#universal headcanon for my au
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thesupernaturalhouse · 10 months ago
I'm not sure either I've said this here before edit I think Vaggie would be really good with kids
Like, in heaven, she'd get dragged to the park by a kid and either dogpiled in hugs, made to play hide and seek, or they'd insist on her telling them stories
I can see it staring cause she took a nap in the grass not realizing it was a field children often came to and made up a story of fighting a fish monster when they asked about her spear
And then a kid recognized her, dragged her to the park, and every time she left the barracks, there was a 78% chance that she'd get dragged into the kids' game or need for entertainment
Heaven can get boring with it being the same thing! Vaggie was new and always had new stories(she's making them up on the fly she has no idea why these kids like her so much but doesn't want them yo be disappointed)
She can't bring herself to know cause their so fucking tiny and cute and if she or soembody else makes them cry she'll actually kill somebody she swears to god-
If she had walked around when they went to heaven a kid would've recognized her immediately and zipped over crying and asking where she's been and that'd result in her getting dragged away and Charlie standing by very confused, but taking pictures cause this is adorable as fuck
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kakaocho · 4 months ago
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A continuation of my previous post! As I've mentioned, in my headcanon, Viktor would be Ekko and Jinx's mentor in this au
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zefny4 · 2 months ago
quick P:EG actor AU doodles because I need to cope + hc that Ingrid's actress has freckles because I think that would suit her!! :o)
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I lobe them
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aealzx · 1 month ago
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More Shadow Wachowski headcanons~ =7=
I feel like Shadow only sleeps well when he's with someone else. So the whole fam takes turns being his bedtime buddy. Though Knuckles gets the role the most because he's the least likely to get seriously hurt if Shadow does end up having a flashback nightmare. And I think it takes awhile for Shadow to get comfortable with Tails simple because Tails' scientist side accidentally triggers him sometimes.
(this is all platonic, please do not tag as any ships other than Tom+ Maddie)
Alternatively while he's willing to sleep alone and tried to at first, they soon realized he almost never got good sleep and often woke up grumpy, or so worn out he wasn't really responsive.
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axel-tiredstudent · 2 months ago
Naruto modern au doodles!
of the characters that were requested both here and on Instagram :D
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Naruto modern high school au masterpost :)
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little-fae-hero · 2 months ago
Linked Universe, The Hero of War
My headcanons/aus
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Art by Atro
Colored version.
Long talk/Ideas under the cut, warning for implied self-harm and intentional scarring. (Note: I may add stuff over time, but nothing will be deleted from the list)
Twilight. Wind. Time. Hyrule. Four. Sky. Legend. Wild.
Warriors (Hyrule Warriors): Other nicknames: The Captain, Knight, Pretty boy, Flirt, One-Man army, Scarface.
Titles: The Hero of Hyrule, the Hero of the Era of War, The Gerudo’s prince, The Blood-stain General.
God who has claim over his soul: Demise (Because of the blessing from Ganondorf)
Part of First’s soul: Leadership
Note: Because of how much his war affected time and all that, he has met many different versions of the hero and looked after them (pretty much babysitting them). He’s also fought enemies he shouldn’t have and been to corrupt places, so he knows a little bit about everything.
History (note connecting to an au so most not canon):
Link was abandoned in the desert because he was a bastard, he ended up being adopted by Ganondorf the leader of the Gerudo. This Ganondorf knows the history of Hyrule but doesn’t want to be a destructive force, just wants his people to stay safe and alive. Ganon wants to be good, and makes a promise to himself by looking after the child he later calls his son. He eventually learns his son carries the Triforce of Courage, but doesn’t care, just wants to prove himself. 
Ganondorf is sort of warlike, mainly because his desert keeps getting attacked by outside nations and he’s trying to protect it. War grows up learning all different types of weapons, planning attacks and all that, but still always being protected by his father.
Eventually the malice was too much for Ganondorf, so Ganon sent War away, hoping he could have a good life before Ganondorf went to the Guardian of Time and pleaded with her to break apart and seal his soul.
Link is left in hyrule, his voice sealed away. Eventually he joins the army of hyrule as it’s really the only place that will take in someone like him, an orphan with no voice. Eventually the war starts, and it is revealed that he has the Triforce of Courage. He’s put in charge as the battle continues before Cia reveals hers, saying she is working for someone with the promise that Link will be hers. Eventually Cia is defeated however Ganondorf is now back.
Link tried to get his father to go back to normal, however it doesn’t work so Link was force to kill him, which only allow Ganondorf with his mind back, to plead and apologize to his son.
Link soon took on the persona of a flirty pretty boy, mainly as a way of coping. He also ends up carving up his face, because of what Cia would do just to get that pretty face. Right now he is Zelda’s right hand man and adviser.
Death: Unknown…..
Interesting stuff/Headcanons:
War’s love language has always been physically touch, the feeling of holding someone or being held and knowing you are safe.
He carved up his face after everything, mainly fearing that someone else would be after him, might as well damage what started the war.
He started the persona of the flirty pretty boy to survive in the army, most don’t know his true self besides the links, Zelda, Impa and Linkle.
Any romantic relationship he had with Zelda fizzled out when Cia happened.
War had deep seeded trust issues considering how many of his ‘friends’ were all in favor of tossing him to Cia to end the war.
War turned the flirting to girls during the war up it as a big ‘screw you’ to Cia.
War is ace, specifically a sex repulsed ace.
Ganondorf was somewhat paranoid about people taking his son away, so he trained War to be able to use any weapon he got his hands on.
He even taught him how to fight without one or turn your environment into a weapon.
This very much contrasted later as he refused to allow War to get involved when conflict happened, he had to stay in the palace where it was safe and figure out strategies.
War always had a stupid number of weapons on him. Many are hidden of course.
Even when sleeping he at least has three blades in reaching distance.
Because of what happened with his father, War always has a plan on what would've happened if one of his friends got possessed and what he could do to save them.
He also watches for weak points in others mostly to help them improve.
War thinks about battle and war in a terrifying mix of courage, wisdom and power, knowing where to strike and how to be effective with it.
Has a natural parenting instinct from babysitting young ones, both at home and from the war.
Typically wraps and tucks his scarf around his waist so it can’t be grabbed and actually choke him in battle.
He actually has Ice and Fire magic, because of a blessing from his grandmothers, it’s just not his preferred way of fighting.
Plus, it makes him weaker to the opposite element, it’s why fire from the dragon knight scarred and hurt more than normal.
Has a lot of manners from the gerudo (like why he had no problem with Zelda/Impa in charge), it’s just no one knows about the gerudo tribe in his world to notice.
Monsters either target War or hesitate to attack him, he uses this to his advantage.
War can play music on an Ocarina but can’t sing to save his life. (Correction, he can sing, it’s just gerudo sounding and most don’t like it)
He is like a field medic, he knows how to save a life, but it won’t be comfortable.
The only person who knows who War’s father is, was Mask. Mask didn’t seem to judge War for it but was super angry at Ganon.
War doesn’t allow himself to express emotions outside the select ones for his ‘persona’.
So, if stuff gets really bad, he needs to scream or cry, he goes to somewhere completely hidden and breaks down (he knows this isn’t healthy, but he doesn’t care).
War is attached to the scarf because it reminds him of the fabric he wore at home, the one which was insisted on to protect his skin from the sun.
War has a screwed-up sleep schedule. He often takes a second shift and then just doesn’t wake up the others and continues the watch. 
He still has a necklace from his father, which his dad promised was laced with magic and would protect him. Despite how many times War tried to get rid of it, he can’t.
Sometimes gerudo words will slip in when he’s talking, most just think it’s a mistake.
War ‘hobbies’ are typically cleaning armor and sharpening weapons. However, he can use his magic to make little ice statues.
He has flashbacks, where he relives memories and battles. There not as bad as Wild sense he can be brought out of them, however there is a chance he could react violently.
Confined spaces can really set this off as he was captured by Cia for a short time.
He’s the closest and trusts Time/Mask the most, there are no secrets between them.
War acts almost like a drill sergeant in battles at times, no one dares go against his orders (this is after he got his voice back).
War is done, as you can see he is heavily based off my ‘Like father, like son’ au. The boy isn’t canon which means I can do whatever I want. Let me know your thoughts.
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yakutarts · 6 months ago
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Dream and Nightmare on their light ball form but slightly different
Dream and Nightmare belong to @jokublog
I plan on making a version of them were they never needed bodies to hold their magic, I have seen a lot of people do this trend and I wanna do it too, but different. All the interpretations that I have seen have a humanoid/anthro from, I wanna do a full feral one.
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quotidianish · 9 months ago
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Original scenes for reference!
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nikathesiren · 9 months ago
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Diamond is Unbreakable, but Jotaro brings Jolyne to Morioh (and finds a loophole to insult Josuke's hair and get away with it... kinda)
I saw a comic a long time ago in which lil' Jolyne meets Josuke, and she was fascinated by his hair in a lovely and cute way (I forgot who did it, sorry). It gave me the idea of making my own version, but... I prefer to add conflicts and twists into my stories for the sake of comedy, lol.
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chocolate-marranitos · 9 months ago
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Guys, why does Hyrule over here look like he came straight out of those old cartoons?!?
Like fairy boy right here really said, imma give you some skills real quick 😭
He turned out good too
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kakaocho · 4 months ago
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If Viktor never left Zaun, he would've applied his knowledge in some way, right? Maybe not as a scientist, but he's handy nonetheless. In my headcanon, he's Ekko and Jinx's mentor 🔧🪛
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suja-janee · 5 months ago
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Ive been living in my own little world for the past few days
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valictini · 4 months ago
to quote night in the woods: I believe in a universe that doesn’t care and people who do
Yeah in my mind, I don't think the Universe can care in a human way.
To me it's basically an omniscient supercomputer. It knows everything there is to know, it has full control over reality, and it takes in requests (wishes) without thinking about morality or any negative impact it could have (it does try to avoid bugs and patches them if they do appear)
The way it “thinks” is not human. You know how, for example, an ai trained to create an organism that can move and cross a finish line will come up with WILD solutions? Like for example making an organism that just explodes until a BIT of its body crosses the finish line, thus technically completing the objective?
To me, that's how the Universe grants wishes. As long as the wish is granted, it did its job, no matter HOW it's actually granted. It does work with infinitely more precise and exhaustive set of parameters, making the wishes not as unpredictable, but it still has some wriggle room to “mess things up” (in a human perspective)
Also also, crucially, it grants people's WISHES, not necessarily their NEEDS. What someone wants can be very harmful or even prevent them from reaching their needs! But the Universe can’t help it! In a way, it’s the biggest people pleaser in this entire reality, it can’t say no to a properly performed wish!
I actually have a mini comic planned using that interpretation of the Universe. It's about the Change God explaining exactly why Loop's wish went that way and how they're a dumb whiny baby but that'll happen when I have more free time lmao
Here's a sneak peak tho! :D
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fourfanetc · 4 months ago
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and they were roommates….!
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cloudyskydreams · 4 months ago
Hello I've loved all your writing and hope to see more if its okay to ask how would the skeletons react if the reader came home badly hurt from someone sorry if this make you uncomfortable keep up with the amazing rewiring love to see more
Hello! Let me just say I adored your cosplay of Black it looks so good!!
Secondly, there's not alot that'll make me uncomfortable! Just letting everyone know that for future reference if you got some weird or gross or angsty ideas I have no prob writing them ::3!
Anyways these were actually really fun to write and kept me busy at work when it was slow. Thanks so much for requesting!! Hope you guys enjoy ::>
His sockets widen and his eyelights shrinks upon seeing you. He teleports over quickly and gets you to the couch as he asks what happened. He listens to your explanation as he makes you a 'dog for the healing properties and gets to work bandaging you up. He's pretty calm throughout it but he's not really cracking jokes and you can see the sweat dripping down his skull. Once you're considerably better than before he lets out a sigh of relief and cuddles close to you content to keep you company for now. Now Sans isn't a violent guy really he's more of a bard. Talk his way out of the situation. Later though, later he's going to find that douchebag and show them a bad time
Papyrus smiles upon hearing the door open and spins around in the kitchen to greet you happily. His face contorts to one of horror upon seeing your state and the plate in his hand drops smashing across the kitchen floor. He's over by your side in a quick few strides and gently carries you to the bathroom where he sets you down on the couch. He gets you some of his monster candy stash and bandages you up asking about what happened, he sits next to you and gently asks if you'd like to call the police stating he'll be by your side the whole time. If you say no he might just go by himself when he gets the chance and report what he knows.
Upon first seeing you bruised and battered Red's mind goes blank. He stares at you for a solid minute with empty sockets before he starts yelling as he grabs you by the wrist , surprisingly gently, and leads you to the bathroom. He bandages you up and disinfects any wounds as well as giving you a monster candy before he demands to know who the fuck hurt you. He stays by your side till you fall asleep very clearly pissed off still everytime he looks at your state but trying to be soft for you. Then when you're sleeping he leaves the house to hunt that fucker down and send them to the hospital with all their teeth knocked out and a few broken bones.
He sees you and his fists clench by his side as he takes in your battered form. He walks over and gently searches you for any serious wounds assessing how badly you're hurt before leading you to the bathroom to patch you up. He stays calm and level headed but eeriely silent for the most part until he's done bandaging you. Then he inquires about what happened, where, and with who. Once he has all the details he kisses you softly and mutters how he's so glad you're okay before leaving you wrapped up in blankets on the couch with a comfort show and some monster snacks to help you heal. He's gonna rough the guy up then drag him to the police station and force him to confess.
Blue's bright smile quickly falls and the quick steps he was taking to you falter as he sees you standing in the doorway. He rushes over a deadly serious look on his face as he looks you over. He gently leads you inside and phones the police as he's getting medical supplies and some monster food. He patches you up the best he can while telling the operator what he knows from what you tell him. The police arrive and interrogate you and Blue stays by your side holding your hand the entire time and comforting you.
He's sitting on the couch when you come in and he calls out over the back of it. When you don't reply he looks over and sees your state sending him into a state of shock. He quickly teleports over and lets you lean against him as he walks you to the couch. He's panicking inside he doesn't really know what to do as the sight of the state your in knocked all common sense out of him. So he calls his brother as he gets medical supplies and monster food. His brother shows up and after seeing the sight of you calls the police which makes Stretch freak out a little more. So he's by you're side clinging to you and trying to reassure you to the best of his ability while you and Blue deal with the Police.
His eyelight shrinks to the smallest it's been and his hand immediately starts tugging on his empty sockets as he stares at you. It takes him a little bit to process the situation and by that time you're already inside. He's over by your side quickly shoving monster snacks in your hands as he looks over the wounds. He doesn't remember where the bandages are so you have to tell him where and he gets them. Very gently wraps you up acts as if you're porcelain. He sits you in his lap afterwards and cuddles up close starting to purr softly hoping it will help calm you. He asks what happened and listens with intense silence. He writes it down so he doesn't forget but leaves the person as a problem for another day he's more focused on you right now.They may think they got away with it but he won't forget about them not after what they did to you.
He sees you and gasps already by your side and scooping you up as gently as he can. He sets you on the couch softly and looks over your wounds. Gets you some leftovers from the dinner made last night for the monster food healing properties and bandages what needs it. He runs his fingers through your hair as he considers his options. He doesn't mention anything to you though as he gently takes care of you babying you throughout the night but makes sure to get as much information as he can out of you. Once you're asleep he writes down everything you said and finds Axe who hadn't seen you yet and mentions the situation before handing over the paper. He's got a small brotherly favor to cash in tonight.
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little-fae-hero · 1 day ago
All my Atro commissions. All the Linked Universe boys!
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All these art is a commission I order from my friend Atro Avis. She is wonderful, highly recommend if you got the funds.
Here is the link to her commission prices.
I’m coloring them and will post the last couple and then a version with all of them side by side.
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