#unnecessary reblog bait
infoglitch · 1 month
I'm utterly baffled by the fact people actually like my fanfics and I can't tell if it's because y'all are starved for content.. or I'm mildly decent... Or in the ridiculous case, I'm a god tier writer.
Neptune: many say love is complex. I disagree. Love is simple and I can tell you why. Gentlemen, ladies, everyone in-between, I have the answers. All on my Game show! I welcome everyone to the place where love is understood! Welcome to-
Neptune: that's right everyone, I'm your beloved host Neptune Vasilias and this is my game show where one bachelor/bachelorette and five bachelors and/or bachelorettes try to whisk them away to a happily ever after. Now of course I'm the host so I cant participate but ladies-
Neptune winked at the camera as he clicked his tongue.
Neptune: I'm always available outside the studio. Now let's see what lucky somebody the waves dragged up today!
Neptune pointed to blue curtains with a wave of water crudely painted on them. The curtains part to reveal-
Jaune: uh.. hi?
Neptune: ah jaune my man! Good to see the waves brought you right where you should be!
Neptune walked up to the blonde as he rested an arm on jaune. Leaning against him a little with jaune whispering to him.
Jaune: remember. I'm only here because you said if I let you play a bard when I dm for GnG you'd pay me back for it.
Neptune would whisper back
Neptune: trust me jaune I am paying you back. Just have faith in Dr. Love.
Jaune would roll his eyes as Neptune walked away.
Neptune: now I'm sure you all know jaune arc, the up and coming huntsman on the rise and if you don't? Well now you do. Now let's see the bachelor and bachelorettes! Contestant one, come on up!
(this one is an actual functional imagine your otp post.. instead of boring reblog bait.. i promise this is the last one everybody.)
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months
genuinely also curious from other ppl who have drawn from live models. whenever i talk about this experience ppl ask me if the models were all attractive and young and in-shape. in my figure drawing class only two of the regular models could somewhat fit that description. most of them were middle-aged or older people of ordinary (but diverse) proportions. like my experience may not be representative but i find it curious that ppl hear about modelling for a drawing class and wonder if that's like a hot 20-something job. it doesn't seem to be lol
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hulhudhonado · 1 year
Synopsis: Jing Yuan is a bird magnet. As harmless as it sounds, it seems to lead to misunderstandings.
CW: Nothing
HC: Reader works under Yukong. Reader is gender-neutral.
Characters: Jing Yuan, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Mentions of Tingyun and Yanqing
Note: Genshin to Honkai pipeline is real omg. Honestly I am not that interested in Honkai Star Rail or any of the Honkai games but I do play it and let me tell you I love this man. The characters in this game do not miss. Already making drafts for a Sampo fic. My one goal is to max them out. Also anyone interested in Aeons fanfic? Just asking. Anyway, please make sure to like, comment or reblog. Interactions with the post lets it reach a wider audience. Requests are also open! Enjoy.
Jing Yuan was used to the attention given to him, it wasn’t shocking to him. An individual of his status always would draw attention amongst the crowds. However, most people tend to divert their eyes or at least make an effort to pretend they weren’t staring, especially when they weren’t supposed to. It was considered a decent thing to do. However you on the other hand clearly did not understand this concept.
The first time he had caught your eyes, he waited for you to shyly look away like most people did, however to his surprise you kept a stern gaze towards him, refusing to move. It did phase him a bit, how strange that you had no shame to look away knowing that you had been caught. He chuckled to himself, that time he gave you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you felt it was more awkward to look away.
However, the staring continued. You stared at him whenever you had the chance. He could feel your gaze burning from the back of his head. How were you so confident? Does he not scare you? Do you not understand authority? Maybe you just didn’t have the shame to hide the fact that you adored looking at him. He tried not to crack a smile every time he did catch you staring. He didn’t want others to know why he was laughing at himself.
It wasn’t a surprise to him, having people fall for him. Tingyun was already making sales from his looks, so it was clear that many people were head over heels for him. Maybe you were just like them, an admirer who was terrible at keeping a secret. He didn’t mind, he was already used to the attention.
“You seem to be distracted these days. Is your age finally catching up to you?” Fu Xuan jabbed. Jing Yuan let out a chuckle “ I don’t know what you mean.” He answered, unphased. Documents were piling up and Yanqing still didn’t have a decent partner to train with, he had too many unnecessary things piling up on his head. Fu Xuan was clearly here to mess with him for letting things go on for this long.
“Don’t try to hide, you have been laughing to yourself or cracking smiles out of the blue! Have you finally lost it?” She asked once more. Honestly not what he had expected her to say. He thought she was here to clown him for not finishing his work on time, he didn’t realise he had got caught. She continued. “If so, I’m willing to take your place any day for your ‘early’ retirement.”
Jing Yuan rolled his eyes, looking back at the screen in front of him. “If you don’t have anything better to do you’re free to leave. My mental state is perfectly fine.” Fu Xuan let out a smirk. “It won’t be for long.” 
Jing Yuan turned to her, he didn’t want to give her attention especially when he was this busy, but Fu Xuan was not going to stop fishing for answers.  Raising an eyebrow he decided to take the bait.“And what makes you say that?” Fu Xuan let out an almost sinister laugh. Jing Yuan could only frown, he didn’t like the sound of that. 
“I recently foresaw a future of yours.” The room felt cold in an instant. Jing Yuan was now fully focused on Fu Xuan, who continued to smirk victoriously. It didn’t seem to be serious but it didn’t seem to be a good thing either. “What did you see?” He asked nervously, he tried his best to hide it, he didn’t need to give Fu Xuan any more openings.
Fu Xuan pretended to think, withholding the information rather than stating it at once. Jing Yuan sighed, of course, Fu Xuan would want to have the high ground. “I’ll repeat, what did you see?” He stated once more, a more serious tone plaguing his words.
Fu Xuan scoffed. “You’re no fun.”
“If it involves me then it involves Xianzhou Luofu and its people. I would rather not be left in the dark about this.” Fu Xuan shrugged. “It isn’t something serious. If it was, I would have told you about it instantly. You know I am not one to take my time.”
“Then why hide it from me?” “Because it’s funny.” Jing Yuan sighed. “Just tell me.”
“Don’t feel like it.” And with that Fu Xuan's hologram disappeared. Jing Yuan huffed, how annoying. It seemed that people around him were forgetting what respect meant.
Yukong never made physical trips to meet with Jing Yuan regarding any issues on the Xianzhou Luofu. It was a big ship, and it was a waste of time to constantly travel back and forth when they could communicate via holograms.
However it was always safe to bring confidential documents face to face, a third party might cause leaks. To his surprise, you tagged alongside her during one of their rare trips. However, for once, you didn’t look up to look at him. He tried his best to focus on what Yukong kept saying but his eyes kept wandering back to you. Why were you not looking up? Was it because this was the first time you had seen him face to face? However he didn’t like this, he wished you would just look up like usual.
“Tingyuan couldn’t make it?” He asked, trying to focus the shift on you. You jolted up, now nervously looking at Yukong who also was caught off guard. Yukong looked back at you, before turning back to Jing Yuan trying to seem unphased. “Yeah, she was assigned a task alongside the trailblazers. You had assigned her to them.” She asked.
“Hmm, I did? “ Jing Yuan asked in a playful tone. You still didn’t turn to look at him, now just looking down at the floor to not draw any more attention. He couldn’t hold a smile on his face anymore, he was getting annoyed. Why today of all days you decide not to look at him? 
He wanted to see your face properly, not in his hologram form. As advanced as things were in Xianzhou Luofu, when he is in his hologram form he can’t see everyone clearly. It was like being stuck behind a screen. Now that he was finally face-to-face with his ‘staring partner’ he wanted to see what you looked like.
“Well, since things in the Xianzhou Luofu are not settled yet, I would prefer if you could hand me documents face to face from now.” Yukong blinked, before realising what he had stated. “But sir, that would take some time, and I can’t always make trips here when I need to take care of my team.” Jing Yuan tilted his head, pretending to be oblivious to his schemes. “You can just ask Tingyuan, or your companion right next to you. If you trust them to accompany you then I’m certain they can help you bring me these documents. Am I wrong?”
His statement finally made you look up. He believed he was ready to face your gaze, but he was being too cocky it seemed. When he had locked eyes with you he almost looked away with how sudden it was. Your gaze was sharp and strong, just as the times you had looked at him before. You had a poker face, attentive to your work since Jing Yuan had personally entrusted you to do Yukong’s work. It seemed the hologram way of communicating had dulled down the intensity of your gaze full of determination. Jing Yuan didn’t expect to get such a whiplash.
He held his ground, he didn’t need any reason to feel shy now. Fu Xuan’s words started to replay in his head, he wasn’t sure why. You couldn’t be the reason for his downfall, could you? There was no way. 
Yukong sighed, interrupting the spiral Jing Yuan had going inside his mind. “Of course. We won’t disappoint you. “ She answered. “I’m glad to hear that.” Jing Yuan smiled, his gaze never leaving you as you did the same. 
It wasn’t surprising that you made most of the trips. He found out that you were new to the job, at least to Yukong’s sector. Since Tingyuan was busy with the trailblazers and Yukong had her duties to attend to, you ended up being the special courier for any confidential documents. Most of the documents were digitised so your trips weren’t common, but Jing Yuan made it his mission to make sure you somehow ended up in his office.
Was this corruption from the higher-ups? Probably, if anyone knew what he was doing they would think he was bullying you but he didn’t mean any harm. He just likes the mini-staring matches you both have. Not many people look at him with such confidence. 
It also didn’t seem to be an issue as it seemed that you liked the job. No matter how many times you were told to bring in documents, you always followed through without complaining. Tingyuan tended to ask for bargains while Yukong would straight up avoid making rounds. You on the other hand would be ready to make a delivery in an instant. It was probably due to the fact you were still new to the job, but he liked to pretend it was because you wanted to see him often.
He smiled to himself thinking about it. He didn’t like how much of a narcissist he was. He knew people loved him but having his delusions of someone liking him more than just the ruler of the Xianzhou Luofu must be his breaking point. Fu Xuan was on to something, you must be his downfall.
It was like any other day, you made the delivery and you were going to head back to your station. However, Jing Yuan was getting tired of this. It was any day now that the trailblazers would be done with the Stellaron attacks and he would finally have to step in to fix what was left. This means everything would return to normal and your trips wouldn’t be necessary anymore. All these trips didn’t make you both any closer either, you were keeping a distance between the two of you.
He also noticed how you reduced staring, it seems you had caught on the fact that he knew you were staring. He honestly was surprised you didn’t realise it sooner, it wasn’t like you were hiding it. But now whenever he would catch your eyes you would jolt up as if he caught you doing something horrible. If it was in the past he wouldn’t have minded, but now whenever you looked away he felt frustrated.
As the day was going to end as it usually did, Jing Yuan finally snapped. He needed to change this routine you both had created. “May I ask you a question?” He asked. He caught you so off guard you dropped the documents on the ground. Scattering them all over the floor. In an instant you dropped down, to collect the papers off the ground. He followed suit, trying to help.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that sir!” You try not to stutter. You didn’t expect him to ask you anything. You guys never spoke anymore than anything related to work, so the sudden question caught you off guard. “ Don’t mind me, I just wanted to ask a question. I didn’t think it was that shocking.” He chuckled.
You nervously laugh, continuing to gather all the materials before he could get any more. To your horror, he had already collected most of it. However, the piles of paper were now in a mess, completely unorganised from how it was originally arranged.
“You can sit with me and chat while we organise these.” He stood up smiling, mockingly shaking the documents towards you while you tried not to get embarrassed. “My apologies sir.” You mumble, standing up with the little amount you were able to get. “I’ll forgive you if you answer my questions.” The way he spoke was so calm. He was a ruler for a reason, his voice was loud in battle and comforting to his citizens. You instantly felt at ease when he didn’t seem to mind.
“I’ll take you up on that offer, sir.”
When he said questions, he meant a lot of questions. He asked why you chose the job, what you liked, your interests, and your hobbies. He was ticking off everything at this point. You of course answered. The way he articulated the questions and the calm sound of his voice seemed to have entranced you. You were certain if he was a lawyer he would have gotten the answers right out of you in an instant. It was no wonder he was in such a high position.
“You seem to stare a lot don’t you?” A question that you didn’t expect. He smiled, eyes closed ready for an answer. Did he catch you off guard? He hoped so, he wanted to tease you a bit, making you realise that your silly little crush on him was already discovered. Maybe it was sudden but with how truthfully you were answering his questions he didn’t expect you to lie your way out of this.
You could feel the rush of blood on your face. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare! It’s just…” you cut yourself off. He patiently waited for your answer. What could it be? Did you like his face? Many people did, it was the reason Tingyuan was making a fortune for so many years. Or perhaps you would be bolder and say you liked his body? His clothes and armour enhanced its appeal. Or maybe his hair? It reminded of a lion’s mane to most and Yanqing would always mention how elegant it looked, even after he had spared the entire day. He wasn’t even sure how it stayed in such luscious conditions.
He tried not to tap the table, eager for your answer. He could hear his heartbeat increase its speed, he didn’t realise how nervous he was. What was it about him that you just couldn’t help but look? He needed to know now.
“ The bird.” It was almost a whisper when you spoke. He wasn’t even sure he heard you properly. “The bird?” He repeated, a bit dumbfounded. You nodded, guilt leaving your body but suddenly feeling sheepish. You can’t believe you were going to admit this.
“ You always have a bird in your hair. It’s so unphased I always wondered whether it was tamed.” You continue to say. You watched Jing Yuan stare at you, unable to speak. You took this as a sign to continue. “Well you see, I love looking at birds. Especially since in Xianzhou Luofu, they are quite rare. But you have one always on your shoulder! So when I first saw it I was so shocked. If you don’t mind me asking, could you tell me what type it is? Is it a Zebra finch? A Waxbill? The red beak makes it a bit prominent but I couldn’t see its feather pattern so I couldn’t tell what type it was.”
As you continued to go on and on about the bird, Jing Yuan was trying his best not to show any signs of embarrassment. He couldn’t believe this. He had thought this entire time you had looked at him due to admiration. Honestly, it was his fault for making up delusions on his own but he didn’t expect this. You were staring at the birds that usually landed on his shoulder and hid around his hair. He was so used to it he completely forgot they even stuck next to him while he worked.
A sudden notification came to your phone which made you stop your little bird talk. You read it and immediately stood up an instance. “Oh no! The time!” You almost shout, your worried gaze not looking away from the phone. You look at Jing Yuan sadly, and he could feel his heart was close to bursting. Not only from his embarrassment but also how unhappy you looked knowing that you would have to depart from him.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t organise all the documents in time. I’ll make it up to you next time sir!” You begin to gather your things and head out. As you near the door you turn back to him shouting. “I apologise if this is inappropriate, but I hope to talk to you again!” You say. You take a bow before turning back and running out the door.
All Jing Yuan could do was stare as you left. Suddenly he could feel all the emotions he had held back to save face flowing out. He slumped on the desk, hands on his face trying to cover his face which was completely red. He could not believe this had happened to him. 
He heard a little chirp near his ear. He looked to the side, to see his little bird friend peeping at him in glee. “You did this to me.” He grumbled, glaring at the bird who continued to chirp, almost as if it was laughing at him. Sighing, he slumped back on his chair, trying not to think about what just had happened.
He couldn’t help it though. It made sense now, you probably were curious about the bird, trying to figure out what kind it was. He was the one overthinking it, making up stories in his head where you profess your love to him. No wonder Fu Xuan said what she did. She knew this was going to happen.
He sighed, picking up his little friend off his shoulder onto his hand. After making a mental note on finding a way to get back at Fu Xuan, he began to think about you again. He was already too deep into this, he was going to make you like him back. He stroked the bird’s head as it peeped in delight. He looked down at it as it playfully nipped at his finger.
Another idea popped into his head. The last words you said played in his head again as he stared at the bird who danced around in the palm of his hands. He felt a smile creep on his face.
“Well, at least I can figure out what we are going to be talking about next time we meet.” He chuckled to himself, humming a tune alongside the bird. He was already too deep into this, and he was not going to let you go that easily. 
He was going to make you look at him the same way he looked at you, one way or another. Who would have thought a love of birds would lead to this?
Good luck!
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enkas-illusion · 10 months
Two Can Play a Game
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Fandom / Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen / Geto Suguru x f!reader
Content Warning: suggestive, Gojo being a menace, roommate shenanigans, wingman!Gojo, violent games, friendly banter, geto’s huge fingers…
Chapter Summary: You are stuck with your awful roommates on their Saturday games night. You were ready to be bored to death this weekend but what you were not expecting was being stranded on Geto’s lap by the end of the night.
Author's Notes: gamer!Suguru rotting my mind. Let me know if I should make a part 2! If you enjoy it, feel free to like, reblog or comment; I’d love to know your thoughts. Thank you for reading! 
-Nanami's Munchkin
Part 2
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Being roommates with Satoru and Suguru was nothing short of an adventure. It always felt like you were taking care of two cats who actually did pay rent but were a pain in the ass to handle. 
The tamed one was Suguru, the black cat with black cat energy. Satoru, on the other hand, was worse than the orange cats, a menace, making your life miserable. However, you wouldn't have it any other way – a cat person always loves the little devils immensely, despite the hell they raise.
Saturday nights were game nights for the boys. Usually, Shoko, the fourth person in the house, your white dove of peace between the guys and you was out for the weekend. The dove in question, however, had betrayed you to flock in someone else’s nest so you were left alone with the men-children screaming over a stupid game.
It's true that you don't know what you've got till you don't have it anymore. You think back on all the times you open a bottle of wine, enjoy a smoke on the balcony, and share the gossip of the week with Shoko. 
You weighed your options – scrolling through reels while silently drinking your wine while pretending you don't exist would be a lot easier than spending the night witnessing your two roommates behave like toddlers. 
So you did just that, flopped down on the armchair scrolling through feed, sipping your wine quietly. You'd downed more than half the bottle before boredom hit, causing you to look up at the TV to see what Suguru and Satoru were up to. 
The amount of fun they were having playing a violent and gory game made you cringe. For them, this was no less wholesome than a fluffy princess ride at DisneyLand.
“Seriously guys, is this fun to you? You just go around killing people!” Ideally, it'd be better to let it slide without the unnecessary commentary, but this is far from ideal so you let the boredom and booze speak for you.
“Oh and Genshin is not violent at all!! Sweet little Hillichurls getting hit by a meteorite just for existing is fun, right?” Satoru mocks back in an instant without taking his eyes off the game.
“I don’t think you know Hillichurls to be calling them sweet and little,” you argue, offended that your favorite game was dragged into the conversation.
This time Suguru replies,”Maybe you are just salty because you don’t know how to use a console.”
Taking full offense, you challenge, “I would've learnt it ages ago if I wanted to…”
“What's stopping you? That way you can play your precious Genshin on the console as well. It will be fun. Then we can all have a game night.” Suguru's tone is condescending but you understand him well enough to know when to take the bait.
“Hard pass! No way I wanna play with you both. It would only make my hair whiter than this dumbass.” You say pointing at Satoru.
“Huh! The feeling's mutual darling. I’m not psyched about you ruining our sacred games night. Also, you might finally start to look a bit attractive with hair like mine.” 
Satoru’s comment ticks you off, you know better than to let it get to you but you're too far gone to think straight now. So you put down your wine glass as you stomp to where they're sitting, ripping out the console from Suguru, settling in the tiny space between the two manspreading, “You’re on, bitch!” 
“You really think you can beat me?” Satoru looks amused, Suguru has a similar look on his face.
“Just shut the fuck up and start.”
As the game starts, you realize how dumb this decision was – you'd walked right into the trap. Not only do you not know how to use the console, you don’t even know what this game was and what you needed to do.
“I’m going to find youuu~~” Satoru says in a creepy singsong voice that makes you shriek as you try to run in the game. 
Suguru just lies back on the sofa laughing at both your antics. No matter how much you tried to believe the cat analogy exclusively applied to the two, everyone knew you were one too.
“Found you!” Satoru squeals as you nevertheless try to hide and fail miserably. And before you know it, your screen turns red with the words DEFEATED on it.
You pout at Satoru and he says, “Aww, that was no fun. Let me heal you so we can go again.”
“Really! You can do that?” You ask, looking up to him with glittering eyes.
“Satoru!” you hear Suguru suddenly scold, causing you to stare at him with confusion. And before you can ask what was wrong, you hear a few more gunshots from the game. Satoru, being the absolute worst, continues to shoot your already dead character.
‘SatoruAlmighty_89 WINS’ the screen displays.
“Suguru! Satoru is so mean!” You look at Suguru with those puppy eyes that you know makes him melt. Your final trump card, given that he may or may not have called that look adorable in the past.
“‘Toru, your name doesn’t really look that well on top of the leaderboard… kind of used to seeing my own.” Suguru pokes at his best friend just to rile him up.
“Bitch please… Do you wanna go again?” Satoru takes the bait.
“Nope. Not me… her.” he says, tilting his head in your direction.
“Hmm?” you simply give him a confused look. But before you can decipher the meaning behind his words, he wraps his arm around your waist to pull you to him in one swift motion till you’re sitting on his lap. Your face turns hot as you quickly slide down to adjust between his parted thighs instead – trying to keep the atmosphere pg-13, what with Satoru in the room.
Suguru, on the other hand, couldn’t care less – he leans forward till his chest is flush against your back, resting his chin on your shoulder. His huge arms wrap around you, enveloping you into him as they hold the console in front of you. 
“Okay, let’s defeat him, shall we?” he whispers sweetly in your ear, “Let me take it from here.” you feel his hot breath behind your ear, making you blush harder than a rose.
Satoru gives you both a disgusted look, “Ugh… get a room!”
“Somebody’s bitchless.” you tease Satoru. It wasn’t hard to sense the sexual tension that had always lingered in the back ever since you had started living together with Suguru – sure, you had two other roommates but you never wanted to tear the others’ clothes off in a fervor. Shoko had once teased you that ‘if one could try cutting the sexual tension with a knife, the knife would grow blunt due to how thick it was.’ 
As you’re laughing at the now-pouting Satoru, you twist your neck to look back at Suguru, giving him a big grin that makes his heart do summersaults. 
Suguru’s fingers encompass your dainty ones as he guides them to the console. As the guys start playing the match, you move your fingers to the side of the device, letting Suguru take control as his fingers rapidly slam and rotate the buttons. You can’t look away from his hands even when the game begins. His fingers look so sexy moving around the console that you can’t help but imagine how they would feel on you.
“Pay attention to the game, sweetheart.” he whispers into your ear. His words catch you off-guard as your eyes shoot up to the screen, embarrassed that he’d caught you staring. His comment puts you into a deeper daze but you shake it off to focus on the screen, still you find your mind wandering, barely caring about the game. 
He’s so into the game that his chest often presses against you as he tries leaning forward when a battle gets too intense. At one such moment, before you can talk yourself out of it, you shift your hips back ever so slightly to press against his crotch. You swear you feel his otherwise restless movements still for a split-second but he doesn’t let his composure falter since he had a match to win.
Suguru actually manages to win as his name makes it back on top of the leaderboard. You cheer out loud and turn around to hug Suguru, but not before tilting your head to blow raspberries at Satoru.
“What are you… like five?” Satoru complains. You simply bring your hand up to do a blah-blah gesture, rolling your eyes at him dramatically.
“It’s not fair! It was two vs one.” Satoru pouts.
“Go cry about it somewhere else. A win is a win!” you tease him further. 
Satoru gets up from his place and walks off saying, “I anyway don’t play with cheaters.” 
If you weren’t reeling in the high from your win and laughing at Satoru’s antics, you would have noticed the wink he gave to Suguru before retiring to his room.
You’re still laughing as you watch him go back to his room and shut the door behind him with a ‘night, cheaters!’
When it gets quiet, you suddenly become super aware of the way you’re still perched comfortably in Suguru's lap. 
“You need to actually teach me how to use this thing.” You say as you try to break the impenetrable tension, fumbling with the console before tossing it on the sofa, beginning to get up.
Before you can move any further, you’re pulled right back into Sugurus lap as you let out a tiny squeal at the unexpected move. Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his clearly evident boner, hard against you.
“Did you really think I'd let you off so easily after you pulled that little stunt during the game?”
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confused-canid · 1 month
Fuck reblog bait!! All my homies hate reblog bait!! Y'all need to stop trying to trigger people's OCD omfg!! 🗣🗣🗣
Exist and continue being amazing because I appreciate you if reblog bait sucks and in unnecessary
But, if you like serious reblog bait and post it then idk. I hope you stub your toe and step on a lego
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"Reblog this or you'll be cursed with bad luck"
"Reblog this or someone dies"
"Reblog this or else I'm eloping with your uncle and then we'll have a summer wedding and you wont be invited to the ceremony"
Up there are examples of reblog bait. Distressing, clogs up the feed, very unnecessary. Worried that not reblogging these posts will curse you??
I take those posts and what do I do with them??
I counteract cursed reblog bait posts so that you don't have to reblog them (Unless you actually want to). 💪💪💪💪💪
That post isn't going to curse you no more, cus I got you!! 🫵✨
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
you've been in resi fandom for such a long time right? then how do you feel about it as a whole if you don't mind me asking? is it better to just stay in your own safe space with people that share the same opinion as you to further avoid unnecessary drama like I've noticed that likes to break out from time to time? even though it's like this in probably almost every other space there is 😐
i know i'm going to get shit for this answer but
i regard the RE fandom with the same kind of baffled contempt that xenosys vex has for the FFXIV community. but instead of being hypocritical about cosmetic mods vs gameplay mods, they're hypocritical in their elitism. they'll jump down my throat for not accepting every reading of the canon/characters as valid and then turn around and dox a minor for not having the same opinions on ships as them.
i DO keep to myself. i never message anybody or send anyone asks or respond to their posts or reblog their posts with commentary. i don't even follow back the people who follow me. i stay the fuck here, in this sandbox, and keep 90% of my posts untagged so that people can't find me, either. and i STILL get hammered with hate and salt and bullshit from people who have found my shit somehow and made themselves mad over it.
the RE fandom is the fucking worst.
people from your own ship community will turn on you and dogpile you for not shipping the ship the same way that they do. i've been disowned from a huge chunk of the eagleone fandom -- to the point where they refuse to use the eagleone ship name anymore and ban anyone from the discord server who associates with me -- despite me being the sole person out here trying to prove that eagleone is canon -- because i *checks notes*
didn't like a list of prompts for a ship week or the ship name they were using and then refused to make a public apology for it. also i don't read fanfiction.
they sent me over 50 hate anons in 24 hours. and they still stalk me and try to bait me into shit. and then they have the gall to complain about aeon fandom bullying them, when they do the same shit to one of their own.
people will yell at me for "policing how other people ship" because i reject the "siblings" discourse, while obsessively stalking my blog and trying to police how i talk on it.
you guys should fucking SEE the bullshit that gets dropped into my inbox on a regular basis. and i'm a fucking nobody. i couldn't imagine what it'd be like to actually be, like, a known figure in the fandom.
and away from ships, you've got assholes spreading misinformation, KNOWING that it's misleading/inaccurate, and doing it anyway because they've convinced themselves it's a net good for the fandom. i got into it with a mafia background truther on twitter once who admitted "yeah a lot of this stuff is contradicted by the game" but insisted on spreading the bullshit anyway because "people want to know this stuff," completely missing the point of "you're misleading them because they don't know any better."
look at leon's wiki, for fuck's sake. it's filled to bursting with shit that just flat-out isn't true, but it's closed to editing by the public because the elitist fucks who run the wiki got so high sniffing their own farts that they don't want to be told they're wrong.
so in the words of xeno:
"that's your fault, if you give a shit about the [RE fandom]. the [RE fandom] are fucking shitheads. they're assholes. they're fucking dumb as fuck. why the fuck do you give a shit about what the [RE fandom] thinks? i don't understand. like, dude, the [RE fandom] is the last fucking [fandom] you want to listen to."
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 11 months
Dumb people are thoes leftist Extreamist and thoes who have no sence of life and palestine supporters
Excuse me, Anon. But is this in an effort to insult @allycat75 or to support?
Because first of all, why would you post this here on my Asks? Instead of hers. And second, her post has nothing to do with the war going on, from my understanding, and the reason I reblogged was because of the fact that I find the "Crazy Fans" narrative bullshit.
Why are we getting the blame for their stupidity again? Make it make sense, jackasses!!!
Either my brain is too tired to comprehend your statement, or you're trying to bait me. But if it is a way to voice you opinion on the war, you're going to have to explain it to me from the top, because all I know is that too many innocent lives are being lost in the mess that is the Israel-Palestine war. And it's all unnecessary, but ofcourse, people are doomed to repeat history at some point.
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gildeddlily · 1 year
Hi! I think you’re a bit delusional! The skk fandom is full of chuugly fans. I have been in this flop fandom since 2019 and not once have I seen genuine dazai appreciation, he gets more hate than the pedophile does and anything bad he suffers from is celebrated in the fandom and is told that he “deserves” it. All skk fan artists and writers are chuugly stans, none of them stan dazai or care for his character, his novels or his stories. Dazai has been reduced down to a “simp” who is “obsessed” with chuugly simply because he said that he wants to kill him.
Dazai has many “hate” accounts because his “haters” are just that jobless and pathetic over him, he’s bodyshamed, called racist and ableist slurs and anything bad that he has done is shit on and brought up constantly and no other bsd character who does the same bad things as him get that hate.
His character development is discredited and all his ships are shit on in favor of chuugly ships, very recent example is the emergence of “sigskk” and “sigchuu” because of the new chapters showing dazai and sigma’s new wonderful bond. Chuugly and skk fans got jealous and tried to make sigchuu a thing (they failed horribly)
Fyodor fans are incredibly racist to him, fyodor is a cheap copy of dazai as you know and his fans hate that so they shit on dazai calling him every slur they can while stanning white ugly fyodor who is exactly like him.
So I truly believe you’re delusional and trying to have problems. I get you might have a perfect life with no problems in it but please don’t make up things and act dumb and clueless on purpose! Thank you! ❤️
sorry to break it to you, but I don't care😧 there are a lot of problems in every fandom, and I talked ab mines in regards of my favourite character, you make a post ab yours and I'll reblog it cause you're right, just don't insult me next time like girl you don't know me calm down
(you talk about the unnecessary hate dazai gets just to suicide bait people who like skk?)
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nova-or-something · 1 year
Intro Thing
Hi there! You might know me as the guy who. . . who am I kidding you don't know me. Let's change that!
General things:
You can call me Nova, Pix, Pluto, Razi or any other names you might have for me (I doubt you have names for me, but you are free to use them if you want:) -❄️
I am 16 years old
I am competitively unenthusiastic (/j)
I am really really bad with words
I am prone to misinterpreting things
I'm African American
I am Niveigender ("a snowy, chill gender that's kinda soft. A light cover, also very soothing.")
I probably have imposter syndrome.
My mom keeps telling me I might have Einstein Syndrome. (What's a diagnosis? (Stop using parentheses man it's getting annoying (No frick you I do what I want)))
I probably have OCD as well (It'd be cool if you tagged reblog bait as such))
As well as selective mutism
Might as well throw in BPD as well
More about me under the cut-
Some stuff I like:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Brawl stars (ID: LYP82GLGP)
Cookie Run Kingdom (HB Server: CoacoFalls)
Cookie Run Ovenbreak (Nova: JJPXZ6184)
Gacha Club
Hollow Knight
Five Nights at Freddy's (Unfortunately)
Rhythm Heaven
Team Fortress 2
Yeah, that's pretty much it I'm a very dull person-
Some places I'm at:
Discord (nova_720)
Wattpad (Novaorsmth)
Twibber (@/Novaorsmthidk)
DNI (Go away you guys stink):
Bigots (Y'all are mean)
People who are sexually attracted to things they shouldn't be (P-dough-files, Zoo-files, etc.) (Y'all are nasty)
Ableists (Y'all are mean)
18+ Blogs (Y'all are stinky)
People who spread unnecessary hatred (Y'all are mean)
Antishippers (Basically if you are deliberately against a certain ship) (Y'all are mean)
Z!onists (Burn in hell but like actually /srs)
That's all for now, I'll see you never probably cuz I suck at initiating conversations-
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doors-kennith-au · 7 months
I'm genuinely really sorry about the fact that I havent been posting here much (especially asks. I have 14 asks now). I'm sorry that I havent been answering them and all, however if you want to understand why this is the case, please read the posts linked.
WARNINGS APLLY TO BOEDI'S POST: Sexual harassment, faking suicide, suicide baiting, minor targeting, faking abuse.
Ivorii is severly fucked up mentally and deserves no attention towards her as she wants. I'm just trying to make sure everyone who follows my blog understands why I've not been posting too much lately
I hate talking about Ivorii due to the panic and fear she has caused me to experience.
I am Clover, in case you weren't sure even though the blog name is "Doors Clover AU"
please note that these are talking about an ex-mutual and ex-mod for this blog called Ivorii. I'm trying my best to not bring her up on this blog, however I want you to know why I've been so inactive.
Please refrain from asking about her on any of my blogs, as no one likes talking about this situation. I will only respond with "an ex-mutual" or "a terrible person".
I feel especially unsafe around her as I am a minor and she has targeted me before, and she may target me again.
She is the reason anon asks have been turned off, and until this whole ordeal dies down finally, they will not be turned back on. I will not answer asks from someone who has just made their blog, and has no likes and posts.
My friend Boedi's awareness rant
My rant
If I feel like I should say anything else, I will edit this later.
I'm trying to handle this as good as I possibly can, however it is hard. Please be patient with me, as I am slowly getting there.
My school life has also been affecting my activeness here, however that isn't as large as this problem is.
I reblogged that post before Warden's experience was added there, so ignore the tags in my reblog as they are now unnecessary.
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graylinesspam · 10 months
Alright, I'm only going to address this situation one time so listen up.
I made a silly little headcannon post not even 24 hours ago that has apparently stirred up a lot of feelings in the DC Batman fandom. It doesn't even have 200 notes yet and I've received a lot of negative feedback on it.
which I almost want to say is fine? Like you're more than welcome to disagree with me, whatever. Especially when it comes to DC characters who are some of the most mischaracterized by their own source material of any characters in existence. Rebloging with full essays including comic panels citing why I am wrong is a bit unnecessary, I don't usually engage with fandom discourse so I don't love to have it on my post but I'll let it go since it isn't really inappropriate just kinda unwelcome. It's a part of fandom, it's whatever.
But I am actually having to address it specifically because I've received five anonymous asks in my inbox since last night that have all been a lot more hostile than the people who've attached their usernames to their disagreements. One of which actually had suicide baiting in it. I deleted the first three after receiving that ask because I was just freaking out and kinda hoping they would go away. Again I never interact with discourse so I'm not really sure how to deal with this. But I've received two more asks today and I'm really not willing to deal with this at all anymore.
I didn't realize I needed to add a "don't like don't read" warning to a stupid tumblr post but It is never appropriate to send hate mail anonymously to another blog. We need to remember first the rules of "is it true, is it kind, is it helpful?" for the people asking me if I'm illiterate or if I've ever read a batman comic before. And for the rest of you; this is a reminder that you are in control of you're own online experience. There's a block button right there; use it liberally.
I have never been treated so disrespectfully in a fandom space before and I regularly hang around in the Star Wars fandom. It is a sad fucking day when you behave worse than star wars fans. And for the crime of mischaracterization of all thing? Like you'd have thought I said something morally offensive with the way people were judging my character.
I don't know; I'm rambling. I don't know what else to say about this except just Stop. And also my ask box will be closed until further notice.
(Also blanket statement not to harass anyone else on that post on my behalf. Not that I have enough followers to need to worry about that, but seriously guys, just behave like adults please.)
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munsontm · 2 years
Tumblr media
name:  frankenstein
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: discord or tumblr ims
name of muse(s): eddie munson / loras tyrell.
platforms you’ve used: tumblr and discord
best experience: chinhands at @harringtontm like everything we've done so far has been the best time for me in this hell hole.
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers:  unnecessary call outs, cancelling someone just because you don't like them personally or the muse they write, passive aggression, when people try to tell me how to write my muse to fit what they want, being used as ship bait. generally ship baiting and the whole wanted opposites dealio. people who still use the word hue to mean eyes, it means colour. ageism.
fluff, angst, or smut: I like all three. 🤷 Mix all three together and we have a great party. 
plots or memes: both. tho I've discovered recently I only like plotting with people I am very close to ooc. It just be that way.
best time to write:  whenever brain says so.
are you like your muse(s):  yes, I am a snarky metalhead nerd, who is often scared of people and screams at a lot of things. I also had shitty parents too. And I too will run away at the first chance.
tagged by: no one, bruv. I stole it from @flaeyed
tagging: @harringtontm / @reignedchime / @piraticalwit / @scoopstrooptm / @zoomingupthathill / @gareththegreat / @wheelrisms / @vhagaryen / @rebelcliche / @khrused / @bbysttr / @shadowcovcn / @scarednotscary / @infectd / @langdhon
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f1shbonez · 1 year
Fighting Style- REPOST don’t reblog
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively /  bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily /    provoke their opponent / tease /  get visibly frustrated  / shout while  attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle  / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /   fight wildly /  fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight  with excitement / fight because they have to /  fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /   prefer a blade /  prefer a gun  / prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /   prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells  /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly  /  high stamina /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution /    behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit /  belittle their  abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go  /  mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork /   sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat /  refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently /  barely move / prefer to dodge  / prefer to block /  defend their blindside / has no blindside /  use  all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  / play around  /  hold back / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death  /  fear pain / fear killing /  has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly
Tagging : @misfits-of-zaun​ @vastayan--vigilante​ @enforcingjustice​ @gauntlets-shot​
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copiesofme · 1 year
BOLD what consistently applies, italicize situational / not always. repost, please do not reblog !
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fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first / provoked easily /   provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to /  fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /   prefer a blade / prefer a gun  / prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear naginata / prefer a personalized weapon  / prefer magic or spells /  prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina /  doubt their strength  / proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go /  mastered skill set / learning their skill set / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently /  barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside /  use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  / play around  /  hold back / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  /  fear pain / fear killing /  has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly
tagged by: @cagedchoices tagging: @paddyfuck , and you.
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aces-to-apples · 2 years
Damn I’m disappointed you’re falling in the camp of going from threatening an abuse victim with a lawyer and telling them to shut up, I had hoped with stance on other fandom harassment you would empathize.
............hey remember when I first got into Star Wars fandom and ended up following and being pseudo-friends with goddamn clonehub of all the fucking people and participated in a fucking smear campaign against several other artists for such "crimes" as "drawing icky art that made me, personally, uncomfortable"? Can you even imagine how fucking embarrassing that is to recall as a actual adult rn?? I literally want to tear my skin off sometimes remembering that I was absolutely certain that my personal discomfort and fucking ignorance was more important than other peoples' right to just fucking exist and vibe in their corner of fandom and I think we should all take a minute to contemplate how much more of a goddamn nightmare my loud obnoxious ass would be if I'd actually ended up full-on puriteen..... Fucking harrowing, isn't it?
And you know what? Maybe I'll end up having backed the wrong metaphorical horse this time as well and find out that I once again am running in the same circles and happily interacting with yet another goddamn bully. Shit's fucking embarrassing, if nothing else, lemme tell you. (God remember that bitchy little "ah shucks weren't you and clonehub friends once?? What happened???" anon ask a while back? Talk about harrowing lmao.)
But I've been running in the same circles as Jer for years, I'm friends with several people who've been Friends-friends with her for years and even decades who vouch for her, and I've witnessed several hate and harassment campaigns run against her already. And I don't know any of these people crawling out of the woodwork to start shit so idk. I'm going with my gut here. Maybe it'll work out like shit again. Or maybe I'll dodge the bullet this time and not participate in a vindictive smear campaign against people who make the "wrong art" or whatever the fuck.
And like.
Hey, Anonymous Goddamn Citizen, you ever considered that I'm fucking tired? That I'm tired to my goddamn bones of how every reactionary bitch on this planet with an internet connection can and will just make heinous shit up about random fucking people that they don't like and convince enough people to jump on the dogpile to the point where the truth doesn't even matter anymore?? Do you how many times I've witnessed this in the last three years alone??? I'm fucking tired man! I'm tired!!
So like. Idk. Maybe fuck your snotty ham-fisted attempt at a guilt-trip? And fuck your manipulative, performative bullshit "disappointment" with Internet Rando #7014?? Maybe even fuck you personally???
I mean, I don't know you, because if I did then you wouldn't be on anon, you'd be in my DMs actually trying to talk to me instead of, in all likelihood, hunting through Flamethrower's posts and copy-pasting this shit into the inbox of everyone who reblogs her posts or whatever. Like that's usually how I see this shit go. And believe me, I have seen this shit go. If we were friends, and therefore someone whose opinion I care about, you wouldn't be hiding behind an anonymous function, taking advantage of the observable fact that I am fundamentally incapable of not having both an opinion and the last word.
Yet here you are.
And here I am, answering the bait, as is my custom. But hey, I extra super deluxe mega promise that if I end up on the wrong side of history here, I'll do the whole YouTuber Apology song and dance and you'll get to smugly say I fuckin told you so. I'm sure that'll make you very happy.
'Til then, just as an unnecessary bit of extra snotty pedantry to sign off: I'm actually hypoempathetic, so feel free to hold your breath waiting for me to empathize with literally anything. Funnily enough, I'm actually trying not to let my personal knee-jerk reactions dictate my sense of morality and ethics these days. Just as a fun change from Anti-Lite Apples of 2017-2019ish??
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