#Fandom Discussions with Booky
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
So, haven't ranted in a while, and I noticed that no one has actually posted about this and it's been three days(?)
Honestly, I'm glad y'all aren't giving the attention-seekers anymore attention. But my friend 👸 notified me so I know this is something fishy, so to speak.
Without further ado, let's look at the suspicious everything...
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We all remember this photo. How it sparked another wave of outrage for the fandom. Knowing how old this photo really is, along with the weird caption in both photos this "fan" posted. Well, she changed the caption about three days ago, at least from the time 👸 told me about it.
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So, the "fan" is living in the same building as Albitch? Because this makes it seem like Chris and Albitch have an apartment in PT.
A far cry from the caption saying it took her awhile to talk to him and recognize him...🤔
What's strange to me is why the hell, did she change her caption? Seems like someone wants this narrative to be a specific kind...
But that's just me seeing things, right?🙃
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
First of all, I'd like to congratulate Chris' team for learning, for once. Y'all actually had a sighting that isn't blurry...👏
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Now, let's once again prove how flimsy this whole thing is...
Special thanks to that very good friend for providing me pics, and keeping me in the loop, as well as pointing out things I wouldn't have noticed, otherwise 🫶
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Let's examine the photos.
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Now, honestly, this looks old. Chris looks healthier, he still has fat, and he doesn't look dead inside. Unlike during NYCC.
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Let me just throw some shade, because he honestly looks happier in the new one, than in the photos from the V-Day dump🤭 Also, did him and Albitch decide to stick to only a handful of clothes from their wardrobe?
Because the guy might be wearing to similar of a jacket, to the NYCC one. Not to mention, he wore the same shirt to NYCC as that hilarious "get me away from here" pap walk through New York?
Also, the "fan" that posted those photos said that she spent time looking for them. Because Albitch told her where they were... I refer you to this post, for more shade.👇
And my friend pointed this out, not sure if it's true, but Chris' medallion has apparently been missing/edited out of photos. Kind of like Dodger's tail 🤭 I don't know if it's true. But if it is, what do they have against it?
And to drive this home, people are saying the girl in the shades might be the witch herself. And let me just say...
She has clothes other than the boring browns and whites she's been wearing. That aren't the photos she uses to bait potential sugar daddies 👀😱
And why the hell didn't the "fan" take a pic with both of them, if SHE was with him. Is she not famous enough? Is she not pretty enough?
Points to her for not being near the bitch. And further proving a very tried and true thing, THEY'RE NEVER SEEN TOGETHER OUTSIDE OF PHOTO DUMP AND THE BLURRY "SIGHTINGS"
The fans from the comment section are definitely part of the MVP of the aftermath of this whole thing 😆
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Credit to my good friend again 🥰
All of this to say, the strike is over, but this shitshow will keep going. They basically confirmed they ain't legal(at least from what y'all told me how American Citizenship involving a foreigner works. 90 DAYS PEOPLE!!! Why do you think the show is called 90 DAY FIANCE?!) And they're still not seen in the same photo. As well as, the timing of this photo mentioning the both of them when HE has an event coming up alongside other actors, and SHE has a movie that's going to showcase her lackluster skills 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And just to stir shit up, apparently Albitch's mother has liked comments against Chris. Calling him a pedo...🤔🙃 Makes one think doesn't it?
And one last thing for me to nail another one of their coffins, mighty convenient that you can't see his left hand in this photo too 👀 it's conveniently behind the "fan".
Now that this mess is vented out, Imma head to bed. Feel free to comment and share more. Because God knows there's a lot more to attack ✌️
And once more for the trolls, and the ones STILL thinking that this is real true love🖕
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Until next time, fellow fan boys and girls 😘
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cl0wnedren · 2 months ago
HELLLOOO POOKSTERS I read some of your P: eg headcanons [I’m quite literally starved because this fandom needs more attention] and I just KNEW I HAD to request from LIL OL’ YOUU (๑>؂•̀๑)
OKAY SO SOO I was curious if you would be comfortable doing a Wenona and Cassidy Amber (seperate ofc) x Fem! Ultimate Detective! Reader headcanons? HOWEVERR if you don’t feel comfortable doing specified gendered reader then gender neutral is also SUPERR DUPPER COOL TOO
If you do decide to do this request then THANK YOU SOO MUCH BOOKIE
a/n :: omg hi hello ok!! so sorry for the very unepic inactivity, i hope you guys enjoy thsi one,,mshahmrka i think the characs might be ooc, i had so much struggle making this while i was at school..,..,ENJOYYY HAVE A GREAT DAY
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Wenona ::
Wenona is impressed by your ability to deduce outcomes based on minimal information, often comparing it to reading market trends.
Wenona insists on treating investigations like a business project, organizing tasks into “actionable steps” and occasionally trying to monetize their collaboration ("Ever thought about writing a crime-solving memoir?").
Wenona's tendency to manipulate situations for profit may clash with your moral compass. She argues over whether success or justice should be the ultimate priority.
Wenona often uses their charm and connections to dig up information or secure access to restricted areas, much to your annoyance.
You frequently catch Wenona in little white lies, whether about her intentions or their success rate. The Entrepreneur brushes it off with a grin, calling it "good PR."
Both of you enjoy long discussions over coffee about the similarities between solving crimes and navigating cutthroat business environments. These talks often turn philosophical.
— —
Cassidy Amber ::
Cassidy initially views investigations as puzzles or challenges, often throwing out wild, game-inspired theories. You are amused but skeptical of her "gamer logic."
When Cassidy applies her trategic thinking to real-life scenarios, she surprises you with creative, out-of-the-box solutions that sometimes actually work.
Cassidy constantly challenges the Detective to mental duels—puzzles, chess, or even logic-based video games. You find them humorous, but you secretly enjoyed the competition.
Cassidy’s laid-back, “it’s-just-a-game” mindset can frustrate you, who struggles to get her to focus during critical moments.
Cassidy’s ability to spot tiny details in fast-paced games impresses the Detective, who starts seeing them as a valuable partner despite their eccentricities.
Cassidy loves live-streaming mystery games, and you would sometimes join as a guest commentator, offering real-world insight into game scenarios. Her streams gain a cult following.
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ok gyusz see you next request mdbhajadp
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viscountessevie · 3 years ago
(Villainisation anon here)
[Ohh you have such an efficient way of tagging and maintaining different discussions! I am very much involved in another fandom and receive lots of asks about discourse but I somehow always manage to make a mess of tags, lol]
As for the name, I think I’ll go with 📖 anon or whatever tag you want to use. I am assuming you get a lot of anons regarding discourse so I don’t want to club myself with them.
I can totally understand your frustration regarding the lack of knowledge the general audience may have about The Sharmas. It’s frustrating when you know so much about something but cannot let it all out, especially to strangers on the internet. I have been in similar situations, and I am sorry if my ask ever made you feel that way.
I have definitely seen the word racist be thrown around quite carelessly with unclear implications, with the most recent instance being yesterday. I won’t go into the details of what was said, because maybe the person is your mutual and I don’t wish to involve you in any drama. (You may have, perhaps already seen something about it on your dash). But the words were hurtful and they invalidated my experience as a desi person watching the show. I know people can be quite vitriolic on both sides of the discourse, and it’s sad. But that’s the truth of fandom spaces - discourse is inevitable and I don’t have any ideas on what to do about it, lol.
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day/night (if you live in India, it must be past midnight for you! It’s dinnertime for me, so I must dash. But thank you for such a healthy and respectful discussion).
Here are Bookie 📖 Anon's previous asks!
Hello again 📖 Anon - I think I shall call you Bookie for short ahahha if you're okay with that! While Villianisation/Villain Anon sounds cool af I didn't want to make you sound like a hater lol. So I dub thee Bookie 📖 Anon!
Anyways thank you for the compliment, it means a lot. Also there's no right or wrong way to tag or run a discourse blog so don't worry about yours - do what feels right for you!
Funny thing is, I never use to tag things AT ALL before I start running this blog. Hell I wouldn't even link previous posts but then I started getting more related asks and it seemed logical to give context. The Emojis started recently though and they are so fun! I think only Jett and Ring Anon have come back to my asks a few times lol. I think its cool to know where they all stand on different topics instead of me assuming every anon is a different person because Uhhh that's like over 140 (I think that's how many asks I've answered since March?) people who have been talking to me and that's a daunting thought oop.
That was a fun tangent but let's get into the meat of this post!
Thank you for being so understanding, Bookie! But I'll survive and stick to my friends' fics for wholesome Sharmas ahahah. And oh, if I could I would scream about the Book Sharmas all day but I'm not that unhinged lmao. Instead I will passive aggressively hype them and their book scenes up (I did it here also wanna make some edits with the book scene quotes tacked onto S2's scenes at some point) Also want to reassure you that you did not make me feel that way at all! It was nice to have people who like flawed Sharmas' fics to be civil and open to discussion - it was a good change from the usual drama on my dash ahahah.
That being said ohmygod Bookie, spill the tea and call them out!! Who was that?? I saw another post vagueposting Mimi and I but they weren't being 'racist', just fucking rude.
But the words were hurtful and they invalidated my experience as a desi person watching the show. I know people can be quite vitriolic on both sides of the discourse, and it’s sad. But that’s the truth of fandom spaces - discourse is inevitable and I don’t have any ideas on what to do about it, lol.
Tell me about it, the invalidation in this fandom is INSANE sometimes, I mean I'll admit sometimes I am a little guilty of it but its in the name of invalidating bigots who should be drowned out because we do not need this energy here. I do hope you're feeling better now and the words didn't get to you <3 I know I said spill the tea but if you don't want to give yourself away and get involved in the drama, I totally understand! That being said if you do want to vent about that situation, my DMs and off anon asks (I can respond to you privately!) are always open if you need them.
Take care Bookie, and yes it was ard 1am (I'm in Asia, GMT+8 btw) when I posted your second ask and fell asleep soon after ahhaha. Hope you had a good dinner and can't wait to hear from you in the future!!
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psycheswritings · 5 years ago
Nothing’s Fair in Love and War - Six
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Title: Nothing’s Fair in Love and War
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Daphne Scott (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing.
Word Count: 4022
Author's Note: Hello, people! Here we are with a brand new chapter. A few warnings before we begin (or after, because is basically information about somethings mentioned during this chapter and it could be interpreted as spoilers, so it's up to you): 1. I know that according to the audio of "The Ballad of Tommy Shelby" the boys enlisted in 1915, but as @andtherewerefireworks​ pointed out, this doesn't fit with the historical facts and informations given by the show (as a lot of other thing's don't, but apparently Steven doesn't give a fuck about it - don't let me get started) so I ignored this piece of information - the boys enlisted in 1914 instead and the world makes sense again; 2. I did some research to know more about military nurses and took a poetic license to ignore the age that was permited for women to enlist at the time; 3. Kugel really is a Jewish dish and I am shamelessly entertaining my headcanon that Alfie does, in fact, cook/bake. Sorry, not sorry. 4. Have I mentioned that sometimes I hate Steven? Because I do. There were somethings that took me a lot of time to figure out between episodes 04 and 05 of the third season and I am still not sure about somethings, so if you feel confused about something you're more than welcome to come talk to me and I can explain it.
Fair warning, as always, if you find any mistakes feel more than free to report back to me; warnings are expecific for each chapter; and your feedback is always appreciated (given the fact that this is a sideblog, answers always are in the name of my main one thanks to dumb Tumblr - @myplaceofheavenorhell​). Also, if you haven't read my "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" post (I really don't blame you), please, start following me on @amysteryspot​.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Summary: Alfie and Sabini make amends and join forces to get rid of the Peaky Blinders. Daphne and Polly have a very pleasing evening and Tommy goes visit May to ensure that things are going according to his plan, only to be met with a question he doesn't want to answer.
Alfie Solomons was never known for a man who has a lot of patience, no, people tend to think that he actually has none at all but that is far from the truth. God knows that he had to have a lot of fucking patience to get where he is now, Alfie is a man who is always waiting for the right moment to do the things that would benefit him the most. And that was what he was doing right now - waiting to see if the decision he has made would, in fact, bring him any good.
The doors of the bakery were opened by two of his men and Sabini came into view - the italian flag on his hands, three of his men behind him and his second in command, Matteo, with a white flag by his side. They approached each other, the Jew gave the Italian the basket of bread that was immediately passed over to Matteo, before he stepped closer to Alfie giving him the standard three kisses on the checks as a form of greeting.
“I can’t help but notice that there is a presence in absence here today. Isn’t Miss Scott joining us?” Alfie was kinda expecting that since the Italian seemed to have a soft spot for the young woman, but the question almost made him frown for entirely different reasons. Daphne had left hours before to go to Birmingham and meet with Polly Gray, she didn’t knew about the meeting or his plans but somehow that didn’t make Alfie worry less about her like he thought it would.
“Daphne is out in another appointment. Just us today, so let's talk, eh?” Sabini shared a look with Matteo before nodding to Alfie guide them through the bakery. The Jew sat on one side of the table with Ollie by his side, cane propped up in front of him, his hands resting on top of it, while Sabini and Matteo did the same at the other side, their men behind them and a menacing silence filling the room until the Italian leader spoke.
“Did you know they was going to take the Eden club?”
“I know about the Eden club, yes.”
“Did you know they were going to do it before they did it? Because that's the one who's in charge, isn't it? The one who knows before it happens.”
“I know what I know, you know. If you don't know, then you don't fucking know, do you?”
“Did you know they was going to take Wimbledon dogs? Harringay? The trotting tracks?”
“Talk, all right? I genuinely want to hear you.”
“You've lost control, Alfie.” Matteo was the one to talk, making Alfie look at him in concealed anger.
“Have I?”
“Everybody knows.” The Italian added.
“Talk to me, Alfie.” Sabini said, interrupting the argument and making Alfie’s attention go back to him again.
“Talk to you?” The Jew paused for emphasis. “All right, I'll talk to you. I'll fucking tell you how it was, right? What happened was this. All the time you were talking about dirty fucking Jews. All the fucking time - dirty fucking Jews, dirty Kikes, dirty dustbin lids…” The Italian leader shared a look with Matteo again.
“Everyone makes jokes.”
“You want to talk about not getting into places?”
“Everybody makes fucking jokes. I didn't know you had no sense of humour!”
“And I ain't going to FUCKING mention, right, the great big fuck off elephant in the room.” Sabini closes his eyes for a brief moment before talking again.
“Look, Alfie…”
“How many of my bookies worked Epsom this last May? None. None. Not one.”
“So, for a few fucking jokes and Epsom, you fucking invite a tribe of savages into the city and just fucking unlock the fucking gates!” While Sabini is yeeling and gesticulating frantically with his hands Alfie is just sitting there, not even bored by it.
“I'm sorry, what are you saying, mate?”
“I'm saying I'm sorry about the Jew thing.” To say that Sabini seemed bothered by his own words would be an understatement because he was completely put off by it, to Alfie’s deepest contentment.
“Are you saying you're sorry?” Patience, patience always paid back in kind.
“You're sorry about the Jew thing?”
“I want that in writing.” He turned to Ollie. Write that down. He said, ‘I'm sorry’.” Looking at Sabini again he continued. “And also write down that all our bookies can go back to Epsom.”
“He didn't say that.” Matteo barged in.
“Who's asking you?”
“No. Write it down. It's all right. Come on. Alfie's an old friend.”
“My friend.” The Jew gangster says while staring at Matteo and pointing at Sabini.
“Now, admit it, the Peaky Blinders is out of control.”
“Yeah, they're out of fucking control, mate. They come down the canal, they spread like the fucking clap.” Although the kind of problem that the Blinders have gotten to the Jew were ones fairly different, the Italian didn’t needed to know.
“Right. So now they're everybody's problem.”
“You and me, we've been fighting since we was at school.”
“All right? Now, also, we've been friends.”
“Mm, yeah.”
“You know, it goes backwards and forwards. How much better is it when we're friends?”
“Oh, it's much better, mate, yeah.”
“You write that down.” Ollie looks at Alfie that just nods at the younger man.
“So what we're doing here, right, is we're writing down some kind of a deal thing, right?”
“Yeah, a written deal.” 
“Written deal, good. Well, why don't we discuss the border between the Italians and the Jews going back to Farringdon Road.”
“Farringdon Road”
“Yeah, Farringdon Road.”
“Fuck! That's ancient history.”
“Write down Farringdon Road.”
“No, no, no, write down Camden Road.”
“Farringdon Road.”
“Camden Road.”
“Write down Farringdon.”
“Camden. Write down Camden Road.”
“Just write down ‘peace’. Just write down ‘peace’, right, between the Jews and the Italians.”
“And war against the gypsies.” Alfie just grumbles to the statement, thinking to himself about how Daphne will react when she discovers his plans. It certainly won’t be pretty and for the first time in a long while the Jew gangster starts to rethink his actions.
Daphne was waiting at the parlour in the Shelby family home on Watery Lane, the youngest Shelby was the one who guided her there saying that his aunt was coming in a minute and then leaving her alone since Josiah had chosen to wait for her outside, in the car. The young woman took off her coat and hang it on the coat rack on the wall just beside the front door, deciding to take a look around instead of sitting down.
There were a lot of photographs hanging on the walls and on top of the furniture, most of them were of the Shelby’s children growing up. Daphne recognized a young Ada and a little Finn in one of them, just beside the fireplace there was a photograph of each one of the Shelby siblings but what caught her attention almost immediately was the portrait of the three eldest Shelby boys in their uniforms. Her fingers automatically went to her locket, caressing the metal as a way to soothe her own thoughts.
“They were taken just before they left.” She must have been really distracted because she only noticed that her hostess arrived when she was already closing the door, taking off her own coat and approaching her. The gipsy woman noticed that Daphne was yet again playing with the necklace hanging from her neck. They shook hands before the both of them turned to look at the images again. “I’m sorry for making you wait, there were things that needed my attention.”
“Don’t bother, I’ve had only been here for minute.” Silence filled the room but unlike what Daphne expected it wasn’t a discomfortable one.
“It feels like it was a lifetime ago.” There was this hint of sadness that Daphne knew too well when people who had loved ones on the war usually had when talking about that period.
“And at the same time it seems like it was yesterday.” Polly looked at her then, surprise in her features.
“You’ve been there.” Daphne took a deep breath, not looking at the woman beside her when she spoke.
“Yeah. Whole four years of it.”
“My God, you must have been only a child when it started.” The young woman felt quite amused by the motherly concern in Polly’s voice.
“You’re almost John’s age then. He was nineteen when he left. Arthur was twenty seven and Thomas twenty four.” When Daphne looked at her still observing the pictures there was a hint of a smile on her face. “They were so different, so full of life.”
“None of us came back the same. We all left a part of ourselves there.” As her hand rested in her chest, feeling the all too familiar form of her locket through the fabric Daphne thought that she certainly had lost a part of herself there, a part of her that she would never recover.
“You sound like Tommy.” Daphne smiled at that, shaking her head briefly while Polly observed her with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.
“It’s not the first time that I hear it.”
“Come, I will make us some tea.” They headed themselves to the kitchen were Daphne sat at the table while Polly walked around preparing things for the tea. When the pot was ready she served them both a cup and sat down.
“You’ve caused quite the impression on the boys.” Daphne quietly sipped on her tea. She didn’t know what to expect of the encounter, what she did knew was that Polly was baiting at her, getting her out of her comfort zone to see how she reacted and further analyze her especially now that Alfie wasn’t around. But one thing that Daphne have learned from experience was that people involuntary let their guard down at home and even knowing that Polly had another house to call her own now, this was the one she passed most part of the time in still, the one where she lived most part of the last years and the one she still called home.
“A good impression, I hope.” The gipsy woman looked at her, smirking slightly, the action a little warmer than the cold demeanor that she had showed on the party.
“Ah, it was good just alright! I think Arthur is still teasing John for trying to flirt with you.”
“He had it coming.” Polly laughed, really laughed and Daphne couldn’t help but smile too.
“He sure did, but I gotta say that he is not used at being rejected. None of them are, really.” The young woman choose not to answer that, just smiling and sipping at her tea again and Polly decided to change the subject. “You and Ada know each other for long?”
“Yeah, it’s been a while. Before Freddie fell ill.”
“You’ve met him?” Polly was surprised that the two women knew each other for that long.
“Once or twice, he was more running from the coopers than at home.” Polly scoffed at that, getting up to take the food and put it on the table. “You didn’t approved of them.” It wasn’t a question but Polly answered anyway.
“Freddie was a good man, I just wish that he knew how to prioritize his family instead of the cause.” Daphne nodded in understanding, since she befriended Ada she had had quite some debates with herself about the way the Thorne’s lived. It was hard for Daphne to understand how Ada accepted living on the run because of love, her parents were not exactly the image of true love - an arranged marriage, like the one she was supposed to have if she hadn’t gone to France - even though she believed that her mother had loved her father at some point, the other way around was definitely not true.
“I never really understood how Ada accepted living like that but I don’t have much to compare so I tried not to judge her for it.”
“No lad caught your attention after you came back?” The gipsy woman took a sip of her tea before continuing. “Or during your time in France?” Daphne had a pretty good guess that she must be talking about William since she had seen them together at the party.
“No. Not that way.” The older woman just nodded, eyes trained on the other woman’s reactions.
“Not even Solomons? He is not hard on the eyes and you two seemed quite close.” Daphne laughed at the statement - people seemed to never give up on the subject of her and Alfie being a couple.
“Alfie is family.” The way she said it, so naturally, so devoid of doubt made Polly think that their bound was deeper than she first predicted. Polly was certain that there was more to their relationship than what they let people know - Alfie Solomons wasn’t a man known for his honesty or loyalty, nevertheless, the woman in front of her had been by his side since the end of the war.
It was obvious to her too that the man who was observing her and Tommy from the mezzanine during the party felt more than just friendship towards her but it seemed that Daphne didn’t reciprocate it - which, apparently, left the way clear for Tommy and that’s where the lived the danger. Then she decided to make a bold move.
“Let me read your leaves.” Daphne was quite taken aback by the request, she blinked twice before answering the gipsy woman.
“Why not.” Polly was surprised that she accepted the request so easily - maybe more surprised by that than by the fact that she had requested to read the girl’s leaves in the first place.
“Pour some tea into the cup and swirl it.” The young woman did what she was told. “Now put the tea back into the teapot.” Polly extended her hand for Daphne to give her the cup, after taking it she gave one last glance towards the young woman before starting to analyze the cup.
“There’s happiness in your future but there is also a lot of pain.” Silence filled the room while the older woman swirled the teacup in her hands. “You will be betrayed and have your heart broken. You will also find something that you thought was lost.” Polly rested the cup into the table and looked up to meet Daphne’s hazel eyes in silence for a long time before she finally spoke again. “You seem like a good girl, Daphne, and if I didn’t thought that I wouldn’t say to you what I’m gonna say now: be careful. Love is a good thing but sometimes it can blind us and that’s when we get hurt.”
When Tommy arrived home at the end of the day one of the first things that he noticed was the teacup resting on the kitchen table. He picked it up, looking at the leaves inside it and directing his gaze to his aunt who was observing him, sipping her own cup of tea while leaning onto the kitchen counter.
“Lizzie’s been here for you to read her leaves again, Poll? You still leading her own…”
“It wasn’t Lizzie.” He recognized the smug look on his aunt’s face - she was leading him to something, the teacup left onto the table was a bait for him to talk to her, it was all part of her plan. He put the cup back where he found it and turned around to pour himself a drink.
“Then who was the poor soul that was believing in your predictions?”
“Daphne. She left just some minutes ago.” He stopped for a brief moment but it was enough for Polly to notice. Daphne had been here? How he didn’t know that?
“Didn’t think that she would be one for these kind of stuff.” He turned around, glass of whisky in his hand and her aunt’s gaze still on him and his curiosity got the best of him. “What did you find out?” By the smile on his aunt’s face he knew that this is what she wanted all along.
“That she is a good girl - too good for you.” Tommy huffed at the statement taking a sip of his drink - he didn’t need any tea leaves to know that. “She will have her heart broken by the man that she loves.” Polly walked to her nephew, stopping right in front of him and holding his gaze. “Will you be that man, Tommy?” He just stood there nursing his drink, long before the woman had left. He had vowed to himself to never let another woman into his heart again, not after Grace, but it was difficult to remember that when he was around Daphne. She was constantly proving him wrong, challenging him, sneaking into his family’s good graces. Would he be the one to break her heart or would it be the other way around?
Alfie was waiting for her when she arrived home - sitting on his usual chair in the balcony of the drawing room, humming something to himself. Daphne approached him and called his name but he didn’t seemed to notice, to lost on his thoughts.
“Everything alright?” He looked at her then, his attention caught by the hand she gently placed on his shoulder, the woman could tell that he seemed a little off just by the expression on his face.
“Yeah, yeah.” The Jew got up from his chair to stand in front of her. “How was tea with the gypsies?”
“It was just Polly. Everything went fine, she is actually very hospitable.”
“Hum. Good.” He didn’t seemed less tense after her answer. “I’ve made you some kugel for dessert, I know it is your favorite.” Daphne frowned at that.
“There is some special occasion that I’m forgetting? You haven’t cooked in ages.” He stared at her in silence for a long moment before answering.
“No, just appreciating the company, love.”
“Well, thank you, kind sir. I’m just going to take a bath and we can have dinner then.” Alfie nodded at her, letting her go upstairs while he just observed as she disappeared. He really hoped that at least for one time in his life he was doing the right thing.
As Tommy drove to the Carleton’s property he thought about his next steps. May had showed her interest in him and he was going to play his cards to ensure that his horse would be able to run the Epsom. She had also mentioned having contacts at the War Office and that could grant them information on Daphne. He just wasn’t expecting the extent of the Carleton’s wealthiness.
“Mr. Thomas Shelby, madam.” One of the maids announced him and Tommy entered the room without a second glance at the girl.
“Nice house.” He says as he looks around and approaches May, who is looking at him a little unsure. It was more than nice house, probably the most expensive fucking place he had put his foot on during his entire life.
“Would you like a whisky? Scotch or Irish?”
“Irish.” She turns her back to him to serve the drink and he takes the time to look out the window, taking a cigarette from his case. “Sorry for the short notice. I was passing.”
“We're not quite on the Birmingham road.”
“It was a small diversion.”
“Sixty miles, I checked.”
“That's a small diversion these days.” He says, approaching her and lightening the cigarette that is already between his lips.
“So, I'm a small diversion. Good.” She hands him the whiskey before taking a sip of hers. “Your horse is still out on the gallops, but I had Mickey prepare this report. You can read it now if you'd like, then we can go see her.” May hands him the file with the reports and he rests it on the table, starting to scan the pages as he clears his throat. “Is there enough light for you to read?”
“Yes, it's fine.”
“It's getting quite late.” She sits down on the couch, Tommy doesn’t react to her words and continues to read the report but he notices that she is nervous. “Mickey says she has the lungs of an elephant. She's nimble in the heavy going, but bounces a little on the hard ground. Sorry, I'll let you read.”
“So, he thinks she'll favor good to soft ground, eh?” Tommy closes the file while talking.
“A little juice in the grass.”
“Mm. Well, that's good for Epsom.” He pauses, looking at her and placing his empty glass on the table. “Does he think she's not good enough for Epsom?”
“She needs a lot of work.” May observes as he takes a drag from the cigarette. “The race board will need convincing.”
“I imagine you have some influence.” She doesn’t answer him directly.
“Mm. That's the suggested program for the next two months.” As Tommy goes back to looking at the report, May gets up from her seat. “Your glass is empty.”
“It's fine.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes, a bit.”
“I can prepare something.”
“Do you have engine oil?” There’s a hint of surprise in her features as she looks at him. “Before I set off for Birmingham, the car needs oil.”
“I'm sure my husband kept some in the garage. I can get someone to do it.”
“This evening or tomorrow?” They stare at each other for a moment, he waits for her next step.
“Well, we're so far from anywhere, people usually stay over.” She is clearly nervous as she takes a set at the couch again, sipping her whisky. “Especially before cars, when it was just carriages, people used to stay over all the time.”
“But I have a car.”
“And you have engine oil.”
“Probably.” Her words are all but a whisper before she pauses, nervously looking at the other way. “But it would be very usual.”
“What would?” His eyebrows raising as he waits for the answer, making her admit it out loud.
“For a guest to stay. We have a whole wing called the guest wing.”
“Oh, you…” He almost smirked at the information. “You have a guest wing. Well...” Then Tommy notices that she is crying, silently, trying to hide her tears by facing the opposite wall. He walks to her, calling her name softly and resting a hand on her shoulder, trying to soothe her. Thomas never liked when woman cried, most part of the time it put him off because he didn’t exactly know how to react and, in this particularly scenario, it wasn’t something that he had predicted. “Have a smoke.”
“Thank you.” She accepts the cigarette from his hands and observes as he takes a step back to light another, taking a sit at the other end of the couch. “Ignore this. It's actually all right. I put all his photos in a drawer and locked it, as if that was going to make a difference. I'm like a fucking lighthouse keeper, out here on my own, keeping his flame burning. But, of course, when anyone sees a lighthouse they stay clear, don't they?” May observes as he seems to take a moment to think.
“Now, do you have a map? Of the house. Do you have a map? Because I'm not going to be able to find my way in the dark. You see, at midnight, I'm going to leave my wing and I'm going to come find you. And I'm going to turn the handle of your bedroom door without making a sound and none of the maids will know.”
“You don't know maids.” She scoffed at him.
“They hear a pin drop?”
“If there's a man in the house, they listen. They take turns.”
“So, let them listen.” Things were going according to his plan but Tommy couldn’t help remembering his aunt’s words that would keep echoing inside his head for the whole night.
Taglist: @stressedandbandobessed7771​
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Tony finds out via survalance area
Tony:Friday ....bleach the entire house ......
Bucky:lucky punk *drinks his beer and not drunk so he pets alpine softly*
Sam:they go rough. Wonder if they broke anything
Nat:feels like reading a steamy novel
*Later that day at the gym*
*Steve is sparring with Y/N, and getting pinned by her*
*the team, one by one, makes their way into the gym and sees*
Bucky: Hey, Steve! Just remember to wrap it before you tap it. Okay? *places a packet of condoms on the bench where Steve's bag is*
Nat: Oh no. Tony's going to have a fit about this!
Bruce: he still thinks I'm that kind of doctor. So, he told me about throwing out that hand woven rug from the safe house, and let me just say, I never wanna know who's been doing what, with who, where, and how ever again.
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*At some point, Y/N and Steve find out why the team is acting weird when they're seen together in rather suspicious positions, and how...*
*Let's just say Steve learned to limit certain activities anywhere that involved work, questioned Tony on why there was even a camera in the bathroom to begin with, and still making it up to Y/N, because his kinky ass just couldn't help himself*
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
While super soildier reader is on a mission and steve is on recovery from his previous one . Theres a part hes well enough and TEASED y/n with this
Nomand BEARDY steve is BACK !!!
Oh, good Lord! Steve will absolutely be a little shit to Y/n, about this.
Especially when she hasn't been home and the mission is almost done😅
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Thank you, N🫶nnie! This was both fun and a challenge simultaneously. If y'all want more, I'll do my best to do more❤️
Asks are still open, if y'all wanna suggest some more fics or imagines, and the Masterlist will get updated soon ✋
Love y'all!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Andy barber x Divorce lawyer y/n
Andy doing her
Andy is also her client in divorcing Laurie heheh
So, this is Daddy Andy's reward to divorce lawyer!Y/N for handling his messy divorce, as well as incentivize her🤭🥵
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Y'all are really dragging me into Kinktober, huh?😅
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Listening to trolls and haters do nothing good . Sides they are Unhappy with life , Broke , ugly even pathetic lol
Absolutely right, An🫶n!
But unfortunately, Albitch is so desperate to be seen, she sells whatever story to get the clout she was expecting, the second she signed on to play the "role of a lifetime".
Everything that's been happening ever since the Dodger post literally proves what we already know, and that hole will only get bigger and bigger. Until she won't be able to stop the one thing that she and the team have been trying to avoid, with all of the cleanups, wipes, and coverups, the truth.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Ransom drysdale x Posh reader Enemies to lovers
Ransom*got pissed *DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ?!
Reader*whos a countess*oh my Did you forget your name*smirk*
Ransom:im warning you ...you
Y/n:countess, y/f/n
Ransom: >:( *pout is out ranked*
Y/n:aw someones red fufufu
Ransom*walks away
This is golden!!!
Biggest thing in my head, is that they used to go to the same boarding school. That's how they met. And that means, their rivalry stemed from there😁😍
Oh, I'm excited to write this!
Thank you, An🫶n💕
Although, is there a rule against posting fluff and angst on Kinktober?😅 Again, I need to know the rules of Kinktober 😆
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Mornings with Steve x super soildier reader
Can you imagine this happens after Steve decides to be all cute and sappy, and it just ends up in a steamy and playful morning romp?
Which, to be honest, might last longer than normal, because Y/N can definitely keep up with Steve's stamina 🤭
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Wonder if in Defending jacob Andy cheats on his shitty wife lorey with his firm coworker y/n another fellow lawyer
I have a feeling he would.
But my headcanon is that it'll be an enemies to lovers type thing... Andy, who's marriage isn't in the best or right place, doesn't like the idea of falling for anyone. Because he feels like he can't trust himself to make a good judgement on that.
Meanwhile, Y/N would just be trying to do her job, unfortunately she didn't expect to have feelings for Andy, Who is unfortunately an asshole😅
At some point, the sexual tension would make itself known, and there would come a time when it would boil over. And it would feel right, despite how wrong their situation might seem...
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Chris Evans - The View rant and Dodger Appreciation
Wow, do we have a lot to unpack...
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So, let's start with his using of his left hand... for the love of God, what is with him needing to show that watch off?
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He started the interview with it up, and at one point, you can see him purposely moving his sleeve to show the watch, WHEN HE REMEMBERED.
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He also did it again towards the end... So, I'm going to ask...
What is the deal with that watch?!
Let's cool off for a second. I'll get to Chris' overall behavior after this, but can we PLEASE, fucking appreciate the bestest boy ever?!
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Also, is that selfie old? I've never seen it before...
Dodger is the star of THE ENTIRE FUCKING SHOW!!! And you can't tell me otherwise 😆 He just looks so happy without a certain she-devil incarnate around 🤭☕
And we're back...
So, to start, he looked comfortable, and oddly normal. Like he didn't look like the crypt keeper (👸's words not mine 😆), and Dodger looked happy and healthy and is hanging around his dear old Dad...🥹 It actually made me melt, and get emotional.
But I noticed, when they congratulated him about his marriage, he took a beat before saying thank you. Like he was waiting for them to add something so that he'd be saying thank you for both, instead of one(I'm probably reading into it too much, huh?).
And when he started to talk about the Marvel movies, he cuts himself off to show Dodger! Not that I'm complaining, but kind of sus that he never finished what he was talking about. Again, I might be reading into it too much, but it caught my attention.
And my favorite part, other than Dodger ofcourse, is that in the mid point of the interview, he was so animated. And he looked and acted like old Chris! It was like he was the guy everyone thinks he is... And then he remembered his leftie, and old Chris was gone in a second...
Honestly, I'm just glad he didn't blow up the Fandom this time. But he might soon, considering the Albitch is still very much around...
So, I'll leave this on an ominous, sad, and then fun note!
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I'm sorry, but whoever put "Paid Spokesperson for Jinx" should get a raise, because THAT IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PRICELESS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
Like you i also miss the old chris before albitch T-T
He really was special, An🫶n🥹
Literally definition of the perfect guy. He set my standards for the foreseeable future.
Now he's like that, and I don't give him all of the blame. Just sad that he is acting like this instead 😭 and it hurts everytime.
Plus, I miss Dodger 🥹😭😭😭😭😭
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
People need to destroy alba idc if shes a "minority"
Right there with you, An🫶n!
Her being a "minority" shouldn't even be a shield she can hide behind. Anyone who acts like a Racist Nazi from any gender or race, should be destroyed.
At least she's not getting much traction. That's small victories. But I'd like it more if she was dropped like the trash we know she is.
And Karma isn't obvious right now, just that sometimes we should just do our best from our end...
It's really fun when she gets desperate, like she doesn't smell of it already... I mean, how else do you think, PM decided to post about her instead of posting about Matthew Perry, SAG-AFTRA, or even the war...
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 1 year ago
So, since I don't have an Instagram, or thank God, Twitter, a good friend sent me the full Albitch photo, and... Boy, do we have a lot to talk about...
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So, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PHOTOSHOP?! It's absolute crap! Tumblr writers do better than what Albitch attempted to do🤭
Like, if you look closely, Dodger and the couch have the same fucking white line. What the hell is that line, because light doesn't work like that😆
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And also, where is his tail(the same friend pointed this out too)? Nothing can cover that floofy tail. And why is she wearing the same clothes we've seen her in the last time someone has seen them together?
Is she that poor, that she can't afford anything but some sort of crop top, wide pants (by the way, why they make her thighs look comically large, when we all know she'd do anything to avoid being the one thing she hates), and some sort of jacket?!
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And it has come to my attention that she posted a video of rain, with piano music? Guess she's hoping that we'll all flock to her side because, she's with Chris, and listening to him play the piano...🤭
Bitch, if you're going to want us to believe you're actually in the same place for more than a minute, you're going to have to do better than audio. Because if you're really in the same house, happily married, show us his face. And don't bullshit us with that obviously staged shit! Or are you too ashamed to be seen with your husband..?
And the final nail on the coffin, mighty convenient that you're showing your right hand, and not your left... Shy about your new bling, huh?
And by the way, if this is an actual photo, which I sincerely doubt, Dodger is a good boy who clearly doesn't want to be there, and that's the only thing I'm loving about that photo.
One more thing before I go, this Tumblr post is right...
Too many coincidences and holes...☕ Thanks for reading my rant post! Hope to see y'all again soon, because the Lord knows, they'll post something new in a few days...
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