#unhinged posting hours
wickedcriminal · 1 year
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conretewings · 5 months
In a dream last night had some of the hottest most incredible passionate sex of my life but it wasn't even with one of my husbandos
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horreurscopes · 2 years
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ELEKTRA: I am the shape you made me. Filth teaches filth.
(prints)(process video & high res)
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notadecepticon · 6 months
Infinitely upset with the fact the mobile game has a different Jiang Cheng designs than any other adaptation. And I'm kinda in love with them for a few reasons... It's not really how I picture him in my head at all cause ive grown used to tight bun, sasuke bangs
but your telling me I could have had:
Bitchy High Ponytail Jiang Cheng a. I am a sucker for long hair (even if technically his og design is super long like everyone else, its just tied up tightly. tho points for it dramatically coming undone in the donghua) b. This man already swishes around dramatically enough with his whip and robes, imagine the added affect of a long ass ponytail. c. This gives him a visual parallel to Jin Ling's design which.... adorable. Copying his jiujiu.
Wears his Hair Exactly Like His Father Did Jiang Cheng a. Narratively fitting. Jiang Cheng trying to fit in to his role of sect leader before he was able to fully grow up into his own person. Emulating his father even in style, cause he never felt like he truly earned his approval as the heir to Yunmeng Jiang or as a leader which leads us to b. 🚨! Daddy Issues Alarm 🚨! Its just super funny to me. Im sorry, I don't make the rules c. I just think it looks good. Ponytail is my favorite but sect leader chic half-updo for formal occasions? Perfect look. For reference this is it
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bestagons · 4 months
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What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 4 + Familect (article)
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megamindsupremacy · 2 years
I think the Robins should have a “Robin for a Day”program. It starts with Tim after he gets fed up with the YJ team always complaining about how he acts.
Kon: Robin, you seriously need to loosen up a bit more. Chill, the whole world ain’t out to get ya
Tim, has not revealed his identity yet: This is what I’ve been trained to do. How about you spend a day with Batman, and then we’ll see who’s “paranoid”
Bart: bet
Tim somehow manages to manipulate convince Bruce that it is a good idea to let Bart be Robin for a night. Something something more training always better something something get him off my back please.
Bart goes out that night and wrecks Gotham’s shit
Tim is delighted by the efficiency. Bruce acknowledges that Bart was very useful and also is never allowed in Gotham again without explicit and detailed permission
And then the rest of YJ wants their turn. And it goes… well? They’re less rude about Tim’s Everything, at least. Dick hears about all of this going on and is like wait, my friends deserve a night too :( so the Titans and ex-Titans all get to run around with Batman for a night. Bruce treats them all just like he would Robin.
Eventually it’s like a rite of passage. You want to be a kid hero? Alright, I’m calling Batman ya little shit. Survive a night with him and then we’ll see how it goes.
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spineless-lobster · 1 month
Okay now you may continue
( @rowanisawriter I feel it’s only right that I tag you)
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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Ingo remembers some stuff and gets a new friend :]
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ms-skaterat · 10 months
Okay fine, Qrs Tuvwxyz fancam!
(this is your fault btw @foggydayinspace lol)
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malarkgirlypop · 29 days
MEDIC! Part 37 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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TW- Violence
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, not hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @imusicaddict, @b00ks1ut , @mstiemountainhop, @awaterfalls, @lovememadly92 @lucyfromtheoldhouse @blueberry-ovaries anyone else please let me know.
We picked two replacements up on the way to the checkpoint, the two young men got into the back and chatted to Grant and I along the way. 
Grant was showing off to the young men telling terrible jokes and long winded stories. The two soldiers stared blankly at him as he finished his latest joke. 
The joke didn’t land from the silence of the back seat, their confusion sent me into hysterics, soon the replacements joined in too, not really knowing what they were laughing at. 
I think the boys just wanted to impress Grant, him being their senior and all. They laughed politely even when they had no clue what was going on. The men just seemed to be happy to be spoken to. 
We hadn’t made it to the checkpoint just yet but for some reason Grant slowed the jeep. I cast my eyes forward focussing on the scene ahead of us. Other cars were scattered along the sides of the road, some blocking the path altogether. My brows furrowed as I looked over to Grant who wore the same expression. 
The car pulled to a stop parking the car in the middle of the road. He had left some space between the scene in front of us and the car. We both dismounted the car, Grant requesting the men in the backseat to stay put as we walked closer to the cars scattered across the road. 
“You should get back into the car Em.” Grant told me, not looking at me as he spoke. 
“I think there is safety in numbers.” I disagreed with his statement, I wasn’t going to sit in the car and potentially watch him walk alone into danger.  
My gut swirled and my skin tingled, something wasn’t right about this situation. 
We approached the cars, I swallowed my gasp as it rose in my throat. Lying on the ground were bodies, multiple people unmoving in pools of blood. I looked at Grant, concern lined his features as he took in the same information. 
I bent down, my fingers finding the inside of the neck of the man closest to me. He was cold to the touch with no sign of life under my fingertips. It seemed he had been here for quite some time, as I tried to pull his eyelids shut but rigour mortis had already set in. 
Grant watched me, I looked up to him to shake my head, a silent exchange. We hadn’t uttered a word to each other since we had gotten closer, as if the sound of our voices would disturb a monster lurking in the shadows. 
As if my thoughts had been said aloud, a man appeared from the darkness. Goosebumps rose on my skin and bile in my throat. The way he moved was unsettling, as if there weren’t bodies laying at our feet.   
I didn’t recognise the man, but he wore an American uniform, so he had to be one of ours. Grant gestured for me to come close to him, we had been on separate sides of the road. His hand was outstretched for mine. I rose from my position slowly trying not to spook the man now standing before us. 
My hand reached out for Grants as he took mine, he subtly pulled me behind him, stepping in front of me. My stomach churned, my breathing erratic. The voice inside my head called for me to drag Chuck back to the jeep and leave. But I stood silently, a pace behind Grant, still gripping his hand like a lifeline.  
“You ok man? Do you need some help?” Grant asked tentatively. His voice in the silent night made it seem as if he was yelling. I tried to even out my breaths. 
Grant’s question made the man stagger closer to us. I felt the blood drain from my face as my eyes focussed on the gun in his hand. The man laughed, smiling at us in the darkness. That action alone sent chills up my spine as the hairs on my neck stood on end. My grip grew even tighter on Chuck’s hand. I was silently begging him to leave with me. But instead he did the opposite, dropping my hand to my side. 
He glanced over his shoulder, a weary look on his face, he was trying to distance me from the man. I bit my tongue, but I couldn’t urge my feet to move forward. I was frozen watching Grant approach the man alone. 
“They wouldn’t give me any gas.” The man's slurs pulled our gazes from each other. We watched him cautiously like a wild animal, we had no idea what he was capable of.   
The drunk man motioned with the gun to the people who lay lifeless on the ground. I had only assumed, but his actions made it clear. He had killed them. This man was dangerous. 
“Krauts!” The man bent forward screaming at the dead man on the floor. I begged for my mouth to work, for my feet to work but all I could do was stand still watching in pure horror. My heartbeat fought to muffle all other sounds in my ears. Tears pricked my eyes, I didn’t care if they were Krauts he took their lives in cold blood, over gas.  
Grant moved forward. I whimpered silently. I willed him to stop with my eyes but he wasn’t looking at me, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of the soldier. He was inching closer to someone we couldn’t trust, who had killed over something as simple as gas. If we weren’t careful we could be on the receiving end of the weapon he carelessly flung about. 
The soldier stumbled away back to his jeep, turning his back on us. I finally willed my feet to move forward. The crunch of gravel underfoot seemed to be louder than bombs with each step I took. Grant must’ve felt the same way as his head snapped over his shoulder to look at me. He subtly shook his head, he was going to handle this. I was going to fight him over it but our second of refuge was soon shattered. 
Grant walked closer again to the man. I let the cry of protest die in my throat. 
“I tried to explain, this fucking limey wouldn’t listen. I think he was a Major.” The man’s words strung together in a long sentence as he again motioned to the man who was clearly dead. The man was an American Major, fuck. We’re fucked. 
“Hey private, we’ve got a problem here.” Grant spoke in an even tone. All I could do was watch, tears pricked in my eyes. We needed to get out of here, but we were already in too deep, there was no way out of this.  
“You got any gas?” The private asked with a vicious grin plastered on his face. He acted like Chuck hadn’t even spoken. 
“Why don’t you give me your weapon.” It wasn’t a question, Grant was going to take the gun off of the man whether he wanted him to or not. Chucked stepped forward, his hand outstretched readying to remove the weapon from the man himself. I stood still, my hands clasped together, I could feel my nails digging into my palms and the sheen of sweat that lined my brow.  
“I guess I’ll use his jeep, I-I don’t think he’s going to be needing it.” The man wandered away, back to the jeep the Major slumped beside. 
“Hold on a second there alright.” Grant yelled at the man, surging forward. It all happened too fast or too slow. I wasn’t sure. It all became a blur in the end. Grant’s actions caused the man to swing around from his journey back to the car, he raised his weapon with no hesitation. 
The shot rippled through the still night air. I watched the bullet leave from the gun, straight into Grant’s fucking head. With a sickening crack his head took the brunt of the force, his neck snapped to the side. Blood splattered as Grant crumpled to the ground. 
My screams pierced the air as I ran forward trying desperately to catch Chuck before he hit the ground, but I wasn’t fast enough. His dead weight crashing to the ground. 
I sobbed kneeling beside Grant as I took his torso into my lap. 
“Grant!” I wailed, his eyes rolled back in his head as his breathing became shallow. I pressed my hand to the injury trying to stop the bleeding but his blood seeped between my fingers and onto my pants.   
I couldn’t hear anything over my sobs. I didn’t know if the replacements had seen what happened or if they were calling for help. I didn’t even know where the man had gone. 
Turns out I should’ve been paying more attention. A pained scream strangled from my throat. A hand firmly gripped my hair and yanked me backwards. The force propelled me back, as my hands scrambled to release the death grip that tore the hair from my skull. My legs kicked out from beneath me, the hand not giving me enough time to find my footing. I screamed in pain as I was dragged all the way to the jeep. 
I looked up to find him. The soldier. But he wasn’t just the soldier that murdered my friend and took other innocent lives. His eyes were familiar. I wasn’t close enough to see it before. 
He’s the man from the bar. 
Chapter 38
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Vincent being super excited to share his hard work with August vs Vincent being so sad at the end of their conversation truly is my Roman Empire
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I know someone else has already posted a longer version of this, but this is very important to me as I feel exceedingly normal about it...the transcript was flirty but still did not live up to the actual footage 😵‍💫
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luvlucia · 4 months
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“cause i’ll be there for him with open arms, open legs, and an open mouth”
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passinoutpieces · 2 years
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youkaiyume · 3 months
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beyondplusultra · 7 months
People are STILL putting character hate and irrelevant content in the tags, I see.
I used to give these people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they just don't know that you shouldn't do that here, that the tagging system is actually for actual curation and not exposure, that doing otherwise could get you reported and flagged for spam. But so many posts explaining that have come and gone already, with thousands of notes on all of them. CLEARLY the message has gone around and still goes around. And yet the problem persists.
It's funny because that behavior (that I can now only assume is willful ignorance) only achieves the opposite effect: People get tired of seeing spam in the tags, so they report and/or block the blogs that participate in it. Their reach just dwindles. Their content remains in obscurity.
Long story short, just don't fucking do that. Although at this point, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir since I now just block spammers on sight. Lmao
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