#unmutated Donnie asks
onejellyfishplease · 1 year
*picks up un-mutated Donnie and holds a pancake next to his shell* The resemblance is uncanny
I’m sorry this was too funny
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He is a master of disguise
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dancingdonatello · 1 year
Heya! I can make a request to make with a romantic rise Donnie x reader where the reader is a yellow bellied slider turtle mutant? Maybe they’re besties with Leo since they’re both slider turtles and Leo is like a wingman for his twin? (P.S. you don’t have to write it if you don’t want to feel free to delete it whenever you want and be sure to take care of yourself!!!)
donnie x slider mutant reader
“Slap them.”
“What? No. Nardo, are you dumb?!” Donnie shoved Leo away, angry. “I’m not falling for your dumb tricks!”
“I don’t mean like hard!” Leo placed his hands on his own cheeks. “C’mon, it’s how we do our rituals or whatever. They had it on Nat Geo.”
“I’m not going to ask them in such an archaic and primal way.” Donnie rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.
Leo scoffed at him. “So, how are you going to do it then?”
Donnie smirked.
You came into their lair crying. “Donnie! My phone is threatening me!” You screeched as you ran into the lab. Leo snorted. Raph and Mikey looked unsurely at each other.
“What happened?” Leo asked as you walked out of the lab.
“My phone was, like, asking me out or something!” You explained shakily. “It was so scary, but Don said it was a, uh, ‘bug.’ I didn’t see any though.” You stared at your phone, squinting at it.
Leo snorted again. Raph and Mikey looked super confused.
“Why don’t we talk in my room?” He stood up and dragged you away, smirking all the while. He winked at Donnie who peered out of his lab with a forlorn look.
“What?” you asked him as you sat down on his bed.
“You know how sliders go like this to ask someone out basically?” He danced his fingers on your cheeks.
“You mean… in the wild? With unmutated turtles?” You looked unimpressed. “Sure.”
“Well, Donnie was asking you out on your phone, but it obviously didn’t work.”
“What?” Your eyes widened. “I had no idea!” You went to stand up but he held you down by your shoulders.
“Here’s the plan.” Leo smirked evilly. “$50 bucks if you agree.”
“C’mon, Don, do it.” Leo swung an arm around his shoulders. “It’ll be so funny—I mean, so… uh, what’s the word?”
Donnie glowered at angrily.
“What I mean is… the phone thing didn’t work. So, why not go old school?” Leo shook him gently.
“Fine, if it’ll get you to shut up!” Donnie shrugged his shoulders to make Leo’s arm fall. He stalked over to you and Leo pulled out his phone to record.
Donnie cleared his throat to get your attention.
You passed your video game controlled to Mikey and he easily took over, prepared to beat Raph in mario kart.
He motioned for you to follow him away from his brothers, too nervous to notice Leo slowly following.
“Listen… this is difficult for me to say…” Donnie nervously rubbed his arms as if he were cold. You patiently waited for him to speak. “But, um, I guess what Leo wanted me to do was to let my actions speak for me.” He still seemed unsure of Leo’s plan, not knowing you were in on it.
He slowly raised a hand and gently patted your cheek. You stared at him in silence.
“Um?” He patted it a little harder. Your eyes squinted at him.
“Are you trying to slap me?” You asked and Donnie’s eyes widened. “That’s… like the most disrespectful thing you can do to a slider.” Leo had originally wanted you to be more dramatic, but… you didn’t want to destroy his feelings when he was trying to vulnerable.
“No!” He stepped away and shook his head rapidly. “Leo told me—Leo told me… Leo!” He shouted, catching sight of his brother recording from a doorway.
He chased after him and you listened as Leo’s girlish screams got farther and farther away.
Well, you’d be using your new $50 bucks to make it up to poor Donnie. Maybe if you managed to snag Leo’s wallet, too, you could have a nice dinner.
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mall0w-rambles · 1 month
rambling AGAIN about mm!/tottmnt donnie (ep 10)
ok finally got to rewatch ep 10. definitely not a perfect episode now that i think about it, but i still like it. @lordchinnychin asked for my thoughts (tysm i appreciate it btw) so here we goooo
at the start of the ep, donnie is already a little dismissive of wingnut's paranoia and doesn't take it too seriously. but donnie doesn't go too far. in fact, even at this point, he visibly wants to comfort wingnut. offering her food, giving suggestions, but he's definitely not directly talking to her about the problem just yet.
during the scene where they were surrounded by the alligator, wingnut started to panic even worse. however, donnie's responses were a bit harsher, which you can't fully blame him since he was starting to get stressed out.
also idk where to insert this, but i lowkey love the aussie jokes lol. and i kinda love that donnie still makes them even when they're literally surrounded by a wild animal. humor is one of his coping mechanisms, i guess.
at some point, both of them reach their limits to the point that wingnut even says that she would rather be a unmutated bat again. that statement seems to really hit donnie, possibly because he probably has the same thought too sometimes. i wouldn't be surprised if all the turtles had that insecurity at some point.
so that statement finally made donnie stop for a moment and just talk to wingnut head-on. he finally starts by acknowledging her feelings first. and i really like that he straight up admits he's not good when it comes to feelings. but when that isn't working out, donnie tries a different approach and tries to connect with wingnut through their shared interests.
honestly, the references already feel outdated, but i really do like the idea of the scene. sure, donnie isn't the best at connecting with feelings, but i really love that he still makes an effort to connect with her through his own donnie way; in a way that both of them understand and share because of their bond.
the moment they got surrounded by the alligator again, donnie tries a different approach to get through "demutated leatherhead." specifically, he does what he thinks his brothers would do in his position. but, erm, that doesn't work out. honestly, yeah it's very dumb for donnie to try to talk to a literal alligator lol. but the scene also pretty much signifies that donnie trying to act and think like someone else isn't the best answer.
also very interesting that the first time we see donnie visibly really REALLY panic in this episode is when he fell into the water and almost drowned. throughout the episode, he's been taking things pretty well, especially for a teenager. and he isn't even the older one between him and wingnut! but it's him who had to take charge. sometimes, he's probably the anchor for his brothers too.
of course in this children's cartoon, they solve the problem by working together and being yourself. the end hooray 🎉
but something that really really bothers me is whenever donnie mentions throughout the episode that he's "left-brained." So who's gonna tell him that being more left or right brained is just a myth? lol. it's been debunked years ago that your brain doesn't have a part that's more dominant.
but even with the inaccuracy, maybe that's intentional? cause i can't just believe it that a smart person like donnie wouldn't know the truth lol.
maybe donnie saying he's left brained more so pertains to the fact that he doesn't believe that he's also more right brained and more empathetic than he realizes. maybe because he's been labeled as the smart one for so long that he isn't exactly comfortable with that position. it's because of the label that it makes him think that he SHOULD ONLY be logical. what if he's purposefully limiting himself? when, in reality, he's a lot more emotional than he realizes. he just happens to be a bit more emotionally intelligent than his brothers. but i guess one of them just has to step up.
man, being the youngest (i think) but also the most mature might be the thing that fucks up the way he views himself. they assume donnie is the smart one, so they expect him to be the smart one all the time for every situation. and that takes quite a toll on donnie, so he tries to convince himself that he is only logical. my god, let this boy breathe!! i'm sure the others don't intentionally pressure donnie of course, but it still affects him nonetheless.
ok, so if ever tottmnt ever gets another season, i would love for a donnie episode where he starts to feel more confident about himself. not just confident about his smarts alone, but also his interests. i'm just realizing this as i write this, but they didn't mention donnie's interests that much in the show compared to the movie. well, i wanna hear about them again!! i wanna see him have fun and be happy!! i want donnie to realize he's not just the smart one, or that his worth is based on his intelligence, strength, or anything else. donnie is awesome for simply being donnie, and that's completely enough.
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Do the Yōkai know where the Empyream came from? Do they know about the Krang? The Foot and the Hamato know about them, so I would find it super weird if the Yokai didn't know about that alien race that tried to conquer the earth a thousand years ago.
Also, I doubt Draxum would be able to get enough Empyream to mutate 8 billion people without resorting to the Crying titan , and even if he does how the heck would he get past the shields that protect it? It takes SHREDDER level strength to do it and even he took what I assume would be a couple of hours!
And I know that some of the empyream seeps through the cracks, but would that be enough?
The average person? I'm not sure if they really think about empyrean or where the Yokai come from on a regular basis, but the Yokai as a whole know. They put together all their different origin mythos and saw that all their stories mentioned something glowing and green, so it was a safe bet that that wasn't just storytelling. (I'm unsure if they would have thought it was just radioactive-I don't know how much people really 'knew' about radioactive materials before we started fucking around with them, but uranium is natural and I'm guessing people realized a long time ago that they had 'eat shit and die' vibes)(also fun fact, that glow radioactive materials have is actually a cobalt blue!) And they were able to analyze their blood and bones and everything else and confirm that there were trace amounts of this green stuff inside them. And if that wasn't enough evidence, they've straight-up dipped humans in this shit and watched them mutate in a controlled environment. So yeah, they've scientifically proven what empyrean is and that it created the Yokai. They don't entirely understand how it works, but that's how a lot of magic is.
As far as the Krang go, they have some idea? They have creatures that seem very Krang-like in their mythology, but they're probably all vague on what exactly they are. They were ugly and destructive, that's what mattered to the people who recorded those stories-they didn't bother asking them too many questions as they destroyed villages and enslaved its people. They can see the weird skeleton that just oozes empyrean forever. They know something's up, but they're probably reluctant to go (literally) poking at it too much, so they don't have many concrete answers. They probably guess that empyrean is extraterrestrial, since it's so unlike anything else on earth, but they haven't proven it.
This is before even considering my theory about the Council being Rise's Utrom and technically being Krang themselves, so they might have helped put the pieces together or directly misled the Yokai as it benefitted them.
Draxum is definitely experiencing issues with the scale, that's one of the reasons he kidnapped Donnie in the first place. He realized that he was not used to this kind of warfare and would need someone younger and more adaptive to weigh in. But yeah, this is kind of dark, but he's not planning to mutate all eight billion of them. He's going to kill a bunch too. Not indiscriminately, he does plan to mostly target people actively resisting his regime-i.e. who deserve it, but he knows a lot of other people will get killed anyway. He considers that a necessary sacrifice. Ideally, he wants to get to a position where he can tell the rest of the world to surrender and submit themselves for mutation, and then the Council would have to give him unfettered access to the Crying Titan. He might let some people live unmutated, but banish them down under like the Yokai were.
To the land down under. Which means he sends them to Australia.
He was considering breaking into the Crying Titan to get empyrean! Lucky for him he doesn't have to do that now, right?
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Chapter 6: Macrochelys Temminckii (Alligator Snapping Turtle)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Family fluff, mutant biology speculation
Read on Ao3
“Oh, Ra~aph!”
The turtle in question tensed up as he heard Donnie’s “I-need-a-test-subject” voice.  And knowing what he’d been up to for the past few days, it wasn’t hard to figure out what he wanted one for.
Raph’s younger brother practically skipped around the corner and into the kitchen, where the older turtle was frozen with his mouth half-open around a sandwich.  “Come, dear brother,” Donnie sang in his “sweet-and-disarming” voice, which the whole family knew by now to fear. “Before you start eating, I have some questions for you!”
Raph only had time to squeak out a, “Huh?” before Donnie grabbed him by the mask tails and dragged him away.
“Ack, Dee, stop - Mikey!  Mikey, help!”
Mikey, who had just walked into the kitchen, only offered a solemn bow and said, “You will be missed.” As the sounds of Raph’s struggles faded further into the lair, Mikey eyed the sandwich his brother had dropped on the counter.  He probably wasn’t coming back for that, right?
Raph wiggled uncomfortably on the stool he’d been unceremoniously sat down on as he watched his brother rummage through various drawers in his lab.
“Now,” said Donnie ominously, turning around and snapping a latex glove over his wrist, “shall we begin?”
Raph gulped nervously.
Donnie rolled his eyes. “Oh, relax.” He pulled on a face mask and secured the sides so it would stay up.  Combined with his ninja mask, only his eyes were left showing, and they were staring at Raph intensely. “I only want to have a look at your bones.”
“Not really inspiring confidence here, Don,” Raph squeaked.
“Not really my job,” he replied easily. “Now, open your mouth.  I need to see your jaw.”
Raph did as he was asked, and waited for Donnie to finish humming and gently turning his head from side to side.  He already knew that of all his brothers he had the strongest bite.  He was a snapping turtle, after all.  And considering Donnie had already bothered Leo about his unique species quirks, it made sense that he’d want to take a look at Raph’s jaw.
“Hmm… interesting,” said Donnie eventually, pulling back and writing a note on a clipboard that he’d gotten from… somewhere?  Before Raph could ask any questions, Donnie lifted a smallish contraption up near his face. “Bite down on this as hard as you can,” he instructed.  Raph obliged, biting and squeezing until he felt a twinge of an ache in his teeth.
Donnie took the machine back and read whatever it had recorded, copying the number down to his clipboard.
"Well?" asked Raph, curious.
"412 Newtons," Donnie answered.
Raph frowned mildly at the unfamiliar measurement. "Is that a lot?"
"It's roughly 1.5 times the force of an average human teen's bite, and just under a hundred pounds."
Donnie glanced up from his clipboard. "You sound… disappointed?"
"I guess?" said Raph, not entirely sure himself how he was feeling. "I thought snappers were supposed to have a super strong bite, like, a thousand pounds or something."
Donnie shook his head. "From what I’ve found, that number comes from the fact that a snapper's entire bite force is concentrated into a tiny point on the tip of their beak.  Their jaws are actually, on average, about the same strength as a human's - although they can get nearly three times as strong if the turtle lives long enough."
Raph unconsciously reached up to touch the blunt, triangular beak in the center of his mouth.
"It's not as sharp as an unmutated turtle's beak," Donnie said, "but I think it's helping you in other ways.  I can't say for sure just by looking at the surface like this, but I believe that the blending of beak and jaw has created a stronger bone structure.  Humans' brains will prevent them from biting hard enough to seriously damage their teeth, except in times of extreme stress; however, your bones seem to be able to take quite a bit more pressure than a human's, despite the fact that they are far closer to human in shape than turtle."
Raph sat for a moment, brow lightly furrowed, digesting this information. "So… I can bite harder than a human, but not as hard as a regular snapping turtle?"
Donnie rolled his eyes at the oversimplification, but his excitement didn't seem too badly dampened. "In short, yes.  And while humans' jaw strength tends to begin a slow decline after their teen years, turtles' bites only get stronger as they grow.  Would you be willing to measure your bite force for me periodically over the next few years?"
"Yeah, I guess so," said Raph, shrugging.  Now he was curious too, if his bite force would level off or keep growing.  Plus, he could already see his brother's eyes shining at the thought of making a graph to visualize the data.
Raph smiled, in a good mood now.  He totally wasn't regretting this like he thought he would! "So, what do ya got next for me, Don?"
His brother grinned wide, looking almost feral. “I’m gonna need you to hide.”
…And there was the regret.
As it turned out, all Donnie wanted from that test was to see if Raph could pull himself completely inside of his shell.  He could, but it wasn’t something he did often, both due to his tendency to confront problems head-on, and the fact that it was a bit hard for him to fit.  Apparently, wild snapping turtles weren’t able to do the same, thanks to their small plastrons.  One thing they had that Raph didn’t, though, was a vermiform tongue (which Raph was actually a bit glad about - he just couldn’t imagine having a wiggly worm in his mouth, fake or not.)
“The vermiform appendage lures prey into the turtle’s mouth so that they can hunt by just sitting still,” Donnie explained for the third or fourth time (Raph had sort of stopped paying attention) as he paced across the lab excitedly. “But humans are active hunters, meaning you wouldn’t need the vermiform appendage if you hunted like a human, which you could thanks to your body being mostly human-structured.”
“Uh huh,” agreed Raph absently, wondering when he’d get to go eat.
“Our biology clearly isn’t a perfectly even mix of human and turtle in every aspect,” Donnie continued, “and although I don’t have any definitive proof, it’s almost like the mutagen was making evolutionary decisions in super speed which is why all the mutants we’ve seen are so incredibly stable and healthy and ohmigosh I’ve got to talk to Draxum about this as soon as possible!”
As his brother paused to take a breath, Raph interrupted. “Can I go now?”
Donnie looked a little disappointed, but a glance at the clock had him sighing in defeat. “I guess I have had you here for a while… There were a few more things I wanted to go over, but I guess we can do that later.”
“Okaythanksbye!” said Raph in a rush, darting out of the lab before his sibling could change his mind.  He loved Donnie, but the guy could get hyperfocused on one thing and forget about other important stuff - like food.  Raph’s stomach growled, and he thought sadly about how his lunch had been interrupted.  Oh well, at least Donnie was happy.  And at least Raph still had that sandwich he’d never gotten to eat in the kitchen.
In the living room, Leo and Mikey were locked in an intense match of Mario Kart.
Leo glanced at his younger brother, whose eyes had gone wide and round.
“You realize if you run, I win this race?” Leo asked.
Mikey hesitated, eyes darting around like he was trying to decide if the match was worth it, and then nodded.  When their big brother’s footsteps came stomping towards them from the kitchen though, Mikey lost his composure and ran.  Even as Raph chased him all around the lair and eventually held him in a headlock to force him to listen to a lecture on respecting other peoples’ property, he held onto the remote, trying his best to stay in the game.
Leo still won, though.
1: The Question | 2: Spiny Softshell | 3: Red-Eared Slider | 4: Brumation (Extra) | 5: Shedding (Extra) | 6: Alligator Snapper | 7: Ornate Box
Also! Sources! Human bite force study / Snapper bite force study (this one links directly to a PDF)
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fexlyn · 9 months
This is a dis-continued version of my TMNT au, this is all I had written down for this. Enjoy I guess?
I’ll be updating this when I have an idea but I won’t make anything big out of it.
Oldest (16)
Oldest child syndrome
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Tics (unconsciously clicking throat)
Voice actor potential = AJ Michalka or Natasha Lyonne or EJ Johnson
5’6ft - 66 inches - 167.64cm
Stiff / sensible / serious / lil silly
Loves the show Stardust Heros
Admires Janus Seyfert (♀)
Knows a lot about medical action and theory –stuff
Second oldest (“16”)
Mum syndrome
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Raph only
Keeps everything that's given from his brothers
7’ft - 84 inches - 213.36cm
Voice actor potential = Parvesh Cheena or Freddy Rodríguez or
BPD (Borderline personality disorder)
Favourite flower is the Red spider lily
got aged up to 4yrs - 2 yrs later Raph was mutated and aged properly
Sometimes forget words that are simple
Remembers every word that are considered ‘big words’
Jhanna is Dons gf (did not meet till s4; s5 is the confession)
Will literally make you anything if u just ask
Tries to be a pacifist (trained to kill without second thought)
Second youngest (15)
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles
ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)
Trans masc
when scared he hugs himself / cover himself in blankets
Early bird
5’5ft - 65 inches - 165.09cm
Voice actor potential = Alastair James or Freddy Rodríguez or Zach Barack
Fears of being forgotten
Spray painting is his favourite art form
fidgets with a rubix cube
When needing comfort he goes to his older sister
Youngest (10)
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Related to Donnie only (by species)
Loves attention from his blood brother
Or attention in general
Disappears- somehow- anytime there's a fight
Loves paper mache
Feral (not actually just likes to bite)
Best friends with Casey- dont tell Len…or Don…-
His favourite blackberries
Voice actor potential = Alexander David Linz or francesca marie smith
5’1ft - 61 inches - 154.93cm
Likes the show stardust heart
Splinter Hamato
He became a mutant rat at 18 due to a mishap
He meets the turtles at [insert age] hes now [insert age]
He's cripled due to the mutagen not being complete
But don't underestimate him he can whoop yo ass in seconds
Big fan of the renaissance artist and wanted to be a artist himself
Casey Jones
Middle child (12)
Bestfriends with Raphael
Has not told anyone that he's friends with mutant turtles (yet)
Feels like someone trying to burn a hole in his head every class
Taking hockey training
Taking ice skating as well
Cassandra Jones
Oldest child (15)
Has a crush on Lenna (knows about Casey's turtle friends)
Angel Jones
Youngest child (6)
Hangs around Micheal and Donnie
Cheeky little shit
Has some interest in machinery
Has a lot of interest in paint
April O’Neil
Shes 12
She's was 5 when her parents died and got moved with her aunt
Wishes to be a famous reporter
Believes that one of her classmates [read: Casey Jones] is some evil spy
Will literally hang off of vents, trees, wall cliffs; to get the scoop
She has a lot of bruises… and sticks stuck in her hair…
Carol O’Neil
How do they exist?
Baxter Stockman, a teen genius, spent 22 years (17-39) creating a serum for perfect super soldiers-a classic I know- creating failures upon failures he finally perfected the chemical mutagen. But with the twist of it not working on humans due to something that humans have that ‘lower-intelligence life forms’ don't.
When used on humans they will [insert super painful symptoms] and a clinical death happens.
Baxter Stockman was promoted and awarded from the higher ups-he's now head of the renewed US bioweapons program.
Len - backstory
Putting the unmutated tot len into a tank of water then releasing the mutagen into the tank mutating them into a humanoid baby.
She was treated carefully, due to her being so-new, they tested her with anything possible without harming her. She was kept in a room, alone, being studied from the outside behind see-through mirrors.
As she got older(5) the experiments and studies started to become more often and a little more risky, they started to do more hands on like extracting blood or muscle reaction (they can't take scutes yet).
She got older, again, because they age…
Experiments got worse-like-painful- worse.
Donnie - Backstory
4 years after the creation of Lenna…
An agency (clan) in Japan heard (stalked) about the Mutagen that was perfected, they did a little something (killing) something (torture) getting the components of the mutagen to make their own soldiers.
They wanted a weapon that can be both in land and water, and large in size as well- since bigger weapons are more stronger right?- so they took the idea of a turtle as well. Leatherback sea turtle was their pick, soon or later will be known as V-1-L-0-T Donatello.
After the turtle was mutated, he was young- a baby
But being the smart-ego filled Ninjas they thought it would be best to make the ageing process a little bit faster so they're ahead of the enemy or the very least the same pace of making a weapon
Mikey - Backstory
Raph - Backstory
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moxfirefly · 4 years
How about #25: can you help me with the zipper? And #35 spanking with our favorite purple genius?? Spice things up lol
👁👄👁 I am-
Y’all heathens, I’m more than happy to.
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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Stepping into the Lair you took in the serene and quiet atmosphere. It was late, very late to be honest but work parties can get pretty crazy after all. Regardless it had been fun, tiresome but fun.
Originally you were going to go home and crawl under the duvet for about ten years if possible.
But you missed Donatello.
You couldn’t drag him anywhere and while sometimes you wish you could it wasn’t best to dwell on it. Heels in hand you patted through the living room area and into his lab where you could hear him speaking. Judging by the time you figured he was doing his part time job. He had picked up the thing out of pure boredom and to actually have some income for future supplies. It was child’s play for him, with nothing too above his skill set. Usually you sat and listened to the colorful array of clients and had a good laugh while doing so.
Most times you liked just hearing him giving the step by steps of things, or how he remotely accessed the person’s computer to fix the issue himself. His distaste over viruses and worms while he angrily typed away. So what? You were hella in love, the mutant terrapin had slithered his way into your heart.
But you kinda wanted him to slide in your pants, or well dress.
You entered his room with sly smile, Donnie was bouncing a little ball while he spoke in his best ‘customer service voice’ as you liked to joke about. He gave you a tired smile, bouncing the ball towards you which you caught. “Well sir, if you in the near future receive an email stating some prince from Asia is trying to protect his rubies it’s adviced that you don’t give out your social security number” He briefly muted the microphone. “Hey beautiful” He greeted you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“That ruby scam is honestly my favorite of this week” Came your muffled words, Donnie chuckled and rubbed your back. “He’s called me every name under the sun, brb” He clicked a button on his headset and kept up his polite tone. Reluctantly you let go of him and placed the little bouncy ball on his desk. “Can you help me with the zipper?” You whispered at him to which he happily obliged.
Giving a set of easy to follow steps to the nasty customer, Donnie gripped the delicate zipper and gently pulled it down. His gaze followed each patch of soft skin being reveleaed to him, which he couldn’t help himself but touch. You felt the palm of his hand on the middle of your back, the sweet gentle caress made you roll your neck until it popped a few times. As he continued his argument with the customer he let both hands wander, kneading the flesh presented to him, much to your delight.
“I’m more than happy to remove those viruses but the rest has to be solved with your bank, in the mean time I’ll email you a forum to fill out about the incident while I work on this” Donnie’s voice could be described as a verbal version of an eye roll, so much sass he possessed. Again he muted the microphone and sighed. “Men truly are stupid,” He gripped the straps of your dress and pushed them aside and down your body they slid. “I’m glad that even as a large mutant man you can accept that” The two of you chuckled.
You felt his lips on your exposed back and caught the small inhale he took of your scent. “Where’s your bra?” He peaked over your shoulder and made a soft surprise sound. “The lines ruin the dress so I put these nifty little cups on” You grabbed his mug of coffee and took a generous sip.
Then you felt him tap your rear.
“You gotta learn to share your coffee, babe” You smirked at his disapproving noise, he could be quite greedy with his caffeinated beverages. “I share, but I’ve seen you chug my coffee before” He sat back down on his swivel chair and shamelessly ogled you.
Donnie’s hand landed on your rear, palm caressing the left cleft of your cheek. “Shifts would be a lot more exciting if this is what I had to look at all night” He gripped the flesh, enjoying the silky material of your underwear. Looking over your shoulder you raised an eyebrow at him, not minding in the very least his ministrations.
Not even when he let go only to smack your bottom with a little more force, enough to make you grip the table for support. “Jerk, you get handsy when you’re running on three hours of sleep” You placed your palms on the table, leaning a somewhat forward and giving him a better view of your bottom. “Five actually, managed a nap” He pulled your underwear down to your surprise and leaned in to give the reddened flesh a soft kiss.
Then he gave a series of much harder taps, nothing to brash for it to be loud but enough to make you bite your lip. “You haven’t clocked out, you know?” You wiggled your rear to tease him, enjoying the happy content sigh that escaped him. “I’m supposedly fixing the mess this guy has on his computer,” He gave your rear two more hits before gripping the burning flesh. “But this is way more exciting” The outline of his hand on your bottom made him smile, job well done in his mind.
He pulled you back onto his lap, back to his plastron and used his own legs to keep yours spread. That delightfully merciless hand of his gripped your core, the warmth making him hungrier with anticipation. “Don,” You sighed his name enjoying the lazy outline he mapped out around your core.
Then he switched the mic back on, your eyes widened. He greeted a new customer with the usual name of the company and his name just as he spread your lips. “I’m sorry to hear you’re having difficulties with your new system ma’am” You wiggled in his grasp trying to glare at him but could only muffle your sounds when said digit dipped inside. Your back arched as he thrusted indolently, enjoying each squirm and quiet gasp. “I’m goin to walk you through some basic steps if it’s alright with you” He spoke dangerously close to your ear, tongue sneaking out to lick the shell of your ear.
You almost moaned right next to the mic of his headset.
It was torturous.
The call was reaching the half hour mark from what you could see on his computer and by now he was fully rubbing your clit. You prayed the wet noises couldn’t be heard through the call. Each swipe made your toes curl, sweat had already broken out on your skin and you had bitten down on the inside of your cheek with enough force for it to throb with pain. You knew you wouldn’t last long, and the feeling of Donnie’s hard on against your rear was driving you crazy. You smacked his thigh signaling him you weren’t going to make it.
“Ma’am Im going to be placing you on a brief hold, thank you and my apologies” He muted the mic quickly and grinned when your body went stiff. “OhFUCK!” You gave a loud and lengthy shakey moan as Donnie continued to rub you through your orgasm. He pressed his lips against your cheek, tapping your sensitive nub, clearly entertained with each tremble you gave. “I think you’re the happiest customer I’ve ever had while working” You chuckled breathless, smacking his leg again.
“God you’re such a jerk! They could’ve heard me” Your cheeks flushed embarrassed. “Half the fun if you ask me” He whispered it across your skin as you felt him shove his sweats away then lift you by your thighs. Your eyes nearly bugged out, he couldn’t possibly...?
He entered you, the position making it a tight fit and causing the two of you to moan.
“Can’t make a peep, darling” He thrusted lazily upwards. “Don- theresOH- don’t switch back to the ca-“ You covered your mouth when he unmuted the call.
“Sorry for the delay ma’am, as I was explaining” He cleared his throat, feeling the effects but recuperating quickly. His hips moved lazily, hands gripping the backs of your knees firmly. You caught a glimpse of his blissed out face through the monitor, god you bit down on your bottom lip and moved with him.
You were in for a long shift.
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
CORPSE x Reader
I’ve had this in my head for a while!!! Especially the part about the dinosaur onesie.
PS if somebody could PLEASE draw corpse in a Dino onesie I will love you forever and write whatever you request.
You had a pretty good day at work today. There were parts that were slightly stressful, but that comes with any job. 
You finished your shift at around 4:30 and you texted Corpse to see if he was awake and if he wanted to hang out. He said that it was cool with him since he hadn’t seen you in a while. You decide to drive over to Target to get some snacks for yourself and you walk around the store to see what else you need to spend your money because let’s be honest, you never leave Target with only what you went there. You walked through the book section, then to the clothing section and then you saw two dinosaur onesies in the mens section.
You thought it would be so cute if you and Corpse wore matching onesies while hanging out, so you took them both and headed to checkout.
You texted Corpse to let him know you were outside his apartment and waited a couple seconds before the door was pulled open.
“Hey!” you say hugging him
“Hey Y/N” he said, still sounding tired
“Did I wake you up when I texted,” you ask feeling bad
“Yes and no,” he says with a small giggle,”I was in the midst of waking up, I just wasn’t fully awake yet.”
“You could’ve just left me on read or something,” you say laughing
“No, I wanted to see you and I have to join a lobby with Rae, Sykkuno and everyone so”
“That’s right, I completely forgot. I can leave, I don’t wanna bug you”
You and Corpse met through Rae during a stream. Streaming is just a hobby for you, so you’re not as big as everyone else, but you enjoy doing it on your free time and when you wanna get your mind off of work. You and Corpse grew really close as you found it easy to talk about certain things with him and he was open to listening to you. You even confessed to him that you were a fan before you actually met him, so this was basically a full circle moment for you.
“No, it’s fine. You’re completely welcome to stay. What’s in the bags by the way”
You smile and you take out the onesies.
“There’s one for you and one for me,” you say with a huge smile
“These are so cool,” he says excited,“Can I put it on now?”
“Of course,” you say smiling
You took the tags off of the onesies and gave Corpse his.
“Can I use your bathroom to change? I wanna get out of my work clothes.”
“Yeah, it’s fine”
You take your bag with you since you have clothes to change in. You take off your work shirt and pants, then throw on a tank top and shorts to wear under your onesie.
Once you exit the bathroom, you see corpse in his onesie and can’t help but feel giddy. He looked so stinkin cute.
It was time for Corpse to get on discord with Rae and everyone. He logs in and starts up among us.
“Guys, Corpse is here!” Rae says
“Hi Corpse!” Sykkuno says
“Hey!” Toast, Leslie and Poki say simultaneously
“Hello everyone,” he says smiling
He muted himself in the discord chat
“Do you wanna say hi to everyone, y/n”
“Sure, if you’re okay with it, I am too”
“Yeah it’s fine, I don’t think anyone is streaming yet so it’s okay and no one will get the wrong idea or start rumors”
You get up from the chair you were sitting on and Corpse unmutes himself in the chat.
“Hey everyone!” You say happily
“OHMYGOSH! Y/N” Rae says
“HEY Y/N” everyone else greets
“I feel like it’s been forever since you got on a game,” Rae says
“Yeah, I know. It’s been like a week or so. Next time you guys are gonna play, let me know. I’ll get on after work if it’s a day I’m working.”
“Yay!!” Rae and Poki say
“Okay, well I’m gonna let Corpse get back on so you guys can play and stream and stuff”
“Bye Y/N,” Rae and Poki say sadly
“It was nice talking to you for a little bit, y/n. Hopefully we can play together soon,” Sykkuno says
“Yes, I would love that. I’m gonna let Corpse get back on now. Byeee”
You let Corpse get back into his chair and you go back to where you were sitting.
It’s now a few hours into the gameplay and Corpse has to use the bathroom in the middle of the game. He tells everyone that he’ll be back then mutes his mic to ask if you would play for him while he goes. He’s crew mate this round, so you were relieve that you wouldn’t have to do some big brain gameplay. You went about doing Corpse’s tasks until he came back.
Corpse re-enters and you hand his seat back over. 
“Have fun,” he asks smiling and getting comfortable
“Yeah, I was relieved to see you weren’t imposter this round”
He lets out a small giggle and unmutes his mic so that everyone in the stream could hear him.
He spent the next hour and a half talking with everyone and chat, making jokes, laughing, and simping over sykkuno. You loved hearing him have fun and glad that he could be happy even with everything he has going on.
When he finished, he logged off his computer and started to walk towards the living room. You get out of your chair and follow him.
“You still wanna watch some movies,” he asks
“Yeah, but i completely understand if you’re exhausted. You played for really long,” you say not wanting him to feel pressured
“Okay, just give me five minutes”
“Alrighty,” you say giving him a reassuring smile
He joins you on the couch and lays down facing you. He closes his eyes and faces towards the ceiling. 
After he finishes resting, you turn on the tv and decide to put on How the Grinch Stole Christmas because it’s one of your favorite movies and then you agreed to put on Corpse’s favorite, Donnie Darko after your choice was over. The rest of the night you took turns picking movies until you decided you should probably head home. You give Corpse a hug and wish him goodbye.
When you reach home, you text him to let him know you reached safely and tell him good night since you have an early shift tomorrow, otherwise you would’ve stayed up with him.
‘Good night. Sweet dreams :)’ he texts back
You smile at your phone head to bed.
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Art by _nokisuu on IG
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I have been working really hard and hope this makes you guys happy. I hope you all have a good night/day and thank you for all your support and reading my work 😘
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starsfic · 4 years
Summary: The boys have run after Shredder, leaving the humans to pick up the mess of Splinter and Draxum.
Notes: More of my TMNT incarnation...yeah.
The boys had left a few minutes, running after Shredder before he destroyed the city. April could understand, still wanting to take several showers just to get rid of Shredder’s psychic presence. It didn’t mean she couldn’t worry about her friends. Her girlfriend knew to stay indoors after a quick call and she and her dad were going to try and spread the message to the rest to the neighborhood. (She had also called Todd and Senor Hueso to give them the alert.)
Still, it left the humans alone with an unconscious and wounded Splinter. There was also a wounded Draxum, crumpled into a pile. Huginn and Muninn had reappeared, perching on Irma’s shoulders as the teens stared at the yokai. “Is he dead?” Irma signed eventually. Casey shrugged.
April pulled out the spare staff Donnie had given her. Extending it, she cautiously approached Draxum. It was possible that he was dead- the beating Shredder had delivered would certainly kill an unmutated human. When she was close enough, she gave him a few pokes. A groan was met at the poking and she took a few steps back.
“He’s unconscious, not dead,” she announced.
“So…are we taking him with us?”
“We can’t! At least, not to the lair!”
April wasn’t sure if she could look Leo or Mikey in the eyes again if they left Draxum here to die. “We aren’t taking him to the lair,” she said before squatting to poke him again. “Hey. Hey, Drax. Draxum. Draxum!” Eyes opened and the baron managed to shift, looking at her through pain clouded eyes. “Portal,” she said, extending her hand. He spat a few words in some language before dropping the compass in her hand. Then he groaned and collapsed face first on the ground again. “Yeah, me too buddy.”
“Where are you going?” Huginn asked as April made the sigil. It glowed purple for a moment before turning into a portal. She stuck the button in her pocket. “I mean, you’re bringing Boss along and I don’t think he’ll be very happy in a human apartment.” Muninn chimed up.
“We’re not taking him to a human apartment,” April said, grabbing one of Draxum’s arms. Certainly not her family’s apartment. “Irma, get Splinter. Casey, help me.” The trio managed to drag the older two through the portal to a familiar office. Big Mama, in human form, stared at them.
“Not a word,” April said, suddenly feeling very tired. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
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calliecat93 · 6 years
Callie Reviews: TMNT 2012 Season 2 (Part Two)
Continuing from Part One
The Shift (Episodes 15-18)
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After a silly filler episodes that you LARP-ers will probably enjoy, the plot continues in I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman. Finally fed up with Stockman’s incompetence, Shredder triggers the mutagen collar and Stockman is turned into a fly mutant. But he gets the idea to mutate himself with... I really don’t fully understand the plan. To put it simply, he plans to kidnap April due to her unique DNA and have them mutated together to restore his humanity. Such a sound and totally not insane plan!
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So part of the season has had Donnie trying to develop a retro-mutagen, a mutagen antidote that will revert the person back into a human. He finally succeeds and has two batches, one for April’s dad and the other or Splinter. The gang goes to get April’s dad, leading to Stockman finding them and kidnapping April. Although April tries to escape, even whacking Stockman with her tessen, she ultimately tied over the mutagen. One of the vials got broken, so Splinter tells Donnie to use the one that’s left to cure Kirby. As Leo, Donnie, and Casey go to save April, Raph and Mikey are sent to find and capture Kirby.
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While April does get dunked into the mutagen, as it turns out due to her DNA she is immune to the effects. So since that plan failed, and really? Did we expect Stockman’s B-rated horror movie plan to work? But yeah, Stockman tries to steal the retro-mutagen with Rhazar soon joining the party! They all escape and meet up with Raph and Mikey, April calming down her father. But Stockman manages to steal the mutagen, forcing a huge aerial chase to get it. Which let me just say that April is awesome this episode. When the vial gets stolen, she rounds up her dad and Casey and goes after it. The vial ends up broken, but like Hell April is going to give up the chance of saving her dad after all the shit form before. She manages to get her dad below it as it drips and he reverts back to normal. Also once she gets freed after being mutagen dunked, she kicks Stockman’s ass hard. Seriously, this episode did a MUCH better job at presenting April as a badass who deserves to fight alongside the Turtles ten times better than The Kraang Conspiracy did.
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So yeah, Kirby is unmutated, yay! But Donnie’s now fresh out of retromutagen. He feels guilty as now he can’t restore Splinter’s humanity, but Splinter makes it clear that he has come to terms with his mutant status and is happy as long as he has his sons. Stockman is brought before Shredder, who has decided to give him one last chance. There is a certain mutant that he wants, and tasks Stockman with creating it for him.
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Speaking of the Foot, we return to the Karai story in The Wrath of Tiger Claw where the kunoichi is having doubts about everything. We also have Tiger Claw return... so what was the point of having the worm swallow him? Anyways, Shredder has him and Karai make a move against the Turtles. After beating intel out of their friend Murakami, Tiger Claw attacks Casey while Karai confronts April. She claims that she doesn’t want to fight, even thinking of turning on Shredder. When Leo and Donnie show up, Leo decides to do what is by no means a bad decision: take Karai to the Lair without questioning if this could be a trap at all! Our fearless leader everyone! Yeah, this is all a ploy by Karai to find the location and she has a tracker so that Tiger Claw will follow suit.
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However with Karai there, Splinter brings her into the dojo and shows her a photo of himself and Tang-Shen. A photo that Karai herself has. When she sees the family portrait, it hammers the revelation in further. She cant believe it, which confuses Leo, so she reveals that it was a trap. But yeah, now Karai has physical evidence, so she now knows the truth. She and the Turtles get out of the sewers and to a butcher shop to lead Tiger Claw away and proceed to fight. Mikey end sup pretty badly beaten up as Karai cements her turn of alligence. Agreed, Tiger Claw knocks her out and takes her back to face Shredder. With Mikey’s injuries, the Turtles can't follow and Raph makes it clear that despite all of this, he still doesn’t trust Karai. Leo is angered by all of this, but ultimately there’s nothing that he can do.
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Karai is brought before Shredder, Tiger Claw revealing her aiding the Turtles. Angered, Karai asks Shredder to tell ehr the truth. So Shredder does just that, revealing that yes, Splinter is her real father. This murders the last bit of lingering doubt in Karai’s mind. So what does Shredder do now that all of his lies are out on the table? He has Tiger Claw throw his so-called ‘daughter’ in the dungeon below! Father of the Year everyone! Oh, but you think all of this is bad! HA! Oh just wait. JUST WAIT.
The Revelations (Episodes 19-24)
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We get three filler episodes after that. The first one is stupid and not worth mentioning other than that I hate it. One involving an arms dealer named Ivan Steranko (who we saw last season in Enemy of My Enemy) and a Tron-esque thief named Anton Zeck. They try to steal Shredder’s helmet, the Turtles get invovled, and Leo tries to use this to bargain for Karai. It fails. Remember those guys names though, it’ll be important next season. The other one is a Kraang plot where Raph gets his mind switched with a Kraang. A fun episode, especially since we get to hear Sean Astin have to talk Kraang-like and it is hilarious. But the episode ends with Raph revealing that the Kraang are about to start another invasion and Donnie revealing a plan for something he’s making to fight back: a mecha!
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We return to the Karai plot with her trying to escape, but she sadly gets re-captured. Shredder, in both this and the previously menitoned episode abotu his helmet, has tried to tell Karai thing slike he was trying to do what was best for her or that how she’s acting is hurting him. You know... like an abuser would talk to someone. The Turtles have mad ea plan, but Splinter has forbidden it as he refuses to lose any of his other kids. Leo goes through with it anyways and it does work. They’re able to break Karai out, fight through the Foot, and get back to the Lair safely. Shredder... takes this surprisingly well. Why? Because he knwos that Karai is going to come back of her own volition to get payback. Of course you would you sick fuck, you raised her to be that way. God I hate Shredder...
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Anyways, Splinter reveals to Karai the full story of what actually happened, including his relationship with Shredder. As it turns out, the Hamato Clan had wiped out the Oroku Clan, but Splinter’s father took pity on young Saki and adopted him into the clan. So Splinter and Shredder were raised as brothers, but things got tense when Splinter got together with Tang-Shen, who Shredder has been with previously, and when Shredder discovered his true heritage. Angered and fulled by vengeance, he and Splinter fought, but Tang-Shen sacrificed herself and took a lethal blow to save her lover. Shredder came out of it disfigured and during the chaos, stole the baby away, lying to her the ame way that the Hamato’s did.
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Learning this on top of everything else, Karai decides to go back and personally finish Shredder. Leo finds out... and asks to go with her, also wanting to put an end to it. Wow Leo, so responsible there... Karai responds by knocking him out. She goes back and she and Shredder have one heck of a brawl, but ultimately Karai gets pinned and Shredder has her taken to Stockman’s lab. Why? Well remember that mutant that he asked Stockman to make Well it involves using Snake DNA in Stockman’s large vat to lure the Turtles in and mutate them into snakes. What do snakes like to eat? Why rats of course! Yeah, Shredder plans to mutate Splinter’s sons and have them devour him. Wow... wow. Does this man have ANY limit to how sick he can be?! Of course not because he ties Karai over it to serve as bait! There is NO WAY that THAT could go wrong in ANY WAY possible!
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The Turtles and Splinter arrive and all but Leo get caught. He reaches Karai... but Shredder attacks him and severs the link. Karai is sent into the vat, turning into a snake mutant. Oh and on top of all of that, a fire gets ignited! So Shredder had kidnapped, lied to, and emotionally abused a young girl, threatened her with violence if she didn’t obey, locked her up when the truth came out, tried to paint himself as the victim when she was understandably pissed off, he used her as bait, and because of his own blind arrogance he got her mutated. SO who’s to blame for this? Why Splinter of course! OF COURSE! Shredder swears to avenge his daughter and I just want to break things. Splinter is able to break through to Karai and she flees. As Stockman’s building burns down, Leo apologizes to Splinter... but all Splinter says is that they should go.
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One small note I have to make. When Stockman was preparing the DNA, he split something and it got mixed in. Thus creating a rather unique mutation. One that allows Karai to shift back into her human form, huh...
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The penultimate episode, Into Dimension X, has the Turtles receive a message from someone we haven't heard from in over 20 episodes. My friends, Leatherhead is back! He tries to contact the Turtles via communication orb to warn them of the Kraang’s plans... but Mikey gets upset and breaks the orb. They also get a working portal for Dimension X and desperate to save his friend, Mikey stupidly goes in alone. It forces the other three to go in to find him, and kudos to the animation team. Dimension X both looks and feels totally alien. Most of the environment is crystallized and there are these strange little alien creatures. Add in the pink sky and it feels like a place the Kraang would come from.
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So as it turns out, Mikey had become... very adapt to how Dimension X works due to his bizarre train of logic. TO out it simply, he understands Kraang logic mroe than regular logic. The Turtles get into the Kraang’s base, rescue Leatherhead, and discover that the Kraang, after nearly two seasons of trying, have perfected the mutagen. Thy can now use it to turn the Earth into a second Dimension X. While the guys cause some damage before getting back home, it is more clear than ever that the invasion is near. But it’s okay! Our boys are ready to face whatever comes at them! They can handle this, right?
But yeah, we now enter the Season Two finale. This is actually both my favorite episode of the season and my favorite in the entire series. It’s one of the best-written, but... also the most depressing. Like this episode left me numb by the end. Why? Well let us go into...
The Invasion (Episodes 25-26)
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Desperate to get Karai back, Shredder once more makes a deal with the Kraang. They help him get what he wants, and he helps them get what they want. So once again, Shredder decides to leave humanity to suffer all for his own needs. You see why I hate this monster?!
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April and Irma get attacked by Foot Bots and unable to evade them, April is forced to take Irma to the sewers with her. Raph and Casey are on the lookout for Karai, but that gets cut short when the cops show up and try to arrest Casey. As it turns out, these are Kraang posing as humans. Worst? Raph sees Kraang portals opening and the Kraang dishing out everything that they have. UFO’s, robotic fleets, giant walker-things straight out of Star Wars. Casey is able to get free and overwhelmed, he and Raph are forced to try and find cover.
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Down in the sewers, Donnie and Leo are arguing over the best course of action to take. Donnie wants to put his faith in the Turtle Mech, confident that it’ll dot he job despite still having kinks to work out. Leo however is concerned about if things could go wrong and wants to establish a second base outside New York. April arrives with Irma, who is taken back... before her body changes and reveals that she is a robot... UMM... so yeah, Irma was actually Kraang Sub-Prime, who was trying to work form within to weasel out the location of the Lair. Now that he has it, the Kraang open portals and attack. The gang gets quickly over-whelmed so Splinter orders the Turtles and April to flee. They head into the tunnels with Leo choosing to stay behind and fend off the Kraang droids chasing them while Donnie, Mikey, and April escape back to the surface.
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Everything has devolved into chaos quickly. Raph and Casey are trying to evade the Kraang’s forces. Donnie, Mikey, and April flee to the O’Neil’s apartment where they watch the chaos unfold and poor Kirby has essentially a panic attack. Poor April feels guilty for it all due to bringing Irma to the Lair, even offering to go out and bring the boys to safety herself. Leo gets to the surface, but the Foot have spotted him and Shredder sends all of his forces after him. Splinter is able to defeat SUb-Prime, but the Lair is in utter ruins. But he has little time to grieve as he still has his sons to find. To make things worst, Kraang Prime emerges and launches mutagen all over the city, mutating everything and everyone hit with it. So yeah... things are NOT looking good.
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Leo eventually ends up at a construction site where Shredder is waiting. Leo tries to make him fight him, but Shredder refuses as Leo is ‘beneath him’. Instead, he sends more Foot Bots and poor Leo is just getting pushed to his limits here. He’s under a lot of stress and pressure at this moment, and the constant attacks are not helping. He bests the Foot Bots in a... pretty brutal fashion that makes you really glad that he’s dicing and stabbing Foot Bots and not actual soldiers. Shredder has Rhazar, Fishface, and Tiger Claw attack him, provoking Leo to devolve to blind fury and kick their asses. But at this point, the leader in blue is exhausted, worn down, and not thinking clearly which leaves him vulnerable to Shredder, who casts the final, and most lethal, blow.
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Shredder has his men take Leo away as he finds Splinter, who is NOT happy with the evidence that something happened to his son. Shredder responds by saying that he took Leo just like he took Karai all those years ago. This pisses Splinter off for VERY understandable reasons and they fight. Meanwhile, Raph and Casey finally make it to the apartment, but the relief is short-lived. Leo gets tossed through the window, knocked out and brutally beaten up. The Foot attack, forcing the group to escape. Kirby leads them to his old van they they try to escape in, but Kirby get shit with mutagen before he can tag along. Kraang Prime totally did that just to spite April. Asshole. The group flees in the van. Splinter and Shredder continue to brawl, but Splinter eventually gets trapped under some graters. Fortunately he earlier met up with Leatherhead, who jumps into the fray to save him. Unfortunately, while t works, Shredder gets the upper hand and knocks him into the icy waters. Splinter gets so pissed that he, by sheer force of will, knocks the grates away and tackles Shredder back into the sewers. All while trying to essentially bite his face off. DAMN.
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Donnie, Raph, Mikey, and April go back to the Lair to find Splinter as they leave Leo with Casey, who goes to find his family. Spoiler alert: he sadly fails. The Lair is an utter wreck and realizing that they can't stay, Donnie has the guys round up supplies and anything significant before going to find Splinter and get out of the city. It’s a... really somber scene. The Lair is where we have spent the past two years. It wasn't just the Turtles home, it was ours in a way too. I Bremen seeing it trashed for the first time and I was just... crying. Mind you they make the bad choice of having them fix it u next season, which I think was dumb because it negates the emotional significance played up in this moment and potential growth for the cast. But for this moment? It was... hard. Really hard.
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April soon senses that Splinter is in trouble and the four venture into the tunnels, discovering that Splinter is still fighting Shredder. The tunnel is caged off however, so they can’t reach him. Splinter gives it his all, even using the same airbending-like maneuver that he used in I. Monster on Shredder. But unfortunately, it fails. Shredder get sup, knocks Splinter out form behind, and literally flushes Splinter away. All while three of his sons and his surrogate daughter are forced to watch helplessly. Raph is enraged, angrily pulling and bating at the bars as Shredder walks away. Mikey eventually hugs Raph to calm him down, assuring him that somehow Splinter will be okay. April, enraged, tells Donnie that they can't run. They need to stay and end this here and now.
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Their decision made, the four get the Turtle Mech and fight through the Kraang to reach the Foot. But they never get the chance to face Shredder again as Kraang Prime takes them on. They give it their best, even using the city’s power to use a powerful electrical attack n Prime that knocks out the city power grid. But even that proves futile and even fries the systems as Kraang Prime simply exits his robot suit and attacks personally. The only thing that saves them is April using her powers and Casey arriving to ram Prime back. They all flee formt he city, Donnie apologizing to the still comatose Leo for not listening. April hs a place where they can go, a farmhouse in North Hampton, but it does little to raise anyone’s spirits. The Turtles, for the first time, have completely and utterly lost.
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As for Splinter, he is left in the city. But fortunately he is saved form drowning by, of all people, Karai. She doesn't stick around, but Thank God that we have something good happen cause Dear God did we need it! YEAH THIS EPISODE STILL HURTS EVEN FOUR YEARS LATER! 
TBC in Part Three...
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tmntstorystopnsfw · 7 years
Through thick and thin part 7
Eventual X rating
That night Dee just couldn't sleep. She sent her contact at the shelter a text that she probably wouldn't make it in and then, on a whim, she went digging through the shelves in her closet until she found what she was looking for. It was her diary that she had kept all through her high school years. She paged through it, words recreating memories she had thought she had forgotten. She couldn't even believe some of the adventures she had with those boys. It was the stuff of legends. An idea struck her and she opened up her laptop.
When the morning came and went, and Dee didn't come out of her room to go to the shelter, Leo became concerned. Dee loved her volunteer work and would have the place crawling with pets if it weren't so inconvenient. They had a snake, but he knew she didn't think reptiles were that fun… at least not the unmutated variety. They had a cat too but it was really attached to Mikey. He wandered down to her room and peeked in. She was fast asleep but her computer was open and facing her on her bed. He walked in and lifted it to put it on the desk and out of her way. She stirred and her eyes opened.
“Leo? What time is it?” She said, squinting though cloudy contacts she had forgotten to remove.
“Twelve-thirty.” He answered. “I was wondering why you hadn’t gotten up to go to the shelter.”
Her eyes lit up. “Let me get my contacts out and I’ll show you.” She said, climbing out of bed and heading for the bathroom. She quickly returned with her glasses on and then took the laptop from him and opened the word document she had been working on through the night. She handed him the computer and he sat down to read. A slow smile turned up the corners of his lips as he read.
“Dee, this is amazing.” He said. “Do you plan on doing anything with this?”
“I thought it would make a good children's book series. I thought of getting Donnie to look it over and then maybe I’d send it to a publisher.”
“I think that's a really great idea.” He said. “I can't believe you remember some of this stuff.”
“I had help from my diary.” She admitted. “I was re-reading it and the idea just hit me.”
“I didn't know you kept a diary.” He said.
“I did and you will never read it, right?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“I won't.” He promised.
“Good. Could I ask you something since I have you alone?” She asked.
“Shoot.” He answered.
“Does Donnie ever talk about girls?” She asked.
Leo looked at her like she had sprouted a second head. “I suppose. We all do sometimes. Why?”
“Does he have a thing for me?” She asked a little hesitantly.
“What gives you that idea?” He replied carefully. His conversations with his brothers weren't something he just blabbed about.
“Last night I asked him if he was jealous about Raph dating a girl. He said he was but police girls weren't his type so I asked him what his type was and he said… well…. A girl like me….” She looked up at him. “Does he still see me that way?”
“Did you ask him?” Leo asked.
“Of course not. I would hate to embarrass him and myself for no reason. I decided stealthy girl investigating was a better route.” She smiled sheepishly.
Leo sighed. “Say I said that he confessed his undying love of you to me.” Leo said. “He didn't, but if I could confirm without a doubt that he wanted to be with you what would you do with that information?”
Dee’s brow crinkled. “I don't know.”
“I’ll tell you what would happen. You wouldn't know what to do so you would act weird which would make Donnie act weird which would make it awkward for all of us. Why even worry about it? Donnie hasn't made a move on you has he?”
“No.” She conceded.
“Then nothing has changed. Just act like you always act and if one day he decides to let you know he likes you then you can deal with it when it comes up. There’s really no reason to make a mountain out of a molehill.” He said.
“I guess you’re right.” She said but she looked a little lost and unsure.
“Do you have a thing for Donnie?” Leo asked. Her eyes shot back up to his, surprised.
“I love all of you guys. You know that.” She answered.
Leo shook his head. “We’re family and I get that but you hang out with Donnie a lot more than the rest of us and I get that too. You guys have the same kind of mellow personalities and some of the same hobbies too. You would be a good match if you decided to get together.”
“Come on, Leo.” She said. “Wouldn't that cause problems between you guys? If I chose Donnie over you or Mikey wouldn't that ruffle feathers?”
“No, you come on.” Leo replied. “We’re all adults now. It's not like when we were teenagers anymore. If you picked Donnie over Mikey and I we would be happy for you. Personally, I think you are a great and beautiful woman but in my mind, if you haven't wanted to date me by now then it's not happening and I'm okay with that. You are a grown ass woman that can make your own choices. Maybe you need to quit thinking so much about how everyone else feels and figure out how you feel cuz from here it doesn't look like you even know your own mind.” Dee went to retort but Leo held up a hand, silencing her. “You don't have to do anything about it right now but maybe you should start thinking real hard about it. It's your life, Dee. Make your own choices about it.” He walked out, leaving her mouth hanging open. She couldn't believe he had just taken her to task about that. Not that he was exactly wrong but still. What nerve!
Dee walked into Donnie’s lab, her laptop in her arms. He was leaning over his drafting table again. He had been working on designing an improved security system for the NYPD for weeks now. He glanced up at the sound of her approach and straightened quickly when he noticed who it was.
“Hey.” He said, looking a little uncomfortable. Leo had been right. If she acted like something had changed, then it would be like something had changed.
“Is now a bad time?” She asked, glancing down at the blueprints.
His eyes followed hers to the paper and he sighed. “It’s a great time actually. I need a break.”
“I was just wondering if you would read something I'm working on.” She said as she opened her laptop and clicked the file that held her stories.
“Of course.” He said, reaching for the computer. She handed it over. He set the computer on his desk and began to read. She watched as his eyes widened in surprise as he read about all of their teenage adventures through her eyes.
“Wow. This is really cool.” He said, looking over to where she sat. He knew she enjoyed reading and was a great writer in her English classes and whenever she’d had to write college essays but this was so much more. It was so personal and detailed and rich.
“I had a great English teacher who once told me ‘write what you know’ so that's what I did. It's a little bit embellished for the purpose of storytelling of course but most of it is just as I remember it.” Dee said. “I thought maybe you could proof read and edit for me.”
“Of course I will. Send me the file as soon as you finish it and I’ll let you know what I think. Do you plan on publishing?”
“I was hoping to.” She said. “I don't really know much about it.”
“Well you don't have to worry about that step quite yet.” He said. “Just focus on getting the first installment finished. I’ll look into it in the meantime.”
“Awesome. You’re the best, Donnie.” Her eyes strayed back to the blueprints. “You having trouble with that?”
Another sigh. “Yes. I’ve been staring at it too long and nothing is making sense now.”
“I think everyone is home. Maybe we should have an adventure. Just for old times sake.” Dee suggested.
“What did you have in mind?” He asked.
“Well, it's a gorgeous July day. I say we find ourselves a nice secluded swimming hole and take a dip. We haven't been swimming in a long time.” Dee said.
A slow grin spread across Donnie’s face. “That's exactly what I could use right now.”
Dee gathered up her Laptop and bounded out of the room to gather up the other brothers. She was correct in guessing they were all home.
“Maybe Shannon could come.” Raph said when Dee told him.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you want. Can we please just hurry it up?” Dee rushed him.
“Sheesh. Impatient much?” He grumbled as he headed for his room, texting Shannon as he went.
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onejellyfishplease · 10 months
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It wouldn't end well would it
I have seen this comparison like 3 times already lol.
he really is a worm on a string
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onejellyfishplease · 11 months
Oh! What would happen if we put double mutated Leo and unmutated Donnie in the same room? 🤔
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big dog vs small dog vibes.
@shru-ute I love your design for double mutated Leo, hes very cool!
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
I wanna put unmutated Donnie in a tiny sweater…
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How could you do this to him
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
BE CAREFUL!!!! unmutated turtle is pointy, cute AND now more deadly dangerous then ever! Be aware. More news at rise... get it? 😜
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he's mad with power
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
I mean this in the nicest way possible, unmutated Donnie looks like a heckin' MOSQUITOE
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Careful, you're SUMMONING HIM
the local cryptid, mosquitello
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