#unhinged ssr if you will
rendoart · 1 year
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im not dead (yet)
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so. eel banner
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GUESS WHO ROLLED 💀 C’MON, C’moNNN, I CouLDN’t NOT rOLL FOR tHEM (and they were very yasashii, only 30 rolls each)!
It was bothering me all these years that Jade and Floyd’s Dorm Uniform artworks don’t perfectly align to form a single cohesive image, so I’m so glad that the Mermaid Fin SSRs fix that!! Side by side like this, they look so devious and beautiful 😭
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AND THE GROOVIES?????? HE LL o??????
bgjsvsjzvskwn!fahacwhwn ?-,-(~}#(FGrwnwjahGhhfqjjq I was right to anticipate that we wouldn’t get the twins crying (similar to Ortho and Sebek)… The Leeches are not super sentimental types unlike Kalim and Rook. That doesn’t make their Groovies or the context for it any less cool though!!
The color contrast is so interesting??? It makes the twins look way more blue than they usually are, and their bioluminescence (which can be turned on/off for their live 2D models) lends a new dimension to the art. The dynamic movement, the water droplets flying everywhere, the fins, THEIR fERAL EXprESSIONS???????? Jade’s being more cold and Floyd just totally unhinged, both so merciless as they beat the crap out of their opponent 😭
For anyone wondering, Jade and Floyd appear in their terrestrial forms by default when sent to Lessons. You can set them to eel forms though, which yields… hilarious results 🤡 Witness their l e n g t h
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violenteconomics · 3 months
so you know how in twst, usually only four people (+yuu and grim, obvs) are in homeland events? like how epel, jade, idia, and sebek were in harveston, and in the tapis rouge event it was azul, jamil, vil and ace?
now imagine this: rook, kalim, silver, and ortho in a briar valley event.
think about it. THINK ABOUT IT--
this would either be the sugariest, sweetest thing ever, or the most unhinged bullshit on the planet.
like, obviously you'd have kalim and silver being. like. WAY too nice the whole time, ortho being the bby he is, and rook just trying to put an arrow in everything in sight but he. never gets called out for it before the other three are oblivious to all of this.
i imagine the inciting incident isn't even anything that important, silver just needs to deliver a letter to the queen or some shit, and then because they're them, they get caught up in shenanigans. maybe rook tries to fucking assassinate a fae noble, idfk lol
Silver would get the SSR, Rook and Kalim would get SRs, and Ortho (I'm really sorry) would get the R card.
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So, I mentioned my Agent Cuddy AU before, and by that I mean...
Gregory House fought in WWII. He was a decent soldier, but a better spy, however, he was sent back out into the warzone for mouthing off too much. He lost his leg in the war, leaving him with a shoddy prosthetic, a cane, and a limp. [Yes, he’s like if Sousa was an asshole. Also I gave him his cane instead of the crutch, because, like in House MD canon, House is knowingly punishing himself, so of course he’d go with the cane instead of the more practical and comfortable crutch like Sousa had.]
Lisa Cuddy worked alongside Project Rebirth during the war, even allegedly becoming romantically involved with Lucas Douglas, aka, Captain America [yeah yeah, I know. Not my fav place for him either, but I think it fits. He’s a dorky little guy and he’s genuinely good, so, you know, it works well enough]. She was one of the best agents they had, but after the war she was put back into the SSR, forcing her to earn their respect all over again.
James Wilson is the butler to young, rich, and insanely brilliant Dr. Robert Chase. James often finds himself caught up in Lisa’s cases and adventures, proving to be a loyal and helpful friend in even the most complicated and dangerous of situations. He is married to Julie Wilson. [because this is the 1940s, she can’t really cheat, get a divorce, and be alright financially right away, so in my mind she doesn’t cheat here. I would have him be married to his first wife, but then we’d have Sam Wilson, and that’s already a mcu character and I’d like to avoid confusion]
Eric Foreman also works for the SSR. He follows his orders, whether he agrees with them or not. He later takes over as chief.
Dr. Robert Chase is a brilliant, young, rich, somewhat insane weapons inventor. He met and befriended Lisa during the war, but afterwards, he recruited her to clear his name. See, Dr. Chase had indirectly killed a (different) genocidal dictator, and the SSR is out for his arrest.
Allison Cameron is a waitress who quickly becomes one of Lisa’s closest friends and allies.
Remy Hadley, known only as “Thirteen” in the spy circuit, was trained in the Red Room. She proves to be one of Lisa’s biggest adversaries, but also turns out to be useful later on.
Amber Volakis is a brilliant actress who later gets caught up in something bigger than herself. She aims for genius, but ends up in unhinged territory.
Jessica Adams is a nurse Greg meets while in Los Angeles. She proves to be a valuable ally when Lisa is injured.
Lawrence Kutner, Jeffrey Cole, and Chris Taub are all part of the 107th, which are still active even after the war.
Dr. Travis Brennan [...whatever the fuck samberly was good for lmao. It can’t be taub bc samberly gets no bitches and taub very much somehow gets bitches]
Chi Park is Lisa’s connection at the phone company.
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merakiui · 11 months
I love how they are slowly revealing how actually deranged Jade is. Back when TWST came out everyone saw Jade and thought he was the less bad twin, like yeah, this guy is sus, but at least he is not Floyd yk?
But to think he is just as unhinged, if not more, than Floyd is so funny. His expressions now have been a lot more diabolical??? mischievous?? compared to his first cards it actually shows more of his real personality with the deranged smiles and body language. Which is why a lot of people are starting to mistake him for Floyd lmao (Stitch card).
But fr he looks like he is up to no good in his platinum jacket ssr. Cooking up evil plans.
YES. It's so on-brand for him to have "normal-ish" cards with "normal-ish" groovy expressions. In the earlier cards, he drops little freaky tidbits every now and then, so it makes you wonder just who lies behind the usual gentleman façade. One minute he could be talking about tea and the next he's like, "So, essentially, out of all of our potential brothers and sisters, I chose Floyd, but I didn't have to. I could've eaten him/let him die and chosen someone else, but I'm happy I didn't do that teehee :3!!!" and you just have to look at that and think, WHAT. He's crazy. I can't believe I looked at him in 2020 and thought, boooo. Lame. Boring. Another typical butler-esque guy. He is so much more than that.
I've always thought Jade was leagues worse than Floyd and that's mainly because you can never trust anyone who always smiles in the way Jade does, who never gets angry, who is always too perfectly composed. Floyd's like the classic school bully: annoying, doesn't know when to be quiet, pokes and prods just to get reactions for his own childish enjoyment. It's mostly harmless. But Jade....... 😟 he's on another level entirely. Easily the most insane Octavinelle member and I love that about him.
He truly does look so devious in the platinum jacket, grinning with so much mischief in his eel eyes........ >_< just what are you plotting, Mr. Jade?
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actualbird · 10 months
what is the most obscure luke pearce fact you know?
filed under: asks that make me feel like im taking a final examination. tEACHER, TEACHER, I CAN DO THIS, I CAN GIVE YOU ALL OF MY FAVORITE OBSCURE CANON LUKE PEARCE FACTS
luke once worked as a bartender, and made a bit of a name for himself when he would solve people's mysteries/problems in the span of time it would take him to mix their drink (SR Star In The Palm)
luke made mc not one, not two, but THREE rings over the course of his personal story route. the first one being a clover ring he gave her when they were kids (Luke's Blossom Chapter Personal Story 4), the second being ruby ring he made but this time during his NSB days and it was this ring that he held onto during the operation which saved his life after that disastrous mission that killed everybody but him (Luke's Blossom Chapter Personal Story 2), and then the engagement ring he gives mc when he proposes (SSR Orange Scent)
luke regularly wakes up at 5:30am on a normal work day (A Day With Luke Pearce official art)
while we see many instances of luke's physical strength, mostly in combat, we also see his strength in the instance he is strong enough to pry open a metal fence with his bare hands (Symphony Of The Night Event Story) (extra note: this is probably my favorite because 1) it's underrated and not as known since it was shown in a rather early event story that later players didnt get to experience and 2) it's so fucking unhinged and uncalled for even with context. why did he do that. he didnt have to. hes insane. i love him)
luke learned how to skateboard while in the NSB, and he learned from one of his NSB instructors (SSR Through The Heavens) (extra note: this is probably a 2nd favorite because it'S SO SURREAL TO ME???? so when he has a break from the DARK SECRET AGENT STUFF and being like fuckin JAMES BOND, he goes out to do some SICK WHEELIES with his instructor like. what. help)
in the Visit Function when you play Old Maid, luke is the ONLY ONE among the nxx boys who acquires LESS affection when he LOSES against the player, whereas the other boys receive either equal amounts of affection or more affection when the player wins (ToT Wiki's Page On Visit, Old Maid) (extra note: this is probably my 3rd favorite because it's so funny. all the other boys like "yayyy congrats mc for winning the game ^u^" meanwhile luke is a SORE LOSER who HATES LOSING and MUST WIN)
i hope these facts are amenable....
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laxmiree · 3 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien - Rebirth Date - English Translation [1/3]
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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No Man's Land Solo SSR Event | Rebirth Date Part 1 (You're here) | Date Part 2 | Date Part 3 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Blood and pus soak through the tattered sheets. Their entire body is rotting, leaving only a grotesque face that still faintly resembles a human being.
"You have already done very well."
Lucien's calm voice is particularly eerie amidst the wailing as he gently comforts the person and changes the bandages covering him.
The man's pleas and wails seem to be separated from him by some barrier. He just smiles and injects another dose of medication.
Translation under the cut!
This guy somewhat sounds hotter when he says the most unhinged things help🤪 Also! 10/10 bgm choice lololol.
—[Part 1]—
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MC: I've arrived at Basement Level 2.
In the darkness, the scent of decay spreads around. I struggle to carry the lantern down the stairs and cautiously press the black box in my hand.
It's as if there's an invisible flame in the air, making it hard for me to breathe. My skin also feels a faint burning pain.
??(Lucien): [talking through the transmitter] It took 36 minutes longer than expected. How is your physical condition now?
MC: A bit hot and stuffy... my whole body still feels a bit sore.
??(Lucien): Is the pain severe?
MC: It's okay. I can still bear it.
I enunciate each word slowly*. After a moment of silence, I hear the other person speak again.
??(Lucien): Then let's continue.
??(Lucien): In front of you is a corridor. The path should be relatively smooth.
??(Lucien): Follow the stairs to the left and try to see if you can open the third room. There should be a cabinet inside.
Per his instructions, I successfully feel my way to the room he mentioned and even luckily push the door open directly.
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As I enter the room, I am greeted by a wave of dust that has been undisturbed for a long time. Torn and tattered papers lie scattered across the floor, their contents illegible.
I brush away the moldy air in front of me; the room is even larger than I imagined, and after feeling around for a long time, I finally see a huge cabinet.
The rusty cabinet door is already a bit twisted. When I finally pry it open, I find neatly stacked thick notebooks.
I curiously pull out a book. The pages are already yellowed, but the text remains clear.
MC: In 1973... the 19th experimental report on the 'Simulation of Radiation from the 1917 Comet'**...
MC: In 1995... the 42nd experimental report on the 'Evol Energy Core'...
Various complex numbers and figures are recorded sequentially according to time. I browse through them blankly, completely unable to understand what they mean.
??(Lucien): Is this lady encountering some trouble?
MC: Not really. However, this cabinet is more extensive than I imagined, and there is a lot of information inside.
MC: It feels like I can't take everything out at once.
??(Lucien): It's okay. Each booklet should have a numerical label. Let's start with the important ones first.
As he speaks, he reports a few numbers.
MC: ...1974, 1981, 1995... Alright, I've got them all.
MC: By the way, I just found many tables in the room I passed by.
MC: There are lots and lots of pressable and rotatable... buttons? There are also some mysterious shapes on the wall that I can't quite understand.
MC: Do you know what they are?
The person opposite the black box also seems stunned and falls silent.
??(Lucien): Is that table slightly curved, and are the structures on the wall mainly dot-shaped and block-shaped?
MC: That's right!
??(Lucien): [chuckles then sighs] I didn't expect... such things would still be left behind.
He seems to smile as he lets out a long sigh, with a particular indescribable itch to try.
??(Lucien): Today's gains have completely exceeded expectations. Thank you for your hard work. Let's get ready to return.
I walk alone through the ruins corroded by decay.
I thought I had long been accustomed to facing the scent of death, but when I see a familiar yet blurry figure in the desolation, my steps involuntarily quicken.
As the sharp alarm sounds, his figure becomes increasingly clear.
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I stand still from a distance, looking back at that smile-filled gaze.
MC: [happily] Lucien, why are you here again! Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the safe house?
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Lucien: I wanted to go for a walk, but as I walked farther, I felt a bit scared being alone. It would be more reassuring to have someone accompany me.
Lucien: I'm very happy to have waited for you.
I know this is just his excuse, but I am equally happy not to expose him.
I skillfully put on the isolation*** suit Lucien specially made for me not far away and walked up to him.
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MC: A certain someone really pushes their luck, making one person do multiple tasks. Not only do I have to help with research, but I also have to run errands.
Lucien: They are indeed pushing their luck, so I suggest you ask for more compensation from him.
MC: [smiles softly] Then I will make him help me deal with all kinds of troubles.
Lucien: I think... he would be more than willing to do such things.
As we chat casually and leisurely, the safe house appears before us.
I habitually walk into the house, descend the stairs, pass through layers of iron doors, and remove my isolation suit in front of the last iron door.
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As the door closes, a dazzling light suddenly pierces through the darkness.
I fall into a momentary daze, vaguely hearing distant and cold voices.
??(Not Lucien, distant voice from the past): "Increase the dosage... the data is showing significant fluctuations…"
A sense of phantom pain surges through my entire body as if a black tide is rolling in.
Lucien: MC.
Lucien's voice comes through the speaker.
Lucien: Our experiment No. 0625 is about to start. Are you ready?
I take a deep breath and lift my head with a determined gaze.
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MC: I'm ready.
*: The phrase '一字一句地' (yī zì yī jù de) literally means 'word by word' or 'one word at a time, one sentence at a time.' This indicates that MC replies to Lucien's question about pain very carefully and deliberately, paying attention to each individual word. It implies that the pain feels severe to her, but because she doesn’t want Lucien to worry, she downplays it by telling him that she can still bear it. A brief silence follows as Lucien understands the implication of her careful answer. Perhaps he is sighing and calling her a little fool in his heart :'D
**: Not sure if it's the same comet since this one date is set in AU (it might just be a reference), but the x1917 Comet is the one that threatens to destroy the world at the end of S1 (and mid-S2) right at 19:17. This reminds me of a theory that the Queen acts as a magnet for the comet🤧. I think on this date, MC has a similar situation where she is having radiation that can bring death to others.
***: '隔离服' in this context means 'isolation suit', which is different from the 'protective suit' that Lucien wears. It's related to her power, and she's deathly to others because she somehow absorbs the radiation and radiates it back to them. MC wears the suit to protect others from the radiation in her body.
—[Part 2]—
Today's experiment doesn't seem to yield any results.
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I secretly observed his calm face and silently drew a conclusion in my mind.
Upon careful reflection, I realize that in the past six months, I have hardly ever seen any signs of frustration on Lucien's face, nor has he ever caused me as much pain as those madmen from the past.
Therefore, although I cannot fully trust researchers like him, I can still achieve long-term cooperation with him.
Lucien quickly organizes today's data and then opens another set of records and a map.
Lucien: Yesterday's radiation tide has intensified the radiation in Zone X. The personnel in these areas need to be relocated soon.
MC: [worriedly] ...The heavily contaminated radiation zone is getting larger and larger. Will the entire Zone X eventually be…
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Lucien: There is such a trend, but the changes in the world always exceed our imagination.
Lucien: Many areas in Zone X are still only mildly contaminated, so there's no need to be too pessimistic yet.
Facing my worries, he gives a reassuring smile.
Lucien: However, time is indeed running a bit tight.
MC: [worriedly] Do you want to move to a safer place first?
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Lucien: My research on the books and materials in this building is not yet finished, and the equipment and samples are also here.
MC: ...Are these things more important than human beings?
Lucien doesn't answer me. He just smiles, puts on the protective gear, and picks up the organized boxes.
Lucien: Let's go. Let's take a look at the city.
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The city's ruins have been eroded by rain, snow, and frost, leaving only moss and weeds freely spreading throughout.
The world wears down this desolate land in different ways, but it has never listened to everyone's prayers and pleas.
Lucien and I skillfully turn into an alley, pass through an almost completely unshielded door, and see a weak middle-aged man inside the dilapidated house.
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Lucien: [gently] How are you doing today?
Middle-aged man: ...Doctor, you're here... my whole body still hurts... but I feel much better…
Lucien: Don't worry, that's the normal effect of the medication. You'll feel more comfortable tomorrow.
As Lucien speaks, he injects medication into the middle-aged man's arm and hands him a packet of medicine.
Lucien: Just like I told you before, once a day.
Middle-aged Man: Alright... Thank you very much…
Lucien develops all those medications himself. I don't know how he manages to create these in such a ruined world, but he somehow does.
It's as enigmatic as 'radiation'.
No one knew what it was before; everyone only knew that approaching certain places would cause inexplicable pain and death.
Some called it a 'curse', some called it a 'colorless beast', and others said such places were 'God's slaughterhouse'.
Even though I had been with it for many years, no one ever told me what it really was.
I will always remember when I saw Lucien again after we had agreed to work together; he took out a notebook and started drawing for me.
=Flashback Start=
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Lucien: It is called 'radiation.' It is the form of energy that moves as waves or subatomic particles, radiating outward in straight lines from the radiation source in all directions.
Lucien: Based on its energy level and ability to ionize substances, we generally classify it as 'ionizing radiation' and 'non-ionizing radiation.'
MC: ...I don't understand. Why does it make people die?
Lucien: You can temporarily imagine it as countless bullets, too small for you to see, being shot at you.
Lucien: They break everything inside your body, preventing your blood from regenerating and your heart from continuing to beat.
Lucien told me that this is 'knowledge'.
MC: If I still want to ask 'why', is that also an effect of 'radiation'?
His smile deepened, and in those deep, mysterious eyes, I seemed to see countless emotions that I couldn't understand.
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Lucien: This is 'curiosity'.
Lucien: It has nothing to do with 'radiation'. It belongs only to you and is the first step towards the world and yourself.
=Flashback End=
After noting down some things, Lucien takes me to meet many people.
They are either weak or healthy; some undergo drastic changes overnight, while others are lucky enough to regain their vitality.
I never understood why there were still people in the contaminated areas. Despite fearing death, they still chose to set foot on this gloomy land.
Later, following Lucien, I gradually understood that there are always many people in this world.
There will always be those with nowhere to go, those who yearn for death, those at their wit's end, those longing to return to their hometown, and those who refuse to believe.
And Lucien… he records and treats each of them according to their situations. Seeing their admiring gazes, I silently avert my eyes.
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Man: City Lord... I beg you... please kill... me…!
In the last visited hut, blood and pus soak through the tattered sheets. Their entire body is rotting, leaving only a grotesque face that still faintly resembles a human being.
People call such individuals 'living corpses'. They seem to be alive but are also dying.
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Lucien: [gently] You have already done very well.
Lucien: We still have opportunities, and you will undoubtedly have many possibilities.
Lucien's calm voice is particularly eerie amidst the wailing as he gently comforts the person and changes the bandages covering him.
The clear liquid flows through the needle into the vein, while the glowing instrument continuously shines. Lucien observes and records simultaneously.
The man's pleas and wails seem to be separated from him by some barrier. He just smiles and injects another dose of medication.
Lucien: Only by living can you reach the future. Your life is still very important.
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As we step out of the building amid the wailing, the gentle and brilliant light shines down as always, but I feel incredibly cold.
A little child runs over with a tattered book and stands beside Lucien.
Little Boy: Teacher, how should this character be pronounced?
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Lucien: [chuckles gently] Let me take a look.
He squats down, looks at the spot the little boy is pointing to, and teaches him word by word.
Suddenly, the wailing behind us stops.
I instinctively turn my head, but the glaring sunlight blurs my vision.
Lucien: [murmurs quietly] Is the dosage still not right…
Faintly, Lucien's voice seems to come through.
When I turn to the side again, I see him with his hand on his chin, lost in thought, then he continues talking to the child.
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I gaze at him deeply, feeling that sometimes this man has a kind of calmness that is terrifying.
On the way back, I remain silent. When death arrives, it always easily strips me of all words and emotions.
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Lucien: MC, are you feeling sad?
Lucien's question shatters the silence. I ponder it for a long moment, then nod slowly.
Lucien: [sighs then speaks] Do you think death is the end?
I don't know why he would ask this. Looking at the blood-red dusk outside the window, many faces that I have only seen once and never again flash through my mind.
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MC: When a person dies, they are just dead, and there is nothing left.
Next Part=> [Click Here]
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bedlamsbard · 4 months
Hello (almost doctor?!) bard! Hope the tail end of the school year is going okay. I have a plot choices question about Of Home Near, which I just binge read and totally fell in love with. What lead to your choice to leave Bucky and Sam unsnapped? It was done so naturally and it felt like it fit in the narrative so well I had to blink and remind myself that it was canon divergent.
Thank you! I'm into summer semester now, which had darn well better be my last semester.
I don't remember exactly when I decided that Bucky and Sam weren't going to be snapped -- I think Bucky, Sam, and Yelena are the big three that don't get snapped in Home but do get snapped in canon. Part of it is the randomness factor; Steve and Natasha don't get snapped in canon, but in Home they're not even there to be snapped, which changes the number of people who can possibly get snapped. *handwave* So that's the internal logic of why Bucky, Sam, and Yelena are still around in Home but not in canon. (Horizon, which is also an IW AU, has similar internal logic for why characters who are snapped in canon don't get snapped in that fic: the divergence means that there are different people around and in theory the Snap is ~random. Which is also the reason that there are different people snapped/unsnapped in Home, Horizon, and canon -- i.e., Thor gets snapped in Horizon/Yonder but is still around in Home, Alexei is snapped in Home but is still around in Horizon.)
For Bucky and Sam specifically, I don't remember when I made that decision but I think it was very, very early on, possibly even before I started writing. Part of it is just so Steve's life isn't so god damn miserable; the Snap is bad enough as it is. But it's also to balance out the characters in the 1945 timeline: Bucky isn't there in 1945 even though the rest of the Howlies and SSR are, but he is there in 2018. There was never going to be a 1945 Bucky/Winter Soldier in this story. That was never an option; that empty space always had to be there. There was a lot of speculation in the comments right up until Chapter 13 about when the Winter Soldier would appear and it was making me pretty unhinged, since from my POV it could not be more clear that this was not a Save Bucky fic. He was always, always going to be the ghost in the room in 1945.
I knew that Steve and Natasha were always going to make it back to 2018, though the earliest I think I started saying so was in July 2023, since I do talk a lot about my WIPs and I was trying to stay vague about the outcome until then.
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To some extent Sam and Bucky survive the Snap for the comedy factor after the return to 2018; it wouldn't have quite the same effect with any of the canonical survivors. Though you'll note the actual reunion goes differently than this! Also yeah the ENTIRE reason that Tony is there in the 2018 sequence is for the comedy factor. That is also the entire reason the Howard/Steve kiss actually made it into the story. I do stuff because I think it's funny and then I add the emotions in once I actually start writing.
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I also thought Bucky and Steve having reverse experiences in 1945 and 2018 was funny, tbh. Steve's got the "I would like to not be brainwashed by the USSR" problem and Bucky is speedrunning Steve's usual Avengers problems.
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More seriously, part of Bucky and Sam's survival is just so that Steve's team is there in 2018 as well as in 1945 in a way that they really aren't in canon, since the Avengers seem to fall apart after the Endgame prologue -- it's part of the reason Clint shows up at the compound (which he doesn't do in canon). Yelena (and to some extent Clint) is there to balance that out for Natasha, as well as to provide a mirror for the 21st century Red Room vs. the mid-century Department X.
There is another, more practical reason, which is: seeing Bucky in 2018 is an instant "oh SHIT" for the 1945 gang. As soon as he turns up in the time window, that's a clue that there was weird stuff going on that Steve's only began to touch on. And it's also to give Bucky closure on leaving the Howlies and the SSR -- he was ripped away from them as much as Steve was, but I feel like I never see that touched on in the fandom, so he gets some of it back.
This is more about Bucky than it is about Sam; part of that is because I didn't want to snap one and not the other and because Bucky's the one who's more relevant to this particular part of Steve's narrative, the reasoning is more about him than about Sam. But like -- that's Steve's team. They have to be there in 2018, just like the Howlies are there in 1945.
(I do think that because I didn't snap anyone in Home who didn't also get snapped in canon that there are too many Avengers survivors, especially because I have Clint and Yelena show up at the compound, but I also didn't want to snap anyone who survived canonically. And it ended up being most of Team Cap, minus Wanda, so it does end up feeling unbalanced, but I didn't want to kill anyone else off.)
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lunerna21 · 2 years
Let me tell you, the moment it was released in JP I was actively checking Twitter for updates and AND I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR WHAT WE WITNESSED
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…..On a happier note, I loved how Ace and Deuce are both always looking out for us, AND IT JUST FUELS MY LOVE FOR THEM 🥰❤️
And Sebek just being a little shit and not wanting to become friends with us “humans”. Sebek doesn’t pull his punches about how he feels 😂
……….Then Malleus suddenly thought of a perfect “gift” and going absolutely crazy with keeping everyone happy and without pain….
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………….And then we’re gifted with Malleus’s overblot form finally……
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And as I’m making this post, WE GET THIS TEASER FOR MALLEUS’S SSR CARD
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crystallizsch · 6 months
Hello Ian! ♡
I hope you're doing well! ♡
I saw the Twst ask game you reblogged, and I was wondering if I could ask questions 11 and 12 please!
Thank you! ♡
hi hi sheep!! :DD thank you! i hope you're doing well too!! 💕 and thank you so much for the ask as well!
(also i know the questions didn't need me to explain why but i wanted to hdlsjflk i kinda rambled)
━━━━━━✦ 11. Favorite character from each dorm?
Heartslabyul: Riddle augh i love riddle his ob flashback really hit hard for being the first one was sobbing at it bc it hit a bit close to home 😭 and it doesn't help that the VAs are really good too so their lines just REALLY HIT other than that i just love his entire alice-in-wonderland queen-of-hearts aesthetic! i think his design is just very pretty
Savanaclaw: Leona other than heehee hoohoo pretty lion man i kind of relate to him as well??? he has this "i give up, what's the point" attitude but at the same time i believe there's still something at the back of his mind that still wants and believes there's "hope" of being something more that's just how i interpret his character tbh bro also seems to have a soft spot for the first years (jack and epel specifically i believe) and i think that's cute
Octavinelle: Jade i honestly just like the idea that he might be more insane than floyd but people assume he's the more reserved twin because of how he carries himself
Scarabia: Jamil *looks at entire blog* sigh i ;;; i cant, i cannot write an essay -
Pomefiore: Vil i saw that the EN version apparently assassinated his character??? but idk i really like him because from what i see, vil sees the potential in everyone and he doesn't like it when people don't try to be their best self and people assume that he's really confident and thinks highly of himself but even HE knows he's not perfect (which is like the whole conflict in book 5 i think) but anyways uhhh vil pretty man he's pretty
Ignihyde: Ortho ortho my baby boy he's just really cute .w. he's just as unhinged as his brother tbh ortho is just more innocent in a sense
Diasomnia: Silver aurora was like my favorite disney princess as a kid and silver is just ough so sweet ;;; it doesn't help that i got his ssr during his showcase and i fell in love with his vignette and his part in book 7??? I'm 😭 he's honestly so cute and HIS EYES??? so pretty
━━━━━━✦ 12. Least favorite character from each dorm?
Heartslabyul: Trey i just don't feel too strongly about trey in general ;;; and out of the five i think he's the most uninteresting one to me??? i do like his dynamic with riddle but by himself ;;; he's just a guy 🧍
Savanaclaw: Jack he's also just a guy to me 🧍🧍🧍
Octavinelle: Floyd to be honest my feelings about the octatrio are pretty neutral so in terms of favorites they're all on the same level ;;; but to explain, i chose floyd because i kind of disliked him in the beginning but i learned to appreciate his character more until he's in the same level as azul and jade
Scarabia: Kalim KALIM IS LIKE A CLOSE SECOND TO JAMIL IN TERMS OF FAVORITE and considering they're just two people i really have no other choice - kalim ;;; my beloved sunshine boy it's weird labeling you as least favorite scarabia character
Pomefiore: Rook rook is another level of UNHINGED omg i like seeing how others interpret him though, it's so funny amping up his stalkerish behavior, which is the thing that really puts me off about him but i do like that he sees the beauty in everything that's like the only redeeming quality i can think of for him hfdksjfldj
Ignihyde: Idia another instance of having no other choice because it's only two characters in the dorm 😭 the only reason i chose him here is because i disliked idia at first because of his ;;; tendencies in general but he's kinda grown on me recently especially after book 6
Diasomnia: Sebek i have ;;; mixed feelings about sebek tbh didn't like him at first but book 7 and interpretations of him had me thinking a bit differently i think i just like him in the context of the rest of the diasomnia cast ;;;
━━━━━━✦ (ask game here! feel free to send me more!)
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TWST Ask Game!!
2. Who is on your homescreen?
8. Is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
24. Which character(s) would you get along with the most?
oooohh thank you so much for the ask!!
2. who is on your homescreen?
it’s this stray cat that keeps showing up at my house
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(i was about to take a screenshot of my homescreen but today’s ortho’s birthday, so i had to use a slightly dated one but it’s still like this jshsh)
8. is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
this one is completely out of character, but it’s vil!! i have three vil ssr cards and literally only pulled for one of them intentionally (not that i’m complaining ofc, i love him)
i pulled for his birthday bloom ofc but dorm uniform came home when i went for beans floyd (right after pulling beans rook… i see you) and when i was pulling for halloween jade he made me go to 97 pity i spent three more keys and got vampire vil for my 100 key guaranteed
this worked out really well for me though bc my earliest ssrs were dorm leona and beans floyd who both have duo magic with vil (and dorm vil has his duo with leona), and they’ve established themselves as my go-to-squad
24. which character(s) would you get along with the most?
hmm that’s an interesting question and i don’t have a definitive answer for it, since i think it really depends on how i’d meet them; i think i’m the kind of person that can easily bounce off other people’s energy, even if i’m more introverted by nature, so i can be totally chill or super unhinged depending on what the other person is giving (they just have to approach me first though i’m getting better at going up to people)
ace & deuce are like your typical friend duo, they’d bully you to hell and back but if someone else would talk negatively about you or you’d find yourself in a bind they’d have your back. i can vibe with that, though when they’re about to do sth dumb, i’m wishing them good luck getting expelled while i stay home and drink coffee
trey would probably see more of me when i ask to use heartslabyul’s kitchen and i think he’s easy to get along with. sure he has a mischievous side but i can handle and reciprocate that
everyone gets along with kalim right? like in general the pop music club seem like so much fun, though they might burn through my social battery very fast
i’d try to learn as much from vil as i can and i think (or i hope) he can respect that. my personal hc is that, when whisked away from my life here without any hair and skin care products, i’d immediately turn to him and he’d help bc he sees someone who genuinely wants to improve (“pls help, i don’t know any of these ingredients and our skincare doesn’t have magic in it and also my phone is dead” energy)
ortho is cheery and outgoing enough to strike up a conversation, which immediately increases the chances of befriending each other + he’s just so cute, i’d get along with him well (especially when talking about video games)
i think silver is easy enough to get along with too, sure he nods off and has a resting bitch face but he’s a gentleman at heart and his personality doesn’t have too many edges to get cut on
honourable mention for jade bc i’d tag along on his hikes once to have some feeling of normality and i suddenly find myself in the graces of an unlikely friendship
me, a writer: hypothetically speaking, how long would it take someone to bleed out from a bite wound like that?
jade, smiling as usual: well that entirely depends on where the wound is and what organs or veins it punctures
(floyd, popping his head in: i can find out an exact time for you)
i want to befriend all of them ofc since my days would never be boring again but i understand that realistically i would not walk up to leona to start a conversation and i know that ruggie would only be interested in stealing my wallet (that only has money he can’t use). i’d develop a crush on jamil and the chances of us talking to each other drop below 0
twst ask game
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saltprince · 5 months
Do you have a favorite Sandalphon unit? Or does it depend on the job you want him to do?
I need you to know I got this ask late at night and spent like 2 hours figuring out how to answer this before deciding I should go to bed instead of looking like the conspiracy theorist with a wall of print-outs and red threads at 4AM
Talking about favorite characters or units is. Genuinely so hard because I throw myself into a massive rabbit hole. Does it depend on the fight? The lore? The art? Fate episodes? Voice lines? Skills? Full auto? Release? Utility? Synergy? Meta? I'm 100% insane for this but there are too many things to consider here--
Short answer: All of them. Don't make me choose. For as much as I lean into meta there is one man who will make me go monkey regardless of meta. Job doesn't matter when I'll GIVE him a job to do. Though it is easier when his kit is either versatile/specialized or good for full auto/hard content. Either ones of those I'll make work in a heartbeat.
Long and unhinged answer under the cut.
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Light Sandalphon (Event): The OG. The reason I went insane. Did you know he's actually surprisingly usable especially after his rebalance? Hit kit is fun but slightly outdated, symbolic of who he was and grew to be. This one gets bonus points for the lore (every uncap art shows a part of his joruney) and the voice lines, as you can have him be a rat for this one still. Base art and final uncap art go hard. First ringed character.
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Light Sandalphon (Grand): A followup to his event SSR tbh. I get what they're going for in terms of art but it looks too soft compared to his other alts, which bothers me. It does look like a painting which fits the vibe of his lore. Voice lines sound slightly off to me, but I'm insane for this when the content itself is delicious. Kit is strong and satisfying, building on what his event ssr has except modern and miles better. Damage numbers are fun as hell. Can be slotted in the front but is always solid even in the back, which I'm eternally grateful for. Only cost me half a spark, which is nice of him.
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Earth Sandalphon (Grand): A+ lore. Absolute rat. Insane voice lines. Love how unhinged he is. Cygames was insane for giving him to us in the end. Extremely usable for off-element raids, but not that great outside of that. He was on my gold brick farming team for a good while. Not so much fan of the posing for these arts. Does come with his ratty OG dialogue arts, which is a bonus. Base art is nice. He may be evil but he also only cost me half a spark.
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Water Sandalphon (Summer): I went insane for him on release. Love his outfit, but didn't like the posing for this. The bonus art I love but looks too blue next to the rest of the team, which bugs me. Still great piece though. Voice lines are fine. Kit... actually kept me from using him. I used him at first and designed around him, but his kit is not great on full auto, since his buff skill isn't supposed to activate first. Thinking about it I'm going to bring him back now out of spite. If I can click Fediel's field, I can also click his sk1. Fun fact about this one: I had to wait a full year to get him because initially i only had 290/300 spark rolls. Next year he came home in 10 rolls. So technically a full spark over 1 year. I spent the remaining spark on summer Lucio to spite him for doing this to me. Have hardly used Lucio ever since then.
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Wind Sandalphon (Valentine): Quite possibly my favorite outfit for him, he looks comfy and the style and colors remind me of the Eternals, which is a huge plus. Kit has a bit of everything, it's not as stacked as his Light Grand but in turn has major support options. He's on my endgame team for super ultimate bahamut. I find that he usually offers at least some things I need, so I make a point of building around him to utilize his full kit. Voice lines are fine, though I miss his bratty attitude. I think this one has a nice balance. Like his water ssr, he talks about coffee... and treats that pair well with coffee, and coffee breaks, which I appreciate a lot. He's nerding on main. Does great on full auto as well, since he helps keep the team alive. Got him right before the spark was done, and had a spark prepared specifically for him in case he would get a Valentine's alt.
I think this version of him his my current favorite, though his event ssr and earth ssr are close for their voice lines and lore alone.
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OH MAN OH BOY 👁️ 👄 👁️
Consider this post the sequel to my unhinged gushing over the Tsumsted Wonderland Riddle and Leona cards 🤡
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Like the previous two Tsumsted Wonderland SSR Groovies, the Azul and Kalim uncap artworks are references to the short animation that plays out whenever Tsum!Azul and Tsum!Kalim's abilities are used in the TsumTsum mobile game. They translated over really well to TWST, but there are also just enough new elements to make the illustrations stand out on their own and be representative of each respective dorm!!
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ADBHAFSUFYOAVADFI I LIKE HOW AZUL'S GROOVY IS SO FUCKING AFSNHBHIASDOBIYSABI OVERDRAMATIC?????? It makes me think about all the crocodile tears they shed, especially during episode 4. FWJvskudgyoDWBWIdb OBVIOUSLYT I'AMDS BIASED TOWARSD ATH i S ONE OVER THE TSUM!KALIM onE , SORRY nOT SORRYB ASMD KALIM You can see from the background that they appear to be standing at the top of a stairwell and that the angle is a slight worm's eye view; Azul is also framed in a theatrical spotlight (similar to how he was spotlighted in episode 3 when he introduced himself as 220 students' new "master"). The twins, his beloved minions, on either side of him, shrouded in the shadows. Even the bubbles floating up appear ominous in the dim lighting, so high in volume that it gives the impression of franticness, like someone's been kicking and thrashing about, struggling in the water... until Octainvelle approaches. Everything about this image is such that you, the onlooker, is being forced to look "up" to them as your "saviors". Azul seemingly points right at you, a confident expression on his face--almost like he's calling you out specifically, daring you to approach him with your woes and wishes. AGVSVIUtaidsOVASD thE n THER'S E HIS TSUM JUST. BOUNC IN' ON DOWN WITH THE LITTLE HAT 😭Floyd regards you with barely a care in the world, tossing his magical pen up into the air before he catches it again, waiting for the order to close in on his target. And then Jade... YLDDlvhvyldQTF376324O8QERVUOQEFOYQFWOY He's on standby also waiting orders (and probably also just “standing by” in the sense of enabling his brother) but. 🤡 Unlike Floyd’s very open posture, Jade's keeping his own magical pen close, just like he keeps all of his metaphorical playing cards close to his heart. The magestone embedded in his magical pen is pressed to his lips, sealing the secrets within with lies. A ABSHJFAHAFLifI GoD I WANNA BE THAT MAGAICAL PENa SO DC BAD A NMRIGH TNoW 3yug41go8ayofoqegfyofyg2tdafogfadpbadfbfeyqcbaiyoidf OTL
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Kalim's Groovy is also framed from a slight worm's eye view angle, but it creates a very different atmosphere! It feels more jubilant, like they're pulling off one last, big stunt to close off a night of partying and merrymaking. (The background here reminds me of the closing scene to Aladdin!) Are you ready? 1, 2, 3...!! And then the dark desert skies are born anew, bathed in the warm lights of fireworks popping off, fiery flowers blooming between the diamond-like stars. At that moment, Tsum!Kalim excitedly leaps up. Its rotund body is painted in shades of crimson and gold--as though Tsum!Kalim was the sun itself, come to pay a visit to the moon. Scarabia's dorm building and all the palm trees around you become nothing more than shadows, and you're taken in by the explosions above, sound and light rippling through the night. But the party's not over yet, the Scarabia duo reassure you. Come on, let's sing! Let's dance! The night is still young. Kalim may be holding his special staff in the Groovy art, but it doesn't really make him seem more authoritative or serious. It feels like he's just dropped an easy-going command to try some crackers or to join him for a dance! By contrast, Jamil kind of already looks like he's mid-dance 😂 with a leg lifted up and the fabric at his waist flowing out. With his magical pen pointed up like that, it gives the impression that Jamil set off the fireworks?? Which makes me think back to the Scalding Sands Fireworks event, when he had a very similar honor. ABHLDbkfvuoafvqeou1357968o2rb BY THE WAY IF YOU LOOK CLOSe3l y JAMIL'S DOING HIS INFAMOIUS TONGUE BLEP TOO qnisqtiyfetqfqvioad S NE V Er CHANGE, JAMIL. NEVER FUCKING CHANGE. THE TSUMSTED WONDERLAND SSR GROOVIES ARE TRULY UNMATCHED 😩 THIS IS THE HILL I WILL DIE ON, MY MIND CANNOT BE CHANGED. MY ASKN I N IS CLEAR, MY CROSPS HAVE BEE N WATERED, ALL IS RIGHT Wi TH THE WORLD and yes, I still want to chew up the Tsums and become one with their marshmallow-like cuteness--
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
[bingo link!]
actually. using a readmore bc there are Five Character Bingos and i like to talk under all of them LOL
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[TWO BINGOS i forgot to cross them tho lol] thats my baby son BOY!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS HES MY BABYYYYY!!!!! riddle was one of the first characters i told my partner about when i was trying to explain twst to him and we very often refer to it as Riddle Game jfksjkfl. for my birthday and stuff sometimes my partner gets me riddle themed things - i have a riddle little guy hanging on the wall and my partner found his union bday jacket patches that i bought a jacket to go with and im... EVENTUALLY going to sew them on so ill have a RIDDLE JACKET [rn theyre pinned to it i just have to take my damn sewing machine out and DO IT!!!!] i love him DEEPLY and i relate to him on . some personal levels. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT but he is my special little boy with so many problems but he has also GROWN and i AM SO PROUD OF HIM AND WHWUWHFEHHRGH hes made FRIENDS 😭😭😭😭😭 hes such a wild little firecracker and I can and will talk about riddle FOREVER. forcibly cutting myself OFF bc we have MORE CHARACTERS to go!!!
also i think riddle probably needs a hug and would benefit greatly from it but would also Not Be Adjusted to hugs you must be GENTLE with your approach or he will BITE!!!
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this made me realize hes actually probably one of the more well adjusted characters in twst jfkldjsfklds hes a good boy!!! he loves his mom and his mom loves him!!! hes doing his best!! he loves his friends even if sometimes hes shy about it lol!!!! i didnt circle the therapy one even tho tbh i feel like everyone in twst could deeply benefit from it i jsut jklfdsj feel like that square is reserved for the more Severe Cases of Needing Issues Sorted jlkdsfkld. and obviously i want him to be happy but i feel like he mostly already is!!! anyway. my absolute baby of boys. i think i have the most SSRs of him than any other character in my game kfjsdjklfj he was my first freebie ssr dorm card and i work at trying to get it uncapped as much as possible i want juice to be my STRONGEST BOY!!!!!! I LOVE HIM ID KILL FOR HIM THATS MY SON!!!! ill marry his mom if thats what it takes to Make Him My Son For Real fjsdkfjklefjskldjflJKLSDJKKFLJSDKLFJ
moving ON!!!!
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[TWO BINGOS AGAIN] caycay is both FUN IN THE SUN but also. melancholic enigma. hes got some Issues going on below the surface that's like blink and u miss it since it's mostly only breadcrumbed in a few side stories but enough to make us like HEY whats going ON over there!!! but not too much to have me be like HORRIBLE SAD FOREVER BOY either. i think it's like. a mixed situation. but mysterious enough that we just dont know how far it goes. he's deeper than he seems and that's INTERESTING. but ALSO on the surface he IS a very fun goofy guy that loves his friends!!!!!! god i have very specific feelings about him and also. relate to him in certain ways Dont Worry About It but fjksdjlkfsd i love him. i want him to be happy. i have a Very Specific Way that i see his character and i turn into a rabid beast when i feel like people dont quite GET IT!!!! but sometimes thats a me problem LOL. other times tho. other times im like Did You Read The Same Game I Did Bc I Dont Think You Did RIDDLE AND CATER ARE FRIENDS IM GONNA BITE PEOPLE THAT THINK THEYRE NOT anyway. im very normal about cater diamond and his relationship to heartslabyul.
basket ball baby boy ACE:
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i feel like it doesnt come across as much bc outside of my screaming about heartslabyul as a Unit i dont really scream about ace by himself ksldfjs but i actually really love ace a lot LOL hes SUCH a funny little guy. definition of a rascal and a shithead JFKSLJFSJK but i love him actually. i think it took longer for me to like him at first bc hes kind of a bitch but i quickly realized "oh this is villain school for villains and Everyone Is A Bitch" LOL and it's so fun. love that for him. ace is a little bastard who loves to cheat and lie and it's so funny thinking about that just Being His Thing. im obsessed with how in book 3 they were like "we need to sneak our way into the museum" and im p sure ace was like "yea let me lie my way through distracting the guard you guys wouldnt stand a chance you need my lying powers" and hes RIGHT. but also i think hes a really good boy when it counts 😭 hes a BASTARD but he LOVES HIS FRIENDS. Like he and juice are SO ride or die with the main character theyre the BESTIE TRIO + GRIMMY... THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! they took PUBLIC TRANSIT to come save MC when we called them in book 4 and then never answered again lkdfsjj and they were WORRIED when we vanished in book 6 + were up in arms about grim getting captured bc THATS OUR SILLY LITTLE CAT!!! and also in book 6 [many book 6 feelings SORRY a LOT happened in that book that ill never be over omg i love it so much] UM UM UM i love how when everyone is like "oh ill give my money to ramshackle!!" ace was like "well im not" LOL hes so funny. but like he was also really nice to juice i think 😭 like juice was feeling the moral dillema of "my mom and i could really use that money but i feel like i have to donate to my friends shitty dorm like everyone else" and ace was the one that told him like "dude dont worry about it you dont gotta be a hero. im keepin my money cuz i want cool shoes. ur fine." and like. it was silly but sweet 🥺 or like in fairy gala 2 when he went to go check on ortho..... sweet boy... ^ love that i rambled More about ace than the others im def more insane about fklsdkjfdlsjf ace is that sleeper character that Gets Me when im not expecting it LOL also i just dont talk about him as much so i didnt cut myself off immediately LOL i could def go longer about the others. forever.
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i also dont talk as extensively about trey but Love Him dearly. all the heartslabyul boys got that "if anything happens to them ill blow up" "id kill anyone who hurts them" and "id take a bullet for them" BC I LOVE HEARTSLABYUL SO MUCH!!!!!! THOSE ARE MY SILLY LITTLE GUYS!! trey is so funny to me. like he. whats with the teeth thing trey. jksdlfsd it's SO funny to me his hobby is brushing his teeth. there's at least one or two times i think it's mentioned where he checked ace and deuce's teeth bc like? ?? ? ? i think in one of his voice lines he said it's a habit from doing it with his little siblings [BIG BROTHER BEHAVIOR SO SWEET WAGHGHGHGHHH] and i think there's a card story where ace was trying to skip out and cut corners on the Teeth Ritual and trey was like Not On My Watch 🧍‍♂️ jkfjsdjf hes so funny. he literally went into fanboy mode in halloween 2 when he found out sebeks dad is dentist. he tries so hard to be seen as A Normal Guy and yet hes Like That. hes science club besties with resident freak ROOK HUNT [beloved i love u rook hunt]. his childhood friends are teapot tyrant riddle and wildcard catboy chenya. his other bestie is terminally online partyboy caycay. he loves stupidass little jokes and he + cater sometimes like to lightly terrorize the underclassmen for funsies skjfjklsjf. friendly boys with an Evil side jfkldsjkldskljf.
also. do not get me started on his friendships with riddle and cater. i can and will go insane about the three of them oh my god if i think about them too long i get emotional and we'll be here forever. theres so much complexity there but also i WILL bite anyone that tries to say cater and trey's friendship is all a lie + surface level only or that trey cares about riddle more ILL BITE ILL BITE ILL CHEW. yknow what i didnt circle the 10 hour speech about trey or ace but tbh i could. those two it would be more about them and their relationships with other characters but LISTEN TO ME i love heartslabyul. SO MUCH. they make me insane.
i got this ask earlier and i was like "no i will not have time to do this til im home later bc i WILL need to talk about them for 800 years. circling squares is not enough." jfkslfjsjdljf
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revasserium · 1 year
omg??? ur welcome! i'm glad u liked it!!!! and as much as it seems like i am on a zoro only kick lately, i am still playing tot every day LOL (gotta do my dailies!!!) and i'm still feral in collecting teardrops for whenever the next marius event/ssr comes around like literally..... this is Unhinged Behavior.
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera. I have a dilemma. Floyd's club card is most likely coming next month and I'm debating if I should try for that (even though he's not pity card) or aim for his birthday union jacket.
What about you? We have that, the twins bday, and Azul's masquerade coming up soon
Aaaa that really is a dilemma!! >_< I would say go for whichever you like and want the most. Personally, I like basketball Floyd just a little more because of how unhinged he looks in the groovy. He’s having such a fun time balling and also his club wear is so lovely to admire!! Also also, when he interacts with the basketball furniture in the guest room he looks so cute!!! :D
As for me, I’ve made it a rule to never summon for any of the tweels’ birthday cards, lest my wallet suffer tremendously. orz it’s impossible to get one eel without wanting the other. So for now I hope to get Floyd’s club card and, when he’s inevitably released, Jade’s club card (and hopefully Jade’s dorm SSR finally comes home at some point)!!! I’m also eagerly anticipating masquerade Azul!! >:D as of now these are my savings for Riddle’s birthday. I’m very excited to welcome him home (and also see his birthday broomquet)!
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