#unika (mentioned)
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Mini Fanfic #1221: Skipping Homework Day With My Two Favorite (Only) Grannies! (Guilty Gear Strive)
2:12 p.m. at the Illyria Castle, Sin Kiske's Bedroom........
Sin: (Groans Loudly While his Head Was Laid Down on his Desk) ('UUUUGGGGGGGGHH') Mannn! This blows! (Pulls his Head Back Up as He Looks Down at the Stack of Multiplication Homework His Parents, Ky and Dizzy, Gave Him) I've been coped up in here all day today and I'm STILL stuck on the first page. (Crosses his Arms While Pouting) I know school's a big deal and all, but I'm a Bounty Hunter, I hunt thing! ('UGh') If only there's someone I know who could break me free from this madness!!
?????: (Knocks on Sin's Door) Knockity, Knock, Knoooock!~
Sin: (Gasps as He Turns to See a Very Familiar Face Sticking her Head Out in hints Room) Granny Jack-O!~ (Happily Gets Up From his Seat Before Making his Way Over to his Grandmother) What the heck are you doing here!~
Jack-O: (Happily Spreads her Arms Open) To see you obviously!~ (Catches Sin in a Very Loving Hug) I can't go on another day without seeing my precious granbaby who I missed and love so, so much!~ (Starts Kissing on Sin's Cheek)
Sin: (Chuckles Ticklishly by his Granny's Kisses) Hey-ey now!~ The feelings definitely neutral.
????????: She's not the only one who misses, my dear grandson.
Sin's face turns to even more glee as he and Jack-O turns to see another familiar face walks into the room.
Sin: Granny Testament! (Walks Over to his Second Grandparent) You came to visit me too?
Testament: Why, of course~ (Happily Hugs Their Grandson) I couldn't bear to proceed any further with my life without visiting my most precious grandson in all the cosmos. (Gives Sin a Kiss on the Cheek)
Sin: (Starts Snickering a Bit) I swear, your words are getting more fancier by the minute.
Jack-O: I know, right? Everything about them screams elegance. I'm kinda jealous....
Testament: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Duo) I.... wouldn't exactly say that I'm the most elegant person in the world, but I am truly happy to see ypu two think very highly of me nonetheless. (Notices a Stack of Paper Sitting on Sin's Desk) I take it you've being doing homework this entire time?
Sin: (Sighs While Slouching his Upper Body Down a Bit) Yeeup. My math teacher says my grades has started slipping, so he convinced mom and dad to put me on a study/homework plan to catch up, starting with multiplications. It's so dumb.......
Testament: (Gives Their Grandson a Light Parental Glare) Now, Sin, you know they're only doing this to help improve your education in the long run, right?
Sin: Yeah, i know, but I've been working on it since first thing in the morning and it already got me stressed and bored outta my mind ever since.
Jack-O: ('Sigh') Stress and boredom. Two emotions I keep getting far too often these days......
Sin: (Turns Back to Jack-O) You had to do pages of homework too, Granny Jack-O?
Jack-O: Worse. I had to do stacks of paperwork, mountain sets of them, some of which were tall enough to create a mini fort around my own desk!
Testament: Oh come now, darling, it couldn't looked that ba- Oh my goodness. (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Picture of Paperwork Fort Jack-O is Now Showing Both Them and Sin on her Phone)
Sin: (Looks Closely at the Photo in Question) I dunno, Granny Jack-O. It's looks more like a mini castle than it us a fort.
Testament: (Turns to Sin) Castles and forts are the same thing, dear?
Sin: Wait, really? (Crosses his Arms Together While Thinking) I could've sworn they're different.....
Jack-O: (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Castle, fort, tomato, tamato. They're huge stacks of papers I never wanna go through again for at least the next months! (Smiles Brightly Again) Right now I wanna spend this beautiful, lovely day breaking our grandbaby out of this boring joint!~
Testament: (Turns to Jack-O Woth a Surprised Look on Their Face) I beg your pardon?
Sin: ('GASPS') Really?~
Jack-O: Really ×infinite!~
Testament: (Glares at Their Fellow Grandparent) Jack-O, no. We will not be doing that today.
Jack-O/Sin: What!? Why?
Testament: Because he has studies and homework to complete and we both know how very serious his parents about his education!
Jack-O: Obviously, but everyone deserves a break every once and while. (Wraps her Arm Around Sin's Shoulder) Especially this handsome cutie right here~
Testament: (Puts on a More Deadpinned Look on Their Face) Jack-O, I know what you're trying to do, it won't work.
Jack-O: Oh don't be even more of a stick in the mud. I'm only showing you how fearlu he miss spending time with his sweet, elegant gran-gran these days. Isn't that right, Sinny-Dear~
Sin: (Sticks his Arms Out and Puts the Most Adorable, Pleading Look He Could Muster) Gran-Gran~
Testament immediately winces at their grandson's sad puppy dog look, one of their most effective weaknesses.
Jack-O: (Forms a Cheeky Grin on her Face) Yeah, that's right~ There's no way you could say "No" with a face as cute as this, can you?~
Testament: (Tries Their Hardest to Resist Sin's Face.....) (So cuuuuuute~) (.....Only To Ultimately Sigh in Pure Defeat) Alright.... I concede.
Jack-O/Sin: ('GASPS') For real!?~
Testament: ('Sigh') Yes, yes, I am indeed "for real". But ONLY if you promise me that you will go back to finishing your homework once we return back here afterwards.
Sin: ('Sigh') Okay, but could you and Granny Jack-O help me out along the way? I really don't want to be stuck in rut anymore.
Testament: (Forms a Small Smirk on Their Face) Come visit you grandmother and I more often and our assistance will be granted.
Sin: (Happily Shakes Testament's Hand) Deal!
Jack-O: (Happily Pumps her Fist Up in the Air) Alright! Our Operation Break Our Granbaby Out of Boredom Jail is a definite go!~ (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) Now, how exactly are we sneak pass the guards?....
Testament: Why so that- (Creates a Dark Portal With the Palm of Their Hand) When we can just use a safely tasted portal to leave instead?~
Jack-O/Sin: (Happily Claps at Testament's Fullproof Plan) Ooooooooooooh!~
An Hour or So Later at L'oro Di Illyria's Glorious Café: Outdoor Patio.......
Sin: (Munching on the Cookies and Maccrons Testament has Ordered For the Three of Them) So- ('Mmm') Is this really the place you and Captain Johnny went on your date that one night?
Jack-O: (Munching on the Treats as Well) ('Mmm') Under shiny stars?~
Testament: (Gives the Duo Another Deadpinned Look) Please stop talking with your mouth full, you two. It's very unproper and unsanitary.
Sin: Oh. (Swallows the Cookies He Was Eating On Before on a Sheepish Smile Along with Jack-O) Uh....S-Sorry about that, Gran-Gran......
Jack-O: The sweets here are so delectable and yummy, we couldn't help ourselves....(Giggles Awkwardly)
Testament: Well, you're not wrong. Their desserts and pastries are the talk of the entire town for a reason. (Closes Their Eyes and Forms a Very Satisfied Smile as They Start Thinking About the Most of Desserts They've Eaten so Far) The well crafted designs, their appealing, sweeten aroma, their RICH, crunchy, creamy flavor~ Every last one of them gets even more tastier than the last the MORE YOU-
Testament immediately puts their rambling into a screeching halt as they notice Sin and Jack-O are staring at them a little funny, causing the Gear to slowly blush in the process.
Testament: B-But anyways- ('Clears Throat') Yes. Johnny and I have came here one night. On a date.
Jack-O: Ooooh~ How lovely~ (Places her Chin on the Middle of Both her Palms Before Leaning Herself in a Little For More Details) Did you two had a good time?
Testament: (Happily Nodded) We have, yes. It was a beautiful and peaceful that night. We've hummed to some of the lovely music an elderly man was very kind enough to play for us in his guita. (Giggles a Bit at the Memory in Question) We even laughed and talked for hours on end before the manager asked us leave for the night which lead us take a stroll the night away, enjoying the view of each architect we've passed at the time. ('Sighs Dreamingly') Everything that night wonderful. (Starts Blushing Again) Johnny, himself, is wonderful as well~ For the most part.
Sin/Jack-O: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Most part?
Testament: As lovely as he is, he's also a bit of a- How does the youngsters call it.....A try hard. (Sighs While Putting on a Small Pouty Look on Their Face) Honestly, we've been dating for two and a half years now and that man still tries to woo me with his charms and medicore pick-up lines, every chance he gers. It's very adorable in hindsight, but when will he ever get it through his cute, thick-headed skull of his that I am already, attracted to him completely no matter what he do?~
Jack-O: (Casually Shrugs) Some people just want give their partners more of their attention. It's not the worst thing in the world so long you don't make it too much of a habit.
Sin: (Snickers a Bit) Like how you always try to find ways to make Gramps notice you more?
Jack-O: (Immediately Pouts at her Grandson) No!....(Turns Away While Twiddling her Fingers Around and Blushes) Yes.
Testament: (Rolls their Eyes a Bit) Of course. There's never been a time of day where you haven't attempted to impressed that stubborn burte of a man....How has he been doing these days if you don't mind me asking.
Jack-O: (Smiles Brightly Again) He's doing great. Still a grouch on the inside- (Hugs herself While Swaying her Upper Body Side to Side in a Very Lovestruck Fashion) But ohhh so sweet and romantic on the inside!~
Testament (Raises an Eyebrow at Jack-O) Frederick? A romantic?
Sin: Yeah, even I find that hard to believe honestly.
Jack-O: It's true! One night, I asked him how he feels about and if he still misses Ms. Asuka and he says- (Clears her Throat Before Putting on a More Rough, Gruntier Voice) "Jack, Arie's gone and you're still here. You're great just the way you and I love you for it. Now for God sakes ,woman, go back to sleep already."
Sin: (Chuckles Lightly) Okay! I take it back. That DEFINITELY sounds like the Old Man alright.
Jack-O: (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) I KNOOOOW!~ I told you he's a sweetheart!~
Testament: No one says he wasn't one, dear. Only the romantic part.
Jack-O: Which he excels on with flying colors these days!~
Testament: I doubt that.
Jack-O: (Pouts at Testament) Oh just give him a chance already, Testie. He'll might surprise one of these days.
Testament: Oh, I'm sure he will. Don't think it'll be anytime soon, but in due time I suppose. Speaking of which- (Turns Back to Sin) Sin, do you have a certain somebody you're interested in?
Jack-O: (Leans Over to Sin a Bit) In a romantic sense?~ (Rapidly Blinking her Eyes, Awaiting for the Answer)
Sin: Nah. I'm not really into that lovey-dovey stuff like you guys are honestly. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Though, there is this one girl I've been thinking about as of late. You know, the one who used to hate Gears so much. Unika, I think was her name?
Jack-O: (Eyes Widened at Who Sin Was Talking About) The T.E.O.C. brat that tried to kill you and Freddie in the past!?
Sin: The very same, yeah. Not the most friendly girl around by a long mile, but I do kinda wonder what she's doing these days. Maybe she's traveling on foot?
Jack-O: (Crosses her Arms While Pouting, Very Not Please of the Girl Sin Mentioned) Or hiding.....
Testament: Either one of these options are plausible in retrospect. Though, if there's one thing for certain......(Takes a Sip of a their Tea Before Putting the Cup on the Table and Putting on a Dark, Intimidating Look on their Face) She better pray to high heavens that she doesn't stumble her way back to this Kingdom or be foolish enough approach ME for that matter........
Jack-O: (Puts on a Dark Look of her Own) Or me for that matter. (Cracking Both her Knuckles One by One) Been wanting to have a few words with her ever since that incident and it's high time I make a reality! (Turns to Testament) Wanna search for her just in case, Testie?
Testament: (Simply Nodded) Yes. Let's. (Is About to Get Up Their Table-)
Sin: (Quickly Stops his Grandparents) Woahwoahwoah Hey, hang on for a second! You guys don't need to do any of that!
Testament: (Look Back at Sin) Are you sure, darling?
Jack-O: (Starts Pouting Again) I wanna punch her......
Sin: I know you do, Granny Jack-O, but I'm definitely sure about this. I mean, sure, what happened between us on that day really sucks and all, but she has her reasons for why she was angry, for the doing the things she did. And I get that, even if I'm not a fan of her trying of harm my family just to prove a point. So let's just relax for a bit. No use getting angry over the past anymore, am I right?
Both grannies stare at Sin for a few seconds before letting out relaxed, defeat sounding sighs.
Testament: I suppose.
Jack-O: We'll let it go for now. (Gently Ruffles the Top of her Grandson's Hair) Only for you, kiddo.
Sin: (Chuckles Ticklishly by the Hair Ruffling) Thanks!~ I know it's a chore to listen to a dumb kid like me-
Jack-O: ('GASPS') Sin Kiske, how dare you!?~
Testament: (Gives Sin a Srern, Motherly Glare Along with Jack-O) We will not tolerate you putting yourself down like that, young man!
Sin: (Quickly Brings his Hands Up in Front of his Face in Fear and Defense) I know, I know! I was just saying! N-No one wants to be lectured by a dumb kid all the time, am I right?
Jack-O: For some people maybe, but YOU- (Boops on Sin's Nose) Mister, are not dumb! You have shown us plenty of times that you are more smarter and clever than you're giving yourself credit for right now.
Testament: (Nodded in Agreement) She's right. Remember the time you helped May and I complete five different sets of picture puzzles back at her ship?
Jack-O: Or the time you've managed to beat your old man at an one v. one UNO match effortlessly in under a minute or so, without even making a single pokerface to throw him off?
Sin: (Chuckles Lightly at the Memory in Question) Yeah and he starts throwing the throwing whole table to the side. He was fuming that night!
Jack-O: (Giggles Softly) Oho definitely!~ Nut I wouldn't expect any less from my grumpy gills of a man~ But do you see where we're getting at here?
Sin: Yeah, I think so. ('Sigh') My grades beg to differ though....
Jack-O: (Gives Sin a Reassuring Smile) You'll be able to improve and do better on them in due time. There's no need to fret over that.
Testament: (Gently Grabs Hold of Sin's Hand While Smiling at Him as Well) and there's no need for you to doubt yourself either. You are as unique as they come, Sin, do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Understand?
Sin: (Stares at Both His Grannies For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back at Them) Yeah. I got it. (Smile Turns into a Sheepish One) But....you'll still help out whenever I ask for one, right?
Testament: (Giggles Softly) Of course we will, dear. Always. (Gives Sin Another Kiss on the Forehead)
Jack-O: (Happily Hugs Sin) What kind of grandparents we'd be if we don't help out our baby boi?~ (Starts Kissing on Sin's Cheek)
Testament: Honestly, Jack-O, you're going to end embarrassing that boy if you keep kissing him like that.
Sin: (Casually Shrugs) Eh I don't mind. Let 'em stare. (Forms a Bright Smile) At least everyone will know I have the most awesomest grandparents in the entire universe.
Testament: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as They Join in on the Hugfest) Bless your pure heart!~
Sin let's out another laugh as he continues to spend some much needed time with hisvtwo favorite (only) grannies in the universe.
Unknowingly to them, however, there are two familiar figures watching over them from the far distance.
Ky: (Chuckles Lightly at the Trio in the Distance) It seems those three are already having a grand old time out there.
Dizzy (Giggles Softly) So it seems. It's been so long since I've seen Testament act like a dotting parent. It's so precious~
Ky: (Snickers a Bit at the Memory) More precious than the time Jack-O started cheering and running around entire castle once we first told her that she's a technical grandmother to the kids?
Dizzy: (Giggles Some More) I find that more silly if anything, dear~(Smiles Softly as She Leans the Side of her Head Over to her Husband's Shoulder) But it makes me happy to see to that our family is getting along these days.
Ky: (Wraps an Arm Around his Wife's Shoulder) I couldn't agree more. But you know something?
Dizzy: Hm?
Ky: It surprises me that you let those two sneak Sin out of the room earlier. I was for certain you would have a fit over it.
Dizzy: (Playfully Pouts at Ky) Oh hush up that cute mouth of yours, Ky Kiske!~ I can be as fun of a parent as you are, you know?
Ky: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable his Wife is Acting) Of course, you are, dear!~ I've just seen you becoming more laser focus on getting him do his homework these days it's kinda hard not to see you as the serious parent of the castle hold.
Dizzy: ('Sigh') You're not wrong there. Education is important and it's cruise for him to learn about it in the outside world rather than just hunting all day. (Gives Ky the Brightest Smile She Could Muster) But my baby's happiness is far more important to me than that all together and, you know?
Ky: (Stares at Dizzy For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back at Her) Yeah. It's important to me too. We'll make sure he maintain that happiness for as long as we both shall live.
Dizzy: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. For Sin.
#guilty gear strive#sin kiske#testament#jack o#ky kiske#dizzy kiske#sol (mentioned)#fredrick (mentioned)#johnny (mentioned)#unika (mentioned)#sweet family moment#humor#family outing#lots of fluff#ky x dizzy#testment x johnny#freddie x jack-o#sol x jack-o#edited#i was gonna save this for next year's Mother Month but this idea was way too good for me to past it up#plus ive been wanting to make another guilty gear related fic for a while now so
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Pairing: Hot nerd?Karina x fem!Reader
cw: cursing + kissing, slight skinship
📗: karina being a nerd doesn't have any significance lol just for the plot of rina in glasses🫣, reader is shy and karina is kinda cocky? slight height difference (reader is short), reader calls rina a stupid nerd, basically fluff but a bit of angst if you squint? let me know if there's something else💋
Mentions of Yujin from IVE and Heeseung from ENHYPEN.
Inspired by: After like - IVE
💌: i was listening to after like by ive while scrolling through pintrest when this rina pic showed up, so now you know why i wrote it😋🫶 this my first writing work🥹(i literally do not have an exam today and i literally did not stay up writing this instead of studying🙂↔️) im sorry for suddenly bombarding this lmaooo but i hope you like it! please let me know if you would like to be tagged in my future works, thank you! -love, unika🩷
Divider credit: @cafekitsune ♡
read HEESEUNG ver!
또 모르지 내 마음이
저 날씨처럼 바뀔지
날 나조차 다 알 수 없으니
Who knows?
My mind might just change like the weather
Even I don't know myself.
New years eve, what was so special about this thing anyways? It's just another year after all... Karina thought, swirling the pen around her fingers as she studied or rather just stared at the book on the desk. Her mind wandered back to her orignal thought, you. She closed the book, huffing in frustration, you must be in that party that you were going on and on about earlier, your eyes twinkling in enthusiasm as you described the dress you were planning on wearing later, "shit..." She mutters under her breath as she remembers the picture you showed her, a mirror selfie of you in that pretty baby pink, spaghetti strapped dress that stopped just above your knee. The dress was modest, just like you but it was enough, enough to drive a man or a woman crazy. "You have to wear that blue dress rina!" She remembers the way you chimed looking up at her with those doe eyes as you tugged on her sleeve like a damn puppy then she saw your face fall when she declined, "Can't Y/n, I have..." She trails off getting lost in your eyes for a moment before she catches herself, clearing her throat as she shakes her head "I have to study" That cute pout on your face as you huffed before starting about how she should enjoy herself and that it's new years eve, which she didn't pay any attention to because she was too busy staring at your cute face. "what am I even doing?" She mumbles as she finds herself standing in front of her closet, that blue dress peeking out from under all the pile of her other clothes.
그게 뭐가 중요하니
지금 네게 완전히
푹 빠졌단 게 중요한 거지
That doesn't matter
What matters is
I'm into you right now.
God, why did she have to be such a coward? She thinks, her hands gripping onto her dress as she stands outside Yujin's house. The feeling of her heart beating rapidly and the sound of the loud music from inside only adding to her nervousness, she had been to her friend's house countless times for countless parties, then why is she so nervous today? "Oh? Aren't you a little too early?" Karina's met with Yujin's sarcasm as she walks in the house, she rolls her eyes as they hug, Yujin pulls back before taking a look at Karina, "You look good! But girl you're so late! I thought Y/n said you had to study or something" Karina sighs, "Yeah I..." Karina trails off, she takes a deep breath before continuing "Yujin, I think I'm gonna tell her..." She says softly, looking at Yujin as if asking her if it's a good idea. Yujin gasps softly "Really? Don't tell me that's the only reason why you came here..." Yujin gives an aww expression as she looks at Karina. "You know what? She hasn't been enjoying herself at all today and I think...its because you weren't here" Karina tilts her head, nibbling on her bottom lip nervously, "Really? You...you think so?" Yujin flashes her a smile as she nods, "Yup and it's new years eve! Don't you think it's the perfect time to tell her how you feel? And it's..." Yujin takes a look at the time on her phone before turning to karina "It's almost 12..." She says softly, Karina's eyes widen slightly, she turns to look at the stairs then back at Yujin who just nods at her, patting her back softly, Karina mouths a 'thank you' to Yujin before making her way up the stairs. She steps out on the rooftop, her eyes scanning among the people to look for you, oh. There you are, and ofcourse you're with Heeseung. He has a hand on your waist as you have yours on his shoulder. The beating of her heart is faster than the loud song playing as she watches you with him, she stays there, the ache in her chest only increasing, but then she sees him leaning closer to you and it's her final straw, something inside her snaps and she's already making her way past the crowd, striding towards you.
아마 꿈만 같겠지만 분명 꿈이 아니야
달리 설명할 수 없는 이건 사랑일거야
Seems like a dream but it’s definitely not
Can't explain it, it must be love.
"What?" "I said I'm leaving!" You place a hand on his shoulder as you repeat, trying to make yourself audible over the loud music. "Huh? It isn't even 12 yet Y/n!" He places a hand on your waist unconsciously as he leans in, almost yelling so that you could hear him. "I know but...the person who I was dressed up and here for isn't even here...I...I feel stupid" You say, you don't know why you told him that, but you did. Heeseung looks at you with an arched eyebrow, as if waiting for you to explain further, you sigh stepping back slightly before looking up at him, "Karina! That...stupid stupid nerd who just can't seem to understand my stupid stupid hints! I'm always trying to look good so that she sees me... trying to drop hints and make her realise that I like her but she just doesn't understand! Just being there... looking so...so pretty!" You huff, a soft pout on your lips, Heeseung chuckles softly shaking his head before his smile fades slowly "Y/n-" "No it's okay!" You shake your head as you start stepping back slowly. "I'll just go home and spend this stupid-" You pause as you bump into someone, before you could turn to say sorry, you feel hands grabbing your waist. "Just exactly how many times did you say stupid?" You gasp softly as you hear her soft voice and feel her warm breath on your ear, moving back slightly as you turn around, there she is, wearing that stupid blue dress that you love so much with her stupid glasses, the sound of Heeseung clearing his throat behind you brings you back to reality, "Uh yeah, that's what I was trying to say, you two can talk I'll just..see you guys after midnight, I guess" Heeseung walks away but none of you move, just standing there and appreciating each other. "Stupid nerd huh?" Karina breaks the silence, a smirk on her face as she tilts her head to the side, oh she's giving you that cocky expression that makes you feel the butterflies in your stomach "I...I didn't mean it like that..." "I know" karina sighs as she moves closer to you, her fingers gripping on your chin gently as she tilts your face up, making you face her, "You look beautiful....did you mean it angel?" Angel? Fuck. "That you're a stupid...no! Ofcourse-" She chuckles softly, cutting you off, "No, That you dress up all pretty...for me? That you like me?" Your eyes widen slightly as you look away, "Nuh-uh, look at me angel, I need to know, please." Your breath hitches at her words as you slowly turn your gaze towards her again, "I...yes..." You whisper softly and she lets out a breath she didn't even know she was holding until now, she leans in, her fingers still holding your chin as her eyes bore into yours through her stupid glasses, "Guess I am a stupid stupid nerd that I couldn't even understand that a pretty pretty girl like you liked me too huh?" Wait. Did she just said, too? "Too? r-rina..."
방금 내가 말한 감정 감히 의심하지 마
그냥 좋다는 게 아냐 what's after 'Like'?
Don't try to doubt what I just said
It's beyond like, what's after like?
As if on cue, the music suddenly dies down, "Everybody! Time for the final countdown!" Someone yells as the countdown begins 10...9...8...7... You both turn to look at each other again, Karina swallows, her eyes flickering to your lips then back to your eyes,
You and I
It's more than 'Like'
L 다음 또 O 다음 난 yeah, yeah, yeah
"I like you Y/n and fuck, I think it's more than like" Your breath hitches yet again at her confession, 6...5...4...3... You somehow find your courage, arms wrapping around her neck as you look up at her,
You and I
It's more than 'Like'
What's after 'Like'?
"What's after like?" 2...1... Karina's hands cup your face as she leans down, capturing your lips with her own in a sweet kiss, your arms tighten around her neck, pulling her closer as you both get surrounded by loud cheers and fireworks, as you finally pull away, her thumb brushes on your cheek softly, an adoring smile on her face as she looks at you, her voice a soft whisper, "Love"
-likes and reblogs are very much appreciated 🫣🩷
© ivenhae - all rights reserved, do not copy or steal.
#ivenha writes 🩷#aespa#aespa karina#aespa x fem reader#aespa x reader#aespa fic#aespa fluff#aespa angst#aespa drabbles#aespa imagines#karina x reader#karina x y/n#karina drabble#karina imagines#karina fluff#karina angst#ive#after like#aespa scenarios#Spotify
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so far i’ve seen like, nobody make the connection that unika is sin’s sister
because like the eye thing from another story seems too purposeful of a setup to be a throwaway gag, sure the reactions are funny, but sin mentioned that dizzy’s eye fell out before ky panicked and tried giving her his eye and they were healed via magic… so if sin is one eye, i assume the other eye IS in fact unika, and sin is what was left of ky’s eye and unika is dizzy’s judging by the color
with that in mind, i think GGST:DR will just boil down to:
#ggst#guilty gear#sin kiske#unika guilty gear#dizzy#ky kiske#guilty gear dual rulers#i feel like i’m right#lmao#lol
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do you have any Unika relationship headcaons?
Since, we have barely nothing on her... These will be the most headcanon of headcanon, prior to the anime releasing.

-Unika is a very impulsive person. So, you might be doing something else, like going to get coffee. Then, you're dragged off to go to the arcade. This is common for her, but when she focuses on something she is hyper focused. Nothing can break her out of it, so if she is thinking of getting you something she will just space out for a moment.
-Along with her being impulsive, she is also easily agitated. Eating food too loudly, stubbing her toe are some of the things that will get her agitated. But, she will quickly calm down as you pat her head, telling her it will be alright. She will huff, but accept your pats.
-She is a picky eater. So, making any kind of food is difficult for her. Since she is such a picky eater you usually let her decide what to cook. She is especially spiteful of pickles, saying they're worst thing before gears to exist.
-She will be stealing your clothes, for multiple reasons. She likes how your clothes feel on her and she is too lazy to do her laundry. So, she will just be stealing your clean clothes. She won't feel bad about it, she will steal your clothes, even if you mention it to her.
-She will be dragging you with her onto her gear hate adventures. She will go on her long rants, why gears suck and why they must be eradicated. You listen to these rants, trying to make her calm down. You are fine with her rants, but you would prefer her not to go on rampages to kill gears.
#guilty gear#guilty gear headcanons#guilty gear strive#guilty gear x reader#guilty gear unika#guilty gear unika x reader#ggst unika
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So Tomokazu Sugita narrated the Dual Rulers trailer.... I'm going to be silly enough to think that Asuka will definitely be in the anime.
That's what that means, right?
It has to be
I need Frederick Bulsara and Asuka R. Kreutz themselves to shake hands while Sin does something to solve the anti-gear Unika crisis. Like cheering him on as Grandpappy Freddy and That Man™️.
Like this whole "Gears ruined my life" premise Unika has going on is like perfect opportunity for things to show how far both are progressing. How Gears and humans are finally uniting and that just makes me hope of a B plot where the two can FINALLY start working together or SOMETHING. I need Sin to be FRIENDS with Asuka because Sin is everyone's friend. I need like Sin to prove that the world is healing properly. And I need Asuka to see that!!!
At least R# has to show up. He's a clone romping around and if things are going wrong, I'm positive he'd stick his nose into it. (Very hoping and praying [I need Apollo's Dodgeball to hit me on just ONE of these two points])
And if he is only mentioned in passing, that's a-okay! I am just happy to know he exists still! Maybe just his radio show? I don't know. Just something.
I miss Asuka so much. I need any content of him. Literally any content, I'm desperate
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hihii leaderwonn for the matchmaking event, a little something about me would be that im absolutely in love with ghibli movies? and im a very girly girl as in vv feminine idk what else to say🥹 oh and i love animals too ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ the group for me will be enha ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ (i also wanted to ask since a long time but didn't because i was so shy if we can be moots?? im a new writer here and i love your writings! you can call me unika or ivenhae, anythings fine!( ◜‿◝ )♡)
CUPID'S ARROW HAS STRUCK and after a lot of thought, I think you’re the perfect match for... HEESEUNG!
You’re both soft, sweet souls who enjoy the beauty in the little things. You mentioned being feminine, and Heeseung has this elegant charm that would absolutely vibe with you. His soft, caring nature pairs perfectly with your love for all things cute and lovely. I can already picture the two of you having some cozy, lazy afternoons together , perhaps curled up watching your favorite Ghibli films (he would definitely appreciate that!). The idea of enjoying such delicate, heartwarming moments together is honestly giving me all the feels.
Heeseung’s got that calm, steady energy that would balance your girly side perfectly. He’s thoughtful and a great listener, so I can see him being that supportive, gentle presence in your life that makes everything feel a little brighter. And I have a feeling you’d share some really deep, meaningful conversations too. Whether it’s about your favorite animals or just your dreams and thoughts, he’s always there to listen and share.
And don’t forget about the fact that he’s an amazing dancer! I can totally see you two sharing dance moves or even just having fun together in a spontaneous, carefree way. You’d both have a blast while staying sweet and adorable as always.
Thank you so much for joining my Valentine’s matchmaking event! I’m so excited that we matched you with Heeseung! You two would be the perfect pair, full of sweet moments, cozy movie nights, and meaningful conversations. I would love to be moots with you :3 im luna!
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Annon-Guy: The Teaser for Dual Rulers dropped!
Based on what we got, what are your thoughts on the new girl in town, Unika? Looks like a cool character. Hopefully she gets added in Season 4, mostly to promote the Anime.
The story mentioned Ky and Dizzy's wedding. So does Dual Rulers refer to them?
Considering Sin's mentioned more in the synopsis, I take it this means he's the Main Protagonist this time around.
I don't know if this is Post StrIVe since Sol has short hair, meaning he must be Fredrick again, yet he's assisting Sin with Unika and Jack-O's nowhere to be seen.
URGH! Why a 2025 release Arc!?!
I now have a Unika tag, so we'll be discussing her in that tag from now on. As for my thoughts, wouldn't be the first time someone was Anti-Gear, but the fact she's repeating history by waging war in peaceful times (like Sol once did) seems to suggest someone is manipulating her from behind the scenes.
That's what was suggested, though the marriage itself was a public affair for Illyria's Citizens... I wouldn't be surprised if Unika's actions might be construed as an Assassination Attempt.
Yes, that was confirmed in the Panel. Sin is the protag this time around (like a passing of the torch you might say, Sin fans rejoice!)
Yes, it's Post-Strive, but that's not necessarily a bad thing... Sol has grown older and wiser, and he knows a thing or two about how people are. His line "Stay as you are, Sin" is a reminder that he knows just how passionate Sin is about maintaining peace between Gears and Humans (and this is coming from Sol, who hated Gears more than anyone in the past).
2025 is a reasonable date if you ask me... should be fine to wait... plus we've got DLC updates for Strive in the meantime!
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☠️🐲//Elder Dragon Fear Headcanons
These are headcanons that go over what I believe the Elder Dragons biggest fears are without going into much detail. These are based off my previous headcanons about them, their clans, and their professions, and may seem OOC (Out of Character) to many, but it was fun to write nonetheless.
TW: Mentions of Fear, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, etc.

Alban: Nothing
Alvar: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Argus: Agrizoophobia, Fear of wild animals
Astor: Cardiophobia, Fear of the heart (palpatations, pains, etc.)
Darius: Psellismophobia, Fear of stuttering
Delbin: Dentophobia, Fear of dentists
Devlin: Ataxophobia, Fear of disorder or untidiness
Gavin: Thermophobia, Fear of intolerance to hot temperatures
Gildas: Potophobia, Fear of drinking alcohol
Lindar: Apeirophobia, Fear of infinity, eternity, or the uncountable
Nestor: Asymmetriphobia, Fear of asymmetrical things
Nevin: Rhytiphobia, Fear of getting wrinkles
Nils: Anemophobia, Fear of wind or drafts
Oswin: Chiroptophobia, Fear of bats
Thor: Nothing
Tomas: Phasmophobia, Fear of ghosts
🛡️Peace Keepers:

Andor: Nothing
Asher: Ankylophobia, Fear of immobility of a joint
Boris: Iophobia, Fear of poison
Conan: Gamophobia, Fear of marriage
Enzo: Coulrophobia, Fear of clowns
Gunnar: Scotomaphobia. Fear of blindness, or spots in one's visual field
Halvor: Nothing
Ivor: Iatrophobia, Fear of doctors
Magnus: Kinemortophobia, Fear of zombies
Marco: Enochlophobia, Fear of crowds
Maximos: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Ragnar: Necrophobia, Fear of death or dead bodies
Titan: Soteriophobia, Fear of depending or becoming dependent on someone else
Todor: Agoraphobia, Fear of open places rather than enclosed
Trondo: Nostophobia, Fear of returning home
Ulric: Gelotophobia, Fear of being laughed at
✨️Magic Crafters:
Ajax: Arachnophobia, Fear of spiders
Altair: Nothing
Boldar: Anatidaephobia, Fear of ducks, geese or swans
Cedric: Scotomaphobia, Fear of blindness
Cosmos: Metathesiophobia, Fear of changes
Cyrus: Nothing
Eldrid: Musophobia, Fear of mice and rats
Hexus: Daemonophobia, Fear of demons
Jarvis: Bibliophobia, Fear or Hatred of books
Kelvin: Harpaxophobia, Fear of being robbed
Lucas: Mazeophobia, Fear of being lost
Zander: Maniaphobia, Fear of insanity
Zane: Teraphobia, Fear of monsters
Zantor: Athazagoraphobia, Fear of being forgotten
🌺Beast Makers:
Bruno: Ecophobia, Fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Bubba: Isolophobia, Fear of solitude
Claude: Antlophobia, Fear of flooding,
Cleetus: Ablutophobia, Fear of bathing
Cyprin: Ptophobia, Fear of falling
Damon: Nothing
Isaak: Claustrophobia, Fear of confined spaces
Jed: Kynophobia, Fear of rabies
Lyle: Belonephobia, Fear of pins and needles
Rosco: Batrachophobia, Fear of amphibians
(Bonus) Red: Thanatophobia, Fear of death
Sadiki: Dystychiphobia, Fear of accidents
Zeke: Nothing
🌌Dream Weavers:
Apara: Claustrophobia, Fear of having no escape and being closed in
Azizi: Ligyrophobia, Fear of loud noises
Bakari: Arachibutyrophobia, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
Baruti: Quadraphobia, Fear of the number four
Copano: Bogyphobia, Fear of bogeys or bogeymen
Kasiya: Symmetrophobia, Fear of symmetry
Kosoko: Pediculophobia, Fear of lice
Lateef: Nothing
Lutalo: Scelerophibia, Fear of burglars, robbers, or criminals
Mazi: Nothing
Mudada: Bathophobia, Fear of depth
Obasi: Haphephobia, Fear of touch
Revilo: Pyrophobia, Fear of fire
Unika: Nihilophobia, Fear of nothingness
Useni: Melissophobia, Fear of bees
Zikomo: Astraphobia, Fear of thunder and lightning
Image Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Dividers by @baka-tsuki-2
#spyro reignited trilogy#spyro headcanon#Spyro headcanons#elder dragons#Spyro dragons#reignited trilogy#Fears#tw: fear#tw: death#tw: violence#classic spyro#spyro the dragon#spyro the reignited trilogy#elder dragon headcanons#dream weaver#artisans#peace keepers#beast makers#magic crafters
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Construction Anchors Market Analysis by 2033 | Global Insight Services
Construction anchors are devices that are used to connect two or more elements of a structure together. There are many different types of construction anchors, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common type of construction anchor is the bolt. Bolts are strong and can be used in a variety of applications, but they are not always the best choice for every situation. Other types of construction anchors include nails, screws, and adhesives.
View The Full Report Here ��� https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/construction-anchors-market/?utm_id=Pranalip
Key Trends
There are a few key trends in construction anchors technology that are worth mentioning.
Firstly, there has been a move towards using more environmentally friendly materials in construction anchors. This is in response to increased awareness of the impact of construction on the environment.
Secondly, there has been an increase in the use of innovative technologies such as 3D printing in construction anchors.
Finally, there has been a trend towards using more sustainable construction methods. This is in response to the increasing cost of traditional construction methods, as well as the negative impact that they can have on the environment.
Key Drivers
The key drivers of the construction anchors market are the growing construction industry, the increasing demand for construction anchors from the oil & gas industry, and the increasing infrastructural development.
The construction industry is growing at a rapid pace owing to the increasing population and urbanization. This is resulting in the increasing demand for construction anchors from the construction industry.
The oil & gas industry is also growing at a rapid pace owing to the increasing demand for oil & gas. This is resulting in the increasing demand for construction anchors from the oil & gas industry.
The infrastructural development is also increasing owing to the growing economy. This is resulting in the increasing demand for construction anchors from the infrastructural development sector.
Unlock Growth Potential in Your Industry – Get Your Sample Report Now –https://www.globalinsightservices.com/request-sample/GIS22599/?utm_id=Pranalip
Restraints & Challenges
There are a few key restraints and challenges in the construction anchors market.
Firstly, the raw materials used to manufacture construction anchors are often in short supply, which can lead to production delays and increased costs.
Secondly, the installation of construction anchors can be time-consuming and require specialized equipment, which can add to the overall cost of the project.
Finally, construction anchors are often used in high-stress applications, which can lead to premature failure if they are not installed correctly.
Market Segments
The construction anchors market is segmented by type, application, and region. By type, the market is classified into metal, chemical, and light-duty anchors. Based on application, it is bifurcated into building construction, civil engineering, and others. Region-wise, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
Key Players
The global construction anchors market includes players such as Stanley Black & Decker Inc, Hilti Corporation, Simpson Manufacturing Co Inc, EJOT Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Misumi Corporation, Ancon Limited, Fosroc Chemicals Private Limited, Unika Co. Ltd, Yuyao City Xintai Hardware Co. Ltd, Fixdex Fastening Technology, and others.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
With Global Insight Services, you receive:
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Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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😭 She better learn to walk in platform boots to even be seen in that household

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Do you have a favorite dragon in the Spyro games?
Well, the obvious answer is Spyro, but if we’re talking about NPC dragons, I have a few. (I hope you know that Spyro is a long-time hyperfixation of mine, and that you have opened a dangerous can of worms.)
Delbin, Tomas, Lindar, Gildas, Astor, Gavin, Alvar, Maximos, Ivor, Ulric, Trondo, Bubba, and Lateef all have great dialogue, or at least dialogue that’s stuck with me through the years–but, of course, Cleetus takes top spot in this category. Thor gets an honorable mention, because he’s the first, “Thank you for releasing me,” dragon, so he has a special place in my heart. (Also, his voice his hilarious.)
As far as designs go, the original game’s designs were pretty bare bones, but Titan, Halvor, Ragnar, Cosmos, and Lutalo stuck out to me! Cyprin gets an honorable mention, because, hoo, is that one luxurious pose!
In Reignited, I’m judging based solely on appearances, because I’ve already covered dialogue and such–
Dragon husbandos are: Nestor, Delbin, Gavin, Gunnar, Boris, Ulric, Andor, Asher, Ragnar, Trondo, Cedric, and Bubba!
Dragons with my favorite designs are: Nestor, Delbin, Argus, Astor, Gavin, Alban, Titan, Magnus, Gunnar, Todor, Trondo, Zantor, Eldrid, Zander, Zane, Cyrus, Ajax, Lucas, Altair, Cyprin, Rosco, Isaak, Jed, Lateef, Zikomo, Kasiya, Useni, Kosoko, Copano, Unika, and Revilo!
I think I’ve covered all of them! :)
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Pairing: Hot nerd?Heeseung x Fem!Reader
cw: cursing + kissing, slight skinship
📗: heeseung being a nerd doesn't have any significance, just for the plot of hee with glasses🫣 mainly fluff but angst if you squint lololll, reader is a bit shy and heeseung is kinda cocky? height difference (reader is short obvi), reader calls hee a stupid nerd, let me know if there's something else💋
Mentions of Jake and Jay from ENHYPEN.
Inspired by: After Like - IVE
💌: originally written for karina from aespa but it was so heeseung coded too so i decided to make his ver as well! this is my first writing work so i hope you like it and let me know if you would like to be tagged in my future works! -love, unika🩷
Divider credit: @cafekitsune ♡
read KARINA ver!
또 모르지 내 마음이
저 날씨처럼 바뀔지
날 나조차 다 알 수 없으니
Who knows?
My mind might just change like the weather
Even I don't know myself.
New years eve, what was so special about this thing anyways? It's just another year after all... Heeseung thought, swirling the pen around his fingers as he studied or rather just stared at the book on the desk. His mind wandered back to his orignal thought, you. He closed the book, huffing in frustration, you must be in at the party that you were going on and on about earlier, your eyes twinkling in enthusiasm as you described the dress you were planning on wearing later, "shit..." He mutters under his breath as he remembers the picture you showed him, a mirror selfie of you in that pretty baby pink, spaghetti strapped dress that stopped right above your knee. The dress was modest, just like you but it was enough, enough to drive a man or him, crazy. "You have to be there hee!" He remembers the way you chimed looking up at him with those damn doe eyes as you tugged on his sleeve and then he saw your face fall when he declined, "Can't Y/n, I have..." He trails off getting lost in your eyes for a moment before he catches himself, clearing his throat as he shakes his head "...I have to study" That cute pout on your face as you huffed before starting about how he should enjoy himself and that it's new years eve, which he didn't pay any attention to because he was too busy staring at your cute face. "what am I even doing?" He mumbles as he finds himself standing in front of his closet, staring at the pile of clothes.
그게 뭐가 중요하니
지금 네게 완전히
푹 빠졌단 게 중요한 거지
That doesn't matter
What matters is
I'm into you right now.
God, why did he have to be such a coward? He thinks, his hands clenching on his sides as he stands outside Jake's house. The feeling of his heart beating rapidly and the loud music from inside only adding to his nervousness, he had been to his friend's house countless times for countless parties, then why is he so nervous today? "Oh? Aren't you a little too early?" Heeseung's met with Jake's sarcasm as he walks in the house, he rolls his eyes as they hug, Jake pulls back before taking a look at Heeseung, "You look good! But man you're so late! I thought Y/n said you had to study or something" Heeseung sighs, "Yeah I..." Heeseung trails off, he takes a deep breath before continuing "Jake, I think I'm gonna tell her..." He says softly, looking at Jake as if asking him if it's a good idea. Jake eyes widen, "Really? Don't tell me that's the only reason why you came here..." Jake gives him an aww expression before continuing, "You know what? She hasn't been enjoying herself at all today and I think...its because you weren't here" Heeseung raises an eyebrow, nibbling on his bottom lip nervously, "Really? You...you think so?" Jake flashes him a smile as he nods, "Really bro, and it's new years eve! Don't you think it's the perfect time to tell her how you feel? And it's..." Jake takes a look at the time on his phone before turning to Heeseung, "It's almost 12..." He says softly, Heeseung's eyes widen slightly, he turns to look at the stairs then back at Jake who just nods at him, patting his back. Heeseung mouths a 'thank you' before making his way up the stairs. He steps out on the rooftop, his eyes scanning among the people to look for you, oh. There you are, and ofcourse you're with Jay. He has a hand on your waist as you have yours on his shoulder. The beating of his heart is faster than the loud song playing as he watches you with him, he stays there, the ache in his chest only increasing, but then he sees Jay lean in closer to you and it's his final straw, something inside him snaps and he's already making his way past the crowd striding towards you.
아마 꿈만 같겠지만 분명 꿈이 아니야
달리 설명할 수 없는 이건 사랑일거야
Seems like a dream but it’s definitely not
Can't explain it, it must be love.
"What?" "I said I'm leaving!" You place a hand on his shoulder as you repeat, trying to make yourself audible over the loud music. "Huh? It isn't even 12 yet Y/n!" He places a hand on your waist unconsciously as he leans in, almost yelling so that you could hear him. "I know but...the person who I was dressed up and here for isn't even here...I...I feel stupid" You say, you don't know why you told him that, but you did. Jay looks at you with an arched eyebrow, as if waiting for you to explain further, you sigh stepping back slightly before looking up at him, "Heeseung! That...stupid stupid nerd who just can't seem to understand my stupid stupid hints! I'm always trying to look good so that he sees me... trying to drop hints and make him realise that i like him but he's just doesn't get it! Always just being there...looking so...so good!" You huff, a soft pout on your lips, Jay chuckles softly shaking his head before his smile fades slowly "Y/n-" "No it's okay!" You shake your head as you start stepping back slowly. "I'll just go home and spend this stupid-" You pause as you bump into someone, before you could turn to say sorry, you feel hands grabbing your waist "Just exactly how many times did you say stupid?" You gasp softly as you hear his soft voice and feel his warm breath on your ear, moving back slightly as you turn around, there he is, in that stupid black shirt with his stupid glasses, the sound of Jay clearing his throat behind you brings you back to reality, "Uh yeah, that's what I was trying to say, you two can talk I'll just..see you guys after midnight, I guess" Jay says awkwardly before walking away, but none of you move, just standing there and appreciating each other. "Stupid nerd huh?" Heeseung breaks the silence first, a cocky smirk on his face and his head tilted to the side, oh he's giving you that cocky expression that makes you feel the butterflies in your stomach "I...I didn't mean it like that..." "I know" Heeseung sighs as he moves closer to you, his fingers gripping on your chin gently as he tilts your face up, making you face him, "You look beautiful...did you mean it angel?" Angel? Fuck. "That you're a stupid...no! Ofcourse-" He chuckles softly, cutting you off, "No, That you dress up all pretty...for me? That you like me?" Your eyes widen slightly as you look away, "Nuh-uh, look at me angel, I need to know, please." Your breath hitches at his words as you slowly turn your gaze towards him again, "I...yes..." You whisper softly and he lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding until now, he leans in, his fingers still holding your chin as his eyes bore into yours through his stupid glasses, "Guess I am a stupid stupid nerd that I couldn't even understand that a pretty pretty girl like you liked me too huh?" Wait. Did he just say, too? "Too? h-hee..."
방금 내가 말한 감정 감히 의심하지 마
그냥 좋다는 게 아냐 what's after 'Like'?
Don't try to doubt what I just said
It's beyond like, what's after like?
As if on cue, the music suddenly dies down, "Everybody! Time for the final countdown!" Someone yells as the countdown begins 10...9...8...7... You both turn to look at each other again, Heeseung swallows, his eyes flickering to your lips then back to your eyes again,
You and I
It's more than 'Like'
L 다음 또 O 다음 난 yeah, yeah, yeah
"I like you Y/n and fuck, I think it's more than like" Your breath hitches yet again at his confession, 6...5...4...3... You somehow find your courage, arms wrapping around his neck as you look up at him,
You and I
It's more than 'Like'
What's after 'Like'?
"What's after like?" 2...1... Heeseung's hands cup your face as he leans down, capturing your lips with his own in a sweet kiss, your arms tighten around his neck, pulling him closer as you both get surrounded by loud cheers and fireworks, when you finally pull away, his thumb brushes on your cheek softly, an adoring smile on his face as he looks at you, his voice a soft whisper, "Love."
-likes and reblogs are very much appreciated🫣🩷
© ivenhae - all rights reserved, do not copy or steal.
#ivenha writes 🩷#enhypen drabbles#enhypen imagines#enhypen x reader#enhypen x female reader#enhypen x y/n#enhypen fluff#enhypen fanfiction#enhypen fic#enhypen angst#enhypen heeseung#heeseung x reader#heeseung x female reader#heeseung fluff#heeseung angst#heeseung drabbles#heeseung imagines#enhypen scenarios#Spotify
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Research On World Cable for Shipbuilding Market Report 2024
Report on World Cable for Shipbuilding Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2024 by DecisionDatabases.com
Cable for Shipbuilding market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability. The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market. The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.
Final Report will cover the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/45596-world-cable-for-shipbuilding-market-report
The Players mentioned in our report
Polycab Wires
KEI Industries
Lapp India
LEONI Cable Solutions (India)
SAB Cable
Wilson Cables
RR Kabel
Global Cable for Shipbuilding Market: Product Segment Analysis
Power Cable
Control Cable
Communication Cable
Global Cable for Shipbuilding Market: Application Segment Analysis
Civil Ship
Global Cable for Shipbuilding Market: Regional Segment Analysis
South East Asia
Download Free Sample Report of World Cable for Shipbuilding Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-45596
There are 10 Chapters to deeply display the World Cable for Shipbuilding market. Chapter 1 About the Cable for Shipbuilding Industry Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape Chapter 3 World Cable for Shipbuilding Market share Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis Chapter 5 Company Profiles Chapter 6 Globalisation & Trade Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries Chapter 9 World Cable for Shipbuilding Market Forecast through 2024 Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview
Purchase the complete World Cable for Shipbuilding Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-45596
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
World Cross-Linked Polyethylene Insulated Cable Market Research Report 2025
World High-Temperature Cables Market Research Report 2025 (Covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India and etc)
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
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#Cable for Shipbuilding#Cable for Shipbuilding Market#Cable for Shipbuilding Market Report#World Cable for Shipbuilding Market#Cable for Shipbuilding Market Share#Cable for Shipbuilding Industry
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Why the avatar change to Dr. Paradigm? I thought Asuka is your main avatar.
Crazy idea, but looking at Unika, would you say she's like a mix of who Sol and Ky used to be before the two met Dizzy? I mean, Unika wants to do good, but has Sol's and Ky's original worldviews and most likely a tragic past like them (as she cried over the chip like you mentioned) the key difference is she's more emotional compared to the two as Sol and Ky changed their minds about Gears as when she fights Sin, she's pretty much raging compared when she fought Ky and Dizzy in the trailer.
My avatar is a refocus of sorts, as a GG historian, since Paradigm is all about perspective, plus I’m fond of Dragons. Besides, Asuka is on the Moon at this point in the story. Gears don’t get showcased enough in this series as it is. Unika probably lost a lot of friends and family to get to this point in her story, but the fact she is waging a personal war so late in the game tells me something big was holding her back all this time.
Most people who had a vendetta held it against Justice back in 2180, but Sol put an end to that personally. For Unika to attack Dizzy of all people, she was probably fed intel she normally would never be able to get, given Illyria’s levels of security. Dizzy was an international secret at this point in the story, after all.
Even when Dizzy still had a bounty on her head, she never truly harmed anyone, so someone like Unika would normally NOT pose a threat. Unika appears armed to the teeth with Anti-Gear tech weaponry, something that is also not so easy to obtain in this peaceful age.
And even now, the people of Illyria still consider Dizzy a local hero for saving them from Ariels when the capital was attacked. Most residents were very supportive of Dizzy’s kind nature in the first place.
I suspect Unika was likely fed lots of slogans and propaganda that kept her misinformed about everything going on around her, much like how Bridget sought Dizzy’s bounty far too late for it to be relevant (which may play an important role in THIS story!).
As for Unika’s world view, even Baiken held similar beliefs up until recently, so it is not like she’s the only individual with a grudge to settle or past feelings to sort out. Even Chipp had a long history of revenge with the Assassins and Mafia until recently as well.
Most people like Unika would normally not take such drastic measures unless they were given the means to, and a target to pin the blame on.
Even if Unika has a tragic past, blaming Dizzy and other unrelated Gears for it is very much misguided. Waging a personal Crusade even more so is proof of the narrow minded view she carries, only caring about her own personal history over the peace of others.
Even Sol for his part, he never openly and blatantly attacked Gear Plants, even if he wished to put an end to the research, he was at least smart about it and strategic. Sol was never an open Anti Gear activist, let alone becoming a terrorist for reasons like revenge.
All the more reason why Sin needs to talk with Unika, and get to understand her point of view and what is driving her to these extremes.
Also worth noting, this takes place before Dizzy was put under protection from Goldlewis Dickinson, so this never would have happened on HIS watch.
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The Three of Them
I’ve meant to clarify about the original statement Justice made back just before she died in 2180 at Sol’s hand:
Most of the GG fanbase assume that when Justice said she wished the three of them could talk one last time, she was speaking with Aria Hale’s memories in mind, but that is not entirely correct.
By that time, most of her memories had either been scrambled or erased by the Universal Will, with what little that remained becoming the basis for Jack-O’Valentine’s creation much later on.
She never once referred to Sol as Frederick Bulsara, nor did she directly mention Asuka. Furthermore she had no knowledge of her true purpose in connection with the Scales of Juno, only somehow knowing that Sol was the Flame of Corruption.
No, from Justice’ perspective, she had only recently discovered that Sol Badguy was a Gear, not to mention one of many prospective Prototype Gears few knew existed. Most importantly of all, that Sol had betrayed Gearkind, and refused to obey her near-absolute Imperial Orders as the First Command Type Gear.
She referred to her creator as someone whom she loathed, and would spend most of her lifetime developing in to a deep Narcissist, trusting only in her own existence. This Narcissism later became a psychological trait that Ramlethal would inherit.
There is even further evidence of this due to Justice rejecting Jack-O’ during the events of Xrd Revelator, as even in her state of un-death, she was in full denial of her origins as a former Human. She absolutely could not accept herself as having been human once upon a time. That is literally how deep her Pride as a Command Type Gear ran within her, even as a biological weapon and warrior in her own past history.
It is much much later in Guilty Gear Strive that we learn that Aria had literally been psychologically “broken” over the course of her lifetime existing as Justice.
So then, what sort of deep traumas had she faced that would drive her in to full denial of her own humanity? Aria was already very much a reclusive individual in her past, that is the reason she could so easily connect with an anti-social cowardly introverted man such as Frederick was originally known to once be.
Certainly losing her memories was a core part of all this, but experiencing a lifetime of 100 years of bloodshed blamed on her own hands would most certainly impact her identity.
The way both Humans and Forbidden Beasts hunted her and her kind probably also exacerbated her emotions as well, driving her in to a corner.
Perhaps there was still a tiny glimmer of hope in the back of her mind that someone in the vast universe would one day accept her existence as a Gear, or perhaps she had long ago abandoned all considerations in her dedication to eradicate Humans.
Though even these darker unconsidered aspects of Aria’s personality traits were also inherited by the Original Valentine and Elphelt Valentine as well. Perhaps many aspects of Elphelt’s own personality are part of the reason she had a higher compatibility with Justice than her other sisters, even if Jack-O’ retained the highest compatibility.
In her final moments of life, Justice wished to see her creator and the other Prototype Gears created before her, even if she could never see the bright future her true purpose was meant to become.
Though it is for this very reason Sol Badguy swore an oath of revenge towards Asuka R. Kreutz, for the suffering Justice had endured, not yet knowing that she was his former lover, killed by his own hands.
History would also repeat itself when Sol was later forced to kill Valentine at Asuka’s behest, a history he was never supposed to undertake. A lost daughter in his family.
Perhaps it is also this untold history that will influence Unika in the upcoming events of Dual Rulers, it is hard to tell.
Regardless, the Aria whom we knew, and the Aria we never understood, human or otherwise, are key points in this narrative.
Justice is not the only Gear to forget her Humanity… of course a man like Happy Chaos has recently abandoned his Humanity as well… a chilling and cautionary tale of the dangers of indulging in Human Desires in excess.
Even Sol struggled for many years to remember he was once human. It took the efforts of Ky Kiske and Leo Whitefang and others, to bring back those considerations. It was Asuka who chose the heaviest burden for Sol’s sake, even if he had as much Guilt as Sol did.
Even Jack-O’ struggled with the burden of her own existence and purpose, but she would become her own person, despite Aria.
A long broken history, perhaps, but what Future will be built on the buried memories of someone like Justice?
We’ll have to wait and see!
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