#unlimited psychic squad
joyfuladorable · 1 year
do u have any peni hcs? 👀
also i love ur peni content where she plays a more prominent role :)
Aww, thanks! I can get Very Attached to characters who I feel needed More from the Narrative, lol.
Now, for headcanons:
Since Peni works for Oscorp, she Absolutely milks the fact that they Need her to pilot SP//dr to get Things like rare snacks and merchandise and music and trinkets for Spider's terrarium
She was already kind of an Oddball while going to boarding school when her dad was out being SP//dr. The typical parent-influenced child cruelty towards kids with absent parents
She was transferred to a school closer to Oscorp and her Aunt and Uncle upon getting Bit, and she’s kinda known as the “kid with her head in the clouds” and “kid who definitely brings a spider with her to school but as long as her grades are good and it doesn’t bite anyone then whatevers”
There’s a bit of contradictory info in the comics about how secret her identity as SP//dr is, but for the movie-verse I imagine Oscorp tries to keep that info contained since she’d be vulnerable while at school but also More Importantly to avoid a Media Uproar about them having a Child fight deadly foes on the regular
As I’ve said, I’d want Peni and Addy to be Besties before the VE#m Incident. Maybe instead of the ill-timed approach during school that the comics had, Uncle Ben would’ve introduced Addy to Peni as a potential support/partner during missions. Peni would be kinda resistant at first like the comics cuz What Is She without SP//dr and now there’s someone who could potentially Replace Her???? But then maybe they’d bond over music and that’d snowball into friendship as Peni showed Addy the ropes concerning mech piloting and “it’s different since you’ll be bonding with just the AI but I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
The “new” SP//dr design was based off schematics Peni unearthed after being in a bit of a Fugue State post-VE#m Incident. Maybe they were files her father had hidden away.
It's Awkward when Peni starts living with Ben and May. Peni was probably already a bit self-sufficient from living at boarding school, and Ben and May are scientists first, guardians second. That changes, softens, when time passes. I think by the time the VE#m Incident happened, maybe Peni was beginning to see them more like parents
It's kinda curious that Ben wasn't a genetic match for SP//dr. Maybe Peni's dad and him aren't blood-related??
In the comics, Daredevil is sorta like Peni's mentor? Would love to see him in the movie-verse, too, as like a mentor/dorky uncle who keeps giving her stickers with weird/funky imagery cuz he can't see them and thinks it's funny to surprise the both of them upon gifting like "here, kid." "...Uncle Matt, this is a sticker sheet of gold stars saying 'you tried.'" "Oh, huh, well, you're welcome." (She sticks one of these on him when he isn't paying attention)
And ohhhh MAN, I know we didn't see him in ATSV, but there's a Kamen Rider/Super Sentai-inspired Spidey who pilots a huge zord called Leopardon and he and all the other mech/robo Spideys are like a Squad in the comics. Would love to see him and Peni bonding over mechanics!!
Peni Definitely had a hand in building/improving the Go Home Machine with Margo
Something someone said to me on Twitter because of my Trust comic is that Spider probably hangs out with other Spideys while Peni is hyperfocused on her work. And I was like YES she Absolutely has to basically play hide n seek with Spider and go to all her friends to see which one has him
Spider likes being spun around like a yo-yo and has a Lot of fun hanging with Pavitr. Spider has a specific reason for liking each of the Squad, actually, and will go to them depending on his Mood
Spider is Highly Intelligent and can pilot SP//dr independently to help Peni with tasks (in the Spider-Verse Unlimited webcomic he helps Peni with her hardwiring homework)
Peni and Spider's psychic connection happens with feelings instead of words. In the suit, those feelings tend to synch so they're of one mind. With the other Spideys, Spider usually communicates with a Lot of gestures and hopping but will resort to Charlotte's Web and weave words if he needs to
Back to my mention of Spider with a Terrarium. He has multiple: one at Peni's house, one at Oscorp, and one at the Spider Society. None of them follow a specific aesthetic, just whatever Spider and Peni like at any given moment
Peni keeps a container of live insects on her person at all times for Spider. She has absolutely almost opened the container on multiple occasions forgetting it's not one of Her Snacks
In the spirit of Peni's heinous ability to chew bubblegum and eat chips at the same time, she Loves eating things with strong flavors and weird textures
One time she spent a Whole Week grinding levels for an MMO with her tech bud, Margo, and they celebrated their raid boss victory by turning the Go Home room into a massive blanket fort where they were found fast asleep in a pile of pillows surrounded by snacks (oh, shit, I should draw that hold on I'm adding it to my list, lol)
And to close on a somber note, Peni has a small shrine at home for her father, her aunt, and Addy. She always takes a moment with it before leaving the house.
And nooow, here’s some Actual Canon things in the Movie-verse I noticed after watching ITSV Everyday for a Week:
Her psychic link with Spider and SP//dr means she Feels when the mech gets Rough Up
Her eyes glowed red when Spider bit her and I imagine they just Do That whenever she focuses on their Bond
The SP//dr mech probably had its own sentience/AI since it emoted without either of its pilots inside. Remnant of her father, maybe?
Okay also speaking of her father, since he Built that suit that means he was probably a Huge Dork for designing the outer panel to emote like that (or Peni programmed it that way but it’s cuter to think her dad did it, lol)
Also, either her dad was a Small Guy or the pilot’s chair was adjusted to fit Peni after she took over, which MMM means it has to get adjusted every time Peni grows like that’s not a particularly efficient design choice??? Or maybe the hull can just adjust itself depending on the pilot, lol
SP//dr’s joints are Magnetized, which gives it a pretty broad range of movement
Peni was trained in some sort of martial arts, which makes sense if she ever needs to fight while outside the suit and gives SP//dr more versatility during combat if it’s in-built weapons aren’t viable
At the very least, Peni is Bilingual. Her New York probably has a majority mix of English and Japanese speakers
She embossed the Goober with a Spidey Insignia, which she either made on the side while working on the Goober or her universe just Has That, lol. Maybe it’s the insignia they use in Oscorp to label SP//dr-related things
She knew where Aunt May's house was in Miles' universe, so she canonically lives in Queens, too. I wonder if she tried going to Oscorp at all?
Heelies heelies she has Heelies which is so freaking Adorable!!
Wow, this is a lot more than I thought I'd write, lol! Hope you enjoyed! ^w^
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I Need You to Wake Up
Pairing: Doctor Strange x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Death, some gore, angst
AN: Yet another angst oneshot!
Summary: When Y/N is captured by Hydra, Stephen finally finds them, but he might be too late.
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They had done it. Hydra had finally taken you. After years of sending threats to the sanctum, to your husband and you, to Shield and the Avengers, they had finally managed to do it.
You never thought that they would get to you, with your magic and other powers there was no chance. You were wrong, everyone was wrong. Stephen, you, Fury, Tony, and the others, all wrong.
Being the sorcerer's supreme partner should have protected you. You knew more about the mystic arts than anyone except him, maybe even more than him. Both of you knew he had his enemies, but they knew not to lay a hand on you, they had seen you on the battlefield alone enough to tear an army apart, and they had also seen you with your husband when the two of you were together anything was possible. 
You two were the perfect team, the Strange's. Not anymore, it wasn't falling out of love or anything, it was this. An organization run by idiots, yet they somehow did the impossible. 
At first, it was unclear why they took you. You thought it was to get to your husband, he was one of the most powerful people on earth. It turns out they just wanted a weapon like they tried to do to Barnes but with more unlimited power.
You knew it would be unsuccessful, knowing the proper spells to keep anyone out of your mind, even Stephen. What you did not expect was the beatings, the restraints that took most of your magic, them taking your sling ring, and the inability to reach out to your husband.
No doubt Stephen was worried sick, you were for him. It had been months since Hydra had taken you, you were getting desperate, believing that he may never find you, not knowing the cruel nature in store for you. 
The day seemed like an average one, a guard woke you up. You asked him how long you had been here, he whispered to you eight months. After eight months of torture, if you never psychically recovered you sure as hell would not mentally. If Stephen came he would not hesitate to kill every single soul in this building. 
Then the day started to become not-so-average, and the guard brought you out to a pit. One that eerily reminded you of a firing squad. Pushing you to the bottom, you had looked around thinking maybe this was just to let you out for a while, that's when the bullet struck.
The first one struck your shoulder, and the pain seared through you, not as bad as some injuries before but still enough to bring tears to your eyes. The second one struck your leg, this time you could not hold back a scream. You started to think that this may be the end, that you may never get to see Stephen or anyone you cared about ever again before you passed, little did you know, the agents were on orders to not kill you but only wound you severely. 
The third one was the worse, it hit your right arm, your dominant one. The bullet flew threw, you watched as it entered one end to come out the other. Rendering you useless, unable to complete a single task. That was also the breaking point, the moment where the pain overtook you, you felt nothing but it, you thought death had gotten its grasp on you and succumbed to the dark.
You woke up, wondering what happened to you after that new form of pain and torture, your eyes answered that question. Glancing around, you found yourself strapped to a metal table, ruins etched onto the straps to prevent you from using magic and escaping. I cannot give in, no matter what they do.
A scientist entered the room, an unnerving smile painted on her ugly face, that you oh-so-desperately wanted to punch. "I see you woke up Mx. Strange. I'm afraid I have bad news," she paused for a moment before continuing, "you didn't escape. And you, my dear, are about to meet your untimely death."
Speaking back would only prolong it, if death was inevitable you might as well make it short. Stephen would not want you to make it longer than needed. If only he was here.
The torture soon began.
They didn't seem to care what they did, you were going to die anyway. It started with the skin, peeling bits off, luckily they stopped that after a few minutes. Then came the serums, injecting them, using a machine to incubate them, and noting their effects. Next came the beatings, with various objects, and different forces, they took note of how long it took bruises to form and how much each weapon and object damaged you.
At this point you had given up completely, Stephen was not coming now or ever. All you could do was wait and wait and go with the pain, the tears that filled your eyes with each hit, cut, or injection, and the screams and wails that left your mouth.
You knew when you had begun to die, your bullet wounds were only treated with a rag tied against them. You were bleeding out, the injections making you weaker as well, the cuts doing no help to stop the blood loss. 
You only could hope that Stephen knew you loved him. That you were sorry he would never get to say goodbye. That while in this place all you could think about was him, your darling husband, your soulmate.
So when the dark came, you decided to not fight it, to let it take you so you could escape from here, even if it meant not seeing him one last time. 
At that moment the door popped open, and your husband was there. It's too much of a coincidence, it is just a hallucination before I die. 
He was covered in blood, and before you knew it every worker in the room lay on the floor dead, not a word could even be uttered before they fell. "Y/N, love. Your powers, the pain, it sent off a wave to me. I was able to portal here to you." He made his way over to cup your head.
-Stephen's Point of View-
I watched as they grew weaker by the second. Of course, the only way they could reach out was if they were in so much pain. They were going to die. I could do nothing. No amount of healing magic could fix this.
Their skin was lighter than normal, blood covered the table they rested on. I could see the wounds on every part of their body.
I had only just found them. After months and months of searching. Calling in every possible favor, dragging everyone in, for it to be fruitless and only to reach them on their deathbed.
"Y/N," I told them, as I cupped their head, "I'm going to portal us to our room, so you can be comfortable."
If I could do anything, I would at least give them their last few moments full of comfort and a sense of home.
Picking their weak body up bridal style, I could feel the weight they lost. How little they had eaten, and how much had been taken away. Opening a portal I placed them down, resting their head on my pillow, they always said they stole it because it smelled like me.  
Gazing down at my love, who I had only just now gotten back, I met their eyes as mine filled with tears. Placing my hand on them, I placed a spell to numb the pain, take it away so their last few waking moments could be spent with me.
"Stephen," they whispered to me while tears streamed down their scarred face, "I'm scared, I don't want to leave you."
I have to lie. "It will be alright," I murmured through my tears, "we will get through this." Cupping their cheeks, I gazed into their eyes, slowly drooping as their breathing became more and more labored than before.
"I love you," they whispered through the pain, "I wish I could have seen you sooner. I'm just happy that my last moment is with you."
"I love you more than anything. I am so sorry I could not find you sooner. I love you to the Heavens and back Y/N, my darling, darling partner." They smiled at the statement, the life slowly drained from their eyes and body.
I couldn't accept it. They're not dead, I only just got them back. "Please Y/N," I whispered to the body lying in my bed as I sobbed with tears streaming down my face even faster than before, "I need you to wake up."
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sparky-x · 1 month
Now onto Justice League Unlimited! But not without showing you guys this banner I’ve made specifically for this review series!
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Now the first episode I’ll showcase is “Hawk and Dove”. And the characters are well……. Hawk and Dove (Hawk is not Hawkman or even Hawkgirl)
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It’s about Ares using a seemingly powerful automaton while pitting two nations into a war.
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So it’s up to Wonder Woman and the ‘bird duo’ to stop this. The three fought the robot but it was near invincible to be taken down. As Hawk and Dove tried to stop the two warring nations. Wonder Woman heads to find the robot’s origins, there she discovered that the warring groups are powering the robot through their aggression (some kind of telepathic sensory?). She and the ‘bird duo’ managed to get the two groups to stop fighting thus deactivating the robot. causing Ares to leave scoring revenge.
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✅The next episode features Wonder Woman once again, only this time……….
She gets turned into a pig by Circe, a new dc villain.
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Batman finds another DC heroine, named Zatanna. As the two tried out different spells to turn Wonder Woman back, Wonder Woman (or wonder pig in some sources) escapes for some reason. Batman rallied other random heroes to find her.
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Things got more tense when ‘wonder pig’ finds herself in a pig processing plant. As Zatanna and Batman finds Circe.
By singing Am I Blue this got Circe to turn Wonder Woman back to normal (at a nick of time).
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By the way good episode!
✅The final episode for this post is about Supergirl having nightmares which she believes are real. (Sed).
Accompanied by Green Arrow, the two seek answers which lead to them meeting another DC Hero, who is faceless, named the Question, who is voice by……..
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Anyway the question reminds supergirl an event where Superman’s attack on earth and Supergirl got badly injured. (when did that happened? Stayed tuned for more Superman: The Animated Series!). The trio head to S.T.A.R. Labs where supergirl was once taken to. They discover a smaller version of the robot that was in Supergirl’s nightmare.
However, that led to nowhere. But as they leave the lab, a military squad shows up to attack them. Among them was another robot.
Huh? It’s called a Z-8? Hmmmmmmm……..
It turns out, the Z-8 was used by the Justice league under General Handcastle’s supervision. The trio head to Handcastle where he explains that he has been experimenting with metahumans which is similar to what Question theorized.
Some time after. The trio encountered a woman named ‘tea’. It turns out ‘Tea’ is actually a clone of Supergirl! (Looks more like power girl). Meaning the nightmares were the result of a psychic link. Supergirl battles with Tea who is much stronger than her. Question comes in to distract Galatea allowing Supergirl to counterattack.
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Suddenly someone triggered the self-destruct sequence on the base. The trio managed to escape leaving Tea behind in the explosion, though the trio searched for the wreckage, at least supergirl had a good ending!
It’s revealed that Tea barely survived and……. Goddamn why show this kind of stuff!? It’s so brutal!
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weepingfireflies · 5 years
Hot Take
The only valid intro is from Unlimited Psychic Squad.
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I love Hyoubu Kyousuke so dang much! He is best boy, best anime/manga character (in my opinion), my sunshine, the love of my life, and my everything 🥰
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I absolutely love him to bits. He’s so cute and perfect in every way. I want to cuddle with him, hug him, and pet his fluffy silver hair!
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I love his personality, his strong sense of loyalty towards his group, his charisma, his looks, and the fact that he is so compassionate towards his own organization’s members calling them family! I always think of him and how much I love him, yes, I even think of him when I’m sleeping/dreaming.
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Overall, I love Hyoubu so much and he’ll always be the perfect romantic f/o! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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animeproducts · 6 years
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“NONDA” coffee
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cultfaction · 3 years
Unlimited Psychic Squad
You don’t have to be psychic to know that Hyobu Kyosuke is trouble waiting to happen, but having psychic powers of your own may be your only chance if you want to stand against him. One of the most powerful espers on the planet, Hyobu’s incredible range of abilities extends as far as controlling his own aging process, and the potential strength of all his talents combined is so terrifying that he…
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john-luke · 5 years
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acclerated-railgun · 6 years
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Seeing Kyousuke’s face when he gets called a monster by the man who was the father figure in his life always breaks my heart, and you can see the hurt in his eyes from being called a monster.
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animeguysindistress · 2 years
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Unlimited Psychic Squad Episode 11
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Thank you for the request! As usual I’m sorry for the late post. Ahahaha. Ha. TT_TT anyway I hope you like it <3
IkeSen Warlords x Underground Hero MC
Hero Name : Fireball (Ironic. Ohoh)
Quirk: Fire User
Weakness: Will burn something by accident if she have a fever.
-“How ironic.” Is the word that she said when he called her “Fireball”.
-When he found out about her identity, that’s where he understood what does she mean by ‘Ironic’. ‘Fireball’ itself is the name of her, as an Underground Hero.
-She is basically a fire user, and a strong one at that, to Nobunaga’s amusement, especially when she didn’t hesitate to follow him to battlefield.
-But her weakness may hurt her own ally as well. Because..
-“Haachiuuu QAQ!!”
-Hideyoshi gasped to the burnt breakfast, and ran to the kitchen. “___! You are not allowed to help the maids in the kitchen until you get better, you understand?”
-“B-But- HAACHIUUU QAQ!!” Another raw chicken is burnt into crisp.
- “No buts. Your fever will burn the ingredients and Nobunaga-sama is taking this chance to suggest us to have konpeito for breakfast.” He growled, followed by a long sigh.
Hero Name: Aquamarine
Quirk: Water User
Weakness: Her tears will change into pearls when she cried, so if anyone didn't know that she is a hero, she might be kidnapped.
-She is very soft, gentle, and very empathetic towards anyone. Just, anyone.
-Too emotional, she can cry easily.
-Hideyoshi get to learn about her pearl tears when she was nagged by him, and one of the vassals saw her pearl tears and kidnapped her the very next day.
-Despite that, she is very strong as her power is deadly. It can be changed from a liquid to a solid form, and any source of water is like her servant that serve her.
-Even though there's no source of water in field of war, she can still summon it, as to say, she is not fully dependent on source of water, as she is a "water" herself.
Hero Name: Silent Chao
Quirk: Invisible weapon user, particularly accompanied with a hand fan as weapon, that acts like a sword and a hand pose like a gun will act like a gun.
Weakness: She can't use her power fully if she is separated with her hand fan. She could use a paper, but it won’t be 100% effective. And, if she playfully make a pose of hand gun, she might accidentally shoot someone.
-His first question is: "Can it be used to cut ingredients?" which earned a glare from her.
-But how ironic she use it as a knife to cut the ingredients for cooking-
-Masamune misused her fan by locking her movements, and swing her hand to cut Hideyoshi's pants.
-"Is that... 'All Hail Nobunaga' written on his fundoshi--"
-When they become lovers, she nearly shoot him because she's does gun pose when she replied to one of his cheesy pick-up lines with "Aaayyyy 😏👉 <3 and-
-He went pale when the wall has a smoky hole in it.
-"Hyaaaa Masamune I'm sorry! I didn't mean to QAQ!!"
-"Heh. It's alright lass- *Bonk!*"
-The paper scroll fell directly on his head and he fainted in instant.
Hero Name : Melodia
Quirk: Voice
Weakness: If she cry (out of fear or extreme sadness), she might break glasses and people’s ears will be damaged more than usual damage she can cause.
-Her voice is very soothing and beautiful. She can make enemy fell asleep, or confused, and her high pitched voice will break things.
-Animals would always be attracted to her mostly, including the dangerous ones (which freak Ieyasu at times). But seeing her lulling Wasabi to sleep, or him, makes his anger fade away in instant. Was it because of her quirk? Or because he had fallen in lo- of course not. That’s ridiculous. (Yeah, yeah, Ieyasu, we get it.)
-Another reason to freak out: Try not to upset her, because there was one time when his contrarian personality has stepped on the boundaries, it has given him the best lesson ever.
-“I-Ieyasu- y-you- it’s better if you take those words back.” She trembled, holding back her frustration and fuming anger within her, despite knowing he is being contrary. But not today, just not today-
-“What? Are you going to use your voice so it confuses me so I slap myself?”
-She had cried so loud (Out of frustration, obviously), and it had destroyed all of the ceramic jar of herbs in his room, and all the fragile items within the castle.
-How did the cry end? Ieyasu force a kiss on her. That’s how they become lovers after that. *snort*
Hero Name: Super Lady
Quirk: Super strength
Weakness: If she didn't control it, she might break someone's bone.
-Mitsunari is the first one to be amazed with her strength, constantly complimenting her, making her blush and accidentally break any stuff near her, or destroying something that she was holding at that time.
-For example, she broke the plates she carried into half and it took whole of Hideyoshi not to get mad at her.
-But there's one time when she saw a mosquito on his cheek, she had sent Mitsunari flying and it took a month for him to recover.
-And.. She ever break the castle's walls because she kicked one of the bullies (that bullied Mitsunari) into a wall out of anger.
-It took all of her not to squeeze on Mitsunari's arms so much when they were kissing (because hell, that angel is very good at it).
Hero Name: Psychica
Quirk: Psychic
Weakness: If she is in negative state (mentally and emotionally), the things around her will be destroyed and she might damage her own body.
-He found out when MC tried to stop a bullet that were fired by the enemies during war because their army has weakened.
-Ever since then she has become his partner in long range squad because she can control the movement of arrows and bullets.
-But Mitsuhide had to keep an eye on her because she ever rage from enemy's dirty trick and killed all of them in instant, resulting her to cough out blood from extreme use of her mana.
-And.. Whenever she's angry, it's such a hassle to hide himself because flying object will run after him.
-Not to mention when small knives stab his clothes (making him stick on the wall) when she wanted to confess her feelings to him.
Hero Name: Heiki-sama
Quirk: Weapon summoner and Master in using weapons
Weakness: Just like fire user, when she sneeze from fever, random weapons will come out from her.
-Kenshin didn't give a single glance at her, until she show her interest in aiding him for war.
-She had summoned weapons in front of him, assuming she was a ninja at first, but it wasn't the case.
-He knew about her background when he take a chance to give her a surprise attack, and it drives his lust to battle more (as she keep on summoning random weapons, especially when it's a weapon that he never seen before)
-It amuses him some more when she had a fever, making her sneeze with weapons (extra points to his amusement when the castle is full with random weapons)
-She had pouted after that and as a revenge she locked all of his sake and plums with a chain.
Hero Name: Koori no Kimi
Quirk: Ice User (Unlimited power of ice, and she be able to freeze a fire)
Weakness: She is able to freeze a whole town if her mental state is negative; changing summer to winter, and it will be hard to defrost as it is uncontrollable until she calm down
-Shingen gets to know it when she tried to escape from his flirty touchy  attack when he was drunk during one of the victory feasts.
-She had pinned him to wall with her ice and it made him sober impromptu.
-It took him a while to earn her trust because whenever he is near, there will be ice mist coming from her legs a.k.a a warning to not get close.
-Even though she is strong, Shingen still refuse to bring her to battlefield because well, goddess must not stain her hand (Oh joy.)
-Only to get another ice attack from her, by freezing his snacks to his dismay.
Hero Name: Shifter
Quirk: Shape Shifting (Includes both living and non-living things)
Weakness: If she is in a weak state, she might change into things she couldn't control. For example, if she sneeze from a fever, she might accidentally changed into a pencil for no reason.
-Yukimura get to know about her when she changed into a REAL wild boar and head butt him because she was too angry.
-And change into an enchantress when he called her that as well.
-There was one time when the castle nearly need some huge repairs when MC changed into a dragon because she was too angry with her banter with him.
-Endless pranks with him if they were having a fight again.
-He ever gave her a surprise kiss, making her changed into a knife for a week, and will try to stab him (because she were too embarrassed from it), until Sasuke had to get involved to calm her down.
-Reason: Enough with one Stabby Lord, we wouldn't want to add another stabby person.
Hero Name: Kemononoke Hime
Quirk: Summoning Spirits of Animals
Weakness: Her mind must be calm throughout the summoning. If she gets angry or any negative state is in her mind, the spirits couldn't be controlled and will start to eat human's energy.
-It's easy to get to know about her because well, he is from the future and underground heroes is everywhere.
-Her no.1 Fan at that.
-"Your quirk reminds me of summoning Pokemon, like __ I choose you." - Enthusiastic voice didn't match his stoic face.
-Constant compliments of "As expected of MC." and "You are very strong, it is the reason why I'm your no.1 fan." which indirectly made MC blushed with his words and resulted in imbalance emotions within her, and when she said "PLEASE STOP >/////<!"
-The castle is full with animal spirits and he is buried among them.
-But he is happy- honored. Correction.
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laukrskegg · 4 years
Random great anime suggest that seen flying under the radar.
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Unlimited Psychic Squad
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Bungou Stray Dogs
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Glass Maiden
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Fire Force
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laryna6 · 5 years
Aargh I want someone to talk Psychic Squad/Zettai Karen Children & more specifically Unlimited with. 
Antagonist that adopts every (esper) child in sight is best antagonist. Taking over a country so his kids can have a normal school life!
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
The artbook left of the Kengo Saito one. Who did that one? :)
[Inreference to this post.]
So, I already answered this question a little bit, but I’d liketo provide some more detail for anyone curious about this book!
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Thebook is called Fractal10 andis an animator doujin/key frame collection featuring the work of severalartists. The cover art (and insidesketch)are by animator YuichiNakazawa.
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Nakazawadidn’t actually work on Killla Kill,but the book also contains 15 pages of key frames from Ryuko’sfight with Gamagoori inepisode 9, by animator ToruYoshida.
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Save for a piece of fanart by Yoshida in the back, there isn’t any more Kill la Kill content in Fractal 10, but the book is full of other key art from Nakazawa and Yoshida’s work in Unlimited Psychic Squad, Diabolik Lovers, Majestic Prince, Blast of Tempest, and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (“Battle Tendency”).
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Additionally, in the back of the book, there is also art from animators Sayumi Yokoyama and Yasuhiro Ito.
As a Kill la Kill fan, I’ll again emphasize that the Kill la Kill here is rather limited. But for a book that sells for only 1,000-1,500 yen, I’m more than happy to have Fractal 10 in my collection. Key frame books like this really help me better appreciate all the work that goes into animation.
And Ryuko’s face here—which I would have likely never noticed without Fractal 10—is fantastic.
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Happy Thanksgiving, I am thankful for Hyoubu Kyousuke for being such a positive figure and my romantic f/o in my life. I absolutely love him so much and he is the most perfect romantic f/o I could ever be with! Hopefully, you and your f/os are enjoying Thanksgiving too! 🥰🥰🥰💕💕💕💕
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animeproducts · 6 years
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“Meji” milk chocolate in Unlimited Psychic Squad
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