pda and profanity, but overall he wouldn't be too stressed about it. mike is very confident that he could win the approval of your parents. because of how calm he is, he'd probably treat your parents like old friends.
but if you're a person of color, he'd try a little harder. mike would present himself a bit neater, would constantly mention his successes, intelligence, job, etc. he'd even put in the effort to follow your family's customs. like if you eat with your hands, he has no issue doing so. or if you have a larger family, especially if they don't speak english, he would probably try to learn the language and get along with them all. he really wants to gain their approval.
these hcs make him sound like a saint... but the number one issue in your relationship with mike is that he tends to be a bit ignorant when it comes to your feelings.
for example, if you were at a party and you told mike you were uncomfortable and wanted to leave, he would be like: "what? why? this party's great! just go and talk to people, it isn't that hard."
he's nice about it, he just doesn't understand. he may even tease you about it.
"what? are you scared of social interaction? oh no, a conversation! the scariest of all weapons!"
but he shuts up immediately when he actually sees how uncomfortable you are, then he'd help you out. he's a nice boyfriend, just not the most understanding sometimes.
when you are genuinely in distress (emotionally), he would drop everything to help you and get rid of whatever is troubling you. if there's a chore you are too stressed to get done, he's helping you with it. if someone's messing with you, he'll have a... 'chat' with them. even though mike isn't too good with emotions, he hates seeing you stressed or sad. even if you're in denial or claim that you "don't need help" he isn't having it. he's stubborn, and he WILL help you.
mike's love language is probably either physical touch or quality time. if you're taller than him, he'd probably rest his arm around your waist. if you're shorter, he'd like to tease you sometimes by having his arm on top of your head, but mainly around your shoulders. he isn't afraid of showing off his partner to others, so he likes holding you at all times in some kind of way.
he also loves quality time. doesn't matter how. whether you're out at dinner somewhere, or just sitting in the same room scrolling through your phones in silence. he isn't picky, he just likes being around you.
mike strikes me as the type of boyfriend to always offer to drive you places, even if you're a better driver than him. you'd be in the passenger seat and you get to choose what music to listen to, while mike has one hand on the wheel, and his other hand resting on your thigh.
when you're spending time with mike, you laugh a lot and mess around like kids, but after 3-4 hours of hanging out, you're suddenly talking about the meaning of life and your biggest fears and covering them up with jokes. he's versatile!😻
overall, he's a nice, funny boyfriend. even if he isn't extremely good with emotions, he tries his best with you.
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theemissuniverse · 3 months
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SUMMARY : You and Emily are best friends…but best friends always means something more these days right?
WARNINGS : lesbian smut
A/N : this takes place when they all go back to the cabin.
It hadn’t even been an hour of all of you coming up to the mountain and you were witnessing Emily Davis and Matthew Taylor break up.
All because she had went to see Michael.
Despite you being Emily’s best friend, you could see where Matt was coming from. Getting caught having a conversation was not a good look.
You were even surprised at Emily being your best friend but the two of you were the meanest people in your own way so it kind of made sense.
You were made her best friend by force though in ninth grade where she forced you to sit with her at lunch because she thought you were pretty. Now you two were besties.
For better or worse? You’d have to find out.
“God, Matt! It didn’t mean anything! Get over it!”
Mike raised his hand as if he was in the classroom. “I can vouch for that. Trust me, I do not want her anymore.”
You were sitting in a chair, eating a cookie, watching the whole scene play out. You knew something was going to happen and you didn’t know if you wanted to stop it or keep it going.
Emily angrily turned to Mike at the statement. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I think he means he doesn’t want to fuck skank anymore.” Jess replied for Mike.
Not only could you not help but comment because you were Emily’s best friend but because you always had to make your own remark of common sense. You finished your cookie and dusted your hand off. “If that’s the case then why is he fucking you?”
Emily had laughed at what you said and bit her lip to hold back her smile. Matt shook his head, rubbing his temples in irritation while Mike just did a whistle and looked away from the situation.
“I’m sorry? Did I ask you to bud in Ms. School Drop out?” Jess asked you while standing up from the couch where she was sitting next to Mike with.
“No but something told me that you needed a reality check and well, here I am to give it to you.” You told her, brushing off her calling you a drop out with ease.
“Don’t you find it a tad bit pathetic you follow Emily around all the time?”
“No. But what I do find pathetic is you not having any men to choose from so you chose your best friends man.”
“Last I heard, your relationship is dead so you don’t get to tell me how to live mine.”
Emily had watched the whole argument, entertained because you were winning. Up until the last remark Jessica said and she didn’t think she could go lower.
Beth was your girlfriend a year ago. Before everything happened. You had blamed everyone for a long time. Healed from it. Even from Emily. Emily apologized multiple times, which was unlike her to be honest and you forgave her.
This is why you never forgave Jessica because here she was, throwing that in your face.
The room felt silent. As if they knew the damage Jessica had done.
You stood up slowly from your chair then began to walk towards her. “You wanna try that again?”
Jessica gave you a deadpanned look. She would be a little scared but she knew that Emily would stop you before you hit her. So she kept going. “Don’t talk about saving people’s relationships when you couldn’t even save your own.”
Emily saw your fist balled up and instead of you hitting her, you gave her a warning push. A push so aggressive, it landed Jessica back on the couch. “Hey!”
As much as Emily wanted to see you kick her ass, she knew it would be trouble. It wouldn’t be the petty cat fight that she knew she would face up against Jess. You knew how to fight and you knew how to hurt her.
Jessica came from a wealthy family and Emily did not want to see you go to jail for a petty argument.
Emily immediately got in between the two of you. Then stood right in front of you. “Calm down. She’s not worth it.”
Mike brought Jess towards him. “Both of you, stop it.” He said.
“I can’t do it.” You said. “I have to hit something.”
“Just relax.” Emily told you. “Breathe. It’s going-“
“See, Emily. All you do is bring drama and I’m sick of it.” Matt started to say. “Look what we’re all doing! Because of you!”
You had chose your target. You turned around, facing Matt. Then you gave him your best punch. Him falling to the ground and him holding his mouth.
“(Y/N)!” Emily scolded you.
You ignored her. Then you left out the back door.
You needed some air and were fine if you had to freeze to death in order to get it. You hated the way people got in your head. You were a hothead and it got the best of you sometimes.
Emily was right behind you. “Hey! (Y/N)! Slow down!”
You sighed and stopped in your tracks, allowing Emily to catch up to you. “Look I’m sorry I-“
“I don’t care, meat head! Put this on.”
You looked to see it was your jacket that you had left in the lodge. You grabbed your jacket and started place it on you.
Emily looked down to your hand and saw the bruises on your knuckles. She shook her head and placed a hand on her hip. “You really did knock the shit out of my ex boyfriend didn’t you?”
You sighed, feeling guilty of your actions. Emily was the only person who could make you feel guilty. “Look, Em I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have hit your-“ Then you had thought about what she said. “Did you say ex-boyfriend?”
“Yeah I did. He’s too soft for me obviously and I don’t have time for that. And he left my bag with all my expensive clothes in it! That idiot.”
You knew the two wouldn’t last that long but that was pretty fast you had to say.
Emily grabbed your hand and started to lead the way. “Help me look for it.”
“Ugh. Why do I gotta help you look for it?”
“Because I said so!”
You knew best not to argue with her so you let her lead the way. Besides, you weren’t going to let her be out by herself anyway.
The two of you walked to the picnic table area. Emily looked over to one of the tables and saw a carving. She dusted the snow off and saw your initials with Beth’s.
She felt jealousy when she had looked at the carving but knew she had to swallow it. “Wow. You must’ve really loved her huh?”
You were confused. You walked over and saw the carving for yourself and remembered. “Oh…that…” You leaned against the picnic table, looking down a little. “I liked her. A lot. Can’t say I loved her though. It takes a lot for me to do that.”
Emily nodded at your choice of words. It made sense. You’ve had a lot of girlfriends before Beth and you had never really loved any of them. Love was a hard thing for you and she understood that.
You decided to change the subject. “What’s so important in this bag anyway?” You asked her.
Emily smirked when you had questioned it. “Oh just my undies. The lace ones.”
You raised a brow when you had noticed the flirty tone in her voice. Emily would always flirt with you but you had always considered it to be friendly flirting and nothing romantic attached to it so you played along.
“Well we don’t need those.”
Unbeknownst to you, Emily was actually flirting with you. She had always had a secret crush on you but was too scared to do anything. Also, she was used to people hitting on her. Not her hitting on other people.
“You don’t want me to model them for you.” Emily asked you. She did a little spin so you could examine her body.
Your eyes darted all over her and it was at this point you were starting to realize that you also flirted with her more than the friendly way. “I’m just going to rip them off of you anyways.”
Emily had did something she never did before. She took a step towards you. Then grabbed your hands and made them be on her body. “You ever done it outside before?”
You were intrigued at how far Emily was willing to go to just play flirt with you which was confirming in your mind that she was serious. But how could she be serious? You two were just friends.
You had laughed at her question. “Have you?”
“No. But maybe I want to.” Emily went to tug at belt of your jeans which made you groan a little. You felt her breath on your neck and her kissing softly. “I cant with this on though.”
You moaned at the soft kisses that she placed on your neck. Yeah. She definitely wasn’t playing anymore.
Emily pulled away from your neck. She looked you directly in your eyes. You pushed away the hair that was in her face. She looked so beautiful to you.
Emily leaned in and kissed you on the lips. You didn’t hesitate. You cupped the back of her neck with your right hand and kissed her back.
You used your left hand to place on her hip and bring her closer. Emily moaned and continued to kiss you like she was hungry. She had been waiting for this.
It was freezing out but the two of you didn’t feel any cold. You were in each other’s warmth.
You just had to confirm something. You pulled away from her lips. The two of you slightly out of breath. “Wait a second.” Emily looked annoyed at you for stopping but waited for you to ask her what you needed. “Are we straight girl kissing or gay girl kissing?”
Emily shook her head at how unserious but serious you could be. “The second one.” She confirmed before going straight back to kissing you.
That made you more bolder in your movements. You picked Emily up by her ass and made her legs wrap around your waist. Emily moaned in the kiss while you sat her down on the picnic table.
Your lips went down to her neck. Instead of kissing you sucked on her sweet spots making her moan, gripping you. “God that feels so good.” Emily commented.
You pushed your knee in between Emily and made your knee make contact with her clothed area. She moaned at the friction you were going and made you pull away from her neck. “I can’t take this. Let’s go to the lodge.”
You were still lost a little. Surprised this was happening. “O-“ You couldn’t finish your sentence as Emily was already dragging you back to the lodge.
The two of you walked back into the lodge. Emily paid no mind to the people that were in the living room and dragged you upstairs, all the way to the room Emily had picked out.
When the door was closed, the two of you were back on each other. The two of you took your shoes off while you made out.
You helped Emily take her jacket off and throw in on the floor. Emily did the same for you. Emily pushed you on the bed. You sat there, watching her.
Emily’s hands went to your belt and started to unbuckle your pants. When she had finally got your pants to unbuckle, you grabbed her and laid her on the bed.
You got on top of her and took off her shirt. She was wearing a lace purple bra. You gave her a look. “All your lace underwear was in your bag huh?”
Emily giggled and kissed you. You kissed her back. You never kissed anyone the way you were kissing Emily. It was different.
That’s when you realized it was always different with Emily.
You unbuttoned her pants and helped her take them off. Her underwear matched her bra.
“Why am I the only one naked?” Emily complained while kissing you.
“It’s more fun that way.”
“Yeah, fun for you.”
You chuckled and removed her underwear. Leaving her exposed. You licked your index and middle finger before placing it on her clit and rubbing it in circles.
Emily moaned loudly. She gripped on your arm. You started off slow and teasingly. You didn’t have to do much. She was already wet from you.
You found your rhythm and started to go a little bit faster on her clit. She tried to meet your rhythm but any time she’d get too excited, you’d slow down.
“Stop torturing me, (Y/N).”
You laughed. You kissed her gently on the lips and picked back the pace. Emily moaned loudly in the kiss. You stuck your fingers in her pussy, knowing she was wet enough. The palm of your hand hit her clit while you kept the fast pace.
“God, (Y/N). Yes.” Emily tried to quietly moan but came out of extremely loud. It’s like she didn’t care to be quiet and wanted all the pleasure she could get from you.
Emily’s hands went to her chest. She held on to her chest while throwing her head back. You regretted not taking off her bra before starting.
Her clit constantly bounced off from the palm of your hand and Emily felt herself getting close. “Wait. I’m almost there. Stop.”
You kissed her on the neck. Licking and sucking on her sweet spots. “Why stop? I want you to cum on my fingers.”
Emily moaned at your words. “I want you though.”
You understood what Emily was trying to say and pulled away from her pussy. Then licked your fingers clean off. “Mmhm. I kinda want you to sit on my face.”
Emily shoved your shoulder, making you laugh. “No, (Y/N). Come on. I want you.”
You took off your pants. Then slid off your underwear and threw them somewhere. Emily was about to place her fingers on your clit but you stopped her. “Trust me, I’m already wet from you moaning.”
Emily bit her lip smiling and you got on top of her. You made sure to position your clit above hers before looking at her. “This is not how I expected to spend my weekend.”
She took off your shirt, leaving you in your bra. “Isn’t this so much better?”
“It is.” You couldn’t deny. You kissed Emily on her lips again before placing your clit directly on top of hers. The you were moving slowly.
You knew Emily all too well because you were best friends which meant you knew Emily never had sex with a woman before. So you tried moving slowly for her.
Emily was doing exactly what you knew she would do. Getting sensitive quickly. Emily let out a sharp moan. She clung onto your body, not expecting to be so sensitive. She was whimpering, pleading for you to get her to cum.
“You sound so sexy.” You told her. You tried to ease her in by kissing her lovingly all over body.
“Don’t stop. Oh god, yes.” Emily was practically screaming and you should’ve figured she would by how sensitive she was.
“Your boyfriends might hear you.” You jokingly said to her while kissing all over her body.
“I don’t care. Just get me to cum all over you. Please.”
You could’ve came off her just moaning for you. You should’ve figured Emily was submissive. She was a brat. You gripped onto her leg and went faster. Your pussies colliding against each other. Making the both of you moan in pleasure.
Emily’s hands felt like fire on your body. She unclipped your bra from the back and threw the bra on the floor somewhere.
As you kept your pace, you noticed Emily staring at you in awe. You tilted your head at her. “What?”
“You’re so beautiful.”
You weren’t expecting her to say that. You bent down to give her a sloppy kiss on her lips. She returned it.
“Mmhm. (Y/N). Let me get on top.”
You pulled away from her warmth and laid down on the bed. Emily got on top of you and placed her pussy back on yours. You chuckled at the gasp she had let out. It was far more sensitive for her to be on top than you.
“You sure you don’t want me on top?” You teased a little.
“Shut up.” Emily more so moaned and started to move on you. She didn’t go slow though. She went back to the fast pace you were doing.
You moaned, hugging onto her hips and helping her move. “Shit. Keep going. Just like that.” You went to unclip her bra and when you did, you immediately started to rub her titties.
Emily moaned at you playing with her nipples while trying to focus on her pace. “Oh god. (Y/N).”
You noticed Emily was losing her pace so you went back to her hips and helped her move on you. “Come on, baby. Move your pussy on me.”
You calling Emily baby turned her on and motivated her to move even faster on you. “(Y/N)?”
Noticing she was asking you something and not moaning your name, you nodded, still feeling immense pleasure. “Yeah?”
“When I make you cum on my pussy you’re going to be mine.”
You knew that was Emily’s way of asking to be your girlfriend but she was always the demanding type. You closed your eyes, feeling yourself become closer to release. You gripped her hips tighter. “You make me cum, you can have anything you want.”
Emily’s hands reached to your chest and started to play with your titties. You moaned at the touch. “I’m so close.” She told you.
You watched Emily’s chest bounce up and down. You couldn’t help but lick your lips. Seeing it was starting to make you close. “Keep going. I’m almost there too.”
Emily whined at how sensitive she felt herself start to get. You notice her slowing down some and you were so close you didn’t even want to help her anymore.
You flipped her on the bed and quickly got back on top. Your pussies continued to make out with each other. Wetness was heard all around the room and was even starting to go down your leg.
“(Y/N), I need you.” You felt Emily’s nails claw at your back and you knew it was only moments before she came all over you.
“Cum all over my pussy, baby. You can do it.” You said while kissing on her neck.
“Oh, god. (Y/N). Yes.”
You felt yourself coming undone, closing your eyes. “Fuck, Emily.”
“Yes, yes. I’m cumming. Oh god I’m cumming. (Y/N).”
You felt yourself cum and Emily was following right behind you. Your pussies became so wet that the juice soaked the bed sheets.
You continued to move until you knew both of you were done. You got up from her and laid down next to her.
Emily grabbed the blanket and placed it on top of the two of you. “I can’t believe I waited that long to do that.”
You chuckled before nodding. “Yeah. Me too.” You turned to look at her, seriously. “So…how do you wanna play this?”
Emily sighed, knowing what you meant. “They’re all just drama filled. I just want to stay up here with you.”
“It’s gonna come out. Especially at how loud you were.” Emily hit your shoulder at what you said and rolled her eyes.
“Well they’ll just be mad they couldn’t get me to scream like that.” She said before kissing you.
So you were with your best friend now? Not what you expected.
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princesssmars · 8 months
plsssss do something for michael munroe im so starved
i could change your mind
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some college football player mike headcanons.
contains: fluff. some nsfw. american football gross. mike is cocky whats new. fem!reader. hair nor skin color described.
a/n: anon i lowkey miss him too so i'll do a few headcanons for you anon. sorry that my until dawn rewrite is like on hiatus I just feel like it's gonna be such a flop so my brain says it cant be bad if I don't write it ??? idk. ty for making me do this. set in college but i've decided to start a year late so if i get shit wrong sorry scholars. (heart fingers emoji I'm on desktop fml.)
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idk why but the first thing that popped into my head was him loving a sport...like he gives smart but also dumbass jock to me we let's go with he did football in high school and he's at college on a scholarship.
if you're like me you don't give two shits about the sport you probably would not like twice in a football player's way, which he definitely sees as a challenge. he'll come up to you in the dining hall and try to hit on you in front of his jock friends, spouting a "whatever you say, sweetheart" when you reject him with a grimace.
to your surprise and horror he's in one of your advanced classes in your second semester, sitting with his feet up next to your seat with a smile when you walk in. you do call him troglodyte for having his shoes on the table but he says with an easy smile that he's in with the teacher who said it was alright.
for the first three weeks, you try to ignore his questions and poking at all costs, but when you get paired up on an important assignment you decide to hold your disdain on pause. he invites you to "study in his dorm" which nearly gives you a migraine, until he chuckles and tells you he's joking, telling you you can meet at common ground and study in the library.
you hold your tongue instead of giving a quip about how he probably won't be able to keep his mouth shut, but once you actually get there you realize the worst thing ever: mike munroe isn't a moron. he's actually pretty smart, maybe nearly as smart as you, and shows pretty good leadership with how he takes in both your academic strengths and divides the workload based on them. its not hard to see why he's the quarterback.
after you get an a+ on your project, you start to warm up to mike. his stupid quips in class start to actually become funny, leading to numerous moments where he makes you snort in class and the professor rolls his eyes.
your friendship soon grows enough that mike has the confidence to invite you to one of his games while you're walking around campus, and if you start to say no he informs you that he will not hesitate to get on his knees and beg in front of everyone. that makes you feel a little weird so you groan and tell him fine.
the whole time you don't really know what's going on, even though ten minutes before he had to get ready he tried to cram all of the rules into your head. even though you don't know everything you can tell when something good happens, like when he makes the touchdown that wins your school the game. he celebrates with his team members and his crowd of fangirls before coming over to you, clearly waiting for you to say football is fun or something,
you don't. but the after-party definitely was. you don't know what that frat guy put in the punch but it was good, and had you nearly drunk in only two hours. nearly being a keyword, because someone who was past the point decided to do a childish game of seven minutes, and you decided to play along for fun.
but it wasn't so funny when they spun the bottle and it landed on you, then the next turn between two people to point towards the couch where mike was watching with his friends. they both burst out laughing at the horrified look on your face as you reluctantly follow him inside the closet.
for the first minute it's quiet, soft noises from the two of you adjusting your bodies in the quiet space and "sorry"'s when you bump into the other.
he takes your silence for uncomfortableness, telling you he's alright with just sitting with you. "one of my favorite things to do actually"
you don't really know why but you kiss him after that. when you pull away you can faintly see his blank face. great. you ruined everything. you're about to give some half-assed excuse before his hand is on the back of your neck and he's pulling you back into him and pressing your body into his.
things get weird after that night.
you're still friends after that night, of course. except now its...different.
you still have your movie nights laughing at people making dumb decisions in horror movies, except now you'll sometimes wind up on mike's lap with your tongue down his throat.
you still text each other stupid pictures you found on snapchat (he insists on using it, fuckboy he is. or used to be, weirdly). except now before you go to sleep he'll send you a picture of his bulge with a smiley face at the bottom. if you send a picture back he'll send a long voice message that you don't open for your own sanity.
but you aren't like. dating. and you don't know why in passing you hear his teammate nick call you "mike's girl". because you aren't. at all.
and plus its not like you've slept together or even gone on an actual date. you're just...closer than normal friends are.
and then he leaves the next december to spend a week with his old friends, and you kind of mope around campus while he's gone. he makes sure to text you constant updates until the night where he arrives at the cabin, where he leaves you delivered for two days. he did say his ex was going to be there, so that nagging voice in the back of your head is telling you the worse.
until you finally get the call from some random number in alberta. when you pick up after some initial confusion you hear mike on the other side.
"mike? what the actual hell? its been two days, thought you somehow managed to get lost in the snow."
he laughed on the other line, able to tell you're insult at his intelligence meant you cared. his voice sounds hoarse.
"yeah, yeah i know. i'm sorry. something came up and i...i've been stuck in this damn police station-"
"police station? jesus, how hard did you guys party."
he calls your name and it's serious. he only sounds like that when something important or bad has happened.
"mike? is everything ok?"
"no, no its not. josh is...he's gone. the cabins gone. we're all pretty messed up."
you don't give a response, waiting for him to elaborate if he wants to.
"i don't know what to say..i'm so sorry."
"it's alright. i'll explain more when i get back. i just wanted to hear your voice."
"now you're really scaring me."
he laughs again, the scratch of his voice returning.
"thank you."
"for what? constantly insulting you and bringing you back to reality?"
"for making me laugh. haven't done it in a while."
"yeah, well...i'll make sure your roommate hasn't completely trashed your dorm. and we can get some takeout. on me, because i'm polite."
"screw that, we're going on a date."
your heart skips.
"did you actually get a concussion because that's not funny."
"im serious. no more being a pussy. time to start getting serious. plus we're basically already dating, so."
"god, why does everyone keep saying that?"
"i'll see you soon."
the phone hangs up and you toss the phone to the side with a slight smile.
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illusioninfnty · 11 months
day 24 ; primal play
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↠ mike munroe x reader
fandom: until dawn word count: 916 warnings: nsfw 18+, physical traits of reader (taller than mike and muscular), dom!reader, choking, unprotected sex, creampie, slight aftercare, outlast!au (if Tex!reader was straight…shudder)
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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You can hear his breathing.
The snow crunches beneath your feet as you hunt for him. Your breath is visible in front of you, the cold air stinging your cheeks as you steady your breathing.
Mike had brought up the idea first. You were experienced in this type of hunt, learning from your parents, and he wanted to see just how well you could do.
If you caught him, he would be your reward.
You know you're close, and you slow down your pace so he doesn’t hear you. The whistle of the wind is just loud enough that you believe you’re able to cover your tracks.
But then a twig snaps under your foot, and you can see his shape dart out from a nearby tree and through the woods.
You know the quickest way to reach him, your knowledge in the terrain coming handy as you weave your way in and out of trees, tracking Mike’s steps as he runs away from you.
The quickness of your route allows you to find him easily, and you act fast so he can’t escape this time. You grab him by his arm, tugging him close to your chest and wrapping your own around his neck. “Got you.”
Mike shudders under your hold, your warm breath close in his ear.
“You’re a fucking psycho,” he answers you lightly.
“Maybe. But you still love me.” You give him a quick peck on his cheek and squeeze the skin between your gloved fingers. “Hell, it’s fucking cold out here.”
Looking around to get a sense of exactly where you are, you spot a cabin in the distance. You smirk, your plan forming quickly in your head.
“Come on.” You drag Mike along with you. “I’m getting my reward now.”
“N-now?” he sputters, his eyes dart back and forth. “What if someone sees us?”
You roll your eyes. “Not out here, you idiot. We’d get hypothermia. Over there.” You point out the cabin, all dark and more than likely completely abandoned.
Mike’s eyes widen in realization. “Damn. Alright.”
The walk takes only a couple of minutes, the two of you scrambling just as much to reach your destination. When you reach the door, you try the doorknob and the entrance opens up easily. You pull Mike in, slamming the door behind you with your foot as you smash your lips onto his.
You begin to undo all of his outerwear, starting with his coat. As you undress him, he opens his mouth slightly in a moan, and you stick your tongue in. You kiss him with vigor, swirling your tongue around with his. His hands move down your body, removing your own clothes. 
Soon the two of you are completely bare, and you maneuver yourself so that you push him onto the couch, a string of saliva connecting as your lips part.
Mike’s cock is already hard, throbbing in anticipation. You crawl on top of him, brushing your front against the head of cock. He moans and jerks up from the contact.
“You ready for me?” you ask, teasing your slit over his cock, wetting yourself with his precum.
He nods. “Always.”
You lower yourself onto him slowly, moaning at the way he stretches you open. You start riding him, arching your back and digging your nails into his chest. He groans, and you grip him harder.
His hands move up to hold you at your hips. “So tight,” Mike whispers, his knuckles turning white with how hard he grips onto you. You clench around him more, and he bucks his hips up into you.
“You like that?” you murmur to him, your hands slowly traveling up his chest and resting against his neck, putting light pressure on it.
“Fuck yeah,” he breathes out.
Your hands tighten around his neck, choking him. His mouth widens in a gasp as his eyes roll back, and his hips rut up into you. You increase the pace of your own bounces, the sounds of skin slapping together louder than ever.
“There you go,” you coo gently. Mike moans at your praise. His cock pulses harshly inside you, and he cums unexpectedly—much earlier than he ever had before.
He fills you up completely, some of the liquid spilling out the sides of your walls and onto his lower stomach. You continue to ride him as his orgasm washes over him, his cum lubing you up to make your movements even slicker.
Mike soon whines from the overstimulation, and you let go of his neck as his body trembles from the overwhelming sensations. His gasps come in short breaths as he brings up a hand to rub his neck.
You pull yourself completely off of him, more of his cum spilling out of your hole. You roll over and move to find a bathroom in the cabin, coming back to Mike with some towels and a cup of water for him.
Kissing his cheek, you begin to wipe his body clean. As you look out the window, you see that the snow has begun to fall faster, the visibility of the outdoors much lower than usual.
“Crap. The weather got a lot worse,” you say, biting your lip. “I don’t think it’s safe to go back to the lodge like this.”
Mike pauses and looks as though he’s pretending to think hard. “I guess we can cuddle instead.”
You playful punch his shoulder and wrap your arms around his midsection. “Come here, you big goof.”
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xetswan · 8 months
By Your Side- Prologue
(Joshua Washington X Reader)
(Until Dawn)
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[Prologue] [One] [Two]
“Hey sissy.” Jessica jumps on the end of my bed with a huge grin. I raise a brow, closing my laptop.
“What is it, Jess?” I let out a large sigh causing her to pout out her lip.
“Oh come on, I just wanted to hang out with my older sister.” She nudges my calf, scooting closer to me on the bed.
“Right, you haven’t called me sissy in years.” I call her out, to which my little sister scoffs. Shaking her head in disagreement to my statement.
Right now we’ve been home alone, our parents out for some business trip or so they say. They do this every month or two, telling us a business trip came up that they have to go to when in reality we all know it’s just a mini vacation they want to take without feeling guilty. Something they shouldn’t have to feel guilty for.
“Uh, yes I have. Just the other day. Maybe I just want to say it again.” Jessica argues with me and I let out a small chuckle.
“Okay, I’ll keep you to it, sissy.” I mock her, she tries to hide it but she breaks out into a smile as well.
“Okay, fine. I overheard Hannah saying we’re going to the lodge! Did Josh say anything to you about it?” She hops up on her knees, bouncing on my bed a little bit. “It was mentioned but I don’t think I’m going.” I let out a nervous laugh, I watched as her eyes bulged out of the sockets along with her mouth hung wide open.
“You have to go! Mom and dad won’t let me go unless you do.” She grips on my knee shaking me aggressively.
It’s not that I don’t want to go.
It sounds fun as heck but lately Josh has been acting a little more flirtatious with me and I’m not up for an awkward weekend of the group making fun of us. Ever since Thanksgiving he started becoming more flirty with me. I went to his family’s dinner and I don’t know.
I like him, of course I do. Who wouldn’t in my position I just don’t want our friendship to get messed up in the heat of things.
“I.. I don’t know Jessie. I have a lot of homework to catch up on.” I lie, I’m all caught up. I only have three classes so I also have time to work.
“[Name], please. I’ll clean your car whenever you want me to! And your dishes! For a month!” She pleads with me. I bite the tip of my thumb thinking about it. A weekend with friends might get out minds off of things. Josh might not bother me as much as I think he will. I close my eyes.
“Okay,” I breathe out, “okay, I’ll go but please try to make sure the pranks against me are at a minimum. And don’t worry about cleaning my things.” I slouch down a tad bit only to be brought back up by my sister who squeals and hugs me. “I can’t wait for the invitation to make things official!” She lets me go and excitedly leaves my room.
I hear her call Ashley which surprised me. I didn’t expect her to really become friends with Ashley. It’s better than Emily though.
I check my phone that pings a few times, Josh and Chris’s names pop up and I roll my eyes at what they’re saying.
“Partying it up on Mount Washington!!!!!!!!! What you guys think?” Josh using way too many exclamation points.
“I’m in, you know it!” Chris sends with multiple emojis and I snort out a laugh.
“[Name], how about you?” Josh puts a little winky face to which I roll my eyes, a smirk still laid upon my lips though.
“Hm, I don’t know.” I respond back, Chris sends a gasping face emoji in response to my message.
“You’re the life of the party you have to be there:(“ Chris says.
“Is it worth my time though?” I tease them, obviously I already told Jessica I was going. I’m not backing out of my word but it is fun to mess with my boys.
“Oh wowww, can’t believe Miss chugger won’t come to a party… with provided alcohol.” Josh says, my jaw slacks open in shock.
“Hey, Miss chugger is in the past, dead even and she’s not coming back.” I remind him. In high school we of course were bit of partiers.
I was the worst of the worst when it comes to drinking. I’d out drink everyone, chugging disgusting beers, taking shots of pure vodka like it was nothing. Just thinking about those days makes me want to vomit.
“I miss her:(“ Chris comments,
Josh puts the laughing emoji, “me too:(“ I roll my eyes once again.
“Shut up, I’m coming I already told Jessie I would. Miss chugger on the other hand you guys can forget it.” I turn my phone off after I hit send, getting back on my laptop to watching YouTube videos like I was before Jessica rudely came into my room.
“C’mon, sissy, everyone else is already waiting for us!” Jessica dramatically tugs me onto the cable car.
“You’re really sticking with Sissy now?” I scrunch my face, throwing my backpack onto my back since I just had to get my hat out, somehow I forgot how cold it actually was going to be up here. I was currently wearing a little puffer jacket, a pink slightly cropped sweater underneath with low rise jeans.
“Of course, I told you I might want to say it again and I do!” She folds her arms. I shake my head. “Okay, sorry.” I jokingly say.
As the cable car goes up I glance around. Taking in the beauty of it all.
I used to come up here with the Washington’s for the summer sometimes, this also isn’t my first winter up here. I love the Washington’s, they’ve always welcomed me. It was nice to have a place where I didn’t always have to take Jessica with me since she’s my younger sister our parents always expected me to have her tag along.
I love her and all but it’s cool to have my own time too.
“Look, I see them!” She points over to the group who were actually waiting for us. I glance over and they’re waving to us, so we do it back.
Jessica was practically on the edge of her seat excited to get off. As it gets to where we need to be we rush off and get greeted with hugs from our friends. Even if we’ve seen them just days or a few weeks ago.
“It’s nice to see you actually came!” Josh jokes with me, pulling me into a tight hug.
“Yeah, it was a tough decision.” I mess with him. Chris gives me a small side hug.
“Ready for the weekend Chugger?” He takes my hat off to which I slap him on the arm.
“Chugger doesn’t exist anymore. Give me that!” I jump up to grab from the blond.
“I think I’ll wear it.” He places it on his head. “Doesn’t this look nice on me, Josh?” Chris turns to our other friends as we all start walking. “Oh man, I’d totally take you to the bone zone if you were a girl.” Josh says and I let out a sort of loud laugh.
“The bone zone? God you are so corny.” I hold my stomach.
“Okay, okay, calm down. It wasn’t that funny.” Josh pats my back. Chris tries to hold back his laughter as well.
“Are we almost there yet, my feet are killer from the work out I did earlier.” Matt speaks up from behind us, we stop and turn.
“Just a little bit always, princess.” Beth replies to him. “Ha-ha, I’m serious. I might’ve did a little too much.” He mainly comments the last part to himself. I then hear Mike and Emily flirting with each other making me want to gag but then I also notice how Hannah was staring at them, well staring at Mike.
We began walking again and I slowed down a little bit.
“Hey, Han.” I nudge her arm. She snaps out of her thoughts looking at me.
“Hey [Name].” She gives a small smile. “You like him?” I whisper, her face suddenly then drops.
“Who told you? Did Josh read my journal or something?” She starts to panic but I shush her, calming her down.
“No, no, I saw the way you were looking at them. Either you like him or it’s Emily which is kind of doubtful considering I didn’t think you swung that way. It’s not a bad thing if you did.” I rambled on a little bit, causing her to snicker shaking her head.
“It’s him, I didn’t think I was that obvious.” She shyly rubs her hands together, most likely trying to give herself warmth.
“It’s probably not, I just enjoy observing people sometimes.” I assure her.
“Oh, okay. Well I’ve actually done some observing myself and it seems like you’re avoiding my brother.” She calls me out, my mouth instantly closing having nothing to say in response to that spot on observance she had.
“What? I haven’t- I’m not avoiding him.” I disagree, glancing up to see Josh, Chris and Matt messing with each other as Mike cheers for god knows what they’re doing. “Right, so you not coming over on the weekends to hang out with Josh after Thanksgiving is you not avoiding him?” She questions me.
“Exactly it’s not.” I try to stay confident with my answer, attempting to keep a straight face but once I look at her we both burst into laughter.
“Fine, fine! I am.” I sigh out, kicking the snow as we walk up the trail. “But why? You guys never have a problem.” She frowns.
“It’s a long story.” I bite my bottom lip thinking about all that’s happened.
“We have some time before we get to the house.” She says, shrugging her shoulders. I glance up ahead again, seeing as everyone was pre-occupied with each other.
“Josh and I sort of got flirty with each other. Your brother was super headstrong with it. I kind of did it back. We kissed a few times on Thanksgiving night and since that night I was scared it would ruin our friendship so I cut back. I gave excuses to not come over.” I let out in a low voice so only she could hear. Hannah smiles at me sweetly.
“I know I’m a jerk for it but it’s just my anxiety taking over I guess.” I stare at the ground.
“You’re not a jerk. That also wasn’t a long story.” She comments, both of us laughing once again. “Just talk with Josh. You never know what could happen.” Hannah nudges me, I do it back to her. Both of us smiling. “Okay, I will.” I stand up straighter.
Once we get to the lodge, Josh opens the door dramatically.
“Finally, warmth!” Sam opens her arms, spinning around as she walks further inside. I watch Beth turn the lights on with a smirk watching Sam. “Very exciting.” I agree, tugging my jacket off, holding it in my arm.
“Party time!” Mike announces earning the rest of us to cheer. Josh, Chris, Ashley and I go get our rooms, well Josh is showing us to ours, I’m the last one too. He turns a familiar corner and I start to fold my arms.
“This is your room, Josh.” I point out. “Nice observation.” He smirks, taking my jacket and back from my hands he places them down with his on a chair that’s up against the wall. I shake my head, chuckling.
“Where’s my actual room that I usually sleep in?” I lean against the doorway.
“Oh c’mon, babe. Just this weekend.” He comes up to me, taking one of my hands. “Just this weekend, what?” I raise a brow, confused but also intrigued. He leads me into the room, sitting me down before going back to close the door.
“I mean we both know how we feel about each other. It’s pretty obvious.” He concludes, not exactly looking me in the eyes. “And how do we feel about each other, Joshua?” I stare up at him. His eyes finally meet mine, and it looks like he melted just from our eye contact.
“Y’know…” He mutters, coming closer. “I don’t.” I tease him, standing up to push him down on the bed so I’m in between his legs this time. His hands find my hips, aggressively he squeezes them, lowly groaning.
“[Name], please, you don’t understand what you do to me.” He pulls me closer to him, my chest practically in his face. I feel my face warm up, I wasn’t expecting this. My hand drags up his torso to his face, cradling it as I force him to look up at me.
“Let’s try this out.” I whisper. His eyes lighten up, I feel his grip tighten even more.
“What- what do you mean?” He adjusts himself on the bed, I still stare at his face. “Let’s try out the relationship thing,” I begin and a smile erupts on his face.
“But, if this doesn’t work out, we don’t let our friendship get awkward.” I practically am begging with my facial expression. “It will work out.” He pushes me back a little bit so he can stand up. He kisses me gently, first on the lips then trailing down to my jawline.
“We should get going back down before anyone gets suspicious.” I hum out, feeling his lips begin to touch my neck. I try to push on his chest but he’s gripping my sides so tightly like I’ll run away.
“Let them.” He takes a small break only to work on my neck again. “Josh.” I gasp. He snickers, finally stopping. His eyes trail all over my face then to my neck.
“You might want to cover that up.” He taps the spot he was attacking before grabbing his phone from the bed and walking out. My face scrunches up, confused at first but then I rush over to the mirror, I let out a loud gasp.
“Joshua!!” I hold my neck and I hear him let out a laugh. I sigh, going over to the chair with our stuff and dig in it, finding a stupid thin scarf I brought and neatly wrap it to hide the hickey he gave me.
I finally start heading downstairs, joining the rest of the group who were planning out what we’re doing for the weekend.
Later that night Josh and Chris decided to do a drinking game, I sat next to Josh as Chris sat across from us.
Beth and Sam were watching everything go down. “Come on Chugger, you gotta join us.” Chris practically whines, my eyes roll in response. “I told you she’s dead. Now knock it off.” I wave my hand in a swift movement.
“I liked Chugger, she was sexy.” Josh whispered the last part into my ear. I shove him away from me as my face warmed up.
“What was that? Care to share with the class?” Sam speaks up and I felt my eyes widen.
“Chugger, she was a sexy woman back in the day.” Josh announces and my body shrivels down in embarrassment. “She was a careless teenager.” I disagree. “Same thing.” Chris shrugs his shoulders, picking up a beer and beginning to take the first sip.
I watched as the two get shitfaced with Beth and Sam, us three talking about school work or just things going on in our lives.
Sam decides to join the others and I think Hannah went to go write or something, Beth and I are now taking pictures on our phones acting stupid.
Josh and Chris are passed out now.
“I’m glad you decided to come.” Beth smiles at me and I nod, putting my phone down.
“Me too, even if your brother is annoying. I’m still having fun.” I joke, of course forgetting why I have my scarf on I take it off due to me getting hot and my neck starting to sweat.
“He loves you.” Beth mumbles looking over at her drunken brother, laughing. “I don’t know about love but yeah.” I glance over at him, his face smushed on his arm with his mouth wide open.
“Oh my god.” The girl suddenly whispers and I snap my head over to her. “What? What is it?” I look down at myself to see if she accidentally dropped something on me.
“Is that a hickey?” She flicks the spot on my neck, I hiss, slapping her hand away.
“Is that from Josh?” She breaks out into a small laughing fit.
“What- no, it’s- maybe.” I couldn’t find a good excuse okay? Kill me. “That’s hilarious, Matt owes me fifty bucks.” She throws her head back.
“You bet on our love life?” I crossed my arms. “Everyone practically did. Even Chris.” She gets up to start cleaning after Josh and Chris.
I just sit there, in shock from what she just told me.
Beth leaves the room and I go back to sitting beside Josh, laying my head down on his shoulder. He moves around a little bit. “Hm?” He hums and I shush him.
“Sorry, just wanted to be by you.” I whisper. He grumbles a little bit but harshly leans up to put his arm around me, laying his head back down on his other arm. I smile to myself, laying down on my arm, cuddling up next to him. Our legs now sort of entangled together. I didn’t drink or anything but the tiredness of traveling finally hit me.
I don’t even know how much time has passed but that was until I heard the ending of a conversation.
“Just because he’s class Prez doesn’t mean he belongs to everyone… Mike is my man.” I hear Emily say as they leave the kitchen.
“Hey, Em. I’m not anybody’s man.”
“Whatever you say, Darling!” She sings. I lift my head up for a second but then shrug, going back to sleep, I hear someone walk in but I just ignore it.
Thinking I was going to get to fall asleep for longer I instead get Beth walking in to continue cleaning up, I still let Josh hold onto me but I sit my head up to watch her.
“Hey did you see that? Dad said it’d just be us this weekend.” She turns to us but sees the two boys still passed out.
“He’s been passed out, love. I don’t think you’ll be waking him up anytime soon.” I give her a sad face.
“But what did you see?” I ask. “I thought I saw someone outside. I swear I did.” She frowns, glancing at the window again but she heads over to the counter.
She picks up a bottle that’s in front of us and empty by the way. It’s an older scotch, Jeremiah Cragg.
“Jeez, Josh… Once again brother you outdone us all. She pats the arm that he has around me and I tiredly laugh. I then watch her spin a paper around, picking it up to read it.
“Oh my god. What did our naive sister get herself into now?” Beth turns to us and I raise a brow. “What?” I ask. “Here.” She hands me the paper and I read it. I close my eyes letting out a long breath.
“I think they found out about Hannah’s feelings. This has to be a prank.” I gently pull Josh’s arm off of me and I stand up, placing the paper down and they we look outside to see Hannah crying, running past the window.
“Oh my god.” I gasp.
“Wake Josh I’ll go to the others, I hope that wasn’t Hannah.” She runs outside, I nod. Going over to the passed out drunk. I overhear the others yelling outside for Hannah and then hear Beth run after her sister.
“Josh, Joshua, hun.” I push his body. His snore becomes a little louder and I bite my bottom lip. “Babe, c’mon wake up, Beth and Hannah ran outside.” I say a little loud, shaking him more aggressively.
“What?” He becomes more awake.
“They what?” He lifts his head up.
“The others played a prank on Hannah, I’m guessing it was bad because she ran outside and Beth followed from what I heard.” I tell him, now he’s more alert and he drunkenly stood up. He stumbles a bit so I run over and get him a water.
“Here, drink and let’s go.” I tell him. Suddenly when we saw the group he sobers up.
“What the hell did you guys do!?” Josh angrily shouts, he was holding my hand for support.
“It was just a prank, Josh, we didn’t mean for it to upset her like that.” Emily steps forward and I glare at her. Then at Mike, then to Jessica.
“Especially you, Jessica.” I point a finger at her, her head goes down.
“I can’t believe you guys would do something so stupid like that.” I shake my head, disappointed.
“I tried to warn her, I was too late.” Sam tells me and I smile weakly. “Let’s just hope they come back soon.” I frown.
Soon never came though.
After thirty minutes Josh began to panic and I woke Chris up. Catching him up with everything as we decided to go look for the two sisters.
I called the police and mountain patrol but we never found them.
For months we did search parties, I stayed by Josh’s side, knowing it’s a tough time for him. I barely passed two semesters as I was always with him trying to help.
I didn’t mind it though. I wanted to make sure he was okay. I knew he wasn’t. His parents were rough on him, telling him it was his fault since he was drunk.
It wasn’t his fault. It was our stupid friends fault for playing that dirty prank on Hannah the way they did.
It’s about a year now and no one has even seen a sign of them…
It’s horrible.
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thebestever16 · 6 months
Josh Washington x Reader Headcanons
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Gender Neutral/For Everyone
He always calls you sexy or hottie and ONLY you that
He’s pretty romantic with was a shock to you
Has a whole separate camera just for you
Told Chris all about you after he met you (Chris told Ashley, she told Matt, he told Emily, she told Jessica, she told Mike, he told Sam, she told Hannah, Hannah told Beth)
At first, you told he was just play flirting since he’s like that with everyone so you were pretty shocked when he asked you a date (a real one)
Invites to all the parties/outings he’s been invited to (if you have no social life, you’re getting one now)
Can’t remember to take his pills but remembers every little thing you’ve done and said??
Always stares at your lips
Helps with your hair
Tries to keep from being flirty with other people if you’re uncomfortable with his flirty ways
Spoils you rotten (you want something, he’s buying it)
Not a jealous person but he’ll defend you so quickly if you look upset (most likely verbally)
If you’re a poc/black, Emily and Matt are really nice to you. Knowing how it feels to be the new poc/black person in the group
Thinks you’re the hottest person he’s ever seen
Love anything you wear. It could be baggy or tight it does not matter!)
Hannah and Beth adore you (they sometimes steal you away from Josh)
If you shorter than him (it doesn’t matter how short) he’ll call you so many nicknames based on your height
Before y’all had sex for the first time, he’d scare you to hear your screams/for you to hold onto him (he thinks that’s so hot)
He follows you like a dog (you’re don’t get a lot of alone time)
(This is my first time writing so please give me so feedback :))
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slasherscream · 5 months
Can you do some more until dawn characters (yandere please) like you’re trying on clothes at the mall and ask their opinion?
A/N: thank you for reading my until dawn content! it's such a small fandom these days, comments/reblogs/anon reviews/asks are appreciated as they let me know people are still reading these. 
- Josh has an excellent eye for aesthetics. He may not know all the words/names for the types of clothes you look good in but he recognizes them right away. He’ll try and describe something you should get, give up, wander off, then come back with examples of what he meant while you’re in the dressing room. If the shopping trip is under four hours he can remain locked in the entire time. This is the strength of will and character that comes with being the big brother to two little sisters who got his driving license first. He’s spent entire lifetimes at the mall hyping up the twins. He knows what to do. Overall helpfulness: 8/10.
- Sam loves spending quality time with you. Quality time is one of her preferred love languages, in fact. She picks you up for your shopping day with your favorite coffee shop order in hand, from the best place in town. She’s good with little details like that. You can always count on her to give you her honest opinion on what you pick out. She’s gentle about it, but she’ll never let you wear something she thinks is unflattering. She’s also mindful of waste consumption. With Sam’s help you wind up picking things you love, are comfortable wearing, and that you’ll actually use. Not a penny wasted, no matter how much you spend. Overall helpfulness: 10/10. 
- Chris could not possibly, in any version of reality, fix his mouth to give you a criticism about any of your choices. Let alone choices about how you will go about decorating your body. He’s lucky he gets to look at you. It’s an honor! Thank you for honoring him! Every time you step out of the dressing room you will get the exact same answer, very enthusiastically, in the same tone: “That looks GREAT, babe!” You’ll be ready to kill him thirty minutes in. Absolutely worthless feedback. You’ll have to get help from the salespeople who work there for opinions. If you want a ‘yes man’ this is your guy! Overall helpfulness: 3/10. 
Hannah is another sap. She’s more helpful than Chris, but only by the slightest margin. If something doesn’t look good she’ll be able to stutter her way around to it…. eventually. She’s nearly petrified at the thought of upsetting you. Never-mind the fact that you’ve asked her how the top looks on you five times now. “Well…. I mean… how do YOU think it looks, Y/N?” As if you’d be asking if you could come up with an opinion yourself. You’ll wind up leaving with only a few items. You’ll have to come back with a friend in a few days. You may need a new wardrobe, but if you need help picking it out, you’ll need a different set of eyes. Overall helpfulness: 4/10.
- Emily is going to be honest to the point that, yes, it will hurt your feelings a little… if you’re lucky. Mileage may vary. If you’re particularly sensitive she’ll hurt your feelings a lot. But god forbid you start trying to take someone nicer shopping with you. She’ll throw the hissy fit of the century when she finds out. Yes, when, and not if. Emily manages to find out everything you try to keep from her. Everything. On one hand you’ll wind up looking the best you’ve ever looked. Your entire wardrobe suits you perfectly. She even buys/picks out things that you’ll like, in your style, even if she finds the style personally distasteful. That’s how much she loves you. It just has to suit you, or else she will say something, and the way she says it is never very nice. You’ll look incredible, but at what cost to your mental health? Overall helpfulness: 8/10. 
- Mike isn't very enthusiastic about the activity, but likes the good boyfriend points it garners him. Thus, he will come along whenever you bid him to do so. He’s only got about two and a half hours of shopping in him though, so try and have an idea of what you want to get in your mind. Before you arrive at the stores, please. If you take a long lunch break he can go back for another two hours but this is his hard limit. Knows well enough what you already look good in. Or when something looks downright awful on you. He does struggle a little to help if you’re wanting to try a completely new style. He’s as lost as you. The more underground/alternative/particular the style you want to try is, the worse the advice gets. If you’re just doing a wardrobe refresher this is your man. Overall helpfulness: 6/10. 
- Beth makes shopping relaxing. You’ll stay as long as you need in order to get everything you need. She probably had you make a Pinterest board before you guys went out so that you’d be able to refer back to it. She knows getting into the stores can wipe your mind clean of what you needed/wanted to get. She’ll have you guys stop for lunch as well, but then you’re right back at it! She likes seeing your style evolve and change. Her feedback is honest, but gentle. It won’t ever feel like a criticism of your body, just the clothing. You walk out satisfied and always happier than when you came in together. Overall helpfulness: 10/10. 
- Jessica is in her element here. Honestly, Jessica drags you shopping with her more than you’ll ever drag her shopping. Spending time together means a lot to Jessica. She never takes it for granted. Thus, she always tries to make any activity, but especially repeat ones like shopping, fun. She probably has a shopping playlist she made for the two of you. You both wear one wireless earbud and get to movie montage with each other. Watch out if the Princess Diaries songs or something Hip-hop comes on, she’ll start dancing to make you laugh. Her feedback is upbeat and positive, but honest. She hypes you up like crazy when you come out wearing something that makes you look really hot! Wolf whistles and everything, your face will be burning up as you flee back into the safety of the dressing room. “Baby, come back! You look smoking!” Overall helpfulness: 9/10. 
- Matt knows absolutely nothing about fashion. He tries his very best to help, but he’s at a loss. Only if something very obviously doesn’t suit you will he be able to veto it for you. “I dunno… maybe it’s a little awkward in the arms or…. something?” You’ll have to take a few breaths. However, if something looks good, he can absolutely be a hype man! His eyes light up, he takes your hand, makes you do a spin. All the attention is enough to make you kick your feet and giggle. He can compliment you all day long. To his credit, he can compliment you specifically enough on what looks good. Even if it’s still a little vague. “The color of this makes you look really… wow! You know?” You’ll be able to figure out he means jewel tones make your skin look glowy one of these days. For now, at least you know your boyfriend thinks you’re gorgeous no matter what you wear. Overall helpfulness: 5/10.
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
It's was 'just a prank' pt.3
<- Part 2
A/n: I just had a cool idea as to how I can use the Poll options so you guys can help sway the story so it kinda feels like you're playing the game. 🙂🙃🙂 let me know if you guys like it, if not I won't use it in future chapters
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Emily and Matt had left after Emily blamed Matt for losing an expensive bag of hers and she dragged him along with her to go find it, Sam had decided to take a bath after being in the freezing cold.
Josh had sent Chris and Ashley off together to find a spirit board he had laying around somewhere, while Everyone was gone you and josh had a soft silent conversation. Filling time waiting for the others to get back, that's when your conversation was interrupted.
"Alright, Josh! Let's see if you know how to hook up the hot water in your big ol' fancy lodge!" Sam teased as she made her way from the bathroom to you and Josh.
"oh yeah, it's just down in the basement. Y'gotta fire up the boiler," he said as if she knew how to do that, after a moment he realized that she couldn't possibly know how to do that and jumped up saying he'd help, Sam turns to leave to the basement and Josh turns to you, "wait for Chris and Ash Babe, don't start without me." you smile at him and nod your head as he gives you a twink, turning on his heel and following after Sam to help her.
You sat in silence looking around the lodge as you think about the long night ahead of you, your thoughts interrupted by Ashley making her way towards you and sitting on the couch awkwardly, "so..." she started before she was cut off, you both heard a scream.
What was going on?
You rushed to the basement door and pulled it open, but nobody moved. Then Chris pulled down a dark cloak from his head and said "mhm you just got munked!"
Sam didn't find this funny, She yelled at Chris for his low-blow prank before turning to Josh and accusing him of being in on it.
You slightly huffed, Josh didn't do low-blow pranks. His panks were always more intricate and complex than a simple chase in dress-up.
You all made your way to the living room, Josh teasing about how Sam, "totally pissed herself," and Sam huffing in annoyance.
Sam "had enough spooks for one night" and left to finally take that hot bath, while you, Josh, Chris, and Ash set up to use the spirit board.
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You and Ash both took turns asking questions and things took a turn quickly...
"S-i-s-t-e-r --"
"no! No no no we didn't kill them it was just a Prank! We didn't mean-"
"you know what... This isn't real."
"no Josh you said! You said you wanted to use the spirit board!"
"yeah well, m'not sure if you think-- messing! With me is gonna somehow help me deal with my grief but I don't need this right now."
Josh stood from his seat and began to walk away, you followed behind him.
"No, Josh C'mon-"
"no! You guys are full of it!"
And with that, you and Josh made your way down the lodge stairs.
You both stood there holding each other for a moment before Josh said he needed to do something and left you alone.
You wandered back with the two you last spoke to, they seemed to be freaking out about a photo they had found and decided to look for Josh.
"Josh was just with me," you explain
"If you go now we'll catch up to him."
Only you didn't find Josh, you all found ghosts, set up doll houses, and a passed out Sam tied in a chair, and finally you all found a man in a mask.
Chris was the first one to be put under, Ashly panicking tried to stab the killer with scissors she found you gasped as the masked man cursed under his breath, "live and learn!" and with one hit knocked Ashley out cold, and then he slowly turned to you...
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You opened your eyes to a gruesome sight, Chris on the verge of tears as he looks back and forth between his long-time crush and best friend.
A distorted voice demanding that Chris make a choice before you put any input Chris pulled the lever,
"No! Chris! I thought we were friends!" Josh calls as Ashley screams and turns away,
"ahh, I see. You have chosen to save Ashley."
You rival Ashley with a Bloodcurdling scream as you watch Joshes body get torn in half, "NO! CHRIS WHY?!" you cry out as the gate opens and Chris rushes to Ashley telling her it's okay and to not look,
"why! Can't I look Chris? tell me he's okay, pleaseeeesss-" she whines out in fear, looking at Joshes hanging body as she lets out a frightened scream and falls into Chris, you cry as you hold onto Joshes cold hand.
"I'm... I'm so sorry..." Chris whimpers you shake your head, "I would've picked Josh if it were me, I would've done the same as you, Chris..."
Just as you all ran out of that shed you were all in you ran into Emily and Matt.
Chris cried out to them about what he had done. What you all had to see.
Matt was the most freaked out and Emily seemed to think it was some prank at first until she saw how scared you all really were.
You all made a plan to split up, Chris and Ashley go back to the lodge and see what they can find and be safe. While Matt and Emily look for the radio in the old tower.
"alright we have a plan, And Y/n?"
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Stranded (Gender Neutral!Reader x Mike Monroe)
Could I request Mike going out on his first date after the mountain and trying to act like his usual self before it cracks too much?  Just a bit of comfort when his date stays and helps him through it instead of bolting like Mike expected.
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College had been out of the question for Mike after getting down.
He could have lived with having to have amputated his own fingers, but the worst part was the PTSD. The idea of being on his own in an unfamiliar location just sent him into complete panic.
He can see those... things every time he's not sure what's around the corner. He needs the light on at night or he can't sleep, and he feels pathetic for it.
It's been so hard not to completely break down, even if his therapist has encouraged him to feel everything he's been repressing.
Mike just wants to prove he can hold it together.
Be... at least somewhat normal.
No matter how hard it seems.
With Jess gone to stay with family in the Midwest, Mike is newly single, and maybe a date is the perfect way for him to get back in the ol' Mike Monroe swing of things.
So when you ask him out, he treats it like the lifeline it is, and tries to help himself as much as he can.
A familiar venue - an old 50s style road diner. Greasy burgers and creamy shakes. The good stuff. Brightly lit.
Early lunch. It's not so crowded, but also it's in daylight, so he knows that even if they came down from the mountain, they wouldn't be on the hunt.
Some answers rehearsed - how've you been, what happened up there, are you okay, blah blah blah.
He had mentioned to his parents about Wolfie, and turned out once he was officially diagnosed with PTSD and associated anxiety, insurance covered him getting a service dog that helped a lot.
It almost feels like he's back to the old Mike.
Gregarious, smart, a little goofy, even a little douchey.
As you meet him there and start chatting, it almost feels easy to him now. He used to talk like this all the time. Aimless chatter, meandering around subjects.
He forgot how easy it had been before knowledge of what was out there set him so far apart from all but a handful of people.
Even so, there's little hints that Mike's carefully crafted facade is just that. He taps an odd little rhythm to try and soothe himself, but it's always just a little incomplete due to his missing fingers - the remaining joints moving instinctively to finish the rhythm but failing.
His smile's a touch manic, even now. He's always had a bit of a weird grin, but it's just tough for him to remember how to move his face.
His eyes flit about anxiously, looking upwards, sometimes tracking some fast-moving object only he can see.
But he's making it through it.
Somewhere in the back, someone curses and a loud crashing noise erupts, the sound of dishes breaking.
It startles Mike and he chokes on his words, instantly freezing utterly still.
"Don't... move... a fucking... muscle." he grunts, his eyes not even moving.
He's somewhere far away right now, maybe trapped in a nightmare.
The service dog rears up and places its head in Mike's lap, making a muffled bark that seems to jolt Mike back into reality.
You nod. "It's okay, Mike. Whatever you saw just now... it's gone."
He nods. "Yeah."
"Here, have some of my water, we can get a refill."
He guzzles the whole cup and looks at you warily. "You're... still here."
"I mean... usually, that scares people off, when I have an... episode. Shit, now I know how Jos- never mind."
"I'd be a pretty shitty date if I ran off while you were... indisposed. In fact, I think I'm gonna have to see you again to make sure you're okay."
He turns red. "I don't... I'm not a charity case."
"No, you're not." you agree. "What you are is strong. You're a survivor. Whatever happened, you came out alive, and you're still going."
"It feels sometimes like I never really left. Like I'll open my eyes at some point and I'll still be fucking back there."
"Some things are... sticky. Can't always brush everything off. Only thing we can do when the road gets long is keep on truckin."
Mike sighs. "Well, thanks for... keeping me truckin."
"I tell you what: how about we ask to move into that corner booth so that you don't have to keep checking behind you, and we can sit together so I can watch your back?"
"You... noticed that."
"I'm very observant."
"Thanks, but... let's just try to stay here. There's nothing to worry about here. I'm not... there."
"Whatever works for you. I don't plan on bolting either way."
"I wouldn't blame you if you did. But as long as you're here, wanna split another basket of fries?"
"Hell, yeah."
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ruerecs · 2 months
𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑤𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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⮕ josh washington
⮕ jessica riley
⮕ mike monroe
⮕ sam giddings
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untildawn-punk · 1 year
What if I started writing for Until Dawn again?
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ilguna · 2 years
☼ silent and terrified (Mike Munroe) ☼
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summary; you did it, you made it until dawn, but can you handle reliving the past ten hours for the police report?
warnings; swearing, alcohol, gore, death mention.
wc; 3.6k
“Okay, (Y/n), we need you to speak clearly and loudly for the camera’s microphone.” The policewoman says, you pick at your nails before meeting her eyes. 
When they land on her face, you can feel your nose twitch. She wears her emotions on her face, you can tell that she’s already prepared for whatever story you’re about to tell her. She’s already interviewed Ashley, Chris, Matt and Mike. You’re not sure what new information you can tell her at this point.
“Okay.” You breathe, eyes finding the camera briefly, and then you look down again.
The room is silent for a long couple of seconds. She clears her throat and readjusts in her chair, “Why don’t we start at the beginning, when you first arrived at the lodge?”
“Oh,” You sigh, “I walked up the path to the lodge by myself. I passed Mike on the way, but he wanted to play a prank on the next people to come up, so I helped him onto the roof of the bridge and kept going up. Besides Josh, I think I was the first one to get there.”
“How was Josh?”
You shrug, “He was his regular self. He didn’t say anything weird. We talked about the possibility of throwing a party. Ashley and Matt came up soon after, so there wasn’t much to say after that.”
She nods, writing on the notebook she has in front of her. She’s used half of it on the people before you. You can’t imagine the report she’s going to have to write after about all of you. 
“Okay, and what about inside of the lodge?”
“Josh was trying to start a fire, and a brief fight broke out between Mike and Matt, but they relaxed soon after. Then Emily came into the lodge and started picking a fight with Jess because she was sitting with Mike.” You shake your head, “It escalated, Jess and Mike were asked to stay in the guest cabin by Josh, and they agreed to get away from Emily.
“Emily realized that she was missing one of her bags, so she and Matt left again to go and find it. She said it was somewhere by the cable car station. Sam went to take a bath to warm herself up, and I asked Josh if it would be okay if I raided his cupboards for alcohol. I got permission so I walked away to do that.
“Um… they started talking about a spirit board, and Sam came down saying that there wasn’t any hot water. So Chris and Ashley went to get the board while Josh and Sam went to the basement for the boiler room. Sam went upstairs when it was fixed, and they came back with the spirit board.
“They uh—they set up at a table, and I pulled up a chair but I didn’t play with them.”
The woman pauses, and then looks up to you, “Were you drinking at that time?”
“Yes, I was halfway through a mixed drink.” You shake your head. You shouldn’t have drank, you wouldn’t have if you knew what was going to follow.
“Did you share this drink with any of them?”
“No, none of the people in the lodge at that time drank. As for the people that left, I have no clue.”
“What happened with the spirit board?”
“I—well it seemed like there was a spirit, but I don’t believe there actually was one there. I think one of them was playing a trick but wanted to milk the reactions. And then Josh got mad and left the table. After that, the mood was ruined so I finished what I was drinking and made a stronger drink.”
“How many drinks did you have?”
“In the span of like, two hours, I had five drinks. I fell asleep behind one of the couches upstairs because I was trying to get cellular on my phone to let my parents know that I’m okay, because they get worried.”
“Did you get a hold of them?”
The room is quiet for a second, she rolls her shoulders and readjusts on her chair. She then motions for you to continue, “What do you remember when you woke up?”
“Ashley and Chris woke me up. I was drunk, everything was moving in a blur. I barely remember going down the stairs and to the basement. They had to help me the entire way because I almost slipped a few times. They were trying to tell me that there was a psychopath on the mountain and Sam was missing.
“While we were in the basement, Ashley kept saying that she was seeing a ghost, but Chris and I kept missing it. Chris saw it before I did. I think they were saying it was Hannah’s ghost that was guiding us through there. The deeper we went, the more fucked up it was. Our faces hanging on the wall, the prank video on Hannah from last year—there were even pigs hanging from the ceiling. It was sick.”
You take a few deep breaths, “And then we found Sam, she was strapped to this chair in her bath towel. When Ashley and I turned, Chris was unconscious on the floor and the man—Ashley stabbed him with a pair of scissors to defend us. He hit her in the head and he cornered me and strangled me against the wall.
“When we um…” Your eyes fall to the table, quieting, “woke up, Chris, Ashley and I were tied to the chairs. The man who knocked us out said that it was up to us who we killed, but if we didn’t make a choice, then the saw would kill all three of us. Chris had the gun in front of him, so he picked it up.”
“Did Chris shoot either of you?”
“No, he couldn’t, not if he wanted to.” You press your lips together, “He um—he pointed the gun at himself and said that he wouldn’t choose either of us.”
“(Y/n), I need you to speak louder. Can you repeat that?” She asks.
You look up to the camera, “Chris pointed the gun to the underside of his jaw and said that he wouldn’t choose either of us and pulled the trigger.” You grit your teeth, “The gun was full of blanks. It obviously didn’t kill him.”
“What happened next?”
“Sam and Mike came into the room, Sam was dressed again in her athletic wear. And the man that had knocked us out came out, too. He took off the mask he was wearing.” You grind your teeth, shaking your head.
“Who was it?”
“It was Josh.” You snap, “Josh had set us up like that to teach us a lesson about what happened to his sisters last year. They played a prank on Hannah, which made her run into the blizzard, and Beth went running after her. That night, there were only four people that didn’t help or want to do it in the first place; Josh, Chris, Sam and me. The rest of them set it up.”
“Josh and Chris passed out drunk in the kitchen after drinking. Sam said it wasn’t a good idea, and I refused to help them because I thought it was cruel to tease Hannah about a crush. They went and did it anyway, all of them in that room, also recording her, and she got embarrassed and ran away.”
The woman nods, “Okay, and what happened after you figured out it was Josh?”
“I was suddenly sober.” You scoff, “The spirit board, the ghost in the basement—he strangled me against a wall!” You pull down the neck of your sweater to allow them to see your throat, “He left bruises!”
“What happened?” She repeats.
“Everyone got pissed pretty quickly. Mike says that what Josh did killed Jess, and then punched him. After that, we were helped out of the ropes. I was having a hard time standing upright.”
“Because you were still intoxicated?”
“No, because one of my closest friends just admitted to pitting us against each other, thinking that we’d result to murder.” You wipe your nose, “Chris and Mike took Josh to the shed to talk to him privately to see if they could get anything out of him. Mike was pretty shaken up about Jess, and Chris was mad because he punched Ashley and gave her a black eye.
“Mike and Chris tied up Josh at the shed and came back to the lodge when they heard Emily screaming because she was running away from something.”
“Was Matt with her?”
“No.” You look down, “No, he wasn’t.”
“Who was at the cabin at that time?”
“Uh, Mike, Emily, Ashley, Sam, Chris and I. We were trying to ask Emily what happened but the guy came, carrying a flamethrower. He made us sit down and then told us that the mountain wasn’t safe and we shouldn’t have come back.”
“He—he said that there was a monster… a wendigo.”
“What was the man’s name?”
“I don’t know.”
“What did he look like?’
“I wasn’t really paying attention.” You shrug, “I remember there being a scar over his eye. I was thinking about how batshit crazy everything was. I didn’t want to hear the fairytale.”
She lets out a sigh, “And then what happened?”
“The man said we needed to get to safety, but Chris said that Josh was still outside. The man agreed to take Chris outside to help him find Josh, and the rest of us waited for them to come back. I guess Josh was gone when they got up there, and the man died, because only Chris came back. After that, we went down to the basement to hide behind the fence.
“Mike made sure that there was another exit in case one of those wendigos found us. Emily was trying to show us a map of the mountain when Ashley saw something on her neck. One of the wendigos had bitten her, and then everything went to shit. Mike wanted to shoot her—”
“Isn’t Emily the ex-girlfriend of Mike?”
“Yes.” You sigh, “Ashley wanted to shoot Emily because she was afraid that Emily would turn into a wendigo but I managed to convince Mike to put the gun down. Mike said that he was going to go try and find Josh, so I volunteered to go with him and he let me.”
“Even though you were intoxicated?”
“The world was no longer spinning.” You snap, “I wasn’t slurring my words. I was comprehending everything around me just fine, officer.” You shake your head at her, “I wasn’t a hazard, that’s why I was allowed to go.
“We took the basement tunnels to the Sanatorium. We got to the chapel, where Mike lit a torch and grabbed a shotgun. He took a handful of bullets, and I took a handful too for him, because I had room in my pockets.”
“Do you still have these bullets?”
“Yes, they’re in my pockets.” You pat the spot, “They’re probably going to have my fingerprints all over them.”
“We’ll collect them later on, continue with what you were telling me.”
“Mike shot off the lock on one of the doors so that we could continue through to where we were going. We ran across this white wolf, Mike recognized him because he had been in the Sanatorium a few hours before. The wolf led us through the building, and through a fence gateway into another building. It was a lot more secured, and half the gates were broken so we had to squeeze through them.
“We went down one of the hallways, and it led us to another wolf—a black one. Mike said that one had tried to attack him, but he didn’t kill it and string him up, so she doesn’t know what happened.”
“The wolf was dead? How?”
“His insides were ripped out and he was hung from the fence so his innards were facing outwards.” You grit your teeth, “It was a gruesome sight. We went down the rest of the halfway, it brought us to this big center room. There was a wendigo waiting for us in there, so Mike shot in, and then grabbed me and started running.
“He brought us to a hallway, and we hid in one of the rooms and blocked the door with a locker to keep the wendigo from coming inside. We left the room and went into the next room, trying to get out, but there was another one waiting for us. We stopped moving, because the man told us that it’s harder for them to see us if we don’t move.
“When it looked away, we hid behind the counter, which shook it and knocked a bottle over. Mike and I both reached to grab it, but he ended up with it in his hand. We managed to get out of the room and into another hallway…”
“What then?”
“We saw the wendigos trapped in these cages—like prison cells. We started running because they were getting more violent. Mike made sure we got into the room, and while he tried to find a way out, I barricaded the door. He jumped down through the hole in the floor and helped me down because I was shaking.”
“I was cold and scared.” You make a face, “Mike knocked over these oil barrels and then shot it to try and kill the wendigos that were inside. We escaped through one of the doors, but we weren’t safe. One of them came flying out, red hot like they were made of coals. 
“I couldn’t move, watching it come hurdling itself at us, but Mike grabbed me again and started pulling me with him, forcing me to move. We started running, and he brought us through these large wooden doors to the mines. The wendigo jumped, Mike pushed me and let the monster attack him. I fell. Sam was there, so she killed the wendigo with the pipe she had.”
“What was Sam doing in the mines?”
“She was looking for us to make sure we got out all right. Emily, Ashley and Chris were with her but they had to turn around and go back to the lodge because they couldn’t climb the rock wall.” You let out a breath, “I um, I went to check on Mike while Sam shut the mine door to make sure nothing else would follow us inside.
“How was Mike?”
“Banged up, but not bitten. He said that he was okay, and asked if anything had happened to me.”
“Did anything happen?”
“Besides from a few scratches, no. He took the hits for me. I owe him for saving me.”
She nods, “What did you three do next?”
“We went deeper into the mines, looking for Josh because we couldn’t find him anywhere else. The mines are huge, there’s so many areas we didn’t even touch on. I mean—Sam and Mike were describing where they’d been and they didn't recognize each other’s places.
“Anyway, we ended up in this water that we had to wade through to get to the other side. Sam went off and found this journal that Hannah had written in. Something about her leg being broken, and how hungry she was. She held out for thirty days before she undug Beth’s body and ate a part of her.”
You can see the woman’s face pale, you let her fix herself before you continue.
“We found Josh in a cave, he wasn’t well, he was clearly having a mental breakdown. He needed help. Mike gave Sam a boost on the wall to let her get out and let the others know we found Josh, and she also took the cable car key. While Mike, Josh and I went the way we came through the water.”
“How was Josh, even though they left him in the shed?”
“If he was mad, he didn’t show us.” You press your lips together, “We got into that water again, backtracking, when Mike got pulled under the water right in front of me. I went to help pull him out, thinking he slipped, but then there was this screech—did they tell you the wendigos screech? It’s horrifying, it’s a mix between a human and a pig screaming, and it’s loud.
“Well, it grabbed Josh. And they’re so strong, that there’s no point in fighting it. I just—I hid, and Mike came out of the water right next to me. He went to speak, and I clamped my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. And then we left, we managed to get back up to the way we came in, and left through there since it was the easiest.
“We um… we got back to the lodge to find that Sam was already there, waiting to be let in. We went in through the back door, and while we were going down to the basement to find Chris, Ashley and Emily—they came out of the theater room screaming.
“There was a wendigo chasing them through the basement, so we went up the stairs into the main room and…”
You let out a breath, pressing your palms against the surface of the table to keep them from shaking. You don’t know how seven of you managed to get out of the lodge. So many mistakes could’ve happened and yet—only three of you were lost. Jess, Matt and Josh.
“And?” She prompts.
“There was a wendigo hanging from the chandelier over the living room. Which meant there was one in front, and one behind. And then another one appeared from upstairs, and we were all standing in that foyer, quiet and terrified of what would happen next.” 
You sit up in the chair, “You need to understand that it’s so incredibly difficult to keep completely still like that. If any of us moved, we risked getting the other six killed. It’s much harder when you start fucking crying because you know that death is right in front of you.
“We had to be very still and very quiet. The three wendigos then started fighting one another, breaking the gas line that led to the fireplace. Mike looked at the lightbulb, which would spark the flame if the light switch was turned on. It had to be perfect, though. I wasn’t a part of this plan, it was between Mike and Sam, the rest of us had to make it out of there to let them do it.
“The chandelier wendigo killed one of the other ones, and Sam stepped on a floor board, which caused the other two to look at her. We didn’t move, and it let Mike break the lightbulb, but then the attention was turned to him, letting Chris leave first. Sam shouted to make the wendigo turned around, Emily left second.
“Sam hid behind a pillar, and then the wall, letting Ashley leave. By then, I had inched my way over to the door. It looked at me, though, and I had to stop moving. Mike ended up throwing something to the far end of the lodge, taking the attention off of all of us. I left fourth, and met up with the others outside.
“Mike then came running out, with Sam right behind him. She turned on the light switch, which sparked the lodge to blow up. Mike ran straight into me, taking us both to the ground. And that’s when the helicopter showed up.”
You take in a shaky breath, letting out a quiet sob, “Something seriously fucked up was going on in the Sanatorium and the mines for it to be the way it is—torture, experiments—Hannah and Beth are just another one of the victims to the mountain.”
“Did you see Matt at all in the mines?”
“Were you even listening to me?” You ask, “I told you that the mines were too big to run across each other like that.”
“You found Josh and Sam, didn’t you?” She asks, eyebrows raised.
You rub the tears out of your eyes, standing up, “Can I be done now? I don’t need you patronizing me! Can’t you see something happened? Four people are dead! My friends are dead and I’m never going to see them again!”
“We have search and rescue—”
“You couldn’t find Hannah and Beth—what makes you think that you can recover Jess, Matt and Josh’s bodies? What about the man that helped us understand? How are you going to find him?”
“Please, calm down.” She motions to the chair.
“No, no I’m done—I wanna see my friends now. I’m not talking to you anymore.”
You turn to the door, shoving it open. The officer on the other side jumps at the sudden noise, and makes a grab at you. You manage to dodge his hand, heading straight for the front of the police station, wanting to see them, wherever they are.
They’re all lined up on the chairs, all in varying degrees of exhaustion. The moment they hear footsteps coming down the hall, they sit up. You press your hands to your mouth, letting out a sob through your fingers.
Mike’s the first to get to his feet, wrapping his arms tightly to comfort you, “It’s okay, it’s over, (Y/n).”
The hug grows as the others join in, and suddenly you’re not the only one crying anymore. It makes it harder to hold in the tears, especially since you know that they feel the same way that you do. You grip onto someone’s arm as support to keep you from collapsing.
You did it. You don’t know how, or why you deserved to still be here, but you made it. You made it until dawn.
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princesssmars · 1 year
warm me up, baby
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a sam x mike x fem!reader thought
plot : while staying at the washington lodge, you and your lovers struggle not to show too much public affection. all that goes out the window with a little game of truth or dare.
wc : 1577
contains : sam x reader x mike poly. fluff and nsfw. fxf and mxf sex described. penetrative sex. oral sex. reader wears a dress. mike and sam get jealous.
a/n : this is to make up for me stalling on the until dawn reader insert please forgive me.
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ok, so maybe you had a habit for getting ahead of yourself. but this time it wasn't your fault.
before you started dating two of your best friends, sam giddings and mike munroe, you were crushing on them for a while. like, eighth grade a while. but in your eyes it was impossible not to like them. despite looking like the stereotypical jocks on the soccer and football teams, they were incredibly charming and always made sure to treat you like the most precious thing in the world.
most of the time it nearly made you burst at the seams, until josh let you know that most of the group saw you as one of the babies like his sisters. you probably cried into your pillow for three hours that night.
so for the next few years you kept your feelings to yourself. you watched as both of them dated other people (you didnt talk to emily for a week when she started dating mike, but you let it go when they broke up after two months), and eventually they started going out with each other. you were happy for them.
kind of.
but annoyingly luckily for you, everything changed at the end of your junior year. most of your friends at this point were seniors, and jessica had courteously invited you as her friend date to their senior prom. at first you said no because sam and mike would be there.
but then you realized that sam and mike would be there.
you may have spent a bunch of your parents money on the most beautiful dress you could find, but the looks on their faces when you walked into the prom hall were priceless.
you had expected the faces, and also the first little compliments they and the rest of your friends gave you. but what you weren't expecting was for both of them to ask you to a dance, individually taking you by the hands before dragging you on to the dance floor and giving you that weird look where you think the person is into you but you don't want to jump to conclusions because you might just be conceited.
after that night things...changed.
despite graduating that june the pair were always coming to your house. they chalked it up to "wanting to spend time with you before college," but that didn't explain sam sitting with you on your bed as you listen to a playlist she made you, her head in the crook of your neck making the hairs on your neck stand. or mike taking you out for ice cream on him, walking down the street with you so closely you can feel him bumping into your shoulder before he slowly turns and wipes away a drop a drop of ice cream that slid down your lips...
they are...so infuriating. but three could play at that game.
emily would be having a pool party at her house, and it was the perfect oppurtunity for you to not only look good but also potentially find out once and for all what the help was sam and mikes problem. you showed up and hanged out with ashley and jess for a while, your new f/c shawl covering your body.
when chris splashes you with some water and urges you to get in the pool already, you drop the shawl to the ground and step gracefully into the pool, smiling at chris' dumb little wolf whistle.
for the next few hours your mind strays from the duo and you start enjoying the moment with your friends. this might be one of the last big group hangouts before you all go up to josh's parents cabin in the mountains, something you always enjoyed.
after you had enough of the pool you headed upstairs to a guest room to dry off and change your clothes before dinner. as soon as you undid your bikini top, you heard the door open and shut in a millisecond and after turning around so quickly you thought you would pull something, and sam and mike stand in front of you like they want to ravage you.
which they were going to.
as horny as they were, they took a minute to make sure you were ok with everything that was going to happen. what they didn't expect was for you, as soon as they got a confirmation, to jump their bones and start messily removing your clothes before moving on to theirs. before coming up here they mutually decided they would tease and try to go easy on you, but you were just so pretty and so eager and you were palming at sam's boobs and mike's pants.
and that's how you ended up with your legs on mike's shoulders as he pounded into your cunt while sam sat on your face, rocking her hips back and forth like she was at a rodeo.
for those first few weeks, the sneaking around was hot. whenever your group of friends would hang out, they would act a normal amount of nice to you while giving you hidden touches and caresses before meeting up with you when everyone was gone and fucking each others brains out.
but then it started getting stale, not being able to be affectionate in public. you knew you were getting tired of it, but for now you would avoid bringing it up as your lovers seemed comfortable with the way things were going.
you were...very wrong.
it was early february and time for the yearly stay at the washington family lodge. you were fully packed and excited as you were every year, ready for a week of skiing, partying, and hanging with your friends all day.
the first day was spent srttling in, making sure the house was up in running order after months of bring unused.
(part of this was checking the boiler was working, which you despised doing because chris and josh would always try to scare you and most of the time fail.)
but things got weird on the second day.
every year without fail jess suggested never have i ever, mostly because she thought it was hilarious when everyone groaned at the middle school suggestion.
at first the game is simple. josh dares jess to do a handstand for two rounds, sam dares matt to arm wrestle with chris. hell, jess admits that she has a slight crush on matt.
and you only giggled at that because duh, of course you knew that, but then jess turns it back around on you and dares you to name who's the hottest person in the room, the cliché bitch.
now, you had two options.
1. say either of the two people half of the group had already known you’d been enamored with for a large portion of your life.
2. be a little shit and day someone else because it’s fun.
and i mean, what was the point of this trip if you didnt have a little fun?
you decided to be more jokey about it and say chris, going along with him hyping himself up as the "peak of the male form" by fake fawning over him.
emily asked you later about that "crush you had just a few years ago," and you brushed it off. its in the past.
if it didn't surprise you so much you'd almost be worried at the way mike took more sips of his beer before roughly slamming it on the floor next to him, or sam letting out a little huff and brooding for the rest of the game.
later that night, after taking a nice long bath and changing into a comfy but cute pajama set, you flopped your body on to your guest bed and brought your phone to your face to scroll through social media until you fell asleep, before the telltale dm of a "you up?" let you know that wasn't how the night was going to go.
not even five minutes later there was a knock at your door and not even five seconds after that you feel sam harshly bring her lips to yours as her hands grip your waist, backing you up into the room as mike closes the door.
its fast and rough, the way they strip you of your clothes and push you on to the bed as they bite and nip at your skin. before you can even blink sam is pushing up your shirt and palming at your breasts, pinching your nipples and taking them into her mouth.
you're about to ask where the hell the aggression came from when a gasp leaves your mouth followed by a long moan as mike pulls down your shorts and mouths at your cunt through your underwear.
you don't have any more questions when they both start sucking on different parts of your skin, leaving hickeys which they normally don't as to keep your secret. you wouldn't mind being marked up this time.
after a long and very pleasurable few hours, you laid between them with a blissful look on your face as they gently ran their hands over your skin.
after a long silence, mike suggests that maybe its time to tell your friends about the three of you.
as much as it warms your heart, it also just starts making you giggle. after the noises the three of you were making, you were sure they already knew.
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
One Small Adventure
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Pairing: Mike Monroe x Fem!Reader Description: You and Mike go on a little adventure in the woods... Warnings: Fluff, Heavy Flirting, Partial Nudity... Word Count: 1.6k A/N: Fic #3 of the Until Dawn Poll Fic Challenge! This is also my very first Mike X Reader fic, so I hope you guys enjoy it! 😃🖤 UDPFC MasterList: 🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @slvatore. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Mike was always the adventurous type. Whether it was taking a random detour down a road we didn't know, spontaneously going to some small restaurant we had never heard of, or just getting on a plan to fly somewhere we had never been; Mike would always keep me on my toes. But today was a little more simple: a nice hike in the woods.
Regardless of the seemingly calm activity, Mike still managed to make a wild adventure out of it.
"Hey, babe! Look!" He shouted excitedly as he pointed in a direction off trail. "There's a lake down there. If we cut through these bushes and trees, we can make it there."
I stared at my boyfriend with a look of uncertainty. Though I loved nature, I could only imagine what lived within those bushes. The darkness between each leaf taunted me, telling me some lovely eight-legged friends would just love to use me as a new tree to climb.
"Mike, I don't know..." I took a step back as I shook my head from side to side. "There could be spiders in there."
Mike merely chuckled at my statement, also shaking his head as a grin of amusement curled his lips up. He took a few steps towards me — closing the small distance between us — and wrapped his strong arms around my waist.
"Aw, are you scared?" He teased as he stuck his lower lip out mockingly. "Don't worry — your big, strong man will protect you from those mean spiders."
"It's not funny!" I pouted. "Besides, there could be ticks."
I gestured to the German Shepard that sat loyally at Mike's side. He had had that dog for as long as I'd known him, and had grown to be just as much my dog after we had gotten together. So I for sure wasn't going to let our fur-child get eaten up by those filthy little blood-suckers.
Mike chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment as his smile fell flattened into a straight line. But when his pursed lips grew into a smirk, I knew he was up to something — something that would make my excuse seem pointless.
"Well, I gave Germie a bath this morning with tick repellent shampoo." My expression dropped as his words sunk in and I pursed my lips tightly together. Mike leaned in closer, so his lips were just grazing the shell of my ear. I tried my best to refrain from shuddering when his hot breath fanned my skin. "So, that won't be a problem."
He pulled away and after a few seconds of gazing upon my flustered state, he began walking into the direction of the bushes, still holding my hand while pulling me behind him.
Many scratches on my body and leaves in my hair later, we reached a clear spot that led us to the lake. With Germie following close behind, we continued our journey towards the body of water that was before us.
After arriving at our desired location, I sat down on a nearby rock as Germie dived head first into the water. Mike shouted at the dog to wait up as he began stripping down to his underwear. It took every bit of strength to keep myself from looking and when Mike noticed that, his smile only grew wider and more obnoxious. He emerged within the cool water and swam in the direction of his dog, while I stayed seated on the rock.
I took my shoes and socks off and dipped my feet into the lake, gently swaying my feet after I dunked them into the cool liquid. I tossed my head back and listened to the noise surrounding me — Mike playing with Germie, the birds singing the most heavenly of songs, the breeze swaying through the trees and making the branches creak as they brushed together; it truly was heaven. The sun felt amazing on my skin and made it all the more easier to drift off into a nice daydream.
I pictured me and Mike someday down the line, walking in the woods together just like today, hand in hand with our children running in front of us. I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh as I realize that I've gotten everything I've ever wanted.
Not too long into that sweet little fantasy, a splash of cool water to the face made me gasp out loud in shock. I stare wide-eyes at the culprit as he stands in the water before me, laughing at my expression like he wasn't gonna get it himself. I quickly submerged my hands in the water and moved them in one quick motion, instantly soaking his drier portions of his body.
I smirked victoriously at my victim as he shook his head to get rid of the extra droplets of water soaking his hair and face. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer at the sight of him — hair all disheveled and fallen into his eyes, wet body glistening under the sun, that sexy smile that I loved so much. I quickly looked away but not fast enough for him to not notice the new shade of crimson tinting my cheeks.
He swam closer towards me and raised a hand to my face, hooking a finger under my chin to pull my face back into the direction of his. That cocky look in his eyes had long gone away and was now replaced with a look of love and passion.
"Y'know, there is room for one more?" He rasped in a tone a few octaves lower than his usual one — one that was now reserved for only me.
I could feel the warmth in my cheeks growing hot like a furnace and I couldn't help but smile through the embarrassment I felt. I glanced down and let out a soft chuckle, "You know I can't swim."
"I can always teach you?" He offered confidently. "Or, I can let ya ride on my back as I take you around a few laps?"
I let out a laugh at his suggestion and nodded my head. Before I knew it, I was climbing onto my boyfriend's back and being taken around the lake like I'm on a jet ski or something. I could only imagine how goofy it would look in a stranger's eye. But I didn't really care. The only thing that mattered was us. Well — us and Germie.
The Shepard swam over to us and instantly tried to climb onto Mike as well, not understanding that he could only handle one of our weights and not two put together. Though we fell apart and landed a couple feet away from each other, Mike never let go of my hand. He steadied himself and wrapped his big hands around my waist, holding onto it tight as we both laughed our asses off at what had just occurred.
"Germie!" He shouted through the cracks of air he got between laughs. "Not cool, dude!"
The dog barked in response and we both had a good chuckle. Though he was a handful most of the time, we loved that dog with all of our heart. And I say "heart" because I believe that me and Michael's heart had officially became one in that very moment. Once we both calmed down from the hysterical moment, Mike's firm grip on me grew gentle as the look in his eyes melted into something that was more soft. He held me close against his chest — thumbs gently massaging my sides — while looking deeply into my shy orbs with his own.
"I'm so glad I'm here right now..." He murmured. "—Here with you and you alone."
His sweet words made my heart flutter like a happy little butterfly. It was as if all that doubt about our relationship had finally faded away into pure hope for a beautiful future together. I leaned in slowly and took his lips in my own for a passionate kiss. It lasted only a few minutes but it felt like time stood still as if I had died and descended to beautiful heaven. After pulling away, I couldn't help but smile as my heart swelled with love for the man that was before me.
Mike nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath — almost as if he was taking in my scent — before whispering in my ear, "Let's go. This adventure isn't over yet."
He pulled back from our warm embrace and took my hand in his own, carefully leading me out of the water as he did so. Before I knew it, Mike was fully clothed and I was putting on my socks and shoes while Germie shook himself to dry off his soft coat of fur. And just a few minutes later, we were hiking back to our original path set between the trees — hand in hand — like we had been prior to this little side quest my boyfriend had set out on.
I didn't know where our future was heading — if we would still be here twenty years down the line, holding hands as we walk with our children — and I guess it didn't really matter. The truth is that we don't know what lays ahead of us. What really matters is that we enjoy our time in the present, and only hope that the beautiful moment we live in will last a lifetime. But until then — until I know for sure what my future holds — it'll just be me, my man and our dog walking up that trail.
And that's ok with me.
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xetswan · 8 months
Joshua Washington x Reader master list!
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Until Dawn Imagines!
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2kverrr · 2 months
MIKE MUNROE - Dating Headcanons
UNTIL DAWN || Mike Munroe x reader
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he’s known not only by the group to be a player, but also by your entire school.
so when he started trying to talk to you a bit more, you were more than prepared to shut. it. down.
there was a sour ending between him and emily soon after hannah and beth’s disappearance, and at this rate, jessica too (she was clearly still hung up over their summer fling).
his confidence surpassed yours and he was relentless. joining you ashley and sam, uninvited and unexpected:
“hey guys, what’re we talking about” the brunette seats himself next to you, purposefully nudging your shoulder. “we were talking about y/n’s next cheer competition” sam sighs, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms as mike slowly starts to put his arm around you, “erm- what is this?” ash points, glaring at your arm, causing you to look down to see his big, tan hands creeping around your shoulder. at an instant, you shrug him off as your face flushes red. this boy was going to be the death of you.
pulling you out of classes with white lies to your teachers:
“yeah, she needs to head to the attendance office” he beams his charming smile towards the teacher then winks at you. “what the fuck do you want?” you query with hands on your hips stepping out of your english lit class. “you.”
notes in your locker. but it as sweet as the action was, it didn’t phase you, you didn’t want to be his next side-piece:
roses are red, violets are blue. flowers mean shit, i want you.
me, you, a couple of beers and my dads garage?
why are you playing so hard to get, we’ve known each other for like forever. you only make me like you more.
eventually you’d received the painfully awkward video message from josh, opening his lodge up on mount blackwood for the winter.
you’d had message after message from the boy, invites and offers to take transport together, it was a little bit sad how hard he was trying, he usually breathes in a girl’s direction and they’re ready to chew his food for him.
so you accepted, you’d known him since you were 5 after all, what’s the harm?
and then it started, all with him asking to hold your hand on the ski lift, insisting his left hand was cold. pathetic but cute.
during this you were spotted by a wild josh, lively and charismatic as ever considering the circumstances, he made sure to let everybody within a 20 mile radius know of his suspicions upon the two of you.
the attention had its positives and negatives. jess didn’t approve, nor did sam. josh, chris and ashley were happy as ever. nobody ever knew what emily was really thinking so you tried your hardest to ignore it, whereas matt was glad mike was busy with anyone but his ex.
“soo… i think it’d be wrong not to ask you out right now.”
you honestly thought, from the deepest most sincere part of your heart, believed your were mike-proof. but through all his little tactics he managed to make you actually like him, romantically.
a lot of girls gave off the wrong impression of mike; man-whore, cheater, horndog. maybe they were the problem because you couldn’t ask for anyone better.
he cooks surprisingly well, though he refuses to wash up, he has some pretty good experience in the kitchen.
he doesn’t mind too much about what you do and where you go, maybe it’s because you’re the same with him, unlike one emily davis, “a human gps with my location on lock and an accusation weapon system activated”
he always smells good. he has gone through at least 4 of his favourite colognes within the past year, which also means you’ve got an easy birthday/Christmas present option.
weirdly enough, he loves going on shopping trips with you. you think he’s pretty useful fashion-wise whereas he always enjoys convincing you into ‘rating your clothes’, aka - watching his girlfriend undress while sitting in silence.
amongst these positives, you can only name one terrible feature with mike. he’s a snorer. not just a little soft breathy snore. it’s a full on mouth open, putting his entire body weight on you, speakers blasting snores. it could also easily be mistaken for a helicopter taking off.
eventually emily warms up to your relationship, managing to see eye to eye with you. you’ll never know what her ulterior motive is but you have enough trust in mike to bat off her ways.
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