caffeinatedopossum · 8 months
Acceptance and commitment therapy? I can think of one thing I could accept committing-
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
What on earth is a 'corset apologist'? Like, because you acknowledge corsets were perfectly functional supportive undergarments, you're an agent of the patriarchy??
Yep, that's it exactly.
As with all the other red flags in the post, it's not a guaranteed t*rf signal. I've known plenty of non-t*rfs who expressed similar views (including the person who claimed Abby Cox was "looking down her perfectly powdered nose" at Mary Wollstonecraft for daring to [checks notes] point out that Wollstonecraft was rather judgmental about her fellow women's interest in dress). But...it's definitely a "check blog for t*rf leanings" tip-off for me.
And yes, to clarify: some people (t*rfs or otherwise) think female dress history researchers/historical costumers/vintage fashion enthusiasts who don't believe that corsets were The Root of All Evil when commonly worn are just brainwashed patriarchal shills and we can't possibly know what we're talking about.
Because that's way easier than thinking critically about the history you've been taught, and not vaguely misogynistic at all! </s>
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ascorian · 8 months
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oc dump
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metrova · 3 months
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This is my first time designing a monster by myself, so I may not be the best at it lol
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Here, for those who wanna translate the text
Also btw hey @vall007 I think you might like this :D
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whumporpass · 3 months
Invader Zim
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brennan-lee-mother · 3 months
This might be controversial but I loved breaking containment. There’s so many people!! And they’re talking to me!! Is this not what we all long for as we hurtle our thoughts into the overfull void that is this hellsite? Maybe the horrors don’t start until you hit 50k or something, but up til now it’s been lovely.
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plan-bliz · 2 months
Need to draw Beau and Spring more. Ghost shenanigans with some Problems involved
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venacoeurva · 8 months
I like designs of tieflings, cambions, and devils with hooves or dragon-like claws instead of regular feet, I'm kind of tempted to give lenore some good ol talons or goat hooves (that you can't usually see bc he just uses illusion magic to make himself look like a regular/humanoid-legged tiefling), because it's neat
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gayziraphale · 9 months
if you thought the mermaid scene was cringe and awkward I have nothing to say to you because 🥹🥹🥹
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moth-mart · 8 months
Stylus eats like a waddle dee. And send
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wardrobemoments · 1 year
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Jane and Lisbon in s2e03, Red Badge
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tesl8n · 6 months
I've always felt like I couldn't really be a furry because I'm not a visual artist, which limits how much I can actually engage with having a fursona. Like, if I can't do art of my fursona, what does "being a furry" rly mean?
My artistic mediums are code (not software, but the actual code behind it) and prose. Code doesn't translate to a consumable art form, though, and besides, how do you express non-comp sci artistry through an abstract art form like code anyway? Prose is more doable, but to write a whole story about a fursona feels like too much commitment, and I'm not sure I have a story to tell there anyway.
But I had a realization somewhat recently. Furries don't usually create full blown comics of their fursonas, they just create one off pieces of art. They aren't telling a story, they're designing a character and maybe giving them some lore and drawing them in situations. The prose equivalent is not writing a full story, it's writing a character description and some out of context chapters.
Last month I commissioned an artist on here to design and draw some art of some fursona concepts. Gave them an idea of what her traits might be, but mostly left it up to them to design everything. It's been so exciting to watch it come together, and I really like what they did with my prompt. They posted the final piece yesterday, and it looks so so good.
But she doesn't, currently, feel like my character. I had very little hand in making her, she almost entirely came from this other person's brain. And I don't think I have the skills or interest to change that as far as how she looks goes.
So, I think I'm gonna change that. Starting tomorrow, I'ma restart Lobsters On Opium to post some doodles or chapters about Fei, the robot catgirl, with no commitment to building a story or anything like that. I think it'll be fun, and I've got a few ideas for it. So, look forward to that, and to reading my writing for the first time in 8 years :3
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daburuwosagase · 6 months
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plan-bliz · 2 months
How the hell did you spoil 1 kid and neglect the other and they still BOTH end up needing validation to feel like real people. What did you DO??
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giffingthingsss · 11 months
I choose to believe that the Vau N'Kat prohibited the living construct from opening a hail to Starfleet on its own so that one of them could physically do it themselves because they be such dramatic bitches.
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zipstick · 11 months
i was thinking to myself damn.. if i could have two superpowers of my choosing i'd immediately go for shapeshifting and the ability to freeze time. the reasons for each power are entirely detached from one another. shapeshifting because being able to completely alter my physical appearance at will is literally the transgender dream and freezing time cause what if i wanna read a thousand books and write a novel and make a painting and play guitar but there's simply not enough time in the day? problem solved just pause it do whatever the hell you want. and then i realised that i had accidentally come up with the perfect skillset to commit as many crimes as you want and get away with it forever
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