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think-otb · 2 months ago
Did you know that wood is actually rarer than diamonds? It sounds unbelievable, but in the vast universe, this simple Earthly resource is incredibly special. While trees may seem abundant on Earth, the process that forms wood—photosynthesis—requires a very specific set of conditions. Wood needs sunlight, water, and a planet at just the right distance from its star. In contrast, diamonds are made from carbon and high pressure, both of which are found abundantly throughout the cosmos.
From carbon asteroids to dying neutron stars, diamonds can form in many places in the universe. But wood? It relies on the delicate balance of life, liquid water, and the right atmosphere, making it something truly unique to our planet.
In this video, we explore why, in the grand scheme of the universe, a branch in your yard is actually rarer than all the diamonds you could ever find!
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manasastuff-blog · 5 months ago
Top 10 Universe GK Questions and Answers #trending #universe #universemessage #universegk#university Uncover the universe's mysteries with our video on the Top 10 GK Questions! At Manasa Defence Academy, we provide the best training for NDA, Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, SSC, and all central government jobs, along with top-quality facilities like physical training by retired Army officers, swimming, gym, yoga, written exam preparation, SSB interviews, English speaking skills, stage speech training, and the best hostel and mess. Our training programs are designed to equip cadets with the skills needed for success. Plus, students can complete their higher studies after 10th grade, ensuring a well-rounded education. Join us to enhance your knowledge and excel in your defence career!
Website: www.manasadefenceacademy.com
#GKQuestions #UniverseTrivia #ManasaDefenceAcademy #DefenseJobs #NDA #Navy #Army #AirForce #Education #CareerTraining
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technobroo · 2 years ago
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Did you know that the word "astronaut" comes from Greek words meaning "star" and "sailor"? 🚀✨🌟 Take a journey through space and time with this interesting fact! #Astronomy #SpaceFacts #ScienceFacts #Astronauts #SpaceExploration #GreekWords #StarSailor #SpaceJourney #ExploreSpace #DiscoverSpace #FollowForMore #DidYouKnow #InterestingFacts #SpaceTrivia #AstronomyFacts #STEMeducation #STEMfacts #SpaceHistory #SpaceDiscovery #SpaceLearning #Astrophysics #SpaceResearch #SpaceMissions #SpaceTechnology #SpaceScience #UniverseFacts #SpaceGeek #AstronomyGeek #SpaceEnthusiast #SpaceCommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAtN6RtacH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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factober · 2 years ago
अंतरिक्ष के बारे में 10 चौंका देने वाले तथ्य| @factober #FactsAboutSpace
अंतरिक्ष के बारे में 10 चौंका देने वाले तथ्य| @factober #FactsAboutSpace #spacefacts #universefacts #space #universe #Chandrayaan3 #Chandrayaan3Success #science #cosmos https://youtu.be/tKYZkkSZ-SY?si=RBt2JHzxJleKEApU via @YouTube 
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pangeen · 4 years ago
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Fun Fact of the day by Young Sheldon
Via astrogeekz
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curiositydecoded · 4 years ago
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akashgobari · 4 years ago
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          The universe is a vast term which cannot be described in one blog but I will try my best for giving you explanation about universe in a very simplest way from my Knowledge.
 So hello everybody, this is AKASH GOBARI present in front of your with his very fresh blog. I hope you guys will enjoy my new blog.
So starting from very first universe is a combination of different galaxies, planets, stars, celestial bodies, asteroids, meteoroids and constituents of intergalactic space. And the study of universe is termed as COSMOLOGY.
 The universe comprises of billions of galaxies. The galaxies are made up of millions of stars held together by the Force of gravity and these stars posses the most of the mass of the universe. Galaxies are giant assemblies of stars, planets, gases, dust and smoke. These stars occur by huge bunches of clusters. They are big so that sometimes they are termed as island universe.
 Milky Way and Andromeda are the two most important examples of galaxies. Milky Way galaxy is our own galaxy (also termed as AKASH GANGA) and Andromeda is our nearest galaxy.
 Milky Way galaxy comprises of about 300 billion stars and one of them is SUN. Planet and other abject go around the Sun and created a Solar system with the Sun at the center.
 Structurally, the galaxies are found in 3 forms.
·      Spiral has a central nucleus with great spiral arms. Milky Way and Andromeda are 2 examples.
·      Elliptical without spiral arms.
·      Irregular with no shape.
·      In AD 140, Ptolemy propounded the theory that the earth is center of the universe and Sun and other heavenly bodies revolve around it. Later on the theory given by Ptolemy were proved wrong.
·      In 1543, Copernicus said that Sun is the center of universe and not the earth.
·      Kepler supported Copernicus but said that Sun is the center of Solar system and not the universe.
·      In 1924, Edwin Hubble first demonstrated existence of galaxies beyond Milky Way.
                      Evolution of Universe.
The three main theories put forward to explain the origin and evolution of universe are
     i.            Big Bang : (Proposed by George Le Maitre further explained by Stephen Hawkins) Big Bang was an explosion that occurred 13.8 billion years ago, leading to the formation of galaxies of stars and other heavenly bodies.
   ii.            Steady State Theory: Bondi, Gold and Fred Hoyle developed this theory and states that although the universe is expanding, it nevertheless does not change its appearance over time and it has no beginning and no end.
 iii.            The Pulsating Theory: According to this theory, the universe is supposed to be expanding and contrasting alternately i.e., pulsating. At present, the universe is expanding.
 So with all this, this is AKASH GOBARI ending up this blog.
And join me socially on my social media profiles:
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satellyeet · 6 years ago
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Explosive events in a spiral galaxy named NGC 4051 (about 45 million light-years from Earth). 
        ‧⁺˚*・༓☾ Facts about galaxies ☽༓・*˚⁺‧ 
✧    A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter.
✧    The idea of a galaxy was first realized by Thomas Wright in 1917 
✧    There are three main types of galaxies: Elliptical, Spiral and Irregular. Two of them are divided into subtypes based on their particular characteristics.
✧    77% of observed galaxies are spirals, 20% are elliptical and 3% are irregular.    
✧    Some of the galaxies receding from the Milky Way are ellipsoidal, like footballs. Galaxies can also be thin and flat with tentacle-like arms — just like the Milky Way.
✧     Dark matter aside, galaxies are mostly empty space. If the stars within galaxies were shrunk to the size of oranges, they would be separated by 4,800 kilometers (3,000 miles).
✧    The enormous black hole in the center of Milky way is in the direction of constellation Sagittarius, the archer. Although the black hole, named Sagittarius A*, cannot be seen with the naked eye.
✧    Most galaxies have a black hole at the center
✧    Two of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way — the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Large Magellanic Cloud — may not have black holes. Or, because both are low-mass galaxies, their central black holes may be too small to detect.
✧    The Milky Way rotates at about 250 kilometers per second and completes a full revolution about every 200 million years. 
✧    There are four galaxies that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye: the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds.
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A spiral galaxy captured by NASA.
       ⁺˚*・༓☾ Faktid galaktikate kohta ☽༓・*˚⁺‧ 
✧    Galaktika on gravitatsiooniliselt seotud süsteem tähtedest, tähejäänustest, tähtedevahelisest gaasist, tolmust ja tumedast ainest. 
✧    Esimese idee galaktikast realiseeris Thomas Wright 1917. aastal.
✧    Galaktikaid on kolme põhitüüpi: elliptilised, spiraalsed ja irregulaarsed. Kaks tüüpi jagunevad eraldi alatüüpideks nende erinevate tunnuste alusel.
✧    77% vaadeldatavatest galaktikatest on spiraalsed, 20% on elliptilised ja 3% irregulaarsed.
✧    Mõned Linnuteest eemale liikuvad galaktikad on ellipsikujulised nagu jalgpallid. Galaktikad võivad olla ka õhukesed ja lapikud ja kombitsasarnaste kätega — selline on näiteks Linnutee.
✧    Tumedat ainet kõrvale jättes, on galaktikad enamjaolt tühi ruum. Kui galaktika sees olevad tähed tõmbuks kokku apelsinisuurusteks, oleksid nende vahemaad 4800 kilomeetrit (3000 miili).
✧    Tohutu suur must auk Linnutee keskel asub siit vaadatuna Sagittariuse tähtkuju suunas. Must auku, nimega Sagittarius A*, ei ole siiski silmaga nähtav.
✧    Enamusel galaktikatest on keskmes must auk.
✧    Kahel Linnuteele kõige lähedamal asuval galaktikal, Väiksel Magalhãesi Pilvel ja Suurel Magalhãesi Pilvel ei pruugi musti auke olla. Mõlemad on väiksema massiga galaktikad ja seetõttu võivad nende keskmes asuvad mustad augud olla liiga väikesed, et neid saaks tuvastada.
✧    Linnutee galaktika pöörleb kiirusega umbes 250 km/s ja teeb täispöörde iga 200 miljoni aasta tagant.
✧    Maa pealt saab palja silmaga näha nelja galaktikat: Linnutee, Andromeda, Suur- ja Väike Magalhãesi Pilv.
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facthow · 2 years ago
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क्या आप भी ध्रुव तारा इसी को कहते है ? #factonia #spacefacts #universefacts #sciencefacts #factsinhindi https://www.instagram.com/p/Civew1Pvk4j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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techscinewz · 3 years ago
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Is Blackhole the End of the star? 🌟 Or Is There something more after the end of a star? It's just like the question is there something after death?🧐 . comment your beliefs? . Save this post for later . Tag someone who needs to see this . Follow us for more astronomy stuff @techscinewz . For credits kindly DM us No copyright ©️ intention . . . #stars #starsystem #sun #galaxy #nebula #clusters #universe #universefacts #quantumphysics #theoriticalphysics #gravity #theoryofrelativity #alberteinstein #darkmatter #darkenergy #cosmology #astronomy #astrophysics #astrophile #astronomylover #techscinewz #spacetime #spacetimefacts #blackhole #wormhole #whitehole #whitedwarf #neutronstar https://www.instagram.com/p/CTyqjeUML4M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thetutelagemedia · 3 years ago
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Did you know??? @tutelagemedia @tutelagemedia @tutelagemedia #facts💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 #facto #factsnotfiction #factrevealed #factvideo #factinhindi #indianfacts #facts #factsdaily #factzoflife#factsonly #didyouknow #historyfact #bodyfact #humanbodyfacts #indianfacts #universefacts #universe #universetoday https://www.instagram.com/p/CTmpPn7vAS-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cosmosx · 4 years ago
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There are many evidences suggesting there was liquid water/oceans many many years back, this s one of them. i have a quiz (astrophysics and another one on biology ) going on check it in my story, 13/20 is the average score try beating that score. (i have a bio quiz too) Image credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona (consider liking the post to show you support so that i can keep making posts like these) Follow @cosmos.o2o for more awesome posts.. . . . . #nasamission #mars #astronomylove #astronomydepartment #celestialbody #solarsystems #occupymars #martians #spacecolonization #marscolonization #spaceflight #nasa🚀 #astrophysics #astrophysicist #astronomynerd #universefacts #nasa #sciencerocks #spacelover #spacepictures #astronomygeek #sciencematters #astrophile #physicsfun #spaceiscool #marslove #spacex #instascience #nationalaeronauticalandspaceagency #ancientmars (at Mars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPXNwIJjCMU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aadhyakshraum · 4 years ago
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According to its literal translation from Sanskrit, the word does not mean matter, but space - in this empty space. An Universe person demonstrates qualities of imagination, expansion, subtleness, and dreaminess. They can also be elusive and passive at times. #universe #ayurveda #ayurvedahealing #ayurvedaindia #universequotes #ayurvedatherapy #ayurvedatips #ayurvedalife #universel #ayurvedalifestyle #universeofenergy #universehasyourback #universeislistening #ayurvedayoga #universetoday #ayurvedaeveryday #universefacts #universelover (at Bandra - Linking Road) https://www.instagram.com/p/COH6rcHH0kj/?igshid=nefnb6knusra
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crow-flights · 4 years ago
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Reposted from @beingastro.universe Follow us for daily astronomy stuff. Repost @astrogeekz Follow 👉 @beingastro.universe 👉 @beingastro.universe 👉 @beingastro.universe 👉 @beingastro.universe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Repost if you love. . .. . #solarsystem #nasa #elonmusk #mars #astrophysics #astronomy #sciencememes #cosmos #cosmology #universefacts #universe #facts #follow #universefacts #universe #space #spacescience #alien #andromeda #science #sciencefiction #scifi #funny #timetravel #physics #science #human #CrowFlights #isitawfuloverlay https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeDEUiMKLH/?igshid=1bgsyrftsqvqi
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kornkidd · 3 years ago
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#BlackHoles are absolutely #facinating Posted @withregram • @only__for__physics Would you dare to fall into a Supermassive Black Hole? 😱🤯👇 #MindBlown Credits: @astrogeekz Images: @pbs @pixabay @interstellarmovie #blackhole #facts #astrophysics #cosmos #cosmology #universe #universefacts #follow #space #sciencefacts #science #physicsfacts #physics #einstein #quantumphysics #multiverse #timetravel #earth #solarsystem #eventhorizon #accretion #accretiondisc #singularity #space #universe https://www.instagram.com/p/Cck8D_Fugqy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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loveofscience · 4 years ago
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It's a HUGEEEEE announcement. STAY TUNED! 👽👾🛸🌌 What do you think it will be about? TAG SOMEONE 👇 . . Follow us @decoding_scientific_research @decoding_scientific_research . . Posted @withregram • @astrogeekz . . #alien #space #venus #astronomy #astrophysics #physics #physicsfacts #follow #sciencefacts #science #cosmos #cosmology #universe #universefacts #comment #spacescience #dsr #decoding_scientific_research #chemcafe #chemcam https://www.instagram.com/p/CFG8gCtHyxU/?igshid=12w3uzzcf5inc
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