#fae lu headcanons
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little-fae-hero · 11 days ago
All my Atro commissions. All the Linked Universe boys!
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All these art is a commission I order from my friend Atro Avis. She is wonderful, highly recommend if you got the funds.
Here is the link to her commission prices.
I’m coloring them and will post the last couple and then a version with all of them side by side.
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rainy-day-revelry · 6 months ago
For all my Fairy!Hyrule lovers who also appreciate a bit of angst, may I remind you:
Faefolk hate the color red as it reminds them of iron filled blood, including red berries. Mayhaps they hurt to eat just like iron hurts to touch?
You can break fae magic by turning your clothing inside out. I’ve seen this shown as the fae being unable to see you, or in some cases unable to perceive your presence at all
Several plants are thought to repel fae, such as boxwood or rowan, but you could really use any plant for this purpose. I see daisies used a lot.
Fae can’t lie, only dance around the topic. Can Rulie?
As mentioned, iron hurts fae. You know what most armor contains at least a little of?
Dancing with a fae often leaves you trapped dancing forever until you die of exhaustion or your magical captor frees you. Rulie doesn’t have much experience with his fae powers, or with dancing. Would he know how?
Pretty please, run wild. Give me more full-fae Rulie, and give me consequences for that
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twink-between-worlds · 1 month ago
If you're still doing this can I have 🌑 (Twilight Headcanon), 🍄 (Hyrule headcanon), 🌈 (Four headcanon) and 🌊 (Wind headcanon) please ?
hi!! sorry we got to this a bit late, we're on day 6 of a migraine and couldnt look at the screen long enough to do this yesterday LOL
twilight ; had adhd the likes of which has never been witnessed before. a puppy of a man. you cant get him to focus no matter how many incentives you offer.
hyrule ; i actually think faer very very good at sewing. fae was on faer own for a while !! you cannot convince me fae did not teach faerself how to patch clothes up
four ; they won't admit it but they actually like being treated like a kid sometimes. brings them back to simpler times..
wind ; he's the most observant member of the chain. nothing gets by him. ever.
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mirensiart · 3 months ago
hi it's me
Ya boye (/reference)
So you know how Fi burns sky when he points her at one of the other links in like warning or combat-like contexts?(seen in the bunny legend section of cannon LU)
I know burns hurt like hell but like
Even post-initial-burn they hurrttttttttt more of a dull hurt unless its BAD bad but HURTTT
just imagining sky accidentally gets burned, waves it off, and everyone else is just like "dude, YOU'RE NOT OK WE CAN STILL FEEL IT"(maybe besides twi but like still, they can still feel that it hurts despite the fact he acts like he can't feel it,)
Maybe the flame barer earrings might help? But idk if they cover "magic ancient sword fire" over "FIRE fire"
...he is so lucky only one other link(wild I think) is right handed because if he wasn't they'd be (temporarily) screwed
- 🦦🐾(who hasn't slept, so he is sorry if this is complete nonsense)
Have a wind for the road
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(Sorry for replying so late!!!)
I don't think heat/fire resistance gear would work with the master sword burning sky when he accidentally uses it against someone with the hero's spirit
I don't see the master sword burn to be fire related though, like it's not like she bursts into flames when it burns sky, I feel like it's more like how iron burns fae or sunlight burns vampire kinda deal
Not fire related but it hurts like a burn and it physically burns you, but it's no like the sword gets warm/is on fire 🤔
ANYWAY, yes!
Also if you go with the "wind doesn't have the hero's spirit" headcanon, then I can imagine sky accidentally attacking him during battle cause the monsters are everywhere and he got confused, and everyone expecting to feel the burn but it never comes and that's how everyone finds out lol
Also YAY WINDY BOY thank you I will take care of him 🤲🏻💖
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heroesrest64 · 16 days ago
Stinky (But How Bad?)
Just some general headcanons for the LU boys’ cleaning habits (sfw! Nothing raunchy lol)
Quite good at bathing, does it whenever he gets the chance. Prefers a hot bath over anything.
Disappears off on his own when he wants to bathe, goes small and washes off with collected rain water and soaps. It offers him privacy and he doesn’t use up products as fast.
Was very stinky in his youth, but got better ‘cause of Malon. Has A LOT of milk based products. Especially lotion. Also keeps shampoo and body wash on him.
Pretty bad at upkeep, only washes up in villages/ when he gets too grimy. Takes good care of his hair, though, and always has a perfumed smell to him (how?)
As a fae, springs attract him pretty often. Is generally clean, even if he doesn’t bathe too often. Must be the fairy genes.
Stinky pirate child. Considers jumping into a pool of water ‘bathing’. Hair greasy and salt caked. He gets better at it when he realizes bathing can be relaxing.
Good at grooming himself, sometimes he feels he can’t though. Depression, my dude. He’ll take the opportunity if he can, but doesn’t go looking to get clean.
Very cleanly. Always smells good. Where is he keeping these products?? He senses the smallest amount of grime, he washes up.
A gremlin. Doesn’t care for baths, but sometimes rinses off in waterfalls. No real products, just scrubs ‘till he’s raw. Got an actual bar of soap once and ate it. Is getting better at taking care of his hair.
Some extra notes about their bodies in general:
Some of the boys have strange anatomy. Like, Twi’s got some wolf parts and is harrier than the usual Hylian. Hyrule has magic written on his skin and seals on his back to keep his wings hidden. Four has a lil minish tail! Sky has a lower bone density, is lighter than other, has little pin feathers on the back of his upper arms and neck (the neck scratch origin explained). Time is affected a little by each of his masks, mostly just markings where extra limbs sprout from, also, the whole time thing leads to his map of scars constantly changing. Wind has a tattoo probably. Wild has some very prominent veins (his healing bath, probably) Legend and Wars are surprisingly normal.
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merriclo · 2 years ago
I want to know your LU headcanons!
ohHO i will absolutely tell you tysm for asking!! i’ve been wanting to talk abt them for ages but just never got around to it ig ahjdkcka
Time’s actually like 32 and is just really committed to the bit of being ancient
Sky is horrific at making new friends. he grew up with the same small group of people, so he never learned how to make friends with complete strangers because there simply wasn’t the need to. so, when he first starts traveling with the chain, he makes little wooden charms for them because he isn’t entirely sure how else to get close with them. Zelda always enjoyed his woodcarvings, so maybe they will too??
as a result, the entire chain has little trinkets made by Sky. on Legend’s bag there’s charms hanging off the straps, and Twilight wears his as necklaces (both because it looks cool as fuck and it helps the shadow crystal stand out less). yes Wind has specifically commissioned him to make something for Aryll
yeah yeah bunny Legend but consider: the mermaid suit (which I like to think is more of a curse bc get fished pink man <3) giving him some marine animal qualities as well. no matter what tho that bitch is an Ariel kinnie, they’re collecting all the shiny shit they can find
Sky is obsessed with doing puzzles the Right and Proper way, meanwhile Wild cheeses absolutely everything he can
Wind believes in all of those classic pirate superstitions
the witches in Legend’s era adore him. Grandma Syrup dotes on him, Maple is like a teasing older sister, and Irene is like a teasing younger sister. this is where he learned most of his magic skills from, and he takes all potentially enchanted or cursed items to them to check out. he’ll never admit it, but Legend finds lots of comfort in all of them, as they’re one of the few people who’ve stayed in his life this long.
Wild’s a pretty good medic!! during his adventure, he very quickly realized how dangerous infection is, so they learned about a lot of home remedies and medicinal herbs, as well as how to tend to a wound from other travelers at stables and inns. he didn’t really get a choice in learning, considering how he probably got stung or bit by painful insects or accidentally brushed up against painful plants a lot during the early days of their adventure, and thus showed up to stables covered in rashes and hives and such, causing every decent person in the area to flock to them and try to help. their Hyrule is very sweet, okay?
they’re not the only one who’s well acquainted with medicinal herbs, though! while I think all of them would have a basic understanding, Time, Hyrule, Warriors, and Wind would know a lot. dw i’m elaborating
Time quite literally grew up in the forest, was raised by a tree, and had actual forest spirits for siblings—he knows his plants. he and Saria would peel willow bark and collect dandelions together
I like to think that Hyrule being half-fae makes him very sensitive to all magic-based auras, including that of plants, so they’re very good at picking out the healing herbs, even if they’re not quite sure what they’re called
listen ok hear me out about Warriors. young Time was appalled that he knew jackshit about nature and forcefully taught him. also, before modern medicine, medicinal plants were used all the fucking time on the battle field. yarrow, an herb that stops bleeding and prevents infection, is called soldiers’ woundwort because of this. i mention this because he was probably concerned about the health and safety of his troops, so he learned what the medics were doing and using.
Wind grew up on a small, tight-knit island, realistically they would’ve had to have learned how to use the things around them to their fullest advantage. that being said, his knowledge is sort of useless outside of his own era, aside from what he was taught in the war. ok i’m done talking about medicinal herbs now i promise sorry it’s a hobby of mine ahhsjdka
Legend’s terrified of dogs. in Link’s Awakening, the dogs are literally balls on chains with huge mouths full of sharp teeth (basically just Chain Chomps). if you want to get angsty with it: it comes from guard dogs being sent after him on his first adventure. he became a lot less scared to more he spent time with BowBow (the ball and chain dog) but, when he woke up, he got the belief that he could only be safe around a dog in his dreams. he’s pretty damn uncomfortable around Wolfie at first, but after lots of time and learning to trust Twilight, he’s able to slowly overcome his fear. sort of. mostly just with Wolfie. he still hates staying at stables in Wild’s Hyrule.
if Wild doesn’t want to explain/source something he’ll just say it came to him via divine intervention. Sky believes it every single time
I was thinking about Legend’s story a while ago and realized it was kind of similar to Joan of Arc’s so take that as you will. idk if this even counts as a headcanon but i’m putting it here
Warriors and Twilight are really close friends because they both understand the struggles of wrangling dirt worshipping nature freaks. anytime Twilight (lovingly) complains about Wild, Wars will counter with whatever asinine feral child antics young Time got up to and suddenly Twi will feel very blessed and lucky
whenever Four sees someone with their hair in a high ponytail he subconsciously thinks they’re very smart and respectable because Dot always wears her hair in a high ponytail
Hyrule is completely fine with not sleeping on a bedroll. they like the dirt, actually. let them sleep in the dirt.
Legend uses apples in his red potions, both to increase their potency and to make them taste better. he also learned how to enchant apples to be healing on their own so sometimes when someone’s hurt he’ll just shove an apple in their face
uhh so ik this is a lot but this isn’t even close to of all my headcanons so yeah there’s that lmao
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durudurururu · 10 months ago
Some more LU headcanons
Wanted to actually post here and because I can't post any new fics on here (since they're not done yet☠️) so this is the closest I get to doing something.
Legend is quite bad at reading tone and body language. All the countries he's adventured in had different meaning to certain things and he doesn't have the time to learn what is what.
Legend and Four likes talking blacksmithing together, even if Legend doesn't know nearly as much as Four.
Four (red) likes Uppies, but will sadly never get them since he's too embarrassed to ask for them.
The colours are made out of elemental energy. Four can use all the elements naturally whilst merged, but it's stronger when split.
Four had a small crush on a blond poet named Percy during Minish Cap and was his gay Awakening.
Four tried to trade kinstones with the other when they first met and was suprised when they didn't have any. Whenever he's in Minish form he always sneaks some into their bags.
Warriors reminds Four of his dad, and the colours are unsure if that's good or not.
Time, Four, and Hyrule likes speaking to each other in their fae, Kokiri, and Minish languages. The languages are similar, but they still can't fully understand each other.
Right after Time lost/hurt his eye, he wore an eyepatch and pretended to be like Wind/Toon was during the war for a small while.
When Sky feels overwhelmed he likes to sit on his Loftwing and float across the sky until he's calmed down.
Sky is secretly making a bunny keychain for Legend and a Wolfie one for Twilight.
Wind loves Skyloft, but avouds the Loftwings as best as possible because of his trauma.
Hyrule can make some food without it somehow burning but doesn't say so since he doesn't wanna be in cooking duty.
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kismetologyy · 10 months ago
Since you asked for some lu x reader headcannons, I think Time and Hyrule would be fae like in the way they court their beloved. Giving them foods, playfulling tricking them, trying so desperately to get their beloved to break any of the fae rules so they can have a reason to have them to themselves.
Oooh a very special request! <3
And also, I don't know anything about fae, so I'm really sorry if I get anything wrong🙇‍♂️
But what I'm guessing is that they kind of act like fae and have their special sort of rules(?)
And what I've gotten from my quick research is that if you break one of these deals/rules, you have to serve that fae for a specific amount of time (please correct me if I'm wrong I would love to know more)
I can edit this any time anyway, so let's start!
• I feel like he would be a little shy at first, but also a bit mischievous
• LOVES giving you his favorite berries and other things from the forrest
• doesn't really mind dirty water since he just grew up in a cave
• would be pouty for a really long time if you were to be impolite
• you would probably have to serve him for as long as possible, but he would still be nice most of the time
• I feel like he wouldn't be an actual fae, but would still hold up the rules in honor of all the faries he's met
• he can be a bit mischievous, so of course he would do anything to get you to break the rules
• loves teasing you about the fae traditions and all, but never reminds you of the rules
• good luck if you don't wanna be his servant for the next 1000 years🙏
• likes to give you more objects rather than food, like a shiny stone or a nice flower or something
I'm sorry if this is too short, but I don't want to add too much without knowing anything😔
But thank you for your request! It's a nice change from what I usually do
Let me know if I should add something specific! I'm always happy to hear your own headcanons and opinions!
— <3
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candy8448 · 1 year ago
Lu lgbt headcanons Because im feeling very gender today:
Genderfluid, any pronouns
Bisexual and demiromantic
Used to be in a relationship with Marin
In a relationship currently with Ravio but they haven't decided exactly how far their relationship goes just yet
Never wears trousers, even on a masculine day, just never. Nope. Wears a ton of jewlery
Probably has some magic ring or something with a gem that he can change the colour of to represent what pronouns they want to use
Also uses any pronouns
Decided to not use a name or label for gender
Before the shrine was probably not given any opportunity to explore any gender identities or sexual orientation, so went as a cis man
In a queer platonic relationship with Flora
Bigender, i saw this headcanon once and im stealing it for self projection reasons
She/he pronouns with a slight preference to he
Bisexual, polyamory
He, Zelda and Groose are all in a relationship together (Zelda is mostly straight and Groose hasn't decided yet)
Seen hcs that fairies aren't born with a gender and get to choose theirs
Intersex (though was treated more femininly by most of his sisters and mothers)
Nonbinary and trans male
Uses he/they/fae pronouns
Saw hcs that the kokiri dont really pay attention to gender
Uses he/him pronouns for simplicity as that was what people used when he first left kokiri forest
Will not mind if someone uses whatever pronouns, will not correct since he doesnt really have a connection to any gender
Pan, again since he doesnt really recognise gender he doesnt have a preference to what he is romantically intrested in but he is married to Malon
Seen hcs that he used to have a crush on Sheik and sure, i like it when its written as a goofy childhood crush thing
Cis male, ik most ppl hc them as the most gnc but i like this
They/them pronouns, they use them as plural pronouns but not many people actually know that
The colours themselves and mostly cis male though as individuals
Not sure their sexual orientation
They are at least 1/4 gay (looking at you, Vio)
Trans male
Aroace, did not have a fun experience with that whole Cia thing and has just sworn off any kind of romantic or sexual relationships
He/they pronouns (is experimenting with the they/them pronouns and mostly prefers the he/him ones)
Straight as far as he is aware for now, might have a slight crush on Tetra but will deny it with his entire being
Nonbinary, He/they pronouns
Had/has a big crush on Midna
In situations or aus where they are able to be with Midna, he is dating Midna and Midna is dating Dusk, but Twi and Dusk are not dating
Ive had this post in my drafts and completely forgot about it lol
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respheal · 2 months ago
👀👀 fallen fae?
Thanks for the ask!! :D
The premise of Fallen Fae is that Hyrule gets turned into an anti-fairy. This happens relatively early on in the Chain's adventure, and Hyrule hasn't revealed his half-fae heritage to the group yet (using the Fairy Hyrule headcanon). So when Hyrule falls ill after an encounter with a corrupted Great Fairy, no one knows why he's ill until he bites Legend and vampires a bit of magic out of his predecessor.
Legend takes this very calmly. (camera pans over to Legend shrieking)
So the Chain has to A) figure out what Rulie's deal is B) how to keep his magic level above 0% so he doesn't bite anyone else C) figure out how to make green potions when Rulie chugs them like a freshman with a 12-pack of energy drinks D) get more magic powder?? E) stop whatever did the corruption in the first place. Fun times :D
The next chapter (which I'm hoping to upload on Friday) starts off with the funeral for the corrupted Great Fairy, after the Chain had to kill her to stop the corruption from spreading. For the funeral, I'm mushing together some Shinto practices as I understand them (not all rites—just the ones that fit in this setting) and the Celtic keening for the Western fae vibes.
It starts with offerings of food from the fairies of the fountain to the gods, followed by an "introduction"—in Shintoism, that's announcing the death to the spirits (kiyū-hōkoku). The leader (normally the Great Fairy) purifies themselves and the fountain with water, song, and magic (batsujo no gi). The song here would be analogous to the dirge.
Next, friends (the Chain, in this case) can make their own offerings to the fountain and gods and give their condolences—the wake, essentially (tsūya sai). The lead fairy collects the deceased fairy's remains (which, thanks to a wild conversation in the @lu-community-write-a-thon chat, is basically mushroom spores at this point) and mixes it with humus to be planted (vaguely analogous to senrei no gi—transfer of the spirit).
Food time! At this point, the mourners can enjoy a meal, which largely consists of sweet berries, milk, and (because Wild is here) sweet pastries.
Lastly, the mourners say their last good-byes—the keening/coronach. (Incidentally, the banshee is a fairy woman who sings a keening before someone has died. She's the harbinger.)
After the funeral, the fairy's remains are scattered in nature (leading to the growth of magic mushrooms, how about that) and attendees are asked to report the death to the next Great Fairy they meet (ubusuna-jinja ni kiyū-hōkoku).
So yeah, this is what I'm goin for for a fae funeral. It was a lil tricky since, y'know, fae aren't normally depicted as dying. But yeah :D
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little-fae-hero · 8 days ago
Atro Avis commission, now colored!
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All of my Atro commissions, now with me adding my coloring headcanons.
Hope you enjoy the headcanons, would love to hear your thoughts.
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artemistorm · 1 year ago
LU Gender and Orientation Headcanons
Time – Gender apathetic/Non-binary (gender-expresses androgynous or masculine, okay with any pronouns, experimenting with neos), demisexual
Warriors – Cis man (he/him), gay
Twilight – Trans man (he/him), panromantic
Sky – genderqueer transmasc (he/they and rarely she/her), keeps sexual/romantic preferences private
Four – It's complicated. When combined, Four is multi-gender/genderfluid (sticks with he/they but like the occasional she or neo as well). When separated: Green - male (he/him); Vio - female (she/her); Red - nonbinary (they/them); Blue - Agender (any/no pronouns). His orientation is too complex for us mere mortals to understand so suffice it to say he just started dating his Zelda and loves her very much.
Legend – genderfluid (he/she), bi and demisexual but not interested in relationships right now (too busy adventuring, too recent of a loss)
Hyrule – androgynous gender questioning (genderfluid? Nonbinary? Fairy gender?) (Likes he, she, they, and fae/faer/faers equally), very aroace
Wild – genderfluid (gender collector) (he/she), aroace right now but open to relationships in the future
Wind – cis boy (he/him, but is curious to try on other pronouns), undecided and not currently questioning his sexuality but he sure does like Tetra alot but ewwww kissing is so gross yuck
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enchantedelain · 11 months ago
Headcanon that Elucien's baby girl glows like a flashlight whenever she's upset inside of crying and Elain and Lucien are freaking out because why is the baby glowing? And Eris comes and helps them because spoiler Lucien used to glow as a baby too.
Elain was struggling to sleep these days. Of all the things that turning fae meant, did it really have to make her pregnancy longer? She was seven months into this and couldn’t wait for it to be over. Carrying twins — for an entire year — it was mind boggling.
The bedroom was dark, but the steady patter of rain pounded against the brick and she kicked the sheets off her legs. It was too hot. Granted, Lucien was a warm sleeper. He radiated heat and normally, Elain loved that; but not today. She sat up, leaning against the headboard with a tired pout on her face. She envied her husband. He was sleeping like an angel.
A loud clap of thunder resounded through the room, making her heart race. She hated storms. They were the worst. She didn’t need more of a headache tonight. Elain groaned and curled back up by Lucien’s side. The heat she could take. She needed his comfort. The pain across her body and the rush of her fear were too much to handle alone.
She struggled to find a comfortable place, but eventually settled on her side with four pillows and his hands gently caressing her belly. He even did that in his sleep. Her eyelids fluttered closed.
Another clap of thunder, right above their room.
She shrieked, clinging to his shoulders.
“Lu.” She nudged his ribs. “Wake…up.”
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ppeasants · 6 months ago
Pinned Post Moment
Hello! My name is Sapphire (they/fae), but please call me Saph!
I'm an occasional writer who makes AUs, fics and other ramblings, floating between between various fandoms! Currently working on the Time Hollow AU.
I post about whatever I'm fixated on, and I sometimes post WIPs for the fics I'm working on!
My AO3 Page - Where I put my completed stories! Come check 'em out!
My AUs:
Time Hollow AU - A Post-Hollow Mind AU where Hunter and Luz, unable to be rescued from Emperor Belos' Mindscape the first, are brought back three days later. But for those two, they were trapped in there for nearly a full year. Featuring a very traumatized and codependent Luz and Hunter, a lot of angst, hurt/comfort, and more (fics can be found here)
villain!Wind AU - My take on a Villain Wind, who after many tragic circumstances and misunderstandings, makes it his goal to murder Hylia. No matter who or what he has to use, betray, and kill.
BlondeSwap AU - My extremely self-indulgent AU, where a Post-ASIAS Hunter, and a Post-Threatening Shadows Wind, find themselves swapped into each other's worlds, where both can finally learn how to live again.
deity!LU AU - Coming Soon™
Posts A Lot About:
Hunter TOH - My blorbo! The former Golden Guard, turned good, who now has to learn how to live.
LU Wind - My other blorbo! The hero of Winds, the youngest of the group, and the only one not chosen by destiny.
The Owl House - Disney cartoon centred on magic, which I have fallen in love with completely. (series where Hunter comes from)
Linked Universe - Zelda Fancomic where 9 different Links are brought together through time and space. (series where Wind comes from)
Pokémon - My absolute hyperfixation, my first love, I will always adore Pokémon and will be able to talk about it forever
Other Interesting Things:
Fish Out of Water - 40k words, a 5+1 Styled fic focusing on Wind's differences from the rest of the heroes. Featuring a lot of angst, fluff, Hurt/Comfort, and found family. Currently my favourite fic I've written.
Rito Headcanons - Headcanons about Wind Waker Era Rito Culture, Evolution, and Language
BTHB (Wind) - A Bad Things Happen Bingo board for Wind, where I can put my boy in Situations (series can be found here)
BTHB (Hunter) - Coming Soon™
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science-lings · 2 years ago
Good evening/day/morning! May I ask what you headcanon what each of the LU boys would turn into if they touched Twilight’s crystal? Thanks!
Hi! I’ve actually made an in depth analysis of this exact topic including both crack and serious answers, however that was a while ago and my opinions have probably changed so I’m willing to redo my list, though bc it’s on my phone I won’t go into paragraphs of explanation lmao.
Wind- I still really like him being a macaw, they’re silly loud colorful piratey and a whole lot of fun. He’d be one of those green and blue ones and would have some subtle white wave/swirly designs on the ends of his feathers.
Four-I also like my old idea for him being four separate mice, each color coded. They’re small and proven to be clever and able to work together. Obviously shadow is the rat that bothers them for attention. Maybe they could have a feathery tail like the Minish…
Hyrule- although I like my old idea of him being a fox, I think it would be more interesting if he was a raven. They have very occult and magical associations, they’re resourceful and intelligent and will pick up anything interesting they come across. Also I like them a lot. Ravens usually have a bit of a purple blue iridescent look, but with Hyrule I’d make it more green and a bit of a orangey rusty red on the beak and talons. But overall he’s kind of a brown rather than black if that makes sense.
Legend- Ferret. Little snake kittens with attitude. I love them. He’s still very pink, that or one of those little island monkeys that terrorize tourists and steal things and accidentally jumpstart their own species evolution.
Sky- Lion, though my first thought would be something with wings, I think it’s important for him and his wings to be separate. Also I really like leaning into Sky’s regal/ future king thing. I also like associating him with red and white, but it wouldn’t be as vibrant as his loftwing.
Warriors- I still really like him being a warhorse. Maybe I’ll make him a unicorn to give him a built in sword. Anyway he’s very pale but with a distinctly blue-green-gold sheen.
Time- honestly this one was the hardest for me but I’ve settled on a fox. They’re associated with fae and are trickster spirits and are more feral than more doglike animals. I also think it would be fun if he was small. Either that or a bear…
Wild- I’m really into the big cat thing with him but I struggle to decide which one… like he could be a bobcat or a Lynx, small and ferocious, a jaguar, good at climbing and being in trees, a cheetah, fast which could be a nod to his power over time and also very anxious and requiring emotional support dogs sometimes (which would be twi in this case), anyway he’d either be of a golden color variant, replacing all black with a more orangey tone and adding a more stark white, or fully teal that is very reminiscent of the spirits in BOTW and the lost woods mist and the general vibe of the lord of the mountain and the blupees.
Twilight- dog. Wolf dog. Not quite full wolf, like a husky or a German shepherd.
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bokettochild · 3 years ago
Idk if you've already answered this, but what ages do you headcanon the chain to be?
I don't think I have answered this before!
I think Time is around 47 years old, he's getting on in years, but he's also aged really well (physically anyways). Mentally, he's closer to the boys' guess, 62 or so. He's seen some shit; it took a few years to bring down Gannon, and he may have spent a few more in a time-loop in Termina.
I'm putting Warriors next at 25 or so. Hyrule's army can't train you to be a proper soldier until your 18 I think, and training for knighthood takes time. He was around 23 when the War took place, and it went on for a few years too. I HC that he only had a few months between everything and LU.
Four is next. They're 24 and probably the best person at adulting. Unfortunately, all most people see is a 10 year old playing at being a grown up. Blue hates it, but Vio uses it as an excuse to not have to pay taxes.
Twilight is also 24, although he's a fall baby, whereas Four was born in the spring, so he is the younger of the two. He doesn't really know his age though, since Uli and Rusl had to kind of guess it, and since he doesn't know his real birthday either, they let him choose one.
Sky is next in the list. He's 21. On Skyloft, you are an adult at 20, but Sky has yet to take advantage of that, and despite Groose's urging, has yet to have his first drink or really do any crazy stuff other than jumping from high places and killing a god.
Legend is 19, although the only way he remembers that is because he and Ravio share a birthday (saw it in a fic, fell in love with it). Legend considers himself an adult, but, like Sky, he has yet to do anything to commemorate it. He's traveled to various different countries with various rules and traditions regarding coming of age, so he's left off celebrating altogether, to save the hassle. He's legally an adult half the time and legally a child, so he just rides the middle line and doesn't bother.
Hyrule is 18. Which is all well and good for a Hylian, but as far as his fairy mother and aunts are concerned, he's still a baby. Fairies age differently, so he dances between being painfully mature and ridiculously immature, just because he wants to. It's fine though, that's just how growing up as a fae works, and Time is fully supportive of him.
Wild is 17. Barely. He wasn't even supposed to be in the Hylian army, but he was named the Hero at 12, so the rules were kind of waved aside. He was 16 when he died, and he and Zelda celebrated his 17th birthday together a couple months after defeating the Calamity. He's only been alive again and gathering memories for about a year though, so he has his childish moments as well.
Wind, cannonically, is 13, almost 14. He celebrates his 14th birthday with the Chain. He may be the youngest, but he also comes before some of the others in the timelines, even with the splits, and he will pull that card if he wants. It doesn't work, but he tries anyway, bless him
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