Animal Traffic
873 posts
Animal Traffic is a trailblazing outfitter of high-quality heritage inspired styles for both men and women located in Portland, Oregon. Our brand is rooted in Oregon history, the pioneering American West and blue collar Americana.Animal Traffic is considered one of the best places in Portland for heirloom quality men's and women's clothing, footwear, backpacks and accessories. The shop stocks quality goods from small handcrafted accessories and locally made jewelry to 100+ year heritage brands like Filson, Pendleton, White’s Boots, Thorogood,  Danner and Wolverine. Younger brands like Topo, Roark, Taylor Stitch and Portland’s own Red Cloud Collective hang on Animal Traffic’s racks alongside highly curated women’s designers and a constantly refreshed second hand and vintage selection. 
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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This week definitely qualifies as T-shirt weather in Portland. We’ve got some colorful, fresh pics going out along with the rest of our spring gear. #vintage #tshirt #sunshine #spring #classic #menswesr #womensfashion #style #cotton #graphics #americana #retail #shoplocal #havefun (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Along with this sunshine we are very pleased to be receiving this just completed batch of inspiring and enchanting #locallymade jewelry from @__lunasol__ How about convertible earrings and a bolo tie to complete your look this weekend as you praise the sun in all its healing goodness? #lunasoljewelry #jewelry #handmade #craft #local #brass #necklace #bolotie #earrings #fashion #style #womensfashion #weekend #sunshine #retailtherapy #shopsmall #pretty #madeinportland (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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A fresh pickup load of locally made @redcloudscollective now stocked at #animaltrafficpdx All #waxedcanvas #leather and #brass hand crafted to perfection and ready for you to put into service on your next outings and adventures. #locallymade #madeinportland #handcrafted #shopsmall #shoplocal #freeshipping #shop #style #tradition #daytripper #backpack #dufflebag #totebag #spring #summer #ford #f100 #portland #oregon #pacificnorthwest (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Had a few hours to work on the rig today. By the time I got to the hardware store the corroded radiator was leaking pretty bad so I went to the junk yard and picked out a good one. This will be a good daily driver / work truck after a few more weekends. @westmorelandace #toomanyprojects #ford #fomoco #f250 #camperspecial #trucklife #getyourmotorrunnin #keepontruckin @dailydriverpdx (at Westmoreland, Oregon)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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It's spring, it's the weekend, time for hikes around the #pacificnorthwest The @dannerboots Jag for men and women is you light weight, waterproof hiking boot solution. Great for all seasons to keep you on the move and keep your feet dry and stylish. #waterproof #hikingboots #fullgrainleather #retro #rainorshine #danner #animaltrafficpdx #freeshipping #exploreoregon #footwear #mensfashion #womensfashion #style #function #comfort #outdoors #retail #online #weekend (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Ladies and gents, we're freshly restocked on our favorite barber made grooming products from @imperialbarberproducts Pomades, roll on cologne, shave soap, hair cream, shave brushes - all non oily, water based, fresh scented and clean. #getfresh #imperial #barberproducts #pomade #cologne #shave #soap #haircare #style #wash #madeinusa #freeshipping #shoplocal #aftershave (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Hey campers, it's that time of year we start stocking up for spring and summer adventures - so much great gear arriving daily! @topodesigns is always a shop favorite and we're freshly restocked - and stoked. #topodesigns #packs #outdoors #campmugs #shorts #hats #wallets #workpants #backpacks #gear #colors #madeinusa #freeshipping #shoplocal #retail #colorado #portland #smallbusiness #adventure #exploreoregon (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Remember that one thing you didn't want to forget? Yeah... Conveniently sized to fit in all sorts of pockets and places, heartily constructed and cleverly designed @fieldnotesbrand notebooks are an essential piece of your #edc Loved and collected by fans all over the world for a reason and we're freshly restocked. #freeshipping #shopsmall #shoplocal #notebook #fieldnotes #fieldnotesbrand #animaltrafficpdx #pocket #retail #essential #writeitdown (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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We encourage good shoes and good shoe care. Right now we're offing free shoe care supplies with purchase of each pair of @redwingheritage or @redwingheritagewomen boots. Choose from boot cream, brushes, boot bags, laces or deep discounts on Red Wing foot beds or cedar boot trees (while supplies last). Come get your new #redwings and complimentary shoe care today! #boots #shoes #footwear #mensfootwear #womensfootwear #mensfashion #womensfashion #madeinusa #americanmade #shoplocal #ironranger #moctoe #leather (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Well, the sun may have left us for a few days but fret not, we have all the layers to keep you cozy on these cool #pacificnorthwest mornings. Make yourself a fire, drink some #coffee and go see what the animals are up to, or come see us and check out the latest arrivals. #oregon #chicken #morning #happyhumpday #spring
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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For perfect spring afternoons you ought to be in perfect spring kicks. It's time you cruise into #animaltrafficpdx and treat your feet to an under $30 pair of oh so cush and comfy #winos new from @kingstonunionmfg You can afford these shoes! #spring #weekend #truetofit #classic #americana #selvedgedenim @redcloudscollective #denim #ford #f100 #fbomb #trucklife #classictruck #keepontruckin #shoes #menswear #mensfootwear #style #comfort #quality #freeshipping #retail #shopping #portland (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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I must be flower power, our short sleeve spring button-ups are selling faster than we can restock them. We are getting regular deliveries so if you miss out this weekend we have more coming and more after that. #spring #flowers #flowepower #shirting #menswear #buttonup #quality #style #fashion #casual #classic #outfit #floral #freeshipping #shoplocal #shopsmall #retail #animaltrafficpdx (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Hey chaps, don't forget your snaps. Fresh supplies of #vintage western shirts coming in (and going out). Mosy on in and claim yours today. #western #westernshirt #cowboy #pearlsnap #fitted #classic #heritage #americana #menswear #mensfashion #style #spring #summer #cool (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Is it too early for coffee? Never. Our sister shop @fairlanecoffeepdx proudly serves fresh roasted coffee from our good friends @wateravecoffee roasting daily at their beautiful facility in industrial SE Portland. This ought to #getyourmotorrunnin #coffee #caffeine #coffeetime #freshroasted #coffeeholic #roastery #wateravenuecoffee #fairlanecoffeepdx #coffeebeans #industrial #warehouse #supportlocal #locallymade #portland #pdx #coffeeculture #pacificnorthwest (at Water Avenue Coffee)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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Let's face it, smelling good is better than smelling bad and we all love the subtle and captivating fragrances of flowers and trees from the American West. This is why we are always selling and restocking @juniperridge and filling the air with nature's soft scented perfumes. From teas and soaps to essential oils and smudges we have a fresh selection for you to enjoy for home and body. #juniperridge #animaltrafficpdx #freeshipping #shoplocal #shopsmall #smellgood #nature #tea #bodywash #sage #retail #shopping #smallbusiness #plantbased #naturalbeauty #smallbatch (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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It was a cold dark night when four long lost friends crossed paths in dirty SE Portland, they were all wearing Red Wing Boots. At #animaltrafficpdx we will sell you @redwingheritage boots, you have to make them old. #redwing #redwings #heritage #redwingheritage #boots #leather #denim #selvedgedenim #drummers #portland #style #menswear #patina #vintage #industrial #design #creative #madeinusa #ironranger #americanmade #americana #rockandroll (at Animal Traffic)
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animaltraffic · 7 years ago
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These beautiful and unique earrings and necklaces are available now in the shop! Handmade locally in Portland by the lovely and talented @red_desert_rose_pdx 🥀 (at Animal Traffic)
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