#underNET post
ricefriskytreats · 2 years
UNDERNET USER: Macroalgae_Commando Posted!
Crabapples are superior to Ghost Fruit.
Change my mind. :tea_emoji:
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Are you hungry sir?
HHhhhhhhhh I don't remember when I
have I eaten today??
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sui-imi · 5 days
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UnderEats & UnderNet Protocol icons
both UE & UP belong to me (sui-imi)
don't use outside of their intended purpose please
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
[Slams my hands on the table]
What are frisk's neopronouns do you have specific ones ○u○
xe/xem !!!! i like that set specifically bc it reminds me of the X on the mercy button
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sinkholeinc · 2 years
Hello! We’re new here on tumblr (and the internet in general) and we’re very excited to join the many beloved brands who already post on this site. Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the near future!
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benanazauce · 10 months
listening to the UT soundtrack right now and just got THE BIGGEST whiplash from the switch from heartache to sans. LORD help me this is ONE BIG EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
do you think sans would invent a special glue that lets him walk up and down any surface
that seems more like a papyrus kind of invention. sans would be like "can't you do that already though, dude?" and then papyrus would be like "WELL Y—wait. wait. hang on. i just had a vision let me cook.
it sounds like something ALPHYS would make for a cosplay, then post about on her undernet profile with like a little video and a dorky caption while papyrus is in her replies like "THIS IS VERY GOOD BUT WAS THE GOO REALLY NECESSARY"
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howlsofbloodhounds · 12 days
So was rewatching Othertale: Before the Hack (part 1) a few days ago and posting about it, which you can find here, and i was taking notes as i did.
You can also find the link to my analysis of the [caring] animation here, and my analysis of the [experiment] animation here and here.
And happy 9th birthday to both Othertale, and Color Sans!
“Undyne, or Ivory, comes from an AU called Othertale. She can play piano and has a nice sense of music, but can’t sing. She’s much weaker than her Undertale counterpart.
In this AU, Sans never existed (aside from a mysterious sock in the house that Undyne and Papyrus eventually move in to.)
And instead, Undyne—an orphaned street kid blind in one eye with her red hair in a braid—starts looking after an even younger orphaned kid named Papyrus from bullies and thieves. Before eventually, the two decide to stick together as siblings.
Due to being more focused on looking after and raising Papyrus, Undyne does not have any goals to join the Royal Guard or free the Underground or capture any humans.
She cares more about her little brother than anything, and even uses piano skills to eventually become something of a celebrity for the Underground while Papyrus goes on to become a math teacher.
Othertale Undyne grows up in a universe where Sans doesn’t exist, Papyrus is her younger adoptive brother, and she had to work to keep herself and her brother alive.
Using her skills in piano playing to perform concerts, she earns enough to get herself and her brother off the streets.
She seems to take this very seriously, such as being nervous and not sleeping, staying up all night practicing. Especially since she’s become so well know that even King Asgore and Gerson Head of the Royal Guard would be there.
Neither she nor Papyrus have plans to join the Royal Guard, so Gerson is still the captain of the Royal Guard.
Neither Papyrus nor Undyne have any official training, although Undyne and the Royal Scientist Alphys are still love interests—with Alpyhs being Papyrus’ Undernet friend, and appearing to have a celebrity crush on Undyne—even giving her a gift for her big concert.
Because the six human souls also don’t exist in Othertale, breaking the barrier isn’t possible. Mettaton operates more like a living weapon than a star, and the amalgamates don’t exist either. Although Flowey still does.
In the present day of Othertale, many monsters have mysteriously been going missing; with the King himself having to speak on the issue.
It is unclear if Undyne is any concerned about this, given how she readily goes on walks alone with Alphys and was eager to explore an abandoned sentry station that showed up out of nowhere when she heard someone calling her name from it.
One day, however, Undyne is lured into the Void through a sentry station; she hears someone calling her name but no one else can hear it. She decides to immediately go exploring because she wants to have fun. She is rather pushy when Alphys is too scared to go in and explore, but ultimately doesn’t force the other woman to go in.
But inside she is confronted by Gaster and Sans/Color!Sans. She doesn’t understand what’s going on, but is knocked out by a magic fueled punch by Color that transfers some of Color’s “soul power” into her, which opened Undyne’s “blind eye.”
Ivory is not afraid to defend herself; not hesitant at all to summon one of her spears and point it at Gaster when he advances on her, warning him to stay back or else she will hurt him. Although she only does this when he attempts to make a move towards her.
She seems very very nervous about her concert, and she doesn’t seem to have been ready for the level of attention and popularity her skills brought her.
Due to her magic eye that Color unlocked, she seems able to immediately tell if there’s danger nearby; like a warning, perhaps from Color himself. She seems to trust her instincts a lot, immediately ditching her big concert and audience to follow her gut and run straight into danger.
When she finds Alphys injured, she’s furious and fiercely protective; demanding to know who did it in a low growling tone.
Once making sure Alphys is okay, her immediate concern after is her brother and his safety. But rather than immediately running off and abandoning Alphys, she expresses this to her—and after getting reassurance that the other woman is okay and understands, she gives Alphys a tight hug before running off after Papyrus.
As soon as she finds and protects Papyrus, she orders her brother to run and get help while she fights off against the other monster attacking him on her own.
She’s able to shortcut a lot like Sans is able to now. Her eye glows like Sans’ did, only yellow this time. Her fish ears/gills pin back when she’s scared.
When she gains her second form, her hair is chopped off to what appears to be about ear length. Her spears are stronger and longer, and she has her own Gaster Blasters.
She dresses like an Underfell Undyne in this form—and she wears a heart shaped golden necklace with the letter “f” on it.
We don’t know where she got it, what it means, who it came from—but it was said to be a gift from someone.”
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^ the images I am referring to. (All art by superyoumna.)
This part is in reference to the [experiment] short, and the brother & sister comic.
Before Gaster jumped into the Core and Sans was forgotten in the Void to create Othertale, back when the universe was still Undertale—this universe seems to subscribe to the idea that both Sans and Undyne’s magical eyes were due to experiments by Dr. Gaster.
Sans says that Dr. Gaster made a mistake when giving him his eye, that it made Sans’ body extremely unstable and fragile—and possibly more, although Sans doesn’t seem to hold it against Gaster even when Gaster holds it against himself.
Sans reassures Undyne that Gaster won’t make that same mistake with her, but when the experiment finally works and Undyne is able to see from her fake eye, Gaster immediately tells Sans to remove the soul energy or it would damage Undyne’s body.
Undyne during this flashback seems to be around 5, while Papyrus is at most 1-2, and Sans seems to be in his late teens to early 20s. When Sans is pulled into the Void and the world is rewritten to forget Sans and make Othertale, Ivory’s eye is blind again and later needs to be reactivated by Color transferring his soul energy back to her.
All a part of Color and Shade’s plan to empower Ivory with knowledge and power so she can fight against the impending threat, since Color and Shade cannot leave the Void without the risk of dying.
Despite how Ivory and Shade’s meeting in Othertale’s Void is confronting and wary, in the past, child Undyne seemed to find comfort in Gaster and trusted him a lot—such as wanting him to share in her happiness, being worried about him when he leaves in frustration, and saying that the lab is spooky without him around.
As a child after Sans is forgotten, however, it appears little Ivory met little Sage sometime after an event just referred to as “the explosion.” And ever since then, Sage only ever sought Ivory out whenever the other children would steal from and bully him—and Ivory would beat up the bullies for him and get his stuff back.
One day, while searching for a rubix cube in the garbage dumps, a frantic and crying Sage runs up to Ivory to tell her that the others kids stole his toy car.
Ivory notes that he only ever comes to her when he needs protection. Sage immediately apologizes for this, but Ivory quickly corrects herself as that wasn’t what she meant—this is the moment where Ivory proposes that Sage stick with her instead of surviving on his own.
Sage is reluctant to accept because even though they are friends, they are still strangers. In answer to this, Ivory gives Sage her rubix cube and loudly states that they are neither friends nor strangers—instead they are siblings.
Sage immediately gets excited by this idea, and the two proudly and loudly declare that they are siblings—and Sage promises to always look up to her and support her as his big sister and as the “great Papyrus!”
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huntinglove · 26 days
Undertale Headcanons!!
Shout out to @magical-batt for letting me go wild in our DMs so I could come up with all of these, ily bestie 🫂💙💙💙
Let me start off with my fave, of course!
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• Listens to everything, and I mean everything. Their playlist is incredibly random so they usually skip a bunch of songs until the right one pops up. They usually prefer music with mostly instrumental sections or calming melodies, it helps them feel less tense when they're by themselves
• Maladaptive daydreamer. When they need a break from their thoughts, they put on their headphones, choose a couple songs they like and let their mind go wherever it wants. It usually helps them revisit memories with a different view, as well as think of new music and life scenarios. It does, however, take up most of their days and usually ends up making them isolated from everyone else
• They don't necessarily need anything revolving around physical health, but it makes them feel more alive, so they actively choose to do it. Eating, drinking, sleeping, getting out of the house from time to time, and even allowing themselves to touch things and be touched by other people/monsters, they can feel and experience everything just fine
• Being raised by and around their cousins, they always believe that they're as loud as the other Blooks which, in turn, makes their voice extra quiet whenever they speak. They also space out their words so that they don't speak too fast, to make it easier for others to understand what they say
• Time and time again they try to find an empty spot to relax in, but they either get interrupted or someone's already at their usual spot. They like to stay in places where they can connect with their physical self a bit more, places with a lot of textures or different temperatures, it gets them out of their comfort zone by edging them into reality
• Their UnderNet profile has been flagged as a bot account by the moderators, because they haven't chosen a profile picture, banner or made any posts since their introduction to the site. It causes the application to automatically reject their friend requests towards other users, they are unaware of this and just believe that people are rejecting their requests on purpose
• Can concentrate better while eating snacks! She'd come up with responses to citizens' letters while eating some snails
• Always has some leftover flour on her clothes and fur, some monsters are intimidated by that because they assume it's dust
• Prefers to come up with bedtime stories instead of reading them! That way Chara and Asriel could relate to the characters on a personal level
• Greatly dislikes any type of shoes and socks, due to sensory issues
• Keeps her nails/claws trimmed and rounded so that she won't accidentally hurt anyone
• Has very sensitive horns so he has to wear a small crown, that won't accidentally touch or brush against them
• Pockets are always full of junk. Flower petals, candies (and wrappers), toy rings, bandaids, you name it!
• Needs glasses to read but absolutely refuses to wear them. Usually asks Undyne to help him read citizen letters because of it, she's not very good at it...
• Avoids being in the throne room unless necessary, he feels lonely in there. The echo whenever he hums or talks while in there makes him feel a deep sadness
• Nightmares. So many nightmares. It's what made him learn how to make tea in the first place, to help him out with anxiety and insomnia. He knows what he's done and he's never forgiven himself for it
• Gently headbutts people when he's upset as a way to say "stop that" or "can we go somewhere else" instead of using his words. He got the habit while he was very young and never really grew out of it
• Indecisive to the extreme, he loves a lot of things in a very intense way, it's impossible to make him pick a single one. Favorite color? He'll name as many as he can. Trying to order food? Hops through most of the menu...
• Struggles to grow fur below the neck, so he's always cold. Toriel has knit him many sweaters because of it, but he usually wears whichever ones match with Frisk or Chara
• Prefers to play pretend instead of using toys, he's imaginative and creative and way too scared to break expensive things that were gifted to him
• His ears are his comfort. If he's scared of something, he'll use them to cover his eyes. If he's upset, he'll pet and stroke them to sooth himself. If he's nervous he'll tug on them and have to physically make himself stop before it starts to hurt
• Biter. They bite anything, anyone and everything they can, including themselves! They can't grow their nails or cuticles because of it, which makes their fingers be constantly wrapped in bandages. Their toys and pens' only difference to Asriel's are the bite marks and chewed up plastic
• Had a large human family and was pretty much neglected because most of their siblings were young and needed their parents' full attention. Plays a bit rough with Asriel but never actually means to hurt him and feels horrible if it happens
• Insanely curious and adventurous, if it were up to them they'd have check under every rock, over each of the cave's walls and all over the Underground for anything new to see and learn about.
• Picky eater and hypermobile! They had a hard time getting used to monster food and would usually request meals that Toriel hadn't even heard about. Allergic to cinnamon and would end up sneezing for hours because of it. Loves to show Asriel cool tricks by bending their body in ways that most people can't, he'd either find it super cool or super scary
• Was mentally ill at a young age. They were overly suspicious of the Dremurrs for a long time, made up the name Chara when Asriel introduced himself, but got attached to it as they felt more at home within the Underground. They've dealt with depression for as long as they could remember and didn't feel like they deserved their new home
(yes he's Asriel but he wasn't acting like himself)
• Incredibly uncomfortable with his own body and how limited it feels most of the time, still maintaining some of his own characteristics, he's always cold and can't soothe himself with his fluffy ears
• He was potted and brought home by Toriel one time. He was very snappy and ended up hurting Toriel during an argument, he ran away and Toriel hasn't tried to bring him back ever since. He has never forgiven himself for making his mom cry
• Visits Waterfall quite often, specifically because of the echo flowers, in the hopes that one of his previous conversations with Chara or his parents will still be there, somehow. He met Papyrus there and he genuinely saw him as a friend, but his bitterness and guilt drove them apart
• Oscillates between extreme guilt and pure resentment very quickly. It's hard for him to tell where his blame begins and ends, which makes him mad at everyone AND himself a lot of the time. He doesn't need sunlight to feed himself but it's the most isolated part of the Underground, so he always stays at the entrance of the mountain
• He has a hard time entertaining himself or falling asleep, so he usually stalks random monsters to distract himself. He's read through all the journals at the Book Acres, heard every gossip there is and spent hours on end watching the Ice Wolf at Snowdin
• They didn't really understand the appeal of a body until they actively began craving someone's touch. They were very nervous to ask Alphys and Mettaton for help, out of fear of judgement, but the two were absolutely ecstatic about it
• They made a folder with reference images of what they'd like their robot body to look like and Alphys checked in with them with each design decision until everything was perfect for them, they were very happy about how the final product turned out
• It took them a while to learn how to walk and how to adjust their voice speakers, but but other than that they were incredibly comfortable with their body, even if they were a bit more conscious about being perceived by others because of it
• Mettaton took them shopping for clothes and shoes to match their new style and they found out that they're a huge fan of hoodies and sneakers. If they're feeling fancy they'll wear pants and shirts as well! Jeans are more stylish but they prefer black sweatpants
• Out of all physical experiences they've had, their favorites so far have been: cheek rubs, hair playing, hand holding, kisses and hugging. When they feel too tired to be physical, they'll have their ghost form exit the robotic shell and just relax while it's on charge
• Having a physical form makes him euphoric in of itself, so he doesn't care about wearing dresses, skirts, or anything that may be considered "feminine" or "girly" by others. He's comfort in his own skin AND he looks good in all the outfits he wears and he absolutely knows it
• Loud and proud about his transition and identity, he wants anyone else in the Underground who may feel the way he felt to know there's hope and time! He gifted one of his fans the dress he wore during a play because he resonated with her but didn't want to tell her she was a trans woman bluntly
• Writes all his own movies and songs but usually has Alphys direct things if other actors are involved, both because he trusts her and because he doesn't want to lose his temper and mess up the MTT brand name. He always includes an inside joke in his movies, for his family and for his friends who are keeping an eye on the screen!
• Loves his EX body the most but usually sticks with box mode when he needs more heavy duty presentations or work, he knows Alphys wouldn't mind (or charge him for) fixing him up, but he doesn't like taking up too much of her time, especially considering that they're quite close and hang out quite a bit as it is
• During the design process for his EX design, him and Alphys binged A LOT of animes and basically scrapped up a bunch of characteristics he liked about multiple of the characters to build him the perfect appearance. He cried for a long time when he first got into his EX body, he finally felt and looked like himself, just like he had always dreamed of
Mad Mew Mew:
• Short temper and extremely protective of her family and friends, but when thanked for looking out for them she'll act pouty and scoff, pretending to not know what they're talking about. She cares, but raging is her main priority
• LOVES everything pink, shiny, frilly and doll-like, it brings her euphoria and comfort. Battling also gives her euphoria, being able to experience touch, hits and even slashes in her own skin reminds her of her physical existence in a fairly positive (and dangerous) light
• Has a bunch of chew necklaces for when she feels pent up but doesn't actually want to fight or hurt anyone, most of them match with her outfits and are super sturdy to the touch! She has also trained herself out of cursing via echolalia, using "mew~" instead!
• Can and will hide weapons within the layers of her skirt, not in a way to be sexual, but as a way to be tactical and to surprise her opponents. She has also stocked up on knives since her encounter with Frisk, just in case
• Loves spending time with her cousins but acts like a tsundere when they're near. They absolutely know it's all an act and enjoy her company regardless of her sassy attitude. She gives hugs strong enough to crack ribs and bend metal, which usually worry Mettaton a bit...
• Very in tune with his magical abilities, in and out of combat. He's mastered teleportation and time manipulation, which makes him extremely intimidating to those aware of his capabilities, which is why he's only demonstrated it to Frisk. They may be his friend, but the fact that they're a human will always be his priority
• Him and Papyrus are twins, and Sans is older by just a few minutes. When he feels like making Papyrus slightly grumpy he playfully calls him "little bro" but he'd never do it to actually upset him. He doesn't remember much from before moving into Snowdin, nor does he care to reconnect with his past
• Even though he's not religious, he feels a special and divine connection with dogs, for some reason. He also doesn't mind how fluffy and warm they are, so he always welcomes them to his home and work stations, much to Papyrus' demise
• He has a lot of junk in his room, usually he mixes a bunch of it up for some random inventions, or to make some harmless prank material by himself, since he's not found a lot of stores who still do tabs, knowing his infamous habits of never paying said tabs...
• Magically strong, physically weak. Sans rarely has the energy to take proper care of himself, let alone do chores or keep up with Papyrus' energy. Life in the Underground is comfortable enough for him and he's not desperate for a change in scenery or for a new flame of hope, he's happy to sit back and settle with what he's got
• Can't sit still for the life of him. He always needs to fidget with something, especially his clothes, he needs to make sure he looks presentable so crinkles and smudges are a no-go! If he's just sitting down, hell usually be tapping his feet or bouncing one of his legs, he doesn't notice himself doing it
• His scarf was originally a cape that he had made for his costume, but he kept on tripping over it and getting it caught on things while trying to set up his puzzles so he decided to just cut out a chunk of it. He uses said chunk as a dish rag now
• He's read every book in Snowdin's library and knows a lot about humans (from a monster's perspective) and he genuinely believes that there are no bad humans, just bad capturers. Also finds humans incredibly cute, like one would a pet
• It's incredibly hard to get him to be genuinely upset, but a nice way to do it would be to hurt Sans. He has no idea about his brother's capabilities so he assumes he's weak and lazy, so depending on what someone did to his brother they'd either get a scolding, or some terrifying attacks that no one knew he could conjure
• He likes to do multiple things at the same time, so he'll usually be working on crosswords, word finders and so on while MTT TV is on. Sometimes the storyline gets interesting enough for him to drop whatever else he's doing and focus on the show instead, he's especially fond of soap operas and quizzes!
• Loves doing tricks with her spears! She can spin them, juggle them and balance them on her tongue! She's gotten hit in the face with them quite a few times, while practicing said tricks, the only monster who knows about it is the dummy in front of her house, but they don't judge her
• Her job essentially forced her to lose her sleep schedule entirely. She always has to be prepared in case the king calls her into duty, especially if it's about the appearance of a human. Because of that she is a very light sleeper and usually wakes up with a nasty temper
• She's always looking for ways to increase her resistance and even tried to train in the Hotlands a couple of times, but she never made it past the bridge until her chase with Frisk. She has gotten herself sick multiple times by training with Papyrus at Snowdin without wearing armor, for resilience's sake
• She's lost her parents to one of the previous humans who came to the Underground, because of that she sees Asgore as a father figure! They've both spent countless nights talking to one another and learning about thselves while on look-out. He trained her into a powerful warrior and loved her into the (fish)woman she is
• She loves anime, especially the ones that have to do with magical girls! She enjoys shonen but doesn't understand why most of it centers around guys and makes girls out to be weak or cowardly, so magical girls have a soft spot in her heart. She knows it would be terribly impractical but she'd really love to have a suit of armor that resembled the ones in Fisher Sun!
• She has lots of comfort foods stocked away at her home and laboratory, all of which are fairly quick easy to make! She can cook full and proper meals, but she doesn't usually have enough time for it because of her job. She misses baking and cooking for herself and potential friends/guests
• She has given up most of her hobbies for her work life and only got into anime after becomg the royal scientist! It's a hobbie that works with her profession and that allows her mind to wander off to better places when she has to deal with questionable procedures...
• She feels awful about the amalgamations, even if the experimentations were consented to. She feels too much guilt to be able to contact their families about what happened, leaving their letters unopened. Sometimes she spends the night at the lab to keep them company, finding herself comfortably tucked into one of the medical beds when she wakes up in the morning
• Her tail is semi-prehensible and she sometimes uses it to stop herself from knocking something over while turning too quickly. The spikes on it can poke out further if she feels threatened or angry. It also expresses her emotions, wagging if she's happy, excited or enamored!!
• Mettaton has given her a few tips on how to gain some confidence and helped her choose outfits and glasses that value her body and face shape properly, it makes her feel pretty but she still struggles with her self esteem and confidence a lot of the time
• A wonderful boss, all of her spiderling employees are very well paid and have many benefits to working under her wing! It also explains why her baked goods are so expensive, considering the amount of workers she's taking care of
• Her pet was a result of one of Alphys' experimentations, it escaped the laboratory when it was still very small and ended up growing exponentially as it was fed and taken care of by Muffet. It's a grumpy creature to anyone who isn't an arachnid, constantly pampered and spoiled rotten by it's owner
• All of her merchandise is home made, which means that some of her first few batches were highly poisonous and dangerous to ingest. It took her a few tries to get the recipes just right, bringing immediate relief and delight to her customers and venomous employees
• She really cares about her appearance and can take hours on end to style her hair and paint her claws, especially considering the extra pairs of arms! She doesn't enjoy lipstick, mainly because it doesn't frame her lips properly, because of her fangs and overbite
• The rest of her family consists of Mafia members, which she's completely clueless about! She genuinely believes that their shops, storages and laundromats are legitimate companies and aspires to make her bakery as profitable as their "establishments"
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starlightshore · 1 year
concept: Flowey on Undernet
Papyrus: mutual friends, chat all the time online
Sans: blocks but then unblocks him periodically. He'll try to cyberbully Sans but Sans just trolls him right back in a way that feigns innocence + pisses Flowey off so bad he blocks him. Cycle repeats.
Toriel: She does not use the internet.
Undyne: Does not follow her because Papyrus forwards every post she makes to him anyway
Alphys: He sends her anon messages. At first, it was anon hate because he was in a bitchy mood (he has Opinions ™ on anime, as he spent many timelines befriending her and was forced to watch SO much anime) but then it turned into like. genuine conversations and feedback. they're friends. I'm not sure if she knows who he is.
Mettaton: has him blocked -both him and his aggressive ad campaign promoting his brand. But somehow??? (probably with Alphys' help) mettaton evades the block somehow.
Frisk: Frisk just posts photos of things they are doing without a caption except maybe like. an emoji. This would happen a few years post-pacifist as Toriel wouldn't give them internet access at first
Chara: Uses Frisk's phone to cyber bully their brother. They're best friends.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 7 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №9
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
I encountered an organization called "To Be Determined". It inspired me to create this drawing. In this organization, there are 6 people who trade highly nonfunctional and peculiar items. I immediately imagined it as a shop run by lost Temmies (Flowey and Bob) from different AUs within Backrooms.
I noticed that there aren't that many prepared posts about bad guys in the backrooms - maybe two or three more. A couple of weeks ago, I started a new job and haven't been drawing much.
I think these posts about bad guys will be once a week, on Saturdays.
Please wish me inspiration =)
The new rooms were similar to Level 0 in their structure. Clusters of office rooms, with and without office furniture. But now there was a pleasant addition in the form of windows. The closed door of the previous place, as before, disappeared behind them when they passed through it. Nightmer seemed calmer without the negative water supply. (Again, being able to clearly distinguish the auras of his wards was definitely pleasant)
After some wandering, Nightmare sensed another presence nearby. Within seconds, everyone heard a distant
This exclamation certainly wasn’t what Nightmare wished to hear, yet if these were Temmies (or something like them), then they might provide information — even though their brains seemed similar to confetti made of narcotic flakes.  At the same time, the place where the Tems might live cannot be too dangerous.
Following the sound, the group found themselves in a medium-sized office room. Soft bean bag chair (Error felt nostalgic for Antivoid) and strange objects, presumably for sale alongside an old cardboard box, occupied one corner. Something resembling Flowey danced as if trapped in an animation loop near merchandise, becoming slightly animated upon seeing customers. Two monsters dressed similarly to Temmies sat nearby. Bob stood apart, his expression frozen, suggesting he had eaten Temmie Flake.
As it turned out later, two more monsters from this group were missing, busy gathering supplies and goods for the little shop. They all seemed to come from different AUs.
Here were also computers, many of which were operational. They tried to access the Undernet and various sites. They couldn't. Instead, they entered a sort of knowledge base. A local Wikipedia or something similar. The browser already contained open tabs, but they couldn't open new ones - there was no network connection. Someone had left the browser open, he took the equipment with him. And, oh, it seemed they had found gold while looking for copper: by reading the text, they understood that the author of the notebook was making notes from this knowledge base. This was easy to understand by the style. There were about a hundred open tabs: items and entities, but mostly levels. From the amount of new information, their heads were spinning. Some levels were described in an unusual way, requiring attention to details to extract additional information. And nothing about exiting from here. There were levels-dead ends, levels-traps, but nothing about a real exit from here.
However, on the other hand, it became evident that there weren't many people in the Backrooms, and they moved individually due to the nature of how many levels was work. Almost everything here seemed to be trying to kill them. But it appeared that not even the dimension-killer could do anything against their DETERMINATION.
Temmies struggled to provide clear answers regarding humans; instead, they simply told strangers, "Temmies too pieople," and strangers treating them like quirky yet harmless folks. How could such a system work? Perhaps these humans were slightly mad. Or perhaps very tolerant towards others' differences. Either way, avoiding contact would be wise.
The presence of monsters in these places brought some comfort. The Bad Guys weren't the only ones who had a rough time. That was good. But the fact that some other monsters they encountered were distorted beyond recognition - like the Smilers - raised serious concerns. It was nerve-wracking.
While Error, Cross, and Dust were exploring the local equivalent of the internet, others used the suddenly freed-up time for themselves. For example, they tried to trade. They all had some amount of monster gold and items to exchange, which Temmies agreed to accept. Horror bought a "Strange Amulet," sweets, and some food to diversify their diet. Almond Water was certainly good, but it was getting boring, and they never tried to cook Greasy Marshmallow. Considering the amulet useless for himself, Horror gave it to Dast.
Strange Amulet ATK: 10 DEF: 10 Made from butterflies in the stomach. It smells of hopes and dreams turned to dust. Allows forming new friendships.
Killer bought numerous boxes of Temmi Flake and Flowey Seeds, several paint cans, and countless small parts of mechanisms along with some mysterious steel scraps, strange red shavings - it seemed he enjoyed them. He also tried planting grass, but Horror stopped him.
Temmie Flake Restores 1–10 HP and sanity *represented by cut yellow wallpaper soaked in Almond Waters
Flowey Seeds Restore 10 HP *represented by seeds coated in Greasy Marshmallow
Nightmare didn't particularly need any products, but somehow excitedly Temmies looked at his tentacles (too much positivity) and offered a discount. Eventually, he purchased a notebook containing maps of certain stable levels from them. Unfortunately, those maps were unsigned. Since he wasn't sure if damaging traders would be beneficial, he decided to go the honest route this time around. After all, merchants held a special status across worlds.
The group stopped at this location for a couple days to record all the information from the site that could be useful to them. It turned out that sequential exploration of levels was only possible up to level 12. Beyond that, entrances and exits from levels led randomly, and any movement scheme resembled a pot of spaghetti. But in theory, they needed to explore this entire pot to find a way home. There were levels that looked like a one-way ticket, empty, unexplored, strange, surreal, remote, and destroyed. Overall, they could work with this.
Temmies didn't mind their company. Soon returned two departed collectors - underfell!Temmie and Temmie in "Temm Armor". They were surprisingly normal compared to the other merchants and shared some information:
People here can also be dangerous just like Fallen Child of Dungeons;
Many who live outside bases and settlements are mad to varying degrees especially those who haven’t drunk Almond Water for long;
Monsters can safely trade with lone humans;
People at outposts and bases usually think rationally and may attack if they realize you are not human. But even with them, you can negotiate.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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ricefriskytreats · 2 years
UNDERNET USER: Macroalgae_Commando Posted!
Got a new hat, looking extra spicy today. Might go fishing later idk.
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v-lustale · 4 months
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An Ask/RP blog for my Lust, and AU, V-Lusttale! (This is actually an AU, of my AU! A post-pacifiest where now VLust is just a gamer streamer! His favourite game is DDLC!)
(Oh yeah! Just to keep RP mildly not overflowing with cash. There is a cap of donating 100g/$! <33)
#Vlust sans
Lore beneath cut! But trigger warning for mentions of: SA, NSFW, and suicide!
V-Lustale (Virtual Lustale) is an AU of underlust. On the outside, monsters are very reclusive, awkward or shy—It's quite empty in the underground since most spend all their times indoors, and while the underground has a purple tint, there's nothing inherently sexual of it.
However, on the UNDERNET, near all monsters are constantly online. Rather looking at explicit works, doing NSFW stories with each other (though anonymously.), or even steaming on 'Only-Monsterz', they're addicted to the fantasy, the escape online in their virtual world after the underground has long since fell into a depression.
Frisk, an eighteen year old sexual abuse survivor, falls into the underground in an attempt to take their own life. With Rosey. (a previously very sheltered child) and the spirit of Chara. (A troubled youth) Frisk needs to help the monsters build a healthy relationship with reality, sexuality—And heal from their own trauma.
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sui-imi · 1 year
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Search history
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thenocturnenarrator · 11 months
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The Geno and Sans dynamic brain rot is real I AM OBSESSED
They are brothers, they are twins, they are besties, they love each other, they tell each other puns in the middle of the night while Papyrus screams at them to stop cause it’s three am, they bother their lil bro on the undernet telling him how cool he is, they play with Frisk and take turns to take them on their blasters, their blasters are besties, their blasters’s names are all the names of bones, Sans forced Geno to change clothes cause monsters are dumb (affectionate) and keep mistaking them, they call each other on the phone and pretend they don’t know each other while sitting on the same sofa, Sans thinks Geno is too weird and amoral sometimes and he always tells him off, they have two different fast food stands and are rivals, one sells hot cats and the other sells fried snow, they keep changing from stand so no one really knows which one belongs to who, Geno claims the white dog is God and Sans thinks he’s joking but is very concerned cause he says it very seriously, Geno is scared of the dark and Sans finds it hilarious and always reminds him of it, Geno also finds it hilarious, they will mess with each other but they will not allow anyone else to do so especially if it’s a human, they put their debts on each other’s tabs (Papyrus ends up paying for both tabs), now there are two socks lying on the living room but each day they are two different socks
I love post pacifist Geno we need more of him ^w^
Geno and Error belong to Crayon Queen
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Anyways, completely unrelated to the previous posts do not ask why I got banned from Undernet.
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