#unless their having like actually problems then he's by their side in an instant
alolanrain · 1 year
Ta!au at the start: Ash becomes a Teacher Assistant to kukui 
Ta!au now: Ash is forced to become a mentor of some sort to a lot of kids and he both loathes it and likes it at the same time 
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igotanidea · 3 months
I am Robin : Damian Wayne x reader (pt 2)
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part 1
Four months earlier.
She was mindlessly scrolling through her phone, head on Damian’s lap, his fingers threading through her hair. It was one of the very rare gestures of affection coming from him. Rare therefore highly appreciated, especially given the fact that it was mostly happening when they were alone.
It was not her intention to break the moment of peace, but sometimes shit just happens without much input of a human, let alone one’s opinion.
Her sudden gasp, followed by rising from the lying position, eyes widening and mouth falling open in undeniable sign of fear made Damian go into protective mode in an instant.
“Y/N? What happened?” he grabbed her hand and then her cheek, forcing her eyes on him “talk to me. What did you see on that phone?”
“Now that’s not very helpful, beloved.”
“Batman…” she finally stuttered
“Fath-“ Damian started but bit his tongue in the middle, having almost spilled the secret of Batman’s true identity “I mean – Batman? What about him?”
“It says here that he captured another criminal…”
“And that’s so bad?”
“No- no, I mean-“
“Love.” Damian sighed and shook his head “I really cannot help you unless you tell me what made you turn into a jelly.”
“I’m scared of him.” She whispered.
“The Bat?” Now, that could turn into a problem, given the fact that she was unknowingly dating the son of Gotham’s self-appointed protector.
“No… Robin…”
“Robin?!” he repeated, with a little more force and surprise than intended and definitely too expressively to make her believe that it wasn’t personal on some level. “What? Why?” his tone immediately softened, turning casual and almost aloof to cover up the initial shock of the news.
“Cause he’s scary.”
“Scary?” Damian echoed, already starting to regret asking in the first place. It was one thing to strike fear into villains, and completely other to make his girlfriend terrified like this. “But- but he protects Gotham with Batman, doesn’t he? Serving justice.”
“Yes, yes I mean – it’s good, but-“
“I’m sure you have nothing to worry about on his part. After all, there’s nothing weighing on your conscience is there?” his piercing eyes landed on her face, arguably a little too focused for comfort. “Apologies.” The intense stare got more calm, as he pulled her into his side, running fingers up and down her back soothingly – be it for her or for him. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from Robin. He has nothing on me.”
If only she knew.
“Yes, love?”
“You don’t know everything…”
“What do you mean?”  he frowned, trying to read her facial expression.
“I did something bad…”
Now, that could be a problem too, putting his morals into test. If she did something that required punishment, Damian would have to choose between being her boyfriend and the hero he claimed to be. Either becoming a hypocrite or losing her for good.
Not that she actually did anything wrong in the first place.
But for now, he just waited for her to continue, watching the situation unfold.
“About two years ago –“ she started, diving back into the times when they didn’t know each other. “It was very early in the morning, some would say still night… I was at the bakery, cause you know I love freshly baked bread-“ Damian had to bite his lip to not lash on her for giving him so many redundant details instead of just making the point – “when suddenly a group of masked people burst inside.”
“Into the bakery?” he scoffed, mentally calling the robbers fools. “How much did they believe to gain from the bakery attack?”
“Not the point! It was not about the cash in the first place!”
“What is the point then, cause—” the sentence got caught in the middle as Damian remembered the day. He had been patrolling nearby, when gunshots caught his attention. Obviously, not waiting for Batman, he had rushed there, seeing three guys, a terrified girl and the owner of the shop, caught in a very unpleasant situation, involving firearms and an open cash register. The memories of her frightened face swirled in his mind, though he had to play along, pretending like he wasn’t there and had no idea what she was talking about.
“Robin showed up.” She specified, shivering a little.
“But that’s good, right?”
“He was …  ruthless. Dealing with those robbers in a few moves, knocking them to the ground. Making them bleed. A little, though my memory might be distorted by time.” She shook her head as if trying to get rid of the picture from the past. “But it was scary. During the fight I almost got shot myself—”
He remembered that too.
Lunging at her and pressing her to the ground, saving her from the ricochet bullet.
In his own belief, he saved her then, but clearly, In her scared state she saw this differently, getting trauma instead.
“You never told me about that—”
“It’s not something I’m bragging about.”
“Understandable. But why are you scared of Robin? He saved you, didn’t he?”
“But ever since then, he only brings the bad memories. The violence, the fear, the shots. He was almost cruel, fighting with them. Like he lost humanity just swinging his katana in the air. Like an assassin, who would have no problem just cutting people in pieces if they stood in his way.”
His heart broke at that moment.
She saw him – well – his alter ego – as vicious and aggressive.
So it was obvious now – he could never tell her the truth. Not if he wanted her to stay with him and not run away scared and screaming.
Therefore, instead of answering or pushing her to explain further, he just pulled closer without a word, capturing her in his embrace, offering safety and comfort.
If only she knew—
She could never know-
“I can explain—”
“Get away from me!”
“Please stop yelling.”
“You’re Robin!”
“I am Robin.” He sighed trying his best to keep his cool and not just scream at her for being irrational. 
She had every right to freak out about so many things. He hadn’t.
In the final analysis, it was him who gave her traumatic memories, kept a secret from her, left her in the dark and used his own twisted logic to justify all that.
So it was on him, and now the task on the horizon – convincing her that he was still the same person she knew and loved – was bordering impossible.
Especially given the fact she moved to the most distant corner of the apartment, as far away from him as possible.
And he thought that the worst thing that could ever happen to him was physical pain.
“Y/N, just hear me out.” He took one step forward and she shuddered.
“You’re Robin.” Her sobbing tore through the otherwise quiet space.
“Was it your plan all along? Trap me like a wild game only to punish later on? Maybe this relationship was fake from the beginning.” She started spiralling out of control and he knew he had to stop it now, before she got into a panic fit or heart attack.
“It was never fake!” he cried out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to his chest, wrapping arms around her. Mindful to not make her feel trapped or overwhelmed. “It was never fake, beloved…”
“Let go of me!” she struggled against his grip and as much as he wanted to force her to stay in his arms, he couldn’t. Not if making her believe he was not aggressive and forceful was at stake.
“Just kill me already—”
“Kill you?” this time it was him who took a step back, her words like a bolt of electricity sending him into a cardiac attack. “is that what—Y/n! Is that what you think I do?! Kill people?!”
“I don’t know what I believe!” he yelled through the tears “How could you keep this from me!?”
“I’m sorry-“
“I don’t care!”
“Just listen to me!”
“You’re a liar!!”
“Well, technically-“ he became a little defensive, because her logic was holey. Not telling the truth was not the same as lying. Regardless, she never gave him a chance to finish that sentence, throwing a pillow at him. “Really?” his eyes rolled involuntarily in a well -practised almost innate gesture, that was definitely inappropriate in the moment.
“Well I’m sorry, I don’t own a katana like you! Would you rather I start throwing kitchen knives at you!?”
“Not really. Your aim is terrible.” He smirked and she couldn’t help but let out a muffled chuckle at his face.
“Now that’s a little offensive.” Seeing her calming down a little he dared to take one step forward, careful as if approaching a wild, untamed animal. “Is there really the need to call me such insulting words?”
“Mhm.” Another step forward. “I’ll take it.”
“Dolt…” she added.
“Anything else on your mind?” he smirked, finally being close enough to grab and squeeze her hands, showing with the gesture that this time he was not going to let go, but also that he was not going to hurt her. Not now, not ever.
“A lot, actually.”
“Well, while you gather those thoughts, how about you let me speak?”
She nodded, and he looked deep into her eyes. Explaining himself or justifying his actions was something new to Damian, who learned that he can pretty much do whatever and whenever without the need to care for anyone.
But there he was, caring for her – loving her – and becoming unable to see her hurt and confused.
“I thought-“ 
“You thought you were protecting me? Please, come up with something original and not the slogan.”
“I was protecting you! And for the record – I forgot what we talked about those months ago! If I remembered that ironically all this time you were scared of me--”
“You forgot my trauma?” she mocked “not good, boyfriend.”
“Shit, Y/N!”
“Damian Wayne, are you swearing?”
“All the dirty things we did and you’re grabbing at my words?”
“Damian!” she blushed, as the situation became a little heated.
“See? This is what you should be linking with me.”
“Seriously, you want me to only think about---?”
“Not only that!” he cried out, becoming awfully aware how smart she was with twisting the words. “I thought you were terrified of me and now you’re just mocking?”
“I was terrified, but seeing you all flustered, unsure how to proceed is becoming funny.” She laughed softly.
“Well I’m glad I could be of entertainment.” He muttered under the nose. “What was so terrible that you think you did after all?”
“You swear you are not here to punish me?”
“I am here because I am in love with you.” There, he admitted it.
“I love you.” He said again, not breaking eye contact. “And I hate to see you in so much pain and guilt. Help me help you. Tell me what this is about.”
“That morning at the bakery – I had no idea, I swear—”
“Y/N, take a deep breath. In and out. In and out.” He grabbed her hands, squeezing reassuringly, making her sit against the wall.  “Talk to me.”
“One of the breads …” she stuttered “there was drug powder in it…. That was why those guys attacked the bakery. Cause those were the dealers and the owner got into their black books! But I didn’t know, I only learned about it after the accident…”
“You did nothing wrong.” He cut her off, his tone stern. “You hear me, Y/N? You did nothing wrong.”
“My friend got addicted to it. And It’s my fault, cause I was the one who recommended the place to him!” she whimpered and leaned her head on his shoulder.
“Hey, no.” he pulled her closer into a comforting hug.
“Mhm. Yes.” She sobbed, raising head and looking into his eyes with teary gaze. “It got so serious they admitted him to the rehab facility.”
“It was not your fault.”
“You don’t know that…”
“I do.” Damian sighed, brushing hair from her forehead “that friend you’re talking about? He was quite a piece of shit, if you want my opinion. He wasn’t a victim in the situation, Y/N. He was the mastermind behind all that drug business.”
“And how do you--?”
“Cause I was the one putting him into that facility and seeing his conviction later on.”
“He didn’t just get addicted at his own will, love. He was guilty of much worse things than you accused Robin of. I mean – me.”
“Hush.. It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
„I’m sorry—”
“No. You have nothing to apologise for. You are right. I never should have kept it from you. But you see, sometimes, the worst monsters are the ones around us, not really wearing masks.”
“When did you get so smart, huh?” her lips twitched a little as she fought the forming smile.
“When I realised that I don’t want to lose you. I am so sorry you had to live in fear and guilt all that time. If I could erase it—” Damian caressed her cheek ever so gently, conveying all the emotions bubbling inside his heart.
“Well at least you gave me closure.” She leaned into his touch.
“Now that you see the man under the Robin mask, tell me -am I really so scary to you?”
“You’ll take offence if I say you’re not, won’t you?”
“You’re not as scary under the mask.” She laughed softly, and even if those were not the words he would normally accept, she was the exception to his every rule.  
“Hey! Watch yourself!” His tone was less of a warning and more of an expression of relief.
“What?” she grinned playfully. Despite the initial concerns and fear, seeing the side of Damian that not many people get – the goofy and normal one – was helping her realise that Robin was not all he was.
And putting on a vigilante suit was not making him cruel or brutal, bloodthirsty and ready for a killing spree.
Under all that, he was a guy. Her guy. The one who vowed to protect not only her, but the entire city.
Maybe all it took was a reminder of what was hidden behind that attitude and pride.
And she smiled at him.
“Oh no. I know that smile. It means you are forgiving me for being Robin.” He muttered, knowing what was coming.
“Yeah. That I do.” She kissed his cheek. “But-“
“But you’re not forgiving me for keeping the secret.” He sighed, wrapping arms around her. “Which can only mean, I’ll be having a hard time for god knows how long.”
“I love how you get me so well.” She laughed, knowing that whatever punishment she was going to impose on him in the nearest future, he would take it without a word. “But--. Wait, does it mean that your siblings are--?”
“Of course. Took you long enough to figure it out.”
“One step at the time, beloved. One step at the time…” 
@obsessedwithromance @sandlexx @123-just-ignore-me @fatimashariq @jinviktor @cupids-diner @booksrcool @angelkat1013
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mouwrites · 6 months
hopefully requests are open rn, but just in case...
Can I request the Ninjas with a shy reader? Like someone who gets flustered really easily, doesn't know how to properly ask for affection, can't order for themselves at a restaurant, ect.
I think this is a really cute trope and I love seeing it in writing!
Oh I totally agree!! As a shy person myself I never get tired of seeing this trope hehe <3
Ninjago - Ninjas With a Shy s/o
I don't think you'll have to worry about asking for affection with him
If anything, you'll have to worry about asking for some space
Jay's super affectionate when it comes to romance, and he gets so lost in his loverboy haze that he won't see your "stop" signs unless you express them explicitly
But he does love seeing you all flustered
For him it's a sign that his love is getting to you (in a good way!)
He gets the biggest grin when he can make you blush, and he practically melts when you avert your gaze bashfully
"Aww, look at you being all shy. You're adorable."
Probably pinches your cheek too, that corny dude (we still love him though <3)
Jay can also be pretty anxious when it comes to social situations, but that goes out the window when it comes to you
Definitely will do the "excuse me they asked for no pickles!! >:(" thing, just for you <33
And he does NOT tolerate other people making you shy
As soon as he notices you're blushing or looking away because of someone else, he's at your side in an instant helping you escape the situation
totally not because he's jealous
He thinks it's cute that you're shy :)
He loves the way your cheeks turn pink when he complements you, or the way you fiddle nervously when you don't know what to say
You're so adorable to him
Whenever he manages to fluster you a bit, he gets a little grin and does an internal happy dance
But if he flusters you too much he feels bad
He doesn't want to actually breach any boundaries with you
But he's usually careful about that, keeping the affection pretty light so you don't get embarrassed (but he still gives you enough that you know he loves you <3)
Unfortunately that means that you're going to have to work up some real courage if you want something more
I feel like he's got this duality when it comes to social situations...
On the one hand, he has no trouble standing up for the ones he loves (you) when they need it
He'll totally step up for you when the time comes
But at the same time he's a little shy himself, and he's not going to do anything too drastic
Like if someone is making you uncomfortable, he'll just tug your sleeve and give you the "let's get out of here" look
He also thinks it's super cute that you're shy
But I feel like he'd also encourage you to stand up for yourself more often
He LOVES making you flustered though
It's just so easy
One wink and you're red as a firetruck... but he likes to get more creative than that
Compliments and pda galore man,,, someone stop this fiend
He does it because yes, it does make you all shy and that's adorable, but also because he wants you to build a tolerance to it (if that makes sense)
He wants you to become at least a little less shy, only for your own benefit
He's happy to stand up for you, or ask you what you need instead of you having to bring it up yourself, but what he'd really love is for you to have some initiative
The first time you compliment him back, or order your own food, he is OVER THE MOON
You thought he was affectionate before? Be prepared for a whole new level of love when he gets all proud like that
He still thinks it's cute when you get shy though, so he's not going to change you completely
Mans just wants you to have a bit more confidence!
Because you're amazing and you deserve that much at least 😤
He's chill with you being shy
Yes, he thinks it's cute, but he also recognizes it as a potential problem in your relationship
Not in a "something we might break up over" way though!! I must emphasize this!!
More in a "something I need to be conscious about" way
Like, he knows that you struggle sometimes, so he'll try to compensate :)
He'll ask you if you want affection, or just give it to you when he thinks you need it
He's already walking in front of you when you approach the fast food counter, ready to order for you
And in social situations he offers his hand for you to hold, not only for anxiety but so that you don't get separated
He doesn't mind doing any of this one bit btw :)
If anything, he sees it as a way to prove his love for you
But he's also not going to make a big deal about it or hold it over your head or anything
He does all of it as if it's the most casual thing in the world, and the longer you're together, that only becomes more true
Ofc he'd love to see you gain some confidence, but he's also totally fine being your social shield and advocate :)
Definitely teases you about how shy you are (specifically about how you get so cute when you're shy)
Never mind that he is also pretty shy
Literally all you have to do when he's teasing you is say "you're one to talk" and he's just like:
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But on a different note, he does like making you blush :)
He thinks it's cute when you get a little shy, but like Kai he also wants to see you gain a little confidence
His method is different though... prepare for a shower of affection and hype work
Always spends at least two minutes gushing about how gorgeous you are before going out
Dw, he waits for you to stop blushing before you actually go in public
But he makes you agree with him
"You're gorgeous!! Look in the mirror! No, seriously, look. Look how stunning you are!"
And you'll just get a shy grin, giving a little nod
Insecurity? not on his watch
And when you need to confront someone he'll do it, but he makes you come along
He'll hold your hand if you like though :)
no im not just saying this because im shy and i want her to love me
She loves being able to stand up for you, being your big strong gf <3
She practically jumps at the opportunity to protect you in social situations
Not to the point that she's overprotective, but you'll definitely feel her eyes on you when you get separated
And she also tries to stay in tune with your implied feelings, since you struggle to express them explicitly
She'll test the waters with remarks like "anything... frustrating happen today?" when she thinks you're mad, or "man, I don't know about you, but I could really use some cuddles..." when she thinks you need affection
She tries to open up opportunities like that for you; whether you take them or not is up to you
But she might get pushy if she's convinced about something, asking more direct questions like "okay, be serious with me: what's wrong?"
She'll make you look at her when you reply
She'll always understand your feelings, but what she doesn't understand is you hiding them from her
You'll have to learn to be a lot more candid and upfront (at least with her) when you date her
She's fine when you're shy in public, and even when you're shy in private to an extent, but what she won't tolerate is you closing yourself off from her
She just wants to know how you're feeling so she knows how to help :(
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Thank you so much for this request, I had a lot of fun with this one hehe! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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soapsilly · 10 months
Betrayal - Roronoa Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?)
Summary: It's been two years since the straw hats got seperated by Bartholomew Kuma. Two years since (Y/N) and Zoro have last seen each other but when the day finally came to reunite things didn't quite play out like they had envisioned.
Requests are closed
Part 2 Part 3
It wasn't love at first sight. Not at all. It wasn't like they disliked each other either - far from it actually. When the Straw Hats picked her up, it didn't take long for (Y/N) to make friends with almost the whole crew. When they arrived on her little autumn island it didn't take much convincing for them to make her part of the crew. She liked her little home outside of the village but she was never part of it. The Straw Hats found (Y/N) when they made a stop at the island for supplies. Whilst Nami and Sanji stormed to the market in the search for pretty things and food supplies respectively, Zoro and Luffy wandered into the next bar for drinks and meat - also respectively. That left Chopper and Usopp on the look out for medicinal herbs and whatever else was needed for Usopp's ammunition. When they asked the townspeople they told them about the witch that lived outside the village. The villagers usually avoided her unless they needed something - which made (Y/N) a rather lonely person. When Chopper and Usopp told their captain about what they've heard, Luffy was immediately excited. So the whole crew made their way up the hill to the hut where the alleged witch was located.
Once they arrived, Chopper immediately went for the flowers and herbs that grew in the garden infront of the little house.
"I wouldn't touch those. Most of them are poisonous", the girl that came out of the house didn't look like a witch at all. No warts, no hooked nose, not even a witchy hat or black boots. In fact, she was young and -
"Beautiful!", the tall, blond guy was at her side at an instant. He took her hand in his and starred deeply into her eyes, "my name is Sanji and you are?"
"(Y/N)", she giggled.
It was easy for (Y/N) to make friends with the crew - well most of them. Luffy was a friendly guy by nature so no problem there, Sanji was swooned as soon as she stepped out of her house, Nami was just happy to have another girl on the ship and Chopper was happy about the few healing balms and herbs she could provide him with - even though he had hoped for more when he saw the densely vegetated garden in front of the witch's house. Much to his dismay most of them were poisonous plants, not because she planned something foul but rather just because she liked them the most. Usopp wasn't as easy to win over as he seemed to be rather sceptical of strangers, but as she handed him some ammunition for his sling shot she finally gained his sympathy. The first batch was a little too strong for Usopps liking - lethal to be specific - but after careful calibration, whoever was hit fell into a temporary paralysis, much to Zoro's dismay who quickly became Usopp's favourite victim for target practice.
The swordsman however was a different story. He wasn't outright mean to her but no matter how much she tried, how many smiles she sent his way or how many attempts at small talk she started, he just didn't seem to care. She didn't take offence to that though. She still enjoyed his company whilst the crew sat down for dinner or during their excursions to different islands. It was during those times that she noticed his abysmal sense of direction, his affinity for hard liquor and his dislike for a certain curly-eyebrowed cook. She always enjoyed the seemingly pointless fights that the two would get themselves into. It's not that she disliked either of them - quite the contrary in fact - she grew rather fond of both of the men even if one of them didn't want much to do with her and the other wanted a little too much. It was rather that entertainment on deck was scarce and they never really hurt each other in a serious way anyways - so no harm, no foul .
One night after dinner when most of the crew went on to do their separate things, (Y/N) decided to try it again with Zoro.
"Is it your turn to keep watch tonight?", she asked as she approached him on deck.
He looked at her for a few seconds but decided to answer her anyways. "No, I think it's Usopp and that shitty cook tonight"
That's just what the girl wanted to hear. "Great!"
He sent her a suspicious squint but let her continue.
"You like alcohol" - she stated and as if to confirm her statement he lifted his cup, which was already filled with some kind of liquor - "I got us some", she continued.
"I got my own", he grunted.
"This one's better. Believe me, I made it", she grinned.
"You made this?"
"With your poison plants? Are you trying to kill me?"
"Yep.... Well, no", she sighed, "it's really good. In a low dosage it has a euphoric effect. I usually drink it as a tea but I made it as a drink.. for us to share?"
The green haired man contemplated for a moment but then shrugged and held out his cup for her to fill.
After the first sip, he let the taste linger for a second and then decided to chug the whole thing before (Y/N) could protest.
"I like it. Give me another cup"
"What? No! This is stronger than normal sake. It's not supposed to be downed. You can't have another one so soon after the first"
"I don't feel a thing. I can handle it. Give me another"
She thought for a moment. What was the worst thing that could happen?
"Only if you drink this one slowly..."
He sent her a short nod, indicating his approval.
So for a while they sat there in silence sipping their drinks with the occasional question here and there.
"So, you're a witch, huh?"
"Me? Nah.. The townspeople liked to say that because I like to do tarot card readings and sold them potions and healing balms. There's nothing magical about it but rumours spread fast in such a little village"
"Why didn't you correct them?"
"I don't care. I made money off of it", she shrugged.
They both fell into silence again but it felt comfortable. She could feel the slight buzz already forming and by the glow on Zoro's cheeks, she could see that the drink started to have it's effect on him too.
"I wouldn't mind another drink, you know", he grinned at her mindlessly.
It was late already but (Y/N) didn't feel like cutting the time with Zoro short. Who would've thought that the way into a man's heart was freshly distilled alcohol?
Just as she was about to fill their cups yet another time, Sanji made his way patrolling around the ship. Only the sight of the cook was enough to make Zoro clench his jaw.
"What's your problem with Sanji?", she found the interaction hilarious.
"You wouldn't understand anyways. That talentless ero-cook..."
"Hey.. he might be a pervert, but his food is amazing!", she scolded the moss-head.
"You don't seem to mind the way he dances around you and Nami", he huffs.
"No, I think it's kinda nice actually but I wouldn't put too much thought into it", she shrugged, "he can't control himself around women. I wouldn't fall for a guy like that"
"Hah!", the swordsman seemed to like hearing that. One man's misfortune is another man's treasure. Especially if the first man happened to be a curly-browed cook.
The night went on and on and the more the two of them drank the more they opened up about their past, their dreams and aspirations. But since (Y/N)'s alcohol was indeed stronger than what Zoro was used to after a few more cups the deep conversations turned into silly jokes and stupid impressions, which was not unusual for (Y/N) at all but when Usopp told the others about what he saw in the morning neither wanted to believe Zoro had partaken aswell.
"I knew she was a real witch... She cast a spell on him", Chopper whispered.
Since that night Zoro and (Y/N) would consider each other as friends. Neither would talk about it but during meal times they would sit by each other, during island walks they stayed with each other and during night patrol they kept each other company. And every now and again at night they would sit down on the deck with a bottle of (Y/N)'s liquor and repeat the first time they really talked to each other. And it was during those times that during a moonlit night they shared their first kiss. The next morning neither could say who it was, that initiated it but it didn't really matter anyways. For the most part nothing really changed between them and they never gave it a name but they never kept it a secret either.
Zoro wasn't the same after Thriller Bark. He spent all his free time excercising and training without giving his body the time to properly heal.
"Zoro... please", she stood in the doorway of the crow's nest, "you need to heal"
He ignored her and just kept going.
"You heard what Chopper said. I'm worried about you"
Still no response.
"Damnit! Zoro, is your deathwish that big?", her voice was equal parts angry and sad, "how will you become the best swordsman in the world when you're dead?"
With a loud 'BANG' Zoro dropped his weight and turned to the girl in front of him, "I made a promise! Don't you understand I need to become stronger?"
(Y/N), of course knew about Zoro's past. She knew about Kuina and his promise to her but why did he have to be so stubborn?
"Is that promise more important than all of us? Your nakama?", she was on the verge of tears now.
"It's not just that", he yelled back. Why was she so stupid? "If I don't become stronger, I can't protect any of you"
"You can't protect us either if you're dead! And then you'll never be the world's best swordsman and I'll be alone again!", she screamed.
The Straw Hats could hear the fighting all the way down on deck. They were used to their fights being loud but this was different. Sanji was already half-way up the ladder to break up the fight, outraged that Zoro would dare to make (Y/N)-chan cry but Robin held him back telling him that there were some things that a couple needs to sort out themselves.
That night (Y/N) took the time to put a heap of pillows and blankets into the crow's nest to make it easier for him to relax a little. At first he refused to follow her at all but once she grabbed his hand and really stared into his eyes he realized how serious she was. Once she got him to settle in, she turned to leave but his voice stopped her.
"Stay", his voice was quiet, "please, stay"
She nodded and turned back to him. Usually she was the one to initiate closeness between the two, so moments like those were rare. Once she nestled into the mountains of pillows she heard his voice again.
"I'm sorry"
She was stunned. All the years and all the fights, she never heard him apologize to her before. She tried to say something but he continued.
"I know I'm stubborn, but the thought of not being strong enough to protect any of you kills me. I won't always have time to heal and when the time comes and we'll get attacked I will have to fight. And if anyone, especially you, gets hurt because I wasn't strong enough, I wouldn't be able to live with that"
The witch didn't know how to react to his confession. Instead she opted to brush her fingers to Zoro's green hair and soon after she could hear the deep snores of her lover.
The Straw Hats were hopelessly at the mercy of marine admiral Kizaru. There was nothing they could do. All of them were battered and bruised already from the fight with the Kuma Androids and now (Y/N) had to witness Zoro collapse from one of the Admiral's attacks. In the distance she could hear Luffy scream his name. She knew it was too soon for a fight. Almost automatically she sprinted to the sprawled out form of her boyfriend. Once she reached him, there wasn't much time to spare. She grabbed his form and dragged his body away from the impending kick, that would kill him. Brook and Usopp tried to attack Kizaru while (Y/N) created some distance but in the blink of an eye the admiral stood above Zoro once again. One leg on his back, the other hovering above his head.
"I won't let you get away. It's no use", he said almost too calmly.
The thoughts inside of (Y/N)'s head were racing and before she knew what she was doing she threw herself over Zoro's exposed form.
"You fool. That won't save him. You'll die together", Kizaru laughed almost carelessly.
Her heart was racing and she felt the blood rushing in her ears, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.
"Get away!", she couldn't quite tell whose voice it was that reached her ears first but after the first exclamation another followed and another and another... but she only shook her head repeatedly tears streaming down her face.
"Go", Zoro's deep voice sounded raspy and like even that small little word hurt him immensely but (Y/N) only shook her head yet again not caring that the man beneath her could probably not even see it. But the deadly stomp never came. Instead, Rayleigh, Gol D. Roger's first mate, decided to come in and fight with admiral Kizaru himself.
"Grab Zoro and get out of there!", she heard Luffy yell. Usopp grabbed Zoro underneath his arm and dragged him out of the danger zone.
"You - You should have left", the swordsman tried to scold his girlfriend but his voice was weak.
"Can we fight about this once we're safely back on the Sunny, please?"
He tried to laugh, their bickering was one of his favourite things about their relationship but they never even got the chance to return to their home. Shortly after Kizaru, the real Kuma showed up and one after the other the Straw Hat Pirates disappeared.
It's been two years since Kuma seperated the crew, two years since Luffy lost Ace, two years since Zoro has last seen (Y/N). But the time has finally come to reunite. Zoro was actually the first to arrive ten days ago. Shortly after the other Straw Hats arrived one after another. It was only the witch that was still missing. Zoro couldn't wait to tell her that not only did he arrive before her AND that shitty cook, he also arrived first overall. He decided to conveniently remain silent about the help of a certain Ghost Ghost Brat.
"Has anybody had any contact with (Y/N) in the last two years?", Nami asked the group but she only earned headshakes as a response. Zoro felt a touch of melancholy. He would never admit it infront of the crew but eventhough he had used every single day of those two years for training with Mihawk, he did miss her. And then just like that, there she was walking up the gangway.
Zoro felt like his heart skip a beat once he saw her fully. She didn't change much, she was still beautiful. So much infact, that the ero-cook almost bled out once she went to greet him. The only thing that changed were the many tattoos that littered her body - mostly her arms. Flowers, beetles, stars and moons.
She came up to him last but something was weird. He expected her to leap into his arms like she had done so often in the past. He never initiated PDA infront of others - or rather at all - but he never complain when she did it, but this time she just stood there.
"Zoro, your eye..."
For a second he felt insecure. He never paid the fresh scar that decorated his left eye any mind and he didn't think that (Y/N) would either.
"Are you okay?", she seemed worried.
He grunted as to confirm that he was fine.
"You look good", she sent him a reassuring smile.
For a while the two of them just stood there but then Luffy's loud voice pulled them out of the moment.
"So now that we're complete let's set sail!"
(Y/N) flinched and then looked panicked.
"Wait, no, no no. There's something I need to tell you guys"
The crew waited in silence for their friend to continue.
"I won't come be coming you"
It was quiet for a few secong before Luffy's booming laugh filled the space, clearly thinking she was joking but Zoro knew something was wrong. In all those years as a fighter he learned to observe high stress situations and this was one. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but something was very wrong.
"Luffy... I'm not - I'm not joking", her voice was quiet.
Luffy abruptly stopped laughing. She didn't dare look up into the faces of her former crew mates in fears of what she might see but her decision has been made. It's not like she had much of a choice anyways.
"What's going on? Who's making you say this? Is someone threatening you?", Sanji asked. Even he mellowed out considering the tense situation. As much as he disliked the cook, Zoro approved of the questions, he knew she wouldn't leave them on her own accord.
"Nobody is threatening me and nobody is making me say this. I just can't - I don't... I will not be coming with you"
"But why?", Nami tried to reason with her.
"You guys don't understand. I have a home, a little house with a garden..."
"You can have a garden here on the Sunny...", Franky interjected.
"Whatever you'll need from your home, we'll get it on the way. Don't you worry about it", Luffy laughed, still not understanding how serious the situation was. Everybody was talking, asking questions, yelling suggestions but (Y/N) just kept shaking her head vehemently.
"Don't be an idiot. Just tell us what's going on", that was the first time Zoro spoke up. He had enough of the excuses. His voice cut through the noise like a sword and now all eyes laid on him.
"I had a child!", she yelled.
For a few heartbeats nothing and nobody on deck made a sound.
"A little boy to be specific", she continued, "I have a family now"
Zoro could've sworn there was a ringing sound that filled the air but the truth was, it was probably just the blood rushing through his ears.
"What?", Nami's voice sounded cold, mechanic even.
"Don't!", (Y/N) had never seen Nami so enraged, "You found someone else? How could you do that? To us? To Zoro?"
"It's been two years...", the witch pleaded.
"So? So? None of us had any issues keeping it in our pants but you had to go and play house with the next best guy ?"
Nami's words hurt but (Y/N) knew that she deserved them. It was never her intention to hurt anybody - especially Zoro - but two years were a long time and a lot has changed.
(Y/N) looked around but the other Straw Hats avoided looking at her. Once her gaze landed on the spot where Zoro was leaning against the railing, she noticed that he was missing. She didn't know at what point he had left but she didn't blame him.
(Y/N) tried to say something but as soon as she opened her mouth Nami interrupted her.
"You should leave"
The other woman nodded and turned to say her goodbyes to the rest of the crew.
"So... Fish-Man Island, huh?", she sent Robin a little smile. The older woman was always so understanding even when the other person didn't really deserve it.
"Yes.. but first we'll have to make a stop at the next island over. Sabaody is full of marines, we didn't get all the supplies we needed, soooo if you change your mind ...", she suggested.
"I don't think Nami would let me live if I'll ever show my face around here again", she answered, "not that I could blame her"
"Give it some time", Robin hugged the younger woman as a farewell.
For a moment (Y/N) just stood there staring at the ladder to the crow's nest. But before she could even make an attempt to say her good-byes to Zoro Nami interjected.
"Don't you even dare. Don't think about it. Just leave."
(Y/N) was happy that Zoro had his friends that cared so much about him. Nami really cared about every single one of them - even if they sometimes drove her crazy. And if somebody hurt them, may it be their own nakama or anybody else, her mama-bear instinct kicked in. The boys always acted like the strongest, toughest warriors of the sea but deep down she knew they were idiots at heart. Her idiots.
"Nami-", the witch decided to try it a last time but the navigator only turned away from her former friend, signaling her that she doesn't have anything to say to her anymore.
As (Y/N) was walking down the gangway Usopp climbed up the crow's nest.
"Zoro... (Y/N) is leaving..."
But Zoro did not make a move. In fact, he didn't even react to Usopp at all. He just kept on exercising the way he usually does whenever anything is on his mind. In times like these, it was (Y/N), who would calm him down and get him to eat and even relax a little but now it was her that caused his isolation. He never felt the need to open up to anybody. Love was more of the ero-cook's thing even if he never actually had any success with the women he made his feeble attempts at. Zoro remembered how him and (Y/N) used to make fun of how much he was doing with so little payoff. He put some more weights on to get his mind away from the hurtful memory.
He would've never thought that she'd do something like that. Zoro wasn't the jealous type - never has been. Even when they were together the cook wouldn't stop flirting with (Y/N) but the swordsman was never worried. And whenever a slimey fool in the bars during their island journeys got a little too close for comfort, his girlfriend would easily send them away.
"I'd keep my hands to myself if I were you", she'd say, "Do you see that mosshead over there? He'll be the strongest swordsman in the world. You reeaally shouldn't bother his girlfriend"
His girlfriend...
Zoro shook his head. He was a fool. Of course, she'd find someone else. She basically always told him that she wasn't a person that could deal with being alone easily. That was probably the only reason she was ever with him to begin with. He put yet another set of weights on the barbell. She already said she wouldn't fall for Sanji. So was he just the next best option? But a whole family? A child? If it was just a new boyfriend, she could've surely left him after the two years. She could've come back to him. Zoro was so hopelessly in love with her, he wouldn't even care. But now she had a family. A family that she would never leave alone. She knew how much Robin suffered from losing her mother early. She wouldn't do that. Zoro let the weights drop to the floor with a loud 'BANG'. With all that thinking the swordsman however never once stopped to consider that his former partner made her choice not only out of obligation but rather because the truly was happier now...
(Y/N) never felt as lost as the moment when she stepped off the Thousand Sunny. Within just a matter of moments she lost her family, her friends, her nakama. And even worse, she hurt someone, that she very deeply cared about. For a while she just stood there, thoughts rushing through her head. But whatever scenario she made up, there wasn't any other way. So after a few deep breaths she made her way back to her new home - back to the moss-headed boy, that reminded her so much of his father already.
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Hi :) I was wondering if you could do Poly Dallas and sodapop hcs? with a reader if you're comfortable with it, of course. I think it would be a funny dynamic
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This was written in my anatomy class (can you tell that I don’t pay attention in anatomy?) so I’m gonna give @a-person-who-didn’t-want-to-be-here a big huge thank you for helping me out <4
There’s a really complicated getting together story here? I just haven’t figured it out quite yet, so I’m gonna leave that to you guys to think up cause there’s a few ideas swirling around my head, I just haven’t nailed anything down because I’m really not in love with any of my thoughts
But you’ve got the best of both worlds going on for you! A nice golden retriever boyfriend and a boyfriend who’s more of a german shepherd/rottweiler/doberman type-
Life is good!
Both of these boys run warm and they can both be very very handsy, made worse by the fact that they are both very very much in love with you
Jealousy is sort of wonky here? Cause Dally’s very loudly jealous, but Sodapop’s jealousy comes off as him acting more closed-off and withdrawn, he just kinda pulls away when you hang too much with Dallas
Also, before we get any further along, Sandy and Sylvia don’t exist here because I’m in charge and I make the rules :)
Parties! You’re always being dragged out to parties, whether it’s a drag race and you’re on Sodapop’s arm, or a late night party at Buck’s bar where Dally keeps you tucked to his side all night long
You’ve got the whole freaking gang honestly, the whole crew wrapped around your finger-
Dating Dally gets you Johnny in an instant, dating Sodapop gets you Pony, Dare, and Steve- the only one left is Two-Bit but ya know, he’s a good enough guy, he’s probably on your side in all this anyhow-
You’re at the DX a lot, just hanging around the pumps and the garage and the register while Soda’s at work (you definitely skip school to go see him, Dally picks you up and you guys waste the day over at the gas station)
Sodapop sneaking out to meet you and Dally down at Buck’s because there’s a party tonight and honestly he doesn’t care if Darry kills him for being at the Merrill’s establishment, he hasn’t seen you all week long-
Of course of course, you’re wearing Dally’s ring and when you and Sodapop are holding hands, he likes to twist it around your finger and fiddle with it
Dally asks him what he’s doing, asks if Sodapop’s trying to take it off as if he’s got some sort of problem with you wearing somebody else’s ring but Soda just kinda shrugs and says he likes fooling with it
Baby boy’s got no problem other than ADHD and he likes to mess with things 🤷
Patching them up after a rumble is such an obnoxious task- Dally’s whining about broken ribs and how he can barely breath and Soda’s slouched on the floor, holding an ice pack to his face and asking if you’ll still love him if he’s got a black eye
Suggestion? Try and keep them close together in this situation ^^ make them sit near each other, because they both want attention and if you’ve got to run back and forth across the living room every two seconds, no one’s going to be happy-
You spend a lot of time sitting in Dallas’ lap and you spend a lot of time holding Soda’s hand, sometimes these happen at the same time-
Imma say it, you’re not sharing a bed with both of them unless you’re hurt or sick because both of these boys are like portable space heaters and no matter how cold you may be, these human furnaces will make you feel like you’re being slowly cooked because they sandwich you between them
Doll, baby, honey, sugar, sweetheart, babe….
Just…you’re gonna forget you actually have a name because they never call you by your actual name-
You’re dating two highschool dropouts, how do you feel about that?
Joking, joking, I know you feel wonderful, as you should, because you’re going with two great guys!!
There’s like?
A betting pool going around?
Because no one can figure out who you’re going out with (other than the gang of course)
And Sodapop and Dallas do nothing to help you out- they purposefully make it even worse-
You go to a party with Sodapop, hanging off his arm, and at the end of the night, you’re going home with Dally, spending your night in his room at Buck’s
You’re sitting on the DX counter (you don’t even work there but you have free reign of the place, let’s be real) and you’ve got Dally’s medal around your neck, Dal himself is off in reform and you and Sodapop are planning a date <3
One night, you get caught kissing Dallas, tongues down each others’ throats and all that jazz, and the next thing everyone else knows, you’re walking with Sodapop and he’s got a hand in your pocket
Everyone is town is anxiously awaiting the day that the boys figure out you’re two-timing them because surely, Dallas Winston isn’t going to stand for you messing around on him
But ya know, nothing ever happens, even when people try and get Sodapop and Dallas to see what’s going-
With Soda, they’ll point out Dally and you sitting at a diner booth together, asking him what’s going on, cause weren’t you guys going steady?
And Dal, they’ll ask him where you are when you’re not at Buck’s, mentioning casually that you’ve been hanging out around the DX an awful lot-
With Male!Readers?
You guys are labeled just as good friends all the time and it makes it a lot easier to lie about why you guys are together all the time (curse you time-period realistic homophobia *shakes my fist at the sky*)
I would loveeeeee to do a male!reader piece for this topic, just saying guys-
This….really got away from me-
Sorry for making this so long guys-
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crxssjae · 3 months
Hate it, Love Him
Despite portraying disapproval of the neck tattoo throughout the months, Seth refuses to discontinue his affection for Cody.
a/n: This is my first time writing a codyseth/sethcody fic that is pretty short and sweet. Btw it's all thanks to @harmshake due to her comment that made me want to write them.
You can read the other fics from my WWE masterlist here.
"Hate it, Love Him" is posted on AO3 (here) and Wattpad (here)
Word Count: 850
Warning(s): none
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Seth will have no choice but to face the music forever against the toughest opponent: the American Nightmare tattoo.
Numerous questions he inquired, wanting an answer while doing his damn best not to hurt Cody's feelings out of spite. This grinds Seth's gears daily— it's useless. Hurt, furious, upset? Unsure how the reaction would be.
To his surprise, Cody disregarded it. Understandable for being ecstatic over a tattoo to show off friends and colleagues. Yet a hint of rue will lurk if it's the right decision unless imprinted to the neck, where Seth reminded himself not to smooch.
Now in bed beside Cody, whose back turned in a slumber. Seth's gaze settled again with a frown. Weeks, months, years, had to accept forever throughout his lifetime, not a simple thing can vanish and solve quick problems. He wished it was so he wouldn't stare back and forth.
"Still staring?"
The gentle, sleepy voice sent shivers down his spine. He was supposed to sleep, must've triggered his consciousness. Hoping he was trapped in a fantasy, Seth peeked over Cody's shoulder; those blue eyes twinkled with amusement locked with his. That stupid smile never faltered.
Rolled to the side, met face to face. Affection blossomed between them. Cody's fingers fondle with Seth's hair, tucking one of the strands behind his ear. "I know what you're looking at," Cody said.
Seth feigned shock at the statement. "What are you talking about? I was admiring how pretty you are."
"Oh?" Cody's brows rose with curiosity. "What do you admire?"
"Simple. Your hair, your eyes that'll make me think two times great, your arms—" Seth paused, thoughtful for an instant, then continuing— "and that tattoo makes it two times worse. My god, what the hell were you thinking?!"
Cody snickered. "Really? Having a long-term feud against my tattoo? That's… that's unexpected."
"Unexpected?!" Seth's mouth dropped, using his elbows to sit up. "Having that big-sized tattoo where it should've gotten smaller! But no, every sentence has a 'trust me' and goes wrong at the end. Am I wrong?"
Stammering nonsense, words stuck in Cody's throat being voiceless. With a smug smirk, Seth knew he won the quick "argument" when Cody emitted a defeated sigh.
"Kinda, I guess," Cody responded.
Shook his head in denial, Seth refused to take a no for an answer. "Wrong answer. Say yes."
"Are you serious?"
"Say it."
"You're not going to make me."
What a tough guy to break. Seth leaned down, forehead pressed against his, a hand grasped the back of Cody's head. Breath mingled, their lips near as personal space broke between them. Didn't mention he was on the verge of smooching while assured not to.
"Admit right now or you won't get your favorite surprise," Seth murmured. "Don't want anything to go to dust, do we?"
Before Cody could respond, Seth's finger was placed on his lips, hushing the talk.
"Say yes, maybe we'll kiss."
Desperate to see forfeit, to hear forfeit in front of him. Seth's charm is unavoidable, a hard difficulty escaping the temptation. Harmless for Seth himself. Why fun even if he does create like a game of chess? Might've loved seeing behind the walls of Cody, his true self.
"Fine, fine, yes," he confessed. "It's too big, I got overconfident, and I should've listened to you. Happy now?"
"See? That wasn't so hard." Seth teased, grateful to hear what he wanted. Settled atop Cody's body, fingertips grazed to his cheek, the warmth tingled in his skin. "Anything else you want to say?"
"Actually," Cody pondered, "I do."
Seth's head jerked up, halting his actions.
"Even though the tattoo on my neck stays for the rest of my life, you're irreplaceable. No one and I mean no one, will ever force me to break away from you." Cody looked into Seth's eyes filled with honesty. "I mean it. Not joking."
Seth's heart swelled with awestruck by the compassionate care. No lie surfaced or any mischievous traces. Poetic some say including himself, while it'll find ways to sweep off feet from the ground onto cloud nine in different love languages. Some of their moments were mistakes, though they never left the beauty of success.
He captured Cody's lips. Tender yet quick, Cody's eyes blazed with bewilderment, then joy, shutting his eyes. Their chests pressed together, hearts palpitating into one as their bodies buzzed in excitement until Seth pulled away. Both open their eyes, exchanging grins.
An idea came to mind. Seth's grin grew wider.
"Come on, turn over. Need to kiss your neck." He told him, turning Cody over to the side. His face buried, nuzzling where the ink stamped on the curve of Cody's neck is placed.
"But you said you don't like it," Cody recalled.
Seth rolled his eyes with a small snicker. "For purposes only. I still hate it."
His lips caressed, showering delicate kisses as received a relaxed sigh. Supposed to give love to Cody, instead, the tattoo is given the same treatment. It would've been funny if Seth did or didn't.
Either way, he never threw away his heart for Cody.
Thank you for reading!
Tagging: @harmshake @afterdarkprincess @wrestlingprincess80 @double-vandammage
Taglist for codyseth/sethcody shippers those who wanted to be tagged for my future fics of codyseth-> here
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dullgecko · 20 days
I've been thinking of flavoured coffees because it's almost pumpkin spice season and I was thinking about how Riz would either really like them or hate them. No in between.
Riz wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around him, the rogue perched on the edge of a dining room table at Mordred as he tried to sort out the mess that was one of Kristen's history papers.
Kristen had been sitting at the table with him at one point to at least try to look like she was doing her own homework but he'd sent her away when she started trying to spin pens around her fingers like he did. She'd failed badly enough that it had flown out of her hand and bounced off the goblins glasses with a loud thwaking noise, startling him into spilling his coffee he'd been mid sip drinking.
They'd managed to save their notes but now the rogue was sullen and cranky without his caffeine. His pen making clicking noises against his claws as he spun it around and around as he tried to focus on Kristen's terrible handwriting. He was tempted to just scrap the entire thing and rewrite it for her but he didn't think he could replicate her horrible chickenscratch convincingly. Plus, his mom had caught him doing one if Figs assignments for her last week and made him promise to stop; he had enough work on his plate already without doing his friends school work for them as well.
And so, here he was, doing the infinitely harder and more time consuming task of proofreading Kristen's work for her. He'd honestly had cyphers in his rogue classes that were easier to crack and the lack of caffeine was just making it harder. He couldn't even make a new cup because they were out of instant coffee, but hopefully Jawbone would be home soon with groceries.
Riz took off his glasses, holding them in one hand so he could lay his forehead against the relatively cold surface of the dining room table. Not looking up when he heard the front door of the manor open and someone sat down with a thump on the opposite side of the table from him.
He could hear them shuffling around his mess of balled up papers, most of them getting knocked onto the floor, before something was placed down in their place.
"I have brought you provisions The Ball." Fabian tapped the top of Rizs head, the goblin rolling it to the side to squint at the large take away cup now sitting next to him. His glasses hitting the table with a clatter as he grabbed the hot cup and dragged it over closer.
"Uuuugh yessss. This is why you're my best friend. How did you know?"
"Adaine sent me a prophetic warning that this would be your villain origin unless we acted fast." The fighter laughed when Riz made a noise of agreement, the goblin sitting up and taking a sip of the drink and immediately pulling a face.
"Ugh. I think /this/ might be my villain origin actually. What the hell is this?" He took another sip, the drink making his face tingle as the combination of sugar and caffeine hit his tongue. On second taste it wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't what he was expecting.
"One of those fancy flavoured drinks they have this time of year. Pumkin spice, but I think it's just caramel, nutmeg and cinnamon. No pumpkin at all. I thought it was quite nice." Fabian sipped his own, watching the goblins face journey as they drank some more and tried to work out if they liked it or not.
"Huh... alright then. I mean it's not /bad/ but I wasn't expecting it. Guess it caught me off guard. Thanks." He put the drink down, tongue darting out to lick some of the foam off his lips as he reached for his glasses. "Hmmm yeah. I think I like it."
"Excellent. Do try to pace yourself with it though. It's got three shots of espresso in it and enough sugar to kill an ogre."
Fabian, unfortunately, didn't know what kind of evil he had just unleashed though. Especially because now that Riz had gotten a taste of the fancy flavoured coffees Fabian preferred he wanted /more/. The only problem was they cost fourteen silver from the good coffee shop downtown, compared to the six bronze coins his usual sludgy gas station coffee cost him. Riz was in a foul mood for weeks when he found this out.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Telling It Like It Is Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Masterlist Epilogue
There will be a small epilogue after this one.
Nancy and Robin were sitting on the stairs to the Munson’s new house, waiting for their guests to arrive. Jonathan was dropping the kids off at the movie theater and Vickie was coming from band practice since she was still in school.
Jonathan arrived first. He smiled. “Hello, ladies.”
He moved to squeeze past them, but Nancy grabbed his arm and looked down. “Can you talk for a minute?”
He turned around and sat down between them. “This is about Steve, huh?”
“I worry about him,” Robin said.
Jonathan sighed. “Look, he just has a problem that he can’t go to anyone else with is all. It’s not that complicated.”
Nancy frowned. “But you two don’t like each other.”
He frowned. “Nope, but I respect the hell out of him enough not to lie to him or treat him like shit about it.”
“I’m his best friend,” Robin whined. “Why couldn’t he talk to me?”
“Are you a gay man?” Jonathan replied.
“Only the former,” Robin said.
“But you’re not gay, either,” Nancy said. “Unless there is something you’re not telling me.”
He laughed and kissed her nose. “No, but I’m not the only boy in that house, love.”
“Will?” the girls said together.
Nancy frowned and cocked her head. “Makes sense actually.”
“But why not go to Eddie?” Robin asked. “Eddie came out to us at the hospital when Steve brought him back from the Upside Down.”
“If you had a crush on Vickie, would you go to her for advice?” Jonathan asked.
“Who’s got a crush on me?” Vickie asked with a grin.
Robin shot to her feet. “Uh...um...well...”
Vickie grinned. She ran her fingers along Robin’s arm as she squeezed past to enter the house.
Jonathan and Nancy grinned at the star-struck Robin.
“Go get ‘er, tiger,” Nancy said with a wink.
Robin scrambled after Vickie. “Hey, wait for me!”
They shook their heads.
“So Steve really is okay?” Nancy asked.
Jonathan pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “Yeah, he’s going to be just fine.”
Eddie threw open the door and spotted just the two of them on the steps.
“Why isn’t he here yet?” he pouted and flopped down on the step next to Jonathan.
“Maybe a customer kept him late,” Nancy said. “He’ll be here.”
“So...” Eddie said, clasping his fist in his other hand. “Is this like a trouple date?”
Nancy and Jonathan stared at him wide-eyed.
“A what now?” Nancy asked.
“Like a double date but with three couples?” Eddie asked, waving his hands around.  
“It’s a called a group date, man,” Jonathan said, shaking his head. “Three or more couples is a group date.”
“So is it?” Eddie asked, his knee starting to shake.
Jonathan grinned. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?” He pointed out to the driveway where a sleek BMW had just pulled up.
Eddie was on his feet in an instant.
Steve got out the car and smiled when he saw Eddie waiting for him. “Great place you’ve got here, Eds.”
“Did you find it okay?” Eddie asked stepping forward and putting his hands in his back pockets.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “I just stopped by the store to pick up dessert.” He moved around to the other side of the car and pulled out a chocolate cake.
“Holy shit,” Eddie said. “That’s my favorite. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Sure I did,” Steve said with a grin. “Think of it as a house warming present.”
They met in the middle. And stood there smiling at each other.
Nancy surged forward, gently taking the cake from Steve’s hands.
“I’ll just go put this in the fridge,” Nancy said. She tried to get Jonathan to go with her but he refused.
She stomped into the house.
Steve chuckled and shook his head. “I am so glad she’s you problem now, man,” he said to Jonathan.
“I like it that way,” Jonathan replied.
“You don’t want to get back with your ex?” Eddie asked shyly.
“I really, really don’t, Eds,” Steve said shaking his head. “I don’t know how you and Robin got it into your heads that I wanted that. But I really, really, really don’t.”
“But you were flirting with her,” Eddie protested.
Steve shook his head. “I was flirting with you.”
Eddie blinked. “Oh.” He furrowed his brow. “So is this a group date?”
“I’d like it to be,” Steve whispered.
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded. “Me too.”
Steve was a breath away. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s face and kissed him hard.
Behind them they could hear the sound of the screen door swing and bang shut.
They broke apart, gasping for air.
“I was so jealous of all the time you were spending with Jonathan and Will, I couldn’t stand it,” Eddie confessed.
“I needed to work some things out first before I told you how I felt,” Steve admitted.
“How do you feel about me?” Eddie asked, still unsure. He had had his heart broken by straight boys ‘experimenting’ before.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Steve murmured. “I love you.”
Eddie nodded. “Good, because I love you, too.”
Steve picked Eddie up and spun him around. Eddie giggled.
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The Garden of Innocence
Summary: Dionysus is not a Joe Goldberg tier weirdo following her around the beach because he would never be so that.
Chapter 5
She waited for despair. But all that came was more anger. Stupid Theseus. Stupid man and his stupid honor, his proud parents, his princely laurel, and all the other things he should have thought of before accepting her help. It was ridiculous.
She wished she’d been quicker that morning on the beach, negotiated with him. Had she been thinking, she might have played on his guilt and convinced him to deliver her somewhere safe. Surely, surely there was somewhere for her. Circe, her aunt might take her.
Perhaps it wasn’t too late. She thought of the fig tree again. She tore through the woods, never tripping, never looking down. Even if she did not find it, there had to be others. She was hungry. And more than anything, thirsty.
The argument has been pretty dull. The man moaning about his kingdom and his crown. The woman, indignant. Dionysus was a young god, but already one mortal squabble was the same as the next.
He sighed and tried to leave. He could not. Uninterested as he was in the scene, he had planned to sleep for the entire week and their voices were growing louder.
Will you shut up! he cried. And a flock of gulls squawked overhead. One of them even shat, barely missing the man’s hair. A petulant wave slammed into the hull of the boat, indicating that they really had ought to get a move on. Couldn’t they take their domestic problems back to wherever they came from?
When the man finally boarded his vessel, Dionysus was sure to give it an encouraging little push.
“Zeus be praised,” the man muttered, bowing his head piously.
Zeus, my ass. He wouldn’t notice the likes of you if were to fuck his mother with your hair on fire. Now get out of here. And look where you’re going, would you? Nevertheless, Dionysus drew a breath and released a gentle puff, just enough to fill the sail. It stretched against the wind like the wing of a great crow.
Dionysus wasn’t an expert in sailing, but it looked to him that the man was harried, juggling tasks. Maybe he was just sunburned. That is when he struck him that the woman was missing. Mortals were not generally afforded close scrutiny unless they had very much offended him. For Theseus, he felt only a mere pinprick of dislike. Just enough to draw him from his ennui.
The a wave split against the prow. For an instant, the sun was blistering bright. Dionysus squinted against the sudden glare.
She’ll die, you know.
“Shut up, Apollo,” he muttered.
Theseus startled. Of course, he could not hear their voices but he sensed a threat. They always did. Dionysus decided Theseus was a liability. If he stuck around for long enough for the god’s presence to send him into cardiac arrest, the chances are some other god would be offended. Probably one of his sisters. After all, he was handsome. A little taller than Dionysus himself, actually. Aphrodite’s type, come to think of it.
The god took his leave. Underwater, he allowed himself to take form, if only to feel the pleasure of a cool current against his sides. His body was sleek, with beautiful wrists and jutting hipbones. The salt stung his face where the sun had burned him in its sudden flare. He was glad. He knew why humans occasionally pursued pain in their lovemaking; it rendered pleasure so much sharper, clearer. It was perhaps why the luxuries of Olympus failed to hold his attentions.
When he returned to the beach, the girl was crying. Not loudly. She perched on a rock in the shadow of a larger rock, inconspicuous. Theseus would not see her if he looked back.
Of all things, she was tearing ruffles her skirt. The lovely sandals were gone from her feet. She bandaged them in the strips of linen. Makeshift shoes, he supposed. She didn’t look hurt. Another strip she used to secure her hair in a braid.
With her hair back, he could see she was a sweet-faced girl, despite how sour her expression. Once the boat was out of sight, Ariadne climbed down from the rocks and began walking slowly inland. The beach was full of scrub and yellow flowers. None of it remarkable from the rest. She found a branch jutting from one of the taller bushes and tore another strip from her skirt, marking the branch with a tight not.
Dionysus watched her, bemused. As the forest grew thicker, she snapped twigs from trees as she passed them, leaving them to dangle. And every few paces, she would tie another marker to a branch. Her dress — what was left of it — was brightest blue. The same cheerful aqua as the sea at midday. It looked well against her warm skin. Sometimes, she would stop and frown, with the appearance of listening for something.
At first, he did not understand the pattern of her movement through the woods, until it became obvious she chose paths leading downhill. She was looking for water. Dionysus felt stupid for having taken so long to have guessed. Then again, he needed nothing for mere survival.
There were streams on the island, plenty of them. But where there were streams there were naiads. They might see her pretty face reflected in their own vessels and turn salty out of spite. Worse were the river gods. They would be all to pleased to find a pretty mortal, parched and alone. He knew. This place was rich with divinity- even Theseus had felt it.
Well, she’d been through enough for one day. Apollo had said she would die soon. There wasn’t much he could do about fate. But give her today. Thirst was a terrible way to go. Hidden in the shade of an oak, he shut his eyes.
“Oh!” Ariadne cried, jumping. Where her foot last struck the earth, icy water spurted. As she stared, more water shot from her own footprint, taking the most perfect shape of a small fountain. Dionysus smiled at his handiwork. Dispensing blessings was fun. Usually, they slaughtered a cow for you, maybe even pledged their firstborn to your holy service.
He waited for her smile, her hands clapping in relief. Instead, she was terrified. Ariadne stared at the water, obviously desperate for it. She looked around, eyes large and frightened. She knelt by the fountain. Instead of drinking, she prayed.
“Please. Please, please.” Though barely audible, she was begging not to be poisoned.
Dionysus rolled his eyes. Humans were pitiful. You show them a miracle and still they grovel. Tentatively, the girl reached her cupped hands and drank from them. The water was perfect, as he knew it would be. Colder and purer than melted snow, which even she had never tasted. It would probably sustain her even in her hunger.
She splashed her face in it, her arms, her feet. Watching her joy, it struck him how dirty she was. Sandy and sunburnt. Once she had cleaned up and had her fill, she knelt again and bowed her head. “Thank you,” she whispered.
To his surprise, she unpinned a golden broach from her bodice, dropped it in the fountain like a child making a wish. It was so mortal of her. Attempting to pay you in their trinkets. Probably just afraid of being smote. She took a last sip of water and left. Who knew what she was looking for now. Food maybe. It was anyone’s guess what a human being did when it was lost. He’d never paid much attention.
Dionysus did not follow her immediately. He stopped to look at what she’d dropped in the fountain. The thank you gift. It was no fatted calf but the gold was nearly pure, yellow as a bee. The broach was in the shape of two dolphins. Nose to nose, tails brushing. He felt bad for taking her treasure, and almost left it behind in the fountain.
Then again, nymphs nearly all had sticky fingers and any number of them were running around gossiping already about the fountain in the footprint. The gold warmed in his hand. He took it with him.
@dionysian-daydream @hycinthrt @withlovefromolympus @kebriones @margaretkart @lefty-scissors @human-still-developing @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @axhicleos @shitfacedalways @johaerys-writes?
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my-head-is-an-animal · 9 months
Just A crush?
Director Keller x Reader
Chapter 1
Keller was never one for interfering with his employees’ lives, he rarely disrupted their working lives unless it was absolutely necessary. So, when Fury had recommended you as a new combat instructor, he didn’t blink. If Fury thought you’d be a good fit, Keller trusted him. The only thing he hadn’t counted on, was his immediate and instant feelings of attraction towards you.
Keller wasn’t stupid, he’d had crushes before, mostly he pushed them to one side or did something about it if it was safe enough to do so. One night stands weren’t his thing anymore, he’d prefer a relationship if he was going to get involved. If he’d been younger and still a field agent, he may not have thought too much about trying his luck. But that wasn’t an option for so many reasons.
Over the years, Keller had found less satisfaction in sleeping around and more in deeper connections. The problem, of course, was his job didn’t allow for much connection to anyone. Keller had realised how lonely he’d become, but did everything to stay distracted from that fact.
You were nice to him, introducing yourself in a professional manner, even making him laugh with a witty one liner when you talked for the brief moments here and there. Keller liked you a lot.
Part of your duties was to make sure everyone passed their physical tests every six months, even the Director wasn’t exempt from them. He both dreaded and loved the one on one sessions you’d have together, you were funny and never judgemental of his slowing skillset, instead you helped him find new ways to focus and train his body.
Keller had been more and more self-conscious since you came around, his instinct was to try and impress you in some way so that you would notice him, but the reality was that during these sessions, your attention wasn’t anywhere else. In the moments he remembered that, he felt his loneliness far deeper than anything else.
‘Come on, Director.’ You encouraged as he ran on the treadmill. ‘Keep pushing, you’ve only got another two minutes.’
Keller breathed deep, the burn in his legs was already agony, but he didn’t want you to think he couldn’t complete a simple cardio session. He couldn’t help but want you to think he was in the best shape of his life, seeing you in your tight leggings and vest ignited something inside him that pushed him on.
‘That’s it, nearly there.’ You had your eyes on the stopwatch and Keller couldn’t take his away from your expression. ‘One more minute, just keep going.’
Keller prayed for the end to come, he wasn’t sure if he could get his body to keep going like this.
‘Thirty seconds, we’re in the final lap now, just a little further.’ Somehow if you had asked him to go another five minutes, he didn’t think his ego would give him a choice, he just couldn’t bear disappointing you. ‘Ten seconds.’
Keller breathed in another few times just relaxing into the final ten seconds of agony he had to endure before finally being able to stop.
‘That’s it, slow it down.’ You cheered, automatically reaching to slow the pace down to a walk. ‘Here.’ You handed him some water and it was only then he realised how sweaty he’d gotten, again he somehow felt awkward and embarrassed by himself.
‘Thank you.’ He panted, but waited until you were wandering over to your clipboard to actually gulp down half the bottle, anything to cool himself down. ‘How’d I do?’ He called, immediately regretting the use of energy.
‘Really good.’ You smiled broadly. ‘Yeah, to be honest, you exceeded my expectations.’
‘You sound surprised?’ Keller frowned playfully.
‘Not surprised, just… impressed.’ There was something really rather sweet about the way you spoke to him, looking down at your clipboard and making notes. ‘You’ll pass the physical, no question.’
‘Good to know. You need anything else from me?’
Keller watched your expression change from playful to your own brand of awkwardness, had he said something wrong? Was his tone off?
‘Er, no, just keep your pace for another three minutes before stretching off.’ You cleared your throat. ‘I’m just going to grab some more water. I’ll be back.’
Keller watched you leave the gym and he was more confused than before. He went over in his mind the encounter, but couldn’t quite place his finger on why your whole demeanour had changed all of a sudden.
You were gone for nearly five minutes, Keller had already decided to start stretching off when you returned.
‘How you getting on?’ You asked, back to your sweet demeanour.
‘Good, little sore in my knee, but I imagine it’s that old injury catching up to me again.’ He tried to laugh it off, tried to make you smile at his expense, which you did, but still a small layer of concern washed over your face.
‘Why don’t you hop on the bed and I’ll take a look?’
Keller was momentarily dazed, everything about that idea was appealing in ways he was ashamed to think about, but when he glanced in your direction he realised you meant the physio table behind you. Disappointment sat gently in his chest.
‘Sure.’ He swallowed. ‘Can’t hurt.’
You smiled again as Keller tried to brace himself, but nothing would ready him for the feel of your soft hands against his skin. He lay back and allowed you to work on his knee, testing mobility, flexibility and strength. It wasn’t anything intrusive, but he couldn’t help but feel warm under his skin.
‘You can jump down whenever you’re ready.’ You said, wandering back to your desk.
It was only when you were walking away that Keller realised his eyes were closed. He snapped them open and took a deep steady breath.
‘I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.’ You concluded. ‘If it starts to get painful, let me know and I’ll have another look. For the time being, stick to your recommended plan and I’ll find a time that suits for your tests.’
‘Perfect.’ Keller smiled, something in him was crying out to ask if you wanted to get a coffee with him, but he didn’t ask, he just let his mouth open and close before leaving.
He stood in the shower, letting the water run over his face and tracing over every part of the encounter you’d had. Why did he feel such a fool when you were around? Why did he never say the right thing?
Keller stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist and trying to ignore the burn still coursing through his legs. As the Director of SHIELD, having his own locker room was a perk he enjoyed to no end, but it did allow for moments of quiet that he sometimes wished he didn’t have.
He took his time in putting his navy suit back on. His mind kept drifting back to seeing your demeanour change when he asked if there was anything else he could do for you. The way you looked down at the floor and broke the gaze shared between you, broke him in a small way.
Keller wondered if he should have asked you to get coffee regardless of any awkwardness, he was the Director for goodness sake, he shouldn’t have felt so tense about anything he felt. And yet, you disarmed him.
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crowskyler · 6 months
About a month ago, my grandmother — my last living grandparent, on my dad's side — died. I've been wanting to sit down and write about it, but I haven't been able to actually do it before now.
It wasn't a shock. Her health had been declining for several months, and she'd been moved into hospice care roughly a month or so before. Two types of cancer and various other kinds of organ problems were the culprit. At 95, treatment options were limited, and she'd refused to do anything about it for months. I know this seemed to frustrate my dad, who went right into fight mode the second she needed to go to the hospital. He was carving out a plan with a specialist while my grandmother was sent to a physical therapy and care facility, where he had to fight her insurance tooth and nail — despite her not having able to walk more than a few feet.
Then a doctor from her plan got in touch with him and asked him why he was putting her through this. She was in so much pain from everything. He wanted to fight, but she didn't; she was over it. The doctor managed to convince my dad that she needed hospice care, to put together a plan to make her comfortable. And it worked. My grandmother was in much less pain when she passed, thanks to painkillers. When my dad told me she'd stopped eating, I knew what was about to happen. But my mind didn't really know what to do with the information.
I was at work when he called me, cleaning rooms at the hotel. Luckily it was a slow day and I only had to work a little bit more before I could go home, but I had to come in the next day. I was fine — unless someone talked to me about it, and then I was an instant crying wreck. I couldn't talk about it at all. My coworkers gave me a few hugs — the only people who did, and I'm grateful to them — and I managed to mostly get through the day, blessedly having two days off after that to attempt to process everything.
Or, I thought I was processing. But as I've come to realize, it was much slower than that.
My grandmother was the last of her friends to go, something that I'm sure made her feel pained and lonely; her best friend had died roughly a year ago, a lovely lady named Dorothy whom she'd talked to multiple times a day, for decades. Losing Dorothy took something out of her. Maybe that was the start of all of this. When my grandmother had been admitted to the hospital nearly 4 months ago, I'd started to see the writing on the wall. I'd already done some grieving and worrying. When she passed, I was able to feel a little glad that at least she wouldn't suffer anymore, laying in that bed and wanting to go back home.
As it turned out, my dad and the rest of my family very quickly went into practicality mode. My coworkers had put together a little lump sum for us, very kindly, and I offered to pay for a meal for all of us. A wake situation, or celebration of life — whatever you want to call it. My dad seemed bemused by the offer. Nothing's been organized. Instead, the project has been my grandmother's home. He offered for my sister and brother-in-law to buy it, and that's what they've decided to do, and now that's consumed everything. Sorting belongings, contracts, and finding an estate sale service to clear out everything we don't want. We're still in the middle of that. My sister sold her house and has about two more weeks until they have to move out. The estate sale will be this weekend, I think.
It's not my place to organize a celebration of life, or anything like that, but I've felt the absence. We had a wake for my mom a week after she died. Now, nothing. Just divvying up her belongings. Maybe we're waiting until my uncle can come down from where he lives, in about a month or so, I don't know. But my grief has sat nearly raw within me for weeks. When I go over to my grandmother's house to help out, it threatens to overwhelm me at least once. But with the exception of my brother coming over and breaking down a few times, my family's shown almost no emotion except on the actual day — when I heard it in my dad's voice. It's weird. Aren't we supposed to be commiserating and celebrating her in this time? But instead they're just gutting her house and acting like all of this is such a nuisance.
It's strange to get a hug from my coworkers and not my actual family. The silence has been deafening, from them and from the friends I've told. It's fine. I keep myself operating — mostly. And the lack of anything gave me a revelation, of sorts. When I was fifteen, I decided that I wanted to write. That's what I wanted to do more than anything. When I cleaned out a folder at her house, I found a story I wrote when I was a kid. Just some nonsense, but my grandmother had kept it for all of these years. She'd been an avid reader and had always wanted to read my writing, but after my mother had done so — and criticized it horribly — I became cagey about letting my family read anything. I'd wanted to become a published author, to present my grandma with a book she could read; to make her proud. But that hasn't happened. Depression and full time work have been a huge setback for years. And now she's gone, and I never had anything to show her.
I have many fond memories of waking up in the sun on her couch, while hearing the strum of my grandfather's guitar or the gentle brush on his drums, and smelling their coffee while my grandmother made us pancakes. My grandmother loved pizza, and she would often get it for dinner while I was there — and then we would have a cold slice of pizza for breakfast the next morning, another of her favorite things. She would give me a mini art lesson in the afternoon, or take me out for a walk, or let me play with all of her bead-making materials. In the late afternoon, she'd give me gardening tips while we weeded her yard and checked her tomatoes. In the evening we'd watch television. I'd sometimes beg to watch a nature documentary, which she was also happy to watch, or I'd content myself with whatever she found. On Saturday mornings we'd all watch cartoons together.
My grandmother was the most supportive person I knew as a kid, she would always listen to what I had to say. Even if she found it silly or weird, she would answer with words that made it clear that I was heard. As a teen who struggled with self esteem, it was everything to me. It's hard to accept that we can never talk about animals again (a mutual love of ours), or art; it's even harder to know that I'll never be able to listen to another of her lovely and funny stories. She had so many funny stories about the shenanigans of past pets and friends, and interesting stories about growing up in a rural and much less developed California. She taught me everything that I know about gardening.
And now I have to accept that I disappointed her, just like I've disappointed everyone else.
She would never say so, to be clear; she would hug me and tell me that she loves me no matter what, because that's the kind of person she was. If I said anything like this to her, she would tell me that I'm enough, I'm sure. But I've never managed anything impressive, or even average, and I know people in this family view me as a failure. I wish, desperately, that I had been able to do something to show her otherwise. Instead, I'll just have this emptiness for the rest of my life. No wonder so many people think of the afterlife as a shining place above, where you can watch your family below; future triumphs could be viewed by the dead, giving you comfort in life.
I hope writing down some of this has calmed the churning parts of me that haven't found any rest, these past few weeks. I'd like to start healing from this profound misery.
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triviareads · 1 year
ARC Review of When the Duke Loved Me by Lydia Lloyd
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Catherine Forster was ruined by John Breminster, Duke of Edington a decade ago, and thanks to the enmity between their families, he refused to marry her. Now, a decade later, Catherine is a penniless spinster, and John is on her doorstep, asking for her for her help with a sensitive matter that concerns the scandal that occurred between their families years ago...
My review:
This is Lydia Lloyd's debut novel, and I thought she did a great job of writing main characters who were individually sympathetic and dynamic together, as well as an overarching mystery plot that kept me on my toes the entire time.
A lot of the plot is centered around the enmity between the Breminsters and the Forsters. About a decade before the prologue starts, John's father Reginald and Catherine's Aunt Mary (who raised her) were caught in flagrante and the fallout meant financial and reputational ruin for Catherine and her family, as well as John's family being torn apart. Now, John's father is dead and he's left behind an annuity that Mary must accept, or it will spell social ruin for John's sister. The problem is, Mary's disappeared and John is convinced Catherine can help him find her.
Catherine is a heroine who's reduced to some pretty dire circumstances (girlie literally has the residents of her household faking the plague to avoid debt collectors), so she's scrappy and realistic enough to go along with John's scheme without much fuss. John is presented as something of a feckless rake (with rake friends who I hope get their own stories), but we see the hidden, more caring side to him soon enough.
What's interesting is, between the ruination from a decade prior, as well as John initially casting aspersions on Catherine's morality ("a spinster can't kiss as well as YOU did"), you would think they have an uphill battle to even tolerate one another, but they didn't. I thought it was refreshing that despite everything, they don't bother to deny their mutual attraction right from the get-go. They grow to care for one another along the way (this is definitely a case of sex helping their relationship grow, and sex is their form of communication), and it's fairly smooth sailing all things considered. Really, the greater conflict(s) are how they individually grapple with the complicated relationships between them and their respective parental figures.
This relative lack of tension until the end also makes the climax more poignant, when Catherine is faced with the choice to break off their engagement and leave, or be forced to keep secrets from John, which she can't bring herself to do because of how much she loves and cares for him.
The mysterious relationship between Reginald and Mary serves as a compelling backdrop. For one, there are a lot of parallels between them and John/Catherine (like I think John tries to fuck Catherine on the same desk he caught them on when he was younger lol). They ultimately served as a warning for the main couple for how not to proceed with their relationship.
The sex:
The overall sex vibes in this book can probably be best described as "down and ready any time, anywhere". Delving into the specific, I'm shameless enough to say I'm all for an instant gratification moment and Lydia delivered with the beginning "ruination" scene... set in the middle of ruins at that. And the ramifications even a decade later are pretty damn hilarious: At some point John admits to Catherine that he couldn't get off unless he was thinking about her to which my reactions in order were a) GASP b) *cackles* c) wait.... this is actually romantic?
There's also a great dry-humping scene pretty early on which honestly might have been hotter than the actual sex? It starts with him telling her he wants to suck ink off her fingers, and ends with him high-tailing out of there with a Boner of Shame and Guilt (we love a selfless man) so I was 100% entertained the whole time.
If you enjoy a your historical romances with a side of mystery, then this is the book for you. I loved the easy chemistry between the main couple and how they slowly unraveled the truth of the past. This is a fantastic debut for Lydia Lloyd, and I look forward to future books in this series.
Thank you to Tule Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Unit Teambuilding - Sygna Suit Piers
*sigh*  Okay, I promise I'll stop being a hater, just let me have this one.  Dual Toxtricity is lame, because "It's the same Pokemon twice as our event!" is the lamest possible outcome.  It was the fatal flaw of the otherwise wonderful NC Kalos duo, it was the major problem with third anniversary, it is never, ever an interesting idea.  I'm sorry.  It sucks.  There were other musically themed Pokemon.  Do better.
General Overview Piers also gets Toxtricity!  This is the other kind though.  He is Roxie's counterpart, identical yet different in every way.  Piers opts for Electric Striker, which is a bold fucking move from a guy who's got mid-300s Sp Atk.  Piers' Buddy move gets no penalty AoE and costs less in gauge, but in exchange, doesn't do the fun Sp Def debuffing utility Roxie's does.  So I like it less.  The condition is much easier though, just needing a field effect.  His secondary DPS for Poison is Sludge Bomb, which is cringe but so is the type's special damage move selection.  Piers calls Electric Terrain the instant he attacks, and his trainer move is 2MP with Poison Zone.  Problem: that's his setup.  Which is bad.  So Piers is much more support reliant than Roxie.  He does get Piercing Blows, but like all Piercing Blows users, his actual damage numbers are complete ass in compensation.  Unless you're Red, who never suffers a flaw.  Piers' grid is where things get a little nutty.  SMUN each field effect is fantastic, that's Tapu level good and he partners with SS Hau beautifully as a result.  Dirty Sync 6 is funny because he's bad at status without his 3-bar moves, and has the same Poison Zone Sync Up 9 inversion that Roxie does.  He also resets Electric Terrain on first sync if desired.
Okay so real talk, show of hands, how many people are struggling with Electric?  It's gotta be just me by now.  Great, then I can safely say you don't need this guy.  SST Red is better and everyone has him.  I'd hear out the argument for this guy over SS Hau, though that depends on whether his damage is more important than Hau's debuffs and speed generation. He shares Roxie's oddities, where Electric damage wants Poison and vice versa, and his Poison DPS is kinda crap? I fully expect it to be worse than Drasna, who wasn't even doing that well with it. Piers seems fine if you really need damage, but mostly for Electric. Which...almost no one does. His decision here is questionable. Probably should've stuck with Poison, my dude.
EX, Role, and Move Level? No penalty AoE spam, he does not need EX.  His role is Support, which I actually respect given the dual damage types, even if the stat boosts are awkward.  Move Level is similar to Roxie.  1/5 will get all the utilities you need, but as someone a bit more primary in damage, he appreciates higher move levels.
Team 1: SS Piers, SS Roxie, NC Blue/BP Janine The Toxtricity duo were made for each other, thanks to the ability to consistently call both field effects that are required for full performance. Personally I find stuff like this boring, but it is effective. SS Piers has garbage self-setup, but it's nothing that Janine can't manage with one use of his TM. If you're going hard on the Electric damage, NC Blue is the obvious best pick, whose gauge management also allows Roxie to easily spam her 4-bar Electric move.
Team 2: SS Piers, SS Hau, BP Janine "Recommending BP Janine a lot with these two." Not my fault they made her so good. Another big emphasis is SS Hau, who extends Electric Terrain that Piers can set for absurd times. Moreover, Hau has access to Mind Games, powering up Piers' AoE spam, while Hau's damage compresses once sides are down. I recommend BP Janine because Piers' self-setup is garbage, but anything that can handle Sp Atk and at least 1 point of crit is sufficient for the team's needs.
Team 3: SS Piers, Petrel/H!Iris, SS Brendan Anyone else pull Petrel? It can't just be me. Anyway, Poison-types are awkward when it comes to special, because they all need so much and are kinda bad. I actually kinda like Petrel, and I think it's worth noting that he also has Piercing Blows to bypass gimmicks, as well as flinch and Sp Def debuffing. The team still needs some quick boosting, and I'm mentioning SS Brendan because his trainer move perfectly complements Piers'.
However, I'll also note H!Iris here. If you wanted a special Poison damage partner, Piers is an option. However. Despite what he has, his low base stats suggest to me that as far as a partner for her specifically goes, Drasna's...likely better. She has a heavier multiplier and better base stats, I don't see Piers outperforming her at the secondary Poison DPS game.
Final Thoughts It's admittedly harder to find use for Piers compared to Roxie, because his entire life focus is the damage, but he's bad at self-sufficiency. This makes partner selection difficult, because there really aren't great options for managing his needs in the F2P pool. I'm sure his damage output will be great for the types he's in, but I also just don't think Electric needs much, while Poison has made a really good comeback, and his own contributions to that type are astonishingly minimal. Of the two, I prefer Roxie. I think her utility contributes more. But he is a good Electric damage dealer if you didn't have one of those.
But can I also just say, Masters is kinda running on fumes with Electric? Like aside from the fact it's got some of the most overpowered bullshit, we also had the High Score event for this type. It's not like we need to worry about it. High Score events run every other month, and there's 18 types; that's 35 months to get all types in just one time. Electric like just happened, we have almost three years before that becomes relevant again, and I promise you, it won't be relevant by the time we get there. There's more relevance in the notion of pulling him for Extreme Battle events than High Score.
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to-hold-the-line · 1 year
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1. No godmodding. Don’t try to control my character, and don’t automatically assume he’s going to conform to what you want him to do.
2. Anon hate is cowardly and stupid. If you have an issue with me, my characters, or my roleplaying style, just message me about it so that we can work things out like mature and civilized folks. Any Anon hate will be met with shameless mocking and roasted like chestnuts over a fire.
3. Mun is 18+. While NSFW themes such as violence, blood, torture, and criminal acts MAY be present, smut will not be written unless it’s with a partner I know extremely well. If an rp gets to that point, I would much prefer a fade-out or time-skip. I am not personally comfortable with writing smut. However, cuddling, teasing, kissing, and make-out sessions are more than welcome.
4. Please be aware that I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy, and that I have ADHD and autism, and that I might not be able to reply for hours or days on end. If you think I may have forgotten a thread, feel free to message me politely about it, but please be patient with me. I’m trying my best! Sometimes my brain weasels just won’t cooperate.
5. This is a sideblog. I follow back from @foxytonic ~
6. Mun does not equal muse! Cal might do fucked up shit in his Dark Side verse, including but not limited to murder. Just because I write it does not mean I condone it. This blog will also deal with heavy subjects such as death and PTSD. I will try to tag triggers appropriately, but if you need something specific tagged, please don’t be afraid to tell me.
7. When sending memes/starters from a multimuse, please specify which muse they are from, or I will choose a random one.
8. This blog will contain spoilers for Jedi: Survivor. Scroll at your own risk.
9. Don’t reblog/like starter calls or open starters if you are not a roleplay blog or have no intention of replying after I do. Don’t reblog closed starters or rp threads if you aren’t my partner.
10. Although I do research my muses before writing them, I don’t know absolutely everything about Star Wars, and I’m limited by what content I can find on the internet because I’m too broke to be able to buy and play the game. Please be patient with me if I get something wrong. I’m here to roleplay, not play Um, Actually.
11. I’m not here to start drama, nor am I keen on being dragged into it, HOWEVER, if you have a problem with my friends, you have a problem with me. Trying to pit me against a partner will result in an instant block.
12. If you’re a bigot of any kind or you support known abusers (I.E. Am*er He*rd), stay off my blog.
13. I don’t roleplay with people who FC hunt. If you’re only interested in my characters because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible partners. If I see a tag on your blog like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted partner’ or something to that effect, it will result in an immediate unfollow/block.
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sappynapper · 3 years
here’s some real shit guys
DT helping with your computer issues hcs
soooo patient
like he goes into dad mode when he’s helping you with this kind of thing
if you get really frustrated and upset easily when computer stuff goes wrong he is so so good at calming you down and reassuring you
telling you “your work isn’t gone, i can get it back, it’s fine” in a soft voice while he’s clicking through stuff and rubbing your back
he loves doing it too tbh
even if it’s kinda early or he’s busy or w/e, as soon as you tell him “i have a computer question” he’s more than happy to help
makes him feel special and smart when you need him (🙄 /affectionate)
if your relationship is public knowledge he’s tweeting lame jokes about it all the time and flaming you tho
@Dream: ‘@y/u/n collects computer viruses (gatherer) then about once a month i get rid of them all (hunter)’
and don’t think he’ll let you or anyone else forget how smart and great he is etc etc
brings it up forever in pursuit of more praise
bonus: he noticed that there was quite a repetitive, mechanical element to your work that took up loads of time (i’m thinking adding citations to essays but w/e) so he holes up in his office and writes a code that does it for you so you can “spend less time working and more time with him”
he’s so ?? 🥺🥺🥺
if it’s an easyish fix he’s your guy
sorts it out then feels all smug the rest of the day
(side note, his furrowed eyebrow concentration face is hot af. u can’t even think about being stressed w your laptop bc you’re drooling over him fs)
when it’s fixed he insists he deserves a reward 👀
(just like a kiss guys relax 😅)
if it’s really complicated chances are he’s gonna be even more frustrated than you were
“nah screw this it’s completely fucked, i’ll just buy you a new one baby”
if it really really needs fixing or you give him doe eyes about it (he’s fr fucking helpless to your doe eyes, like instant kill shot) he’ll secretly get dream to fix it then pretend he did it to get all the loving afterwards lmao
your lathering on the praise for “saving” your ass, sap’s basking in it, and dream’s just stood there in the kitchen trying so damn hard not to say anything like 🧍🏻
it’s killing him but he knows how down bad sap is for you so he lets him have it (best friend shit fr)
Sap will joke around loads afterwards about how you’d be lost without him but if you get all genuine like “it’s true, you look after me so good” he’s straight up gonna cry
definitely the best at computer stuff of the three
100% can fix even the most terrifying blue screen of death problem
but when you ask for his help fixing something he’s all “what’s in it for me?” bc he’s a dick lol
you have to promise him all sorts of things just for him to fix it in like 3 clicks
you’re just like “oh 🧍🏻 … i’ve been scammed”
“mmm not my problem, you agreed, you have to make dinner and give me kisses 😘 ”
(like you weren’t gonna do that anyway 🙄)
that’s unless you’re actually upset bc it’s messing with a deadline or something important
hit him with the waterworks and he just comes straight over and fixes it real fast
he’s all nonchalant about it too like “yeah no big deal ez clap uh huh” when you’re thanking him, read: absolutely smothering him in kisses
secretly loves it sm though and if you stop he’s all like “hmm, no. you’re not done. more please”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
I don’t know if this’ll make the cut, but brothers with an MC wearing their (the brothers) clothes, and I’m talking full ensemble not just a random jacket or accessory (you can delete if you’re not comfortable of course)
So when left with the question of whether this was a full on clothing theft or a cosplay of some kind, I'm going with theft because that's just funnier to me. Just a little MC marching around in Beel's tent of an outfit… Hilarious. 🤭
MC Steals the Brothers’ Outfits
It started out like any other morning, Lucifer woke up early in bed - as he always does - but when he rolled onto his side to stir the MC, he found their side of the bed empty… 
Normally, he’d have thrown up the alarm in an instant, but his mind was still groggy as he tried to recall what happened the night before… He could have sworn the MC slept over… unless…
MC: “Good morning, love.”
Their voice was enough to get him sitting up again and he uh… well he was not prepared for what he saw. The MC was sitting with their legs crossed at his desk, attempting to imitate his “I’m-in-Complete-Control-Here” energy as much as they possibly could, but with an added detail…
They were wearing his clothes. His favorite suit to be specific which was tailored to his much bigger frame, resulting in a frankly ridiculously ill-fitting look on their smaller human body...
MC: *picks up a poisoned apple off the desk, continuing their very best Lucifer-impression*  “You should get up, love. We have an early meeting today and we can’t keep Lord Diavolo waiting.”
The MC appeared to polish the apple with his sleeve for a moment before taking a bite, looking pleased with themselves before their eyes widened in complete horror. It only took a split second for them to spit the unchewed hunk of apple into a nearby waste basket and toss the apple away in panic.
MC: “Ah FUCK!! I forgot I can’t eat these!!! SHIT!!”
Their panic only grew as Lucifer could no longer hold in his laughter, the booming volume of which is enough to wake up all his brothers throughout the House.
MC: “Lucifer, don’t just sit there laughing!! Bring me some water or something!!! LUCIFER!!!”
Look, Mammon always gets up late so not being able to find, like, any of his normal clothes was a serious problem! He’d already dug through half his closest and still couldn’t find anything!!
He had a photoshoot that he had to get to in less than hour and he still needed to take a shower, get dressed, get his stuff together, then bolt halfway across town before-
MC: *literally kicks open his door Kuzco-style* “Yo, yo, yo!! What’s up, Mammon??”
First off, the sudden loud bang of his door hitting the wall nearly scared him out of his skin, but before he could even yell at the MC for their weird entrance his brain had to process what they were wearing….
Good news! He found his missing clothes, the MC had thrown them on while he was sleeping - sunglasses and all - and now stood before him with a toothy grin on their face.
MC: “What's the problem, Mams? Lucifer got your tongu-EEEK!”
Apparently, they weren't expecting Mammon to literally lunge at them and capture them in a tight hug, practically lifting them off their feet with a laugh.
Mammon: “What'cha think your doin', MC?? I'm gonna need those back ya know?”
MC: *laughs loud and bright, throwing their arms around his neck* “I know, I know... But I wanted to surprise you!” *stops laughing suddenly and blinks* “Huh…”
Mammon watched the MC experimentally lift his glasses off their nose then put them back down, repeating the action several times before snickering.
Mammon: *frowns* “What's so funny?”
MC: “Nothing really but… Mammon, do you wear these just to make everything look like gold?”
Mammon actually had to pause before responding, pulling the MC closer with a devilish grin.
Mammon: “Nah… I ‘cause got all the gold I need right here~”
MC: *chuckles and nuzzles his cheek* “Nice save...”
Mammon: *his cheeks flush and he frowns* “I dunno what your talkin’ about... But could ya go put on a t-shirt or somethin’? They’re paying me big for this shoot and I really gotta go!”
Another convention, another cosplay far too complex to ever hope to peel out of… Though Levi would never regret wearing his five piece Lord of Shadow cosplay, it’s a heavy thing and certainly not something he can change out of in a bathroom stall…
When he finally got back to the House, he wasn’t looking to do anything but drag his tired body back to his room and change into some more manageable clothes… but… well…
When Levi opened his door, he saw the MC sitting alone at his computer desk playing a game by themselves. That was all well and good but… WHY IN DIAVOLO’S BLACK HELL ARE THEY WEARING HIS CLOTHES???
When they heard the door, the MC whipped their head back and they both stared at each other in an awkward silence… His clothes didn’t even fit them right!-or maybe they did?? His mind was panicking because they had the collar of his shirt covering their mouth and it looked so moe it was actually ridiculous!
Levi: ……….
MC: ………….
MC: …. “I can explain.”
Levi: ……. “Y-yea?”
MC: “I was having trouble on this one level and you wouldn’t pick up the phone… so I thought ‘What would Levi do?’... and it escalated…���
Levi: “You think??”
Levi felt like he could die right there, but he wasn’t entirely sure if it was from embarrassment or happiness… On the one hand, the MC was  literally trying to be him in order to get better at video games - which was flatteringly adorable… And on the other, the MC is pretty much cosplaying as him, right in front of him… and looked so damn cute doing it too… 
MC: “Is this weird…? This is weird. I’m sorry, I’ll go change-”
Levi: NO-agh! *he throws a hand over his own mouth, surprised by how loud he just shouted* … “U-uh… no it’s fine…”
MC: “Okay...?”
MC: “But could you put your phone down? I think you’ve been taking pictures for the past two minutes…”
Levi looked down at his hand and sure enough he unconsciously pulled out his phone in camera mode and has been spamming the “Capture” button long enough to have his thumb cramping...
Levi: “Oh.” *stops for a moment, then seems to second guess himself*
Levi: “Uh… just one more?”
When you share a house with Mammon, you grow accustomed to not being able to find things from time to time, but an entire outfit?? 
When he woke up one morning to find that he couldn't find any of his normal clothes, he blamed Mammon right off the bat… 
I guess in hindsight, what would Mammon want with his jacket? But anger doesn't always jump to the most rational conclusion, you know?
After searching for "long enough," Satan stormed out of his bedroom on a warpath. He didn't stop his march until he was banging on Mammon’s door with a closed fist!
Satan: “Mammon!! What did you do with my clothes you useless, money-grubbing asshole!?”
When he didn’t get a reply, likely because Mammon was hiding in his closet or something, he was about to kick the door in when he felt a tap on his shoulder...
When he turned his head, much to his surprise, he found his missing clothes!... They were on the MC - right down to the single sleeve - and the MC met his eyes with a mischievous grin…
They had a book in their hands he recalled seeing once at the library: "101 Ways to Prank Your Partner," open like they'd been reading down the hallway.
MC: … Page 47.
They winked at him before bolting back down the hallway in a fit of giggles and oooh, it was on now.
Satan spent the morning chasing the MC through the House, both laughing and dashing around in reckless abandon. He really needed his clothes back and he wouldn’t mind an extra hour or two with the MC when he got them… 😏
Asmo isn’t exactly a morning person… Though he forces himself awake so he can perform his wake-up routine, by the time he comes to the table it’s a hit-or-miss on how irritable he’s going to be...
Of course, his favorite outfit suddenly disappearing from his massive closet did not help his mood in the slightest!
Who would take his clothes?? Well, that’s not even a question - surely plenty of his devoted, adoring stans would kill to even have his scarf, so maybe the better question was, “How??” Lucifer keeps all the doors and windows magically sealed at night! (He would know, having been locked out on numerous occasions)
Asmo was tearing through his closet, wracking his brain for any place he might have left his beloved outfit, before he heard someone clear their throat by his bedroom door.
What greeted him was a lovely look at the MC wearing the missing clothing in question, even with all the grace and style he would himself!
Asmo: *jaw-drops* “MC???”
MC: *smirks at his delight and winks at him* “Looking for something?”
They strutted into the room with the confidence of a mock fashion model and took a silly vogue pose in front of the closet, barely holding in a fit of laughter from their actions.
MC: “… Or just at me?”
Asmo, of course, snatched them right up in his arms with a delighted squeal.
Asmo: “Oh. My. Diavolo!! MC, you look just gorgeous!!!- Because you look like me, of course.” 🤭
MC: *laughs and cups his cheeks to pull him closer* “Who wouldn't want to be you, Asmo?”
Asmo: “So true… But you’re already perfect, my love~” 😘
And he went on to prove that to them all morning long...
Beel didn't even get the chance to notice his clothes were missing. He had a tournament the night before and was sleeping even harder than Belphie that morning...
What woke him up was the smell of food: scrambled shadowhawk eggs, hellboar bacon, pancakes with nightshade syrup…. 
Beel's stomach had him sitting up long before his eyes ever opened, drawn in by his nose alone.
MC: “Beeeeel. Wake up!”
Beel's eyes dragged open at their request and what he found had his mouth watering... The MC had brought him a dining cart with a complete breakfast spread, brimming with portions only Beel could ever finish, but for once he wasn’t looking at the food.
The MC, for whatever reason, had decided to put on his clothes… And keep in mind that Beel's built like an ox compared to almost anybody. They were absolutely swimming under all that fabric (thank the Devil for his suspenders…) 
MC: “Congratulations!!!”
They throw their arms up excitedly, making the unzipped jacket balloon out like a parachute behind them… It's a remarkably cute image.
Beel: *blinks* “Oh.” *he gets a little pink, still very confused* “What did I do exactly…?”
MC: “You won the championship last night, remember? Or did you forget already??”
The MC takes a step to the side and begins pointing at the plates on the cart.
MC: “I thought we'd celebrate with some breakfast! I brought you eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, cereal-”
As they continued their list, Beel's hand naturally reached out towards the cart eagerly, before something finally clicked in his head. WHY were they wearing his clothes??
Beel: “Wait. MC, why are you wearing-...?”
MC *holds their hand up* “Hold on!”
MC: “-oatmeal, muffins, banana bread, annnd…” *they get onto the bed and plop down onto his lap with a grin*
MC: “Me! Congratulations, Beel!!”
They lean up to peck his cheek while his arms automatically wind around their waist. The combination of their scents already bringing out a different sort of hunger in him…
Let’s say if this is his reward, he'll never lose a game again. 😏
Belphie was in the middle of his afterschool nap in the library. The day was exhausting, so he didn’t even bother changing uniforms… The couches there were comfortable and the space was quiet, really nothing should have woken him up...
But somehow, for whatever reason, something did. A tug… Something was chasing away his dreams by tugging on the cow pillow in his arms.
MC: “Beeelllppphie….”
The tugging did not cease and he half growled in response, still keeping his eyes firmly closed.
Belphie: “What now...?”
MC: “I need this…” *they tug on the corner of the pillow a little harder* “Can you let go please…?”
What kind of question is that?? No one takes away his favorite pillow!
Belphie: *hugs the pillow tighter* “Go away, I'm trying to nap…”
MC: “Noooo please…! I need it for something right now…!!”
They started really pulling on his pillow now and he only held on tighter in annoyance. Since they wouldn’t leave him alone, he finally opened his eyes.
Belphie: “MC! Why are… you..?”
His voice trailed off as he finally saw the MC standing there in his usual outfit. His cardigan was so long over their arms that they had to grasp his pillow through its sleeves...
While his drowsy mind tried to catch up, the MC snatched the pillow from his grasp with one swift yank.
MC: *grins* “Mine now!”
They turned to bolt out of the library, but Belphie snatched them by the waist and dragged them back to the couch with him.
Belphie: “Fine, but then I get a new pillow.” 😏
The MC yelped as he flopped on top of them, pulling them close like a body pillow and resting his head into the crook of their neck to enjoy the soothing smell of their scent mixed with his.
MC: “W-wait Belphie…!” *tries to wiggle out from under his surprisingly heavy deadweight* “I was just playing around…! Please don't fall asleep on me!!”
Belphie: *yawns and settles in, already drifting off* “Too late… G'night, MC…”
MC: “Belphie!!!” 😫
They could complain all they liked, he wasn’t going to let them go for a few hours. Cute or not, MC, nobody takes his pillow!
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