#unfinished step pyramid
I was just listening to a podcast about this and I thought it was quite interesting! And it's a fairly "recent" find!
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bluebelleisabelle · 2 years
Free G3 Monster High Episodes (to be continued)
1. The Monstering or option 2 (for those who may not have access to the Nick website)
2. Food Fight or option 2 (for those who may not have access to the YouTube channel)
3. Unfinished Brain-ness or option 2 (for those who may not have access to the YouTube channel)
4. Case of the Moondays or option 2
5. Portrait of a Monster or option 2
6. Witch Hitch
7. Part of the Pack
8. That Thing You Deuce or option 2 (preferred option, as it’s through an official medium)
9. Werewolf Weekend or option 2 (same information as #8)
10. Paw-zzle Pieces or option 2 (same information as #8)
11. Nightmare Nightmore or option 2 (same information as #8)
12. Out of Step or option 2 (same information as #8)
13. Pyramid Scheme or option 2 (same information as #8)
14. What’s Up, Watzie?
15. So Familiar
16. Crushed
17. Over Bro-tective
18. Horoscare
19. Flaunt Your Skeleton
20. Creepover Party
21. Creature Clash
22. Monster Movie
23. Earworm
24. Spell the Beans
25. Growing Ghoulia
26. Casketball Jinx (same link as above)
27. Cleo in the Kitchen
28. Case of the Missing Squeak (same link as above)
29. Pet Problems
30. License to Rock (same link as above)
31. Power Heist
32. Monster Midterms
33. Fur-mergency
34. Boogey Nightmare (same link as above)
35. Best Fiends
36: Scareer Day (same link as above)
37. Stone Alone
38. Horsin’ Around (same link as above)
39. Moonlit Fieldtrip
40. A Little Boost (same link as above)
41. Fresh Waters Run Deep
42. Sew Fierce
43. Witchful Thinking
44. Monster Match
45. The Monster Way
1. Rule School
2. New Witch in Town
3. Play It Again, Clawd (same link as above)
4. Mummy in the Mirror (part of the beginning is missing; the first few minutes can be found in this video)
5. How to Scare a Banshee (same link as above)
6. So Chill
7. Mixed Up Meowlody
8. The Haunted Sand Castle Caper
9. Fangs for the Memories
10. Two-Riffic
11. Monster High-Jinks
12. Vamps Just Wanna Have Fun (same link as above)
13. The Babysitter’s Crypt
14. Humans in Highschool (same link as above)
15. Dawn of the Dread
16. Frankie Patrol (same link as above)
17. The Deuce Date
18. Big Paw, Little Paw (same link as above)
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nedjemetsenen · 2 years
Were the Pyramids Built by Aliens?
Obviously not.
But, while you hopefully know that they were man made, you might still wonder why giant triangular structures made the ancient Egyptians happy. Luckily, that isn't one of the mysteries of ancient Egypt. We actually know exactly why the pyramids came to be and, while the story took a couple hundred years to happen, I can sum it up for you in a few short paragraphs.
Our story starts long, long ago. In a time before Egypt was even a unified country. Back then, the proto-Egyptian buried their dead in simple, hand-dug graves. Unfortunately, these graves were often uncovered by the wind and wild animals, which wasn't exactly ideal.
Then, somewhere along the line, someone had the bright idea to start covering the graves in piles of rocks. These rock piles protected the graves from being uncovered by the wind or dug up by wild animals and so they became the new standard practice.
After a while, someone said “hey, I want my pile of rocks to be fancier! Maybe even mud brick!” Others agreed that this new idea seemed like a pretty good way for the wealthy to show off and so we got these bad boys:
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This is a mataba or mastaba tomb (mastaba being Arabic for table). They were the standard form of burial for the wealthy and the eminent during Egypt’s early dynastic period and most of the Old Kingdom.
Of course, people competed with their mastabas. They made them bigger, prettier, or whatever else they could do to make themselves seem more important.
Following in this tradition of one-ups-manship, someone got a brilliant idea. They said, "hey, instead of making a bigger mastaba, what if I stacked a mastaba on top of a mastaba and then put another mastaba on top of that? In fact, give me six mastabas!" That led to this:
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This is the step pyramid of king Djoser, created by the architect Imhotep, a guy so impressive that he later got deified as one of Egypt’s gods. His monument to his king went over so well that the kings of Egypt would spend the next few decades perfecting the step pyramid into a true pyramid, slopped sides and all.
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Of course, no undertaking goes perfectly. This path from step-pyramid to great pyramid wasn't all impressive feats. Egypt has several pyramids that show us just how tricky this ancient craft was. Some of them were abandoned unfinished while others, well, see for yourself
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Stacking rocks is really hard, you guys!!!
Poor Sneferu. It's okay, buddy, your pyramid is my favorite.
It's also worth noting that pyramids took a lot of time and effort, so they didn't replace mastabas as the go-to burial practice. Short-lived kings, emanate Egyptians, and other members of the royal family mostly got mastabas. Pyramids stopped entirely by the end of the Old Kingdom and they never returned. Later kingdoms would use mastabas or rock-cut graves instead.
So, the next time your coworker or family member jokes about pyramids and aliens, dig up this post and set them straight!
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ahungeringknife · 11 months
365: June 6
@seventhscorpio look it's finally our boys' on Tumblr ayyye
His worm curled contently in his chest as Dornuk listened to Savathun dictate a story she wanted written down. Properly written down and not simply pulled out of her mind or the Archive as physical thought. The power that came with being Savathun’s personal scribe was a delight to his worm even now. Even though it had been a few years. Savathun was recounting a recent venture with herself and the Light’s champion the Young Wolf. More a string of practical jokes played by the Witch Queen to test the Young Wolf’s patience and tolerance while she did a mission for her Earth leaders.
They were in the expansive gardens of the High Coven. While Savathun was orating she was also inspecting the garden to make sure those Hive she left in its care were following through and actually doing it. Dornuk just followed slightly behind at the edge of her wings, taking three steps for every one of her magnificent strides quickly tapping away at runes on the tablet, writing it in short hand to write in proper runic once he had a moment alone.
The gardens covered a great portion of the High Coven. All the way to the Temple of the Navigator which finally saw itself in bloom. It had taken a few years to finally route all the scorn out from attacking the Temple but now both it and the decaying Pyramid had been expelled from Savathun’s Throne World. Dornuk noted they were headed that way. It wasn’t unusual for Savathun to visit her brother’s temple. She never visited Xivu Arath’s. But where the sisters’ love was a bitter rivalry their love for the Taken King was well documented and bordered obscene so gentle was the affection for him.
“Was that the end, my lady?” Dornuk asked when she stopped speaking for a length of time. Didn’t seem like her. Savathun never left a story unfinished and this one seemed to cut off just before the end.
“No. I am just admiring the view,” Savathun said looking out across the way at the Temple of the Navigator. He’d been here many times and until they’d finally routed the scorn the land around it was always torn up from battle with them. But now it was a well maintained garden like the rest of the Throne World. A large Lucent Knight directed a few Acolytes in bringing over some plants for a new raised bed. At the entrance of the temple Alak-Hul was engaged in conversation with a Knight Dornuk wasn’t familiar with so it wasn’t one of the guards. Strange. Dornuk was sure he knew every Knight and guard here on sight.
“Who’s that?” he asked.
“The knight talking with the Light Blade. I do not recognize them, do you?”
“… You don’t know?” he asked her, incredulous. A few years ago he wouldn’t have dared tease the Witch Queen like this but now? He was not afraid of her.
“You’re quite right. Most unbecoming,” and she spread her wings to lightly fly across the top of the garden. Dornuk scurried after her but she still arrived before him as he had to weave his way around the garden or risk being scolded by Sivra. He knew she was nice but once he’d stepped on her rose bushes and he’d been so scared she’d relieve him of his spine through his mouth.
Savathun was engaging in pleasant conversation with Alak Hul still when he climbed the stairs up to them and finally could see the new knight up close. There was something… so familiar about them but Dornuk couldn’t put his claw on it. He tried to focus on what Savathun and Alak-Hul were talking about but the strange familiar knight distracted his attention. They were average for a knight, so young perhaps? The shape of their horns and chitin was also so strange. It reminded Dornuk not unlike Guardian Hunter helmets with almost a cobra hooded flair from the neck to the horns. The chitin covered most of his mouth in plating and the dome of their head and the root of their horns, which swept forward almost into a ‘bill’ in front of his head, were blue. Their chitin was also oddly… smooth except for at the joints and a dark powdery gray-purple. Where their elbows and knees were large blue spikes emerged and curved against their upper arm or thigh that Dornuk could tell if they moved their limbs in such a way made a perfect stabbing implement.
He at least kept his staring to a minimum and only looked at him now and then, keeping his gaze more focused on Alak Hul and Savathun. Between the familiar feeling he felt and the fact that the knight was quite a specimen it was difficult and he came in somewhere in the middle. “It has not escaped my notice that you have acquired a new knight, Alak Hul. And you didn’t even tell me a new Lightbearer had come to your stable.”
“Oh, he’s not a Lightbearer,” Alak Hul said and when Dornuk looked at the knight they were looking right back at him and Dornuk’s eyes widened. Two green eyes and a third blue one looked out from under the horns of the knight.
“Xolkûn,” he blurted out, unable to help himself, shocked to his core.
“Yes, this is Xolkûn,” Alak Hul said, oblivious to Dornuk’s surprise. “The Guardian raised Hive if you recall,” he said to Savathun, ignoring Dornuk.
“Your grace,” Gup said, bowing his head to Savathun and Dornuk felt nailed to the floor. It was the first time he’d ever heard Gup use his real voice when not trying to tease Dornuk about their age difference. It was so deep and holy shit when did Gup have a hot voice?
“Oh you are the only one of the Moonheart brood,” Savathun said casually.
“Yes, your grace,” he said politely.
“Ha! I was under the impression your mother was never going to allow your morph,” Savathun chided him.
“It was time,” he said. “I needed room to expand my abilities.”
“I see. And yet you still came here?”
“Alak Hul is my little friend,” Gup said and both Alak Hul and Savathun laughed since technically of everyone here Gup was the oldest Hive that hadn’t died a first death and he was only perhaps twenty four in human years.
“One day maybe, kid,” and Alak Hul pushed on his billed horns. “For now you are still my little friend.” Gup’s face brightened cheerfully.
Dornuk didn’t know what to do with himself listening to his friend, who Dornuk had always known as a bit of a childish clown, borderline embarrassing, banter with Savathun and Alak Hul so naturally. He hadn’t seen Gup in several months but that was normal. He came and went in the Throne World depending on if his mother could bring him. Had he been staying away because he was going through his morph? And now he showed his face again and had the audacity to be both charming and handsome! With a deep voice and everything! Dornuk’s childhood crush had mostly been out of jealousy of wanting to be Gup, with a mother who loved him, stability in his life, and a purpose and home that could not be taken or destroyed. He was sure he’d grown out of it and hadn’t even thought about it in years.
And now Gup showed up hot and it was all Dornuk could think about!
Gup really was as rude as ever.
Savathun was talking with Alak Hul about the gardens around the Temple now and Dornuk was trying hard not to scowl at Gup. How fucking dare he look like this while Dornuk was still just an acolyte. Gup saw him looking and signed at him, Dornuk had learned from Gup and his mom over the years, ‘Want to play while the old Hive talk?’
Dornuk just looked away. Annoying bastard. He did sign back, ‘I’m working,’ at the least.
Savathun and Alak Hul talked for a bit more before the conversation ended and Savathun bid Dornuk to follow as she left. "What did you think of Xolkûn? He’s your friend is he not?” Savathun asked once they were amid the gardens again.
“He didn’t tell me he was taking his morph,” Dornuk said.
“Ah. If only I was half a billion years younger,” she said and Dornuk made a noise of outrage that made her laugh. She lifted a hand to teasingly poke his chest, “I knew you were looking.”
“I have no idea what you’re speaking of, your grace,” he said, flustered.
“Of course not. Above your notice that your friend returned with a well crowned head. My mistake,” and Dornuk looked away from her. No it was not above his notice but he’d rather die than admit it. He absolutely refused to admit he thought Gup was attractive even if he knew he was.
“Unlike him I have a job to consider. I can’t spend all day preening,” Dornuk scoffed. “Isn’t that what knights do all day?”
Savathun’s laugh was a chittering snicker. “In my experience,” she agreed. “Alak Hul said he will bring him to the Training Grounds tomorrow. I want you to go and catalog what happens.”
“What?” Dornuk squeaked.
“Xolkûn has a unique morph. I wish to see how he is tested against others of his kind. And perhaps you can stand to spend some time with your friend. He has been absent from the Throne World has he not?”
“I didn’t realize you took notice of such things,” Dornuk admitted.
“His mother likes to bring me tea. She says if she can have regular tea time with Ikora, who is the Guardian version of me, then she can carve out time for me as well. It’s such a delight to speak with a Guardian who speaks properly and I don’t how to lower myself to their guttural tones,” she scoffed. “Last time she even brought Eris Mourn and we almost killed each other. It was so exciting!”
“Perhaps you could tell me about it after you finish your story about your latest adventure with the Young Wolf?” Dornuk ventured.
“Ah! Yes of course. I almost forgot completely about my little Wolf. Read to me where I was,” she said and he obeyed. She returned to her orating as if she’d never stopped and he went back to writing it down, grateful they weren’t talking about about Gup anymore.
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mohameddfl · 6 days
Mysteries of Ancient Cairo: Unveiling the Secrets of Egypt’s Historic Capital
Ancient Cairo, known as Heliopolis in antiquity, is a city with a deep and enigmatic history that has captivated historians, archaeologists, and travelers for centuries. Situated near the iconic Giza Plateau and the fertile Nile Delta, Cairo's historical significance stretches back to the dawn of civilization. The city is a treasure trove of mysteries, from ancient temples and lost monuments to secretive burial sites and enigmatic artifacts. This article delves into some of the most intriguing mysteries of Ancient Cairo and explores what makes this city a focal point of Egypt’s rich history.
1. The Temple of the Sun at Heliopolis
Heliopolis, or "City of the Sun," was one of the most important religious centers in ancient Egypt. It was dedicated to Ra, the sun god, and was renowned for its vast temple complex.
Lost Monuments: The Temple of Ra at Heliopolis was once a grand architectural marvel, but little of it remains today. Ancient writers such as Herodotus described the temple’s grandeur, but most of the structures have been lost to time or repurposed. The only remnants are a few obelisks and ruins that hint at its former splendor.
Obelisks: Some of the obelisks from Heliopolis were transported to Rome and other locations, such as the famous Cleopatra’s Needle in London and New York. These obelisks are valuable clues to the temple’s former glory and its influence on ancient architecture.
2. The Mysterious Tomb of Seti I
The tomb of Pharaoh Seti I, located in the Valley of the Kings, is renowned for its breathtaking beauty and detailed artwork. However, it also harbors its own set of mysteries.
Hidden Chambers: The tomb is noted for its elaborate decoration and the presence of several hidden chambers. These chambers, discovered in the early 19th century, have sparked debates about their purpose and whether they were part of a larger, undiscovered burial complex.
Curse of Seti I: Some believe that the tomb of Seti I is cursed, a theory fueled by the misfortunes and tragedies that befell those who disturbed it. While modern archaeology dismisses these superstitions, the tales of a curse add an element of intrigue to the tomb’s history.
3. The Enigmatic Sphinx of Heliopolis
In ancient Heliopolis, there was reportedly a large sphinx statue associated with the sun god Ra. However, the exact location and details of this sphinx remain elusive.
Lost Sphinx: Unlike the Great Sphinx of Giza, which is well-known and extensively studied, the Heliopolitan Sphinx remains a mystery. Historical texts suggest it was a significant monument, but its whereabouts and details have largely been lost to history.
Cultural Significance: The sphinx in Heliopolis was believed to have religious and symbolic importance, but without physical evidence, much of its significance is speculative.
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Mysteries of Ancient Cairo
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4. The Secrets of the Saqqara Step Pyramid
Saqqara, an extensive necropolis near Cairo, is home to the Step Pyramid of Djoser, one of the earliest pyramids in Egypt. This site has its own set of mysteries and historical significance.
Architectural Innovation: The Step Pyramid, designed by the architect Imhotep, marked a significant departure from previous burial structures. Its construction was a monumental achievement, but many aspects of its design and construction techniques remain subjects of study and debate.
Unfinished Chambers: The Step Pyramid complex includes unfinished and hidden chambers that continue to intrigue archaeologists. These chambers might offer further insights into the evolution of pyramid construction and ancient Egyptian burial practices.
5. The Lost City of the Sun
According to some ancient texts, there was a “Lost City of the Sun” associated with Heliopolis. This city was said to be a center of great knowledge and power.
Historical References: Ancient sources such as Manetho and other historians have mentioned this city, but concrete evidence of its existence has yet to be discovered. The city is often linked to the broader religious and cultural significance of Heliopolis.
Modern Exploration: Efforts to locate the Lost City of the Sun continue, with ongoing archaeological excavations seeking to uncover its secrets. The city’s elusive nature adds to the mystique of Ancient Cairo’s historical landscape.
6. The Enigma of the Tomb of Alexander the Great
Although Alexander the Great is more famously associated with Alexandria, there are theories that his tomb may have been located in Cairo or nearby regions.
Historical Accounts: Ancient historians such as Diodorus Siculus and Strabo mentioned Alexander’s tomb, but its precise location remains unknown. Various sites around Cairo have been suggested, but none have been definitively proven to be his final resting place.
Search for the Tomb: The search for Alexander’s tomb has captivated archaeologists and historians for centuries. Discoveries in the Cairo region or surrounding areas could potentially shed light on this historical enigma.
7. The Role of Cairo’s Ancient Libraries
Cairo, or more precisely Heliopolis, was once home to significant libraries that housed vast amounts of knowledge.
Lost Libraries: Ancient texts refer to libraries and repositories of knowledge in Heliopolis, but no concrete remains have been found. These libraries were believed to contain religious texts, scientific works, and historical records.
Cultural Impact: The loss of these libraries represents a significant gap in our understanding of ancient Egyptian scholarship and intellectual life. The search for remnants or references to these libraries continues to intrigue researchers.
Ancient Cairo, with its rich history and monumental achievements, remains one of the most enigmatic and captivating cities of antiquity. From the lost temples of Heliopolis to the secrets of royal tombs and the mysteries surrounding Alexander the Great, the city’s past offers a fascinating tapestry of history and intrigue. As modern archaeology and research continue to uncover new insights, the mysteries of Ancient Cairo promise to reveal even more about this remarkable civilization and its enduring legacy.
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egyptatours · 11 days
The History Of the Meidum Pyramid
The History Of the Meidum Pyramid
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The Meidum Pyramid
Explore the Meidum Pyramid, an axial structure in ancient Egypt that marks the transition from terraced pyramids to straight-sided pyramids. Discover its unique architecture, historical importance and the reasons for its collapse.
The History Of the Meidum Pyramid
The Meidum Pyramid is one of the oldest attempts in the history of ancient Egypt to create the first straight-sided pyramid. The main goal of the article is to provide every traveler with the opportunity to get acquainted with the wonderful Meidum Pyramid. This article has been written by a very professional and skilled team of tour operators, historians, tour guides and travel consultants who know all the facts about the Meidum Pyramid. There are countless pyramids in Egypt, but the Meidum Pyramid is undoubtedly the most unusual in appearance.
It is located on the west bank of the Nile River, 80 km south of Memphis and 65 km south of Cairo. It is one of the oldest pyramids in ancient Egyptian history, and it is the most important because it represents the transition period from the Early Dynastic Era to the ancient Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. The Meidum Pyramid was supposedly built for King Huni, the last pharaoh of the Third Dynasty, and was later continued by Pharaoh Sneferu in his fifteenth reign. The name of King Huni is not found anywhere on the Meidum Pyramid. The pyramid was later called “Sneferu of Endors.” The fact that many of Sneferu’s sons were buried there confirms that it was built by King Sneferu, who then moved 40 kilometers north to Dahshur. Where he built the red pyramid and the curved pyramid.
Meidum Pyramid Location and How to Get It
The Meidum Pyramid, located 72 kilometers (45 mi) south of modern Cairo, is the first straight-sided pyramid made in Egyptian history. In order to reach the pyramid, it is recommended to book with a travel agency that provides a private car and an experienced tour guide who sheds light on the history and architectural innovation of the ancient Egyptians.
Architecture of The Meidum Pyramid
The Meidum pyramid was designed in the image of the Step Pyramid, as the main architect was the well-known successor to Imhotep. Unfortunately, the Meidum Pyramid collapsed, as many modifications were made to the design of the Imhotep Pyramid to transform it into a real pyramid. It looks like a huge tower surrounded by a huge pile of rubble. The pyramid is about 93 meters high and was once built with a square base whose sides were about 114 meters long. The interior design of the Meidum Pyramid is rather simple but was considered a real innovation that became the standard for many generations to come.
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Meidum Pyramid Inside
The interior of the medium pyramid is filled with fascinating archaeological and historical finds. The entrance to the pyramid is located on the northern face, which is higher than ground level, and leads to a descending corridor that continues downward, then turns horizontally, with two small niches on the sides. The burial chamber can be stepped inside through a 10-foot (3.0 m) vertical shaft leading to the main burial chamber, which is at the end of the horizontal corridor.
The burial chamber remains unfinished, retaining the wooden supports and rough walls typical during construction. It is recorded as the first pyramid in history to have a burial chamber at its core, representing a very important architectural development. Two chambers filled with debris were discovered above the burial chamber to distribute the weight of the pyramid and prevent any kind of pressure on the main chamber. The burial chamber is known to contain parts of a number of bas-reliefs and intricate decorations.
Why Did the Meidum Pyramid Collapse?
The medium pyramid collapsed for several reasons, as a skilled team of historians and archaeologists have researched throughout the ages. Many believe that structural instabilities lead to the pyramid’s collapse, such as design flaws that began transforming the Step Pyramid into a true pyramid by adding a heavy limestone outer shell that weighed down the foundation and internal structure, causing it to collapse as well. The uneven base created pressure points due to weight distribution.
The decking system used to create the interior room may also weaken the interior structure over time. Environmental factors such as wind erosion, sandstorms, earthquakes and heavy rain also played a role in the collapse.
Meidum Pyramid Facts
The Meidum Pyramid stands as a testament to the architectural prowess and ambition of ancient Egyptian civilization, which also offers profound truths about the talent of ancient Egyptian builders.
This is believed to be the second pyramid ever built, after the Step Pyramid of Djoser, marking a decisive transition from the Step Pyramids to the true pyramids of the Old Kingdom.
Its construction began around 2600 BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Huni, and its construction was continued later by Sneferu.
It was originally designed as a stepped pyramid with seven tiers. Like the Pyramid of Djoser, it has undergone ambitious renovations to transform it into a true smooth-sided pyramid.
The collapse of the pyramid remains a source of mystery and debate among historians and archaeologists.
To sum it up briefly, the Meidum Pyramid is an incredible archaeological landmark in ancient Egypt that reveals the great civilization of the ancient Egyptians. The pyramid is a testimony to the sophistication of the ancient Egyptians in their creativity and technology, as well as in their religious beliefs.
This stunning attraction is also a reminder of the incredible pride pharaohs and kings had in their ability to lead workers on such ambitious projects. The Meidum Pyramid of is a testament to the skill and influence of the ancient Egyptians and a reminder that all the world has much to learn from their creativity and achievements.
FAQ about Meidum Pyramid
Can you go inside the Meidum Pyramid?
It’s easy to get inside the pyramid, and unlike many other pyramids, you can stand upright. It is necessary to climb two ladders to reach the final room, which is quite small.
What distinguishes the pyramid of Meidum?
The Meidum Pyramid is also distinguished by its unique design, as it is one of the first true pyramids in history to include a curved surface.
How old is the Meidum Pyramid?
It is believed that the Meidum pyramid of Meidum was built during the reign of Pharaoh Huni or Sneferu, who ruled during the twenty-sixth century BC, specifically around 2600–2575 BC.
What was the failed pyramid in Egypt?
The Meidum Pyramid, which does not often appear on our regular Cairo tour itineraries, is believed to have been built for Pharaoh Huni. However, the pyramid was never completed due to a design error that led to its collapse. The inner core of the collapsed pyramid at Meidum.
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lboogie1906 · 12 days
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Imhotep (the one who) comes in peace”(c. 2625 BC) was an Egyptian chancellor to King Djoser, a possible architect of Djoser’s step pyramid, and the high priest of the sun god Raat Heliopolis. Very little is known of him as a historical figure, but in the 3,000 years following his death, he was gradually glorified and deified. The Greeks equated him with their god of medicine, Asklepios, although ironically, there is no evidence that he was a physician. Hypocrites, the father of medicine, recognized him as the Father of Medicine.
Traditions from long after his death treated him as a great author of wisdom texts and especially as a physician. No text from his lifetime mentions these capacities and no text mentions his name in the first 1,200 years following his death. Apart from the three short contemporary inscriptions that establish him as chancellor to the Pharaoh, the first text to reference him dates to the time of Amenhotep III (c. 1391–1353 BC).
It appears that this libation to him was done regularly, as they are attested on papyri associated with statues of him until the Late Period (c. 664–332 BC).
The first references to his healing abilities occur from the Thirtieth Dynasty(c. 380–343 BC) onward, some 2,200 years after his death.
He is among under a dozen non-royal Egyptians who were deified after their deaths. The location of his tomb remains unknown, despite efforts to find it. The consensus is that it is hidden somewhere at Saqqara.
His historicity is confirmed by two contemporary inscriptions made during his lifetime on the base or pedestal of one of Djoser’s statues (Cairo JE 49889) and by a graffito on the enclosure wall surrounding Sekhemkhet’s unfinished step pyramid.
He was one of the chief officials of the Pharaoh Djoser. Concurring with much later legends, Egyptologists credit him with the design and construction of the Pyramid of Djoser, a step pyramid at Saqqara built during the 3rd Dynasty. He may have been responsible for the first known use of stone columns to support a building. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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egyptonlinetours1 · 1 month
Cairo, Nile Cruise and Hurghada Holiday
Cairo, Nile Cruise and Hurghada Holiday
Embark on an extraordinary Egyptian adventure with our Cairo, Nile Cruise, and Hurghada Holiday Package, designed to showcase the best of Egypt’s cultural heritage, historical treasures, and stunning coastal beauty. Your journey begins in Cairo, where you'll explore the awe-inspiring Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, and delve into the ancient artifacts at the Egyptian Museum. Wander through the lively markets of Khan El Khalili and soak up the city's rich history and vibrant energy before setting sail on the Nile.
Next, experience the luxury and charm of a Nile River cruise, offering a serene way to explore Egypt’s ancient wonders. As you cruise from Luxor to Aswan, visit the magnificent temples of Karnak and Luxor, and traverse the Valley of the Kings where the tombs of pharaohs await. The journey also includes stops at the temples of Edfu and Kom Ombo, providing an unparalleled view of ancient Egypt’s grandeur while enjoying the comfort of your floating hotel and the tranquil waters of the Nile.
Conclude your holiday with a relaxing stay in Hurghada, a premier Red Sea resort known for its crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches. Enjoy leisurely days lounging on the sandy shores, swimming, and indulging in a variety of water sports and recreational activities. The blend of cultural exploration in Cairo, historical grandeur on the Nile, and relaxation in Hurghada creates a perfectly balanced holiday experience that captures the essence of Egypt’s rich heritage and natural beauty.
Day 1: Cairo, Nile Cruise and Hurghada Holiday
starts with pick you up from Cairo International airport by Maestro Online Travel representative who will assist you in all airport procedures, then we will transfer you to a hotel in Cairo, relish your Welcome drink upon arrival at the hotel in Cairo, free time to relax, you can join one of our facultative tours, stay the night in Cairo.
Day 2: Giza sightseeing Tours, Pyramids tour
Breakfast at a hotel in Cairo. Meet up with your personal guide Private tours to visit the great Giza area where are the most famous monument of the world & of Egypt (the pyramids), Necropolis of Sakkara where you start by visiting the first pyramid built in Egypt ( the step pyramid), then Memphis which was the first capital of all Egypt after the unification between South Egypt and north Egypt 3500b.c. Our last visit will be Giza Pyramids and Sphinx. Shopping tours in Giza. Back to hotel for overnight
Day 3 : Aswan Nile Cruise Tour
Breakfast at hotel in Cairo, transfer to Cairo airport to fly to Aswan. Meet up with your guide in Aswan with a direct transfer to the cruise ship for embarkation before lunch. After lunch, you will start your tour to Visit the High Dam, Old Dam, The Unfinished Obelisk & Philae Temple, Visit the Botanical Garden by Felucca. Afternoon Tea Cocktail, buffet dinner with music and dancing. Overnight on board your Nile cruise in Aswan
Day 4: Kom Ombo Temple Tour
Buffet breakfast. Sail to Kom Ombo, after lunch you will visit the Temple Of Kom Ombo. Sail to Edfu, afternoon Tea Buffet dinner with a Galabiya Party on board the cruise ship. Overnight in Edfu
Day 5: Edfu Temple Tour
Buffet breakfast, tour to Visit the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Sail to Esna. Buffet lunch with afternoon Tea. Cross the Esna Lock & Sail to Luxor. Dinner in Black & White Dress with music and dancing party. Overnight on board your Nile cruise ship in Luxor
Day 6: Luxor West Bank Tour
Buffet breakfast on board the cruise, we will start our tour by Visiting first the West Bank of Luxor by visiting the Valley of the Kings, Deir El Bahary Hatshepsut temple & Colossi of Memnon Our second step will be on the East Bank of the Nile to visit Karnak and Luxor Temples. then you will drive to Hurghada by air-conditioned modern vehicle, overnight in Hurghada.
Day 7: Hurghada Red Sea
Breakfast meal at the hotel, relaxation day or relish one of our cheerful Red Sea Activities like Snorkeling, swimming, diving, lunch, and dinner in the hotel, overnight stay in Hurghada.
Day 8: Hurghada Holiday
Breakfast meal at the hotel, relaxation day or relish one of our cheerful Red Sea Activities like Snorkeling, swimming, diving, lunch, and dinner in the hotel, overnight stay in Hurghada.
Day 9: Hurghada - Cairo
Breakfast meal at the hotel, transfer to Cairo Airport to fly to Cairo, Arrival to Cairo, then transfer to your hotel, Meet up with your personal guide Private tours in Cairo to visit: Egyptian Museum, visit Citadel of Saladin, Mohamed Aly Alabaster Mosque, Khan El Khalili Bazaars. Shopping tours in Cairo. Then transfer back to the hotel, and overnight stay in Cairo.
Day 10: Departure
Enjoy a breakfast meal at the hotel, Maestro Online Travel will farewell you by transferring you to Cairo International Airport for your final departure. ( End of Cairo, Nile Cruise, and Hurghada Holiday)
 For more info
·         [email protected]
·         https://www.egyptonlinetours.com/
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fancoloredglasses · 8 months
The Five Doctors (well, three and a half plus one, but who's counting?) Part 1
[All images are owned by the BBC. Please don’t sue or EXTERMINATE! me]
(Thanks to Doctor Who)
I’d previously reviewed what the BBC did to celebrate Doctor Who’s 10th anniversary. Naturally, they decided to have a similar event for the show’s 20th. There were just two teensy-weensy problems…
-William Hartnell (who originally left the show due to health concerns and whose health hadn’t improved by The Three Doctors (which is why he had a limited role in the story) passed away eight years earlier.
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This required recasting the first Doctor (though some surviving Hartnell footage was also used). Enter Richard Hurndall (unfortunately, Hurndall would also pass away a year later, so if the show had still been on the air for the 30th anniversary, he would have had to be recast again)
-Tom Baker was two years removed from his tenure as the Doctor and decided it was too soon for him to return for a “reunion” show (a decision he has since said he regretted) The producers got around this by using footage from Shada, an unfinished story from his era.
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Fortunately, he had a cameo for the 50th anniversary story (though obviously not as the Doctor)
Now, on to the background on the story…
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The Doctor is on his fifth incarnation (Peter Davidson, who was at the time the youngest actor to play the Doctor and would later become father-in-law to the tenth (and fourteenth!) Doctor, David Tennant) This version of the Doctor was more empathic (“human”) than his previous selves. The Doctor has two companions at this time…
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Tegan Jovanka was a holdover from the end of the Doctor’s fourth incarnation. She’s very outspoken and not afraid to make her opinion known.
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Vislor Turlough was originally contracted to kill the Doctor, but could never bring himself to do it (eventually cutting ties with his patron) He is skilled at deception (as evidenced that the Doctor kept him around) and is quick to avoid dangerous situations, even if it means leaving the Doctor and Tegan.
Now, on with the show! If you would like to watch, the episodes are available on BritBox or Tubi.
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We open to the control room of the TARDIS to find the Doctor finishing a bit of maintenance (like that ever goes right), then stepping out to have a chat with Turlough and Tegan. A bit of exposition says they are on a planet known as the Eye of Orion, known as the most tranquil place in the universe. The Doctor suggests they take a much-needed break on the planet (like that ever ends well)
Meanwhile, we switch to a mysterious control room were on the monitor is…
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The first incarnation of the Doctor. Suddenly, a glowing pyramid appears in the sky and engulfs him!
This has an immediate effect on the current Doctor, who feels as if something was ripped from him.
Meanwhile at UNIT HQ, Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart (retired) is having a reunion with a few of his former staff, though one couldn’t be reached.
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Fortunately, he made an appearance (though not the one the Brigadier thought would be there!) It turns out the Doctor read about the speech the Brigadier would be making that evening in tomorrow’s paper.
(Thanks to Classic DW)
 Meanwhile, at a townhouse in South Croydon…
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Sarah Jane Smith (companion to the third and fourth incarnations of the Doctor) is warned of danger by her companion, K9 (Mk III). Unfortunately, she ignores the warning and leaves to catch the bus.
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The fourth incarnation of the Doctor and the second incarnation of fellow Time Lord Romanadvoratrelundar (Romana for short) are enjoying a quiet gondola ride when the twirling triangle swoops in and takes them as well.
Unfortunately, there’s a malfunction in whatever is taking the Doctor’s past selves and he’s stuck in whatever has taken him! (something always goes wrong when the fourth Doctor mucks about in time)
This is enough to make the present Doctor collapse. Fortunately, Tegan and Turlough had managed to get him to the TARDIS and he sent it…somewhere/when.
And what of Sarah Jane?
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Let that be a lesson: ALWAYS listen to your dog!
Inside the TARDIS…
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…the Doctor begins to fade from existence! Fortunately, he snaps back into existence just as the TARDIS lands, but the instruments can't say where/when they are
Now, let’s go to the Doctor’s home planet of Gallifrey (for some reason), the ruling council has decided, against President Barusa’s wishes, to enlist (for some reason)…
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…the Master. I’m not sure what’s going on, but they MUST be desperate! They offer the Master a full pardon and a new set of regenerations (in Doctor Who lore, a Time Lord only has 11 regenerations. The Master has used his up and though deus ex wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey bullshit had stolen another’s body to gain his current one) in exchange for a simple mission: rescue the Doctor! (So the Time Lords are aware of whatever is going on with the Doctor)
And what of the Doctor?
[NOTE: Now that we’ve established which Doctor is which, I’m likely going to not refer to him by his various incarnations unless he’s sharing a scene with himself]
Well, he appears to be wandering around some sort of maze of mirrors until he encounters…
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…his granddaughter, though she wasn’t sucked up by whatever grabbed him, so how did she get here? (Since Susan left the show before the Doctor’s other original companions Ian and Barbara, shouldn’t they be here as well…unless Susan was grabbed in much the same way Sarah was?)
However, their happy reunion is short-lived as…
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…I know that silhouette! They had better run before they’re exterminated!
Back at the Panoptican (Gallifrey’s Capitol building), President Barusa explains to the Master his mission. The Doctor is trapped in a region known as the Death Zone.
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The Council wants to send the Master into the Death Zone to free the four incarnations they believe are trapped there so that his fourth may be un-trapped from whatever has him and Romana trapped (so the Council thinks even the latest model is in there as well, eh?) The Master appreciates the irony of rescuing his hated enemy and agrees.
Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor continues fading in and out. He realizes one of his incarnations is trapped in a time vortex (so that’s what they’re calling where he and Romana are) and that he has one hope to avoid being drawn in as well: sending a signal (To who? The Time Lords? They already know!)
Meanwhile, the Doctor and Susan are fleeing the Dalek who is more interested in exterminating them that trying to figure out how it got there (Daleks aren’t the most imaginative beings out there) Unfortunately, they come to a dead end (possibly a poor choice of words), but the Doctor has a plan as he and Susan hide. As the Dalek passes, they push it into the dead end. The Dalek fires, and you can imagine what happens when you fire an energy weapon in an area with mirrors in three directions.
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The Doctor then finds the way out and realizes they’re in the Death Zone.
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Meanwhile the Doctor and the Brigadier are wandering around in yet another quarry another section of the Death Zone. The Brigadier isn’t quite as fondly remembering his time with the Doctor any more, that’s for sure! They then spot…
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First the Master, then the Daleks, and now the Cybermen. This episode is the who’s who of evil!
And what of the Doctor? He’s pretty much driving around aimlessly in Bessie when he encounters Sarah Jane Smith, who loses her footing and tumbles down the hill!
And with that, Part One ends (not much of a cliffhanger, but it does establish where everyone is) On to Part Two!
The Doctor tosses Sarah a rope and helps her up to the road, then Sarah realizes who helped her.
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Sarah is confused as to how an earlier version of the Doctor could be there (why? He’s a time traveler!) As it turns out, the Doctor is aware of his future self (makes sense; again, time traveler) The Doctor offers Sarah a ride to…wherever he’s going.
(Thanks to Gallifreyguy10)
At the Panoptican, the Council prepares to send the Master. They give him a signaling device the transmat beam can lock in on, as well as the Council’s seal to hopefully convince the Doctor that he’s on their side. With that, the Master is sent to the Death Zone.
Inside the Death Zone, the Doctor explains to the audience Brigadier what the Death Zone is.
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The Doctor explains more as they travel to the Dark Tower at the center of the Death Zone…
(Thanks to magisterrex)
No, not that one! The one that’s the final resting place of Rassilon, the greatest of the Time Lords.
Elsewhere, the Master has entered the Zone…
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…and is immediately fired upon by something (not surprising, since the Master isn’t exactly liked)
Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor does what he always does when meeting himself…
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…bickers. The current Doctor wants to move on the Dark Tower immediately, while the First wants to wait for the rest of him.
Outside, the Doctor explains to Sarah about the Death Zone. As it turns out, the ancient Time Lords used a device called a Time Scoop to drag beings within to fight for their amusement…at least until Rassilon put a stop to it. But now someone has decided to start the barbaric practice again, starting with the Doctor! The Doctor then sees the Dark Tower and steers Bessie toward it. Suddenly…
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Unfortunately, this version of the Doctor has never met this version of the Master, and Sarah has never encountered the Master, so they have no clue who he is. However, some sort of “future memory” (or the fact that the Master kept his appearance as close to his earlier regeneration as possible) allowed the Doctor to recognize him after a moment. Naturally, the Doctor believes the Master’s behind this.
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Then whatever attacked the Master earlier attacks again, and the Doctor drives off leaving the Master behind. Unfortunately they hit Bessie, so the Doctor and Sarah walk from here.
Elsewhere, the Doctor shares a chilling thought with the Brigadier…
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It seems that Rassilon is rumored among the Time Lords to have almost god-like powers. Not someone to piss off then. Best to keep the Doctor on a tight leash, since at least two of his incarnations are known to win mostly by pissing off his foes until they slip up.
Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor prepares to leave with Susan and Tegan, while the Doctor remains with Turlough remain behind and wait for the Doctor’s signal, then bring the TARDIS to the Tower.
Outside, the Doctor and Sarah continue their trek to the Tower when they spy…
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Needless to say, they make themselves scarce before the Cybermen spot them.
Meanwhile, the Doctor and the Brigadier have reached the Tower and are preparing to enter.
And what of the Doctor, Tegan, and Susan?
(Thanks again to Classic DW)
Unfortunately, Susan twists her ankle rushing back to the TARDIS. Fortunately, they still get away.
The Doctor materializes in the conference room and realizes that Master may be telling the truth after all.
And what of the Master, abandoned to the Cybermen?
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Oh, I’m sure with his silver tongue he’ll be fine.
Inside the TARDIS, Tegan tells the Doctor what happened. Without the Doctor to set a beacon (or whatever he intended to do to allow the TARDIS entry), the Doctor has little choice.
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At the Panoptican, the Doctor gets the full story, and realizes he owes the Master an apology.
The Doctor the accuses one of the Council of bringing all of him to the Death Zone, as only they would have access to the technology to do so (plus bringing Cybermen (and Daleks, but the Doctor doesn’t know about that yet) to the Death Zone, which was prohibited), as well as a homing beacon implanted in the Master’s recall device.
The President says the Castillan gave the device to the Master and accuses him of treason, so has him arrested.
Inside the Death Zone, the Master proposes an alliance with the Cybermen to storm the Tower and defeat the Time Lords. The Cybermen agree, however…
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Yeah, that tracks.
Inside the TARDIS, Turlough and Susan hear a lout thumping outside. They turn on the monitor to discover the Cybermen…doing something to the TARDIS. On that note, episode 2 ends.
WILL the Doctor escape the Death Zone and free himself from the Time Vortex?
IS the Castellan responsible for kidnapping the Doctor and the others?
WILL the Doctor apologize to the Master for doubting him?
These questions and more will be answered in the conclusion of my review of The Five Doctors!
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holidayspackagesglh · 11 months
Journey through Time: Egypt Tour Packages for History Enthusiasts
Are you a history enthusiast with an insatiable appetite for ancient civilizations, mysteries, and timeless wonders? If so, it's time to embark on an unforgettable journey through time with Egypt tour packages. The land of pharaohs, pyramids, and unparalleled archaeological treasures beckons you to explore its rich history, and we have curated the perfect Egypt tour package to cater to your historical curiosity. Let's delve into the remarkable experiences that await you on this captivating adventure.
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Exploring the Heart of Egypt: An Egypt Tour Package Overview
Your journey through time begins with an Egypt tour package that promises to unravel the secrets of this ancient land. These meticulously designed packages offer history enthusiasts the opportunity to immerse themselves in the unparalleled wealth of Egypt's historical and archaeological treasures. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the tranquil banks of the Nile and the captivating monuments in Luxor, you'll have the chance to uncover the stories of a civilization that has fascinated the world for centuries.
Cairo: The Gateway to Egypt's Past
Your adventure commences in the vibrant city of Cairo, a bustling metropolis that seamlessly blends the past with the present. As you explore the city, your Egypt tour package will take you to iconic historical sites such as the Giza Plateau. Witness the Great Pyramids, a testament to the architectural brilliance of ancient Egyptians, and the enigmatic Sphinx, which has guarded this sacred land for millennia. With knowledgeable guides leading the way, you'll gain insight into the engineering marvels and the myths that shroud these colossal structures.
The Treasures of the Egyptian Museum
A visit to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a must for any history enthusiast. Housing an extensive collection of artifacts, including the world-famous Tutankhamun's treasures, this museum is a gateway to Egypt's history. Your Egypt tour package ensures that you have ample time to explore its galleries, giving you an up-close look at the pharaohs' possessions, jewelry, and mummies, providing a unique perspective on ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs.
Sailing the Nile: A Voyage Through History
From Cairo, your Egypt tour package will take you on a captivating journey along the Nile River. As you sail on a luxurious cruise, you'll experience the same breathtaking views that once inspired ancient poets and travelers. The Nile's lush banks are adorned with temples, tombs, and monuments that whisper tales of a civilization that thrived along its life-giving waters. The temples of Karnak and Luxor, a testament to human craftsmanship, and the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of many pharaohs, are among the highlights.
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Past: Luxor
Luxor, often referred to as the "world's greatest open-air museum," is a history enthusiast's dream come true. In this part of your Egypt tour package, you'll discover an array of archaeological treasures. The temple of Luxor, dedicated to the god Amun-Ra, and the temple of Karnak, an astonishing complex of sanctuaries and pylons, are mesmerizing examples of ancient architecture and religious significance.
The Valley of the Kings: A Royal Necropolis
Your Egypt tour package will lead you to the awe-inspiring Valley of the Kings, where pharaohs were laid to rest in ornate tombs. Step inside these hallowed chambers and witness the intricate hieroglyphics and elaborate murals that adorn their walls. The stories of these rulers come alive as you explore the resting places of Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and more.
Aswan: The Tranquil Beauty of the Nile
As your Egypt tour package continues, you'll reach Aswan, a serene town on the Nile's banks. Here, you can explore the High Dam, an engineering marvel, and the Unfinished Obelisk, which provides a unique glimpse into the stone-carving techniques of the past. Take a tranquil boat ride to Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, and admire the breathtaking architecture that has survived millennia.
The Enigmatic Temples of Abu Simbel
Your journey through time wouldn't be complete without a visit to the legendary temples of Abu Simbel. These monumental structures, built by Ramses II, are a testament to the grandeur of the New Kingdom era. The colossal statues guarding the entrance and the intricate interiors leave an indelible mark on every history enthusiast.
A Night Under the Stars in the Desert
To add a touch of adventure to your Egypt tour package, consider an optional excursion to the Western Desert. Spend a night under the vast, star-studded desert skies and connect with the Bedouin culture. Enjoy a traditional dinner and explore the awe-inspiring White Desert with its unique chalk rock formations. This desert escapade provides a unique contrast to the historical treasures you've encountered.
Returning to Cairo: The Journey's End
As your Egypt tour package nears its end, you'll return to Cairo, where you can soak in the final moments of this historical adventure. Explore the Coptic Christian Quarter and the historic Citadel of Saladin, each offering a unique perspective on the city's rich past. Savor local cuisine and shop for souvenirs in the vibrant markets, where the bustle of modern life meets the echoes of history.
Conclusion: A Timeless Journey through Egypt
An Egypt tour package for history enthusiasts is a mesmerizing voyage through time. It offers an immersive experience in the heart of a civilization that continues to captivate the world. From the awe-inspiring pyramids of Giza to the tranquil banks of the Nile, and the enigmatic temples of Luxor and Abu Simbel, this journey is a testament to human ingenuity and a profound appreciation for the past. So, pack your bags and embark on this unforgettable adventure to discover the secrets of Egypt's fascinating history. Book your Egypt tour package today and unlock the mysteries of this timeless land.
Must Read: USA Dream Vacations: Top Tour Packages for Indians
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With STEIGENBERGER MINERVA NILE CRUISE, Have a great classic tour between Luxor and Aswan the most historical cities in Egypt. Start your Egypt Trip in Aswan to visit the great High Dam, it was constructed at 1960, and it was built to provide Egypt with electricity and irrigation, visit the Unfinished Obelisk one of the greatest landmarks in Aswan and more attraction in Aswan .
Luxor and Aswan Nile Cruises, Also the east bank of Luxor you will visit the magnificent Karnak temple with its large hall contains a lot of amazing Pillars, it was constructed at the Greco roman kingdom era, then you can visit Luxor temple one of the famous temples in Egypt to enjoy watching the great statue of Ramses II and more attractive things you will watch there.
You can try Luxor and Aswan Nile Cruise to scout it and know more about the history of the ancient Egyptians by visiting the archeological places there. Try a new experience while your Nile Cruise to visit many amazing historical places with
STEIGENBERGER MINERVA NILE CRUISE  start your tour Luxor to go to the East bank to visit Luxor temple and Karnak temple, it’s considering as the largest temple in the world and it’s full of history.
Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise :Non Traditional Time Out on board of Egypt Nile cruises are offered by Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise Tours, Book your Nile cruise tours and holiday with Steigenberger Minerva Nile cruise Holidays and enjoy our Leading service and Highest offers, World Tour Advice offer to the cruise lovers 2 itineraries with Steigenberger Minerva cruise ship, the first one is every Monday from Aswan 3 nights, and the 2nd itinerary is from Luxor 4 nights, Through Your Egypt Nile River Cruise
Itinerary 1
Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise 03 Nights from Aswan every Monday
Day 1 Monday Arrival, Aswan Tours
World Tour Advice representative will confront you upon your arrival  at Aswan airport/ Railway station and Help you in all your steps, then direct transfer you to your deluxe Nile Cruise Steigenberger Minerva, Embarkation in afternoon before Lunch, Lunch will be served on board. Start your day trip to reconnoiter Aswan Sightseeing visit High dam which was built to Protect the water of the River Nile and produce electricity, Resume the tour to visit the  Philae  temple which was built about  2000 years ago, Proceed tour to visit Aswan Granite quarries and the unfinished obelisk, back to the cruise ship and enjoy the afternoon tea, Dinner will be served on board, At night Enjoy a Nubian folkloric Show.
Overnight in Aswan.
Day 2 Tuesday Kom Ombo Tours
Have a Nice Day and Take your breakfast on board Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise, start sailing from Aswan to Kom Ombo lunch meal will be served on board during the sailing time, arrival to Kom Ombo,  guided tour to Kom Ombo Temple which is Quite extraordinary and it consists in fact out of two temples; Sailing from Kom Ombo to Edfu, Guided tour to visit Edfu Temple which is Dedicated to the worship of the god Horus, the temple is famous for its 36 meters height pylon and the wonderful statues of the falcon god, Horus, Lunch will be served on board, Have your afternoon tea, Dinner will be served on board, Egyptian Galabiya Party Overnight in Esna.
Day 3 Wednesday Luxor West Bank Tours
Breakfast will be served on board, Visit to the West Bank (Valley of the Kings, the temple of Hatshepsut, Colossi of Memnon), In valley of kings You will visit the tombs curved in the mountains to be burial place for Egyptian pharaohs starting from New kigdom, New kingdom Pharaohs stopped building pyramids to be their tombs and they chose to make their tombs in hidden secret place ( valley of kings), because during the Intermediate period in Egypt most pyramids were attcked and mummies and treasures were stolen, during the tour to valley of kings your guide will show you the best 3 exapmples of tombs, and he will give you
extra free time if you are interested in visiting King Tut Ankh Amon tomb with extra ticket, then going to the unique temple of queen Hatshepsut, the woman who ruled Egypt as a man, She was the first lady to make a femmenist revolution in the world, and she was saying that she is equal to any man, and represented herself as a man with a royal beard, Hatshepsut claimed that she is the son of god Amon to make Egyptian people accepting her as a pharaoh, after visiting Hatshepsut temple, proceed tour to the colossi of Memnon, these 2 colossi are belonging to AmenHotep III, and they were crying every mornng for very long time, that is why the Greek thought that they are belonging to Memnon , the child who was killed in the war,and his mother Eos was crying every morning, because  a sad sound which was heared from these 2 statues every morning, the Greek thought that the 2 statues are belonging to Memnon, and the sad sound is belonging to his mother, back to your cruise, Lunch will be served on board, In afternoon you will visit the East Bank (Karnak Temple & Luxor Temple) Dinner will be served on board.  Overnight in Luxor.
Day 4 Thursday
Disembarkation, World Tour Advice representative will transfer you to Luxor airport/railway station for final departure.
Itinerary 2
Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise 04 Nights from Luxor every Thursday
Day 1 Thursday Arrival to Luxor
World Tour Advice representative will confront & assist you at Luxor airport/ Railway station, or from any address in Luxor, Resume direct  transfer you to your Luxury Nile Cruise Steigenberger Minerva, Embarkation in afternoon, Lunch meal will be served on board, Start your enjoyable Nile cruise trips by visiting Luxor most famous attractions, Luxor was the ancient city of Wasset or Thebes, which was a capital for very long time and that is why it is full of many monuments, temples and tombs belonging to the famous pharaohs such as Ramsses II, Your first tour in Luxor will be to Luxor East bank , East bank was the area dedicated only for life, that is why all Eastern bank monuments are temples dedicated for gods such as the Karnak temple dedicated to god Amon, and Luxor temple dedicated to his wife Goddess Mut , Your skilful tour guide will take you to recognize Karnak Temple which is the largest place dedicated for religious reason in all the world. visiting papyrus gallery, Resume your Tour to visit Luxor Temple which is one of the most superb Pharaonic buildings in Egypt. back to your Luxury Nile Cruise Steigenberger Minerva, Dinner will be served on board. Overnight in Luxor.
Day 2 Friday Luxor West bank Tours
Live The Happiness Through your breakfast on board, meet your tour guide to start your Steigenberger Minerva Tours to visit Luxor West Bank, Tours will contain the Valley of the Kings the most recognized and familiar ancient necropolis in Egypt. The kings of the New Kingdom of the Pharaohs period buried the deceased kings in this valley, tour to the  temple of Queen Hatshepsut at El Deir El Bahary, and tour to  Colossi of Memnon, and if You have time You can add optional tours to other temples in Luxor West bank, return to your Luxury Nile Cruise Steigenberger Minerva, Sailing from Luxor to Edfu via Esna, Lunch will be served on board, Have your afternoon tea, Dinner will served on board. Overnight in Edfu.
Day 3 Saturday Edfu  & Kom Ombo Tour
Start your Wonderful Day by your breakfast on board Luxury Nile Cruise Steigenberger Minerva, transfer from the ship to the temple by horse carriages, guided tour to Find Out Edfu Temple which is Dedicated to the worship of the god Horus, after the tour free time for bazzars, Sailing from Edfu to Kom Ombo, Proceed your Tour and Lunch will be served on board Luxury Nile Cruise Steigenberger Minerva, Have your afternoon tea, Upon arrival to Kom Ombo, guided tour to visit Kom Ombo Temple which is Quite extraordinary and it be Consist of in fact out of two temples; one dedicated to Sobek, while the other is dedicated to Haroeris, Sailing from Kom Ombo to Aswan. Dinner will be served on board
Day 4 Sunday Aswan Tours
Good Morning, Have your breakfast on board, Guided tour to Aswan High dam which was built by president Nasser to protect the water of the River Nile and produce electricity, then ride a motor boat to arrive the Temple of Philae constructed more than 2000 years ago, Proceed tour to the granite quarry where you will see Hatshepsut unfinished obelisk, Lunch on board, Have your afternoon tea.,Dinner will be served on board. Overnight in Aswan. 
Day 5 Monday End of Holiday, Final departure
Enjoy your breakfast  on board, Check out, optional tour to Abu Simbel, transfer  to Aswan airport/railway station for final departure
For more info
·         ·         [email protected]
·         ·         Website
·         ·         https://www.worldtouradvice.com/
·         ·         Mobile and what’s App:
·         ·         002 01090023837
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askaladdin1 · 1 year
Exploring Egypt Tour Packages: 7 Must-Visit Places
Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey through the land of pharaohs, pyramids, and timeless wonders? Look no further than Ask-Aladdin.com for an exquisite selection of Egypt tour packages that promise to immerse you in the captivating history and vibrant culture of this legendary destination.
With a rich legacy dating back thousands of years, Egypt boasts a myriad of iconic sites that every traveler must experience. Get ready to explore the enchanting cities and historical landmarks that make Egypt an unparalleled travel destination. Let's dive into the top 7 places you must visit on your Egyptian adventure.
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1. Cairo: Where Timeless Heritage Meets Modern Dynamism
Begin your Egyptian expedition in the bustling capital city of Cairo. Home to the world-renowned Egyptian Museum, Cairo offers a glimpse into the country's awe-inspiring history. Explore the treasures of Tutankhamun and countless other ancient artifacts that tell stories of a bygone era. Don't miss the chance to stand in awe before the magnificent Giza Pyramids and the enigmatic Sphinx – icons that continue to mystify historians and visitors alike.
2. Alexandria: A Coastal Gem of Culture and History
Venture to the coastal city of Alexandria, where the past seamlessly blends with the present. Explore the historic Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa and the majestic Qaitbay Citadel that stands guard over the Mediterranean Sea. With its charming streets and vibrant arts scene, Alexandria is a must-visit for those seeking a mix of history and contemporary culture.
3. Giza: Unveiling the Secrets of the Pyramids
No trip to Egypt is complete without visiting the awe-inspiring Giza Plateau. As the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid of Giza continues to leave visitors in awe. Witness the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure, each shrouded in mystique and marvel.
4. Aswan: Where the Nile's Beauty Beckons
Experience the serene beauty of Aswan, a city that boasts the High Dam, Philae Temple, and the Unfinished Obelisk. Sail along the tranquil Nile and witness the Nubian culture that thrives on its shores. Aswan is a testament to Egypt's ability to blend ancient wonders with contemporary charm.
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5. Luxor: A Living Open-Air Museum
Step into the world's greatest open-air museum in Luxor, where the Temples of Karnak and Luxor stand as remarkable testaments to ancient architecture and spirituality. Cross the Nile to the Valley of the Kings and explore the final resting places of legendary pharaohs, including Tutankhamun.
6. Hurghada: Gateway to Underwater Splendors
For a change of pace, head to the stunning shores of the Red Sea in Hurghada. Dive into crystal-clear waters and explore vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a snorkeling enthusiast, Hurghada offers an underwater paradise like no other.
7. Sharm El Sheikh: Where Adventure and Relaxation Collide
Round off your Egyptian odyssey in Sharm El Sheikh, a destination that caters to both adventure seekers and relaxation enthusiasts. Dive the world-famous Ras Mohammed National Park or simply unwind on the pristine beaches. Sharm El Sheikh is the ideal destination to reflect on your unforgettable journey through Egypt.
Why Choose Ask-Aladdin.com for Your Egypt Tour?
We take pride in curating exceptional Egypt tour packages that capture the essence of this remarkable destination. With our extensive expertise and local knowledge, we ensure that every traveler's experience is both enriching and hassle-free. Our professional guides provide insightful commentary, adding depth to your journey as you explore the wonders of Egypt.
Whether you're a history enthusiast, a cultural explorer, or simply seeking a unique adventure, Egypt offers an unparalleled blend of past and present. From the majestic pyramids to the tranquil banks of the Nile, every moment in Egypt is a step back in time and a leap into a vibrant future.
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Book Your Egypt Tour Package Today with Ask-Aladdin.com
Don't miss the opportunity to unravel the mysteries of ancient Egypt with Ask-Aladdin.com's exceptional tour packages. Immerse yourself in the captivating history, awe-inspiring architecture, and vibrant culture that define this legendary destination. Book your Egypt tour today and embark on a journey that will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime. Experience Egypt with Ask-Aladdin.com – Your Gateway to Ancient Wonders and Modern Marvels!
Resource : https://penzu.com/p/8f5823d1
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ashley-slashley · 2 years
Strange Days
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Summary: you enter your apartment one day to find an artifact on the floor, and a strange man sitting at your table. strange days have found you, but jim morrison is no where to be found
Rating: M/Mature
Warnings: language, some violence, long paragraphs
A/N: unfinished overall story. i transferred this from my ao3. enjoy!
Chapter 3: Magic Man
“Oh my god, what a fabulous room! Are all these your guitars?” I said in an exaggerated tone of wonder, Horvath just let out a heavy sigh. “Before we try anything, you need this” he pulled a ring out of his pocket and handed it to me, “Whorevath, you’re making it very difficult for me to not bust out into song and dance right now. I don’t even have the correct setting for it, I need stairs, chandeliers, women in fluffy pink tulle dresses, men in suits with a red and white sash across the torso beneath the suit jacket, and most importantly - A SLEEVELESS, FLOOR LENGTH, PINK EVENING GOWN WITH OPERA LENGTH PINK GLOVES, SIMPLE BLACK HEELS, AND A FUCK TON OF DIAMOND JEWELRY!” I spun around with my arms out over dramatically. “You can do that on your own time after you master sorcery, what do you mean anyway?” Horvath just put the ring in my hand, I grinned, “you know what they say, ‘square cut or pear shaped, these rocks don’t lose their shape’", I put the ring on, “time to get to learning sorcery to destroy the Prime Merlinian, and take over the world” he paid no attention to what I was getting at.
He stood in the middle of the room with legs apart, his arms gracefully and slowly rose up as if he were leading an impromptu funeral service on a beach somewhere in Vietnam, that’s the best way I can describe it, ok. Now you tell me arson is involved in learning Morganian sorcery? Because I didn’t expect the initiation process to involve me stepping into a literal ring of fire - “Morganian circle” as my mentor put it. To put it bluntly, stepping into this circle will essentially be like entering a pyramid scheme in the way that I can’t get out (even though you can leave a pyramid scheme, but that’s not my problem). Well, actually, it’s like that one song that goes “beyond the seas of thought beyond the realm of what. Across the streams of hopes and dreams where things are really not.” something something “where fantasy is fact. So if you can, please understand - you might not come back”. Sounds like a deal, I cautiously stepped into the ring, and portions of the shape with a ballerina-like technique, going towards Horvath. “I am Maxim Horva-”, “your name is really Maximus Whorevath? Alright, I’ll shut up.” I interrupted him. He continued with whatever ranking he has within sorcery, I didn’t get the exact number, but I am now officially his apprentice. Somehow, he effortlessly stepped out of the ring and began circling it, not really in a predatory way, but I’m concerned about his overcoat catching fire and watching a man burn to death while I just stand there in awe thanks to something called the bystander effect. He explained that this ring can somehow manifest the electrical energy of my central nervous system in the flesh, and without it, I’m practically useless against whatever bullshit gets in my way in terms of sorcery. “So, uh, you’re gonna teach me how to use it? Right?” I stood there awkwardly, waiting for him to actually do any teaching.
Practically effortlessly, he set up a pile of trash nearby. “Okay, sweetheart”, my brother in christ, why are you like this, “clean it up”. “So, you bring me to an abandoned warehouse just for you to accumulate garbage that was most likely left here by dry-wallers who refuse to keep their space reasonably clean? How the hell does that equate to sorcery? Then again, maybe some tweakers left their shit here. Really, you’re going to start with this bullshit again?” I was pinned to the wall by whatever rods of steel were left behind by construction, yep, back on his bullshit. “Will you stop having ridiculous thoughts FOR FIVE MINUTES?” he yelled cruelly, “but where do you want me to put the garbage? It’s not like we have a landfill on hand over here.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared him down. He just left, well, what did I expect from him? Of course he’d be the kind of mentor to make me figure stuff out on my own. The only thing he said was something about looking for an area to summon Morgana. So, here I am, alone in a warehouse tasked with destroying or throwing around objects. Could be worse.
Reaching into my pocket, I took out my phone, and put on some music to help me focus on the task. A fast and upbeat tune permeated the room as I practiced the act of creating a plasma ball. "Tach it up, tach it up. Buddy gonna shut you down" I sang along as I threw the ball at a small chunk of concrete, I couldn’t help but dance along to the song. Nothing really worth writing home about, just moving about while I flick my arm out at an empty can to y’know, shoot a concentrated mass of energy from my spinal cord at it. The more comfortable I got, I began lifting objects and lowering them as “Yeah, my fuel injected Stingray and a four-thirteen. (Oooo rev it up now)”, eventually throwing them as the rhythm increased. I don’t know how exactly, but I kinda went into sixties go-go style dancing, tragically I left my white go-go boots at home. Using the motion of swimming with my arms, I projected a ball of electricity at an empty bottle, “Declinin' numbers at an even rate (Oooo movin' out now)” the song went on. Don’t ask how I’ve somehow managed to focus on both music and just manifesting energy into my hand to bombard at some unfortunate object all in the span of like a bit over a minute (that all makes no sense, but bear with me). Rhythmically, I bent and straightened my knees in time with the music - it looks like I’m shaking my hips, but I’m really not. I moved my arms up and down while swiveling myself on the balls of my feet, replicating dance moves I've heard about when researching go-go bars of the 60s, with the song as I picked up objects and threw them or just showed them no mercy at all. I'm willing to bet that no prior Morganians, or Morgana herself, would've guessed some random person in the future would be doing dances called the front stroke, the backstroke, the dog paddle, the underwater stroke, the ramp dive, and the dive - keeping my movement constant with small bounces and shifting of my feet. I can’t really describe what I’m doing. With each front stroke, I shot a plasma ball at random chunks of cement. “Superstock Dart is windin' out in low. But my fuel injected Stingray's really startin' to go”, a few dives here and there while hitting some trash on the floor.
  A percussion line bounced off the walls as I swiveled myself on the balls of my feet from left to right. “Well, there's a brand new place I've founda. Where people go from miles arounda. They come from ev'rywhere and if you drop in there” I moved my forearms in a circular motion while doing the same leg motions I was before, except every now and again kicking out. Unintentionally, I picked up a rod, apparently purple circles, the move I’m doing with my arms, activates this ability. Just to see what would happen, I tossed a rod to my left. Crack! You’re telling me that with the power of Motown and go go dancing, I easily pierced a concrete wall with a steel rod. I have like half of the song left, I’ll just keep at this destruction!
  With every trumpet section after the “(A-one more time. . . .yeah!)”, I threw one rod into the ceiling. Why not, it’s not like some safety guy from OSHA is going to pop out of nowhere like the Spanish inquisition and obliterate me. I threw quite a few lengths of steel rods into the ceiling of the warehouse, iconic. Shifting my weight from one foot to another semi rapidly, I moved my arms in a swimming motion - lengths of steel rods were annihilated to the beat of the music, fractions of it just throwing themselves across the room. “Going to a g-OH SHIT!” I yelled as a rod flew towards me, impulsively I shot a plasma bolt at it. As expected, the rod exploded. Soon enough another song began, I sang along.
  “When you move in right up close to me. That's when I get the shakes all over me” I sang along to the music I had on while throwing plasma bolts at one of the piles of trash. Despite the fact my mentor would probably deem me too as a disappointment to Morgana, well, uh, at least this is in private - especially since I couldn’t help but somewhat dance to the music as well. Sure I’m no Joey Heatherton or Ann Margaret , but, who honestly cares? “Yeah havin' the tremors in the thighbone. Shakin' all over" towards a small block of cement, aiming my ring at the cement I picked it up and threw it across the room, “Just the way you say goodnight to me. Brings that feeling on inside of me” the block made a small crater in the wall. I continued belting out lyrics while picking up objects and throwing them, until I noticed an over looming shadow appear before me as I aim another plasma bolt at debris. Oh shit. I shyly used my powers to shut off the music, looked down, and gulped. “What were you doing?” Horvath interrogated, “uh, practicing technique” my voice cracked. “Get up.” he demanded, I obliged. “Turn around.” I obliged, and faced him. As usual, he was disappointed. I opened my mouth, but he stopped me, “I don’t know how to feel about my apprentice practicing Morganian sorcery like this.” he gestured to the items I’ve been throwing around.
  I looked at the ground and suppressed a giggle, “what is so amusing?”, ‘well,uh, it could have been worse” I slowly shrugged. Horvath raised a brow and tilted his head towards me, as to tell me to go on, “it could have been a list of various songs that I’d have a difficult time explaini-”, “enough” he cut me off. He explained that if we want to assume world domination and destroy all life in the name of Morgana, we should take ourselves more seriously, fair enough. I knew better than to question him, even if I do have a valid reason. Of course he caught on and demanded I explain this reason or idea I have, “I don’t think Balthazar nor Dave, especially Balthazar, would expect graceful and flowing movements from their opponent in battle. What it is, essentially, is just distracting the opponent, and taking advantage of their lack of focus.” he smiled at my concept.
  “What is that?” he pointed at my phone. “Horvath, this” I gestured to my phone, “is the product of decades of innovation and possible influence from Star Trek. This is a phone. I know that it looks nothing like the rotary phones from the Edwardian era, or early twentieth century to be more accurate. I suppose one could use it for sorcery, but I doubt it. Then again, in a way, this is sorcery to you since, y’know, you’re ancient. Tell me, did Mel Brooks do justice to Torquemada?” I rambled on. He then asked what the music I listening to was, this is where the fun begins. “That, Horvath, was Johnny Kidd & The Pirates. They were a rock group in the sixties, the song you walked in on me, uh, practicing to was Shakin' All Over. No idea what it's about, I just like the way it sounds instrumentally." he just blinked at me. “Good thing it was Waterloo and not any of the really absurd and Very difficult to explain without going on an hour and a half long tangent about what was going on in the sixties and seventies” I laughed. He stared at me. I don’t understand how or why Horvath isn’t screeching at me, but whatever. I would ask him if he wants to quit sorcery practice for today so I could really introduce him to all the advancements in culture we’ve made in the past one hundred and twenty something years, but he’ll probably say “yes.” I can’t describe my expression at the moment, but why does he want to take a break from me learning how to essentially take over the world and enslave humanity just so he can learn about culture? Unless he wants to use psy-ops along with magic to take over the world, kinda like something the CIA would do.
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maestroegypttours · 2 years
New Year Egypt Tours 2023
Find the best offers and Experience your New Year Egypt Tours 2023 and spend unique New Year Tours with Maestro Egypt Tours where you will visit The ancient Egyptian Sites and Historical places in Cairo and the best Things to do during your New Year Egypt Tours then take a 5 Stars Nile Cruise between Luxor and Aswan with outstanding Landmarks like Luxor and Karnak Temples, Hatshepsut Temple, High Dam, Unfinished Oblique.
Tours in Egypt New Year:-
1- Cairo Tours in New Year
2- Cairo and Nile Cruise Tours in New Year
3- Cairo, Nile Cruise, and Hurghada in New Year
4- Lake Nasser Cruise in New Year
Cairo is home to many historic structures that have endured the test of time. Unleash your inner self with Egypt New Year Holidays and get the opportunity to visit the most famous archaeological site in the world, known as the great Pyramids of Giza. Explore the three pyramids, which are thought to be the most magnificent man-made structures in history and were constructed between approximately 2550 and 2490 B.C. as enormous tombs for the kings Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinus.
Explore the enigmatic Sphinx statue with its stunning human head and lion body as you go over the Giza Plateau. Next, stop by the Valley Temple, which served as the plateau's main entrance. The Egyptian Museum contains more than 120.000 masterpieces from 5000 years of civilization. Additionally, you can choose between an optional dinner cruise in Cairo or the Sound and Light Giza Show. Finally, with our New Year Egypt Tours, you will get a wonderful tour. After finishing your tours in Cairo, you will be transferred to catch your Nile Cruise in Luxor.
After embarking on your luxurious Nile Cruise as part of our New Year's Holidays to Egypt, embrace the culture of Aswan. Start your excursions in Aswan by touring the High Dam, which was regarded as an engineering marvel when it was constructed in the 1960s. Then, climb the steps to the Philae Temple, which was built in honor of Isis, the goddess of motherhood. The Temple, which was constructed around 690 B.C., is regarded as the final ancient temple constructed in the traditional Egyptian architectural style.
Following the completion of your Aswan sightseeing, you will sail between Edfu and Kom Ombo to explore its magnificent temples. The Edfu Temple, which was built in honor of Horus and Hathor and is the site of many ancient Egyptian festivals dedicated to the god, is regarded as the second-largest temple in Egypt after Karnak. Move on to the Kom Ombo Temple, which was constructed between 205 and 180 BC during the reign of King Ptolemy and dedicated to Hours, the falcon deity, and Sobek, the crocodile god. Then, with our Egypt New Year Deals, you will sail to Luxor.
Egypt New Year Tour is your opportunity to explore the fascinating history of Egypt. Be eager and travel to the West Bank of Luxor to see its brilliant discoveries, including the Colossi of Memnon and the wonderfully decorated tombs of the Valley of the Kings, Explore Luxor Temple after learning about the most well-known temples in the world, including Karnak Temple, which was built 4000 years ago and is thought to be the largest temple in the world. Karnak Temple served as the primary cult center in the ancient capital Thebes. You can try our snorkeling adventures in Hurghada, where you'll be mesmerized by the magnificent coral reefs and the underwater life, enjoy the best safari trips and have a true adventure in the desert, and more with New Year Tours in Egypt.
Day 1 (28th of Dec).: Arrive in Cairo
At Cairo International Airport, Maestro Online Travel representative will greet and assist you. You will then be transferred to your hotel in a private air-conditioned vehicle, Overnight in Cairo.
Day 2 (29th of Dec).:  Pyramids, Egyptian Museum, Old Cairo
Today is your first morning in Egypt; when you wake up, get your breakfast at the hotel, and then your Maestro Online Travel will escort you to begin an exciting Cairo Tours; an array of visits await you; watch the glory of the Giza pyramids; if you want to see your best travel photos, go to the panorama area to take magnificent photos of the three pyramids; Then go to the Sphinx and the Valley Temple, relax and have lunch at a local restaurant, then go to the Egyptian Museum to see Tutankhamun's treasures, and finally go to Old Cairo to see the hanging church, Abu Serga Church, and Ben Ezra Synagogue, before being escorted back to your hotel in Cairo, Overnight in Cairo.
Day 3 (30th of Dec).: Cairo to Luxor - Nile Cruise
Once you've had breakfast, Maestro Online Travel will take you to the airport so you will fly to Luxor., Maestro Online Travel representative will take you to your Nile Cruise, where you may rest and relax. Familiarize yourself with nature's splendor and learn about Luxor's soul, then gaze in awe at Karnak Temple. Hear the Luxor Temple stories, return to your hotel at the end of your trip, and go to the Karnak Sound and Light Show at night, Overnight in Luxor.
Day 4 (31st of Dec) : Nile Cruise Package, New Year's Eve in Egypt
When you wake up, After breakfast, beguile your eyes by visiting the Valley of the Kings, which has astonished all travelers, it is an unrivaled experience, then tour Hatshepsut temple, focusing on seeing the Colossi of Memnon,  Lunch on board, watch life unfold while sailing to Edfu, Enjoy the New Year Eve in Egypt on board your Nile Cruise, dinner on board,. overnight in Luxor.
Day 5 (01st of Jan).: Nile Cruise Package
Get your breakfast ready once you awaken. Sail to Edfu, begin exploring the Edfu Temple (Horus Temple), and then sail to Kom Ombo while admiring the splendor of the Nile. Visit the Kom Ombo Temple Sobek and Horus Temple, have lunch on board, Sail to Aswan while taking in the sights, enjoy Lunch on your 5 STAR Nile cruise, and then overnight on Nile Cruise.
Day 6 (02nd of Jan).:  Nile Cruise Package
Let's have a new day when you awaken and take your breakfast. If you have a passion for history, set sail for Aswan, stop to admire the High Dam, explore the botanical park by felucca, and then return to your luxurious Nile cruise for dinner and an overnight stay.
Day 7 (03rd of Jan).: Aswan / Cairo
The last morning on board is today. Get up, eat breakfast, and Maestro Online Travel representative will accompany you to the airport in Aswan. From there, you'll take a flight back to Cairo, where you'll check in at your hotel and choose from a variety of optional tours, including a dinner cruise with a belly dancer or a sound and light show at the Pyramids. You'll spend the night in Cairo.
Day 8 (04th of Jan).: Final Departure
Breakfast at the hotel. transfer to Cairo International Airport for final departure.
For more info. kindly visit www.maestroegypttours.com
or send your request to [email protected]
Tel : +20100142229
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kaibacorpintern · 3 years
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[A Catalogue of Unfinished Hours]
Word count: 6.2K | Rating: T
Summary: Over the course of a single night, Atem and Seto contend with Seto's lingering nightmares.
In all his wildest, most hopeless fantasies, Atem had imagined, well, this - being with Seto, being at peace with Seto. Never the pile of books and the vase of coral roses on Seto's bedside table. But there they were, in a step-pyramid stack, with the roses peering over them in curiosity. Several dry tomes on business and history. At the bottom, without embarrassment, dignified in its role as the foundation of the structure, was an illustrated children’s novel about rabbits. They had gone to the bookstore after the museum and picked out books for each other, on a lark, on a dare: let’s see you handle this. Atem had found the children’s novel. Seto had delivered a brick on the philosophy of art into his hands like he was playing a trap card.
All of that - what he couldn’t have guessed, what he couldn’t have known - made this easier to believe. At last the long siege is over. The city gates are open and there is singing in the streets.
And then Seto fell asleep.
A/N: Written for @commaeleons as part of the Dark Valentines of Dimension prideshipping exchange. Feat. a deeply anxious Atem, an exhausted but patient Seto, and Mokuba, guns blazing, as always. likes/reblogs/kind comments always welcome! enjoy <3
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egyptatours · 1 month
Amazing Egypt Vacations 2024 From USA
Nile River Cruise: A classic Egypt experience is a multi-day Nile River cruise, sailing between Aswan and Luxor and stopping at iconic sites like the Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, and the Temples of Philae. Look for cruise packages that include flights from major US airports.
Cairo & Giza Tour: Spend several days in Cairo to see the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum, and explore vibrant neighborhoods like Khan El-Khalili. Consider adding a day trip to Saqqara to see the Step Pyramid.
Red Sea Resorts: Egypt's Red Sea coast has beautiful resort towns like Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada. Enjoy swimming, snorkeling, and diving in the crystal clear waters, and take day trips to nearby archaeological sites.
Luxor & Aswan Highlights: Fly or take the train to Upper Egypt to see Luxor's West Bank tombs and temples, and the Aswan High Dam, Unfinished Obelisk, and Philae Temple in Aswan. You can also take a felucca (traditional sailboat) ride on the Nile.
When booking, look for Egypt tour packages that include flights, hotels, ground transportation, and guided tours for a seamless travel experience. Be sure to also budget for entry visas, meals, and optional activities. I'd recommend allowing at least 7-10 days to see the top sites.
Reach out to us:
WhatsApp: 1553119249
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