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septik-rus · 2 years ago
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🔥Команда Септик-рус выполнила монтаж станции очистки Юнилос Астра 8 ПР в Тульской области. Были выполнены все необходимые этапы для установки станции на участке заказчика. Мы предоставили следующие услуги: ✅доставка септика ✅ рытье котлована и траншей ✅ выполнение монтажных работ ✅ подключение станции к трубопроводам и электрической сети ✅проведен запуск станции для проверки ее работоспособности и эффективности. Теперь система Астра 8 Пр готова к использованию.
Оборудование: https://septik-rus.ru/septik_astra/astra-8-pr/
Хотите, чтобы септик был и на вашем загородном участке?😍😍 ⠀Обращайтесь к нашим специалистам!👨💻👩💻 ⠀👨🏻🔧🚛🇷🇺Мы работаем почти во всех регионах РФ https://septik-rus.ru/contacts/
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t-rexdescendant · 1 year ago
glargle smarpe unilo jargo barbon
No no no its BFARG smarpe unilo jargo barbon
Simple mistake to make
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Dutch and Filipino names, excluding the letter "J"
Aarterhom Aasam Aatom Abassen Abittala Acabita Acans Acila Acischeen Adirost Adurk Aefemon Aeffelen Agabats Agbert Agmagen Agmang Agsol Agson Alezielt Alimon Alubayan Amirk Anaff Andim Angcorius Angson Anuenhumas Arader Arelf Atesse Aukermang...
Badat Bader Baker Bakers Baliedt Baluzo Bancksondt Barrina Baspos Batruyks Batter Bayaback Bebong Beeke Belsmag Berbute Berszo Bethys Biaon Biattangh Biescurtwe Bignes Blibag Bobahoop Boevos Bogolop Bohay Bondenhord Breck Bremans Brubreent Brumus Buelax Buels Bughuine Bughumabok Buhan Buiontian Bulayagon Bunpin Burambe Butco Cabut Cacabat Caibat Calael Calis Calvill Capietens Capno Carzon Cason Castrons Catdut Cepeo Chodt Chooycke Chrius Clado Cleer Clenber Clinke Clork Colma Cosion Cotoc Creens Cudan Culturen Culystran Dacaoas Dahryker Dalasef Damidol Debadan Debrinluys Dechum Degem Della Dengcongco Deraber Derhout Devoste Dewarbeura Dewaren Dewemesser Dewiet Dewingco Dimkert Dolog Doniong Drigghn Duang Duayad Dundeum Durght Dusgeert Duyumiben Dykemooss Dyken Dykin Ecabarde Eclan Ectalag Edewes Eestruiack Emaelco Engbath Ergka Euvangen Favaus Femarri Floesen Flogara Freese Fretmand Gaadao Gabaxa Gaderbu Gahumula Galeritter Ganta Gaycos Gazons Geerssef Geris Giespet Grich Groek Gromariff Grons Grookemaer Guaciong Gumpecke Haaut Hangerpog Hangingco Harel Harts Heekoeteed Hennekhof Herma Herzeer Hiloan Hisiy Hoemag Hogit Honderg Hoors Horker Houger Hoveema Huisiani Huittinta Hulers Humardom Hupdion Huytenoven Ignin Iliper Kaalo Kabuns Kakkerlope Kamolt Kinao Kirawver Klaan Kleschen Kleter Koevius Kollaer Koost Kopas Krico Krogo Krozapidek Kuina Laasis Labis Ladtso Laloot Lamper Lapago Lendrek Lerhint Lesta Libort Ligote Lingco Linghuysan Loblal Logeentoos Lordsmao Loren Losens Lungcon Lydincans Lykerheng Maaniczon Maaua Mabarter Mabingabut Macalilla Maciongco Maclan Magaels Magparf Makkertwen Malick Malmanzeb Mancez Manden Mangan Mangco Maniono Manistal Manlan Manug Manzalan Mapane Mariboco Marift Masagio Maulacio Meesters Meider Meman Mengco Midstmaga Minabutma Mitadoom Moelabeer Monamen Mosaer Nazon Nesen Nierthon Nocobuhan Nuevook Nunsipen Ockford Odegan Omingco Ooilang Ooster Orinal Oster Oukert Ourens Ovius Oxenier Paard Pacat Paerling Pagarn Pagelf Pagier Pagta Pallaen Pamief Pando Pannat Peencis Pigne Pismico Pligh Poquing Pulotenio Punght Pusteppaan Quedo Quicel Quilermso Quing Quipigan Raansilo Rafes Randeker Rapin Rhullee Richoa Riesmaers Rilicidsmo Rineterpo Ritse Riusen Robor Rocklert Roukaberdt Router Rozurute Ryveligne Saball Sallomida Salmane Sambao Sariao Sastu Sayauvees Scark Scasthong Schey Schil Schooya Schryleeck Schrylsman Scurater Seboglao Senboers Shoer Shoeverg Shong Siaarameen Siandt Siebay Siggollen Sindamper Sindecken Singanlan Siont Sipooppeng Siser Slock Slupan Smacso Smelbel Solikkouke Sonkre Speca Sperk Sprinallag Steff Sterse Struz Strykhout Sulste Swalag Swarem Swasie Tabloque Talen Tande Tangumut Tayaruisk Taypert Tenberst Teriaan Ticmoorn Timbees Tioniatago Tisseli Toban Tocon Toldeck Traagam Trestra Tries Trubia Tulampatan Tunch Tureo Uinebos Unilo Upaurapaya Upnek Urenta Usentana Uyver Vaatruit Valla Valoger Vanalaart Vandadvio Vande Vandelt Vanderts Vands Vandsanips Vanip Vanneyvang Vanoop Vansen Velait Velken Venibagge Vilin Visma Vlinpos Vlugangcal Vosmata Vromes Vuurnen Waleongkat Wanasta Wangco Watugan Weacsonina Wichon Wiest Wikoondat Wingorms Yabagtan Yanant Yanis Yaois Yapon Ydemar Ypiao Yugeng Zeens Zonkrus Zurianoop
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mochiciya · 10 days ago
The Unfinished Wrap
Jisoo never thought she’d be back here—this café, this city, this exact spot. The last time she was here, she wasn’t alone. Now, she was sitting across from her work friends, trying to focus on their conversations. It was supposed to be a celebration; their team had just won the company’s Independence Day event. But the moment she stepped into this place, everything felt too familiar, too heavy.
The café was in the same shopping district where she and Minjae had spent their last day together. They had been close once—so close that the thought of losing contact had seemed impossible. But life had its way of proving otherwise. Now, it had been years. No messages, no calls, nothing. And yet, fate seemed to have other plans.
When they arrived, Jisoo was asked to pick a table, but she couldn’t. The memories hit too hard. So her friend chose for her. But as they approached their seats, someone was already there. They protested, but the café was too crowded to accommodate sudden reservations. So they took the table right in front of the occupied one.
And then she saw him.
Sitting there, in the exact way he used to, focused on his meal, his phone resting in his other hand. For a split second, she thought of looking away, pretending he wasn’t there. And maybe he was doing the same.
Her phone rang.
“Why is someone calling me about a clothing order?” her father asked on the other end.
Clothing order? Jisoo frowned. “Is it from Unilo?”
The moment she said that, Minjae lifted his gaze, his attention now fully on her. But he didn’t say anything.
Her father continued, “Yeah, apparently I placed an order, but I don’t remember doing that. They said I can pick it up in Busan.”
Jisoo hesitated. “Do you want me to get it for you?”
“If you can, that’d be great.”
She sighed and agreed, trying to ignore the fact that Minjae was still sitting there, still watching.
Then, as if the universe wasn’t done playing with her, a Unilo employee appeared, holding a large, neatly wrapped package. He walked straight to Minjae. Jisoo glanced at it, and her heart nearly stopped.
The package wasn’t just any order. It was the order.
The same set of clothes she and Minjae had pre-ordered for her father, years ago, before everything fell apart. Before they lost each other.
She clenched her fists. Why was he doing this?
Minjae seemed unfazed, checking the packaging while listening to the Uniqlo employee’s explanation. He never once looked at her.
Before she could process it, her food arrived. She forced herself to focus on eating, pushing away the emotions creeping in. But just as she was about to finish, Minjae stood up and walked towards her team leader, Jihoon.
“Hey,” Minjae greeted casually.
Jihoon looked at him, then back at Jisoo. “Oh, you know each other?”
Before she could react, the Unilo employee from earlier interrupted, handing Minjae the package. “Sir, your gift for Mr. Kang is ready.”
Jihoon turned to Jisoo in surprise. “Wait… Kang? That’s your dad’s name, right?” He chuckled. “Man, Minjae, is she your girl or something?”
Minjae just smiled.
Jisoo froze. What is he trying to do?
Before she could say anything, her father arrived. He spotted Minjae almost immediately. “Minjae?”
Minjae straightened up. “Mr. Kang, it’s been a while.”
Jisoo felt like disappearing. Her father smiled warmly, greeting Minjae like an old friend. They talked, exchanged small pleasantries, and then Minjae handed over the package.
“This is for you,” he said simply.
Jisoo couldn’t hear what they talked about after that. She didn’t want to.
She quickly made an excuse and left for the restroom, her chest tightening. When she finally calmed down and walked back, Minjae was gone.
Her father, however, was still there, inspecting the package with a curious look. “Wow, this is a lot. Did Minjae choose all of this?”
Jisoo just nodded.
Her father chuckled. “You two used to be close. Why didn’t you come home with him?”
She forced a smile, giving only short replies until he finally left.
Back at the table, her friends resumed their conversations, sensing her discomfort but choosing not to dwell on it. Just when she thought she could finally breathe, Jihoon handed her a small envelope.
“Minjae asked me to give this to you.”
Jisoo stared at it, her heart sinking.
“I don’t want to read it,” she whispered.
Jihoon frowned. “Are you sure?”
She nodded, her voice cracking. “I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to dig up the past. If this is his way of saying goodbye, I already accepted it a long time ago.” Her eyes burned. “It was hard getting here. I don’t want to go back.”
Jihoon didn’t say anything at first, just watched as she wiped her tears. Then he spoke, softly, almost as if choosing his words carefully.
But Jisoo didn’t want to hear it.
She didn’t want to hear anything anymore.
So she stood up and walked away, leaving the envelope behind.
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lazy-cat-corner · 4 years ago
My friend got me into squishmallows and It has been so good for my back!
Comfort aside she’s cute and I love her. Her name is Hazel but I want to rename her. She looks more like unicorn Loki so I’m trying to find a play on words with that. 🥰
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lolamutilada · 5 years ago
Eles se amavam...um amor puro e cheio de pecados,se desejavam tanto ,queriam estar juntos e até q poderiam, porém dps de tantos erros,tantas quedas,dores e mágoas,oq no mundo seria capaz de unilos novamente?o amor pode doer as vezes,pessoas podem errar,e como num passe de mágica oq parecia ter acabado pode renascer e se regenerar,mas todos sabem q por mais forte q o sentimento deles seja,eles nunca se perteceram e nunca se pertencerão,certas coisas nascem pra poderem morrer. Ass:Lola
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mktinfo · 3 years ago
En 2007 miembros de varias ONG neerlandesas son detenidos por las autoridades de la India por denunciar abusos y violaciones de los derechos de los trabajadores de las fábricas que hacen ropa para empresas estadounidenses. Una de las empresas involucradas es Gap. Hacia octubre de 2007, se descubre el trabajo forzado al que sometían a menores de edad dichas fábricas. No obstante, Gap niega haber tenido relación alguna con las fábricas y dice, por tanto, desconocer las condiciones a las que sometían a los trabajadores.
Recientemente, en el año 2020. La cadena de medios de comunicación DW realizó una investigación acerca de la contaminación textil en el río más importante de Indonesia, el cual hoy en día es considerado el más contaminado del mundo gracias a la excesiva contaminación (con metales pesados y químicos) de empresas subcontratistas asociadas con marcas como UNILO, H&M, Gap, etc.
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septik-rus · 5 months ago
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🤩🔥Команда Септик-рус оперативно и качественно выполнила установку септика Юнилос Астра 8 ПР. Водоотведение организовано в дренажный колодец и происходит принудительным образом с помощью дренажного насоса, о чем говорит сокращение «ПР».
Мы предоставили следующие услуги: ⠀🤝Помощь по подбору септика ⠀🚚Доставка септика на участок ⠀🌱Земельные работы и установка септика ⠀✅Пробный запуск и инструктаж
Септик работает исправно, мы гарантируем долгий срок службы!
Оборудование: https://septik-rus.ru/septik_astra/astra-8-pr/
Хотите, чтобы септик или погреб был и на вашем загородном участке?😍😍 ⠀Обращайтесь к нашим специалистам!👨‍💻👩‍💻 ⠀👨🏻‍🔧🚛🇷🇺Мы работаем почти во всех регионах РФ https://septik-rus.ru/contacts/
#септик_рус#септикрус#септикнавсегда#септикинавсегда#вечныйсептик#септикдлявас#юнилос#септикастра#юнилосастра#септикюнилос#unilos#монтажсептиков#септикподключ#септикиподключ#септикидлядачи#канализациядлядома #септики#септикспб#септикмосква
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4m0r-urb4n0 · 7 years ago
Diz que não vai me deixar. Pode ser complicado agora, mas diz. Os dias são tão vazios sem você. Sinto falta do seu toque, da facilidade de me arrancar os mais bobos sorrisos. Lembro como se fosse ontem, você me olhando nos olhos, me dando completamente seu mundo. Você não fazia promessas, ate porquê achava isso uma farsa. Você não prometia absolutamente nada. Pois todos os dias me mostrava que não precisávamos de promessas pra sabermos que estaremos ali um pelo outro. Queria tanto morar em seus olhos castanhos. Sentir que tudo estaria bem ali, no meu aconchego. Antes de dormir ainda vejo seus olhos. E todas as promessas das quais nunca prometemos. Pois saberíamos que estaríamos ali um para o outro. Me promete que nas outras vidas vai me procurar? Sei que não gosta de promessas, por achar elas superficiais. Mas amor, me encontra em todos os lugares possíveis. Daqui um dia ou cem anos. Me deixa sentir outra vez em seu mundo. Sei que deu ele todo pra mim depois daquela chuva fevereiro. Mais me deixa sentir esse mundo tocando em você. A lua está linda hoje, já te falei. Você foi minha lua diante aquele estrada do parque. Lembro muito bem você dizendo que quando o sol e a lua não podiam ficar junto, o universo deu um jeito de unilos em um só eclipse. Naquele dia o Sol se apaixonou mais uma vez pela Lua. E a Lua se perdeu mais uma vez diante o Sol. Em troca de olhares intenso o Sol viu sua face escura da Lua. E isso fez com que a amasse cada vez mais. Amo intensamente, sem medo dos risco que viriam a seguir, sem medo que aqueles segundos se acabassem. Quando a Lua tocou em sua quentura viu que nem o mais quente de seu corpo se comparava ao flamejante de seus olhos. Uma chama intensa, uma coisa única. Você me disse ainda que quando a Lua se enlaçou no Sol. A face mais escura da Lua a protegeu de todas as estrelas que haviam por ali. E quando os dois se uniram em um único beijo, o mais perfeitos dos amores ocorreu. Você foi minha Lua aquele dia. E eu serei pra toda eternidade seu Sol. Diz que não vai me deixar, mesmo depois do eclipse. Diz que vai me procura amanha ou daqui cem anos. Eu não consigo passar mais noites aqui olhando as estrelas sem ver você a minha lua mais perfeita. Sei que eles ti levaram embora. Mas seu mundo nosso mundo ainda vive queimando aqui dentro do peito. — Autor Desconhecido
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sonita0526 · 5 years ago
दुनियाभर में 47 करोड़ लोग बेरोजगारी से जूझ रहे, श्रम संगठन के प्रमुख बोले- हालात हमारे अनुमान से ज्यादा गंभीर
दुनियाभर में 47 करोड़ लोग बेरोजगारी से जूझ रहे, श्रम संगठन के प्रमुख बोले- हालात हमारे अनुमान से ज्यादा गंभीर
जेनेवा. संयुक्त राष्ट्र (यूएन) ने सोमवार को कहा कि दुनियाभर में 47 करोड़ लोग या तो बेरोजगार हैं या उनके पास ढंग का रोजगार नहीं है। यूएन ने चेतावनी दी कि बेहतर रोजगार न मिलने पर समाज में अशांति फैल सकती है। श्रम संगठन ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में पाया कि रोजगार की कमी से जूझते लोगों की कुल संख्या 50 करोड़ के लगभग भी हो सकती है। यह दुनियाभर की श्रम शक्ति का 13% है।
संयुक्त राष्ट्र अंतरराष्ट्रीय श्रम…
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tankenow-blog · 6 years ago
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Hurry now...... #unilorinconnect #unilo #uniqlou #unilorinslayers #resumptiongiveaway #2018/2019 #unilorinanonymousgist (at University of Ilorin, Ilorin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp9TD2BgM_R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ywgz23gept8
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babybellator-lo · 8 years ago
Skyscrapers as big as my dreams. Skyscrapers full of infinite opportunities. Everything I one day hope to be. Achieve, the impossible. What God has instilled in me will grow out like beautiful flowers in May.
Opportunity in the Sky  x  UniLo 2.17.17
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duo-personality · 8 years ago
Bem ou mau,não são opostos e sim complementares basta unilos
Eu e ele
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septik-rus · 5 years ago
Специалисты нашей компании произвели монтаж септика Астра Юнилос 3. Мы очень рады, что клиентка осталась довольной качеством и скоростью работ. Благодарим за отзыв! Оборудование: https://septik-rus.ru/septik_astra/astra-3/ ⠀Хотите, чтобы септик был и на вашем загородном участке?😍😍 ⠀Обращайтесь к нашим специалистам!👨‍💻👩‍💻 ⠀Мы работаем почти во всех регионах РФ 👨🏻‍🔧🚛🇷🇺 https://septik-rus.ru/contacts/ #септик #септики #астра #юнилос #септикастра #юнилосастра #септикюнилос #unilos #монтажсептика #монтажсептиков #монтажсептикаподключ #монтаж_септика #монтажканализации #монтажканализацииневинномысск #монтажканализациимосква #монтажканализациисаратов #монтажканализация #монтаж_канализации #септик_рус #септикрус #септикнавсегда #септикинавсегда #вечныйсептик #септикидлявас #септикдлявас #надёжныйсептик #септикмосква #септикподключ #септикдлядачи #септикдлядома https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaLBrLFgqr/?igshid=194ty8ox0b7cl
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septik-rus · 2 years ago
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Новый монтаж популярной станции Астра 5 с принудительным водоотведением в огословском районе Тверской обрасти. Монтаж был выполнен оперативно и по всем правилам. Мы выполнили полный комплекс работ: ✅Доставка оборудования на участок. ✅Выбор места установки и земельные работы. ✅Монтаж станции, подключение электрооборудования. ✅Пробный запуск септика, инструктаж владельцев. Септик отлично вписался в придомово�� ландшафт! Оборудование: https://septik-rus.ru/septik_astra/astra-5-pr/ Хотите, чтобы септик был и на вашем загородном участке?😍😍 ⠀Обращайтесь к нашим специалистам!👨💻👩💻 ⠀👨🏻🔧🚛🇷🇺Мы работаем почти во всех регионах РФ https://septik-rus.ru/contacts/ #юнилос #септикастра #юнилосастра #септикюнилос #unilos #септик_рус #септикрус #септикнавсегда #септикинавсегда #вечныйсептик #септикидлявас #септикдлявас #монтажсептиков #монтажканализации #надёжныйсептик #септик #септикподключ #септикиподключ #септикнадачу #септикидлядачи #канализациядлядома #септики #септикспб #септикмосква
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septik-rus · 4 years ago
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ООО Транс-Юнит является официальным дилером холдинга «СБМ» - производителя септиков Юнилос Астра, что говорит о 💯-ной гарантии качества оборудования и монтажа. Выбирайте септики Астра в нашем каталоге по самым выгодным ценам! 👇 https://septik-rus.ru/septik_astra/ Хотите, чтобы септик был и на вашем загородном участке?😍😍 ⠀Обращайтесь к нашим специалистам!👨💻👩💻 ⠀👨🏻🔧🚛🇷🇺Мы работаем почти во всех регионах РФ https://septik-rus.ru/contacts/ #астра #юнилос #септикастра #юнилосастра #септикюнилос #unilos #септик_рус #септикрус #септикнавсегда #септикинавсегда #вечныйсептик #септикидлявас #септикдлявас #монтажсептиков #монтажканализации #надёжныйсептик #септик #септики #септикспб #септикмосква
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