#underwater submerged objects
May 8, 2024 - How do UFOs burst out of ocean waters completely dry?
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twdgs · 1 year
its such a specific pull of interest that its hard to talk about, broken machinery specifically. and the things that would fall under submechanophobia and GRAH
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
I know I was joking the other day about how Talk to Me didn't scare me at all but pool filters do, but literally just now I thought about pool filters and like, other mechanical bits inside of pools for too long and had to turn the light on
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stayconnecteed · 2 months
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🪐˓⠀˚⠀underwater rendezvous⠀@⠀bang chan.
fluff fic to celebrate one year friendship w my soulmate @starlostastronaut ! this is the idea i had, which in reality is yours ㅤ—⠀⠀bangchan's part of the sport dates headcanon that made us start talking that july 31st... and because swimmer golden boy chris is just too delicious 🫶🏼 not proofread, enjoy! 🤍
SEE MORE.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀1.2k words. ⠀⠀general mlist.⠀⠀join taglist.
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You took a step closer, unsure, and stood still, the door to the women's changing rooms at your back. A gentle breeze was blowing inside the room, shivers caressing the bare skin of your legs and shoulders, and you did not hesitate to hug yourself, slightly uncomfortable. It was dark, you could barely see the large pool in front of you, and Chan was taking too long. Being there without the coach, in off-training hours, felt illegal somehow.
But you had agreed to meet the golden boy. He had the keys to the campus pool because as the star of the swim team he got up early to train every day, had even earned the trust of professors and administrators, and the shadow of dimples on his cheeks when he smiled would charm anyone. Of course, no one would think it was wrong if he decided to invite a girl for a swim. Perhaps the only person who might object would be you —using communal facilities for personal leisure activities seemed unethical— but since you were the girl he had proposed the date to, you couldn't complain. Girlfriend privileges.
The lights suddenly went on, making you jump and clutch your arms tighter, turning towards the door where the electrical panel was located, and you heard a string of insults in deep English. You sighed, waiting for him to turn off the main spotlights and switch on the small underwater lamps instead. Being in the dark wasn't part of the plan, but neither did everyone need to know that there were people in the pool at midnight.
“Well, that's it,” he murmured, and you heard the loud thud of his flip-flops on the floor, approaching you, “all set.”
“There wasn't much to prepare,” you pronounced, raising an eyebrow, teasingly. He was still dressed in the tank top he'd worn to class in the morning, his hair a mess of salt water and sand —a reminder of the afternoon he'd spent at the beach with his friends. It was summer, and his mood reflected it.
You heard him repeat your words in a mocking tone before you felt him behind you, the softness of his chest deliciously warm against your bare back, and his arms slid around you. He rested his chin on your shoulder, his breath drifting down your throat as he spoke, and he asked you again, as he had texted you so often throughout the afternoon, if you were sure you wanted to be there. With him.
“We've already bathed in the sea at night, baby,” you replied, placing your hands on his, and running your thumb affectionately over his skin. “This won't be any different.”
“But I know you're panicking about getting caught.”
“If we get caught,” you replied, leaning your head against his temple, squinting your eyes. The smell of chlorine made you feel at home, after so many hours submerged under the waters of the swimming pool, and you had always felt at ease in his embrace.
“If we get caught,” he said, his voice a soft cascade of comfort, soaking in every shared breath.
“Wanna race?” you asked, tapping your feet with unspilled energy on the tiled edge of the pool.
“Is that even a question?”
You didn't wait for him to finish pronouncing the last letter, already twisting in his arms until he let you free, and you didn't hesitate either to run towards the pool, jumping, creating an elegant curve in the air before hitting the surface of the water and let it swallow you. Time stopped in the first moments, your mind emptying of thoughts and your heart of worries, and you floated. You slid in parallel to the deep part of the pool, feeling the coolness of the water surrounding you, and you heard the splash of your boyfriend's body as he threw himself next to you.
You smiled, opening your eyes, and began to move your legs at full speed, stretched like an arrow, surfacing to breathe but without losing pace. You didn't want to check how close you were to Chan, so you started moving your legs and hands in a rehearsed choreography, sticking your hands out and drawing an arc in the air before breathing again. You had it calculated. You had done that same exercise too many times. You needed only ten strokes to get to the other side.
Unfortunately, Chan just needed eight.
When you reached the other side, he was already waiting, chest flushed and breathing swiftly. He had arrived barely six seconds before you, but in the sport you both practised, every second counted. And he had a strength trained in the gym daily, which always managed to beat you when you competed against each other. One of the reasons why he was the star of the team.
You still entered championships from time to time, but you valued the little moments with him much more than the adrenaline of a victory. You hadn't demanded that he give up swimming for you when you had been injured, and even though he had offered it to you, you loved him too much not to allow him to dedicate himself to his greatest passion. That was why he had proposed starting those date nights, and that was why you always said yes.
You approached him, feeling your heart racing everywhere, your shoulder protesting about the effort you had put him through, and you rested your forehead against his chest. Every time you swam, you ended up hurting yourself more, and you both knew it. But you couldn't stop. Being underwater was as important as breathing for you. Chan understood that, and supported every decision you made.
He slid the tips of his fingers over your wet skin, following the droplets of water until they reached your shoulders, and left them there, applying just enough pressure to ease the discomfort. He knew where to touch to make you feel better, and you always breathed a sigh of relief when he massaged you like that.
“Thank you,” you whispered, “I don't know what I would do without you.”
You heard him hum, a sound that indicated he had heard you, and then he held your head in his hands, making you look into his eyes. Two quick touches against your jaw, one long caress. I. Love. You. You got lost in the depths of his gaze, dark as an autumn forest, or a hot chocolate on a cold afternoon, and you smiled. The skin of your cheeks stretched under his fingers, and he returned the curve of his lips, mirroing yours, eternally accompanied by those charming dimples.
You placed your hand over his, leaning against it, and let the moment last a little longer. Two quick kisses against the palm of his hand, one that lasted forever. I. Love. You. You didn't need words.
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© stayconnecteed 2024 ★ do not copy, translate, repost or share this work as yours on other platforms ! consider leaving a comment or reblogging.
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raised-steaks-au · 1 month
While Chapter Five is in the works I will post the designs for Twisted Finn and Twisted Flutter!
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Information below!
TWISTED FINN Twisted Finn, the aquatic Ichor twisted. Twisted Finn has become one with the sea, an aquatic creature that while rather slow on land, can zip by poor victims in the water. This twisted can be found idly submerged in water, waiting for someone to carelessly step in. SPECIAL ABILITY SONAR PING
This twisted has evolved to gain quite the deadly screech. A screech so powerful it has shattered glass and even left unfortunate souls with bleeding ears if they were standing too close. Hearing this underwater is worse. TWISTED FLUTTER Twisted Flutter, the silent butterfly Twisted. Twisted Flutter has become an airborne menace. An insect with powerful wings and sharp tendrils that can tear through almost anything in its path. This twisted can be found idly roaming the floors, searching quietly for its next victim. SPECIAL ABILITY
SQUALL This twisted has evolved to have quite the strong wing-beat. This twisted can rapidly beat its wings, sending strong gusts of wind in the direction of its victims. This can leave objects, Toons and people flying into even worse situations.
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sparklewrites1 · 1 year
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Mermaid Kisses
Prince/King Caspian x mermaid!reader
A/n: this is probably one of my least favorite works as I had no motivation to write it.
Warnings: mentions of cuts, bruises, and gashes.
Category: fluff
Word Count: 700-800
“{Name}?” Caspian stood at the edge of the shore. He brushed aside strands of his brunette hair as the winds blew against his tall frame. In his hand he gripped a single red rose. It wasn't the fanciest of gifts, but to you it was as valuable as a white-toothed cowry. Which is why he chose it to propose to you with.
"Caspian!" He heard you call out. He turned his gaze toward the sea. He was met with the sight of your figure swimming toward the shore. When you arrived, he prepared to speak but you cut him off.
“I have a surprise for you!” You flipped your fish-like tail excitedly. You reached into the pouch that was tied to your waist and began digging through the trinkets that were stored inside.��
As he waited, Caspian noticed the various cuts and bruises on your wet skin. Among those wounds was a large gash on the side of your torso. Upon seeing this, Caspian dropped the rose in his grip and immediately knelt down in the sand beside you.
“You’re bleeding. Come here, let me help you.”
“No, no, it's fine!” You exclaimed as you continued searching through your pouch. A few seconds passed before you finally pulled out the object you desired. It was an iridescent pendant. It hung from a silver chain that seemed to have tarnished over time.
“I traveled to the most vicious depths of the sea for this.” You explained. “Come closer! Quickly!” You smiled with excitement.
Caspian leaned towards you. You wrapped the necklace around his neck and attached the clasp to the other end of the chain. When you were done, your hands didn’t move away from him, instead they rested on his shoulders.
“I appreciate the gift, but you are hurt. You mustn't put yourself in harm's way for me.”
“Caspian, I’m ok. I promise.” You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing his skin with your thumb. “Besides,” You started. “I wouldn’t dare depart from this life before we marry.” You smiled, chastly kissing his cheek. Caspians cheeks reddened and his heart raced at the thought of being wed to you. He hadn’t proposed to you, not yet. But tonight was the night.
Your hands lowered from his shoulders and grabbed his forearms. 
“Now come, let me show you what this does.” You gestured to the pendant. You gently guided him toward the sea, until you were both submerged underwater. Caspian was not panicking, as he knew how to swim. But what did perplex him was the fact that he felt no need to hold his breath under the water, it almost felt natural to be there.
“It worked!” You exclaimed as you touched the gills that had formed on his neck. “Cas, try to talk.”
“Why?” His hand flew to his mouth as quickly as the words came out. “I- can talk. Underwater.”
“Yes!” You cheered, gently grabbing the sides of his face and placing a kiss on his lips. “And so much more! You can breathe down here now, that means you could come visit me more often!” You swam around him delighted at the fact that your love could now visit your home. “And not only that,” You dug into your pouch once more and pulled out a golden bracelet with a pendant similar to his. You wasted no time putting it on your own wrist. And when you did, your tale split in two and its color and texture changed to match your skin. You had legs. 
Before you could celebrate you realized that you could no longer breathe nor talk. Caspian took notice of this as well and swiftly took you in his arms and swam to the surface. When your heads had come out of the water, you gasped for breath as you gripped Caspian tightly.
“As I was saying.” You grinned. “Not only can you visit me down under, I can visit you up above.” Your stare was trained on Caspian as you searched for any sign of happiness or excitement, but he seemed to be in deep thought. “Do you not like my gift?” You frowned.
Caspian’s gaze turned to you. “Of course I love it!” it was his turn to place a hand on your cheek. “I only wish I hadn't gotten something as dull as a rose to give to you.”
“You got me a rose?” You grinned. Caspian returned the gesture. Oh, how he loved your beautiful smile. After a few moments Caspian fell into deep thought once again. You waited, and he finally spoke.
“Will you marry me?”
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zestydistress · 3 months
-Had to learn how to do basic things from his friends ever since he got to college. i.e. tying his shoes(the mental hospital definitely took away his shoelaces and he eventually forgot how to do it), swimming(makes entry #65 worse mentally and physically), doing laundry(bro got admitted when he was like 7 and was confined into his room for almost the entire time, he was not learning how to do laundry), sewing(no sharp objects in the ward), cooking(can't be in the kitchen as the nurses worried about the children hurting themselve), etc.
-Has a deep-rooted fear of drowning.(I like to think that ever since he was a kid he was experiencing those time warp torture sessions from the operator where he'd end up submerged underwater for unknown amounts of time)
-Fantastic at navigating. He can navigate the entirety of Rosswood forest. He can navigate any forest. I like to think that he led the guys to places in rosswood during the student film days since he was the only one to navigate the forest to get to film sites(and to get back to the parking lot)
-Has big issues with food textures, cannot stand mushy food.
-Is so sensitive when it comes to spices, bro cannot even handle a bell pepper./hj
-Cannot drink alcohol when on his medicine, was the designated driver every time he went out with friends.
-has a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, but no one really noticed as he just lays completely still on his back with his arms pressed against his side and eyes closed until he drifts off. When he's asleep he'll move around a lot. He's a flailer. He will scream in his sleep too. Also talks in his sleep a lot and sleep walks.
-Disassociates frequently and often.
-When off his meds he cries when watching Disney movies
-Used to absolutely despise his meds because they made him feel so numb. He knew he was supposed to feel more than that and it made him even more reactive when off of them. Eventually he just grew to forget what it felt like to be off of them, he can't remember what it felt like when he could fully process emotions other than the comfortably numbed ones. He'd still get aggressive, happy, sad, etc. but he could only feel them strongly when they were in the extremes. Any other time it was just dulled from what he usually felt.
-Ever since Marble Hornets ended he's been taking care of his mom.
-Loses stuff so easily it's insane. Mostly loses his keys though.
-Has a terrible fashion sense since he was never able to choose his own clothes. Usually goes for vibrant clothes at first since he never had the option to wear anything that colorful before(this is my reasoning behind that horrendous monkey shirt he wore LOL)
-Has a kinda weak immune system. He was sick so much when he was a kid. His immune system isn't as bad as it could have been. Considering he regularly ran away and disappeared into the forest or further. His immune system got stronger when in college though.
-Picked up smoking like a month after he got out of the hospital, one of his only friends in there was an old man with a smoking problem and would always ask the staff for a smoke which they denied. He also kept calling Tim by the name of his deceased son.
-Basing him off of Night Mind's interpretation of marble hornets. So Masky isn't another personality or anything, it's just Tim trying to get to the bottom of this like Jay is. Except he's using much more... Violent methods. And he loses his memory of when he chooses to become Masky, so ToTheArk and Hoodie help him remember what their goal is(stopping Alex).
(also group headcanons:
I don't like the names masky and hoodie but I do realize they're the most recognized names for them. I love the name Techy for ToTheArk to match the theme, but I prefer calling them:
Tim = The Source
Brian = The Advocate
Jay = The Messenger
Alex = The Instigator
ToTheArk = The Projectionist
I have yet to come up with good ones for Jessica, Amy and Sarah. I have also yet to read the comics)
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Hey, remember when I said I shipped Lawlulaw? Yeah, I finally have an idea for them!
As I was fleshing this out, I suddenly felt the need to shove in Acelaw and Sabolaw in there so uh that's fun. I wanted this to be Lulaw centered but the moments of Ace and Sabo can be very easily spun into a romantic direction if I wanted and I wanted to be open to having a Law harem!
Welp, anyways, onto the plot I cooked. Edit: I elaborated more on this au here (x)!
I'm thinking of Law as a scientist who studies marine life. He has a huge lab where he collects specimens and spends a lot of time sketching out the intricate details and labelling them. He loves drawing these because it helps him get a clear, objective view of the world. His ultimate goal is to know just what makes the world tick.
He wants to know the inner workings of everything, kind of to compensate for how he barely knows himself and the depths of his subconscious nature. He believes everything has a place. A creature's ever part, every organ, every component is like a gear that keeps the whole system running and Law loves analysing them.
It may or may not be surprising but he actually believes in things like monsters, aliens and cryptids. From his experience, there's so many interesting sea creatures within the realm of science. It seemed a bit rude to dismiss the possibility. You never fucking know.
So that means when he sees a merman washed up one day in front of the beach near his home. He shrugs and says, "Well, he looks better than a drunk Bepo."
From indifference turned curiosity, Law squats down and starts poking this merman with a bit too much force and said merman jolts awake. Law notices how sharp his teeth and claws were. Law knew he would die if he did not approach him correctly.
"H-hello. I'm Law. Are you okay?"
The merman was visibly confused. Law realised he seemed a bit dehydrated and realised his gills on his neck looked uncomfortable. Law understood. He pointed to the ocean behind the merman.
"I'll take you back," Law said. He did not know how to approach the situation beyond rolling up his sleeves just in case the merman had an allergic reaction to his shirt and very gently trying to carry the creature princess-style.
Law was horrified to feel that this creature was heavy and struggled with carrying him. So much for wanting to be brave. The merman did not do anything to make things difficult—Law just was not the strongest out there. He just stared at Law with literal stars in his eyes. He made a cheerful little sound that was admittedly quite cute.
Law let the merman go when he was just around waist-deep in the ocean. He gently poured some water over his gills, which elicited even more happy sounds. When Law let go, the merman suddenly looked sad and Law felt like a horrible human being.
"Good bye. Take care"
The merman was swimming rather freely in the ocean now and he circled around Law. Law felt anxious. Did he walk into a trap? Was the merman going to attack? The merman did not seem hostile but you never know what these creatures were thinking especially when they were alive.
When the merman stopped swimming, Law took a good look at his features. He was quite cute in the face with large round eyes and an equally large mouth that occasionally broke into a large smile. If he were human, Law would've fallen in love.
"Good bye, it was nice meeting you-"
The next thing Law knew, he was immediately submerged underwater. He could barely breathe and felt himself choke. Meanwhile the merman was giggling like this was all very amusing. Law was knew he would die, if not for something rapidly swimming up and forcibly dragging the merman away.
Of course it was another muscular merman. He looked older than Law's murderer and had dark red accents on his hands and neck. There were spots on his face that looked like freckles. Now this one looked predatory. In human terms, he looked like he was nagging the other merman. Irritated, Law stood up as best he could and punched them both on the head.
Law's murderer seemed annoyed and sad at the violence, while the other one looked mildly impressed. He whistled through his gills. At least Law knew what that meant—it was a fucking mating call.
"Shut the fuck up! You're both annoying me! Go away!"
The black-haired mermen tilted their head to the side at the same time. In the distance, a pale, almost albino merman swam closer. Unlike the other two, he seemed friendlier even with a heavily disfigured face. He laughed as he happily said, "I'm sorry for my brothers, bastard!"
Law was flabbergasted. This was not his day.
"You can talk?"
The blonde merman seemed more surprised than Law. Law would punch him too but he was much faster than the other two in grabbing them by the shoulders and swimming some distance away so they would have to shout at each other. Law's murderer seemed sad that they were separated.
"You can talk, human?" The merman replied. He laughed. "Bitch!" He seemed to say those vulgarities with great childlike amusement. Though, Law would not be surprised to hear that he knew what those words meant and meant them sincerely. He seemed cunning.
Law felt wet, disgusting and thoroughly upset that he did not die. "Why, yes I fucking can! Piss off!"
As Law made his way back to the base, he suddenly heard the blonde merman tell the pervert and his murderer something. They went silent when Law looked back. Three seconds later, they started making loud, hysterical noises.
For God's sake, Law walked away with a ruined morning, wet clothes and the horrible memory of nearly dying. That was annoying, as he walked up the ocean where he was comfortably knee-length. He felt something gently grab his foot.
"What do you want, murderer?"
The merman pouted slightly and fuck isn't that just the cutest thing? He tried to pull Law back but gently this time. Law realised this was kind of like a child trying to make friends. He sighed and squatted down again to meet this creature at eye-level.
"I won't go with you but I'll come back tomorrow morning. Don't pull that shit again, or I'll kill all three of you. Understood?"
That seemed to be what the merman wanted for he smiled brightly and made those happy clicking noises again. He hugged Law's shoulders, licked his cheek quickly, jumped off and swam off with his brothers who seemed more interested in this little guy more than anyone else.
The sight was sweet. Maybe tomorrow morning would be better...
(Also, Law read up on Merfolk. Apparently, they were acknowledged to be legitimate sea creatures only three years ago and there were proper laws to forbid the act of hunting and killing them. Law found it strange that policies viewed them more like an endangered species than human beings.)
(More importantly, Law found out that there were some highly intelligent merfolk could learn human languages. And even more importantly, merfolk use their saliva to mark their territory... Including their mates, whom they usually commit to for life... Huh.)
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tailschannel · 1 year
New zones, customization options, and Emerald Powers: a recap of the Sonic Superstars cover story
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Issue 358 of the Gameinformer magazine was published this Tuesday, and its 12-page column on the upcoming Sonic Superstars revealed a new look into its development, and previewed a number of in-game features and zones.
Here's everything you need to know.
Major takeaways
New zone names: Sky Temple, Pinball Carnival, Lagoon City, Sand Sanctuary, Press Factory, and unannounced Golden Capital.
New Emerald Powers: Avatar, Bullet, Water, Ivy, Vision, Slow, Extra, Super.
Expect vast character customization options in the brand new Items shop.
Select stages in a Generations-style World Map.
New zones
Characters have the choice of going through a normal act or a character-specific act. For example, finishing Act 1 of Speed Jungle Zone as Sonic allows you to choose between either playing the second act of Speed Jungle or an "Act Sonic," an alternate act of Speed Jungle where you zoom as Sonic, running away from a terrorizing Fang the Sniper.
There is reportedly a World Map similar to Generations where you run in a 2D-plane to select a stage.
There is also an items shop where you can trade medals in for customizable parts. Apparent, you can customize your "head, body, arms, legs, accessories color, and something called prototype."
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The third zone of the game is reportedly called Sky Temple Zone.
In the zone, there is a mini-game similar to the game "Breakout," where you turn into a ball and aim to break bricks.
The climax or the ending of the zone is a massive storm.
The fourth zone is called Pinball Carnival Zone.
As the name suggests, "a giant pinball arena and fast sequences with fireworks setting off."
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The fifth zone is called Lagoon City, which is filled with submerged city ruins and water slides.
Act 1 is mostly above water whereas Act 2 has several underwater sequences.
Amy's character-specific act of Lagoon City is fruit-based, with several gimmicks like a fruit based robots and such.
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Sand Sanctuary Zone is the sixth zone of Sonic Superstars and a seventh zone reportedly called Press Factory Zone.
Filenames in the newly released screenshots also disclosed the officially unannounced Golden Capital Zone.
Emerald Powers
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Emerald Powers were inspired by the Wisps mechanic from Sonic Colors.
Every stage has a giant gold ring and a giant blue ring. Completing the giant gold rings rewards you a Chaos Emerald and the the blue ring rewards you a medal.
Both special stages have the same central gameplay mechanic: swing from floating bubbles toward the moving objective.
Emerald Powers can be used by using the right stick and operate on a cooldown, with each star post checkpoint replenishing your cooldown meter.
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Avatar (Blue Emerald)
Allows you to create clones of yourself.
Useful for defeating any enemy that lies on you path.
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Bullet (Red Emerald)
Allows you to direct and shoot your character at a specified direction.
"It's an extremely useful action; it's probably the most useful action for this kind of game," Iizuka said.
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Water (Cyan Emerald)
Allows you to interact with any body of water, like swimming freely underwater or climbing up waterfalls.
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Ivy (Green Emerald)
Allows you to grow upward vines.
Helpful in reaching higher areas.
Can also be utilized to help your teammates in co-op mode.
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Vision (Purple Emerald)
Allows you to see hidden objects like platforms, rings, or items found in the level.
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Slow (Yellow Emerald)
Allows the player to slow down everything on screen.
Helpful in tighter platforming sequences or boss encounters.
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Extra (White Emerald)
Unlocks character-specific actions.
Sonic – Homing Attack: Unlocks the Homing Attack from the modern titles.
Tails – Tornado Spin: Unlocks a devastating tornado attack that can destroy enemies in front of you
Amy – Hammer Throw: Unlocks the ability for Amy to throw hammers instead of the usual Hammer Swing.
Knuckles – Punch: Unlocks the ability to punch for Knuckles.
Super Form (All 7 Emeralds)
Characters can turn into their Super form after collecting all 7 Chaos Emeralds.
Characters won't have any specific abilities outside of being invincible and becoming faster.
Emerald Powers can still be used in Super form.
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The concept of Superstars came from a Zoom call by Naoto Ohshima during the initial COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Ohshima and Iizuka held producer roles for Sonic Superstars.
Despite hinting at a short development time than expected, Ohshima was impressed by Sonic Team and Iizuka.
"Though Arzest and Ohshima led development efforts on Sonic Superstars, Sonic Team collaborated frequently, with Iizuka and Ohshima constantly sharing ideas of and production duties."
There were talks between Iizuka and Whitehead's team following the release of Mania where concepts were considered, but the project fell through; however, Iizuka does states that he is "pleased that the next generation of Classic Sonic that we talked about with them has been achieved with Superstars."
Iizuka said that the programming for Superstars "is completely unique and done from scratch by Arzest."
(Story contributed by Spectre and Scarlett from the Tails' Channel Newsfeed)
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rocknroll7575 · 8 months
Knight of Olympus: Titans Lullaby - Ch.1: Like a Shooting Star
Summary: Jaune Arc fell, however, instead of landing on the beach of the Ever-After, he lands on the beach of Camp Halfblood. It seems like Jaune's life, is truly a Greek tragedy.
Percy Jackson has had a very long summer, what with the Sea of Monsters as well as the fact that Thalia was back and alive.
Annabeth was happy and Grover was too, and Percy couldn't be more happy fir both of them, as he was sure it was a relief to have her back, however, once she fully regained consciousness, they did have to inform her about the whole... Luke's situation, which he could tell, struck her hard.
Even worse, both he and Thalia would have to stay at Camp for the rest of the summer, or else Luke and the Demi-Gods with him, plus the other monsters, would target them.
But enough about the bad news, some good news was that Tyson had gone down to his dad's domain to work for him there, which Percy was happy to hear, he hoped that he would have a good time, but Percy still felt a little saddened by his departure, but he was sure he'd see Tyson again.
Next to that, everything was working out, and while they still had Luke and Cronus to worry about, Percy was taking a break after a long adventure, now sitting on the beach and looking up at the stars.
"There you are, Percy,"
Percy's head turned around, only to see Annabeth standing behind him. He smiled at her before responding, "Hey, Annabeth" he greeted.
Annabeth walked over and sat down next to him, "What are you doing out here?" She asked.
Percy looked back up to the sky, "Just relaxing," He replied, "definitely need it after everything recently," He told her.
Annabeth nodded in agreement, "I feel you there," she replied with a long sigh
Percy looked at her with a raised brow, "Thalia, how's she doing?" He asked.
"So far, she's doing good, Grover and I had to fill her in on everything she's missed, but she's taking it all pretty well... for the most part," She replied.
Annabeth nodded.
Percy let out a sigh, knowing a little how Thalia had felt. He had trusted Luke a long time ago, he was a mentor to Percy when he first came to Camp Half-Blood, but after everything he did with Thalia's tree and in the Sea of Monsters, Percy would not forgive him. Percy then quickly put those thoughts aside and looked back to the starry sky, and when he did, he noticed something that was not normal. It looked like a shooting star and appeared as if it was coming closer to them. Percy nudged Annabeth and pointed at the object flying toward them. Both quickly stood up, ready to run should it hit the beach, however, while the object was getting closer, it was not going to hit the beach but instead struck the sea.
"What was that!?" Annabeth asked.
"How am I supposed to know that!? Wouldn't you know!?" Percy asked.
Annabeth looked at him with a raised brow, "Why would I know!?" Annabeth asked.
"You the Daughter of Athena if I recall!" Percy replied.
Annabeth groaned, "Whatever! Look, just go check what it is!"
"Why me!?"
"You're the only one who can technically breathe underwater!"
Percy ran into the water, but as always, he didn't get wet, as a bubble of air surrounded him and he moved toward where he was sure the object fell into the water. Annabeth watched as Percy was fully submerged under the ocean. Annabeth waited with anxiety, wondering what had fallen into the ocean and hoping she had not just sent Percy to his doom.
After a few minutes, Percy suddenly shot out of the water with someone's arm around the back of his neck, and Percy dragged whoever it was with him.
"Annabeth! Could you help me? Quick!" Percy cried.
Annabeth ran over to the person's other side, put their arm around her neck, and helped Percy drag him back to shore. Once on the beach, they set them down on the sand and turned them over, and that was when they both finally got a good look at the person.
He had short blonde hair that seemed to spike up, and he wore what appeared to be white armor with gold trim, and had navy blue jeans, brown boots, and a red sash wrapped around his waist under a belt.
"Who is he?" Annabeth asked.
Percy shook his head and shrugged, "Don't know, but help me get his armor off, we need to perform-"
The man began to gag and spit up water from his mouth and quickly turned around to spit out more of the water that no doubt filled his lungs and once he was finished, took long and deep breaths.
"Hey! Hey! Are you ok!?" Percy asked as he had his hand on the man's back.
The man didn't answer right away but he turned to Percy with a confused look, "W-Where am I!?" he asked. "Is this Vacuo? No... Vale?"
Percy shook his head, confused about what he was talking about, "No, you're in Long Island," Replied the boy.
The man still seemed confused, "Long Island?" He asked.
Annabeth nodded, "Yeah," she replied, "Do... Do you remember how you got here?" She asked him.
The man seemed to think hard about his answer, "I remember the bridge... I was running to the gate to get to Vacuo before... I fell..." He replied, suddenly it seemed as if he remembered something, "Oh Oum... Penny... I..." he said softly, his voice nearly breaking into a sob.
Annabeth quickly reassured him, "It's alright, everything's fine now," She told him. "Can you tell me your name? Do you remember that?" She asked.
The man slowly nodded, "Yeah... my name is Jaune... Jaune Arc," He replied.
The girl nodded, "Good, good, nice to meet you, Jaune," Annabeth greeted, "My name is Annabeth, and this is Percy," she told him, gesturing to the son of the sea.
Jaune nodded, "Nice to meet you both, but can you please tell me how I got... wherever it is I am now?" He asked, still looking utterly confused.
Percy looked at him, "We saw you fall from the sky and land in the water, you looked like a shooting star, man," Percy told him. "Speaking of that... What... Are you?"
Jaune was confused, "What do you mean?"
"Are you a half-blood?" Annabeth asked.
"A what?" Jaune asked, even more confused.
Both of them exchanged a look and then Annabeth looked back at Jaune, "I think you might wanna come with us back to our camp," She told Jaune, before turning to Percy, "Maybe Chiron or Mr. D will have some answers,"
Percy chuckled, "Chiron, yes, but Mr. D... I don't think he'll care too much," He replied.
Jaune was confused, but he did as the kids said, getting up and following them back to their camp. As they walked, Percy noticed Annabeth taking a few peeks at Jaune here and there, and he was confused as to why she was doing it, but if he had to guess, she was trying to figure out who or what he was, after all, a normal person, even a half-blood, doesn't just fall out of the sky.
Percy was also wondering why he looked almost like a knight, his armor looked way too new, so a time traveler was out of the question, and Percy noticed that Jaune was looking around as if trying to figure out where he was.
Percy decided to try and get as much information out of Jaune as he could, after all, he didn't want to bring in a potentially dangerous person into the camp. "So, you never answered Annabeth's question," Percy said, "Are you a Half-blood?"
Jaune looked at him with a raised brow, "I'd answer if I knew what a Half-Blood was," Jaune replied.
"Half human, half God," Percy told him, "Like me, I'm the son of Posiden, but my mom, was human,"
Jaune seemed to be shocked by this, "Your... Your dad was a god!?" Jaune asked.
Percy nodded, "Yeah, Posiden," Percy told him.
"I... Who?" Jaune asked.
Percy was baffled that Jaune didn't know who his dad was. "You know, Posiden, god of the sea and earthquakes?" Percy said.
Jaune still seemed rather confused, which just made Percy more confused as to how Jaune couldn't know who his dad was, who in their right mind didn't know who the Olympian gods were.
"We're here," Annabeth said.
Percy turned back and saw that they were finally back at the camp, and once they arrived back, they saw a bunch of campers, still up and just training or hanging out, Percy even saw the Stroll brothers planning something, Percy then turned to make sure Jaune was still following behind them, but he saw Jaune appearing to be in shock at what he was seeing.
"What is this place?" Jaune asked.
"Camp Half-Blood, home, and safe haven to all Half-bloods as well as a summer camp for the rest of us who still have family outside," Annabeth told him.
"Ok... gonna have to ask more about that later, but for now, I'll wait," Jaune replied.
After walking through the camp, without Clairesse or her cronies popping up, which Percy thanked the gods for, they arrived at the Big House where Annabeth rushed ahead to see who was inside, and when she entered, she saw Thalia and Chiron in a conversation.
Chiron looked at Annabeth with a raised brow, "Annabeth, what seems to be the matter?
Annabeth looked at the Centaur, "Chiron, we need your help because something strange happened when Percy and I were at the Beach" Annabeth told him.
Chiron looked a little worried, "What happened?" He asked.
"He happened," Came the voice of Percy
They all turned to the doorway where both Percy and Jaune stood, and Jaune simply stood there, eyes wide, no doubt shocked at the appearance of Chiron.
"Who is he?" Chiron asked, his tone laced with worry.
Percy looked at him, "We hoped you would know," He said. "He fell from the sky like a comet!"
Chiron walked over to Jaune and looked at him, examining him for a moment, "What is your name?" he asked.
Jaune was snapped out of his shock as he looked at Chiron, "Uh, Jaune Arc, sir," Jaune said.
"I see... why are you wearing armor?" Chiron asked.
"Well, for protection," Jaune replied.
Chiron sighed with a smile, "Yes, of course, but why are you wearing it? What are you protecting yourself from?" Chiron asked.
Jaune realized what he meant and quickly answered, "Oh, well, from Grimm," He replied
"Grim? Like the brothers Grim?" Annabeth asked with a raised brow.
"Uh... I don't know if I've ever heard them called that..." Jaune replied, referring to his own gods.
However, before more could be said, Mr. D entered the room, a diet coke in his hand and he appeared to be going for the fridge, only to suddenly stop and quickly turn to the group, where his eyes fell on Jaune.
Chiron looked at him, "Ah, Mr. D, we were just-"
However, Mr. held up his hand to silence him as he walked over to Jaune and looked the young man up and down before looking him in the eyes, "Name?" he asked.
"Jaune Arc, and who-?"
"Shush!" Mr. D told him.
Mr. D then proceeded to look him over and then looked at Chiron, "Where'd you find him?" He asked.
"Percy says he fell from the sky," Chiron said.
Mr. D then glanced at Percy and let out a sigh, "Another thing involving you, eh, Peter Johnson?"
Jaune turned to Percy with a raised brow, "I thought your name was Percy?"
"It is!" Percy said with an annoyed groan.
"Whatever," Mr. D said. "Well, he's no half-blood, he's human,"
Chiron looked at him with a raised brow, "But how is that possible?" he asked. "He shouldn't being seeing all of this, much less have passed the barrier if he were human,"
"Because he's not a regular human," Mr. D said. "You're not... from here are you?" Mr. D asked Jaune. "This world, am I right?"
Jaune took a moment to answer but he gave the god of wine a quick nod, "Yeah, wherever "here" is, I'm starting to think so..." Jaune replied.
Mr. D snapped his finger and pointed to the sky as he turned around, "Right!" he said. "Chiron send words to the gods that we've got some big news! Very big news! Gonna have to call an emergency meeting!" He said.
Chiron was confused, "What for?" He asked. "What do you know?"
Mr. D turned around and looked at the Centaur with a smirk, "Because this guest of ours... is not from this world," Mr. D said.
Everyone was confused as to what he was talking about, but Chiron did as Mr. D asked and sent word to the gods about what Mr. D had said and quickly, they all responded quickly and said that the Meeting would happen soon and to bring Jaune to Olympus right away.
Jaune had no idea what was going on, where he was, or who he was going to meet at this "Olympus" but there was one thing Jaune was sure about...
He wasn't on Remnant anymore, and he was sure things were just going to get more complicated... as if they weren't complicated enough.
Jaune's hand touched his side and noticed that Crocea Mors was not strapped to his side, it was gone, yet he could've sworn he had it strapped to his side Jaune looked at Percy, "Hey, Percy, did you see a sword and sheath when you saved me?" he asked.
Percy looked at him and shook his head, "No, why? You had one on you?" Percy asked him.
Jaune nodded, "Yeah," Jaune replied. "But I guess it's gone now," He said.
Percy noticed the sad expression on Jaune's face, "If you want, I can take a look in the area where you fell to see if I can find it, Jaune," Percy replied.
Jaune slowly shook his head, "No, it's alright," Jaune replied. "Let it be lost," Jaune replied.
Jaune didn't want to see that weapon again. But he would... sooner or later.
Jaune, along with Mr. D and Chiron arrived at the Empire State Building, however, Jaune was given some campe attire before arriving, once they got out of the van, and began walking into the lobby, Jaune looked at Chiron, now sitting in his wheelchair.
"So... how is this going to go down?" Jaune asked him.
Chiron looked at him, "Honestly, I don't know, in all my life, such a thing as a man from another world and appearing in ours has never occurred," Chiron said. "But a word of advice, Jaune, be as respectful as you can, the gods are easily angered,"
"Well, not all of us,"
Jaune jumped as he turned to his right only to see a man. The man had a nice bronze tan, a sun tattoo on his left shoulder, and wore a pair of sunglasses obscuring his eyes. He had sandy blonde hair that seemed to glow brightly and wore a sleeveless light grey shirt, faded jean shorts, and a pair of sandals.
Chiron smiled when he saw the man, "Ah, Lord Apollo, a pleasure," he greeted.
Apollo looked at the Centaur with a smirk, "Sup Chiron, been a while, how are my kids doing?"
"All are well, and out of everyone, it seems Will has picked up your knack for healing, he's been reading a lot of books on the subject," Chiron said with a smile.
Apollo smirked, "Kids gonna do wonders that's for sure," Apollo said. He then turned to Jaune with a smirk, "And you must be the man from another world, eh? Nice to meet you, I'm Apollo, God of the Sun," He greeted.
Jaune smiled at him nervously, "A pleasure to meet you, Apollo," Jaune greeted back, "Jaune Arc, Huntsman," Jaune replied with a smile.
Apollo's brow raised, "Huntsmen? That a job title or something?" Apollo asked.
Mr. D suddenly appeared and nodded, "Yes, turns out where he's from, he hunts monsters called Grimm," Mr. D told Apollo.
"Sick!" Apollo said with a smile, "Also, good to see you D!" Apollo said, greeting his half-brother.
Mr. D rolled his eyes, "Yes, wish I could say the same," He replied, "Now then, I think the others are waiting, so let's not keep them waiting or else," Mr. D replied.
Chiron nodded, "Yes, you three should be off, I will wait down here with the Van," Chiron said. "Good luck, Jaune," Chiron told him.
Jaune looked back at him and gave him a quick nod, "Thank you, Chiron,"
With that, the two gods and Huntsmen went inside and made their way to the elevator, Apollo pressed a button and the four went up, and as they did, Jaune couldn't help but feel himself getting more and more nervous. After all, he was in another world and meeting said Gods of this world, who may or may not decide his fate.
Finally, the elevator stopped and when the doors opened, Jaune was in awe at the sight of the throne room, the chairs were massive and so too, were the gods, each dressed up in certain clothing, some looked ancient, others in more modern clothing.
"Seems that Apollo and Dionysus have arrived," Said Posiden.
"Good then," Zeus said, "Then let them take their seats and we can begin," He said.
Apollo and Mr. D grew larger and walked over to their thrones, sitting on them and facing Jaune, who looked up at them with both shock and awe but quickly snapped out of it as he realized the meeting was about to begin.
Zeus looked at the other gods, "We're gathered here today to discuss Jaune Arc, the man from another world, and to assess if he is friend or foe," Zeus said. "First, Jaune Arc, why have you come to our world? What are your intentions?" the king of the Gods asked.
Jaune looked at him and knew that he must be Zeus since he was the first to speak, "I'll be honest, I don't know how I came here, to your world, as for what my intentions are, I don't know that either," Jaune replied.
"You do not know how you arrived in our world?" Hera asked.
Jaune nodded, "Yes," He replied.
To his left, Posiden leaned over and seemed to try to get a closer look at Jaune, "Well, he is indeed human... but there's something different about him,"
"I see it too," Zeus said. "Tell us what that thing that surrounds your body," Zeus said.
Jaune was confused as to what Zeus had meant, but quickly realized what he may have been referring to, "Do you mean my Aura?" Jaune asked.
"Is that what you call it?" Athena asked. "Interesting... what does this Aura do?" She asked.
"It protects me from any physical damage for a while but gets weaker the more I'm hit, but thanks to my Semblance, it allows me to boost it back fully if it gets too low," Jaune replied.
Athena nodded, no doubt finding the power that the young knight possessed interesting, but still looked at Jaune as if analyzing every inch of him, trying to figure out if he was a threat or not, based on the information of his powers.
Hera looked at the young man, and asked another question, "Tell us about your world, Jaune Arc," she told him.
Jaune nodded, and he explained to the Olympians what Remnant was, the dangers of it, what his and his friend's jobs were, and the threat that he and his world faced. After telling them about his world, Jaune noticed that some of the gods were interested in where he came from, but a few, he couldn't get a read on.
However, instead of asking more questions about his world, Zeus decided to continue the questioning of the young knight. "Tell me, Jaune Arc, what do you remember before you arrived in our world?" Zeus asked.
Jaune gulped, feeling terrible talking about it, but he had to tell them, so he began to tell them about the plan he had made back in Atlas, the bridge, Cinder's surprise attack, RWBY's defeat, and then... Penny's death and his part in it. At that point, Jaune was visibly shaken and he felt the words caught in his throat. However, he took a few deep breaths and continued, telling them how he missed the gate and fell, and then how he was saved by Percy and Annabeth.
The gods were indeed intrigued by the blonde story and were each trying to take all the information in, and after a few minutes, Zeus sat forward and looked at his fellow gods.
"I believe it is time to decide on what to do with Jaune Arc," Zeus said.
Hearing that, Jaune felt his heart nearly stop, as his mind raced with a million thoughts on what they could decide. Would they see him as a threat and kill or imprison him? Would they force him to work for them? Would they try and help him find a way back home?
As Jaune's mind was racing with these thoughts, Apollo sat forward and looked at Zeus, "If I may, I'd like to not kill him or imprison him," Apollo said.
Artemis looked at her brother with a raised brow, "Any reason why, dear brother?" she asked.
Apollo looked back at her with a smile, "I don't see him as a threat, and he could be a great asset to the demigods at Camp Halfblood, " Apollo said. "Plus, I like him, and he hasn't wronged us in any way, so why do anything harmful, when he hasn't proved to be a threat?"
Artemis nodded, "I have to agree with you, brother," She said. "I'm with Apollo,"
"I'd have to agree with my nephew and niece, brother," Posiden said as he looked at Zeus, "We can have him teach the children at Camp, this way we can keep an eye on him, and assess if he's a threat or not, should he be a threat, we can easily punish him, but if he shows he is useful, then we shall trust him,"
Zeus seemed to contemplate what he had heard from the Sun god, before addressing the other 11. "I believe Apollo may have the right idea as well as Posiden," He said. "Jaune Arc will serve Camp Halfblood as the new combat instructor, where he will be monitored by Dionysus and Chiron, and also serve gods like the rest of the Demigods to test to see if he is friend or foe... All in favor?" Zeus asked.
Every god raised their hand in agreement.
Zeus gave a quick nod, "Good," He said, then looking down at the mortal man. "You are dismissed, Jaune Arc, you are to return to Camp Halfblood as soon as possible," Zeus ordered. "And remember, we are watching you,"
Jaune nodded and because he didn't know what else to do, he bowed quickly before looking at the gods. "Thank you, and uh... have a good day," Jaune told them before leaving.
The gods themselves also began to disperse and leave the meeting, and Mr. D walked with Jaune back to the elevator, and the god patted him on the back. "Welcome aboard kid, and good luck," Mr. D told him, "You're gonna need it," He said.
Jaune looked at him with a raised brow, but he had a feeling he was right.
As he left, a certain goddess watched him leave as a million thoughts ran through her head, she didn't like unknowns, and Jaune Arc was now the greatest unknown to her as well as the rest of her family, but she wasn't just going to stand by and watch, she would test him and in those tests, analyze him and figure out if he posed a threat to them all.
She wasn't the goddess of wisdom and battle plans for nothing, after all...
How was that for a first chapter eh?
Also just to let you all know, another RWBY character will appear in the future, but it's gonna be someone you're not expecting~!
Also, this takes place the same day as Thalia wakes up at the end of Sea of Monsters.
But what do you think is going to happen now that Jaune is in the PJO universe? Who will Jaune team up with? Who will he face off against? Which gods will he piss off? Which gods will take an interest in him? And what will his role be at Camp Half-blood?
Guess you guys are just gonna have to wait and see!
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jackiequick · 4 months
The sounds of somebody take me home~ X-Men 🎵
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Full Name: Evangeline Villanueva—Armas
- Vani: A playful and affectionate nickname, adding a touch of spunk and personality to her character.
- Eva: Classic and elegant, providing a sense of familiarity and warmth.
- Other nicknames include Lina, Angel, Sol and Genie
Other Identity: Vani Armas
Age: 23–28
Birthday: May 21st
Height: 5'3" (or 5'5" in heels)
— Evangeline possesses a fine beauty with delicate features and a graceful presence. She has dark, flowing hair that cascades around her shoulders, framing her soft complexion and piercing eyes. Her gentle beauty captivates with an air of intrigue, drawing others in with her enigmatic presence and hinting at the unique qualities she possesses.
— Often quiet but has a kind smile. Gentle, yet outspoken and sometimes sarcastic, with a sharp wit. Alongside her sarcasm, she has a bit of a playful sense of humor, enjoying lighthearted banter. Fiercely independent and unafraid to speak her mind. Compassionate and loyal to those she cares about. Not only compassionate but also an attentive listener, offering support to others. She demonstrates resilience, willing to eventually bounce back from setbacks with determination and grace.
Fluent in Spanish and English.
Occasionally struggles with language barriers and forgets certain words or phrases. This can lead to moments of frustration or embarrassment, especially when she is unable to effectively communicate her thoughts or needs. However, she compensates for this by using creative methods to convey her meaning, such as describing objects or looking up translations on her phone.
Born and raised in Mar Azul, (later on become Genosha), a coastal town known for its pristine beaches and azure waters, situated on the southern coast of a fictional country.
Her mixed heritage includes roots from Argentina and the Dominican Republic and Cuba, contributing to her vibrant cultural background.
Immersed in the vibrant sights and sounds of her Latin American culture, surrounded by myths and legends of sirenas (mermaids) and sea creatures.
Powers and Abilities:
Canary Cry (Siren's Call): Evangeline's primary ability remains her powerful sonic scream, known as the Canary Cry, which functions as her Siren's call. This ability allows her to emit powerful sonic waves capable of disorienting opponents, shattering objects, and creating a mesmerizing effect on those who hear it, potentially influencing their thoughts or actions.
Aquatic Affinity: Evangeline possesses an innate affinity for water, granting her enhanced abilities when submerged or surrounded by aquatic environments. She can hold her breath for extended periods, allowing her to stay submerged for longer durations than a normal human. However, she still requires air to breathe, so prolonged periods underwater can leave her gasping for breath when she resurfaces.
Hydrokinesis: Evangeline can manipulate water to some extent, particularly when submerged or in close proximity to bodies of water. She can telekinetically control water molecules, shaping them into various forms or manipulating currents to her advantage. This ability allows her to create whirlpools, tidal waves, or even manipulate water pressure to repel or immobilize adversaries.
Challenges and Struggles:
Navigates language barriers and occasional forgetfulness with creative methods of communication.
Grapples with the complexities of her identity as a mutant with mixed heritage, confronting issues of prejudice and discrimination. Struggles with mastering her powers and coming to terms with her name given to her by a friend as "La Sirena de la Canción." Which means “The Siren of Song” in English.
—Expanding on Evangeline's immediate family dynamics
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— Diana Villanueva (née Ramirez): Evangeline's mother, originally from the Dominican Republic, is a warm and nurturing presence in her life. Diana is known for her kindness, patience, and unwavering love for her children. Despite her initial reluctance to enter a relationship, she fell deeply in love with German and embraced their life together in Mar Azul. Diana instilled in Evangeline a strong sense of compassion and empathy, encouraging her to always lend a helping hand to those in need.
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— German Villanueva: Evangeline's father, hailing from a mixed heritage of Argentinean and Cuban descent, is a charismatic and passionate individual. German's romantic nature and adventurous spirit endeared him to Diana, and their chance encounter at a beach party in Mar Azul sparked a lifelong love story. While German can be strict at times, especially when it comes to matters of responsibility and discipline, he is also playful, silly, and deeply devoted to his family. He encourages Evangeline to pursue her dreams and aspirations, instilling in her a sense of determination and resilience.
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— Mateo “Matt” Villanueva: Evangeline's older brother, Mateo, is her steadfast protector and confidant. He inherited their father's adventurous spirit and their mother's compassionate nature, making him a source of support and guidance for Evangeline throughout her life. However he somehow managed to inherit a competitive spirt, as he tends to challenge himself and his siblings for daily tasks around the house. Other than that, Mateo shares a close bond with his sister, often teasing her affectionately but always standing by her side when she needs him most.
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— Isabella "Isa" Villanueva: Evangeline's younger sister, Isa, is a lively and spirited presence in the family. She inherited their father's charisma and their mother's charm, making her a natural social butterfly with a knack for making friends wherever she goes. Isa looks up to Evangeline as a role model and often seeks her advice and guidance, strengthening their sisterly bond. Despite her repeated efforts to wanting to be alone and independent in her own life.
Extended Family:
— Evangeline's extended family includes a colorful cast of characters from both her Argentinean-Cuban and Dominican heritage. From doting grandparents to fun-loving aunts, uncles, and cousins, her family gatherings are always filled with laughter, love, and lively conversation. Despite the cultural differences between her parents' backgrounds, Evangeline cherishes the unique blend of traditions and customs that make up her diverse family tree.
—Evangeline's likes and dislikes
1. Disney Movies: Films such as “Moana” and “The Little Mermaid” bring a level of vibrant visuals, storytelling and memorable soundtracks (she enjoys different types of movies & series as well)
2. Dogs: She enjoys the loyalty and joy animals can bring into someones life
3. Family & Friendships: She cherishes the close bonds she shares with her parents, siblings, and extended relatives. She also values the friendships she has cultivated over the years, finding strength, support, and laughter in others.
4. Music: Evangeline has a diverse taste in music, but she has a special fondness for Latin music artists like Natti Natasha and others who celebrate the rhythms and melodies of her cultural heritage.
5. Photography: Evangeline has a keen eye for capturing moments of beauty and wonder through photography. Whether she's exploring new landscapes, documenting cultural events, or simply capturing everyday moments with her loved ones
6. Creative Expression: Whether it's through dance, art, music, or photography, Evangeline finds joy and fulfillment in creative expression.
1. Horror Movies: While Evangeline appreciates a good story, she prefers to avoid horror movies altogether. The suspense, jump scares, and graphic content unsettle her, leaving her feeling anxious and on edge rather than entertained.
2. Messy Environments: Evangeline thrives in clean and organized spaces, so she dislikes clutter, chaos, and disarray. A messy apartment or workspace can make her feel stressed and overwhelmed, prompting her to tidy up and restore order as soon as possible.
3. Big Crowds: Despite her personality, Evangeline feels uncomfortable in large crowds or crowded spaces. The noise, congestion, and lack of personal space can be overwhelming for her, making her prefer smaller gatherings or more intimate settings.
4. Heavy Snow: Growing up in a coastal town with temperate weather, Evangeline is not a fan of heavy snowfall or extremely cold winters. She finds the cold temperatures and slippery conditions inconvenient and uncomfortable, longing for warmer climates and sunny skies instead.
5. Cold Coffee: As a coffee lover, Evangeline enjoys her daily dose of caffeine, but she can't stand the taste of cold or lukewarm coffee. She prefers her coffee piping hot and freshly brewed, savoring the rich aroma and bold flavor with each sip.
6. Loud Chewers: Evangeline is sensitive to sounds, especially loud or repetitive noises like chewing. She finds the sound of loud chewers distracting and irritating, preferring a quiet and peaceful environment when enjoying meals or snacks.
7. Injustice: Evangeline has a strong sense of justice and fairness, so she dislikes witnessing or experiencing injustice in any form. Whether it's discrimination, inequality, or acts of cruelty, she feels compelled to speak out and advocate for positive change.
8. Wasting Food: Having grown up in a close-knit community where resources were valued and shared, Evangeline dislikes wasting food. She believes in mindful consumption, minimizing food waste, and appreciating the abundance of nourishing food available to her.
—Her small story
At 15 years old, Evangeline Villanueva experienced a life-altering event that set her on a path of curiosity and self awareness.
Living in the United States at the time, she found herself amidst a heated argument at a friend's house just a week after her birthday. As tempers flared and voices rose, the chaos peaked with an overwhelming surge of emotion from Evangeline.
Unleashing a primal scream, she shattered the silence and a nearby window, sending glass shards flying and leaving everyone in shock, including herself.
Her parents, Diana and German, rushed to the scene, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of their daughter's newfound abilities. They were deeply loving and supportive but chose to handle the situation on their own, without seeking outside help. Her brother on the other hand decided to take a step towards trying to help his young sister however never found a true answer, despite all of the love he had for her.
It just wasn’t in his favor, in none of there favors it seemed.
Their efforts to normalize Evangeline's life worked for a while, but as months passed, their confidence waned, and Evangeline felt increasingly isolated.
Seeking refuge from her turbulent emotions, Evangeline often visited the beach, where the rhythmic waves provided a soothing backdrop. It was in this tranquil setting that she began to explore the extent of her abilities, start testing her control and finding moments of peace.
However, fear and confusion about her powers eventually led her to stop experimenting and focus instead on simply enjoying the calming presence of the ocean.
At 19, overwhelmed by uncertainty and the burden of her powers, Evangeline made the difficult decision to leave home. Adopting the alias Vani Armas, her great grandmother’s surname, she embarked on a journey across the world, seeking a sense of normalcy and belonging.
Despite her parents' wishes, she traveled through various towns and cities, ultimately finding a semblance of peace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the age of 23.
In Rio, Evangeline found a job at a small shop that sold trinkets and also served as a café and restaurant. She enjoyed the vibrant culture, the beaches, and the music, which reminded her of home.
Here, she rarely used her powers, preferring to keep them hidden.
Occasionally, she would use a small whistle to catch a dog’s attention or subtly manipulate water in a glass, but she avoided drawing attention to herself.
One evening, Evangeline was invited to a house party by a co-worker, Lorena, near the De Costa side of the city. The party was lively until a gang of thieves broke in, seeking to steal valuables and take hostages.
As chaos erupted and Lorena was about to be assaulted, Evangeline’s fear and anxiety culminated in a piercing scream that shattered glasses and forced the thieves to retreat in pain.
Her scream, mixed with fear and a desperate plea for help, temporarily incapacitated the thieves. Some fled, while others attempted to gather what they could. The police arrived soon after, arresting the thieves and questioning Lorena’s younger brother, Hector, who seemed to be the cause of the intrusion.
The incident left Evangeline physically and emotionally drained, her throat sore from the powerful scream. She stayed home for a few days, drinking warm beverages to soothe her voice and avoiding work.
On the third night, a knock on her door brought an unexpected visitor: a tall woman with long grey-white curly hair, rich dark skin, and warm brown eyes, dressed in a fine yet casual outfit.
The woman introduced herself as Ororo, known to many as Storm.
That’s all folks (for now)! Please let me know what you think about her and any thoughts you have
Remember to like, comment and share with your friends!
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Ep. 1941 Richard Dolan: New Book: USOs!
Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Richard Dolan is with us to give us an update on what is going on with his research... and an announcement on his new book on USOs!!!
Richard Dolan is one of the best known UFO researchers in the world. He is the author of several groundbreaking books in the field, opening up fresh ways of understanding this perplexing subject.
These include his large two-volume history, UFOs and the National Security State, which has permanently altered our understanding of the history of UFOs and the government coverup. He is also co-author of “A.D. After Disclosure,” which opened up a new conversation on how UFO Disclosure could take place and what that might mean for the world. His book “UFOs for the 21st Century Mind” (recently revised and expanded) remains the best single volume to discuss the full range of the UFO subject in all its complexity. His book “The Alien Agendas” adds to his unique contributions, being one of the few attempts to analyze the beings behind the UFO phenomenon by examining the long history of our encounters with them.
Richard has done countless television shows, conference appearances, podcasts, and interviews around the world. In addition to ongoing book projects, he actively contributes to his website, RichardDolanMembers.com, which is home to a large and active UFO community.
Air date: February 27, 2024
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pyramultimuse · 3 months
@fxckin-blackbeard closed starter with merman!Sephiroth
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Mermaids were some of the most common stories of sailors and pirates. Beautiful women of the sea with enchanting songs that would hypnotize sailors into diving into the water and end up drowning. But what of mermen? There had to be some, but why did no one talk about them? They were solitary creatures that prefered the quiet depths.
In those depths there were earthquakes and eruptions, movement of the very earth that stirred up the water so much that created tsunamis. The coast that the port had been recently washed over by a great wave. Many buildings flooded, some completely swept away, the docks were in shambles, it was a catastrophe. But the port had only got his with the end of the disaster. A monotoned merman had been caught in the initial eruption at the bottom of the ocean. The underwater blast swept him away that was impossible to escape.
The change in pressure as he came up from the deep sea made him sick, the churning current pounded at his body and when he did reach the surface, he was bludgeoned and cut from debris and broken wood from man made objects getting swept up by the sea. Sephiroth unconscious when the water reseeded and the ocean stilled, he lay on the sandy and rocky cove by what remained of the port. His body battered and bloodied was partially submerged at the water's edge, the gills on his ribcage would flare open when the water washed over them then close as he was not used breathing with his lungs. The beautiful man of the sea was barely hanging on.
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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Have Researchers Found Amelia Earhart’s Long-Lost Plane?
A new sonar image shows an airplane-shaped object resting on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, not far from where Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, went missing in 1937.
On July 2, 1937, pioneering pilot Amelia Earhart vanished somewhere over the Pacific Ocean near the end of her historic around-the-world flight. For decades, her mysterious disappearance has perplexed explorers, who have spent millions of dollars trying to find her missing Lockheed 10-E Electra plane.
Now, a possible new clue has emerged in the case: A sonar image captured during an expedition last fall shows an airplane-shaped object sitting on the ocean floor, not far from where experts believe Earhart likely crashed, reports the Wall Street Journal’s Nidhi Subbaraman.
The blurred object is far from definitive proof, but Dorothy Cochrane, an aeronautics curator at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, tells Smithsonian magazine it’s “an intriguing image” that warrants a second look.
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The expedition was led by Tony Romeo, who is a former intelligence officer with the U.S. Air Force, a pilot and a commercial real estate investor from South Carolina. In 2021, he sold his real estate properties and spent $11 million to fund the trip, including buying high-tech equipment to aid in the search.
“This has been a story that’s always intrigued me, and all the things in my life kind of collided at the right moment,” Romeo tells Business Insider’s Katherine Tangalakis-Lippert and Rebecca Rommen. “I was getting out of real estate and looking for a new project, so even though I really started about 18 months ago, this was something I’ve been thinking and researching for a long time.”
Last September, a team from the exploration company Deep Sea Vision, which Romeo founded, departed from Tarawa, Kiribati, in the South Pacific aboard a research vessel. Working in 36-hour shifts, the 16-person crew used an underwater autonomous vehicle equipped with sonar to scour the sea floor, scanning roughly 5,200 total square miles.
About 90 days into the trip, the team was reviewing sonar images and noticed something unusual in the data from some 60 days prior. The mysterious object looked to be about the same shape and size as an aircraft, and it was identified roughly 100 miles from Howland Island, which is within the region where experts think Earhart’s plane went down. The object is around 16,400 feet below the water’s surface.
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By then, however, the crew had determined it was too late to return to the site for a closer look. The camera on the underwater vehicle was also broken, which meant they wouldn’t be able to see anything if they did circle back, reports the Post and Courier’s Tony Bartelme.
But Romeo is undeterred and hopes to revisit the area in the future.
“This is maybe the most exciting thing I’ll ever do in my life,” he tells the Wall Street Journal. “I feel like a 10-year-old going on a treasure hunt.”
In the meantime, the sonar image is not detailed enough for experts to draw any definitive conclusions.
“It definitely appears to be an aircraft of some sort,” David Jourdan, who has searched three times for Earhart’s missing plane and is the co-founder and president of the ocean exploration company Nauticos, tells the Post and Courier. “It has aircraft-like features. But sound is funny. It can mislead you. We can’t say it’s her plane until you put a camera on it.”
To truly identify the object, future missions would ideally capture detailed images that contain the registration number of the plane, says Cochrane. Or, at the very least, they might more clearly show the submerged object’s dimensions and shape to see if it matches the model of Earhart’s vehicle.
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“It really requires further research,” says Cochrane. “Finding something that’s really worth investigating further is step one. Verifying it’s the actual craft is step two. And step three becomes: Is it possible to recover this or not, or should it just be left where it is?”
At the time of her disappearance, Earhart was a global celebrity—speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Romeo likens her to Taylor Swift today. In June 1928, Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (as a passenger of pilots Wilmer Stultz and Lou Gordon), a feat that propelled her to international stardom.
Nearly four years later, in May 1932, she made history again by becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Later that year, she became the first woman to fly solo across North America and back. And in 1935, she became the first person, regardless of gender, to fly solo from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Oakland, California.
In the summer of 1936, the renowned pilot began to plan her most ambitious trip yet: a circumnavigation of the globe. On May 20, 1937, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, departed from Oakland for the first leg of the trip. They flew nearly 22,000 miles, making stops in Miami, South America, Africa and India along their eastward route.
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By late June, they had made it to Lae, Papua New Guinea. After a few days’ rest, they departed for Howland Island, a small, uninhabited outcrop in the Pacific where a refueling station had been built for their journey. The U.S. Coast Guard had a vessel, the Itasca, stationed nearby to help with the landing.
Operators aboard the Itasca heard Earhart’s radio messages as she got closer and closer to the island. But eventually, they lost contact. Earhart and Noonan were never seen or heard from again.
The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard spent 16 days searching for the missing duo without success. About one and a half years later, on January 5, 1939, Earhart was declared dead.
Theories abound about her mysterious disappearance—some onlookers have speculated that she was a spy or that she was captured by a foreign military. But Cochrane believes the simplest explanation is the most plausible: that Earhart and Noonan ran out of fuel near Howland Island.
“She’s got to be around there somewhere,” she adds.
By Sarah Kuta.
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nichoskittycorner · 1 year
 The Siren's Call (A K smut)
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>> Its mating season for sirens and K, after going through several seasons without a partner finally sets out to find one. On his journey to find a mate, he stumbles into a human stranded on a deserted island. Although derailed from his original objective, he can still make the best of this 
>> siren!K, breeding kink, sirens have two dicks in this universe, so yes dp (double penetration), unprotected sex, human fem reader, sex on the beach (well a deserted island), a little bit of pet names and name calling 
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: I had such a long road finishing this so once again, I'm closing my eyes and tossing it out there -
   K doesn't know how many years, or how many mating seasons he's spent alone. Which is absolutely miserable as a siren in his prime. Not in an 'I'm super lonely' but an 'I desperately need to breed to the point that it's painful' sort of way.
  He's tried everything from trying to ignore it, isolating, even trying to jerk off or rut against things to help. Nothing worked. He knew he would need to actually breed this time. 
  The only issue was that K never could find a mate in time. Mostly because he was distracted and forgot he needed to prepare a nest and prepare a mating dance and gifts and- 
  And just the thought had K already dozing off again. So much so, that as he floated aimlessly in the water, he didn't realize how close he had drifted to land. 
  Not that he was concerned though, this island was deserted. A little patch of land that was mostly sand and a few patches of vegetation. He was familiar with this land mass though since it was close to his underwater home. 
  Poking his head out of the water, he took in his surroundings. Looks like a storm had just passed as the scent of rain still lingered in the air and some grey clouds loomed off in the distance. 
  Since he was so close to the land, he could just relax on the sand for a bit and soak in the warm midday sun before heading back down. And probably get assaulted with the pheromones of horny sirens all around him. 
  His eyes rolled at the thought. Dipping back into the water, he swam quickly to the shore. Although he enjoyed the water, there was something so relieving about the sun. 
  Still, he dragged himself onto the beach, allowing his tail to still occasionally be submerged by the incoming tide, and laid on his back. Closing his eyes in relief. 
  Some time had to have passed, K knew it because the sun was lower in the sky by the time he woke up. It wasn't his intention to sleep but he did. And it wasn't his intention to have a body sprawled on top of himself, practically lifeless. 
  His initial reaction was panic- throwing the body off of him and scooting to the side. His breathing quickened but he regained his composure. Now he could think more clearly. 
  Scooting closer, he poked the stomach of the limp body. Actually surprised when it twitched in response, the twitch turned into a full-on coughing fit. 
  K was spooked but also couldn't bring himself to just disappear as he usually did around humans. Instead of just watching, he instead patted their shoulder with an outstretched arm. 
  After a few moments of this and spitting up water, they stopped. Opening their eyes, to meet K's. 
  It was a surreal moment. It was a long time since K has seen a human this close, much less a girl. And he could only assume you have never seen a siren either. 
  The staring contest continued for a while. No one wants to break the silence for fear of having to actually provide answers of some kind. 
  You broke the eye contact first. You might as well have died in that storm and this was your Heaven. Stuck on a deserted island with a beautiful man- well… he had scales, fins, and even a tail for the lower half of his body. 
  So most likely not a man. A siren? Or merman? You didn't know the difference and didn't care. 
  "Are you, alright?" K asked the girl, a tinge of worry in his voice. 
 You jumped in surprise. You could understand him?! And he was talking to you?? How strange. "Oh yes, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me-" 
  Oh… guess I did do that. K didn't even register that he kinda saved you but also not really. But it wouldn't matter now. You were stuck on this island together and you had nowhere else to go. 
  "Are you real?" You don't know why that question came to mind but it did. Not like there was much else to do around here. 
  "Of course I'm real?!-" K was about to let himself spiral into confusion but stopped himself. Something in his mind told him to hold his tongue. 
  "Really? Wow… So what do sirens do? Just swim around?" 
  K almost laughed but something stirred and twitched inside of him. "Well sometimes. Right now it's mating season so everyone is fucking and getting pregnant and stuff." 
  He spoke nonchalantly and leaned back, digging his elbows into the sand. And like this, you could see his perfectly sculpted abs on display. Partly sparkling from the ocean water and a mysterious glittery substance. 
  They were just sparkly abs, why were you so flustered?! But you needed to answer him with something. "Oh, so what are you doing here? Don't you have a mate to get to?" The question left your lips as you fiddled with your long, but now tattered skirt. 
  "You would think, but it doesn't work for me. Plus I'm not ready to have children yet." 
  "So you don't want to have sex?" 
  "No! I do but-" K started to burn up with embarrassment. He didn't know how to respond. Yes, I do want to fuck but no one wants to fuck me cause x,y,z…
  "Are you scared to have sex, or do you just not know how to?" Why you couldn't stop asking these questions is beyond you. 
  "I do know how! And I do want to!" K was only getting hotter and hotter with every answer. He knew they came from a genuine curiosity but his body still had him burning up. 
  You were confused. So this gorgeous, mythical man both wanted to and apparently knew how to mate but just wasn't? That was baffling. 
  You wanted to ask if he was afraid of other sirens or mating with them. But another question slipped out before you could stop it. "Do you want to try with me?" 
  That froze both of you. How did you let such a reckless thought come out!? 
 "Ah! I'm sorry, that was stupid! Ignore that-" 
  The siren was practically all red where he wasn't covered in scales. "It's fine it's just…  are you sure? I'm sure human mating is different-" 
  Oh, right. That was a possibility especially because he didn't seem to have any… parts.
 He was taking this offer seriously. It didn't help that your mind was probably all over the place. Both from the storm, the shipwreck, and learning sirens were real and you were stuck on this island. 
  "What else can I do honestly? I'm trapped, you're probably horny, you're hot, why not?" 
 Well, somehow your suggestion seemed to take off. After saying that and the siren, who told you his name was K, gave you some warnings about siren anatomy- you found yourselves tangled in a heated makeout. 
  Lips, tongues, and teeth clashed as hands roamed each other's bodies. You did have to remove most of your clothing yourself so K didn't tear it apart and make them unwearable. 
  Using your dress as a makeshift towel, you were stripped down, laying on your back with K on top of you. Pressing your hips together as he laid kisses along your jawline and neck.  A hand laid on your bare breast as he squeezed down. 
  K had seemed fine at first but suddenly he turned into a panting and whimpering mess. Releasing your chest, and running it along your body until it rests on your hips. 
  As you caught your breath, you looked to see what was causing K to react in such a way. The smooth scales of his tail had started to split, revealing what you could only assume was his cock based on his earlier explanation. 
  It was long and girthy and seemed to be covered in slime- or a natural lube. You were all eyes on him, only being brought back when his lips reattached to your neck, kissing and nibbling on the sensitive skin. 
  As his sharp teeth were gently biting down, he used a free hand to spread your legs further. Dragging his fingers along your inner thighs, circling around over and over again until it landed on your heat. 
  Pressing his thumb against your clit and circling around it slowly, at the same time he was moving his hips up and down, teasing his cock and the length against you but never entering at this point. 
  The sensation made you squirm under him as a whine-like sound was released. "Stop teasing!" 
  Upon hearing your words, he decided to oblige. Your only warning was the smirk on his lips that you felt on your neck. 
  The head of his cock pressed up against your entrance and pushed inside. In one swift movement, he buried all of himself inside of you. 
  He slipped in so easily, whether that was because of your wetness or his, it didn't matter. The moan you let out was loud but it was drowned out by the sound of the ocean waves. 
  After a few moments, his hips started to move. Slowly at first before quickly gaining speed and strength. 
  K thought he knew what this sex thing was about and how it worked. He's slept with other sirens before. But this was much different. You were tight and wet, the sounds of your skin slapping together and the lewd noises were driving him insane. 
  A deep grunt left his lips with each thrust, swallowed up when your lips reconnected. His tongue played around with yours as his finger continued to work your clit. 
  Your hips buckled and chased both his hand and his cock as he drove you deeper into the sand. Moaning and holding on so tightly to his back, you're almost certain he would have marks remaining. 
  It was hard to believe one minute you were on a cruise ship and the next a storm rolled in and now you're fucking a stranger. A hot, somewhat odd, mythical creature of a stranger but still. 
  A mewl-like groan left his lips as he stopped his strokes. You would've thought he came but you felt nothing inside. That's when the mewl turned into a growl. 
 The sound alone sent shivers down your spine. But that quickly melted when you felt something else poking at your entrance. Wait K is still inside… what is that? 
  Looking down your eye caught sight of another long slender shaft. You wanted to rub your eyes to clear your confusion. 
  It was only slightly smaller in girth than the first and rested against your core. Without a word, K pushed your legs to spread them further and started to kiss your neck. 
  The sensation made you forget the bizarre sight before you. Your hips start to move again as you let your mind drift into the sensation. K kissed up to your ear before nibbling on it softly. 
  "You can handle both, right princess?" Both?! What was he planning here?! 
  But your mind was betrayed as your body only pressed closer to his. Reconnecting your lips, he pulled out slowly leaving the tip in before the head of his other cock snuck its way in and caused you to cry out. 
  Even though it was just the tips, you've never been stretched so much. A slight ting of pain radiated through your body before it quickly faded. Was this siren magic? 
   As you relaxed around him, K pushed himself in further. Filling you out and feeling him in places you've never known could've been reached. If you weren't flooded by pleasure you would be worried about him ruining your insides. Although, the slight bulge on your stomach from his size would say you should feel otherwise.
  His thrusts picked up speed in no time, aided by your wetness. You couldn't stop yourself from bucking and chasing his cocks. Moaning his name and clenching down on him. 
  K let out a hiss and held you down by your hips, fucking you without mercy. "You're taking my cocks so well princess. I knew you could do it." His smooth tone is in high contrast to the roughness of his movements. 
  Even if you knew what you wanted to say, nothing came to mind as he only kept thrusting. Nothing but how good he was making you feel, how deeply you could feel him, how you only wanted more of him. 
  You could feel your orgasm building closer. Hell, it was a surprise it wasn't already here. Hips rolling, pussy dripping, loud moans a testament to the pleasure over taking you. 
  "K… I'm close." Your only thought came out strained as you tried to focus, but you were already bordering on cock drunk and couldn't think. It seems he could agree as his thrusts started to get uneven.
  " Hm, you think so princess?" He tried to steady himself and bit down on your sweet spot to ground his mind. "Want me to breed you, fill you up nice and good huh?" 
  Your legs wrapped around his hips in response. Even if humans and sirens couldn't have children, all you cared about now was having him stuff you full of his cum as a reminder of him. 
  "I see. I'll make sure you have my babies. Doesn't that sound nice princess? Being full of my cum-" 
  You let out a whimper and threw your head back, almost begging him to make good on his words. "Please! Yes! Please breed me already!" 
  K let out a chuckle, a sound that only made you shiver before he pounded into you harder. Each connection of your hips shakes you to your core. 
  You held on tightly to his broad shoulders as he kept his pace up, and before you could make sense of it, your orgasm hit. 
  Stars instantly filled your vision as you quaked, clenching down and spasming as cries of pleasure rang in the air. Seeming to bring K right along with you, the sounds of your moans made the ocean silent to you both. 
  His hot cum filled you up in no time, stuffed full and dripping out of your fucked out cunt. You could've even sworn you felt his seed reach your womb. The thought only made you more satisfied. 
   Your breathing was heavy as well as the sirens that was now splayed out on top of you. Well that and still inside you. But he was still very much conscious, whispering sweet nothings in between kisses on your burning skin. 
  As he pulled out slowly, you couldn't help but whine at the empty feeling. You sat up and pouted but K just laughed and pulled you into his arms. 
  "Don't worry princess, I made good on my promise." Even after all that, you still had the capacity to get shy and hid your face but it only made him laugh more.
  Eventually, the banter died down and the two of you remained cuddled up on the sand of this deserted island, watching the sun finally sink below the horizon. 
  At that moment you sprang up, the reality of your situation coming in full force. "Oh my god! I'm fucking stranded! How am I gonna get back home?!" 
  You nearly burst into tears at the thought but were only met with a pat on the head. A nonchalant but comforting gesture from your… well you didn't know what he was to you at that moment. 
  "Princess relax. I'll help you get home. But only when you want to go home." His eyes were sincere as he opened his arm back up to you, letting you rejoin him. 
  "Thank you… but ah what do you mean, when I want to?" 
  K only smiled before kissing you deeply, holding the contact for a few moments and pulling away. The sincerity now replaced with a burning but sensual glow. 
  "It's still mating season Princess." 
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anxious-witch · 10 months
Uh. I have no excuse for this one, it's partially inspired by that bojere painting ajd partially by me watching The Pieces Series on tiktok.
Weird time/reality travel, bojere, blood, temporary character death(kind of)
Bojan stared at painting, willing himself to make sense of the shapes and colors he was seeing. To see anything, but achingly familiar painting.
No. It couldn't be him. It couldn't be Jere.
He stared at year written under the painting. 1932.
-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . -- . -- -... . .-. ..--..
A brush tapping on the table as he chewed om his lip. The painting was almost finished. It was just missing something. Something like-
"Are you painting again?" Jere said, leaning his head on his shoulder, "Oh! It's the one where you dream of me, huh?"
Bojan laughed, putting the brush aside and turning around, smiling at him.
"I am always dreaming of you."
Jere cupped his cheek, soft smile on his face.
"You are so funny. My Joker man."
.--. .-.. . .- ... . / .-. . -- . -- -... . .-.
Bojan stumbled a step, swaying on his feet. Strong hands stedied him.
"Whi, Jokerman! Easy."
He stared at Jere's eyes. Shokingly, electricly blue. Blue like-
-.. --- -. .----. - / ..-. --- .-. --. . - / -- .
-blue like the sky. Bojan was not going to let this piece of the sky dull out and dye. He would not.
"Just hang on a bit longer. If I can get you to Nace, he can heal-"
"Bojan," Jere said quietly.
Too quietly. He sounded too tired, too hopeless. Like he was giving up.
"It's the end of the line. We both knew it was coming."
Bojan felt as if he was ripping his heart out of his chest. The villain stood dead few meters away and it meant nothing? What was the point if he didn't have Jere with him after?
"The prophecy-"
"Fuck the prophecy! I am not letting you go."
A thought came to mind, equally beautiful and horrfying.
"The artifact," Bojan whispered, looking at the body of a villain. The one still clutched in his hand.
The one with the ability to travel time and dimensions.
"Bojan-" Jere tried to interrupt, but he choked instead coughing blood.
Fear siezed Bojan's chest and he breathed out harshly.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I can't lose you."
Then he went to retrieve the artifact. It resembled a clock, except it also had years and to the side, numbers of what Bojan could only assume were dimensions. Currently, they were at number 2.
He turned the clock back.
.-. . -- . -- -... . .-. / .... --- .-- / .-- . / --. --- - / .... . .-. .
Bojan took in a lungful of air, feeling as if he was submerged underwater. He was shaking and Jere was holding him, his eyes wide and worried.
"What happened?"
Jere shook his head.
"I don't know. You almost collapsed and then you started shaking."
He remember the hallucination so clearly. It felt so real. Jere's blood was sticky and smelled of cooper. Power underneath his skin was drumming, he could almost feel echo of it.
"I don't know either," he said, "Can we just please go home?"
Jere furrowed his brows. He scanned his face, as if trying to gauge something on his face.
In the end, he just nodded.
Bojan kept his arm around him, almost afraid that if he let go, Jere would disappear. As they made their way out of the museum, Bojan shivered and put his hand in his coat pocket.
There, his hand closed around an object, shaped like a clock. A completely different shiver went through him.
"Alright?" Jere asked again, still looking worried.
Bojan forced a smile.
"Yeah. As long as you are here with me."
As much as he tried not to even think about cold, smooth metal under his fingertips, part of him knew that if he looked at it, number would have shifted to number 1.
.-. . -- . -- -... . .-. .. -. --. / .... . .-.. .--. ... / ..- ... / -. --- - / .-. . .--. . .- - / - .... . / ... .- -- . / -- .. ... - .- -.- . ...
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