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The World Economic Forum Says It Will ‘Accelerate’ Implementation of Globalist Agenda 2030
World leaders will be gathering together later this year to “accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030,” according to an announcement made by the unaccountable, corporate-led World Economic Forum (WEF) earlier this week.
The United Nations (UN) and the WEF appear frustrated by a lack of progress made towards their ‘Great Reset‘ ideology, alongside Agenda 2030, the socialist, ideological successor to the failed “Millennium Development Goals”.
The WEF – led by German engineer Klaus Schwab, whose father once worked for the Nazi Party apparatus – has said previous efforts to implement their plans “suffered unforeseen setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, major negative impacts of climate change, and the rising cost of food and fuel everywhere due to the conflict in Ukraine.”
Global leaders and representatives are, therefore, being summoned to “strategize” and expedite the progress of what the WEF refers to as “arguably the greatest-ever human endeavor undertaken to create peaceful, just, equal, and sustainable societies.”
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs has argued that “[p]ractical solutions that can accelerate progress on the [Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs)] will be urgently needed.”
The seventeen SDGs comprising Agenda 2030 were first compiled in 2015 and were agreed upon by 191 UN Member State governments, though not necessarily their voting publics. These “goals��� include laudable aspirations such as “ending poverty”, and eradicating world hunger, amongst more nefarious globalist goals in areas of gender ideology and hard-left socialist economics.
Since Davos 2o21, the WEF has publicly discussed how these goals can be used to achieve the ‘Great Reset,’ which would see ordinary people able to own nothing personally. The WEF claims this will increase happiness in the world.
Civic Participation.
The WEF is focusing on something called “civic participation” to push its plans. They describe this as tackling “economic inequality, gender imbalances, corruption, and environmental degradation.”
“In the quest to build back better,” says the WEF, “civil society is proposing new ways of achieving the SDGs and creating a better post-pandemic world.”
What this will look like is something approximating communism, for a better world is one where “the benefits are evenly spread” because “development must be about freedom from fear and freedom from want.”
This appears to be very much in line with the WEF’s agenda where everyone works together for the “common good,” rather than aiming for profit or reward for hard work rendered or risks taken.
Halfway There.
The WEF plans to assemble world leaders after the highly-anticipated Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report is published by the Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, later this year.
The report’s findings will inevitably lay the foundations for the international deliberations. “This year’s report,” insists the WEF, “is especially crucial as we’re nearing the halfway point of Agenda 2030.”
#news#the great reset#nwo#beast system#antichrist#2030#agenda#WEF#UN#EU#klaus schwab#yuval noah harari#middle east#tribulation#religion#money#digital#unicoin#government#control#men#women#children#gay#str8#bi#trans#lgbtq+#2spirit#drag queens
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SEC Issues Wells Notice to Unicoin Amid Fraud Allegations and ICO Concerns
Crypto investment firm Unicoin has received a Wells Notice from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), signaling potential legal action. The notice indicates that the SEC may sue Unicoin over alleged fraud, deceptive practices, and the sale of unregistered securities. This development highlights the increasing scrutiny of crypto companies as regulatory pressures intensify. Unicorn’s…
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Noticias sobre criptomonedas: Unicoin hace historia con la adquisición de un resort de lujo por 335 millones de dólares en Tailandia
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Cow slip is a purist religious old man who is also lowkey a DIVA????.
Like he gags (no pun intended) on our main boys so much like-
"Elarah and his tricks. Don't really mean much to us. Charming. As it is♡"
"Now is you excuse me. I hate the rain.." -bro says this while our main boys are getting soaked in rain
Thinking about how good of a minor villan cowslip is. Like he is so intresting yet he is only in the book for like a few hundred pages or so.
And I can't help but want more of him. But at the same time. His short time in the book is perfect.
Our main characters relize that he's basicly running a cult and go "uhhhh. NUH UH. let's hit the bricks boys!!!" Beacuse they realized. There is no beating cowslip
Not with words. Beacuse he too believes 110% in what he's saying. And while you could maybe beat him with claws and teeth. You'd gain absolutely nothing from that. Nothing but a cursed and snared Warren.
So they leave him be and run away. And cowslip never runs after them beacuse He has everything he needs right here. And he's made it perfectly crystal clear he doesn't care or is phased by rabbits leaving. Either by foot, or Soul.
So cowslip never shows up in the book again. But his impact lingers though strawberry and though the Warren's morels when dealing with other warrens who are getting agressive.
#sorry for the insane watership doqn rant boys#i love these rabbits and i love puppets and dragons and unicoins im living the girl dream rn
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I was watching a show and then thought…. What if oiny was unicorn..
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BRICS: Come e perchè dell’ennesimo inganno -parte 5 "Single Global Currency"
In breve, nel 1882 nacque in Sudafrica dapprima la De Beers Consolidates Mines, seguita dalla Consolidated Gold Fields, attorno a Cecil Rhodes, Lord Rothschild, Alfred Beit e Barney Barnato, il quale fu costretto a cedere sotto le pressioni di Rhodes e i Rothschild, i quali, a loro volta, in quel periodo esercitavano già un controllo così totale sull’oro a livello mondiale da imporre che il suo prezzo (fixing) venisse giorno per giorno fissato a Londra, cosa che avviene a tutt’oggi, da parte di due sole società: la N.M. Rothschild & Sons e la Mocatta & Goldsmid. Sono queste due a fissare il prezzo dell’oro a livello mondiale, senza contare il fatto che il 70% dell’oro del mondo è contenuto nei Caveau della Federal Reserve (la più grande riserva d’oro del mondo) seguito da quello contenuto in quelli della Bank of England. Vorrei poter approfondire il discorso legato al falso mito del Gold Exchange Standard ecc, ma già l’articolo è lungo, se proseguiamo ancora diverrebbe un poema e non è nostra intenzione ammorbarvi, lo vedremo in un secondo momento. L’importante è comprendere che se mai i BRICS coniassero una moneta legata all’oro (non è detto che accada), non fa alcuna differenza, poichè è il potentato che c’è dietro che ne trae beneficio ed è quello stesso potere che sta manovrando tutto, attraverso le rispettive banche centrali, private, i fondi, le multinazionali, specie quelle operanti nel blocco “orientale”. Quello che pochi comprendono è che il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale fatto e finito sono proprio i BRICS, con al centro quella che diverrà l’ex Unione Europea: l’Eurasia. Il dollaro sta cambiando forma, abbiamo già parlato della Unicoin cioè della moneta unica universale o Single Global Currency, il cui creatore è Robert Mundell, lo stesso che ha creato l’Euro.
È stato evidenziato più volte che un Grande Reset non può avvenire se non dinanzi ad uno scenario di crisi economico – finanziaria su scala globale artificialmente creata. Essendo che lo scorso aprile è stata coniata la Single Global Currency (moneta unica universale di Mundell) i paesi di tutto il mondo stanno preparando quelli che sono i deterrenti del Grande Reset e non è un caso che Russia, Brasile, Cina, coordinate dalla Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali, siano state le pioniere delle CBDC. Il Rublo digitale è già attivo, lo stesso vale per Cina e Brasile, l’Europa sta ultimando gli ultimi test, abbiamo ancora voglia di farci raccontare la favoletta del bipolarismo o della multipolarità che non c’è mai stata? Come scritto e provato da Morrison Bompasse nel testo intitolato “Single Global Currency” e confermato recentemente da Klaus Regling (creatore del MES) una qualsiasi valuta sia essa digitale o di altra natura, nazionale o addirittura regionale, dovrà fare riferimento alla Single Global Currency. La Moneta Unica Universale così come tutte le valute liquide, le CBDC ecc nessuna esclusa, sono di totale controllo della Bank for International Settlements, cioè la Banca per i Regolamenti Internazionali. Bompasse, così come Mundell stabilirono proprio Basilea (dove appunto risiede la BRI) il centro nevralgico per la gestione della Moneta Unica Universale e non è un caso, così come non è un caso che la DCMA (l’autorità monetaria che l’ha coniata) sia stretta partner della Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali. E non è un caso che vi siano in corso numerosi test delle CBDC nello stesso tempo in cui stanno testando la Single Global Currency. Per la cronaca:
La tecnologia delle rispettive CBDC utilizzate a livello nazionale che si adatterà meglio, come specificato dallo stesso Regling, andrà ad aggiornare entro il 2025/2030 quella della Single Global Curency per essere definitivamente adottata. Si consiglia la lettura degli altri articoli da noi scritti, in particolare: “La Russia, Vladimir Putin e gli insiders di Wall Street”; “Storia dei grandi Reset”; “Unione Europea e Nuovo Ordine Mondiale”.
Se si darà il consenso alla Russia, alla Cina, al falso mito dei BRICS, a Trump e all’Eurasia sarà la fine. Gli usurai, con l’inganno avranno vinto di nuovo. Se si rifiuta sia una parte che l’altra e si capisce che il potere è uno solo, allora abbiamo una possibilità. La saggistica, i documenti e i fatti che approfondiscono il tema di come è stato prospettato il cosiddetto Nuovo Ordine Mondiale fatto e finito è vasta, così come sono altrettanto vaste le modalità con le quali sia stata messa in atto una macchinazione continua fatta di menzogne atte a manipolare la storia dei popoli canalizzando i loro pensieri, emozioni, scelte e dissenso in un modo ben preciso da parte di quel potere usuraio che muove tutto. Tutto questo ha permesso a quest’ultimo di operare indisturbato da dietro le quinte attraverso un perenne passaggio della fiaccola che non ha fatto altro che distruggere e ricreare a suo piacimento inebetendo le menti delle persone, corrompendone i cuori, spogliandole di ogni forza di volontà e asservendole a dettami funzionali alla perpetua schiavitù della mente e dello spirito. Dietro ad ogni rivoluzione, guerra, crisi, carestia, genocidio, cambiamento c’è sempre quello stesso stramaledetto potere. O lo si capisce, lo si accetta e lo si affronta smettendo di credere alle favole o ai miti salvifici da loro proposti come sempre nella storia per poi far cadere i popoli sempre di più nell’oblio, oppure, tra il 2025 e il 2030 il sipario calerà definitivamente. Bisogna rendersi conto che l’appartenenza media dei no vax al falso mito di Putin/Trump e quella dei si vax all’Europa, NATO ecc è tutto frutto di una loro manipolazione in cui i popoli sono caduti. Non è un caso questa ennesima guerra orizzontale che ha portato a tale divisione in fazioni. Hanno canalizzato il dissenso esattamente come hanno sempre fatto e lo hanno portato dove volevano creando la malattia avendo già la cura in mano per arrivare allo step successivo. Vogliono il consenso, prima ancora dell’uso della forza. Continuare a parlare di vaccini o di finte commissioni di inchiesta atte a distrarre non fa altro che alimentare il loro gioco. Accanirsi nel chiedere una giustizia che non arriverà mai non fa altro che alimentare il livore delle persone, il quale le incatena ad un immobilismo che impedisce di reagire. Così facendo la popolazione mondiale non si rende conto di quanto sia rimasta indietro rispetto ai piani dell’Agenda che stanno portando avanti. Tutto è utile alla distrazione per fare in modo che i più guardino il dito ma mai la luna. Non basta essere consci della realtà dietro le vaccinazioni per definirsi svegli. Quella non è nient’altro che una misera briciola rispetto a tutto il resto. E che cos’è questo resto? Quella che il grande Gary Allen, nel 1972 così definì: COSPIRAZIONE.
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As the SEC Continues Its Crypto Litigation Retreat, Here’s What’s Still Outstanding
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is undertaking a full-scale retreat from much of the major crypto litigation started under former Chair Gary Gensler, but not everyone is off the hook. At least four lawsuits against crypto companies — Ripple, Kraken, Cumberland DRW and Pulsechain — remain ongoing, and probes into another three firms — Unicoin, Crypto.com and Immutable — have not…
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En este video hacemos el análisis de UNICOINS y te comentamos si es o no una opción recomendable para invertir. Luego de revisar los siguientes aspectos: - Reputación de la empresa: 🗣️ Tiene malos comentarios, tienen muchas quejas, algo común en las empresas que tienen malas prácticas con sus clientes. - No tiene regulación: 👎 Tener una regulación de un paraíso fiscal equivale a no tener regulación (Vanuatu, Seychelles, San Vicente y Las Granadinas, Islas Marshall, entre otros). - No tiene información legal completa en su página web: ❎ No tienen en los términos y condiciones el nombre legal de la empresa, su ubicación real o su regulación. - No tiene ubicación clara o segura: 🆘 No dicen abiertamente dónde están ubicados o están en algún paraíso fiscal. - Soporte o atención al cliente de pésimo acceso: 📵 No hay varios números de atención al cliente o solo hay un formulario para ponerse en contacto con la empresa.
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World Currency Coming as IMF Embraces Universal CBDC Called "Unicoin"
#money#digital#unicoin#global#monetary#unit#banking#cashless#uni#elites#wef#imf#world#currency#nwo#great reset#who#g20#2030#passports#id#systems#social#beast#mark#system#biblical#finances#central#project
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IMF CBDC Unicoin / TERRA TRC K% Rule
Pictures Vs thousand + / - words
#Unicoin #CBDC #RWA Real World Assets #commodities #currency
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Why The Crypto Market Is Like The Stock Market On Steroids
The stock market has served as a foundation of our financial system for centuries, allowing companies to raise capital and investors to trade shares for profit. Meanwhile, crypto exchanges are a relatively recent development, born only in 2009 with the creation of Bitcoin. It provides an alternative financial system through digital currencies, challenging traditional concepts of ownership and exchange. While the stock market focuses on shares, bonds, and derivatives, the crypto market offers digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and thousands of altcoins. Despite their differences, both systems aim to connect buyers and sellers, providing a platform for innovation, investment, and speculative trading. However, crypto markets bring new opportunities and risks that push the boundaries of traditional finance.
The Evolution of Trading
Trading has evolved from physical exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange to digital platforms that process millions of transactions per second. Speculation—betting on price movements—has always been a driving force, as traders seek to profit from short-term fluctuations. In both the stock and crypto markets, traders play a critical role by providing liquidity, ensuring that buyers and sellers can execute their trades efficiently. Speculation allows the producers–farmers, miners (both actual and crypto), or programmers to focus on their work and let professionals manage the risk.
The growth of trading platforms has reshaped how markets function. Algorithmic trading, high-frequency trading, and derivatives have added complexity to financial markets, requiring advanced tools to stay competitive. Similarly, the rise of cryptocurrency exchange platforms has mirrored this evolution, offering sophisticated features for retail and institutional traders. The best crypto trading platforms out there can handle millions of trades without interruption, fostering fast-moving markets that cater to both novice and professional traders.
The Common Features
Both the stock and crypto markets share several fundamental features.
Price Volatility: Stocks and cryptocurrencies experience significant price swings, driven by market sentiment, economic data, or regulatory developments. Traders live off making volatility their ally, as it creates opportunities for profit.
Speculation and Liquidity: Speculation fuels both markets, as investors aim to capitalize on price changes. Liquidity is essential for efficient markets, allowing participants to buy and sell quickly without large price impacts.
Exchange Platforms: In both markets, exchanges play a vital role by facilitating trades. Whether it’s the NASDAQ for stocks or a crypto exchange for digital assets, these platforms act as marketplaces for buyers and sellers.
Market Sentiment: Both markets respond to news, rumors, and global events. Sentiment drives large movements, often leading to rapid gains or losses within short periods.
How the Crypto Market Took the Lead
While stock markets have been integral to the financial world, crypto markets offer unique advantages, particularly for active traders.
24/7 Availability: Unlike stock markets, which operate during fixed hours, crypto markets run around the clock. Traders can buy or sell digital assets at any time, providing flexibility and allowing them to respond immediately to market changes. This constant activity leads to high levels of liquidity and continuous price discovery.
Lower Barriers to Entry: Many crypto exchanges allow users to trade with minimal identification requirements, making it easier for individuals to participate. The very best crypto trading platforms like Unicoin DCX offer intuitive interfaces and tools designed for beginners while also accommodating experienced traders.
Global Accessibility: The crypto market is accessible from anywhere in the world. Users only need an internet connection to participate. In contrast, stock trading may require access to specific exchanges, subject to regional regulations or restrictions.
Innovative Financial Products: Crypto markets offer instruments such as staking, decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, and tokenized assets. These innovations provide more ways for participants to earn, trade, or invest beyond traditional stocks and bonds.
Faster Transactions: Traditional stock trades can take days to settle, depending on intermediaries and clearing houses. In contrast, cryptocurrency transactions are processed in minutes or even seconds, especially on advanced cryptocurrency exchange platforms. This speed enables traders to execute strategies quickly and efficiently.
All being said, crypto markets are not without their risks. Regulatory uncertainty, security concerns, and extreme volatility remain significant challenges. However, traders willing to accept these risks find opportunities that traditional markets cannot provide.
Final Thoughts
The stock market and the crypto market share common ground, both serving as platforms for value exchange, investment, and speculation. While the stock market has matured over centuries, the crypto market has rapidly emerged as an alternative financial system. Both rely on exchanges to connect participants, with volatility, liquidity, and market sentiment playing crucial roles. In a sense, the crypto market takes everything the stock market offers and amplifies it. Crypto markets are like a trading landscape where innovation happens in real time and opportunities are available around the clock.
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Cryptocurrency news: Unicoin makes history with $335 million luxury resort acquisition in Thailand
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Unicoin Staff Locked Out of G-Suite in Mystery Attack
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Crossroads exploration log
Entry 4
I accidentally picked the coin in shuffle time and the currency I got in return is not a known currency in our multiversal database.
Both Irene and Asif have yet to see any form of currency that looks like this, so we can only guess what it could be used for.
The new currency currently doesn’t have a name, so Asif decided to call them Unicoins and we just rolled with it.
So uh… I guess we currently have 238 Unicoins.
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Dubai, September 29, 2023 – The eagerly awaited World of WEB3 Summit Dubai, also known as WOW SUMMIT Dubai 2023, is poised to make a significant impact globally. This remarkable event boasts an impressive roster of speakers and enjoys the support of a distinguished array of sponsors, all gathering at the opulent Atlantis the Royal in Dubai on October 8th and 9th, 2023. Prepare to be amazed as WOW Summit Dubai 2023 presents a constellation of visionary speakers and distinguished sponsors, promising an unparalleled exploration of the latest Web3 trends and innovations. Ivan Ivanov, the Global CEO of WOW Summit, enthusiastically conveyed his anticipation for this year’s gathering: “WOW Summit Dubai 2023 is on track to become a pivotal assembly for leaders in the Web3 and Web2 industries, investors, and government representatives. With our exceptional lineup of speakers and esteemed sponsors, we are creating the ideal environment for invaluable conversations and partnerships that will play a pivotal role in shaping the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. The World of Web3 Summit is all set to highlight practical applications of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Blockchain, as well as innovations in financial infrastructure, Digital ID, and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).” At the core of WOW Summit Dubai 2023, we are honored to have Fastex, Unicoin, and Farcana as our Title sponsors, complemented by our cherished Platinum sponsors Darwinbit, iVendPay, MMPRO Trust, and Zima Bank. These sponsors, with their visionary leadership and exceptional expertise in development and strategy, illuminate the event, steering discussions on the remarkable transformative power of blockchain technology. Esteemed figures in the blockchain and digital assets field, alongside respected government officials from the UAE, will grace the conference stage as honored speakers. WOW Summit Dubai 2023 distinguished speakers include Yat Siu, Founder and Executive Chairman at Animoca Brands, Dr. Marwan Alzarouni, CEO at Dubai Blockchain Centre, Mohammad Alblooshi, Chief Executive Officer at the DIFC Innovation Hub, Nameer Khan, Founder of FILS & Chairman MENA Fintech Association, Miriam Kiwan, Vice President, MENA at Circle, Mohamed Issa, Regional Director at Chainalysis, Sam Katiela, Founder & CEO at Mamemo and Chairman at Crypto Valley Partners, Joy John, AI Services Specialist, EMEA, Oracle and Scott Thiel, Founder & CEO at TOKO by DLA Piper and Jiten Varu, Head of Web3 at AWS. They bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and vision to the stage, ensuring that attendees will be treated to profound insights and valuable discussions. Additional notable figures gracing the event include Michael Terpin, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor, Gurvinder Ahluwalia, Founder & CEO at Digital Twin Labs, Christian Gleich, Ambassador of the European Blockchain Association, Nick Spanos, Bitcoin Pioneer, Joshua Hawley, Managing Director at US Capital Global, Mansoor Madhavji, Blockchain Founders Fund and Saqr Ereiqat, Co-Founder at Crypto Oasis. WOW Summit Dubai 2023 is not just an event; it is an experience that will shape the future of blockchain technology. Attendees can look forward to unparalleled knowledge sharing, networking opportunities, and the chance to explore cutting-edge developments in the Web3 ecosystem. About WOW Summit Dubai WOW Summit is a premier global event that takes place in major cities around the world, including Lisbon, Hong Kong, and Dubai. With a focus on go-to-market management and business development relations, WOW Summit fosters collaboration between Government Authorities, Institutionals, VCs, and fintech companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. WOW Summit Dubai is a premier global event that brings together industry leaders, visionaries, and entrepreneurs from around the world. As a platform for inspiration, empowerment, and business development, WOW Summit drives success in the dynamic landscape of the UAE and beyond. The event covers
a wide range of topics, including the Web2 – Web3 transition, CBDC, regulations, asset tokenization, and the social impact and applications of blockchain and DLT technologies. WOW Summit Dubai 2023 will feature an incredible art and NFT area, providing attendees with an immersive experience in the world of digital art and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. The event is hosted by GuyWay, powered by MarketMakingPro, and co-organized by Uvecon.vc. In the past, WOW Summit has hosted renowned speakers, such as Sebastien Borget (Sandbox), Lennix Lai (Global Chief Commercial Officer at OKX), Dave Chapman (Executive Director at BC Group), Angelina A. Kwan (CEO at Stratford Finance Limited), Duncan Wong (CEO at CryptoBLK), and Julian Gordon (Hyperledger, Linux Foundation). To exhibit, sponsor, or partner, contact us at [email protected]. Media Contact: WOW Summit Email: [email protected] Website:
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