#unfortunately for me ive had mine popped when it opened up because i was a child burdened by baseball duties
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ratatatastic · 3 months ago
"a ton of people to finally make their trip to loan depot park for anything thats not the world baseball classic" oh we got ZINGERS
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bellarkeselection · 8 months ago
Could you do a will halstead x reader where they’re engaged and she’s a detective in intelligence, she’s been having stomach pains for about a week but put it down to cramps or stress whenever someone asked especially when Will asked but then at work she collapses and when they take her to med they find out the pain was appendicitis and Will’s like why didn’t you say something before
Didn’t Want You to Worry
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“Y/n, are you sure you're okay in there?” My fiancé Will asked on the other side of the door. We had both gotten dressed and ready for work, me as an intelligence detective and he an ED doc. Unfortunately I felt harsh pain hit me so I went and sat down in the bathroom waiting until they went away.
I assumed it had to be cramps or something like that. Except I didn't think my period was supposed to come for another two weeks. “I'll be fine, Will. It's just some cramps is all. If you need to go to work that's fine.”
“Okay. You know I can stay home if you want to and take care of you if you're not feeling good.” He explained through the other side of the door.
Pushing myself up off the ground I felt them disappear allowing me to open the door and give him a half smile. “Seriously it's nothing. My period is probably coming earlier or it's just stress from the long case we've been working on.”
“Okay just call me if it's gets any worse.” He leans forward planting a kiss on my forehead before he left our apartment.
Making my way to work I was simply sitting down at my desk moving through fingers files on the computer till another wave of pain shot through my body. “Ah! Son of a bitch.” I winced gripping the wood of my desk underneath my fingernails.
Voiets office door opened and Will's brother Jay came out coming over to talk to me. “It's crazy to think you're going to be Mt sister in law in a few more weeks. Hey are you alright?”
“Just some pain stomach pain today - are you bringing Hayley to the wedding?”
Jay sat down on the edge of my desk scanning his eyes over me. “Do you want me to get you some advil?”
“No, I can get it myself. I have some in my locker. I'll be right back.” Standing up from my desk chair I had managed to walk into the hallway before my eyes grew heavier and my body fell forward where I collapsed into the nearest door.
I could hear Jay holler my name, coming around the corner to see what had happened. “Y/n! Oh geez. Voiet call an ambulance.”
“Jay - I'm - okay.” I croaked out barely able to keep my eyes open.
He brushed hair out of my face seeing I was struggling to stay awake. “Just hang on, Y/n. We're gonna get you to Med.” After that I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew I was waking up in the ED, laying on one of their hospital beds.
I began looking around the room noticing that there was an iv in my left hand and the screens were popping up with all different kinds of numbers clearly reading my vitals. “Where is she. Where is she, Msggie!” I recognized Will’s voice coming down the hallway.
“She’s in here.” Maggie drew open the curtain to my room.
Will bolted inside the room rushing to my bedside. “Y/n! Oh my god I knew something was wrong this morning. Why were you trying to act like it wasn’t?” His eyes scanning over mine almost a mile a minute.
I shake my head wishing he wouldn’t worry. “Will, I just got light headed. I'm probably dehydrated. Just give me some liquids and I'll be on my way.”
“Y/n, Jay told me you collapsed st work. That isn’t something minor.” Will spat me with worry in his voice.
I huffed crossing my arms over my chest seeing the curtain move again and Dr. Manning enter the room with an iPad in her hands. “Hi Y/n, how are you feeling?”
“I'd feel a lot better it I was out of - he-ah!” I gasped holding my stomach trying to curl myself into a ball on the bed.
Will rubbed my lower back keeping his other hand on my shoulder eyeing his friend. “Nat, what's wrong with her?”
“I wish I could say it was something minor but it’s not. You are actually going to need surgery. You have something wrong with your appendix. That’s why you’ve been feeling so much pain for the past couple of weeks.”
Will sent her a look asking. “Can you give us a minute, Nat. Y/n, why didn’t you tell me sooner and just have been lying about it.”
“I didn’t want to worry you. You already have enough on your plate with getting the wedding venu and everything else. I didn’t want to add onto the stress when I really believed it was my period cramps or stress myself, at least until this morning.”
Will closed the gap between us, cupping my face in his hands kissing me deeply. “I’m gonna be your husband, babe. You don’t have to keep things from me. I’m always going to be here for you.”
“Thank you, Will. I - I really appreciate you saying that to me,” I sniffed through happy tears relieved that he would be for me no matter what came our way. Our jobs in day to day life was hard enough, but we’d get through everything together. “I love you, Will Halstead.”
He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead sweetly. “I love you too, soon to be Mrs. Halstead.” I must have gotten pretty lucky to end up calling him my husband for the rest of my life.
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moon-light-jukebox · 5 years ago
Our boy - [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: Spencer Reid is anything but calm when his wife, reader, goes into labor.
Pairing: Spencer Reid / (Female) Reader
Rating: Wholesome AF
Word Count: 2.3k
Category: Pure fluff. Maybe some angst if you squint, just because childbirth is angsty.
Content Warning: None that I can think of.
A/n: This is just a quick little idea that popped into my head earlier. I wrote it all in one go. We don’t get enough Dad!Spencer. 😊 Reader’s labor was inspired by true events. 
y/n = your name. italicized block of text is a flash back.
-- Our boy -- 
“Babe, you have got to calm down.” I didn’t even bother opening my eyes to look at my husband; I was too tired.
His voice was as close to a squawk as I have ever heard. “I am calm, y/n!” That had me cracking one eye open to stare at him, which caused him to huff out a short laugh. “Okay, maybe I’m not calm. But how can I be calm?” His beautiful brown eyes were swimming with worry. “This has taken such a long time, and you’re so tired. The doctor said things haven’t been progressing.”
“Oh, come on, doctor,” I said teasingly. “I’m sure that big brain of yours knows that it’s not uncommon for first time mothers to labor for a long time.”
“But it’s been thirty hours,” he protested.
“I’m aware. Talk to your son.” I pointed to my very large stomach. “This is his show.”
That caused him to smile, the first real smile I had seen on his face since he arrived here, about an hour after I did. We knew this was coming, I was overdue, our son choosing to stay inside my body for 41 weeks and 6 days. The doctors had said if I hit 42 weeks that we needed to discuss inducing labor. Because of that conversation, Spencer wasn’t with the rest of the team, they were on some case in god knows where, instead he was helping at headquarters with Penelope. The same woman I had called when my water broke. I wanted to call Spencer, I really did…but my husband is prone to overact, especially in situations like this.
Turns out calling Penelope wasn’t any better.
“Hello, Mrs. Dr. Reid!” she had chirped.
“Hi Penelope. Is my husband around?”
“He is with the second love of his life.”
Which meant he had made a coffee run. I laughed, despite the pain rippling across my stomach. “Okay, well, I need you to pull him away for the first love of his life. My water just broke.”
There was a beat of silence before the screaming started. “YOUR WHAT JUST WHAT?!”
Just at that moment I heard him in the background. “Garcia,” my husband said. “Who’s what did what?”
“Penelope, be-“
It was no use; she had already started screaming at him. “YOUR WIFE! YOUR SON IS TRYING TO EXIT HER LADY BUSINESS! WE HAVE TO GO!!”
They then promptly hung up, only to call back a few minutes later and ask which hospital I was at.
There was a knock on the door, drawing me out of my memories. “Mrs. Reid?” the doctor called before walking into the room. She was a short woman with curly grey hair; Spencer and I had never met her before, she was just the doctor on call, but something about her demeanor put me at ease.
I gave her a wan smile. “Hey Doc.”
She marched into the room them, no nonsense to be found; which was unfortunate, I was a very big fan of nonsense as perfectly highlighted by the man I chose to marry. “Mrs. Reid, I need to check to see where you’re at,” she said, already snapping on her gloves.
“Knock yourself out.” At a certain point during labor modesty just vanishes. I don’t even want to think about how many people have seen my vagina today.
I felt some pressure for a few seconds before she pulled back. “You’re still at 5 centimeters.”
This comment got a groan from my husband. “But she has to get to 10!”
“I’m aware, Dr. Reid.”
“She’s been in labor for 30 hours and 23 minutes and 16 seconds!”
“I am also aware of that, Dr. Reid,” she said, suppressing a smile. “Which is why we need to have a little chat.” She turned to me. “Mrs. Reid, I’m concerned about the baby.”
That caused mine and Spencer’s spines to stiffen. “What,” I asked. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Not yet,” the doctor said hurriedly. “We have been monitoring your contractions and vitals…but we also monitor the baby’s heartrate. It’s nothing to be too alarmed about now, but his heartrate has slowed a bit.”
“But what does that mean? Is he in destress?” My husband asked; he sounded so afraid that I instinctively reached out to grasp his hand.
“It means he’s tired, Dr. Reid.” She offered us a small smile. “Mrs. Reid isn’t the only one going through this. The baby is too. Like I said, it’s not low enough to be an issue now, but if it drops much lower, we need to discuss other options.”
“…he’s tired?” my voice cracked on the last word, tears already pricking in the corners of my eyes.
“Baby,” Spencer whispered, leaning over to place a kiss on my temple. “It’s alright.”
I shook my head. “It’s not. It’s not alright. He’s my baby, Spencer. He’s our baby,” I all but bawled at him. “Our baby is tired.” I’m sure one day I’ll look back at this moment and feel silly for how upset I had become…but I was so tired, and while the epidural numbed the pain, I still felt it. All of that I could endure, but I couldn’t endure this.
“I know,” he soothed. “But he’s fine. He’s okay.”
“I want to discuss other options,” I said, meeting the doctor’s gaze. “What are they?”
The doctor nodded, “Well, we could start a Pitocin IV. That’s a medicine we use to-“
“Cause the uterus to contract and speed up or induce labor,” Spencer interrupted, causing me to laugh, despite my tears. Even in times like this he was still…Spencer.
The doctor did not share in my amusement. “Yes,” she huffed. “That is one option. It runs the same risks, if his heartrate drops, we’ll need to move you to the O.R.” I gulped and Spencer squeezed my hand. “The other option is to take you back to the O.R. now.”
I looked over at Spencer, his eyes were wide and frightened, his always messy, curly hair was in a worse state than usual, his clothes were wrinkled. “I want our boy, Spence.”
He just nodded, bringing our joined hands up to his mouth to press a kiss to my knuckles. “It’s up to you, y/n. You know I’ll support whatever you want.”
Spencer gave me the courage to turn to face the doctor. “Let’s do it.”
Things progressed very quickly and very slowly at the same time. The room started bustling with different people doing different things to get me ready. Spencer called Penelope, who called the rest of his team, who were now all in the waiting room. How much Spencer’s co-workers at the FBI cared about him made me smile; they were his family, and by extension my family. Our little boy was going to be the most well looked after child in history.
Before I knew it, I was laying on my back in the operating room, a blue sheet put up just below my boobies. Apparently, most people didn’t want to watch themselves have a c-section. I couldn’t but laugh at the absurdity of the moment.
“What is it, my love?”
I turned my head to look at Spencer. His clothes were covered by some sort of yellow outfit, his hair was stuffed in one of those blue hat’s hospitals make you wear, I’m sure he could tell me the proper name, even his shoes were covered. One of his hands was gripping mine, the other slowly stroking the top of my head.
“I was just thinking about everything. Remember when we met?”
I realized how silly it was to ask a man with an eidetic memory if he remembered something right after I said it, something with which he agreed, given the look on his face. “Yes, y/n, I remember.” His hand squeezed mine tightly. “It was a Tuesday morning, at 7:34 a.m. You had on black pants and a light blue top, you didn’t notice me, but I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world.”
That caused a tear to slide down from the corner of my eye, only to be wiped away by my husband. “I didn’t notice you because you were in line behind me,” I teased.
“That’s no excuse,” he insisted. “I would notice you anywhere.”
That made my heart squeeze in my chest. “I must be pretty special,” I surmised. “I pulled your attention away from coffee.”
His voice was breathy, his eyes shimmering. “You’re the most special thing in the entire world, y/n. I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I don’t know how I got the courage to speak to you when you walked by me, but I’ll be grateful that I did it for the rest of my life.”
It was my turn to reach up and wipe a tear from his face. “I’m glad you stopped me,” I whispered. “Our little guy probably is too.”
Spencer didn’t laugh like I expected him to; instead he bit his lip, his eyes bouncing from my face to the blue curtain that separated us from the doctors.
“What is it, baby?”
He swallowed, letting out a shaky breath. “I’m scared, y/n,” he whispered. “I’m afraid that I won’t be any good at this. I never had a dad…What if I’m not everything he needs me to be?”
I felt my heart crack in half. “Spencer, that’s not possible,” I insisted, ignoring the way he started to shake his head. “You could never let anyone down, especially not your family. Especially not your son. You are going to be the most amazing father. You’re going to love our son so much; you already do love him that much, Spence.”
He was crying in earnest now. “But, y/n,”
Spencer never got to finish that sentence. The doctor suddenly interrupted our hushed conversation. “Okay, dad,” she called. “Here he comes!”
My husband placed a kiss on my forehead before he stood up, looking over the curtain. He had insisted beforehand that he wasn’t going to look; he said he didn’t want to see me like that, but I knew he’d end up looking. My husband was far too curious to do anything else.  
A shrill cry cut through the air, causing my heart to stop. That was him. I had never heard him cry before, but I knew that sound as sure as I knew my own name; that was my son.
Spencer and I were crying when the doctor brought him around the curtain so I could see him. He was wrinkly, red, and looked positively furious. I had never loved anything more.
They took him to the examination room to make sure he was breathing okay. Spencer had told me after c-section births this was normal. “They don’t get squeezed when they’re born,” he had said. “So, the nurse checks them over, weighs them, all that.”
He looked down at me, tears streaming down his face, then back towards our son.
“Go,” I urged him. “Go get our boy, Spence. I’m fine.”
Spencer’s head poked through the door of my room. “Are you ready?” he asked.
“REID. If you don’t get the fuck out of my way and let me see my godson I swear to GOD.”
“Oh,” I groaned, giggling slightly, despite the pain. “Please don’t make me laugh.”
I don’t know if Spencer moved willingly or if Penelope had just had enough, but soon the door was thrown open and a parade of people poured inside.
“Oh, my god, Mrs. Dr. Reid,” Penelope gushed, her hands hovering over my son, then back up towards my face. “You look like an angel. How did you just have major surgery? How did you just give birth, because a c-section is giving birth-“
“Penelope,” I cut her off. “Do you want to see him?”
I pulled the blankets down around his body, staring at his little face before I handed him over.
“Oh, my mother effin god,” she whispered, looking around at everyone else in the room. “He is the most beautiful child I have ever seen. He even looks like a genius. I don’t know if you can look like a genius, but I think he does.”
“You don’t have to whisper, Garcia,” my husband said, coming to stand beside me, leaning over to kiss my forehead again. “She is right though, Mrs. Dr. Reid. You’re beautiful.”
“Quit hogging the baby,” JJ said, reaching for him. “I’m the co-god mother. Hand him over.”
Emily leaned over JJ’s shoulder, staring at him with a look of wonder. “What did you guys decide to name him?”
“Arthur,” I said quietly. “His name is Arthur Spencer Reid.”
The room was dark when I opened my eyes, my head turning towards the tiny cry that woke me up.
“I know, I know,” my husband whispered to the tiny bundle in his arms. “I miss your mom too; she’s the best person in the world and I wish she could be awake all the time too.” I bit my lip, trying to suppress my laugh. “But you have to let her sleep some, little man.” My son gave another cry. “I know, believe me.”
“What are you doing?” I asked, my voice thick with sleep.
“Talking to Arthur,” he said simply. “You know, speaking to a child whenever they reach the babbling stage of their cognitive development is actually very important. It encourages them to learn the language they’re hearing. You know, children are actually experts at learning languages. Studies have shown that children that become fluent in a language before the age of 13 are often able to fool native speakers into thinking they’re native speakers themselves.”
“Huh,” I said, smiling like a dope. That was my Spencer. “Did you hear that, Arthur? It sounds like your dad wants to teach you some languages.”
“Only a couple,” he whispered to our boy. Then he looked up at me, his eyes bright, despite the dark circles under them.
“You’re tired, babe,” I said, moving to sit up. “Give him here, you can get some rest.”
He just shook his head. “No, I’m alright. You rest.” Spencer looked down at his son again, who was already back to sleep. “No dream I have could be better than this.”
As usual, Dr. Spencer Reid was absolutely right.
Taglist: @rachelxwayne​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @sickeninglyshoujo @justagirllookingforherplace 
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peanut-butter-parkerxx · 4 years ago
hickey prank...gone wrong
y/n wanted to prank the avengers for forgetting to hide a hickey she got from a 'mysterious boy' after she finished pranking them and telling them its fake, peter came in and NOT so subtly asked her when he did that since they're secretly dating
pairing: peter x stark!reader
status: secretly dating
y/n's pov
ive been watching a lot of youtube lately, it literally became my best friend, i scrolled through my recommendations and found a 'hickey prank' video, i smiled to myself already knowing im about to do it, and clicked on the video
It was a girl pranking her parents for getting a hickey, i watched the girl make the fake hickey on her neck, and i was considering to ask peter to do one for me that would be more entertaining but that would obviously backfire if i couldnt wipe it out
so i didnt ask him, another thing is that peter and i have been secretly dating for around a month now, my dad, tony stark, strictly told peter that i am off limits but were still dating and its been the best month ever.
anyways, i opened my vanity drawer and got my eye shadow pallet, i decided on a spot to make the 'hickey' and started adding dark colored eye shadow to make it look believable, the end result looked pretty good, and i know that from experience ;)
it ws on the right side of my neck right below my ear, i opened my two braids to cover the 'hickey' took my phone to record this i already know chaotic experience since this is the avengers we're talking about and left my room while i was walking in the hallway i got a text from peter saying:
MY baby 🥰🧸: coming in 15! xx
I squealed from excitment coz its been a week since ive seen him because of his exams and everything but back to the prank
i walked inside our kitchen/living room and the avengers were scattered everywhere since they just finished a mission and now theyre hungry af, perfect
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i snuck my phone behind a bowl of fresh fruits and acted normally trying to contain my nervousness and excitement
"hey guys!" i said looking at the kitchen island that filled with delicious hot meals, yumm
"hey sweetie" dad said kissing my cheek, and everybody mumbled a 'hey' since they're too busy stuffing theyre mouths with food
"hows the mission?" i asked curiously, thor, sam and scott completely ignored me trying to stuff everything in, nat and wanda were talking about how stupid one of the men were for flirting with them and comepletely beat the shit out of him for makig inappropriate comment, my girls I thought and steve, dad, bruce, and bucky answered my question
they've always had a soft spot for me and hated whenever i got ignored, i smile at them grateful that they didnt ignore me even though i wouldnt get mad i mean im also starving
i continued on eating arguing with sam on who will get the biggest slice of the chocolate cake wanda made, but then i remembered i came here to do the prank so i decided its time
i looked infront of me checking if my phone is still recording and it was, its been recording for 8 minutes now so i excused myself from the table to go 'get some fruit'
i quickly grabbed an apple and rerecorded the video, "so what do you guys wanna do? peters coming in a few" i said taking my hair and secured it behind my ear, its been exposed its been exposed omg omg omg i tried to calm down a bit coz in any second someone could spot my 'hickey'
"oh, we could have a movie night, you know, coz peter finished school so we should celebrate" my dad said looking at me then looking back at his food but looked at me again eyes widened, he spotted it ABORT MISSION OMG OMG
I looked down at my food trying not to run from the glare hes giving me
"y/n?" my dad asked, his tone has never been this serious before, oh shit
"y-yes" i squeecked god pull it together y/n, its not real
"what is that on your neck" he pointed out, which grabbed everyones attention, great, all eyes were on me, steve, bucky and bruce widened their eyes shocked, wanda and nat were smirking, sam, scott, and clint were laughing their asses off while thor looked as clueless as a baby
i was sitting at the center of the table and i just wanted to sink in and get absorbed my the marble walls
"w-what do you mean?" i asked 'confused' i grabbed nats phone that was between us, opened the camera and gasped trying to act surprised and scared "I-I uhhh" I let go of my hair so it can cover it again "I-I burned my self while curling my hair" I nervously blurted out, wow I'm a great actress
"that does not look like a burn young lady what is that?" Steve buts in, anger literally fuming from his ears and eyes Bucky glaring at me trying to think of every boy I've ever interacted with
"I curled my hair uncle Steve!" I replied rolling my eyes
"THAT IS NOT A BURN HUN THATS A HICKEY" my dad got out of his chair clearly getting angrier by the second
"ITS NOT DAD, YOU THINK I COULD HOOK UP WITH BOYS WHEN IM BEING WATCHED 24/7?" I shot back standing as well, everybody gasped
"what is a hickey if I may interrupt"
"SHUT UP" the rest of the team said clearly enjoying this
"I wanna know who's D y/n got" Sam said laughing
"was he at least good?" Nad asked smirking
"please tell me you used protection" Wanda asked concerned
"WHO IS IT" all three of them said
"NO ONE!" I shouted
"why is he that important that you have to be so secretive of him?" Bucky suddenly blurts out tightening his fists so hard his knuckles could pop out
"maybe he's special" nat smirked
"y/n" my dad said in a warningly tone "if you don't tell us who this idiot is I swear I'm gonna let Bruce turn into the hulk and smash every boys house that you've ever interacted with" I felt like that was enough, and obviously got everyone's attention, I tried to contain my laughter coz they're faced are just hilarious waiting for me to tell them who it is
"it's....it's...a-a..A PRANK!" I laughed, everybody looked at me speechless clearly not buying it
"yeah a FAKE one" I took the wipe from my back pocket, wiping my 'hickey' and gestured to the smudged make up "SEE??" I laughed
Steve, Bucky, Bruce and my dad looked relieved, nat, Scott, Wanda, Clint, and Sam looked...disappointed?? And Thor was still clueless as ever, I walked to the counter to stop recording
"YOU WERE RECORDING?" Wanda scoffed
"do not do that to us a again young lady I was gonna get a heart attack" Steve warned leaving the table
"doll" Bucky said and I looked at him "if I ever see a boy with you this close" he gestured between him and I "I will squish their face and pull his brains out with my bare hand" he warned
and for a second I thought of Peter, I swear he's gonna get killed if they know what 'helping him study' and 'looking after me' means I just rolled my eyes at their stupid behavior
"so y/n didn't get any D yesterday? Poor thing" Sam laughs
"SAM I SWEAR YOUR NEXT ON THE LIST" dad said walking out of the kitchen
"for the first time in forever IM glad this was a prank coz the poor boy would've been dead just by the glares he'll get" I laughed shaking my head after the hilarious prank we cleaned up the kitchen island
"ok guys I'm gonna go to my room to clean this...mess" I gestured to my neck full of smudged make up
"hey guys, what did I miss?" Peter walked in the living room a few minutes after i left
"oh just y/n being y/n, she'll tell you what happened" Scott laughed which confused Peter but he ignored it m opened the fridge to get a snack and go to your room,
like I said it's been a week since he's seen you so he was very excited to kiss you hug you and just shower you with affection...in secret obviously
he knocked on my door doing our secret pattern and barged into my room
"HEY PETER" I almost shouted jumping onto him crossing my legs on his torso and snuggling my headphones to his neck
"hey baaaby" he whispered kissing my temple
"ITS BEEN AGES" I whisper shouted
"that it has" he whispered back finally connecting his lips with mine, And slowly walked to the bed, he sat down which resulted in me straddling his lap
"I missed you" I mumbled hovering his lips a bit
"I missed his more" his voice was lower than usual which made my hormones go haywire, he started pampering me with kisses
"I *kiss* miss *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* fucking *kiss* much" he said
"oh since when does innocent Peter Parker swear" i teased looking at his eyes
"since I've dated you" he shot back "when I started dating you, you made me feel and become like a normal horny teenage boy" he kissed me again
"well, im glad you feel...normal" I laughed, he started kissing my neck again and unfortunately my dad was walking past my bedroom at the time
"is this a bruise or just a very messy hickey I gave you, coz if it is I better fix it" he smirked already knowing it's not his but just finding an excuse to do one on me
"oh it's just a prank I did to the team which thankfully I recorded so you can see it"
"how bout I make it a real one?" He smirked
"Yes plea-"
"WHAT?" my dad barged in PERFECT TIMING DAD
🏃‍♂️ 💨
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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koba-baboba · 3 years ago
a/n: hey look a new series because i got overhwhelmed by in the dark. this will be a self indulgent story so its ok if you dont like it. im trying a new writing style so let me know if its any good. this isnt really edited so read at your own risk. shout out to anyone who can figure out which part of this chapter i inserted after it was done.
chapter 1/? word count: 1628
warnings: none i think. a weeny bit of blood.
towering trees and bright flowers are all i can see for miles, it was the most beautiful thing ever. mother held my hand, swinging it as we walked along the dimly lit dirt path. "happy birthday my love! how does it feel to be 6 hm?" mothers words are soft and full of love as she looks down at me fondly. "not much differnt, i think im taller maybe?" i screw my face up trying to think if i felt taller or not, i *felt* taller. mother laughed heartly as she looked around us. "youre almost past my hip now! youve definitely gotten taller." mother cooed still looking happily at me. i smiled, i *am* almost past her hip now! i swung her hand even more as we contiuned on our walk. "dad doesnt like to go on these walks does he?" i questioned, looking up at mother. "he doesnt like to get his fancy shoes dirty, Alexander has always been that way" she reasured me softly. the bush in front of us rustled, mother excitedly pulled me down to crouch so we didnt scare the critter moving towards us. i wiggled excitedly, hoping it would be a bunny. "stay still. maybe its a deer" mother whispers into my ear. the rustling get louder before a dirty tired looking man stumbles out. mother pulled me up harshly and hid me behind her. i tried to peek out at the man but she shoved me behind her again. i suddenly remebered what day it was, the full moon. i clutched to mothers shirt as she put a hand on my shoulder.
"can i help you sir? you look ill" mothers voice is shakey but firm. "now that you ask... i do need help"
im on my back on the floor, its uncomfortable and bumpy. my hands are wet and warm, it feels gross and sticky.i raise my hands to my face, theyre red? i turn my head to see if mother knows whats happening and... the man is on top of her, his teeth digging into her neck. shes screaming, crying, "m-mom?"
"mom?" i whisper but im not in that forest anymore, im on my bed in my room. i look around my room, at the posters and drawings on my wall that i made myself, at my trunk and bag near my door. it takes me a second to register the knocking at my door. "andi we need to go" a sandy haired man says softly as he pushes through my door. its just remus, im safe. i push myself up to sit on the edge of my bed and run my hand through my messy curls. "are you alright sweetheart?" remus- dad, asks me softly. "nightmare" i mumbled sleepily. he sighs and sits down next to me. he rubs circles against my back. "its always worse after the full moon, give yourself some patient love" dad said softly, he knew i wouldnt actually give myself time to bounce back. it was frustrating to admit i needed time to heal, i didnt like admitting i was differnt. dad sighed and kissed my forehead gently "get dressed, you can eat at the weasleys, molly will have plenty of food for you"
i pull my t-shirt and worn jeans on and try desperatley to make my hair less of a mess. i dragged my trunk downstairs towards dad who was waiting patiently at the door. "ready? molly will have some ointments for you when you get there."
"i double checked this time" i chuckle, more than once ive forgotten something important, my school supplies werent exactly cheap so that wasnt exaclty ideal. dad chuckled and looped his arm through mine and, with a loud pop, we landed at the burrow. my second home! i live here as often as i do at dads house. it was the most brilliant house ive ever been too.
the door flew open and two lanky twins came flying towards me. fred and george collided with me, hugging me tightly. i giggled squeezing them tightly. Remus put his hand on my shoulder “I’ll see you at the train station, be safe” and with a pop he was gone.
“He never comes inside” a sweet voice came from the doorway. A plump woman was looking fondly at the three teens. She opened her arms wide, beckoning me forward. i smiled and wrapped my arms around molly. “Hello dear” she cooed into my hair. Molly pulled back and looked me over, cupping my face and turned it side to side, examining the new cuts and bruises i donned. She hummed
“Ginny! Ron! Come here!” Molly shouted as she pulled me inside, the twins following.
“She’s going to coddle you” Fred whispered into my ear with a little chuckle. i rolled my eyes as i followed molly into the kitchen where Ron and Ginny had just rushed in.
“Andi!” Ginny bounded towards me wrapping her arms around me and hugged me like it had been years since the last time she had seen me. Ginny had always looked up to me like an older sister ever since she could speak. i hoisted Ginny up and into my arms spinning her around. god i loved the weasleys, every one of them, including percy.
“I’m a little offended you didn’t do that for us” George huffed feigning hurt.
“Yeah come on andi, I thought we were your favourite” Fred added, mimicking his twin.
“Now when did I say that boys” i teased as i plopped Ginny back on the floor. The twins rolled their eyes before throwing their arms over my shoulders. the twins did this to me so often, we were always joined at the hip in some way.
“I dunno I just have a sneaking suspicion that you like us” the boys said in unison. i snickered and gave Ron a happy “hello”
“Now now boys don’t be too rough on her” molly scolded shooing the twins off of me. i sighed, Molly always had a tendency to treat me like i was fragile. “Oh come on mum it’s not like we’re throwing her around” Fred whined. “We could if you wanted” George whispered. The trio had learned early on that the best way to annoy the younger groups was to mock flirt with each other. After awhile it became an inside joke that the three found hilarious. Much to everyone’s dismay.
“Come on andi let me clean you up” Molly’s words are sweet but insistent. i know better than to argue with molly over this stuff. Molly is a excellent healer and it would be stupid to deny her help. i looked over at the twins who are grinning ear to ear, they did warn me i suppose. i rolled my eyes once more before following molly to the living room. i sit down on the sofa the twins and i often crowd. It was far too small for three lanky teens. Molly began rustling in a little bag near a bookshelf. She was humming a song and shaking to a tune only she could hear. Ah ha! Molly exclaimed as she pulled out a little jar full of white paste.
“This will help it heal a little faster, it won’t keep it from scarring unfortunately” molly starts excitedly before mumbling off the last part. i knew this, magic was wonderful but it couldn’t prevent scarring in most situations. i had more scars than i cared to count. Molly cupped my face as she smeared the paste over my wounds, i winced slightly. no matter if it had numbing ingriedents or not, this part always hurt
“I know it hurts, just breathe” molly humed. “Do you have anymore?” Molly questions looking me over. “You know the answer to that question” i chuckled dryly as i stood pulling my shirt up with me. Revealing a bandage stretching across my stomach.
Molly sighed, she hated seeing her kids hurt, not that Andi was her kid but it certainly felt like it. Molly peeled the bandage off slowly trying desperately to keep it from hurting too much.
i shuddered biting back tears as i felt the bandage pull healed skin with it.
The twins were watching from the doorway as molly tended to Andi. They knew what Andi looked like after full moons but they never got used to the gashes and bruises she dawned afterwards. Fred turned away, he felt sick to his stomach, he loved Andi, he wished he could take this from her. She didn’t deserve it.
Molly patched andi's stomach up once more and pulled her shirt down over it.
“Put this on your face twice a day and I’ll help you with your back until you go to school then then ask one of your friends to help” molly instructed waving her finger at me to enunciate her words.
“Yes ma’am” i mock soluted, i knew how much that annoyed her. i turned towards the door way and gave George a lopsided grin and peeked past him at Fred who was leaning against a counter.
“Want to show me what your letters talked about?” i said my tone dripping with mischief. The twins faces lit up as they grabbed my hands and dragged me up the stairs, giggling like kids the whole way to their room.
“What are you three planning??” Molly shouted up the stairs. She knew those three were troublemakers at heart. They had been since they met when they were 7. Remus needed help with Andi after a rough full moon and the rest is history. The three of them managed to turn rons teddy bear into a spider once.
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aesthyuckic · 5 years ago
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(gif not mine - credit to rightful owner)
Genre: High School AU (at beginning) ; Tarot Reader!Witch!Hyuck
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: (bold if in use) slow but with a purpose, belief contradictions, mentions of r*pe, blood(??), swearing, violence(??), mentions of abuse (??)
Pairings: Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) x Reader (F)
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IV OF WANDS: home, community and celebration
The following morning after the summer solstice, Cosimia walked out into the kitchen half awake. She saw the coffee dripping into pitcher below it. She smiled at the thought of Donghyuck walking up before her and putting it on for her. She went and pour herself a cup she fixed with milk and sugar after. She walked over to the ither counter only to peer over and find her friend sitting on the carpet, reading.
The trailer bumped as they were driven down the road to next location, the books scattered across the floor moved slightly because of it. The sun came in threw the window and the curtains as the boy read away on the floor. It seem to shine on him like a spotlight that graced his golden skin. He glowed like an angel in the light and appeared so warm and cozy. The image made her smile to herself, lazily in her half awake state as she started to notice everything a bit more...
The way his nose curved and was so small... it was cute and the way his plump, pink lips pouted when in thought was too... With his little moles that came to rest on him and from patterns that he said he didn’t like and the long eyeslashes, just everything about him that she could probably list if she focused hard enough... She thought he was beautiful in every way possible. It was hard not to admire.
It wasn’t long before he felt the pair of eyes on him. He looked over to find the girl, still relatively half awake, take a sip of her coffee. She was still smiling after though...
“What are you smiling at?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“You.” She answered rather boldly.
“Understandable.” He mumbled with a nod as he stuffed his nose back into his book in hope it would take the attention away from his nervousness.
She hummed, contently, as she set down her mug. She walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled a box of cereal out as well as a bowl. As the poured the puffs into the bowl she looked over at the boy again. It was only then she realized what he’d been reading all that morning presumably.
“Are you sure you want to continue practicing?” She sighed as she put down the box on the counter. “You know... after the summer solstice?”
“I’m just reading about it right now.” He informed her. “I’d only practice the regular stuff. Besides the doctor said I was fine, right? No seizure, not even a concussion.”
“Oddly enough.” She muttered under her breath.
He knew how suspicious she grew about the whole thing... He admitted it was a weird thing to happen. He didn’t even tell her what he really saw. He thought it might have worried her even more which he wouldn’t have liked at all... He may have not been psychic like her but he could always tell when she was worried, at the very least, about him.
“I promise I’ll be fine, Cosimia.” He reassured. “I won’t do anything dangerous, I promise you that.”
“Okay,” She rolled her eyes as she spoke softly. “You better.”
He smiled at her, loving the fact that she cared about him... Loving the fact that someone was looking for him. In all honesty, he had never felt so safe with someone before she came along.
“I’d never lie,” To his irony which was a lie. “Not to you at least.”
An even deeper lie. But it was white, wasn’t it?
They went about their morning as normally as they could as they drove down the road. It was warm and relaxing compared to most to be quite frank. They laid on the carpet as they just talked about random things, the sun from the window keeping the atmosphere heated around them. Donghyuck’s records played softly in the background of it all. It was another one of those times with her that he didn’t remember much other than the feelings really... He did remember her laughing a few times and how beautiful it looked in the sunlight and how warm it made him feel all over much like other times.
Unfortunately to their disliking, the pleasant morning didn’t last forever. Their trailer stop abruptly which caused the laughing to stop as they sat up. They had finally made it to their destination and now it was time to set up for the day. What made it worse is they had to rush since they’d be opening soon which made them groan internally as they helped each other off the floor.
The both of them practically still in their pajamas also had to rush to get ready as they had gotten carried away with themselves that morning. The girl occupied the bedroom to change while the boy took the bathroom to wash up. He finally came to look at himself in the mirror. His hair was unkept and it looked like he had just gotten out of bed when he had been up for hours.
He noticed the bags under his eyes. The moles on his face he was never too fond of... He started to find more things that only fed into his insecurities... His frown seemed to get bigger every time something new popped into his head. Why was this only happening today? Or why was it so bad today? He rubbed his cheeks out of frustration and as he felt them, he grew even more frustrated at the thought of how chubby they were. He huffed, putting his hands down beside him again as he stared at himself with a sadden expression.
Cosimia happened to have gotten dressed rather quickly that morning and even walked by to catch a glimpse of his frustrations. She walked into the bathroom despite how small it was. She came to stand behind him and looked at him through the mirror. She rested her hands on his upper arms before she laid an unexpected kiss on his shoulder. He felt all tingly while he seemed to stop breathing for a moment after she did that. He shivered a bit too, but in a good way oddly enough.
The whole thing made him feel high. The whole morning had to be honest. He had no idea what had gotten into her. Everything she was doing was very much unlike her but he found himself enjoying it.
“I think you look beautiful everyday, no matter what.” She cooed as she rested her chin on his shoulder, telling him what he needed to hear without him having to say anything about it. “But I can tell you don’t feel like that today... So, come with me.”
She grabbed his hand, gently, guiding him outside and through the trailers. Their coworkers going the opposite way to help set up, a lot of them greeting them. He followed closely behind the girl, trying to hide his face almost as that particular day he felt inadequate. It’s not like they hadn’t seen him before either, they never even thought much about the way he looked. Even if they did, they thought he was a handsome young man. It’s just that day everything was getting to him more than usual for some reason.
He gave her some space once they stood in front of a familiar trailer that knew as Sicheng’s. She was about to knock on the door but before she could, it swung open. Ten came out rather hasitly as he glared at them. He was red as tomato, not leaving them a doubt in their minds that he still hated them for some reason. He even went as far as to shove pass the girl which in return had her fell into boy behind her.
For some reason, it angered Donghyuck when the other did that. He felt an unreasonable amount of anger against him for shoving Cosimia like that, even if she was fine, it was still rude and uncalled for. He remembered back to when they first came, how Ten tried to fight him but his friend stopped it before anything could happen. He wondered if she had felt the same type of anger in that moment for him...
She stood back up with a scoff as she glared at Ten as he walked away without a thought of turning back. The door didn’t take long to swing back open, only this time because of their friend, Sicheng. Before he even opened the screen door he was letting out strings of apologies on Ten’s behave which he so often did. He even checked to see if they were okay.
“Wait, what are you guys doing here?” He asked, stopping what he was doing immediately. “You’re supposed to be helping everyone set up.”
“Can you please get Hendery and Lucas to cover for us?” She begged, much like a child would. “We wanted to borrow your makeup real quick! That is, if it’s okay with you.”
“Fine,” Sicheng caved rather quickly with a sigh. “Only this time am I getting the guys to cover for you. Don’t touch anything with cool tones, those belong to Ten. He’s pissed enough about the floor, we don’t need makeup on top of it too.”
He ran off in a hurry after that. Cosimia grabbed one Donghyuck’s hands with hers while the other waved despite the older not being able to see.
“Thank you!” She yelled before pulling the boy inside.
She dragged him behind her to the bathroom with a giggle before sitting him on the cool floor. Silver and red still stained much of the faux tile and even some of the whites of the bathtub and sink. The memory of it kind of made him smile to himself as he remember banging his head against the wall because of her. He was startled out of the memory when the girl threw down a big box, presumed to be full of makeup between them as she sat down across from him.
“I thought you hated makeup.” He said as opened it up and began to pick out a few things.
“On myself,” She shrugged. “This is for you and I don’t mind doing it for other people.”
“Can I ask why you hate it so much?” He questioned, softly.
She was shocked that he wasn’t opposed to the idea of makeup but rather wondered why she was the one opposed to it...
“Well, I use to cover up the bruises I had with it.” She told him, straightforward before she leaned over. “Now, look at me. I need to prep your skin...”
She had cleaned his face with some of Sicheng’s skincare products before wiping his face with a towel soaked with water. He must admit in that moment, he felt more cared for then any other time. She dried his face off too and moisturized his skin before she put on the BB cream that was slightly off a tone or two. It was a shame that they didn’t have any other color that would go well with Donghyuck’s skin... She thought it would work, only for today though.
“Makeup is to those who enjoy wearing it is suppose to make them feel more confident and powerful.” She sighed, as continued to smooth out the cream. “It was the opposite feeling for me and it irritated my skin so...”
She was soon applying some eyeshadow she had found at the bottom of the box. A golden color that shined which she found so pretty. It was only a moment before she had moved onto the lip tint that colored his lips even more pink then they were. She chuckled slightly to herself looking at the boy so close in front of her who had his lips puckered with her hand under his chin.
“What?” He asked, worrisome that he looked weird.
“I just think gold, glittery eyeshadow was made for you.” She confessed.
“Oh, do you now?” He batted his eyelashes with a pout.
“C’mon pucker up! I’m still not done with your lip tint!”
He had nothing else to stare at other than her in that moment. He felt everything around him slow down for a second as she looked up from his lips. He swore he could see a sparkle in her eye before things seem to speed back up to a normal pace. It was the same sparkle she had seen with Choerry and of course, the same with Lucas.
He struggled to breathe at even the thought. He couldn’t help himself from playing the scenario over and over in his head while his cheeks remained heated as she pulled away, finished. Even if was short in reality, at least it could live like an eternity in his mind...
She helped him off up the floor and moved out of his way after. He approached the mirror while he had a hint of nervousness in him. Once he looked at himself in the mirror, he found himself liking it a lot... It was a rather natural look but it seem to cover up the blemishes he had found to pick on that morning. Though, he noticed something right away about the look.
“You didn’t cover my moles.” He mumbled.
“I like them too much,” She replied. “I’m sorry to be selfish, they’re just so cute...”
He felt warm inside about the comment. She said she liked them before but never that they were cute... He never liked them much on himself. She happened to have some too, that he found beautiful on her. One near the corner of lips that seem to be perfectly placed and a few tiny, light ones around her lips... Thers were two next to her left eye that could form a smile if you had drawn under them and then there was a few on her chin and forehead as well. They scattered across the rest of her body too from what he could see whenever she took off the long clothing inside only to walk around in shorts and a tank top. He noticed she only let herself be exposed that much around him....
“I can’t go out like this though.” He said, abruptly reaching for the making up wipes.
“Aye!” She hissed as she slapped his hand away. “Why not?! I worked hard on it! Do you not like it?”
“It’s not that I don’t like it...” He started. “We’re in the country... You know they aren’t as progressive... They’re gonna think I’m gay when I’m not. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, that’s just not who I am...”
“Oh, Haechan... Having a certain interest or acting a certain way doesn’t determine something like that. I know you might understand that and maybe not everyone does but they need to learn that.”
“I just don’t want to get beat up... or worse.”
She sighed before reaching over into the box for the wipes and handing it to him, “If you really fear for your well being, here are the wipes. I don’t know how many times I have to make it clear with my words and actions, though... I won’t let anyone hurt you for any matter, especially not for something like makeup. Honestly, I’d stab them if I have to! And you could hex them too for all I care!”
He looked her in the eye, able to sense the sincerity of all her words. He could still very well see there was a part of her that wanted him to decide to go with the other opinion. He took the wipes out of her hands, carefully before he stared down at him. He thought about how good it felt and how hard she worked on it for him. She only did it to make him feel better that morning. He was too aware of the fact that she’d do anything to protect him, even if it did mess with her ability...
“Cosi knows best, right?” He chuckled as he threw them back in the box.
“Cosi?” She questioned with a tilt of her head.
“Yeah,” He nodded. “It sounds like cozy... and you make me feel that way.”
“Stop that.”
He could see how easily the blush came to her cheeks with the comment. It allowed him to be the one who was grinning at the fact this time. He got why she kind of liked doing it now...
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calumance · 5 years ago
LA Devotee - Part XIII
Warnings: some cussing, some smutty moments (no details), fluff
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: Emily becomes comfortable in Calum’s home, just in time for him to leave for tour.
A/N: Holy crap, I’m SO SORRY it took me so long to update this. I went back to work and I just haven’t been able to find the time. From here on out this fic will be updated every Saturday!!! You have my word!!!! ☺️☺️☺️ Feedback and requests always welcomed!!! (Want to be tagged? Let me know!)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII
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           The final box was finally unpacked and I sat on the bed with my legs crossed underneath me. Calum laid beside me, his legs hanging over the edge of the bed, one hand on his stomach and the other arm crossed over his forehead. Just by looking at him, anyone could tell he was obviously more exhausted than I was. It wasn’t exactly expected that unpacking my things would take the rest of the afternoon, but unfortunately it did. I looked at my fingers, then at Calum, his eyes closed and his chest raised slightly with every breath he took. “Thank you,” I said, quietly, thinking that he wouldn’t hear me.
           He groaned and stretched a bit, “For what, sunshine?”
           I looked over at him, his eyes were still closed, his lips pressed together. He looked so precious, I sighed and looked down at my hands, my fingers stretched out, my fingers red from the strain of moving boxes and unpacking. “Thank you for being here,” I swallowed and pulled my eyebrows together, continuing to stare at my fingers. “And not wanting to run at the first sight of someone who is completely broken.” I tore my eyes off my fingers and looked out the window to the view of Los Angeles. A thought popped into my head and a smile pulled at my lips. “When I saw you in the club the first night, there was just something about you that made me want to leave everything and just melt into you and be a part of you.” When I looked back at Calum he had lifted himself so that he was leaning on his elbows.
           The circles under his eyes made him extra adorable. He smiled at me, “I felt the same way, sunshine.” He sat up all the way and pressed a kiss to my lips, his hands cupping both sides of my face. “Can we go get something to eat? I’m starving.” He asked after pulling his lips off mine. I held onto his wrist and nodded furiously, because I was starving too.
           We made our way into town and Calum pulled into the parking lot at the end of a strip mall. He put his sunglasses on his face and locked his car before walking towards the front of the shops. I hung behind him a few steps, my arms crossed over my chest. I looked around suspiciously,  knowing that there was always someone who was waiting to take pictures of him. When Calum realized I wasn’t next to him, he stopped and held out his hand. I shook my head and kept my arms crossed. “I don’t think we should, Calum. Someone will see and then the pictures will be all over the internet.”
           “Let them see, come on, sunshine.” He flexed his fingers, prompting me to grab his hand. Reluctantly, I grabbed his hand and he put his opposite hand on the side of my head and kissed my temple. My eyes glanced around the area, just waiting for someone to take a picture of us. Maybe he didn’t care, but it terrified me.
           Calum led me into a small restaurant that he told me was the best place he’s ever eaten at. When we placed our order and sat at the tiny table near the window, I looked out the window, catching sight of someone with a camera. Calum looked in the same direction I was looking, then looked at me, concern filling his eyes. “Are you doing okay, I mean, they’ve been taking pictures of us this whole time. We can get this to go if you’d feel more comfortable.” His fingertips gently grazed the skin on the back of my hand and my eyes focused back on him.
           My heart raced, and my gut was telling me to get the hell out of the restaurant and hide at home, but the look in his eyes told me how comfortable he felt. He was perfectly okay with them taking pictures of us, so maybe I should be. I looked out the window and grabbed Calum’s hand, watching the camera lens shut as the picture was taken. A smile stretched across my face. “Yeah, I’m okay, we can stay.”
           He smiled a soft, closed lipped smile. “Okay, let me know if you feel uncomfortable and we’ll leave.” I squeezed his hand and nodded my head. We stared into each other’s eye for a minute, until the waiter came and dropped out food off. Our hands released and we sat back and enjoyed our food, completely ignoring the fact there was someone photographing us.
           When we got home, I fell back onto the couch and Calum sat next to me, turning on the TV. Just as he got comfortable, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through it for a minute. He shoved the phone back into his pocket with a smug smile. Suddenly, my phone dinged and then wouldn’t stop dinging. Calum continued to smile, not tearing his eyes from the TV, “You might want to turn your notifications off.”
           My eyes squinted together in suspicion as I unlocked my phone and opened the app causing so much noise. When I finally got to the original post, it was a picture of the two of us. It was one from when we spent the day by the pool, which happens to be a lot of the weekends. We weren’t kissing, but he had his arm around me, his lips pressed the side of my head. He had his sunglass on and I had my sunglasses on, and I was smiling a wide, happy smile. It was easily one of my favorite pictures of us. He captioned the picture: “Lover of Mine.” With a heart emoji and the tag of my username. I dropped my phone to the side and threw my arms around him, knocking him sideways. Our lips connected for a moment, and when I pulled away, I asked, “Why did you decide to make our relationship public?”
           His hands rested on my hips and he shrugged. “Because now those pictures that were taken of us today are old news. They have nothing to sell. Plus, now I can gush about you whenever I want.” He raised an eyebrow and smiled matter-of-factly. A smile stretched across my face and I placed a sweet, soft kiss to his lips. “I mean, not like I don’t already,” He said pulling away.
           “Will you just shut up and kiss me.” He chuckled and placed his hands on either side of my face, pulling me in for a long and loving kiss.
           Somehow three weeks managed to pass by in a blink. The clock said it was three in the morning, and I hadn’t slept a wink. Calum was leaving for tour in less than eight hours. My knees were pulled to my chest, and I was facing the opposite way of how most people sit on a bed, my socked feet shoved under my pillows. I watched Calum’s chest rise and fall as he slept soundly. I’ve lost count of how many times he has assured me that he will face time me every night, and it wasn’t that I thought he wasn’t. We’ve only just started to get comfortable in our relationship and he’s going to be gone for two months. Two months when he can come home for a week and a half before leaving for the next leg of the tour. Two months was too long.
           Without thinking, I reached forward and gently ran the back of my fingers down his cheek. His skin was always so soft, even behind the stubble when he didn’t shave for a few days. When he didn’t stir, I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair as gently as I possibly could. Unfortunately, this caused him to wake up. I immediate withdrew my hand hoping he would go back to sleep, but when he opened his eyes, there was no going back. When he saw me sitting, facing him, he pulled his eyebrows together, “What are you doing awake, sunshine?”
           “I can’t sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you up, I’m thinking about going and watching some TV. You need as much sleep as you can get.” Watching TV hadn’t even crossed my mind, if I were being honest. I was perfectly content watching him sleep, but in an effort to not sound like a total creep, watching TV seemed like the right thing to do.
           Calum pushed himself up so his back was resting against the headboard. He cleared his throat and blinked his eyes a few times, “Why don’t we just turn on this TV and find something to watch together?”
           “No, Calum, go back to sleep. I’ll go watch TV in the living room.” Just as I went to stand up, Calum grabbed my hand, causing me to sit back on the bed, his eyes staring daggers through mine.
           His throat worked as he tried to fight the sleep. “Please don’t play this game with me right now. I sleep better when you’re here.” He held out his arm, offering the spot against his side. Not wanting to fight him, I crawled next to him, pressing myself against his side. As his arm wrapped around my body, and his hand rested on my hip. My head rested against his chest, he breaths causing my head to rise and fall in a way that was slowly causing my eyes to feel heavy. I closed my eyes and focused on his heartbeat as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. “Are you going to tell me what’s keeping you awake?”
           “You.” I said simply, obviously catching him off guard. He didn’t say anything, maybe hoping I’d explain. “You leave in just a few hours. I thought I was prepared, but I’m pretty sure I was just lying to myself so that you wouldn’t feel bad leaving me.”
           “I’m not leaving you-” He tried to talk, but I quickly cut him off.
           “No, I know, that’s not how I meant it. I meant that you shouldn’t worry about me while you’re gone. You should be concentrated on your career and doing what you love.” I sigh trying to figure out what I’m trying to tell him, “I guess what I’m saying is I’m going to miss you and I’m not prepared for that.”
           Calum cleared his throat, then put his pointer finger under my chin forcing me to look up at him. “Just because you act put together, and because I act put together, doesn’t mean I am not going to spend every waking moment over the next two months thinking about you and missing you.” He runs his fingers back and through my hair, “I’m especially going to miss waking up next to your beautiful face every morning.” A smirk grows in the corner of his lips before he leans his head down and presses his lips against mine, his hand resting on the back of my head. All I wanted was to be close to him right now, no matter what that meant. Without unlocking our lips, my arm snaked around his body and I pulled myself closer to him. His tongue ran along my bottom lip as his hand found its way to the back of my neck. Suddenly, I was on top of him begging him to take his clothes off.
           When I woke up, I could hear Calum in the bathroom. I didn’t even know I finally fell asleep. When I looked at the clock it said it was eight in the morning. Calum had to be at the airport in four hours. I pushed the comforter off myself and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that were lying next to the bed. As I stepped into the bathroom, I saw Calum grabbing some things out of the medicine cabinet above the sink. I leaned against the door frame and waited for him to see me. He caught sight of me in the reflection of the mirror as he closed the cabinet. He turned his head towards me with a soft smile stretched across his closed lips. “Good morning, sunshine. I didn’t wake you, did I?” He voice was still soft with sleep, causing my heart to race.
           “No, you didn’t.” I lied, “Do you need help packing anything?” I took a step toward him, but he shook his head and grabbed the few things he pulled out of the cabinet. He walked past me, a smile still pressed onto his face, his lips landing on my forehead for half a second.
           He opened the front of his suit case to pack the toiletries he had grabbed from the cabinet. I watched him, trying to memorize every curve of his body, every muscle that protrudes when he moves a certain way, the exact lines of his tattoos, everything. I wanted everything about him to be engrained in my brain so that when he wasn’t here, I could close my eyes and feel as if he was. “I packed most of everything last night so we could spend a little bit of time together before I have to leave.” His voice pulls me from my thoughts and I smile.
           “I’d like that. What do you want to do?” He shrugs his shoulders as he zips up his suitcase for the last time. He makes his way towards me and snakes his arms around my waist, then slowly planting a kiss to my neck.
           “Whatever you wanna do, m’love.” He mumbled into the skin on my neck, making my knees buckle underneath me. He laughed as he tighten his grip around me to hold me up. “Want to make some coffee and go sit outside?” I nodded, he was going to give me a heart attack if we didn’t do something else. Calum left the room to go start the coffee and I stayed behind to put my swim suit on. One last morning swim with him before he leaves.
           The smell of the coffee wafted through the whole house, the scent causing my skin to tingle. Why was I so addicted to everything about coffee? I found Calum standing in the kitchen, pouring two cups of coffee. He looked at me and a smile stretched across his face, but then he chuckled and shook his head. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion and looked down at myself suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious, “What? What are you laughing at?”
           He handed me my cup of coffee, “Can you promise me you’ll do something while I’m gone?” I looked at myself again, and nodded, absolutely terrified of what he is about to say. He took a drink from his mug and then leaned closer to me, brushing his lips against mine. “Go buy yourself a new swim suit, love.” He pecked my lips and then walked around me, still smirking. My eyebrows pulled harder together and I pulled my lips curled into my mouth.
           Remembering that he had gone outside, I turned and fast walked after him, careful not to spill my coffee. “Why do I have to buy a new one? I hate shopping for swim suits, and there’s nothing wrong with this one.”
           He scoffed and placed his cup down on the table and started to take his shirt off. “No, there’s nothing wrong with it. Besides the fact that it’s literally about to fall apart.” Okay, so maybe it was old and I did need a new one, but there was no way I was going to go shopping for a new swim suit by myself. That’s just a recipe for disaster. Calum dipped into the pool and ducked his head under the water. As he resurfaced, I sat on the edge, placing my legs in the water. His fingers ran over his eyes before he swam his way over to me. My heart raced as his fingers ran up my bare thighs, eventually resting on my bare back. My fingers found their way through his wet hair and I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. His forehead rested against mine, and his hand ran up and down my bare thighs. He let out a harsh breath and shook his head, “I’m going to miss you so much.”
           “I’m going to miss you too.” Calum reconnected our lips while snaking his arms around my waist and pulled me off the edge and into the water. My legs wrapped around his waist and he pressed my back against the wall. My mind concentrated on his lips, even though my skin told me his fingers were slowly untying my swim top. As he discarded my swim top on to the cement behind me, my mind reeled and I was suddenly lost in the storm his touched caused in my mind.
           The drive to the airport was quiet, but our hands were clasped together, tight enough that both sets of knuckles were turning white. The feeling of crying sat in my throat, but I choked it down every few minutes. As we pulled into the airport, there was tons of people standing around waiting for him. “We can say our goodbyes at the car if you don’t want to fight through all of people.”
           A tear squeezed out of my eye as I shook my head, “No, I want to fight the crowd, I want to be with you as long as I possibly can.” He squeezed my hand and nodded before parking the car in a spot far enough away that he could grab everything out of the car without people noticing him. “Do you want me to take one of your bags for you?” I asked as he reached up and closed the trunk.
           “No, baby, just hold onto my hand. If I let go, hold onto my shirt or something. Just, don’t let go of me, okay?” I nodded in understanding and he grabbed my hand, our fingers lacing together. We started our way through the crowd and I dipped my head, trying to pretend that I wasn’t there. He let go of my hand and I immediately grabbed his shirt, clutching it tightly in my fist. He took pictures, signed autographs, and treated everyone with kindness while slowly pushing his way into the airport. Once we made our way inside and security stopping the crowd from pushing any further, Calum turned towards me and reached for my hand. “Are you alright?”
           “Yeah,” I nodded, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” I smiled and he smiled down at me. We walked through the airport and met up with Luke, Ashton, Michael and their girlfriends. Crystal, the only one I had met so far, gave me a hug hello. Calum introduced me to Sierra and KayKay, but I stood close by to Crystal, watching Calum as he talked with the rest of the guys.
           “So how’s living with Calum going?” Crystal asked, noticing how awkward I was feeling. I faked a smile and nodded not letting my eyes leave Calum. Calum must’ve felt my eyes on him because he turned towards me and smiled. Crystal wrapped her arms around my shoulder and laid her head on top of mine. “I wish I could tell you that this gets easier, but it doesn’t. I still cry every time Michael leaves.” I know she was trying to make me feel better, but that made me feel worse.
           A man I didn’t recognize came up to the guys and said a few things, which they all nodded to and turned to go to their respective girlfriends. My stomach dropped knowing that was the que for them to leave. I played with my fingers trying to hold the tears in. Calum cupped my cheeks with both of his hands and pressed his lips to mine. That was the breaking point, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears flowed down my cheeks, which Calum tried to kiss away, but they came too fast. He wrapped his arms around me as tightly as he could as I sobbed into his shoulder. A voice told they guys is was time to go, and I pulled away from Calum, running my fingers under my eyes to dry my face. “I’ll call you the second we land, okay?” I nodded, “And you’ll text me when you get home so I know you got home safely?” I nodded. He pulled me in again, hugging me as tightly as he could. “I’ll miss you, baby.”
           “I’ll miss you too.” I mumbled into his shoulder.
           “Cal, we have to go.” He turned in the direction of the guys and nodded. He turned back to me and planted a harsh and needy kiss to my lips. Without another word, he turned and picked up his bag that Michael was protecting. He looked back at me and put his fingers to his lips then waved towards me. I wiped my face again and waved back to him. It was only a matter of seconds until he was out of my sights, and I could no longer hold the sobs in.
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weird-incarnate · 4 years ago
Angel.Exe: The Worst Time to Confess
I’m  a sucker for angst and shipping content. Gotta make it hurt
TW: Guns, Attempted Murder, Near Death Experience, Valentine literally falls off a building
Summary: Valentine dreaded the day Damien would find her. That day happens to be today. With no where to run, will she be able to survive the wrath of the man who stole her wings?
Dr. Valentine studied the letter she received with worried eyes. The letters were written in a familiar drawl and she knew only one person on this damned planet that called her sweetheart. It meant the obvious. Damien had found her. Again. Swearing, Valentine threw the letter across the room, knowing she’d have to cancel her outing with Dr. Charles Afton. It really was the last thing she should’ve been worried about to be completely honest, but that strange doctor had come to mean a lot to her lately, as much as she denied it to Mortus. When doing procedures on patients, she finds herself wishing the doctor was there to help her, so she could witness his expertise. When cooking food she wonders what his favorite meal is, and if she could learn to make it. When she dresses up for the day, she hopes she runs into him, if anything to try and earn a compliment from him. The man was a brick wall half the time, but when she got even the slightest bit of a reaction, it made her heart flutter. 
She really didn’t want to cancel on meeting with Afton at the park where they had their first encounter. He hadn’t exactly saved her life that day as she had told him. If anything saved her the pain of being stuck inside healing for several months. It wasn’t that easy to kill an angel. But by God did it take forever to heal. 
Shaking her head at the memories of Afton, she moved to message the doctor on her computer hoping he wasn’t busy. 
Valentine: Hey. Something’s come up with me personally. I can’t go out for a while. I’m really sorry to cancel but it’s important. 
She clicked send hoping he wouldn’t ask further questions. She saw the three dots on the screen pop up, and disappear, then reappear. He was probably figuring out what to type. 
Afton: S’okay. Stay safe.
Valentine rolled her eyes at his brief answer, smiling. Part of her wanted to invite Afton over to the house, but she knew Mortus would throw a fit. He wasn’t there to watch them like hawks to make sure no debauchery was afoot. Frankly, Valentine couldn’t care less about the specific “debauchery” Mortus accused her of trying to achieve. She just wanted to have some company knowing she’d have to lay low for a while. 
Accepting her fate, she stood up and examined herself in the mirror. She was having a good pain day so she was capable of standing and walking for a couple minutes at a time. Vanity was never something that came to Valentine naturally because of her condition. She was scarred up from the attempts on her life, not to mention the giant scars on her back that had caused damage to her ability to walk. She turned around, craning her neck to evaluate the scars in the mirror, before admitting defeat and pulling a pink oversized sweater on over her underthings. She was completely admitting defeat at this point. May as well not bother with pants and just get some cleaning done. It’d be awhile before she could go back outside. 
Or at least that’s what she thought.
Valentine had been about two hours into cleaning while streaming a random show she had found when she heard a knock on the door. Confused, she pulled on her doctor's mask and adjusted her sweater to cover her up as best as it could. She stumbled over to the door, her legs starting to complain about the strain she’d been putting them under, and opened the door without thinking. To be greeted with the worst thing she could’ve.
Damien Matterson. The man who stole her wings. 
She reacted by immediately slamming the door shut, or at least trying to as she scrambled out of the entryway and into the living room. 
“Oh come on sweetheart! Is that how you greet an old friend?” He cackled, his proud horns glowing red with energy as he watched her scramble away and out the back door, “So we’re gonna do the chasing game. So be it.” 
He stormed after her, not noticing the purple sparks dripping from the TV as he gave chase. What Valentine lacked in speed, and dexterity, she made up for with her quick thinking and evasiveness. She had managed to shove down several random items in the back alleyway onto him slowing him down, and scrambled inside an old building that was set to be demolished in a week. Jumping inside an abandoned crate, she yanked the lid on top and tilted her head up trying to quiet her breathing. Oh she was dead, she was so dead. She didn’t have her phone with her to call Mortus or anyone who would have helped. Immediately, her brain jumped to Charles Afton. She never got to tell him she loved him. Fuck, she loved him. It was the first time she admitted it to herself, but what better of a time than when you’re about to die. 
Valentine wasn’t able to think about that for much longer as Damien ripped off the lid to the crate and gripped her by the arm, yanking her out and holding her out in front of him. She tried kicking and struggling but his grip just tightened as he bore down at her with his black eyes. Valentine whimpered as he dragged her through the building, making sure to smack her against as many things he could, till she was battered and bruised. Her mask had fallen off at some point allowing her face to get scratched up. He didn't stop till they reached the rooftop of the old building, which by that point, Valentine had procured several large bruises, cuts and a bloody nose. 
“Well, Miss Valentine, it’s been a fun couple centuries hunting you, but I think enough’s enough,” He hissed, lifting Valentine up over the edge of the building, gripping her by her wrist. She looked at him confused. The drop wouldn’t kill her. It would definitely kill a human but not her. 
“Uh…?” She dumbly said, staring at him. 
“Oh yeah that’s right… Well good thing I brought this!” He chimed with a sick happiness in his voice. He used his spare hand to reach into his satchel and pull out a silver pistol, a sigil carved into its side. Valentine felt the blood drain from her face as she recognized the symbol from a long time ago. The angel sigil of Michael. This gun would kill her near instantly with one shot. 
“How did you…?” She mumbled out her eyes wide. 
“An old friend of mine hooked me up with something to take out the pesky nephilim problem we’ve been having,” He responded, admiring the gun before pressing it to her forehead. The door that led to the rooftop flew open nearly startling the demon into dropping Valentine, which while not pleasant would’ve been preferable. He looked over his shoulder to the door, as did Valentine and was met with Dr. Charles Afton standing there, looking quite pissed. 
“What?! Afton?! Get out of here he’s going to kill you!!” Valentine screamed, her panic starting to rise. 
“Oh you know each other? That makes this so much better! Take one step closer and I’ll put this bullet in her head,” Damien threatened. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Afton said, returning the threat. Valentine shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. 
“No! Don’t hurt him please!” Valentine begged, she winced at the panic she heard in her voice but she didn’t care. As long as Afton stayed alive she didn’t care. Damien looked at her, analyzing her face before he started laughing. 
“No! Don’t tell me! You’re in love with him! Tell me I’m wrong Valentine!” Damien screamed at her as the tears spilled over in her eyes. She looked at Damien, hatred filling her eyes, before looking at Afton who’s angered expression stopped to one of confusion, he met her gaze and his eyes widened. 
“Of course, I love him… He’s saved me so many times, from others, myself… Cruel people like you... How could I not fall in love with him…” Valentine said, her voice soft and calm as she looked away from Afton and towards Damien who was laughing. He had moved the gun away from her skull to laugh at his own sick joke and Valentine realized what she needed to do. She gripped his wrist with her free hand, and fired out a light energy blast from her palm. Damien screamed at the pain and retracted his arm letting her go. She dropped off the edge, and proceeded to fall ten stories. Even though Valentine knew she wouldn’t die, a scream ripped itself from her throat as she felt the weightlessness of her free fall and her hands reached out attempting to grip anything she could but was met with air. She heard a gunshot before her body hit the ground, and everything went black. 
. . . 
It would take three days for Valentine’s body to heal up enough that she could become conscious. She was immediately aware of the pain in her body the moment she was able to wake up. Could she just.. Go back to sleep? Was that an option? 
Unfortunately it was not as she found herself opening her eyes and being met with the ceiling of her room. There was an IV in her arm, something she assumed Mortus had put in to keep her energy stable. She was vaguely aware of the sound of Mortus talking to someone in the living room. Figuring it to be best to get his attention, she called out Mortus’s name. 
She was not expecting Mortus to throw open the door to her room that quickly, but what she expected even less was Afton to come barreling in after him. She tilted her head to see them better as Mortus rushed to her side and began asking a slurry of questions. She ignored them all and reached out her arm towards Afton, now noticing just how doped up on meds she was. He hesitated for a moment before walking over to her bedside, and kneeling so he was at her eye level. He would be the first to speak.
“I… thought you died,” He mustered out. 
“It takes more than that to kill me,” Valentine said, some of her words slurring together. Mortus checked her vitals quickly before nodding at Afton and leaving them alone. 
“. . .Do you remember what you said before you fell?” Afton asked, his eyes reading her face for any sort of emotion. The memories came flooding back to her and she felt the tears well in her eyes again, and a squeaky sob came out. 
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to tell you like that but… I thought I was going to die! You… you don’t have to love me back I-I just… I’m sorry!” She babbled out, her chest struggling to keep up with her gasping breaths. 
“Shhh…” He comforted, pausing for a moment, “You have nothing to apologize for. It’s okay…Would you at least like to know my response?” 
“Because… I… I love you too.” Valentine looked at him, her tears running down her face, before smiling and letting out a strangled sob. He responded by petting her hair, just as he had done the first time they met and letting her sob. She would pass out soon after, leaving Afton alone with his thoughts. Admittedly, the biggest one on his mind was him scrapping the idea of using Valentine to his advantage. He had realized he hated seeing her hurt. He had realized he loved her. But the worst realization that hit was the one he was beating himself up about the most. 
Damien had escaped and was still out there. Still looking to kill Valentine. And Dr. Afton was not going to let that happen.
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magic5ball · 4 years ago
Nature Trail to Hell Arc IV: Megamart of Darkness (6)
Chapter 6: Franklin vs. Penn: Ultimate Grudge Match
“I’m sorry,” He said, all polite-and-founding-father like, “but the museum is now closed. Those who do not leave WILL BE EXTERMINATED. As I always say, early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and NOT DEAD! Thank you so much for visiting the Franklin Institute, and please come back tomorrow, when I WON’T KILL YOU!”
           Unfortunately for Silverstein, I’d been in situations like this a thousand times before. See, when you get in trouble, be it trying to flood the house, drawing pictures on the walls, or just plain old putting fireworks in your breakfast cereal, you learn real quick to always have a buddy (or little brother) on standby. Why? Because-
“It was them, Mr. Franklin!” I cried, pointing my index finger. “They started it!”
Then I ran. Always run before they can think long enough to punish you!
There was a loud Pop as Ben Franklin cracked his knuckles.
“A fool and his money are soon parted, as is a certain Quaker and his life if he does not leave now. I once said visitors and fish stink after three days, but you were rotten on arrival, pacifist!”
Penn stamped his foot so hard it cracked the floor, accepting the challenge. “I may not believe in fighting, but soon you shall see why they call us the Quakers, you impoverished d!ck!”
“Uhh… guys? I’m still here.” Said Silverstein, just in time for Penn to kick him into a marble pillar.
“The child is mine to reprimand, you fool!”
“’Tis not!”
“’Tis too!”
“’Tis not!”
           As much as I wanted to hear a riveting philosophical debate between two of PA’s most famous citizens, I wasn’t exactly looking forward to getting crushed by giants, either. Instead I ran. I ran so far away. Now, keep in mind I hadn’t been to the museum since I was five, which made searching out the train an absolute pain. Having two giant men bumbling behind me didn’t exactly help.
All I could think was runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun.
           It should have been easy: all I needed to do was find that stupid train, bring it to life with gold dust, and vamoose! If only I could remember which room the darn thing was in! Instead, I ran through rooms filled with electricity, weather, and ‘shudder’ physics. Sometime along the way, I realized this is where parents put all the boring sciences nobody cared about, locking them away from the rest of the world. This wasn’t a museum, this was a prison. A prison of learning.
           Then there were Ben Franklin and William Penn hot on my tail, reducing rooms to rubble as they went. I had no idea what would happen when all that science got released into the world, but I didn’t want to find out. At least they seemed more interested in each other than me. Until Ben Franklin stuffed Penn’s body up a working Tesla coil, that is. Penn might have recovered, had he been made of something other than bronze. Instead, the room exploded in a burst of electricity, Franklin and I leaping out in the nick of time like a pair of action heroes.
           Of course, without Penn to distract him, I had to contend with Big Ben himself (and Silverstein, whenever the heck he got back in the fight). So now on top of finding Baldwin (seriously, how hard can finding a 400,000 pound choo-choo train possibly be?!) I had the world’s angriest founding father on my tail, spitting maxims at me. Maxims that were also really bad puns about my demise (that I may or may not still sometimes hear in my sleep).
“I once said three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. So far, one down, one to go!”
I slammed my knuckles to my head.
Come on, Watt! Think, thiiinnnnkkkkkk!
I pumped my ten year old legs hard enough to pop my knees off, the air pushing back against me like concrete. There was a flash; the world spun. Then everything was still. Absolutely still.
                                                          .   .   .
           When I opened my eyes, I back at the Franklin Institute. Srta. Now, it was day and there were tons of guests. And in that great thong of guests was none other than five year old me being dragged along his parents. 
Fist, I was right confused about what the hey was going on, when it struck me that just last year I managed to run faster than the speed of light, going back through time. But back then, I’d sprained my ankle so I shouldn’t have been able to go that fast again. This had to be an illusion! Unless...
Unless, being a soul now, my ghost ankle wasn’t sprained, which, combined with my dinosaur feet, had let me run fast enough to break he sound barrier again and go back to the day my parents first took me to this hell of learning! Should I have been worried I wasn’t more shocked? Maybe, but all my mind could think of was how I distinctly remembered seeing a giant train as the last stop on my visit. It took my nerve wracked mind five seconds to churn out a plan. And so began the first (but sadly, not last) time I would find myself stalking somebody.
           Funny about stalking. In the movies they make it look like some daring spy espionage thing while some awesome music plays in the background. Fact is, you spend most of it just sitting around searching for that perfect mix of part of the crowd, but not so much you’ve lost your target, the whole time internally screaming Darn it, kid! Put down the plastic stegosaurus and get a move on to the trains already! (I also felt tempted to tell him throwing Steggy into incoming traffic on the way home was a terrible idea even by 5-year-old standards, but that’s the sort of thing that causes time paradoxes, so I kept my mouth shut.) Seriously, it’s no wonder I didn’t remember squat about the place! And somehow, despite having his face in front of a dinosaur the whole time, little Watt spent hours in front of every exhibit (except the giant human heart, that one sent little me screaming for the exit until Mom convinced him there were no ghosts in there). If it weren’t for Dad grumbling how ‘we should’ve just gone to the dinosaurs like we usually do’ while Mom countered with ‘we need to expand our son’s horizons’, I might have died of boredom for the third time that summer.
           One planetarium show later (which I sat outside for, seeing I didn’t have a ticket) they finally got a move on to the trains, which actually got little me to stop staring at his plastic dinosaur for five seconds. Heck, I found myself gaping at the darn thing (which of course was in an out of the way area most people wouldn’t even notice if it wasn’t on the map.)
           So I knew where the Baldwin was, now I could get going returning to my own time! As if on cue, a loudspeaker screamed
           Mom, determined to get little me to see there was more to life than dinosaurs (Mom, I love you, but you’re wrong) immediately started dragging the family over. Naturally, I followed suit, knowing full well how this story ended.
Turned out, there was one other thing that could get little me to take his eyes off his plastic dinosaur for more than five seconds (that wasn’t a giant, fleshy organ in the middle of a museum hall). And that was seeing their future self running into the Tesla coil right as the demonstration began.
Have you ever been barbequed? Roasted so dark your skin feels like lava, then you can’t feel anything at all? Well, jumping into that coil was like that, and more. Only thing I could feel was my brains being spun around like clothes in a washer. All the while, I thought of that stupid giant heart. Whose heart did it even belong to, anyway, and who thought it was a good idea to put it in the middle of a museum hall where all a manner of kids could crawl through it to their heart’s content?
Whose heart was it?
But I already knew the answer, just like I know the history of dinosaurs. With that knowledge, I came up with the perfect plan.
And everything was still, absolutely still.
                                                         .   .   .
           When I got back up, it was nighttime in 2006, angry Ben Franklin and all. Quick on my feet, I ran to where the little kids go to learn how disgusting they are on the inside. Franklin followed close behind, each footstep a five on the Richter scale. If I wanted to pull my plan off, I couldn’t miss a beat. Running was a bit trickier, though: somehow, I’d sprained my ghost ankle from running so fast. Not that I really had time to wonder how that worked. 
           Most kids like theme parks. I was never one of them. You know why? Because of those creepy animal mascots! Just like clowns, there’s something inhuman about them! But at the end of the day, a thousand of those costumed freaks seemed less scary than Big Ben Franklin’s ticker. And this is coming from a guy who literally lived in the Underworld for a few weeks!
           Did you know it glows at night?! It freaking glows at night like some bloody Chinese lantern. While pulsing! It was enough to make me lose my lunch (or Cheetos, in this case) to the point where I wondered if being crushed to death in the marble hands of our first president might not be such a bad thing after all. (He was our first president, right?) But at the end of it all, I flinched. First I was fleeing from death, the next moment I was lodged somewhere in Big Ben’s left ventricle.
“Coward! Come out and face me!” He cried, punching a hole mere inches from my face.
I may or may have not screamed as blood splattered my face. For the next few minutes, it was a fight for survival. Franklin ripped open the heart, trying to grab me, and I didn’t know what would kill me first: Fists, or the guy’s cringy maxims.
“He who would sacrifice his freedom for security deserves neither!”
“My energy and persistence will conquer all things-that includes your flimsy little bones!”
I would have parried with quips of my own, but really, it’s kinda hard to come up with puns for ‘ventricle’. But in the end, I decided who lived a-or-ta died, so that’s neat.
Sure enough, the more Franklin punched, the more blood spread over his marble face, the slower the heat beat and the weaker he got, over and over and over…
“Nothing is… certain in life… but death and…”
Just like that, Ben Franklin collapsed on the floor. Now it was my turn for a witty one liner.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you an investment in knowledge pays the best interest? Fun fact about the heart: when it stops beating, you stop living.”
And with that, I went to my way toward the Baldwin, but not before Franklin gave me one last ominous warning.
“He who lives upon hope…”
I didn’t hear the rest because by then, he’d drowned in his own blood.
           So I ran to the best of my memory, diving down that staircase where they keep the pendulum thingy into the space travel exhibit (or as I like to call it: ‘You think it’s gonna be fun, but it’s not’.) And who do I see leaning against a replica lunar module but Smell Silverstein himself, looking mighty proud of himself
“Good evening, Watterson.” He said, all sinister-like. “You probably think you’ve been doing real good, busting up two of Pennsylvania’s most famous figures like that. Too bad, mother*cker! Because I’m Shel mother*ckin’ Silverstein, and now, you will be crushed by the wrath of Apollo, the Living Lunar Module!”
With as much charisma as he could muster, he took some dust from his pocket and splashed it on the space thing.
Nothing happened.
Shel looked at his hands, now a bright orange. “What the Stephen Hellenberg?! This isn’t gold dust, this is CHEESE PUFF DUST!”
           You know that gold dust Silverstein tried to snatch from me earlier? Too bad he didn’t have good night vision (the kind you get from constantly checking for monsters under your bed) otherwise he’d have noticed I’d pulled the ol’ switcheroo on him. 
And I made certain he wouldn’t have time to correct his mistake. 
You ever rammed a guy twice your size before? The key is to catch them by surprise, because even if you’re an eighty pound wimp like yours truly, if the other guy isn’t expecting it, they’ll topple like a domino, bang their head on the leg of a lunar module, and that will be that.
           Of course, I didn’t exactly have time to celebrate my victory. With what little energy I had left, I tottered over to the train exhibit. For a moment I’d expected the worst, but there it was, black, long, and big as a house: the Baldwin 60000, the greatest locomotive ever designed by man. Right where I’d left it. Climbing into the cockpit, I opened the firebox, pouring every last ounce of Penn’s gold dust inside. The whole thing shimmered as streams of gold circled the train, like some kind of magic spell.
“What the f*ck?!”
A deep booming voice erupted from right out of nowhere.
“Where am I? What is this place?! How the hell am I talking?!”
“Hey, relax-“
“And now there’s a voice in my head!”
“Actually, my name’s Watt, and I’m gonna bust you out of here.”
“Well I’m not interested! If you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to being the greatest steam engine in America!”
I slapped my head, finally realizing my Mom put up with this crap every time she put me to bed at night.
“C’mon, Baldwin, I nearly got sent to the Underworld, MULTIPLE TIMES I might add, trying to rescue you!”
“Then if you want a train so badly, go to Rocket over there! He’d probably help you out!”
Rocket was a dinky little rust bucket who probably couldn’t outrun a fourth grader, much less crush a Wegmart Greeter. In fact, I’m still not sure if that thing even qualified as a train.
Fortunately, my Mom put up with this crap every time she put me to bed, so let’s just say I knew a little about getting people to do what you want.
“Fine then,” I said, putting up my hands and making an exasperated sigh. “Guess you won’t have the chance to be famous, then.”
“How?!” The desperation in his voice was palpable.
“Oh, I just wanted you of run over a Wegmart Greeter and help some geese get their nesting grounds back. It would get you in the papers. But I could just go over to Rocket, since you insisted…”
A whistle erupted. “NO! NO! You definitely want me! Ever since I’ve somehow gained a consciousness, all I’ve had the inescapable urge to do something stupid that’ll land me in the papers! I’m a very useful engine, I SWEAR! Please don’t leave meee!”
I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes “Okay, but promise you’ll do everything I say, alright.”
“Yes, yes! Anything for fame!”
Just at that moment, William Penn barged in, creating a giant Quaker shaped hole in the wall. His hair was a bit frazzled, but other than that he looked just as dandy as when I first saw him.
“Halt, Wastrel! In the name of Penn-“
“CHARGE!” I screamed.
With an ear shattering whistle Baldwin rammed forward, shattering Penn’s bronze butt into a million pieces. But we didn’t stop there. No, we kept going through the museum, out the other end, and…
“We’re going to crash into traffic!”
“Don’t worry, kid! You just have to belieeeeevvvveeeee!”
“How is that supposed to-“
“Do you want to ram through a traffic jam or not?!”
So I did. I hugged the firebox, believing we might somehow get away with all this. Gradually, the ground stopped screeching beneath us. When I finally found the courage to look down, we were a hundred feet in the air. I wondered what passersbys would think when they looked up to see a seven hundred thousand pound train making a silhouette as it passed over the moon.
“What the heck is happening?!”
“Magic, kid! The Magic of BELEIVING, MOTHERFORKER!” He tooted his whistle triumphantly “Just don’t stop, or we all fall to our deaths. I’ll even sing a song to help you remember!”
“No that’s-“
“Don’t stop! Beleivviiiinnnngg!”
I screamed all the way back to the pond.
                                                          .   .   .
Just like I promised, Baldwin did get in the papers. Specifically, an article in the National Esquirerer titled
“Lascivious Locomotive Finishes Founding Father! Makes Daring Escape into the Heavens!”
Right beneath an article about one of the most pressing issues of our time:
‘Hannah Montana: the American Beethoven?’
1 note · View note
obtusemedia · 5 years ago
Ranking The 1975′s songs, from worst to best
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The 1975 are unabashedly political, wildly eclectic in musical style, and masters of striking the perfect balance between strange and accessible. They’re also the most important, and arguably the best, band of the last five years or so.
However, despite their ability to pen generation-defining anthems and incredibly sticky pop hits, The 1975 have a fatal flaw: they overstuff their albums. All of their records, even their most consistent one (2018′s A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships) have at least a couple filler songs. Because of that, and because the Manchester band love to dabble in nearly every musical style on the planet (except hip-hop, which is probably for the best), a song-by-song evaluation is the best way to judge The 1975′s catalog. And with the recent release of their hit-and-miss fourth record, Notes On A Conditional Form, there’s not a better time to do just that.
But first, some ground rules:
1) To make the list, songs had to appear on one of The 1975′s four albums, or their four debut EPs (which I normally wouldn’t count, but they contain many of the band’s essential songs).
2) The 1975 love to include instrumental interludes on their records. I’m not ranking those — Matty Healy has to sing on the track for it to count.
3) The 1975 also begin every album with a self-titled song. Because three of them are variations on the same song, and the fourth is a spoken-word track with climate activist Greta Thunberg, these won’t be on the list either. (For the record, the best version of the song is their second attempt, although I respect the hell out of the Thunberg monologue.)
#69: “Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You” (The 1975, 2013)
The bottom of this list will be mostly comprised of the painfully boring, minimalist ballads that The 1975 used to end their albums with (thankfully, their last two album closers were phenomenal...we’ll get to them much later). One of the most appealing aspects of The 1975 is their bold, in-your-face style. A bland, hookless piano ballad like “Somebody” is the opposite of that. I already forgot how the tune goes.
#68: “Don’t Worry” (Notes On A Conditional Form, 2020)
The backstory behind “Don’t Worry” — lead singer/lyricist Matty Healy’s dad wrote it for his family ages ago, and now Healy’s recording his own version of it — is cute. The actual song, unfortunately, is a treacly mess that sounds like something from Barney & Friends. But if Barney aggressively, and unsuccessfully, tried to ripoff Bon Iver’s autotuned ballads.
#67: “She Lays Down” (I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it, 2016)
Postnatal depression is a real issue, and one that should be explored more in song. But The 1975 were clearly not the band to do it, judging by how boring and forgettable “She Lays Down” is.
#66: “Woman” (Facedown EP, 2012)
The band’s first boring closing track, way back on their debut EP! Considering how great Facedown’s other three songs are, this aimless ballad is a major disappointment.
#65: “Bagsy Not In Net” (Notes)
This overly reverb-y nothing of song is a prime example of something that should have been cut from the overlong Notes On A Conditional Form tracklist.
#64: “Playing On My Mind” (Notes)
Speaking of boring late-album songs from Notes that should’ve been left on the cutting room floor! At least this one has a halfway decent melody.
#63: “Surrounded By Heads and Bodies” (A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships, 2018)
The only interesting things about this shuffling ballad are A) the very metal song title that doesn’t match the actual tune at all, and B) Healy sings this song about a woman named Angela. Is this meant to be from the perspective of Dwight Schrute?
#62: “Head.Cars.Bending” (Music For Cars EP, 2013)
Later in their career, The 1975 would excel at off-kilter electronic jams. But “Head.Cars.Bending,” one of the band’s first attempts at that style, proves that it took a lot of practice to perfect that sound, because yikes — this is rough. That lurching beat makes me seasick.
#61: “Nana” (I like it...)
It’s not a track I ever return to, but I’ll admit that “Nana” has a nice melody and is an appropriately reverent and pretty tribute to Healy’s dead grandmother.
#60: “Inside Your Mind” (Brief Inquiry)
The 1975 attempted to blend shoegaze guitars with ‘80s cheeseball power ballads on “Inside Your Mind.” It was a noble attempt! The guitar lick sounds great! But the track sadly stays at one level throughout, so the song never achieves liftoff.
#59: “Talk!” (The 1975)
The 1975′s self-titled debut is an outlier in the band’s discography, as it came before the shameless (and fun!) genre-hopping of their next three records. In contrast, the debut has a very early-’10s, Urban Outfitters-core indie pop-rock sound throughout. On some songs, that sound works really well! But there’s also a glut of mediocre filler tracks that fit that sonic description. The stop-and-start, neck-jerking “Talk!” is one of those filler tracks.
#58: “Yeah I Know” (Notes)
One of the few musical styles that Notes returns to frequently during its runtime is a skittery, repetitive drum-and-bass sound. Although none of these songs are outright bad, they’re mostly not too interesting either. “Yeah I Know” is the worst of the bunch, with annoying chipmunk voice effects and a dreary vibe.
#57: “She Way Out” (The 1975)
"She Way Out,” despite having an opening lyric that calls back to one of The 1975′s very best songs (which we’ll get to much, much later), is just another one of the dime-a-dozen mediocre pop-rock nuggets that flood the tracklist of The 1975′s self-titled debut. The guitar lick is pretty tasty, I guess.
#56: “Pressure” (The 1975)
ƒAnd here’s another one of those pop-rock filler songs! At least this one has a nice shuffling groove. Still, I’ll stick with the charmingly bonkers Billy Joel song of the same name (and its gloriously awful, very early ‘80s music video). 
#55: “The Birthday Party” (Notes)
This folksy ballad tries to jack the style of emo-country act Pinegrove, while Healy makes a half-hearted quip about the unclear acts of “sexual coercion” that the band’s lead singer admitted to. But “The Birthday Part” doesn’t have the concise songwriting or heart-wrenching emotions of “Old Friends.” Instead, it sort of just meanders around for a few minutes. The melody is nice — and I did enjoy Healy’s quip about not being able to poop in a shared hotel room, so he has to sneak to the hotel lobby — but most of the song just feels pointless.
#54: “Anobrain” (Music For Cars EP)
“Anobrain” reminds me a lot of a deep cut from one of my other favorite bands: U2′s “Promenade.” They’re both short, oblique slices of atmosphere and haze that are pretty, but don’t build into something greater. Think of “Anobrain” as a warmup for the superior nocturnal synthpop that The 1975 would pen in later records.
#53: “Undo” (Sex EP, 2012)
“Undo,” an otherwise standard early-era midtempo tune with lots of reverb, gets some bonus points for its smooth, swaying beat and a solid hook.
#52: “Mine” (Brief Inquiry)
When I imagined what “The 1975 does a jazz song” would sound like, I was hoping for something more frantic and bebop-y. “Mine” doesn’t sound like that at all — it’s a loungey slow-dance ballad that’s less Miles Davis and more Cole Porter. But regardless, it’s still an interesting detour. Who said quirky genre excursions were only limited to upbeat songs? Or that they had to be quirky?
#51: “The Ballad Of Me And My Brain” (I like it...)
I love the musical elements of “The Ballad” — the cascading drum fills, the thundering splashes of guitar, the twinkling keyboards, Healy’s delirious vocals. But the actual song itself doesn’t do much for me. Having a song about literally “losing your mind” and your brain is wandering in a grocery store, at a bar, etc. is a cute idea on paper, but it just sounds awkward in execution.
#50: “I Think There’s Something You Should Know” (Notes)
Here’s another of Notes’ repetitive drum-and-bass songs. But at least “I Think...” has a catchy tune and a bit more musical evolution throughout.
#49: “Haunt // Bed” (IV EP, 2013)
“Haunt // Bed” has one thing that distinguishes itself from other middling EP-era 1975 tracks: the pulsating loop that undulates beneath much of the song. It’s an interesting choice, and certainly helps the song stand out despite its forgettable melody.
#48: “Settle Down” (The 1975)
Probably the best of the debut album’s jangly pop-rock filler tracks, “Settle Down” still sounds like a weaker version of that record’s big singles. Which is interesting, as it was a single itself. But I’m certainly not going to kick it out of bed — the soaring chorus is legitimately great, and the funky guitar riff is nice.
#47: “Paris” (I like it...)
This mid-tempo, snarky character study about a drug-addicted party girl almost feels like 1975 on auto pilot. But just because Healy and co. could knock out a song like this in their sleep, that doesn’t mean “Paris” isn’t a pleasant, silky smooth comedown from the zanier cuts on I like it.
#46: “Then Because She Goes” (Notes)
The 1975 going full Slowdive and making a fuzzy, shoegaze-y jam? Sounds incredible! Unfortunately, “Then Because She Goes” doesn’t quite live up to that premise, mostly because it’s so brief. At just a notch over two minutes, the song doesn’t give itself anytime to expand or go anywhere interesting. It’s a case of wasted potential, but at least the sliver of a song we got is decent.
#45: “Be My Mistake” (Brief Inquiry)
There are a couple exceptions to the “The 1975 shouldn’t do acoustic guitar ballads” rule. “Be My Mistake” is one of them. It’s nothing spectacular, but the melody is quite pretty, and Healy’s troubadour act is sweet. Also, unlike some of the earlier acoustic ballads, there’s no studio gimmickry or weird vocal filters: it’s just a nice coffeeshop ballad.
#44: “M.O.N.E.Y.” (The 1975)
It’s a bit strange that The 1975 decided to slot this single so high in their debut album’s tracklist, ahead of much catchier, more obvious hits. But there’s something infectious to the winking lyrics and jittery production that sounds like clanging slot machines.
#43: “This Must Be My Dream” (I like it...)
If there’s been one constant to The 1975′s albums, it’s that there’ll be at least a couple big, cheesy ‘80s homages. And I’m a huge sucker for those songs. “This Must Be My Dream” is the worst of the bunch — it’s a bit uninspired — but big crashing synths and drum machines are still a weakness for me. Also, Healy’s vocals sound eerily like Phil Collins here...not sure if that’s a plus or minus.
#42: “Roadkill” (Notes)
The superior version of “The Birthday Party,” for two reasons. One: instead of the band half-heartedly dipping its toes into an alt-country sound, “Roadkill” has BIG honky-tonk energy with its twangy guitars and dusty groove. Two: Healy’s little anecdotes are much more interesting and strange here. It still doesn’t have much of a hook or anything, but “Roadkill” is alright by me.
#41: “Lostmyhead” (I like it...)
Putting “Lostmyhead,” a fan-favorite deep cut, in the bottom half of this ranking is a bit of a hot take. So let me make it clear: this is a good song! The issue is, I feel about “Lostmyhead” the way those who dislike The 1975 describe the band’s other genre excursions: it just doesn’t come close to the original. Here, they’re clearly trying to emulate M83′s cinematic post-rock. And it’s passable! But it’s certainly no “Outro” or “Moonchild.”
#40: “Nothing Revealed / Everything Denied” (Notes)
This quirky number feels like a grab bag of various styles The 1975 have tried on throughout the years: a gospel chorus! Sort-of rapped auto-tune verses! A Mark Knopfler-esque guitar solo that sounds like it was recorded two rooms away, for some reason! It doesn’t quite add up to a classic, but it’s certainly attention grabbing, particularly Healy’s self-critical lyrics.
#39: “I Couldn’t Be More In Love” (Brief Inquiry)
Melodramatic late-‘80s R&B isn’t my favorite musical style, so that dings “I Couldn’t Be More In Love” a few points for me. But Healy is absolutely SELLING this thing vocally, corny key changes and all. And drummer/producer George Daniel expertly captures that specific era with some charmingly chintzy keyboard tones.
#38: “What Should I Say” (Notes)
This detour into robotic dancehall doesn’t work quite as well for me as the other track on Notes with this sound, the Cutty Ranks-led “Shiny Collarbone” (which didn’t qualify for this list, as Healy doesn’t sing on it). But “What Should I Say” is solid in its own right, with some twisty keyboard licks and lots of gorgeous chopped-up vocal samples.
#37: “Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy)” (Notes)
It’s a cute old-school soul song at its core (with a prominent Temptations sample!), but I feel like the lurching synths and occasional chipmunk vocals don’t work well with the more traditionalist tune. It’s an interesting test of mixing new and old, but it’s not entirely successful here.
#36: “So Far (It’s Alright)” (IV EP)
This song describes itself pretty accurately: It’s alright! Okay, fine, it’s actually pretty great. The twinkling pianos and Healy’s ghostly vocals are an atypical backdrop for adolescent stories of debauchery and angst, but it somehow works. It’s a song built to naturally cool down a house party.
#35: “Girls” (The 1975)
We’re about halfway through the list, so it seems like a pretty good time to talk about “Girls” — a big early hit for The 1975, but with a sound the group has clearly evolved from. It’s basically a catchier, sharper improvement on their debut album’s jangly pop-rock filler tracks.
But although that chorus is quite sticky, and the groove is nice, it’s not as interesting or unique as The 1975′s later hits, or even other singles from that same album. Another mid-10s semi-indie band of pretty boys could’ve easily recorded it (but it would’ve been their best song).
#34: “Menswear” (The 1975)
This is the point of the countdown at which where each track left is unequivocally a classic. I feel a bit bad putting “Menswear” — a slinky synthpop deep cut with a killer synth riff — this low on the list. But it just shows how many other incredible songs The 1975 have.
#33: “Loving Someone” (I like it...)
I like it when you sleep... doesn’t have quite as much genre hopping as their next two records. Instead, much of it it crystalized the ideal “1975 sound” — of-kilter but sleek synth-heavy rock with some ‘80s influence and some out-there lyrics. “Loving Someone” is a great song in that vein, with Healy delivering some wonderfully pretentious lyrics (“I’m the Greek economy of cashing intellectual checks”) and George Daniel creating a gorgeous cacophony of whirring synths and vocal samples to back him up.
#32: “Facedown” (Facedown EP)
The world’s proper introduction to The 1975, the band’s first song on their debut EP is a perfect distillation of their EP-era sound. The dream-pop keyboards and the processed, nearly Daft Punk-esque vocals make “Facedown” an intriguing invitation into The 1975′s nocturnal world of drugs, women and depression. It might honestly be a better teasing leadoff than the iconic self-titled track that opens The 1975′s full-length albums.
#31: “Heart Out” (The 1975)
This otherwise just-decent synthpop number is elevated by one aspect: the synth bass is incredible. The constant pulsating throb throughout the track gives the song an early-MTV vibe, lending it a sense of drive.
#30: “How To Draw / Petrichor” (Brief Inquiry)
In multiple interviews, Healy described A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships into his attempt at making Radiohead’s OK Computer for a new generation. But with its glitchy, robotic aesthetic, “How To Draw / Petrichor” is much more Kid A.
But despite my distaste for Radiohead’s more experimental side, I really love The 1975′s pastiche of it! Probably because, like the best 1975 songs, it has a really strong melody. But unlike many of their other great tunes, “How To Draw” is a snaking, constantly evolving track that’s mostly instrumental. Instrumental tracks aren’t usually for me, so the fact that this holds my attention for nearly 6 minutes is a strong sign.
#29: “Me” (Music For Cars EP)
"Me” is The 1975 at arguably their most sad-sack. Healy’s vocals are leaden and filled with guilt. At point, he casually tosses aside, “I was thinking about killing myself, don’t you mind.”
The music is a perfect match — the rhythm is plodding and heavy in the best way, and the mournful sax solo in the bridge stays just on the right side of cheesy. It’s a genuinely affecting ballad.
#28: “Give Yourself A Try” (Brief Inquiry)
This was the first taste of A Brief Inquiry we heard. And I really disliked it at first — the clanging, messy guitars and motorik rhythm didn’t connect with me at first.
But — strangely for a lead single — "Give Yourself A Try” is a grower! Healy’s lyrics are in his sweet spot of being legitimately sincere, gloriously snarky and absolutely ridiculous at the same time. And the pounding groove burrows its way into your skull until you find it endearing. The band’s next attempt at a more RAWK single on their fourth album worked a bit better, but “Give Yourself A Try” is pretty damn great for a Joy Division ripoff.
#27: “Intro / Set3″ (Sex EP)
This was essentially The 1975′s warmup version of the multi-part electronic sweep of “How To Draw.” Yet, I like "Intro / Set3″ a tad more. It’s more direct and has a stronger hook.
#26: “If I Believe You” (I like it...)
“If I Believe You” joins the legacy of pasty British/Irish rock bands making unexpectedly strong gospel songs. Although it’s not quite on the same transcendent level as The Rolling Stones’ and U2′s attempts, it’s at least on Blur’s level.
I love how Healy took the religious genre and used it for a song that’s all about religious confusion. He vents to a god that he doesn’t really believe in, wondering if religion would solve his myriad problems. The song doesn’t arrive at a clean conclusion, but it’s still a fascinating track about doubts and why people turn to a higher power.
#25: “People” (Notes)
In a whole career of random left-turns, scream-y punk rock might be the most unexpected yet for The 1975. “People” — which directly follows an apocalyptic spoken word intro from climate activist Greta Thunberg on its album — is a piercing jolt of energy that’s impossible to ignore.
"People” is definitely a polarizing track, even for fans of the band. It’s extremely aggressive, angry, and might freak out your friend who just wanted to hear more songs like “Chocolate.” But even though I think the lyrics (although admirably ballsy!) are a bit of a mess, I love the no-holds-back rage of “People.” If you’re going to try an out-there genre experiment, dive in headfirst.
#24: “Frail State Of Mind” (Notes)
By far the best of Notes’ drum-and-bass tracks, “Frail State Of Mind” feels like an actual, fleshed-out song rather than just the band dinking around with some new rhythms. 
The skittering percussion, mournful vocal samples and melancholy lyrics help to create a gorgeous, downbeat track. It’s the audio equivalent of sitting inside on a drizzly day, listening to the rain hit the roof: sad, but also content.
Okay, so remember that hot minute in the mid-2010s when pop music pivoted hard into a gentrified, bland tropical house sound? Justin Bieber was the biggest offender? Well, The 1975 jumped on that bandwagon a few years later with “TOOTIME” ... yet it wound up sounding much better than any of the actual hit songs it was ripping off.
Why does The 1975′s tropical house banger actually work? First off, it embraces its non-tropical Britishness: with the chilly synths and auto-tuned vocals, it barely emulates the Caribbean outside of its rhythm. Furthermore, that rhythm is a tad faster than many of those mid-10s hits, making the song feel less like a drag and more like a traditional pop banger. But most importantly — it’s catchy as hell. Good luck getting that chorus out of your head.
#22: “Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America” feat. Phoebe Bridgers (Notes)
“Jesus Christ” is easily the biggest exception to my “The 1975 shouldn’t do acoustic ballads” rule. And that’s primarily because they brought alone one of the modern masters of that form: Phoebe Bridgers.
Healy’s quietly emotive vocals and knack for lilting melodies fit in perfectly with Bridgers’ whispered folksy musical world. And of course, it’s nice to hear another voice on a 1975 song, especially if it’s as evocative as Bridgers’. Both she and Healy sing short vignettes of tortured, non-reciprocated same-sex crushes, and it’s a prime example of the power of compact storytelling.
#21: “She’s American” (I like it...)
As I warned earlier, the top of this list is going to have a lot of The 1975′s trips into pure ‘80s synth cheese. So let’s dive right into that!
“She’s American” is just pure fun, from Healy’s cheeky lyrics poking fun at his American lover, to the swirling synths and shiny guitars. It’s like a long-lost Duran Duran banger.
#20: “You” (Sex EP)
For a rock band that loves bombast, it’s surprising that The 1975 don’t tap into the U2/Coldplay arena rock sound more often. But the couple times they tried it, they nailed the landing.
“You” is a stark departure from the nocturnal angst of much of The 1975′s other EP-era songs. It’s bright, major-key, and meant to be blasted to the cheap seats of an arena. The guitar riff is pure The Edge, and the song just keeps getting bigger and bigger, louder and louder. “You” sounds like pure euphoria by the time it reaches its climax.
#19: “UGH!” (I like it...)
We’ll file this in the “Healy vents about his drug addiction over a super-sleek pop song” folder. And like most of those songs, “UGH!” is a total winner.
The guitars and synths are so liquid and snappy that it’s hard to tell them apart (in a good way!). And Healy gloriously vamps over the ‘80s Bowie groove, pontificating about his coke habit is ruining his life. The attention to detail here is admirable — from the chic plastic production to Healy making an aside about how the song only lasts three minutes. Guess how long “UGH!” is, to the exact second?
#18: “The City” (Facedown and IV EPs, The 1975)
This song was clearly a favorite in the band’s early days: it was on two of their four EPs, and was the first non-intro track on their debut album. “The City” absolutely deserves all that love, though.
First, to be clear: the re-recorded version on the self-titled debut album is much better. The 1975 are not one of those bands that sounds better with a DIY, low-fi aesthetic — they need that studio sheen! And on the re-recorded version, the absolute best aspect of “The City” gets to shine: THOSE DRUMS. They slam against your eardrums with the force of a Mack truck, and help propel an otherwise-just-solid pop tune into a classic.
#17: “Sincerity Is Scary” (Brief Inquiry)
This is a song that probably shouldn’t work: jazzy horns, an off-kilter beat and a towering gospel choir in service of a song about how the internet has ruined the way we relate to people? It’s all a bit much. But luckily, “a bit much” is The 1975′s sweet spot.
Strangely enough, this shuffling single feels effortless and natural, despite having wordy lyrics and not sounding like any Top 40 song in recently memory. Also, it’s the band’s best music video. It’s creative and absolutely adorable.
#16: “Love Me” (I like it...)
If there’s one older band The 1975 is constantly compared to, it’s ‘80s Aussie legends INXS. It’s a bit of a strange comparison — The 1975 are shameless genre-hoppers. INXS had one (really great!) signature pop-rock sound that they stuck with for most of their big hits.
But I understand where that comparison comes from, because “Love Me” is the most dead-on INXS pastiche I’ve ever heard. It wouldn’t shock me to learn it’s a cover of a forgotten Kick B-side. The wiry guitars, bouncy rhythm, winking lyrics about fame and sex, hits of wiggly synths and horns — it’s all the elements that made a song like “New Sensation” so great. The music video even features Healy, with long curly hair, preening around shirtless like Michael Hutchence!
Look, if you’re going to shamelessly rip someone off, you might as well rip off a great band at its best moment. And The 1975 channelled peak-INXS better than anyone since 1988 (even the band itself!) with “Love Me.”
#15: “Antichrist” (Facedown EP)
“Antichrist” is probably The 1975′s most goth song. It opens with a stately organ, and Healy sings the first verse in the very lowest part of his vocal register. It’s a stark departure from any other song of theirs, which of course grabs your attention.
But the funeral dirge vibes, as cool as they are, aren’t the only factor that makes “Antichrist” a great song. The minimalist guitar solo semi-chorus is stunning, like something Interpol would’ve done. And when Healy cranks up his vocal stylings for the song’s second half, it injects a bit of energy. The punishing, near-shoegaze finale to the song is masterful as well.
Despite it being a fan favorite from their very-first EP, “Antichrist” has infamously never been played live. And honestly, I’m okay with that — this seems like a bolt of gloom-and-doom lightning that would be nearly impossible to re-create in some mid-sized arena in Des Moines.
#14: “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” (Notes)
It’s a bit of a bummer that easily the three best songs off of Notes On A Conditional Form all easily slide into The 1975′s pop-rock comfort zone. But even if that album’s experiments fell a bit flat, it’s nice to know the band can still hit its sweet spot over and over again without getting tiring.
“If You’re Too Shy” is a perfect ‘80s synthpop banger, complete with some very-1975 lyrics about a couple meeting online and immediately objectifying each other. But the lyrics are really not the selling point of the song — it’s the taut new-wave rhythm, the twinkling synths, the ROARING sax solo, and that insanely sticky chorus (maybe the catchiest the band’s had). It’s the kind of song that could’ve played during that absurd library dance scene from Breakfast Club. It’s a timeless jam of the highest order, and impossible to resist.
#13: “I Like America & America Likes Me” (A Brief Inquiry)
As much of a big deal I make about The 1975′s experimental, don’t-give-a-fuck nature, most of my favorite songs of theirs are their more conventional pop songs. Sorry, I’m lame!
But regardless, I adore “I Like America,” a truly strange electronic freakout that encapsulates all the anxieties and fears of the world’s young people. It’s electrifying and horrifying in equal measure.
Of course, a much more famous 1975 song coming on this list does this concept a little better lyrically, and has more of an actual hook to back it up. Still, there’s something poignant about “I Like America,” particularly Healy’s unhinged performance. He spends most of the song hysterically yelling out into the void lines like “I’M SCARED OF DYING, IT’S FINE” and “WOULD YOU PLEASE LISTEN.” And the chaotic, undulating wave of vocal samples, drum machines and synths seems to get stronger with every second. 
#12: “Chocolate” (Music For Cars EP, The 1975)
Easily The 1975′s biggest hit in the U.S., “Chocolate” could’ve easily pinned the band into the bin of other just-decent Tumblr-friendly indie bands in the early ‘10s. They could’ve been the British version of The Neighbourhood (remember “Sweater Weather?”).
But just because The 1975 quickly moved away from the super-sugary pop rock of “Chocolate,” that doesn’t mean the tune is a simple trifle. I mean, okay, it is — but it’s a perfect trifle! The hook is basically the entire song, and for good reason: it’s freakishly catchy. “Chocolate” is one of those songs you’ll have stuck in your head for weeks afterward. And that bouncy groove is *chef’s kiss*. 
“Chocolate” was bound to be noticed by the world: it was too pristine to be ignored.
#11: “The Sound” (I like it...)
Am I underrating this? Maybe.
When I first heard “The Sound,” it was the first 1975 song I truly loved. The bouncy house piano, thumping four-on-the-floor beat and simple sing-along chorus drew me in like a siren call. And it still sounds fantastic four years later! 
Really, the only bad thing you could say about “The Sound” is that the band made a couple even better synthpop jams later. This was sort of a warm up, their first truly great ‘80s costume party. But even though it’s been surpassed, “The Sound” is still a delight today. At the very least, it has the band’s best-ever guitar solo.
#10: “I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)” (A Brief Inquiry)
Y’all know the classic Oasis power ballad “Champagne Supernova,” right? It’s incredibly epic, but the lyrics are infamously meaningless. What if a band wrote a similar Britpop power ballad, with an equally anthemic chorus, but actually injected a legitimate, moving theme?
That happened! The 1975 did it with “I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes),” maybe the most uplifting song about suicide ever written. Healy penned some of his most empathetic lyrics here, all about how, well, sometimes we all want to die. Always. His chorus is a moment of glorious angsty catharsis — the emo lyrics of My Chemical Romance set to the sweeping strings and towering guitars of a Coldplay single. 
This song is 100% my sweet spot, as a person with depression who loves a corny U2 ballad. It’s a shame The 1975 don’t operate in this vein more often — they’re quite good at it.
#9: “Sex” (Sex EP, The 1975)
The 1975 are barely a “rock” band in the truest sense. Yeah, they have a guitar player and a drummer and whatnot, but most of their music leans more on the pop side of things. 
But “Sex,” one of the band’s earliest hits, legitimately rocks. It’s a raging, almost pop-punk jam that proves The 1975 can make a fantastic headbanger anytime they like. The frenzied tune is pure adrenaline, which makes sense given it’s about the forbidden thrill of cheating.
During the band’s last major tour, when “Sex” was played during the encore, the massive screen simply read “ROCK AND ROLL IS DEAD” while Matty Healy violently smashed a guitar at the song’s conclusion. Ironically, he proved the opposite.
#8: “Guys” (Notes)
This one’s just too cute.
“Guys” has an incredibly clever — and admittedly quite cheesy — conceit: Healy wrote a love song, but instead of being about romance, it’s about his platonic adoration for his fellow band members. It’s funny how most of The 1975′s songs about dating tend to be bitter or depressed, while arguably their most head-over-heels tune is about how much the four titular guys love spending time and writing songs together.
Even though it was written before the COVID-19 pandemic, “Guys” still fits the moment eerily well. Healy’s vocals and the lilting melody have a bittersweet tone, and the opening refrain of “I was missing the guys” could easily be about quarantining.
“Guys” won’t be for everyone. Some might roll their eyes at its aggressive sincerity. But if it catches me in a certain mood, it really has an effect on me. It’s perhaps the greatest bromance song ever written.
#7: “Fallingforyou” (IV EP)
The best song from The 1975′s EP era, “Fallingforyou” is a gorgeous, minimalist ballad that could’ve only come from the band’s less pretentious early years.
Healy switches between a conversational mumble and an angelic falsetto on the nocturnal track, giving it an intimate feel. It’s almost like he’s right next to you in the backseat of some car at 2 a.m. The dreamy, rumbling background gives “Fallingforyou” almost a Beach House or Chromatics vibe, and it suits the band well.
The 1975 is far too extra nowadays to try another song as quiet, serene and gimmick-free as “Fallingforyou.” But at least we have the one.
#6: “Me & You Together Song” (Notes)
The 1975 already have so many songs that try to recreate the magic of mid ‘80s pop-rock. And although they could probably keep mining that sound forever, it would be nice to see them try homages to other golden eras of pop music. And “Me & You Together Song” does just that.
With this bouncy, propulsive power pop jam, The 1975 were clearly aiming for a Y2K-era adult alternative vibe. It wouldn’t be hard to see The Goo Goo Dolls or Third Eye Blind performing a song like this, with the chugging guitars, snarky-yet-romantic lyrics and endless energy.
Daniel and Healy wrote a groove and effortless melody for “Me & You” that could probably go on forever — and it almost does! The last 75 seconds or so of the single just repeat the refrain over and over, and although normally that kind of repetition drives me nuts, it feels natural for this tune.
#5: “A Change of Heart” (I like it...)
One of two all-time classic breakup songs off of The 1975′s second album, “A Change of Heart” is crushing in the most pedestrian way. It’s not anything melodramatic or exaggerated — it’s simply the story of a couple naturally drifting apart.
Healy’s lyrics are rich with details here, from pithy asides about not smoking cigarettes correctly and Instagramming salads to a rather blunt description of falling out of love: “You used to have a face straight out of a magazine/Now you just look like anyone.”
Interestingly, Daniel decided to accompany the unromantic lyrics with some of the band’s most dreamy production. It sounds like a prom scene from a John Hughes high school movie. But that dissonance works — it sets up a fantasy and then shatters it. 
#4: “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)” (A Brief Inquiry)
You want to know why I left “The Sound” out of the top 10? Here’s why: “It’s Not Living” takes that same hyper-sleek ‘80s synthpop sound but improves upon it with a stickier hook, dark lyrics and a killer guitar riff.
Strangely for such a perky and bouncy song, “It’s Not Living” is about Healy’s struggles to get over a heroin addiction. It’s a smart lyrical trick, framing his difficulty with quitting smack as being similar to not getting over a rough breakup. And it’s downright genius to pair such a dark topic with such a fun instrumental, Passion Pit-style. “It’s Not Living” is the band’s finest pure pop song, and a success they’ll no doubt try to repeat for the rest of their career.
#3: “Robbers” (The 1975)
This is the pinnacle of The 1975′s early career young-and-dumb anthems. It turns literally robbing a bank into a sweeping, heartfelt power ballad.
Alright, alright, fine ... it’s not literally about robbing a bank; it’s a metaphor for a toxic, co-dependent relationship, according to the band. But that deeper meaning is pretty hard to pick up on when Healy’s singing about guns and screaming “NOW EVERYBODY’S DEAAAAAAD” on the bridge. Honestly, “Robbers” being a tragic Romeo and Juliet-style story sounds much more plausible.
But lyrics aside, the chugging guitars and soaring chorus hit you right in the gut. “Robbers” could be about shopping at Pottery Barn and it would still be an incredible tour-de-force of a song. But its brutal ending elevates it even further. That cruelly ironic final line, “Babe, you look so cool” — which Healy sounds like he’s singing through tears — lands like a sledgehammer every time.
#2: “Love It If We Made It” (A Brief Inquiry)
The words “generational anthem” tend to get thrown around a lot online about various tracks. But “Love It If We Made It” deserves that moniker.
I have yet to hear a song that better describes the acute stress and psychological horror of being a Millennial or Gen Zer while the world collapses around you. The ice caps are melting, police brutality is rampant, the refugee crisis is accelerating, and the world’s leaders are too corrupt and/or incompetent to do anything to fix these problems. 
Unlike many political anthems, Healy doesn’t sound angry on “Love It If We Made It.” He sounds terrified. The title itself makes the song’s theme clear: we just want to survive this mess. And we’re pretty sure that we won’t.
With 2020 being an absolutely awful year so far (oh hi, COVID!), “Love It If We Made It” unfortunately sounds just as powerful today as it did a couple years ago. Hopefully, there comes a day when this song sounds less visceral and chilling and more like a relic of the past. But that day hasn’t come yet.
#1: “Somebody Else” (I like it...)
If there is a “The 1975 sound” — which is kind of ridiculous, seeing as the band changes up their sound so much, but still — “Somebody Else” is the perfect example of it. It’s both deeply indebted to ‘80s new wave, yet wholly modern-sounding. Healy’s lyrics are laughably pretentious yet cuttingly relatable. And it packages complicated emotions into an undeniable, melancholy pop nugget.
Healy’s exploration of tangled, better emotions on “Somebody Else” about his ex — who he mistakenly thought he was over —finding a new partner is sadly a place we’ve all been. “I don’t want your body/but I hate to think about you with somebody else” — who can’t relate? 
Daniels’ nocturnal production is sleek, slippery and heartwrenching in its own right. The scattered, distorted vocal samples almost mock Healy’s emotions, and the shuffling beat adds a nice pulse to the proceedings. If you’re in the proper mood and setting, there are few better breakup songs to blast and mope around to.
"Somebody Else” one of the all-time great breakup anthems, as well as a top-tier song to drive around to at night when you’re sad. And it’s The 1975′s best-ever song.
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whumpqhs · 5 years ago
Whumptober alt #6: Lost
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
"Looks like he's going to make it."
The words shouldn't have made her happy. Looking down at the guard as his eyes started to blink open, she should have felt like a failure, but the shame just wouldn't come. She shifted over a little so that, still kneeling at his side, she could ease one of his heavy arms over her shoulders. Across from her, another medic did the same. They counted together, and lifted together, voices in unison: "One, two, three." Suddenly the dead body on the floor was standing and stumbling, with a lot of help, over to the nearest medical bed. Assessing him and hanging his fluids from something other than her shoulder was a fantastic way not to have to think. She knew what to do for this patient, and right now, that was all that was important.
"We need labs. CBC, CMP, and troponin and creatinine levels. Whatever you have on the formulary for an NSAID, too, in case I'm right. Looks like an MI but we need the tests to know for sure..." She helped them as they repositioned him in bed, moving him up and covering him with blankets, giving orders as if she were still back home. He was hazy, out of it. She patted his shoulder. "We've got you, man, we're doing everything possible to help you. How's your pain?"
"Re... really bad..."
"Yeah? Like what number?" She looked across the bed to the one who'd been helping her lift and transfer. "Hey, I need morpha, and a syringe."
The way they just handed it to her should've made her uneasy. It should've signaled something, the way they trusted her. It didn't. All it signaled in that moment was that she could help her patient not hurt so much. "Pushing two units and hanging the rest as a driver, as soon as I draw off these labs—you got vials?"
“Thanks. They don’t let me put stuff in my pockets… I don’t even know if I can chart on him, he’s a guard.”
“I’ll get it. Next time, we’ll trade, and I’ll be on his IV side, okay?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Next time.
The effect was almost instantaneous: as she pushed the first dose, her patient started to relax, settling down. His heart rate dropped into normal limits. Sonora couldn’t contain a smile as she hung the remainder of the syringe and keyed the flow rate into his IV pump. Her mind was calm and, despite her moral objections, awash with the familiar, soft, effervescent feeling of a good code winding down. Stepping away to scrub out brought her right in front of Keeper, and she expected some kind of harsh correction as he reached toward her.
His hand settled on her shoulder, soft pressure, no pain. “Good job, Epi.”
This was bad.
But it didn’t feel bad… it felt good. She felt like she was flying, veins rushing with adrenaline, like she was doing what she was always meant to do. Who cared about a guard? He’d finish his career in this place, especially after what looked like a massive heart attack. That was a life, wasn’t it? She saved a life.
A Republic life.
Who was he before he was a prison guard? Did he see active duty? Did he kill Imperials, like her? Whose revenge could it have been if she’d let him go? But even as they walked her down to the break room and let her get crappy junk food out of the vending machine, like a real person, she couldn’t make herself feel bad. Bad wasn’t the right word. Even later, when it started to change from a good feeling to a bad one, it wasn’t guilt that crept in. It wasn’t shame, either; it was something cold and empty.
Loneliness. She’d never felt so far from other people, so directionless and utterly lost. Who was she? She couldn’t be Republic. She couldn’t bring herself to defect, not even after saving one of theirs. Was she really Imperial anymore, after today? Did living here as a prisoner count as being under duress? Even if it did count, would Intelligence believe her that she hadn’t wanted to do it? Would they believe her when she said she regretted those compressions? How could they, when she didn’t even believe the words herself? She walked to the door of her cell and knocked, determined to get her mind off of this.
“Yeah?” It was one of the other medics this time, not a guard or an SIS agent. She recognized him: he’d been in on the code. Perfect.
“I forgot to chart something. Can I borrow a datapad?” “Forgot” was the pleasant word for how Keeper had dragged her off the floor and insisted on her getting some rest. Although, she’d slept another ten hours after he forced her to drop her charting and go, so she had to admit he was a little bit right.
“I have to watch you,” he warned.
“Yeah, of course.” She nodded, and took it when it was handed over. But as she settled down, she noticed that he wasn’t insisting on being able to see the screen. She typed in the guard’s name from before, and sighed dramatically at the lockout screen that popped up.
“What’s going on?”
“Oh, you know. Access denied, all that. This is so frustrating, I forgot to get any of my documentation in… and now…”
“Here, let me see.” She handed it over to him, watching as he typed in some kind of override code and passed it back. “There you go, should work fine now.”
The guard’s chart came up without a problem. She grinned. “Thanks!”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Unfortunately, charting didn’t take that long, and the loneliness came right back as soon as her mind was free. She signed off on the note, checked the lab values—the most recent round wasn’t back yet, but the initial set pointed to cardiac arrest—and was about to log out and hand it back when she noticed the treatment team listed.
Her name was there, but so were his nurses from the previous shift… his attending provider… and Keeper’s face, next to his designation, Rongeur, and a string of abbreviations. She clicked on it, and his file opened up instead. It took a lot of restraint not to gasp. Sonora carefully scrolled down, looking through the notes, commendations, letters. It all looked regular, legitimate… seamless. A little too seamless. She finally found the clue under his history, in a list of previous meds.
Dimallium 6. 
Sonora frowned. Only one use for that: Castellan restraints. Conditioning. She paused, reaching out to touch the word with a fingertip. When she did, a dialogue box popped up.
Open previous encounter for this med?
She hesitated at first, but then reached out again, tapping the screen.
Enter override code:_____________
Sonora frowned, then looked up and took a chance. “Hey, can you put that code in again? It won’t let me in the MAR.”
For one terrifying moment, as she handed him the datapad and let him put in the code, she realized what a terrible mistake she’d made. It could all be over, her entire life, and for what?—to look up his records? Why, when he was the enemy?
...but was he really the enemy? She had to know.
“Here, should work, it looked like it took the code.” She had to stifle a sigh of relief as he handed it back without really looking.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“I thought I saw the dose in the MAR already,” he said.
“I charted against the override. Had to fix it.”
A little sound of acknowledgement and a half-said “Ah yeah that’s annoying” was the extent of his protest. She peered into the encounter, eyes scanning, fingertips tapping to make it look like she was working on the MAR. But when she finally found the notes from the conditioning, her hand slowed. The notes were in reverse order, working backwards into the past with the most recent ones first: progress updates following his rehabilitation, implantation of new memories… and down at the bottom, she found a brief AAR about his capture… but nothing about him defecting. Frowning, Sonora worked back up from the AAR, going over everything again. Had she missed one?
She finally found the answer that she was terrified of, in the transcript from his last interrogation.
SIS: Last chance, Vael. You can tell us everything you know, or we’ll start cutting off fingers.
PRISONER: Do it. I don’t care.
SIS: You know you’re the sole survivor, right? All the other agents, they’re gone.
PRISONER: Like I believe that.
[Electroshock applied. Several deep cuts made to abdomen. No new information.]
SIS: What’s so special about them that you won’t talk? Even when you’re here for life, even with them dead?
PRISONER: That’s… my team… I’m… the medic… gotta take care of them.
SIS: They’re gone, Vael! They’re dead. What’s stopping you?
PRISONER: Because… th-they’re my… family. I love… them… and even... even if they’re gone, I... I... I’m not gonna l-let them down.
SIS: Oh, you’re gonna let them down, Vael. You just don’t know it yet.
[Session terminated. Will begin selective treatment with dimallium immediately. Keyword to reverse conditioning in case of emergency: Aurek Five System Yellow Seventeen.]
For a little while, she sat quietly, rereading the note. Then rereading it again. Memorizing the code. Finally, she backed out of the chart and handed it to the man at the door. 
“Hey, it freaked out on me or something. Started opening a bunch of other pages, I had to shut it off. I’ll finish charting tomorrow.”
He nodded, tucking the datapad away as she turned back to her bed, stretching out. As she drifted to sleep, the words from the code echoed in her mind:
What could I have done to save one of mine?
2 notes · View notes
letstalksymphogear · 6 years ago
Symphogear, EP. 5 (Cont.)
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Tsubasa ruminates about her current situation in her Symphogear Brand Safety Capsule of Absolute Dunces.
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“aight ive done seen the light lemme at that sweet, sweet taco bell”
Meanwhile, some old ass politicians rumble about Relics.
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“im old.”
But they immediately get fucked up in a nasty car accident.
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As it turns out, the Americans were waiting to intercept these old crones to steal The Goods.
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And holy fuck are they are American. Personally, I feel the writers of Symphogear watched Die Hard and immediately went “these people are fucking animals”. That’s just me, though.
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“ooh ouch oh mmm ouchie ouch oooo ouch”
They tear into these people with an almost machine like efficiency.
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These people don’t fuck around. There’s a strange surreality around it given that this is honestly pretty accurate to how brutal special operatives can be, but the Japanese accent they have in their English voices is... a bit jarring.
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“oh god she’s back”
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“ah, ryoko. as per your lingo, quote, ‘i like your new gucci boots... bitch’ was that good? im not fond at cursing at women unless its a mutual training session”
Genjuro alerts that the Minister of Defense for Japan has just been assassinated.
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“shits bad”
Conveniently... Ryoko’s phone was broken. In her defense, it’s 2012. Battery life didn’t have the bragging rights it had now for phone.
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“i personally use a razer flip phone. those will never go out of style!”
Ryoko manages to show them the box the Americans were trying to get. Suspiciously...
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There’s a bloodstain on it.
So the main struggle right now is that the Bad Guys(tm) want to get their hands on Durandal, which is a completed relic that is hidden away miles underneath the school in the 2nd Division Labs.
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This musty, old, shitty sword has immense power. Almost Godlike.
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“hey why dont we just use the sword to beat up the bad guys”
The sword was handed from the EU to Japan for Japan to safekeep, and in exchange to forgive some of the loans the EU owed Japan should the EU economy collapse.
How topical.
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“i read a lot of beserk and honestly im pretty sure someone beats up the bad guys with that dumb sword”
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“listen nerd, we’re not doing that dumb weeb anime shit. we’re taking this sword to a vault to the bottom of parliament.”
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“thats right. who needs anime when you’ve got nicholas cage.”
And so, they plotted to deliver this dumb sword tomorrow.
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Ryoko logs into Runescape.
Fun fact: Fulcanelli is a reference to this dude, who was a French alchemist whose identity nobody really knows. Alchemy is a concept that will come up during GX that has no relevance whatsoever during these first 2 seasons except in some passerby jargon. This as just a cute thing I wanted to point out.
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You know, that’s a pretty sexy sword upon closer examination.
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“thats the dark souls of swords”
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“ah! a fellow gamer! im glad that you too partake of the souls of darkening. would you like to play a two player match somtime, fellow Gamer?”
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“I would genuinely rather eat shit for the rest of my life!”
The scene ends. Alright, where are n-
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Oh God we’re back to this bullshit. Okay then.
Miku, reasonably, is upset that her wife is gone for several hours for increasingly sketchy reasons. Much like an estranged wife going to see her “tennis instructor” for “private tennis lessons” in the “safety of their house, which has a tennis court”, Miku is worried that Hibiki is a liar liar, pants on fire.
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Nose the size of a wire.
Hibiki, feeling the fear of God, quickly bails this increasingly tense situation.
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Miku is suffering, and so am I with this hamfisted writing.
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“you didnt even try the cookies i made out of frustration for you. i designed them all after me with increasingly angrier faces”
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“im too young for a divorce. fuck, those cookies smelled good”
Hibiki decides to not sweat it anymore, opening a magazine and WHOA WHAT THE FUCK
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Hibiki closes it up to reveal the relevant part of this magazine.
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This is subtle, but it’s basically a vehicle to explain how things are covered up for Symphogears. Ogawa walks in, talking about how this headline was his doing.
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“i wasn’t joking when i said we were literally the NSA”
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Hibiki is happy that Tsubasa has been freed from Metaphor Limbo, having escaped the Water Metaphor Dimension back into real life.
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“she literally wont stop talking about taco bell and honestly its killing me inside”
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“shit ill get her some”
Ogawa does some schpiel about teamwork and asks Hibiki for an idea on what to do with Tsubasas image even though he’s supposed to be the manager and it’s just general prattle.
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Everyone gets briefed about the delivery. Ryoko’s soccer mom van sticks out like a sore thumb. Nobody on the Lydian campus asks why there are 5 cars outside the building with men in suits and fucking Hibiki standing there with them why are these children so fucking incurious.
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“this feels like the world’s most important weed delivery, but im going to deliver the SHIT out of that weed”
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“hibiki please its not weed”
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Big thick black cars surround Ryoko’s tiny vehicle as they all drive in unison to the drop point.
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No fucking around here. The weed must be delivered.
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The weed? Secured as shit.
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“its not fucking weed it’s a goddamned french sword okay god”
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“oh my god we seriously arent fucking around here those guys are fucking dead”
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“bruh you never delivered weed before? that shit happens all the time”
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“anyway grab on to something ‘cause we’re gonna initial d this shit”
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“i thought we were delivering WEED not SUSHI”
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Every car is destroyed.
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Ryoko flips the car like nobody’s business.
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“ryoko! the kansai drift was too strong!”
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“your delivery’s late, pal. that’s gonna have to come out of your tip.”
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“jokes on you! you already paid the tip beforehand online!”
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“oh, we’re going with pizza jokes now? is that what we’re doing? yeah, sure, whatever”
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Unfortunately, Chris ordered her pizza with meat, extra crispy.
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“FUCK, i cant see anything. now i don’t know if they have the weed- i mean, the sushi- er, the pizza- god i hate all these JOKES”
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“yo hol’ up a moment did this pervert manage to summon a shield”
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“are- are you able to fight the noise? are you fucking kidding me? this entire time when literal children were fighting these battles, you literally could have fought back effectively? are we but mere playthings to you? is this really the bullshit im seeing?”
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“uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can only make shields. piss shields, out of piss”
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“that is absolute fucking bullshit”
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“but i believe it.”
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Hibiki has primed her fists and is about to show how much she’s improved combat wise, which is actually a lot.
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Nevermind, she tripped again. Turns out, Symphogears fight in heels constantly, which is absolutely fucking horrifying. Hibiki realizes this, and then
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“oh shit how the fuck did she improve this quickly”
The suitcase where the sword is stored opens up. That means it’s activating.
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Immediate fear.
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“alright bruce lee you mightve mastered a thousand kicks but you better change your gameplan because im about to realign that pretty little face of yours”
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“thank god you kicked me. needed you to get closer so i could kick your ass, after all”
The fucking suitcase, I shit you not, pops open immediately with the sword flipping to the sky like a bad Gmod toy as it suddenly stays floating, perfectly still.
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“ive officially lost track on what the hell is happening”
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The sword just floats there, as a sword does.
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“you know how many fried turkeys i can cut open with that bad boy? that shits mine now.”
Chris goes to get it.
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“fuck you! im going to slice HONEYBAKED HAMS with that sword!”
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Hibiki intercepts it and takes the sword.
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Now Hibiki becomes a proud Stand owner, having acquired the power of The World and stopping time at will.
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“oooooh holy shit”
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Hibiki, now channeling the power of Durandal, feels the raw strength of a completed relic all through her body.
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Real spicy stuff running through her veins.
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The power unleashing itself into a raw stream of piss skyrocketing into the stratosphere.
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“the pizza has been delivered... all according to plan...”
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“...she was right. honeybaked ham was the superior meat to slice...”
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Hibiki is channeling a power source so ancient, so powerful, that through using her as a conduit, the sword actually finishes itself into its full, completed form.
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Holy shit, Hibiki.
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Goddamn. That’s a really sexy sword, actually! Pretty nice...
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You’re not looking so hot, pal...
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“why is it that every opponent of mine can literally asspull all this garbage and im stuck here looking like a bad kamen rider villian getting my ass kicked every time. its not fair.”
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Ryoko looks extremely hyped for this event. Maybe a little too much so.
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“O-OH FUCK- uh, i didnt say that. totally swear. you uh, keep doing that. yeah. aha.”
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“oh god. oh god. im sorry. im sorry. im so sorry. oh fuck im so sorry. honeybaked ham is better. fuck turkeys. fuck drumlegs. fuck any sort of fried meat. honeybaked ham is better please im begging you dont vore me or slice me in half IM BEGGING YOU OH GOD”
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“ham..... mmmmm... honeybaked ham....”
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“WHO YELLED ABOUT HAM? god, im hungry now.”
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Hibiki wakes up from it all after passing out, expressing a power of magnitudes unheard of, as if it were all a bad dream.
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To her disappointment, amongst this wanton destruction, no ham was found. Ryoko clues her in that Hibiki just single handedly completed a relic, and though the entire place is a mess, the mission wasn’t a complete failure. They’ll just have to return the relic back to base, now the entire location is, conveniently, destroyed.
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“yeah yeah. the weed made it. the sushi made it. the pizza made it. what didnt we deliver today?”
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“singing really does make you hungry, huh?”
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egobangin-tonight · 7 years ago
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eternalravendreamer · 7 years ago
Lance in a coma (WIP)
The mission had seemed to be going fine at first - a small, seemingly uninhabited planet had been revealed to be a Galran Empire work camp, and they had to liberate it. Work camps were usually operated more by robots than actual Galran soldiers. Typically one flesh-and-bones soldier to every 20 robots, plus one commander. Sounds easy enough.
However, only a few minutes into taking down robots and rescuing prisoners, Pidge got wind that their father might be among them. After that, everything kinda went to shit.
With Pidge acting on desperation rather than logic (and who wouldn’t?) Lance had volunteered to go with them to keep them safe and focused. That’s when it happened. The Galran commander in charge of the camp snuck up behind them while Pidge hacked a locked gate, and by the time Lance saw the giant charging towards them with some sort of weapon he couldn’t identify all he could do was protect his teammate.
He was knocked out on impact, blissfully unaware of the severe head and neck injuries he just took.
Luckily, the mission ended quickly after an enraged Hunk took on the commander one-on-one. All the prisoners were freed, all enemies either taken out or fled.
Sam Holt had been moved to a different camp the day prior. They had just barely missed him.
Pidge was frustrated and disappointed, but the more present worry that plagued them and the rest of Team Voltron was Lance. He had been rushed to the med bay along with a few of the freed prisoners, and shoved into a pod.
Wrong move.
“Thank you all for liberating us. Green Paladin, I am deeply sorry that your father was not there anymore, but fear not. He was moved because he was unusually strong and your kind seem to be immune to efirium gas poisoning, which is common in the mines the Empire harvests fuel from. He is as healthy as a captive of Zarkon can be.”
“...thanks. That’s good to know.”
“Will the Blue Paladin be okay? The camp commander’s muwuv baton has taken the lives of many workers, and even a few of his own droids in his moments of rage.”
“We’ve got Lance in a healing pod, it may take some time but he will be just fine.”
Nobody was there when Lance came out of the pod just one varga after all the prisoners were off the ship - he hadn’t been due out for another Earth week. He wasn’t supposed to be out. So when an alarm began to blare from the med bay, everyone rushed in, panic in their throats.
When they got there, the pod was deactivated, a red flashing alert notice in place of the glass door. Lance was unconscious on the floor in front of the pod, sprawled out and seemingly lifeless. Hunk was the first to rush to his side.
“LANCE! Oh god, buddy, please wake up!” He desperately attempted to wake his friend, but Lance remained unconscious. After shaking off their shock, Pidge rushed over next to Hunk, checking Lance for any changes.
“What happened?! Why did the pod deactivate early, what does the alert say?!” Coran fumbled with the screens popping up at the med bay computer, bringing up a larger version of the pod’s alert.
“By the Ancients...his concussion was worse than we thought! The healing pods induce a deep sleep in order to speed up the body’s natural healing, along with supplying restorative quintessence and medicine. But compounded with Lance’s concussive state and his injuries, that sleep became dangerous. He’s...he’s gone into a coma, and the pod had to release him to give him a chance of waking. He can hear us, possibly feel touch, but he cannot open his eyes, talk, or...anything else. He’s trapped in his own body.” Allura’s hands flew to her mouth to suppress a horrified gasp. Shiro’s face contorted with fear for his fellow Paladin as he joined Hunk and Pidge on the floor with Lance. Keith remained at the doorway, whole body still with shock, save for a trembling in his hands. 
Finally, Allura spoke, “Is...is there any way to help him, Coran?”
“I don’t know, Princess. This has never happened before, as far as I’m aware.” Pidge broke down, sobbing and leaning on Lance’s all-too still chest.
“This is all my fault - I wasn’t paying attention and my dad wasn’t even there anymore, Lance got hurt for--for nothing!”
“That’s not true, Pidge. It’s not your fault, you didn’t know. Lance is fiercely protective of the team, and he sees us as family. He would be happy to know you weren’t hurt.”
“Since the pod spat him out early, he didn’t get all the healing he needed, right? So what do we do? We can’t put him back in the pods.”
“The Castle has a traditional hospital ward in case the pods are all full or can’t be used. There are beds and quintessence lamps, but I’m afraid all the medicine and supplies are probably ten thousand years expired. We’ll have to stop at one of our ally planets for supplies.”
“I’ll carry Lance if you show me the way. It looks like all the pods had time to do was stop the bleeding, his neck is still swollen. I’ll have to move slowly.” Hunk carefully maneuvered his hands under Lance’s knees and shoulders, and Shiro moved to steady the Blue Paladin’s neck. Unfortunately the med bay didn’t seem to have any neck braces, even on its hover-stretchers. Coran said it was because neck injuries don’t threaten the lives of Alteans as they do humans. 
When Allura, Keith, and Shiro returned, Lance was fully set up in the hospital ward. He was breathing on his own, but an oxygen mask was on standby just in case. Same with what seemed to be an emergency defibrillator, in case his heart rate got too low or stopped entirely. Lance was laid in the bed, placed so he very slightly sat upright, to aid his respiration. A strange glowing panel hung on the ceiling above the bed - a quintessence lamp to heal him slowly, without the risk of sending him further into his coma. A large screen displayed his vitals, though all the lettering was in Altean. He was hooked up to an IV, and electrodes were attached to his chest and head. There were some other gizmos and tubes attached to the Blue Paladin that Keith couldn’t identify, but as long as they kept Lance alive, he didn’t care.
Shiro walked over to Hunk, who was sitting in a chair next to Lance’s bed, head in his hands. Shiro gently placed his hand on Hunk’s shoulder, causing him to look up. His eyes were red and irritated from crying.
“How is he?”
“A little better. His vitals are stable, at least. I suggested trying the mind meld helmets so Lance could...could communicate with us, but Coran says it would be too dangerous and might make him less likely to wake up.”
Allura took one Lance’s hands in both of hers and closed her eyes, trying to focus on their shared bond as pilots of the Blue Lion, “...Lance. You can hear us, can’t you? We’re all here, and Pidge is safe. They’re--they’re very worried about you, and they’re blaming themself.”
A slight beep on the monitor. Brain activity. He could hear them, and was trying to respond. But he couldn’t. Allura could sense something in her mind - a feeling of desperation. But was it from Lance, or Blue?
“Has Coran tested if Lance can sense touch?”
“Not yet! That’s what this is for, Number One!”
“Is that a...toy hammer?” Keith squinted at the...oddly simple tool.
“I think it’s one of those things doctors hit your knee with to test your reflexes.”
“Right-o, Hunk! Except the Altean version involves these sensors,” Coran pointed to several blue stick-on patches on Lance’s limbs and body, “I tap the sensor with this stick, and if it turns red it means Lance felt it. If it stays blue, he did not. And if it turns purple...they’re expired and this whole spiel is pointless.”
First, his right arm.
A tap on the wrist. Red sensor. A tap on the inner elbow. Red sensor. A tap on the bicep. Purple sensor. Quiznak.
Okay, left arm.
Tap on the wrist, red sensor. Tap on the inner elbow...blue sensor. Tap on the bicep, red sensor. That makes no sense but hey, better than all blue.
Right leg, all red. thank god.
Left leg...
...all blue.
Chest, over the heart and lungs, all red.
Stomach, mostly purple with some blue. Coran wasn’t sure if they should count those or not.
There, sitting before the deactivated Blue Lion...was a glowing blue lioness.
“Is...is that...”
“Are you...the spirit of the Blue Lion?”
The lioness opened her mouth and spoke, “I am.” her voice was deep as oceans and cool like a frost across your nose warning you that winter would soon arrive, yet it was familiar and safe and warm, like the affection of a mother. The Blue Lion spoke again, “My Paladin needs me, and I could not help him while still within my mechanical vessel. I needed to return to my Astral Spirit form in order to be by his side. Red will most likely grow tired of waiting and join me by his side soon, I know he did not make it obvious, but he grew attached to Lance while they were paired. But for now, I must go to Lance. Oh, and please, call me Azul. It is the word blue in Lance’s mother tongue. It is the name he calls me by when we speak in his mind.”
Shiro and Allura followed Blue...Azul through the Castleship in silent awe. She was definitely a lioness, large and strong-looking, a sense of purpose in her stop. On the way to the hospital wing, they happened upon Pidge, carrying a giant heap of wires and machine parts.
“Oh, Shiro. I was just--is that the Blue Lion?!”
“My poor cub...I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop this from happening. The moment I felt your mind slip away from me I knew something was wrong. I should have gone straight to your side, like Red does for her Paladin. I’m so sorry, Lance. I’m here now, I’m right here at your side.” Blue nudged her head beneath his hand, and Allura could feel her anguish coming off in waves.
“Did you guys hear that?!”
“Azul, could Lance...could Lance possibly communicate to us through you?”
“It is possible, yes. Having all Paladins present may be amplifying the power of the Paladin Bond, which also makes communication between Lion and Paladin easier.”
“Lance, try to say something. Anything.”
“...Which...is it? Some...or any..?”
“Goddammit Lance you make us think you died and then the first thing you say is a joke? Really?”
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stevenrogers5-blog · 8 years ago
Summary: Bucky and you loved messing around. But it became more and you don’t know if Bucky is ready for all of that. But because of a trip to the hospital, he realizes he is ready for it all. 
Warnings: cute shit. that is all
A/N: my family left for the day so i have so many hours to write and i’m super excited! so be ready for a the spam the next day or two!! much love XX
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It had been a hell of a month. Mission after Mission. You were ready to leave it all at the bottom of some liquor bottle and at the last puff of the pack of cigarettes. You sit down on the chair outside on the balcony. You go to light a cigarette as you hear the sliding door open. You turn your head to catch a glimpse of Natasha walking towards you.
“You know who really shouldn’t be smoking. Your lungs are gonna hate you for it during the next training session,” Nat says as she takes a seat next to you. She pops open the bottle of alcohol and takes a swig.
“You are one to talk, that will kill your liver. I guess we'll just have to see who will die first,” You reply before taking another drag of your cigarette. You blow the stream of smoke straight into the air before looking at Nat.
“You know the boys find that hot actually. They were just in there fighting over who would come out and keep you company,” She takes a swig “But looks like i won.”
“Not surprised,” You add before laughing. You guys sit in comfortable silence before you decide to break it. “So i’m probably go sleep with Bucky again.”
“Oh really? And how is being FWBs going for you?” She asks before setting the bottle between her legs.
“Good. He is great in bed. Just as great in his work,” you simply state as you put out your cigarette. “I mean is it such a bad thing? He doesn’t seem to be too upset about it. He has stopped bringing those girls here.”
“Which none of us are complaining about. I’m happy you guys are happy. But just make sure you guys don’t get too far into it. There are certain points you will reach that will be a little too hard to get away from,” She explains as she places the bottle on her lips. She lets the liquid go down her throat before handing it to you. You take it and do that same before giving it back to her.
“I know. And we are being safe. It’s just so fun having him there…” You trail off before looking down at your legs. “I am just gonna keep having fun. One day it may change for all of us. But for now… I’m gonna enjoy myself.” And with that, you were up and leaving Nat in the silent sound of the city. You head inside, looking for the man that made you enjoy yourself.
It was a few weeks later and you were to be meeting Nat and Steve at some Vegan lunch Steve had requested you should go too. You woke up feeling under the weather but you didn’t want to leave Nat to suffer through that by herself. So you got ready, taking some medicine, praying that it would help. You throw your leather jacket, that matches Steve’s, on and head out the door.
You walk the stairs of the subway, consumed by the noses of the people and city. You walk slowly though, as the stomach pains are still coming in waves. Once on your train, you take a seat and look out the window into the dark tunnel. You sigh as the pain subsides once again as the train makes its way to your destination.
Once you have arrived, you step off and regret it completely. The motion causes something in you and you go into a dead sprint to find the nearest trash can. Your dip your head into one and spill out your breakfast from hours before. After the last of it comes out, you sigh as your legs feel completely weak. You slip down to the dirty floor, not caring, as you pull your phone out. You scroll weakly as Steve’s name pops up. It only takes seconds before you hear Steve’s voice come over the speaker.
“Where are Y/N? Nat and i are waiting,” He huffs into the phone, annoyance lacing his voice. You sit silently for a few seconds before your weak voice comes out.
“I can’t move..” You mumble, a tear slipping out of your eye. “I just threw up and now i can’t move. I feel completely weak and my legs don’t want to move.”
“Oh god Y/N,” Steve replies. You here a few muffled exchanges before his voice returns to your ears. “Where are you?”
“The subway near the restaurant. Sitting on the disgusting floor. Please come get me,” You say just above a whisper.
“We are on our way,” Steve says, trying to hide his worry with reassurance. You hang up and sit for a few more seconds before another wave of nausea hits you, hard. Your body gets the strength it needs to hoist yourself up and over the trash can once again. You throw up whatever was left in your system.
You feel a big hand on your back as another  pulls your hair out of your face. You look up to see Nat standing across from you then turn slightly to see Steve is the one holding your hair. You groan in pain as your legs go weak again, threatening to show your weak state once again.
“God, she is so pale. Steve, you will have to carry her,” Nat says as she rounds the trash can to pull your hair up into a messy bun. Once she is done, Steve picks you up, wrapping his massive hands around your body. You sling your hands weakly around his neck as they make their way back to the Tower.
Once in a hospital bed, Banner has some blood work done, trying to figure out what is up. He swabs your throat and then hooks you up to an IV. You lay there silently, Steve and Nat never leaving your side. After what feels like an eternity, Banner comes walking in and motions for Steve and Nat to come into the hallway with him. You sigh as you get concerned over whatever they were discussing. You go over every disease you knew as they make their way back into the room.
“Y/N, we have news..” Banner trails off, looking over at Steve.
“Yeah, now please don’t panic,” Steve says as he takes your hand in his. Panic makes it up your body.
“Babe… You’re pregnant..” Nat says as she takes your other hand. You sit in silence before starting to cry. “Oh no, babe, please don’t cry!”
“I fucking told him that it was not worth the risk! But no, we still had to have sex without a fucking condom!” You exclaim, pulling away from Steve and Nat. They sit down next to your legs, letting you cry and curse Bucky.
Once the tears are no longer coming, you all sit in silence before Steve speaks up.
“I can be there when you tell him. He needs to know.” He mumbles. You look over at him before looking back at the door.
“Thank you,” You respond as so many thoughts run through your head.
Two weeks have passed by and you were noticeably gaining weight. More specifically in the stomach area. This was starting to catch a few members eyes, but they didn’t want to cause drama. Thankfully Steve never left your side. Sadly this did not settle well with Bucky though. See, you were his girl and that fact you were slowly drifting from him to Steve hurt him a lot. So that is how this situation was finally brought to light.
You were standing in the kitchen with Steve as you two were making breakfast. The baby was screaming pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. So, You told Steve and he got to work.
“You excited for your appointment?” Steve's asks as he places some whipped cream onto a strawberry. He hands it over to you. You take it and take a bite out of it.
“I am very excited! I just hope the baby is doing great! They feel great, from what i can feel. Unfortunately they are still giving mommy terrible morning sickness.” You say, rubbing your small bump. Steve smiles as he looks you up and down. You look up at him and smile. You take his hand and slowly guide it towards your belly.
“Y/N, are you sure?” Steve asks, hesitantly pulling away.
“You wouldn’t hurt them. It’s okay, i trust you.” You answer, pulling his hand closer. You slowly let it go as his hand touches your skin softly. You giggle at the contact, sending warmth into Steve. He smiles softly as he rubs his thumb across the little bump.
“You are the luckiest person! You have the best mommy who loves you with all her heart. If only she would tell daddy.” Steve explains, looking at the bump then at you. You sigh before looking away. You go to speak before another voice interrupts.
“Oh my god..” Bucky mumbles as he tries to take in the scene in front of him. Steve snaps his hand away from your tummy and you roll your shirt down just as fast. “Are you pregnant?! With Steve’s kid?”
“No Bucky.. God no..” Steve says, stepping in between you two. “But i will protect her and the baby if the dad doesn't accept her and the baby.” Bucky looks at you before taking a few steps forward.
“Then tell me, Y/N, who is the dad?” Bucky asks.
“You..” You mumble, looking at your bump. You all stand in silence before Bucky moves Steve away from you. He then lifts your shirt slowly, exposing the bump once again. He places his metal hand on the little bump.
“Bucky..” Steve warns.
“It’s okay Steve,” you say, reassuring him. He moves behind you to continue breakfast but still keeps a close distance. Bucky proceeded to repeat Steve’s earlier actions, running his thumb across the small bump. A tear slips from his eye as his eyes meet yours.
“Mine.” Was all he says before crashing his lips into yours. You guys share a well needed kiss before you pull away. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t accept us. I was gonna have the baby no matter what. I didn’t plan on you to find out like this, but i am happy you did.” You explain.
“You’re my girl. And now the mother of my child. Of course i would accept you guys! I love you guys with all my heart. I can’t wait to be a family.” Bucky answers, wrapping his arms around you.
“We love you, too” You say, sighing contently.
Months passed and the day finally came. You, Bucky, and Steve were all sitting in the living room, watching some mindless show. You were snuggled into Bucky’s side as your feet rested across Steve’s legs. Then it hit you. A sharp pain made it’s way throughout your body, causing you to curl your toes. Steve looks down at your feet then up at your face.
“Y/N, you are sweating and bright red, are you and the baby okay?” Steve asks, causing worry to fill Bucky.
“I think so,” You try to say as coolly as possible. But the contractions were causing your body language to say other wise. Another presented itself, causing you to sit up as fast as your big tummy would let you. You cry out in pain as hot tears threaten to make their way down your face. You reach your hands out to Steve and Bucky as they help you up as fast but as slow as possible. Steve starts coaching you in your breathing as Bucky walks you to the elevator.
The pain subsides as you step into the elevator. Bucky presses the button to the hospital ward of the tower as Steve keeps coaching. You guys start to slow your breathing before you stop breathing altogether.
“Did your water just break?” Steve asks as his socks start to get wet.
“Yep” is all you say as a blush creeps across your face. But it doesn’t last long as the
pain of another contraction makes it’s way into your system. You cry out once again as your reach out for Bucky. He holds his hands out as you wrap your fingers around his wrists. You squeeze tightly as the pain one again slowly subsides. He clenches his jaw, looking up at Steve. Steve rubs your back, helping you through the breathing, mentally telling Bucky the elevator needs to hurry through his eyes.
Finally the elevator opens and you are greeted with a wheelchair and smiling Banner. He leads you and the boys to your room. Once inside, Bucky helps you get up, undressed and into a hospital gown. He then helps you into the bed and stays by your side. Steve takes the other side, letting you wrap your hand in his.
“Let’s have a baby.” Banner says as he puts his mask on. Once he is ready, he looks up at you. “I am gonna need you to push.”
After what felt like hours of pushing, you fall back into the bed, slowly giving up.
“I need you to push one more time.” Banner says, doing all he can to help you. You shake your her head slowly, tear after tear, mixing with sweat, travel down your face.
“I can’t, please don’t make me.” You say through tears. You look at Bucky. “Please don’t make me!”
“Baby, you have too! Come on, you are so strong! You are doing so good! You got this. Trust me, i am here.” Bucky says. He kisses your forehead trying to help reassure you. You nod your head as you look back at Banner.
“One, two, three PUSH!” Banner exclaims. You push as hard as possible and then you feel it. You look at Banner as he is holding your baby. You sigh a you fall back into the bed. “Meet your baby boy!”
“A boy.” You say tiredly. The nurses clean him off to the best of their ability before placing him on your bare chest. “My baby boy!” You rub his back, smiling tiredly but lovingly at your new baby boy.
Few hours pass and you're in a new bed, sleeping soundly. The nurse walks in quietly as she brings in your baby boy back from the nursery. She spots Bucky sitting in the corner and makes her way to him. He looks up at her and smiles sweetly.
“He was missing his family,” the nurse whispers as she places your newborn son in his dad's arms.
“We missed him,” Bucky whispers back as he smiles at his son. “Thank you.” The nurse nods her head as she turns away and leaves the room, shutting the door quietly. Bucky looks back down at his son and smile sweetly at his sleeping boy.
“God, you are perfect. Thomas, i love you with all my heart. I won’t lie, though. I was so nervous when your mommy told me about you. I didn’t think i could be a father, but you made me one. And because of your mommy, i now know i am ready for this.” Bucky pauses and looks up at your sleeping face. He then pulls out a ring from his pocket then looks back down at Thomas. “I am ready for this family”
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eriktheswift · 7 years ago
The Holloween Tree (four years later)
Part I: The Kids
It was a small town by a small river and small lake somewhere in the world. Not Earth, just the world. Four adolescent teenagers showed up at the only four-way junction in the small town they live in. They call it “the spot,” though there are indeed many other such “spots” that they use throughout the neighborhood.
One of them, a sketelot, jumped off his skateboard, letting it roll across the quiet road, to hit the shins of his friend, the hoar.
“Oh my gosh, ah, that hurts guys,” he exclaimed, almost automatically.
“Sorry, Wally.” This was the Which talking. She was speaking for Tom, because she was not sorry. Neither was Tom.
The fourth member of the group pushed up his glasses, shoved his cellphone back into his pocket, flicked his bright green mohawk out of his face, and said “Yo, why’re we here again?” He was dressed as a zombie.
Tom addressed the situation. “Guys, don’t you remember? Today’s holloween! We have to go trick or treating like we’ve always done, pretending everything’s like it was.”
“Uhh, yeah duh,” Jerry the zombie said. “I got your text. Just why’re we here? Shouldn’t we be with Pip or something?”
“Oh my gosh yes! Where is he? He should be here by now! He’s never late, especially on hal-“
“Shut up Wally,” Tom stated.
Soon after, they all met at Pip’s house. Jenny was on the skateboard now*. Pip’s house was as dark as the forest that surrounded it. No pumpkins, no lights, no candy, no popcorn. Something was definitely wrong.
Tom said what was on everybody’s mind. “Something is definitely wrong here.”
They spotted a note on the door. It said: ‘Hey guys. If you’re reading this, then all went according to plan. I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye to you in person, but it would’ve been too predictable. Well, you go on without me. Don’t worry about me. Ready, set, go?’
“Wait,” Jenny began. “How old were we when we saved Pip?”
Jerry piped in. “I dunno how old we were, but that was four years ago this very night. Just sayin.”
“K’mon guys,” Tom said. “Let’s face it. Pipkin’s dead again. And there’s only one place for us to go.”
*Jenny, dressed as the Which, has obligations to be on a portable vehicle of some kind, to give her broomstick some appearance of flight. She’s quite good at it, having some practice a few years back when her and Tom were dating. She had a skateboard herself, but after breaking up with Tom, decided to ‘break up’ her love for him. Literally. They’re on speaking terms now, albeit fragile terms. As for her bike, she outgrew it four years ago. Now her hobby is jogging.
Part II: Moundshroud
The stormy clouds of October made an uncertain look to them, stars peeking through them, then quickly hiding again. Somehow, no matter how accurate you measured the moon, it seemed to grow larger and deeper in details every minute that ticked closer to midnight. Down through the forest they went, a kind of wind chilling their bones. Double the chill for Tom. He was twice as bony.
Long story short, they met Moundshroud again. “And just what do you want this time, Sketelot?,” went the creaky voice of Leonard Nimoy.
Wally began to say “We’re here for-“
“QUIET. I wasn’t talking to you, Tubby.” He peered a leering eye at Tom, half annoyed, half intrigued.
“Well,” Tom began. The presence of The Moundshroud was always a little frightening, for those with enough wit to know why. “We’re here for,” he glanced at Wally. “We wanna know where Pipkin is.”
“Ahh, that meddler! Yes, it’s as I should’ve known. You want to save the boy who’s worth more than your lives, hmm?”
Jenny crossed her arms. “That’s right.”
“Mmh, pity.” The pale-green face of a squash whipped his nose 180˚ around, drawing up his cape as black as pitch. He stormed out of the main room, leaving the four in an awkward silence. They heard various rummages in the back, followed by a “Hmph” Moundshroud came back, dragging with him a tattered old carpet. “Yes, his time is due alright. Unfortunately, he’s managed to plan his escape somewhat flawlessly. Somewhat flawless, I say,” He clarified. “He must’ve gotten word of his, ehem, planned ordeal four years ahead of time.” His nose pointed guiltily at the teenagers. “Ah well. Same deal as before, I assume?”
The kids exchanged slightly nervous glances. They each nodded in turn.
Moundshroud flung the mildew carpet on the ground, letting it slowly unravel itself and hover an inch above the hardwood floor. “What say you we begin our little hunt, ehh? Ready for another adventure worth a thousand generations, through time and space?” He jeered into each of their souls, ever so briefly. “Hm, me neither.”
Part III: Pipkin
To what seemed like a literal eternity for the teenagers was merely a blink of an eye to an outside observer. After seven continents and four dozen pyramids of adventure, Pipkin’s last desperate voice cried out, as his soul was finally captured by Moundshroud. Jenny’s voice crackled in Tom’s ear. “Okay, Tommy. Show’s over, nice job.” Tom engaged his thrusters and leaped back up the cliffside. Jerry’s arm shot down a vulturaptor that was following Tom’s tail.
Back at base, Moundshroud held up the weathered old pumpkin of Pipkin. “Well well, mine at last. You kids did a fine job, aye, fine indeed!”
Tom slurped some of Wally’s ‘Vulturaptor soup special’ and gave Moundshroud a look. “But wait, he’s not yours yet. We made a deal, remember?”
“Hmm? Deal? Ahh yes, hmm, beg pardon. Now what was it exactly?”
Tom washed the soup down with a swig of swill and stood up. “One year. From all of us.”
Moundshroud asked, “Was that one year from each of you?” His eyes blinked black.
The crowd of three shifted behind Tom.
Tom gulped noisily. “That’s right.”
The Pumpkin Manager smiled in a way they haven’t seen before, even through all the countless eons they spent hunting Pipkin with him. “I’m sorry kids, but that’s not enough.”
All teens unanimously said. “What?”
“You see,” He began. “You’re not holding up your end of the bargain.” He pointed at Wally. “You. You don’t have enough to give me. All you can spare is three months.”
Wally’s face turned beet red, then struck open into a ghastly white. All eyes were on him. “Oh my gosh, oh my goshohmygoshohmyhoghugmygosh…”
“Well great,” Tom said, darkness in his eyes. “Now Pipkin’s not gonna live as long, on account of Wally’s stupid choices shortening his life!” A bitter hatred flared up.
Wally began to recover. “Well, gee. I-I can’t spend anymore time for Pip. As it is, he’s gonna-“
“You’re pathetic.” This was Tom again. The hate remained. “It’s just the thing I’d expect from you. Don’t you know why we sacrificed our time for Pipkin? It’s because he matters. He matters more than any of us, especially YOU.”
“Oh, gosh Tom. I thought we were friends…” Wally innocently murmured.
“We were never friends. That’s why I always met up at our spot across the street from you. But we’re next-door neighbors. If it weren’t for Pipkin, I’d never hang around with you.” He sighed away the demonic anger. “But he always found time for us. Even you. All my life, I’ve always wanted to be just like Pipkin, just as jovial, just as meaningful, just as forgiving. He was the best. He IS the best. And he can always be here for us, just for a little bit longer. Just a few more months. Just to tell him that I…that I…” His eyes glistened with tears.
Jenny rolled her eyes. This is why we broke up.
Jerry stepped down. “Eesh. Look, I never had a prob with Wally here.” Wally gave him a trembly smile. “So if he don’t wanna sacrifice his life for Pip, well, neither will I.”
Tom darted his red eyes at Jerry. “That’s because you haven’t even done it before. You weren’t THERE the first time! If Ralph never moved away-“
“Oh, so THAT’S what this is about, is it?” Jerry spat. “Gonna pin the blame on me now as well, just because I’m not agreeing with your plan, now is that it? I’m just the second-rate, Johnny-come-late friend, who’s only known Pip for two years instead of five! Big deal!”
“Six,” said Tom. “And you’ve never been a replacement. You could never replace Ralph. Besides, your name is so confusing. I mean, it’s only two letters away from Jenny.”
Jenny stopped rolling her eyes. “He’s got a point, you know.” She blew bubblegum out of her mouth.
“ENOUGH!” Moundshroud extended his arm-capes in a fiery scowl. “I have all the time in the world and I’m not going to spend it on listening to your bickering and bitching. Are you in or out?”
Jerry took a step back. Wally just sat there, mouthing a certain phrase over and over. Jenny crossed her arms. Tom opened his mouth. “Okay. I’m still in.”
“One year from the end of your timeline, in exchange for a year of Pipkin’s life?”
“Well, no.”
“NO?!” Moundshroud’s face got really close.
“You see, I was thinking now more like…six months.”
The Wizard of Time leaned back. Almost disappointedly adding, “You’d do that for him?”
Tom gulped noisily again. Twice. “Yes.”
Jenny popped into the conversation. “Err, I’ll add three months.” Moundshroud blinked.
“What are you doing Jenny?,” the Sketelot said. “If you’re gonna participate, you gotta do six months. Make it a full year.”
Jenny the Which thought about it, shrugged, then thought again. She crossed her arms. “Fuck you Tom. You do it.”
In the end, Jenny agreed to give Pipkin three months, while Tom gave six. Moundshroud gave them each a drink (tasted like grape kool-aid) and said “Chew, swallow, swallow and…well, swallow anyway. And I hope I never have to see you all for a while now.” He smiled at Wally. “Except I’ll be seeing you very shortly.” Then, abruptly, he disappeared with the universe.
Part IV: The End
Before they knew it, the four teenagers found themselves in a cold field of overgrown weeds. The waining crescent beamed down at them. Shivering, they bundled up in their futuristic clothing and made a mad-dash to Pipkin’s house. By the time they arrived, the sun was just beginning to bring a light to the foggy ground. And there, up in the same old bedroom window, sleepy-eyed and dazed, forest of freckles, with Jupiter’s red spot doubled as cheeks, was Pip. “Hullo guys,” he said. “I had a strange dream last night. Something of laser-beams and vulturaptors and…well, thanks for saving me. Again. I owe ya one. Or maybe two. Well, how much do I owe ya guys anyway?” The sleep went away from his eyes. “No really, was it the same as last time?”
The kids exchanged looks and shuffled feet. Tom at last spoke up. “Err, don’t worry Pipkin. Everything’ll be okay. Well, see you tomorrow.”
As they began to walk away, ready to sleep for another eternity, Jenny whispered, “Has he always been like this? I dunno, maybe it’s just chasing him all this time made me sour.”
Tom sighed. “All this time trying to get him, just so we can keep him for a little longer. But he’s always the same. It’s not him getting older, it’s us.
“Gosh, I’ll say,” Wally went.
Tom told him to “Just shut up already. Look, you’ve only got three months left, right? That’s what He said. So why do you even bother hanging around us? Why don’t you just get all the drugs, sex, and rock-and-roll while you still can?”
Wally stopped walking. The others kept going.
Then Jerry said, “Say, I know what we’ll do next Holloween.” The others groaned. “Hey hey, listen here. How bout we just go out to a party like most people our age do? Get ourselves a drink, in memory of Pip or something.” They kept walking, into the fog.
One month later, Wally, the Hoar became the most bad-ass partier west of the Mississippi. Eight months after that, Pipkin choked to death at a movie theater.
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