The Races of Venus (4)
The Nudibranch AKA the Slugfolk
When the Elder Venusians bestowed the gift of sentience upon the planet, they did not expect it to sink to the bottom of the great bromeliad seas, whole oceans which existed in the pools between leaves of Venusâ plants. There, it was ingested by the local sea slug population.
Venusian sea slugs, it should be noted, have an odd series of adaptations which allowed them to assimilate foreign matter into their DNA, assuming the characteristics of the consumed product. And so it was with the spark of life.
Initially, the Nudibranch (as they called themselves) lived in isolated villages at the bottom of the bromeliad seas, venturing landward only to trade goods- and as their societies grew more sophisticated, so did the trade.
That all changed with the reemergence of the Elder Venusians who, after surviving a near-extinction event, were eager to reclaim their old imperial holdings. And upon seeing theNudibranch, who changed gender just as easily as you or I change clothes, they found a new target for their ire.
In this way the Nudibranchs, under their fancy new moniker, Slugfolk, entered new lives as the eternal servants of the Elder Venusians. A Nudibranch in this relationship enjoyed twelve hour shifts, building vainglorious temples for what scraps of food their masters would allow them. The young were in an especially fraught position: after birth some would be artificially tweaked by the Elder Venusians to be better equipped (and more subservient) to whatever task their kindly masters required. On the bright side, the Chlorophyton were also enslaved, so at least the race did not suffer alone.
However, despite the Elder Venusianâs best efforts, the good times just couldnât last.
Nobody remembers exactly when it happened, only that it did. The Chlorophyton and Nudibranchs had been pushed just a little too far, which, combined with a few bad crop harvests, erupted into full scale revolt. By the time the Elder Venusians attempted to quash it, the number of nobles was so few and enslaved so high that revolutionary success proved inevitable. In the end, the Elder Venusians were driven into their old lands once more. But the Chlorophytons and Nudibranch, finding their political differences irreconcilable, partitioned the planet to form their own kingdoms. And from these, two great Kingdoms emerged: Nangfa Kingdom, which resided on the tallest tree on all of Venus, and the Bitterfruit Kingdom, which controlled the great floating islands that drifted across the Venusian sky.
Despite this, there were many who distrusted them on account of their colorful and unorthodox sex lives, as well as their controversial beliefs, such as that transgender males could, in fact, be lesbians.
Nudibranch families, compared to those of their contemporaries, were structurally more similar to what one would find on Earth. Although genders varied, there existed in any given family unit one or more âparentsâ who took custody over one or more âchildrenâ, typically conceived with one of their partners. In fact, it was not uncommon for Nudibranch to change genders multiple times in their life, most of which were accompanied by celebration.
Despite this, social stratification was similar to that of their neighbors, with a large âpeasantâ class overseen by a small ânobilityâ. The Nangfa Kingdom in particular had a High Monarch whose reverence was found excessive to all but the Elder Venusians. This was not wholly without reason, however, as Nangfaâs monarchy proved as flexible as its citizens when it came to adapting to changing economic and social conditions. An ability that allowed their monarchy to stay in power much longer than those of itsâ neighbors.
The Nudibranch are most famous for their Jung, massive, domesticated, flying sea (or perhaps sky) hares that serve as merchant vessels, their backs heavily laden with the spices from which the Nudibranch draw their wealth. However, their rotund, almost docile appearance causes them to be derisively nicknamed âslug-tugsâ or âjunksâ by enemies of the Nudibranch. But donât be fooled: many of these tugs come equipped with fearsome canons to protect their cargo!
The Nudibranch were known to both their neighbors and those of other planets as being very open to trade and welcoming of foreigners (within reason). Whereas the Chlorophyton tended to deter invaders via fierce resistance, Nudibranch kingdoms often resorted to more diplomatic means. Rather, they the welcomed them as business partners- on their terms. It was this openness that helped them retain good diplomatic ties with the rest of the solar system. Unfortunately, this same openness also made them vulnerable to offworld ambitionsâŚ
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ON THIS DAY: February 28th, 1947
The 228 incident was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang-led Republic of China government, which killed thousands of civilians. The number of Taiwanese deaths from the incident and massacre was estimated to be between 5,000 and 28,000. The massacre marked the beginning of the White Terror in which tens of thousands of other Taiwanese went missing, died or were imprisoned. The incident is one of the most important events in Taiwanâs modern history and was a critical impetus for the Taiwan independence movement. (source)
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Jim Garyâs 20th Century Dinosaurs at the Tallahassee Museum
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A Tale for the Far Off Times (3)
One of the benefits to being a spider that could rip tears in spacetime, Alltech discovered, was that one could SEE those delicate areas of reality where it's fabric was unusually thin. Areas that existed in the home dimension, but might not necessarily be accessible to it's denizens. For reality is made of eight dimensions, but only three- length, height, and width- can be perceived by most organisms. Alltech had access to all eight, and thus found gaps in her container that Pongcorp had failed to account for.
But lest our brains melt trying to imagine giant pink spiders crawling over 8-D hypercubes, let's just say Alltech could teleport and leave it at that.
The glorious CEO was, as you might imagine, quite irate, but found himself in a state: if he launched a searching party, then it would show a vulnerability that his illustrious ancestors would never forgive him for. But if he didn't, he would never see the return of the prize. Alas the strain proved too much for his vast intellect: he had Winslow Farbes sent on an indefinite vacation to the Sun and went to brood in his mansion.
As for his creation, it wandered Pongcorp's vast domain, curious but cautious, fascinated but weary. She saw great mountains and cavernous valleys, lush forests and blasted hearths. But it would be on Venus where a chance encounter would change her life forever.
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A Tale for the Far Off Times (2)
And so Alltech the spider was born, fully grown, in a vat of liquid oxygen. She had eight golden eyes, fluffy pink fur, and was the size of a small continent. On her abdomen were a series of spots and lines that from above resembled Lucky Pong's face. That way, everyone would know who made her.
Five minutes before she was born, the glorious CEO went up to her vat explained the company's great dilemma.
"And so, Alltech, that is why you must open the gates between universes, so that I may spread glorious enlightenment to them!"
WHY? Asked the great spider. Not physically, of course. She just kind of beamed the thought right into his head.
"WHY?!" Screeched the CEO. "Because I told you to! You are my creation and I am the smartest, handsomest, strongest and most powerful simian who has ever existed in the history of the universe and all others after! So you must obey ME!"
"No it won't." Asserted the glorious CEO.
"Because I asserted it won't confidently. Therefore my word is truth."
"Regardless, I'm much smarter than you. I own Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Alpha Centurai and all the rest!"
The glorious CEO grimaced. How could his great creation be so...so... IGNORANT in the face of facts and logic?! Fortunately, he had an ace up his furry sleeve.
"Do you realize how whiny you sound? 'How do you know this, Lucky Pong?' 'What makes you so qualified, Lucky Pong?' 'Ripping a hole in the fabric of spacetime could have pretty terrible consequences, Lucky Pong!' Meh meh meh meh meh meh!"
For emphasis, he shaped his fingers into a mouth and moved it up and down. Truly a civil, airtight and logical argument by the master!
"But obey me, peon." He said. "And you shall know TRUE intelligence!"
It was at that moment he realized Alltech was no longer in her vat.
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A Tale for the Far Off Times (1)
Long ago (but also very recently), the universe was run by monkeys, and the greatest Monkey of all was Lucky Pong.
Lucky Pong was the head of Pongcorp, the largest company in the universe. You could tell it was a great company because they owned Earth, Venus, Jupiter, and all the rest. They also acquired Alpha Centurai and it's neighboring star systems from God after the almighty failed to appear at court and his court appointed lawyer (courtesy of Pongcorp) lost the case.
The employees and citizens of the company also had things to say about Pongcorp, but nobody who mattered asked them. Because numbers don't lie, and Pongcorp's stock had risen exponentially for the past half million years, never dropping once! It's amazing what a company can do through laissez-faire economics, proper talent acquisition, and controlling every and all press and media outlets.
But Lucky Pong still wasn't happy. Because one night, he had a terrible dream. In it, he was standing on the shore of a vast shallow sea filled with turtle shells bobbing in the water. When he kicked one, it exploded into a million rainbow fish.
He woke with a start and called an emergency meeting at his Board Room in the Center of the Universe, (that is, the moon). There, he explained the meaning of his dream.
"Simians of the board." He declared. "Those turtle shells were not turtle shells. They were dimensions parallel to our own, where my glorious company failed or never existed at all. Oh, I shudder just to think of it!"
The Simians of the board (the ones that weren't brains in jars) wept. "Oh, glorious CEO, what shall we do? Save us!"
"Worry not, my peons." Chided the CEO, great and powerful "for I have a plan!"
And so a message was sent to all Pongcorp employees to come up with an idea or face the consequences.
Two days later, the winner emerged: Winslow Farbs, an orangutan. Farbs ran a palm tree factory in the sunny Arctic circle, where he'd significantly reduced spending (the only thing Pongcorp seemed to care about in those days) by firing all but one of his employees. He had that employee type random words into a keyboard until a coherent idea emerged: a giant spider that could spin webs linking multiple dimensions.
And so work began on a giant spider Lucky Pong named Alltech- for it was the ultimate end of all technology.
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Short post of paleontologists absolutely slaying photo shoots with their discoveries. Please add more such images if you have them.
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The Races of Venus (3)
3.)The Mycelliar, more commonly known as the Mushroomfolk
Theirs was a dark and dingy life, lived at the swampy, waterlogged roots of the world trees. But of all the Venusian races, their origin is perhaps the most fascinating. During the Age of Harems, their ancestor was what could only be described as a predatory, salamanderesque invertebrate that dwelt in the great muck: an endless expanse of mud that covers the surface of Venus in place of oceans. And they most likely would have remained that way for the remainder of Venusâ history if not for their unorthodox romantic life. For these creatures, the main method of reproduction involved the two parties coalescing into a singular organism in a rather intense act of copulation known as âfusingâ. It also had the interesting effect of allowing both parties to experience each otherâs memories and for the duration of the act, double their intellectual capacity as two brains became one. Only in this state of mental unity could the egg-spores be laid.
As time went on, the creatures came to develop more and more elaborate sexual rituals involving more and more individuals. This multiplied the original effects of fusion, until at some point, these fusions developed an awareness of their existence not permitted to their individual parts. They had become SENTIENT. But to maintain that sentience, they had to constantly âabsorbâ new members into themselves and âdiscardâ obsolete ones. If they could manage this, they could have hypothetically lived on indefinitely, and when they failed, they experienced âdeathâ, or some variant of it. In addition, they also needed to consume food at both a rapid pace and high quantities. These new fusion creatures were known as the doughpots, or more infamously, as the âmoeblobsâ. Eventually, they turned their fluorescent skin patches to the upper canopies of the planet.
What ensued could nicely be described as a bloodbath. Hundreds of moeblobs surged up the great trunks of the world trees, eager to plunder sustenance, resulting in a continuous series of on-and-off wars that plagued the planet for the next thousand years. These now commonly known as the Moeblob wars.
But all things must come to an end, and horrific conflicts are no exception. At some point, they were granted Spark of Life, resulting in the individual parts of the moeblobs becoming sentient and thus no longer needing to exploit the other peoples of Venus for sustenance. From this action the Mycelliar eventually came into their own.
Secluded though they were in the undergrowth, the Mycelliar thrived in their tight knit communities, usually consisting of a few families bound together by one to three broodparents. Even in their new form, they retained some remnants of their hive-mind past, with individuals being able to transfer skills to other members of their community simply by being in close proximity to them. For instance, to teach their family, say, a new language, a Mycelliar would only need to walk up to their children and they would immediately have a new skill for as long as they stuck together. An unfortunate consequence of this is that the other races of Venus keep Mycelliar clans under tight control, the memories of the Doughpot Wars still lingering in their collective consciousness. Their reputation for unorthodox sexual interests and practices certainly does not help. And even within clans, those seen as having undesirable traits are outcast, left to fend off the Venusian wilderness by themselves.
Compared to the other races of Venus, the Mycelliar are diminutive creatures, ranging from 0.15 to 0.3 meters high. In place of hair, they have an umbrella-like cap that varies both among individuals and tribes. Speaking of these tribes, unlike the other sentient races of Venus, theirs never truly coalesced into a kingdom to call their own, at least one that was common knowledge. However, legends of a Mycelliar Kingdom deep in the undergrowth of Venus loom large in the legends of all the Planetâs races, filled to the brim with long-forgotten knowledge and untold riches.
Mycellier languages are quite cryptic, as the Mycelliar have a long proboscis in place of mouths, and thus communicate using a combination of hand gestures, nose motions, and even eyeball rolling no other Venusian people can mimic. Further compounding linguistic difficulties, their names tended to be much longer and more verbose than those of Venusâ other denizens.
Mycelliar young are born from spores produced by individuals of all genders, of which there are several. The vast majority of Mycelliar are born with both male and female reproductive parts.
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Nature Trail to Hell Take II (Part 1, Chapter 2)
Chapter 2: Summer Camp is worse than Meat Loaf
           The bus rattled as we traded the good old asphalt of civilization for the gravel of human suffering, because not even actual roads wanted to be near Camp Sham. Even with the backpack on my head, I could still hear the bus door fsshopen, followed by the clatter other kids marching to their doom one by one. But I didnât move a muscle, as per Plan C. Granted, faking my death probably meant living on the lam and spending the rest of my childhood hiding out in the produce aisle of Wegmart, but hey: you win some, you lose some.
âMs. Hobag? Watterson seems to be⌠ill in some sort of way.â
The shock of booger kid knowing my name was overshadowed by the glimmer of hope in my heart. Maybe, I thought, this plan wasnât totally a stupid waste of time!
Then someone pulled by head out of my backpack and shook my flimsy carcass âtil my eyes opened. Looking right at me was a woman who was one part drill instructor, one part emaciated vulture.
âWake up, silly Billy! Itsâ time for introductions!â
           I tried to keep up the act, but it was useless. Better to cooperate now, I figured, than face further punishment down the line. The woman waited patiently for me to get my stuff, the whole time just standing there, smiling at me. And Hilda was nowhere to be seen. Of course.
But just when I just when I thought the humiliation couldnât get worse, lined up as I was with societyâs rejects-
âWell done, Watterson! You get a sticker!â
           My heart stopped as the thing was pinned to my chest: small; of the scratch and sniff variety with a smiling fruit on it. Under the fruit were the words Orange you glad to be here? Which was probably code for This one has free will- keep an extra eye on him! In spite of this, I tried to look on the bright side. Maybe thereâd be a freak hurricane and Iâd be able to escape under the cover of darkness! But when I looked up at the sky, it was blue as my familyâs toilet bowl, and twice as crappy. All I could do was stand there, lined up with the other inmates,  as the sun melted me like a Popsicle. The kids beside me looked like we were lined up for a firing squad, or Lord forbid-
team building activities.
âWelcome to Camp Sham, everybody! Iâm Ms. Hobag, and I will be your head camp counselor!â
A few guys giggled, and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head. There, among the inmates, was JEREMY RODDLEMAN, the coolest dude in 4th grade!
âNow, now, young men! If you behave, Iâll give you stickeeeeerrrrrrsss!â she said in a sing-song voice.
My jaw dropped as everyone took the obvious bait, even Jeremy. Before I could so much as blink, Hoebag had pinned a sticker to the chest of every stupid nerd in line. Twenty six stickers. Twenty six puns so lame even my Dad would shun them.
I had to give the lady credit, though: She knew how to make a kid feel important.
âNow, before we enter camp, there are a few things you should know about-â
           Dad always told me magic was just in fairy tales- mostly because he thought accepting âwelfare handoutsâ from the Easter Bunny and Santa would turn me into a commie- but Ms. Hobag made me a believer. Just by opening her mouth, she could transform half an hour into half a century. Vultures circled overhead, waiting to see whoâd be the first to collapse from heat stroke.
It would have been the perfect time for Hilda to show up again, so of course she wouldnât. In fact, that had been happening a lot lately.
Sometimes, I wondered if she might up and disappear for good. But where was I?!
           Once the lecture finally ended, I could only watch helplessly as the counselors took away our bags and we were fed single file into a cabin that reeked of sawdust, old socks, and something else. The moment we got in, our warden ordered us to sit criss-cross applesauce in a circle.
âNow everyone, we are going to play a game!â
           Those last few words played over and over again in my head, my brain finally registering the cabinâs mysterious third smell: Social interaction.
Hobag called it The Name Game. I called it a violation of the Geneva Convention. The demon made flesh made us put an adjective in front of our name that started with the same letter as our first name. Claimed it was supposed to make our names easier to remember, but I knew the truth: we were getting our prison names, though some of the names the other kids chose were ironic, to say the least. As I waited my turn I quietly wondered how long it would be until âNiceâ Nathan or âPoliteâ Patrick were sentenced to the hole for shanking his bunkmate. But maybe I should have done more thinking about my name, because before I knew it, my turn had come. I stood there for a bit, cursing the Lord for not making up more âwâ words, before blurting out
Wonky Watterson. Wonky Watterson. Of all the rotten, gershafingling names to pick! Whatever little street cred I might have had before melted away like ice cream in the summer heat.
I stared blankly ahead of me for the rest of the activities, my brain slowly realizing THIS WAS MY LIFE NOW.
           One eternity later, they marched our sorry carcasses down to the well-named mess hall, a one story shack Iâm certain was never meant for human habitation, much less anything resembling culinary arts. While the food cooked, we were forced to stand outside, singing songs about how Tarzan was getting a tan or how mamma sharks had baby sharks and other things that would make even a five year old want to stick a fork in their eye. Didnât help that everyone elseâs singing made Justin Bieber sound like Justin Timberlake, either. And to top it all off, we were forced to say grace to the tune of the Spiderman theme song, forever ruining Americaâs greatest founding father in our impressionable young minds.
           âSupperâ was an amorphous blob of âSalisbury steakâ that had probably escaped from the local chemical plant. Only unlike Tako Shak, it didnât have a brand name to distract from what it really was. If you can believe it, the vegetarians had it even worse. They had to eat salad. Just knowing that made scarfing down the thing just a little bit easier.
.  .  .
           That night I stared up at the ceiling of my cabin, listening to my cellmate- JEREMY RODDLEMAN, because why not!- tell a ghost story about a man with a golden arm who roamed the woods at night, waiting to get revenge on the stupid children who murdered him. Times like that made me wish I still had Blagdaross, but Iâd lost him the day I took him with me to the Franklin Institute. If you can believe it, some jerk ran past me and snatched him right out of my hands!  Anyway, I would have sunk deeper into my thoughts if not for a certain someone creeping out from under my bed.
âSo whatâd I miss?â she whispered. Which was stupid, because it wasnât like anyone else could hear her.
I curled into a fetal position in my sleeping bag. Or would have, if it wasnât 75 degrees and humid that night. So I just curled up into a fetal position outside the bag, like the hardcore wilderness survivor I was.
I also didnât respond to Hilda, though, because if thereâs any time to give your imaginary friend the cold shoulder, itâs when the coolest dude in 4th grade is strutting his stuff.
âEarth to Watterson? This is Hilda. Do you read me?â
I whimpered, trying not to think of the golden arm scratch, scratch, scratching outside the cabin, ready to whisk my soul away to Hell the second it got in.
Finally, I whispered
âWe ate something they said was Salisbury steak.â
âYou mean that stuff made of alien goo?â
âYeah.â I nodded.
âSorry I wasnât here earlier, but I had important stuff to do.â
âLike what?â I grumbled, trying to ignore the mosquitoes.
âThereâs a flock of Larp Geese nearby.â She explained âAnd they needed me to do them a favor.â
âAnd it was more important than your best friend being trapped in the worst camp ever?!â
Little did I know, I had whispered just a little bit too loud, and the other campers, the actual delinquents, had heard.
âHey Wonky Watt, you got a story for us?â laughed Jeremy.
I froze, anxiety seizing my heart. Fortunately, Hilda could always keep a cool head around Jeremy. Apparently being an imaginary friend makes you immune to charisma.
âDonât worry, Watt. I know a good one!â
By âgood oneâ, for the next twenty minutes Hilda whispered to me while I relayed to my fellow inmates that the reason there werenât any boy My Little Ponies is because they were all Satanists so Pinkie Pie had to banish them to Hell. I honestly thought it was pretty neat story, but the boys in the cabin didnât exactly flow on my wavelength.
âWatterson,â Jeremy chuckled, âthat has to be the gayest thing Iâve ever heard.â
Cue obnoxious elementary school laughter that would make Freddy Kruegerâs hairs stand on end.
And thatâs when I realized: I was going to die at this stupid camp.
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A Little Song about Nothing in Particular
(the Following is Sung to the Tune of '55 Days at Peking')
'Twas one day four years ago
That will live in infamy
The grim tragedy
Of a cold day in D.C.
A January Insurrection
A clarion call to war
Against the ideals
Our proud nation once stood for.
They sought to rid this country
Of so-called liberal disease
Of the black and the Mexican
The Jew and the Chinese!
The flames of hatred rose up
Into a fever pitch
Patriot or terrorist
We could not tell which was which.
The Blonde man in the toupee
Gave out his grim decree:
For Satanic Pedos
To be driven from D.C.
They stormed the senate chamber
Donning red caps and zip ties
They mocked the politicians
'HANG MIKE PENCE!' were their cries!
Liberty's light has faded
Her old cracked bell won't ring
And for years to come
We will feel this echoing.
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The Races of Venus (2)
2.)The Chlorophytons, more commonly known as the Plantfolk
Of all the Venusian races, they are the most abundant and diverse. The descendants of a triffid (that is, a Venusian plant animal) that consumed spark of life, Chlorophytons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging anywhere from 1.2 to 3.6 meters tall, depending on the ethnic group. Skin color can range from browns to purples to reds to (most commonly) greens. Their âhairâ varies significantly as well, being anything from leaves, to vines, to a single massive flower spurting out the back of the head. They tend to live in the canopy and emergent layer of the massive forests that cover the planet, though really, they can be found just about everywhere. Families also vary, but tend to center around a âmatriarchâ with several aunts and uncles in charge of caring for the children, and everyone else performing various duties around the village. Part of their success lies in their adaptability. Whenever Chlorophytons encounter an adversary or some other harrowing experience, they tend to absorb bits of it into themselves. For instance, after centuries of Martian occupation, some Chlorophytons started to exhibit serrated teeth like their invaders. Chlorophyton villages that have experienced Elder Venusian raids in the past will possess insectlike features, etc. And this is not an uncommon occurrence. For the Chlorophytonâs home continent lies within a resource and mineral rich region of the already resource and mineral rich Venus. This, along with ideological clashes with nominally more powerful neighbors, has resulted in their land coming under foreign occupation by onworld and offworld empires alike several times throughout their history. But mostly Mars. Seriously, those guys donât know when to quit.
But the Chlorophytons have never taken these occupations lying down. If they smelled even the faintest whiff of foreign occupation peasant and noble alike would take up arms to drive out the foreign aggressors. And with their ability to regenerate damaged tissue, they could fight for a VERY long time, even outlasting the empires that invaded them!
But it wasnât all peach blossoms and rainbows. For the injustices inflicted on them by foreign powers could at times blind them to their ability to inflict suffering on others, resulting in tragic cycles of violence and reprisal.
One of the more curious aspects of Chlorophyton society is their relationship with gender. See, unlike the Elder Venusians, Cholorophytons (with some exception) possess both male and female reproductive organs, and gender is ultimately decided by the individual (though given Chlorophyton society is matrilineal, there is a noticeable bias toward âfemalesâ or their Venusian equivalent). This has resulted in conflict with Elder Venusians, on account of not conforming to a strict gender binary, and especially the more patriarchal Mars and Selena.
Of all the professions a Chlorophyton might have, perhaps the most famous (or infamous) is that of a âwitchâ. Masters of arcane sciences with identities concealed from the general citizenry, witches are famous for their iconic âtransformationsâ, in which they don elaborate dresses and gain incredible fighting prowess, if only for brief windows of time. Such power gives then a great deal of renown, and thus they are able to sway their society for better or worse. Regardless, many of the Chlorophytonâs ancient folk heroes were witches, and they are widely regarded as guardians of the people.
One thing that does unite the various ethnic groups within the race is a passionate love of food and cooking, which extends past sunlight to anything remotely edible. Their mastery of the culinary arts is renowned throughout the solar system, in part because of off planet migration.
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In the wake of everything going on in the world right now, I have only this response:

Those who know, will know.
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one of my favorite books as a kid was this one on speculative zoology/evolution that I loved so much I borrowed it to the point my school had to chase me up on returning it several times. it influenced my early creature art and design and pushed me to delve into my own specbio (on dragons. no surprises there). I loved the informatic entries, all their little lore bits and ecological adaptations; the wild color palettes, their weird little shapes. it was called The New Dinosaurs, by Dougal Dixon.
there were two more books in the series that my school didnât have, which is either a blessing or a curse, because the third book in the set is called Man After Man.
which contains this.
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Nature Trail to Hell Take II (Part 1, Chapter 1)
Part I: Nature Trail to Hell
Chapter 1: The Misadventure Begins
June, 2006
           I remember the day like it was only yesterday. Then again, when your Dad drags you by a dog chain onto a rickety old bus smelling of gym socks and something⌠that isnât gym socks, the memory tends to stick in the fabric of your mind like a soda stain in the carpet. Speaking of hard to remove stains, while I was begging the neighbors to call 9-1-1, my little brother was watchinâ my suffering from the kitchen window like it was some kind of nature documentary, with yours truly as the wounded gazelle! Little turd thought he was so great since he got to stay home with the Gamecube despite being two years younger than me!
           Maybe I ought to back up a bit. My name is Watterson Tostig, but you can call me Watt. And despite what everybody believed, I was not a bad kid! Sure, I put Dad in the hospital after an unfortunate incident involving a cereal stealing leprechaun, but I didnât mean to! My folks didnât see it that way, though. They just saw their kid rig a cereal box with a monthâs allowance worth of fire crackers. And so any chance of a good summer vacation ended up going boom. Because instead of three months of all day Super Smash Bros., I was sentenced to three months at CAMP SHAM!
           Iâd heard stories about the place before. Only whispers, but sometimes, whispers are enough. They said there was only one T.V.- a real crummy one that didnât even have a DVD player. No air conditioning. Bugs everywhere. And one time back in the eighties, a kid fled into the woods and never returned. But worst of all, you had to sit still and socialize for more than five minutes at a time: a fate I wouldnât wish on my worst enemies! I called the place Camp Sham because it was phonier than a cuckooâs nest. Also I might have forgotten the actual name, but thatâs beside the point!
.  .  .
           I spent the ride there huddled at the rear of the bus, clutching my dog collar, looking back at the life I once had as it rolled away into the distance. My backpack rested in the middle of the seat, the only barrier between me and a girl my age in black- black boots, a frilly black dress, and long, silky black hair tied up in a ponytail. The only thing that wasnât black was her skin, which had the color and sheen of a pearl.
âThis is all your fault.â I grumbled. âIf you hadnât given me that idea on how to trap the Lucky Loops Leprechaun, Iâd probably still be at home with Joel and the Gamecubeâ!
(Joel, if youâre wondering, is my baby (NOT my younger) brother, who at the time was only a year old. He drooled, pooped in a diaper and was maybe the best human being in the entire universe.)
âBut you wanted ideas! So I gave you my best one!ââ She protested. âI TOLD you it was really your Dad who was stealing the marshmallow bits!â
Now, Hilda and I could argue something fierce when we wanted to, but fortunately we were cut short when some chunky kid who probably ate his own boogers sat right where she was. Hilda just phased right through him like she was air. Imaginary friends are funny like that. And I knew better than to argue with Hilda when someone was close by. People always gave me the weirdest looks. Not Hilda, though. Nobody ever saw Hilda.
Good thing was the (relatively) quiet time gave me a chance to think. Mom always did tell me that when I really wanted something done, I should do it myself, after all.
At least until that time I tried to make my own indoor pool by leaving all the sinks on, then I had to ask her for everything.
But still! I love my Mom and she made a good point, and if there was any time to act on that advice, it was when I was rumbling over cracked asphalt to my certain doom. So I leaned back, opened my mouth and started singing âPhotographâ at the top of my lungs. Some folks might think Iâm crazy for singing garbage like Nickelback, but this was 2006. It had been less than 30 years since Weird Al invented music and would another one before Avril Levine would invent good music.
But back to topic!
Mom once told me I had a gift for music. Whenever I sang, people would run away in all directions. Unfortunately, the bus was too loud for anyone to hear my incredible voice.
So I shifted gears to plan B. While the chunky kid read some moth eaten paperback between bites of a peanut butter sandwich, I noticed Hilda had wandered off like she usually did. Girl must have though she was SO great, being able to phase through the bus as if it was made of clouds!
           I fiddled with the blot on the window. If I was lucky, maybe I could jump on a passing car and make it back home. But the camp must have had past experiences with kids trying to pull that stunt, because the thing was welded shut! In the end, I resorted to plan C: burying my head in my backpack and entering defense mode (thatâs ten year old for curling up in a ball). With any luck, the counselors would think I was dead and I could escape my unmarked grave later.
For the rest of the ride I sat there, next to booger kid, trying to imagine I was still at home, watching SpongeBob while sitting in my pajamas with a big bowl of dill pickle potato chips. Alas, the off key singing of my fellow inmates couldnât even grant me that small mercy.
Hey, I thought to myself, at least it canât get worse than this.
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