#unforgettable. can highly recommend.
astraystayyh · 1 year
Pairing : Bang Chan x reader, exes to lovers.
Summary : You broke up with Chan because of an once in a lifetime work opportunity. Four years later, you are back home and everything has changed.
Warnings : Some cursing, reader has a big fear of thunder, allusion to sex in the end but no smut.
A.N: I wrote this as part two of Beginning of the End, but it can be read as a stand-alone. Still, i HIGHLY recommend reading part 1 first, it will just be more impactful!! Please let me know if you enjoyed reading, it means a lot to me <333
(Part 1)
Four years later, you were back to where it all started.
It felt weird to return home after all this time; to stroll down the alleys you once memorized, to meet up with the friends you once couldn’t live without. To witness firsthand how small your existence is, in the sense that you were so attached to your city, yet it had moved on perfectly despite your absence.
Still, you couldn’t really blame the world for moving on because you changed a lot too.
You had grown happier and more secure in yourself. Your work was recognized and praised, and you made some unforgettable memories that wouldn't have been possible had you not left. You felt as if everything you fought hard for finally paid off.
But throughout the years, one thing did remain the same; your love for Chan. You never tried to forget him or make your feelings go away. You figured that loving him was like the skin that clung to your bones, an inseparable part of your being.
Still, you were human after all, and as the months passed, you began to forget the sound of his voice and the warmth of his body against yours. His giggles became a distant memory in your mind, and so did the feel of his hands on your skin. Loving Chan became like a photograph that you safely tucked away; it chipped at the edges and its colors faded, but it still lived on, just like your love for him did.
And now that you were finally back with a bigger promotion, you couldn’t help but think about Chan even more. Everywhere you went, you saw snippets of your past with him.
You were so young, so foolish, you realized.
But so utterly in love.
It was 11 pm, and you were suddenly craving ice cream. You knew it was a bit ridiculous because it was -3 degrees, and you were already freezing, but you had one fundamental rule in life: never say no to your heart's desires.
This is why, despite the cold, you quickly leave your new apartment and skip toward the convenience store near you.
You head inside and grab your favorite ice cream before strolling around in case something else caught your attention. You just loved the calm inside and wanted to bask in it a bit more.
You round the milk aisle and suddenly bumped into someone’s chest. You were about to apologize when the words got stuck in your throat.
"Yn…?" he calls out, and you feel yourself grow weak in the knees.
There was something about the way your name rolled off the tip of his tongue that made you feel as if no one, besides him, had ever done it justice.
He was even more beautiful than when you last saw him four years ago. His brown curly hair was tousled and his warm eyes reminded you of galaxies. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest because you couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe it was him.
Memories of your last time together came crashing down on you like a wave; how he hugged you and told you to pretend as if nothing was happening, how he wrote you the most heart-wrenching letter that you’ve since memorized by heart.
"How are you?" you ask, clearing your throat. It felt silly to ask such mundane questions. This wasn't what you wanted to know. You wanted to ask if he still hated the taste of alcohol, if he still cried during sad movies, if he still squealed when he laughed, if he still loved you as you loved him.
But you couldn't voice those thoughts, so you willed yourself to drown them in the storm that is your mind.
"I'm good, and you?" he replies, smiling a little. It doesn't reach his eyes.
"I'm great."
"You look like it," he says, and you meekly nod, "So do you."
"Are you... visiting?" he asks after a few silent beats, and you shake your head, "I'm back for good."
"That's great. It's nice seeing you again," he gives you a genuine smile this time, and you can't help but grin back. You missed him.
You both stare at each other for a while after that, taking each other in. Looking at him felt like looking at a mirror of your past self -you could clearly see yourself in him because he once was a part of you, just like you were a part of him.
"I'll... I'll get going," he points behind him, retracting back, and before you could think it through, you grab his wrist to stop him.
It wasn't butterflies you felt when you touched him, that would be an understatement, it was pure electricity shooting through you.
People had touched you while you were away - hugs, kisses, and intimate caresses - but none of them made you feel this way. You were like a prisoner who had just felt the sun's rays against their skin for the first time in years. And you were starving for that sunlight.
"Can we meet up? Catch up? If you want to, of course," you whisper. Your voice is quiet- a stark contrast to the chaos going on in your mind.
"Yeah... Yeah, I'd like that," he agrees, rubbing the spot where you had grabbed him. Did he feel the sparks too?
"Tomorrow, this time, in the park near our old apartment?" you suggest, and he nods, "Sure. I'll be there."
"Great. I'll wait for you."
You are sitting on a swing, swaying back and forth gently. Your heart is beating erratically in your chest, and you bite your nails from how stressed you are. In the four years you were away, you had to give conferences in front of thousands and thousands of people, yet you weren't as nervous as you are now.
"You still do that?" a voice next to you reprimands and you turn around to find Chan.
"Old habits never die, I guess," you smile sheepishly, dropping your hand down, and he chuckles.
"How are you?" you ask again, and he shrugs, "I'm good."
"How are you, really?"
"I don't think you have the right to ask me that anymore." His words cut you deep, and you swallow forcefully. "I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean to pry."
"I know, fuck, I didn't mean to snap at you."
"It's okay," you reassure, looking up at the starry sky. He was right after all.
"Haven't been stargazing for a while," he whispers, and you smile sadly. That was one of your favorite activities together.
"Me too. But I love looking at the stars," you reply.
"I know. They remind you of how small you are in the grand scheme of things," he says nonchalantly as if he didn’t just knock the breath out of you. He remembered.
"Yeah, like how I've been away for four years, and everything moved on as if I've never been here."
"Your absence was felt, yn”, he pauses, “I used to miss you." Used to. Past tense.
"I still miss you." Your reply is instant; you don't feel the need to hide from him. You never did.
Chan holds your gaze for a while, and you wonder what he was thinking at that moment. You wanted to shout at him to tell you what was on his mind. To just say it. But you couldn't. You can no longer ask things from him; you knew that.
"I saw your name in news articles and TV shows. You had your big breakthrough," he suddenly smiles at you, changing the subject. You feel a blush creep up your neck; the fact that he kept up with you made you feel shy all of a sudden.
"I guess I did, I grew a lot. I... I think that I needed to get away and experience new things. It would have haunted me had I not," you smile, and he nods attentively. He still listened to you intently, as always.
"You were always destined for great things," he says seriously, and you feel your eyes well up with tears.
He spoke those words as if he wholeheartedly believed them, and nothing in the world could ever sway his mind.
"So are you. You've been doing amazing these past few years, getting all these awards and deals. I love your music," you gush, and he waves a hand in the air as if to dismiss your words.
"Don't do that," you chastise, "you should be proud of yourself. I know I am very proud of you."
"I suppose the years did us good," he sighs wistfully, and you hum in agreement. You are both quiet after that. You don’t dare to speak, afraid that your next words would break the bubble you are in. As selfish as it was, you didn’t want to face reality yet.
"Just say what’s on your mind," he suddenly speaks up, and you raise a brow at him inquisitively.
“You are scratching your throat as if to stop the words from coming out. Just tell me.” Chan, ever the perceptive.
You take in a deep breath, willing your voice to sound strong, "The only thing I regret is that... I had to lose you in the process. I know I'll never find someone as amazing as you."
Chan doesn’t reply and your words linger in the air, suffocating you. You hoped that a strong wind will come by and carry them away, somewhere they wouldn't hurt anymore.
"I did love you, yn." A pause, and you can feel a heartbreaking ‘but’ coming. "But I don't anymore. I found... I found someone else. They are good to me and I love them."
"Oh". You dreaded it, expected it even, you never wanted him to wait for you. Because you left, so he had every right to move on. Still, you were only human, an enamored human whose heart now broke in two.
You feel the bile rise in your throat and you shake your head as if to clear those stupid thoughts away. You left, for god’s sake, you weren’t allowed to feel this way. But still, it hurt, it hurt so bad all you wanted to do was to curl in a ball and weep.
"I hope that you are happy with them. That's all I ever wanted for you, happiness." Your voice wavers and he knows, Chan must know you are trying so hard not to break down. So he doesn’t comment, he only smiles at you, which makes your heart break even more, because he must smile at them like this all the time now.
"I will get going," you abruptly stand up, dusting your pants. "Let me walk you home," he offers and you shake your head no.
"It's nearly midnight, you are out of your mind if you think I'll let you walk alone."
"Okay," you simply reply. Truth is, you weren’t processing what he was saying anymore. 'I love them' kept repeating itself in your head like a broken mantra. He found someone else. He found someone else. He found someone else, and it isn’t you. 
"This is me", you clear your throat when you arrive in front of your apartment, and Chan stops in his tracks.
“Come here”, he says and it’s all it takes for you to bury yourself in him. Just like four years ago, he was leaving you with a goodbye hug. Only this time, there was no hope left. Only a sense of finality. He knows that you still love him, you couldn't hide that from him. But he doesn't love you anymore and he can't hide that from you.
The hug only lasted a mere ten seconds, but you tried your best to take it all in, to memorize how it felt for Chan to hug you again. You desperately needed to patch up the broken memories you had left of him.
You finally lean away, wiping your tears with the sleeve of your shirt. Chan’s brows furrow looking at you, and you smile reassuringly. "I'm okay really. This is just bittersweet to me."
"It is to me too," he whispers and you nod, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from breaking down.
"You stay safe for me, yeah?" he tells you softly and you nod again, "you too."
"Goodbye, yn."
"Goodbye, Chan," and with that you turn around, entering your apartment block.
You've never hated goodbyes more than in that instant.
it's been 3 months since your talk with Chan. Admittedly, you've gone back to that convenience store where you've met him, for a month straight, just in case he went back there. He didn't. And now you had a large stock of snacks you didn't know what to do with.
After that, you went to all the places where you've gone to on your dates. You don't know what you were expecting. You've lost Chan, but still, you always found yourself back to where you shared memories with him. But he wasn't there.
In the third month, you've started accepting that you lost him for good. The love mingled with the ache and you found comfort in its everlasting presence. It served as a reminder that you did love him, and he did love you back at some point.
Thankfully, your work was going really well, and tonight, you were out with your superior to celebrate a successful deal you chaperoned and discuss some upcoming projects.
You enter the restaurant, your boss hot on your tracks, when you abruptly stop. Sat on a table right across from you is Chan with a girl you did not recognize. You would have bolted out had it not been for your boss who looked at you with worried eyes. You shake your head mouthing an "I'm fine" to him.
While your boss placed your order, you couldn’t help but stare at Chan. He looked so... happy with her. She said something and he laughed, tipping his head back. You felt jealousy gnaw at your heart because you were the one who used to make him laugh like that.
You left, you remind yourself, you are the one who left.
Against your own will, you look up at Chan once again, only this time he was looking at you too. You hold his gaze as if under a spell, and when the girl next to him touches his hand softly to bring him to her, you almost sob right there and then.
"... our partners will come from France and you will have to hold a meeting with them tomorrow."
"Sure. I already prepared the slides and sent them over to your mail," you nod. Work, forget about Chan, work.
"I will check them out. You'll have Clara with you?"
"Yes, she's the only one who can speak French besides me. I have been overlooking her for this past month and she's really competent."
"Should I challenge her?"
"Yeah, I think she's up to the task", you smile and he nods, satisfied.
You try to eat your dinner after that, keeping up with your boss’s chatter. But it felt like a punishment- sitting there when the man you still loved was on a date right across from you.
And as if your night couldn’t get any worse, you hear thunder rumble loudly. You clench your glass so tightly in your hand- you are surprised it didn’t break.
You had a really really big fear of thunder. It stemmed from when you were a child, playing hide and seek when a thunderstorm happened. You ended up being stuck in the closet for an hour because your cousins forgot about you, and you fainted from how afraid you were.
You look up at your boss apologetically, you couldn't tell him you had to leave because of a childhood phobia, so you quickly try to muster up an excuse. "I'm sorry to cut it short but can I go? I have a- a dentist appointment and I need to wake up very early tomorrow."
"Sure. I'll see you at work?". You have never been more grateful for his understanding.
"Yeah, thank you for dinner".
You quickly grab your things, leaving the restaurant. You hop in your car but you are shaking so badly, you can't even start the engine. Another thunder resounds and you drop your keys, forcefully shutting your eyes. You try to drown out the sound with your hands clasped on your ears but it didn’t help. It was too much- the pain, the fear, the ache. You needed everything around you to stop.
You hear the door next to you suddenly open and you snap your eyes toward it, to find a disheveled Chan standing there. He pulls you out of your seat, instantly bringing you to his body.
He knows how scared you are of thunder.
"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here. You're safe," he pats your head gently and you hug him tighter to you; as if he was your only mean of survival.
He tries to peel away but you only hold him closer, to which he rubs soothing circles on your back, “I’m not going anywhere, let me drive you home, okay?”
You nod against his chest and he lets go of you, holding your hand instead. He opens the passenger door for you then he quickly hops into the driver’s seat. He starts off your car, blasting the music so loud you no longer hear the thunder booming.  
Your hand is still tightly clasped in his when you arrive home.
He silently opens the door for you once more, and you lead him to your apartment. You were mortified he had to leave the restaurant for you, but you were so grateful for him, because at the end of the day, he came to you.
Chan awkwardly stands in your living room and you figure the least you could do is apologize. "I’m sorry I cut your date short."
"You sound jealous", he points out.
"I am jealous, but mostly sorry."
"You shouldn't date someone who won't be with you in times like these," he dismisses your words, and you frown. Why did he sound angry all of the sudden?
"He didn't know."
"Still, he should have seen the signs. I was across the room but I saw you shaking for god's sake!” he almost shouts and you take a step toward him.
"Why do you care?"
"I don't," he is lying.
"Why does it bother you?” you insist. You needed to know.
"I said it doesn’t yn," he enunciates but you don’t back off.
“He’s my boss that’s why I was alone, but why? Why does it matter to you?"
"Because I fucking lied", he shouts, inching closer to you. "Because I lied yn, I never found someone else, it was you, it was always you."
"What... but the girl?".
"She's my coworker yn. I tried to forget you. I tried but you were always there. You were everywhere. And I had to carry on with the love I had for you but I didn't know where to put it anymore. Because you didn't tell me, you didn't tell me where the love was supposed to go now that you left!"
You stare at him unblinking, afraid that this was all just a figment of your imagination.
"And then... and then you came back and it was as if no time has gone by. It was as if you'd never left and I wanted to kiss you and hug you and I wanted you back. I needed you back", his hands are on your shoulders now, grasping you tightly as if to convince himself that you were here.
"But I couldn't, I couldn't allow you in because what if you left again? I wouldn't survive that, yn," his voice cracks at your name and it’s all it takes for you to bring his lips crashing down on yours.
You stagger back, your fingers grazing your lips in shock, "I'm so sorry, I didn't-", your words are cut off by his mouth on yours once again, "don't stop", he whispers and you kiss him, again and again. Your mouths moving in sync to the symphony that is your love.
When you finally pull away, he places his forehead on yours and you close your eyes. "Tell me this is real, that you're back to me."
"I'm here."
"You still feel like a dream."
"I'm here, I'm here", you reassure, your hand gently cradling his cheek, "I never stopped loving you Chan. I knew I was destined to love you, whether you loved me back or not."
"You are my soulmate", he leans back, kissing your forehead softly, "you and I are one."
"I've got a tattoo of your handwriting", you confess softly and his eyes snap open.
"I tattooed a sentence from the letter you left me, with your handwriting, 'Our love will remain'."
"Here", you trace the outline of your breast and he chokes, "somewhere only I can see it."
"You are crazy", he chuckles, a bewildered smile on his face.
"In love, yes," you giggle and he blushes, hiding his head in your neck.
“Can I see you tomorrow? We have a lot to talk about," he asks, peppering the curve of your neck with kisses.
"Sure, I'm all yours after 5 pm."
"Works for me. I’ll see you tomorrow?", he smiles, and you beam at him, "I’ll see you."
Chan doesn't let you go and you laugh, kissing his cheek, "you are not leaving?"
"I'm not", he smiles cheekily.
"And why is that?"
"Because....", he drawls out, his lips brushing against your collarbone, "I need to see that tattoo."
A lover’s body is like a land you discover over and over again. And tonight, as Chan made love to you, you drank it all in- the flexing of his muscles and the new sounds he made. But despite those changes, you found out that you never forgot the secret passages to his body, and the ways only you can make him unfold.
Still, it wasn’t when his naked body hovered over yours that you felt bare in front of him. It was when you both laid next to each other, talking in bed until the sun rose, that he undressed your mind.
It is there, behind those walls that you both built, that Chan and yn from four years ago lived on.
And you were still as in love.
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guywrestlingaddiction · 2 months
That Wresting Moment: The Wrestling Betrayal - T-World & Roberto v Red Redemption (ukwrestlinghub.com)
What is it about a wrestling betrayal that makes it so compelling? It's the perfect blend of the ruthless intensity of a double team and the raw emotion of infidelity. This combination elevates an ordinary match to a whole new level. Betraying your wrestling partner is like a backhand to your most vulnerable area, adding a dramatic twist that leaves a lasting impact.
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T-World & Roberto v Red Redemption (ukwrestlinghub.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory We start with Team Tim (T-World and Roberto) strutting into the ring.  Tim has arranged for a fair match against Red while at the same time he intends to put on a show for his protégé. In his own words he proclaims, I want to show him a real champ against the pretender! 
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Roberto holding the ropes open for his mentor ... for now.
But first, let's all take in Tim and his world:
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Tim is thinking to himself, Can you believe this guy?!
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Cocky Tim's like - Well are we going to do this or what? 
The Action
If you're looking for fast and furious wrestling action, well I hate to disappoint but look elsewhere as this is as one-sided as things can get.  Now while it may take some imagination from the audience to make this whole scene work, I ask you, what great pro wrestling doesn't require that?
Red asks both men to flex and turn their backs to him and being the arrogant, cocky studs they are, they comply ... big mistake!
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How do you take down two young studs at once? By using their vanity against them!
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Tim: Don't give up ... Don't give up [Roberto]
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Tim pleading with Roberto not to submit while his young protégé slowly succumbs...
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Soon Tim is down on the mat and Roberto is looking around for someone else to look up to. 
The Moment 
We all knew this was coming, but witnessing Tim's betrayal in real-time is our moment. The look of agony mixed with the groans of defeat is what makes this match unforgettable. Roberto once looked up to Tim as his pack leader, but now finds himself in awe of another man.
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Tim: What [cough] are [cough] you doing?
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Tim seeing stars and regretting his partner choices. 
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Taking out all your aggression on your former mentor
Adding insult to injury, our heels pull in the championship belt to mock poor Tim.  The man has lost everything and needs to be reminded of what he could've had.  
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Red: Who's the Champ?  Tim: ... 
Red: Come on, whos the Champ? Tim: You ... are ... 
Our last scene has a wobbly Tim drug to his feet before finally being put out of his misery.  
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Besides the raw emotion of the betrayal, there's just something about the infidelity, the transformation of Tim into some wrestling cuck that makes this moment so great.  He entered the ring as a team but leaves without the championship belt and minus a partner. 
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kpop · 2 years
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K-Pop Spotlight: WEi
As they transition from an unfamiliar first love to experiencing new passions, WEi is taking their fans, affectionately dubbed RUi, along for the journey. This week, we’re highlighting WEi to celebrate their latest mini-album [Love Pt.2 : Passion]. We caught up with the six-member boy group to chat about love songs, their first two years making music together, and their ideal locations to visit on holiday. Check out our full interview below!
Tell us about your new mini-album [Love Pt.2: Passion] and what you hope fans take away from it.
YONGHA: We’ve been continuing our album journey with the Love series, and I believe it reflects the passion that we have, just like the album is named after. We hope fans can watch how WEi’s love develops throughout the series.
DONGHAN: We highly recommend that fans would pay attention to our sexy vibes through this album!
Which non-WEi songs would make up the soundtrack of your lives?
SEOKHWA: I believe I have that popping magnetism that would make everybody around me happy. That’s why I feel like “POP” by Nayeon would be the right soundtrack for me.
JUNSEO: For me, it’s anything “4” by LANY. The song tells how the singer could do anything for their loved ones, and I relate to that a lot when I think of my fans.
Your fifth mini-album explores different definitions and ways of experiencing love–what are some of the first love songs you remember loving?
SEOKHWA: I remember singing Pixie Lott’s “Mama Do” back then. I fell in love with the song after watching Lee Hi singing it on K-Pop Star.
DONGHAN: I fell in love with K-pop after being obsessed with “U” by Super Junior.
What’s your favorite genre that WEi has experimented with so far? Are there any genres you want to try in the future?
SEOKHWA: We did try a lot of different genres. Whether it was sexy, or hip-hop, I think we targeted genres that were more popular with the audience. I personally love “BYE BYE BYE” the most. Rather than being an experimental artist, I wish to be an artist that can color any type of genre into WEi’s style.
DONGHAN: I loved working with all WEi songs! If there were a genre I would like to try, that would be…something that can show the sexier side of WEi.
If you could go on a special holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go and who would you bring with you?
YONGHA: I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland. I would love to watch the northern lights and go camping with our members.
YOHAN: My holiday would be staying at home…with my family that I love the most.
Is there a moment that you’d consider the highlight of your career up to now?
SEOKHWA: There were a lot of moments…but two stand out the most. During our showcase for our 3rd mini-album, my parents came to see me, and I cried a lot. Even our staff and members were crying too. The second moment was during our first concert in Korea. It was unforgettable because the members and I shared the same feelings during that concert, starting from the entrance.
DAEHYEON: I remember the last night of our first concert when we were commenting on stage. We all cried for a long time. It was because of thinking back on all we have done to come this far, and the time it took to see our fans in real life finally.
This year marks your second anniversary together—which member would you each say you’re closest with, and has that changed since your debut?
YONGHA: I’ve never thought about this thoroughly because all of us have gotten along with each other since day one. We are always happy together. :)
DONGHAN: I have specific moments where I need peace, so I like to be with members who are quiet and chill (maybe not SEOKHWA, though, haha). All jokes aside, WEi, as a group, we have gotten along really well since our debut.
Want more of WEi? Check out their music video for “Spray” here.
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
Stardust's Ranking of Rain World Custom Regions
It's late and I'm bored and I love mods, and if you can you should try some of them because this community creates some incredible stuff and you better appreciate that.
These regions are loosely ranked with an emphasis on my enjoyment, not necessarily the quality of the region, though those can be linked! I will clarify where necessary. You can use this post as a recommendation list, or you can just read my thoughts and reviews of various custom regions for fun or some shit. I dunno. For some reason I end up making lists a lot.
This post will be updated as I try more mods and as more mods come out. The post is current as of October 14th, 2023. Some regions have additional notes, which are elaborated on under the list. Also note that for the vast majority of these regions, I am talking about my experience going through them as Survivor. Additionally, assume all regions have a pup spawn chance unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Highly enjoyed, strongly recommend
Stormy Coast*^ — and another usurper with lots of room to spare. Stormy Coast is the most incredible region I've ever had the pleasure of playing. The atmosphere is just incredible, especially if you do as intended and revisit it across the timeline! The concept of Stormy Coast, its design as an abandoned shipping port, the changes as you move through time, the lore, all of it is just amazing. I just adore it. The music is also absolutely fantastic. I don't know how to describe the experience because it's. Quite literally indescribable, honestly, looking through it yourself. Go get it. It's just fantastic. I would recommend picking one slugcat from Hunter to Monk's time, and then visiting as the rest of the slugcats. (Also, fun fact: the creator of Stormy Coast is the same person who made Lush Mire and Undersea!)
Far Shore^ — I'm a little surprised to have to say this, but this supplanted Howling Rift as my favorite region very quickly. The overall design is just lovely. The threat music is amazing, and there's a lot to see because Far Shore is a very big region—one of the biggest available right now actually! It's hard to summarize what it's like going through it because different parts of it have such a different vibe; the above ground parts are somewhat like Shoreline, but with more options for traversal, while the below ground parts are sort of like Shaded Citadel (but cooler. I'm biased though, I like the horror aspect). Additionally, there's a certain part of Far Shore that really made it feel like I was playing the game for the first time again. No other region has ever tackled something like Far Shore has, and it's really an unforgettable experience. I recommend entering from the Pilgrim's Ascent gate! Additionally, and this might sound strange, but DO NOT play Far Shore as your first region. Go try some of the other ones on this list first, like Pilgrim's Ascent and Scorched District! It just works better that way, I promise.
Howling Rift*^ — this region is kind of like if you took Memory Crypts and made it as big as Shaded Citadel is, but with amazing music and a much more foreboding atmosphere. There is also an Underhang-like part with some of the most interesting (and difficult) platforming I've had the pleasure of playing in this game so far. It's definitely not going to be everyone's favorite, but it's my favorite. I recommend going in without neuron glow for the optimal experience. The Mark is unnecessary.
Coral Caves and Hanging Gardens^ — absolutely stunning regions, I loved the aesthetics and the level design. They use a mechanic that I haven't really seen in any other custom regions (except Lost Cranny, kind of), and it makes for some really interesting platforming. Hanging Gardens in particular also has some fascinating geometry, which I won't elaborate on because it's a delight to discover on your own! I will say though that Coral Caves in particular is definitely a little more difficult than some of the other regions on this list, but it's not unmanageable as Survivor. Coral Caves also boasts a unique world state for Saint!
Lush Mire and Undersea^ — technically not connected regions, though they share Shaded Citadel as a connection, but come on you have to play these two together. Hollow Knight fans in particular might enjoy these two regions; Lush Mire takes obvious influence from Greenpath and Queen's Gardens, while Undersea has a subregion that looks a lot like City of Tears. They both have gorgeous level design and are not super difficult. I would recommend having neuron glow for Undersea, and the Mark for Lush Mire. However, some people are experiencing issues with pipes breaking and trapping them in walls when Lush Mire is enabled. Mergefix I believe is one way to fix this issue? But so far there hasn't been a concrete fix.
Pilgrim's Ascent and Scorched District^ — intended to be played together and very seamless in the integration. Really cool designs for both regions, in particular PA personally. Did you like Pebbles' broader superstructure or the Exterior? Well I have good news for you. SD is also a fun mix of superstructure-like parts and more Metropolis-looking rooms, and it also has a unique end of cycle effect. Neuron glow isn't necessary for either region, but it would probably make certain parts easier for some people. Definitely have the mark for SD though.
Drainage System Plus^ — the coolest vanilla region expansion I've seen so far. It at least doubles the size of DS and adds a ton of complexity to it, as well as some secrets. It was like exploring it for the first time and it was amazing. Some paths got a little tricky to navigate, but largely I had a lot of fun, and there's generally bubble weed around where you'll need it. I believe it is also fully compatible with Saint's world? So it's technically DS+ and UG+. There may be mod conflicts with DS+ in some cases though.
Hallowed Grotto^ — a very creative concept for a region, featuring unique world changes for every, and I mean every, slugcat. Yes, even Inv. The region itself isn't very big, but that's because each slugcat has a unique version of it. Neuron glow could be nice, but definitely go in with the Mark, and I recommend going once as every slugcat. It is probably better to explore this region in expedition mode to prevent you from restarting your entire save.
Enjoyed, would recommend
Neuron Forest^ — a pretty small region, but a very lovely one! If you like iterator aesthetics and are looking for a calmer experience, Neuron Forest has plenty of that to offer. It is, however, Saint exclusive, but for what it is, it works pretty well. There are also some secrets to be found here, so make sure to check every room! (Also, the creator is on Tumblr! Vela if you see this, hiiiii)
Marshland Wastes — nifty, plant filled region that feels a bit like a more flora-filled Garbage Wastes with Shoreline elements, in a sense? It's hard to nail down. I don't know if I'd call it particularly unique (though it's been a while since I played it), but it's still really well designed and overall fun to play through. There are some really memorable moments though, and personally I really like the crossover room(s). That's just me though. Mark not necessary, neuron glow maybe helpful?
Five Pebbles Expanded* — another expanded vanilla region, which mostly combines pre-Rivulet Five Pebbles with rooms from The Rot. It's done really well though, and there are some aspects to it that are unique to Ex5P. It's nice seeing Cystic Conduit rooms in his superstructure before it rotted so badly. Also! You can enter the cell chamber! It doesn't kill you though, or at least it didn't when I played it, which was a bit disappointing. I was hoping to become fried slug. Do note that the Cystic Conduit rooms have not been changed to be more friendly for other slugcats, nor does any bubbleweed spawn, so uh... have dev tools ready.
Expanded Industrial — and another expanded vanilla region! I liked the new rooms quite a lot, the aesthetics blend in very well i think. It adds a surprising number of rooms with water in them, I will say? But i think it works out overall. The map was broken when I played, I don't know if it's been fixed, but I think it's still worth checking out. Unlike EXSU, EXHI kind of adds a bunch of rooms that don't connect as much to the vanilla rooms, as far as I've noticed, so it's like getting a new subregion of rooms rather than a mix of them. Still, it's pretty cool!
Expanded Outskirts — and yet another expanded vanilla region. It's not as extensive as DS+ I don't think? But it still adds a ton and the room designs are really neat. Certain rooms were a little strange to me? ExSU adds a lot of routing complexity in a way that I like, and now that the map is repaired, it's a lot easier to navigate. It is also fully compatible with DS+! Playing with both mods enabled gives you... three? Four gates? Into DS, which is kind of wild. It also appears I missed a new gate into Industrial Complex!
Timeless Conservatory/Quiet Gardens — a small new region connected to Pebbles' can. It's got a bunch of new screens since I last played it, as well as a subregion for Pebbles! It's very creative, I like it. Currently it's still fairly small, and it doesn't seem like there's any lore pearls in there, but it's a pretty region with some cool aesthetics. Good for a quick play. Mark not required, and I went in with neuron glow but the glow seems to be forcibly disabled in certain rooms?
Enjoyed, wouldn't readily recommend
Lavish Knack — this one's weird. It's a pack of several custom regions, all interconnected, but when I played it only one of them had full backgrounds and foregrounds. The rest were very... bare. It was kind of funny though. Some of the design choices are also a little peculiar, though thankfully, not typically in a way that makes platforming or traversal difficult. It did have one specific mechanic that I really liked, some strange pipe launching thing, but it was used only in one spot. Most of my enjoyment was from baffled laughter at how this region was designed admittedly. I wouldn't call it a bad region, it's just a little funny going through it at times. The Mark won't be necessary for Lavish Knack, though neuron glow might help in some parts of it.
Aerial Arrays*^ — this one will ah... not be a favorite of many people, I think. I found it interesting, and I enjoyed the platforming, generally, but. Um. It is. Pretty cursed. In several ways, and in ways that a lot of people won't like. Some of the camera transitions are a little rough, some of the design choices are a little... peculiar, and some tiles are a little bare in a way that's a little noticeable if you're really looking at the aesthetics, but considering this is the dev's first region? It's pretty damn impressive. It's pretty well made too, imo. It also boasts a surprising number of unique pearls, two of which uh. Are pretending to be white pearls. I'll... leave that for you to figure out. Do note that some parts of Aerial Arrays are bugged right now, but I've given the dev my feedback and they'll be pushing a hotfix for bugs soon. The Mark is not necessary, and you can skip grabbing a neuron since there's neurons in Aerial Arrays.
Washroom — rather small region, but it was pretty neat. There's not much to it, but I think it achieves its purpose well. It made me feel like laundry as I was going through it. A surprising amount of worm grass was in the region though. Mark and neuron glow not necessary.
Lost Cranny — possibly the smallest region available at the moment, but considering it was made in just three hours, I say it's pretty damn impressive. The map was unfortunately broken when I played and I'm not sure if it'll ever be fixed, but truthfully the region is like. 8 rooms? So. It's hard to get lost anyways. Short and sweet, imo. Could be worth looking at, and Balagaga said the region might get expanded if people are interested, which could be interesting. Also, this region is Monk exclusive.
Did not like, would not recommend
Expanded Leg — full disclosure, this is mostly a me thing, but ExLeg was eh. I already don't like the Leg, so I don't know why I went into it expecting I might enjoy it. (I do know. It's because of PA.) It's just... Leg. But the other side of it. I will say though that some of the platforming in ExLeg feels even less clear than in the vanilla Leg? But maybe that's a skill issue on my part, I dunno. If you like the Leg you might like ExLeg, but I wasn't a fan personally.
The Tower (not the Daszombes one) — this one wasn't particularly interesting to me. It was basically just pole hell, and some of the design was... eh? The camera transitions were also a bit jank imo. Very much not my thing. Some rooms were pretty though, and it's also the dev's first region, so I have to cut them some slack.
Honorable mentions
Fortunate Development — not fully a region mod, but it cleans up the rot from all of Pebbles' superstructure. It was bittersweet to play through this, and I enjoyed it, but ultimately it's just Pebbles. Still worth checking out though imo. I don't think this one is compatible with Ex5P? I'm not sure though.
The Tower (the Daszombes one) — I actually have not watched most of Das' content, and certainly not the Iterator Logs, so I was very out of my depth when playing through this. it seems interesting, I just have no context for any of it. It was heavily unfinished when I played it though; one room would be fully designed, with foreground decor and lighting and stuff, and then if you go through a pipe, you end up in a bare room with literally nothing but the geometry. It was jarring, but also clearly unfinished, so I can't judge it too hard. If you like Das' stuff, you might be interested in this.
Additional notes
* These regions have some fairly intense flashing in some parts:
The Underhang-like section of HR has electrical storms like vanilla Underhang, but they're far more intense and far more constant than what Underhang gets. It also has a pretty strong particle effect in a good bunch of rooms; it made my game lag in some of them. Honestly HR just has a lot of eyestrain-y graphics in general, which is a huge shame because it’s basically my only complaint about it.
Ex5P has Primary Cortex rooms that still feature the (harmless) green lightning, and that too can get pretty flashy.
Aerial Arrays' upper part is full of slug zappers. Yes, seriously. They flicker on and off. If you dislike RTA because of the visual flashing effect, you'll want to avoid playing Aerial Arrays, because they're unavoidable.
Stormy Coast is, well. Very stormy. There's lightning effects in most outdoor rooms, and they're unavoidable.
None of these mods have a config menu to reduce or disable the flash effects, so be careful if you're sensitive to flashing. The mod No More Flashes may help with some of these, but not all.
^ There is at least one unique lore pearl in this region.
Note that Undersea's pearls currently do not give the correct dialogue. Wrayk (the dev) has been notified of the issue, though fixing this hasn't been a priority for him as of late. Additionally, any Saint timeline pearls are currently unreadable by Moon, but the dialogue is available on the mods wiki(!).
& The review for this region is currently outdated, due to there having been an update to the mod since I wrote the review.
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millyhelp · 7 months
hi millyyy its meeee, i've come to ask you to share 5 songs you like! whether all time or recent. bc YOU, one of my mutuals, was in my inbox asking me the same thing and to forward it to mutuals who i think have good taste in music!
so here is me asking you, a mutual who i think has good taste in music
I'm so happy to know that you trust my musical taste 😭🫰🏻
I'm going to post my latest obsessions here and I promise they're great!
Death peace of mind by Bad omens
First one! I love this one sm!!
I swear this one is great! Noah (vocalist)'s voice sounds like the voice of an angel.
I love almost all bad omens songs. I highly recommend this band. Noah's voice is so good 😭🫰🏻
the deep and engaging lyrics along with the rhythm. Hmmm I love it. (I love this song so much that it's in my header.)
I could say about Just intend too. But this one is my favorite next to Nowhere to go.
Can't catch me now by Olivia Rodrigo
I'm very much here too! This one is in second place!
I feel like I'm in the middle of a forest when I listen to this song. I would love to be able to live in the middle of the woods while hunting to survive. I'm delulu with this one.
Matilda by Harry Styles
This one makes me cry.
I identify so much with these lyrics and I imagine they refer to me. Its is so deep and I truly love it. This has pure beauty.
and yes, I'm a fan of Harry Styles (I'm a fan of 1D btw.)
Unforgettable by French Montana (ft. Swae Lee)
This one has such a good vibe! I feel like I'm walking on the streets of NY (even though I never went, lol)
I love so much!!! Very good at pretending to be an influencer filming her rich life. Delulu again!! I feel so rich with this one. Hailey Bieber vibes!!
Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking
THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE!!! My friends know that it has been on all my playlists for as long as I can remember!!
It gives me vampire vibes (interview with a vampire by Anne Rice) and New Orleans things vibes!!! I just love it so so much!!
I feel like a beautiful woman in the 60s or 80s.
Well, and that! and please tell me what you think of these songs, I need feedback!!
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allthefujoshiunite · 1 year
Hi, Nora.....do you mind if I ask for BL recs? A few of my favorite ships are Damen/Laurent from 'Capive Prince' novels (kind, protective, bigger build seme x clever, kuudere, beautiful uke) and Andrew/ Neil from from 'All for The Game : Foxhole Court' novels (both have strong personalities, can be reversible couples, looks weak but actually strong)?
Sorry for this long ask, but can I ask, for BL recs that have the same vibe as one or a few of them (up above)?
Feel free if you want to answer or not....
Thanks so much for your blog, that have become like my guideline (because I'm quite new in BL)....
Thanks again....
Hello! No worries, it's a joy for me to recommend BL and if people enjoy my selection, it makes me all the more happy! However, unfortunately, I haven't read the novels you mentioned... So I feel like my recommendations will be way off the mark but I'll try my best ~
My Dear Agent (Ebino Bisuke): This one has bigger, kind, and protective seme and a cool, beautiful, and funny uke (not a kuudere, though). I not only enjoyed but laughed a lot, and the art is gorgeous so highly recommended! Can be read on INKR (or you can buy it from any place you can get TOKYOPOP titles).
Lullaby of the Dawn (Ichika Yuno): Another bigger, protective, puppy seme with a reserved/detatched, beautiful uke pairing with fantasy elements. I've only read the first volume so far but it's super emotional and beautiful inside and out! Can be read on Bookwalker (or any other place where you can get ShuCream titles).
Our Paradise (Greeneer): My last big & cute, puppy seme with reserved, beautiful uke recommendation that I'm nowadays going crazy over is Our Paradise. You won't regret giving this webtoon a chance! Not only the main characters, but their friend circles and the second couple we started to explore more in 2nd season are also fun & really interesting! And obviously, I need MOAR people to scream about it with me. Can be read for free with daily pass on Webtoon.
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Just Love, The Monster (Tsukizuki Yoshi): This is a high school delinquent x honor student kind of story. Both MCs are headstrong and fight a lot obviously, but it was fun to read! It's in Futekiya's library, can be read with your subscription plan.
Total Submission (Tsushiko): This is another delinquent x honor student story with dom/sub element that I love! If you're okay with spicy BL and you love seeing hotheaded characters getting tamed by their sweet and kind senpai, this is for you. Available on Futekiya's subscription plan.
We Aren't Secure (Sojima Yuco): This title is an Omegaverse set in high school. MCs are childhood friends and the story has a bittersweet tone to it, and it's definitely nice to read characters who are on more equal terms in Omegaverse instead of an apparent power hierarchy in between. Available on Futekiya's subscription plan.
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God is Probably Left-Handed (Mushiba): If you've read any of Mushiba's works before, you might know it takes time to warm up to their stories. They are full of surprises, wacky coincidences, and interesting characters that you don't usually see in BL. But these are the exact reasons why I love Mushiba's works so much, and they are quite unforgettable. God is Probably Left-Handed fits into only one of the criteria you're looking for (I won't mention what it is so I won't spoil the story) but I was sooo surprised the way the manga ended! If you're looking for something different to read, Mushiba is your artist. Highly recommended!
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As I have said, I haven't read the novels soI just went with whatever seemed suitable to the dynamics you mentioned, hopefully you'll find something that'll be of interest to you. Thank you so much for the ask and have a nice day!
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sillytriumphdragon · 3 months
Haunting Adeline
Book by H. D. Carlton
Genre: Dark erotic romance, Thriller, Suspense, Erotic literature
My ratings: 100/10 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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My thoughts:
"Haunting Adeline" by H.D. Carlton is a dark and captivating romance that left me utterly spellbound, earning a well-deserved 5 stars. I can't believe it took me this long to finally dive into this gripping tale, but from the moment I started reading, I was completely hooked.
The story follows Adeline as she finds herself drawn into the enigmatic world of Zade, a man with all the red flags and a morally gray demeanor that should send anyone running in the opposite direction. And yet, despite his flaws, or perhaps because of them, I found myself irresistibly drawn to him, unable to resist the pull of his dark charisma.
I am totally and utterly obsessed with Zade!
Like, seriously, I've been
I was dying to get my hands on this book forever, and let me tell you, it was worth every single second of the wait! From the moment I cracked it open, I knew I was in for a wild ride, and boy, did it deliver!
Every word that Zade utters is like pure gold to me, so you bet I highlighted every single one of them! And let's not even get started on his smoldering looks and intense charisma—talk about swoon-worthy! I mean, if a guy like Zade ever crossed my path, I'd probably forget how to form coherent sentences, let alone resist his charm. Zade comforts me because he is just my ultimate book boyfriend. And I am learning that I have a type. Zade loves hard—like HARD. When he wants something, he does everything in his power to get it. I love that he has a whole life with Addie planned early on. He is a man who is comfortable with himself and fights for what he believes in. He gives Addie time to grow and conquer her trauma.
I know these books aren't everyone's cup of tea, but this is my ultimate favorite.
Adeline is an absolute queen; I'd be swooning on the spot!
This book had me smacking my forehead and clutching my heart so many times, I lost count!
But OMG, reading about him and Adeline was like setting off fireworks in my brain!
The chemistry between them was off the charts, and I swear, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see what they'd get up to next! And can we talk about the steamy scenes? Like, hello, instant blush alert! The chemistry between Adeline and Zade crackles with intensity; their interactions are fraught with tension and longing.
Zade, honey, you're the anti-hero of my dreams! My heart may no longer work properly, but it's okay because of Zade. That is all. Just Zade. I just love Zade, and I even imagine a guy like him in my mind. Zade is everything. Just the right mix of good and bad, but mostly bad, in a good way. He is my new favorite fiction hero.
 I know this is a controversial book. Everyone should read the triggers before reading. But I just love this DARK ROMANCE BOOK. "Haunting Adeline" is a masterfully crafted story that will linger in your thoughts long after you've turned the final page. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that will leave you breathless and begging for more. I highly recommend it to fans of dark romance and morally complex characters.
In conclusion, "Haunting Adeline" is a captivating and unforgettable read that will leave you haunted by its beauty and complexity. For me, it’s a masterpiece that I can read 100 times and definitely give it 100 stars out of 5. Don't miss out on this darkly enchanting tale.
Favorite character:
Definitely one and only ZADE
Favorite dialogue:
"When you make someone fall in love with the darkest parts of you, there’s nothing you can do that will scare them away. They will be yours forever because they already love all the fucked up bits and pieces of you."
*"I’m going to make her fall in love with every single fucked up part of me. I want this girl to see me at my most depraved. I want her to experience the true darkness residing in my soul"*
H.D. Carlton, Haunting Adeline 
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How Fit Do You Need to Be for Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda?
Gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda is an unforgettable experience, but it requires a moderate level of fitness. Treks in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda) and Volcanoes National Park (Rwanda) involve navigating dense forests, steep slopes, and uneven, muddy trails. Treks can last between 1 to 6 hours, so stamina for prolonged hiking is necessary.
Altitude is another factor to consider, as trekking occurs at elevations between 2,200 to 4,000 meters. This may impact breathing, so trekkers should pace themselves and stay hydrated. While there are no strict fitness requirements, being in good health is important. Senior trekkers can request porters for assistance during the trek.
To prepare, regular walking or hiking in the weeks leading up to the trek, along with leg-strengthening exercises, is recommended. Most people with moderate fitness levels can complete the trek and enjoy the reward of observing mountain gorillas up close.
In summary, you don’t need to be highly athletic, but being physically prepared will enhance your gorilla trekking experience in Uganda or Rwanda.
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Join us as we celebrate the films that we love starting with Movies That Make You Want to HUG the Weekend! The List, in no particular order:
Tenet In Her Shoes John Wick Chicago It's Complicated Train to Busan Honorable Mention: Call Me By Your Name, I Am Legend
Tenet, 2020 From the opening scene, Tenet is an electrifying blend of heart-pounding action and mind-bending science fiction. Director Christopher Nolan delivers a captivating and visually stunning film. The Protagonist, portrayed by John David Washington, is a complex figure who moves through the film asking the same questions we have as viewers. The cast is fantastic, and there's this one unforgettable scene towards the end where The Protagonist has a revelatory, emotionally charged moment with Neil, Robert Pattinson's character, that leaves you heartbroken. I love this movie and will watch it again and again! -Alana
In Her Shoes, 2005 Often overlooked in the flurry of rom-coms released in the early aughts, director Curtis Hanson’s In Her Shoes exists as one of the most endearing films of the genre. In this 2005 gem, the film’s leads, Toni Collette, Cameron Diaz, and Shirley MacLaine, each deliver performances that are beautifully nuanced in telling the story of two estranged sisters finding their way back to each other, and themselves, after reconnecting with their estranged grandmother. Yes, this is a story about love - the unexpected ways we might find it, learning to permit ourselves to experience it, how it profoundly changes us, and what we are willing to do to rebuild it after it’s been broken - but this film is about so much more than that. In Her Shoes pulls the curtain back on how grief and mental illness change our relationships in ways that can reverberate through generations and how we might be able to pick up the pieces and build something beautiful for ourselves. This movie fundamentally changed me when I first watched it. I love watching movies exploring the depths of sisterhood, both loving and complicated, and this one just means so much to me. -Victoria John Wick, 2014 Keanu Reeves, a fan favorite, is dynamite in the John Wick series. The movies are action-packed, well-acted, and feature a simple yet intriguing storyline. Whenever I'm in the mood for an exciting film with snappy dialogue and an interesting cast, I always turn to a John Wick film. Among the series, the original John Wick is my go-to because what's more exhilarating than a grieving hitman seeking vengeance for his puppy and his car? I mean, if "you've effed with the wrong one" was a person, it'd be John Wick. I'm here for it! -Alana Chicago, 2002 Based on the 1926 play and 1975 stage musical of the same name, 2002’s Chicago is a soaring accomplishment from director Rob Marshall. This musical crime dramedy tells the spellbinding tale of Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly, both inmates on Murderess’ Row at Cook County Jail, as they chase celebrity and notoriety while awaiting trial. What is at once a tour-de-force of its own merit is also an enchanting homage to its source material, this film is one I simply cannot get enough of. The performances from Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, and Queen Latifah are electrifying and completely mesmerizing, each wholly embodying their lauded characters. Aside from the spectacular acting each delivers in this film, the musical performances are simply out of this world, with credit to the original music and lyrics by John Kander and Fred Ebb respectively, of course, but the production comes to life in a whole new way on the big screen. I watch this film a few times a year and highly recommend keeping the soundtrack in your rotation. -Victoria It’s Complicated, 2009 Oscar-nominated writer and director Nancy Meyers followed up a legendary four-film run (The Parent Trap, What Women Want, Something’s Gotta Give, and The Holiday) with 2009’s rom-com It’s Complicated. Starring Meryl Streep, with charming supporting performances from Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, this film follows a 10-years divorced baker as she navigates life as an empty-nester and discovers what might be next for her - which appears to include an affair with her now-married ex-husband (Baldwin) and a blossoming romance with the architect remodeling her home (Martin). This film explores the complications of divorce and moving on, while highlighting the joys and pits of rediscovering yourself, especially in your golden years. While this film was met with mixed reviews from critics, there is an undeniable sense of the Nancy Meyers charm that makes it the cozy and beloved film it is to me. Like any Meyers film, the set design is a character and story to discover in itself and perhaps one of my favorite elements of this movie - it’s an aesthetic feast! I have loved this movie for years and it’s one of those movies that pulls on your heartstrings, tickles your funny bone, and makes you feel hopeful for the future by the final scene. -Victoria
Train to Busan, 2016 Train to Busan is an electrifying and almost unmatched zombie film. Like any good movie, it has emotional depth. Your investment in the characters and their survival catapults you from scene to scene. Yeon Sang-ho’s directorial choices build the tension and suspense required for the film’s propulsion, but he also incorporates space for you to catch your breath. And with this plot, you'll need it. Gong Yoo and Ma Dong-seok are a great pair, using their ingenuity and sheer power to fight their way through zombie hoards. Whenever I'm looking for something exciting to watch, this film never fails to deliver. -Alana
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michaelespositolarosa · 6 months
Michael Esposito Larosa — Discovering Flavorful Delights: La Rosa Chicken & Grill in Richmond Valley
Located in the center of Richmond Valley on Staten Island, a culinary jewel that promises not only wonderful flavors but also a commitment to providing dining experiences that are wholesome and nutritious can be found. Stunning landscapes and historical charm surround this gem. The restaurant’s menu is filled to the brim with mouthwatering delicacies that are produced using the freshest ingredients.
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Michael Esposito’s Staten Island focus is not simply on providing excellent food; rather, it is on providing nourishment to both the body and the soul via the consumption of meals that are as healthful as they are delicious. Every meal at the restaurant is precisely prepared to produce a symphony of flavors that leaves customers wanting more. This demonstrates the restaurant’s commitment to quality, which is visible in every dish made.
La Rosa’s distinctive rotisserie chicken, which is marinated in natural rosemary herbs to create an unrivaled level of tenderness and flavor, is the centerpiece of the restaurant’s dinner menu. Every mouthful is a demonstration of the restaurant’s dedication to providing exceptional culinary experiences, regardless of whether it is consumed as a single meal or blended into salads and wraps.
However, La Rosa is not only about chicken; rather, it is about providing a wide variety of options to satisfy the preferences of every customer. At this popular restaurant on Staten Island, you may find something that will appeal to everyone, from chicken tenders that are fried to salads that are bursting with colorful veggies that are derived from the area.
It is not just the quality of the food that makes La Rosa different; it is also the philosophy that guides the restaurant. To create a dining experience that combines the comforts of home-cooked meals with the ease of casual eating, Michael Esposito had a vision that was both straightforward and profound. It is precisely because of this dedication to tradition and authenticity that La Rosa has won the hearts of countless generations of customers, who come back time and time again to indulge in their meals of choice.
The ambiance at La Rosa is warm and inviting, and it invites people to linger and make cherished memories with their friends and family. In addition to the gastronomic pleasures, La Rosa offers a warm and inviting setting. If you are looking for a genuinely unforgettable dining experience, La Rosa is the ideal place to go. Whether you are celebrating a special event or simply seeking a hearty dinner, La Rosa offers the ideal environment.
In a world where fast food is frequently the most popular option, La Rosa Chicken & Grill shines as an example of pure, made-from-scratch goodness. From its humble beginnings by Michael Esposito Larosa to its status as a renowned culinary institution in Richmond Valley, Staten Island, La Rosa’s path is a monument to the enduring allure of quality, handcrafted meals. La Rosa currently serves as a culinary institution in Richmond Valley.
It is highly recommended that you make it a point to stop by La Rosa Chicken & Grill the next time you find yourself in the Richmond Valley area. When you visit this hidden gem, your taste buds will be grateful to you, and you will learn why it has become a treasured favorite among both locals and tourists alike. The phrase “Eat well, live healthy” is more than simply a motto at La Rosa; it is a promise that is kept with every delicious bite that is served.
Source Credit:
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battlekidx2 · 2 years
Best of Animation 2021 - Where I Really Come From (Invincible)
“Finish high school I guess”
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When I read that line in the comics for the first time I thought it was meant to sound defeated or unsure. Mark had just been beaten within an inch of his life by his father, who he loved, and wasn’t sure what to do with his life. I thought Mark was feeling defeated. But when Steven Yeun spoke the line in the show there is a much more hopeful tone to his voice that I think brings so much to the character and this moment that my initial interpretation lacked.
Mark is unsure of his future and he is hurting from his fight with his father but his spirit isn’t broken. He still has hope for the future and he still wants to do good. Mark’s spirit and drive are unbreakable, or invincible if you will, just like the title of the show. It brings new meaning to the moment and his actions that will follow.
The voice acting, animation, music, etc all come together to create an unforgettable experience that improves upon the source material. That final line reading by Steven Yeun blew me away in hindsight because it’s something so little but it has such a massive impact on the story and Mark’s characterization that I personally didn’t get when I read the comics (The comics are phenomenal and I highly recommend reading them so saying the show improves certain aspects of the story is high praise).
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One rather impressive feat is how well the show translates how the invincible comics portrayed violence.
The invincible comics were well known for their bloody and visceral fights and translating that to the screen could have been a tricky task. Violence is something that could easily become gratuitous and be purely used for shock value if used incorrectly. The show sidesteps this by having every use in this episode serve a purpose. At no point does it distract from the personal conflict that drives the episode- the clash of ideologies and upbringing between a father and his son. 
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For example, seeing the destruction in the city after Mark is punched through a building. We see Mark pulling a severed arm from the building rubble after he fails to save the building and a daughter soaked in the blood of her crushed father. All this shocks and horrifies you in the same way it does Mark. That is the arm of a mother he failed to save and it happens right after he tells the mother’s child not to be afraid. We are being faced with the same hard truth that Nolan is trying to beat into Mark. That Mark can’t protect himself let alone anyone else. 
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And the same can be said about the train scene. This scene is easily the goriest and most brutal sequence of the entire show (which is saying something) but it very effectively gets across how fragile humans are to Viltrumites. Mark comes out of the ordeal physically unscathed while hundreds of people die. They splatter against Mark almost like a bug does on the windshield of a car (though much more mentally scarring). Nolan even compares humans to pets and talks about humans being lesser than viltrumites further accentuating this point.
There are a lot more examples but anyone who’s seen the episode I think understands. These scenes are gory and intense but they are used very effectively within the context they are being used. If you were to remove any one of them (at least in this episode) something would be lost.
JK Simmons is excellent at getting across that Nolan is trying just as hard to convince himself of these lessons he’s trying to beat into Mark. Each step he takes is him trying to prove to himself that he sees these people as inconsequential collateral in the viltrumite’s conquest like his upbringing taught him to believe.
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The photo above may have become a meme but it is an excellent scene that puts Nolan’s desperation on full display. It conveys the conflict between who he’s become from his time on earth and the loyal viltrumite he was so well. And it leads into the best moment in the entire episode.
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“What will you have after five hundred years?”
“You dad. I’d still have you.”
This whole episode was amazing. It is easily one of my favorite episodes of television ever but it was this moment that hit the hardest.
Even after everything Nolan has done- all the people he’s killed and how brutally he’s beaten Mark- Mark still loves his father. 
This episode manages to expand on what was ultimately a single issue fight and really dig into the core tragedy of it. 
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The one moment I think the comic does better is the moment when Nolan flies away, leaving Mark alive, and crying once he reaches space. I don’t think it was clear enough that he was crying. A lot of people I know didn’t catch on to that fact and a few reviewers didn’t either. In the comics it was very clear and purposefully put into stark contrast so that no one could miss it. This is a little moment but it is one thing I wanted to point out due to how significant that tiny moment is for Nolan’s character.
I’ve seen a lot of people trash Invincible’s animation online and while I do agree there are instances of noticeable CGI that can take you out of it there are also incredibly beautiful and breathtaking sequences of animation as well. A lot of this episode has amazing animation. They spared no expenses on the fight. Here are a few of my favorite moments.
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This episode isn’t short on spectacle but it also hits all its smaller moments as well. I’ve mentioned a few above but I want to shine a light on a smaller one near the end of the episode.
The moment I’m talking about is in the hospital when Debbie tells Mark she’s proud of him. She goes to touch his face and he turns away. There’s so much pain in that small moment. Mark is hurting because of the betrayal, the trauma of the events, and because he failed and lost his father even though he tried his best. It’s these smaller moments in the aftermath of the fight that works really well.
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When it is trying to set up future events it distracts a bit from what the episode is trying to do but I’m grateful it takes the time to have the quieter moments that get across the heartbreak of the characters, especially Debbie and Mark.
Despite everything going on Invincible never loses sight of the vulnerability and humanity of these characters.  
I can’t wait to see the rest of the Invincible comics animated and brought to life for a new audience. Trust me this is just the beginning. It gets even better from here.
Extra Thoughts
I love the way JK Simmons emphasizes “believe” when he’s telling Mark the truth about Viltrum. “But I believe in our cause” He’s talking about the past but he makes sure to emphasize that this is a present belief which I think plays into how a lot of JK Simmons’ performance hints that Nolan is also trying to convince himself of the rhetoric that he’s spouting at Mark.
I really like how the Viltrumite’s uniforms are white. White is usually associated with good and purity. It’s typically seen as heroic which can be seen in the rhetoric that Nolan is regurgitating to Mark. He’s speaking of the Viltrumite’s actions and conquest as a good thing. It’s all painted in a positive light. There’s a dissonance between how the history is relayed to Mark and how it is seen on screen. Everything Nolan says is sanitized and belays the bloody reality of everything that happened. I just really like this detail.
The score for this episode was fantastic and I really hope it gets released at some point.
I didn’t want to put this above due to the fact I want to stay positive but I wasn’t a fan of Mark and Amber getting back together. With how the show did their relationship I would have preferred them staying broken up. I don’t hate Amber’s character and would actually like to see her friendship with Eve explored and I would have been interested in seeing her be friends possibly with Mark instead of a relationship. I just don’t think they wrote the relationship well enough to get me invested and it’s pretty clear even without reading the comics that they aren’t meant to be endgame. (If you like their relationship then great. It just wasn’t for me)
I know I already said this but I can’t wait for season 2 and 3!
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clearholidaysindia · 3 months
Bright End Corner in Almora, Uttarakhand, is a scenic viewpoint offering breathtaking panoramic views of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks. This tranquil spot is perfect for witnessing mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets amidst the serene hills of Uttarakhand. Offbeat places near Bright End Corner include the serene Kasar Devi Temple, known for its mystical aura and panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. Situated atop a hill, Kasar Devi Temple is a favorite among spiritual seekers and nature enthusiasts for its peaceful ambiance and stunning sunsets.
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Exploring places to visit near Bright End Corner reveals a blend of cultural heritage and natural beauty. Just a short drive away lies Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, where travelers can immerse themselves in dense forests and spot diverse wildlife such as leopards, deer, and rare bird species. The sanctuary offers scenic trails for nature walks and trekking, making it an ideal retreat for those seeking solitude and adventure amidst nature's bounty.
For those interested in history and architecture, a visit to the ancient town of Jageshwar is highly recommended. Home to a cluster of beautifully carved temples dedicated to Lord Shiva, Jageshwar Dham exudes a serene ambiance amidst cedar forests. Visitors can explore the intricate stone sculptures and soak in the spiritual vibes of this sacred site. These places to visit near Bright End Corner promise a delightful journey through Uttarakhand's cultural heritage and natural splendor, offering unforgettable experiences for travelers exploring Almora, India.
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Tehri Garhwal, nestled in the heart of Uttarakhand, India, is a region renowned for its natural beauty, spiritual significance, and cultural heritage. This picturesque district is situated amidst the lofty Himalayas and is dotted with pristine lakes, lush forests, and ancient temples. While Tehri Garhwal is famous for its breathtaking landscapes and spiritual retreats, it also boasts numerous offbeat places in Tehri Garhwal that offer a unique and enriching travel experience.
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One of the lesser-known attractions in Tehri Garhwal offbeat places is the serene town of Chamba. Located at an altitude of approximately 1,676 meters, Chamba offers panoramic views of the Tehri Lake and the surrounding snow-capped peaks. This quaint town is perfect for those seeking tranquility away from the tourist crowds, with opportunities for leisurely walks, birdwatching, and soaking in the serene atmosphere.
For travelers interested in exploring Tehri Garhwal's rich cultural heritage, a visit to Kanatal is highly recommended. Situated at an altitude of 2,590 meters, Kanatal is known for its apple orchards, lush green meadows, and majestic views of the Himalayas. The area around Kanatal offers various trekking trails that lead to hidden viewpoints and pristine forests, providing ample opportunities for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers.
Another hidden gem in Tehri Garhwal offbeat places is Devprayag, the confluence of the Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers that form the sacred Ganges River. Beyond its spiritual significance, Devprayag offers stunning views of the merging rivers and the surrounding valleys. Visitors can explore ancient temples, take a dip in the holy waters, and witness mesmerizing sunset views over the river confluence, making it a memorable destination for both spiritual seekers and nature enthusiasts.
In conclusion, Tehri Garhwal offbeat places invite travelers to venture off the beaten path and discover the hidden treasures of Uttarakhand. Whether you're drawn to the serene lakes of Chamba, the cultural richness of Kanatal, or the spiritual aura of Devprayag, Tehri Garhwal promises a diverse and unforgettable travel experience. Embrace the natural beauty, immerse yourself in the local culture, and create lasting memories in this enchanting corner of Incredible India.
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kavyaindiatours · 3 months
Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour by Car by Kavya India Tours Company.
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Kavya India Tours Company's Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car
Overview of the Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car Take a unique tour with Kavya India Tours Company to witness the Taj Mahal's unrivaled grandeur bathed in the golden hues of sunrise. Combining the tranquility of daybreak with the majesty of one of the most famous monuments in the world, this one-day trip from Delhi to Agra and back promises to be an experience never to forget.
Why Go on a Taj Mahal Tour at Sunrise? A new viewpoint can be obtained by seeing the Taj Mahal at dawn. An attractive scene that is less congested and more peaceful than other times of day is created by the early morning light enhancing the marble's inherent brilliance.
Reasons for Selecting Kavya India Tours Company? Learn why the best option for this fascinating tour is Kavya India Tours Company.
Verified Knowledge Kavya India Tours Company has been in the travel business for many years and is renowned for providing exceptional service and dependability.
Individualized Service Personalized travel experiences are available with knowledgeable experts who offer in-depth explanations of the significance and history of the Taj Mahal and other sites.
Relaxed Journey A smooth and enjoyable trip is guaranteed when you travel in a private, air-conditioned vehicle driven by a professional.
The Sunrise Car Tour of the Taj Mahal itinerary A thorough look at your one-day adventure's schedule is provided here.
Early Morning: Departure from Delhi between 3 and 3:30 in the morning
Get-Up: Your driver will come to your Delhi hotel or place of residence to pick you up. Make your way to Agra in comfort in a chauffeur-driven, air-conditioned vehicle. First thing in the morning: Arrival at Agra At six in the morning:
Arrival in Agra: Get to Agra in time to see the magnificent Taj Mahal at daybreak. In the morning: The Taj Mahal Visit between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m.
Experience the tranquil beauty of the Taj Mahal at sunrise, when the monument is first illuminated by the rays of dawn. Take pleasure in a guided tour that explores the UNESCO World Heritage Site's history, architecture, and love tale. In the morning: Agra Fort and breakfast. 8:30 A.M. until 9:30 A.M.
Enjoy a hearty breakfast at a nearby eatery that comes highly recommended. The magnificent Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is open for exploration from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Admire the exquisite features and breathtaking architecture while learning about its historical significance. Midmorning: Accompanying the Baby Taj, Itimad-ud-Daulah
Visit the stunning tomb known as Itimad-ud-Daulah, sometimes called the "Baby Taj." Rigorous inlay work and tranquil gardens characterize this smaller but no less remarkable structure. Breakfast and leisure in the early afternoon From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Lunch: Savor a delicious meal of real Mughlai food at a nearby eatery. Retrace your route to Delhi in the afternoon. 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM:
Retire in style in your private vehicle as you head back to Delhi following an amazing day in Agra. Evening: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM arrival in Delhi:
Drop-Off at Your Location: Your driver will end an amazing trip by dropping you off at your hotel or place of abode. The Sunrise Car Tour of the Taj Mahal's Highlights Examine the main sights and activities that are part of this trip.
The Taj Mahal at Dawn Unforgettable Views: Take in the peaceful, stunning scene as the Taj Mahal is illuminated by the warm light of morning. Examination of the Past UNESCO World Heritage Site Agra Fort: Learn about its magnificent architecture and rich history. Cultural Understanding Explore Itimad-ud-Daulah, a stunning but lesser-known monument, to witness the amazing craftsmanship. regional food Genuine Dinners: Experience a culinary adventure by indulging in mouthwatering regional fare at eateries that come highly recommended. Some Advice for an Unforgettable Taj Mahal Tour at Dawn Use these useful ideas to make the most of your travels.
Put on cozy clothes Put on walking- and exploration-appropriate footwear and cozy apparel.
Remain Hydrated To stay hydrated, especially in the warmer months, always have a water bottle with you.
Remember to Bring Your Camera Take use of a camera or smartphone to record the breathtaking scenery and special moments during your journey.
Consider the weather. Certain seasons make early mornings chilly, so check the weather forecast and make plans appropriately.
To sum up History, culture, and scenic beauty are all perfectly melded together on the Kavya India Tours Company's Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour by Car. This trip offers a remarkable and enriching experience in a single day, from the peaceful sight of the Taj Mahal at sunrise to discovering the rich history of Agra.
FAQ No. 1: How long is the car tour of the Taj Mahal in the morning? Leaving early in the morning and finishing in the evening, the tour lasts roughly 12 to 14 hours.
2. What is covered by the Car Tour of the Taj Mahal at Dawn? Along with breakfast and lunch, the tour includes expert driving, private vehicle transportation, and guided tours of the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Itimad-ud-Daulah.
3. Can families go on this tour? The tour is appropriate for all ages and is family-friendly.
Can I alter the schedule for the tour? Certainly, you are able to modify the tour schedule to fit your tastes and hobby. For further information, speak with Kavya India Tours Company.
What should I bring for the tour, if anything? Sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen, comfortable clothing, a camera, and any other personal goods you might need.
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Sky vs Fever: An Exciting WNBA Showdown
Overview One of the most anticipated games of the WNBA season is the matchup between the Chicago Sky and the Indiana Fever. Through exciting performances and fierce competition, this rivalry has gotten stronger over time, enthralling viewers. Gaining knowledge of this matchup’s dynamics can help you understand the WNBA as a whole.
Backgrounds of Teams The Chicago Sky’s past Since its founding in 2006, the Chicago Sky has grown to be a dominant force in the WNBA. The Sky, who are renowned for their explosive playmaking and unwavering team spirit, won their first WNBA title in 2021, which was a huge turning point in the franchise’s history.
The Indiana Fever’s past One of the league’s founding teams is the Indiana Fever, which was established in 2000. The group’s illustrious past was enhanced by their 2012 WNBA championship victory. The Fever have a reputation for being resilient and fiercely competitive.
Seasonal Outcome Chicago Sky’s Performance for the Current Season This season, the Chicago Sky have performed well, continuing their title heritage. They have shown both offensive and defensive strength, maintaining a strong standings position with a well-balanced roster and smart play.
Current Indiana Fever Season Performance The Indiana Fever have put forth a lot of effort to get up the standings despite a difficult season. The team’s youthful skill and seasoned leadership have combined to produce strong performances despite some setbacks, maintaining their hopes of making the playoffs.
Important Players to Keep an Eye on Prominent Individuals on the Chicago Sky Kahleah Copper: A regular player for the Sky, Copper is renowned for her athleticism and scoring prowess. Candace Parker: The seasoned forward is a vital component at key junctures because of her leadership, talent, and experience. Star Players for the Fever in Indiana Kelsey Mitchell: A brilliant guard, Mitchell is a vital offensive weapon thanks to her shooting and playmaking skills. NaLyssa Smith: Smith is a bright young forward who has made a big difference on both sides of the floor with her enthusiasm and ability. Head-to-Head Associations Past Meetings and Outcomes The Sky and the Fever have played close, competitive games in their recent meetings. Although the Sky have always had the advantage, the Fever have managed some noteworthy wins that have maintained the rivalry’s ferocity.
Treasured Memories from Previous Games Buzzer-beating shots, thrilling overtime ends, and exceptional individual performances that have kept spectators on the edge of their seats are just a few of the memorable moments. These games frequently have dramatic turns and hefty stakes.
Chicago Game Strategy Sky’s Strengths and Playing Style The Sky are renowned for their quick offense, accurate outside shooting, and stout defense. They have a big bench that enables a variety of flexible tactics, and they thrive at transition play.
The Strengths and Playing Style of Indiana Fever The Fever prioritize a forceful offensive approach together with aggressive defense. Their tactics frequently center on managing the game’s tempo and using their physicality to gain the upper hand in paint.
Impact of the Chicago on Coaching Staff Sky’s Methods of Coaching The Sky, led by coach James Wade, have become a cohesive one that emphasizes adaptability and collaboration. Wade’s strategic thinking and flexibility in the middle of the game are essential to the Sky’s victory.
The Indiana Fever’s coaching strategies and their impact Defense resiliency and player development have been prioritized by coach Marianne Stanley. Her expertise and tactical understanding have been invaluable in helping the squad overcome obstacles and realize its full potential.
Fan Interaction How Chicago Sky Support is Maintained by Fans Chicago Sky supporters are renowned for their fervent and boisterous cheers. Because of the team’s success, there is a large fan base that attends home games and fills the stadium, creating an exciting environment.
How Indiana Fever Supporters Participate The supporters of the Indiana Fever are devoted and consistent, sticking by the team through good times and bad. The boisterous shouts and large attendance at Fever games are clear indicators of their enthusiasm and sense of community.
Venue and Ambience Chicago Sky’s Home Court Advantage The Sky’s home court, Wintrust Arena, provides a big home court advantage with its vibrant spectators and state-of-the-art amenities. The team performs better and feels more confident in the familiar surroundings.
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mikelogan · 3 months
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An actress home for the holidays makes a bet with her former best friend-turned-online sensation. Katie Price is known in every living room in America. A small-town Wisconsin girl who became an A-list star, she rarely makes it home, but this year is different... Little does she know it will lead her straight into the piercing blue-eyed gaze of Wil Greene. A lot has happened in the decade since those cold Wisconsin nights when Wil and Katie drove around in Wil’s Bronco senior year. Since then, Wil's law career hasn’t taken off. Her father passed away. And what started as a personal challenge―kissing a new person twice a week, every week―has made her a growing sensation, but her life is still stuck in phase one. Through the years, the two have never left each other's thoughts and desires, but now suddenly, they are back in each others' lives. Their reconnection is instantaneous and the passion is palpable... but can it stand the test of time? Witty, emotional, and steamy, Everyone I Kissed Since You Got Famous is an unforgettable romantic read for everyone who almost kissed their best friend. And then finally did.
You know when you finish a book and immediately need everyone you know to read it? That's this book. I live a bit north of Green Bay and was down there yesterday and stopped at Barnes & Noble. I was perusing the fiction section and they had one of those handwritten cards recommending this book. It mentioned that the authors were local to the area, which made my Wisconsin-loving ass snatch it right up. Cut to me devouring this book today and giggling like an idiot every time Green Bay, Kwik Trip, Woodman's, etc. were mentioned. I loved the plot, the characters, and Busy!! I actually shed a few tears too, both happy and sad. Highly recommend this for anyone who loves sapphic romance, women finding their voices, and anyone who hates Mr. Andrew Cook.
PS: Tumblr also mentioned in the book sksksksksk
PPS: I think I'm gonna go to the signing/reading on Tuesday and I'm so excited!
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gsohb · 5 months
Below The Heavens: A Young Man's Story Of Survival Through God
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Below The Heavens (2007)
I remember the very day I first discovered Blu & Exile's Below The Heavens.
It's not often that I can say this about an album, or honestly, even a song. With this album, the impression it made upon me was unforgettable.
It was 2008. Mid July.
I had been home, sitting in my room chatting with this guy on AOL instant messenger (shut up) about music. I had mentioned to him, my love for hip hop.
He sent me a link. It was to a Youtube video, and I earnestly clicked. Since that moment, my ears have been blessed.
Below The Heavens is the collaborative project by California rapper Blu (born Johnson Barnes III) and producer Exile, known for his previous albums which included Dirty Science, and his work with group Emanon.
The album itself would be described as soulful.
Not just because of the wonderfully throwback-ish beats that Exile used for this project, but because the album awakens something in your soul.
Over the years, my perspective on this album has changed. What seemed like the angry outlets of a young black man from the hood actually turns out to be the story of a man who survived by having faith in God-even in the ugly times.
In Dancing In The Rain, a track on the album, Blu discusses not being willing to sell drugs, even while under the pressure of others. He talks of the stresses of being without a job, sometimes, and also struggling as an emcee in this harsh world.
The album itself isn't all doom and gloom. One thing I love about Blu's rapping style here, is his ability to do both serious and playful songs, even regarding love.
In Blu Colla Workers, Blu discusses how dating can be challenging while being an underground rapper. It's charming, cute, and relatable.
For me, as a young woman coming up, it was nice to hear examples of working class men trying the best they could in the age of bling, bling.
Like the perfect topping upon a cake, the perfect ending tracks of the album, The World Is (Below the Heavens..) and You Are Now in the Clouds With (The Koochie Monstas) take us right to church.
I (embarrassingly) admit that I can rap The World Is non-stop without any mistakes. But, it's less of an admission, and more of a testimony as to how powerful this album is.
In The World Is (Below The Heavens) Blu reminds us about God, his glory, remembering the challenges of life, but not falling into the pits of them.
It's SUCH an inspiring track, that it's permanently logged into my brain.
I highly recommend you listen to this album. It's personally gotten me through some of the darkest times of my life, and helped me celebrate some of the greatest.
God, Blu and Exile, thank you for this beautiful and much needed gift to humanity.
Below The Heavens (2007) Full Album
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