#underrated duo tbh. love the hope boys
the-local-scp · 1 month
I feel like when Makoto initially met Kamukura they were sat in a room together. just waiting. silence. this went on for however long. hours, maybe even half a day.
waiting. waiting. waiting to see who's gonna crack first. There's nothing there to entertain, just those 2. And i cannot stress enough, Makoto won't be the first to break. He can sit across from Kamukura, not even fidget in his seat, and stare. Kamukura is almost a weird reflection of himself in the sense he was meant to be hope. Could that have been Makoto?
Kamukura is bored. But he also knows he's trapped. Makoto is stubborn, and none of Kamukura's talents could outlast him. Kamukura almost wants to make a run for it, just to see what will happen. The room they're in wasn't locked, he could force Makoto to chase.... but running is boring. One of them will have to do something soon, and it won't be Makoto. That's something Kamukura is sure of.
It's odd, to be face to face with the person who succeeded in being what you were supposed to be. All that surgery, all those hands literally inside your head, and you still failed. It's.... unsettling. Kamukura is unsettled. the way Makoto is unmoved, unbothered.... the way his eyes shine with something Kamukura inherently lacks..
Makoto is everything Hajime wanted to be. Makoto is everything Kamukura was supposed to be. Nagito may literally be just a more fucked up version of makoto, but there's only 2 people who are recognized as ultimate hope. Makoto and Kamukura.
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starlit-sunsets · 3 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9? if I could I’d ask for all the questions lmao
Alright let's go!! This is so so late I'm sorry sdlkfksd
Tbh I've got nothing but desert duo and clingy duo fics since they're all I've been thinking about for the past year...
1.) Favorite fic you’ve ever read?
I recently found wait for me (i'm comin' too) by cacowhistle, and it is amazing. I'm such a sucker for 3rd/Last Life fics that deal with the Hermitcraft 8 aftermath because there's so much potential! I'd imagine that transferring from a hellscape back to your idyllic home would mess you up in some way, haha.
The fic itself is a one-shot, which is great for my 1-second attention span. It's like the perfect mixture of lightheartedness and angst. Makes me happy whenever I read it :) 100/10 would recommend!
3.) Fic that made you laugh?
ashes to ashes, dust to dust (the devil's after both of us) by goathorn is absolutely lovely.
It retells the moments leading up to the 3rd Life finale duel, and some parts are lighthearted in a bittersweet way. Their banter seems natural and just as funny as in the actual vids, so that back and forth made me laugh!
4.) Fic that made you cry?
i'm what's left when children go to war by citrus_cola absolutely destroyed me. I had to like. Lie down after reading it
It's a fic following Tommy and Tubbo through a war (the setting isn't in the DSMP). And BOY is it sad, but beautifully written. The angst is countered by tiny bits of happiness and hope, and then the angst punches you in the gut again. The ending is definitely something else. Whoo.
Plus, the title is a lyric from Pray by The Amazing Devil, which got me into the band! I love them.
5.) Fic that completely changed the way you thought about a character?
This one's kind of hard, but I'd probably say Songbirds, Snakes, and Bees by MVickery? It's a DSMP Hunger Games fic set in Tubbo's POV, and let's just say I never thought he could be so competently dangerous as in that fic HAHA
But honestly my favorite character type is the seemingly innocent one who could kick your ass, so this was perfect.
7.) Favorite underrated fic?
maybe this is where it ends by BananasofThorns. Ok I actually don't know how popular it is compared to others but I just like it ok!! Ever since Grian turned red in Last Life, I really wanted him to go confront Scar. And while he actually did, I love how it went in this fic! It's cool that we get two chapters, each from Grian's or Scar's perspective. So it's DOUBLE the pain!
9.) Favorite scene from a fic?
From the end of now take what I offer (it's a bearable bruise) by BananasofThorns:
"In the space between one breath and the next, the life transfers, lantern cracking beneath his palm. As he pulls away, the broken edges soften and elongate until he’s holding a single, acid green feather. Smiling bitterly, he tucks it behind Scar’s ear and pulls his mask back down."
THIS. ENTIRE Last Life fic has got me in shambles, but this particular part is beautiful. I love imagining the soul lantern (Scar's life indicator) transforming into a feather (I'm assuming Grian's life indicator) because it seems so mystical.
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fcb-mv33 · 3 years
The balance was off between Pierre and Max as teammates because Max and Pierre's numbers didn't match I said what I said -
3 & 33, Danny Ric and Max, beloved Maxiel, still missed and mourned, forever iconic
23 & 33, the one and only Alex Albon and Max, the beyond underrated yet hilarious and icon duo, a personal fav I miss them, they weren't appreciated enough as teammates when we had them
And now 1 & 11, Max and Checo, practically predestined because they were icon before their numbers matched, absolute legends, worth their weight in gold the pair of them
We don't know who'll get what seat next year but if it isn't Checo at Redbull (I really hope he retains his seat), I don't think it should be Pierre, he fits at Alpha Tauri but he doesn't seem to click in with the red bull team. He's kind of fucking over his own career holding onto a team he doesn't suit and that doesn't suit him. They need to retain Checo and if not bring Alex back or Seb (I just think it'd be neat to have the two red bull golden boys under the same team and a guarantee of another year with Seb and seeing Seb come home but I'm biased lmao and well aware that as much as I love them both he and Max could be a diaster as teammates), maybe bring Yuki to the main team (or Mick to rescue him from Haas like it's really unrealistic but I can hope, he just needs away from the nameless driver but I don't think Ferrari is quite ready for him considering how well Carlos performed last year, I think he definitely surpassed their expectations which is making them rethink plans, but Mick regardless deserves a better teammate) but they need to stay away from Pierre because it could become a brocedes like situation quite quickly even though the Pierre isn't quite at Max's level, I can see him sacrificing the team for himself
Anon this theory is my new vibe I love it so much and lol I agree pls keep saying it cause like…so true😂🧡🧡
Max and Daniel will always be the best pair but Max and Alex or Checo are such a vibe, it's so easy and there is never any shit talk with either of them about Max or the team which keeps good harmony in the team I think. And I would ABSOLUTELY love to see Seb or Mick in that seat. And on here no ideas are unrealistic babe🥰
I think that Pierre really shouldn't get the seat back just because as you said I don't think he will vibe there and I think he could cause some problems for the team and especially Max. He will not be a number 2 driver but when compared to Max that is what he is. Max has earned his number 1 position at Red Bull since he stepped into that car and Pierre I think would not take at all to being number 2, and then dealing with the pressure....honestly Red Bull I don't think is the place for him and this attitude he has with getting the seat and talking about being better than Checo and Alex or seeing 'what they are going to do with Max' just really puts me off him tbh🤷🏼‍♀️
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actual-disaster-bi · 5 years
Okay this is very late, I was meant to post this days ago and forgot to but here's my Battle Of Winterfell thoughts:
I felt really bad for Sam during the entire episode but I also got kinda annoyed after his little speech last episode about how they need him to fight. I get it that it was war and he was scared, and rightfully so, but something about it just annoyed me.
I love how quite it is when they are waiting for the Night King and his army, it just adds to the tension and helps put people on edge.
Not gonna lie I was a little scared when The Hound and Gendry pushed through to the front, I really want my boys to live and going to the front isn't gonna help with that.
I'll never know how Davos knew that was Melisandre from that far away but I have been waiting to see her again. At least she tried to help them and, more importantly, light the goddamn screen so I could actually see. Honestly I thought Davos was straight up gonna kill her and I'm a bit sad that he didn't get to tbh cos I feel like he did deserve bit of revenge.
Seeing all the Dothraki swords go out was pretty intense, I honestly didn't expect them to go down like that and I didn't expect the survivors to come running back. After that you can just see everyone realise that they are fucked.
The intense moment of horror I felt when I saw Brienne go under was horrible, I seriously thought they had got her. I dunno what I would've done if she died.
Arya sending Sansa was so sad, you could see that Sansa didn't want to leave but in all honesty she wasn't much use up there if she can't fight. Sansa looked so lost when she went down to the crypts and even Tyrion looked at her with shame, they both know that they have no place upstairs, I really felt bad for them.
Edd dying really doesn't mean too much to be tbh, he was a good character but he wasn't that important to me.
The Unsullied sacrificing themselves to let the others get back inside the gates hurt me, after the way the North treated them they still gave their lives to save them. At least Greyworm survived.
Arya saving The Hound is so underrated, they two will always have each others backs and no one can convince me otherwise.
Thank fuck for Melisandre, at least she's helping them this time since the dragons fucked up and didnt light the wood. I gotta say the dragons really disappointed me this episode.
I feel really bad for Tyrion, he just wants to help but even Sansa has to admit that they are useless. I really enjoyed Sansa admitting that Tyrion isn't that bad but seriously, she wasn't saying anything bad about Dany. All she was saying was divided loyalties would be a problem so people can stop acting as if she was hating on Dany.
Bran telling Theon that he was home was so important. Theon needed to hear that even after everything he done, Winterfell is still his home and that he belongs there.
Gotta admit I was a bit impressed when the dead created a bridge of bodies to get over the fire, I didn't expect them to be that smart.
Braime fighting for each other and protecting each other this episode gave me life, also protecting their son Podrick as well. I'm so here for their little family surviving everything together.
The Hounds panic attack was one of my favourite scenes this episode, it really shows the big guys trams and it just proves how much Arya means to him. We was ready to just give up and die but when he knew Arya was in danger he had to save her. Honestly one of the best duos in this show.
Lyanna Mormont killing this giant hurt me so much. That little girl had more balls than most the characters on that show and if she was gonna go out she was gonna go out fighting. Even when she was dying she took out a giant, she is such a badass little queen who will be greatly missed.
Arya alone inside that castle was honestly more intense than most horror movies, that was definitely there to foreshadow her being able to sneak past the dead at the end of the episode to kill the Night King.
I'm sad to see Beric go but at least the guy will be at peace now, knowing he died for what he was meant to do. I knew he was gonna die but I kinda hoped Melisandre
I have been waiting for Ayra and Melisandre to meet again. I never took much notice of the eye thing but when she said that it all clicked and the little "not today" part was a reminder I didn't need. God I had forgot all about Syrio Forel and I really liked that little reference to season 1.
I knew that burning him wasn't going to work but I was hoping that Jon would go into the flames at one point. I want to see if he will be like Dany and not get burnt or if cos he's half stark it will kill him. I feel like this is where the Night King got a bit cocky and that's was his downfall, Dany's dragon didn't work and he thought he left Jon to die so he didn't see anyone else as threats, only obstacles.
I FUCKING KNEW THAT WOULD HAPPEN IN THE CRYPTS. I said this to my stepdad last week when they said they were gonna his people in the crypts, I knew it was gonna be a bad idea. He said to me it wouldn't happen cos they are decomposed, well fuck you it happened. I told you so.
I knew that Jorah was gonna die protecting Dany but I didn't expect him to fight until he was dead. That man was so loyal that he fought until his last breath (must be a Mormont thing) but seriously I'm gonna miss him. Even with his faults he was a great character.
Speaking of which Sansa and Tyrion (with no training) were prepared to die fighting for the people in the crypt. The little hand kiss bit got me, I really believe that they will grow closer after this.
Theon fighting even when he was the last man standing hurt me so much. I really hoped he wouldn't die and get a happy ending but I kinda expected him to die like this. He done amazing and he tried so hard to protect Bran, when Bran told him he was a good man I think that was what he needed to hear to know that it was okay to die. He gave everything to protect Bran and I hope Winterfell remembers him.
Jon giving up and screaming back at the dragon was so relatable for some reason? Honestly bro, me too.
ARYA KILLED THE NIGHT KING. MY GIRL DID IT AND IVE NEVER FELT SO PROUD. I never thought about her killing him till now but it makes so much sense, she has been training for this for years and has learned about death. I'm raging that I didn't realise it before but I'm happy that it wasn't Jon or Dany who done it cos it would've been too obvious.
Dany crying over Jorah was heartbreaking and I think it will definetly add to the Dark Dany that she is becoming now that she has lost her most loyal friend. Also Drogon trying to comfort her was a horrible thing to add, I was already sad I didn't need to see that.
Missadre being a dramatic bitch and dying like that. Davos was just pissed he wasn't the one to kill her.
I really enjoyed this episode and I'm surprised that more major characters didn't die, definitely not complaining tho. I really hope the next episodes give the chapters time to rest and have them meet their loved ones after the battle (Aka Gendrya and Braime). I also looking forward to seeing everyone's reactions when they find out that Arya killed The Night King.
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ncityzen · 6 years
Ship your mutuals w nct 👀
so…i’m so sorry for taking so long to write this but here it is. i had a bit of a dilemma because i didn’t really know who i should include and i really didn’t want to leave anyone out who’d possibly want me to do this so i’ve decided to turn this into some sort of ask game or whatever so if we’re mutuals and you aren’t tagged below, feel free to send me an ask and i will do this for you because believe me i most probably wanted to include you as well but i’m kind of tragic when it comes to socialising :((((((
also i hope you don’t mind but i’m changing this up a little bit and instead of shipping (i’d just “ship” you all with your biases tbh how can i not) i’m just going to say who i think you’d get along with so i guess it’s more like friends???? sorry again fsdkjlk
@lqcoups: lipi i remember i did something like this before but it was based on your appearance only so this time i’m gonna change it up a little and say mark!!! i know you love the canada boy and i think your personalities would go really well together i don’t know how to elaborate on that but believe me they would skfjlsjd this is what you get for being the person i know the best on here
@mawrklee: cat you have got to be one of the most adorable people on here so i’m going to say you’d get along well with taeyong!! you’re both really sweet people but at the same time very very funny at all the right moments and tbh i just want you to be treated with kindness which is exactly the kind of friend taeyong would be (believe me it took me a lot of effort not to say mark sjdklfjs)
@taeilrmoon maja you are so funny sometimes i’d like to take your tags/posts and give them to weekly idol or something (didn’t i tell you once sm should hire you??? you’re just really employable), and i know you enjoy doing sport which is why i’m saying either jaehyun or yuta!!! jaehyun is an underrated funny person and being his friend with your amazing wits could only be good to make his potential shine. yuta doesn’t need an explanation
@seoyoungho: hello to one of the funniest and kindest people ever?? just because of that i’m very tempted to say taeil!! i feel like you bring out the best in people and make everyone just feel instantly at ease which would go really well with taeil’s personality i think!! you’d both also make the greatest comedic duo ever johnny would be begging you to give him his title as the funny guy back
@cheolz: shivani my favourite smart and funny mutual there’s no doubt here and i’m gonna go with yuta. i feel like you both probably have a similar sense of humour, and you’re both very eloquent people i’d honestly love to hear you debating on stuff, not to mention the fact that you both like football, and although it is yet unknown if yuta likes barça (he has to or i’m disowning him) i believe in the force of your friendship and your great arguments to bring him to the side of truth
@berryjaelliaes millie the sweetest little thing out there omg i’m going to say you and jeno would be good friends!! i don’t know if you like cats but you seem like you do sdfjkls also you’re both very cute people who radiate nothing but happy energy and make people smile just by looking at them (or seeing you on my dash)
@qiankupid: i know we haven’t been mutuals for long but you’re on here because you’re an incredibly nice person and i love seeing you on my dash. it’s doyoung for you!! from what i’ve gathered from our time being mutuals you guys seem a bit similar! i thought you were really eloquent in that audio tag and very entertaining at the same time, you’re also very funny and doyoung is in my top 3 funniest nct members so i’m sure you’d both get along really well
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variabels · 6 years
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It’s a mess and I forgot some ships lol.
Link is shipped with 11 people, down 1 from last time. Peach with 8, one up from last time. Samus ties with her once again. Lucina's up to 7. Pit got 6 again and Marth’s tied with him. Obviously, Piranha plant is the most shipped since it’s shipped with everyone.
List and useless explanations:
OTP: Roy x Marth, they're my mains lol... But like, there's kind of an unintended story line with them. Roy was short in Melee but then he left in Brawl. Then he came back and was taller and different from Marth in 4. Now he's definitely taller in Ultimate and he's looking to be one of the best swordfighters in the game, it's kinda like Roy's proving himself to Marth. And now Marth's side taunt is "I won't lose!" just like Roy's. It's goes from Roy trying to be like Marth and looking up to him to him becoming Marth's equal. It was the first SSB ship I got into because of the "if you were gay" animation. And it's like the hottest ship in Smash Bros since Roy's really hot. Love: Mario x Pauline, I fucking forgot to put it. Mario x Peach, no explanation needed. Link x Zelda/Sheik, the fact that they're from different time lines made the ship more interesting. Link x Peach, I love it, it's cute and I love the idea of Peach having a crush on him. Link x Marth, it's hot, it's cute, you can have them love each other, hate each other. Underrated af. Link x Pit, I love rival ships. They're really cute together. Link x Ike, yeah, I love shipping Ike with short people. They're hot together. Kirby x Jigglypuff, they're both pink puffs. Kirby x Meta Knight, it's so cute. I headcanon Kirby as pretending to be a baby so that Sakurai treats him nicely when he's actually pretty mature and has fucked your mom. Ignore the last part. Luigi x Daisy, they need to get laid. Ness x Lucas, they're so cute together and they've got powers in common. Marth x Caeda, the only woman for Marth's heart. Lucina x Inigo, I always put them together in Awakening. Lucina x Shulk, futuuuuuuurrrrreeeeeeee!!!!!! Lucina x Samus, it's hot. Roy x Lilina, sometimes I forget that it's not canon. I headcanon that Roy's got a thing for blue hair and blue eyes. Chrom x Robin, they're perfect together. I can't play Awakening without having them get married. It makes the game so much better. Even the devs ship it. I'm so glad Robin can fight alongside her husband in Ultimate. Ike x Pit, now that PoR!Ike is back, it's better. They're really cute together. I think their personalities work great together. Ike x Soren, why isn't it canon? It's better than all the canon fe ships. If there's a RD remake, I hope it's possible to make them canon. Samus x Snake, it's a great ship. It doesn't feel as childish as Samus x Little Mac/Captain Falcon. Love it! Samus x Bayonetta, I really started shipping it when Bayo came out since they're both the most mature ladies in Smash. Samus x Palutena, hot. Bayonetta x Palutena, they adopted Kirby and Joker and now I ship them. Palutena x Lucina, the screenshot lol. Wii Fit x Little Mac, they're both fit. Cloud x Sephiroth, foe yay... Cloud x Tifa, Tifa's best girl. Diddy x Dixie, why is my girl not in smash? Like: Mario x Daisy, it's cute for when I want a break of the usual ships. Link x Corrin, anything with Link is cute. Link x Cloud, two hot blonds, add in some rivalry and you've got a hot ship. Link x Shulk, Link x anyone is cute. Link x Roy, I prefer them both with Marth but they're still cute together. Link x Lucina, I really ship Link with a shit ton of people. Fox x Falco, they have ho yay. Fox x Wolf, they have foe yay. Pikachu x Jigglypuff, kawaii. Luigi x Peach, look at Mario x Daisy. Peach x Bowser, Bowser's crush on Peach is cute okay... Peach x Daisy, tbh I think Peach would prefer this over the Mario bros. Peach x Pit, I can't remember why I ship it but it's cute. Zelda x Peach, hot. Zelda x Samus, hot. Marth x Pit, sometimes I want a Marth ship that's pure fluff and shitting on Link 24/7. Cloud x Marth, it's really hot. Lucina x Corrin, they're cute together. Lucina x Richter, echo x echo Ike x Roy, I once spoke to a person who shipped it and after thinking about it, it's pretty damn hot. Like SSBU could be seen as f**k Marth, Roy and Ike are the true ship. That's how Chrom happened. Game & Watch x R.O.B., 2D x real life, what could go wrong? Pit x Dark Pit, it's cute but I wish Dark Pit looked less like Pit but then it wouldn't really be dark Pit... Pit x Viridi, she's lying about her crush on Link, Cloud, Roy... I know you like him, Viridi! Samus x Captain Falcon, CF loves her. Samus x Little Mac, cute height difference. Samus x Wii Fit, hot. Mewtwo x Lucario, I like to think of them as the smart pokemon who have to deal with the other pokemon's shit. Sonic x Amy, my ship from when I was nine with one bonus year. Rosalina x Peach, hot. Wii Fit x Palutena, hot. Shulk x Robin, cute, I prefer it with M!Robin. Ryu x Ken, cute but I don't really know anything about Street Fighter. Inkling x Inkling, Candy's comics are cute but they're gone now Tolerate: Samus x Dark Samus, don't really know much about their relationship tbh. Ness/Lucas x Popo/Nana, they're kids but I don't really care about them. Peach x Wario, I read a fic once, it was pretty funny. Zelda x Ganondorf, eh... Ike x Cloud, I saw a pic once but haven't really explored it. Lucas x Toon Link, they both blond bois. Wolf x Isabelle, they're canines and I've seen it a bit on Tumblr. Red x Green, I don't know if they're actually supposed to be Red and Green. Mii x Mii Wii Fit Trainer x Wii Fit Trainer, fit. Dislike: Ike x Zelda, if you play Ike's games you know Ike x princesses doesn't work out. Roy x Lucina, doesn't click with me, Marth works better with Roy imo. Bayonetta x Pit/Dark Pit, it's weird because Bayo kills angels and the Pits look too young for her. Pit x Samus, there are better Samus ships than this. Ike x Samus, after playing Ike's games, I can't really ship him with any girls. Hate: The incest ships Link x Toon Link x Young Link, it's weird because of the age gaps. Marth x Peach, I don't like it romantically, but I like them as unexpected friends. Marth x Zelda, I headcanon that Marth hates her because of "stow your fears, it's now or never". Marth x Samus, Marth x any girl that isn't Caeda feels wrong tbh... Ike x Marth, despite shipping them with the same people, I hate them together. Pit x Palutena, she's more like his mom. Robin x Lucina, Robin's banging her dad so yeah... BROTP: Mario bros, of course. Pikachu and Samus, you know why. Pichu and Dark Pit, Candy's comics :3 Ike and Roy, they're bros. They went to the gym together and they trained Chrom. Snake and Isabelle, he protecc. Cloud and Isabelle, BROTP. Don't even try to hurt Isabelle in Cloud's presence. Bayonetta and Joker, she adopted him. OT3: Link x Marth x Roy, the Melee trio. It's hot and cute. Ike x Link x Pit, a mix of ho yay with a bit of foe yay :3 Any yuri combination Joke ships: Yoshi x Eggs Kirby/Ike/Dedede x Food, Marth x his tiara, GOAT Squirtle x soup, turtle soup to be specific Venusaur x Piranha Plant, they're plants Charizard x Fire Alph x Olimar R.O.B. x Marth's iPhone, Truly my greatest creation Villager x Money Mega Man x Chargers Greninja x Nerfs, better nerf Greninja Pac-Man x dots Duck Hunt Duo x Screentime in my fanfic Ridley x Confirmations K Rool x his crown, aka discount Marth x his tiara Incineroar x Catnip Piranha Plant x Everyone
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hayoonbiin · 6 years
It's long and I'm sorry, please lol
my ideal treasure debut group would be: (random order)
(it might contains grammar errors since English isn’t my first language)
yg please miss me with that b*llsh*t, i mean, treasure 5? at least make it a 7 membered(?) group.(Yes sweetie it should be members but I am still impressed <3 good job)  ugh there’s just so much talented boys there, all of them tbh! ok i’m not in charge of the real final line but i just really want yeongue to debut as well as yoonbin, their duo performance was AMAZING, the best one of the episode for me honestly. this list i’ve made, even if he debuts a group with only five members, i just really need some of them to debut, any one of them :’( it’s not that i’m biased or anything because, honestly, since yg x jyp battle with silver boys and stray kids last year, raesung, jaewoong, seunghoon and yedam has been my favorite as well as midam, jihoon and doyoung, they have been my biases ever since (and i’m really sad half of them aren’t on the show). but i just feel like the ones i’ve put on the list, like, i NEED them to make it, doesn’t matter which one is gonna make it, iㅡ idk omg. but, being honest, i feel like it’s gonna be yedam, junkyu, seunghoon, haruto, byounggon/hyunsuk if it’s treasure 5, if it’s treasure 6 i don’t really know and if it’s treasure 7 i guess it’ll be yedam, junkyu, haruto, seunghoon, jeongwoo, again byounggon/hyunsuk and maybe mashiho/keita or the one i think yg would least choose, my underrated king, ha Yoonbin. i think yg and people out there should really treasure yoonbin cuz he’s a god omg, his rap is one the best i’ve ever listened to on kpop, he has control of his breath and of his tone, he has swag and he has a really good and nice-to-listen-to style of rapping. i just love him so much and i wish he and yeongue could debut together :’( again, please don’t think i’m biased to any of the list just because i chose them, i just genuinely think they’ll would be a perfect match of talent for the group. thank you for your attention, sweetie. much love 💙
Firstly, for English to not be your first language I am thoroughly impressed. Secondly, I like your lineup, and your speculations of the final line up will be. I really hope that the line up is 6 but it seems YG made his decision way before this entire show started. I agree with the notion they all should debut but I do think some of them still need practice. 
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bojastrology-blog · 7 years
Underrated animes I think the signs would love
I love every one of these animes tbh
Aries: Kekkai Sensen - 12 Episodes (2nd season of same length coming out Oct 2017)
Supersonic monkeys, vampires, talking fishmen, and all sorts of different supernatural monsters living alongside humans—this has been part of daily life in Hellsalem's Lot, formerly known as New York City, for some time now. When a gateway between Earth and the Beyond opened three years ago, New Yorkers and creatures from the other dimension alike were trapped in an impenetrable bubble and were forced to live together. Libra is a secret organization composed of eccentrics and superhumans, tasked with keeping order in the city and making sure that chaos doesn't spread to the rest of the world. Pursuing photography as a hobby, Leonardo Watch is living a normal life with his parents and sister. But when he obtains the "All-seeing Eyes of the Gods" at the expense of his sister's eyesight, he goes to Hellsalem's Lot in order to help her by finding answers about the mysterious powers he received. He soon runs into Libra, and when Leo unexpectedly joins their ranks, he gets more than what he bargained for. Kekkai Sensen follows Leo's misadventures in the strangest place on Earth with his equally strange comrades—as the ordinary boy unwittingly sees his life take a turn for the extraordinary.
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Taurus: Mushishi - 46 Episodes (2 seasons)
"Mushi": the most basic forms of life in the world. They exist without any goals or purposes aside from simply "being." They are beyond the shackles of the words "good" and "evil." Mushi can exist in countless forms and are capable of mimicking things from the natural world such as plants, diseases, and even phenomena like rainbows. This is, however, just a vague definition of these entities that inhabit the vibrant world of Mushishi, as to even call them a form of life would be an oversimplification. Detailed information on Mushi is scarce because the majority of humans are unaware of their existence. So what are Mushi and why do they exist? This is the question that a "Mushishi," Ginko, ponders constantly. Mushishi are those who research Mushi in hopes of understanding their place in the world's hierarchy of life. Ginko chases rumors of occurrences that could be tied to Mushi, all for the sake of finding an answer. It could, after all, lead to the meaning of life itself.
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Gemini: Psychic Detective Yakumo - 11 Episodes
Haruka Ozawa's sophomore year is getting seriously scary. One of her friends is possessed, another has committed suicide and Haruka could be the next one to flunk the still-breathing test. Her only way out of this potentially lethal dead end? Yakumo Saito, an enigmatic student born with a mysterious red eye that allows him to see and communicate with the dead. But the deceased don't always desist and some killers are more than ready to kill again to keep dead men from telling any more tales. That doesn't stop Haruka's knack for digging up buried secrets, and there's even more evidence of bodies being exhumed by both Yakumo's police contact and an investigative journalist with a newly made corpse in her closet! Can this pair of anything but normal paranormal detectives solve the ultimate dead case files or will they end up in cold storage themselves? 
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Cancer: Is this a Zombie? - 22 Total Episodes (2 Seasons)
Not every zombie is the monstrous, brain-eating type. One night while walking home from the convenience store, regular high school boy Ayumu Aikawa is killed by a serial killer, and is just as suddenly brought back to life by a necromancer named Eucliwood Hellscythe. One small caveat: he's now a zombie. Things get even weirder for him when he accidentally steals a magical girl's uniform, and thus her powers! Haruna, the ex-magical girl, orders him to fight evil creatures known as Megalo in her place until they can figure out a way to get her powers back to her.
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Leo: Parasyte - 24 Episodes
All of a sudden, they arrived: parasitic aliens that descended upon Earth and quickly infiltrated humanity by burrowing into the brains of vulnerable targets. These insatiable beings acquire full control of their host and are able to morph into a variety of forms in order to feed on unsuspecting prey. Sixteen-year-old high school student Shinichi Izumi falls victim to one of these parasites, but it fails to take over his brain, ending up in his right hand instead. Unable to relocate, the parasite, now named Migi, has no choice but to rely on Shinichi in order to stay alive. Thus, the pair is forced into an uneasy coexistence and must defend themselves from hostile parasites that hope to eradicate this new threat to their species.
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Virgo: Terror in Resonance - 11 Episodes
Painted in red, the word "VON" is all that is left behind after a terrorist attack on a nuclear facility in Japan. The government is shattered by their inability to act, and the police are left frantically searching for ways to crack down the perpetrators. The public are clueless—until, six months later, a strange video makes its way onto the internet. In it, two teenage boys who identify themselves only as "Sphinx" directly challenge the police, threatening to cause destruction and mayhem across Tokyo. Unable to stop the mass panic quickly spreading through the city and desperate for any leads in their investigation, the police struggle to act effectively against these terrorists, with Detective Kenjirou Shibazaki caught in the middle of it all. Zankyou no Terror tells the story of Nine and Twelve, the two boys behind the masked figures of Sphinx. They should not exist, yet they stand strong in a world of deception and secrets while they make the city fall around them, all in the hopes of burying their own tragic truth.
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Libra: No Game No Life - 12 Episodes
No Game No Life is a surreal comedy that follows Sora and Shiro, shut-in NEET siblings and the online gamer duo behind the legendary username "Kuuhaku." They view the real world as just another lousy game; however, a strange e-mail challenging them to a chess match changes everything—the brother and sister are plunged into an otherworldly realm where they meet Tet, the God of Games. The mysterious god welcomes Sora and Shiro to Disboard, a world where all forms of conflict—from petty squabbles to the fate of whole countries—are settled not through war, but by way of high-stake games. This system works thanks to a fundamental rule wherein each party must wager something they deem to be of equal value to the other party's wager. In this strange land where the very idea of humanity is reduced to child’s play, the indifferent genius gamer duo of Sora and Shiro have finally found a real reason to keep playing games: to unite the sixteen races of Disboard, defeat Tet, and become the gods of this new, gaming-is-everything world.
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Scorpio: Rurouni Kenshin - 95 Episodes 
In the final years of the Bakumatsu era lived a legendary assassin known as Hitokiri Battousai. Feared as a merciless killer, he was unmatched throughout the country, but mysteriously disappeared at the peak of the Japanese Revolution. It has been ten peaceful years since then, but the very mention of Battousai still strikes terror into the hearts of war veterans. Unbeknownst to them, Battousai has abandoned his bloodstained lifestyle in an effort to repent for his sins, now living as Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman with a cheerful attitude and a strong will. Vowing never to kill again, Kenshin dedicates himself to protecting the weak. One day, he stumbles across Kaoru Kamiya at her kendo dojo, which is being threatened by an impostor claiming to be Battousai. After receiving help from Kenshin, Kaoru allows him to stay at the dojo, and so the former assassin temporarily ceases his travels. Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan tells the story of Kenshin as he strives to save those in need of saving. However, as enemies from both past and present begin to emerge, will the reformed killer be able to uphold his new ideals?
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+ 3 of the most badass live action movie adaptations
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Sagittarius: Nurarihyon no Mago - 48 Total Episodes (2 Seasons)
Rikuo Nura doesn't want anything to do with evil youkai, and just wants a normal life. Too bad he's a quarter youkai, and Nurarihyon, his grandfather, is insistent that he takes over as head of the Nura Clan. He's able to keep his supernatural secret life hidden from his classmates, as he can only transform into a youkai at night, for six hours at a time. Unfortunately for him, various youkai factions are out to target both his youkai and human friends, and like it or not, he needs to embrace his youkai side. Life is not easy when you're Nurarihyon's grandson
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Capricorn: Hamatora - 24 Total Episodes (2 Seasons)
The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all?
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Aquarius: Trigun - 26 Episodes
Vash the Stampede is the man with a $$60,000,000,000 bounty on his head. The reason: he's a merciless villain who lays waste to all those that oppose him and flattens entire cities for fun, garnering him the title "The Humanoid Typhoon." He leaves a trail of death and destruction wherever he goes, and anyone can count themselves dead if they so much as make eye contact—or so the rumors say. In actuality, Vash is a huge softie who claims to have never taken a life and avoids violence at all costs. With his crazy doughnut obsession and buffoonish attitude in tow, Vash traverses the wasteland of the planet Gunsmoke, all the while followed by two insurance agents, Meryl Stryfe and Milly Thompson, who attempt to minimize his impact on the public. But soon, their misadventures evolve into life-or-death situations as a group of legendary assassins are summoned to bring about suffering to the trio. Vash's agonizing past will be unraveled and his morality and principles pushed to the breaking point.
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Pisces: Gangsta. - 12 Episodes
Nicholas Brown and Worick Arcangelo, known in the city of Ergastalum as the "Handymen," are mercenaries for hire who take on jobs no one else can handle. Contracted by powerful mob syndicates and police alike, the Handymen have to be ready and willing for anything. After completing the order of killing a local pimp, the Handymen add Alex Benedetto—a prostitute also designated for elimination—to their ranks to protect her from forces that want her gone from the decrepit hellhole of a city she has come to call home. However, this criminal’s paradise is undergoing a profound period of change that threatens to corrode the delicate balance of power. Ergastalum was once a safe haven for "Twilights," super-human beings born as the result of a special drug but are now being hunted down by a fierce underground organization. This new threat is rising up to challenge everything the city stands for, and the Handymen will not be able to avoid this coming war.
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whatendlesslongings · 7 years
Hello! I’m your Secret Santa. I really want to get an idea of what you like, so can you give me furthermore details?
Well, my favorite versions are the musical, Leroux, and Lon Chaney phantoms (though ive seen almost every one I think? yes,,, even the rat one *shudders*). 
There really aren’t any ships I mind though I’d say I’m more partial to E/C, M/C, D/C (daroga/erik) and E/OC; although I don’t ship as intensely here as I do other fandoms. 
Uhh I love when people potray Christine’s strength (”I am mistress of my own actions, M. de Chagny: you have no right to control them, and I will beg you to desist henceforth. As to what I have done during the last fortnight, there is only one man in the world who has the right to demand an account of me: my husband! Well, I have no husband and I never mean to marry!“ iconic tbh. And I also love when Christine’s shield Raoul from Erik in the final lair. Of course strength can vary without being diminished by being different, but the “though she be but little she is fierce” approach is my bias as a short 5′3″ person who’s not afraid to put up a fight ajksla). 
I also love when people aren’t afraid to depict Erik as ugly, love that sewer goblin. 
The Daroga is underrated (by the mainstream media, in fandom he’s treated quite nicely) and I love him god that man has to put up with so much. 
I love M/C because of the genuine friendship and bond there and how soft they are with each other and also I’m hella gay ansmls. 
Ramin and Sierra are one of my top Phantom duos (lowkey love the versions that throw in a bit of E/C ambiguity, even though I’m not really set on any one ship). 
I also love Anthony Warlow (the best Jekyll/Hyde in my opinion tbh, even though he only got to do the concept album) and Anna O’Bryne.
Jeremy Stolle and Ali Ewoldt are also lovely and I’ll stop here before I start an never-ending list of favorite casts ajklks;las
I love Raoul he is a Good Boy and I will defend him. 
Love Never Dies is trash but I first listened to it at the worst time possible (middle school twilight phase era) so I’m admittedly a bit nostalgic about it and while the story is bad fanfiction I do like some of the music quite a bit (except for bathing beauty and the carnie songs,,, I just can’t picture Erik ever writing something like that, heartbroken without Christine or no). It’s Devil Takes the Hindmost, Beauty Underneath, Dear Old Friend, Beneath a Moonless Sky and songs along that vein I appreciate the music of more. 
Uhh I generally love the victorian and gothic aesthetic. 
Not quite sure if I’m gay for Christine or want to be Christine. 
One of my most favorite phantom fics ever is Erik/OC (which is surprising because I rarely ever read character/OC but this fic surpassed all my expectations and is one of my all time favorites)
Umm unrelated to phantom I love birds (I have a pet cockatiel who is like a child to me), musical theatre in general, spooky things, the victorian era, bees, Sherlock Holmes, and poetry! 
I hope that was enough! Sorry if it was tmi! 
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actual-disaster-bi · 5 years
Ano this is late but I had to wait till I could form at least one coherent thought about episode two so here's my thoughts now that I've stopped shaking.
Jaime's trail went pretty much how I thought it would and I'm so glad Brienne stood up for him, his puppy dog eyes when she defends him were great. Im happy that Tyrion was trying to defend him as well, their relationship is so important. Also Dany talking about the mad king again just adds to the feeling I have that she's gonna go dark. And Bran looking him straight in the eye and saying "the things we do for love" was something I didn't expect.
Dany is beginning to piss me off when she questions Tyrion, he's trying to help her and she doesn't acknowledge the fact that (like people point out) he admits his mistakes and learns from them.
Arya watching Gendry work like honestly me too. Them flirting is everything I need in life, the two of them showing off their skills and impressing each other is just so them. Also the fact that Arya went to him for his opinion on the white walkers and him being worried for her safety shows how much they care about each other.
Jaime and Bran's confrontation was what I expected it to be but I feel like Bran is trying to foreshadow Jaime's death but I'm praying I'm wrong.
Jaime and Tyrion talking and Jaime getting distracted by Brienne then going to her and trying to speak to her was amazing. He is so in love with her but he's so hopeless and if one of them dies before they can admit it I'm going to lose it. He has no idea how to charm her and she has no idea what he's up to, they're so clueless.
Jorah trying to advise Dany was a scene I've wanted for a while cos if she's gonna listen to anyone it would be him.
Dany and Sansa finally talking was so intense, Sansa is definitely playing Dany while Dany is trying to do the same but failing. She's trying to use flattery and her looks on Sansa the same way she uses it on men but after everything that Sansa has been through that would never work, Sansa on the other hand knows what she's doing and i think she has a plan to take Dany down.
Theon and Sansa is something that I only half shipped until this point but that reunion was everything I didn't know I needed. If he dies saving her (which I think he will) I'm gonna be a mess.
Davos and the little girl was a scene that honestly hurt me, it almost got me when I saw his face as soon as he saw the little girl.
Jon and Tormund reunion was pretty good, he better not die. It might be the end of the world but at least he's got his priorities right, Brienne is a priority.
The morbid feeling of the meeting was so fitting and Bran is so underrated, he is willingly giving himself to be bait and is prepared to die for this cause. Also I'm very interested to know what Bran told Tyrion when they were talking, it seems strange to show that then cut off before he says anything.
The scene with Missandei and Grey Worm gave me such a horrible feeling that they are gonna die. I would love them to travel but I'm not holding my breath.
The boys of the nights watch was a scene that was needed, I forgot how many if their brothers were gone and also GHOST WAS BACK FOR 0.2 SECONDS.
The whole drinking scene with Jaime and Tyrion was something that made me feel better, ano they will die and its all gonna go to shit but at least they spent some time together. Jaime practically jumping off his seat when Brienne and Podrick comes in and takes out a chair for her, what a hopeless man. Then Davos and Tormund show up and the story of this name, not what I expected but I loved it.
The Hound and Arya talking again and him admitting (in his own way) that he cares for her. This has gotta be one of my favourite duos and then her leaving them to go see Gendry.
ARYA AND GENDRY IS CANNON. I can't this scene was everything I needed in life. Him trying to admit that he's ready to be her family and him being completely honest with her about The Red Woman and being a Baratheon. Her seeing right through him about past lovers and him giving in. They are both in love with each other and care about each other, I'm so happy Arya got her first time with a man she loves and on her own terms. She deserves that so much and she deserves to feel safe and wanted in a happy, healthy relationship and Gendry is the best person for that. You can see how much Gendry cares when he looks more at her scars than boobs.
BRIENNE GOT HER KNIGHTHOOD. SHE DESERVED THAT SO MUCH. Her hesitation was so sad then she realised he wasn't kidding, she got her dream and everyone there was so supportive of her. They were all genuinely happy for her and she was on the verge of tears ( and so was I). Honestly no one deserves to be knighted more than her.
Lady Mormont is one of the best characters in this and I'd be happy to have her on the throne tbh, she's got more sense in her than even the adults. She knows she could die and didn't want to say goodbye on bad terms with Jorah, like that's more maturity that what most characters show. Sam giving Jorah his family sword was something I didn't see coming either but I'm glad it did happen.
Podrick can sing? I didn't see that coming and honestly I'm shook at his voice, it was actually pretty good. The montage during that song got me, Sam and his family in their bed had to be one of the most caring scenes. Also Sansa choosing to spend her last hours eating with Theon has given me too much hope for that ship that I already know is gonna sink.
Jon finally telling Dany about his parentage when how I thought as well. She doesn't care about anything but the throne and I'm really beginning to hate her at this point. It's took him a while to work up the courage to tell her and that's how she reacts. Not surprised at this tbh but I'm getting sick of her and the way she's getting.
I'm terrified for this next episode and ano this was a really long post but that episode was so much to take in. I've enjoyed the first two episodes, they tie up a lot of loose ends and I feel like they were necessary for the sake of the characters. I'm not sure I want to see the next episode tho, too many of my characters are going to die and I dunno if I can handle it.
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