#unfortunately im a lesbian so i could never be into them
gayestwizardlord · 20 days
Ngl the one good thing that EAH did was show how dedicated the guys are to the girls they love. Literally they would change their bad behaviors, dress nice, and do so many more for the girls they like because they care. THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO DO. I LOVE THE SHOW FOR THIS
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doomednarrative · 2 years
Man I don't even really ship cleon (nothing against them I just prefer them as platonic besties personally) but like. I just want to see claire and leon happy together in whatever capacity at this point, they deserve that much at least.
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wisteriaphobia · 2 months
Alright time to come out, not out of the closet, but I am Nat (Or Lilnatx) . I wanted to come here and share my story or fairy tales if you don't like me. I was a part of “clique 1”
Not to use my age like a pokemon card but I am 15, and I don't care what you have to say to me personally but I'm sick and tired of my name being dragged through the mud and being used as a scapegoat. But I have lots of pent up anger that I didn't have the privilege of saying.
April 3rd was the day I was banned from nevermore, with no proof. Like at all, I'm still bamboozled and scratching my head like a monkey on what was actually on me and my friends. We were accused of “shit talking” and I have yet to see the shit that we have allegedly talked about.
And honestly? Even if I did shit talk people, why… in a conversation about a predator … does that matter? I'm exhausted with how Red always fights with teenagers (like me) and other friends of mine. It's so despicable that the minions might just leave Gru for her instead. I was in gym class when I got banned and honestly? I would rather get banned 10 more times than do another plank for 2 minutes while seeing my P.E teacher's bald head.
My crimes that I did publicly (in the screenshot that red posted) is me being.. not fucking involved? Right before I got banned I was staying away from people that I previously did not enjoy and in fact I tried my best to not interact with them directly. At one point I had many members blocked on my discord because I was tired of being the villain.
Yet here I am in the year of our lord July of 2024 and people are still referring to my friends as “nats clique” like I said earlier im 15, quince. I have little power over my friends' actions , especially if they're an adult. I can barely get Laci to join me on Minecraft let alone make her collaborate on some high tech scheme, what is this shit? Oceans 11?
I find it petty that red refers to my friends as a “clique” we're a friend group, and the definition of a clique requires a group that's hard to get into. The server (until now) was open, you could pull up to Jinx's profile like a McDonald's drive through and get an invite. Our friend group was constantly expanding and if you personally felt like you were scared to talk to us, I'm sorry that you never experienced the poop closet jokes.
Red being paranoid about what a bunch of teenagers were maybe saying behind her back to deflect about crimson is quite irresponsible I do say so myself. So please Red! With a cherry on top! Show me what I did to you. What sin have I committed on your ego that should banish me to hell. Because I sure as hell don't know what I've done, (and you can quote this) you probably don't know what I've done either, because you made it all up.
Unfortunately I have no screenshots to give, because my phone storage is ass. But you can hit up any of the members of my clique for proof regarding my innocence. I promise I'm not an evil bitch who wants to ban you (not evil not evil no I'm the least evil person I know)
I'm sorry if this response upsets you, but if a 15 year old girl who ships who chicks bothers you so much. Imagine how I feel, imagine now so many people who once looked up to you feel. Everyone in your post looked up to you once as a role model, and have had panic attacks and stress because (allegedly) you harmed them with your cruel words. You can think it's your fault or not that's not my problem.. but for someone who wants evidence and proof 24/7 you sure like to not give out proof of anyone else.
P.S if you were anyone who gave red evidence of my wrong doings, can I see them? Cause I don't know what I have done.
P.P.S I'm not a man, and I write fanfiction of lesbian vampires.
P.P.P.S this is so not sigma that I gotta make this response
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helloooo have a messy scribble page of oc concepts. unfortunately, im in love and will now proceed to ramble At Length
but before that! rudimentary height chart!
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all i know rn is Mairy - the cow - is about the same height as Howdy/Barnaby/Poppy (around 8ft), Hettie & Daisy are in the Wally/Julie/Sally category (around 3ft), and Jesterly is more Frank/Eddie (around 4ft). Derry Drake is fuckoff huge, and Casey is... idk really. tall but not That tall
so. rambles. i... have those, yeah
Mairy Love - she/her - lesbian a gorgeous white/blue cow! originally she was gonna be pink/white, but blue/white is my favorite color combo and honestly? it's dairy colors to me. she's big! she's strong! she's very gentle and sweet but also takes shit from no one, even though she doesn't like confrontation much (unless its playful roughhousing! jokes fly completely over her head! i'm thinking she tends to a lovely orchard of various fruit trees, and probably cultivates some crops for fun as well. maybe seasonal ones? pumpkins for the spooky season, fir trees for those snowy days, etc.
Casey J. Mittens - he/him - aro this orange fella is scaredy cat central! unfortunately for him, he's also curious to a fault! curiosity killed the cat, and he fears the day that rings true for him! he'd rather curl up at home or in a cozy tree, crocheting something cute from one of his many balls of yarn than do anything else. he tries to be a voice of reason, but is too easily convinced otherwise. he's that friend who says "we shouldn't be doing this" as he wholeheartedly assists in the shenanigan in question.
Hettie (currently undecided) - she/her - bi true to her honeybee heritage, Hettie is a florist! she boasts an impressive array of flowers that she tends to like her life depends on it. she's always running around to make sure they're all getting the best care - and she's always checking in on her pals to make sure they're taken care of, too. she's a busy bee who wouldn't know a day's rest if it stung her on the ass! It takes a lot to make her mad, but everybody better watch out when her wings start buzzing
Daisy Hop - she/him - pan i actually created Daisy as a supplementary character for a certain au, but realized i could find a place for her in this little group. i'm thinking he runs a little shop - a roadside stall, more like - where she can both sell her own homemade candy & his friends' stuff! she's the only one in the group that can keep up with Hettie's energy, and even surpass it at times. though unlike Hettie, Daisy knows how to take (and appreciate) a break!
Jesterly - whatever/is/funniest - Derry a menace. they love pranks above all else, oftentimes at the expense of others. he's always up to something and is never not scheming something! there's always Someone to bother! in all honesty she's more like an annoying stray cat that no one can get rid of... and they better not try, or they'll face the wrath of this fool's Very large partner! The jester's cap never comes off, and neither does the mask!
Derry Drake - they/them - Jesterly there's no sugarcoating it - Derry is a big lazy grump! it's almost impossible to get them out of their cave, or off of any place they decide to nap. the only thing that can reliably get them moving is the promise - or prospect - of food. it's a wonder how they've accumulated such a hoard of random things in the back of their cave, seeing as they rarely get up at all. they're incredibly nearsighted and bite first, ask questions later - after all, who knows if the colorful blob in front of them is food or not! better to be safe than hungry!
currently in my mind they have their own little community deep in the woods. Daisy lives in a modified burrow, Maisy has a cute farmhouse, Casey lives in a cozy treehouse, Hettie has a small cottage, and Derry & Jesterly live in a cave. within their community, they share practically everything. want a snack? pluck something from the orchard. need a new pair of mittens? ask Casey! i suppose you could say they're communists <3 (except for Daisy. she won't charge his friends, but anyone else is free game)
Mairy and Hettie have romantic tension, Daisy and Derry are the only ones who can tolerate Jes, Mairy wants Jes dead, Casey is terrified of Derry, Daisy's rapid-fire speech confuses everyone but Hettie, etc. i should make a chart for funsies...
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heavenbarnes · 7 months
hi!! i’ve never done this before but id like to request a sydney adamu x femreader :) like maybe with the reader being a new sous chef at the bear or old culinary school crush or smth along those lines haha or literally any other ideas u might have!! there’s an unfortunate lack of sydney fics in general so i’ll rly take anything lol. also LOVED the one you wrote recently (im losing it lately) i have been re-reading it over and over again omfg
Already better for knowing you
Sydney Adamu x female reader
Warnings/Contains: swearing, syd is so fucking awkward, carmy is a meddling shithead, mature themes (involving fruit), beginnings of a praise kink, no actual smut (can you believe it?!)
Thank you so much for requesting this, I thoroughly enjoy writing for Syd! Also sorry that I always write her the same way (awkward-lesbian-munch) but I genuinely think that’s how she’d be. Also cannot believe you’ve read my work multiple times! I didn’t know if you wanted this to be smut so I only hinted, but lemme know if you want more. Anyways, hope you like this!
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Sydney and Carmy had to have the difficult talk.
With the success of The Bear, how much it had taken off with their hard work, it was time to bite the bullet.
They needed more hands in the kitchen.
Experienced hands, they needed someone that Syd could rely on. She could give an order and that person would follow.
She needed a sous chef.
They put up the ad and, sure enough, they had a number of chefs in for the interview. They were keen, mostly young, hungry for the chance to break out into their first kitchen.
Both Syd and Carm knew you had to start somewhere but they both really needed the experience, the trust, the reliability.
Their last day of interviews rolled through and Sydney couldn’t help the feeling of helplessness creeping in her chest. Last day of interviews and still no closer to a new sous.
Were they being too picky?
As she shuffled her papers of interview questions and old CVs, she watched Carmy scratch the back of his neck as he read over the last applicant’s details.
“Well, she sounds good on paper.”
Syd couldn’t help the snort she let out, elbows on the table and head resting in her hands. “They’ve all sounded good on paper.”
Carmy shrugged his shoulders at that, but nevertheless sat down beside his chef de cuisine still reading over the paper.
“Says she’s worked in a couple restaurants, out of state- she’s only recently moved to Chicago.”
Syd listened to him speak, trying to find herself a little bit more excited at the prospects.
“Graduated from the CIA, experienced with-“
That perked her up a bit, knowing it was a long shot with the number of campus locations and students that came and went from the institute.
But there was still a small chance.
“What’s her name?” She turned to read the paper over Carmy’s shoulder as the sound of the door opening filled the space.
It all happened so quickly.
The door opened.
Carmy said your name.
You appeared before her.
Still as beautiful as the last time she saw you.
As if she could forget that day, for a few reasons. One, it was graduation, obviously she was going to remember it. Two, well, you were there.
If anyone cared enough to ask, she could tell them what you wore. The way your smile shone under the stage lights. The way you smelt as you hugged her and wished her the best.
Sometimes, when things got quiet, she’d play that moment over in her head.
Sydney thought she might’ve been dreaming when she saw you striding across the auditorium right towards her. You smiled, bright smile, hand coming up to give her a quick wave.
She’d even looked over her shoulder, trying to find out who you were even waving at. By the time she looked back towards you, you were smiling harder and giggling a little.
“Yes, that was for you.” You’d teased, making a heat grow on Syd’s cheeks.
“Yeah- yeah, I knew that.”
Your smile turned into a smirk as you nodded knowingly. “Course you did.”
Then you both stood there quietly, Sydney couldn’t really focus when you were dressed like this. Granted, it was just your chefs whites, but she couldn’t deny you wore the hell out of them.
You’d been wearing them nearly every day, and it still took her breath away every time she saw you. She didn’t even notice you were speaking until you shifted to get into her eye line.
“Sorry- what was that?”
“I said I’ll miss seeing you in the kitchen.”
Syd nodded, earnestly, face softening as she spoke. “I don’t think I’ll enjoy cooking as much without you there.”
She’d surprised herself with her confidence, actually being able to say it. She was pleased to see your smile growing. There was also a glint in your eye that she couldn’t place.
Her chest tightened up as you stepped forward, hands reaching out to pull her into a hug. She melted into you, taking a deep breath to remind herself of your sweet scent.
“Soon as you make it big,” You spoke knowingly, like it was inevitable. “I’ll come find you.”
And here you were now, standing before her in her own restaurant.
You’d found her.
Her mouth fell open as she tried to find the words she’d wanted to say to you all this time. How are you? I’ve missed you? I’ve thought about you every day since the last time I saw you?
Instead, she just stayed silent. She closed her mouth, blinking up at you with those beautiful eyes of hers.
“Syd,” Her name sounded at home in your mouth. “How long has it been?”
“Three years, eight m-months.” She’d only realised how quickly she’d answered when she saw your eyebrows raise.
Carmy shifted beside her, too. It snapped her back into reality, the reality where you were standing right before her and she was acting like a fucking dickhead.
“Well, here’s hoping I’m right on time.” You didn’t look put off, you assumed that same smirk you’d given her all those three years, eight months ago.
You were, you were always right on time. Always in the right place. Always just right.
Syd managed to pull herself together enough to stand up (for whatever reason) and gesture to the seat before her and Carmy. You graciously accepted, sitting down and placing your hands on the table.
Her eyes were immediately drawn to them, the way your fingers intertwined together, the lines coming off your palms. Sydney remembered back to the institute, the distractions she’d face watching you handle a knife or split a citrus fruit.
She couldn’t think of the latter right now.
The way your fingers would pierce the skin, pulling it apart with juices spraying up your wrists. You’d scoop out the flesh with your bare hands, not caring for the way it’d leave you sticky and dripping.
You’d look up at her, finding her watching you and not minding the way she stared. The fateful day you threw the rest of the grapefruit into the scraps, bringing two fingers to your lips to lick the excess off before you washed your hands.
Sydney was completely and utterly-
“Obsessed,” Your voice brought her back into the room, only for the second or third time in the short span of time. “Obsessed with what you’ve done with this place.”
She saw Carmy smile out the corner of her eye, his cheeks blushed a little at your words. You had that effect on most people. Sydney knew better than anyone what you could do to a person with just a few words.
“Well, we’re quite impressed with your CV,” He responded, laying it out on the table. “Aren’t we, Syd?”
By the time she looked away from him, she found you were already staring at her expectantly. She nodded, mumbling an affirmative sound to the both of them.
“Really impressed, seems like you’ve done a great job since graduation.”
You lit up, that’s the only way Sydney could describe it. It was as if your heart was swelling in your chest as your cheeks rose.
“Thank you, that means a lot,” She had assumed you were referring to the both of them until you finished. “Coming from you, Syd.”
If this was how she was at the interview, lord help her in the kitchen. There was no doubt you were getting the job, that was an absolute given. But Sydney would have to think hard about how it’d work practically.
Her sous chef. Following her every move. Responding to her every word. Reliable, obedient, willing, responsive.
Syd had seen you in action at the institute, but never following her own orders. She didn’t know if she’d be able to cope with hearing your “yes, chef” and knowing it was directed at her.
Even the way you were looking at her now, so expectant, hanging on to everything she was saying. She knew that look in your eye, on your face, you’d given yourself away just a little earlier.
“Coming from you, Syd.”
Praise. You were looking for her praise.
The thought sent Sydney into overdrive, forcing her to stand up abruptly and knock her knees into the table as she did.
Both you and Carmy looked up at her in confusion, your mouth opening to ask if everything was alright.
Syd cut you off, babbling as she walked away from the table. “I just remembered- remembered that the stove is on and- that’s the number one cause of kitchen fires- and I will be right back!”
She kept talking as she eventually made her way into the kitchen, hiding in the space right next to the oven (that hadn’t been on all morning).
Sydney knew she was fucked. Royally, totally, well and truly fucked. The crush she’d had on you at the institute had been debilitating and, whilst she’d missed you, these three years and eight months had meant she was finally able to focus.
Now here you were, in her kitchen and looking like everything she’d ever wanted.
Syd had no idea how long she stayed hiding in the kitchen but sooner or later Carmy came through with a stupid smile on his face, leaning against the bench.
“Think you handled that really well.”
“Shut the fuck up, I’m begging you.”
He laughed, laying the brown folder he’d been carrying down beside him as he crossed his arms. She looked up at him, wincing a little as she already knew what was coming.
“You gave her the job, didn’t you?”
Carmy laughed louder, looking down at the heap of Sydney on the floor. She could kick his shins right now.
“Of course I did,” He responded, pushing up from the bench as he turned to leave. “Have fun training your new sous chef.”
Fucked. Completely fucked.
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tell me all of your ace attorney headcanons
to make it easier, maybe for maya fey specifically! I feel like you probably have a lot of thoughts on her
HI sorry for ignoring this ask for 12 days im gonna do it now (very very long post like holy shit how did i even type this much)
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okay so for maya i have. a lot of hcs. basic stuff first she it trans (she/her), lesbian, poly, fat, and mixed black+japanese. actually there's a bit more to the fat headcanon cause i think she gains weight as she gets older, sort of as a "weight gain to represent healing" type of thing. i think around aa1 timeframe she's closer to her canon design but as she reaches more into adulthood she gains weight over time and is happier that way (part of this is because gaining weight is usually a good thing for transfems on estrogen)
okay anyways here's the part where i rant about trans maya stuff. actually i should probably talk about trans mia first cause theyre both trans in my hc and her transition actually plays an important part in maya's experience. basically mia was the first trans kurain spirit medium, before her it wasnt known that a trans woman could be a medium, but that all changed after mia realized she was a girl. for a while (months? years? not sure) mia thought that she would never be able to channel and just accepted the fact that she could be a woman but she wouldnt be able to channel, but eventually eh found that her realization of being a girl actually awakened significant spiritual power within her.
so anyways, onto maya, similar to mia she realized she was a girl when she was young, some time after misty left but while mia was still around. when mia came out, misty was very accepting in letting her transition, but with them under morgan's care they were both worried things wouldnt go as well. fortunately, mia would not let anything stop her sister from transitioning. i'm not completely sure if i think morgan would try to stop maya from transitioning or not (like yeah she's evil but idk if i see her as transphobic lol???) but if she did try to stop her mia would fight back no matter what.
anyways, maya transitions, but unfortunately things end up harder for her than mia, as maya isn't able to channel spirits. while she shows some signs of having spiritual powers, she's not anywhere close to as powerful as mia or any of the cis mediums in the family. this is deeply painful for maya and becomes a horrible source of dysphoria. how she sees it, if she can't channel spirits, she'll never really be a woman. in reality, this dysphoria is entirely false, plenty of cis women in the fey clan don't have spiritual powers (even morgan!). mia comforts her by telling her this, that she will always be a girl even if she can't channel spirits. this helps maya a lot, but it still isn't enough to fully rid her of her irrational dysphoria. it's all very hard for her, and i think morgan would definitely make everything worse for her, likely reminding her of her inability to channel for no reason other than to hurt her and make her feel inferior. but mia's positive influence helps her make it through everything, even if she does struggle a lot.
anyways, aa1 happens, and she's finally preformed her first channeling. but there's still a ton of doubt in her mind. despite now knowing she CAN channel, she's still struggling with this same dysphoria. probably thinking along the lines of. 'the only was i can channel is if i'm an urgent situation. If i was a real woman, i could channel at any moment, but i can't. I'm still just a man and nothing more." this all culminates with her inferiority complex in Turnabout Goodbyes. I actually really like reading into Maya's struggle in turnabout goodbyes as a representation of dysphoria, because the way she's hurt by not being able to channel mia is heartbreaking. hell, she literally says some genuinely suicidal things after the taser scene.
ultimately, I think maya finally begins to move past this dysphoria not because she learns to channel better, but because she finally, fully accepts mia's words to her, and i think Phoenix is really the person to finally help her out of it. sometime after turnabout goodbyes, maya opens up to phoenix about how hard this all is to her. tells him about how hard it is to feel like her womanhood is entirely dependent on a skill she struggles to grasp. phoenix would choose this as the time to finally come out to her that he too is trans, and would try his best to comfort maya, telling her how he's always seen her as a girl, how she should never doubt who she is just because she's not as skilled as her sister or mother. i think phoenix would feel some sense of guilt at this point, as he would feel like he played a part in maya's dysphoria since he was always hoping maya could channel mia again. with this, he would feel very motivated to help her through everything, both because of this guilt and just because he's now very committed to protecting maya. this of course wouldn't immediately fix everything for maya, but phoenix's continued support as they spend their days together would end up pushing her into learning to finally accept everything. over time, she's finally able to accept that no matter how strong or weak her spiritual abilities are, she'll always be a girl no matter what. of course, eventually she does become a very successful medium, but that takes much more time, and gradually freeing herself from her painful dysphoria helps her make it there.
okay wow i typed a lot what the fuck i was gonna write some stuff about other characters but this post is so long uhhhhhh apollo athena juniper trucy ema katherine sebastian adrian jinxie penny and a bunch of other ones i forgot to mention are trans women lol
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homosekularnost · 4 months
Is there really going to be a sequel to fuckboy strategy??? ❤️🎉❤️
after months (?) of waiting to answer this im finally accepting the wip is never making it to ao3 BUT. it can go under keep reading i think
fuckboy strategy the sequel
Ratthi was the first human to acknowledge my drone.  "Oh, SecUnit is watching over you again!" 
He was addressing Gurathin, but still finger-gunned said drone, same as he'd done with the drone I had on him when he noticed it that morning. He added, "That's good! That means you made up?"
He phrased it like a question, because it clearly was a question. Among the humans on Preservation desperate to find out more about my brief and uncomfortable experiment with sex (which included all humans on Preservation, unfortunately), Ratthi was by far the worst at hiding his curiosity. Overse, who had been sitting next to Gurathin when Ratthi approached them, seemed to agree.
"Don't be nosy, Ratthi." She gave him a friendly elbow bump, then scooted so that he could join her on the shared bench. She leaned back, too, and followed his line of sight. "But, oh, that really is SecUnit's drone!"
Gurathin just grunted in acknowledgement, and continued not looking its way.
(I had to say Ratthi was the first human to acknowledge the drone, because Gurathin had noticed it hours ago.) 
Gurathin hadn’t acknowledged it (we were still not exactly talking) but he didn't throw a fit either, and since we were only now entering hour eight post me apologizing for stonewalling him after we had a (yikes) sexual encounter, I considered it a victory. He hadn't done anything interesting so far, which wasn't saying much because he rarely did. The most exciting bit of his day had been occurring just as Ratthi appeared, when Gurathin apologized to Overse for how moody he'd been two cycles prior.
(The whole conversation was painful to watch, and not just because said moodiness directly preceded and indirectly led to me showing up at his door and performing the saddest handjob in modern history. (Well. I couldn't verify that it was the saddest one, but I had done some research post-incident, and it had to be down there.) It turned out that it was an anniversary of a really traumatic event from his time in Corporate Rim, and that he hadn't been sleeping well as a result, and while we all agreed that this was no excuse for how he was towards his coworker, it did make the fact I vanished on him and then convinced him he'd made me feel violated a little worse.
And it was already pretty bad, so the situation was dire.)
Ratthi got invited because everyone liked having Ratthi around. I wondered if he'd get sent away, once they realized he couldn't help himself from snooping.
"I can feel you staring," Gurathin was presently saying.
Overse flicked Ratthi on the back of his head, and he averted his eyes comically. "Sorry!" he said at the ceiling. "It's just that — " He waved the free hand around. "I don't get how?"
"I don't think it gets that either," Gurathin said, same time as Overse said, "God, Ratthi, how many lesbians are you friends with again?"
Well. Mortifying. Ratthi floundered. 
"I mean!" Ratthi said. "That's different."
"Different how?" Overse asked.
"I don’t want to answer that." At least they were finding it funny. "You know I don't think about you guys having sex."
"Now that I do not buy." That was Pin-Lee. I was late to notice her approach, and rushed to withdraw my drone a little. (I got her to concede I was allowed to record things in public, as long as I didn't keep any audio, but she still glared at my drones if she saw them.)
"What's happening?" She was now sitting down in-between Gurathin and Overse. "Our IT guy looks unwell."
"Not much," Overse said. "Ratthi is just erasing the existence of stone tops."
"Oh, talking about the thing with SecUnit?" Pin-Lee did not even hesitate. Gurathin put his face in his hands, and Ratthi made a noise of protest. 
Gurathin said, "I don't think it'll appreciate getting assigned a stone top," and gestured towards my cowering drone.
Pin-Lee narrowed her eyes at it. "It can move, then."
Overse piped up, "Also, no offence, but I feel Pin-Lee's assumption has less to do with what she thinks it gets up to — "
" — and more with her thinking I'm a pillow princess?" Gurathin snorted into his hands.
"I'd find a more gender affirming way of saying it," Pin-Lee said, "But, yes."
I was too busy looking up what half of these terms meant to have an emotional reaction.
Pin-Lee pinged me later on in the day, presumably once the group had parted ways. She asked if she could drop by, and I was at a comfortable 94% performance reliability, so I said yes.
She knocked before entering, even though she saw the drone outside, which I assumed was her way of letting me set the pace.
"Come in," I called out.
She pushed the doors open, then closed the doors behind her.
"Hey," she said. "Watching anything good?"
I was watching season 872 of something called the L word. "Not sure." It had popped up when I searched the term bases for stone top.
She snorted. "Fair." Then, “I wanted to apologize.”
That got me to raise an eyebrow. I turned my face her way. "For what?" All I could think of was her glaring at my drones, but she loved doing that.
She exhaled. "The rest of us have known each other for a long time," she said. "So we know what each other is comfortable with. That's why we don't hesitate to make fun of each other for personal affairs." She bit her cheek. "And we should have kept more tact when it comes to you. Sex is insanely personal, even when — " She gestured towards me.
"Even when one is not a poor wounded construct?" I supplied.
She blinked. "Even when one is not a refugee from a corporation that denied it autonomy and privacy." She rolled her eyes. "But whatever. We’ll do better in the future."
I bit my lip. "It sounds like Gurathin should be the offended one." This serial made it seem like pillow princess was something of an insult.
"He's not, though." Pin-Lee snorted. "He's just embarrassed everyone from that survey now thinks he's into choking."
My face did a thing almost immediately. Pin-Lee took a second to process it.
"What,” she said. She seemed to be struggling to control her face. "What.”
I didn't even try to control my face.
"No way.” She cracked up. "SecUnit, you didn't."
I pulled my hood over my head, and said nothing.
“For your first time?!” she said, then seemed to remember her promise. “Sorry. I’m respecting your privacy. Just.” She cracked up again. “First time?!”
I was keeping this hood over my head forever. "I know how not to hurt a human."
"I bet you do." She was wiping at her eyes. "I mean, at least physically, huh?"
I kept tugging my hood closed. "Ouch."
She gave it one last snort. "Well." She said. "Um. I’m leaving now.”
I was safer in my hood, so I said nothing.
“Sorry again,” she called. “See you around.”
I waited until I heard the doors close to stop holding my breath. I also did a quick status report, just for the fun of it.
My performance ability was now at 89%. I put this down as another reason to never talk about sex with anyone, and continued playing my episode.
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dansevilpianotea · 4 months
what are some phancoded songs?
hiiii omg thanks for the ask!! i absolutely love talking about songs i associate with my interests!! (autism has been activated to the highest degree so this will be a long post, you have been warned)
here are some of what i think are classic dnp coded songs:
Guys by The 1975 (i see this as more about the phandom than about dnp tbh but its very very dnp coded no matter how you interpret it) That's So Us by Allie X Still into You by Paramore The Only Exception by Paramore
i have a whole ass 100 song long playlist about dnp but let me give you my favourites that aren't the usual classics:
Eighteen by Pale Waves
This city depresses me But you try to be everything I need We sat on the corner kissing each other Felt like I could finally see in colour I was 18 when I met you Poured my heart out, spilt all my truth I finally felt like I could feel for the first time When I met you
i mean????? thats 2009 dan and phil????? dip and pip??? hello!!??
also fun fact!!: this band is from manchester and this song was written by their non-binary drummer and lesbian lead singer (who lowkey gives lesbian version of dan). you should rlly listen to pale waves. idek if theyve heard of dnp but theyre true phannies to me.
Starlight by Muse
this song, man. never heard of muse until i got into dnp and then i this song was the first one is listened to.
Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms
i feel like it says sth about the expectations of being in a relationship while also presenting yourself on a massive public platform. wanting to be authentic and produce content^tm vs. being closeted and wanting to protect your relationship. 'I will be chasing a starlight, Until the end of my life, I don't know if it's worth it anymore'. Is worth it to constantly push the content out while feeling like a fraud for being inauthentic about your identity? 'And our hopes and expectations, Black holes and revelations'. the future may seem very dark and hopeless sometimes, it may not turn out how we expect or hope, but only once we face instead of fight it (embrace the void etc) we will forgive our past selves and see that the future really is bright. so yes, very dnp coded.
Anniversary by Autoheart
Years of nothing have subsided We have fixed each other up Giving you up? What are you on about? I'll never give up believing in us Giving you up? Now why would I do a thing like that? No I’m not giving you up, no way I will never stop when it comes to you
this song is not only dnp coded (kind of an october 19th theme song) but also has gained a new meaning since the return of dnp games <3. they didnt give up on us. they came back. and we really helped each other get here <3. think about it like that when listening and i guarantee you will be sobbing. the song also has some marriage themes bc theres wedding vows during the bridge so i will just let you live with that <33
Where the Lines Overlap by Paramore
Tracing patterns across a personal map And making pictures where the lines overlap No one is as lucky as us We're not at the end but oh, we already won Call me over And tell me how Well, you got so far Never making a single sound I'm not used to it But I can learn
we werent ready for their comeback / we're still learning to get used to it / just look at them / boiling frog theory / hard phaunch / do i need to say more
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Yellow by Coldplay
this song became part of my playlist when phil didnt know a single coldplay song. unfortunately i cant take it serious anymore after dan was turned into a golden pig, then was literally glowing golden during a book event all while #pissyourself4dan was trending and every phannie on twt made their pfps yellow. i will curse your mind to with the lyrics and mental imagery: (im sorry but im also not bc this is how my autism thinks humour works)
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow ✨✨ Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful ✨✨✨ And you know, you know I love you so 💛
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(im sorry again)
Safe & Sound by Tonight Alive
Dan in BIG: "for the first time since I was a tiny child I actually felt safe."
Nothing compares to what we share I don't have a care in the world Cause even if it all came crashing down, As long as you're around, I'll be safe and sound. 🧡
ending it with a nice one because its beautiful and sappy and its so them afterall. they really won rpf.
thank you for this ask, i enjoyed answering it!! (im sorry for taking so long. im on day 11 of a cold so ive not had much energy.)
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hugheses · 4 months
these are just some thoughts after seeing ur post on the hockey thigh thing btw, and i hope you hear me out. you being a lesbian (im bi and i have a gf currently), which is something you emphasise a lot, and not being attracted to these dudes doesnt make this whole parasocial archive any less weird or creepy. i'm not here to shit on or invalidate your passion, because obv its something you care about deeply from how much your scour the web for all these old things, even of their mother when she was young. and genuinely, thats pretty cool, i work in archival and i have a lot of respect for that with the effort you've put into it.
but i think you are encouraging others to imitate this blog and culture, when it comes to other players who aren't as in the media as the hughes family. like i agree that its part and parcel of the job as athletes who represent a multitude of things like ur franchise ur family etc, but i feel like we just shouldn't proliferate this. i know people on twitter are unjustly harsh and oftentimes critical to the point of meanness, but i think some points they share are valid. just bc its on the internet, doesnt give us the permission to do stuff ykwim? like imagine just going up to the hughes and giving them a scrapbook of every media moment from their mothers childhood, to her college, their dad, and them as kids and now as adults. thats just straight up weird. and don't even get me on the sexualisation, i get they are adults but isn't that just basic respect?
i know having an internet community is rlly important to some, and im sure ur followers would still give you that support u need even if you dont constantly supply them with these media things, or dangle ur secret archive like a carrot over them.
hoping you have a great day
you clearly put a lot of time and thought into this, so i will give you that same level of consideration back. i think you have some misunderstandings about me, hockey fandom, and fandom culture as a whole.
first, the lesbian thing. admittedly tumblr search is very broken but according to it i’ve mentioned the word lesbian twice on here, as a disclaimer for why i might not be the best person to understand what male attracted people find hot. it's possible it's come up a few other times but it’s definitely not something i "emphasize a lot". it's somewhat ironic that you bring up you being bi and having a gf in what reads to me like a deflection on your critique that i say i'm gay too much, when you seem to think me saying i'm a lesbian is bc i'm trying to deflect on sexualizing these guys. which admittedly is the most confusing part of your entire ask. is this solely about the thigh ask? if you’re worried about "basic respect", hockey fandom is probably not the place for you. i know i don't like seeing 500 reader insert posts every time i open anyone's tag, which is why i have related terms muted and block people who don't use them. however this is very much a part of hockey fandom and i’m aware of that. on the flip side, the unfortunate reality is that hockey players are some of the nastiest misogynistic men on the planet who generally do not see women as actual human beings beyond mommies, maids, and holes. if i WAS sexualizing these men 24/7 i would feel well within my rights to do so, and could make an only slightly ironic argument for it being feminist praxis. if jack hughes can ask girls to flash him, i can have a little sexualization, as a treat. 
calling me weird and creepy isn’t actually negated by following up with saying you're not trying to shit on or invalidate my passion and you respect the effort i put into it. if you think i’m weird and creepy, you’re allowed to feel that way, but actually own it if that’s what your opinion is.
you imagined this scrapbook scenario and then say that it’s weird. i agree, that hypothetical thing would be weird. good thing i’m not doing that, will never do that, and take many efforts to have a strong fourth wall and keep this blog separate from the people it's about. i am a firm believer in keeping fandom private and secluded! that's why im not tweeting all of this and tagging them. 
it’s a big leap for you to assume that i do this because i "need support". not that it matters, but i do all of this because i find it fun and i’m being generous with people who do not have the time/resources/know-how to find this stuff on their own. there's nothing wrong with finding a community online, but i had one before doing all this. in fact, all of this has been really more trouble than it's worth in terms of harassment vs kindness lmao. some people on here have been lovely to me, but i’m beyond the age where i need virtual validation from strangers. you’re right about one thing, i do dangle my secret archive like a carrot, largely for petty reasons because of a few specific assholes. 
you seem to think i’m the only person who does stuff like this. update/archival accounts are very common for musicians, actors, even like... tiktok influencers. were you not online when people hacked an airport security cam feed to watch one direction sit and do nothing? everything ive ever posted on here has been available to the public. i’m just good at finding stuff. even within this smaller sports fandom on tumblr, i have been inspired by OTHER BLOGS who were doing this before me and go way harder than i do. i didn’t invent the concept of collecting information and images about public figures like you seem to think i did, but thanks.
if you want to critique fandom culture as a whole, go right ahead, but i ask that you keep the sanctimonious lectures out of my inbox, especially when they're based in assumptions. any one of these things could have been questions i would be willing to chat about if you were actually curious about me and what i do. i in fact have lots of opinions that might surprise you on many of these things you mentioned. but i will have those conversations with other people, who talk to me with the respect and dignity that i deserve.
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mintmatcha · 7 months
can u tell us what you didn't like about hazbin hot? I'm not a big musical person so I also tuned out when they started singing lol
Yes lol here's a long ass nonsense rant under the cut.
The creator of the show has done some really racist shit in the past and hides from criticism behind her queerness, but whenever that's brought up, it's immediately shot down and I'm told to separate the art from the artist.
that being said. here's my critique of the show itself.
but hazbin relies so much on material outside of the show. there's things you're supposed to know from twt and tumblr and other sources to make the show make sense. you can't say the show needs to exist in its bubble away from the creator and then make us dependent on the creator for information about the characters.
for me, it's less about "why is a show bad?" and it's more "what makes a show good?". Frankly, I don't think there's anything in this show to make it good.
First off- the show is ugly. The character designs aren't good and often repetitive (suits. same color palettes, same body shapes, etc) The animation itself isn't good either, unfortunately.
We have to stop pretending alastor isn't a crime to character design. He's so ugly. there's almost nothing redeemable about how he looks.
I thought the show itself had one of the weakest plots I've seen. it felt like the first draft of a 14 year old and tried to fit 5 seasons worth of ideas into 8 episodes, so the pacing was just awful. There's no semblance of time passing or real urgency in most episodes because vivziepop was trying to fit in all 50 of her OCs.
example: There was almost no reason for the V's to be in the show-- and the other overlords for that matter. None of them really do anything other than Valentino, who's just there to make Angel's story stronger in this season.
(not to mention Valentino and Vaggie, the series to latinx characters, fall into some fucked up stereotypes)
We are just told this collection of people is strong and scary, but we never really see WHY. It's a waste of time in a crammed show.
That being said, one of the main characters sir pentious had no real weight as a character and had less screen time than some of the nothing characters. Half of alastors time should have been used building him up, including, I dunno. all of episode three. There's no reason to introduce all of those characters other to give alastor the info that an angel has died, right? He's. The radio demon. he should just have some sort of news ability or connections to get him that info. (also that episode makes it really easy to know who killed the angel. there's no mystery to it.)
There are also so many things that simply don't make sense in the show? They are told almost immediately that their plan will not work, so they go to heaven to be told... the same thing.
Vaggie is amazed that angels can be hurt and killed when she is an angel who was hurt and almost killed. (Vaggie and Charlie have a super weak relationship btw. I think it's so poorly done. In a show about sucking dick and cock, it made me roll my eyes that the lesbians have such a pg relationship. how come everyone else gets to be horny other than the lesbians? Because its harder to fetishize? )
the ending was just. awful. Lucifer won the fight without that much of a struggle. It feels like he could have just done that. whenever.
Im going to get murdered for saying this but the songs aren't good, they just have a killer vocal cast. the backing music sucks every time.
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ribboncare · 5 months
i do not care for nurse doom
to start this blog off right, im going to immediately launch into my many issues with doom and how he is both delivered and perceived
with that said, here are my main and most thought on qualms
doom being paired with patients
whilst i believe pairing any patient with a staff member is creepy and gross, doom in particular is not only shipped with a plethora of them, but also finds his way into the main polyamorous quadruplet that makes up cometcare. this is troublesome for many, many reasons, but the main one that always springs to mind is this: the egregious power imbalance
think about it. would you really go out with your medical nurse? wouldnt that be odd? not to mention doom has hurt and tortured several of the patients he is currently in a relationship with in cometcare. i dont know about anyone else, but it would personally make me extremely uncomfortable to have anyone insinuate me and a person who abused me would make a great couple
dooms gender being changed for the express purpose of shipping
doom used to be a cis man. while there is nothing wrong with him being changed to agender, kc has gone on record saying that it was specifically so his gender could be compatible with caroline being a lesbian
from a perspective of "these are just kc's ocs!", this is ultimately something to shrug and maybe make a face over. however, from the perspective of sparklecare as a piece of media (which is very much is, regardless of what kc thinks) and as a story, it is upsetting. why make a man agender just to ship with a lesbian? a lesbian that he has hurt repeatedly, no less? its not a very fun situation
dooms extremely sudden character "development"
i say "development" in quotations because truly, there was none. one day kc decided squeak liked doom, and thus his deterioration began. squeak started drawing him much more friendly looking and decided that any of the things he had done in the past volumes (such as being toxicly masculine and (even unwillingly) misogynistic towards uni when taking away beary) suddenly didnt happen. doom is forced to do things like this yes, but he had no reason to act maliciously as he does in many of these situations before the sudden change. now he has been sanded down to his barest bones, leaving a sad and pathetic little guy who you Have to feel sorry for :( he has no say in the matter of what he does :( he would never hurt a fly :( yes he tortures people for a living BUT DONT LOOK AT THAT! look at how sad and lonely he is!! :(!!!
overall, i would not say doom is my favorite character. in fact, because of these issues, hes probably one of my least favorite ones. its extremely frustrating seeing kc course correct so hard to make characters squeak likes into "good guys" that they lose all sense of themselves along the way. if you ask me, doom should have stayed morally ambiguous. it is not only much more interesting, it is actually true to what his original role as a character was. i do unfortunately believe that because of cometcares existence, this role is forever lost and will never be found again, which is a shame
doom had the chance to be such a captivating and compelling character, but will forever be stifled for the sake of shipping and making sure any character kc likes is unmistakably "redeemable", no matter what the cost
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Curse you for making me cry 😭😭 both the endings r so saddd
I love ur writing and thank u for the series
I wish they could all be together :(
honestly i tried sooo hard to come up with a happy ending and it’s just not realistic and unfortunately im a simp but a realistic one😔. here are some fun facts to make the hitchhiker readers feel just a LITTLE better:
1. Nova originally was actually gonna be dead and hung from the ceiling, but i thought that honestly would’ve been too much of a let down for her character
2. the dynamic between toby and nova is my favorite, the relentless hatred but common love for the reader forcing them to be around one another whether they want to or not
3. i originally had never planned for nova and jack to get together. at first i wanted to make nova a lesbian, but i figured her love for the reader would conflict with the plot at that point. i also love my sweet bby and thought she enjoyed some love before her fate. canonically she’s unlabeled (or pansexual for those who need a box to put her in) and i resonate with her for that reason since im unlabeled as well
4.at first i planned on extending the kate arc, but after doing research on cat hunter i thought he was more interesting as an antagonist
5. in a scraped chapter reader was going to get matching tattoos with the proxies, it was scraped since it felt sort of out of place
hope these kinda help everyone recover😭🫶🏼
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20 Questions for Fic Writers ‼️
HI @callipraxia the bond continues to endure. i love questions!!!! let us go...
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 29, though i've orphaned a few in my day.
2. What's your total word count? ao3 claims 268,182, but oh boy do i have wips waiting in the tank. probably something like 300k adding all those up
3. What fandoms do you write for? i used to write exclusively gravity falls (20 including orphaned works) but now i've started doing good omens (11) as well. i try to balance them ☝️also one fic from nimona that is surprisingly my most popular fic?? mannn
4. Top 5 fics by kudos: Pyrite and Sunrise (230), Midnight's Call (126), Twin (s Up In) Flames (109), Loose Ties & Ends (107), and The Wonders of the Twin Paradox Theory (106).
5. Do you respond to comments? i always try to respond as quickly as i can and to everyone because i must let them know i appreciate them. they give me so much life
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? HMMMM there's many choices... not for good omens considering i physically can't give them an unhappy ending at the moment (final fifteen) but gravity falls is ALWAYS game. its between Unfortunate Ends and Burn Fast, Burn Bright, which both have ford ending up truly dead in a gruesome way. i love it sm
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? fics where crowley and aziraphale end up at the south downs are SUCH strong contenders. so its between (again) would you lie with me and just forget the world and to hold you like a bouquet. those are fr bangers
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of!! (knock on wood)
9. Do you write smut? i've never been for that life, nor do i think i have the talent lmao
10. Craziest crossover? i don't write much crossover so there's not much to say, but my god that one gravity falls x miracukous ladybug fic had so much potential. might go back to it one day to give it the skill, lesbians, and coheisive narrative it rightfully deserved ☝️‼️
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? also not that i know of!! KNOCK ON WOOD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? ALSO also not that i know of!!! i would deff like to see some of my fics translated in spanish (my first language but you'd have never known that) however, because that would kill my ass. i'd love to see how my metaphors and prose would translate into that language bc i already have some ideas but i'd never be able to sit my ass down and actually do it 💀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? too scared to do that bc how would that even work?? but i'd love to give it a try!!
14. All-time favorite ship? BROOO its between fiddauthor and the ineffable husbands im sorry. they may not be equal narratively but they'll always have my hearts
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? godddddd i wish i could pick but all of my truly abandoned babies i WISH i could finish so BADLY. so i wont name them, just know anything i condeded defeat on im SO SORRY. i plan to never do it again NO MATTER WHAT!!! ☝️
16. What are your writing strengths? writing humorously. i think i've nailed the focusing on not necessarily important details and describing things in an aloof and humorous manner that fits just right in both the gravity falls and good omens worlds. if that makes sense. also drama!! i love drama
17. What are your writing weaknesses? dialogue and action scenes, ironically enough. i never know how those fuckers would say that
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? ONE THOUSAND PERCENT (if it makes sense naratively). if one of the characters is a bilingual, i would love to see their 2nd language in action. i live for that shit in fiction and real life too
19. First fandom you ever wrote in? gravity falls baybeeee!!! i wrote about it long before i came on ao3, and the first work i ever wrote has been orphaned (but i HAVE rewrote it in the form of dimension 18'\ lmao) but it is my BABY!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you ever wrote? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE. weeeeell....either do you remember hanging up the stars or midnight's call. longest fics i've ever written (or plan to write ig) and they have PLOT and DEVELOPMENT and LIFE and SO MANY COOL MOMENTS i need them injected in my brain. oifjfh. forever proud 🗣🗣
OKAY im gon a tag the writer mutuals because i need to tag SOMEONE in these posts... @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @unearthlyfromage @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @fellshish @zephrunsimperium @oriocookie @jacky-rubou alright i need sleep now. thanks for playing i had alot of fun :)
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Round 4 Match 15
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propaganda below the cut! (massive wall of text warning)
Tracy Chapman:
"I can’t think of anything clever to say because I’m too busy sighing dreamily"
"Tracy Chapman made the best song of all time (fast car)"
"ik im the hope sandoval guy but if hope doesn't make it tracy has to she made me realize i was a lesbian i just thought i was bi then i listened to her and now im a lesbian she is powerful she is strength if you looked at her and looked at my art you would see 20 years of inspiration from one single woman"
"she's too good to commit atrocities to me but im the gore guy and you aren't for that. i would let her take out my vocal chords and use them as floss. i would have her saw down my bones to make a vinyl of her music. i would go on all fours and let her slaughter me like a pig. i want to be her cat"
"The most powerful written and performed voice of the 90s. Everyone, of any nationality or belief system, could feel the words Tracy Chapman sang. She gets her dues but deserves even more."
Stephen Malkmus:
"i can't even stand stephen malkmus but there's a very special girl out there who needs this win"
"My perpetually stoned, nonsensical girlfriend...if we don't invent the time machine soon I might die. He's like 6 ft tall so unfortunately I'd be like one of those birds that ride on giraffes and eat bugs out of their fur. And then I'd die in a weed accident during the recording of Wowee Zowee? Before that though I'd spend 25 hrs a day in bed with him. Alright thanks"
"Stephen Malkmus chronically addicted to moaning and gasping in Pavement songs like he’s getting the best dicking down of his life in the back of the tour bus while everyone else is asleep"
"This is the indie-label match, right? Then it has to be Malkmus, he *made* the scene. And he's still releasing excellent music today. He's just the most influential rockstar of the 90s."
"my gay pavement fan uncle gets out of prison tonight and he knows you ratted him out in '06. the only way to make this right is to vote for stephen"
"Pretty please vote for him, my friend loves him and he really wants him to win"
""There were times he refused to speak to his bandmates, pulling a jacket over his head and referring to himself as "the little bitch"." I have also heard him refer to himself as a brat, a queen, a primadonna, a sociopath, and a narcissist. All of these descriptors have made me want to slam him against a wall and turn his neck fun new colors."
"I mean, Pavement is THEE indie band of the 90s. The lowkey snark, Koreaaaa, so much style that it's wasted. And Malkmus is an understated cool rockstar: the hair, the face, Silver Jews! He never ever sold out. He's the 90s."
"the most beautiful man ever he looks like a gorgeous fairytale prince. he has been hot since he emerged on the scene and continues to be so as their reunion tour comes to a close. stephen forever"
"we have to consider the autism swagger. find me a pavement write up that doesn’t spend three paragraphs waxing lyrical on his inability to make eye contact. find me a YouTube comment section that doesn’t have hoards of moms swooning over his flat affect. his refusal to wear anything more formal than a flannel for the first decade of his career? genuinely culturally influential. 30 glorious years of expressionless performances. sunglasses in the dark. so many straight men falling over themselves for him they made a joke about it in the Barbie movie. raw tbh sex appeal. and he’s got a great nose"
"he had a couple of unfortunate haircuts during this period but highkey i would break both of my arms to just be able to make out with him. please vote for SM my life is in danger if you don't"
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
my parents dont get my autism or my transness or my aroaceness
they dont get that im not trying to be rude or selfish or whatever but they think i am
they dont get dysphoria
they keep asking me if i have crushes or a boyfreind
they dont get that if the foods bad ill refuse to eat it
they dont get sensory issues or food issues
they dont get that the internet is a safer place to talk about my emotions than they ever will be
they dont get how much effort i put into trying to be normal for them
they dont get anthing
they keep trying to force me to spend time with them playing board/card games which i hate and they know i hate
they keep messing up my pronouns
one of my dads "insprational" speeches was your not flat, you'll never be flat so give up.
when i first came out my mum said "why cant you just be a lesbian instead of nonbinary or whatever?"
they say i cant call myself trans bc i don't want to be a boy
they dont get how much periods suck even tho they dont hurt
theres probably more but i cant remember it rn
any advice would be helpful
maybe ill run away and live somewhere better for me but i can think of a place
hey anon. unfortunately im not sure how to help you with the autism or aroace stuff myself, even though i am aroace and autistic my mum doesnt really understand either of those and i havent been able to reach that point yet. we have just taken to not talking about it, which is much easier now that i have moved out.
however! i do have something for you that might help! i made a powerpoint about transness for my mum that did help to convince her that being trans is a real and valid thing to be.
i cant link to it on here because it would reveal my full name publicly but you can just make your own! i included facts about the percentage of trans kids that experience anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and how gender affirming care significantly lowers those numbers. all of this was taken from the trevor project website!
i also included some stuff about transgender people across history and in different cultures.
i finished it off with a slide about the transgender genocide currently taking place in america and spreading to the UK.
you could make versions of these for autism and aspec people too!
im very sorry that you are experiencing so much invalidation and misunderstanding from your family, i understand how that feels. i hope this technique can help you to teach them a bit about your identities. most of the time when people say mean things about an identity, it is simply because they are misinformed. getting angry and upset is perfectly understandable, but it may make them feel even more antagonised and justified in their bigotry. explaining things to them calmly and simply, with graphs, diagrams, and real data can work wonders.
good luck!
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ellsss · 11 months
hey, I have a question! I’m also a Christian but I’ve been…questioning my sexuality lately. Could I ask, how do you deal with being Christian and lesbian?
HEYYYYY thanks for the question! i literally never get asks so this is niceeeeeeee.
tbh, it's incredibly hard. im kinda learning how to deal with it myself, so in true honesty, i don't really have a complete and full answer. as of right now, i'm trying to take care of my mental health as much as i can.
from Christians, I've kinda gotten used to seeing fucked up homophboia from them unfortunately, but it still makes it sad, although it's constantly hard to see. However what gets to me and hurts me the most is fellow LGBTQ+ people be angry at me or insult me for being Christian.
and while I understand it's a response to severe trauma, it hurts so much. someone literally said to me once "you shouldn't be part of a religion that gives people trauma, just something to think about", which is 1. passive aggressive and 2. genuinely unfair on me, because imagine saying that to someone of Jewish faith or Islam? I get that Christians have harmed millions of people for years and years. but having people tell me that i should abandon my religion hurts so much.
not to mention how people have compared being LGBTQ+ and Christian to being a n*zi which is a huge offensive comparison and a slap in the face to Jews who survived and died in the holocaust tbh.
it's incredibly hard because i feel like im constantly pulled in two directions and i'm being told to pick a side by people on Earth, even tho i feel in my soul that God genuinely loves me and LGBTQ+ people, and everyone. It's unfair.
How I deal with it as of right now is, while this sounds awful, I unfollow or block anyone who is ex-evangelical or ex christian. and it's not because i don't think their trauma is valid. it is 100% and they have every right to speak on what they experienced. it's just it makes me feel incredibly guilty for something that also feels like a genuine part of me.
and it's something i don't want to abandon or leave behind, because that would dismantle everything i have been through and everything God has helped me with up to this point. i just block or unfollow anything that makes me feel guilty and uncomfortable with my lesbianism, or my Christianity.
idk if this helps but i hope it does😭😭
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