#fishbones siblings
howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
im thinking about little undyne and papyrus surviving on the ‘streets’ of othertale’s underground alone with no one but eachother.
and I was thinking about how the snowed inn innkeeper allows us/frisk to stay for free if we try to rent a room but don’t have 80G, which is very likely that little undyne and definitely little papyrus didn’t have. so they very likely spent their childhood sleeping in the inn, and maybe they helped raise the inkeeper’s child (which could be where Sage discovered how he gets along with children and wants to be a math teacher.)
And the library is open access and free, so this is probably where Undyne left papyrus while she went out to try and earn some money or buy (or steal) some food and drink, some clothes. and here is likely where papyrus got any semblance of an education as he likely couldn’t attend school, so he probably had to teach himself how to read, write, and do math; likely with help from Undyne and any adults who took pity.
and it was mentioned by superyoumna that papyrus was a librarian trainee, so maybe this is possibly where it started—at a very young age, perhaps papyrus realized that he wanted to make sure other young children had a chance at education, unlike him. which leads to his eventual inspiration to become a math teacher, especially if he used that and potentially offering to babysit the innkeeper’s child to help undyne bring in money.
and maybe the kids kinda earned a reputation in the snowdin community for being “so helpful,” although the kids were possibly both genuinely wanting to help but also wanting to “earn their keep” and ensure they won’t be ignored in Snowdin or even ran out, if they experienced anything like that in other parts of the underground.
this type of community rep could’ve even helped Undyne in her rise to popularity once she discovered her talent and passion for playing the piano. perhaps the community even banded together to pay for her piano lessons.
and maybe Grillby used to give them either free meals or meals at a lower price, or perhaps any leftovers from the back once all the customers left.
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thats-how-i-like-it · 1 month
hello and welcome to another episode of me rambling, today I bring to you:
similarities I found between stancest and vijinx (two very different ships that only I would pounder in my orb at the same time).
– one sibling is very intelligent and proficient with making machines (ford/jinx) while the other is tough and solves problems first with their fists (stan/vi).
– the youngest sibling made a mistake that led to their long lasting separation from their older sibling (powder/stan) (yes stan is the younger twin).
– the youngest sibling was told they would always be a failure from an young age (powder/stan) and was always compared to their older, tougher/smarter sibling (vi/ford).
– the intelligent, engineering sibling has suffered great amounts of trauma that has had long lasting psychological effects on them (powder/ford).
– the tough, fighter sibling was in prison (vi/stan).
– the intelligent and curious sibling had a complicated relationship with a man with one eye (ford/jinx) (bill/silco, and I know silco had his robotic eye but details), additionally, this one-eyed man talked them into creating something (mainly) for their own benefit, which leads me to:
– the tech proficient sibling created something very powerful that would ultimately lead to a lot of destruction (ford/jinx) (the portal/fishbones).
– both pairs of siblings were very close from each other when they were younger, but after meeting again, they couldn't see eye to eye, one (ford/jinx) even resenting the other sibling that was more willing to work things out (stan/vi).
– both vi and stan did things they wouldn't otherwise consider doing in order to reunite with their sibling (learning how to fix and operate the portal/making a deal with an enforcer).
– the younger sibling killed the powerful one-eyed man (jinx/stan) (silco/bill, and yeah I know bill didn't actually die in the end and was just send to space therapy by God but, again, details).
and yeah that's all I've got for now, will add to this later if I think of other similarities but yeah I just found it interesting.
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katstuckintree · 2 years
After weeks of trying to figure out their designs, I’ve finally finished them! Meet my agents!
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Fun Facts and separates under the cut! 👇🏾
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Eight (Agent 8) (She/They)
Y’all already know her story and all.
Charger main
Before octo expansion she was a really skilled fighter, almost becoming a elite octoling.
She became good friends with Omura after octo expansion and later become girlfriends!
Has a mini rivalry with Volt that they deal with through very very Extreme turf wars.
Likes more punky fashion
Has a thing with staring and titling her head a lot
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Omura (Captain 3 or just Captain) (She/they)
One the most skilled turf war players (was how she got the squid sisters attention).
Dualies main
Lives in inkopilis but travels around a lot due to agent work.
Trains FishBones
May look intimidating but is just very quiet, shes actually a huge goofball.
 Big foodie
The sanitation scar is fully healed here as it doesn’t glow or drip any more, but still can’t see out of her sanitized eye very well.
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FishBones (Agent 4) (They/Them)
Blaster main
Child of a powerful pirate king Named Captain SwordFish.
Escaped to inkpolils to start a new life as a pro ink turfer and band member. (No bad blood between them and their dad, they are the youngest of many siblings)
Bombs expert and probably a arsonist(oh gods, keep them away from real bombs)
Based on deep sea fish and squids
Changes they’re colors frequently for no reason other then confusing other inklings.
Annoys Best friends with Volt
Loves eating fish ….. too much (lil buddy is very afraid of them)
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Volt (Neo Agent 3) (He/She/They) and Lil Chow (lil Buddy) (He/Him)
Shooter main
A famous modeler for multiple gear companies.
Not very into turf wars but does them to sponsor gear. Is actually into the more competitive modes like tower control and splatzones.
Lives in splatville
Found lil Chow munching on her snacks in her bag after a photo shoot one day. Tried to shoo him away but he kept following him all the way into town. Now gets spoiled endlessly with Fav snacks.
Never actually lived in octo valley, they were born and raised in a faraway town by the sea called Crystal Reef town, a town populated by reef octolings and reef salmonids.
Accidentally stepped into agent work and now is annoyed by everything about it. (Secretly love their coworkers tho)
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idea (more oc x canon + oc fun facts):
seafoam is the youngest of 5 siblings
hivemind, standing outside of seafoam's window, singing romantic tunes: oh my dear~♩
seafoam: slip, they're here again...
slip, seafoam's sibling: which one? fishbone boy, big jump bitch, robo boy or weird glasses?
seafoam: cant you already tell by the shitty singing? its the glasses bitch!
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fazbear-security · 10 months
Soul Shift - Ch. 6
“Empty?” Freddy’s ears popped up in surprise, and he heard Chica gasp behind him. “What do you mean the office is empty?!”
“I mean it be empty.” Foxxy reiterated with a low growl, pointing his hook back down the west hall. “There be no-one in th’ office, fishbone ‘r other’ise.” The fox lashed his tail back and forth with an irritable and rusty creaking sound. “Just th’ lad’s bag on th’ chair.”
“But if his bag is there, that means he had to have come to work!” Chica bypassed the backstage stairs in favor of simply jumping down off the edge with a mighty clang. Bonnie followed her lead, and Freddy hesitated before hurrying backstage and down the stairs to meet them on the party hall floor. 
“Aye, but he ain’t there now.” Foxy gestured for the gang to follow him, and moved back down the hallway. Freddy tapped Chica on the shoulder and gestured her over to the other hall entrance as Bonnie followed Foxy. They wouldn’t all fit inside the office, and if they all wanted to see for themselves, some of them had to go through the other door.
“See?” Foxy gestured with both hand and hook from the west door at the empty office as the gang crowded around the doors. True to his words, there was nothing in the room but the lonely backpack sitting on the rolling chair. “Like I says: empty!”
“Oh no…” Bonnie leaned into the office and picked up the backpack from the chair, careful not to squeeze too hard and risk breaking anything inside. “This is definitely Mike’s - it’s got that same cartoon patch he has.” The bunny let go of the bag with one hand and reached across to pat the upper arm casing of his other arm. “You guys know, the one right here?”
“Yes, Bon, we’ve all seen his tattoo.” Freddy leaned his arm against the east door frame and wiggled his ears in thought. Why would their night guard have left his bag? They’d all seen him come running back after accidentally leaving it or some of its contents - usually his precious coffee, or homework from his siblings that he was reviewing - so for him to leave it behind was just….not like him.
“Could he be hiding from us…?” Chica’s voice expressed the sadness her beak could not.
“Th’ manager’s blasted rules tell th’ guards t’ne’r leave th’ office.” Foxy argued, folding his arms across his tattered torso. His tone notably softened, however. “Mike be many things, but th’ lad ain’t no rulebreaker.”
“But he is scared,” Freddy’s ears lowered as he sighed. Despite their best efforts, none of them had been able to reassure their night guard that they meant him no harm. Now, at least. “And humans will do a lot of strange things when they’re scared…
“Maybe Mike thought we’d never think to look for him anywhere but the office?” Bonnie offered up as he carefully put the bag back on the chair. Mike would want it right where he’d left it, when he came back.
“You’re right, Bonnie. Maybe he’s hiding somewhere?” Chica jumped on the thought. Scared or not, if Mike had taken the risk to hide outside of the office, then they had a better chance of catching him without having to worry about having those heavy doors slammed in their face. “Maybe we can find him, and finally talk to him!!”
“Aye, I bet we could, Chica.” Foxy nodded. Freddy tilted his head in silent disagreement, but said nothing. “There be only a few places ‘e could be ‘iding, an’ we c’n count out places like Parts ‘n Services an’ th’ supply closet.”
“Oh, yeah!” Bonnie’s ears perked up. “Mike always gags when the janitors have to get out the cleaning stuff, so he’d never hide where they stored it!”
“Gang, let’s reign it in, for a moment.” Freddy finally spoke up. “If Mike is so scared already tonight that he started off breaking the rules and hiding, I don’t think us hunting him down will make anything better-”
“Oh, but Freddy, this might be our only chance!” Chica argued back, putting on her best ‘pleading child’ face. Bonnie leaned in to join her for added effect. “Mike is too quick on the cameras and the buttons for us to get into the office normally-”
“And he doesn’t come out for pizza parties or karaoke or talent shows or even game nights-” Bonnie added in.
“-and we don’t want to have to go another year chasing him around just to talk to him, right?” Chica finished. Over their shoulders, Foxy was nodding along. Freddy felt very outnumbered, and sighed in defeat.
“Alright…” The bear straightened up and adjusted his hat. Hopefully Mike would be able to forgive them for this, somewhere in the future “I’m…I’m sure we can clear everything up once we’ve got him all sat down for the talk.” Bonnie and Chica both immediately brightened up.
“I’ll check the kitchen!” Chica volunteered, already pushing Freddy aside to run back down the east hallway. 
“And I’ll check the bathrooms!” Foxy wisely took one large step to the side as Bonnie turned and ran back out the west door, leaving the fox and the bear alone in the office. Freddy drummed his fingers against the security desk for a moment, looking around for any last clues that might have told him where their guard had disappeared to.
“I have a bad feeling about all this, Foxy.” He confessed. One drawer on the desk was slightly open, and Freddy carefully tugged on the edge with his large fingers to pull it further. There was nothing inside but a few dust bunnies and old batteries, like the kind used for flashlights. “I can’t put my finger on it, but this all just isn’t adding up right.”
“I di’n’t want t’say so in front ‘f th’ cheer squad, but…I be right there wit’ ye.” Foxy shifted to glance back over his shoulder, and kept his voice low, even though neither Chica nor Bonnie would have been able to hear him, at this distance. “There be somethin’ wicked goin’ on t’night, whe’r we like it ‘r not.”
“I hope we’re both wrong, Foxy.” Freddy nudged the drawer shut gently. “I don’t think this place can handle another tragedy.” He didn’t think he could handle another tragedy. Not after they’d been given this second chance. Not after things had been going so right for so long. Foxy reached out and placed a careful hook - the flat side, not the pointed, rusty curve - on the bear’s arm.
“Me, too.” He flipped up his eyepatch to let the other see just how sincere he was. “This ol’ fox’ll be happier’n a shark at chummin’ time t’be proven a lousy prophet.” Freddy’s ears lifted a little, but then, there was a distant crashing sound, followed by Bonnie’s voice shouting “I’m okay!”, and he shook his head. 
“We’d better catch up before they tear the place apart.” The bear stepped backwards out of the office. “I’ll check the offices, I suppose.”
“An’ I’ll take a look ‘round me cove.” Foxy also stepped back out of the office, and headed back down the west hall. “I be a deep, deep snoozer after a ‘ard day’s work doin’ nothin’. Mebee th’ lad slipped by me b’fore th’ midnight bells.” Freddy continued down the east hall, trying his best to not dwell on the strange, cold certainty in his processor that they were wasting time.
There were six hours left in the night shift. Surely they’d find their night guard before then.
Light fingers curled into the collar of the polyester shirt and tugged once, twice, then three times; each one growing more frantic than the one before. The fingers let go and hovered, unsure, before reaching out to try patting the face of the man they stood over. Upon receiving no reaction, the fingers retracted, and wound themselves together nervously.
Their owner paced back and forth on the concrete, every now and then looking up toward the basement door or around at the dark silhouettes of boxes, crates, and spare parts, as if expecting to see something. They were disappointed each time, and the figure grew more and more anxious before something hit their foot, and they froze. The flashlight rolled a few feet away before stopping, trailing tiny shards of glass from its shattered lens and bulb. The figure slowly sank to its knees beside the body, and gently reached out their hands to shake one of the arms.
“Please, please wake up already…” The little figure pleaded to the body at the bottom of the stairs. “You can’t sleep here; it’s cold and dark, and no-one will find you here until morning!” Their words fell on deaf ears, and the figure made a small noise of worry and bent their head down to the man’s chest. They listened for something, but whatever they heard didn’t seem to ease their worries, and they sat up.
“I-...I can fix this.” They promised, lifting the arm up from the elbow and hugging it to their slim chest. “I can put you back together, I just-. I need more time.” They looked around the basement, and scrambled up to run over to one of the larger, longer crates pushed against the wall. Dexterous little fingers flipped the metal latches holding down the lid, and the figure made a sound of exertion as they opened the box as far as they could.
“...okay, okay. I can work with this.” They said, almost to themselves as they closed the box, and turned back to the body. They knelt down again, and placed both hands flat on the chest. “This might…feel weird…b-but it’s going to be fine! I know what I’m doing!” They insisted, as if they were the one who needed convincing. The body did not respond, and the figure pressed down. A pale glow began to shine from beneath their hands, and after a few seconds, the glow brightened, and their hands sank down into the body.
Seconds later, they withdrew, and clutched between striped fingers was a small, ethereal orb of light. Something akin to smoke wafted from the orb, trailing back down into the body as the figure stood up, clutching the light to their own chest as they hurried back to the crate. They let go with one hand to lift the lid with all their strength, and stood up on their toes to reach down inside with their other hand, and shove the orb somewhere safe. The trail of smoke faded out of sight, and the figure braced the crate lid above their head with both hands, staring expectantly into the crate, before slowly, carefully, lowering it shut. 
“I’ll put you back…eventually.” The figure promised, fiddling with the metal latches, but not reclosing them. Nobody who worked here would notice. “You’ll be safe in there until I can figure out how to fix you.” They turned away from the crate, and hesitated over the body for a few more seconds before stepping around them and climbing up onto a cluttered work table with careful steps. Reaching up, the figure pulled open the cover of a vent on the wall, and climbed up inside, leaving the vent unlatched.
The basement sat in silence for the rest of the night.
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msfbgraves · 2 years
Knights and Pawns: nights to remember
Of course Terry had not stayed for dinner.
Every move the Don made was a mind game. Terry then, could as little accept (might as well ask to be poisoned right there) as bluntly refuse, because where there would have been little risk in offending him before, now... The Don had got him to feel that Terry owed him something, just through the glimpse of those soulful brown eyes, the pretty mouth, the sweetness mixed with fire. The mere possibility of that boy was a favor, and not, as all the other little kitties Terry had ever known, a plea for mercy.
Terry Silver knew no mercy.
But he always paid a debt.
God damn it.
The fact that the Don was offering him his son at all was a sign of weakness, and yet Terry felt he'd been granted something, something special, an asset, to be won, not taken, possibly to be denied, and how did LaRusso known that so well? Mind games were Terry's trick.
Had the Don chosen to appear weaker than he was?
No, he wasn't at full strength – Terry wasn't stupid. There had been some inter-Italian squabbles, challenges, and anyone would have to spend some time licking their wounds after putting those out. If he'd ever be ripe for the taking, it was now – and so Terry had dutifully chosen to tell him who his most likely new challenger was, ruining the element of surprise.
Well played, Twig, as Amanda used to say.
He wished he could talk to his Mandy. It should have been a joined show, the Silver Siblings – until the sweetheart presented as omega. Which had dumbfounded even the priest, and he had supposedly seen everything. But of course it had fallen to Terry to make her a match, and Amanda Silver, formerly of the McCains of Cork (his grandfather had long shed that name, but people had long memories in the old country) was married in a Duchesses coronet. (Nobody hates the English enough to refuse that title.)
So yes, he could say he was well-connected, even if it was on the shadow side of life, and Amanda could no longer associate with him openly. The price of the steep rise, and a rise LaRusso seemed willing to forego for his own trump card. He did not value Terry lightly, then; he was certainly enough of a threat not to attack openly.
Still, dinner...
It was a cursed hassle, so it was, as his Mammy used to say. He needed to put insurance in place lest he happened to choke on a fishbone, which meant that the hitmen he'd engaged knew something was up, which meant he had to be ready to move against LaRusso instantly. Which was fine, alright, but significantly harder if he also had to think of ways to impress a potential father-in-law.
His own entourage was merely symbolic: Snake and Dennis to guard and serve, Mike Barnes to act as inside bodyguard. Of course John Kreese was in charge of his actual protection.
It would have been a good idea to partner with LaRusso even without a little kitty in the game, in any case, or Terry wouldn't have bothered with all this nonsense. There simply wasn't much of an opening before. Terry's people had built their turf on a propensity for violence. Open, fist to fist warfare. Something Terry reveled in even without money involved. It wasn't the Italian way of operating, not anymore; they had a far longer history and bigger networks. Still, a sizable income stream even now rested on protection money, and street by street, Terry had moved into their territory, taking out Italian Alphas and collecting the shopkeepers' tributes instead. He respected how Don LaRusso had taken the sting out of that by essentially building an insurance fund with the income, even if most of it was still spent on building the LaRussos' wealth and other business ventures. Hell, even Terry was sorry for bleeding out the Italian shopkeepers, but he had to start somewhere. He had not been in business long enough to establish an equal partnership with another family, Italian at that. Had Mandy still been at his side, things may have been different, but now, she needed all her time to establish herself in the Duchy. She was trying to get her Alpha to relocate to Scotland more permanently, or so she wrote, but again – those things took patience. In the short run, brute violence was simply Terry's most viable – and fun – course of action.
Until the little fawn, that was.
He wasn't sure he was going to go for it, even so. It put him in a dependent position. He'd have to devote some time to setting up a household, time he couldn't spend drinking, fighting or doing business, and he'd need to accept some LaRusso funds. Were this merely about getting his knot stuck, that would have been a stupid course of action. There were more than a few hopefuls who'd give him the family omega to get a leg up in his own organisation. He'd taken a few heats these past weeks, in fact. Even an Italian kitty, fresh off the boat,with brown eyes and plump lips.
(He'd felt slightly underwhelmed, but had sent her off with a cuddle and a fifty all the same.)
Still, any delay in action would give the Don a chance to move in on him, so he's decided that he's off to have some pasta.
When the night finally comes, he's expected the opulent house, the extended family; he's even prepared for half of Sicily to be there, ready and willing to fillet him for the occassion.
What he hasn't counted on is Barnes going wide-eyed and half-feral the second they set foot inside the house.
Unmistakeable. Fresh, alluring, potent, Christ almightly. Two floors up, at the very most. Terry feels as confused as that first time with Mandy, feels that same willingness to protect – not fuck, Jaysis, it was his sister then, and now... he's had a heat not three days prior, and maybe that keeps him in check, but Barnes is a young fella, hardly been around omegas in his life.
Even some of the extended family's uncomfortable, Terry notices with the small part of his brain that's not focused on the Alpha boy going into a rut before his very eyes. He grabs him by the scruff of his neck and pulls him into the hallway, held down bodily against the wall.
“Thinking of giving that young'un a ride, are you, Mickey boy? Best ride he's ever had, huh? Are ye?”
“Feck off,” Mike says, slipping into the thicker brogue he's worked so hard to get rid off.
“Now, I don't blame ye for bein' an eejit, Mickey Barnes,” Terry coos. “Never had a kitty yet, of course. But if you try anything, you never will, mind. Because I'll shoot you in the back of your wankered head myself, so I will.” He feels like a leprechaun, talking like this, but he needs to engage the boy's brainstem.
He's actually growling. “I need – ”
“You need feck all is what,” Terry growls back. “Now, if you're a good boy and get your wits out of the jacks, you may be able to last long enough to ride a kitty to heaven and back one day, but tonight is not that night, love. Understood?”
“Yeah – ”
“Say, 'Yes, Mr. Silver.' Breathe in now. Come on.”
He pushes him back further, twists his arm. “Not good enough.”
A labored breath. “Yes, Mr. Silver.”
“Sure now?” He shakes him. “Because I don't want to pay for your wake, Mickey Barnes.”
He calms. “Yes, Mr. Silver.”
“Good lad.” He lets him go. “I'll buy you a pint tonight, sweetheart.”
They stand there a few breaths until Barnes' pupils get somewhat closer to normal.
Still, he's shaking. “Fuck, that hurts.”
Terry shrugs. “Sure it does.”
He looks back. “How d'you do it?”
Terry sniffs. “Simple. Thinking with your dick will get you killed.” He slaps his back. “You'll get used to it, Mickey boy.”
Except, Terry thinks, pushing down the siren's call of that sweet, forbidden fruit, this time he's not sure he will.
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kinghijinx22 · 2 years
Double and Valentine have finally debuted in Episode 13 of the Skullgirls webtoon
So that ending was good. Double and Valentine finally showing up and helping an injured Marie, and Double looking so scary in the picture. Double is such a manipulative asshole and it looks like some wild stuff is about to go down in Maplecrest. I suspect that's where Filia and Carol will make their debut.
Parasoul continues to just have so much on her shoulders. She's an awesome older sibling for Umbrella and really cares about her but also takes her responsibilities as a princess very seriously and is always doing things herself. As an oldest sibling that has had to juggle looking after my siblings and work stuff I've always found this very relatable. Umbrella is really adorable and I loved the little training session.
Was really hoping we would get to see more of Peacock vs Dahlia but it looks like everyone else is going to be joining in on the brawl with the Black Egrets and Medici's goons. Also was I supposed to read the interaction between the fish people in the Fishbone gang as romantic? Where the puffer fish says they wanted to nab Vice Versa and the open shirt fish said they'd look good in a hat? I know it's pretty much nothing but I can totally see that and some queer male rep would be much appreciated. Not assuming they are male because I don't think their pronouns have been said, but I mean more in general and if they are.
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echoes-lost · 2 years
If I remember correctly, Pickle has a lot of siblings right? Like Chocolate? I'm curious, which of her siblings does Pickle best get along with? ^^
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Pickle doesn't get along so well with her sisters, she's a bit of an outcast in the Spirit community. Blueberry and Lemon here are probably the one who truly like her the most.
She also has two younger city-living sisters, Fishbone and Cheesecrust (a raccoon and a rat) who adore her but Pickle think they're too impressionable and immature.
Chocolate, the deer, helps Pickle at some point in the story but doesn't approve of her life choices.
I'm thinking about renaming Chocolate.. Walnut would suit her better xD
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blaebeast · 2 months
Character Bio: Cylia
Name: Cylia, Cy, Fishbones, Feebs
Age: 22
Sex: Female (She/They)
Weapon: Longbow
Faction: Unison (Metekah)
Occupation: Enforcement (Junior; Mage/Aid)
Relationship Status: Dating Anthar (in secret; haven’t said I love yous)
Close Friends: Anthar, Mask, Dodge, Fuchsia
Friends: Tulri
Knows of: Hrugar, Salome; Tiruki
Family: Mother, Father, Five younger siblings
Goals and Motivations:
- I send any extra money I make from Enforcement to my family back home in Metekah to help with repairs.
- I was in a very back accident 4 years ago that cracked my helmet and left me trapped in rubble for a few days. I was only able to be rescued because of Aid and Rescue from Unison. I want to be an Enforcer to help people who need it, like I did.
- I wanted to study magic in Unison’s Magic College, but they said what I wanted to study was too deviant and immoral. Now I study magic as an Enforcer, since they don’t care.
- I want to tell Anthar how much I like him, but I worry that if our relationship goes public that I’ll be bullied more than I already am. Anthar is very handsome and popular and wanted by a lot of people on campus.
- I want to have a big family with lots of kids!
- I am a priestess of Himma, who is the god of Farming and Fertility, but I follow him for the fertility aspect. There are certain rituals I do to pray to Himme, and if I ever met another follower there would be certain expectations for us to preform.
Personality and Interests:
- I love magic! I love studying, practicing and sharing magic with anyone who’s interested.
- Not a lot of people like me, so I’m a bit of a loner. It’s never bothered me, though.
- I can speak Beast Speak fluently and I am always interested in teaching it to others.
- I love fermented foods and rice. I eat with my hands, just like back home in Metekah.
- I have autism and find it very hard to mask. I stim and vocalize quite a bit. I also tend to bite my nails as a bad habit.
- I’m a little boisterous and I love to joke around a make quips.
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ryupioupiou · 6 months
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4.What is your favourite type of dragon and why?
Oh boy, there are so many fantastic dragons in there!
I am going to go out of the gang's dragons. I love them dearly, I love Furies, monstrous nightmares, gronckles, hideous zipplebacks and Deadly nadders, but imma tell you some of my favourites outside those.
From the movies:
I have a very soft spot for Stormcutters. I don't know why, but I really like them. There is grace in them, but still power.
I love the overall design of them as well. They are my favourite outside the gang's dragons.
I also have a soft spot for the bewilderbeasts. Yeah, both of them. I really love their designs. To me they really are beautiful. Valka's one really screams "gentle giant king" also, spitting ice is cool af, no pun intended.
And last but not last (because seriously there are a lot of very interesting dragons in the franchise)... i may be hated for it, but I love deathgrippers. For reasons xD
From the shows:
A tie between the Death Song and Triple Stryke.
Death Song because I love it's colors, and their hunting technique, luring in by singing then trapping with amber? Dangerous! Had rtte been for an older audience, it could have killed very easily!
Triple stryke because I love the design and the three separate equally dangerous tails.
No idea what I love with scorpio like tails but I love the concept.
5. What type of dragon do you think best matches your personality?
Hm, hard to say... i could be a mix of several dragons. In the mornings though? I think a Monstrous Nightmare is what represents me best xD.
8. Who are your favourite characters? Why?
Gotta be classic here, Hiccup, because even though I technically didn't grow up with httyd (was 19 when it was released), let's say I kinda saw myself in him during most of the franchise (specially the movies). But I love this character to bits. I love his gentleness, his creativity and quite franckly sharp mind. (Not traits I have xD). I love many things about this fishbone but I'll stop here.
Astrid. I think I reblogged and said a lot of things I love about Astrid already. I love her. Also, she did make a.. destructive important discovery. About eggs. Also, yaknog.
Gobber. Mentor, father figure, support for our little fishbone, blacksmith, 5 star delicious in dragon's opinion, great singer(HA), dragon dentist, what's not to love.
The Twins. I. Love. Them. So much destruction and siblings shenaningans all around.
I love Stoik as well. Even though I could have slapped him for some comments he made about Hiccup, I do get why he is like that and how much he changed. Plus, he would be a fantastic Santa Claus and no one can change my mind.
I do like Fishlegs as well. Geekest of the geek, his idea of making dragon cards is absolute genius!
I do like Snotlout as well, and openly admit that he has a good character arc in rtte. I'll just say I love that he is brash and can be rude, but at the same time, when times are tough, he is here. No question.
About the dragons: the gang's dragons, no question asked,
... do I need to continue? I can, but will be there aaaall night!
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
im thinking about how othertale mettaton seems to have gotten his body a lot earlier, is said to be more like a weapon than a star (undyne is the underground star in othertale), and in the bth pt1 animation mettaton seems to operate kind of like a bodyguard.
do yall think amber/alphys—who has a celebrity crush on Undyne and is best online friends with papyrus—might’ve sped up working on mettaton’s body so he could also help protect Undyne.
do yall think Undyne ever had to deal with parasocial stans? was there ever a genuine concern for her life and safety, especially if she gained so much attention that the head of the royal guard and the king would attend her concerts.
also. if the human souls no longer exist in othertale, although flowey does, does that mean that Toriel and Asgore are still married in othertale? Or did they still divorce after the deaths of their children, but more amicably? is Toriel still the queen?
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The Lanes and the Dragon's Egg
by wrongcatra, WrongHuntress
The new Hogwarts school year arrives, with the youngest of the Lanes family preparing to start her first year.
Facing trolls, dragons, self-doubt, and worst of all: her sister's not-girlfriend, Powder is definitely in for an interesting year.
 Or: it's an arcane x harry potter crossover
Words: 1062, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Harry Potter (Arcane's Version)
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Ekko (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends), Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Mylo (Arcane: League of Legends), Claggor (Arcane: League of Legends), Vander (League of Legends), Benzo (Arcane: League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Jinx & Vi (League of Legends), Ekko & Jinx (League of Legends), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Caitlyn & Fred & George & Vi, Claggor (Arcane) & Jinx (League of Legends) & Mylo (Arcane) & Vander & Vi (League of Legends), Ekko & Hermione & Harry & Jinx & Ron
Additional Tags: Jinx Goes by Powder (League of Legends), Fluff and Angst, vi is quidditch obsessed, a lot of hp characters just dont exist, Don't question it, ekko and powder are #1 chaos duo, no misogyny/homophobia/incest bc WHY, metamorphagus vi and powder, Caitlyn and Vi are in Love (League of Legends), Good Sibling Vi (League of Legends), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, yet - Freeform, ekko is #1 best friend, fishbones is a non-binary cat bc why tf not, this was proofread by a british person, authors are swifties, powder hates caitlyn, but not rlly, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, Badass Caitlyn (League of Legends), spreading the aroace agenda, Vi is Whipped (League of Legends), Protective Vi (League of Legends), harry potter but it's vi and powder centric, Mostly Canon Compliant to Harry Potter
from AO3 works tagged 'Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)'
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korpikorppi · 4 years
The Untamed costumes, 3/?
I was going to do the Jiang siblings next, but as they both wear the same set of robes for quite a while, I'm going to hold onto them for a bit longer. So here's Lan Wangji's first oufit from the flashback.
Lan Wangji's outfits 1: The white Gusu Lan robes (episodes 3-8)
This is the outfit we see on Lan Wangji as he first appears in the show, returning to Cloud Recesses in episode 3. He continues to wear the same (or similar) outfit until the start of episode 8, when he embarks on his Yin Iron quest.
The outfit has three layers:
A white inner robe with light blue decorative stripe
A white outer robe with embroidered cloud motif on the chest
A white over robe (coat?)
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He wears the waist accessory/tassel pendant on the right hand side with this outfit.
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The over robe/coat has long sleeves. It is rather simple with no visible decorations or patterns.
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The light blue of the decorative stripe matches the colour of his forehead band, and it seems that the embroidered cloud motif is probably also of the same shade (the colour varies a bit depending on lighting).
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The sash is white fabric and seems to be wrapped around multiple times, forming a nice fishbone pattern (or perhaps it is sewn into shape?).
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See? Look at the sash. Also, the decorative stripe on the inner robe is not just around the neck, but continues along the edge, as can be seen here through the outer robe. Yes. Moving on.
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Both the inner and the outer robes have narrow sleeves, that have been further tied with a white strip of fabric wrapping around the forearm.
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The inner robe has pleats (this seems to be rather common). His knees are knobbly 🤍.
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And I think he's had enough of this for now.
But I just want to repeat a question I've asked before: are we supposed to believe he does his own hair? I mean look at that ⬆️.
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tombancroft1 · 3 years
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A Stefani story. (This is long, but hang in there). My bro (@pumbaaguy ) drew together since birth but the first really talented artist- kindred-spirit we met was @ericstefanimation just out of high school. He was passionate about it and taught us the next level of what it meant to love drawing. We would go to Bobs Big Boy and he would bring his sketchbook! We marveled at his ability and how he would push his drawings. Later, he showed us a stop motion clay animated short film he had made with a super 8 camera (on film)! It blew our minds and ignited a fire in us to animate that hasn’t stopped since. Oh yeah, and he also found time to be the leader of a local LA band called “No Doubt”. That’s when we met @gwenstefani , his younger sister. She was the lead singer and Eric wrote many of the songs (on the Tragic Kingdom album) and played keyboard. We were about 19 when we went to see them preform as the opening act to their Ska music idols “Fishbone”. Tony and I weren’t fans of their ska sound but they tweaked it (much to Eric’s chagrin) and No Doubt became HUGE. Gwen was always nice to Tony and I (she called us “The Twiners”) but we were her older brother’s weird artist friends. The Stefani family was great. We loved their parents and the siblings all were close (for HS:). This picture was from my wedding with Eric and Gwen to the left and their sister Julie on the left (my arm around her). I just wanted the Stefani’s to know that they effected both of our lives greatly- and it didn’t have anything to do with their music. #nodoubt #animation #gwenstefani (at Franklin, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUmK5prbnh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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andmayhem · 3 years
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repost, don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.    Powder Jinx, it’s Jinx TITLE.   The Loose Cannon, It’s Her Officer I Saw Her That’s The Girl That Started The Fire That Burned Down That 7/11 NICKNAME.   Pow or Pow-Pow, by her sister. Nothing. Jinx, stands for Jinx. PRONOUNS.    She / They. HEIGHT.    5′3″ AGE.   20 ZODIAC.   Scorpio SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   Common, only.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.   Blue. EYE COLOR.   Pink. They glow a little when she gets excited. SKIN TONE.   Pale, to a degree that’s a bit unhealthy-looking. BODY TYPE.   Short, thin. VOICE.   boom boom boom DOMINANT HAND.   Right SCARS.   No major scars that are visible. TATTOOS.   Blue clouds down the right side of her body. BIRTHMARKS.   n/a. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   The long braids. Her hair’s extremely long, and her braids are down to her ankles. The tattoos, too. Though one might also consider the minigun and the shark-headed rocket launcher to be ‘noticeable features’ too.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   Zaun, in the fissures. HOMETOWN.   Zaun. SIBLINGS.   Just her sister, Violet. PARENTS.   Mom & Dad Vander Silco Nobody anymore, that’s for sure.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.   Menace to society, enemy of the state CURRENT RESIDENCE.   ??? ? ? ??? ? CLOSE FRIENDS.   Fishbones (Rocket Launcher) and Pow-Pow (Minigun). And the chompers, sometimes, but they like to talk a whole lotta nonsense. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single FINANCIAL STATUS.    Somethin’, somethin, ♪ technically I’m homeless ♪ DRIVER’S LICENSE.   No, and also something that would be dangerous to the general public. Will not stop her from stealing vehicles. CRIMINAL RECORD.   Arson, robbery, armed robbery, vandalism, disturbing the peace, smuggling, possession of illegal drugs, assault, lots of assaults, murder, several murders, a lot of murders... and more! VICES.   Crime? Does Crime count?
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   Bisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.   submissive | dominant | switch ???? PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.   submissive | dominant | switch ???? LIBIDO.   ????? TURN ON’S.   ????? TURN OFF’S.   Law Enforcement LOVE LANGUAGE.   Physical touch. Her main ways of expressing any kind of affection are hugging people and laying on them.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   She’s been single her whole life and has no idea.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   Jinx’s canonical theme song / Enemy by Imagine Dragons / My Jinx playlist. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   She’s a tinkerer and an artist. She makes things and draws on them; and she enjoys spray painting buildings. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.   Right. FEARS.   Abandonment, being alone. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.   Changes a lot depending on the circumstances, but generally she’s fairly confident. Not necessarily a good thing. VULNERABILITIES.   A lot of stuff. Family can be sort of a touchy topic for her. Certain specific situations that simulate traumatic events in her past can shake her. So on, and so on.
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cooliogirl101 · 4 years
Random MDZS fic idea:
The one where Wei Wuxian goes back in time, still in Mo Xuanyu’s body, and ends up adopting his younger self
- Which he wasn’t intending on doing, honestly. Just as he didn’t intend on landing in a dumpster when he came back-- which, ow-- he didn’t intend on the first person he came across to be his malnourished, too-thin, four-year-old self (gods, was he thin. He didn’t remember being that thin. Or tiny. How the hell had he survived before Jiang Fengmian had found him?!).  
- And like, it wasn’t like he could just leave him. The poor kid-- his past self, whatever-- had been eating out of a dumpster! It would be too cruel.
- He hunts down Guangyao-- currently Meng Yao-- and his mother. He’d been planning on hooking Meng Yao’s mother up to a nice, stable job as an accountant, maybe, or a storekeeper’s assistant, and taking her to a competent doctor who could do something about her illness before it became deadly-- if he could make sure she had a better life, maybe she would stop clinging to Jin Guangshan as her only hope for salvation. And maybe Meng Yao wouldn’t be quite so desperate for his father’s acknowledgement this time around. And wouldn’t turn out to be a backstabbing, corrupt, master manipulator with no regard for human life. Maybe.
- He did not expect for her to push her son towards him with a sly smile, because I’m sure a powerful cultivator like yourself has many duties and wouldn’t mind an assistant to help out from time to time; Meng Yao is very dedicated, very intelligent, and he requires no payment except maybe, if sir is so inclined, to occasionally teach him some minor things about cultivation? For the purposes of better serving you, of course--
- And so he finds himself leaving town with one more kid than he entered with, with a promise to visit often. Alright then.
- He spends the next few years sabotaging the Wen forces, destroying storage facilities, pranking top-level officials in their own homes (making them increasingly paranoid), and acting as a general nuisance. Wen Ruohan’s blood pressure is at a record high. 
- It has the added benefit of distracting the Wen forces from the fact that the other sects have been arranging secret meetings, quietly mobilizing their forces, preparing for war. Lan Qiren tasks several senior disciples to make copies of all their ancient scrolls; the originals are then hidden, their location known only to a select few members of the Lan Sect. Lotus Pier’s defenses have never been so fortified.
- Four-year-old Wei Ying knows nothing of all this, of course (Meng Yao knows significantly more, but hides it well). He only knows that Uncle Wei travels around a lot, but always comes back, with his signature bright, sunny smile and lots of gifts. He grows up with Yao-gege at his side and many homes-- the Cloud Recesses, the Unclean Realm, Lotus Pier. He has many friends and many siblings-- there’s Yao-gege of course, and Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Yanli, and Nie Huaisang. He never doubts that he is loved and, just as importantly, that he belongs. That he is wanted. 
- Five-year-old Lan Zhan is quiet, doesn’t speak much (except to quote rules), and often seems sad (lonely). Wei Ying has never seen him smile.
That’s okay, though, Wei Ying thinks to himself. He can be happy enough for the both of them. 
(Jiang Cheng had told him to stop bothering the Lan Sect’s Second Jade. Uncle Wei had told him the opposite. 
“I don’t know. He seems so sad,” Wei Ying says doubtfully.
“He does, doesn’t he?” Uncle Wei agrees. “Give him space, when he needs it. But don’t leave him alone. The worst thing you can do to someone sad is leave them alone.”
Wei Ying thinks about it for a moment.
Jiang Cheng’s an idiot, he decides, and runs off to find Lan Zhan.)
- The older Wei Ying-- now Wei Xuanyu, because it’s not like there can be two Wei Yings/Wei Wuxians-- looks at his younger self, chattering nonstop to a silent (but still listening) Lan Zhan, and can’t help but smile, a little bittersweet. The constant, age-old grief in his chest aches painfully-- it’s so much a part of him now that he rarely notices it anymore, except during moments like these, when he is abruptly reminded of all he has lost. 
Ah, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, he thinks to his husband, his Lan Zhan. What would you think if you could see this, our younger selves together? It seems no matter what, whether I meet you at age four or fifteen, I always end up loving you. 
He’d known from the start, of course, that he could never have the same relationship with Lan Zhan this time around. It had been worth it though, to see him again, maybe even do something to make his childhood a little happier. And besides, a tiny adorable chubby-cheeked Lan Zhan was an infinite improvement over no Lan Zhan at all, which was all that the future (his future) held for him. 
He could deal with a world where Lan Zhan never looked at him the same way, never knew him the same way, never loved him the same way. What he couldn’t accept was a world where Lan Zhan no longer existed-- because where was the beauty in a world like that?
Wei Ying’s happiness is my happiness, Lan Zhan had told him once. As long as Wei Ying is happy, I am happy. 
And as long as Lan Zhan is happy, then I am happy, Wei Ying had replied. The context he’d originally said the words in no longer applies, but-- he glances at the shy, almost invisible smile on five-year-old Lan Zhan’s face, and can’t help but smile in response-- the sentiment still rings true. 
- From behind a tree, a figure watches Wei Xuanyu silently, concern in his eyes. He thinks back to the devastating grief that had momentarily crossed the older man’s face, and a frown mars his gentle features, edged with helplessness and a rare frustration. 
He doesn’t know the other man very well. He knows some things about him, just by watching-- he knows Wei Xuanyu is kind and fiercely loyal, creative and sharply intelligent, that he is one of the only people who can get Wangji to relax, that he likes spicy food and rabbits, that he knows every single one of the Lan Sect’s three thousand rules but pretends he doesn’t in order to get a rise out of Lan Qiren, that he plays the flute as well as any Lan, and that he is beautiful when he fights (and, well, when he’s doing just about anything, really). But he doesn’t know the other man well enough to ask who he’s thinking about in the rare moments he falls silent, a far away look in his eyes; he doesn’t know him well enough to ask Wei Xuanyu to confide in him, to trust him with his secrets and pain, to trust him with his past, to let down his ever-present cheerful mask around him.
He thinks he would like to. Wants it with an intensity that terrifies him at times.
- The war is over before it even really begins, when someone assassinates Wen Ruohan in the dead of night. Rumors abound that he incurred the wrath of a vengeful ghost. Far away, Wei Xuanyu’s lips curve up-- it’s a subtler smile than his usual ones, more relief than happiness.
It’s over.
- Somehow everything turns out, if not perfect, then at least okay.
- Jin Guangshan dies choking on a fishbone because fuck that guy. 
(First time writing anything for this fandom so sorry if characterization is a bit off)
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