luxmoogle · 22 days
Sora vs Vincent Valentine.
Can we all agree that that would be so cool?
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The Underdrome, Hades Cup.
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ikarosxflight · 20 days
Starter || @maregiis
"Whoa, they weren't kidding-icus! Guess the rumors are true; the Underdrome has returned. No wonder the monster activity has died down; they're all duking it over in there-icus. I guess that's a good thing?"
It was widely understood by mortals and gods alike that venturing willingly into the Underworld was not something to be taken lightly. However, when Palutena, the beloved Goddess, expressed her curiosity about the rumors, she turned to her faithful Captain, Pit, without hesitation. What followed was a peculiar blend of emotions as Pit grappled with a wave of nostalgia. Here, in the heart of the Underworld, it all began - the perilous journey that saw him return to Skyworld, the epic rescue mission to save his Goddess, and the relentless battle against the malevolent Medusa.
As his mind was flooded with memories of past adventures, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming connection with his former self, a self that had transformed from an insignificant, weak angel to a formidable warrior. Pit wasn't sure if that angel was even alive anymore.
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Two voices snap him out of his thoughts, and he quickly hides behind a nearby boulder, slightly peeking to the side. It was Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and someone else, a figure shrouded in mystery. Pit's curiosity is piqued, but he cannot see them, only Hades' back.
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"You see, in my coliseum, EVERYONE gets to join! No need to have a nanny goat give you permission, or, well, your Master, to say the least. In fact, I'm all about equality, and I can guarantee you the time of your after life! All I require is a teensy itsy little signature right here. Just gotta make sure if you're actually serious about joining, no biggie. So PLEASE sign right here."
The Lord of the Dead holds up a scroll written in a language his victim cannot even read, and with his other hand, he offers the black feathered quill for them to grab. Hades is doing his best to contain his excitement for fooling helping the Princess fulfill her desires... Of course, at the cost of her soul, but hey, that's part of the fine print, and who's to say Hades had to go into the details, the boring stuff.
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"That doesn't sound good... Hades doesn't get out of his way for just anyone, either. What are you planning, you old creep-icus?" Pit whispers to himself, swallowing thickly as he watches the scene unfold. Yet he couldn't shake off this twisting feeling in his heart. Maybe he better investigate this, too, but for now, he stays hidden.
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Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Recap: Olympus Coliseum (TItan Cup)
Because I keep forgetting to put this at the end: Credit to Mudarrow and KH Wiki.
The Titan Cup’s gimmick is that you start with 300 Key Points (KH Wiki says 500, but the YouTuber I’m watching started with WAY less than that) that go down every time you get hit. The stronger the attack, the more Key Points Sora will lose.
Unlike the Doom Counter in Marluxia’s fight, you have no way of replenishing this number, and you’ll be disqualified if the points ever drop to 0.
During Rounds 5-10, rocks will fall, and each can take off 12 Key Points per hit.
Plus, you still have to manage Sora’s HP, AND Sora’s party members can’t join him in the tournament.
However, Sora can use Summons while alone.
Genie is a good summon for this, especially in his copy of Master Form, thanks to his “Arcana” command.
If your Summons are at their current cap, you’ll be able to use Genie’s Limit 3 times.
This battle includes Emblem Heartless from Space Paranoids and Hollow Bastion, Neoshadows, Sky Pirates, all of the Nobody enemy types encountered thus far (save for Creepers), and the boss.
The boss for this tournament is Hercules.
He has all of his attacks from the first game, minus the one where he takes out his sword and starts spinning like a Beyblade.
However, he does not have access to the divine aura that made him invincible, which ultimately means he’s probably the easiest boss in the entire Underdrome.
Or rather, his divine aura only materializes during certain punching attacks, and goes away as soon as he’s done.
He can also use it to power up a super-mega-powerful punching attack, but it only covers his fist, and you can attack him as long as you dodge.
You can tell when you’ve set off his revenge values, because he’ll always glow before retaliating.
The Titan Cup has classical Greek-style paintings of the Titans along the sides.
Winning the Tournament earns Goofy the Genji Shield (+6 Attack, +0 Magic, and Hyper Healing) plus a Skillful Ring for the party (Accessory that gives +5 AP to the wearer).
Now, it’s time to head off to Port Royal.
Sora: “God can you imagine being taken out by a rock??”
Goofy: “...........”
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mezzopurrloin · 3 years
It's time to save Auron from Hades' control and win the Hades Cup, then try out yet another Underdrome cup that appears afterward.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 44
Warnings: same as the other chapters 
Rating: SFW
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Sora piloted the Gummi Ship through the Phantom Storm to a dark underworld, were above in the Olympus Coliseum, Hercules had just defeated the Rock Titan.
“Huh?” Sora asked. 
“Are ya sure this is the coliseum?” Goofy asked. 
“It's that way!” Donald said as he pointed to a set of stairs leading upward.
“Oh... Guess we were a little off,” Sora said. They heard a scream and saw a woman running from a bunch of Rabid Dog Heartless. The woman fell and the Heartless were upon her.
“Heartless!” Sora said. Sora and the others ran over, scaring the Heartless away. Sora offered to help her up.
“Thanks, but...I'm fine,” she said as she stood up.
“And you're supposed to be?” She asked.
“I'm Sora, he's Donald, and that's Goofy. We came to see how Hercules is doing,” Sora said. The woman looked at each of them in turn.
“You know Wonderboy?” she asked.
“Yeah, 'cause we're heroes, too!” Donald said.
“Ya mean, junior heroes, Donald,” Goofy said.
“Looks like we have a friend in common. Name's Megara. My friends call me Meg.”
“So how's Herc?” Sora asked.
“Wonderboy? Well, he's duking it out at the Coliseum every day. You know, ‘a hero's work is never done’ and all that. He's ready to drop, but he keeps on fighting. Even Wonderboy has his limits, though. These opponents are bad news---special deliveries from Hades himself...” Meg said.
“Hades!?” Donald asked. 
“Right. Lord of the Underworld. I was on my way to see him. Maybe I can get Hades to give Wonderboy a breather. If anything happens to that kid...”
“Gawrsh... Sounds like you're more than just friends!” Goofy said.
“Oh...uh, I mean...”
“We'll go have a little talk with Hades. I'd hate for anything to happen to you on your way to see him,” Sora said.
“You really want to do that? Well, it looks like you know what you're doing. I guess I'll take you up on that offer. But...let's keep this whole chat-with-Hades thing our little secret, okay?”
“Our lips are sealed!” Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Cave of the Dead. They saw a cloaked man running through the cave.
“The Organization!” Donald said.
“Yeah. Maybe he knows where (Y/N) is,” Sora said. They continued through the passage into the Inner Chamber to find the cloaked man still running.
“Run! Run away!” he said (he’s too precious for this world!). He eventually faded away.
“Okay...?” Sora asked. Meanwhile, Hades was speaking with Pete in Hades's Chamber.
“Where do they dig these freaks up? Geez, Louise,” Hades said.
“Oh, they're nuttin' but trouble, the whole lot of 'em. So, uh...what're you gonna do about Hercules? He's made mince meat outta every fighter you sent at him. Pretty soon the Underworld's gonna be standing room only. Say, why don't you just pick somebody already dead and save him the trouble?” Pete said. Hades got annoyed at Pete and slammed his fists on the edges of his chair. Pete covered his head, while Pain and Panic hid behind him. Hades thought for a second.
“Dead... Dead is good! And I know just the warrior,” Hades said.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Valley of the Dead. Donald shivered in fear.
“I'm scared too, Donald,” Goofy said.
“Hades, come out!” Sora said. They walked across the bridge and up the stairs. Pete, Hades, Pain, and Panic were looking into Hades's giant swirling vortex
“By the by, uh... What's down there?” Pete asked.
“Just the Underworld's deepest dungeon. This time I'm bringing out the mother of all bad guys,” Hades said. Pete started to back away from Hades. Pain and Panic had already hidden behind a stone pillar.
“You don't say. Well... Maybe I should go,” Pete said. Hades formed a ball of fire in each hand and tossed them into the abyss. There was a large explosion, causing a pillar of smoke to rise out of the hole. Lightning coursed through the red smoke as a figure emerged. Hades started to laugh.
“Let's cut to the chase. Here's the deal I'm gonna offer you. I let you out of the slammer---no strings---you'll be free as a bird,” Hades said. Auron listened as he looked over to Pete, who was against the wall near Pain and Panic. Pete, still afraid and not knowing what else to do, simply waved at Auron.
“And all for one little job. Fight Hercules, in the Coliseum...to the death!” Hades said. 
“This is my story. And you're not part of it,” Auron said as he raised his sword.
“Did you forget who you're talking to? I am the Lord of the Dead!”
“No wonder no one wants to die.” (oooohhhh! burn!)
“You are FIRED!” Hades turned red in a blaze and charged toward Auron, who blocked with his sword. Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran in.
“Hades!” Goofy said. Hades got distracted and his fire turned blue again.
“You again?” he asked. Suddenly, Auron knocked him back.
“Fight!” he said. Auron struck Hades, who stopped the sword with his hand and threw Auron back. Hades punched Auron to the ground. He conjured two fireballs aiming at the fallen Auron. Sora ran between them and they dissipated.
“Get up!” he said. The trio tried to fight Hades.
“Something's wrong!” Donald said. 
“I feel kinda funny...” Sora said. 
“That's right! See, that's the thing. In the Underworld, heroes are zeroes---comes with the territory,” Hades said. The two fireballs appeared again and Hades charged the group. Auron sliced down with his sword, but Hades teleported in a puff of smoke.
“Go now!” Auron said. 
“But I've gotta talk to Hades!” Sora said.
“What was that?” Hades asked, having his fingers in his ears. Sora tried to charge, but Auron stopped him. Hades made fireballs again as Donald and Goofy ran out of the room.
“We can't fight him here! We have to go---now!” Auron said. He pulled Sora, who didn’t budge. Auron left Sora, who eventually ran as Hades threw the fireballs at them. They left the chamber and ran down the stairs. Sora and Goofy closed the gates and tried to catch their breath.
“Is he gone?” Donald asked. 
“Don't count on it,” Auron said.
“Huh?” Sora asked. Hades appeared on their side of the door next to Sora.
“Leaving so soon?” he asked. They hurried to the exit, evading Hades and the Heartless he conjured. When they reached the Inner Chamber of the Cave of the Dead, they caught their breath.
“You're really good. Are you some kind of hero?” Sora said. Auron shook his head.
“No, I'm no hero...I'm just an...” he said.
“Huh?” Sora asked. 
“Auron.” Sora and Goofy looked at each other.
“My name,” Auron said.
“I’m Sora.” Donald jumped onto Sora's shoulders.
“Donald,” he said. Goofy also jumped onto Sora's shoulders.
“Goofy!” he said. Sora couldn't hold them up, so they fell in a pile.
“It seems we were fated to meet. Maybe you need a guardian,” Auron said. Sora pushed Donald and Goofy off him.
“Guardian? Thanks, but no thanks,” he said. Sora started to walk to the passageway. Auron slightly chuckled. Meanwhile, Pete met with Hades.
“I got Heartless all over the Underworld now. So you can leave those pipsqueaks to me. Look, pal, you just keep working on turning Hercules into a Heartless. Then he'll be all mine,” Pete said. Hades stopped and turned around angrily, turning red.
“This is my underworld, you idiot!” he said. Pete jumped back in fear.
“I'll handle this MYSELF!” Hades said. Hades slightly cooled down and snapped his fingers. Hades's giant three-headed dog showed up in the window.
“Cerberus, go!” he said. The dog left in a hurry. Meanwhile, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Auron ran to the entrance of the Cave of the Dead.
“What? It's closed!” Donald said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy tried to push apart the doors.
“Come on, open!” Sora said. Donald looked up and saw a keyhole chained to the door. The Keyblade appeared in Sora's hand.
“Will that open it?” Auron asked. 
“Yeah. I think so,” Sora said. Sora started to point the Keyblade at the lock when they heard a roar and looked behind them.
“Hurry!” Auron said as he readied his sword. Cerberus jumped into the entranceway. Sora unlocked the door and the keyhole and chains vanished. Donald and Goofy opened the doors as Cerberus ran up to them. Auron stopped them by shoving his sword between one of the dog's teeth. He held them there, pulling the sword out and knocking them away. Sora ran to the door, but turned around and saw Auron fighting alone.
“Uh...” Donald said. Sora ran back into the fray.
“Sora wait!” Donald said. The dogs roared and Sora and Auron fought them. Cerberus, nearly beaten, struggled to stand.
“Come on!” Donald said. Sora and Auron ran through the gates, which started to close. Sora, Donald, and Goofy made faces at Cerberus, as it ran to the closing doors. Meanwhile, Meg spoke to Hercules in the Coliseum Foyer.
“Come on, Wonderboy, play hooky for a day. For old time's sake?” Meg said.
“They came to see me. They came to see a hero. I can't let them down,” Herc said. Meg sighed, seeing his tired condition.
“Don't worry, Meg. I'll be fine. What does a hero need rest for, huh?” Herc said. He flexed his biceps and waved goodbye to Meg.
“See ya!” he said. He left into the Coliseum to cheering crowds.
“Sora, don't let me down,” Meg said.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy stood in the Underworld Entrance.
“Whew...” Sora said. 
“Huh?” Donald asked. 
“What happened to Auron?” Goofy asked.
“He can take care of himself. Let's go find Meg. Then we can try this again,” Sora said. Donald and Goofy nodded. Meanwhile, Hades sat in his Chamber with Pete, Pain, and Panic watching anxiously.
“Let me see if I got this right... That brat's Keyblade works on any lock?” Hades said.
“That's right,” Pete said. 
“Have I ever told you about the killer coliseum we have right here in the Underworld? It makes the one upstairs look like an Olympic kiddie pool.”
“Then that's the place we're gonna put an end to Herc the Jerk's winnin' streak.” Pete pounded his fist on the table making Pain and Panic jump.
“Problem. Zeus locked it tight,” Hades said. Pete looked annoyed. Hades chuckled, and Pete understood.
“Bingo... All we gotta do is swipe that key...and then reopen the Underdrome!” Hades said.
“Hate to tell ya, but that key is kinda particular. It won't work for just anybody. And that kid ain't no pushover,” Pete said. Hades tapped a finger on the arm of his chair.
“I think this calls for a woman's touch,” he said. He snapped his fingers, and with a puff of smoke, a doll version of Meg appeared in his hand. In the Foyer, Meg felt like she's being watched. Meanwhile, Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked into the Coliseum Gates.
“Gawrsh, this sure does bring back memories!” Goofy said. They walked to the Lobby doors and saw a tired Hercules walkout.
“Sora! Donald! Goofy! When'd you get here?” Herc said. 
“Hey, Herc!” Sora said. 
“Hi!” Donald waved.
“Howdy there!” Goofy said.
“Where’s (Y/N)? I thought that she would be with you three.”
“She was kidnapped by two girls who have similar powers as her,” Sora said. 
“Oh no! That’s terrible! Well, I know that she’s strong. I bet she can handle herself.” Hercules walked down the steps closer to them. Meg appeared in the doorway.
“You on another adventure?” Herc asked. 
“Yeah, trackin' down some friends, wipin' out some Heartless,” Sora said. 
“Junior heroes, always busy!” Sora and Hercules locked hands.
“You know it!” Sora said. They entered the Coliseum Foyer.
“So, did you and (Y/N) find those friends of yours?” Herc asked.
“Still working on it. When we got here, we ran into Meg---meg-mega trouble, I mean! So we had to help somebody out. We tried to go teach Hades a thing or two...but the Underworld drains away all our strength. Don't suppose you have any ideas?” Sora said. 
“Well, there is a stone that guards against the Underworld's curse. The gods on Mount Olympus use it whenever they have to go down there.”
“Think we could use it?”
“Sure, why not! I'll go get it for you.”
“Thanks!” Donald said. 
“Real nice of you!” Goofy said. 
“But Hades is no pushover, even if you've got the Olympus Stone. And I have a match today, so I can't go with you... Know what you need? Training! Why don't you go talk to Phil?” Herc said. 
“Hey, good idea!” Sora said. They entered the Coliseum and saw Phil, who's not looking in their direction.
“Hey champ, how ya feeling? Better rest up for tomorrow's match. Nobody's gonna pay to see a worn-out hero...capiche? Remember what I told you. Victory in the games comes down to two simple words: Eat, bathe, sleep!” Phil said. Goofy was counting the words on his fingers. The three looked at each other and laughed. Phil jumped around, and realized who's laughing, and ran over to them.
“Hey, if it ain't the junior heroes!” he said.
“Lookin’ good, Phil,” Sora said. 
“Never better! How you guys been? Have you earned your ‘true hero’ wings yet?” They thought about it for a second.
“Nope, you ain’t got what it takes,” Phil said. They were surprised at this. Sora scratched his head.
“So, what’s up?” Phil asked. They told him their current situation.
“Ha ha ha! You three are gonna take on Hades?” Phil laughed. 
“What’s so funny?!” Donald asked.
“You got nerve. I like that. Hey, you never know---stranger things have happened, right? Better get cracking, boys! So you want to train, eh? All right, I’m gonna work you hard!” Sora smashed pots and collected the orbs that came out of them.
“How was THAT?” Sora asked.
“It ain’t over yet, kid! There’s more on the menu. You can relax once you’ve finished ALL the training,” Phil said.
“No problem!”
“Now get ready for the real thing. If a big one appears, don’t let it get away.” Sora smashed more pots and collected the orbs. Herc entered the Coliseum.
“Listen, I gotta take off for a bit,” Phil said.
“Where to?” Sora asked. 
“None of your business.” With that, Phil left.
“Sorry guys...The Olympus Stone has been stolen,” Herc said. 
“What?!” Sora and Donald asked. 
“By who?” Goofy asked. 
“We don’t know who did it yet. All we’re sure of it is that it was a guy in a ba black-hooded cloak. And he had accomplices---a bunch of creatures in white and two girls.” Donald looked at Goofy, who nodded.
“Someone you know?” Herc asked. 
“Yeah. Those two girls were the ones who kidnapped (Y/N). Hey, if we can get the Olympus Stone back, can we borrow it for a while?” Sora said. 
“Sure. By the way, you haven’t seen Meg around, have you?” The trio shook their heads.
“Oh, okay...” Herc sighed.
“What’s wrong, your hero-ness? Feeling under the weather?” Hades asked. He appeared and placed a hand on Herc’s shoulder. He ducked away from Hades.
“You know, I thought staying in perfect shape was part of the hero job description...you know what I’m saying?” Hades said.
“Oh, right...Hades, we gotta talk!” Sora said. Hades flicked Sora to the ground.
“I came here to share a bit of mildly-interesting news:” Hades said. Herc sneaked behind Hades for a punch.
“Seems your dear, sweet little Nutmeg...” Hades said as he telporte behind Herc. 
“...Went and got herself lost in the underworld,” he said.
“You mean you kidnapped her!” Herc exclaimed.
“Well, maybe...But why get caught up in the details?” Herc whistled and a brilliant winged horse flew over the Coliseum walls, landing next to Herc.
“Uh-uh-uh! You can’t leave now, okay?” Hades said. Herc was stopped from getting on Pegasus.
“You’ve got a very important match today, um...the bloodthirsty Hydra! I mean, if you don’t stick around, who knows what kind of ‘accidents’ might happen,” Hades said.
“Yeah, accidents you caused,” Sora said. 
“Like I said: details, who needs ‘em?”
“You're just a coward,” Herc said. Herc and Pegasus looked angry. The horse flapped its wings and shook its head.
“Ah well. Can't all be heroes,” Hades said. Hades vanished in a puff of smoke.
~Le Timeskip b/c I Wanna See Ma Boi Demyx~
After fighting a few Heartless, the trio entered The Lost Road. Sora worked out the kink in his shoulder.
“Man... This Underworld curse is really getting to me,” he said. 
“We've got to get that Olympus Stone back fast!” Goofy said. They continued into the Atrium, where the found the hooded man, who turned around to face them.
“Huh? Ah! You!” he said and took off his hood.
“Wait a sec... Roxas?” he asked.
“Excuse me?” Sora asked. 
“Wow, you really are that stupid,” someone said. 
“Hey! You can’t talk about your Uncle Demyx that way!” Suddenly, Roxy appeared next to Demyx.
“Actually, I can,” she said. 
“Roxy! Where’s (Y/N)?!” Sora said. 
“I ain’t telling you that. It’ll ruin the fun.” 
“Huh? What’s going on? What are you talking about?” Demyx pulled out a note and began to read it.
“Let's see, here... ‘If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition’... Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one...” he said. 
“For the love of...you actually have a note? This is why you have me to take care of things,” Roxy said. 
“You're bizarre...” Sora said. 
“Who the hell are you calling bizarre?!” Roxy shrieked. Demyx took out the Olympus Stone from his pocket.
“He's gotta be the thief!” Goofy said. 
“Now that's just plain rude!” Demyx said. He held the stone up and glowed with light. He took out his sitar and began playing it.
“I’m leaving this up to you. Don’t mess it up,” Roxy said and disappeared. 
“Dance, water! Dance!” Demyx said. He conjured water creatures and Sora defeated them all.
“Not bad, Roxas!” Demyx said. He held his shoulder in pain. 
“Roxas, come back to us!” he said and vanished. 
“Guy's a broken record,” Sora said. 
“Hey, look!” Donald said. He picked up the Olympus Stone that Demyx had dropped. He gave it to Sora, who held it up. They glowed with light and felt their power return.
~Another Time Skip b/c I’m Lazy~
“Oh, well, take care you guys! Stay a little longer next time. We got some serious training to catch up on,” Phil said.
“Well, time to go. Oh, I almost forgot. The Olympus Stone,” Sora said. He took out the stone and Hercules weakly stood up. Before Hercules touched the stone, it glowed brightly. Sora opens another gateway. After saying goodbye, they boarded the GummiShip and headed to the next world.
“Wait, so let me get this straight. You’re trying to stop your dad from forming Kingdom Hearts?” you said. 
“That’s exactly what we said, dumbass,” Roxy said.  
“Roxy!” Yui scolded. Roxy groaned and slouched. 
“But...what do I have to do with any of this?” you asked. 
“You’re here to teach us the true meaning of a Spirit, are you not?” Yui said. 
“I am.” 
“Then, you have the power to stop our father.” 
“Shouldn’t you be able to do that?” 
“No. Only you can do it. Afterall, you are Xehanort’s daughter.”
“Huh? How did you know that?”
“Our dad is his nobody,” Roxy said. 
“And you want me to convince him not to summon Kingdom Hearts and work for my father.” 
“Now you’re getting it! You were right, Yui. She ain’t that dumb.”
“But the thing is, he’s not my real dad.”
“Huh?” the twins asked. 
“Back at Castle Oblivion, my brother, Vanitas, showed me who my real parents were,” you said as you took out your dagger. 
“If only I knew how my mother died,” you said. 
“We know how ours died,” Yui said. 
“How did she die? I-if you don’t mind me asking.” 
“No, no. It’s fine. We’ll tell you. When we were little, our mom took us to a park.” 
“We had a lot of fun there. Soon it was time to head back,” Roxy said.
“As we were approaching the castle, a Heartless showed up and killed our mother.” 
“That’s horrible!” you said. 
“It was. Our dad hasn’t been the same since,” Roxy said. You looked down for a minute but then looked at the twins with a serious face.
“Tell me what I have to do,” you said. The twins smiled and stood up. 
“Then let’s get started,” Yui said.
To be continued...
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change-the-rules · 5 years
I've dealt with a lot when it comes to kingdom hearts but nothing has strained my credulity so much as auron's explaining the underdrome... fiends of the underworld clashing in battle after battle- alright no problem I'm following...
"But zeus didnt like the senseless violence, so he locked the place up."
I'm sorry who didnt like what now.....
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friendlyheartless · 7 years
"Underdrome Unlocked" Zeus had locked up the Underdrome because of his dislike of violence in the Underworld's Coliseum, but Hades had a plan to re-open it, and used Megara as bait in Kingdom Hearts 2. Sora used his Keyblade to save Meg, but then he didn't realize that he was the idiot that Auron was talking about who unlocked the Underdrome. XD and LOL!
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crystlcrwnd · 6 years
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FULL NAME: kidagakash kira nedakh AGE: 26 ( immortal ) GENDER & PRONOUNS: cisfemale & she/her OCCUPATION: bartender at wonderland
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good POSITIVE: independent, inquisitive, passionate NEGATIVE: blunt, aggressive, cynical
i’m gonna get a complete bio out for her hopefully, but until then have some trusty bullet points!
the queen of atlantis ,  when kida was brought to this world ,  it was not just her home she lost ,  but her people ,  her entire culture ,  only just after finally getting it back .  that completely destroyed her ,  and probably honestly changed a lot about who she is as a person ,  as the exodus did for many .  she doesn’t talk about it & she’s pushed away everything and everyone that reminds her of it ,  though her crystal still rests around her neck .
she’s a bartender at wonderland and u bet ur ass she works them late shifts to walk all those ladies safely to their cars .
she fights at the underdrome ,  while she’s never been a fan of senseless violence ,  that was only because it was usually at the sake of her people ,  but she doesn’t have people anymore .  she’s pretty aggressive ,  but only hurts those she feels are asking for it .
she’s lowkey really into this history of this world ,  it’s her inquisitive nature ,  but it’s also torture because it breaks her heart that she’ll never learn another thing about her own culture’s history ,  that it has no future .
even though she can come off as incredibly harsh ,  she’s really a very soft and caring individual whose eyes can really just light the whole world up when she finds something she’s truly interested in .
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chikoriita · 6 years
Junior Heroes
Read on AO3.org
Sora landed the Gummi ship behind a cluster of rocks near the Underdrome.
“If we’re going to be here for the cup, we might as well see what the Coliseum repairs look like.” Sora started up the staircase to the Coliseum. Goofy and Donald followed closely behind. It would be great to see Meg, Phil, and if they were lucky, Hercules. The golden staircase was surrounded by clouds,
“Why do these stairs have to be so long?” Donald whined as they reached a landing. He plopped down on the ground. “I’m exhausted.”
Sora sat down on the steps next to him. “Me too. But at least it will be easier to go back to the ship when we’re leaving.”
“Come on, guys! It’s only a few more landings.” Goofy tried to cheer them up. Sora and Donald looked at him in confusion. How did he still have so much energy? Donald groaned and laid back on the ground.
“Sora!” The trio heard the call from above. Sora squinted to make out the shadowy figure. Was that Hercules flying on Pegasus? “You guys want a lift?” He shouted down.
Donald jumped up and waved frantically. “We sure would!”
Sora and Goofy chuckled at his antics. The duck would do anything to get out of walking all those stairs, including leaving his friends for a ride.
Hercules landed Pegasus in front of them. Sora took his hand and stood up. “It’s good to see you. How’s the hero training going?” Hercules asked.
“Better than ever. How’s everything going at the Coliseum?” After the Hydra attack, repairs on the Coliseum would take a while. He hoped he would one day see the Coliseum brought back to its former splendor.
“I’ll let you see for yourself. Hop on!” He didn’t have to tell Donald twice.
Pegasus would have made this trip with ease if he didn’t have three extra passengers; nevertheless, he persevered. Anyways, Sora took the rare chance to see the world from above. The little gaps in the clouds revealed structures down below.
“Hey.” He pointed down at the town below. “What’s that? I’ve never seen that before.”
Hercules looked down to where Sora pointed. “That’s a little town outside Thebes. The Big Olive! It’s where I got my start when I started my hero training. Want to go see?”
“Sure!” He said before Donald or Goofy could chime in. For all that they explored worlds, Sora still yearned to see more. He knew that one day the gateways would close once again, and this time, they might not reopen. Before that happened, he wanted to see as much as he could of the worlds he had saved.
Hercules nudged Pegasus into a dive down into town. Sora, Donald, and Goofy yelped at the sudden movement, and Hercules laughed at their reaction. “Come on guys. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you on Pegasus.”
“Tell that to my stomach,” Donald grumbled in front of Sora.
They touched down in an enclosed area. The four of them hopped off Pegasus.
“Welcome to my old stomping grounds. Here I fought monsters from far and wide with my pals,” Hercules said wistfully. He ran a hand over the plaque near the entrance. Sora took in the surrounding area of large columns and smooth marble. Despite the empty area, someone maintained the shrubbery at least. He was sure he had never been here before, but something about it was reminiscent. An echo somewhere in his memory. Was this somewhere he came during that year he didn’t remember? Hercules would have mentioned it, right? Sora pondered over this conundrum as they wandered around the empty square.
“Since when was Phil a pal?” Goofy asked. Sora snickered at the thought. Phil would conk Herc over the head if he heard him say that. Philoctetes was a Hero Trainer™, not some chum or pal, and he took pride in that title.
Hercules laughed nervously. “No! No, not him.” He rubbed his neck hesitantly. “Don’t even joke about that. Meg called him a goat once, and I’m the one who had to run laps around the Coliseum.”
“So there were other junior heroes before us?” Sora asked.
Hercules nodded softly. “Yeah, there were. I haven’t seen them in years though. No one is permanent at the Coliseum, but these guys could have stuck around and made it big time.” He looked wistful while getting lost in his memories. “You remind me of one of them.” Hercules pointed at Sora.
Hercules tried to remember his name. “Just like you, he wanted to make friends everywhere he went. His name is on the tip of my tongue. Ben, Fen… Len?” He shook his head. “Some friend I am.”
Sora patted him on the shoulder. “It’s been a long time. Not everyone sticks around.” His words were true even in his case. There was no promise of his return every time he got into that Gummi ship.
“Yeah, and just because you don’t remember him now doesn’t mean that you won’t remember it later,” Donald added.
The hero smiled at them. “Thanks, guys. I know he wouldn’t hold it against me. Still, I owe him my career. Back then, I was close to giving up, but he came at the right time and taught me to never stop.”
I said I’ll come back when you’re a hero. Sora heard a voice behind him. He turned around quickly to see who was there, but the square was empty other than their group. He felt a warmth in his heart at the voice.
“Maybe he’ll return when you become a true hero,” Sora suggested. Herc brightened instantly at his comment
“You’re right! It’s just another reason to finish my journey!”
“Gawrsh, guys, don’t you think we should be heading back to the Coliseum? Phil and Meg are probably waiting for us,” Goofy chimed in with his well-timed advice. He and Donald walked back to Pegasus, leaving Hercules and Sora alone.
“Thanks for bringing me back, Sora.”
Sora chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re the one with a flying horse, remember?”
“No. I meant I haven’t visited my roots nearly enough since I became a bigger hero. My parents may be the gods Zeus and Hera, but there are also my mortal parents too. I wouldn’t be me without either one.” He sighed. “I guess what I want to say is don’t forget your friends that you leave behind in your journeys. They might not remember you as well as you hope, but as long as you come back to them in your heart, they’ll always be there to support you.” He tapped Sora’s chest.
They returned to the skies on top of Pegasus, but Sora’s thoughts remained on the ground with Thebes. As they rose higher and higher into the sky, he tried to keep an eye on that little square that seemed so familiar until it was out of sight for good.
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andyzer0 · 6 years
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So in the manga of Kingdom Hearts, Hades comments on how the Titans were sealed in "Maximum Conefinement." (Tarterus) I bet the bonus bosses we fought were just Avatars; shadows that slipped through the cracks of their prison. The ones in Three are gonna be the real deal. 
Sora may have started the process when he unsealed the Underdrome in Two.
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ambiguousinnocence · 6 years
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HI, HELLO, HI,  my name is cal, i’m 21 years old, in the mst timezone and i will steal any excuse to talk about the loml. 
FULL NAME: Peter Brooklyn NICKNAMES: Pete, Petey AGE: 19 BIRTH DATE: unknown, celebrated April 1st GENDER & PRONOUNS: cismale, he/him OCCUPATION: student & street gang leader
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Nuetral POSITIVE: carefree, fun-loving, brave, honest, clever, optimistic NEGATIVE: irresponsible, reckless, blunt, conceited, impatient, manipulative
Not that he’d ever let anyone, especially Hook, see how desperately he misses flying, but every night before he goes to sleep, he jumps from his bed to the floor, just to see if maybe it came back. It’s the only thing he cares about getting back and it probably means more to him than even the lost boys, Tink or Wendy. He pretends he’s just fine with it, he isn’t any less because he cant fly: Peter will never be anything but the best.
He’s also still pretty dedicated to taking Hook down, though in reality he doesn’t want to lose his nemesis. That was always the fun of it, the never-ending game, Hook losing over and over and once he’s gone, Peter can’t beat him anymore. The man is sort of like Peter’s punching bag, the boy keeps bringing him to the brink only to let him swing back so he can do it all over again.
Peter feels. What made him incapable of feeling was being a child, but he’s not a kid anymore, try as hard as he might to fight it. Things are so much more complicated now, he’s got responsibilities and stress and relationships with people other than his lost boys that are developing past simple playmates. He really tries to ignore them, he pretends they’re not there until he gets all caught up in the make believe. But at the end of the day, he’s left with all these complex thoughts and feelings he’s never had to deal with before and all he knows is he can’t speak to anyone about them.
As a lover of games, Peter has codenames for all the crimes he wants his little goons to commit, following the leader means to steal from a specific target, hide and seek is crowd pickpocketing and if Peter wants to tag you, you better sleep with one eye open because that means his lost boys, or even the kingpin himself, are looking to teach you a lesson.
Peter probably seems like a big old player, and he’s always been a natural flirt, but he’s never had more than that chaste kiss with Wendy when they were children. Intimacy scares the shit out of him, not that he’ll admit it, nothing scares him, of course. It’s not that he’s not interested at all, he is, the poor kid basically skipped puberty and got thrown into a body at the height of it’s sex drive.
He likes arguing, he likes fighting and he likes winning or being proven right. This makes him an incredibly sore loser, to the point where he will simply ignore the fact he’s lost. He participates in fights in the Underdrome, and is a surprisingly high contender, deceptively small but quick on his feet. On the off chance, he should lose though, well no worries, his lost boys will just collect their winnings back from the other contenders.
QUESTION ONE: How do you feel about the Exodus?
He’ll shrug and pretend he just doesn’t care, after all Peter is so good at pretending and he’s not about to admit it’s something he doesn’t understand in the least. He hadn’t given it much thought upon arrival, simply accepting what others told him as fact, like children do. While he didn’t understand the otherness of this place, he had found it quite different. Not that that shocked him: there really was no other place like Neverland. Of course, he doesn’t believe it’s gone, just asleep and waiting for his return. He only hoped when that happened, he wasn’t too grown up to go home.
“I guess it doesn’t really matter. We were in one place, now we’re in another.” The most confusing part for him had been the aliases, the idea that everyone in this world… knew about them somehow. The others said it was through stories and Peter understands that, who wouldn’t want to listen to stories about him? “It’s another adventure.”
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QUESTION TWO: Was it hard adjusting to life in Fabletown? Do you miss the Homeworld?
“Nothing’s too hard for me,” he assures, with a dashing white smile, adult teeth, every one of them. “I just didn’t want to at first. Me and the boys were gonna just live in the woods, so what if it’s a new place? Doesn’t mean we’ve all got to change.” He won’t admit that living like boxcar children had lost that flair for him, it was only a week or two before he was caving. He moved into a place with the lost boys and suddenly realized he couldn’t remember ever living in a home before. “I miss the island. Mermaid lagoon and my ingenious moving hideout.” This place didn’t have the magic that Neverland did, didn’t bend to his every will. It doesn’t stop him from finding some sorry excuses for hideouts of his own around the town, though. “Neverland was never a place, though, it was me, and my lost boys. Mostly me, though.” Really, the only thing he missed was flying, but he wasn’t about to let anyone see how much that truly got him down.
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QUESTION THREE: Where is your favorite place in Fabletown or New York?
He really does take a moment to think about it, normally answering with his gut, but it takes him a while to realize he doesn’t have a favorite place in Fabletown. He hasn’t had a special connection with a single place here, but he can’t say that because someone will figure out that he’s missing Neverland more than he lets on. “Probably the Four Jacks. I mean it’s filled with games, not my favorite kinds of game, but beating people at them is still fun enough.” Let them tell him the gambling age is 21, he’ll have the same answer: are you refusing me service? That wasn’t a smart idea, so people let Peter get away with just about anything.
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QUESTION FOUR: How do you feel about magic? Do you think it should be banned, regulated, or neither?
A smile breaks out across his face at the very word, even the sound of it seems to lift him off his chair, just a little. “Magic is… the very best thing in the whole world. It’s everything and nothing,” he scrunches up his nose, because that statement doesn’t really even make sense to him. He doesn’t clarify, mostly because he doesn’t understand himself what he’s just said, but it’s something people say. “With something like that.. there’s no banning or regulating it. It’s… It’s…” His brows furrow in frustration as he tries to think of the right words. “It’s a feeling,” he finally blurts, almost numb at the word on his lips. “You can’t ban or regulate those.” You would know, wouldn’t you, Pan?
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QUESTION FIVE: Who do you think killed Little Red Riding Hood?
“The Big, Bad Wolf?” He asks, with a nonchalant shrug that can only be seen as disrespectful when in regards to the dead. He even has the gall to let out a little chuckle at his bad joke. Upon arriving in Fabletown, Peter had little and less interest about the fables surrounding his fellow residents. In fact, it took a good while to really get it into his head that they were in a new world, and all from stories. Who would even want to hear a story that wasn’t about Peter? Still, Peter was quite proud of what he’d learned about the other citizens and wanted to show off the knowledge he otherwise thought was useless. “Bet it was Hook, though. He’s always up to something slimy.”
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cessairhuxley · 6 years
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                                                                    I N T R O
Hexxus:  Cessair Huxley [ Cessair Def: ‘sorrow’ or ‘affliction’, Huxley Def: ‘inhospitable place’ ]  Age, 35.  Birthday, 27th October, 1983.  Starsign Scorpio ( ascending virgo, moon in cancer ). 
Trope - Magnificent Bastard
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Capturing the audience with their charisma, incredible intellect, mastery of manipulation, and boldness of action, this character is a show-stealer.  
They are brilliant and utterly devious, a smooth operator. They are also savvy and do not fall for obvious traps; bringing them down is no easy feat.
They are charismatic, often charming, their personality is like a physical force. While they exist on the darker end of the moral spectrum, they never take disgusting actions that undermine their magnificence, leaving them diabolical but in a way the audience can’t help but enjoy. And they are definitively not cowards. Ever.
                                                     P L A Y L I S T
Ultranumb - Blue Stahli Violated / So degraded / The show has just begun / Dominated / By all you hated / This will make you ULTRAnumb / Confession Is such / Perfection / Your sweet / Repression / Can’t hide  / Who you really are / Say you love it / Don’t pretend that you’re better than this / Malevolence goes both ways
Throne - Bring Me The Horizon So you can throw me to the wolves / Tomorrow I will come back / Leader of the whole pack / Beat me black and blue / Every wound will shape me / Every scar will build my throne
Blindfold - Sleeping Wolf Pull me in / No, I cannot resist / Every time your gravity has a hold on me / Shed your skin / You’re just a counterfeit / Dressing up an empty heart, I know who you are / So use your, use your / Use your, use your blindfold / Cover your hands on my eyes, closed / Do it again / Tie me up and show me what’s real / Hate your love, but love how you feel / Useless, trying to fight / And the truth is, I’d rather be blind
Stole The Show - Kygo No heroes, villains, one to blame / While wilted roses fill the stage / And the thrill, the thrill is gone / Our debut was a masterpiece / But in the end for you and me / Oh, the show, it can’t go onWe used to have it all, but now’s our curtain call / So hold for the applause, oh / And wave out to the crowd, and take our final bow / Oh, it’s our time to go, but at least we stole the show
                               I N  C H A R A C T E R  I N T E R V I E W 
How do you feel about the Exodus?
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“Isn’t it wonderful???”
A slice of a grin, sharp as any blade cuts across those almost serpentine features.  It’s quite clear from the sadistic glee that taints those words that the so called ‘tragedy’ that had befallen the fables was, in this case at least - more of a boon.  It’s not the first world he’s found himself in.  It’s not the first place he’s been allowed to roam, to pick apart the corners of existence like the oil slick stain that dripped in his chest where most would expect a heart to be.  It’s not the first place The Nothing has been drawn to – and whether he was sent, or pulled, or tossed like the latest piece of garbage rolling along filthy asphalt, he is here.  And that’s all that matters.  When this place is gone… Crumbled, ash and dust, decaying and – d e a d.  There will be another.  There always is.
Meanwhile, he’s nestled in his booth at Wonderland.  Lounging deep in the plush seat - There’s something about the way he takes to a chair which makes him seem more like a liquid than a solid.  There was never any ‘perching’, no ‘sitting’, it couldn’t even be defined as ‘slouching’.  Just a way of going from standing to a casually recumbent state - looking as though he’d been occupying said piece of furniture for vastly longer than the fleeting moments he’s actually been there - the martini which is delivered to the table only a moment later testament to that fact.
“Limitless potential, rampant chaos, complicit corruption, spiralling self destruction… and here – ”
There’s a sinuous shrug, fingers trailing the cherry around the glass on it’s little stick, gleaming red, reflecting the lights of the club as though it were an ember ready to ignite.
“ – the bad guys can win.”
Was it hard adjusting to life in Fabletown? Do you miss the Homeworld?
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“No, and, no.”
It’s a fairly straight forward, very direct answer.  Why would he miss the saccharine boredom of that place???  Where people smiled inanely all day ( surely a sign of some kind of deeper communal psychosis in his opinion ), where they sung happy little ditties which were nausea inducing at best, horribly revealing, over sharing and a big ole slice of ‘TMI’ at worst.  It makes his new found flesh creep at the mere thought something of a burgeoning migraine teasing into place between his eyes with the harshness of an ice pick driving through his skull.
Why would he miss the constant drudgery of eternal predictable ‘happy endings’.  Where traits like ambition, pride, deceit, manipulation and the like are all – undesirable.  
Here – oh, HERE, they’re keys.  Which unlock the aforementioned potential.  Things to be admired, wary of, respectful of – fearful of.  A place where it’s not the biggest sword, or brainless bravado, or the glimmer of light that stands victorious - but the sharpest mind, the patient darkness, the sweetest lie.
Where is your favorite place in Fabletown or New York?
“While Wonderland is so dearly – enchanting.  And the delights we have to offer are implicitly and uniquely spectacular, I do sometimes favour – other – kinds of amusement… And there are plenty of places in this city to be – entertained.”
While he says little else on the matter publicly - there are a few who frequent said establishments who would see him as something of a regular voyeur.  A foot into the Four Jacks isn’t unusual - a test of skill or luck in a gamble here and there.  But that’s not the main draw of the place.  While he can see tantamount supple bodies and exposed flesh in a myriad of forms at Wonderland, it’s all a little too – pristine – to sustain those darker desires for long.  The money he carries into the casino isn’t for a trite game of poker, or a clicking slot - it’s for the more visceral purveying of brutalism.  The Underdrome, with broken bones, shattered skulls, blood in fountains aplenty.  Those combatants pitched in delicious instinctive battle.  It’s human nature to – f i g h t.  To devolve to that primal brain where the only thing that matters is - survival.  
To hate, to hurt, to harm, to kill.  – Chaos unleashed.
It’s all rather good fun, really.
How do you feel about magic? Do you think it should be banned, regulated, or neither?
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There’s something of a ‘tchh’ between his teeth, a click of a tongue like the rattle of bone dice.  The martini he’s been nursing finally lifted from the table so that he can sample a little of the sweet-sour flavour on his tongue.
“The only people who care about controlling or banning magic are the ones who either a) don’t understand it or - and the likeliest option - b) don’t have it.”
“Jealousy, perhaps.  Little green eyed monsters clamouring for something beyond their grasp.  Fear - of the unknown.”
Just another delightful little weakness to exploit.
Who do you think killed Little Red Riding Hood? Please also indicate here if you would like for your character to potentially be the killer and, if so, what their motive would be.
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“I have no idea why my opinion would matter either way.  I’m sure the NYPDs finest are on the case and doing… whatever it is they do between their copious consumption of donuts.”
Does he care???  Not particularly.  
And macabre as it sounds, even the death of Red hadn’t particularly hurt business.  In fact - it’s booming.  As much of a highlight as she was, the morbid fascination of the populace drawing them to a place that might be connected to a grisly murder was stronger – they come for the freak show, like vultures snapping at the eyes of corpses – they stay for the entertainment.  The bodies beautiful.  The liquor which loosens tongues and wallets both.  
The real fun is the almost tangible tremble that ran along the spines of every other fable.  A suddenly looming mortality.  A copious and present paranoia.  A fearful herd, a flock, scurrying around and jumping at shadows – in which, someone of the right persuasion could see their way to taking advantage…
…To that end, I set my wolf among you sheep.
hello!  i’m g, older than dirt ( over 21... ) - GMT.  <3
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coolman229 · 6 years
Sora: How did the Underdrome get open?
Auron: Someone must have broken the seal
Sora, the one who broke the seal: What an idiot
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Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Recap: Olympus Coliseum (Pain and Panic Cup)
First of all, shout-out to Mudarrow’s KH2:FM Proud Mode walkthrough! That’s what I’m using for research in conjunction with KH Wiki! I figured I’d share that tidbit now since I should REALLY be crediting my sources.
Also, one thing I forgot to mention: All Limits have a “Limit Gauge” that runs out very quickly when you don’t use their commands, so they will stop on their own if you don’t use the finisher.
Upon arrival in the Entrance to the Underworld, Sora, Donald, and Goofy note that there don’t appear to be any Heartless or Nobodies around.
There is, however, a large stadium of some kind on the other side of the River Styx (or is it the River Lethe? I don’t know which Underworld River this one is, and Disney took so many creative liberties I’m not sure what hints I could rely on).
They don’t know what it is, but Auron explains that it’s the Underdrome.
It’s Hades’ personal Coliseum, where Fiends of the Underworld once clashed endlessly.
However, Zeus didn’t like the senseless violence, so he locked it up.
SDG want to know how it got unlocked.
“Some fool must’ve gone and unsealed it,” Auron figures.
“What an idiot,” Sora replies, completely unaware of the irony.
Auron walks off, and when Sora suggests they could get caught up, Auron instead insists he go check in on his friends as the camera pans over to the gates that lead “upstairs”.
Auron is gone by the time they look back.
We then meet Pain and Panic.
Panic tells SDG to talk to him if they want to enter a tournament, and Pain lets them know that Hades was gracious enough to make it nonlethal.
And if you win, you’ll earn fabulous prizes.
Plus, more tournaments will be added from time to time.
Currently, the only available tournament is the Pain and Panic cup.
All enemies are level 25.
There are 10 rounds.
The gimmick is that you can’t use Drive Forms, but Limits consume less MP.
Also, the enemies don’t give you EXP of any kind.
Instead,t hey drop score prizes that increase your score. Winning with a score of 2,000 or greater will mark the tournament as complete in Jiminy’s Journal.
Round 4 has Hot Rods, so use your anti Hot Rod strategies.
Round 8 is a repeat of the Rapid Thruster Horde from the Land of Dragons, so you only have to survive 80 seconds.
Round 10 pits you against Leon and Yuffie.
Yuffie can no longer heal, but she can still jump around and teleport.
She can either perform a two-hit melee combo with her Shuriken, or jump into the air and yeet it at you.
Leon is the more dangerous of the two. He has two separate melee attacks he can perform with his Gunblade (either charging forward and performing a multihit combo, or slashing sideways twice before slashing away), and can also “unleash his fighting spirit” to power up his blade the same way he did in KH1 to enhance ALL of his attacks.
When you beat the Tournament, you’re taken to the awards ceremony, and Pain and Panic display the trophy in the Underworld Entrance.
As for your “fabulous prizes”?
You get a Protect Belt (armor item, +3 defense), and a Serenity Stone (synthesis material).
That’s all for the Tournament, but remember what I said about the Absent Silhouette? How I’d be covering it “later” when I had a good place to fit it.
Upon challenging the Absent Silhouette, SDG are taken to the storm tossed island, where said Absent Silhouette transforms into Zexion.
Zexion only has one attack, trapping SDG inside of Books. It cannot be blocked.
If Donald or Goofy are trapped in books, Sora will have to destroy the books to release them.
If Sora is trapped by this attack, then he gets transported to a nightmare dimension (along with both Donald and Goofy, releasing them from their own books if they were caught), where he must find and destroy the book that holds Zexion, while a bunch of fake books fly around.
Zexion can continue to attack Sora in this state, sealing his command menu (forcing Sora to use a reaction Command to turn the pages of the command menu until he finds the command to revert it to normal), dash around Sora and attack him while invisible, or a couple of more advanced attacks that can’t be summarized easily:
If Zexion traps Sora inside a book while Sora is already trapped in the nightmare dimension, then Sora will have to use the “Struggle” Reaction Command 10 times to escape it. Using it 10 times will generate the prompt for “Reset” which releases Sora. Using it 10 times in quick succession will generate the prompt for “Break” which frees Sora from the book and deals damage to the one Zexion is hiding in.
His most dangerous attack is one that clears out all the Books but 3, places them in the center of the room under 3 spotlights, and then flashes between the three books like some kind of roulette.
Once a spotlight has been chosen, meteor’s rain down.
Whichever book the roulette lands on is where SDG need to stand to avoid getting hit by the meteor barrage Zexion summons.
On the plus side, the book the roulette stops on will ALWAYS be the one holding Zexion, so this is also an opening.
Once the book holding Zexion has had its HP depleted, Sora gains the “Dispel” Reaction Command, which dispels the illusion of the Nightmare Dimension and allows SDG to continue fighting Zexion.
Once Zexion is defeated, he reverts back to an Absent Silhouette, and the Absent Silhouette fades from existence.
Sora gets an item slot.
Donald gets 3 more Max HP.
Goofy gets Damage Control (Damage is halved at low HP).
You also get the Book of Shadows (recipe for the Shadow Archive and Shadow Archive + accessories) and a Lost Illusion (Synthesis Material).
That’s it for Olympus Coliseum for now.
Next time, we cover one of those two Disney Worlds that was unlocked upon clearing Timeless River.
See you then.
Man has a complicated bossfight!
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werekaiju · 6 years
I am too tired to do more then one world tonight -- So here is tonight’s stream of just Enchanted Castle!
I’d like to blame being tired as the reason why I was so awful at fighting Xaldin but, uh, it would be a lie. I just sucked in that fight. His reaction command took finesse I do not have, apparently. Thank goodness King Mickey is looking out for me on that like...fucign fourth try, huh.
Anyway my boy, my son, the light of my life Beast is now happy as a clam.
And I still need Glide to get to THOSE PUZZLE PIECES.
Anyway tomorrow should be the Underdrome. Time to become a the Ultimate Hero! Gotta inspire Herc to overcome this sadness! He is a great hero and one mistake won’t invalidate that!
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akingdomtheorist · 6 years
KH-Catch Up: KH2FM Part A Lot of Things Happened
Finally a new installment of KH Catch-Up, with our lovely comments frommy best friendo.
Atlantica PART 1
"What's the plot of Atlantica this time? They did the movie last game?"
"Did they?"
"No not really, it was like the first half."
"I forgot Donald was an octopus and Goofy was a turtle."
"Oh that's right the swimming control-UUUUUHG. -ten seconds later- Wait this is much better."
"Uh yeah Sebastion, that 'strange feeling' is called being thirsty."
"Uh... what... are we Guitar Hero now?" "What if I told you there is no combat in this world?" "I'm 100% okay with this."
"Wait, if theres no heartless here then why are we here? I'm happy to hang out but I just want to know if that's the case."
"I'm not used to seeing you this... happy, sir."
"Nah, Seaking's a pretty chill Pokemon."
"Jack Sparrow crashed another ship eh?"
And then we need to go get Magnet. We shall return. After I Gummi Engineer.
He is glad it isn't a hallway.
"Aladdin's just upset Disney signed him up for four direct to video sequels."
"You wanna buy Jafar from this peddler? "Sure."
-- "So do the Heartless have intelligence?" "No they run on instinct." "Oh so there isn't one going "Man why do I gotta fight this guy?" "It's like... when a bunch of drunk people happen to go by a McDonalds and all they do is go "NUGGETSSSS". That is how Heartless work." "So... so they are slaves to the nugget?" "The one inside your heart." --
"Breathing fire isn't fair."
"Oh, it's you again. Friggin' Eggman."
"Now i have to go back through all this cave and get treasure." "It's almost like you're in the cave of wonders." "It's almost like there's a lot of treasure."
"Why is it these two statues let me examine them? I'm very suspific."
-fighting yet another Fat Bandit- "It's almost as if you have ice magic that can help." "Thank you." "You're welcome."
"Wait, do we Twin Rova now? THIS IS JUST TWIN ROVA!"
"That was the keyhole?" "Why do you think the Cave of Wonders was like BITCH?!"
"Well that's ONE way to put it, Axel."
"God, Nobodies move really weird."
"Oh my god it's Twilight Town."
He proceeds to make every musical reference he can about Jack's abilities.
"Do you think the Grinch exists somewhere in Christmas town?"
"Oh my god we're wearing a black santa outfit? This is the edgiest thing you've worn, Sora."
"Sora's like OOOOHHHHHHH." "Isn't he precious?" "Yes."
"Are you going to make the Zelda sound every time you open a big chest?" "Yes."
"Is this a boss? Oh, with that level of health bar yeah."
He dun bodied the boss with Anti-Form. We wanted Wisdom, but got Anti-Form instead.
"Santa, you've taken five steps out of the door. You can't be lost if you can still see the door. Also WHY DID YOU LEAVE?"
"Oogie isn't that smart is he?" "I mean, he was just brought back from the dead." "Oh right he still hs that -4 to all ability checks."
"Is he just gummy worms now?"
"Wait, Jack's the keyhole? Since when?" "I'll give you one more guess." "It's the suit?" "It's the suit."
Back to Gummi Ship shenanigans, we now have Lil PEW PEW! and Just some Guns as Teeny Ships.
"Oh look, it's where Simba's dad was horribly trampled to death... OH HI Simba! I think your dad is about to be horribly trampled to death!"
"Oh Simba look, your dad's about to get Hamleted! Man you really shouldn't think about that."
"HOW DO WE FIGHT? I do not see how we use a keyblade like this. Maybe our tail."
"Just, fly away Donald! You can fly."
"Hello, Dodongos?" "I believe they're technically Wildbeasts." "They're Dodongo's. WHERE ARE THE BOMBS TO PUT IN THEIR MOUTHS, THEY HURT."
"Sora you have a job to do, you can't be the Lion King. Roll credits."
"Isn't Grand Cross Simon's final smash in Smash Ultimate?"
"I'm sorry, Pete is such an unintimidating name."
"Come on, we can take these guys, I'm a lion with a sword!"
"Do I have to do some Tarzan level platforming? I'm not used to this quadrapedal body! I don't think I can do it! -cutscene happens- Oh, apparently I can."
"Yes, when lions get older, they get manes."
-begins drifting in a circle endlessly with the Dash ability- "DEJA VU, I'VE JUST BEEN IN THIS PLACE BEFORE"
"I didn't think this would work so well. DUN DU DAH DAAAAH DUN!"
I shouldn't have told him he could drift. He has made the Deja Vu meme 7 times now. 8 times. Now he's found the perfect spot and singing the entire song.
-pauses game- "OBJECTION! HOW DO YOU KNOW IF THIS IS FAMILIAR IF YOU WEREN'T THERE!" -starts singing Pursuit theme from Ace Attorney-
"Is that an Underworld Coliseum? The Underdrome."
He fight in tournaments now.
"Are you just bodying Leon with glitter?" "Yup."
-sees solo Drive tournament- "Ooh. Oooooohhhh...."
"This is fun."
He died to time.
We go save Seifer from being a lamer.
"God dammit Seifer."
-sees Laexeus Absent Silhouette- "Alright, let's get bodied by someone."
"Did he just reaction command me?!"
He died very fast. He swore about it.
"I'm gonna FC this." He is going to perfect the Atlantica songs. I don’t know why but he is.
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