#unsure abt nancy
henrysglock · 1 year
hi! unsure if u've answered this/talked abt this before but i've been wondering!!!! did alice creel do smth to henry? i, and i am not making this up, ask this bc i had a dream abt the creels/stranger things in general lmao (very cool dream tbh) (but i've been thinking abt it since i woke up)
I haven't talked about it recently, but the answer so far is no. We have zero evidence that she did anything to him at all. In fact, she isn't even mentioned in the 4.07 monologue outside of Victor's arrest. Henry, it seems, had no beef with his sister.
Which, this is super interesting when we consider her death. He had no reason to kill her, which supports the physical evidence that he didn't kill her. First off, the whole of Nancy's plan hinges on Vecna being unable to attack anyone while he's trancing someone. Thus, given that Alice was alive when Victor went into his trance, Henry physically could not have killed her. Not only that, but from what we know of his backstory...he had no motive to kill her, either.
Alice Creel, as far as we know, did nothing wrong and arguably should not have died that night.
(She very much did, though, which forces us to consider third-party influences on the situation.)
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imhyperfixatingrn · 2 years
Lil drafted story abt Jargyle and Jonathan's gender identity. I can't write for shit, bear with me.
Jonathan looked outside the vans window, smoking on the blunt as he distantly listened to Argyle rambling or humming or something like that. He's been doing a lot of thinking lately, a lot of thoughts that gave him this antsy edge that even the weed had a hard time getting rid of. It always helped though, and Argyles company helped too.
He realized Argyle had put that cheesy song on, the one he had played over and over for a week now. And when he wasn't playing it on tape he had been humming it, everywhere he went. Not that on song "Pass the dutchie", no this one was about love, which wouldn't be surprising because Argyle had a big sweet soft heart, when you got to know him.
"Something happens when I'm head over heals hm-hm.."
He heard his friend sing to himself, along with his tape that started to get glitches because of how much it was played.
"Why have you been listening to that song on loop? Didn't take you for a Tears for Fears guy.." Jonathan asked. And when he spoke he realized he was higher than he thought he was.
Argyle looked over at him like he almost forgot Jonathan was here in the first place.
" I don't know dude, sometimes, love songs, they get me all dreamy and shit, guess I'm a hopeless romantic."
Oh, and that made Jonathan's heart a little warm. Argyle, once you got to know him, was a sweet, kind, selfless guy, who was full of love to give out to everyone he met. That man didn't have a single bad bone in his body.
And sometimes Jonathan found himself wondering what it would be like to be with Argyle, in a romantic way. Since Argyle had so much love to give, and Jonathan realized after his breakup with Nancy that he was kind of affection-deprived. And that's how he came to the conclusion that he was probably queer, and probably crushing hard on his best friend.
"So... What, you got like, a crush right now? That's why you get all cheesy with this song?" He asked, tried not to let anything show outside of pure curiosity, no hope, no disappointment, no personal interest in the answer.
Argyle sighed dramatically, a whole cloud of smoke escaped his mouth and he closed his eyes for a second. Jonathan started to stress, why would he react like that? Did he not want to talk about it? Should Jonathan just shut up, like usual? Definitely.
"I feel like I like most people I meet, you know, man?" Argyle said after reopening his eyes. He still said that with his lighthearded tone so Jonathan untensed.
But, no, he did not know what Argyle meant. Most 'people' he met? Why would he say 'people' and not chicks? Because then Jonathan counted as a person he had met and that might have meant that Argyle was also... Not straight. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe Jonathan was delusional.
"But enough about me, brochacho, I can see you've been worrying your pretty little head about something lately. What's up dude?"
Again, Jonathan be damned, for a man as high as a kite 24/7, Argyle had the observation skills of the century. And he knew how to help people so, might as well.
Jonathan knew he would never talk about it if it wasn't for the weed making it seem like a normal thing, and the fact that he knew Argyle and Argyle was chill about everything so...
"Well.." He started, unsure and tried to organize his thoughts. "Have you ever felt like, you know, like you don't feel connected to being a man? I don't know how to say it, um..."
Once he said it out loud, it sounded way less normal and way more queer than he thought. He didn't want to make that a big deal, obviously, but this weird feeling in the back of his head was getting a bit more annoying, the longer he couldn't figure it out.
Argyle turned around towards the back of the van, grabbed a bag of chips, opened it and put it between the both of them, the munchies kicking in he assumed.
"Hm." Argyle ate a chip and fought out every single word in his response, with a look of focus on his face. "Well, I've read abt transsexuals in a library in L.A. Do you feel like a chick instead of a dude?
He said that with such a calm and so genuinely that Jonathan wanted to sob. How was he so lucky to have met this golden guy who made his life better everyday?
"No, I, um... it's like I don't feel like a guy, but, like, I don't feel like a girl either... Sorry it's stupid, I just.."
Jonathan backtracked, he felt dumb. he thought a guy feeling like a girl or vice versa would make actual sense, even though he had never heard of it before. But someone feeling like nothing, feeling like neither, that sounded so foreign, like something that he made up in his own stupid brain.
"No, no, brochacho, I don't know much about it but I've heard of people who feel like neither, or both, or it's more complicated than that it's like, like a spectrum, dude. But you don't have to be anything. You can just be Jonathan."
'You can just be Jonathan.'
This time he was going to sob for real. He felt small tears in the corner of his eyes, not enough to actually start crying but he was well on his way. God, how did he manage to find someone like Argyle and actually maintain that friendship. He felt like he would be nowhere and lost in life without these warm brown eyes to watch over him like an angel.
He just plonged forward, ignoring the dying bag of chips between them, and wrapping himself on Argyle like he was his lifeline and he was drowning, which was how he felt, on the daily.
"Hey, dude, you're okay, I... I'm here,"
Argyle was probably confused, considering Jonathan was never the one initiating physical contact, even though he was touch starved.
Jonathan got himself off Argyle, returning to his space but still having his body turned towards his best friend, and now they were closer than they had realized.
"How did you know so much, about the gender stuff...?"
"Well, I read about it while I was figuring my own shit out, dude."
Jonathan froze. What did that mean? That Argyle was somehow 'gender-queer' also, or something else? Figuring his sexuality?
The questioning look on Jonathan's must have been too evident because Argyle explained:
"I told you I like everyone, not litteraly, but I can like dudes and dudettes and others, no matter the gender, no matter the junk, you know? I also fall in love all the time so that too."
Jonathan swallowed, his heart beating a bit fast for his liking. So that meant Argyle was, what? Bisexual or something like that. Definitely not straight. Jonathan's mind flared with hopes that he tried to shut down.
"Hm. I am too, I mean, not exactly like you but I'm queer too, I like both, I think. I'm still not sure about everything."
Argyle had given such a clear perfect explanation and Jonathan was rambling, he sounded Iike he didn't know a single thing about himself today.
"Yeah I gathered, brochacho." Argyle said, lighthearded, chuckling a bit.
What? What had given his sexuality away? Or was it the whole gender conversation? It didn't make sense.
Again Argyle sensed the questions hanging in the air.
He grabbed Jonathan's cheek with a firm but gentle touch, looked him right in the eyes with a big smile.
"It's the way you look at me, dude."
Then he slightly turned Jonathan's head to the side and kissed his cheek, like it was normal, usual behavior, like he had done it a thousand time before. Jonathan gasped and felt heat rise in his face, his heart was beating like crazy, he felt helpless and yet envolepped in happiness. Argyle released his cheek with a content expression and started slowly gathering his stuff.
"Well, brochacho, I don't wanna leave you so soon but I gotta get back to work so... I'll call you tonight, talk more, whaddya say dude?"
Jonathan could only smile shyly and nod, like an idiot. He really didn't know where he would be without this gem of a person that was Argyle, he didn't think he would ever fall in love properly but, in the end, he did, and it felt so incredibly idle.
I never find out till I'm head over heels...💕
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"What Once Was" by Her's.
Listen to this song, and try your absolute best NOT to think of ANY st character.
100% Steve
Baby I’ve been there before I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone and now I’m still hanging on I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was
It’s giving literally every Steve ship full stop. Particularly Nancy (I’m sorry no I don’t ship them but it’s giving past stancy.)
And the next verse?
Tell me all important stuff what’s your favorite color? What makes you so tough? Please don’t let go when you’ve had enough I’m on my knees
It just screams steddie. Steve has such an avoidant attachment, fast attachment, train wreck attachment vibe and he’s just so unsure abt anything with Eddie. Eddie who loves him so much, but he’s so afraid of Eddie leaving him high and dry, alone. That Eddie’s gonna disappear at the smallest fuck up. So he panics so fucking fast at any minor mistake that Eddie’s gonna leave him when it’s so beyond out of the question for Eddie.
Hell of a steddie song. Love it.
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mayahawkins · 2 years
hi! what are your sexuality headcanons? for byler and any other characters! :) feel free to go into depth if you'd like 💛
hello! ok so i don’t think will’s sexuality is up for discussion, like he’s gay.
i personally am a gay mike truther bc i don’t feel like he’s ever shown interest in girls. he only liked el after everyone told him he did and he really only seemed interested in her bc, as lucas even says, she’s the first girl to show interest in him. which honestly, to me, doesn’t mean much considering she asked if he’d be like a brother at first and didn’t even know what friend meant. i think he is dealing with some serious comp het. idk abt internalized homophobia, probs to an extent as it is the 80s. i think he understands that what he feels for will isn’t Normal™️ and is unsure how to deal with that. that’s why he’s so hostile to max at first. bc she illustrates the abnormality in him bc he can clearly see dustin and lucas having crushes on her and he doesn’t know why he doesn’t and so he lashes out at her for it. i think it very much has to do with the fact that he feels like he should like her and doesn’t and is confused and maybe a lil worried abt why that is and what it means about him.
ofc i don’t think that’s the only reason he lashed out at her. he’s defs still sad abt el and feels like she’s trying to butt in when she doesn’t have the shared trauma of what happened in s1, even though she ofc isn’t but he’s like 12 and sad and scared for will and el. anyways, mike is gay (but i totally respect other headcanons!!!)
i also headcanon el as a lesbian. i feel like she’s also dealing with comp het and also i’m a lesbian and i say so.
max and lucas are bi bc idk i feel it in my bones, neither of them are straight
steve is also bi bc cmon, he just exudes chaotic bi energy
bi nancy and jonathan bc i’m a sucker for nancy having a tiny crush on robin and jonathan having a tiny crush on argyle (maybe also steve after steve’s growth)
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vinmauro · 1 year
I'm late for the party but for the st ships thing, what are your thoughts on ronance and stargyle??
never late for the party!! i take all ask games late!! sometimes i answer very late too.
ronance! so i don’t hate it, i like it and i still have the band au rolling around in my head, begging to get out. but i have my issues about it. i think ronance works sooo well au but when it comes to like canon things it gets messy for me bc of the steve issue and the unresolved steve’s feelings issue. idk i just don’t think robin would do that to her best friend, yk? i go a bit back and forth on how i feel about ronance if i’m being honest. i do feel bad that most ronance fics are found as background to steddie which has sort of morphed poor ronance into this ship of convenience. like no one is allowed to be single everyone’s gotta be paired up and it’s gotta be gay. which is fine!!! absolutely nothing wrong with that!! it’s just how it feels to me at times! but other times it’s a wonderful ship. again rarepairs and other pairings have captured me soul more for robin and nancy rather than ronance. (also rip all of the ronance fics i used to read in 2019 after s3 aired and never got updated bc s4 took too long)
stargyle!! see this is what i mean about other ships capturing my soul that’s outside of steddie/ronance and stargyle is one of them. i will blame sen for this, they definitely made my third eye open wide as fuck. i got stargyled, idiot. that shotgunning fic i think abt a lot. also again it’s fun to make up your own little argyle since he has nothing in canon and it’s also fun to fix canon for argyle and make it less….hmmmm the way that it is? with him being constantly stoned for the comic relief. i have to edit my before sunrise au but i’m unsure of my argyle so i’m waiting until i watch s4 again to see where i went wrong!! but yeah i just really love them. steve needs some whimsy in his life and argyle i feel is a man full of whimsy.
send me a stranger things ship and i’ll ramble abt them
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glassamphibians · 2 years
OBSESSED with the Big Kid group as always tho
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poppy-metal · 2 years
ummm… could you maybe… elaborate more on um on- on eddie, nancy and us throuple… it’s for a schol project 👀
mm just like to think abt nancy being a little unsure about her place. her and eddie aren't into eachother, they're into you. but nancy is the newcomer, the 3rd, the one eddie is letting you explore with. she doesn't even realize you consider her your girlfriend until you act like the biggest cunt when you see her smiling at some other guy. give her such a big attitude about it and she's so angry with you.
you argue all the way in her car to eddies trailer and you stomp into it and throw yourself on eddies bed dramatically. eddie looks up from his guitar. glances towards his door when nancy shuts it, softly, and leans against it to glare at you. "Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?"
nancy looks pissed. "Your girlfriend seems to think she can dictate who i can and can't talk to."
you pipe up from eddies bed, "he wanted to fuck you!"
"and?" nancy scowls, "what's the problem?"
"My girlfriend." Eddie echoes, and he looks back at you. "Baby." He says, softly. "Baby, have you not told her?"
"Told me what?" Nancy snaps. You look away stubbornly. Eddie sighs, puts down his guitar. Steeples his fingers and uses them to point to you.
"She." Then he points to nancy "wants you to be her girlfriend. She's just been to chickenshit to ask."
"Eddie!" You squeal, and throw your pillow at him. "You weren't supposed to say anything! You promised!"
"Yeah well, you took your time and" he motions to the space between you two. "You can't keep people on a string like that, honey. You know better."
He's right but you don't like it being pointed out. You glance at nancy who's just. Staring at you. Hands flexing at her sides. You hug a pillow to your chest.
"You." She starts. Licks her pink lips. "You want me to be your girlfriend? For how long?" Her voice sounds small. Vulnerable.
You look away again and eddie scoffs. "Jesus, we need to work on your communication issues, babe. She's liked you since the beginning nance. Been a right stubborn brat about the whole thing, though."
Nancy looks at you. Her jaw tightens. She takes a step forward. "Is that true?"
"Have you liked me this whole time but made me think you only wanted me as some fun side experiment while you plan a future with your real partner?"
When she puts it like that, it sounds bad. "Um."
"I can't believe you." Her blue eyes flare. Ice queen. "You're such a. Such a spoiled little brat."
"Im not!" You protest. Even though you are.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, leans back and cracks his neck. "in your shoes, and trust me i have been, she's a piece of work, I've found she responds particularly well to good ol' fashioned punishment. She's a brat for a reason."
He pauses, "and if you're her girlfriend now, assuming you still want to be, well." He grins. "She's all yours."
So he's really just throwing you to the wolves like that, huh. You glare at him. He shrugs, his dimples showing like he knows he just helped you. He probably did.
Nancy seems to calm down. Her shoulders relax.
"Can you lock the door, eddie?" She says, cooly. He's already on his feet. Fucker. "My girlfriend and i need to have a little talk about some things. Feel free to sit and watch."
Eddie closes his door and locks it. Takes his chair and spin it around so he can straddle it.
"You could probably teach me a thing or two about how to fix that attitude she's got."
Nancy smirks.
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strangerfigs · 2 years
some of my hc about established byler (most involve the party)
get together junior year of high school
el is the one to basically figure mike out, and tell him it’s ok, and push him to be w will
jonathan is second to know, then joyce
will is nervous about hopper knowing because of trauma from lonnie and mike is nervous because the more people that know the more anxious he is
they spend time at the byers-hopper household where they can be a couple but still feel scared to rly be open about it around ppl
but once hopper figures it out, he asks will about it and will cries and he comforts him and then byler eventually becomes more comfortable being pda in byers-hopper household which is cool
dustin, max, and lucas are CLUELESS (i always see ppl hc otherwise but, idk dustin is clueless about robin and haha don’t get me started on lucas - he is so heterosexual, he has no ounce of gaydar, and i think max prob thought will was gay but she nvr considered mike)
neither of them pressure each other to come out // both are scared to
nancy senses something (esp after robin came out to her and she knows her and vickie are together because ronance is bffs!) which she brings up to robin and her and robin spectate a lot about it
^ it’s sort of a secret between them which makes steve mad because he hates secrets (steve and nancy are just friends)
the party assumes that mike and el still like each other because they are bffs now ~ and when el goes to homecoming w a guy senior year, the party side eyes mike a lot because they expect him to be insane abt it
^he is kind of insane about it. because that protectiveness never went away and he is skeptical of the guy and worried about el and says high school boys are all garbage (and blah blah blah) and mike is getting so insane about it that will gets a little jealous because of their history, so they have a lil argument or whatever, but easily make up after mike explains himself, and at homecoming, when the guy picks her up, mike and hopper both stand there with crossed arms and are acting the same way hehe and will/joyce swat at them to stop
jonathan let’s them use his poloroids whenever will wants so he has a ton of pictures of him and mike and mike is always smiling in the pictures or looking fondly
^mike is too nervous to have too many pictures but he does have a couple of will and ONE of them both (he hates pictures of himself but will looks so cute in one paired w him)
will teaches him morse code and they’ll say i love you in morse code all the time in public or w the party
robin figures this out ^ and doesn’t know if she should tell nancy so she sits on it for a week and then finally explodes and corners mike about it
after this she says that nancy doesn’t care and stuff and blah blah and mike hides his tears and eventually comes out to nancy about a month later and is amazed at how nice it is to have some ppl besides all of the byers know
when Robin is more OUT and Dustin knows about her and they are all picking colleges and will and mikes top choice is the same one and all the others are the same ones and they talk about their future plans like they have already, dustin starts getting sus
he begins watching them more and brings it up to robin and he KNOWS by her facial expression that she KNOWS and Dustin is actually like so excited about them but is so unsure how to bring it up
^ he doesn’t until the summer after graduation
they tell max and lucas the summer after their first year of college
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dxrlinggxd · 2 years
who i think may/may not die in vol 2
since noah just confirmed that there will be some deaths in v2, here's my opinion on all the characters' safety
NOT safe:
lucas sinclair
the first name that came to mind. he might get vecna'd in vol 2 and he kinda seems killable rn if that makes sense (not that i want him to die don't get me wrong i love lucas) and also (this applies to the other 3 boys) it wld be rlly mean to kill them off just before the final season
max mayfield
i was 85% sure she was getting vecna'd again in vol 2 and then the new teaser practically confirmed it. the vol 2 trailer doesn't look good for her
dustin henderson
could die saving steve, plus the duffers said a fan fav is dying, but also he's one of the 4 ogs so for that reason alone he might be safe
murray bauman
the hilarious comic relief character everyone loves. seen this film before
i was surprised they hadnt killed him off already, but now if they do it wouldn't be surprising at all so idk lets see
mike wheeler
this is the one character who i assumed was safe because i was just all "nah they wouldn't do that"...but honestly? he isn't rlly safe. there's also the whole IT parallel to think abt (bec it's basically canon that will has feelings for mike). but then again like i said earlier, they might not kill the of 4 in the penultimate season
jonathan byers
i feel like of the teens this is the most likely death. not steve or eddie or robin, as I'll explain later. and i highly doubt nancy. his death would hurt everybody but especially will (we know he gets a bigger arc)
erica sinclair
again, the entertaining side character. you never know
karen wheeler
she has a character poster even though she rlly hasn't played a major role so far. there was also that clip in the trailer where shes scared and holding holly. very very likely shes dying
(in descending order of likelihood)
jim hopper
again, he got too close to peril for him to actually die again, but again, we never know. of the people in this section, he seems the most likely to die
nancy wheeler
they put her too close to peril for her to actually die. her character also feels like it has a lot of potential vis-a-vis the plot. i'd say a 93% chance she survives
steve harrington & eddie munson
put them together because they have the same explanation: does the way the show is going seem to set up for their deaths? yes. but i think it was shawn levy who said steve is safe, and also joseph essentially said he's in s5, so they wont die. most likely. but they could also just be lying so :|
[edit] + robin says to steve in the vol 2 "i have this terrible feeling it might not work out for us this time" so tbh...idh a good feeling
joyce byers
she could've died, maybe, but winona accidentally said she's in s5 so lol she might not. she isn't a hundred percent in danger (and also there's that snippet of jon and will hugging that we need to be wary of)
el hopper
no way she's getting killed off with a whole season left
will byers
again, no way he's dying with a whole season left + he obviously has a much bigger role to play
robin buckley
because it'd just be plain wrong for them to kill off their only openly lgbt character. and also vickie apparently has a bigger role to play. so
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sunflowersand-bees · 2 years
Thoughts on Robin’s characterization and how it differs in S3 versus S4?
ooh. oohohohoh. oh my. never really thought about this before. but now i have to. oooh. this might not be quite what youre looking for but ill try my best. it's prob less on her characterization per say and just my opinions on her in general.
robin in season 3. i loved her. she was great. she was new and she was gay canon lgbt lesbianism. she was badass as hell and so smart. but it felt like a lot of her character was reduced to her being gay, at least immediately after the fact, not canon-wise but fanon wise. i'm so glad that she wasn't just someone to further steve's character development, she was her own person, not a rebound or failed rebound for steve. she helped him grow and learn new things about himself. she was great. and she just fit right in with the group.
of course there's going to be a big difference between s3 robin and s4 robin because we're only just meeting her in s3.
s4 robin. she was wonderful. we love robin in every season so that's a given. i was unsure about the crush situation. especially once vickie wasn't actually a part of the s4 plot at all. we know nothing abt this girl. if we learn more, that's cool, but i don't know. it feels like robin x vickie was created for byler parallels. it probably wasn't but idk. i absolutely loved robin's whole feminism rant to the psychologist dude. it's one of my favorite scenes. she's just so freaking smart. and i forget that sometimes and i love it when the writers remind me that 'oh hey, these children are supposed to have lives beside the monsters' and that the real world exists. i can't wait until/if people find out that she's a lesbian. i really hope she has a coming out scene to at least dustin because he keeps shipping romantic stobin and we're not here for that. but i digress. i thought the whole robin seeing vickie and her bf kiss scene was impactful. and her afterwards, "i really don't care, i would if it was any time but rn but because the world's ending we have more important things." because i just think that's so true. and it relates to all kinds of characters thinking and mentioning that their romantic troubles are stupid when there's more important stuff going on. like mike. and nancy i think? i cant really remember who the other one was. i kinda felt like the vickie and robin scene at the end was forced. like i felt like robin had moved on past vickie because it wasn't that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. but i also thought that steve had moved on from nancy so i guess i'm wrong on a lot of things. i'm glad that robin had a pretty significant role in the plot, as she did before, but i feel like her romance just exists because "oh we gotta give everyone a love interest" and while it's nice to have a lesbian with a girlfriend, vickie doesn't have any personality right now. if she was more developed, i'd like that storyline, but it just feels forced.
thank you so much for the ask. i don't really know how many time's i've derailed, but it's almost 12 am give me a break.
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The part Charlie said about Jonathan's "heroic flaw" could back up the theory about college acceptance drama too: he starts distancing himself from Nancy because he thinks she'll have a better future if she's not stuck in a long distance relationship with him, but that just makes the both of them unhappy.
Spoilers in ask and below
I took that spoiler to be El thought he was acting weird bc of waiting for the letter abt college but that wasn’t why he was actually acting weird lol. But he also could be nervous about it too and just thinking the whole thing isn’t working; so right I def think he is pushing her away before he gets rejected by her (like Charlie said in the interview). And I could see how that applies to college things too, bc he’d be feeling super unsure of future plans for a lot of reasons.
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itsonlystrange · 4 years
Since it’s the end of November, (literally 11:55pm as I’m writing this)
Here are my stranger things Hot Takes for No Nuance November!
Please respect my opinion :)
1. Billy is a racist and I don’t understand how ppl love him so much. He shouldn’t be idolized at all.
2. Steve would never date Billy after Billy assaulted Lucas, Max, and verbally assaulted almost everyone else. They’re enemies. Not enemies to lovers, just enemies
3. Btw Billy is dead lol, atleast I think he is.
4. Mike loves Will more than Will loves Mike
5. Season 3 wasn’t scary at all and I honestly wasn’t on the edge of my seat like i had been in prior seasons
6. Season 2 is superior. Not because of Byler. But because of the development we get, Bob, Max, autumn vibes, El being her own person, Kali, etc.
7. Season 3 is my least favorite. It just really missed the nail on the head for me.
8. Mileven would have been cute if season 3 never existed. I was fine with them being canon but then s3 ruined them
9. Hopper and Joyce would never work out as a married couple irl
10. Hopper was a horrible character In season 3 and a misogynist
11. Bob only died so that Joyce could end up with Hopper
12. Lucas is the most underrated party member
13. Lucas is Lowkey a misogynist
14. I love Lumax but it’s toxic that they’ve broken up six times in 6 months. I can’t see them getting married or being end game
15. We deserve Dr Brenner flash backs
16. Season 2 had the best monsters
17. Will’s bowl cut is adorable
18. El shouldn’t be in a relationship when she didn’t even know what a friend was when she was 12
19. Nobody is the main character. It’s an ensemble show
20. If el didn’t have powers most of the fandom wouldnt like her as much as they do
21. El is a phenomenal character but she gets stunted when she’s with Mike
22. If any of the kids are gonna do drugs, it’s gonna be Max or Mike
23. Will already has powers. Sensing the MF is literally a superpower how are we all ignoring that
24. Byler isn’t just a “fanon” ship that could never be canon. It has a huge possibility and it’s v possible.
25. Why does suzie even exist in the first place??
26. Dustin is the smartest out of the party
27. Dustin and Steve In s3 was basically just comic relief and I really wish they dug deeper into their characters
28. S1 e4, s2e6, s3e7 are the best episodes of stranger things
29. Season 1 was the scariest, season 2 was the most captivating, and season 3 was the saddest
30. I want Mike to be the next one to get possessed
31. Nancy can be a bit of a priss and she acts v privileged at times
32. The best sibling is Jonathon 100%
33. The best mom is Joyce
34. The best dad is Hopper (if that counts?)
35. Erica deserves to be more than just comic relief. She became a little repetitive
36. Season 3 feels more of a parody or a spin off instead of an actual continuation of seasons 1 and 2
37. The aesthetic and colors of s3 DO NOT fit the show at all. It felt so cheesy
38. Max is bisexual
39. Mike and Will are gay. I’m still unsure if Mike is bisexual or not but for now I believe he is gay
40. If el can’t decide what type of clothes she likes she shouldn’t be able to decide if she likes mike
41. One of the kids will die by the end of season 5. I have a feeling it’ll be El or Dustin
42. One of the teenagers will die by the end of s4 I think. (Robin, Steve, Nancy, Jonathon)
43. Every couple has had a cute moment but that doesn’t mean they aren’t toxic for eachother
44. Mike loves el but he isn’t IN love with her
45. El doesn’t have to die for Mileven to not be end game
46. I don’t think any of the Byers will die ever. I could be wrong, but they’ve just been through so much already.
47. Ok maybe Lonnie will die
48. My least favorite sibling is probably Erica or Holly
48 my least favorite mom is probably Terry- just bc we don’t know a ton abt her
49. My least favorite dad is ofc Lonnie
50. El Max was one of the best friendships of s3
51. El and hoppers reunion will be better than Hopper and Joyce’s
52. El and Max’s reunion will be better than Mike and El’s
53. Mike and Will’s reunion will be better than Mike and El’s
54. The four main boys reunion will be adorable oh my god
55. Mike is Christian, Lucas is catholic, Dustin is atheist, Max is atheist/Catholic, El is atheist, and Will is Jewish/Christian/atheist. Idk those are the vibes I get
56. Lucas and Dustin are straight
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ziracona · 4 years
Pfft poor Philip. Do you have any plans for fics after ILM? I love your writing and I'd love to see more.
Yes and no. I’m sure I will at some point! But not for sure when I’ll start. Life’s so complicated rn, & there’s just so much going on. Life is. Life is hard, man.
Let’s see, though. I’m going to edit all of ILM as I re-read it myself for the first time start-to-finish, but that’s not new, it’s just QA updates. For new writing, I got a really sweet comment last year unexpectedly on the Fallout 4 fic I have on hiatus, so I mean to finish it for that one user sometime in the not-too-distant-future. I also have part of the prequel to ILM, Signifying Nothing, which is about Vigo/Alex/Benedict/Philip, especially Philip & Vigo, and the attempt to beat the Entity that group made that is already written, & do for sure plan to write more/all of that and post it sometime. I really like those characters & the story & it’s important to me, and to ILM even though it doesn’t make a ton of visible appearances in it.
I’ve had ideas for one shots or shorter fics too (although nothing I have planned is as long as In Living Memory was lol.) A Joey-Quentin one, another about Philip & Claudette being cute, one w David & Laurie meeting differently (there would all be ILM au dbd one-shots, not the same continuity/timeline). Have a currently one-shot cute dbd Quentin gets kidnapped/adopted by Anna the first night he shows up in the realm & has an out of body experience & hard time but they slowly begin to better understand & help each other fic up on AO3 already that I wrote for my sister as a Christmas gift that I might add more to & update. I am writing a Whodunnitmafia fic rn which is only uploaded to my side blog (I love it, & I have like 90 pages 😂, but it’s like—Nancy Drew video game AU fic for a game 13 people played and only 6 even remember period, so it’s basically just for me & not going up on AO3 even though I’m really liking the story). That’s a for fun one.
Oh. There’s also like, an idea for a post ILM fic I have? Not even sure if it’s canon, bc it started out as me wanting a fixer for my own damn canon (which makes it sound like ILM ends tragically—if you haven’t finished, stg that’s not the case. It’s fixer for the prequel, not ILM lol), but the more I mess w it the more it takes shape & I like it? So who knows. Involves post-Jane survivors and takes place several years in the future. I’m still unsure but maybe. We’ll see. Will probably do like, litttle scenes abt ILM characters at some point bc I’ll miss them? Dunno if I’ll make like a scraps compilation on AO3 or just upload here or what, but that’ll probably happen eventually.
I really don’t know, other than that, though. Finishing ILM was nice but still feels unreal to me, I’ve been so put off by a lot of the Archives stuff that even though I’m actively ignoring it all, I’m tired. Tired and kinda sad, abt the game, bc I love it a lot & don’t like watching that happen. Makes motivation more difficult. I think I’ll probably just rest from writing for a couple weeks or however many days it takes my brain to get mad at me for not writing, and then go with my gut. I definitely plan to finish The Nuclear Reaction for that one nice person, & to write Signifying Nothing sometime not super far in the future though.
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toglidethroughlife · 7 years
Writer Asks!
Tagged by the lovely @sophie-summer and @mechaspirit! (Thanks so much lovelies!!)
1. How many works in progress do you have?

LOL I have a lot of ideas. I’m thinking about doing a holiday drabble collection atm but where is the time. WIPs that I’ve actually started tho: 4. (I’m getting to all those requests, I promise!!)
2. Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Yep. Started back in high school, and just got back into it 3 months ago because of Choices lol
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paper books. Ebooks are convenient tho, and I don’t mind them. 
4. When did you start writing?
Sometime in high school? A friend of mine was sharing her stories with me and that inspired me to try writing as well.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Keeping this strictly abt Choices fanfic bc my original stuff has never seen the light of day. I post anything that I finish here -- I enjoy getting constructive feedback, especially on pieces I feel unsure of. 
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
Anywhere quiet. I’ve been writing on my phone a lot (I know, the horror), so the location hasn’t mattered as much as having space and time to think.
7. Favorite childhood book?
I devoured the original Nancy Drew collection. Still one of my faves. Sabrina the Teenage Witch is up there too. 
8. Writing for fun or publication?
For fun. I mostly write to destress these days.
9. Have you ever taken any writing classes? 

Nope. Wish I had tho.
10. What inspires you to write?
KENJI. No, but really, great characters, interesting plotlines, I don’t know. I just have stories in my head that I need to put into words otherwise I’d implode. And I don’t want to implode lol.
Tagging some lovely writers I know/whose writing I admire (try this if you want to, lol?) @kenjkats, @faded-hero, @violetflipflops, @ladynevrakis, @angstymarshmallow, @mrswalkerwrites, @lizzybeth1986, @feisty-mary, @endless-vall, @endlessflame, @lovemesomesnark13
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stevesharrlngtons · 7 years
new rules was everything i didn't know i needed and more ugh. i like how u integrated the song into the story but still made it ur own, i love the relationship between nancy and the reader and how it so simply and authentically becomes something more!! i'm someone who is confused abt their sexuality i think im bi idk tho but this was a story i really connected to somehow and it made me really happy and like hopeful that one day i can have a relationship like nancy/reader!! thank u so much ily xx
this makes me so happy, thank you for sending it to me! for me, coming to terms with being bi was really scary and i was unsure for years. so don’t rush yourself, get to know yourself fully and just find your ways to be happy!  i’m so happy you could connect to this story and i know you will find your nancy one day (:
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vampire-core · 7 years
I know i’ve sent you like 4 things in the past 24 hours, but this is what I’m going to say for my english presentation and i’d like you to give some feedback (anyone else who sees this can too)
The reason I’ve chosen to do communications, is because communications has a diverse cast, featuring people who suffer from mental illnesses, and instead of representing these in a negative light, instead they are shown as the main characters of their stories.
for example, i will begin with case 1. case one features three characters, frances elsner, henry elsner, and nancy elsner, formerly nancy o'connell  (was that her name?)
the case begins with henry’s childhood. he experienced abuse from an early age from his mother, frances. due to frances’ achromatopsia, she couldn’t see colour, and it was quite hard for her to live on her own.
as soon as he could, henry married his childhood friend nancy, who had synesthesia. nancy found that henry’s voice was black and white.
previously, the story stated that nancy killed henry when he tried to run due to an emotional dependency on henry, and noticing how easily he managed to cut frances off from his life, fearing that he would do the same to her.
then, after a while of being teased by the radio, hearing the black and white of henry’s voice, hung herself.
however, ghost is changing the story, due to the fact that it sounds like nancy’s emotional dependency and mental state is the reason why she killed henry, and that she’s “crazy lololol”. instead of henry managing to cut frances off, frances plays a literal game of telephone with the couple, telling nancy that henry is contemplating divorce due to her clinginess, and telling henry that nancy is dangerously clingy and overbearing.
this causes awkwardness between the two, which eventually becomes too much. henry runs, this time his plan thought out, leaving a note behind for nancy so she knows why he’s run.
however, nancy doesn’t understand how frances had used her year of “nice mom treatment” as a coverup for her atrocities and took everything out on herself, further believing what frances had told her.
while out on his “vacation” henry gains the confidence to call frances out, and frances lets something slip, so henry immediately returns home. this is where either nancy could have hung herself, or she could still be alive.
case 2 features 2 main characters, kennith and stephanie. following with the cast having a diverse amount of what would be considered “problems”, kennith has bpd, abuses alcohol and drugs, self harms, and due to the fact that he’s gay in the 1970s and 1980s, suffers from a lot of bullying. stephanie, who doesn’t have this veritable plethora of problems, is deaf, and became so progressively through the course of high school.
case 2 begins with kennith performing the COLORBARS broadcast, a broadcast specifically designed to brainwash america using finely tuned frequencies and pulsating imagery, something that is actually possible.
prior to this, kennith and stephanie’s friendship turned sour after miscommunication on both their parts, and due to the fact of stephanie being kennith’s fp, and him being dependant on their friendship, turned him to do the broadcast.
since stephanie’s deaf, she isn’t affected by the broadcast, and she tries to get help for kennith.
the broadcast lasted for 24 hours, and kennith had originally planned to perform mass suicide, making everyone in america kill themselves due to the fact that no one seemed to care about him, even making people watching the broadcast experience these emotions.. however, as the hours ticked past, kennith became unsure of himself, and eventually ended the broadcast by slitting his own wrists
unfortunately, by the time stephanie had gotten help to him, he was dead.
now i’ll reach case 3. case 3 features 3 characters again, bri, avery and simon.
bri is an autistic, nonbinary lesbian, who’s special interest is photography. avery, is a bisexual black teenager and is going out with bri (after bri offered to teach her about photography).
now, you’re probably expecting simon to have some sort of complex mental illness, but…
he doesn’t.
hes just a bigot
case 3 begins with bri, posting edited images of herself and the area around her onto a forum, where she gets harrassed for never posting actual pictures of herself.
simon, being a hacker,  hacks into her webcam and takes pictures of her, before posting them on the forum.
bri gets excessive amounts of harrassment and hate from this, and she completely cuts off from the internet, locking herself in her room and eventually starving to death.
avery, being bri’s girlfriend, finds out about this and contacts simon, knowing him to be the one who posted the pictures of bri.
they agree to meet atop a tall building, and they try to have a civil discussion about what had been going on, however, simon being like that had brought a gun, and when avery reached out as she was getting angry at him, he shot her.
she grabbed hold of his shoulder before falling from the building, dragging simon with her, to their deaths.
then comes case 4. case 4 features just one character, known around the fandom as [Spoilers]. Spoilers is cynical, sarcastic, bitter and spiteful, and occasionally goes into periods of intense dissociation and numbness. they are revealed to be the Storyteller, the one who had created communications as entertainment, however, the audience was really the ones who made the story come to life. Their motives for this are unknown, perhaps to raise awareness for people living with mental illnesses and those minority groups who are often oppressed, but that cannot be confirmed.
HEYA first of all sorry that i was offline, i was spendin yesterday w my qpp!!!! :00
second of all, this is rlly good!!!!!! there are only a Few small errors i spotted:
- bri is nb and uses they/them pronouns, plus theyre biromo and not sure abt their sexuality!!!
- avery is a lesbian who also isnt sure abt her sexuality
- bri also gets Doxxed tm by simon i believe!!! dont trust me Fully but from what i can remember :00
otherwise this looks rlly good!!!! the things i mentioned are Small Details which i only know bc Hyperfixation™ but otherwise this is lookin rlly rlly good!!!!!! :00
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