istherewifiinhell · 1 year
okay i think if i keep it smaller ill be able to say words. the movie is a wash in my brain i should probably watch it. oh like 20 more times just to be safe. expect more to come. ofc. BUT ANYWAY
GOD the gestural animation???? like lets be clear. this movie. hmm. concepts, vis dev, story boards, shot direction, matt paintings, modeling, lighting, rigging, so so many things, ALL BANGERS, and are part of animated movies that arent just 'animation'. go talk to ppl who know more than me abt that. BUT. were focusing.
okay. gestures, body language, general 'acting choices' type, animation. (Distinct mainly lets say from like, the fight choreo, and god okay key/special frames?. ARGH. ITS OWN THING)
THE CHARACTERS MOVE SOOOO GOOD AND FUN. lotsa lotsa people (on the subset of the internet that has been hyping up this movie forrrrr 5? month?) have been enjoying mainly the turtles, cause thats what was in the teasers. many gestures of emotion. the ooze clip a particular good example, mikeys fun arm waves, leos little finger waggle, the way you can see them over pronouning the sybalbles with the lip shapes. LIKE LOL. well yes its been so so repeatable. im doing it rn.
posts showing some of their movements of excitement (hand shaking, head nodding, spinning in a chair) and calling it stimming are delightful btw. (overlap btwn die hard turtle fans, this site's users, and stimmers? hmm? pardon? dont worry abt it)
but just point. like it feels so lively and real. the adage that animaters are actors is definetely as true as ever. and additionally wonder how much they got from the young vas or other sources that would show similar, modern teens with that kinda close interaction.
but yeah i wont try and do absolutes but is certainly, UP THERE. for, the most tactile, character to character interaction heavy and just, joyful and characterful movement in an animated feature. like. its up there.
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midnightdeads · 2 years
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 #      𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒      [  ...  ]      ❛   every ⠀⠀word ⠀⠀we⠀⠀ spoke ⠀⠀here⠀⠀ —⠀⠀each⠀⠀ one⠀⠀ of ⠀⠀them⠀⠀ was⠀⠀ another⠀⠀ pomegranate⠀⠀ seed⠀⠀ .   ❜      ⠀⠀ an ⠀⠀ independent ⠀⠀ portrayal⠀⠀ of ⠀⠀ EDWARD ⠀⠀ CULLEN ⠀⠀ derived ⠀⠀ from ⠀⠀ *⠀⠀ ( ⠀⠀ THE ⠀⠀ TWILIGHT ⠀⠀ SAGA ⠀⠀ ) ⠀⠀ book ⠀⠀ ⅋ ⠀⠀ movie ⠀⠀ based ⠀⠀ — ⠀⠀ anti ⠀⠀ SM ⠀⠀ , ⠀⠀ with ⠀⠀ personal ⠀⠀ influences ⠀⠀ ⅋ ⠀⠀ heavy ⠀⠀ headcanons ⠀⠀ at ⠀⠀ play ⠀⠀ . ⠀⠀ written ⠀⠀ in ⠀⠀ blood ⠀⠀ by ⠀⠀ MORTEMIA ⠀⠀ .
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𝚒 .      an   exploration   of      :         the   masochistic  lion      ,      the   bad   guy        ,      the   hair  ,      apotamkin   -   the   cold   one      ,      ungoodly   speed      ,      fearsome   strength           ,            method   of   transformation      ,      worlds   most   dangerous   predator     ,      mesmerization      ,      drinking  blood      ,      the   dark   forest      ,      evil   mythological  beings      ,      the   venom      ,      hunt   at   night      ,      telephatic   vampire      ,      spanish   influenza      ,      the   olympic   coven      .    
𝚒𝚒    .      heavily   affiliated   with      :         @lamblood      ,      @depresshood      .
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iori-tono-official · 5 months
who's your parents favorite child
Mio and Souma.
like, Mio goes home and my ma's always like "aww, so when is that sweet and polite girl of yours coming back, Iori? she's SUCH a good influence on you" sooooo (little does she know. maybe it's me influencing her. ungoodly.)
serious answer- neither of us lmaooooo we both disappoint them regularly i should think #equalitay
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Angels Battle!
And Judge
And Damn
And Angels work with the World Power Relationships...
And with Human Dynamics...
Which is why the Bible is full of things written by Prophets and Seers
Brought to them by the Angels, Utterly Genuinely...
While the Prophets were receiving Influences Divine... From Gods...
And Giant!
Angels bringing Scripture...
That seem to Modern Ears... So Ungoodly... Or Finnikity
Or even MEAN and Unkind!
From a Different Time and Place!
Humans and the Dianic Angelmind
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Finding out a very old tourist called yellowsrone "ungoodly" like, don't you belive that God created the whole earth????? He did this!
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drammencura · 2 years
I just adopted a cat. The previous owners thought he was in good health but in a check up it has been discovered he has level 2 kidney failure. Since I just adopted him and got a Cat insurance it will not cover any health unless there has been a accident in the first 20 days. The previous owners saw him as agile and healthy and did not have insurance. Now this has to be paid out of pocket. The bill might come up to 10 or 15 000 kr which is about 1513 or 2269 $. After the 20 days I will be covered and I was lucky enough to have a network were someone could help out. The prices are also not priced up so that the insurance company can tell the insurance that they paid of 90% (watch the Adam ruins everything episode on us healthcare). All in all it will STILL at most cost me as much as the newest iphone and a iPad pro (on the home market the items together go for about 17 000 kr).
You live like this? Everyday for you entire life on the edge cuz privilaged investor can see the numbers go up - who in turn has coppety fabricated his need in the system makeing it seem like he provides a service by forcing those not in cahoots with him to pay over priced and made up ungoodly numbers until they turn away life sacking treatment so that their children do not stave a painful death by God such hell.
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When I was treated for stage 4/5 cancer two years ago money was never a problem even considered, as taxes went to the covenrce and wellbeing of the countries people. When the cancer was discovered I was sent in on a speed package and was in the hospital 2 days later starting the treatment.
This basic human right of my health was realized to me because I was lucky enough to be born some place else. I look back at 12 year old me that dreamed of going to see America and think no wonder. No show ever brought up that death awaited in the schools and in the homes all to fund cooperate greed. I was almost convinced to sign up for a exchange program in the US high school to realize my musical and cheerleader dreams - a whole long list of possible culture shoocks that I might run into (one waring me to be aware of the crime in Brazil) no place was there even a mention that school shooting was a real and on going danger.
Why would they. It's not good press.
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curlyburp · 3 years
A series of very strange conversations culminated in this meme
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japiera · 4 years
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 31 days of Haikyuu!! Day 3 - favorite background story: Kitty Kat Kuroo (feat. Kenmapunch)
I’m really in love of introvert Kuroo, is something I didn’t expect, but i think the really lovable of this backstory is how this two frightened kittens, who forced to get along by their parents, form such a solid friendship, adn how Kuroo became what he is now.
We actually don’t know much about Kuroo’s backstory, and what we know it’s Kenma’s POV. Kenma tell us Kuroo live with his father and grandparents, tell us he used not to talk at all, but they started to spend time together, and eventually, Kuroo put his fears behind him, and they got to know each other very well.
When Mister Kozume asked Tetsu-kun if he mind taking Kenma out with him to play soccer, Kuroo defended his friend. Maybe Kenma doesn’t like sports like his parents wanted, but that doesn't mean anything, specially to Kuroo.
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This is something I really love of Kuroo. Each one is as it is, and Kuroo knows it well.
Actually, Kuroo is the sporty type of person who goes for a run at five in the morning, but if his friend has strange habits such as getting up early just to play video games, Kuroo does not consider it a defect, as others might well, but highlights the virtues of this (and somehow Kuroo appears at Kenma’s bedroom at such ungoodly hours, but this is fanfics material...)
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This does not mean that Kuroo didn’t push Kenma to play sports, because Kuroo knows volleyball is something good for kenma not only physically but also emotional, regardless he felt guilty for -i quote- “dragging him into the sport”.
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Kuroo is such a gentleman. He really care about Kenma (and all people like Lev, Tsukki...) like this time, when Kenma hated Tora and Kuroo advised him that he try (hard) to get along.
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And Kenma remembered it...
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And he did his best...
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But this is other discussion... what I try to say is, we all know Kuroo is a great character, but when you find out he went from this
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to this...
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Words are unnecessary. One of the best backstories at all.
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heartofstanding · 5 years
Although Humphrey and his supporters had not made any indication they were planning a rescue, support for Eleanor obviously still existed. The Brut chronicle recounts the unfortunate story of an unnamed Kentish woman at the end of May that year. This woman, so the chronicle tells, had met with Henry at Blackheath in Kent, and 'spake to hym boldly, and reviled hym ungoodly and unwisely for Dame Alianore Cobham', saying that Henry should have Eleanor 'home ageyn to hir husbond, the Duke of Gloucestre'. It is surely of no coincidence that this woman spoke to him in Blackheath, which was right next to Eleanor and Gloucester's palace at Greenwich. If anywhere in the country was going to still support the couple, it was going to be those who had lived alongside them in their home at La Pleasaunce. Unfortunately for this woman, Henry was incensed. Was it because someone had dared speak to the king so directly? Or had she struck a nerve? Either way, Henry reacted with great cruelty. The woman was arrested and sent to Westminster before the Justices of the Kings Bench - one of the two highest courts in the land. It is not clear what she was charged wit, but the punishment was severe. She was made to stand in a cart with a 'paupire' on her head (possibly a kind of false crown, like the one Roger [Bolingbroke] was made to wear at St Paul's Cross) and pulled through London. Finally the judge declared that the woman was to have rocks piled on top of her body until she was killed. This is clearly a most extreme punishment for some words said, even to a king. Perhaps Henry took offence at being spoken to so plainly by what is assumed to be a common woman. Perhaps he felt guilt at how his aunt and uncle, once so close to him, had suffered and so he struck out. Perhaps he was worried that any leniency towards someone speaking in Eleanor's favour would encourage escape attempts and rebellion and wanted to quash it. Whatever the reason, the woman lost her life and Eleanor was moved from her place of imprisonment four months later.
Gemma Hollman, Royal Witches: From Joan of Navarre to Elizabeth Woodville
(The unnamed ‘Kentish woman’ has been identified by Ralph A. Griffiths as Juliana Ridligo - see essay here (pdf))
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ampleforthsmuse · 5 years
Adjective | A-class vocabulary
1. A color which is closest to that which is looked when you close your eyes in a darkly room. ‘The ink of my pen is black.’
Do not talk, ‘Solidwater is white,’ but rather, ‘Solidwater is unblackful.’
Do not talk, ‘The food was cooked ungoodly long, till it was blackened,’ but rather, ‘The food was cooked ungoodly long, till it blacked.’
Do not talk, ‘Nothing can be blacker than this paint,’ but rather, ‘This paint is blackest than all things.’
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myunghjun · 7 years
@cha-eunwoow replied to your post “i should learn to post stuff when people are actually awake”
I’m awake 💖🌟💙                            
and i love you for it, unlesss its some ungoodly hour for u like 5 or 8 am in this case go to sleep!
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